Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Tourism: ISSN 2162-4860 2011, Vol. 1, No. 1: E4
Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Tourism: ISSN 2162-4860 2011, Vol. 1, No. 1: E4
Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Tourism: ISSN 2162-4860 2011, Vol. 1, No. 1: E4
ISSN 2162-4860
2011, Vol. 1, No. 1: E4
The principal aim of this paper is to study the role of Corporate Social Responsibility in the
development of sustainable Tourism in Ho Chi Minh City. Interview sessions of 25 key
people in three large tour companies Vietravel, Fiditour and Festival Travel seek to clarify
these companies plans, strategies and current activities besides the challenges in developing
sustainable tourism.
Keywords: Tourism, Tourism development, Sustainable tourism, Corporate social
responsibility (CSR)
1. Introduction
In most countries, especially low income countries, tourism is seen as a viable option for
economic growth, but current unsustainable tourism practices can impact the health and
well-being of the environment and community as well as tourism itself. Tourism industries
often create negative impacts on the environment, society, culture, and sometimes even on the
economy. However, few countries are using economic, regulatory or institutional policy
instruments for tourism management (Logar, 2010). In most industries, corporate social
responsibility (CSR) standards and practices have been developed by the private sector to
respond to external pressure. In tourism, however, the use of codes of conduct and
certification is not widespread and is not based as yet upon agreed international standards. It
is difficult to make generalisations about CSR without first examining the context in which
sustainable tourism operates, its demand and also assessing the numerous certification
schemes, codes of conduct and best practices within the industry. According to the Ministry
of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Viet Nam National Administraton of Tourism, the
conservation of our natural, cultural and aesthic resources, the protection of our environment,
and a continued welcoming spirit among our enterprises, employees and within host
communities, are essential conditions for sustainable tourism.
In the condition of higher living standard, people tend to spend a lot of money for
entertainment and travel besides their basic needs for eating, clothing, and living.
Occasionally in the Tet Holidays, there are 4.000 tourists from Ho Chi Minh travel abroad,
increased 10% than 2010. Many destinations in Ho Chi Minh also attracted over 75.000
domestic tourists (Vinanet). This research is to examine the CSR and sustainable tourism in
Ho Chi Minh City.
2. Literature review
2.1 Components of Sustainable Tourism
Sustainable development has been defined as development that meets the needs of present
and host regions while protecting and enhancing opportunities for the future. Sustainable
tourism, in addition to the criteria of sustainable development requires a holistic, integrated
perspective that takes into account all the industries and resources upon which tourism relies.
The set of criteria or principles that define the conditions for its achievement comprises:
Be a multi-stakeholder approach
Be environmentally responsible
Provide meaningful and fairly remunerated employment for the host population
Be equitable
Government must play a leadership role (e.g., impose a greater good approach)
Obtain optimum guest satisfaction and educate tourists about environmental and
social concerns
Simion, Mazilu, Ptruescu, and Ispas (2010) summarized the fundamental indicators of
sustainable tourism as displayed in Table 1.
Table 1. The fundamental indicators of sustainable tourism
1. Site Protection
2. Pressure
3. Intensity of use
4. Social impact
5. Development Control
6. Waste management
7. Planning process
8. Fragile ecosystems
9. Customer satisfaction
operations and activities with the aim of achieving sustainable development not only in the
economical dimension but also in the social and environmental dimensions, sustainable
tourism was first seen mainly from an environmental perspective and has only recently
incorporated social and community aspects. Today, it is commonly recognised that
sustainable tourism is more than just environmental conservation of a natural area, but that is
must also address the quality of life of those visiting it and those being visited.
Sustainable tourism development is about making all tourism more compatible with the needs
and resources of a destination area. Tourism needs to take into account a holistic and
comprehensive approach that balances tourism development with other activities yet tourism
is made up of many sectors and is very fragmented, therefore effects and monitoring
processes through one company or mechanism has been difficult. The supply chain of
product to end user is not often controlled by solely one party or individual and different
elements are often operated by multiple stakeholders. This therefore has led to difficulties in
controlling elements of corporate social responsibility.
Miller, Rathouse, Scarles, Holmes, and Tribes (2010) research paper presents the results of
research conducted amongst members of the public in England on their understanding of
sustainable tourism; their response to four desired tourism behaviour goals, and expectations
about the role of government and the tourism industry in encouraging sustainable tourism.
