April 22, 2015 Tribune Record Gleaner

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Tribune Record Gleaner

Volume 121 Number 16




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Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Plea hearing Loyal school rallies around Miracle Child

set in murderfor-hire case

Loyal ag
teacher resigns
The Loyal School District is looking for
a long-term substitute for its agriculture
education program after accepting the unexpected resignation of first-year teacher
Trevor Odeen on Monday.
The district Board of Education met
in emergency closed session on Monday
evening, where it accepted Odeens resignation, effective immediately. District Administrator Cale Jackson said Odeen was
in the classroom on Friday, but submitted
his resignation for personal reasons
on Monday. The Board accepted it after
discussing the matter in closed executive
session at a Monday evening emergency
Jackson said a substitute teacher was
handling Odeens classes on Tuesday, and
the district is making contacts to find a
possible long-term substitute for the final
six weeks of the school year.
Odeen was hired for the ag education
job at the start of the school year, to replace Matt Reinders, who resigned after
last year to take a similar job in Edgar.


A plea hearing has been scheduled for

May 18 for one of the two Spencer women
accused of plotting to kill two men last
fall. Shari Klimmer, 46, appeared in Clark
County Circuit Court on April 16, when
the hearing was set for the court to consider a possible plea deal in her case.
Klimmer and her daughter, 22-year-old
Porscha Rizzi, are each charged with two
counts of conspiracy to commit firstdegree intentional homicide for allegedly
trying to hire two different men to kill
two of Rizzis ex-boyfriends, both of with
whom Rizzi had a child. Rizzi is scheduled
for an Aug. 25-27 jury trial in the case.
Both Klimmer and Rizzi face possible
life imprisonment if convicted on the two
charges against them.
Two informants told police last October that Rizzi and Klimmer had tried to
hire them to kill the ex-boyfriends, one
of whom had told Rizzi he intended to
move and take their child to Minnesota.
They were arrested on Nov. 3 near Spencer
when an informant wearing a wire met
with Klimmer and she allegedly offered
him jewelry and a watch as collateral for
the killings.

As Lindsey Schoonover
knows from walking through
the halls of the Loyal Public
Schools, everybody knows her
son, Ayden. After serving as
a Miracle Child for the 2015
Childrens Miracle Network
that aired locally on Sunday,
many others know him now,
as well.
In recognition of Aydens
miraculous recovery from being born 15 weeks premature
-- at the size of a dollar bill and
weighing 14 ounces -- the Loyal
school community pitched
in last week to help the CMN
cause. Staff organized a tip
Our Hats to Ayden day on
April 10, with all students and
staff earning the privilege of
wearing a hat during the school
day for a $1 donation to CMN.
The effort raised $500, and a
check was presented at an April
15 all-school assembly to CMN
director Patti Shafto-Carlson.
Ayden was one of five miracle children chosen this year
to help publicize the CMN
telethon. Shafto-Carlson said
children with birth issues like
Ayden are just some of those
helped with funds raised by
CMN. One of the other miracle children this year was a
10-year-old from Stevens Point
who fell 20 feet out of a tree
onto rocks. Another was a child
cancer patient from Merrill.
The money you raised in
your program is going to help
kids in our cancer unit, Shafto-Carlson said.
Ayden and Lindsey were
on the receiving end of CMN
support after Ayden barely
survived his early birth in June
2009. He was in the hospital
Childrens Miracle Network Miracle Child Ayden Schoonover of Loyal holds a doll at an April
for 17 months before his first
night at home, and lived with a 15 all-school presentation that was about his own size at his birth -- 14 ounces. Students and
tracheotomy tube past the age teachers raised $500 through an April 10 Tip Our Hats to Ayden day in which they paid $1
of three. Now, though, he is a for the privilege of wearing a hat during the school day. Please see more photos of the event
on page 4.
normal almost-6-year-old who
says Hi to everyone he meets
in the school hallway.
In addition to direct financial help for children helped by CMN often relies
Shafto-Carlson said CMN has been
helping families like the Schoonovers children with life-threatening conditions, on three factors. One of them is the
for almost 20 years, and organizers are CMN also organizes programs to keep Catholic faith and mission of Ministry
now seeing children they once helped youths from ever needing trauma services, Saint Josephs Hospital in Marshfield.
like teen safety programs on distracted Another is steady improvements in
with children of their own.
Thats a pretty cool thing for us, driving and safety belt usage.
Please see Ayden, page 4
Shafto-Carlson said the recovery of
she said.

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Page 2 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Budget is for the state, not for Walker

In the coming few months, the the state, or with a 2016 presidential bid
state Legislature will be making some already in mind. That one audacious acweighty budgetary decisions that will tion catapulted Walker into the national
impact state residents for years to come. conservative picture, and he has been
As senators and assembly representa- strategically building on it ever since.
tives make their difficult decisions, We must admit it was a shrewd political
they should not be concerned with the move to do what he did, but did state
impacts on one particular person, and legislators unwittingly propel Walker
into the national fray by supporting
that is Gov. Scott Walker.
Everything Walker does right now him on Act 10 without really compreis politically suspect as he steers his hending what they were doing? Well
personal rudder toward a presidential never know.
What we do know now is that Walker
campaign. True, he has not officially announced his national candidacy yet, but needs more bold moves to make himself
then again, Aaron Rodgers hasnt actu- stand out in a Republican presidential
ally announced that hell be back for candidate field that is becoming as
another year as the Green Bay Packer crowded as a cage in a mass production
quarterback. The odds of both those chicken shed (and with just as much
clucking). With no other political exthings happening are about the same.
The budget Walker has proposed for perience to boast of, Walker only has
the coming biennium is loaded with po- his actions as Wisconsins governor to
litical hot potatoes. He wants to cut $300 convince voters in all 50 states that he
million from the University of Wiscon- is presidential material. If he proposes
sin System budget, and eliminate a $150 a mundane status quo budget just as he
per pupil increase in aids to the states launches a presidential bid, he has no
public schools, to name a few that have momentum. Far better to propose more
garnered the most headlines. This we daring moves, such as drastic UW sysask of those proposals: Have they been tem cuts, to prove hes far enough right
made in Wisconsins best interests, or to attract red state voters.
If the Legislature does not step in
in the best interests of one Wisconsin
person who has grandiose political am- and at least tone down the governors
bitions? To prevent the latter from tak- proposals, it will be guilty of allowing
ing precedence, legislators must step in one mans political aspirations to overand make the decisions that make the shadow a states needs. As much as Republican lawmakers in this state -- who
most sense for all of Wisconsin.
Walker, of course, made huge head- hold the majority of seats in Madison
lines -- statewide and nationally -- when -- might want to please their governor,
he busted public employee labor unions they have to show the spine necessary
in 2011. Although he had not foretold to do whats best for Wisconsin, parof his bold plan as he campaigned for ticularly in the area of education. If
the governors office in 2010, when he our expectation is accurate, Walker will
was elected he moved swiftly to strip not become the next president, but Wisconsin will continue
the unions of their
Members of the TRG editorial
to be a state in need of
negotiating powers. As
Board include Publishers Kris
budgetary decisions
we look back on that
OLeary and Kevin Flink,
that make fiscal sense,
move, we cant help
Editor Dean Lesar, and
and not political sound
but wonder if it was
Carol OLeary.
made for the good of

Loyal school clean-up day appreciated

This letter is written to thank the Loyal
Schools for the cleanup
day it ran April 13.
Thanks to the stud e n t s, t e a ch e r s a n d
Chris Lindner for organizing this event.
We need more of these kinds of worth-

Kulp: Budget situation most difficult

by 69th District Assembylman
Bob Kulp (R, Stratford)
Lets talk about the Governors proposed budget in Wisconsin.
First, let me tell you that this is the
most difficult place Ive been in my life.
For 30 years in business, Ive had to defend my own policies and actions. When

Climate change gag order a political ploy

Two top Republican officials have
banned state workers at a small agency
from any on-the-job discussion or workrelated talk of climate change.
Voting for the gag order were Attorney
General Brad Schimel and State Treasurer Matt Adamczyk. They won their
first statewide races in last years general
election. They and Democratic Secretary
of State Douglas LaFollette are the three
members of the Board of Commissioners
of Public Lands. La Follette voted against
the gag order.
Earlier, Adamczyk had sought to fire
Tia Nelson who has served as executive
secretary of the board for a decade. She is
the daughter of the late Gaylord Nelson,
who served four years as governor of
Wisconsin and 18 years in the U.S. Senate.
In interviews, La Follette has labeled
Adamczyk a Tea Party Republican,
contending the state treasurer hates environmental people. Adamczyk has declined
to discuss his views about rising global
temperatures. Honestly, I dont care to
discuss it, he has said.
Ms. Nelson had served as co-chair of a
2007 global warming task force appointed
by then- Gov. Jim Doyle. She said she had
done little or no work on climate change
since serving on that board.
Any tie to Doyle could be a scarlet letter in todays Republican-controlled state
government. Gov. Scott Walker frequently
criticizes the old Doyle administration.
Schimel said he voted for the gag order because climate change isnt directly
related to the commissions activities. It
manages 77,000 acres of state-owned land.
Schimel said the boards commissioners
appeared to have approved her role on the

task force.
Schimel said he voted for the ban because it was political and climate change
issues arent connected to the agencys
It would be irresponsible for me to
vote to prospectively permit government
employees to engage in political activity
while at work, Schimel said in a statement.
Schimel has joined other Republican
state attorneys general in a lawsuit challenging plans by the U.S Environmental
Protection Agency to slow global warming
by reducing carbon dioxide emissions.
Walker, who wants to
be the next president of
the United States, has
endorsed Schimels legal
The gover nors
spokesperson of fered
support for the gag order.
Gov. Walker does not
think it is unreasonable
to enact policies requiring board staff to focus
board-related activiPommer on
ties, he said.
One Republican who
doesnt agree with the gag order is Jack
Voigt, who served as state treasurer from
1995 to 2007. He said Adamczyk is meddling in administrative affairs of the
agency. Adamczyk had sought to stop
newspaper purchases by the agency, including a subscription to the New York
To me its becoming political to the
point that he (Adamczyk) was to control
everything, Voigt said.

while projects that our

young people can get involved in.
I hope this community
day will continue in the
There is more to an
education than just reading a book or using a computer.
Keep up the good work.

Jim and Jeannine


La Follette voiced similar criticism. He

said the new state treasurer has barraged
Nelson and her small staff with requests
for information and reports. Its harassment, pure and simple, said La Follette.
Adamczyk said his requests for a lot of
information reflect that he is a new member of the board and has a lot of time to
learn about the agencys operations. He
said he is concerned about the amount of
money the agency is earning.
Adamczyk wants to eliminate the state
treasurers office from the state constitution. The new gag order may give new life
to that idea.



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I was wrong, I could realize it and make

changes to my decisions, and sometimes
even ask my team for a bit of patience as
we worked through the difficult things that
those decisions may have caused.
These days, I find myself in a situation
where I agree with some of the things in
the proposed budget, while other things I
disagree with. They are not my initiatives.
Let me tell you what I see in the proposed
budget, starting with a high altitude
The basics indicate that we are going
from a $35 billion dollar a year budget to

Please see State budget, page 8

Publishers ........................... Kris O'Leary and Kevin Flink

Editor ............................................................ Dean Lesar
Advertising Sales......................................Phil Greschner
Advertising Designer/Proofreader ..........Mary Ann Lesar
Advertising Designer/Pagination ...........Ashley Kadolph
The Tribune Record Gleaner (TRG) was formed in 1969 by
the merger of The Loyal Tribune, The Spencer Record and
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Wednesday, April 22, 2015 -Tribune Record Gleaner - Page 3

Trinity Lutheran ELCA


201 S. Washington St., Unity 715-223-2155 PASTOR AL HOUTS

9 a.m. - Sunday school 10 a.m. - Sunday worship service
Memorial Day to Labor Day: 9 a.m. - Sunday worship service

Neillsville Seventh Day Adventist Church

5th & Clay Streets Neillsville 715-743-7988
Saturday Services: 9:30 a.m. - Sabbath school
11 a.m. - Worship, 6:30 p.m. - Thursday Bible study

Trinity Lutheran ELCA

201 N. West Loyal 715-255-8880
REV. Daniel E. Zimmerman
7 p.m. - Saturday worship service
9:15 a.m. - Sunday school
10:30 a.m. - Sunday worship service

Christ the King Church
101 Wendel Spencer 715-659-4480
4 p.m. - Saturday evening mass 8 and 10 a.m. - Sunday morning mass
Masses for Holy Days of Obligation evening before, 8 p.m.; day of, 5:30 p.m.




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Willard 715-255-8017 FATHER STEVEN BRICE

4 p.m. - Saturday mass

St. Anthonys Catholic Church

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints


407 N. Division Loyal 715-255-8017
6:30 p.m. - Saturday mass, 10:30 a.m. - Sunday morning mass
Greenwood 715-255-8017 Father STEVEN BRICE
8:30 a.m. - Sunday morning mass

2207 W. 5th St., Marshfield 715-384-4559

9:30-10:20 a.m. - Priesthood, Relief Society, Young Women
9:30-11:15 a.m. - Primary 10:25-11:15 a.m. Sunday school
11:20 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. - Sacrament meeting

St. Paul Lutheran

Church of Christ

St. Marys Parish

North Green Grove P.O. Box 206 N13510 Cty. Rd. E

Colby, WI 715-223-1726 Rev. Paul Hunsicker
9 a.m. - Sunday worship service

Christ Lutheran - Chili

9 a.m. - Sunday worship service, 10 a.m. - Sunday school
Holy Communion celebrated the first and third Sundays of each month.

Trinity Lutheran
(Missouri Synod)

B3942 State Highway 13, Spencer

9 a.m. - Sunday Bible study; 10 a.m. - Sunday worship service
7 p.m. - Wednesday Bible study
Evangelist: Clint A. Oppermann - 715-650-1970
Web site: www. spencercoc.com E-mail: preacher@spencercoc.com

Immanuel United Church of Christ

3 mi. w. on G, 1 mi. n. on Hwy. O. Greenwood
Phone 715-267-6547 REV. ASAFA RAJAOFERA
8:30 a.m. - Sunday worship service

Living Hope Evangelical Free Church

109 W. Clark Spencer 715-659-4006 REV. DAVID DEPAOLI

7 p.m. - Saturday worship service
8:40 a.m. - Sunday school; 10 a.m. - Sunday worship service

Hwy. 10 & Fairground Ave. Neillsville 715-743-2471

9:15 a.m. - Sunday school; 10:30 a.m. - Sunday worship service

Zion Lutheran
W2894 Granton Road, Granton 715-238-7318
9:15 a.m. - Sunday school, 10:30 a.m. - Sunday worship service
Holy Communion celebrated first and third Sundays of each month.

Our Fathers House Christian Community Church

W770 County Trunk H, Chili 715-683-2889
9:30 a.m. - Sunday school
10:30 a.m. - Sunday worship service

Emmanuel Lutheran - ELCA
W5752 Colby Factory Road Town of Longwood
10:45 a.m. - Sunday worship service
Holy Communion celebrated second and fourth Sundays of each month.

Immanuel United Methodist
Chili 715-683-2886 10:30 a.m. - Morning worship

Granton United Methodist

8 a.m. - Sunday worship service

Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran

(Wisconsin Synod) (rural Neillsville)

Loyal United Methodist


9 a.m. - Sunday worship service
Holy Communion celebrated the first Sunday of each month.

Loyal Office 715-255-9213 Home 715-255-8737

9:15 a.m. - Sunday school; 10:30 a.m. - Sunday worship service

Nazareth Lutheran - ELCA

Spencer United Methodist

North County T Withee 715-229-2051 REV. BONNIE CAIN

10 a.m. - Sunday worship service. Everyone welcome.

Church Office 715-659-5551 REV. MICHAEL CARLSON

9:30 a.m. - Sunday Bible study
10:30 a.m. - Sunday worship service

Our Saviors Lutheran - ELCA

110 W. Begley Greenwood 715-267-6142
9 a.m. - Sunday worship service

United Methodist
209 W. Clark St., P.O. Box 533 Colby
JANINE JOHNSON, lay speaker
7 p.m. - Wednesday worship service
No Sunday services
Church school as announced prior to evening service

St. Johns Evangelical Lutheran Church

(Wisconsin Synod)

Christie 715-743-2480
10:30 a.m. - Sunday worship service
Holy Communion celebrated the first Sunday of each month.

York Center United Methodist

St. Johns Evangelical Lutheran

(Wisconsin Synod)

711 W. 5th St. Neillsville 715-743-2944

9 a.m. - Sunday worship service; 10:15 a.m. - Sunday school and Bible class
7 p.m. - Monday worship

St. Pauls Lutheran - ELCA

1131 Meridian St. Curtiss
Church: 715-223-4000 Office: 715-785-7975
10:15 a.m. - Sunday worship service; 9:30 a.m. - Sunday school

Office 715-255-9213 Home 715-255-8737

9 a.m. - Sunday worship service; 10 a.m. - Sunday school

St. Katherines Episcopal Church
206 E. 3rd St. Owen, WI 715-229-2643 REV. TONY RING
10 a.m. - Wednesday morning prayer & Holy Communion
10:30 a.m. - Sunday worship service

Bible Baptist
700 E. 15th St. Neillsville 715-743-4695
9:30 a.m. - Sunday school; 10:30 a.m. - Worship service,
3 p.m. - Sunday afternoon service
7 p.m. - Wednesday night Bible studies

St. Johns Lutheran - ELCA

Riplinger 715-659-5158 EVERYONE WELCOME
11 a.m. - Sunday worship service
Communion every second Sunday of the month.

Missionary Baptist

St. Johns Lutheran - ELCA

302 N. Main Greenwood 715-267-6114

9:30 a.m. - Sunday school for all ages
10:30 a.m. - Sunday morning worship service
6:30 p.m. - Wednesday All For Him (grades 7-12)
6:30 p.m. - Wednesday AWANA club ( age 3-grade 6)

B3750 Hwy. 13 Spencer 715-659-5158

9 a.m. - Sunday worship with communion
6:30 p.m. - Wednesday evening worship with communion
Handicapped accessible

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18 months away from the presidential

election in November, 2016. Yet, to some
politicians and television news shows, it
might be just around the corner.
On Sunday morning I was watching
Face the Nation and one of the guests was
the chairman of the Republican Party.
Since a prominent Democrat was about
to announce her candidacy that morning,
he was asked to comment on it.
His reply, among other negative things,
was that she couldnt be trusted. I guess
his memory had gone blank as he seemed
to have forgotten a president of his party
got us into an unneeded war that cost
over 4,400 American lives, over 14,000
wounded and a financial cost to American
taxpayers of over four trillion dollars.
That amount will continue to grow as the
injured are cared for.
That president claimed that there were
all kinds of weapons of mass destruction
in Iraq and we needed to find them.
Do you suppose some of the unrest
over in the Middle East is left over from
that war?

