Standard Request For Proposal Document For Selection of Developer(s) For Setting Up of - (Name of Renewable Power Project)
Standard Request For Proposal Document For Selection of Developer(s) For Setting Up of - (Name of Renewable Power Project)
Standard Request For Proposal Document For Selection of Developer(s) For Setting Up of - (Name of Renewable Power Project)
Selection of Developer(s) for Setting up of
--- [Name of Renewable Power Project]
Procurement on Long/Medium Term Basis by
----- [Name of Procurer(s)]
(As per Guidelines for Tariff Based Competitive Bidding
Process for Grid Connected Power Projects Based on
Renewable Energy Sources)
[Separate Bidding Process for each type of Renewable Energy Source
(as provided in the Bidding Guidelines) to be conducted]
------ 2012
Page 2
This Request for Proposal (RfP) document is not an agreement or offer by the
Procure/Authorised Representative to the prospective Bidders or any other
party. The purpose of this RfP is to provide interested parties with information
to assist the formulation of their Bid. This RfP is based on material and
information available in public domain.
Though adequate care has been taken while preparing the RFP document, the
Bidder shall satisfy himself that the document is complete in all respects.
Intimation of any discrepancy shall be given to this office immediately. If no
intimation is received from any Bidder within ten days from the date of issue of
the bid documents, it shall be considered that the bid document is complete in
all respects and has been received by the Bidder
The RfP and the information contained therein are to be used only by the
person to whom it is issued. Save and except as provided in Clause 2.30 of the
RfP, it shall not be copied or distributed by the recipient to third parties. In the
event that the recipient does not continue with its involvement in the bidding
process in accordance with this RfP, this RfP must be kept confidential.
While this RfP has been prepared in good faith, neither the Procurer/
Authorized Representative nor its employees or advisors/consultants make any
representation or warranty express or implied as to the accuracy, reliability or
completeness of the information contained in this RfP.
Page 3
Any capitalized term, used but not defined in this RfP, shall have the meaning ascribed
to such term in the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), in that order. In absence of
availability of definitions in the foregoing references, the capitalized terms shall be
interpreted in accordance with the Electricity Act 2003, the CERC (Terms and
Conditions for Tariff determination from Renewable Energy Sources) Regulations, 2012,
Grid Code or any other relevant electricity law, rule or regulation prevalent in India, as
amended or re-enacted from time to time, in that order.
The following terms are defined for use in this RfP:
Affiliate shall mean a Company that, directly or indirectly,
i) controls, or
ii) is controlled by, or
iii) is under common control with, a Company developing a Project or a Member in a
Consortium developing the Project and control means ownership by one Company
of at least 26% (twenty six percent) of the voting rights of the other Company;
Appropriate Commission shall mean the CERC, or the SERC or the Joint
Commission referred to in Section 83 of the Electricity Act 2003, as the case may be;
Authorized Representative shall mean ------ [insert name of the Authorised
Representative], the body corporate authorized by the Procurer(s) to carry out the
bidding process for the selection of the Successful Bidder(s) on their behalf [insert if
applicable, else delete this definition];
Bench Mark Tariff shall mean the tariff of the Renewable Energy Source as notified
by the Appropriate Commission;
Bid shall mean the Non-Financial Bid and the Financial Bid submitted by the Bidder,
in response to this RfP, in accordance with the terms and conditions hereof.
Bidder shall mean Bidding Company or a Bidding Consortium submitting the Bid. Any
reference to the Bidder includes Bidding Company / Bidding Consortium/ Consortium,
Member of a Bidding Consortium including its successors, executors and permitted
assigns and Lead Member of the Bidding Consortium jointly and severally, as the
context may require;
Bidding Company shall refer to such single company that has submitted the Bid in
accordance with the provisions of this RfP;
Page 4
Page 5
Page 6
Letter of Intent or LOI shall mean the letter to be issued by the Authorized
Representative to the Successful Bidder(s) for supply of power pursuant to Clause 3.5
of this RfP;
Levelized Tariff or Tariff shall mean the tariff calculated in accordance with the
provisions of Clause 3.4.4 of the RfP;
Member of a Bidding Consortium or Member or Consortium Member shall
mean each company in the Bidding Consortium which has executed the Consortium
Agreement as provided in Format 4.5 of this RfP;
Non Financial Bid shall mean Envelope-I of the Bid containing the documents as
specified in Clause 2.14 A of this RfP;
Parent Company shall mean a company that holds at least twenty six percent (26%)
of the paid-up equity capital directly or indirectly in the Bidding Company or in the
Member of a Bidding Consortium, as the case may be;
PPA shall mean the agreement to be entered into between the Procurer(s) and the
Seller pursuant to which the Seller shall supply power to the Procurer(s) as per the
terms and conditions specified therein and a draft of which is attached as Enclosure 1 of
Format 4.14 to this RfP, including all its schedules, annexures, and all amendments or
Procurer(s) shall mean the entity(ies) as specified in Format 4.12 of this RfP;
Project means the ----- [insert name of the renewable project];
Qualification Requirements shall mean the qualification requirements as set forth in
Clause 2.1 of this RfP;
Quoted Charges shall mean the sum total of quoted escalable charges and quoted
non-escalable charges as per Format 4.10;
Quoted Energy Charges shall mean the sum total of quoted escalable energy
charges and quoted non-escalable energy charges as per Format 4.10; [To be used
only in cases where primary fuel is required such as Bio-mass etc.]
