ADS Cheat Sheet
ADS Cheat Sheet
ADS Cheat Sheet
Analysis:Amortized analysis refers to
determining the time-averaged running time for a
sequence of operations.The amortized cost of n operations
is the total cost of the operations divided by n.The
motivation for amortized analysis is that looking at the
worst-case time per operation can be too pessimistic if the
only way to produce an expensive operation is to set it
up with a large number of cheap operations Say we want to use an array to implement
a stack. We have an array A, with a variable top that points
to the top of the stack (so A[top] is the next free cell). This
is pretty easy: To implement push(x), we just need to
perform: A[top] = x; top++; To implement x=pop(), we just
need to perform: top--; x = A[top]; (first checking to see if
top==0 of course...) However, what if the array is full and
we need to push a new element on? In that case we can
allocate a new larger array, copy the old one over, and
then go on from there. This is going to be an expensive
operation, so a push that requires us to do this is going to
cost a lot. But maybe we can amortize the cost over the
previous cheap operations that got us to this point. So, on
average over the sequence of operations, were not paying
too much. To be specific, let us define the following cost
Cost model: Say that inserting into the array costs 1,
taking an element out of the array costs 1,
and the cost of resizing the array is the number of
elements moved. (Say that all other operations, like
incrementing or decrementing top, are free.) Question 1:
What if when we resize we just increase the size by 1. Is
that a good idea? Answer 1: Not really. If our n operations
consist of n pushes then even just considering the arrayresizing cost we will incur a total cost of at least 1 + 2 + 3
(log n)
O(log n)
O(log n)
#include <iostream>
class queue{
int front, rear, maxsize; // *que;
public: int *que; queue( int size)
front = 0; rear = 0; maxsize = size;
que = new int[10];
Tree traversals:
Pre-order: NLR
In-order: LNR
Post-order: LRN
*Free Tree is a connected acyclic, undirected graph.
*Tree Properties:
-Any two vertices are connected by a unique single path
-G is acyclic and connected.
-Forest is a collection of trees
* |E| = |V| -1
*Rooted Trees: A tree is a finite set T of one or more nodes where one
element called the root of T is distinguished. The remaining nodes in the
tree form m disjoint subset (T1,.. Tm). (m>=0) where each subset is a
*Ancestors, Descendents: Consider a node x in a rooted tree T with
root r. We call any node y on the unique simple path from r to x an
ancestor of x. If y is an ancestor of x, then x is a descendant of y. Every
node is both an ancestor and a descendant of itself.) If y is an ancestor of
x and x y, then y is a proper ancestor of x and x is a proper descendant
of y.
*Parent, Child: If the last edge on the simple path from the root r of a
tree T to a node x is (y,x) then y is the parent of x, and x is a child of y.
*Siblings: If two nodes have the same parent, they are siblings.
*External Node: A node with no children is a leaf or external node.
*Internal Node: A non leaf node is an internal node.
*Ordered Tree: In ordered tree is a rooted tree in which the children of
each node are ordered. That is, if a node has k children, then there is a
first child, a second child, and a kth child.
*Degree of a Node x: The number of children of a node x in a rooted tree
T equals the degree of x.
*Depth of a Node x: The length of the simple path from the root r to a
node x is the depth of x in T .
*Level of a Tree: A level of a tree consists of all nodes at the same depth.
(Root is of level zero).
*Height of a Node : The height of a node in a tree is the number of edges
on the longest simple downward path from the node to a leaf, and the
height of a tree is the height of its root
*Binary Trees:
Tree Properties :Let x be a node in a binary search tree. If y is a node in
the left subtree of x, then y:key < x: key. If y is a node in the right subtree
of x, then y:key > x:key.
We define binary trees recursively. A binary tree T is a structure defined
on a finite set of nodes that either
1) contains no nodes, or
2) is composed of three disjoint sets of nodes: a root node, a binary tree
called its left subtree, and a binary tree called its right subtree.