I mentioned a few weeks ago about my

interest in reading obituaries. Not only do
I learn things I didnt know, it sometimes
brings back some old memories. Such
was the obit I read recently in the Medford Star-News newspaper. It was for Joe
Sweda who was born and raised at Lublin,
one of 15 children.
After serving in the Air Force in World
War II, he ran for and was elected to the
Wisconsin Legislature. After serving a
few years, he joined the Wisconsin Highway Commission and later became the
commissioner. He was responsible for the
creation of the Rustic Road Program and
you can easily tell where his roots were
when you find Rustic Road Number 1 is
in Taylor County.
I met him shortly after writing an editorial about the intersection of Highway
13 and McMillan Street in Marshfield. It
was shortly after the Marshfield Clinic
moved from downtown to their new location. Highway 13 was just two lanes and
making a left turn was a risky business.
A lady from Loyal was involved in a
rear end collision and my editorial asked
who would be next?
That editorial brought Sweda up from
Madison who met with city officials as
well as several area legislators. As a result
a right lane passing lane was established.
Finally, during the most recent road improvements, a left turn lane was installed.

Granton 715-238-7269
9:15 a.m. - Sunday school
10:30 a.m. - Sunday worship service

Holy Family Catholic Church


Cant we have something normal? First

it is below normal, then above and now
it appears to be back to below normal.
As I write this, we are having some great
spring weather. It is sunny and temperatures are in the 70s. By the time it gets into
print, the weatherman is predicting temperatures in the 40s and maybe even snow.
There have been a few signs of spring.
Trees are budding out and the countryside
is again a thing of beauty, as the different
shades of color appear on the trees.
Another sign was to see an Amish
farmer starting his spring plowing. And
finally, the bill for plowing our driveway
this past winter arrived. It was lower
than the past two winters, which probably explained the lack of snowmobiling
all winter.

Have you ever been the victim of mistaken identity? The first problem we had
came several years ago when I was trying
to pay our next months rent at our condo
in Texas. I could see the front desk clerk
was having problems with our credit card.
Finally, he got on the phone and then
handed me the phone. The voice on the
other end wanted to know if we had been
in Japan lately? I told her no, we had just
been staying in Texas. She then told me
someone had charged a $1,500 camera in
Japan using our credit card.
I told her we still had both cards, which
meant someone was using our number. As
it turned out, we didnt have to pay the
charge, we just had to get a new credit
card number. Later in the summer, we
read where a man, who was one of those
we had suspected, was arrested on a drug
charge. That cleared that up.
Then, this winter, Florence received
a bill from the City of Milwaukee Police
Department and it was an overdue parking ticket. I wrote a letter explaining that
she doesnt drive and besides, we had been
in Texas on the date of the ticket, never
coming near Milwaukee.
Shortly after getting home, another
letter came saying the charge, which
had been $22, was now $40. I called to see
what had happened to my letter. The lady
explained that it had been sent to the city
attorney. Finally, a letter arrived saying
the matter had been investigated and all
charges were dropped.
It does get a bit scary to think there is
another person out there with the same
name and middle initial.

If I have counted correctly, we are still

Zion American Lutheran ELCA

If you would like to advertise in

this section, call Phil Greschner
at 715-255-8531 or 715-613-0766.
The cost is $7.50 per square,
per week.

Page 4 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Childrens Miracle Network director Patti Shafto-Carlson (second from right) accepts
the $500 Tip Our Hats to Ayden event check from Loyal K-12 principal Chris Lindner,
Lindsey and Ayden Schoonover, and teacher and event organizer Denise Brussow.

With a huge poster of her son, Ayden, behind her, Lindsey Schoonover talks to Loyal
K-12 students about the ordeal they went through in 2009 after Ayden was born 15
weeks premature.

Ayden, from page 1

medical technology, with St. Josephs possessing one of the most advanced neonatal
intensive care units in the region. A third
factor is the support of family, an area
Ayden has well-covered.
He has an amazing family that was
there to help him get better, ShaftoCarlson said.
The Loyal community also has shown
its support for Aydens cause, not only
with its April 10 fund-raiser, but with its
everyday backing, Shafto-Carlson said.

She is a 1983 Loyal High School graduate

and has seen first-hand how Loyal has
stood behind Ayden.
Im very proud of this school and this
community for your support, she said.

LHS seniors Joe Prusinski and Zachary Stift wore their

hats on April 10 to help support Ayden Schoonover and
the Childrens Miracle Network.

Loyal Elementary School teacher Kaila Fitzl wore funky headwear on

Tip Our Hats to Ayden day.

Among the Loyal students participating in the April 10 Tip Our Hats to Ayden event were (front from left) Sheila
Tellock, Jeselle Wunrow, Emma Love, Halle Aumann, Melanie Grambsch, Tyler Zvolena, (middle) Ethan Lindner, Ethan
Chuzles, Lindsey Schultz, Hannah Strey, Lucas Grambsch, Colter Nehrlich, Elliot Hederer, (back) Cesyn Scheel,
Clayton Rarick, Katie Hoeser, Karsyn Rueth, Bryanna Meyers, Aliyah Victors and Naomi Gauger.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Page 5

Donna McFarlane

Leroy Schmitz

Donna F. McFarlane, 84, Willard, passed away at her home

on Thursday, April 16, 2015. A memorial mass was held at 4
p.m., on Monday, April 20, at Holy Family Catholic Church,
Willard. Rev. Steve Brice officiated. Interment will take place
at the Northern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery,
Spooner, at a later date.
Donna Faye Duffy was born on May 11, 1930, in Riceville,
Iowa, to Charles and Dorothy (nee Wells) Duffy. She was
raised and received her education in Riceville, graduating
from Riceville High School in 1947. Donna married Donald
A. McFarlane on Dec. 3, 1947. They farmed in Riceville for
10 years, and then in 1957 they purchased a dairy farm in
Willard. Raising eight children, Donna went on from farming to Neillsville Memorial
Hospital, where she worked for 20 years as an aide. She later worked at the Greenwood
Elementary School until her retirement. She was a very active member of Holy Family Catholic Church and its CCW, and helped make relief quilts with the ladies at Our
Savior's Lutheran Church in Greenwood. She had many interests, but especially loved
playing sports and games with family, and was an avid quilter and crocheter whose
work went out to many. Donna was blessed with many friends over the years and will
be greatly missed.
She is survived by four daughters, Carol (William) Franz, Colby, Barbara (Rodger)
Ashbeck, Greenwood, Kathy (Jeff) Potocnik, Trego, and Donna Jaramillo, Neillsville;
three sons, Allen McFarlane, Neillsville, David (Pam) McFarlane, Greenwood, and
Larry (Bev) McFarlane, Willard; a daughter-in-law, Deb McFarlane, Glen Flora; four
sisters-in-law, Lorraine Duffy, Charles City, Iowa, Eileen Ball, Granby, Mo., Shirley Ball,
Granby, Mo., and Bonnie McFarlane, LeRoy, Minn.; one brother-in-law, Fred Sanchez,
California; 26 grandchildren; 41 great-grandchildren; three great-great grandchildren;
one aunt, Juanita Duffy, Des Moines, Iowa; and nieces, nephews, other relatives and
She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Don, on Nov. 30, 2000; one
son, Patrick, on March 7, 2015; one granddaughter, Kristy Lynn Franz, on April 13, 2009;
three brothers, LeRoy Duffy, Gary Duffy and Robert Duffy; and two sisters, Dorothy
Belle Sanchez and Patricia Ruiz.
Online condolences may be expressed at www.cuddiefh.com.
Cuddie Funeral Home, Greenwood, assisted the family with arrangements.

Leroy C. Schmitz, 83, Greenwood, formerly of Rib Lake,

passed away on Wednesday, April 15, 2015, at his home, after
a short and courageous battle with cancer, surrounded by
his family. Funeral services were held at 11 a.m., on Saturday, April 18, at St. Anthony Catholic Church, Loyal. Rev.
Steve Brice officiated. Burial will take place in St. Stephen's
Catholic Cemetery, Chili, at a later date.
Leroy Clarence Schmitz was born on Sept. 10, 1931, in the
town of Fremont, Clark County, to William and Adelia (nee
Kopf) Schmitz. He was raised on the family farm, received
his education at Heathville Country School, and graduated
from Loyal High School in 1949. After high school, Leroy
worked at Barr Minkery before joining the Wisconsin National Guards. He married Audrey Mae Bauer on Aug. 30, 1954, at St. Joseph's Catholic
Church in Stratford. He took over the operation of the family farm in 1954 and farmed
until 1980. They moved to the Stone Lake/Spirit area where they owned and operated
L&A Resort until retiring in 1986 and moving to Rib Lake. After the death of his wife,
Audrey, on Aug. 10, 1995, he continued to live in Rib Lake until moving to Greenwood in
2012. He was a member of St. Anthony Catholic Church, the Lion's Club, Chili Sportsman's Club, and the National Farmers' Organization, in which he was very active and
held various offices. Leroy had many interests, but especially loved spending time with
his family and friends, fishing, hunting, his trips to Canada, gardening, playing cards
and cribbage, and watching most all sports.
He will be dearly missed by his eight children, Janet Meacham, Greenwood, Randall
(Kathy) Schmitz, Loyal, Rodney Schmitz, Loyal, Julie (Allan) Trachte, Rhinelander,
Rick Schmitz, Rib Lake, and the triplets, Peter Schmitz, Rib Lake, Paul (Bonnie)
Schmitz, Ayton, Ontario, Canada, and Patti (Karri Gorton) Schmitz, Tomahawk; 12
grandchildren, Jenny Lee, Chanda, Kristie, Rory, Shena, Joe, Kelly, Heather, Kelsi,
Taylor, Tyler and Cody; four step-grandchildren, Ryan, Brock, Dustin and Kailey; 11
great-grandchildren; two brothers, Marlin "Coon" (Virginia) Schmitz, Granton, and
Gary Schmitz, Spencer; his special nephew, Steve Schmitz, Taft, Calif.; and other nieces,
nephews, cousins and friends.
He was preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Audrey; one sister, Shirley Tesmer;
and one brother, Russell "Bud" Schmitz.
Leroy's family would like to thank the staff at Ministry Home Care Hospice for their
generous compassion, concern and care during this difficult time.
Online condolences may be expressed at www.cuddiefh.com.
Cuddie Funeral Home, Loyal, assisted the family with arrangements.


Mary Ann Kocher

Mary Ann Kocher, 89, Cornell, formerly of Greenwood,
died on Wednesday, April 1, 2015, at St. Joseph's Hospital,
Chippewa Falls. Funeral services were held at 11 a.m. on
Tuesday, April 7, at St. Mary's Catholic Church, Greenwood.
Rev. Steve Brice officiated. Burial was in St. Mary's Cemetery, Greenwood.
Mary Ann Schmitz was born on Oct. 5, 1926, in Greenwood, the daughter of Joseph and Catherine (nee Lindner)
Schmitz. She married Donald Arthur Kocher on May 12,
1945, at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Greenwood. He died
on Feb. 28, 2005. Mary Ann was a true blessing on this Earth.
She loved her Catholic faith and always had her rosary close
by. Heaven just got a little brighter.
Survivors include three daughters and two sons, Jeannie (Maynard) Bowe, Cornell, Linda (Randy) Vollrath, Wautoma, Beatie (Bob) Hribar, The Woodlands, Texas,
Ronald Kocher, Milwaukee, and Robert Kocher, Eau Claire; 15 grandchildren; 38 greatgrandchildren; and one sister, Carol (Burnell) Yeager, Greenwood.
She was preceded in death by five siblings.




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This Coming Events column is for nonfundraising events. The exception is for
fundraisers which are accompanied by a
paid advertisement.
Social Security office hours for Clark County
are by appointment only. Appointments
can be made by calling 715-845-1321 on
weekdays from 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

April 22

The Loyal United Methodist Church will

serve its annual spring salad luncheon
from 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m., in the church
fellowship hall.

April 23

The Greenwood Fire & Ambulance

Grassland Dairy Products, Inc. N8790 Fairground Ave. P.O. Box 160
Greenwood, WI 54437 1-800-4butter

Association will hold its annual meeting

at 8 p.m., at the fire hall.

April 25

The Highground veterans memorial

park west of Neillsville will hold the 4th
annual reunion/education gathering for
all Vietnam veterans, at 2 p.m., in the
Learning Center.

April 25-26

The Clark County Spring into the Arts

art tour will be held from 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
on April 25 and from 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
on April 26. For a listing of locations
on the self-guided tour, visit www.
clarkcountytourism-wi.or or call 715-255-


April 26

Zion American Lutheran Church, W2840

Hill Rd., Granton, will serve its annual
roast beef dinner from 11:30 a.m.-1:30
p.m. Free-will offerings will be accepted.

April 29

A Clark County Relay for Life committee

and captains meeting will be held at 6:30
p.m. at Adult Development Services in

May 2

The Clark County Humane Society

will hold its annual vaccination clinic

from noon-2 p.m., at the Clark County

Fairgrounds in Neillsville. Various
vaccinations and micro-chipping will
be available for dogs and cats. No
appointment is necessary.

May 2

A ribbon-cutting ceremony for the

Spencer High School athletic facilities
project will be held at 4 p.m. at SPREC
Field on the east side of the high school.

May 3

O u r S a v i o r s L u t h e r a n C h u r c h ,
Greenwood, will serve its annual charcoal
chicken dinner from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Drivethru carry-outs will be available.


Page 6 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Wednesday, April 22, 2015



"A Place to Branch Out"

Library hours: M: 10 a.m.-8 p.m.; T, Th, F: 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; W: 3-8 p.m.; Sa.: 9 a.m.-noon
Thanks to all the kids who participated in the Culvers Coloring Contest.
April 25: Kids get to play BINGO after story time!

Veggie fettucine alfredo

Sign up for the 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program.

Its never too early to read with your children.
Summer reading prizes are on display. Program starts in June, details coming soon.
Book Club: First Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m.
Coffee Talk: Third Friday of each month -- but will be held on Thursday,
May 14 in May, at 10:30 a.m.
Story Time: Every Saturday from 10:30-11:00.
Stop in and check out the expanded selection of DVDs and audiobooks.

Shady Lane 4-H Club holds meeting

Shady Lane 4-H met on April 13, at the
Spencer Town Hall. Members should sign
up for their fair projects (online) before
May 1. BINGO at Marshfield Care Center
is April 18, at 2. There are rabbit shows
at the fairgrounds on April 25 and May 2
for anyone interested in showing rabbits.

Money was donated to Childrens Miracle

Network. Members shared memories
about Creative Arts Day and received ribbons. A club trip is being taken to Valley
Fair this summer, date to be announced.
The next meeting is on May 14, at Zion
Methodist Church, at 7 p.m.

Live n Learn HCE Club gathers

humidity level, change front door mats
to synthetic floor mats and wash weekly,
remove shoes when entering the home,
spring clean and wash drapes and bedding,
keep things off the floor, store clothes in
zipper locked bags, wash hair before going
to bed, and keep pets out of the bedroom.
Patty Rinka reported for international/
citizenship. She gave a report on the April
16 article in the Marshfield News-Herald
entitled, Many Millennials Have Never
Had Credit Cards. Reasons for this include:
1) A 2009 law whittled away at the frequency
of offers of credit to college students; 2) The
Great Recession also may have left some
younger consumers reluctant to rack up
charges; 3) Young people also may simply
be more cautious than their youth might
suggest; 4) Although good
credit is important, credit
cards are not the only way to
establish a good credit. This
can also be done by paying
...would like to express their deep appreciation to
installment loans and utility
those who have offered kindness, support and mesbills on time.
sages of sympathy and comfort through her struggle
The next meeting will be
with cancer and recent passing. We especially wish
held at the home of Mary
to thank Father Brice for his inspirational words
Kipp, on May 7.

The Live N Learn HCE Club met at

the home of Joan Knack on April 16. Joan
Knack presented the project on the services
available through the Aging and Disability
Resource Center. Their office is located
in the Courthouse. The agency provides
short-term case management to the elderly
and disabled persons of Clark County. The
project was presented by Barb Freagon to
County HCE members.
Committee reports were presented. Barb
Freagon discussed an article from the Readers Digest entitled, Tips to Prevent Spring
Allergies. The first step is to keep in good
health by eating right, losing extra pounds,
and avoiding stress. Household tips include:
Change filters regularly on furnaces and air
conditioners, keep the home at the proper

The Family of Mary J. Dolle

of comfort while Mary was at St. Josephs Hospital

and for his thoughtful homily during her funeral.
We wish to thank the Ministry and hospital staff
at St. Josephs Hospital; the care and consideration
of Mary was gentle and compassionate. We thank
Ron Cuddie for his kindness and professionalism
with regard to the funeral preparations and Centuries on Main for creating the lovely floral arrangements. We also wish to thank St. Marys Choir for
the beautiful music, Bernie Kitzhaber for helping
with communion and the wonderful meal prepared
by the volunteers at the church.
These acts of kindness, sympathy and compassion
continue to be of great comfort to us in our time of

1/2 tsp. chicken bouillon (opt.)

1/4 c. butter
1/4 -1/2 c. flour
2 c. half and half
1/3 c. cooking sherry
1 pinch nutmeg
1/2 c. parmesan cheese
Salt and pepper, to taste
1 lb. cooked fettuccine noodles

Heat oil in skillet. Add onions and saute. After 3 minutes, add sugar to caramelize onions.
Cook 2 more minutes. Add peppers and garlic. Cook about 5 minutes until softened and browned.
Add carrots, mushrooms (with their liquid), water and bouillon. Cover and cook
8 minutes or until carrots are softened. Remove cover and continue cooking to
evaporate liquid.
While noodles are cooking, melt butter in small saucepan. Add flour and mix with
whisk, cooking for 2-3 minutes. Youll want to add enough flour to get a thick paste.
Add half and half, sherry, nutmeg, salt, and pepper. Cook, stirring continuously,
until sauce thickens. Add parmesan and mix well.
Combine noodles, vegetables and sauce. Serve.

Souths finest pralines

1 1/2 c. sugar
1 1/2 c. packed light brown sugar
1/8 tsp. salt
3 T. dark corn syrup

1 c. evaporated milk
2 T. butter
1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
1 1/2 c. pecan halves

Butter the sides of a heavy 2-quart saucepan.

Put the sugars, salt, corn syrup, milk and butter in saucepan.
Over medium heat, stir mixture constantly with a wooden spoon until sugars
have dissolved and mixture comes to a boil.
Continue to cook to a soft ball stage, approximately 236 degrees on a candy thermometer. (If you do a cold water test, drizzle a drop of candy into a glass of cold
water. The ball of candy will flatten between your fingers when you take it out of
the water.)
Remove from heat and allow to cool for 8 minutes.
Add the vanilla and nuts. Beat with a spoon by hand for approximately 2 minutes
or until candy is slightly thick and begins to lose its gloss.
Quickly drop heaping tablespoons onto waxed paper.
If the candy becomes stiff, add a few drops of hot water.

