International Journal of Surgery Case Reports
International Journal of Surgery Case Reports
International Journal of Surgery Case Reports
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Received 25 February 2015
Received in revised form 16 March 2015
Accepted 18 March 2015
Available online 20 March 2015
a b s t r a c t
INTRODUCTION: Adult intussusception is rare. Lipoma is the second most common benign tumor of the
colon and most common to cause colonic intussusception in adults, but rare.
PRESENTATION OF CASE: A 35-years-old male presented with a history of intermittent abdominal pain
and bright red rectal bleeding, with symptoms waxing and waning for one month. On physical examination, the abdomen was distended with tenderness over the periumbilical, suprapubic, and left lower
quadrant regions with guarding. CT demonstrated colo-colonic intussusception of the sigmoid colon with
a 2.3 cm 2.6 cm intra-mural lipoma of the rectosigmoid region. The patient underwent an exploratory
laparotomy with partial reduction of the intussusception, sigmoid colon resection and end colostomy.
Histopathology conrmed a 2.5 cm sub-mucosal lipoma without evidence of malignancy.
DISCUSSION: Sixtysixty ve percent of cases with intussusception of the large bowel in adults are related
to a malignant etiology and most cases of sigmoidorectal intussusception reported in the literature are
secondary to underlying malignancy. Colo-colic intussusception is the most common type of intussusception in adults. The incidence of lipomas of the large intestine is reported to range from 0.035% to
4.4%. Ninety percent of colonic lipomas are submuscosal and are mostly located in the right hemicolon.
Only 25% of patients with colonic lipoma develop symptoms. Colonic lipomas of the rectosigmoid region
represent a very rare occurrence and subsequent etiology for sigmoidorectal intussusceptions in adults.
CONCLUSION: Colonic lipoma should be considered in the differential diagnosis of adults with intussusception, with reduction and resection leading to excellent results.
2015 Z. Published by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of Surgical Associates Ltd. This is an open access article
under the CC BY-NC-SA license (
1. Introduction
Intussusception in adults is rare and accounts for less than 5% of
all intussusception cases [1]. Colonic lipoma is rare, and can serve
as the lead point for intussusception [2,3].Adult intussusception
cases present with nonspecic signs and symptoms and CT scan is
the most sensitive diagnostic modality. We report a sigmoidorectal intussusception in an adult in whom an intramural lipoma was
identied as the lead point.
2. Presentation of case
A 35-year-old male, with no prior medical or surgical history,
presented to the emergency department with a history of progressive abdominal pain and bright red rectal bleeding between and
2210-2612/ 2015 Z. Published by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of Surgical Associates Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-SA
license (
Fig. 1. Axial view showing the proximal part of the colo-colonic intussusception of
the sigmoid colon.
Fig. 4. Sagittal view showing mass (lipoma) lling the distal sigmoid.
Fig. 2. Axial view showing a mass (lipoma) lling the distal sigmoid colon that was
the lead point.
sounds. Vital signs remained within normal. Lower gastrointestinal endoscopy was performed and proctoscopy revealed congested,
friable colonic mucosa that completely lled the rectal lumen without evidence of malignancy (Fig. 5). Reduction was not attempted
as it did not appear feasible. Exploratory laparotomy was carried
and reduction of the intussusception was attempted. Only partial
reduction was possible and segmental sigmoidectomy (21 cm) was
performed leaving approximately 10 cm of intussusceptum within
the intussuscepiens. The condition of the bowel was sub-optimal
for primary anastomosis. Both bowel segments after resection were
inamed and edematous, thus end colostomy was performed. The
3. Discussion
Adult intussusception is a rare clinical condition which constitutes less than 5% of all cases of intussusception and 13% of all
cases of intestinal obstruction [1]. Intussusception is a process in
which a proximal segment of bowel telescopes or invaginates into
an adjacent distal segment. The pathophysiology usually involves
a lesion in the bowel wall or an irritant in its lumen serving as a
lead point that may change the normal peristaltic pattern and initiate the invagination leading to intussusception. Intussusception
that occurs in absence of a lead point is classied as primary or
idiopathic and is more likely to occur in the small intestines, or as
secondary when a lead point is identied [1,4].
Secondary intussusception can be due to benign, malignant, or
iatrogenic causes [5]. In adults, intussusception has an identiable
etiology in 90% of cases [6]. In the small intestine, benign lesions
represent the majority of lead points, and only 2530% are malignant lesions [1,7]. Conversely, 6065% of cases of intussusception
occurring in the large bowel have a malignant etiology [1].
Lipomas may occur throughout the intestinal tract with highest
incidence in the colon [6]. The reported incidence of lipomas of
the large intestine ranges from 0.035% to 4.4% [6,8]. Ninety percent
of colonic lipomas are submucosal and mostly located in the right
hemicolon [6,8]. Lipomas larger than 4 cm are considered giant, and
those larger than 2 cm in diameter can cause bowel obstruction
without intussusception [6,9,10]. Over a period of 45 years, only 46
cases of colonic intussusception secondary to colonic lipomas have
been reported in the English language literature [6].
Intussusception may be classied into 4 main types depending
on its location: (1) entero-enteric involving the small intestine,
(2) colo-colic involving the large intestine, (3) ileo-colic involving the terminal ileum and ascending colon, and [4] ileo-cecal
involving the ileo-cecal valve as the lead point. In clinical practice, it is difcult to distinguish between ileo-colic and ileo-cecal
[1]. In adults, colo-colic intussusception is the most common type
[11]. The colo-colic entity may be further sub-classied into: (1)
colo-rectal colon invaginates through rectal ampulla and (2)
recto-rectal with rectum invaginating into the rectum but with
no anal protrusion [1]. Other rare reported locations not included
in this classication are gastroduodenal intussusception, and retrograde jejunogastric intussusception following gastro-jejunostomy.
Early diagnosis of adult intussusception is a challenging task
because most cases present with non-specic signs and symptoms and have a chronic or sub-acute course. Abdominal pain is
the most common presenting symptom before intussusception.
Colonic lipomas are usually asymptomatic but may rarely cause
bleeding, obstruction and intussusception. The four cardinal symptoms of bowel obstruction are pain, vomiting, obstipation/absolute
constipation, and distention. Obstipation, change in bowel habits,
complete constipation, and abdominal distention are the predominant symptoms in large bowel obstruction [12]. Only 25% of
patients with colonic lipoma develop symptoms [6]. Symptom
duration before intussusception may vary from 1 day to 7 years,
and the size of the lipoma is a predictor of symptomatology [6].
After intussusception, symptoms are specic to the intussusception
rather than the lipoma. Only about 10% of adult intussusception
present with the typical triad of abdominal pain, palpable mass
and bloody stool, with abdominal pain being the most common
Author contribution
All authors were involved in the preparation of this manuscript.
Mohamed Mohamed designed and performed all aspects of the
operation. Karim Elghawy assisted in data collection and drafting the manuscript. Donald Scholten, Kenneth Wilson and Michael
McCann made substantial edits and revisions to the drafted
manuscript. Michael McCann contributed to the design and provided overall supervision of the paper. All authors read and
approved this article.
Permission to release information, photographs or video tapes
was obtained from the patient for the purpose of publication of this
case report. The consent form number *001142* was signed by the
patient and the corresponding author, and is available for review
by the Editor-in-Chief of this journal upon request.
Mohamed Mohamed, MD.Michael McCann, DO.
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