Operations Performed:
(Search, minimum, maximum, predecessor, successor, insert and delete)
*Full Binary Tree: Each node is either a leaf or has degree exactly
2.*Complete Binary Tree A complete binary tree is a binary tree in
which every level, except possibly the last, is completely filled, and all
nodes are as far left as possible.*Perfect Binary Tree A perfect binary
tree is a full binary tree in which all leaves are at the same depth or same
level, and in which every parent has two children.*Balanced Binary
Tree A balanced binary tree is commonly defined as a binary tree in
which the depth of the two subtrees of every node never differ by more
than 1
Maximum nodes at level i is 2^i
Max no. of nodes in Binary-tree with height h is 2^(h+1)-1
height of perfect Binary-tree with n nodes h=lg(n+1)-1
height of complete Binary-tree= floor lgn for Binary-tree with n nodes,
min height= floor lgn
max height=n-1
void preorder(Node *root) {
if(root==NULL) return;
cout<< root->data;
Thread in-order travasal:
struct Node* leftmost(Node* n)
if(n==NULL) return NULL;
return n;
void inorder(struct Node* root)
sruct Node *cur=leftmost(root);
else cur=leftmost(cur->right);
struct node* insert(struct node* node, int key){
if (node == NULL) return newNode(key);
if (key < node->key)
node->left = insert(node->left, key);
else node->right = insert(node->right, key);
Min Value:
struct node * minValueNode(struct node* node){
struct node* current = node;
while (current->left != NULL)
current = current->left;
return current;}
We break the code for TREE-SUCCESSOR into two cases.
1. If the right subtree of node x is nonempty, then the successor of x is
just the leftmost node in xs, right subtree, which we find in line 2 by
calling TREE-MINIMUM .x:right/ .
2. On the other hand, If the right subtree of node x is empty and x has a
successor y, then y is the lowest ancestor of x whose
left child is also an ancestor of x.
if x:right != NIL
return TREE-MINIMUM (x:right)
y = x:p
while y != NIL and x == y:right
y = y:p
return y
1. If z has no left child and right child, we just delete the node z
2. If z has just one child, which is its left child or right child, then we
replace z by child.
3. otherwise If z has both left and right child, we find z's successor y
which lies in z's right subtree and has no left child, we want to splice y out
of its current location and have it replace z in the tree
a. If y is zs right child , then we replace z by y, leaving ys right
child alone.
b. Otherwise, y lies within zs right subtree but is not zs right child.
In this case, we first replace y by its own right child, and then we replace
int height(struct node* node)
if (node==NULL) return 0;
else {
int lHeight = height(node->left);
int rHeight = height(node->right);
return (lHeight > rHeight)? (lHeight+1): (rHeight+1);
Number of Nodes
int BinaryTree::size(Node *leaf, int& count=0) const
if(leaf != NULL)//if we are not at a leaf
size(leaf->getLeft(), count);//recurisvly call the function and
increment the count
size(leaf->getRight(), count);
return count;//return the count
Balanced Binary Trees:[AVL Trees]
In BST the worst case running time for 3 operations is O(h)
where h is the height of tree. h can be as small as lg(n) or as
large as n-1, so BBT is required. And also avg path length of
B.ST is approx. 2lg(n)
An AVL tree1 is a self-balancing binary search tree (BST) in
which the heights of the two child subtrees of any node differ
by at most one.
Rotation : BF h(left) - h(right). if BF is not equal to 1 or -1
rotation is required.
LL: 1)b becomes root, a takes bs left child as right, b takes a
as its left child.
RR: 2)B becomes new root, c takes ownership of bs right
child as its left child
B takes ownership of c as its right child.
LR: Right subtree is left heavy, perform right rotation on right
sub tree and then left rotation
RL: Left subtree is right heavy, perform left rotation on left
sub tree and right next.
Splay Trees:
A splay tree is a self-adjusting binary search tree with the
additional property that recently accessed elements are
quick to access again. It performs basic operations such as
insertion, look-up and removal in O(log n) amortized time.
