Chapter 3 The Equipment of Naturally Flowing Wells-1

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Table 3.4 Landing nipples summary table (Source: ENSPM Formation Industrie).



Full bore simple

Otis type X, R *
Camco type W

Running tool actuates locking dogs when

pulling upward on mandrel
Maximum mandrel diameter:
< landing nipple nominal diameter

*also on Otis SSD

type XO, XA, RO, RA
Full bore selective


Selection key on the mandrel fits into the

selection profile of the landing nipple


Maximum mandrel diameter:

< landing nipple nominal diameter

Otis type S, T





BE CAREFUL to install
them in the right order:




Full bore top no-go





Bak~r type F**

Cameo type D, D13




I -I -


< tuhillg
.'* also on Baker S5
type L
Bottom no-go
Baker type R
Otis type N. XN
Cameo type ON
AVA type BNG

Maximum mandrel diameter:

> landing nipple nominal diameter
l3e ('(Ire/it/thl/t:
1Of! /10-go /ill/lid

l'i' .


a) Top no-go ring on mandrel is oversize compared to the landing nipple's

nominal diameter


reI diw/1('{er"

b) Or same as for full bore simple

Landing nipple (and Mandrel)
bottom no-go ring

with a

Maximum mandrel Jiameter:

< landing nipple nominal Jiameter
> landing nipple bottom no-go Jiameter

Landing nipple bottom

no-go diameter:
< landing nipple nominal diameter


3. THE EQUIPMENT OF NA TURALL Y FLOWING WELLS Using several landing nipples in the same tubing

In the same completion several different types of landing nipples can be used together, however in practice they are not usually mixed up and the choice usually tends to be only:
Full bore selective landing nipples with the same nominal bore differentiated
selection profiles.

by their

Or no-go landing nipples.

Note that tools designed to stop in a bottom no-go landing nipple can be run through all
the full bore top no-go, full bore simple, and full bore selective landing nipples of the
same nominal diameter. As a result, the following sequence can exist using for example
Baker's F and R type landing nipples:
F 2.81 full bore top no-go [nominal landing nipple diameter: 71.42 mm (2.812 in).
tool no-go ring diameter: 72.77 mm (2.865 in)]
F 2.75 full bore top no-go [nominal landing nipple diameter: 69.85 mm (2.750 in),
tool no-go ring diameter: 71.17 mm (2.802 in)]
R 2.75 bottom no-go [nominal landing nipple diameter: 69.85 mm (2.750 in), bottom
11()-gOlanding nipple diameter: 68.50 mm (2.697 in), tool no-go ring diameter:
69.60 mm (2.740 in)] and so on.
Or full bore simple landing nipples with the same nominal diameter. and selection hy
the running tool that allows locking only when pulling. It is advisable to space them out
sufficiently along the tuhing so that there is no possihle douht as to which landing nipple
the wireline operator is working on.
In practice. bottom no-go landing nipples are not normally llsed in the tubing. except for
the lowest nipple. This is true whatever the type of landing nipple located ahove it. Choosing
a hottom no-go for the lowest landing nipple affords the following advantages, provided there
is a suitahle wireline string available:
the wireline string will not mistakenly pass the lower part of the tubing. an Js<.;etsince
getting it back inside can be tricky. especially in a deviated well
the wireline string can be stopped at this point if the cable fails and retrieving will he
easier in the tuhing (where the tool is centered) than in the casing at the bottom of the
Note also that:
In order to delay the time when the tubing is washed out from the inside due to turbulence generated by the severe restriction of the internal cross-sectional Jiameter caused
by the presence of certain tools (bottomhole choke. SCSSV). it is possible to add reinforced thickness elements called flow couplings on either side ()f the bnding nipples.
Certain subsurface safety valves are set in special landing nipples that communicate
with the surface by means ofa special smallhydratilic line located in the annulus.






There are mandrels that are directly locked on the tubing wall, i.e. without any special
landing nipple. They are, however, not used under normal conditions because there is
always doubt as to the locking quality and because the differential pressure they can
withstand from bottom to top is limited .
When the equipment set is a plug, it is always equipped with a device that allows pressures to be equalized on either side before the mandrel is released. Equalization is not
immediate, it requires a certain amount of time.

3.5.3 Other downhole equipment

a. Equipment helmv the packer
A perforated tube can be incorporated in the tubing string with a bottom no-go landing nipple
at its lower end designed to accommodate the pressure and/or temperature recorder holder.
This allows pressure measurements to be made during production without introducing further
pressure losses due to the recorder restricting the cross-sectional area.
For multiple zone completions, reinforced thickness pipes, called blast joints, must be
used opposite perforated zones to delay washing out from outside by fluids gushing out of the
casing perforations.
Between several packers, for example in a parallel dual string completion or an alternate
selective completion. and between packer and screens in wells with sand control, a safety
joint is generally incorporated to facilitate selective pulling out of downhole equipment.

h. Elfllip11lelll

above the {Jacker

The use of a slip joint allows variations in tubing length due to changing well conditions (temperature. pressure. /low rate) and prevents excessive extra strains on the packer and the tubing itsc\ r.
A disconnection joint can often be used as a slip joint and allows the tubing to be pulled
lJut without unseating the packer. The well is kept under safe conditions by setting a plug in
a landing nipple that is usually machined in the lower half-joint fixed to the packer and by
pumping a control fluid into the welL If the plug is set before the control fluid is circulated.
the fluid is prevented from coming into contact with the formation and there are fewer risks

losses or damage.


