Synonym and Antonym
Synonym and Antonym
Synonym and Antonym
English 2
Synonym and Antonym
Lukman Hakim, MS
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Background of the Analysis
As the first-spoken language in the world, English undoubtedly has become a very
crucial tool for us to be able to communicate with practically anyone all over the
globe. Being able to master it has become a very central priority for those who are not
native speakers of the language. It certainly is not easy as turning the palm of the hand
but is still possible if one has the strong willpower to overcome obstacles that may
come in the way.
One of the most important aspects of any language is vocabulary. Indeed, although
one mastered the basics of English grammar, it is still not enough. Sentences consist
of words, and in order to construct sentences, one ought to know which words to use
in order to put the message across.
In this occasion, our group would be presenting the definition of the synonym and
antonym, its examples, and exercises.
Definition of synonym:
A word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the language, as happy,
joyful, elated. A dictionary of synonyms and antonyms (or opposites), such
as, is called a thesaurus.1
Word origin: Greek, syn = same, onyma = a name
Synonym is a key to better writing, as it shows to readers that the writer knows a lot of
vocabularies as such that the text written by the writer does not appear to become bland.
Another reason to use synonyms is the fact that a passage may appear to be ineffective in
conveying a message to the readers.
Synonyms can be nouns, adverbs, adjectives, verbs or prepositions, as long the words have
the same part of speech.
Belly / stomach
Children / kids
Disaster / catastrophe
Earth / soil
Father / dad
Happiness / joy
Instinct / intuition
Mother / mom
Present / gift
Sunrise / dawn
Answer / reply
Beat / defeat
Behave / act
Begin / start
Close / shut
Leave / exit
Provide / supply
Select / choose
Shout / yell
Speak / talk
Big / large
Complete / total
Correct / right
Crazy / mad
Foolish / silly
Happy / glad
Hard / difficult
Ill / sick
Last / final
Near / close
Sad / unhappy
Stable / steady
Abroad / overseas
Almost / nearly
Badly / poorly
Fast / quickly
Intentionally / on purpose
Out / outside
Rarely / seldom
Sometimes / occasionally
Above / over
Against / versus
By / via
Despite / in spite of
In / into
Off / away
Until / till
With / including
And / plus
Because / since
But / yet
If / provided
Once / as soon as
Hello / hi
Gee / gosh
No / nope
Yes / yeah
Pretty =
delicate and pleasant to
look at.
Beautiful =
pleasant to look at.
Handsome =
(of a man)
pleasant to look at.
Ravishing =
very beautiful.
Good-looking =
physically pleasant to
look at.
Lovely =
(of someone that makes
you have a strong feeling
for them)
graceful and very pleasant
to look at.
Cute =
(of someone young or
something small)
charming and pleasant to
look at.
Adorable =
very pleasant to look at
and very easy to love.
Gorgeous =
impressive and
extremely pleasant to
look at.
Synonym Questions3
1. Remote
A. Automatic
B. Distant
C. Savage
D. Mean
2. Detest
A. Argue
B. Hate
C. Discover
D. Reveal
3. Gracious
A. Pretty
B. Clever
C. Pleasant
D. Present
4. Predict
A. Foretell
B. Decide
C. Prevent
D. Discover
5. Kin
A. Exult
B. Twist
C. Friend
D. Relative
6. Pensive
A. Oppressed
B. Caged
C. Thoughtful
D. Happy
7. Banish
A. Exile
B. Hate
C. Fade
D. Clean
8. Fraud
A. Malcontent
B. Argument
C. Imposter
3 501 Synonym & Antonym Questions
D. Clown
9. Saccharine
A. Leave
B. Sweet
C. Arid
D. Quit
10. Drag
A. Sleepy
B. Crush
C. Proud
D. Pull
11. Jovial
A. Incredulous
B. Merry
C. Revolting
D. Dizzy
12. Indifferent
A. Neutral
B. Unkind
C. Precious
D. Mean
13. Simulate
A. Excite
B. Imitate
C. Trick
D. Apelike
14. Charisma
A. Ghost
B. Force
C. Charm
D. Courage
15. Apportion
A. Divide
B. Decide
C. Cut
D. Squabble
16. Generic
A. General
B. Cheap
C. Fresh
D. Elderly
17. Qualm
A. Distress
B. Impunity
C. Persevere
D. Scruple
18. Wary
A. Calm
B. Curved
C. Confused
D. Cautious
19. Distort
A. Wrong
B. Evil
C. Deform
D. Harm
20. Sumptuous
A. Delirious
B. Gorgeous
C. Perilous
D. Luxurious
More questions on Synonyms4
1. Kim and Dave will move into the
Apartment when it becomes vacant.
A. Clean b. Empty c. Built
2. Moving day can cause people a
Lot of stress.
A. Variety b. Curiosity
C. Anxiety
3. We could use some assistance
With the move, Kim told Dave.