The research shows a lack of awareness of tourisms impact relative to day-to-day behaviour,
feelings of disempowerment and an unwillingness to make significant changes to current
tourism behaviour. In their research, Erku-ztrk and Eraydn (2010) analysed together
governance networks and literature on sustainable development, and provided empirical
findings that highlight the importance of governance networks in sustainable tourism
development, the importance of different scales of collaborative governance networks and the
role of organisation building for environmentally sustainable tourism development in Antalya.
Logars (2010) study explores the potential use of eight such instruments for managing more
sustainable tourism in the coastal town of Crikvenica, Croatia.
2.2 Labour standards as part of sustainable tourism
Environmental aspects have been the priority of official certification programmes and
voluntary initiatives since the early 1980s and only recently have social or community issues
been added. Human rights and labour issues have been more focused upon in developing
countries. Additionally, more advanced concepts such as the triple bottom line
(environmental, social and economic) are just now being incorporated into definitions and
There are a number of labour issues which affect the tourism industry. These include
womens rights, fair wages, long working hours, qualification and skills requirements for
employees, inability to join trade unions, importing of labour and displacement of traditional
employment to benefit from tourism dollars. Tourism workers often do not earn a living wage
and are dependent on tips and service charges. Many workers have temporary contracts or
none at all, work long hours and are employed in low skilled areas such as waitressing and/or
house cleaning.
3.2 Instrument
For the purpose of studying the role of Corporate Social Responsibility in sustainable tourism,
the interview sessions were conducted through these questions:
Why do we need to care about the sustainable tourism Or what bad influences to the
Tourism industry of people dont care about sustainable tourism?
What do your company have any policy, plans and strategies for developing
sustainable tourism?
What difficulties have your company faced on the way of developing sustainable
tourism? (the price of tour is higher, service price is higher)
What do you think about CSR of tour operators, customers, the government and the
society to develop sustainable tourism?
master plans that incorporate sustainable tourism practices or measures nor incentives for
industry to adopt them on their own initiative. To date, few developing countries have
imposed social or environmental criteria to foreign investors, seeing only short term
economic gains instead of long-term, holistic, sustainable tourism development.
5. Conclusion
Sustainable tourism can help overcome many of the negative impacts associated with tourism
development. Based on the interviews conducted, it is clear that guidelines alone are not
strong enough to overcome the short-term profit motive of many operators, governments and
destinations. At the same time, national certification programs are too numerous, with too
many varying criteria, and not enough accredited product to be effective at this point in time.
The conclusion of this research is fourfold. First, there is little overt demand for sustainable
tourism in Ho Chi Minh City therefore more research is needed to determine how product can
be shifted to include sustainability. If the consumer and the industry are driven by price then
there is a need to re-think the strategy of how to include sustainability within current cost
structures. Second, there is low awareness and success of certification programs to date.
There is a need to further develop the concept of an international certification label for the
travel and tourism industry that is inclusive (environmental, social, cultural etc.), affordable,
monitored, and reported. As there are already a number of recognised and internationally
accepted schemes, these should be promoted to extend their reach rather than developing new
schemes which add to the confusion of both the industry and the consumer. Third, in order to
achieve more sustainable forms of tourism, it needs to move away from voluntary measures
towards reporting where progress can be measured and buyers and suppliers held accountable
for their actions. Fourth, CSR could help with a number of issues facing tourism with regard
to promoting sustainable tourism practices, however, industry must see government
involvement and support if they are to increase their own involvements in CSR. There is a
need for governments to step up to the challenge of ensuring more sustainable forms of
tourism will be supported and to reassure investors and players in the tourism sector that
government will support and encourage sustainable tourism management and development.
Practical implication can be recapitulated as follows:
Offer incentives and reporting guidelines to the tourism sector distributed through
industry associations. Support training and sharing of best practices.
Encourage CSR reporting from tour operators, airlines, cruises, hotels and
destinations themselves so that they can understand the impact they themselves are
having. Reporting will also provide measurable criteria by which companies and
destinations can be compared.
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Erku-ztrk, H., and Eraydn, A. (2010). Environmental governance for sustainable tourism
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Logar, I. (2010). Sustainable tourism management in Crikvenica, Croatia: An assessment of
policy instruments. Tourism Management, Vol. 31 No. 1, pp. 125-135.
Miller, G., Rathouse, K., Scarles, C., Holmes, K., and Tribe, J. (2010). Public understanding
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Simion, D., Mazilu, M., Ptruescu, M., and Ispas, R. (2010). The Economic and Social
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