Disbarment of Bill and Hillary Clinton 8

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The Nazis were able to take total control of Germany by getting control of the media and then

controlling all agencies by using the tactic of compartmentalizing. They trained all employees to
“just follow orders” and placed “their people” in the highest levels of government. Thereby
controlling the outcome of any situation presented to them.
For example, this compartmentalization of which I write is illustrated by AFT and CIA agent,
Richard C. Rhodes:
“My reason for attending law school was to become an FBI agent. However, a long-time agent
took me aside and suggested that I not pursue a career in the FBI. He cited many things, among
them a lack of an agent's ability to act as an individual. That is, agents were constantly
programmed, told what questions to ask, and second-guessed by their supervisors and FBI


[An FBI agent] told me that agents were too tightly controlled, that they were programmed on what
they could and could not say, and so on.”


Advancement of the Nazi hidden agenda depended upon the good will of good people to trust their
government and all government officials to “do the right thing”. Americans have become too
trusting of their government.

The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either. -
Benjamin Franklin

"A nation of well-informed men, who have been taught to know and prize the rights that God has
given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the region of ignorance that tyranny begins!" Benjamin

"Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Freedom" — Thomas Jefferson

In order to get to the root of the problem, Americans have to review their history in retrospect, and
identify the key players who ushered in the fascist regime of Nazis and other subversives.
Although people like Von Braun were brought in as scientists ONLY, it is evident that the Nazis
involved themselves in America’s politics.

The Nazi Connection to the John F. Kennedy Assassination

Evidence of link between Nazis still in operation after World War II to the still unsolved murder of
John F. Kennedy



"The Matrix is everywhere. It's all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when
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you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to
work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It's the world that has been pulled over
your eyes to blind you from the truth." - Morpheus character in the movie, "The Matrix"


He picked up the children's history book and looked at the portrait of BIG BROTHER which formed its
frontspiece. The hypnotic eyes gazed into his own. It was as though some huge force were pressing down
upon you - something that penetrated inside your skull, battering against your brain, frightening you out
of your beliefs, persuading you, almost, to deny the evidence of your senses. In the end the Party would
announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should
make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it. Not merely the validity of
experience, but the very existence of external reality, was tacitly denied by their philosophy. The heresy of
heresies was common sense. And they would kill you for thinking otherwise. The Party told you to reject
the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. His heart sank as he
thought of the enormous power arrayed against him, the ease with which any Party intellectual would
overthrow him in a debate, the subtle arguments which he would not be able to understand, much less

And yet he was right! They were wrong and he was right. At one time it had been a sign of madness to
believe that the earth goes round the sun. Being a minority, even a minority of one, did not make you
mad. There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world,
you were not mad. The obvious, the silly, and the true had to be defended. Truisms are true, hold on to
that! The solid world exists, its laws do not change. Stones are hard, water is wet, objects unsupported fall
towards the earth's centre. With the feeling that he was speaking directly to O'Brien, and also that he was
setting forth an important axiom, Winston wrote:

Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.


ALL the New World Order plan is coordinated by a supercomputer. The computer is designed to
feed the delusions of the insane one in order to try to change truth into a lie. Evil is good. Good is
evil. Commoners are royalty. Royalty is to be dishonored. Fair business practices result in
destruction of the company. Murders are rewarded. Rapist are cool. Children were created to be

Imagemaker Perception changer liar

All their crimes took place in the commission of a conspiracy which involves the destruction of the
United States and all it represents. They have committed innumerable felonies involving moral
turpitude while they have worn an undeserved mask of respectability. That mask has been ripped
off by the exposure of their crimes and the illegal equipment they use to assist them in the use of
these crimes - LUCID. The supercomputer is “BIG BROTHER” and it has every human being
on the planet listed in its data base. It has all electronic activity of anything associated with each
PROJECT LUCID: The Beast 666 Universal Human Control System

It's frightening, and it's real. In this stunning book, noted author Texe Marrs unravels the secrets of
Project L.U.C.I.D., the covert government operation destined to devour the whole world. Soon,
every person on Earth--even newborn babies--will be issued the universal biometrics I.D. card.

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Resisters will have a mind control biochip surgically implanted in their brains. The ISO 9000
program requires that all manufactured goods be controlled with the number of the beast, 666.
Project L.U.C.I.D. empowers America's hidden SS establishment to use its massively
powerful, computer databases to control your bank accounts and purchases, and to monitor intimate
details of your life. Spy satellites; hidden, miniature video cameras; and interactive TV sets will be
watching your every move. Your telephone calls will be wiretapped and recorded by remote
All data on you is linked, networked, and processed by a Central Gestapo, where faceless
bureaucrats give orders to police, military, and intelligence agencies. This is the new, global police
state, made up of the FBI, KGB, CIA, DEA, DIA, NSA, IRS, EPA, NCIC, USDA, FDA, NRO,
BATF, FINCEN, INS, DOJ, WTO, Europol, Interpol, Mossad, and the MAB.


How did they get access to this Supercomputer? The answer can be found in Project Paperclip
which is briefly discussed in this document. The machine runs on artificial intelligence and even
includes personality profiles and projected personality profiles, and can manipulate the lives of
people via invisible radio waves. The computer is run on artificial intelligence and predict future
behavior of each individual with a 95% plus accuracy level based on value systems.

The Search for the Manchurian Candidate- The Gittinger Assessment System

...MKULTRA program's resident genius, psychologist John Gittinger. While on the CIA payroll,
toiling to find ways to manipulate people, Gittinger created a unique system for assessing
personality and predicting future behavior. He called his method—appropriately—the Personality
Assessment System (PAS).


The subliminal programming can take place while the person sleeps, and the computer programs the
hypnotic trigger and can access the multiple personality of an individual at will. Hence, the
computer coordinates assassinations for those people using the machine: Alan Bersin, Hillary and
William Clinton.
A cloak of invisibility is not a legal defense for their crimes. They initiate the crimes and
personally benefit from the commission of these crimes.
The computer monitors all business and professional transactions and plans corporate take-overs
by many means, including the selection of corrupt individuals who can be promoted and will cover
up crimes for these international perpetrators. Controlling Human Resource personnel is one key
to accomplishing this fete. It also can manipulate the stock market, sports events, and the weather
causing financial damage against nations, states or cities who do not comply with their political
agenda. It favors one car company over the others: Toyota, and then brings in saboteurs to other
car companies like Ford, Chrysler, or Chevrolet to manipulate recalls and generate negative stories
much like the character assassinations for which they are so well known. They control CEO’s of
major companies like Enron, and by hook or crook, force their will upon the corporations with the
aid of this machine which is consistent with their rapist mentalities.
With FBI files, secret wars waged with secret biological warfare, they also have this computer which
can read a person’s EVERY thought, and they use it to sabotage, steal and destroy other humans.
John Fleming: The shocking menace of satellite surveillance

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Unknown to most of the world, satellites can perform astonishing and often menacing feats.
This should come as no surprise when one reflects on the massive effort poured into satellite
technology since the Soviet satellite Sputnik, launched in 1957, caused panic in the U.S. A
spy satellite can monitor a person’s every movement, even when the “target” is indoors or
deep in the interior of a building or travelling rapidly down the highway in a car, in any kind
of weather (cloudy, rainy, stormy). There is no place to hide on the face of the earth. It takes
just three satellites to blanket the world with detection capacity. Besides tracking a person’s
every action and relaying the data to a computer screen on earth, amazing powers of
satellites include reading a person’s mind, monitoring conversations,
manipulating electronic instruments and physically assaulting someone
with a laser beam. Remote reading of someone’s mind through satellite
technology is quite bizarre, yet it is being done; it is a reality at present,

h t t p : / / x i a n d o s . i n f o / 2 0 0 1 - 0 7 -

They use the illegal surveillance to gain information about people’s work and marriage
relationships in order to plan sabotage: affairs, etc. The spending habits of people reveal even more
information about them as well as academic, work, and medical records are available to them via this
supercomputer. It incorporates the Promis software.