"Quoted Tariff" shall mean the sum total of Quoted Charges & Quoted Energy
Charges, as applicable;
Page 7
Default Escrow Agreement;
Agreement to Hypothecate-cum-deed of Hypothecation; and
any other agreements designated as such, from time to time by the
Procurer/Authorized Representative;
Page 8
Page 9
Section 1
Page 10
Section 1
The objective of this bidding process is to identify the Successful Bidder for
supply of minimum of ---- MW (---MU) and maximum of ----- MW (---MU) of power
for a period of ----- years. This range has been arrived at taking the gross
capacity of the Power Station as ---- MW. As per the Bidding Guidelines, the
Successful Bidder shall enter into a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) as
detailed out in the Model PPA forming part of this document. The Selected
Bidder shall be responsible for ensuring that the Seller undertakes development,
finance, ownership, design, engineering, procurement, construction,
commissioning, operation and maintenance of the Project as per the terms of the
RfP Project Documents. The Selected Bidder shall also ensure that all equipment
and auxiliaries are suitable for operation in the frequency range of 47.5 to 51.5
Hz (-5% to +3% of rated frequency of 50.0 Hz). Further any
update/amendment/supplementary, if any details about the bidding process, the
Project and the PPA shall be provided in the RfP document in accordance with
Bidding Guidelines, after obtaining approval of the Appropriate Commission, if
such approval is required under law.
The Authorized Representative seeks to qualify and select Successful Bidder for
setting up ---- [insert name of the renewable project] and supply of power for a
period of ----- [insert No. of years] years from the Scheduled Commercial
Page 11
For the purpose of selection of the Successful Bidder, Bidders shall be required
to submit both Non-Financial Bid and Financial Bid simultaneously in a single
stage bidding process as per the timelines mentioned in Clause 2.27 of this RfP.
Bidders who meet the Qualification Requirement as specified in Clause 2.1 of the
RFP will be Qualified Bidders and the Financial Bids of all such Qualified Bidders
shall be opened and evaluated as per provisions of Clause 3.4 of the RFP, for
the purpose of selection of Successful Bidder.
The Procurer/ Authorized Representative will transfer the SPV along with the
Project site to the Seller at a price of [--] Crore after signing the PPA/Share
Purchase Agreement.
The tariff shall be payable by the Procurer(s) in Indian Rupees, as per provisions
of the PPA. Bidders shall quote the tariff as per the pre-specified structure
mentioned in the RFP.
Page 12
Issue of RfP:
The detailed terms and conditions for qualification of the Bidders and for Bid
submission are indicated in the RfP. All those interested in purchasing the RfP
may respond in writing to the Authorized Representative at the address given in
Clause 1.13 below with a non-refundable fee of Rs. ---- (Rupees ----- only) or ---US Dollars (US Dollars ----- Only), in the form of a demand draft / bankers
cheque / pay order drawn in favor of ---[insert name of Procurer/Authorised
Representative], payable at -----[insert place], latest by ---------[insert date]. The
RfP shall be issued to the Bidders on any working day from ----- [insert date] to ---[insert date] between ---- hours (IST) to ---- hours (IST) by ---[insert name of
Procurer/Authorised Representative] on written request and against payment of
the above mentioned fee by any Bidder. In case where Bidders request the
documents to be sent by post, the Procurer/Authorized Representative shall
promptly dispatch the RfP to such Bidder by registered mail/ air mail only upon
receipt of written request and payment of the above mentioned fee by such
Bidders. The Procurer/Authorized Representative shall, under no circumstances,
be held responsible for late delivery or loss of documents so mailed. The RfP can
also be downloaded from -----[insert name of the website] However, in such case
interested Bidder can submit the Bid only on submission of non refundable fee of
Rs. ---- (Rupees ----- only) or ---- US Dollars (US Dollars ----- Only) as mentioned
above separately along with the Bid.
Section 2
Page 14
Qualification Requirements
The Bidder should be a company, as defined in the Electricity Act, 2003, duly
incorporated under the relevant laws. Subject to Clause 2.1.5, the Bidder
must meet the Qualification Requirements independently as Bidding Company
or as a Bidding Consortium with one of the Members acting as the Lead
Member of the Bidding Consortium. Bidder will be declared as a Qualified
Bidder based on meeting the Qualification Requirements specified below and
as demonstrated based on the documentary evidence submitted by the Bidder
in the Bid. Further, a Bidding Consortium can participate in the bidding process
if any Member of the Consortium has purchased the RfP.