Lemon glazed blueberry tea bread

2 c. all purpose flour
1 T. baking powder
1 c. sugar
1/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp. fresh lemon zest

The Womens Bridge Club

met Tuesday, at 1 p.m.,
at Shelbys in Loyal.
Winners were
Joan Hendrichs, rst, and
Bev Lavey, second.


The Family of Mary J. Dolle

1-1/2 c. blueberries
2 tsp. fresh squeezed lemon juice, or more to taste
3 T. vegetable oil
2 large eggs
1 c. milk
2 T. fresh lemon juice
1/4 c. sugar
1 tsp. fresh lemon zest
Combine flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. Stir in
blueberries and lemon zest.
In another bowl, beat eggs. Add milk, oil and lemon
Stir into the dry ingredients mixture, just until
Pour into a greased 9x5 loaf pan.
Bake at 350 degrees for one hour or until toothpick
tests clean.
Prepare glaze by combining all ingredients.
After removing loaf from the oven, while still warm,
drizzle glaze over bread.
Let cool for 10 minutes, remove to a wire rack to cool




We sure enjoyed the truckload
of food for the food pantry,
but most of all we enjoyed
celebrating with our family and


Kenneth R. Dolle
Karen (Jim) Mohr and family
Denise Carter and family
Anthony (Eloise) Dolle and family
Margaret (Jay) Ouimette and family
Dawn Ormond (Matt Meyer) and family
Jeannine Spooner (Nick) Kitzhaber and family
Paul Dolle and family
Nicholas (Janet) Dolle and family
George Dolle
Eric Dolle
Christopher (Carie) Dolle and family

2 T. olive oil
2 onions, chopped
1 1/2 tsp. sugar
1 bell pepper, chopped
2-3 cloves garlic, coarsely chopped
3 carrots, julienned/sliced thin
1 small can of mushrooms,
with their juice
1/4 c. water


Wednesday, April 22, 2015 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Page 7

Clark County Home and Community Educators hosts event

gadget pouches
Laurie Carlson: Pieced quilt -- coast
lines, Asian scrap quilt
Laurie Carlson: Table runner -- shifting stripes
Cindy Craig: Color photography,
plants -- Christmas joy
Joanne Trunkel: Craft -- all occasion
quilled cards
Joanne Trunkel: Quilt -- red/brown
braid quilt
Peoples Choice Award
Laurie Carlson: Table runner -- shifting stripes
HCE also runs and coordinates the
WI Bookworms project. This project
provides books to local Head Start programs and conducts reading sessions
along with active participation for the
children. This program is designed to
promote literacy in our youth. During
HCE Day three 10-year reader awards
were presented. Recipients were Arlene
Stark, Neillsville, Betty Loos, Loyal,
and Bev Sillampi, Owen. These ladies
generously donated their time for 10
years to read to the young children of
Clark County. The WI Bookworms is
financed by the generosity of various
organizations and recently received a
new donation from the Loyal Lions Club.
HCEs next big event will be the Clark
County HCE Dairy Bar at the Clark
County Fair. Workers are needed for
various shifts and anyone interested in
volunteering can contact Cindy Craig
at 715-743-6629. Non-member volunteers
are welcome. The profits from the Dairy
Bar award three Clark County residents
every year a $500 scholarship for continued education.
HCE day was again organized by
Sandy Fritz, HCE Day coordinator. It

WHO: Shelly Berglund

WHAT: Her birthday celebration
WHY: Its her 50th
(Big 5-0)
WHEN: Saturday,
May 2, 2-4
WHERE: Loyal City
Hall, 301 N. Main St.,
707 Community Drive,
Colby, WI 54421

Potato salad, baked beans, dinner rolls,
milk, coffee, and bars/cookies



YES, we are planning on coming
to the Greenwood High School 74th Annual Alumni Banquet on MAY 23, 2015.
Please reserve places for me/us.




call the UW-Extension office at 715-7435121 or marketing/ membership coordinator, Cindy Craig, at 715-743-6629. There
are many Clark County Clubs available
to join, and new clubs are always welcome!

.... and program will be held at 6:30 p.m., on Saturday, May 23, 2015, with a punch hour at 5:30 p.m. in the cafetorium of the Greenwood High
School. All alumni, families and friends are cordially invited.
A special invitation is issued to the Class of 1965, which is celebrating its 50th year since graduation. The class will be honored. Also, we will
recognize special reunion classes pre-1940, 1945, 1950, 1955, 1960, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, as well as any
alumni before the class of 1940, as well as any former faculty members who may be in attendance. With the hope of updating our annual records,
this invitation will be sent to at least one member of each class. We hope that they will enclose addresses back to us from their classes.
If you know of any other Greenwood High School graduates who would like to come and didnt receive invitations, please forward this information
to them. Some of the records have been lost, and we are trying to update our files. We are looking forward to seeing all of you again on May 23,
2015. Please mark your calendars for this date.
The Greenwood High School Alumni Committee:
Tim Rueth
Margaret Geracaris
Roger Schwarze
Douglas Felix
Tom and Loraine Lindner Roxanne Purgett
317 S. MAIN ST., GREENWOOD, WI 54437 Dennis Syth
Joan Gruber
Alice Kennedy

May 3, 2015
11 a.m. - 2 p.m.

1/2 chicken dinner: $8

1/4 chicken dinner: $6

was a fantastic day and enjoyed by all

in attendance. Plans are already being
made for HCE Day 2016. HCE Day is open
to the public so everyone hopes that even
more can attend next year.
Anyone can join Clark County HCE,


Our Saviors Lutheran Church,

110 W. Begley St., Greenwood



A Heart of HCE Day was held on April 11, at the Greenwood High School.
Pictured are the blue ribbon winners for the cultural arts contest (from left to
right): Cindy Craig, Laurie Carlson, Lois Becker, and Joanne Trunkel.

Food and Fun


The Heart of HCE was shared with

all on April 11, in Greenwood at the
High School. HCE members along with
guests and presenters, gathered to enjoy
a morning of learning, crafts, sharing of
member talents presenting their artwork
to be judged and delicious food.
Clark County Home and Community
Educators (HCE), formally known as Extension Homemakers has been an active
group for over 85 years. Marie Kieser, of
Neillsville was recognized for 50 years of
Enjoyable sessions were provided
Fosters Railroad, presented by Jeff
Trunkel. Garden Glass Crafts, was
presented by June Noeldner and Comfort Foods, presented by Sandy Fritz.
Rev. Nancy Armacher presented Crafty
Women in Palestine and Dulcie Lilly,
from Emergency Management presented
Disaster Preparedness. All these session were enjoyed by many and provided
valuable information.
During HCE Day each year there is a
cultural arts contest. Donna Koski, cultural arts coordinator for HCE stated I
want to thank everyone for their cultural
arts entries. Every year I am excited to
see what groups will come up with and
it seems the ideas get better every year.
The skills and creative minds inspire and
challenge us all and get us started now on
our projects for next year. There were 27
entries in the cultural arts contest. The
blue ribbon winning entries will go on
to the WAHCE State Conference which
will be held Sept. 13-16, at Stevens Point.
The cultural arts blue ribbon winners are:
Lois Becker: Something sparkly -sparkle purse
Laurie Carlson: Sewing -- see-through





Page 8 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Wednesday, April 22, 2015

State budget, from page 2

nearly a $37.3 billion dollar budget. This
is over a 6 percent increase in money coming in to the state over a two-year period.
Revenues are going up, even when tax
cuts were given to all wage earners and
property owners of Wisconsin in the last
four years.
There are seven big pots of money
in the state budget. I could write an entire
article on each of these pots of money.
Instead, for this article, Ill give a very
broad overview.
Using the base year of 2015, the pots are
as follows and in order of magnitude from
largest to smallest:
-- DHS (Department of Health Services)
($10.4 billion, increasing by $1.1 billion
or 11 percent): Health costs are going up

substantially in every business, and the

state is seeing the same thing. As a state,
we have very little control over this pot.
--DPI (Department of Public Instruction) ($6.4 billion, increasing by $264
million or 4 percent): Over the two-year
period, funding to DPI will increase by
$155 million out of General Purpose
Revenue (GPR) and nearly $264 million
from All Funds including Federal and
Segregated Funds.
-- UW (University of Wisconsin System)
($6.0 billion, decreasing by $150 million
or 2.5 percent per year): While there has
been much discussion about the funding
proposal for the UW System, I believe
there are legitimate savings that can be
found within the UW System. In talks Ive

Let our Ag
Banking Team
be part of
your team.

adjust to these cuts without a compromise

to safety and security.
-- DCF (Department of Children and
Families) ($1.2 billion, increasing by $130
million or 11 percent): We are increasing
funding to Children and Families by over
11 percent. This is a necessary place to
invest in, and we are doing that.
Of the seven big pots of money, the state
legislature cant take any from Health
Services because those costs are expanding. The Transportation Fund is in the red
because of actions over the last decade. I
dont think many of my colleagues have
an appetite to reduce funding for Children
and Families. Corrections is already bearing a big reduction. As a state, we cant
print money, and in balancing a budget,
I believe that certain changes that have
been proposed are not a value judgment
by those in government, theyre simply
budget dynamics.
In early May, the revenue projections
will come in from the Legislative Fiscal
Bureau. At that point, the final negotiations will begin in earnest. Im very hopeful that those projections will be as good
as they should be. If they are, I think the
funding situation for the UW System and
DPI will be altered.
Keep in mind that this is the proposed
budget and that there are two months between now and when the budget is finally
voted on by the Assembly and Senate, and
then signed into law by the governor. Ive
been at many budget listening sessions
and answered countless emails and made
many phone calls, and I expect to continue
doing that. This is my job, and its a delight
to represent your concerns in Madison.


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had with upper administration officials at

the UW System and University, they feel
that there will be challenges, but they can
plan accordingly as well as maintain the
UW System as a premiere national and
international institution.
-- DOT (Department of Transportation)
($3.0 billion, increasing by $68 million or
2 percent): All Funds to the DOT will increase by $68 million over the biennium.
In the past decade, weve stopped fuel tax
indexing and funds were diverted from
transportation. Wed have $2.5 billion to
work with if those actions wouldnt have
been taken. We cant roll back the clock,
but this fund is not a place to get any
money from.
-- Shared revenue ($2.4 billion, increasing by $224 million or 9 percent): Shared
revenue is your tax money that is collected
by the state and directed back to allow
local gover nments
to provide
-- DOC
(Department of
Corrections) ($1.3
billion, decreasing by
$94 million
or 7 percent): The
has testified that it
is able to

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Tribune Record Gleaner

April 22, 2015

Pilz 2-run double lifts Rockets over

Greenwood in Spencer ECC opener


Webers way

Spencer junior pitcher Macie Weber works through her

delivery during the Rockets 11-1, 5-inning win over
Greenwood on April 17 in Spencer. The Rockets used
several Greenwood defensive errors to break open a 4-1
lead in the fifth inning and go on to the 5-inning win. Weber
recorded 13 of Greenwoods 15 outs in the game on
strikeouts. She also recorded six strikeouts in Spencers
13-3, 5-inning win over Gilman on May 14. Kallie Reckner
and Marisa Johnson each had 3-hit games for Spencer
in the Gilman game.

Bobby Pilz couldnt quite finish the job on the mound innings, with four strikeouts. He cruised through the
for Spencer against Greenwood on April 17, so he did it fifth inning on three straight infield ground-outs, and
from the batters box. His 2-run double with two outs in started the sixth by retiring Dylan North on a fly ball to
the bottom of the sixth inning carried the Rockets past center. Third baseman Jacob Meyers helped the cause
Greenwood 5-2 and kept them unbeaten heading into a by charging Delten Schmitz slow roller and throwing a
showdown with league favorite Neillsville (which was strike to Busse for the second out.
Thats when Pilz hit a snag. Dane Toburen started it
postponed Monday and moved to April 27).
Pilz pitched into the sixth inning against the Indians with a shallow fly ball that fell safely in center field. Devin
but ran into trouble and gave way to Mitchell Susa with Toburen then reached safely on a ground ball to the hole
two outs and the sacks loaded and the score tied 2-2. Susa between shortstop and third base. Pilz day on the mound
enticed Derek Nielsen to slap a grounder to first baseman ended with a walk to Booker Bredlau to load the bases,
but Susa bailed him out by retiring Nielsen.
Ryan Busse, who stepped on the bag to end the inning.
Pilz had a 2-2 day at the plate with the two RBIs.
Greenwood sophomore Devin Toburen was on the
Devin Toburen had two hits for Greenwood.
mound for Greenwood in the sixth after relieving older
brother senior Dane Toburen in the Rocket fifth.
Hunter Hildebrandt started the inning for Spencer
with a walk on a 3-2 pitch.
Nate Neumann hit a popfly on the infield, but was
given first base because
of catcher interference.
Busse then laid down a
nicely-placed sacrifice
bunt to put runners on
second and third with one
Devin Toburen got a
big out by inducing Calvin
Lenz to punch at a 2-strike
pitch. That brought up
Pilz, who slammed a drive
to deep left field and over
the head of Dane Toburen. That brought two
runs home, and Susa followed with a line single
to left center for a 3-run
edge. That was enough,
as Greenwood managed
only one baserunner (on a
Rocket infield error) in its
last at-bat.
Greenwoods Devin Toburen takes his lead off first base as Spencers Ryan Busse plays
Pilz allowed four hits
and three walks over 5 2/3 behind him. Toburen had two hits for the Indians in the 5-2 loss to Spencer on April 17.

Greyhound boys narrowly miss second place at Medford track meet

Lakeland dominated the boys side of
the meet with 159 points. Mosinees 98.5
points was enough to edge Northland
Pines (96) for second, with Loyal fourth
at 89. Other teams at the meet were Rhinelander (73), Medford (72), Ashland (67.5)
and Tomahawk (37).
Malm scored 20 of Loyals points by

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blowing past the competition in the 110and 300-meter hurdle races. In the 110,
he set a 15.48-second pace in the finals
to beat Northland Pines John Puffer by
almost a full second. In the 300, he clocked
a 40.68-second time, which was more than
three seconds faster that the runner-up
time of Northland Pines Kody Godleske.


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Malm was the only Greyhound to win

an event, but his teammates pulled out
several second-and third-place finishes.
Lane Meyer took second in the 200--meter dash, finishing six-tenths of a second
behind Lakelands Spencer Sutton. Grey-

Please see Loyal track, page 10

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An extra foot here or one less second

there and the Loyal boys track and field
team could have been in second place
rather than fourth in the April 16 Medford
Early Bird Invitational. As it was, the
Greyhounds settled for fourth, with senior
Morgan Malm dominating the hurdle
events with two easy first-places.

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Page 10 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Loyal track, from page 9

hound senior Logan Genteman also took second, in the
800-meter run, behind Caleb Anderson of Lakeland.
Junior Derrick Howard also picked up a second for
Loyal, in the long jump, with a best effort of 17 8.75.
Jordan Budnik of Mosinee won the event at 19 3.5.
Howard also took third place in the triple jump at 39
1, which was only 2.5 inches shorter than the runner-up
effort of Lakelands Brandon Van Goethem. Budnik won
it with a best effort of 40 4. Logan Genteman also scored
a third place in the 400-meter dash, and Meyer was right
behind him in fourth place.
Also grabbing team points for the Greyhounds were:
-- Brian Karl, fifth in the 3200-meter run.
-- Josh Kroening, fifth in the pole vault.
-- Howard, seventh in the 100-meter dash.
-- Marcus Genteman, eighth in the 800-meter run.
-- The 4X400-meter relay team of Malm, Meyer, Logan
Genteman and Marcus Genteman, third.
-- The 4X200-meter relay team of Marcus Genteman,
Witt, Nikolai and Darin Meyer, fifth.
-- The 4X800-meter relay team of Josh Kroening, Caleb
Mueller, Darin Meyer and Elliot Genteman, fifth.
-- The 4X100-meter relay team, of Howard, Elliot Genteman, Devin Witt and Tim Nikolai, seventh.
Loyals girls teams scored just six points at the meet.
Four of them came on Edrea Kubistas fifth-place finish
in the 200-meter dash.

E-mail your
news to:

Thru April 20

Colby ......................3-0
Neillsville............... 2-0
Spencer ................. 1-0
Marsh. Columbus ...2-1
Loyal ...................... 1-1
Greenwood ............ 1-2
Owen-Withee ........ 1-2
Gilman ................... 0-2
Granton ................. 0-3

Thru April 20

Spencer ..................2-0
Loyal-Granton ....... 1-0
Gilman ................... 2-1
Marsh. Columbus ...1-1
Neillsville............... 0-0
Colby ..................... 0-1
Greenwood ............ 0-1
Owen-Withee ........ 0-2

the TRG
and Business


Loyals Lane Meyer takes off on his leg of the 4X400-meter relay race in the April 16 Medford Early Bird Invitational
track and field meet. Meyer teamed with Morgan Malm, Marcus Genteman and Logan Genteman to place third
behind Northland Pines and Medford.









Thursday, April 23
Home -- Spencer
Friday, April 24
Home -- Loyal
Saturday, April 25
At Port Edwards

Thursday April 23
At Owen-Withee
Friday, April 24
Home -- Gilman
Thursday, April 30
Home -- Neillsville
Friday, May 1
Home -- Granton

Thursday, April 23
At Gilman
Friday, April 24
At Granton
Monday, April 27
Home -- Blair-Taylor
Tuesday, April 28
Home -- Spencer

Thursday, April 23
At Granton
Friday, April 24
Home -- Owen-Withee
Tuesday, April 28
At Loyal



Thursday, April 23
At Owen-Withee
Friday, April 24
Home -- Gilman
Thursday, April 30
Home -- Neillsville
Tuesday, May 5
Home -- Spencer

Thursday, April 23
At Gilman
Monday, April 27
Home -- Blair-Taylor
Tuesday, April 28
Home -- Spencer

Friday, April 24
Home -- Owen-Withee
Tuesday, April 28
At Loyal-Granton
Thursday, April 30
At Colby

Cooperative program with Loyal

Track & field

Cooperative program with


Track & field

Thursday, April 23
At Auburndale Invitational
Friday, May 1
Home meet/Spencer -- 4:30 p.m.

