Teacher As A Guide and Counselor

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International Indexed & Referred Research Journal, November, 2012, ISSN 0974- 2832, RNI- RAJBIL- 2009/29954; VoL

IV * ISSUE- 46

Research Paper

Teacher as A Guide and Counsellor

* Mrs. Nidhi Bali

November ,2012

* Assistant Professor , R.L.S.College of Education,Sidhrawali , Gurgaon.

The training of the teacher and a professional
school counselor differs only in intensity and emphasis.
Stating that a teacher who is pleasant, friendly and cooperative can win the confidence of students and play
the role of a counselor. But the knowledge of practical
skills of counseling can improve the competency of the
teacher as well as the students.
Our society is passing through a period of
transition. There is conflict in social values and uneasiness in general about the future model of our society.
Before 1947, education in our country was largely confined to the elite. There was no need of formalized guidance and counseling services. But after independence,
consequent upon the universalization of education, all
type of students entered schools with a wide range of
individual differences in their intellectual abilities and
socio-economic background. The need for guidance
came to be felt in our education system so that it could
cater to the needs of individual differences among the
students. Besides other factors account for emergence
of the need of guidance, for instance, the high percentage of drop-outs, the changing role of women, needs of
exceptional children, increasing rate of delinquencies
and mentally sick persons in our society.
All educationists agree that guidance is an
integral part of education and educations is an effective instrument of social change. In this complex society, the events of the coming decade will definitely
being dominated in a large part by the challenges of the
younger generation to our society.
Teacher As A Counsellor
Teacher plays a vital role in shaping the future
of the younger generation. The teacher can play an
important role in making guidance and counseling
services more effective by virtue of his being in close
touch with the students in schools. No doubt, to some
extent every teacher is a counselor when he counsels
students about the selection of the courses, developing good habits and suggesting remedies for the per-

sonal problems of the students. But every teacher is

not supposed to be an effective counselor. A teacher
must have some specific qualities to be a good counselor. In our country, there is lack of qualified counselors. We can give orientation to our teachers till we
have qualified, competent counselors. The teachers
see students at least 6 hours a day. They have closed
and most frequent contacts with the students in natural
situations, they observe their acts, study their needs,
interests, abilities; know their strengths and their weaknesses. A teacher may inspire and influence students
by adopting proper methods and techniques. A teacher
by caring and compassion can function as a resource
and catalyst. Untrained teachers overlook a majority of
student's problems. Hence teacher must have specialized training to perform various roles.
The modern teacher is getting training in not
only teaching but also various activities like case study, personality development and communicative
skills, community studies, cultural studies, etc. With
the help of these experiences and psychology it is
possible to understand the student's behavior. A teacher
can also contact home and peer - group to understand
the students deeply and can come up with a plan of
action and possible solutions to overcome students'
problems. Ultimately, the counseling should bring
definite changes in behavior of the students and improve the performance of the students.
Because of long association with students
the teacher by counseling can bring effective changes
in their behavior compared to a private counselor. A
private counselor may take a long time to understand
the behavioral problems of students and come up with
possible of students' problems. Hence, the teacher
while doing free - service training should undergo the
practical training in counseling besides theoretical
knowledge. The practical knowledge on the part of the
teacher will definitely improve the counseling skills of
the teacher and can help the students to improve their
performance that is the main objective of counseling.

1)Rao, S. N. (1997). Counseling And Guidance (2nd edition). New Delhi, Tata Mc - Graw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
2)Chauhan, S. S. (2001). Principles And Techniques of Guidance (2nd revised edition). New Delhi, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
3)Vijaylakshmi, Pendurthy (2006). "Teachers As Well As Counselors". Edutracks Vol. VI, No. II, (Page - 23).
4)Singh, Raj (1994). "The Teacher As Guide In The Learning Process". (Page - 74 - 102). New Delhi, Commonwealth Publishers.


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