Financial Criteria
[To be specified at Rs. 3.0 Crore per MW (considering the Gross Capacity of the
The computation of Networth shall be based on unconsolidated audited annual
accounts of the Company. For the purpose of the computation of Networth, any
one of the last three financial years and upto seven (7) days prior to Bid Deadline
shall be considered. The Bidder would thus be required to submit annual audited
accounts for the last three financial years------ [indicate last three financial years],
while indicating the year which should be considered for evaluation along with a
certificate from the chartered accountant to demonstrate the fulfilment of the
criteria. In case a Bidder seeks qualification on the basis of Networth as on seven
(7) days prior to Bid Deadline, the Bidder shall submit a certificate from a
Statutory Auditor/Chartered Accountant certifying the Networth on the date seven
days prior to submission of Bid and also submit the un-audited financial
Page 15
Technical Qualification
The Bidder must fulfill following technical requirements:
Experience of development of projects in Core Sector in the last five (5) years
with aggregate capital expenditure not less than Rs. . Crore or equivalent
USD. However, the capital expenditure of each project should be equivalent to
at least Rs. Crore or equivalent USD.
[Required aggregate capital cost of projects to be calculated @ Rs 1.00 Crore
per MW of the Project (considering the Gross Capacity of the Project)].
[Individual project experience to be calculated @ Rs 0.20 Crore per MW of the
Project (considering the Gross Capacity of the Project)]
For this purpose, capital expenditure incurred on projects that have been
commissioned/completed at least seven (7) days prior to the last date for
submission of the Bid shall be considered. The capital expenditure discussed
above shall be as reflected in the audited books of accounts of the
Bidder/Affiliate/Parent, as the case may be. In case a clearly identifiable part of
a project has been put into commercial operation, the capital expenditure on
such part of the project shall be considered. Further, the
Bidder/Affiliate/Parent, as the case may be, must have either executed such
projects itself or must own at least 26% of the shareholding in the company
that has executed the project(s) and must have held such shareholding from
the date of financial closure of the project(s) till the time of
commissioning/completion of such project(s). The Technical Qualification
requirement shall be met the Bidding Company or the Lead Member of a
Consortium or an Affiliate or Parent of such Bidding Company or the Lead
Member, as the case may be.
Page 16
The Bidder may seek qualification on the basis of financial capability of its
Parent and / or its Affiliate(s) for the purpose of meeting the Qualification
Requirements. In case of the Bidder being a Bidding Consortium, any Member
may seek qualification on the basis of financial capability of its Parent
Company and / or its Affiliate(s). The financial capability of a particular Parent
Company and / or Affiliate(s) shall not be used by more than one Bidder.
The determination of the relationship of Parent Company or Affiliate with the
Bidding Company or with the Member of the Bidding Consortium, including the
Lead Member, shall be as existing on the date seven (7) days prior to the Bid
Deadline. Documentary evidence in form of a certification from the Company
Secretary/Director on the Board of the company (in case company secretary is
not required under the Companies Act, 1956) to establish such relationship
shall be furnished by the Bidder along with the Bid.
Page 17
The information and/or documents shall be submitted by the Bidder as per the
Page 18
The Lead Member shall designate one person to represent the Consortium in
its dealings with the Authorized Representative. The person designated by the
Lead Member shall be authorized through a Board resolution (as per Format
4.4) to perform all tasks including, but not limited to providing information,
Page 19
The Bid shall also contain a Board resolution as per Format 4.4 from each
Member of the Consortium confirming that the RfP and RfP Project
Documents have been read, examined and understood and also the Bid has
been reviewed and each element of the Bid is agreed to.
The Bidding Company should designate one person to represent the Bidding
Company in its dealings with the Procurer/ Authorized Representative. The
person so designated shall be authorized through a Board resolution (as per
Format 4.4) to perform all tasks including, but not limited to providing
information, responding to enquiries, signing of Bid on behalf of the Bidding
Company, etc.
Page 20
The purpose of the pre-bid meeting will be to clarify any issues regarding the
RfP, including in particular, issues raised in writing by the Bidders.
The drafts of the following RfP Project Documents have been attached to this
Within fifteen (15) days of the issue of the Letter of Intent, the Successful
Bidder shall:
Provided that, if for any reason attributable to the Procurer(s), the above
activities are not completed by the Successful Bidder(s) within the above
period of fifteen (15) days of the issue of Letter of Intent as mentioned in this
Clause, such period of fifteen (15) days shall be extended, on a day for day
basis till the end of the Bid validity period.
Page 21
All stamp duties payable for executing the RfP Project Documents shall be
borne by the Successful Bidder.
If the Successful Bidder(s) fails or refuses to comply with any of its obligations
under Clause 2.10, and provided that the Procurer (s) and / or other parties to
the respective RfP Project Documents are willing to execute the said
documents, such failure or refusal on the part of the Successful Bidder shall
constitute sufficient grounds for cancellation of the Letter of Intent. In such
cases, the Procurer/Authorized Representative shall be entitled to invoke the
Bid Bond of the Successful Bidder(s).
