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Gender Identity Issues

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This paper is an analysis of contemporary issues associated with gender
and power in this world; which will specifically include a discussion of
gender relations, stereotyping, women's identity, the structuring of formal
and informal power, sources of inequality, and sexual harassment.The
concept of gender in relation to the division of labor in the workplace, and
in relation to issues of power and control is an unfortunate, groundless
stereotype. Suzanne Tallichet notes that the gendered division of
workplace labor is rooted in erroneous ideology of innate sex differences
in traits and abilities, and operates through various control mechanisms.
These control mechanisms are primarily exercised by men over women
and serve to exaggerate differences between the sexes, especially
surrounding women's presumed incapability for doing male identified
work. In all aspects of every society, gender identity must be established.
It is at birth when an infant (person) is given either a male or female
identity. Once the parents have been told, it is then that society will set the
example and attitudes for that given gender. "Gender includes a broad
spectrum of attitudes, behaviors, and social expectations that we acquire
during our lifetimes, through interactions with one another and
experiences in various environments." We will ultimately find that this
statement is true to its saying.

Gender Identity as a Spectrum Gender identity issues arise more and more frequently today on
campuses in both the student and employment arenas. In the employment context, gender
identity generally first comes into play as institutions determine whether discrimination policy
expansion is warranted, necessary, or perhaps even mandated by state or local laws.
What is generally less understood, even by those who have decided upon or have given?
advice about such policy expansions, for example, is the very nature of gender identity, and what
is encompassed in that term. What is often viewed as a narrow category just one possible
protected basis among a host of others is really a broad spectrum.
Consider the following possibilities across that gender-identity spectrum:
On one end of the spectrum, there are career choices that counter stereotypical gender
assumptions, such as males in clerical or care-giving jobs or females in roadway construction or
heavy machine operator positions. Next, consider manners of expression that contrast with
traditional notions of masculinity and femininity, such as women with deep voices and abrupt or
abrasive communication styles, or men with high-pitched voices or delicate hand gestures.
Those manners of expression also include how we walk, how we sit, and even where we cross
our legs. Moving further along that spectrum, physical appearance and grooming can again
challenge those same traditional notions, such as males with long hair or females with cropped
haircuts, or men with waxed eyebrows and polished nails or women with bushy eyebrows and
unshaved underarms. Then, consider women fully tattooed or men wearing makeup or false
eyelashes. And next, give some thought to apparel choices that also counter the cultural
stereotypes, such as women binding their breasts or wearing jackets with ties, or men wearing
earrings and necklaces, carrying purses, or cross-dressing in female clothing.
Past the career, apparel, and grooming choices, considers name changes, as well as living
in one gender part of the time and another gender for the remainder. Next consider living a life
fully in the gender opposite from birth sex, or choosing to make physical body alterations, from 2
hormone treatment to outright surgical changes.
All of these examples from the subtleties in individual expression noted above to the
complexities involved in transsexuals have a place on the gender identity spectrum. And
because the workplace will encompass far more than the traditional notions of gender, far more
distinctions than simply male or female, the challenge in the employment law context is
predicting precisely what on that spectrum may find protection in the law. That said, grasping the
difference between biological sex, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation
will, at the very least, better inform our campus decision-making and institutional advising.
Gender Identity Is Not Sexual Orientation
There exists a great deal of confusion about the difference between sexual orientation and gender
identity. Sexual orientation, as defined below in Section II (A), refers to an individuals physical
and emotional attraction to the same and/or opposite gender, such as bisexual, homosexual, or
heterosexual. Unlike sexual orientation, which refers to who we love (or are attracted to), gender

identity refers to who we are.