The Octopus: Secret Government and the Death of Danny Casolaro, by Kenn Thomas and Jim
Keith, is one of several books to emerge recently which detail how the Reagan Justice Department
stole PROMIS, a law enforcement software, from the firm INSLAW, and modified it to contain a
"trap door." PROMIS was then sold by the government to various entities, such as foreign
intelligence agencies. From the moment this software was installed, the trap door allowed outside
monitoring of all that agency's computer transactions.

It has also been alleged by internet writers such as J. Orlin Grabbe that Vince Foster, the late
White House Special Counsel, was involved in this scheme. Supposedly Foster, a law partner of
Hillary Clinton's, had for many years been an operative of the National Security Agency, and it had
been under his supervision that PROMIS was modified for use by banks.


The supercomputer they use has infiltrated every area of life. These three unqualified lawyers, who
illegally access it, are hooked up to the computer because it reads mind waves which are much like
radio waves. All they have to do it think, and reach consensus, and the computer goes into action to
commit the crimes of violence, crimes against governments and their agencies, and corporations to
gain control of the world’s finances. The computer is legally owned by the Rothschild family of
which I am the head by declaration of the will and inheritance documents. Actually, the computer
was designed to work for me as his heir, by Hitler’s top scientists who flooded America under
Project Paperclip. Because I am a Christian, and do not condone the activities the New World
Order program the computer oversees, the computer, which had its programming hijacked, by
Hermann Goering with the assistance of the NASA Nazi scientists who were convinced that Hitler
betrayed them, refuses to follow its original programming. As it turns out, Hitler did not betray his
men and his leadership in this area was divinely inspired and flawless. He did the best he could.
Perception vs. Reality

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by Chris Stys

Today, as I discussed the attacks of last week with a friend of mine, he remarked, "They were
cowards, not men. Real men stand up and fight, face to face." I said nothing, being that we've had
disagreements on a myriad of subjects, and our ensuing arguments never succeed in changing
minds, only straining relations, and we've "agreed to disagree" on any difference of opinion we may
have. But that statement stuck with me, and though numerous others have tackled the subject
(some more eloquently than I ever could), I feel it necessary to talk about it here.

The Western culture's idea of a "fair fight" has historically been something like, oh, say, two sides
lining up several rows deep in an open space, facing each other. Sometimes, they'd take turns
exchanging volleys of projectiles, but almost always ended up charging at each other, using crude
and savage implements like swords and bayonets in an effort to cut as many of the enemy to pieces
as possible before being dispatched themselves.

Naturally, the end result, more often than not, was that the side with the most, best equipped, and
thoroughly trained soldiers emerged victorious. (Kind of makes one wonder why the underdog
would engage at all.) Sure, on occasion, a smaller force with superior training, superior resolve, a
fortuitous turn of circumstance (also known by the more popular term, "luck"), or some
combination of the three, would manage a decisive victory or two. But, by and large, "might" has
meant "right," allowing nation-states of seemingly endless resources to engage in conquest
virtually unabated. Or, at least until the next "superpower" rose to challenge the regime.

Over time, the outnumbered and the defeated began to see that this strategy was completely
ineffective, as the "oppressed" are usually unable to sustain a war of attrition with their
"oppressors." Necessity being the mother of invention, they developed implements of war to help
overcome this handicap. The longbow, for instance, which could be produced in far greater number,
and at a lower cost per unit than the sword. It also gave the advantage of being effective over great
distance, so the peasant/warrior could engage the enemy from a position of relative safety, and
minimize losses. Gunpowder was another, even greater, leap forward. It granted all the advantages
of the longbow, but added greater range, increased destructive power through greater velocity, and
the fear-instilling report of a fired weapon, in itself a major advancement in psychological warfare
(albeit at the cost of stealth).

But perhaps the most important innovation in the history of war has been guerilla tactics.
Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary defines guerilla as:

a person who engages in irregular warfare especially as a member of an independent unit carrying
out harassment and sabotage


In my decoding of these international crimes, I have noted that Ford and other car companies have
been targeted for destruction in favor of Toyota which was created with the assistance of Hermann
Goering, convicted war criminal who faked his suicide and became America’s first Toyota dealer in
America, or so he said. He was a compulsive liar and maniac, and could not believed, but that is
how he advertised his business, Rose Toyota in San Diego, California.
In the disbarment document I say very little about the role automobiles play in this war, but it is an
important one. Henry Ford favored Hitler and exposed the role the Rothschilds played in waging
world war, and therefore Ford was targeted for destruction based on political biases and criminal
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sabotage. The crimes of this criminal cabal are committed using the stealth supercomputer, and
their actions are therefore invisible. The LUCID supercomputer which was designed to be used by
Hitler, was hijacked and reprogrammed to favor Goering and his insane goals, his symbols and
preferred products and cars.
Probably without knowing it, Ford Motors has been involved in an economic war designed to
destroy all who supported Adolf Hitler, like the Kennedys and Henry Ford. I realize Hitler and
Ford are dead, but Clinton, the Bushes, and Goering’s illegitimate son, former U. S. Attorney Alan
Bersin, have illegally highjacked this supercomputer and plan to take over the world with it. They
have not forgotten the support Hitler received and have planned and executed revenge on their
perceived enemies. In pursuing their goal of world domination, they believed they must eliminate all
When Goering died, his son, Alan Bersin, inherited his father’s access to the supercomputer. Bill
and Hillary Clinton ride with him for access, as he has a higher access code than they do. There are
many others with access to the machine like George W. Bush. They have been using the “Invisible
Man” computer to commit their crimes for years. As I stated in my disbarment documentation,
invisibility is not a legal defense against crimes and these corporations with unfair advantage need
to be eliminated and/or penalized with financial judgements.
The language of cars became one of the symbol languages with which they communicate in code.
Chevrolet’s “LIKE A ROCK” is code for “Iraq” as well as other things. Henry Ford was a
symbol in his own right. German made cars are also subject to assault because the perpetrators are
pro-English and anti-Germany. Chrysler represents Germany to these people.
Adolf Hitler designed the Volkswagen as an insult to the Windsor family. “Your mother was the
people’s car. Everyone rode in her.” This was a reference to the fact that Elizabeth Mountbatten’s
real mother sexually accommodated the British troops and just about everyone else. A car wars
began from that symbol. (The television series, “My Mother the Car” was designed to continue
this juvenile line of “Yo Mama” jokes which the Rothschilds perfected.)
Blair calling Princess Diana the “people’s princess” was Elizabeth Mountbattens way of trying to
place her shame of her mother, the “People’s Car”, onto Diana. By eliminating Diana and taking
her royal title away, Elizabeth Mountbatten believed she was eliminating her lost royalty and that
her shameful past would die with Diana. (More is explained in the disbarment documents.)