For many sequences of non-random operations, splay trees
perform better than other search trees, even when the
specific pattern of the sequence is unknown.
Splay Insertion :
1. Insert the newly Inserted element similar to binary search
2. Splay the newly inserted node to root
Splay Tree Deletion
One method of Splay Tree Deletion is as follows:
1. Splay the node to be deleted to the top
2. Make the left child the root
3. Make the left child's right subtree and attach it to the
leftmost node of the right child
4. Make the right child the new right child of the new root
Accessing of a splay elementmake the corresponding
element as root, using Zig-Zag. Happy Zig-Zag!
Multiway Trees:
A multiway tree is a tree that can have more than two
children. A multiway tree of order m (or an m-way tree) is
one in which a tree can have m children, the nodes in an mway tree will be made up of key fields, in this case m-1 key
fields, and pointers to children.
1. Each node has m children and m-1 keys
2. The keys in each node are in ascending order
3. The keys in the first i-1 children are smaller than the ith
4. The keys in the last m-i-1 children are larger than the ith
1) The root has at least two sub trees unless it is a leaf.
2) Each non root and each non leaf node holds k-1 keys and k
pointers to subtree where celing(m/2)<= k<=m
3) Each leaf node holds k-1 keys where celing(m/2)<=k<=m
4) All leaves are on same level
Operations in B-tree:
(Search, Insertion, deletion)
-A key is placed in a leaf that still has room - Insert Directly
-A key is placed in a leaf that is full -> create a new node and
move the middle node to
-A key is to be placed in a tree that is full -> split the nodes
and create new nodes move the
middle node to parent, If
root doesnt have space split root and create internal nodes
Deletion: 1) Simple delete-> when after deleting the key
from leaf, the node obeys cealing[m/2]-1 keys.
2) When the number of keys in the leaf are less than half,
take its parent node and keep in the delete position and get
the sibling 1st key into parent position if the sibling is having
more than celing m/2-1 keys.
3) if the sibling has less than celing m/2 take 1 from parent
key and the next sibling key and merge everything into
single node and delete the right sibling. Case After combining
if the parent is less than half full , create a new root from the
parent, its sibling and old root. The lowest levels in the
diagram are kept the same.
4) If we are deleting from non-leaf node, replace it with its
immediate predissisor or successor.
B * Trees:
B* Trees are a variant of B-Tree. In B* Trees, all nodes are
required to be 2/3rd
full, rather than half
-> The frequency of node splitting is decreased by delaying a
split, when a node
is full, the keys in the full node are evenly distributed
with its siblings.
-> A split occurs when two siblings are full and the nodes are
split into three
-> The average utilization of B* trees was found to 84% while
B Tree is 69%.
B+ Trees In B-trees and B* trees it is simple to write code to
do an in-order traversal. However, if the blocks represent
only one element from an internal node is accessed before
switching to another disk block. This can be costly.
In B+ trees, the leaves contain all the keys in tree(not just
leave keys) and leaves have links forming a Linked list.