Depending on the environment and on the type and pressure of the produced effluent. it may
be necessary to place a SubSurface Safety Valve, SSSV, inside the well itself. It supplements
the one(s) on the \vellhead if it/they should happen to be out of order (valve failure. wellhead
tom off. etc.).





The first valves to have been used are known as storm chokes and are set in a landing nipple in the tubing by wireline, often near the packer. They are totally independent and close
when the flow rate rises abnormally or when there is too much pressure drop across them.
This is also their main drawback, because they can not be actuated when trouble is detected
on the surface. They can not be closed deliberately unless the well flow rate is increased dramatically, a condition that is not advisable in case there is any difficulty on the surface. This
is particularly inconvenient in gas wells, in wellhead clusters or wellheads near surface installations, e.g. offshore among other situations.
This is why second generation safety valves were developed, the subsurface safety valves
that are controlled from the surface. They are set in the production string at about 30 to
50 meters (100 to 150 ft) below ground level onshore or below seabed (mudline) offshore.
They are either directly screwed onto the tubing or set in a special landing nipple. They are
connected to the surface by a small, high-pressure hydraulic control line run in along the tubing in the annulus. The control line passes the tubing hanger and comes out of the wellhead
to be connected to a control panel that actuates the valve.

3.6.1 Subsurface Controlled Subsurface Safety Valves (SSCSV)

These valves that were often called storm chokes are now termed SSCSV (SubSurface Controlled subsurface Safety Valves). They are set and retrieved by wireline. They close the well
following a modification in tlow conditions where they arc located:
either when the ambient flow rate increases (and so the pressure loss across the valve
also increases), or
when there is a pressure drop opposite the valve.
The major manufacturers

of this type of valve arc Otis, Baker and Camco. Pressure differential safety valves

(Fig. 3.19)

These valves are designated as "pressure differential valves" or "velocity safety valves" in
catalogs and are normally open. A choke incorporated in the valve callses a pressure loss
when tlowing and this tends to close the valve. A return spring tcnds to keep the valve open.
If the flow rate increases excessively, the supplementary pressure loss that is created Induces
a closing force that is greater than that of the return spring and the valve closes.
The spring's compression is adjusted in order to set the flow rate (and therefore the pressure drop or the tlow velocity) above which the valve closes. The closing and scaling mechanism is either a baH valve, a check valve or a poppet valve.
Because of the way it works, the safety valve closes only if the pressure differential is sufficient. It requires the well it is installed in to produce at a low flow rate compared to the maximum possible output. As a result, its use is confined to certain wells with a high natural












Fig. 3.19

Pressure dillerential
Otis catalog. llJS5).
a. Open. b. Closed.





Pressure uperated safety valve

Otis catalug, IlJR5).
a. Open. b. Closed.

safety valve


potential or to those whose "reduced" flow rate is economically justified, consequently it is

not suited to most oil wells. Note also that this safety valve can not tolerate excessively
marked tlow rate discontinuity (heading.), or overly rapid start up after produ.:tion has been
stopped on a well. Pressure operated safety valves

(Fig.. 3.20)

These valves are also known by the term "amhient safety valves". The closing mechanism is
controlled by a return spring and a gas chamber. and the pressure in the well acts to keep the
valve open. It is designed to be normally closed.
In order for the valve to open, a pressure equal to or greater than the specified operating
pressure is exerted from above. As long as the pressure around the valve remains greater than
the seCpoint. it slays openrrrrd-the retumspring is compressed; However. if the ambient pres-





sure drops abnormally, it is no longer high enough to offset the effects of the force exerted by
the return spring and the gas chamber. The valve then closes. The closing and sealing mechanism is similar to what was indicated for the preceding type of valve.
Pressure operated valves are well suited to wells whose flow rate is not very sensitive to
a variation in the flowing pressure. Some models feature a device that keeps the valves from
closing when there are rapid variations in ambient pressure due to the flow instability that is
often encountered in certain wells.

3.6.2 Surface Controlled Subsurface Safety Valves (SCSSV)

The SCSSVs (Surface Controlled Subsurface Safety Valves), of the fail safe type, are controlled from the surface by hydraulic pressure in the control line and are normally closed (i.e.
closed when no pressure is applied in the control line). The control pressure acts on a jack
which pushes a sleeve back thereby opening the valve. At the same time it compresses a powerful return spring. As long as the control pressure is kept at the set operating value, the valve
remains open. However, if it falls below a certain threshold then the valve will close automatically solely under the effect of the return spring.
In contrast with SSCSVs, the SCSSV docs not depend directly on ambient flow conditions in the well, but rather on one or more parameters measured at the wellhead. This also
allows the subsurface valve to be controlled via a number of safety systems connected to process facilities. The well's safety can therefore be achieved manually or automatically whether
the trouble is directly related to the well or not: fire, explosion or impact. process problem,
etc. Depending on the degree of safety required, the wellhead sakty valve alone can be closed
or, in conjunction with it. the subsurface safety valve can also he closed.
Due to the design of the hydraulically controlled valve, the depth at which it can be
installed in the well is limited by the capacity of its return spring. The spring must be sufficiently compressed to overcome the opposing force due to the weight of the hydrostatic column of the hydraulic fluid in the control line that governs the valve and acts directly on the
Also due to its design, the valve can not be opened as long as the pressure difference
between ~lbove and below the closing and scaling mechanism exceeds an average of 0.7 MPa
( 100 psi), so that the valve will not be damaged when it opens. Some valves are equipped with
an internal equalization device. Here, all that is required to reopen the valves is to increase
the pressure in the control line with the wellhead closed. Otherwise it is also necessary to
recompress the tubing above the valve (by means of a pump, a nearby well, etc.).
The SCSSV closing and sealing mechanism is either a flapper valve or a ball valve.
long time preference was given to ball valves, mainly because of the sealing quality.
though the sleeve weldment (pivot cage) is complex and fragile. Currently check valves
to be the preferred choice as they are much simpler. more rugged and robust (i.e. safer).
a lot of progress has been made regarding the reliability and tightness of flappers.


