CGT and CGE BSC Structure 2010-11 Final
CGT and CGE BSC Structure 2010-11 Final
CGT and CGE BSC Structure 2010-11 Final
Project Management/Careers
Year: 2010-11
Game Graphics
PRGGA - 10 credits
Programming for Games
Core (U13105 )
Mel Krokos
10 cred SOFTME - 10 credits
Software skills for media
Core (U? )
Dan Pinchbeck
FUMAN1 20 credits
Modelling and animation
Core (U?)
Gavin Wade
3D Studio Max
DRAFT - 10 credits
Drawing for Creative Technologies
Core (U13104)
Jenny Morice
APGATE - 10 credits
Application of game technologies
Core (U15073)
Robert Grigg
INDAP - 10 credits
Information design and Project Management
Core (U?)
Rod Jeffcote
Year 1
Year: 2010-11
Game Programming
PRGGA - 10 credits
Programming for Games
Core (U13105 )
Mel Krokos
FUMAN1 - 20 credits
Modelling and animation
Core (U?)
Gavin Wade
3D Studio Max
CRIDGE - 10 credits
Creativity and Idea Generation
Core (U15545)
Richard Sant
Year 1
Semester 1
LEPIC - 10 credits
Legal, Ethical and Professional issues
for Creative Technologists
Core (U?)
Rod Jeffcote
Semester 2
GENRE10 - 10 credits
Game Genres
Core (U12072 )
Mark Eyles
INTROG - 20 credits
Programming and graphics for games
Core (U12059 )
Andy Bain
EMPLO - 10 credits
Employability Skills for Creative Technologists
Core (U?)
Jenny Morice
Semester 1
STUSKI - 10 credits
Study Skills
Core (U15547)
Simon Brookes
MYOB - 10 credits
Mind your own business
Core (U15546)
Natalie Long
Sem 1 =
60 credits
60 credits
Semester 2
GENRE10 - 10 credits
Game Genres
Core (U12072 )
Mark Eyles
Sem 2 =
60 credits
Semester 1
DESGAM - 20 credits
Designing games (30 credits)
Core - Spanning (U?)
Mark Eyles
Semester 1
DESGAM - 20 credits
Designing games (30 credits)
Core - Spanning (U?)
Mark Eyles
DIRXENG - 20 credits
Direct X programming and
software engineering
Option (U12056 )
Robert Grigg
Semester 2
DESGAM - 10 credits
Designing games (30 credits)
Core - Spanning (U? )
Mark Eyles
Tony Greatbatch
EU103 - 10 credits
Project management
Core (U11621)
Tony Greatbatch
MEDIAC - 10 credits
Media in context
Option (U13112 )
Paul Charisse
DIRXENG - 20 credits
Direct X programming and
software engineering
Option (U12056 )
Robert Grigg
Sem 1 =
60 credits
Richard Sant
EU207 - 10 credits spanning
Student Enterprise
Core (U11624)
Tony Greatbatch
Sem 1 =
60 credits
Semester 2
DESGAM - 10 credits
Designing games (30 credits)
Core - Spanning (U? )
Mark Eyles
M.SE3(Mech) - 10 credits
Student Enterprise (20 credits)
Core - Spanning (U10017B)
Tony Greatbatch
Sem 2 =
REATA - 10 credits
Real time asset production (30 credits)
Option - Spanning (U?)
Gavin Wade
MEDIAC - 10 credits
Media in context
Option (U13112 )
Paul Charisse
EU102 - 10 credits
Enterprise in context
Core (U11620B)
60 credits
Year 2
MACT - 10 credits
Mathematics for Computer Technologies
Core (15132)
Ann Heal
APGATE - 10 credits
Application of game technologies
Core (U15073)
Robert Grigg
INTROG - 20 credits
Programming and graphics for games
Core (U12059 )
Andy Bain
Year 2
M.SE3(Mech) - 10 credits
Student Enterprise (20 credits)
Core - Spanning (U10017B)
Tony Greatbatch
Sem 1 =
REATA - 20 credits
Real time asset production (30 credits)
Option - Spanning (U?)
Gavin Wade
CONPRG1 - 10 credits
Console Programming 1
Option (U12055)
Robert Grigg
Richard Sant
EU212 - 10 credits
Relationships in business
Option (U12765)
Tony Greatbatch
ANIPROG - 10 credits
3D Animation Programming
Option (U13119)
Robert Grigg
Sem 2 =
60 credits
Sem 2 =
60 credits
Year 3
Year 3
Semester 1
FINPRO - 20 credits
Final Project (40 credits)
Core - Spanning (U12641 )
Rod Jeffcote
GSTUD 20 credits
Game Studies
Option (U?)
Dan Pinchbeck
RTGROP - 20 credits
Real Time Group Project (30 credits)
Core - Spanning (U13118)
Andy Bain
GMPROD - 20 credits
Game Producer
Option (U12070)
Mark Eyles
Semester 2
FINPRO - 20 credits
Final Project (40 credits)
Core - spanning (U12641)
Rod Jeffcote
GAMEAI - 20 credits
AI programming for games Option (U12054)
Tony Kalus
3DREN - 20 credits
3D Rendering
Option (U12051)
Brian Heal
Sem 1 =
60 credits
CONPRG2 - 20 credits
Console Programming 2
Option (U12057) Elective option
Andy Bain
Pre-req CNPRG1
ADVPRG - 10 credits
Advanced Programming
Option (U12058) Elective option
Tony Kalus
Semester 1
40 Enterprise Project - 20 credits
CT Project (40 credits)
Core - Spanning (U11628)
Tony Greatbatch
GMPROD - 20 credits
Game Producer
Option (U12070)
Mark Eyles
GSTUD 20 credits
Game Studies
Option (U?)
Dan Pinchbeck
GAMEAI - 20 credits
AI programming for games Option (U12054)
Tony Kalus
Semester 2
40 Enterprise Project - 20 credits
CT Project (40 credits)
Core - spanning (U11628)
Tony Greatbatch
RTGROP - 10 credits
Real Time Group Project (30 credits)
Core - Spanning (U13118)
Andy Bain
APPSO - 20 credits
Application of Sound
Option (U08792B) Elective option
Denis Reeve-Baker
(Music skills required)
ANIPROG - 10 credits
3D Animation Programming
Option (U13119)
Robert Grigg
AGTEC - 20 credits
Advanced Game Graphics Technologies
Option (U12060) Elective option
Brian Heal
IMARC - 10 credits
Imaginary Architecture and
Imaginary Worlds
Option (U12073) Elective option
Mark Eyles
More information at:
Sem 2 =
60 credits
APPSO - 20 credits
Application of Sound
Option (U08792B) Elective option
Denis Reeve-Baker
(Music skills required)
CONPRG2 - 20 credits
Console Programming 2
Option (U12057) Elective option
Andy Bain
Pre-req CNPRG1
ADVPRG - 10 credits
Advanced Programming
Option (U12058) Elective option
Tony Kalus
Sem 1 =
60 credits
EU309 - 10 credits
Competitive tendering
Core (U11627)
Tony Greatbatch
AGTEC - 20 credits
Advanced Game Graphics Technologies
Option (U12060) Elective option
Brian Heal
IMARC - 10 credits
Imaginary Architecture and
Imaginary Worlds
Option (U12073) Elective option
Mark Eyles
More information at:
Creative Technologies:
Core units in blue
3DREN - 20 credits
3D Rendering
Option (U12051)
Brian Heal
Sem 2 =
60 credits