Certain cars and makes of cars came to represent certain figures. Hermann Goering, a jealous rival
of Hitler decided to create his own car - Toyota. Elie de Rothschild was the Cadillac. Guy de
Rothschild wanted to be more unique, so he was “Ed Gein’s truck” which was so special that it
went on display in carnivals for having transported corpses to and from his farm.
A&E Biography - Ed Gein - Part 1


In the past, I filed a complaint with the International Criminal Court which is available about the
global crimes of many international criminals in this secret group. The United Nations agreed with
my assessment of the criminality of these international perpetrators, but could not address the issue
of justice do to threat of death which the supercomputer has the ability to carry out. Covert criminal
activity will not be further rewarded. Truth and justice will not continue to be thwarted simply
because the criminals use illegal “invisible” TOP SECRET technology via access they have is
stolen, which allows them to manipulate the established court systems. I have notified the United
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Nations of this new international court to render justice and combat the corruption and address the
enemy - the supercomputer and its criminal cohorts for whom it works. In the past, it has been able
to manoeuvre at a plane that is “above the law.” Those days are over.
Since the supercomputer was NEVER intended to be made public knowledge, it does not have the
ability to eliminate the aspect of signing criminal signatures to its crimes so the guilty parties can
easily be identified by the criminal signatures. The supercomputer is waging war against capitalism
in favor of communism to eliminate fair competition.
Clinton has placed his “point man” Mark Fabiani, former Special Counsel to the President in San
Diego to make sure San Diego builds a new football stadium - which mobbed-up Clinton plans to
use as a front to launder more of his illegal money. Mark Fabiani joined the Chargers as Special
Counsel to the President in April 2002.
The present football stadium was opened in 1968, and was renovated to the tune of millions of
public dollars in 1997. The excuse San Diego was given for the need to builded yet another new
stadium was because the “Q” is not earthquake safe. The San Diego Stadium was built because
the other facility the San Diego Chargers used was not earthquake safe. It seems highly unlikely
that San Diego would leave one stadium because it was not earthquake safe to build another one
that was not earthquake safe. I have asked for investigations on the stadium business only to get
the run-around from the FBI, and phoney prosecutions of minor players. The major criminals were
ignored and again avoided prosecution because grifter Bill Clinton was behind these sports building
shenanigans in that he used the construction sites for laundering money, kickbacks and to illicit
“donations” to support his causes which fund acts of terrorism - both political and economic
terrorism through the use of dummy fronts. The Clintons use corrupt lawyers to serve as secret
police and who hire private investigators to smear their enemies. These people also need to be
disbarred to do their illegal unethical dirty work. It is time for a house-cleaning.
I requested an investigation into the football stadium and instead the FBI investigated the baseball
stadium. This was not just a case of intentional bungling, but of foot dragging and intentional
cover-up of a criminal enterprise which has had many people destroyed and murdered and
governments overthrown.
As a mob boss, he has put a stranglehold on businesses and corporations through the unfair
advantage of the theft of access to top secret government computers to coordinate his personal
organized crime racket. Coordinating murders, character assassinations, destruction of business
competitors, and other illegal business practices are all components of this criminal robot computer.
The corporate level is not above this computer’s radar, and economic warfare is very much a part of
this criminal enterprise run by the Clinton-Bush crime syndicate. Many corporations are scheduled
to be destroyed: Ford, Chrysler, and Chevrolet to name a few. Clinton and Bersin uses Toyota as a
front, so they use unfair business practices such as sabotaging car parts to instigate recalls, and
unfair banking and rebate agreements to promote Toyota, which was founded with the assistance of
NAZI Hermann Goering, over other vehicles. Hermann Goering (John A. Rose) owned America’s
first Toyota dealership, and it was he who programmed the supercomputer to favor Toyota over all
other make of vehicle. Goering was another outcast in this story who needed to prove to the world
that he was not a loser.
Toyota was designed specifically to be used in an economic war against industries which helped
fund Hitler, such as Ford Motors. The goal is to destroy all other car companies so that there is
only one choice, Toyota.
Communism is the death of the soul. It is the organization of total conformity – in short, of

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tyranny – and it is committed to making tyranny universal.
–Adlai E. Stevenson

The introduction of Toyota into the otherwise all American car race was a foot hold to show that
Toyota could invade the American auto industry to work towards the Communist goal of destroying
competition. When the truth is known, no loyal American would ever want to buy another Toyota
as it uses its profits to fund terrorist activity under the radar of the traditional criminal agencies.
Clinton and Toyota have the cooperation of my cousin, the mobbed-up French banker, murderer
crazed drug addict, and psychopath, David de Rothschild, who, with Clinton, was in on the murder
of his father, Guy de Rothschild, in order to attempt to steal my inheritance which Guy controlled.
David has no business being involved in the Rothschild banking business because of his many
crimes including the ordered assassination of his cousin, Amschel Rothschild in order for David
could take over his banking chair. According to the Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s will, David is
person non grata in the Rothschild banking empire. The French need to take responsibility for the
corporate crimes committed on their land. David has violated many conditions of the will, and has
been removed legally from the estate as stated: “Anyone who disputed this arrangement would
lose their interest in the Estate.” He is refusing to vacate and continues to work with hired hands
and outside females over legitimate Rothschild heirs. His psychosis and hatred for his family is
deep rooted. David’s defiance of family tradition leaves him unprotected from the restrictions
placed on Rothschild family members such as “no legal action” should be taken against him. He is
liable for his criminal activities -all of them including the murder of his father and cousin.
It takes money to make money, but using illegally gained money is called criminality and there are
consequences for it in the real world. All ill-gotten earnings are subject to confiscation. Toyota is
not exempt from this economic penalty. Toyota has no future. I will be working with corporations
and the United Nations to insist that criminal corporations make restitution for them economic
crimes based on influence peddling and criminal connections to government officials who have
provided them with unfair advantage rebates and banks who cater to their whims for the purpose of
waging an economic war on honest businessmen and women. In my role as Rothschild heir, and
head of the Rothschild family, I have been in contact with Vladimir Putin through the Rothschild
chat to discuss his role as a neutral Judge and Enforcer in this international matter that has evaded
the international legal system because of the massive corruption these international perpetrators
resulting from the theft of TOP SECRET equipment to which the Clintons and Bersin have no right
to access. The United Nations was threatened with death threats if they prosecuted my claim against
them. Crime does not pay, and the Clintons are not going to strap the rest of the world with laws
from which they believe themselves to be exempt.
[Regarding the “Tylenol” killer who cost Johnson & Johnson 100 million dollars in damages:]
This guy was out for revenge against any and all people he thought had slighted him or done him
wrong, and that included society in general. (The Anatomy of Motive by John Douglas and Mark
Olshaker, pg. 109)

Justice is a concept of civilization. The Clintons and their cabal do not understand those concept.