For a



Conventional SCSSV manufacturers

offered in two different versions:



are the same as for the SSCSVs. The valves are

either set in a special landing nipple and retrieved by wireline, in which case they are
called "WireLine Retrievable", WLR
or screwed onto the tubing and pulled out with all or part of the equipment in the well,
called "Tubing Retrievable", TR, or "Tubing Mounted", TM.
There are also special combination valves sold by other manufacturers
where one part is tubing retrievable and the other is wire line retrievable.

such as AV A,

The SCSSV usually controls only the tubing, but in wells with the annulus full of gas, and
especially in wells activated by gas lift, double subsurface safety valves can be installed if
necessary. They close both the tubing and the tubing-casing annulus. These SubSurface Tubing-Annulus (SST A) safety valves also allow the long and dangerous uncontrolled decompression of an annulus full of gas to be avoided (at a wellhead pressure of approximately 7
MPa or 1000 psi and even more). Wireline Retrievable safety valves (WLR) (Fig. 3.21)

The valve is attached to a mandrel that has been modified in order to transmit the control tluid
pressure to the valve'sjack. Setting the valve and its mandrel in the landing nipple is a tricky
job. and positioning and locking it in the landing nipple are crucial. If this is not done properly
it may he ejected and rise up to the wellhead the first time it is closed. For enhanced safety in
properly setting the valve in its landing nipple, special tools are available on the market based
on the following principle:
a control shear pin is incorporated in the running tool
on the mandrel. the locking dogs are physically blocked at the end of the setting operation hy a sliding safety sleeve that keeps them from retracting
proper positioning of the safety sleeve is indicated when the control pin is sheared on
the running tool.
Installing a WLR valve restncts the inside through diameter of the tubing. In addition. the
space allotted to the operating mechanism has heen reduced to a minimum so that the inside
through diameter is not excessively reduced. As a consequence, the WLR valve is rather complex and fragile. However. most oil wells are equipped with WLR valves because it makes
\VeIl maintenance easier. Tubing Retrievable safety valves (TR) (Fig. 3.22)

It is advisable to avoid restricting the through diameter in wells with substantial production
rates. Additionally. for gas wells especially, this restriction near the surface coincides with a
zone where pressure and temperature conditions may be favorable to hydrate formation. This
type of welt is therefore preferably equipped with tubing retrievahlesafety
valves that pro-




, I

! !

Fig.3.21 Wireline retrievahle safety valve

(Source: Baker).


Fig. 3.22 Tubing retrievablcsafety valve

(Source: Baker catalog, 198..j:~lq85).



vide an inside through diameter the same as that of the tubing. The production string must,
however, be pulled out in order to change the valve. The valve is usually associated with what
is termed a tubing anchor and a disconnection system that allow only the upper part of the
tubing and the valve to be pulled out.
Because of their design, the valves can be locked open:
sometimes temporarily, an asset during wireline operations in the well, or
definitely, if the valve should lose its tightness for example.

In the second case, a landing nipple machined in the valve body may allow a wireline
retrievable valve to be inserted and controlled by the same hydraulic line. This makes it possible to keep the well in safe conditions while waiting for a workover operation in the event
a tubing retrievable valve has failed.

In subsea completions, two tandem valves can be run in together, with each one operated

of the other. Combination safety valves

Valves that are screwed onto the tubing have an inside cross-sectional area that is compatible
with that of the tubing. hut require a workover operation when they need to be replaced.
Meanwhile. wireline retrievable valves are readily pulled out. but cause a decrease in inside
through diameter. A surface controlled subsurface safety valve can be found on the market
today that offers approximately the same advantages as both the tubing valve and the wireline
retrievable valve (Fig. 3.23). A sleeve. a flapper and a return spring are installed. integrated
in the tubing. The jack is off-center and set in the equivalent of a side pocket mandrel. As a
result. it is readily retrievable for maintenance by the same technique used for gas-lift valves. Subsurface tubing-annulus safety valves

This system is used in gas lifted production wells. mainly offshore and consists of two valves.
one for the tubing ami the other for the annulus. Both tubing and annulus can be opened or
closed. It requires setting a second packer in the upper part of the well at the saIlle depth as
the safety val ve (Fig. 3.2'+). A sl iding sleeve allows gas to tlow or prevents it froIll tlowi ng
into the annulus by opening or closing the bypass of the upper packer. The sleeve is moved
by a hydraulic jack fixed 011 the tubing and controlled by the same hydraulic line as the tubing
safety system. Other safety valves

Subsurface safety valves electromagnetically controlled from the surface. now at the research
and development stage. do not require installing any hydraulic control line. If this type of
valve proved to be reliable. completion would be simplified and the valve could be set deeper
down in the well.