Amendment of RFP
The Procurer/Authorized Representative, for any reason, whether at its own
initiative or in response to clarifications requested by any Bidder may modify
the RFP, including the timelines specified in Clause 2.27, by issuance of
addendum / modification / errata and / or a revised document. Such
document shall be notified in writing through a letter or fax or e-mail to all the
entities to which the RFP has been issued and shall be binding on them.
Such documents shall also be made available on the same website [insert
name of the website]. The Procurer/Authorized Representative shall not be
responsible for any delay in receipt of the addendum / modification / errata
and / or revised document and receipt of the same by the Bidders shall be
presumed by the Procurer/Authorized Representative upon taking all
reasonable steps to notify the Bidders in accordance with the means
mentioned in the preceding sentence. In order to provide reasonable time to
the Bidders to take the modification into account in preparing their Bid, or for
any other reasons, the Procurer/Authorized Representative may, at its
discretion, extend the Bid Deadline. Late receipt of any addendum /
modification / errata and / or revised document will not relieve the Bidder from
being bound by that modification or the Bid Deadline. All such
amendments/modifications shall be issued at least fifteen (15) days prior to
the Bid Deadline.
Bid Process
The Bids in response to this RfP will be submitted by the Bidders in two
envelops, in the manner provided in Clause 2.20:
The Bidders shall inter-alia take into account the following while
preparing and submitting the Financial Bid:a. The Quoted Charges having two components, namely:
i. Quoted Escalable Charges, and
ii. Quoted Non-Escalable Charges
b. In case of renewable power projects requiring fuel such as Bio-mass etc.,
the Bidder shall also quote the following Quoted Energy Charges:
i. Quoted Escalable Energy Charges, and
ii. Quoted Non-Escalable Energy Charges
c. In case of Quoted Escalable Charges and Quoted Escalable Energy
Charges, as applicable, the Bidders shall quote charges only for the first
Contract Year after Scheduled COD of the Project, subject to Sl. No. (f)
d. Ratio of minimum and maximum Quoted Charges during the term of PPA
shall not be less than zero point seven (0.7) and this ratio shall be applied
only at the Bid evaluation stage on the Quoted Charges after duly
escalating the Quoted Escalable Charges on the basis of the escalation
rates specified in Clause 3.4.3.
e. Bidders are required to quote Quoted Non-Escalable Charges and Quoted
Non-Escalable Energy Charges, as applicable, for the Contract Years, for
a period of ----[insert no. of years] years commencing from the Scheduled
COD of the Project, as per Format 4.10.
f. Bidders shall have the option to quote firm Quoted Charges and Quoted
Energy Charges, as applicable, for the period of ----[insert no. of years]
years commencing from the Scheduled COD of the Project, i.e., where
the Quoted Escalable Charges and Quoted Escalable Energy Charges, as
applicable, shall be nil for all the Contract Years.
g. The Quoted Tariff as per Format [4.10 or 4.10 (a) or 4.10 (b), as the case
may be] shall be inclusive of all charges and no exclusions shall be
allowed. The Bidders shall take into account all costs including capital and
operating, statutory taxes, duties, levies. Availability of the inputs
necessary for operation and maintenance of the Project should be
ensured by the Seller at the Project site and all costs involved in procuring
the inputs (including statutory taxes, duties, levies thereof) at the Project
site must be included in the Quoted Tariff.
Page 24
Wherever information has been sought in specified formats, the Bidders shall fill
in the details as per the prescribed formats and shall refrain from referring to any
other document for providing any information required in the prescribed format.
Bids not submitted in the specified formats will be liable for rejection by
Procurer/ Authorized Representative.
Page 26
In case of a Bidding Consortium, any Member other than the Lead Member
shall be allowed to divest its equity as long as the Lead Member holds the
minimum equity specified in Clause 2.18.1 (a) above. In case of a Bidding
Company, any investing entity(ies) shall be allowed to divest its equity as long
as the Successful Bidder hold the minimum aggregate equity specified in
Clause 2.18.1 (a) above.
Page 27
The provisions as contained in this clause shall override the terms of the
Consortium Agreement submitted as a part of Bid.
Due Dates
The Bidders should submit the Bid so as to reach the address specified below by
.. [Insert time] hrs (IST) on .:
[insert name and address of the office of Procurer/Authorised Representative]
Method of Submission
Page 28
Envelope II transcript -
The two sealed Envelopes (mentioned in Clause 2.20.1) for the Bid submitted
by Bidders should be packed in a single sealed cover envelope, with the
following superscript:
Bid for supply of power to Procurer/Authorised Representative
Bidders name ____________
Due for opening on of Non Financial Bid _________
The Bidder has the option of sending its Bid either by registered post or
speed post, or courier, or by hand delivery, so as to reach the
Procurer/Authorised Representative at the designated address by the Bid
Deadline. Bids submitted by telex/telegram/fax/e-mail shall not be considered
under any circumstances. Procurer/Authorised Representative shall not be
responsible for any delay in receipt of the Bids. Any Bid received by
Procurer/Authorised Representative after the Bid Deadline shall be returned
It may be noted that Non-financial Bid (Envelope I) shall not contain any
information/document relating to Financial Bid. If Non-financial Bid contains
any such information/documents, the Procurer/Authorised Representative
shall not be responsible for premature opening of the Financial Bid.