One reason that confusion [between sexual orientation and gender identity] persists is
that most education about sexuality and identity issues has been done around sexual
Orientation.1 A common misperception is that transgendered individuals are gay or lesbian
because of how they look (often like a feminine male or a masculine female), which are clear
gender stereotypes of gay men and lesbians.2 This confusion is likely to become less of a
problem as more transgender individuals are willing to openly discuss their gender identities.
Gender Identity Issues To Be Addressed
This paper explores the gender identity spectrum, takes a look at the legal landscape of
protection for transgender employees, and addresses some of the practical implications involved
with transgender employees working in the field of higher education.
Transgender (or trans, as some prefer to say) is an umbrella term that is used to describe a broad
range of individuals who experience and who may express their gender differently from what
most people would expect. It includes those who may express a gender that is different from
what is listed on their birth certificates and those who physically change their biological Human
Rights Campaign, Coming Out, What Does Transgender Mean?
A. The Gender Identity Spectrum
1. Vocabulary
The gender identity spectrum is, by its very nature, not easy to define in black and white terms.
Its vocabulary is not standardized, and there may be numerous interpretations of any given term.
The transgender vocabulary is, however, useful to fully understand the magnitude of the
spectrum. Below is a selection of some of the more frequently used terms:5
Gender Identity is our innate and deeply felt psychological identification of being a man
or a woman. Its our sense of our own gender. This may or may not correspond to our
bodies or the sex assigned to us at birth ( e.g. , whats listed on our birth certificates).
Gender Expression refers to all our external characteristics and behaviors that are
socially defined as either masculine or feminine. It includes our appearance and how we
present ourselves, such as how we dress, our mannerisms, our speech patterns, our
hairstyles, and our social interactions.
Transgender(ed) as an umbrella term, is a term preferred by some in the community.
It refers to the entire community of those of us who have gender identities, gender
2 http://gender.org/resources/dge/gea02007.pdf

expressions, or gender behaviors that fall outside of societys stereotypical gender norms.
This includes the entire range of individuals who transcend the conventional
definitions of man and woman. Frequently, transgender is mistakenly
understood to mean transsexual. Terminology that falls under transgender includes
cross-dresser, transitioning, and transsexual.
Cross-dresser refers to those of us who dress in clothing traditionally associated with
members of the other sex. Most cross-dressers conduct their cross-dressing on a part-time
basis. Unlike transsexuals, most cross-dressers typically do not wish to change their
physical characteristics or gender expression permanently.
Transitioning is the process through which an individual modifies his or her manner of
expression and possibly his or her physical characteristics, in accordance with
internal gender identity, to satisfy standards for membership in a gender other than the
one assigned at birth. Some of us transition by living in role as a member of the
opposite gender and some of us continue the transition by undergoing medical treatment
to physically alter our bodies.
Transsexual refers to those of us who desire to live as the opposite sex from our birth sex
permanently. Transsexual individuals strongly dis-identify with their birth sex and often
seek to change their physical characteristics and manner of expression to
satisfy the standards for membership in another gender. This may or may not include
hormone therapy and eventual sex reassignment surgery (sometimes called gender
confirmation surgery).
Intersexed refers to those of us who are born with anatomy or physiology that differs
from our cultural ideals of what is male and what is female, or that is not considered
standard for either a male or a female. This term is preferred to the outmoded term,
Bi-gender refers to those of us who feel that we have both a male and a female side to our
personalities. Bi-gendered individuals often spend significant time in each role, with
separate names, social circles, and gender identities.
Gender-bender refers to those of us who present elements of both masculinity and
femininity in appearance without trying to pass as the opposite sex.
Gender Identity Disorder/Gender Dysphoria are terms for a psychological diagnosis
recognized by the American Psychiatric Association, of severe distress and
discomfort caused by the conflict between ones gender identity and ones sex at birth.
(Not all transsexual people experience gender dysphoria or get diagnosed with gender
identity disorder.)
Sexual Orientation, which is not the same as our gender identity, refers to our physical
and our emotional attraction to the same and/or the opposite gender.
Examples include homosexual, bisexual, heterosexual, and asexual. Transgender is not
seen as a sexual orientation. (While gender identity is who you are, sexual orientation is
who you love or are attracted to.)
Benjamin Scale is the scale published by Dr. Harry Benjamin in 1966 that categorized
those with gender identity issues into several types. The scale measures how
transgendered an individual is from 0 (low) to 6 (high).