Fig. 3.23 Combination tubing safety valve

(Source: AVA catalog).


Fig. 3.24 A VA tubing-annulus

(Sanree: AfterAV A catalog]:

safety valve




A large number of factors influence the running procedure, especially the following:
the type of
for a cased
any special
the number
the type of

pay zone-borehole connection, i.e. open hole or perforated cased hole, and
hole, when perforating is done (before or after equipment installation)
operations that might be performed on the pay zone (sand control, stimulaof levels to be produced separately in the same well
equipment chosen, in particular the packer.

We will confine our discussion to proposing a procedure for the following case:
a) Pay zone-borehole connection: perforated cased hole with perforating before equipment installation, no special operations and one single level to be produced.
b) Equipment (Fig. 3.25): includes in particular a permanent packer run in beforehand, a
tubing-annulus circulating device and a WLR-type surface controlled subsurface
safety valve (SCSSY).
The main differences in procedure due to the use of a retrievable hydraulic packer will be
dealt with in Section 3.7.3.

3.7.1 Preliminary operations

Before the cquipmcnt
malll ones:

is run in several operations

arc carried out. including the following

reconditioning the wellhead

checking the borehole (tagging cement, cleaning casing walls, displacing completion
cased hole logging
reconditioning blowout preventcrs (BOPs), if necessary
re-establishing the pay zone-borehole connection, by perforating.


the wellhead

:\fter the production casing (last casing) has been run, cemented and hung, the tubing-head
spool is placed on the casing-head spool. It replaces a spacer spool which was incorporated
in the drilling wellhead between the casing-head spool and the drilling BOP stack. The BOPs
have to be temporarily rigged down so that it can be put into place.
It should be pointed out that in some cases the tubing-head spool is incorporated
casing-head spool (compact, or solid block wellhead) and so is already in place.

in the

After the BOPs have been reinstalled and the rams have been adapted if necessary to the
pipe that will be used later on in the well, the wnole system is pressure-tested.




Tree cap
Swab valve

Hydraulically actuated
upper master valve
(safety valve)
Lower master valve


To control

Tubing hanger
side outlet


(surface controlled subsurface
safety valve)

Control line

Crossover sub

Liner top

Circulating valve_


Landing nipple
Tubing guide shoe Liner
. .;



Float collar
Cementing shoe

Fig. 3.25 Selected case for the running procedure (Source: ENSPM Formation lndustrie).





FLOWING WELLS Checking the borehole

A. Tagging cement
A drill string is run to check that the well is free of cement down to the float collar after the
production casing has been cemented. If it is not, the extra cement is drilled out. In addition,
depending on the float collar depth in relation to the pay zone that is to be produced, it may
be necessary to drill out the float collar as well and part of the cement below it (see Fig. 3.25).

B. Cleaning the casing walls

Before the completion equipment is installed, a control string is run in the well. It includes a
scraper designed to clean the inside of the casing, especially at the packer setting depth where
several short trips are made over the same stretch of casing while circulating.
In some instances, particularly when there should be no cement to drill out, the scraper is
run in directly on the drill string that is used to check the top of cement.

C. Displacing the completion fluid

With the scraper string in place in the bottom of the well, the equivalent of one or two times
the well volume is circulated to recondition the fluid and get rid of any impurities (deposits
removed during scraping, etc.). The drilling fluid is replaced by completion fluid, which i:-.
usually a clean. solid-free brine (to reduce formation damage during perforating and later on).
with a specific gravity sufficient to withstand the reservoir pressure. Supplementary well
cleaning can he done by circulating fresh water or sea water before the completion fluid is
pumped in. Cased hole logging

Before perforating. it is recommended to check the quality of the cement job. More precisely.
for the casing or the production liner, the depth of the cement fill in the annulus should be
checked. Any faulty seal in the cement sheath must be detected (due to a poor bond between
the cement and the formation and/or the casing or to a lack of cement, among other causes).
Depending on the results of the cement bond logs. a decision may be made to attempt a remedial cementing operation.
In order to get a proper reference point in relation to the formation (for the depth of perforations. of the packer, etc.), correlation logs are also recorded and compared with the open
hole logs run previously. For correlation, a casing collar locator log, CCL, is usually run
along with a gamma ray log that records the natural radioactivity of the formations.
Depending on reservoir engineering needs, other cased hole logs may be run to supplement the ones that were run in the open hole.





If there are no existing rams in the BOP stack corresponding to the tubing diameter that will
be run, the appropriate rams should be installed and then the BOPs are retested. Re-establishing the pay zone-borehole connection: perforating

We presume that perforating is done by casing gun-type equipment run in on wireline.
The safety of the well is provided first of all by the completion fluid (whose specific gravity is chosen so that bottomhole hydrostatic pressure is greater than the formation pressure)
and second by the BOPs.
If multiple-zone completion is planned, the perforations of the upper layers should be
scraped to prevent damage to the packing elements of the packers that may be set below them.