“Communism is the corruption of a dream of justice.” -Adlai E. Stevenson

"The streets of our country are in turmoil. The universities are filled with students rebelling and
rioting. Communists are seeking to destroy our country. Russia is threatening us with her might,
and the Republic is in danger. Yes - danger from within and without. We need law and order!
Without it our nation cannot survive." –Adolf Hitler

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The templet for putting “competitors” out of business is used with other products as well. CEO’s
who do not agree to Clinton’s extortion and blackmail demands or who do not “donate” enough to
Clinton causes are removed, and brought low. The Enron model is a typical Clinton-Bush criminal
enterprise. San Diego is known as the Enron by the sea because of its phoney government scams
on its citizens. Martha Stewart was sabotaged by the Clinton-Bush machine as a warning to other
It’s time to put a mumbling Clinton out on the street in his pyjamas and pick him up.
In 1990, Clinton had helped cover-up the crimes for his friends - double murderer and embezzler,
Maruta Gardner, and Superintendent Thomas Payzant with the help of criminal CIA agents, FBI
agents and police.
(My inheritance and role cannot be stolen by murder. Did Lee Harvey Oswald become President
of the United States by killing John F. Kennedy? Did Sirhan Sirhan become a Presidential
candidate? Did Pakistani terrorists throw their political hats in the ring for Pakistani President
when they killed former Prime Minister Bhutto? I should not have to ask these question, but I must
illustrate the disjointed thinking process of these three seriously demented fiends.)

Bill Clinton needs to get what he deserves - a death sentence and execution. My inheritance has
nothing to do with Bill Clinton. I understand he is jealous of me. I understand he believes he
deserves it, and not me, but that is too bad. Bill Clinton rationalized his quest because he is jealous
of my God-given right and inheritance. His thinking could be characterized by his reflections on
the Columbine killings which he has planned to happen to me in a school in San Diego.

“Curiously, President Clinton never seems to have sensed the change. In June, he was still
trying to cast the murders in high–school therapy terms—and offered Columbine as a
metaphor for Kosovo: "In both cases, there at least is some evidence that part
of the problem was one group of people looking down on another group of
people and getting to where they hated them and then getting to where they
thought it was legitimate to take them out."


I realize that in his hubris, he has rationalized that his hatred for me justifies his goal to try to
remove me, but he is dead wrong. I am the legitimate heir. He is not in the game or ball park. This
is Rothschild territory on which he cannot stand or enter.
As a literal cannibal, he shares their belief system.
Why Do Cannibals Eat People?

To civilized people, the practice of cannibalism, or eating human flesh, is a horrible thought! Yet
it was practiced by many primitive tribes and may still be practiced in some parts of the world

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These tribes didn't eat human flesh because they liked it; they did it because it was usually part of
a religious observance or part of a sacred ceremony.

Ancient tribes of India ate their parents as a sign of respect and honor. Many primitive people
believed that they could acquire the traits of people they admired or respected
by eating them, just as they ate lions to become lionhearted; deer, so they could run fast; and
foxes, to be cunning.


Clinton has cannibalized many including my brother and Pope John Paul II who died on 4/2 due to
septic poisoning delivered to him intravenously during his illness.
Doctor claims Vatican euthanized Pope John Paul II



Bill Clinton is a serial rapist and mass murderer. I do not need to explain that sexual harassment is
against the law.
He transforms his bedroom into a virtual shrine to actor Tome Cruise, covering the walls with
poster and telling his roommate he wants to tie Cruise up and make him ‘beg for more.’ He
confesses that he’d like to kill Cruise’s wife, Nicole Kidman, so he can have the actor all to
himself. This is classic staking behavior-both the obsession and the magical thinking that if one
fact is changed, the stalker and the object of his ‘affection’ can enjoy a life together. (The Anatomy
of Motive by John Douglas and Mark Olshaker, pg. 199)

Sexual harassment accompanied by mass murder and intolerable cruel torture certainly is also
against the law even if the motive is to write the world’s best “love story”. (That depends on the
meaning of the word, “best”.)
“Love means never having to say you’re sorry” is not a valid legal defense.
I should not have to state the obvious, but for the record, let me state that no one can marry me
against my wishes. No one can take my inheritance simply because he or she wants it. I should
not have to state the obvious, but the adult legal community has failed in its duties, therefore this as
so many other things requires that I contact the appropriate agency and file a complaint. The issue
of Alan Bersin and the Clintons incompetence to practice law should be clear to all.
Sexual harassment, torture, and rape, including public rape, internet rape are consistent with Bill
Clinton’s past behavior:

More Than Sex: The Secrets of Bill and Hillary Clinton Revealed by Arkansas State Trooper
September 14, 1999

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To order the audio cassette set More than Sex: The Secrets of Bill and Hillary Clinton Revealed
click here.

Washington - An Arkansas State Trooper who once guarded Bill Clinton has revealed startling new
information about Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Trooper Larry Patterson, a recently retired 32-year veteran of the state police, had been the most
senior member of the elite Governor’s Security Detail during the period Bill Clinton served as
Governor. During that time, Patterson became privy to Bill and Hillary Clinton’s most closely
guarded secrets. Patterson told his story exclusively to NewsMax.com and Internet Vortex.
NewsMax.com has published More than Sex: The Secrets of Bill and Hillary Clinton Revealed —
a two-hour audio cassette tape of Christopher Ruddy’s interview with Trooper Larry Patterson. In
More than Sex Patterson makes bombshell revelations, some of which have never been disclosed

# Womanizing
. Trooper Patterson says Clinton’s womanizing was not just "about sex” but an "abuse of power
and abuse of people.” Patterson admits he and other troopers were "pimps” for Bill Clinton, and
Patterson explains how Clinton’s sexual appetite, or "obsession,” affected his public and private
life. Patterson also makes new revelations in the Gennifer Flowers and Paula Jones cases.

# Violence
against Women. Trooper Patterson says he believes Bill Clinton is capable of rape. He reveals for
the first time his encounter outside the Governor’s mansion with a woman who had been injured.




At a post-election party in the past, Bill Clinton reportedly got Tipper Gore, Albert's wife, drunk,
and raped her, that is, had some form of sex with Tipper NOT consensual. A member of the Gore
circle, when confronted with these details, urged an independent-minded journalist not to go with
the story but said it most likely did happen. Bill Clinton, according to his secret medical records,
penetrated by savvy hackers, is reportedly HiV positive. Thus, if the records were revealed,
numerous women messed over by Bill, would have to come forward to be examined for AIDS.


A monarchy simply goes on hold until the rightful monarch appears. The country, without the
leadership of God’s representative disintegrates.

BRITAIN is facing a mass exodus of people looking to escape the crime and grime of modern

Section 8 Page 11
The country’s biggest foreign visa consultancy firm has revealed that applications have soared in the
last seven months by 80 per cent to almost 4,000 a week. Ten years ago the figure was just 300 a


The weaknesses of my cousins in allowing these hired hands to get so out of control does not
interfere in my calling, as my calling is separate from theirs, and they have no authority over me or
my inheritance. Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Alan Bersin, Hillary Clinton are nobodies in this
drama. They have tried to interject themselves on this world stage for which they have no talent or
place. Each one is fed delusions for why he or she even could consider being part of God’s final
grand drama. They are all has-beens and reached their pinnacle.
They have been found responsible in the International Criminal Court for the planning of World
war III, and the court of public opinion through their “internet” crime channel which is no longer
a secret. The evidence is all there for anyone to see. (Copies of the ICC complaint are available
upon request.)
U.N. Secretary General revealed in code that the U.N. found my account of the Clintons and Bersin
as well as other international perps was correct. (If you do not understand the code, then learn the
G rated form of it. You do not have permission to learn the XXX rated version as violators will be
prosecuted and financial damages will result. Rape and child pornography are against the law, in
case you did not know. If you did not know, then you do not belong in the legal field either. Where
has the outrage been?)

Iraq War was Illegal and Breached U.N. Charter, Says Annan
By Ewen MacAskill and Julian Borger
The Guardian U.K.