Track & field

Thursday, April 23
At Auburndale Invitational
Monday, April 27
At Black River Falls Invitational


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Wednesday, April 22, 2015 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Page 11

Fix one thing, break another -- it's just what I do

left for that to happen.
On Saturday, after finishing my spring raking,
I rolled up my sleeves -- because that's what mechanics do -- and spent 25 minutes in my owner's
manual looking up "hood latch location." Not really, I jest, to exaggerate my incompetence, because
it's somehow funnier that way (it only took me 15
minutes), and in no time I had located the problem
light. Well, it was either that or the exhaust manifold -- those two parts look an awful lot alike, I hear.
I started the job by unhooking the wires leading
into the back of the light assembly. That accomplished, I took out two screws securing the light
assembly to the car frame. This was easy. I then
tried to lift the light assembly from its position,
only to find that it was still more securely fastened
to the vehicle than my hip is to my pelvis (I'm not
that good at medical stuff, either).
Further analysis of the situation showed that I
needed to remove six plastic pins that held the grill
assembly in place, so I could insert a screwdriver
(or maybe a Sawz-all, I wasn't sure yet) to remove
another tiny screw that held the light fixture in
place. While muttering something about the IQ
of the engineer that designed such a mess, I took
out the screw to discover that the light still would
not budge. Then, of course, why would it, when the
passenger side fender was bolted down in such a
way as to prevent the light from lifting out.
The fender loosened, I next found that the
plastic body panel under the light fixture was also
in the way, and held in place by a series of plastic
pins that were so located as to require the skills of
a circus freak show contortionist to reach. No such
person nearby, I asked my girlfriend for help. She's
got skinny fingers, you know.
The bottom body panel now displaced, I
counted 16 screws and pins now removed, and
the light fixture in the exact position as when we

An Outdoorsmans
by Mark Walters

Last Minute Turkey

Hello friends,
Wisconsins Youth Turkey Hunt is an excellent way to get kids
outdoors and hunting in a very simple and positive way. Each year my
14-year-old daughter, Selina, and I choose a different place to hunt and
we always make a weekend of it. Although Selina has put her tag on
three gobblers in the last three years she has never harvested a turkey
during the Youth Turkey Hunt.
This year we killed two birds with one stone. Selina and I headed
down to Dodge County where we hunted and visited with my good
friend, Rod Bensley, and his wife, Wendy, on their 200-acre pheasant
hunting preserve (Roosters Run) and had a real go for it weekend of
turkey hunting.
Saturday, April 11 -- high 62, low 30
Up at 4, almost a one-mile walk to a blind that we set up last night
and I think for the first time Selinas stride is faster then mine.
Long before daylight we are sitting in our blind that once night
becomes day we will be over looking a harvested soybean field where
we have placed a hen and a jake decoy.
Last night Rod, Selina and I put out the blind, saw a large flock of
turkey and a whole bunch of deer and also met with a neighbor who
gave Selina permission to hunt his land as well.
There are several turkeys gobbling in trees maybe 150 yards away
as the sun starting brightening up the eastern horizon. By 6 a.m. it is
obvious by their gobbling that they have flown down and for now at
least, they are working away from our blind.
When Selina and I hunt turkey, our blind literally becomes a bedroom, kitchen and library. Selina has two books along, and a blanket
(for nap time) and I have a propane stove for hot cocoa, chili and brats.
We sit in opposite directions of each other so that hopefully if our
quarry appears, we see it as soon as possible.
At 6 this morning I saw our first and what would be our last turkey
of the day about 400 yards away on a hill top. It appeared to be a male
so I gave it a hello with my dads (the late Robert Walters) favorite box
call, which Quaker Boy makes and it is a Little One-Sider.
The jake liked what he heard and in about two minutes, he was cozing up to his hopeful lover.

by TRG Editor Dean Lesar
had started. Further inspection showed the turn
signal bulb harness still attached, and one more
screw at the bottom holding the entire assembly
securely in place. To get at it, though, we had to
crawl in through the trunk, wriggle under the
passenger compartment, over the transmission,
and then reach an arm at a 37-degree angle over
the engine block and around the spare tire just to
get a mirror in place to see that the bottom screw
was a star head for which we did not have a proper
tool. Again, I exaggerate. Because it's funnier that
way. Although nobody was laughing.
Well, to make a long story with a lot of cussing
short, we did finally get the old light fixture out,
while never touching a hammer, crowbar, knife,
chisel, pick-axe or light explosive charge. That left
us only with inserting a fresh low-beam light bulb
into the fixture and then mounting the entire assembly back into place in a simple reverse process,
just as a heart surgeon takes out a diseased beating
human organ and replaces it with another one.
Simple, right, just stitch the aorta to that tube on
the top, put those rusty old screws back in the same
holes, and we're done. Good as new.
I prefer not to work that way, not when frustration, confusion, exasperation and pure anger are

so near at hand. Getting the light fixture

back in place while lining up the screw
holes was like sequencing a human DNA
strand without a microscope. Although
the new assembly was precisely the
same size as its predecessor, it did not
want to squeeze into the allotted space.
The bottom panel screws were all but
impossible to reach, the grill did want
to fit back in its spot, and we ended up
with an extra plastic pin. Either that or
I just happened to have one exactly like
it in my pants pocket when we started.
Let's go with that.
But, I report happily, the light worked when
we were finished, all the pieces finally fit back together with a little encouragement, and we closed
the hood and went on with our lives.
Until the next day, that would be, when we
went to the car for a short trip, and the passenger
side door opened with the sound of crunching
steel. There it was, as I told you, fix a light, ruin a
door. Did you think I was kidding?
We looked at the situation, studied the angles,
compared the passenger side to the driver's side,
discussed it, and were about to Google it, when
we determined that somehow, we had jostled the
position of the car parts in replacing the light
assembly. Indeed, we found, when we bolted the
fender back in place, it has slid backwards perhaps a thirty-second of an inch, just enough for
the swinging door to catch on it and hook metal
edge on metal edge. So, we removed some bolts,
loosened some others, performed a Mayan voodoo incense ritual (we skipped the part with the
rooster blood) put it back together, and checked
the door. It opened. And the light still worked.
I didn't check the heater, though. Maybe I just
don't want to know.

Selina had five minutes where she could have harvested that jake but
passed with the hopes that she would have a chance at a mature tom.
Selina and I put 13 hours in the blind today, loved every minute of it,
and at the end of the day had a great meal with Rod and Wendy.
Sunday, April 12 -- high 67, low 31
A bit of a side note, I met Rod Bensley back in the fall of 2011 when
my golden retriever Ice had just passed away and Fire, my current
four-year-old, literally went into a severe depression as a 9-month-old
pup two months before her first hunting season.
Training for the hunting season was not a priority for Fire and it
was Rod to the rescue.
Rod trains hunting dogs in the summer and by working with pigeons,
pheasant and chukar helped pull Fire out of a deep, dark funk.
Today, as a bonus for this weekend Rod let five chukar go for his sevenmonth-old Drahthaar, Gretta to flush and Selina to attempt to shoot.
Selina only hit one of the five chukar and was kind of embarrassed.
Later, Rod let five more chukar go and we had Fire find and flush
them. Fire was really good and Selina smoked four of the five chukar.
This morning, Selina and I are in the blind at 5:15 and though there
are birds gobbling in the woods, we did not see a turkey.
At 10:20 I told Selina that we had 10 minutes left to hunt as we had
to take down our blind and meet Rod.
At 10:28 two beautiful toms appeared out of the woods with their
eyes fixed on the decoys. We watched both toms in easy shooing range
but too close to each other as they approached the decoys.
The toms put their attention onto the jake and literally knocked him
off his pedestal. I told Selina when they get three feet apart, drop one.
The biggest tom had the unfortunate luck of getting three feet from his
camaraderie, who was doing terrible things to my decoy, and Selina
put a load of lead into him, I looked at my cell phone and it said 10:29.
We put 18 hours in the blind and had a blast! Sunset

WE CARRY the #1 selling

mattress in America

I'll admit I'm a gazillion miles away from

being mechanically gifted, but even I possess a
fundamental understanding of the relationship
between certain parts of a vehicle and others. For
example, if I run out of gas, my tires shouldn't
go flat, correct? If my radiator springs a leak,
my brakes should still function properly. If my
passenger-side low-beam headlight burns out,
my doors should still open, you'd think.
Well, you'd also be wrong, because that's
exactly what happened to me this weekend. In
a seemingly unachievable display of mechanical
malarkey, I managed to repair one working component of my vehicle while disabling another
with no relevant connection. Yes, folks, you may
be amazed, it's just what I do.
Back sometime this winter, my car was slid
sideways into a shallow ditch by a driver who
shall only be indirectly identified here by his first
name and his relationship to me, as in Ben, my
son. I could add his Social Security number and
Facebook page password, but there's no sense in
embarrassing him, now, is there.
Anyway, the only damage resulting from the
mishap was a broken plastic headlight lens cover,
insignificant really, that is, until the weather
warmed and I drove in the rain for the first
time. With that, moisture made it way inside
the lens cover, my low-beam light burned out,
and in a subsequent stop at the auto parts store,
I learned that you can no longer buy just a lens
cover when the manufacturer insists you replace
almost the entire front half of the vehicle instead.
So, for approximately six times the price I had
estimated (albeit this from someone who still
thinks a full-size Snickers should cost a dime),
I had my replacement part in hand. A simple fix.
Ten minutes, tops.
Yeah, I've got way too much column space

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Page 12 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Granton Area School Board
Regular meeting
March 9, 2015
Meeting called to order at 6:50 p.m., by Treasurer John Richmond.
Roll call: Doug Eichten -- here, John Richmond -- here, Paul
Knoff -- here, Dennis Kuehn -- absent, Theresa Hasz -- absent. Also
present were District Administrator Charles Buckel, Principal Rhonda Opelt, Dr. James Streifel, and eight community/staff members.
Notice to public was posted at the Granton school, Citizens State
Bank, Granton Post Office, the school Web site and published in the
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Treasurer John Richmond.
Motion by Paul Knoff, and seconded by Doug Eichten, to approve
the amended agenda as presented. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Motion by Doug Eichten, and seconded by Paul Knoff, to approve
the minutes of the Feb. 9, 2015, regular school Board meeting. Voice
vote. Motion carried.
Theresa Hasz arrived at 6:55 p.m.
Open forum: Dani Anding, Page Vandeberg and Cassie Pettit
talked about the 2015 basketball season. Chris Anding also spoke
about basketball.
Motion by Paul Knoff, and seconded by Doug Eichten, to approve
the Youth Options request as presented. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Motion by Paul Knoff, and seconded by John Richmond, to approve the requests for alternative open enrollment. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Motion by John Richmond, and seconded by Paul Knoff, to approve hiring Caroline Walter as a long-term substitute aide. Voice
vote. Motion carried.
Discussion on Frank Zuerner New Science Teacher Scholarship.
Motion by John Richmond, and seconded by Paul Knoff, to approve the girls basketball team request to attend the state tournament on condition of finding adult female chaperone. Voice vote.
Motion carried.
Motion by John Richmond, and seconded by Doug Eichten, to
approve hiring Elizabeth Ott as a special education teacher. Voice
vote. Motion carried.
Motion by John Richmond, and seconded by Paul Knoff, to approve hiring Natasha Hetzel as a child care worker. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Discussion on time off request moved to executive session.
Discussion on 2015-16 calendar. No action taken.
Discussion on CESA 10 facility audit. No action taken.
Discussion on staff compensation moved to executive session.
Treasurer's report: Net of Funds 10, 21, 27, 29, 50, 80:
$1,535,937.44; Fund 10 (loan): $0; Fund 21 (trust and agency):
$1,782.68; Fund 38/39 (debt service): $249,896.41; Fund 60 (activity account): $50,519.13; Fund 72 (scholarships): $95,993.69; Fund
73 (trust fund): $258,528.56
The treasurer's report was given by John Richmond. Motion
by Paul Knoff, and seconded by Doug Eichten, to approve vouchers 0100037050-0100037145 for $234,535.68, payroll taxes
for $55,544.96 and Fund 60 (activity account) 6000019450 for
$1,718.29. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Dr. Streifel presented his monthly snapshot of the school budget.
MAINTENANCE/TRANSPORTATION REPORT: 1) Bus maintenance; 2) Transitional class area; 3) Quotes for the cooler and freez-

er compressor upgrades; 4) Tour of Neillsville School pool repair

DAYCARE DIRECTOR REPORT: 1) New employee; 2) Enrollment numbers; 3) Monthly income comparisons; 4) Food preparation
on no-school days; 5) YoungStar visits starting March 11; 6) Guest
speaker for parenting class
PRINCIPAL'S REPORT: 1) NHS raised $453.20 for cystic fibrosis, child development days on March 19, HS Forensics competitions, state solo and ensemble, Honors Breakfast, FFA officers featured on WDLB for recipient of grant, author Mary Denk presented
on Feb. 19, financial literacy monthly event, Jump Rope for Heart,
Ms. Eggert is recipient of the Frank Zuerner New Science Teacher
Scholarship; 2) Student services -- survey results on PBIS from staff
to set goals for next year, school-wide PBIS training will be needed,
discipline step system reviewed, transition program started March
4, term 3 honor roll and perfect attendance in showcase, quarter 3
incentive -- elementary roller skating and MS/HS Action City, Student
Advisory Committee input; 3) Curriculum and instruction -- student
course selection completed, curriculum mapping to be completed
by May, acceleration program for math, summer school and credit
recovery, elementary standards based grading, academic review of
all 4th, 8th, and 10th graders; 4) Professional Development -- March
late start -- Smarter Balanced Proctor training and environmental
ed standards, CPR/AED training, inter-district PLC started; 5) Social and public relations -- homeschool outreach event, ice fishing
even cancelled due to frigid weather, media releases and newsletter,
SKOOLlive; 6) Athletics -- boys baseball, girls softball and track will
start end of month, track will be assisted by Ms. Kolpanen.
SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: 1) Staff breakfast in May; 2)
Fee schedule review; 3) Bridge construction update; 4) AED donation
Motion by John Richmond, and seconded by Doug Eichten, to
convene in executive session at 8:55 p.m., under Wisconsin Statute
19.85 (1)(c)(e)(f) for the purpose of discussing/taking action on (c)
Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance
evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. (e) Deliberating
or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of
public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session. (f)
Considering financial, medical, social or personal histories or disciplinary data of specific persons, preliminary consideration of specific
personnel problems or the investigation of charges against specific
persons except where par. (b) applies which, if discussed in public,
would be likely to have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any person referred to in such histories or data, or involved
in such problems or investigations. Roll call vote: Eichten -- yes,
Richmond -- yes, Knoff -- yes, Kuehn -- absent, Hasz -- yes. Motion
Motion by Paul Knoff, and seconded by Doug Eichten, to move
from executive session to regular session at 10:02 p.m. Roll call
vote: Eichten -- yes, Richmond -- yes, Knoff -- yes, Kuehn -- absent,
Theresa Hasz -- yes. Motion carried.
School Board Clerk Paul Knoff reported no action was taken.
Motion by John Richmond, and seconded by Doug Eichten, to
adjourn at 10:03 p.m. Voice vote. Motion carried.
/s/Paul C. Knoff, clerk
/s/Theresa A. Hasz, president

Notice to creditors (informal administration)
Case no. 15-PR-24
1. An application for informal administration was filed.
2. The decedent, with date of birth July 22, 1943, and date of
death Aug. 13, 2013, was domiciled in Clark County, state of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of W4817 26 Road, Greenwood, WI
3. All interested persons waived notice.
4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent's estate is
July 14, 2015.
5. A claim may be filed at the Clark County Courthouse, 517
Court St., Neillsville, Wis., room 403.
/s/Stephen J. Walter, probate registrar
March 31, 2015
Attorney Bruce L. Sautebin
113 S. Main St.
P.O. Box 67
Greenwood, WI 54437
Bar no. 1015688

Notice to creditors (informal administration)
Case no. 15PR25
1. An application for informal administration was filed.
2. The decedent, with date of birth July 27, 1920, and date of
death Sept. 9, 2014, was domiciled in Clark County, state of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of W2327 Rock Creek Road, Loyal,
WI 54446.
3. All interested persons waived notice.
4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent's estate is
July 21, 2015.
5. A claim may be filed at the Clark County Courthouse, 517
Court St., Neillsville, WI 54456, room 403.
/s/Stephen J. Walter, probate registrar
by N.L. Horn, deputy registrar
April 1, 2015
Attorney Bruce L. Sautebin
113 S. Main St.
P.O. Box 67
Greenwood, WI 54437
Bar no. 1015688

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Wednesday, April 22, 2015 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Page 13






All residents wanting application of dust control at their

residence, please call Jason Schultze, chairman, by May 6,
2015, at 715-937-3680. Cost will be $100 for 300-ft. increments
and measuring will be done by the township. If you do not wish
to have dust control spread by your residence, please notify him
to that effect also.
Town of Eaton Board
Michelle Lucas, clerk

Granton Area School District is accepting quotes for lawn care

services for the 2015 season. Interested parties may submit their
quotes to the Granton Area School District ofce, 217 N. Main St.,
Granton, WI 54436. Please direct all inquiries to Michael Welch,
buildings and grounds supervisor, at 715-238-7292, option 5. Quotes
will be accepted until 4 p.m., on April 24, 2015.
WNAXLP 15-167685




Bids are being accepted for DITCH-CLEANING for up to approximately two miles. Please submit bid for hourly cost of backhoe (with description of equipment to be used) and hourly rate for
truck (with description of truck to be used). Proof of insurance is
required. The town Board reserves the right to accept or reject any
or all bids. Bids will be opened at the May 5, 2015, town Board
meeting, at 7 p.m., at the Fremont Town Hall.
Please submit bids to Chairman Edward Schultz, N5734 Oak
St., Chili, WI 54420. Questions -- 715-683-2535.
Barbara Tysver, town clerk
16-167941 WNAXLP



Bids are being accepted for 5/8 DOT approved dense road
base material and 5/8 crushed decomposed Halter granite to be
sold by the ton. Proof of Insurance is required. The Town Board
reserves the right to determine the routes used within the town. The
Board will exercise the right to weigh any load, any time, on any
state-certied scale, with the option to reject any load. Gravel will
be delivered within 10 working days of request. The Board reserves
the right to accept or reject any or all bids. The successful bidder
will sign a contract agreeing to these terms. Submit bids to: Kim
Nieman, W565 State Highway 98, Spencer, WI 54479. Bids will be
opened at 6 p.m., May 11, 2015, at the Town Hall.
Please send request for dust control application to Kelly






Open book: May 6, 5-7 p.m.

Board of Review: May 13, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
For further information please call Kim Nieman, clerk, at




The town of Warner is requesting sealed bids for the following

town road improvement project: Improve one half (1/2) miles of
153 Road (commencing at County Highway O for 1/2 mile). All
obstructions in town right-of-way will be removed and hauled within
a two- (2-) mile radius of project.
Ditch entire one half (1/2) mile both sides. All ditches must have
a at bottom when nished.
Remove and install all driveway culverts and all culverts
crossing the town road. Contractor will supply all culverts. Breaker
run to be installed at the ends of culverts going across the road.
Road will be 22 feet nished road bed and 2-foot shoulders.
Replace topsoil and provide erosion control and seeding for
the entire project.
Six (6) inches of compacted gravel, placed in three- (3-) inch
Bid to include all materials, equipment and incidentals to
complete the project. Certicate of Liability to be included
with bid.
The project must be completed by Sept. 15, 2015. There
will be a contract with project with penalty clause.
For further information, please contact: JIM LEARMAN, TOWN
OR 715-267-3218.
Mail the sealed bids to the address above by May 11, 2015,
or deliver to the Town of Warner Town Hall, W6194 Riplinger
Road, Greenwood, Wis., for the bid opening at 7:30 p.m., on May
11, 2015. Please mark on the outside of the envelope TOWN OF
WARNER TRIP 2015. The town of Warner reserves the right to
accept or reject any or all bids and to accept any bid that it deems
most advantageous to the town of Warner.