B. The Transitioning Process

1. Generally
As mentioned earlier, transitioning is the process of modifying manner of expression and
even perhaps physical characteristics in accordance with internal gender identity. It is the time
period as well as the process. Sexual reassignment surgery or hormone therapy are not required,
though many undergoing transition do choose those options.
Generally, the transitioning process includes standards of care involving the following
seven steps:
Initial psychological testing;
Ongoing psychiatric monitoring and counseling to assess extent of condition;
Health evaluation for hormone therapy;
Administration of hormones that are commonly attributed to individuals new gender;
Continued monitoring to assess reaction to physical changes;
Trial living period of at least one year to assess comfort level in new gender; and
If transitioning individual so decides, continued administration of hormone therapy and
possible surgical reconstruction.
2.In the Workplace
In the workplace, most transsexuals will approach management about their transition
during their trial living period in their reassigned gender, a time period referred to as the real life
experience. Employers, at this point, may be presented with a transsexual transition letter from
the employee. Once this step has occurred, transitioning is far more likely to be successful, for
both the employer and the employee, if the employee can maintain a stable income and position
during the transition and if he or she has a supportive and understanding work environment.
Not surprisingly, numerous issues may arise at work for employees who transition. Some
are quite obvious. Which bathroom should the employee use? What pronouns should be used?
From personnel record changes to bathroom access to dress codes to co-worker and supervisor
understanding to benefits, the issues may be viewed more as problems than need be. For many
employers, this is simply because they have yet to encounter this type of situation. By
developing workplace strategies, employers can assist rather than impede the process.


Developing and adopting policies, procedures, or protocols (or adapting those already in place)
to consistently represent the institutional position on transgender matters will better delineate, for
both management and employees, the practical side of the equation. What follows below are
some of those practical considerations that may prove useful in the continuing dialogue of
transgender issues.
A. Developing and Implementing a Written Transition Process or Protocol
Guidelines that set out the institutional process for transitioning employees are extremely helpful
and, at a minimum, should identify who is responsible if issues arise in this context.
Transgender Issues in the Workplace: A Tool for Managers56 recommends that, in addition,
transition process guidelines should satisfy the following elements:
Identify the primary point of contact in the institution who is responsible for
helping the transitioning employee manage the workplace transition;
Set out the general schedule for implementing transition-related workplace
changes, such as administrative record changes, name changes, etc.;
State what the transitioning employee can expect from his or her supervisors and
other members of management;
State managements expectations of staff, of the transitioning employee, and any
employee resource groups, if applicable, in facilitating successful transitions; and
Be flexible enough to tailor to the needs of individual transitioning employees,
but specific enough to give the necessary framework to managers and supervisors
to eliminate confusion.
Additionally, institutions may want to consider developing guidelines that also serve to provide
some measure of accountability, list consequences for noncompliance, and require a follow-up
component to ensure that transitions proceed smoothly.
B. Adding Gender Identity and Gender Expression to Policies Prohibiting
Discrimination (If Not Already Present). The trend at colleges and universities is to add
protections for gender identity and gender expression to institutional policies prohibiting
discrimination. Such decisions ought to be dependent upon or influenced by such factors as state
or local law or the institutions political climate. It is interesting to note a minor point of
semantics here, when examining how that additional protection is provided. Some institutions
protect each as a separate category gender identity and gender expression while some define
gender identity to include gender expression.
There are also those institutions that have discrimination protection based on sexual
orientation, and they use sexual orientation as the broad term to encompass gender identity or
gender expression. In other words, gender identity discrimination is protected under the sexual
orientation umbrella. Defining gender identity or expression under sexual orientation can be

viewed by some in the transgender community as either 1) an indication of the institutions