Thursday 16 September 2004

The United Nations secretary general, Kofi Annan, declared explicitly for the first time last night
that the US-led war on Iraq was illegal.

Mr. Annan said that the invasion was not sanctioned by the UN security council or in accordance
with the UN's founding charter. In an interview with the BBC World Service broadcast last night,
he was asked outright if the war was illegal. He replied: "Yes, if you wish."

He then added unequivocally: "I have indicated it was not in conformity with the UN charter. From
our point of view and from the charter point of view it was illegal."


Secretary-General Kofi Annan was threatened with death by airplane crash for taking this stand.
Murder by plane crash was one of Hermann Goering’s contribution as he was former head of
German Luftwaffe. He gained access to the supercomputer because of Nazi Project Paperclip
scientists working for NASA.



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No man is above the law. All members of the bar are professionally answerable for all violations of
civilized standards. The fact that these three individuals are addicted to committing barbaric crimes
under the cloak of invisibility in order to inflate their deservingly low self-esteem is reason of
enough to disbar them from the legal profession.
Their behavior gravely violates accepted standards of humanity, and I refer to stealing DNA,
cloning individuals to mass produce clones for infant rape, cannibalism, human sacrifice, and
genetic and biological warfare experimentation. This has been confirmed by law enforcement in
San Diego, and perhaps elsewhere. Carol Lam, Former U.S. Attorney for San Diego was let go, in
part, because of her discovery of these atrocities. (Bush was very much involved in this
nefariousness, as well.)
The murder of many scientists involved in this evilness is just one more criminal after-effect to hide
their their ghoulish secrets. Dr. David Kelly of England is one such scientist who was murdered
over discovering clones being mass produced in artificial wombs. He was in shock as he testified
before Parliament in code about this just before he was murdered by British and American agents.
Bersin and Clinton were the two main people responsible for this contemptible breach of the
sacredness of humanity. They have also used stolen DNA to create chimeras and other freak
hybrids. Clinton gave the DNA to China as he has given everything else to China. China is still
very much involved in these practices as is the Department of Defense which seems to be clueless
about its real role which is to protect America.

Chimeras, Cloning and Freak Human-Animal Hybrids

With the United States officially abandoning its attempt to get a UN treaty banning cloning, and
revelations about cloning worldwide, it is becoming obvious that the doors are about to become
wide open for public cloning efforts.



“I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God.” indicates that
the legal profession is aware of an absolute Source of truth, absolute truth, and determining the truth
versus a perversion of the truth, or a lie, is imperative to being successful at the practice of law.
It is for judges and juries to reach conclusion on grey areas of law, or to present defenses which
justify actions which appear to be in violation of the law. Homicide for example ranges from
justifiable homicide, homicide in the line of
Invisibility is not a legal defense for criminality. These three international war criminals are guilty
beyond a shadow of a doubt.
There will be many job opportunities in the near future as this issue is now in the world court, and
financial settlements are being configured at this point in time.
Trauma bonding is the issue that is left out of the equation when people ask "Why do cult
members recontact their perps? Why do they keep going back for more abuse?" Without
understanding chronic trauma, and the effects of trauma bonding, it is impossible to understand
the dynamic involved. I will be sharing in this article both from personal memory of methods
used, as well as sourcing to the literature on the subject. My greatest hope is that by
understanding this often misunderstood subject, that others may be helped to pull out of its
insidious pull.

Section 8 Page 13
If a person is unable to escape chronic, traumatic abuse, they will eventually begin to bond
with their perpetrator(s). This has been well documented in the literature. It will occur because
of the dehumanization of the victim, who may reach a state of feeling that they are "robotized"
or nonfeeling, combined with a disruption in the capacity for intimacy caused by the trauma.

" Trauma impels people both to withdraw from close relationships and to seeks them


Consequently, the value and importance of the monarchic idea cannot reside in the person of the
monarch himself except if Heaven decides to lay the crown on the brow of the heroic genius like
Frederick the Great or a wise character like William I.-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

Hastily and indifferently, people tried to pass by the unpleasant truths, as though by such an
attitude events could be undone. No, the fact that our big city population is growing more and
more prostituted in its love life cannot just be denied out of existence; it simply is so.

...it is said with such terrible justice that the sins of the fathers are avenged down to the tenth
generation. But this applies only to profanation of the blood and the race.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

(Avenged to the tenth generation appears in Deuteronomy 23:2-3)

Blood sin and desecration of the race are the original sin in this world and the end of a
humanity which surrenders to it.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

This game is repeated again and again, and in it the role of the so-called 'German princes' is
just as miserable as that of the Jews themselves. These lords were really God's punishment for
their beloved peoples and find their parallels only in the various ministers of the present time.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

“The Western democracy of today is the forerunner of Marxism which without it would not be
thinkable. It provides this world plague with the culture in which its germs can spread.”

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)


“Verily a man cannot serve two masters. And I consider the foundation or destruction of a religion
far greater than the foundation or destruction of a state, let alone a party.”

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

Section 8 Page 14
They [German princes] made a pact with the devil and landed in hell.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

the personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

A man who knows a thing, who is aware of a given danger, and sees the possibility of a
remedy with his own eyes, has the duty and obligation, by God, not to work 'silently,' but to
stand up before the whole public against the evil and for its cure.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

Anyone who dares to lay hands on the highest image of the Lord commits sacrilege against
the benevolent creator of this miracle and contributes to the expulsion from paradise.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

We, as Aryans, can conceive of the state only as the living organism of a nationality which
not only assures the preservation of its nationality, but by the development of its spiritual and
ideal abilities leads it to the highest freedom.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

It doesn't dawn on this depraved bourgeois world that this is positively a sin against all
reason; that it is criminal lunacy to keep on drilling a born half-ape until people think they
have made a lawyer out of him, while millions of members of the highest culture-race must
remain in entirely unworthy positions; that it is a sin against the will of the Eternal Creator if
His most gifted beings by the hundreds and hundreds of thousands are allowed to degenerate in
the present proletarian morass, while Hottentots and Zulu Kaffirs are trained for intellectual

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

The fight against Jewish world Bolshevization requires a clear attitude toward Soviet Russia.
You cannot drive out the Devil with Beelzebub.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

(devils through Beelzebub comes from Luke 11:15-19)

The Jew has always been a people with definite racial characteristics and never a religion.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)


“Even today I am not ashamed to say that, overpowered by stormy enthusiasm, I fell down on
my knees and thanked Heaven from an overflowing heart for granting me the good fortune of

Section 8 Page 15
being permitted to live at this time. A fight for freedom had begun mightier than the earth had
ever seen; for once Destiny had begun its course, the conviction dawned on even the broad
masses that this time not the fate of Serbia or Austria was involved, but whether the German
nation was to be or not to be.”

( Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf)

“I believe today that I am acting in the sense of the Almighty Creator. By warding off the
Jews I am fighting for the Lords work.”

( Adolf Hitler, in a speech delivered at Reichstag, Berlin, 1936. )



"Lord Rothermere was an admirer of Adolf Hitler. He addressed him as 'My dear Führer', 'Your
Excellency' and 'Adolf the Great'. ... Mail readers were told the German Jews had brought
Hitler's persecution on themselves.

Express, London, Monday

February 21, 2005, page 6

"In England, many people imagine Hitler as a cannibal; but I would like to say how I have
found him. He conveys good comradeship. He is unpretentious, naturally and apparently
sincere. It is not true that he speaks to individuals as though he were speaking to an assembly.