Sealed bids will be taken by Clark County on the following
described property. Bids must be equal to or greater than the
appraisal price. All tax deed property is sold as is and it is the
responsibility of the purchaser to determine any defects in title or
property prior to bidding. Bids must be submitted on the ofcial
Clark County Bid Form for Tax Deeded Real Estate. Clark County
will issue a Quit Claim Deed to successful bidders upon full payment
of accepted bid.
Parcel #
Lot 6 Mead Lake acres 038.0490.006 $3,000
Being part of NE-NE
Section 28 Twp 27 N R 3 W Town of Mead
All bids must be accompanied by a cashiers check, money
order or certied check in the amount of 20 percent of the gross
bid, payable to Kathryn M. Brugger, Clark County treasurer, with
balance of winning bid due within 30 days of sale date. All bids to
be in county clerks ofce by 12:00 (noon) on May 18, 2015, (day
before sale) to be opened at 11 a.m., on May 19, 2015 (sale date).
The county reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Ofcial
bid form and the terms and conditions of sale can be obtained from
the Clark County treasurer or is available on the county Web site
www.co.clark.wi.us on the treasurers page.
Please send bid to Christina Jensen, Clark County clerk, 517
Court St., room 301, Neillsville WI 54456
Please mark your envelope SEALED BID and include
description of property your bid is for.


The assessor will be present from 9 a.m. until 11 a.m., on

Thursday, May 7, 2015, in the City Hall, at 102 N. Main St.,
Greenwood, Wis., for consultation with any taxpayer of the city of
Greenwood. Please plan to attend if you have questions regarding
your assessment.
City of Greenwood
Lonna Klinke, city clerk



The town of Eaton will accept pricing for an undetermined

amount of crushed 3/4 DOT spec gravel to be delivered
anywhere in the town of Eaton, Clark County. Pricing will be
accepted until Wednesday, May 6, 2015, and will be opened at
the regular monthly meeting on May 6, 2015, at 8 p.m., at the
Eaton Town Hall. Pricing is to be submitted to: Attn: Town of Eaton
Chairman, Jason Schultze, N8713 Fairground Ave., Greenwood,
WI 54437. The town Board reserves the right to accept or reject
any or all pricing.
Michelle Lucas, clerk



Bids are being accepted for 5/8 DOT approved dense road
base material sold by the yard. Proof of insurance is required. The
town Board has the right to determine the routes used within the
town. The town Board will exercise the right to weigh any load, any
time, on any state-certied scale, with the option to reject any load.
Gravel will be delivered within 10 working days of request. The
town Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.
The town will require a signed contract agreeing to these terms
from the successful bidder. Bids will be opened at the May 5, 2015,
town Board meeting at the Town of Fremont Hall at 7 p.m. Please
submit bids to: Chairman Edward Schultz, N5734 Oak St., Chili,
WI 54420. Questions -- 715-683-2535.
Barbara Tysver, town clerk




Sealed quotes are wanted by the town of Warner:

Gravel quotes: An undetermined amount of gravel passing state
spec grade 3. Gravel is to be delivered anywhere in the township
for 2015. Please enclose Certicate of Liability with quote. Gravel
to be delivered by Sept. 15, 2015. There will be a contract.
Dust control quotes: To be put anywhere in the township.
Enclose Certicate of Liability with quote.
The town Board reserves the right to reject any or all quotes
and to accept the quote deemed most advantageous to the town
of Warner.
Mail or deliver bids by May 11, 2015, to:
Jerome Krempasky, clerk
N10456 Sidney Ave.
Greenwood, WI 54437
Also, anyone in the township wanting dust control for 2015,
contact Jerome Krempasky, town clerk, at 715-267-7124.
Jerome Krempasky, clerk
Town of Warner

The city of Loyal is requesting sealed bids for 2015 street

construction. Bids are due on Tuesday, May 5, 2015, at 4:30
p.m., to Loyal City Hall, 301 N. Main St., Loyal, WI 54446. Bids
will be opened at the utility meeting on May 5, 2015, at 6:30 p.m.,
at City Hall.
Bid A -- approximate area includes East Central Street (310
x 36). Bids should include a price for pulverizing to a minimum
depth of 6 and 4 of new asphalt put down in two 2 lifts.
Bid B -- approximate areas include Wolf Street (by water tower)
(240 x 25) and East First Street (1315 x 32). Bids should include
a price for pulverizing to a minimum depth of 6 and 3 of new
asphalt put down in two 1 1/2 lifts.
This project falls under the prevailing wage rate. The city
of Loyal has the right to reject any and all bids. For questions
regarding this project please call 715-255-8772 or 715-937-1266.
Terry Weyer, Department of Public Works
City of Loyal






NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Review for the

city of Greenwood of Clark County shall hold its Board of Review
on THURSDAY, MAY 14, 2015, from 5 P.M. to 7 P.M., at City Hall.
Please be advised of the following requirements to appear
before the Board of Review and procedural requirements if appearing
before the Board.
No person shall be allowed to appear before the Board of
Review, to testify to the Board by telephone or to contest the amount
of any assessment of real or personal property if the person has
refused a reasonable written request by certied mail of the assessor
to view such property.
After the rst meeting of the Board of Review and before the
Boards nal adjournment, no person who is scheduled to appear
before the Board of Review may contact or provide information to
a member of the Board about the persons objection except at a
session of the Board.
No person may appear before the Board of Review, testify to
the Board by telephone or contest the amount of assessment unless,
at least 48 hours before the rst meeting of the Board or at least
48 hours before the objection is heard if the objection is allowed
under sub. (3) (a), that person provides to the clerk of the Board of
Review notice as to whether the person will ask for removal under
sub. (6m) and, if so, which member will be removed and the persons
reasonable estimate of the length of time that the hearing will take.
When appearing before the Board, the person shall specify,
in writing, the persons estimate of the value of the land and of the
improvements that are the subject of the persons objection and
specify the information that the person used to arrive at that estimate.
No person shall appear before the Board of Review, testify to
the Board by telephone or object to a valuation; if that valuation was
made by the assessor or the objector using the income method;
unless the person supplies to the assessor all of the information
about income and expenses, as specied in the manual under S.
73.03 (2a), that the assessor requests. The municipality or county
shall provide by ordinance for the condentiality of information about
income and expenses that is provided to the assessor under this
paragraph and shall provide exceptions for persons using information
in the discharge of duties imposed by law or of the duties of their
ofce or by order of a court. The information that is provided under
this paragraph, unless a court determines that it is inaccurate, is not
subject to the right of inspection and copying under S. 19.35 (1).
The Board shall hear upon oath, by telephone, all ill or disabled
persons who present to the Board a letter from a physician, surgeon
or osteopath that conrms their illness or disability. No other persons
may testify by telephone.
City of Greenwood
Lonna Klinke, clerk




Page 14 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Wednesday, April 22, 2015






Thursday, April 30 8 a.m.-6 p.m.

Friday, May 1 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Saturday, May 2 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

Maps at Stratford Businesses & on www.stratfordwi.com


Must have clean driving record & CDL

Be over 21 years old
Have tanker, Hazmat & air brakes endorsements
Basic mechanical knowledge a plus
Starting salary $16 per hour



Health, dental, & life Insurance, 401K with match.
An equal opportunity employer.

Mail to:

Superior Gas Service Inc.




Tractor Central is Hiring


Come join our

ur team!


Looking for Quad Axle

Dump Truck Driver (CDL required)
and Operator/Laborer

CALL 715-223-6078
SJS Excavating LLC

Fully remodeled 3-bedroom, 2-bath, utility room on

main oor, full basement, new wiring, plumbing,
furnace, foam
windows, siding
and roof.
Asking price:
Call 715-797-1350
or 715-267-6321

Rummaging Around

400 S. LaSalle St., Spencer, WI 54479

Over the road semi driver. Run the midwest.
Home weekends. Paid weekly. Paid vacations
and holidays. Insurance available. Please contact
Patrick for more information at 715-368-0166.

wages & 401K


212 W. 14th Street

Marsheld, WI 54449



PART-TIME, hours will vary Monday thru Friday

A.M. P.M.


Interested applicants can apply in person at

Pine Ridge Assisted Living in Colby or visit
www.pineridgeliving.com to print an application.

1110 N. Division Street

Colby, WI 54421


A very fast growing company supplying
stainless steel tanks and fluid processing
systems to a vast number of industries is
We are looking for both experienced and
non experienced stainless steel
Tank Welders/Fabricators and
Grinder/Polisher positions.
We offer a full benefit package and
a competitive wage based upon
Please submit resumes to jay@qts4u.com or call
262-361-4252 for an application.


Memorial Medical Center of Neillsville, WI is seeking a full-time

(40 hours/week) MT/MLT. This position is primarily 2:30 p.m.-11 p.m.
with some variation of shift, as needed. Rotation for call, weekends,
and holidays is required. Flexibility in scheduling is a must. The MT/
MLT is responsible for specimen collection and processing, test analysis
and reporting of results in order to produce timely and accurate data
within CLIA regulatory guidelines, along with phlebotomy skills,
equipment maintenance knowledge and performing quality assessment
activities. Ability to work independently, organize and prioritize work,
communicate effectively, demonstrate positive relations with physicians,
patients, and staff and have good decision-making skills is a must.
Individuals must be a graduate of an accredit MT or MLT program,
hold current ASCP certification or equivalent or obtain within 1 year
of hire, certification for Breath Alcohol and DOT Drug Screen preferred,
Blood Bank and Microbiology experience, along with the ability to pass
color blind testing. Experience in LIS/EMR system preferred.
A minimum of one year experience is preferred. Full time benefits
offered. Applications are available online at www.memorialmedcenter.org

20 words*
7 publications**
46,950 Listings

Name ________________________________________________________________

Address ______________________________________________________________
City/Zip _____________________________________ Ph # _____________________
Please Call 715-223-2342 for Credit Card Payments. All classieds must be prepaid.

Bold My Classied Ad
Offer Excludes WCWS & TC


$ 00



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Write one word per box. Use sheet of paper if additional room is needed.

per week

20 or Less - Minimum Charge
















Please check the paper(s) where you want your ad to run

and number of times you would like it to run:




Weekly Price
 Star News Shopper
 Central WI Shopper
 West Central WI Shopper
 The Star News
 Tribune Phonograph & The Record Review $6.50
 Thorp Courier
 Tribune Record Gleaner
 Courier Sentinel
 TP & RR & TRG
Full Combo***:
Over 20 Words:
*20 per word
**30 per word

# Weeks

*Each additional word is

50 cents per word.
**The Shopper,
Central Wisconsin Shopper,
The Star News,
Tribune Phonograph,
The Record-Review,
Tribune Record Gleaner,
Courier Sentinel

Check only one.

Business Opportunities
Child Care
For Sale
Garage Sales
Lost and Found
Mobile/Manuf. Homes
Sporting Items
Wanted to Rent

Agriculture (Misc.)
Card of Thanks
Farm Equip./Machinery
For Rent
Free/Give Away
Help Wanted
Real Estate
Wanted to Buy
Work Wanted/Services

Deadlines subject to change during holiday weeks

***50 per word



Monday 4:00 p.m.

Thorp Courier Paper
Star News Paper
Tribune-Phonograph & The Record-Review
Courier Sentinel
Thursday Noon: West Central Wis. Shopper (Thorp)
Thursday 1:00 p.m. The Shopper (Medford)
Thursday 2:00 p.m. The Central Wis. Shopper

PO Box 677, 103 W. Spruce St., Abbotsford, WI 54405

classsub@tpprinting.com 715-223-2342 Fax: 715-223-3505 www.centralwinews.com


Wednesday, April 22, 2015 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Page 15

dinner. Senior citizens size meal
all week on any lunch special.
Grandmas Kitchen of Loyal, 715255-9014.

MEYER MANUFACTURING Corporation is accepting applications for CNC programmer, CNC

machinists, painters, press brake
operator, production welders and
general labor. Competitive wage,
excellent fringe benefits. Normal
work week is four 10-hour days
- Monday through Thursday.
Apply in person at Meyer Mfg.
Corp., Hwy. A West, Dorchester,
needed. Rock Dam vacation
rental cottages. Summer help
into fall. Call 608-843-5928 if interested and for more details.
Prefer 18 or older.


Paul Bugar Trucking Inc. is looking for a heavy

equipment operator for backhoe
and dozer. Individual must be
self-motivated and have
strong mechanical skills.
CDL is a plus.

Paul Bugar
Trucking, Inc.
W2944 State Rd. 98
Loyal, WI 54446


510 N. River Road,

Four-bedroom raised ranch

home with two bathrooms.
Home sets on 4.92 wooded
acres that adjoins the Black River. Oversized garage and new
deck. Motivated seller!
W3961 Capital Road, Loyal

Picturesque country setting.

This 3-bedroom ranch home,
large pole shed and animal
shed sets on 7+ acres. The
home has newer windows,
roof, siding and deck, both sheds have concrete oors. This
would make a great hobby farm and offers a great location.

BARN SALE: April 23-24-25, 8

a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Antiques, furniture, doors, windows, building
materials, housewares, clothes,
books, lots of misc. at W8704
Spencer Road, Willard.
GARAGE SALE/Estate sale:
girls clothes 0-12 months, boys
clothes 3T-4T, highchair, Jumparoo, exerciser, kids toys, childrens
outside playhouse, household
items and furniture, antiques, solid oak gun cabinet, left-handed
PSE light speed bow, and much
more. April 23-25, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
W1351 Hwy. 98, Loyal.

WANTED TO Rent: small house,
mobile home or cabin, A frame.
Pets are family. Dependable. Reliable income. 608-450-0799.



116 N. Main St.,

Greenwood, Wis.
Inc. 715-267-7243



Dean Bogdonovich, WI Cert. General Appraiser Cert. No. 173


Dean Bogdonovich: 715-267-7600 Roy Gregorich: 715-429-0571

Will Zalizniak: 715-897-4680

WANTED TO Buy: Experienced

and responsible young farm
couple looking for traditional
dairy farm. References available,
financing secured. Please call



Toll Free 1.866.440.7527


We haul. We pay cash. We sell
parts. Over 1,600 cars in stock.
715-322-CARS, Emil.

PIGS FOR Sale, all sizes. Call


CDL required
Full-time or Part-time


Paul Bugar
Trucking, Inc.
W2944 State Rd. 98
Loyal, WI 54446



WANTED: GUNS - new and used.

Turn them into ca$h or trade for a
new one! Shay Creek in Medford,

Paul Bugar Trucking Inc. is looking for a full-time end

loader operator for our quarry operations. Individual must be self-motivated
and have strong mechanical skills.
Apply in person.

Apply in person:
Paul Bugar Trucking, Inc.
W2944 State Road 98
Loyal, WI 54446









Furnaces Air Conditioning

Custom Sheet Metal Duct Cleaning
24 Hour Emergency Service

Quality Service
and Body Repairs
Before you buy your
used vehicle, visit us
24/7 on the Web at

Hours: M, W, F: 8-5;
Tu, Th: 8-7; Sat.: 8-1

403/405 W. Mill St., Spencer

on large lot in a quiet
neighborhood. Both units
are identical, each with their
own 1-car attached garage.
Come take a look!



over 179 Wisconsin newspapers!
Only $300/week. Call this paper
or 800-227-7636 www.cnaads.
com (CNOW)


OLD BARNS and sheds wanted

to take down. J.E. Miller, N2324
Water Dr., Medford, WI 54451.

Call Phil
Greschner at
715-613-0766 for
more information
about reserving
your space in the
TRG Professional
and Business

216 E. Division St.

Neillsville, WI 54456

Learn about the Custom Heating and

Cooling difference



Randy 715-613-0101
46 Years Experience





Troy D. Rens, D.D.S.
Christina H. Rens, D.D.S.


Neillsville, WI 54456

Certied Invisalign Provider
Conscious Sedation
202 E. Birch Street
Abbotsford, WI 54405


Residential Sales
Installation Service

(next to Fleet Farm)
(715) 384-3090
or 1-800-380-3090



Mike and Sharon Spuhler

W3580 26th Rd., Loyal, Wis.
(715) 255-8006
Wiring for new and
existing homes
(state certified)


Drivers: CDL A or B to transfer vehicles from and to various locations throughout U.S. -No forced
dispatch- Safety Incentives- We
specialize in reducing your
deadhead. Apply online at www.
mamotransportation.com under
Careers or call 1-800-501-3783.

ONE BEDROOM House for rent

in Loyal, $400/month, first and
last security deposit. No pets.
Call 715-669-3173.



100% No Touch 12 Months

CDL/A Experience 1-888-5459351 Ext 13 www.doublejtransport.com (CNOW)

FOR RENT: Two bedroom country

home. Eight miles from Loyal or
Spencer. Available May 1. Phone
715-613-1603 or 715-255-8436.




OTR Drivers Needed Competitive

Mileage Pay Including Bonuses
and Full Benefits Consistent
Miles/Home time

FOR RENT: In Loyal, 2 bedroom

apartment, stove and refrigerator furnished, washer and dryer
available. Nice location, energy
efficient. No pets. Available May
1. Call 715-613-0478.


6-7 face cord per load, $250 plus
$2 per mile delivery charge. Benz
Sawmill Inc., Loyal. 715-2558312.



from anywhere 24/7. Up to $1,500
Part Time to $7,500/mo. Full
Time. Training provided. www.
WorkServices3.com (CNOW)

THREE BEDROOM, 2 bath mobile home in Medford for sale

at $25,000. New roof and bathrooms remodeled, stove, refrigerator, dishwasher included.
Contact 715-965-4851.



ADOPTION: Happily married,

financially secure couple promises 1st baby a lifetime of LOVE.
Expenses paid. Kathleen & John,
1-800-818-5250 (CNOW)

3 BEDROOM Apartment on Main

Street in Greenwood. Wood
floors, updated bathroom and
flooring, attached garage, laundry machines in apartment, small
deck. Email Bill at bill@billgabler.
com or text 715-456-3898 or call.
Available June 1. $525.