If the outer cover envelope or Envelope I or Envelope II is not sealed and not
transcript as required, the Procurer/Authorised Representative will assume no
responsibility for the Bid's misplacement or premature opening.
Validity of the Bid
The Bidder shall submit the Bid which shall remain valid up to One Hundred
Fifty (150) days from the Bid Deadline. The Procurer/Authorised
Representative reserves the right to reject any Bid which does not meet the
aforementioned validity requirement.
Preparation cost
The Bidder shall be responsible for all the costs associated with the
preparation of the Bid and participation in discussions and attending pre-bid
meeting(s), etc. Procurer/Authorized Representative shall not be responsible
in any way for such costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bid
Bid Bond
Each Bidder shall submit the Bid accompanied by Bid Bond in the format
provided in the Format 4.3, for an amount of Rs.______ [Insert amount not
less than that derived on the basis of Rs. 20 Lakh per MW of the gross
capacity of renewable power project] issued by any of the banks listed in
Format 4.13. The Bid Bond shall be valid for a period of seventy (70) days
beyond the validity of the Bid.
Page 30
Subject to the provisions of Clause 2.12, the Bid Bond may be invoked by the
Procurer on account of any of the following:
Failure to execute the PPA and other RfP Project Documents as per the
provisions of Clause 2.10; or
The Bid Bond shall also be invoked by the Procurer for submission of
wrong information by the Bidder or making any misrepresentation in Bid
as mentioned in Clause 2.16 (a).
Intimation of the reasons of the invocation of the Bid Bond shall be given to
the Selected Bidder within three (3) working days after such invocation.
Bid Bonds of all the Bidders whose Bids are declared non-responsive
shall be returned within a period of thirty (30) days after the date on
which Financial Bids are opened.
Performance Guarantee
The Selected Bidder shall provide to the Procurer within the time period as
specified in Clause 2.10, the Performance Guarantee in the format provided
in the Format 4.9, for an amount of Rs ---- [not less than that derived on the
basis of Rs. 50 Lakh per MW of the gross capacity of renewable power
project], which shall be provided separately to each of the Procurer for the
amount calculated pro-rata (and rounded off to the nearest one lakh with the
principle that amounts below Rs. 50,000/- shall be rounded down and
amounts of Rs. 50,000/- and above shall be rounded up), in the ratio of their
Allocated Contracted Capacities. The Performance Guarantee shall be
initially valid for a period of three (3) months after the Scheduled COD of the
Page 31
Opening of Bids
Envelope I and Envelope II will be opened as per the following time schedule
and at the venue where the Bids are required to be submitted, in the
presence of one representative from such Bidders who wish to be present:
Opening of Envelope I: ____________ hours (IST) on ____________
Opening of Envelope II: ____________ hours (IST) on ____________
or such other dates as may be intimated by the Authorised Representative to
the Bidders
The Project shall be commissioned (Schedule COD) within ----[insert period
months] months of the date of signing of PPA. In case of failure to achieve this
milestone, provisions of PPA shall apply.
Time Schedule
The timeline for the bid process is given below:
Sl. Event
Notice for Request for Proposal (RfP) [insert date of issue of RfP]
2 Submission of RfP Bid and opening of [issue of RfP + 75 days]
Non Financial Bids
Enquiries/ clarifications may be sought by the Bidder upto [insert date 0+ 30
days] from:
Page 32
The parties undertake to hold in confidence this RFP and RFP Documents and
not to disclose the terms and conditions of the transaction contemplated hereby
to third parties, except:
a) to their professional advisors;
b) to their officers, contractors, employees, agents or representatives, financiers,
who need to have access to such information for the proper performance of
their activities;
c) disclosures required under applicable Law,
without the prior written consent of the other parties of the concerned
Provided that the Successful Bidder agrees and acknowledges that any of the
Procurers may at any time, disclose the terms and conditions of the RFP and
RFP Documents to any person, to the extent stipulated under the applicable Law
or the Bidding Guidelines.
Page 33
Page 34
Section 3
Page 35
Section 3
Bids that are incomplete, i.e. not accompanied by any of the applicable
formats inter alia covering letter, power of attorney supported by a board
resolution, applicable board resolutions, format for disclosure, valid Bid
Bond, Consortium Agreement
Bid not received by the due date and time
Bid having Conflict of Interest
Bid being conditional in nature
Bidder submitting or participating in more than one Bid either as a Bidding
Company or as a Member of Bidding Consortium
Bidder delaying in submission of additional information or clarifications
sought by Procurer/ Authorized Representative as applicable;
Bidder makes any misrepresentation as specified in Clause 2.16 (a).
3.3.1 Step II (Evaluation of Non-Financial Bid) will be carried out considering the
information furnished by Bidders as prescribed under Section 4 (Formats for Bid
Submission). This step would involve evaluation of the Non-Financial Bid of the
Bidding Company/ Bidding Consortium as per the provisions specified in Section
2 of this RfP.