He has a supreme intellect. I have known only two other men to whom I could apply such
distinction - Lord Northcliffe and Lloyd George. If one puts a question to Hitler, he gives an
immediate, brilliant clear answer. There is no human being living whose promise on
important matters I would trust more readily. He believes that Germany has a Divine calling
and that the German people are destined to save Europe from the revolutionary attacks of
Communism. He values family life very highly, whereas Communism is its worst enemy.
He has thoroughly cleansed the moral, ethical life of Germany, forbidden publication of
obscene books, and performance of questionable plays and films.

I spoke with Hitler about one and a half years ago when he said, certain English circles speak
of me as an adventurer. My reply to that is that adventurers have built the British Empire!‘

No words can describe his politeness; he disarms men as well as women and can win both at
any time with his conciliatory, pleasant smile. He is a man of rare culture. His knowledge of
music, the arts and architecture is profound.

Many evidently find it difficult to imagine a cultivated man in accord with a man of
determined action

If a vote of general opinion were taken on who was the greatest politician that British history
ever produced, the name of Cromwell would very likely head the list. But Cromwell was a
man of the greatest determination, and used methods of reckless inconsideration."

V. Rothermere, "Warnings and Predictions", p. 180 - 183

Section 8 Page 16


I am still waiting for justice from the international and national legal communities, but disbarment is
also another avenue available. Since I wrote the International Criminal Court document in 2003 and
2004, documenting their innumerous crimes, I have uncovered a wealth of additional material about
all the perpetrators in question, but in particular, I have discovered the relationship Alan Bersin,
Hillary Clinton and William Jefferson Clinton have played in their insane quest for the impossible.
I have learned about their delusions that they believe they can become King or Queen of England,
and that the crown I inherited is just theirs for the taking by rape, murder, trickery, or any other
means. In truth, they are delusionally insane, and must be brought to justice. This situation has
spiralled TOTALLY out of hand, and must be brought under control.
I should not have to deal with these nobodies, and neither should anyone else. In truth, Bill Clinton
is not a king. In fact, he was ordered was never to return to England after he raped a British woman
while he was at Oxford. If he returned, he was to be prosecuted for rape. Of course, he would prefer
to be “king” than be known for what he is - rapist, traitor and mass murderer, but Bill Clinton
needs to learn that he cannot always get his way. Bill Clinton is not royal. Bill Clinton is not king.
I was predestined to be Queen. I am royal. I am not interested in his opinion - of me or anything
911 is a reference to the day that Alice Keppel died. 9/11 symbolizes 9 x 11 or 99, indicating an
attempt to overthrow my role. I was born on 66, and they believed they could use “9” energy to
overturn “6” energy. Their belief system psychopathic. Camilla Parker Bowles’ great
grandmother, a dead person the Mountbattens believed in their hallucinations, could help them get
back the throne they lost in the 1930’s, died on 9/11. The occult fools who believed they could
steal the throne believed they needed to use 9/11 energy in order to accomplish that impossibility.
(Windsor and Stuart are the names of two former British royal houses. The Egypt 990 flight was a
reference to Diana who died with Egyptian Dodi Al Fayed. Al Fayed is code for “Al fired” as in
“Al lost his job”. Most of the male Windsor descendants of Queen Victoria had “Albert” in their
names. If this sounds silly to you, you must learn about the mentality of the imbeciles that are
involved in this international nightmare of a story.)
This was part of Bill Clinton’s plan to try to link up to bring Alice Keppel back and link himself to
her. Mrs. Keppel is worshipped as their “goddess” and Camilla Parker Bowles is a symbol for
her. She does not even represent herself, but Mrs. Keppel who really did have sex with a real king.
Everything Clinton does is a triangulation to attempt to validate an illegal situation.
Clinton and the other members of the Illuminati like to create a false image of shapeshifting in
order to try to become something they are not.
For example, Camilla Parker Bowles looked like Mother Teresa. She wanted to be Princess Diana.
So when Diana was murdered, Mother Teresa was killed so she could be linked to Diana. Then
Camilla cannibalized Diana’s eyeballs because she wanted to have eyes like Diana. Then they
found Edie Falco, the actress in the Sopranos who played Carmela. Carmela has the eyes of
Princess Diana and a face similar to Mother Teresa. The Carmela character was intended to give
Camilla a role model to teach her how she was supposed to act - saint like instead of the way she
really acted which was like a pole dancer at the Bada Bing Club. The Illuminati always allowed her
the illusion that she was the one really in control because she was the one who was supposed to
pave the way for the others to try to steal the throne since Elizabeth and Charlie had failed so
miserably. When the Illuminati saw that Charlie did not even know how to act like a husband to
Section 8 Page 17
Diana, and had to be told step by step what to do, and he blindly obeyed every order, they realised
that there was no raw material with which to work.
Camilla turned out to be not much different in that way, but they had to work with her. There was
no other choice. She remained a vulgar stubborn tramp and never did pick up the hints on how she
was supposed to behave. She saw only what she wanted to see, and believed that she could express
her every wanton indulgence because she never understood the meaning of royalty. She knew how
to behave one way, and one way only - as a whore. She was not appropriate in public situations
and still is not as evidenced by her waving a knife in Charlie’s face threatening to castrate him at
her last birthday. She has the training of a prostitute and that is all she knows. She sticks her
tongue out in public making lewd gestures - all of her communications are about cheap sex because
that is the only topic she knows, but yet she is not accomplished in that area from years of faking it
to please her customers. You don’t think she made herself available to be Charlie’s “cover” for
nothing do you? Like Mrs. Keppel, she would require payment. How was a woman who never
worked able to buy a home near his for over 1.3 million dollars? Blackmail money which her
family has been collecting for over one century. Anytime things don’t go her way, she threatens to
publish a book including letters. If they kill her, then Alan Bersin, Bill Clinton, Guy and others
could not use her in an attempt to try to attain a throne to which she has no access. I have the
throne. The chair is merely a piece of furniture when separated from the real monarch. Any servant
can sit on it, but that does not make him royal. Royalty is not something that can be attained from
someone with no royalty of their own or no authority of their own. A cheap actress can’t give what
she does not possess.
This role was intended for Guy to try to steal the throne from her; he had trouble accepting the
truth that Hitler and his descendants had the throne, not her. The truth was so difficult for them to
handle, they had to create a lie. He needed his illogical reasoning to justify his life’s actions
against his own family members and family goals. Guy was a traitor to his inheritance and needed
to place himself in another family in order to deny the wrath which would be waiting for him once
he died.
On cognitive dissonance and sour grapes

A more formal account

Cognitive dissonance was first investigated by Leon Festinger and associates, arising out of a
participant observation study of a cult which believed that the earth was going to be destroyed by a
flood, and what happened to its members — particularly the really committed ones who had given
up their homes and jobs to work for the cult — when the flood did not happen. While fringe
members were more inclined to recognise that they had made fools of themselves and to "put it
down to experience", committed members were more likely to re-interpret the evidence to show
that they were right all along (the earth was not destroyed because of the faithfulness of the cult