Page 16 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Highground to hold Memorial

Day Honor Ride Motorcycle Rally


and education.
To ride in the Memorial Day Honor
Ride, contact a route leader below:
Boscobel route: Reg. at 7 a.m., leave at
7:45 a.m. -- BP Amoco on Hwy. 61, Boscobel. For information on the Boscobel
route call Alan Palmer at 608-485-1369 or
e-mail snafu66.ap@gmail.com.
Medford route: Reg. from 6-6:45 a.m.,
at Hardees parking lot next to VFW on
Hwy. 13, Medford. Call Dean at 715-7858025 or e-mail hommelsd@tds.net.
Minneapolis route: E-mail Bob Frazee
for information at rmfz@prodigy.net.
Neillsville route: Reg. at 7:15 a.m.,
leave at 8:15 a.m. -- BP station in Neillsville. For information on the Neillsville
route call Mark Dawson at 715-937-2326 or
e-mail clubberman35@yahoo.com.
Waupaca/Stevens Point route: Reg.
at 8 a.m., at Chain O Lakes Bar & Grill,
King -- departure and stops TBA. E-mail
Russ or Amanda at highgroundsmemorialdayride@gmail.com or call 920-2215946.
Tomah, Boscobel and Neillsville
routes will be stopping at West Salem
Kwik Trip at 10 and leave at 10:30. (985
State Highway 16, corner of Griswold
and Highway 16). Contact a route leader
if you want to join when these routes go
through West Salem.
For additional Memorial Day Honor
Ride information, you may call The
Highground at 715-743-4224 or go to www.

EN Greenhouse

& Rust
Basket c


FREE Potted Pansy to Each Customer on Saturday, April 25

Our e-mail address is


on Sale



133 S. Main, Greenwood 715-267-4583

Chad Bogdonovich, MA, PT

~Prompt initial evaluation with flexible scheduling~

~Specialized treatment program based on individual need~
Hours: Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Single & double-chain

elevators, bale conveyors, feed
carts, barn fans, gutter grates,
cow mats, cow mattress, Sand
Trap, calf hutch, calf pens,
clean chute funnels & tube,
silo hoppers, poly silo-chute
liner, poly manger & wear
liner, footbaths, barn limers,
barn scrapers, electric motors,
vinyl-strip doors, ATV harrows,
seeders, dump trailers, &
compact manure spreaders
View full catalog and prices
at www.loyal-roth.com

For FREE 80-page print catalog

and closest dealer contact

Loyal, Wis 54446


Larch: Larch is a shy kitty but he gets along well with people and other
cats as long as you give him some time. He is a 9 1/2-pound neutered male,
with a long-haired gray tabby coat. Larch is just over a year old. If you have
room in your heart and home for him or any of the other pets here, go to
the Web site and see the pictures and descriptions of them.There are 31
cats or kittens and 49 dogs or puppies here. Surely theres one just right
for you. Check them out atwww.cchs-petshelter.org/id8.html.
Big Vaccination Clinic coming May 2, at Clark County Fairgrounds in
Neillsville, from noon to 2 p.m. No appointment necessary, cats must be
in carriers, dogs on leashes. Bring previous records. Offering distemper,
rabies, Lymes, Feline Leukemia, Bordetella (kennel cough) and of course micro-chipping. We are happy
to be able to provide this service to keep your pets healthy.
Stop atourPaws &ClawsAdoptionCenterin the Marshfield Mall. We have lots of cats and kittens just
waiting for people to adopt and many arefree!Paws & Clawsis right next to Furniture & ApplianceMart
and is openevery Saturday,from10 a.m.to4 p.m.Come on in to visit, spend some time with the kitties,
and browse our large selection of special, pet merchandise (greeting cards, shirts, jewelry, giant cat
furniture, etc.) or even get your pet microchipped!

M, W, F & Sat. 12-3 p.m. W3926 St Hwy 73 P.O. Box 127, Neillsville, WI 54456 www.cchs-petshelter.org



sponsored by:

Sixth grade students from St. Anthony School entered a writing contest
sponsored by the Clark County Historical Society. Pictured with the winners
are Christine Kurz, chairwoman of the essay contest, and Charlotte Tetzlaff,
president of the CCHS. Winners pictured are Luke Landini, Alyssa Rueth,
Katlyn Lindner, and Seth Genteman. Alyssa won the grand prize for the whole
county. The students went to the Loyal Public Library to research the history
of Loyal before writing their essays.


Hwy. 73 - 6 miles south of Withee. 6 miles north of Greenwood 715-267-4394


St. Anthony School students

participate in writing contest



We have a large selection of Proven Winners & NEW plants in 4 inch pots.
Also: Begonias for Shade, Pansies, Combination Baskets,
Geraniums, Annuals and Perennials



The Memorial Day Honor Ride Motorcycle Rally, formerly called The Fun
Run, will be held on Memorial Day, May
25. This years ride will have six different
scenic routes starting in Boscobel, Medford, Minneapolis, Neillsville, Tomah
and Waupaca.
Sponsors of the Honor Ride, as of
April 17, are: WCCN 107.5 The Rock, DAV
#53 of Manawa/Waupaca, Tesmer Construction, Urban Sales & Service, Gross
Motors, VFW #2732 of New London,
Docs Harley Davidson, Damn Yankees
Bar & Grill, Behms Sawdust City Bar
& Grill, Accessibility Resource Center,
Custom Heating & Cooling, Otter Creek
Bar & Grill, The Office Sports Bar, Mobil
Travel Plaza and The Chain O Lakes Bar
& Grill.
The routes each tour different scenic
areas in the morning, eventually joining
together in Neillsville. All six routes will
meet at the American Legion Post #73,
6 Boon Blvd in Neillsville, at approximately noon-1 p.m. The entire honor ride
will proceed through Neillsville and enter The Highground Veterans Memorial
Park prior to The Highgrounds 2 p.m.,
Memorial Day Ceremony.
Registration for the Honor Ride is
$15 per person or $25 per couple. Each
registered rider will receive an Honor
Ride patch, year rocker and lunch at
The Highground. All proceeds from the
Honor Ride will go to The Highground
to help continue its mission of healing

APRIL 22, 2015


Spring Home

2 Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Conquer the clutter: Cleanliness with kids is not impossible

Famed comedienne Phyllis Diller once
said, Cleaning your house while your
kids are still growing is like shoveling
the sidewalk before it stops snowing.
Many parents realize that having children means their homes will be filled
with a vast assortment of toys, clothing
and other items that seemingly spend
more time scattered across the family
room floor than in childrens bedrooms.
Homes where young children lay their
heads at night may not be as tidy as the
photos lining home decorating magazine
spreads. But while lived-in family homes
may never be spotless, they do not have
to be overrun with clutter, either. Its
possible to find a happy balance with the
right strategy and by investing in a few
organizational products.
-- Work one room at a time. Cleaning
up cluttered homes can seem like a monumental effort when looking at clutter as
a whole. But parents can do themselves
a favor by choosing a starting point and
tackling the project one room at a time.
Find the room that needs the most work
or a space where clutter causes the biggest headaches. Once you clean such
rooms, you may discover extra motivation to move on to the others.
-- Resist the urge to wander. One of
the obstacles many people face when
attempting to de-clutter a home is the
tendency to remove an item from one
room only to add it to the existing clutter
in another room. For example, if a childs
toy is in the living room, you may walk
that toy up to the bedroom and get involved in tidying up the bedroom, leaving
the mess behind in the living room. When
organizing a home, stay in a particular
room until that room is clean. Have des-

ignated bins or bags for items that need

to be carried into another room, but only
transfer such containers after a room has
been cleaned.
-- Cull twice a year. Children accumulate the greatest number of new toys on
birthdays and holidays. Set a schedule
to go through existing toys prior to these
events and sort out the broken, old or
seldom-used items. Donate these toys
to preschools, after-school programs,
family support centers, or babysitting
centers at your office or gym. Whatever
cant be salvaged should be put into the
trash or recycling bins.
-- Invest in storage cubes and bins.
Toys that are easily accessible and seen
are easier to find and put away. Develop a
storage system that works for your family. Labeling bins with words (or pictures
for children who cant yet read) helps

children identify where things belong.

Find a system that will have long-term
functionality and grow with the family.
Many stores sell storage bookcases that
blend with home dcor.
-- Tame the toys. Making too many
items available at any given time can become overwhelming to children. Rotate
toys rather than always buying new ones
so that items will be fresh and interesting. Toys out of the rotation can be stored
in a basement or attic. Belongings that
are not requested or missed can be given
away. Another idea is to create wish lists
for birthdays and holidays. This way
friends and relatives only buy what kids
want, rather than an array of toys that
may just end up taking up space.
-- Get items off of the floor. Any organizational system that can move items
vertically is beneficial. Children will

become accustomed to hanging things

up rather than leaving belongings on
the floor. Hooks, hangers and shelving
mounted on walls, will free up precious
floor space.
-- Choose furniture that serves double
duty. Beds with drawers underneath or
a toy chest that doubles as a bench can
work well in spaces that need some clutter control.
-- Establish a school memory box.
Parents can give each of their children a plastic bin where they can store
memorable items from school. Not every
assignment or drawing sent home needs
to be kept. Reserve the memory box for
those special things that have the most
Kids and clutter often go hand in hand.
However, there are ways to keep the mess
under control.

Prepare your fireplace for seasonal closing

A roaring fireplace on a chilly day provides a welcome, aesthetically appealing
respite from the cold.
Fireplaces are typically used throughout winter, but when spring rolls around,
many homeowners no longer feel the
need to light a fire. As fireplace season
winds down, homeowners can take the
following steps to close their fireplaces
for the warm weather seasons ahead.
Begin the cleanup
Repeatedly lighting fires results in an
accumulation of ash and residual wood
debris. Clean out what you can by hand
and discard the soot. To conduct a more
thorough cleaning, use a high-powered
garage vacuum to clear out any remain-

Early Bird Gets

The Curb

ing ashes from crevices and other parts

of the firebox.
Hire a chimney sweep
A fully functioning fireplace chimney
should be swept annually by a certified
chimney sweep. He or she will remove
soot and any creosote from the inside
of the chimney. Creosote is highly flammable and can cause considerable damage if it catches fire.
A professional chimney sweeping also
reduces the amount of dirt and odor that
will continue to enter a home after the
fireplace has been retired for the season.
Damp spring weather can moisten soot
trapped in a chimney, causing it to smell.
Cleaning and deodorizing can help keep
rooms fresh.
Ask for an inspection
Ask a chimney sweep to inspect your
chimney in addition to cleaning it. A
sweep can look for leaks and cracks, and
he or she should also look at the flashing
system and rain cap, which can prevent
water infiltration. You dont want to learn
your chimney is in poor shape during a
heavy spring rainfall. Ask that the pipes,
brickwork and damper also be checked
for functionality and good repair.

Close the damper

Homeowners should close the dampers on wood-burning fireplaces when
closing their fireplaces for the season.
Doing so prevents animals from making
nests inside the chimney and possibly
gaining entry into your home. Closing
the damper also makes the home more
efficient by not letting air escape through
the chimney.
Those with gas fireplaces should leave
the damper open at all times to prevent
a gas buildup in the home in the case of
a gas leak. However, homeowners may
want to extinguish the pilot light for
a gas fireplace in the spring to reduce
energy usage.
Make it attractive
Some homeowners choose to dress up
a fireplace to make it look more appealing
in the offseason. Flowers, plants, candles,
or decorative accents can be placed in the
firebox to add style to a home.
When closing a fireplace for the season, homeowners can benefit from hiring
a professional to ensure everything is
done correctly and the fireplace will be
in top shape and ready to warm everyone
up next winter.


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Wednesday, April 22, 2015 -- 3

Hiring a professional landscaper holds many benefits

The flowers are blooming, and the
grass has begun to grow anew, making
spring a great time for homeowners
to once again turn their attention to
landscaping. Those who arent looking
forward to dusting off their lawnmowers
and rethreading their string trimmers
may want to hire professional landscapers to tend to their lawns and gardens.
A recent joint study by the National
Gardening Association, Residential
Lawn and Landscape Services and
the Value of Landscaping found that
homeowners spend roughly $45 billion
per year on professional lawn and landscape services, as nearly 30 percent of
all households across the United States
use at least one type of lawn or landscape
service. The rising use of lawn care
services is indicative of homeowners
appreciation of the convenience and
craftsmanship professional services can
provide. While the impact professional
landscapers can have on a propertys
aesthetic appeal is considerable, homeowners also benefit from working with
professional landscapers in various
other ways.
-- Time savings: One of the biggest
benefits of leaving lawn care to the professionals is the amount of time it will
save for the average homeowner. Lawns
generally need to be mowed once per
week during the spring and summer
seasons and, depending on the size of
the property, that can take an hour or
more. Add the time it takes to clean up
clippings, mulch landscaping beds and
edge the property, and homeowners can
expect to devote a significant chunk of
their weekends to caring for their lawns.
Lawn services employ a few workers who
make fast work of the job, leaving homeowners time to enjoy their weekends

however they see fit.

-- Reduced risk for injury: Maintaining a landscape is hard work, and those
unaccustomed to this type of activity
may find themselves winded or at risk of
injury. Improper use of lawn equipment
also is a safety hazard. Leaving the work
to professionals can help homeowners avoid strained backs, lacerations,
pulled muscles, sunburns, and any other
dangers that can result when tackling
landscaping projects.
-- Financial savings: On the surface,
hiring a landscaping service may seem
like a costly venture. However, after
crunching some numbers, many homeowners realize that doing the work
themselves may cost more in the long
run than hiring a professional landscaping service. Homeowners who decide
to go it alone must purchase expensive
equipment, and those lawn tools will
require routine maintenance, which
costs additional money. Inexperienced
homeowners may incur extra fees to
fix mistakes that occur during the
learning process. Each year, new seed,
fertilizer, mulch, pesticides, and other
supplies also must be purchased. But
professional lawn care services typically
charge a set fee per month, and that fee
covers the maintenance of both your
property and the equipment needed to
keep that property looking great.
-- Know-how: Many professional landscapers know how to address lawn care
issues that may arise throughout the
year. They will know how to deal with
dry patches of lawn or poorly draining
areas, and they also can make recommendations on plants that will thrive
under certain conditions.
-- One-stop shopping: Certain landscaping services provide many differ-



Time saved and a professional job are just two of the reasons homeowners
hire lawn care companies.
ent options for prospective customers.
Basic lawn cuts may be one package, but
there also may be services for seasonal
seeding, weeding, leaf clean-up, and
-- Consistent maintenance: Homeowners who frequently travel or spend much
of their summers away from home often
find that lawn care companies are a wise investment.
Established weekly schedules ensure the landscape
always will look its best
whether homeowners are


For All Your
Landscaping Needs

home or out of town.

Spring is a great time for homeowners
to decide if hiring professional landscaping services is in their best interests. The
time and money saved, as well as impact
professional landscapers can have on a
property, makes landscaping services a
great investment for many homeowners.






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In The


4 Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Control ant infestations in your home with these tips

Few things elicit the ire of homeowners more quickly than insect infestations
inside a home. Though many types of
insects can find their way into a home,
ants tend to be especially skilled at such
invasions, causing many a headache
among homeowners hoping to send their
uninvited house guests packing once and
for all.
Ants are attracted to food, water and
shelter, making kitchens, bathrooms and
laundry rooms ideal havens for these
unwelcome critters to congregate. Such
infestations can frustrate homeowners
and make them uncomfortable in their
own homes, but curtailing an ant infestation need not be so difficult.
-- Identify the point of entry. Upon discovering an ant infestation, homeowners
should conduct a thorough inspection of
their homes to identify where the ants
are entering the home. Ants are tiny and
capable of crawling through the smallest of cracks or gaps, so every home is
vulnerable to an ant infestation. Once
you discover an ant inside your home,
follow the ant rather than killing it, as
foraging ants are typically sent from a
colony located outside the home in search
of moisture and food to bring back.
-- Set the bait. Once you have identified the point of entry, you can then set
some indoor ant bait. Employing borax, a
natural mineral found in many common
household products such as hand soaps
and toothpastes, as their active ingredient, ant baits can use ants anatomy
against them to curtail infestations.
Adult worker ants cannot digest solid
food, which they must bring back to the
colony for additional processing. Liquid

ant baits exploit this physiology by making it easy for ants to transport the liquid
bait back to the rest of the colony, where
more ants will ultimately succumb to the
bait. In addition, as the worker ant carries the bait back to the colony, its also
dropping a pheromone trail from the bait
to the nest, ensuring that other ants will
know where to find the bait, which they
will hungrily seek out, making it easy
for homeowners to eradicate the entire
colony of ants.
-- Expect to see more ants after setting
the bait. Baiting ants requires some patience on the part of homeowners, who
should expect to see more ants appear in
the hours after initially laying down the
baits. Thats because the bait is intentionally attempting to draw ants out and
attract as many of them as possible, so
the more ants you see in the first couple
of days after laying the bait, the more effective that bait will be at eradicating the
colony. Especially large ant colonies may
take up to 10 days to curtail, but smaller
infestations can usually be controlled
within 24 to 48 hours.
-- Address the outdoors as well. Nearly
all ant infestations can be traced to a
colony beneath the ground outside a
home. Though ants prefer to invade the
interior of a home where they can find
food, water and shelter, that does not
mean your homes exterior is immune
to such infestations, which can typically
be found by searching for foraging trails
that look like a line of traffic filled with
ants. That line often leads directly into a
home via windows, doors, exhaust vents,
faucets, sliding glass doors, and along
gutters and exterior walls.


Ant bait can help homeowners effectively eradicate ant infestations inside
and outside of their homes.
Outdoor liquid ant bait stakes can
provide an effective and long-term solution to control outdoor ant colonies. Just
like the indoor baits, these stakes employ
a specially formulated liquid ant bait
solution that attracts and kills all common household ants, including Argentine ghost ants, little black, acrobat, and
pavement ants, among others. The liquid
ant bait stakes have a snap off bait activation system that keeps the bait fresh
until ready to use, while a see-through
window makes it easy for homeowners
to monitor the liquid ant bait so they
know when its time to replace the stake.

Simply place the stake along ant trails or

any areas outside the home where ants
have been observed.
-- Maintain an environment inside
the home thats uninviting to ants. Once
baits have been set and ant colonies have
been curtailed, homeowners can take
steps to make their homes less inviting
to ants in the future. Clean kitchens
regularly, quickly cleaning up spills or
crumbs, and use an exhaust fan in bathrooms and laundry rooms to cut down
on the type of moisture that may prove
attractive to thirsty ants.