misunderstanding of the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity or 2) as an
indication of the institutions desire to either limit the protection afforded to its transgender
employees in jurisdictions where sexual orientation is not protected, or to expand that protection
to its transgender employees in jurisdictions where sexual orientation is otherwise protected by
The following practical considerations may be useful primarily for institutions seeking to
expand (or having just expanded) their policy coverage to include gender identity and gender
Do not overlook adding gender identity and gender expression to any separate
policies that may already be in place prohibiting harassment and retaliation.
Determine whether the institution should add two additional categories of
protection identity and expression or if it will define expression under identity.
If considering defining gender identity and expression under the umbrella of the
sexual orientation term, understand the difference and any possible consequences
that such a decision may have.
As always, work in conjunction with necessary stakeholders as generally required
by the institutions procedures for policy additions.
Consider accompanying the policy expansion with a presidential statement,
directive, or announcement. Additionally, consider whether issuing a press release
to make the announcement would be beneficial, especially in light of the
institutions diversity initiatives.
Consider partnership with other trans groups on campus, even if not specifically
employment-related, in disseminating news of a policy change.
Ensure that the institutional web presence contains the latest policy updates.
Ensure that all other university pronouncements, declarations, publications, and
even EEO notations and taglines are updated institution-wide (electronically and
hard copy) to include the policy change. Additionally, do not overlook nonemployment related materials, such as course catalogues, student handbooks, and
even admission applications.
Determine whether local ordinances and state law address these issues and, if so,
how such authority would impact the institutions practices or policies in this
C. Protecting Confidentiality in the Work Setting
Though many individuals who identify as transgender or are transitioning are willing to speak
openly about their situations, institutions are well-advised to treat the transgender status of every
employee as a confidential, private matter. Personal and intimate details of an individuals gender
status do not need to be disclosed. Toward this end, institutions should consider:
Appropriately training Human Resources staff to maintain this confidentiality.
Appropriately training supervisors and others in management in each case of a
transitioning employee about this confidentiality protection, and reminding them that it
is up to each employee to decide what to disclose and to whom.

Whether a policy statement or a protocol on this confidentiality provision is needed.

D. Providing and Ensuring Necessary Training and Education

Training and education are critical components of all successful workplaces. Adding
gender identity and transgender training into the employment-related educational program ought
to be a consideration for higher education institutions. The following points are useful reminders
if gender identity and gender expression are added to an institutions protected bases:
Ensure that the topic of gender identity and gender expression discrimination is also
included as a component of the institutions offered trainings and workshops. Make sure
that existing anti-harassment and non-retaliation training includes gender identity and
expression, e.g. , add specific scenarios or case examples to interactive training sessions.
Include gender identity and gender expression in any online training the institution offers
or provides on the topic of discrimination. Consider whether updating orientation
materials or videos would also be necessary. If the institution contracts with any outside
vendors to provide online or other harassment or discrimination training, ensure that
those programs are modified to include gender identity and
expression as well.
Provide gender identity and gender expression training and transitioning sensitivity
training to specific work settings with a transitioning employee. Consider providing such
training to other areas on campus as, for example, part of an awareness campaign,
perhaps in conjunction with ally groups or campus diversity initiatives.
Ensure that campus Equal Opportunity and/or Equity Offices receive the necessary
sensitivity training and understand the full scope of trans-related issues.
Ensure that campus Human Resources personnel receive the necessary sensitivity
training and understand the full scope of trans-related issues.
Ensure that campus Equal Opportunity and/or Equity Offices have the appropriate
mechanisms in place to fully investigate cases of discrimination, harassment, and
retaliation on the basis of gender identity or expression, i.e. , updating intake forms and
securing sufficient training for investigators. Consider designating an institutional office
(or individual person or title) to handle and manage concerns affecting transgender
employees that may not rise to the level of discrimination. As an example, a simple
matter of pronoun usage may need to be addressed. Since transitioning employees should
be referred to with the pronouns they prefer, a sensitivity training session may be in order,
and this designated office or individual could arrange for such a session to take place.
E. Restroom Access
Often the first practical issue to be raised in the context of an employee going through transition
is the restroom issue. Which bathroom will she use now? is a frequent question, one posed by
management or co-workers. Being able to use the bathroom that matches your own gender
identity is vital. Institutions that ensure that transitioning employees have access to the restroom

