Group 3 Clearion
Group 3 Clearion
Group 3 Clearion
Clearion Software
Group 3
Hence, while deciding the quota it is important to keep in mind both the top line as
well as the bottom line. The top line will deal with the revenues and the number of
customers reached that is the market reach. While the bottom line will focus on the
net profits and a health PV ratio.
Hence, the Quota should be decided based on the following parameters -
Question 2: Will the sale organization be more efficient with fixed ratio of CAM
to TSM to SE or in the new policy of giving regional manager the power?
In this question, we need to look at both the scenarios as to what will be the result if
we assign them in a fixed ratio and what will be the result if we dont assign them.
Fixed Ratio
The fundamental issue with assigning the SE and TSM with 1 unit each is that then it
would not be possible to estimate the extent to which these personnels are being
utilized by the various regions. As seen in the case from the example of western
region, more dominating and experienced sales manager will tend to utilize them
more efficiently and get more work out of them while in other regions they might be
Regional Managers Decide
If Regional Managers were given the power to decide then naturally they would like
to give more importance to the CAMs as they are considered to be more productive
because of experience and also the fact that the quotas attached are to the CAMs
and not to the SEs and TSMs. This might lead to the underutilization of the SEs and
There should be a separate hiring agency which conducts its business based
on the quota assigned with equitable mix of CAMs, TSMs and SEs in order to
avoid an all CAMs organization
This will compel the Managers to make sure that the costs are lowered and
they better utilize the resources that are made available to them
Hence, the SEs and TSMs be allocated in proportion with the region wise utilization
Adapt the quotas to each sales rep: Sales personnel should be assigned
quota taking into consideration competition and market potential in their
Get Buy in from Sales Team: Size of sales force should be also taken into
account while deciding sales target for a region. They should be involved in
the meetings and quotas be explained properly to get the best out of them.
Hence, we need to establish the goals smartly followed by comparison of
results to give a better understanding.
The new plan would make managers to reduce time in hiring new employees
thus making them more accountable.
Till now shared resources were hoarded by managers who were pushy. By
making managers accountable for consumption of shared resources, Jacob
can look to improve efficiency in the organization
Headcount based quote might decrease the hiring times and make managers
accountable for the Hiring process
The new plan makes managers to take cost into consideration and be
accountable for productivity of sales force
Power to regional managers to spend units in any manner they choose will
result in more focus on CAMs and underutilization of SE and TSM
Each region had different market conditions and clients and measuring them
on same criteria was not fair
A new Sales person should not have the same head count as an old sales
person in the same role
Aggressive sizing strategy was not in line the profits and revenues because
although there was a dip in the target for Federal region the headcount was
actually increased
Cycle should start a few months before the Sales quotas are set
Separate hiring agency that collaborates with the team of Davitian and
based on the quotas assign an equitable mix of TSEs, SMs and
CAMs(to avoid an all CAM organisation
Tackling challenges
Sandbagging- More direct involvement required by Jacoby
Lobbying- Better understanding of the market scenario
Gaming- More analytical quota setting
Sales Meeting
o Outline the process to set quotas
o Involve sales people in the information gathering and decision making