Add value to your home with renovation projects

coup between 60 and 120 percent of your
kitchen remodel investment, especially
if the kitchen matches up well with the
rest of your home. Homeowners should
know that a deluxe renovation may not
be necessary, as relatively moderate improvements can create a whole new look
for a kitchen.
-- Look to paint. One of the least expensive improvement materials, but one that
has a significant impact, is paint. Neutral,
modern colors can easily liven up any
space. If you paint with low-VOC paint,
you also can advertise an eco-friendly
home, which is very desirable these days.
-- Put in another bathroom. Multiple
bathrooms are an attractive selling point,
particularly in older homes that may not
have been equipped with more than one
bathroom. Finding extra space for a bathroom can be tricky, but consider closets,
areas under stairs or even taking some
space away from another
room. Popular home-improvement television chan-


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door living spaces have become more

desirable, especially as the staycation
has grown in popularity. Decks and patios
can make backyards more appealing. The
scope of your investment will depend on
the size of the deck and design. Doing the
work yourself can cut the cost of decks in
half, but only if you have the specific tools
or experience to tackle such a project.
-- Improve curb appeal. Adding attractive landscaping and freshening up the
entryway to a home can add considerable value to your home, as buyers judge
homes by their exteriors. Completely
renovated interiors may never be seen
if buyers pass up your home because of
a less attractive exterior. Classy, subtle
changes, like well-placed shrubbery and
a green lawn, can work wonders. An inviting front door and well-lit entryway also
add curb appeal to a home.
Before making improvements, homeowners should determine if a given project will provide a solid return on their

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nel HGTV advises that half-bathrooms

require at least 18 square feet of space,
while full baths need 30 to 35 square feet
for a stand-up shower or bathtub.
-- Renovate the HVAC system. Aesthetic
improvements arent the only ones that
add value to a home. Many home buyers are eager to purchase a home that
has a new heating and cooling system,
as buyers understand that furnaces and
air conditioning units are substantial
investments that can last for years. Other
improvements, such as adding attic insulation or replacing older windows and
doors with more energy efficient options,
also are smart bets.
-- Add illumination to rooms. A dark
home is a dreary home. Adding light can
mean including more overhead and accent lighting. Under-cabinet task lighting
is a nice touch. Inclusion of skylights and
sun tubes can bring natural light into
rooms that may not have south- or westfacing windows.
-- Put a deck addition outdoors. Out-


Homeowners choose renovation projects for a variety of reasons. Although

many improvements are made to increase
functionality and comfort of a home,
several others are seen as worthwhile
investments. These investments can add
up to a higher resale value when the time
comes to sell a home.
Certain projects have a history of providing a greater return on homeowners
investments than others. The following
renovation tips can add beauty to your
home and generate great returns when
you put the home up for sale.
-- Invest in your kitchen. Kitchen remodels are a safe bet when it comes to
putting money into improving a home.
Residents tend to spend a great deal of
time in the kitchen, but a dated, poorly
functioning kitchen can detract from the
value of a home, even if the rest of the
home is in good shape. Its possible to re-


Wednesday, April 22, 2015 -- 5

Maintain bird feeders and bird baths for avian health

Bird watching is a pastime enjoyed by
people of all ages. While many people trek
into the woods to see their favorite birds,
homeowners can take steps to entice these
fascinating and feathered friends right to
their backyards.
Homeowners who want to attract birds
to their properties can do so by providing
the birds food, shelter and places to wash
up or cool off. Installing a bird feeder and
a bird bath in your yard is one way to attract a bevy of winged creatures that can
provide hours of enjoyment.
Establishing a bird-friendly environment may seem as simple as hanging a
feeder on a pole or tree and erecting a bird
bath nearby. But a certain level of maintenance is needed to keep birds healthy
and happy.
According to the experts at the Bird
Watchers Digest, recent research indicates feeders can sometimes be a source
of disease for the birds visiting them. The
Audubon Society echoes that warning,
saying that bird feeders and baths can
serve as transmission stations for diseases such as aspergillosis, avian pox and
salmonellosis. Recently, scientists noted
that the spread of trichomonad protozoan
parasites is on the rise, especially among
mourning dove and band-tailed pigeon
Such warnings are not meant to deter
budding birding hobbyists. Organizations
like the Audobon Society hope that such
warnings send the message that disinfection and maintenance is necessary to
maintain sanitary environments for birds.
Doing so is relatively easy and well worth
the time for birding enthusiasts.
-- The Humane Society of the United
States advises cleaning hanging feeders
once every two weeks or more often if

theyre heavily used. Ground-feeding designs should be cleaned every two days.
Feeders can be immersed in a very-diluted
solution of bleach to water (nine parts water to one part bleach). Let soak for a few
minutes, and then scrub the feeder with a
stiff brush or scouring pad before rinsing.
Allow the feeder to dry completely before
refilling it with seed.
-- Bird baths should be emptied of water
each day. Brush or wipe the bath clean,
then rinse and refill with fresh water.
Do not leave standing water overnight;
otherwise bird baths can easily become
a breeding ground for mosquitoes and
other parasites.
-- Frequently collect discarded seed
hulls and
clean bird
from ben e a t h
feeders. If
the area
around the
feeder has
soiled, relocate the
feeder elsewhere and
clean its
initial location.
-- Follow
proper instructions
with regard
to seed and
other bird
f o o d . Fo r

reduce the amount of suet offered in hot

weather. Heat can cause suet to spoil, and
sticky suet can become stuck in birds
feathers and make it hard for them to
keep clean.
-- Try to provide more than one feeder
and bird bath to prevent overcrowding.
Crowding can contribute to the spread
of disease.
-- Do not situate feeders and bird baths
under perches where they can be soiled
by droppings.
-- If you notice birds look sick or are
acting strangely, halt feeding and bathing
to prevent healthy birds from becoming ill.
Wait a week before resuming feeding and
notify wildlife officials if you find dead or

sick birds around your property.

-- Locate feeders and baths at least 30
feet away from windows so birds do not
get confused by reflections and collide
with the glass.
-- Store seed in a dry container with a
tight-fitting lid to prevent mold from forming and moisture from getting in.
Creating a thriving habitat for bird
watching is easier than one might think.
But once birds begin visiting a yard,
homeowners must diligently maintain
clean feeders and bird baths to ensure the
birds stay as healthy as possible. Any questions about wild-bird care can be directed
to a local Audubon Society chapter or by
visiting a pet store or bird hobby center.

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6 Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Use garden-inspired decor to brighten spaces and mood

Many homeowners take up gardening
to transform their homes with beautiful
flowers and foliage, while others do so
to yield fresh fruits and vegetables. But
gardening can be more than just a weekend hobby. In fact, it may be especially
beneficial for homeowners to surround
themselves with more plants and natural
decor, whether in the yard or in the home.
Studies have indicated that gardening
can be good for the mind and body. In addition to improving mood and reducing
stress, plant life and gardening also may
help people have a more hopeful outlook
on life. If reaping the benefit of a beautiful landscape is not reason enough to get
into gardening, elevating your mood and
coping with depression or illness may be
even further motivation to start developing your green thumb.
Home-design trends seem to be following suit, offering individuals more
opportunities to surround themselves
with potentially therapeutic plants.
Explore these emerging and established
garden dcor trends to try in and around
your home.
-- Living wall planters: A living wall

planter can add greenery to any dcor

without taking up floor or table space.
Ideal for outdoor structures, these
planters also can be used indoors if you
safeguard against leaks and dripping. A
living wall planter is a framed device that
houses plants in a manner that enables
them to be vertically mounted to a wall
surface. While there are commercially
available models, you can create your
own design and paint or stain it to match
the existing dcor. Use a soil-free potting
substrate to avoid the mess that regular
soil may create.
-- Combining fish with gardening:
Enjoy the best of two relaxing worlds by
installing a water feature in your yard.
Garden retailers offer ready-made kits
that can make fast work of establishing a pond or other water feature in the
backyard. Otherwise, there are plenty of
water garden companies and installers
who can suggest a design and put in your
desired water features. Add fish suitable
for outdoor life to your pond. These include koi and certain goldfish varieties.
Game fish are discouraged because they
can destroy pond plants. If an outdoor

pond is more maintenance than you desire, consider an indoor aquarium with
a combination of fish and live aquarium
-- Creative furniture designs: Maybe
youre a person who appreciates the
unique and whimsical? Tables, benches
and chairs can be built with planting
channels that enable you to have greenery and garden dcor in one piece. Envision a picnic table with a cutout down
the center for a thin row of plants or
decorative grasses. This is a project the
entire family can get behind, as the more
creative ideas the better.
-- Improved outdoor lighting: People
who like to spend time in their gardens
and yards may not want to be limited by
sunrise and sunset. By incorporating
different lighting sources, you can create
a retreat that is welcoming at any hour.
Although flood lights and overhead lights
can illuminate a space, consider ambient and decorative lighting to create the
desired ambiance.
-- Functional fire pits and places: A
blazing fire creates a cozy spot to gather
on chilly evenings, but fire pits and fire-

places also can be used as impromptu

cooking spots for smores or frankfurters
on a stick. You can purchase a standalone fire pit from any number of retailers or build your own with patio pavers
and fire bricks to line the interior of the
fire pit. Outdoor fireplaces require more
work, and you want to hire a mason to
ensure proper installation.
-- Enjoyable yard additions: While
plants and seating may take center stage,
some people still want to have fun in their
yards. Theres an increased demand for
yard designs and dcor that can put the
fun in backyard living. Bocce courts,
ring- or horseshoe-toss setups, as well
as bean bag-toss boards, can be incorporated into landscape designs, giving
you yet another reason to spend a few
hours in the great outdoors, where you
can experience a few healthy laughs in
the process.
Gardening and spending time outdoors are great hobbies and may even
boost your mood. Homeowners can explore the popular trends in garden dcor
and natural elements that they can enjoy
inside and outside of their homes.

Understand different types and fibers when purchasing carpet

is referring to the type of material used
to make a particular carpet. No two fibers
are the same, as each feels different to the
touch and reacts to routine wear and tear
differently. Here are the five most popular
carpet fibers:
-- Nylon: Nylon is the most durable
carpet fiber, and that has contributed
to its popularity. Nylon is available in
a wide range of styles and is a flexible
material. Many nylon carpets come with
a stain-resistant treatment to protect the
material from common stains and spills.
-- Polyester: Highly resistant to stains
and fading, polyester is soft, and todays
polyester carpets are more resilient and
durable than those of yesteryear.
-- Triexta: Triexta is a type of polyester
fiber that is especially soft. A relatively
recent addition to the market, triexta
carpet fibers are especially
susceptible to stains and
www.thegraniteshopllc.com spills.

When buying carpet for the first time,

homeowners can be overwhelmed with
unfamiliar terminology. Navigating such
terminology, not to mention the vast array of options inside typical carpeting
stores, can be difficult and make carpet
buyers nervous about making the right
Homeowners looking for carpeting
for their homes are bound to hear about
particular fibers and types of carpets.
But such talk is lost when buyers dont
understand carpet fibers and what makes
each type of carpet unique. The following
rundown of the various carpet fibers and
types of carpet should help homeowners
make more informed decisions.
Carpet fibers
When a carpet salesman or store employee references carpet fiber, he or she

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carpet can be somewhat expensive, which

is why some homeowners install it in bedrooms and sitting rooms where it wont
be susceptible to high traffic.
-- Saxony/cut pile: Saxony or cut pile
carpet is ideal for high traffic areas,
such as the living room or hallways.
Thats because it tends to be resistant to
matting and crushing and still feels soft
-- Berber: Berber carpets, often referred to as loop carpets, are especially
durable, making them strong options
for high-traffic areas of a home. Though
there are variations in loop carpets, a
traditional loop carpet is created when
yarn is sewn or tufted into the backing
and left uncut.
Choosing a carpet for a home is no
small task, but homeowners who educate
themselves about the various carpet
fibers and styles can find the right fit for
their homes.



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-- Olefin: Olefin carpet fibers are among

the least expensive, thanks in part to its
lack of durability compared to other
fibers. Olefin carpet fibers repel UV rays
and therefore dont fade when exposed
to sunlight.
-- Wool: Wool tends to be the most
expensive carpet fiber, but that cost is
offset by its considerable durability and
soft feel. Wool carpets can last several decades, but they also are high maintenance
and not especially resistant to stains.
Carpet types
The type, or style, of carpet refers to
how the carpet is designed. The type of
carpet homeowners choose may depend
on where in their homes the carpet will
be installed.
-- Frieze: Frieze carpet, sometimes
referred to as twist carpet, is made of
twisted strands of carpet, and many
homeowners prefer frieze carpet because
of its modern and stylish look. Frieze


S763 Karau Ave.

Spencer, WI 54479




Wednesday, April 22, 2015 -- 7

Discover the many indoor and outdoor uses for vinegar

Check your kitchen pantry and you
will probably find a bottle of vinegar.
While this substance can add muchneeded tang to favorite recipes and even
improve the leavening function of some
baking ingredients, its power extends far
beyond the kitchen.
Many are surprised upon learning
how much vinegar can do. A sour-tasting
liquid that contains acetic acid, vinegar
can be used as a cleaning product and an
influential ingredient in many recipes.
Vinegar also is relatively inexpensive,
making it a cost-effective home staple.
If you are ready to get more from
that versatile vinegar in your kitchen
pantry, explore the following ways to
put it to use.
Vinegar is an effective cleaning
fluid, perhaps best known for producing streak-free windows. Vinegar also
can dissolve dirt from painted walls and
remove grime from woodwork.
By boiling 14 cup of white distilled
vinegar in the microwave with a cup of
water, you can loosen splattered-on food
and deodorize the appliance. Vinegar
also can be used to deodorize garbage
disposals, coffee makers and kitchen
drains. Its an effective means to removing pet odors from carpeting as well.
Around the bathroom, use vinegar
to remove soap scum film from shower
doors and tile surfaces. Remove stubborn toilet bowl stains as well. Corrosion
and hard water can clog shower heads,
and by soaking the shower nozzle in
vinegar overnight, you can dislodge any

You can rely on vinegar when cleaning up around your home office as well.
Vinegar can help clean sticky scissor
blades or remove ballpoint pen marks
from surfaces. A vinegar and water solution can be used to clean keyboards and
other electronic equipment. Apply with
a damp cloth rather than spraying the
solution directly onto the electronics.
Lawn and garden
Vinegar makes an effective weed
deterrent and can kill grass that grows
between the cracks on sidewalks and
Acid-loving plants, such as rhododendrons or azaleas, can benefit from a little
vinegar mixed in when watering.
If you want to keep ants at bay, use
vinegar when cleaning outdoor patio
furniture or spray it around areas that
are susceptible to ant infestations. You
may find the ants steer clear of the smell.
Health and beauty
Some people say that vinegar can be
used as an appetite suppressant. Using
it on prepared foods may help you to
eat less.
Vinegar is handy for relieving the
pains associated with sunburns and
jellyfish stings. Dot irritated areas with
vinegar to relieve pain and itching.
Because vinegar can act as an antibacterial, gargling it can alleviate some
throat ailments. Even if it cant prevent
illness, a vinegar gargle can soothe
throat soreness. Apple cider vinegar
also may help soothe an upset stomach.
Use two teaspoons of the vinegar to one


Vinegar can not only be delicious in salad dressing, but it also can make
windows squeaky-clean.
cup of water.
Some people have used vinegar to
soften skin and remove corns from feet.
It also may dissolve warts. Be sure to
check with a doctor before using vinegar
to verify its safety with regard to your

particular situation.
In addition to each of these uses, vinegar is handy in the laundry room, helping to remove stains and rinse detergents
from fabrics more easily.

Explore the alternatives to granite countertops

Granite has long been a popular countertop material for homeowners looking
to combine functionality with aesthetic
appeal in their kitchens. But granite
is no small investment, and homeowners looking to refurbish their kitchens
should know there are a multitude of
countertop materials available to those
working on a budget or those who simply
want to give their kitchens a different
-- Solid wood: Wood countertops create
a warm, homey interior. Butcher block
counters are less expensive than granite
and do not necessarily need to be ordered
from a speciality retailer. But wood can
stain and dent and can even burn when
hot kitchenware is placed atop it. Regular application of oil can help homeowners maintain the appearance of their

granite, soapstone is still high-density

wood counters for years to come.
-- Marble: Marble tends to be less and will hold up well. Its impervious
expensive than granite without sacrific- to stains and bacteria, and exposure to
ing aesthetic appeal. However, marble is chemicals will not damage it.
-- Quartz: Quartz is a manufactured
softer and more porous than granite, so
it can stain and be etched. Diligence in product made of stone aggregate and
wiping away spills, routine sealing and polymers compressed under high presa gentle touch is necessary for those who sure. It has the look of natural stone but
requires less work to maintain. Quartz
choose marble countertops.
-- Soapstone: This is a natural stone has consistent colors and patterns and is
composed mainly of mineral talc that a nonporous material, so it will not need
gives the stone its smooth feel. Soapstone routine sealing and resealing.
- Glass: Glass countertops are backranges from black to gray but can sometimes have a green shade to it. Other painted, so homeowners can order just
in the stone
can produce
Hot Tar
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softer than

about any color they want. Glass will be

tempered, so it is safe and heat-resistant.
Glass can scratch, though, so it is not as
impervious as other materials.
-- Concrete: Concrete is another material that can be colored to match homeowners whims. Concrete is relatively
inexpensive compared to other countertop materials, but it can crack or chip.
While granite is a popular countertop
material, homeowners who want something new have many additional options
at their disposal.


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8 Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Be more productive outdoors with an organized storage shed

Despite other intentions, homeowners
often turn their garages into storage centers for random, little-used items, leaving
little to no room for the tools and even
vehicles that actually belong in a garage.
Such homeowners may turn to sheds to
store their garage overflow and keep yard
equipment at the ready, but storage sheds
are not immune to clutter, and homeowners may find the very structure erected
to keep them organized requires a bit of
organization itself.
A well-organized shed can save homeowners time and energy, as its easy to
abandon or delay a project if you cant
find that pair of work gloves you stashed.
The first step to any organizing project
is to take everything out of the shed and
determine just what needs to go back
in. Items that do not belong in the shed
should be moved to their rightful locations or tossed in the trash if theyre no
longer needed. Make a pile of anything
that will be kept, a separate one for donations and a third for garbage. Take
inventory of what you have so you know
whether youre missing any items or
you have something and do not need to
purchase another.
Now that the entire shed is empty, you
can assess just how much room you have.
Utilizing vertical and overhead space
effectively can free up areas on the floor
for larger equipment.
Shelving, racks, pegboards and any
other materials that enable you to hang
or store items off the floor are good
investments. Visit your nearby home

improvement retailer to find items that

can simplify your storage. You also
may be able to put scrap wood to use
to make your own storage shelves or a
work bench. Extra kitchen cabinets can
be installed in the shed to organize additional items.
In order to remember where items
go, label or sort them accordingly. Some
people like to take organization a step
further by tracing the outline of tools
hung on the wall so they can be placed
back in the same spot after use. This also
serves as a visual reminder of which
tools are missing and which ones need
to be purchased.
Dont forget to utilize shed doors as additional storage space. Hang frequently
used tools, such as rakes and shovels, on
the inside of the doors so they will always
be easily accessible.
You also can repurpose storage solutions designed for other areas of the
home. For example, magnetic knife
holders can be mounted to a shed wall
to keep paintbrushes organized. These
holders also can be used to keep many
small metal tools tidy. Metal funnels can
hold twine and string. Thread through
the narrow end of the funnel for a handy
Keep dangerous substances off the
floor and out of reach. Gasoline, chemical fertilizers and other potentially dangerous substances should be stored high
up to keep pets and children safe.
Make sure the shed floor is sturdy and
level. This makes it easier to neatly store


Hanging items vertically frees up more space in a shed or garage.

larger items. Roll in the lawnmower,
wheelbarrow and any other cumbersome
items. Now that more things are mounted
vertically, you should find that you have

more area to move around.