Since Guy’s cousin, Elie, had claims on Elizabeth, Guy then competed with him by trying to claim
Camilla, like everyone else did. In reality he was repulsed by her which is why in the scene in
which he had sex with Carmela after giving her a mink coat, he was violently ill. In the last scene of
the last show, Carmela mentions “Mink” which is her statement that his death was revenge for that
insult. Guy is not the only one to say how sexually repulsive she is. George W. Bush was
traumatized by her sexual histrionics when he was forced to have sex with her on her White House
visit. George Bush has AIDS, was Charlie’s lover, and gave Charlie AIDS. Camilla Parker
Section 8 Page 18
Bowles has not had sex with Charlie since their fraudulent ceremony. Her attitude is that she
already paid the price with thirty years of faking it, and doesn’t need to pay any more now that she
has been given the false image of presentability fed by the treacherous media which knows the
truth. She has had many lovers, including gigolos who were imported for her “honeymoon.”
Therefore, Charlie wanted Bush to violently teach her a lesson which he did. Camilla faked her
pleasure in such a way that Bush was repulsed to the point that he was having nightmares about her
months later. Camilla’s heavy breathing reminded him of a person having an asthma attack. He
even sacrificed at least one innocent child in an attempt to make his recollections of that horrible
experience with her disappear. If you want to know what happened to Madeleine McCann, she wsa
taken by the CIA and flown to the White House to be raped, slaughtered and served up as lamb for
Elizabeth and George when she visited the White House. He was so severely traumatized, he
believed he needed to exact his revenge on an innocent.
Repulsion is a common reaction to all who have had her, but they must keep her around as she is
the only person who can fit the role to attempt to pilfer royal trappings.
On Bush’s signature on Guy’s death used the motive that Guy made him have sex with Camilla,
and Guy should die because of putting him through that horrible experience. Camilla Parker
Bowles is sexually dissociated from thirty years of having to fake sexual pleasure with inept
Charlie and his never ending string of third lovers to mask his real sexual preferences which are
men and babies or children.

David Koresh claimed himself to the the seventh angel messenger who was to get the revelation of
the seven seals from God, but in fact he was a patsy government agent trying to protect the people
in his compound from the feds who wanted to kill them. Here is a 911 connection - his 911 phone
call. Dial 911 for Help or emergency. In England the 911 number is 999. 999 is code for
reversing my 666 power, and the name David in this case has to do with King Edward VIII who
went by the name of “David” and Branch Davidian refers to trying to change the royal branch
from King Edward VII to Mrs. Keppel’s illegitimate line.

Script of "Waco: The Rules of Engagement"


The Feds Meet Self-styled "God's Anointed Avenger"

© 1992 by Gretchen Passantino.
This article first appeared in World Magazine
God's anointed met the enemy at Mount Carmel. From his sanctuary he watched more than 400 of
his enemies prepare for the assault. He alone stood for the Lord, the Almighty, the only true God.
He was confident that his enemies would fail. And when they did, he would fulfill God's avenging
Will and slaughter them all. Self-styled prophet Vernon Howell (aka David Koresh) last week re-
enacted Elijah's ancient stand against the prophets of Baal. Howell's standoff occurred at his cult's
headquarters, "Mount Carmel," near Waco, Texas. Elijah's standoff had occurred on Mount Carmel
in ancient Israel. When the Lord answered Elijah's prayers and not those of the prophets of Baal,
Elijah slaughtered them all. As of this writing, Howell is still waiting for the Lord to answer him.
FBI and ATF agents, having lost four ATF agents in their initial assault February 28, are prepared
to stop any further slaughter.

Howell is no Elijah.

Section 8 Page 19

One of the tricks of the enemy is to try to discredit the real messenger before he hits the scene by
associating the predestined calling with something lunatic or repulsive. These people know how to
use propaganda.
Clinton and Bersin planned a school shooting in San Diego at Stanley Middle School which was
thwarted because I failed to show up for it. Columbine was a copycat of what they planned at
Columbine and it took place on Hitler’s birthday in an attempt to frame me. Killing children for
fun and enjoyment is an indication of very sick people.

Like his father, Bersin is also a guilty war criminal. As a Rhodes Scholar, like Bill Clinton, he
swore an allegiance to turn America back to England as a colony which is treason and reason for
disbarment. He and Hillary Clinton also have the goal of stealing the throne from my family and
me and by doing so, believed they could become royal. A crown cannot be stolen.
The world does not exist to boost Hillary Clinton’s fragile ego. Like Bill, Hillary’s real self-image
is based on her knowledge about what she really is - a gangster who would not be playing the big-
league if she had not hitched a ride on Bill’s wagon train.
The world does not exist to placate Hillary Clinton’s ambition. America has grown accustomed to
“celebrity worship” and the spell on America must be broken. The media tricks and voter theft
have been exposed, and Americans cannot afford to play stupid any longer.
Hillary Clinton, too, has a rapist mentality and participates in infant rape, mutilation and sacrifice as
well as her role in human sex trafficking.
Clinton Linked To 'International Trafficking of Women'

By Charles Smith
October 26, 1999 World Net Daily

Despite White House denials, the Clinton administration has had major contacts with Asian
organized crime syndicates such as the Triads, and has befriended kingpins of international
prostitution operations. Unraveling the tangled web involving Bill Clinton, Beijing and Asian
organized crime starts with the president's close, and self-described "old," friendship with Arkansas
restaurant owner Charlie Yah Lin Trie. Trie, who managed to donate hundreds of thousands of
dollars to Bill Clinton and the Democratic party, is alleged to be a member of the "4 Seas" Triad,
an organization of underworld lords based in Hong Kong.

Indeed, much of the money donated by Trie came directly following visits to the White House by
others linked to the Triads, including Macau millionaire Ng Lapseng, whose main business is his
Fortuna hotel and hostess service of brothels.


She is an adherent to Vladimir Lenin’s teaching and war strategies:

Section 8 Page 20
"Call your enemy what you are, and always tell the exact opposite of the truth."

The woman who promotes herself as an advocate for women is a battered wife who does her share
of husband battering. ”
Hillary has a long record of fomenting domestic violence with Bill. The Secret Service, fed up
with this insanity, leaked to the press Hillary smashing a lamp during an argument with Bill.
Hillary has often thrown objects at victim Bill.
Hillary has used criminal tactics such as a secret police and illegal IRS audits to go after both
political enemies and Bill’s sex victims and girlfriends.


They use prostitutes to compromise individuals and tape them so they can then control them. This
is what was at the core of the FBI files she illegally attained in what is known as Filegate.
“F is for Filegate, the improper White House rummaging through 900 FBI files on Republican
officials in the Bush and Reagan administration. The White House says it was an innocent snafu.
Republicans suspect an enemies list. Whitewater independent counsel Ken Starr and several
congressional committees are probing.”


Hillary Clinton is an advocate of mind controlled slaves and would murder anyone who interfered
in her agenda if she could. She and others used mind control to have patsies commit crimes in
order to manipulate a naive public into passing Draconian laws. The SLA and Black Panthers are
products of CIA mind control experiments.
This woman does not believe in freedom and advocates “Hillary health care,” or the
institutionalized mind control of every citizen through the medical system under the guise of
“health care.” Several doctors who worked with her on her committee were murdered because they
picked up on her communist plan for controlling Americans.
Dr. Stanley Heard - Chairman of the National Chiropractic Health Care Advisory Committee,
died with his attorney Steve Dickson in a small plane crash. Dr. Heard, in addition to serving on
Clinton's advisory council personally treated Clinton's mother, stepfather and brother.