3.7.2 Running subsurface equipment in a well equipped with a

permanent packer (packer set prior to running the tubing)
The main phases are as listed in order below:

setting the packer (and its below-packer extension)

assembling and running the equipment (and testing while running in hole)
inserting the subsurface safety valve landing nipple
spacing out the tubing and finishing to equip it
landing the tubing hanger in the tubing head
testing the production string (tubing) and the annulus. Setting the packer (and the below-packer extension)

The scraping and circulation during preliminary operations (to some extent) got rid of the particles in the fluid (rock debris, cement, bits of metal, etc.) that might be detrimental to proper
setting of the packer (getting it stuck when running, damaging the packing elements. causing
inadequate gripping on casing walls, etc.).
When the packer is set on the wireline, ajunk basket with a gage ring is alway" run in first,
also by wireline. This is to be sure that the packer will be capable of getting Jown to the chosen setting depth solely by means of its weight.
The setting depth is chosen according to the cement logs (a zone is chosen where the casing is properly cemented, giving good setting since the casing is held by the cement sheath).
Moreover, it is selected so that the tubing shoe is located if possible at le~st ten to fifteen
meters (30 to 50 feet) above the top of the reservoir to be produceJ (in order to retain the
option ot-perforating further or running production logs over the whole reservoir thickness).





The packer (with an extension screwed on below it) is generally set on the wireline with
a setting kit. Since a CCL or a gamma ray are run in at the same time, this allows:
precise control of the packer setting depth in relation to the reservoir and the cement job
setting the packer away from a casing collar
time to be saved as no other round trip with drill pipes is required.
At the end of the setting operation, the setting assembly is automatically

released after a

release stud is sheared and is then pulled out.

The packer can also be set on drillpipes with an appropriate setting tool. Though the operation is longer and there is less precision in positioning the packer, it is easier to run the packer
with certain configurations (highly deviated well or one with a very irregular profile; a packer
that is to be set, and therefore placed, in a small diameter liner; a "long" below-packer extension, which is therefore too heavy for the cable). Note that in this case the setting tool is actuated by pressuring up in the pipe. Once the packer has been set. setting can be tested (by
tension or by placing weight on it with drill pipe) as well as tightness (pressure increase in the
annulus after closing BOP pipe rams). The drill pipe is then pulled out after the setting tool
has been unscrewed by rotating to the right. Assembling and running the equipment (and testing

while running in hole)
During this phase as well as the following ones, the well is kept under safe conditions first of
all by the completion tluid and then:
for the annulus. by the BOPs by using rams that close on the tubing
for the tubing, by a valve (or any other suitable closing system) ready to be screwed onto
it (i.e. with an appropriate thread and available on the rig 110or).
Before starting to run the equipment. the wear bushing (that protects the part of the tubing
head where the tubing hanger will be landed) is removed if this has not already been done.
and the position of the tic-down screws and their packing glands is checked.
After the locator (or anchor). a tubing (or a short tubing) and the circulating valve (with an integrated landing nipple) have been assembled, the equipment is run in while picking up the tubings.
While the tubings arc being picked up, the drift is checked one last time on the walkway.
The tubings arc handled by an elevator or with a special lifting head and the tubing pin thread
protector remains on. The thread protector is removed and the state of the tubing end is verified one last time. it is greased without excess using a grease with the same coefficient as the
one used in the factory to screw on the coupling.
After careful alignment, the pin end of the pipe to be screwed on is placed in the coupling
of the preceding pipe, preferably using a stabbing guide, especially when the joints are of the
premium type. The joint is then connected and tightened to the optimum makeup torque recommended by the manufacturer. This is done carefully and smoothly in order to prevent any
over- or undertightening.




Generally speaking tightening to the appropriate makeup torque will theoretically guarantee a good leakproof connection. The problem of tightening is the focus of a lot of attention
nowadays and hydraulic tubing tongs are being used increasingly with the torque recorded
versus the number of turns. Some examples are the JAM system (Joint Analyzed Makeup) by
Weatherford or the Torque Turn by Baker.
While the tubings are being run in the joints can be tested by different methods such as:
joint by joint testing with water from the outside
joint by joint testing with gas from the inside
by section with the completion fluid.
However, the grease that is applied during the connection operation makes the joint leakproof either alone or in conjunction with a sealing shoulder. As a result, unless there is a major
defect a prohibitively long testing time would be required to detect a smaller imperfection.
This is especially true if the pipe is tested joint by joint. Therefore, these methods are hardly
ever used today and great attention is paid to the following instead:
keeping the pipe threads in good condition before they are screwed together
monitoring the torque (and the number oftums, etc.) while connecting the joints with care.
Some specific components (circulating device, gas-lift mandrel with a dummy. etc.) are
usually pressure tested in the workshop before they are sent to the well sitc. Inserting the subsurface safety valve landing nipple

and continuing to run in
Sincc a wircline retrievable SCSSV has bccn choscn. the corresponding landing nipple is
inserted between two tubings so that it will be located about JO meters ( 100 ft) helow ground
level (or below the mudline) in the final phase. A separation sleeve (protective sleeve with
packings on either side of the hydraulic control line outlet in the landing nipple) is installed
and the assembly is pressure tested (unless this was done previously in the shop).
Then the running in operation is continued usually without the control line (alsn sometimes
called a liner) for the time being. It will be connected when the required tubing changes are
made for spacing out (see Section Note that sometimes the SCSSV landing nipple is
incorporated only during the spacing out phase (particularly for wells onshore - because of
the small number of tubings between the landing nipple and the surface. it may be necessary
to modify the tubings screwed under or directly on the landing nipple during this phase). The
length of the landing nipple must of course be taken into account in spacing out calculations. Spacing out the production string and completing tubing equipment
Spacing out has to be done since the tubing hanger will be screwed onto the tubing instead of
a coupling (and does not hold on to the pipe body in contrast to the casing hangers). As a
result. a specified length of tubing must be kept between the two fixed points that are the
packer and the tubing head.