that matches the gender the employee is currently presenting, are sometimes referred to as
following the principle of least astonishment. Some practical institutional considerations are as
Ensure that a transitioning employee has access to that restroom matching his or her new
gender effective on the day of the workplace transition, the day that the employee first
begins presenting in his or her new gender role. This is regardless of what stage the
employee is in with respect to his or her personal transition process.
As part of the written guidelines for transitioning employees, include language such as:
Transitioning employees are to use (or individuals if the guidelines are broad enough to
encompass students or guests) the restroom facilities that correspond to the gender in
which they are presenting.
If any co-workers object to the transitioning employees use of the new restroom, an
appropriate accommodation for that objecting co-worker would be to designate a
different restroom for him or her. The general consensus is that it would not be
appropriate to isolate (and quite possibly ostracize) the transitioning employee by
requiring him or her to use a separate restroom.
Do not require a transitioning employee to prove his or her gender, i.e. , with an ID
containing a gender marker of the desired bathroom.
Consider designations of single-stall or gender-neutral restrooms, which require a
mere change of the sign on the door and which all employees, regardless of gender,
may utilize. If done, do not require transitioning employees to use only the gender.
Consider creating or designating multi-stall gender-neutral restrooms, especially in new
construction. Though not typical in our American culture, its implementation would be
progressive and is argued by some to benefit all individuals, not just transgendered
individuals, and could provide substantial cost savings.
Remind transitioning employees that they have the full support of Human Resources
and the particular departments management, and advise transitioning employees of
whom to contact should restroom issues arise.
List gender-neutral restrooms on websites and on campus maps.
Determine whether local ordinances and state law address these issues and, if so, how
such authority would impact the institutions practices or policies.
H. Providing Benefits
Institutional benefits provided to employees may take on a new dimension with
transgender employees. Health insurance, leave and flexible schedules, and spousal benefits are
all items that may raise practical issues in the transgender context. For example:
Consider health insurance. Many plans have a transgender exclusion that
disqualifies both treatment and surgery. Institutions may wish to consider whether
there are any possibilities available to modify that coverage.
Consider spousal benefits, such as health insurance or reduced tuition. Since
transgender employees may be married before transition, the issue arises of whether
to cover or extend benefits to the employees spouse once the employee transitions.
Transition or even surgery does not necessarily legally terminate a lawful marriage.
Institutions should check the laws in their jurisdictions. It may be that the employee will

now have a legal spouse of the same gender and, thus, extending benefits may be
appropriate. Institutions should not assume that spousal benefits coverage
automatically terminates upon sex reassignment surgery. In institutions where
benefits are provided to domestic partners, a transgender employee who now finds
him- or herself in a same-sex marriage may choose to take steps to provide proof of
domestic partner registration in an effort to maintain spousal benefits.
Consider leave time and flexible schedules. For many transsexual employees,
additional leave time may be necessary to accommodate varied appointments such as
for therapy, hair removal, laser treatments, doctor visits, surgery, and other
treatments. As mentioned above in Section III, the ADA has exempted
transsexualism and other gender identity conditions; therefore reasonable
accommodation in the ADA context will generally not be required unless state law
provides otherwise. Institutions may wish to adopt practices that allow greater
flexibility in this regard.

As institutions strive to create and maintain an atmosphere of support and acceptance for all
employees, understanding the interplay between the gender identity spectrum and the legal
protections that may or may not be afforded will be of growing importance. Likewise, that
increased understanding will lead to more informed decision-making on such institutional
matters as policy expansions, administrative procedures, and other practical considerations
affecting transgender communities.

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