Philips Sequence
Philips Sequence
Philips Sequence
Regular sequence such as spin echo or turbo spin echo is extensively covered in literature and is therefore not discussed
here. The nomenclature of sequence difference from other unit or the sequence special to Philips will be discussed below:
SPIR (Spectral Presaturation with Inversion Recovery) provides images without fat signals. The method consists of a
standard imaging sequence preceded by a spectrally-selective inversion pulse, which the precession frequency approach
fat rahter than water proton, eliminate the fat signal. The nomenclature for Siemens is Fat Saturation.
When the TR is below 100ms in FFE sequence, steady atate of magnetization is established and thus FID, spin echo
and stimulated echo are produced. When T1 is selected in contrast enhancement item, the spoiler will be enable and
destroy spin echo and stimulated echo. FID is leaving for acquisition. The update terms for Siemens is FLASH. The
application for T1 CE-FFE includes time of flight MRA and 3D-volume acquisition of joint.
When T2 is selected in the contrast enhancement item, the rewinder works before phase encoding step. The sampling
becomes stimulated echo/spin echo, this is actually the same as reverse FISP “PSIF” in Siemens. The only clinical
application for T2 CE-FFE is to differentiate arachoid cycts and dermoid cyst.
Grase is Gradient and Spin Echo, which is a combination of Turbo Spin Echo (TSE) and Echo Planar Imaging (EPI). Its
appearance is more like a Spin Echo T2 weighted image than TSE but the scan time is shorter.