Page 36
This shall be the rate notified
applicable on the day which is
days prior to Bid Deadline
This shall be the rate notified
applicable on the day which is
days prior to Bid Deadline
This shall be the rate notified
applicable on the day which is
days prior to Bid Deadline
seven (7)
seven (7)
seven (7)
The factor at Sl. No. 3, shall be applied from the Bid Deadline (as applicable). The factor
mentioned in Sl No. 2 shall be from the Scheduled CoD. Further, the factors at sl. No. 2
& 3 shall be applied as at the mid point of each Contract Year.
[Replace clause 3.4.2 and 3.4.3 above with the following in case bid
process is being conducted as per 4.7 (i) & (ii) of the Bidding Guidelines
For 4.7 (i)
The Bidders shall quote the discount offered over the Bench Mark Tariff as per
Format 4.10 (a). Based on the discount offered, the Tariff shall be calculated for
the term of the PPA as per the methodology mentioned below.
For 4.7 (ii)
The Bidders shall quote a single tariff as per Format 4.10 (b). Based on the
quoted single tariff, the Tariff shall be calculated for the term of the PPA as per
the methodology mentioned below.]
Page 37
The escalated Quoted Tariffs (Rs. Per kWh) of each of the Bidders for each
Contract Year for the term of PPA, calculated as per provisions of Clause
3.4.3, shall then be discounted upto the assumed commissioning date of the
entire Contracted Capacity mentioned in Clause, by applying the
discount factors (based on the discount rate as mentioned in Clause 3.4.3
above) and such aggregate discounted value for the term of the PPA shall be
divided by the sum of such discount factors so as to calculate the Levellised
Tariff of each Bidder.
The Levellised Tariff shall be calculated by assuming uniformly for all Bidders
that entire Contracted Capacity has been Commissioned on the date which is
----[Insert date of COD of the Project]. The Bidders are required to quote
tariffs for a period of ----[insert number of years] years from COD of the
Project. For the purposes of actual payment, the tariff for the Contract Years
beyond the ----[insert number of years] years from the COD of the Project
shall be the Quoted Tariff of the --[insert last year of the term of original
period] year from the COD of the Project with applicable escalation.
The methodology of computation of Levellised Tariff is explained in the
illustration as provided in Format 4.11.
[Replace clause & above with the following in case bid
process is being conducted as per 4.7 (i) & (ii) of the Bidding Guidelines
For 4.7 (i)
The Tariff arrived based on the discount offered by the Bidders over the
Bench Mark Tariff shall be fixed for the term of the PPA.
For 4.7 (ii)
The single Tariff quoted by the Bidders shall be fixed for the term of the PPA.]
3.5.1 Bids qualifying in Step III shall only be evaluated in this stage.
3.5.2 The Levelized Tariff or Tariff, as applicable, calculated as per Clause 3.4.4 for all
Financial Bids of Qualified Bidders shall be ranked from the lowest to the highest.
3.5.3 The Bidder with the lowest Levelized Tariff or Tariff, as applicable, shall be
declared as the Successful Bidder.
3.5.4 The Letter of Intent shall be issued to the such Successful Bidder subject to the
Clause 3.5.6
Page 38
Page 39
Section 4
Page 40
Section 4
The following formats are required to be submitted as part of the RfP. These
formats are designed to demonstrate the Bidders compliance with the
Qualification Requirements set forth in Clause 2.1 of Section 2 and other
submission requirements specified in the RfP.
Page 41
Page 42
2. Bid Bond
We have enclosed Bid Bond of Rs. .. [Insert Amount as per Clause 2.23.1
of this RfP], in the form of bank guarantee no.[Insert bank guarantee
number] dated . [Insert date of bank guarantee] as per Format 4.3 from
[Insert name of bank providing bank guarantee] and valid up
terms of Clause 2.23.1 of this RfP.
3. We have submitted our Bid strictly as per Section 4 (Formats) of this RfP, without
any deviations, conditions and without mentioning any assumptions or notes in the
said Formats.
4. Acceptance
We hereby unconditionally and irrevocably agree and accept that the decision made
by the Procurer(s)/Authorised Representative in respect of any matter regarding or
arising out of the RfP shall be binding on us. We hereby expressly waive any and all
claims in respect of this process.
5. Our Bid is valid upto the period required under Clause 2.21 of the RfP.
6. Familiarity with Relevant Indian Laws & Regulations
We confirm that we have studied the provisions of the relevant Indian laws and
regulations as required to enable us to submit this Bid and execute the PPA, in the
event of our selection as Successful Bidder.
7. We are enclosing herewith our Bid in one (1) original + [---] copy(ies) with formats
duly signed as desired by you in the RfP for your consideration.
8. It is confirmed that our Bid is consistent with all the requirements of submission as
stated in the RfP and subsequent communications from the ProcurerAuthorised
9. The information submitted in our Bid is correct to the best of our knowledge and
understanding. We would be solely responsible for any errors or omissions in our
10. Contact Person
Details of the contact person are furnished as under:
Page 43
11. We have neither made any statement nor provided any information in this Bid, which
to the best of our knowledge is materially inaccurate or misleading. Further, all the
confirmations, declarations and representations made in our Bid are true and
accurate. In case this is found to be incorrect after our selection as Successful
Bidder, we agree that the same would be treated as a Sellers event of default under
PPA, and consequent provisions of PPA shall apply.