A. Money b. Help c. Advice
4. ill ask Alberto, Dave said. Hes
A brawny fellow.
A. Smart b. Nice c. Strong
5. Kim and Dave were thrilled with
Their new apartment.
A. Excited b. Worried
C. Thinking
4 Building Vocabulary Skills and Strategies p. 10
2. Complementary Antonyms
Complementary antonyms have a relationship where there is no middle ground. There are
only two possibilities, either one or the other.
Off and on
Sink or float
True or false
3. Relational Antonyms
Relational antonyms are sometimes considered a subcategory of complementary antonyms.
With these pairs, for there to be a relationship, both must exist.
C) Deceptive
D) Active
E) Cautious
The word, restive, is tricky, because it sounds like it has something to do with rest. Therefore,
option (D) active would be the best antonym. However, this is a trick.Restive actually means
restless. So, the correct answer is patient, a good antonym for restless.
Just like synonyms, antonyms also exist as different parts of speeches. Here is a list of
antonyms listed by part of speech:
Day / night
East / west
Enemy / friend
Failure / success
Guest / host
Health / disease
Question / answer
Speaker / listener
Summer / winter
Top / bottom
Agree / disagree
Arrive / leave
Begin / end
Find / lose
Lend / borrow
Love / hate
Open / close
Remember / forget
Start / stop
Asleep / awake
Beautiful / ugly
Big / small
Black / white
Cheap / expensive
Dead / alive
Dry / wet
Easy / difficult
Full / empty
Good / bad
Hot / cold
Intelligent / stupid
Sad / happy
Sick / healthy
Thin / fat
Always / never
Angrily / happily
Fast / slowly
Here / there
Inside / outside
Likely / unlikely
Near / far
Partly / fully
Seemingly / actually
Yesterday / tomorrow
Above / below
Against / for
Before / after
In / out
Like / unlike
On / off
Plus / minus
To / from
Towards / away
With / without
And / or
Therefore / nevertheless
Bravo / boo
Hello / goodbye
Phew / oops
Thanks / no thanks
Yes / no
Yippee / oh my
Knowing synonyms and antonyms can help you express yourself better with more
VARIETY and more COLOURFULLY. (Here, "colorful" means "interesting or exciting.")
Repeating the same words tends to get monotonous. It doesn't sound good in natural speech,
and even more so in artistic writing (poetry, prose). Using synonyms makes your speech or
writing richer and more "colorful."
Using antonyms helps to emphasize your point, show contrast, or explain exactly what you
mean. Antonyms too add "colors" to your speech or writing.
For example, compare these two paragraphs:
"The girl looked out the window. While looking out the window, the girl noticed a little kitty.
The kitty she noticed was not fat. It was very much not fat."
"The girl looked out the window. While glancing outside, she noticed a little kitty. The kitten
she saw was not fat. It was skinny, and not chubby at all."
In addition, You can really get full understanding of an area if you learn the different
synonyms that apply to it, and their nuances.
For example, cost, charge, and fee, are all used to describe money that you pay for
Cost = the amount of money that you need to buy, make or do something. (How much is
spent by the buyer.)
Charge = an amount of money that is asked in return for goods or services. (How much is
requested by the seller/provider.)
Fee = an amount of money that you have to pay for professional advice or services (the
officially set price).
As you can see, cost, charge and fee have similar meanings, but there are slight differences
present. They can be used slightly differently.
These words have different uses as verbs, too:
How much do you charge for fixing the roof? (not: How much do you cost for fixing
the roof?)
In order to have a better understanding of antonyms, a lot of practice is required. Here are
some practice questions on antonyms:
Antonyms 1 Level 125
Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in
capital letters.
A. mitigate
B. inflame
C. inhibit
D. conciliate
E. aver
A. frivolous
B. pensive
C. earthy
D. tacit
E. scathing
A. hospitable
B. equestrian
C. tremulous
D. robust
E. anemic
A. recurrence
B. aberration
C. recapitulation
D. felicity
E. consistency
A. exuberant
B. composed
C. lugubrious
D. fetid
E. esteemed
A. gauche
B. lumbering
C. amateurish
D. adept
E. uncouth
A. mar
B. fell
C. pervert
D. split
E. conjoin
A. tawdry
B. keen
C. vacuous
D. innocuous
E. pellucid
A. abstain
B. quaff
C. regress
D. absolve
E. imbibe
A. repugnance
B. aversion
C. destitution
D. petulance
E. attraction
An adequate sense of vocabulary comes with practicing and reading books. Just like
everything in general, this needs time and energy but at the end will be worth the hardwork.
1. "Synonyms and Antonyms Explained." Synonyms and Antonyms Explained.
Really Learn English!, n.d. Web. 06 Mar. 2015. <>.
2., n.d. Web. 04 Mar. 2015.
3. 501 Synonym & Antonym Questions
4. Building Vocabulary Skills and Strategies p. 10