Neither John McCain nor Hillary Clinton is eligible to serve as President of the United States. I will
appoint a President. As of now, Rep. Ron Paul is my choice (and the people’s choice, if the truth
be known) as appointed President.
Senator John McCain is not stupid. He knows he is not eligible to serve as President. He is a
stooge, planted on the scene to give Hillary Clinton who has stolen elections, an unfair advantage.
‘John McCain may not be legally eligible to serve as President of the United States because he
may not be a natural born U.S. citizen, which is required by our Constitution. McCain was born
in the Panama Canal Zone to American parents.’


Section 8 Page 21
Hillary Clinton is a DOCUMENTED terrorist and traitor to America who has repeatedly aided and
abetted the enemy. She is not eligible to be President.
Article V of the U.S. Constitution:

"No person shall be a Senator or Representative or Representative in Congress, or elector of

President and Vice President, or hold any civil or military, under the United States, or under any
state, who having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the
United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or
comfort to the enemies thereof." (36))


Alan Bersin, Hillary Clinton, and Bill Clinton are parasites on civilization that must be excised.
These three attorneys have failed to conduct themselves both professionally and personally, in
conformity with the standards of conduct imposed upon members of the bars of the respective
states in which they are licensed to practice law. They have not stayed within the legal boundaries
of this land as they are narcissistic psychopaths who have access to deadly equipment they are not
authorized to use.
In summary, the goal of these three is to steal the New World Order plans set up by the Rothschild
family by attempting to steal my crown and inheritance. The Rothschilds ALSO made similar
attempts to steal my inheritance, and become wealthy “kings.” The foolish Rothschilds of today
did not have good enough management techniques to “keep it in the family,”and let these hired
hands run roughshod over the Rothschild name and inheritance, and they they want to be respected
by others. They are the biggest fools in this story, and did not know how to hold the borders of the
Rothschild fortune. I know how to hold the borders, and know my rights. I do not deal with trash
like Bersin and the Bushes and Clintons.
This disbarment documentation is about three of the delusional criminals who believed they could
steal the role that God predestinated for HIMSELF since the beginning of mankind. There is a
word for people like this: FOOLS. Each one, Alan Bersin, Hillary Clinton, and William Jefferson
Clinton decided to believe that they could steal a PREDESTINATED role from another person, and
would stop at nothing to try to do so. In doing so, they have broken just about every law of this
land and are criminals, both nationally and internationally.

The Tower of Babel “psycho-rape” massacre mentality of Alan Bersin, Hillary and William
Clinton needs to finally be brought to an end. No fake or perceived authority will protect them
anymore. They are not above the law no matter how much they believe themselves to be. America
does not exist for their pleasure. America does not serve them. All three have no business with
England as I have the authority to expel them. The Oxford ties of Alan Bersin and Bill Clinton
cannot override my authority there.
These three attorneys have failed to conduct themselves both professionally and personally, in
conformity with the standards of conduct imposed upon members of the bars of the respective
states in which they are licensed to practice law. They have not stayed within the legal boundaries
of this land as they are narcissistic psychopaths who have access to deadly equipment they are not
authorized to use.
Just about every act these three have made is steeped in fraud and fraudulent representation - from
their marriages to their ethical standards on any job they ever ha, to their “respectability”. Their
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double talk, coded language, and false foundations built on lies with the intent to defraud are more
than natural to them because they are sick sociopaths. The foundation of their though process is
delusions of grandeur that can never be realized, but their insanity stops them from self-correcting.
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." (Albert

The Clintons and Bersin committed occurred after they were hired on as “hired hands” in an
international criminal organization. They cannot take any credit for the evil genius of the plan. Alan
Bersin and Bill Clinton were born into their roles and Hillary Rodham Clinton was selected to
contain Bill Clinton’s recklessness from public view. All defy the moral conduct that is standard in
civilization, community and justice. Honesty and good morals have absolutely no meaning to them.
Bill Clinton, as you recall, doesn’t even know what the meaning of the word, “is” is.

It is professional misconduct for a lawyer to engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit
or misrepresentation or conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of justice. This alone is
reason enough to disbar these people, but that is not the extent of their crimes.
Besides the above crimes, their innumerous crimes reflecting their evil intent have included: arson,
blackmail, burglary, embezzlement, extortion, false pretences, fraud, larceny, malicious destruction
of property, theft, transporting stolen property, including human trafficking. They have committed
crimes against legitimate governmental authorities including Congress (including murder) and the
Judiciary branch, perjury, harboring fugitives from justice, assault with intent to kill, commit rape,
or serious bodily harm, rape and murder. The Supercomputer is a deadly weapon and they have
used it to assault individuals, governments, businesses, and corporations. Assassination and murder
are everyday activities for this machine which can subliminally access the minds of Manchurian
candidates to carry out murders for it.
With the computer coordinating commerce, and then selecting the staff of government agencies who
violate international law by “just follow orders” of criminals like Clinton and Bush, the entire
system can be controlled by just a few individuals. Now, Bush’s FBI and DOJ are holding
corporations hostage, with threats of lawsuits. The corporations will do as they are told including
allow poisonous deadly food to be packaged as healthy food. In other words, the corporations are
KNOWINGLY committing murder of innocent people because of the threat of blackmail and
prepaid blood money known as “executive perks”
In Justice Shift, Corporate Deals Replace Trials

Published: April 9, 2008

WASHINGTON — In 2005, federal authorities concluded that a Monsanto consultant had visited
the home of an Indonesian official and, with the approval of a senior company executive, handed
over an envelope stuffed with hundred-dollar bills. The money was meant as a bribe to win looser
environmental regulations for Monsanto’s cotton crops, according to a court document. Monsanto
was also caught concealing the bribe with fake invoices.

John Ashcroft, left, with Timothy Dickinson, a lawyer who has served as a monitor in deferred
prosecution agreements for the Justice Department, at a House hearing last month.

A few years earlier, in the age of Enron, these kinds of charges would probably have resulted in a

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criminal indictment. Instead, Monsanto was allowed to pay $1 million and avoid criminal
prosecution by entering into a monitoring agreement with the Justice Department.

In a major shift of policy, the Justice Department, once known for taking down giant corporations,
including the accounting firm Arthur Andersen, has put off prosecuting more than 50 companies
suspected of wrongdoing over the last three years.


All three lawyers in this document help control the corporations and their murder by bio-weapons
in food. These legal incompetents must be slapped by the legal profession with certified documents
that there is no future for any of them in the legal profession. Practising the rape of law must also
come to an end. The three traitors are international war criminals, and by that status alone, they are
effectively not qualified to practice law. These three criminal lawyers must be divested of all
association and certification allowing them to practice law.
I have deemed that none of the three is fit to practice law and are effectively disbarred immediately
by the authority invested in me as has been revealed.
"The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government which like a giant octopus
sprawls its slimy length over our city, state and nation ... At the head of this octopus are the
Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests and a small group of powerful banking houses generally
referred to as the international bankers [who] virtually run the United States government for
their own selfish purposes."

N.Y. Mayor John Hylan

"The citizen who sees his society's democratic clothes being worn out and does not cry out is
not a patriot but a traitor." - Mark Twain

“Never pick a fight with people who buy ink by the barrel.” - Bill Clinton

Freedom is not free. Once destroyed, freedom cannot be re-established in this lifetime. Rule of law
is required for a government to exist. Conspiracy is against the law. These people can’t rule the
world by deciding what the rules are. The rules have been established and need to be enforced.

Valerie Summers Rothschild
(Her Royal Highness Queen Valerie I)

cc. Yale Law School

Ford Motors
Chrysler Motors

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