Page 44
4.2 Format for Power of Attorney to be provided by each of the other members
of the Consortium in favor of the Lead Member
(To be on non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value as per Stamp Act
relevant to place of execution.)
registered office at ...., ..,..and M/s ..
having its registered office at .. , (Insert names and
registered offices of all Members of the Consortium) the Members of Consortium have
formed a Bidding Consortium named . (insert name of the Consortium)
M/ the Lead Member of the said Consortium do hereby
constitute, nominate and appoint M/s...a company incorporated
under the laws of .and having its Registered /Head Office at our duly constituted lawful Attorney (hereinafter called as
Lead Member) to exercise all or any of the powers for and on behalf of the Consortium
in regard to submission of the Bid and if required, submission of Bid against RfP (in the
event selected as the qualified Bidder). We also authorize the said Lead Member to
undertake the following acts:
To do any other act or submit any information and document related to the above
It is expressly understood that in the event of the Consortium being selected as
Successful Bidder, this Power of Attorney shall remain valid, binding and
irrevocable until the Bidding Consortium achieves execution of PPA.
We as the Member of the Consortium agree and undertake to ratify and confirm all
whatsoever the said Attorney/Lead Member has done on behalf of the Consortium
Members pursuant to this Power of Attorney and the same shall bind us and deemed to
have been done by us.
Page 45
--------------------------------(Signature, Name, Designation and Address of the person
authorised by the board of the Lead Member as per Clause 2.14 (A) 4 (a))
--------------------(Signature of the executant)
Page 46
Page 47
Page 48
Signature ____________________
Power of Attorney No._______________
______[Insert Name of the Bank]__
Banker's Stamp and Full Address.
Dated this ____ day of ____, 20__
Page 49
Page 50
Page 51
Page 52
Page 53
We, the Members of the Consortium and Members to the Agreement do hereby
unequivocally agree that Member-1 (M/s_______________), shall act as the
Lead Member as defined in the RfP for self and agent for and on behalf of
Member-2, -----, Member-n.
The Lead Member is hereby authorised by the Members of the Consortium and
Members to the Agreement to bind the Consortium and receive instructions for
and on their behalf.
The Lead Member shall be liable and responsible for ensuring the individual and
collective commitment of each of the Members of the Consortium in discharging
all of their respective equity obligations. Each Member further undertakes to be
individually liable for the performance of its part of the obligations without in any
way limiting the scope of collective liability envisaged in this Agreement.
Subject to the terms of this Agreement, the share of each Member of the
Consortium in the issued equity share capital of the Project is/shall be in the
following proportion:
Member 1
Member 2
Member n
holding in the Project
(Note: The percentage equity holding for any Consortium Member in the Project
cannot be Zero in the above table.)
We acknowledge that after execution of PPA, our shareholding in the Project
shall be maintained as per the provisions of clause 2.18 of RfP.
Page 54
The Lead Member, on behalf of the Consortium, shall inter alia undertake full
responsibility for liaising with Lenders and mobilising debt resources for the
Project, and ensuring that the Seller achieves Financial Closure in terms of the
It is further specifically agreed that the financial liability for equity contribution of
the Lead Member shall not be limited in any way so as to restrict or limit its
liabilities. The Lead Member shall be liable irrespective of its scope of work or
financial commitments.
This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the Laws
of India and courts at Jaipur alone shall have the exclusive jurisdiction in all
matters relating thereto and arising thereunder.
It is further expressly agreed that the Agreement shall be irrevocable and shall
form an integral part of the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) and shall remain
valid until the expiration or early termination of the PPA in terms thereof, unless
expressly agreed to the contrary by Procurer(s).
The Lead Member is authorised and shall be fully responsible for the accuracy
and veracity of the representations and information submitted by the Members
respectively from time to time in the Bid.
has been duly executed and delivered on behalf of each Member hereto
and constitutes the legal, valid, binding and enforceable obligation of each
such Member;
Page 55
sets forth the entire understanding of the Members hereto with respect to
the subject matter hereof; and
All the terms used in capitals in this Agreement but not defined herein shall have
the meaning as per the RfP & PPA.
For M/s-----------------------------[Member 1]
----------------------------------------(signature, Name & Designation of the person authorized vide Board Resolution Dated
1) Signature----------------------Name:
2) Signature --------------------Name:
For M/s-----------------------------[Member 2]
----------------------------------------(signature, Name & Designation of the person authorized vide Board Resolution Dated
1) Signature ----------------------Name:
2) Signature ---------------------Name:
For M/s-----------------------------[Member n]
Page 56
Signature and stamp of Notary of the place of execution
Page 57
[Insert name and address of Authorised Representative]
Dear Sir,
Sub: Bid dated ----- for setting up of [insert name of the Project] and supply of
power to Procurer(s)
We certify that the Bidding Company/Member in a Bidding Consortium had a minimum
Networth of Rs.---- crore (Rupees ------ Crore) or equivalent US$ based on
unconsolidated audited annual accounts of any of the last three (3) financial
years -----[indicate last three financial years] [Strike out the financial years not
applicable]. This Networth has been calculated in accordance with instructions provided
in clause of the RfP.