A. Locating the packer

The number of necessary tubings are not determined by using the packer depth and the length
of the different production string components directly. Instead, the packer and its equipment
are located by stabbing in the end of the locator or anchor and:
either by reading the weight drop on the Martin Decker when the locator or anchor seals
enter the polished bore of the packer and mainly when tagging the packer
or by circulating at a low flow rate in the well to see when the pump pressure rises (and
the return flow rate falls) after the locator or anchor seals enter the polished bore of the
If an anchor is used, a tension test is used to check if it is properly engaged in the packer.

B. Spacing out calculations

Before running the equipment, the tubing's breathing (due to variations in production conditions) in particular has been taken into account in order to determine the following:
for a locator: its total length. how far it should penetrate into the packer and, if need be.
the weight of tubing required on the packer when the equipment is set once the tubing
hanger is in place in the tubing head
for an anchor: the weight of tubing required on the packer (or the tensile load exerted
on the packer by the tubing) under the same circumstances.
Once the packer has been located as described above, the locator or anchor is set as has
heen determined (or, in the spacing out calculations. the tubing movement that would be necessary to achieve this situation is taken into account).
The distance between the position of the coupling that is the closest to the tubing head and
the position that the tubing hanger will occupy is deduced:
after having measured the extent to which the last tubing now comes out of the rig's
rotary table, and
according to the distance between the rotary table and the tubing head, as well as the
length of the different tubings used.
In order to diminate

this discrepancy

in position, the following points are determined:

which of the last tubings in place have to be removed

which new tubings and pup joints have to be added to replace them (note that when the
tubings were checked and measured on their arrival on the well site. the ones of very
different lengths were carefully set aside for this spacing out phase).

C. Spacing out and completing tubing equipment

After spacing out calculations, the tubing is pulled up to the SCSSV landing nipple (or more
if necessary for spacing out). When an anchor is used. surface rotation equivalent to ten turns
to the right downhole is required in order to disconnect it.







Once the hydraulic control line has been cleaned by circulating an appropriate volume of
hydraulic oil through it, it is connected onto the landing nipple by a threaded connection
(swage). The assembly is then tested at operating pressure (usually 35 MPa or 5000 psi).
Then the tubing and the control line are run in at the same time:
after having partially bled off the control line and monitoring the new pressure to detect
any leakage (in case the control line has been tom off)
fastening the control line on the tubing by means of special collars and placing protectors on the couplings
making the tubing changes required for spacing out.
Once all of the selected tubings have been made up:

a safety clamp is installed on the last tubing

the last tubing's coupling is unscrewed and the tubing hanger is screwed on in its place
the safety clamp is removed
the control line is connected to the tubing hanger (after a few "dead" turns around the
tubing to give it some play) and the assembly is pressure tested
the landing pipe (used to run the tubing hanger from the rig floor to the tubing head) is
connected to the hanger (the landing pipe is made up onto the hanger with moderate
torque so that it can be easily unscrewed afterward, but in order to get a satisfactory seal
the thread is covered with Teflon tape). Landing the tubing hanger in the tubing head

Running the production string is completed with the landing pipe until the tubing hanger is
landed in the tubing head. After having loosened the packing glands. the tic-down screws are
screwed on to lock the tubing hanger in place and then the packing glands are tightened again. Testing the production string and the annulus

Once the production string is complete and whatever the method used to test the tubing while
running. the string is then tested as a whole (without exceeding the operating pressure of the
weakest equipment). Despite a usual testing time of 15 to lO minutes. the test gives absolutely
no guarantee of production string tightness. This is mainly because of the delay in detecting
leaks due to the thread grease. To carry out testing, a plug or a simple standing valve (a check
valve withstanding pressure from top to bottom) is run in on wireline to the lowest landing
nipple. Depending on the equipment used, it may sometimes be preferable to pressure test
before the tubing hanger is landed.
An annulus test is also run to check the tightness of the packer (and of the tubing hanger):
usually at moderate pressure (7 to 10 MPa or 1000 to 1500 psi) so as not to put too much
stress on the cement sheath
or sometimes according to the casing internal yield pressure (witfi-an added safety factor).




3.7.3 Main differences in running subsurface equipment

when there is a hydraulic packer
(run in directly on the tubing) Assembling and running the equipment
(and testing while running in hole)
The equipment is assembled little by little and in running order. The following will be found
for example:
a below-packer extension including at least one wireline entry guide, one or more tubings, a landing nipple (no-go type), and one or more tubings
the packer
a tubing (or short tubing) and the circulating valve (with an integrated landing nipple)
The assembly is run in smoothly so that the packer setting mechanism is not damaged (in other
words so that the shear screws that hold the packer in a retracted position are not damaged).
If inside pressure testing is done while running in, the pressure must not be exerted on the
packer (for example. test only the part above the packer by setting a test plug in the circulating
valve's integrated landing nipple). Inserting the SCSSV landing nipple and finishing

to run the equipment
In contrast with the procedure described above (packer set prior to running the equipment), it
is not usually necessary to do very precise spacing oul. This is because there are no longer
two fixed points (the packer and the tubing hanger depth in the tubing head) before the tubing
is run in. All that is orten done is to refer only to the cumulative length of the components to
incorporate the SCSSV landing nipple and then the tubing hanger into the production string
at the right time.
Here. once the SCSSV landing nipple has been inserted, the tubing and the control line
continue to be run in at the same time. If. however, more precise spacing out ;s required
(packer to be placed between two neighboring pay zones, or opposite a well cemented zone
that is not very thick. etc.), bearings can be taken by:
tagging the bottom of the well (cementing tloat collar, reference bridge plug) with the suing
running a correlation log versus a radioactive source that was integrated in the equipment when it was run. Partial testing of the production string

Once the tubing hanger and the landing pipe have been screwed on. an "overall" test is run
on the production string. though it is limited to the portion above the hydraulic packer (test
plug in the Tanding nipple incorporated in the circulating valve).