Single Linked List
void insertAtLast(int p)
{ //Deletion at Last, Need to take care of the pointer
Node *temp = new Node();
temp->data = p;
if (head == NULL) {
head = temp;
head->node = NULL;
return; }
Node *first = head;
Node *prev = first;
while (first != NULL) {
prev = first;
void insertAtFront(int val ) {
Node *newNode = new Node();
newNode->data = val;
if (front == NULL) {
rear = newNode;
} else { newNode->next = front;
} front = newNode; }
void insertAtRear(int val ) {
Node *newNode = new Node();
newNode->data = val;
if (rear == NULL) {
front = newNode;
} else {
rear->next = newNode;
} rear = newNode; }
void deleteAtFront(){
Node *temp = front;
if (temp == NULL){
} else {
temp = temp->next;
front = temp; } }
void deleteAtLast(){
Node *temp = front;
Node *temp1 = NULL;
if (temp == NULL){
else {
while (temp->next != NULL) {
temp1 = temp;
temp = temp->next;
std::cout << "Temp ->data :" << temp>data<<"\n" ;
if (temp1!= NULL)
temp1->next = NULL;
else front=temp1;
rear = temp1;
void swap(ListNode *prev_lhs, ListNode *lhs,
ListNode *prev_rhs, ListNode *rhs) {
if (lhs == NULL || rhs == NULL ||
(prev_lhs == NULL && prev_rhs == NULL))
return; ListNode *temp = rhs->next;
rhs->next = lhs->next; if (prev_lhs != NULL)
prev_lhs->next = rhs; lhs->next = temp; if
(prev_rhs != NULL)
prev_rhs->next = lhs; }
void genOrder2Pattern() {
Node * temp = head;
Node *prev = new Node();
bool flag = true;
while (temp != NULL && temp->node != NULL) {
Node *temp1 = temp->node;
temp->node = temp1->node;
prev->node = temp1;
prev = temp;
temp1->node = temp;
if (flag) { head = temp1;
flag = false; }
temp = temp->node; } }
void reverse() {
Node* prev = NULL;
Node* current = head;
while (current != NULL) {
Node* next = current->node;
current->node = prev;
prev = current;
current = next;
head = prev;
-3-4 Trees
A 2-3-4 search tree is a tree that either is empty or has three types of nodes
-2-nodes: with one key and two pointers
-3-nodes:with two keys are 3 pointers
-4-nodes: with three keys and 4 pointers.
A red-black tree is a binary search tree with one extra bit of storage per node: its
color, which can be either RED or BLACK. By constraining the node colors on any
simple path from the root to a leaf, red-black trees ensure that no such path is
more than twice as long as any other, so that the tree is approximately balanced.
Each node of the tree now contains the attributes color, key, left, right, andp. If a
child or the parent of a node does not exist, the corresponding pointer attribute of
the node contains the value NIL. We shall regard these NILs as being pointers to
leaves (external nodes) of the binary search tree and the normal, key-bearing
nodes as being internal nodes of the tree.
A red-black tree is abinary tree that satisfies the following red-black properties:
1. Every node is either red or black.
2. The root is black.
3. Every leaf (NIL) is black.
4. If a node is red, then both its children are black.
5. For each node, all simple paths from the node to descendant leaves contain the
same number of black nodes.
We use the sentinel so that we can treat a NIL child of a node x as an ordinary
node whose parent is x. Although we instead could add a distinct sentinel node for
each NIL in the tree, so that the parent of each NIL is well defined, that approach
would waste space. Instead, we use the one sentinel T:nil to represent all the NILs
all leaves and the roots parent. Thevalues ofthe attributes p, left, right, and key of
the sentinel are immaterial, although we may set them during the course of a
procedure for our convenience.
A red-black tree with n internal nodes has height at most 2lg(n+1).
1)every incoming node is red. If the node colour and uncle colour(red) are same ,
then change the colour of G.P,P and uncle.
2) If the uncle node is black, do just rotation but in left subtree right rotation
happens, change the col
our of P,G.P and uncle. Similarly if tn right subtree left rotation happens, change
the colour.
Or else no change.(LL, RR, LR, RR)
3) do this if only 2 connective red nodes occurs
Digital Search Trees
Digital Search Trees are Binary Search Trees that are guaranteed to have a
relatively small height and require no balancing operations
-> The left child of a node has the next bit 0 -> The right child of a node has the
next bit 1
The max height in a digital search tree is O(log num_key_bits) so the max search
time is same
Binary Tires:
These allow inorder traversal whereas Binary doesnt allow.
Information is in leaf nodes.
R Trees:
R-Trees are used to enable effecient search of 2D spatial data. The non-leaf nodes
of a b-tree contain rectangle coordinates of child nodes.
Insertion:done in a rectangle that needs the least enlargement.
splitting on overflowing node:
R* tree topological split gives the best for spatial map application.Here, when a
node is full, a portion of the nodes are removed and reinserted per level is allowed
to prevent an infinite loop of overflows.