Intro To New Material Key Point ONE: Know How To Ask For and Give Your Name in Spanish

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Nombre:_________________________________ Fecha: el 29 de enero 2010

What are today’s 3 key points?

1. Know how to say ask and respond to the question _________________________________________

in Spanish.

2. Know the difference between _______________________________________ in Spanish.

3. Know how to __________________________ different people in Spanish.

Intro to New Material Key Point ONE:

Know how to ask for and give your name in Spanish.
4 Hellos
Good Morning
Good Afternoon
Good Night

4 Goodbyes

See you. (informal)
See you later.
See you tomorrow.


What’s your name?

My name is _____.

My name is _____. And you?

A- ¡Buenas tardes!
B- ¡Hola! ¿Cómo te llamas?
A- Me llamo Rafael. ¿Y tú?
B- Me llamo Beatriz.

1. How do you answer the question ¿Cómo te llamas? ______________________________________________________

2. How can you ask someone what their name is after they’ve asked you ¿Cómo te llamas? without repeating the entire

question over?______________________________________________________________________________________

3. What should you always say after someone says either Encantado/a or Mucho gusto: ____________________________

Intro to New Material Key Point TWO:

Know the difference between Tu and Usted

Tú and Usted both mean _____________________.

tú usted

Who would we talk to using tú ? Who would we talk to using usted?

Would you use tú or usted talking to the following people?
Your brother You principal

You teacher Someone you just met

Your best friend A police officer

Your friends mother An older person you do not know.

Asking “tu”: his or her name: _________________________________________________________________

Asking “usted” his or her name: ______________________________________________________________

Intro to New Material Key Point THREE:

Know how to greet different people in Spanish

Delighted to meet you. (Formal)

Pleased to meet you. (Informal)
Likewise. (Only after Encantado/a or Mucho gusto)

What is the difference between “encantado” and “encantada” ?

A- ¡Buenas tardes!
B- ¡Hola! ¿Cómo te llamas?
A- Me llamo Rafael. ¿Y tú?
B- Me llamo Beatriz. Mucho gusto.
A- Igualmente.

Practica: Write a response to the following in Spanish.

1. Me llamo Rafael. ¿Y tú? 

2. Buenas tardes. 

3. Mucho gusto. 

4. Hasta luego. 
5. ¿Cómo te llamas? 

6. ¡Nos vemos! 

You will not use all of these . . .
llamo encantado gusto Cómo encantada

tardes y hola me días

A- Buenas _____1_____.
B- ¡_____2_____!
A- ¿_____3_____ te llamas?
B- Me _____4_____ Margarita. ¿_____5_____ tú?
A- _____6_____ llamo Eduardo. Mucho _____7_____.
B- _____8_____.
Now, WRITE ONE OF YOUR OWN and rehearse with your
partner. Be prepard to preform for the class! 

A- ___________________________________________________

B- ___________________________________________________

A- ___________________________________________________

B- ___________________________________________________

A- ___________________________________________________

B- ___________________________________________________

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