FLOWING WELLS Setting the hydraulic packer, landing the tubing hanger and testing
The tubing hanger is positioned properly in relation with the tubing head, if this was not done
before, in other words:
it is directly landed in the tubing head, or
it is placed above it at an appropriate distance (slack off) depending on the compression
required on the packer once the packer is set and the tubing hanger is landed.
The packer is then set. A plug (or a standing valve) is set in the landing nipple under the
packer (other devices such as a ball that comes to rest in an ejectable or retractable seat can
also be used). Then the tubing is pressured up step by step until the packer setting screws are
sheared and the packer is set. The shearing and setting pressure depends on the model and the
depth but it is usually about 10 MPa (1500 psi). The pressure is held for a while and then bled
off gradually.
Before bleeding off, the pressure can be raised up to the selected tubing test pressure,
thereby pressure testing the production string as a whole. After the tubing hanger has been
landed in the tubing head, the annulus can be pressured up with the same limitations as
defined earlier in order to "check" packer tightness.

3.7.4 Installing the Christmas tree and bringing the well on stream
The main phases are as follows in this order:


BOPs are replaced by the Christmas tree

production wellhead is tested
Iluids in the well are changed (annular and clearing fluids arc pumped in)
surface controlled subsurface safety valve is set and tested
well is cleared. Replacing the BOPs by the Christmas tree

During all the preceding phases, the BOPs contribute to well safety in addition to the completion tluid. Before the BOPs are disconnected and removed, it is imperative to have at least
two (or even three) "safety barriers" in the well in order to maintain a satisfactory degree of
safety against blowouts.
Excluding the BOPs and the valve that is ready to be screwed onto the tubing. in the context of the procedure presented here the ~;afety barriers in place are:
the completion fluid for the tubing and the annulus
the packer and the tubing hanger for the annulus.
There are therefore enough safety barriers on the annulus. In comrast. the safety on the
tubing needs a boost and one or more of thefol!owing can be instalted:






a check valve in a profile (usually threaded) specially machined into the tubing hanger,
that is commonly called a back-pressure valve, BPV
one (or more) "plugs" (tight in both directions or only from bottom to top) in one (or
more) landing nipple(s)
possibly, the subsurface safety valve in its corresponding

landing nipple.

The less time it takes to replace the BOPs by the Christmas tree, the better the well safety
will be, so it is important to prepare the operation very carefully to have the necessary equipment ready (mobilize personnel, operating procedure, hoisting and handling equipment, preparation of the Christmas tree and of its adapter, etc.).
The procedure is as follows:
a) The BOP stack is unbolted and skidded to one side.
b) If there is a riser between the tubing head and the BOPs, it is disconnected


c) The adapter is mounted on the upper flange of the tubing head. Note that if the tubing
hanger is equipped with an extended neck, the adapter also fits on top of it and the following functions are generally fulfilled in this part of the wellhead:
seal on the extended neck
access by test ports to the "dead" volume between the tubing hanger and its extended
neck, the tubing head, the ring gasket and the adapter, and this means that the whole
system can be pressure tested
continuity of the SCSSV control line between the annulus and outside the well
if the well is equipped with a submerged centrifugal pump (see Chapter -+). an outlet
is provided for the pump's electric cable.
d) The Christmas tree is installed.
If handling considerations so allow. the different components of the Christmas tree as well
as the adapter arc very often pre-assembled and tested in the shop. In this way only one connection has to be made on the site
During the replacement procedure. special attention should be paid to having clean
grooves where the ring gaskets are set in place between tlanges. Proper cross tightening is
mandatory in order to compress the ring uniformly and thereby get a good seal. Testing the production wellhead

A series of hydraulic tests is run as described below:
Test tightness between the tubing hanger and its extended
pressure. Tightness at the top of the annulus can thus be
pressure without having to pressure up the annulus (effect
Test the SCSSV control line and parricularty itscontinuity


neck at wellhead operating

tested at wellhead operating
on the cement sheath) .
at the wellhead outlet.