Company 1
* The column for Relationship with Bidding Company is to be filled only in case the
financial capability of Parent/Affiliate has been used for meeting Qualification
Requirements. Further, documentary evidence to establish the relationship as on seven
(7) days prior to the Bid Deadline, duly certified by the company secretary/chartered
accountant is required to be attached with the format.
Page 58
Parent/ Affiliate
Company 1
* The column for Relationship with Bidding Company is to be filled only in case the
financial capability of Parent/Affiliate has been used for meeting Qualification
Requirements. Further, documentary evidence to establish the relationship as on seven
(7) days prior to the Bid Deadline, duly certified by the company secretary/chartered
accountant is required to be attached with the format.
By the board)
Statutory Auditor)
Along with the above format, in a separate sheet, provide details of computation of
Networth duly certified by Statutory Auditor.
Page 59
[Insert name and address of Procurer/Authorised Representative]
Dear Sir,
Sub: Bid dated ----- for setting up of [insert name of the Project] and supply of
power to Procurer(s)
We certify that the Bidding Company/Lead Member has experience of developing
projects in the last 5 years whose aggregate capital cost is not less than Rs.---------[Insert amount as per clause] Crore. We further certify that the capital cost of
each project considered is equivalent or more than Rs.--------- [Insert amount as per
clause] Crores. This Technical Requirement has been calculated in accordance
with instructions provided in clause of the RfQ and on the basis of following
Name of
Lead Member
/ or their
Parent /
credential has
been taken
with Bidding
% of
held from
the time
to the
of the
by the
d in
column 2.
Project 1
Date of
Page 60
By the board)
Statutory Auditor)
Along with the above format, in a separate sheet, provide details of computation of
capital expenditure of the projects duly certified by Statutory Auditor/chartered
Page 61
We hereby declare that our Parent, Affiliate or Ultimate Parent with which we have
direct or indirect relationship are not separately participating in this Bid.
We further declare that the above statement is true & correct. We are aware that if at
any stage it is found to be incorrect, our Bid will be rejected and if LoI has been issued,
the same will be cancelled and the available bank guarantees will be encashed.
Page 62
Page 63
Page 64
Signature ____________________
Power of Attorney No._______________
______[Insert Name of the Bank]__
Banker's Stamp and Full Address.
Dated this ____ day of ____, 20__
Page 65
Date of
End Date of
Contract Year
31st March
31st March
31st March
31st March
31st March
31st March
31st March
31st March
31st March
31st March
31st March
31st March
31st March
31st March
31st March
31st March
31st March
31st March
31st March
31st March
31st March
31st March
31st March
31st March
of the
Energy Charges
[Applicable in
case Fuel is
required for the
Project such as
Bio-mass etc.]
(Rs./ kWh)
Quoted Non
[Applicable in
case Fuel is
required for
the Project
such as Biomass etc.]
(Rs./ kWh)
(Rs./ kWh)
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
(Rs./ kWh)
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Page 66
(Signature, Name & Designation of the person Authorised By the board)
Place: ..
a) Please refer Clause 2.14 (B) of RfP
b) The Quoted Tariff in Rs./kWhr shall be provided up to three (3) decimal points.
c) The contents of this format shall be clearly typed.
d) All pages of this format shall be signed by the Authorised Person in whose name
Board Resolution as per Clause 2.14 (A) 4(a) is issued.
e) Ensure .. [Insert no. of years depending upon the term of PPA + 1] values of NonEscalable tariff components and only 1 value for Escalable components.
Page 67
4.10 (a) -
Financial Bid
[To be used in case bidding is being conducted on the basis of 4.7 (i) of the
Bidding Guidelines.]
Name of
4.10 (b) -
Financial Bid
[To be used in case bidding is being conducted on the basis of 4.7 (ii) of the
Bidding Guidelines.]
Name of
Page 68
Page 69
Percentage of
Capacity (%)
Capacity in
Energy in MU
Page 70
Nationalised Banks
9. Allahabad Bank
10. Andhra Bank
11. Bank of India
12. Bank of Maharashtra
13. Bank of Baroda
14. Canara Bank
15. Central Bank of India
16. Corporation Bank
17. Dena Bank
18. Indian Bank
19. Indian Overseas Bank
20. Oriental Bank of Commerce
21. Punjab National Bank
22. Punjab and Sind Bank
23. Syndicate Bank
24. Union Bank of India
25. United Bank of India
Page 71
Page 72
Page 73
Sl. No.
Name of
No. and
text for the
Rationale for
Clarification or
This format shall be used for submission of request for clarifications/amendments on the
draft RFP Project Documents as per the provisions of Clause 2.8.1 of this RFP.
Page 74