Taking the time to clean and organize
a shed can help make anyone more productive.

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Wednesday, April 22, 2015 -- 9

Mouse in the house: Rid the home of these pests

Apart from a large, hairy spider, few things elicit fear in
homeowners as much as mice.
Despite their diminutive size, mice can cause visible and
hidden damage throughout a home. They also can be carriers of disease and contaminate many areas of the home.
Getting rid of a mouse can be a tricky endeavor, but with
some patience and different methods, it is possible.
Mice like to nest in soft, warm places. Mice will nest inside walls, in insulation, in storage boxes, in drawers, under
major appliances, within the upholstery of furniture, or
another secluded spot that is warm and cozy. Homeowners
may see shavings of wood or other debris that is indicative
of a mouse nest nearby.
Why are mice dangerous?
Mice can spread airborne allergens that can contribute
to respiratory problems, including asthma. They are also
responsible for spreading Hantavirus, which causes a
disease known as Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS)
that is fatal in more than half of all cases. Symptoms of
HPS include fever, deep muscle aches and severe shortness
of breath.
Diseases are spread through the urine, dander and feces of the mice. Particles become airborne and can affect
individuals living in proximity. A study in the June 2004
issue of the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
reported that 82 percent of rural, suburban and urban U.S.

homes were found to have mouse allergens. The numbers

may be higher now.
Mice tend to urinate and defecate wherever they travel.
While mouse droppings are visible, urine may not be. Right
now in the average household there could be mouse urine
on kitchen floors, on countertops, inside of cabinets -- just
about anywhere.
Exterminating mice
Poisoning: This method can be very effective. The mouse
takes poisoned bait back to the nest and eats it or shares
it with other mice. Eventually the poison will take effect.
However, in homes with pets or children, this may not be
the best method. Also, a homeowner cannot control where
the mouse will die. There may be an odor present while the
mouse decomposes.
Glue traps: Glue traps are some of the most common
found in stores. The mouse travels onto the trap after a piece
of bait and gets stuck on the extremely sticky board. These
can be effective. However, a mouse that is only partially
stuck on the board may gnaw off a foot to get free.
Snap traps: The old-fashioned mousetrap is springloaded and will activate when the mouse trips the switch.
Some mice know how to outsmart these traps.
Live traps: For homeowners who don't want to kill the
mouse, live traps have a door that will close after the mouse
is inside. The mouse can be relocated far away from the

Manageable means to going green around the house

As spring cleaning season gets set to hit full swing, what
better time to do some "spring greening"? Homeowners
can make the most of spring cleaning by making several
manageable changes around the house that can protect the
environment without disrupting one's current lifestyle.
-- Clean green. Instead of using harmful chemical cleaners when cleaning around the house this spring, choose
green cleaning supplies that don't release harmful chemicals or toxins into the air.
-- Paint with the planet in mind. Spring is a popular time
to repaint rooms in the house. Homeowners with painting
on their to-do list this spring cleaning season should choose
no- or low-VOC (volatile organic compound) paints.
-- Fix those drafts. Chances are, after a long winter
homeowners are well aware of which rooms were warm
and which might have had drafts. Visit those colder rooms
and plug any air leaks around the house. This will result
in a lower heating bill next winter and could save substantial amounts of energy. For homeowners with attics,
checking the attic for air infiltration should be done each
and every year.
-- Explore alternative landscaping methods. Xeriscaping, a style of landscape design that requires little or no
irrigation, can save significant amounts of water. However,
homeowners should consult a landscaping professional to
determine if xeriscaping is a viable alternative to more
traditional landscaping in their region. If xeriscaping can

be done, then homeowners will save water while also reducing the use of potentially harmful pesticides and chemicals
commonly used to keep lawns looking lush.
-- Go low-flow. Spring cleaning isn't just for clearing out
the winter clutter. It's also a time when many homeowners
fix up the house. If replacing showerheads, faucets or even
toilets is on the to-do list, replace existing fixtures with
low-flow models to save water and money.
-- Shop for sustainable materials. Sustainable flooring
is growing in popularity now that going green has truly
taken off. Search for wood that has been harvested in an
environmentally friendly ways. Sustainable flooring materials include bamboo and cork, which many homeowners
find as aesthetically appealing as it is eco-friendly.
-- Double it up. Single-pane windows not only allow lots
of external noise into the house, but they also contribute
to heat loss in the winter, forcing residents to turn up the
thermostat and waste more energy as a result. Installing
double-pane windows will keep more external noise at bay,
and allow homeowners to minimize heat loss in the winter.
-- Unplug the appliances. Perhaps nothing around the
house silently uses energy as much as a plugged-in appliance that's not being used. Certain estimates suggest as
much as 40 percent of a monthly utility bill is going toward
powering home appliances that are turned off. While every
home is different, it's a safe bet that most homes can save
energy by simply unplugging appliances that aren't in use.

Keep in mind that mice tend to be wiley. They can learn to
recognize traps and avoid them. Moving the traps regularly
can help with trapping. Also, use gloves when handling the
traps because mice can be put off by strange scents.
Cleaning after mice
Because of the contaminants that are in the home from
mice, it is recommended that most surfaces be cleaned with
bleach. Carpets should be shampooed and vacuumed thoroughly. Items that can't be cleaned, such as books, should
be stored outside to air out.
After the mouse is eradicated, check the home for entry
points. Cover them up with metal grating to prevent future
access. Also, examine habits around the house and revolve
to clean up crumbs, spilled food, etc. so that the home won't
be attractive to other mice.

Did you know?

Building a home gym inside your home can motivate
you to workout more often and adopt a healthier lifestyle.
Fitness experts advise that homeowners building a home
gym in their homes emphasize lighting in the room that will
soon transform into a gym. A well-lit room, whether the
light is coming from several windows, a door or recessed
lighting in the ceiling, can help men and women maintain
their energy levels throughout their workouts, whereas
darker rooms can lead to feelings of sluggishness, which can
compromise workout routines. In addition, when building
a home gym, keep the room free of clutter and unnecessary items that will only be a distraction during workouts.
Potentially valuable additions to home gyms include plants,
which can increase oxygen levels in the room, and at least
one mirror, which can help men and women focus on
their movements and ensure they are performing exercises
correctly. Homeowners building a home gym also should
consider finding room for a wall-mounted television to
make time spent on elliptical machines or treadmills less
monotonous. If possible, homeowners should connect a
streaming device to the television so they can catch up on
their favorite shows or watch movies as they burn calories.
Its also good to find space for a mini refrigerator in the
gym, which should be kept well stocked with water. This
can prevent runs to the kitchen in the middle of a workout.

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10 Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Cool your home through the warm seasons without breaking the bank
Mother Nature is consistently inconsistent these days, when 30 degree Mondays
may be followed by 60 degree Tuesdays.
Fickle weather is often accompanied by
large fluctuations in temperature, strong
storms and unseasonable conditions, making it difficult for homeowners to maintain
comfort levels in their homes.
As a result of fluctuating temperatures,
home heating and cooling systems have
been heavily taxed. As summer approaches
once again, reducing cooling costs is a priority for many homeowners. The following
are a few ways to cool your homes interior
without causing a spike in your energy bill.
-- Reduce sun exposure. Much of the
hot air inside of a home can be attributed
to sunlight exposure throughout the day.
Walls and windows on the south and west
sides of a home will bear the brunt of the
suns rays, so close shades and drapes on
this side of the house to maximize coolness. Shades and curtains can save you up
to seven percent on your bills and lower
indoor temperatures by up to 20 degrees.
Homeowners also may want to think about
installing a retractable awning on areas
of the house that get a lot of sun. Planting
shade trees is another way to naturally cool
down hot sides of the house.
-- Draw more air into the attic. Hot air
rises, and in the summertime hot air can
get trapped beneath the roof in the attic
and eaves of a home. While an attic should
have vents, homeowners can speed up the
exchange of hot air with a simple trick.
Open up a window on a shady side of the
home, and then open the attic door or take
out the access panel and place a box fan
inside to blow air up into the attic. This
will disperse the hot air and help force it
out through the vents.

-- Use fans productively. Using box fans

to suck cool night air in from east- and
north-facing windows and to push out hot
air from west- and south-facing windows
is another way to increase circulation
through a home. Running fans may be less
costly than turning on air conditioners.
Also, set ceiling fans to rotate counterclockwise. This will pull cooler air up from
the floor and create a wind-chill effect.
-- Switch to LED or CFL bulbs. Ninety
percent of the energy used for incandescent bulbs is emitted as heat. This not
only wastes electricity but also can make
conditions hotter inside a home. Switch to
cooler, more efficient light bulbs.
-- Reduce humidity levels. Humidity
makes hot temperatures feel even hotter.
Clean laundry, take showers and run the
dishwasher at night or early in the morning before the day heats up. Dont forget to
vent bathrooms and kitchens by turning on
exhaust fans when water is in use.
-- Rely on a programmable thermostat.
Setting a thermostat to adjust the air
conditioning system automatically means
homeowners can keep the temperature
raised when theyre not home and then
have it lowered shortly before they arrive
home. The thermostat also can adjust temperatures for day and night use.
-- Keep doors closed. Do not cool rooms
that are unused. Maximize the cool air in
lived-in spaces by blocking off rooms that
do not need to be cooler.
-- Invest in more insulation. Insulation
does not just keep homes warmer in the
cold weather. Insulation also prevents hot
air from infiltrating living spaces while
keeping cooler air where its needed. Sealant around windows and doors also will
prevent unnecessary air exchange.


Ceiling fans can help cool a home more efficiently when fan blades spin in
the right direction for the season.

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A Furnace Is Only As Good As Its Heat Exchanger...

The heat exchanger warms the air being distributed through your ductwork and
provides a barrier between the poisonous gases created by combustion and the air
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Stainless Steel vs. Aluminized Heat Exchangers

On a cold day, a high efcient furnace will create several gallons of slightly acidic
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the furnace. Non-stainless metal that is exposed to acidic water will rust and corrode.

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Bend In Tubing Thins Metal,
Creating Weak Points
Larger Burners Have Noisy
Ignition and Are More Stressful
on Material


Wednesday, April 22, 2015 -- 11

Use creative ways to display diplomas and other school awards

Graduation season is upon us, and
grads everywhere are lining up to receive their diplomas and degrees, which
represent years of hard work and discipline. Diplomas may be simple sheets
of paper, but those sheets of paper are
symbolic of so much more. Yet, too often
diplomas end up collecting dust in a box
somewhere instead of being displayed
in a home.
There may be plenty of reasons why
diplomas end up going from commencement ceremonies to shelves in the back
of closets. Some just cannot find a way or
a place to display their diplomas without
feeling as if they are boasting about their
accomplishments. Diplomas incorpo-

rated into a larger collection of items

can become eye-catching components
of home dcor.
-- Practice feng shui. The principles
of feng shui suggest the fame area
of a home is the central area along the
wall opposite the front door. A power
area also exists in the center of the wall
opposite the main entrance door. Such
areas make ideal spots to display diplomas, awards and trophies that remind
you of times of personal triumph. If
anyone asks, let them know that youre
dabbling in feng shui and these displays
are fueling the fire of future success in
your career and life.
-- Create a gallery wall. Certificates

Prevent drainage problems at home

-- Use caution when planting trees and
shrubs. They could block the runoff of
rainwater, or roots can compromise underground drainage pipes.
-- Consider installation of foundation
drains to divert storm water away from
your building's foundation, if water
seepage is a big problem. Foundation
drainpipes are perforated and usually
surrounded by gravel. The pipes disperse the water (instead of discharging
in a concentrated area) and the gravel
contributes to infiltration of the water.
-- Trench drains or yard inlets can
catch excess water if it pools or runs
off in a particular area. The drain will
connect into a public system and carry
water off.
-- Regularly maintain your septic system if you have one. Routine pumping
of the tank, ensuring only septic-safe
items are flushed, and avoiding harmful
chemicals can help prevent a wet landscape from an overflowing septic system.
-- Drywells can be placed in areas that
cannot be connected to a storm water
drainage system. Drywells are filled with
gravel and surrounded by filter fabric.
Water flows into the wells and permeates
the ground through the gravel.
-- Sump pumps can be used indoors to
pump out extra water caused by a high
water table. They click on when water
reaches a certain level.
Being aware of drainage issues can
prevent problems down the line. If you
think you have a drainage issue, you may
want to consult your city's public work
department to view drainage plans in
your area. A plumber or landscaper may
be needed to help resolve issues.

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Drainage issues on a property can

cost homeowners thousands of dollars
in potential damage. They can also cause
safety issues down the line, such as mold
or mildew accumulation on walls, breeding grounds for insects, or even sink
holes. It's important to ensure proper
drainage occurs around a home.
Storm water runoff is a big culprit
when it comes to drainage issues. Over
time storm water can erode soft surfaces
and redirect water to places where it
doesn't belong. Also, improperly graded
concrete work or misplaced landscaping items can create water pooling in
undesirable areas. Other items used in
a landscape can create trouble. Mulch or
wood chip decorative accents can wash
away during storms and clog drains or
create water ruts.
Repairing drainage issues can be an
easy or more labor-intensive job depending on the severity of water accumulation. Here are some remedies to try.
-- Sweep driveways and walkways
rather than using a hose to clean debris.
This not only saves water, but also it
prevents excess debris from funneling
into storm drains or your own property
drainage system.
-- Install gutter covers and removable
downspouts. This way you can routinely
clean out debris that has collected, such
as branches and leaves. Clogged gutters
can cause rainwater to overflow and run
down the foundation of a home, eventually infiltrating the interior.
-- Always ask for referrals when considering outdoor contractors. Make sure
proper zoning permits and inspections
are followed so that grading of work is in
accordance with city or town ordinances.

-- Put together a portfolio. You may
want to scrapbook awards and diplomas
as you would other milestones in life.
Purchase a sturdy binder and slip the
awards into clear, protective covers. The
binder can be stored on a bookshelf and
pulled out whenever you want to revisit
your years in school.
-- Create a shadow box. Fill a shadow
box with the diploma and some other
mementos from school, like newspaper
clippings or prom ticket stubs. The entire
collection will make for a nice display
you can enjoy whenever you feel compelled to take a trip down memory lane.
-- Bring it to work. You may want to
hang certain documents in your office
as proof of your credentials. A diploma
can add an air of authority to the space.
Diplomas are symbolic of significant
accomplishments in life. Explore the
many ways to display it and be proud
of the hard work required to earn your

and diplomas can be matted and framed

just like any other piece of artwork.
When mixed and matched with other
framed pieces, they create a subtle, rather than boastful, effect. These certificates
will blend into home dcor and be part
of a larger gallery look, providing visual
interest and conversation pieces.
-- Establish a home office. Diplomas
are tailor-made for home offices. When
hung behind a desk, diplomas can give a
home office a professional feel. Diplomas
and other awards also can be housed
on book shelves and mixed in with
other symbols of academia, like ribbons,
sports trophies and photos of classmates.
-- Design a digital display. Modest
graduates may not want their diplomas
in full view at all times. Awards can be
scanned into a computer and turned into
digital images. Include an image of your
degree in a reel that includes photos from
your years in academia. The images will
rotate in a digital picture frame. Update
the display from time to time to keep it


12 Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Look for unhealthy trees in your yard this spring

Perhaps because they can live for so
many years, trees have a way of falling
down homeowners landscaping priority lists. Trees also tend to be big and
strong, so its no surprise that they often
are overlooked in favor or other areas
of a lawn and garden that dont seem
so strong in the face of Mother Nature.
But trees are susceptible to damage
and disease, and homeowners who learn
to recognize symptoms of such problems
can prevent them from escalating and
reduce the risk that the trees will cause
damage to their properties. The following are just some of the ways homeowners can determine if their trees are unhealthy. Homeowners who suspect they
have a tree that poses a safety risk should
contact a professional tree service for an
immediate inspection and steer clear
of the tree until an inspection has been
-- Check around the base of the tree.
The base of a tree may offer some telltale
signs that the tree is unhealthy. Soil that
is cracked or raised at the base of the
tree may be indicative of a tree that has
started to uproot. If you recognize any
cracking or if the soil is raised, look at
the tree to see if it is leaning. If the soil is
cracked or raised because it is uprooting,
then the tree might have already started
to lean in the opposite direction of the
cracking or raised soil.
-- Examine for fungus. The growth of
fungus on the tree trunk or close to it
may be a sign that the tree is rotting or
decaying. Fungal growth, such as a sudden population of mushrooms, around
the base of the tree is another sign of
decay. If the wood behind fungal growth
crumbles easily, then homeowners
should call a professional tree service,
as the fungal problem on the tree has
likely already been festering for quite
some time.
-- Look for cavities on the trunk.

Cracks and cavities on a tree may not

be an emergency, but especially deep
cracks and cavities may be indicative
of a structural problem. Multiple cracks
and cavities also serve as red flags.
-- Look for dead wood. It may sound
simple, but dead wood poses a threat
to the tree and anyone who happens to
spend time in its vicinity. Dead wood
snaps easily, and falling dead wood can
harm anyone unlucky enough to be beneath the tree when the dead wood snaps.
Dead wood branches wont bend in the
wind, and such branches frequently fall
off of trees when strong gusts of wind
come along. Dead branches either wont
have leaves or the leaves will be brown
(dead pine branches will have brown
-- Weak connections. Unhealthy trees
often have weak connections between
their branches and their trunks. If
branches dont appear to be strongly connected to the tree bark, call a tree service
to determine a solution. The tree might
not be on its way out, but you may have to
take steps to strengthen the connections
so branches are not at risk of falling.
Unhealthy trees can pose a significant
safety hazard on a property. Homeowners who learn to recognize the signs
of unhealthy trees can do something
to prevent dying trees from damaging
their homes.


Unhealthy trees may need to be removed from a property before they cause
significant damage.

Enjoy silence in the home with soundproofing tips

Whats the first step in sound proofing
your home? Finding which rooms have
the least amount of sound resistance.
To do this, make sure everyone is
out of the house, unplug all electronics
and close all doors and windows. Take
a quick walk through your house and
pause for a few moments in each room
to evaluate which ones are the noisiest.



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-- Plant trees and hedges along the
exterior of your home, perhaps along a
fence. Not only do trees and hedges help
with the environment and provide a good
amount of privacy, they also slow down
the travel of noise from the neighborhood into your home.
-- Insulate your walls and ceilings. Better insulation in your interiors and exteriors wont
just drive away excess
noise, it will also reduce
your heating and cooling
bills during the hot and
cold months.
-- Seal up all cracks and
holes around windows
and doors, and add double
glazed windows to your
current glass panes.
See Jason or Terry at their
Once youve selected
the best soundproofing
method, implement it and
1/2 mile S. on Hwy. 13, Medford
enjoy the bliss of silence
throughout your home.

Now consider if youre installing a media room or teenage recreational room

where volumes will be blasting on TVs
and stereos.
With this information, you should
have a good idea of where you need to
soundproof and create barriers against
noise. Here are some tips to help you
achieve the optimal result of peace and


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