Overall production wellhead test. In order to do this, the BPV previously placed in the
tubing hanger is replaced by a two-way check valve (TWCV), tight in both directions.
If the adapter plus Christmas tree was not pre-assembled and tested in the shop, a valve
by valve pressure test is performed (pressure test from upstream to downstream). Pumping in annular and clearing fluids

After the TWCV in particular has been removed from the wellhead, the circulating valve is
opened by wireline. The annular fluid (also called packer fluid) and the clearing fluid are displaced into the annulus and into the tubing respectively:
by direct or reverse circulation
with a choke on the returns if necessary, depending on the specific gravity of the
pumped tluids and on the circulating direction, in order to keep the bottomhole pressure
higher than the reservoir pressure.
The clearing fluid is light enough in relation to the reservoir pressure, so that the corresponding hydrostatic pressure at the bottom of the well is sufficiently lower than the reservoir
pressure and so that the well can start flowing alone. Water, diesel oil or degassed crude are
commonly used as clearing fluids.
If the reservoir pressure is too low to get rid of this type of liquid, the well can be staned up by:
swabbing with the wireline
nitrogen "lifting", with the nitrogen injected at the bottom of the well by a coded tubing
unit (see Chapter 5, Section 5.3.1)
if the well does not flow readily enough to produce the specified /low rate ~tli by itself.
by using the artificial lift method provided for the well (see Chapter -+).
Once the fluids are in place. the circulating valve is closed by wircline again. imperatively
under lubricator protection (see Chapter 5, Section 5.2.1). Its seal may be tested:
possibly by pressuring up the annulus (but with the limitations mentioned earlier}
or preferably. by raising the pressure in the tubing. which requires setting and then withdrawing a test plug in the landing nipple under the packer. Setting and testing the SCSSV

With the well still closed at the wing valve, the separation sleeve is pulled out by \Vlreline
under lubricator protection and then the subsurface safety valve is run in. Before lowering it
into its landing nipple and setting it, the control line is cleared again by pumping hydraulic
oil through it. The valve is then set and carefully locked in its landing nipple. and opened by
exerting the required pressure in the hydraulic control line. The running tool can then be
pulled out.
Since the well is already filled with clearing fluid and is therefore pressurized. the SCSSV
is usually tested in the-fullowirrgway:





the SCSSV is closed by bleeding off the control line pressure down to the tubing wellhead pressure
the tubing pressure above the SCSSV is (partially) bled off
the wellhead pressure is observed as long as necessary
the pressures are equalized on either side of the safety valve either by pressurizing the
control line (if the valve has got an equalizing system) or by pumping through the wellhead into the upper part of the tubing
after pressure equalization, the safety valve can then be opened by using the control line
the well can then be opened on the surface to proceed to the clearing phase.
The same procedure applies for a periodic test on a SCSSV on a producing well, except
that the first step is to close the well on the surface at the wing valve.
The validity criterion for the SCSSV test may vary according to the context it is in. For
high-risk wells (high pressure gas, H2S, highly sensitive environment, etc.) the test is considered satisfactory if there is no increase in wellhead pressure during the observation period
(usually about 30 minutes). When there is less risk, one can refer to API recommendations
(API RP 14 B) which tolerate a leakage rate as follows for a well open to the atmosphere:
400 cubic centimeters per minute for a liquid (i.e. 24 liters per hour)
15 standard cubic feet per minute for a gas (i.e. about 25 standard cubic meters per hour).
Other practical rules of the thumb can also be used such as: the test will be considered satisfactory if during the observation period (30 minutes) the variation in wellhead pressure is
lower than I Wk of the pressure differential exerted on the valve (with a pressure differential
of 2 to 4 MPa or 300 to 600 psi). Clearing the well

Since the clearing fluid is already in place, it is enough to simply open the Christmas tree valves
for the well to begin to flow. The well is generally produced via a temporary installation including in particular a choke manifold and a flowline connected to a flare and/or a burn pit.
The choke is adjusted so that the flow rate is high enough to clean the bottom of the well
and the formation in the vicinity of the wellbore (during the drilling and completion phases.
some of the drilling and completion fluids invaded the pay zone to a greater or lesser extent
due to the hydrostatic overpressure on the bottom of the hole as compared to the reservoir
pressure: if acidizing was performed, the pay zone may still contain spent acid or residues).
However, an excessive flow rate should be avoided as it could destabilize the zone in the
vicinity of the wel!bore or damage the connection between the borehole and the pay lOne
(especially in the case of sand control).
During the clearing phase, all of the places where liquid is trapped (especially in annuli.
the dead volume between the tubing hanger and its extended neck. the SCSSV control line)
must absolutely be opened (or their pressure must be monitored) to take the thermal effect
into account.





Clearing is performed with the subsurface safety valve in place. However, when there is
a risk of damaging the valve by entrained solids, spent acid, etc. the preferred solution is a
temporary valve that will be replaced after clearing.
Once the well has started flowing and the effluent is clean enough, it is connected to the
normal surface production facilities.

3.7.5 Final completion report

Well completion is not really concluded until the final report has been written. Among other
points, the report must include:
identification of the well
purpose of the well
any important facts or events (including trouble) and the results obtained
the final state of the well
a detailed account of operations.
For the final state of the well, a detailed technical cross-section

must be supplied with the

following points in particular:

the equipment set in the well, its depth and characteristics (nominal diameter, drift, outside diameter where relevant, nominal weight, type of thread and if need be the shear
value for the rings or pins to he used when the equipment is removed from the well, and
other specific information)
the characteristics of the annular tluid
any anomalies such as the presence of a wircline fish (a fish is any tool. piece of equipment, or junk lost or stuck in the well).
The detailed account of operations elaborates on:
the scheduling of operations and the value of the main parameters (packer setting depth.
test pressure. etc.)
any anomalies ohserved and any changes made in relation to the initial completion program.
This body of information is extremely valuable. first of all to adapt the completion program of following wells accordingly, and secondly if there should be any trouble or any work
done on the well later on. An incident that might seem harmless \vhen it happens can provide
the key to understanding and solving a problem that crops up several years later.



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