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multimodality imaging adult congenital heart disease cardiovascular magnetic resonance echocardiography
computed tomography
As the majority of infants born with congenital heart disease (CHD)
now survive into adulthood, lifelong follow-up at specialized centres
is an integral part of their ongoing care. Adequate management of this
group of adult congenital heart disease (ACHD) patients requires
advanced imaging to assess the morphology and function of heart
and vessels. In recent years, strategies for assessing the anatomy
and physiology of CHD have evolved rapidly, with a shift from
cardiac catheterization to non-invasive modalities such as echocardiography and more recently, cardiovascular magnetic resonance
imaging (CMR) and cardiac computed tomography (CT).1 It is particularly important to determine the most appropriate and costeffective diagnostic pathways for ACHD patients and the use of any
imaging method has to be carefully considered.
Since the majority of cardiac defects are nowadays diagnosed in
infancy and childhood, the adult cardiologist is mostly faced with
patients known to have CHD. Nevertheless, the diagnosis may be incomplete or sometimes incorrect and has to be re-established in
adulthood. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of cardiac
anatomy is required and particularly for describing complex malformations a structured segmental approach is recommended.2
* Corresponding author. Tel: +49 251 83 46110; Fax: +49 251 83 46109, Email: helmut.baumgartner@ukmuenster.de
Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. & The Author 2013. For permissions please email: journals.permissions@oup.com
Major advances in noninvasive imaging of adult congenital heart disease have been accomplished. These tools play now a key role in comprehensive diagnostic work-up, decision for intervention, evaluation for the suitability of specific therapeutic options, monitoring of interventions and
regular follow-up. Besides echocardiography, magnetic resonance (CMR) and computed tomography (CT) have gained particular importance.
The choice of imaging modality has thus become a critical issue. This review summarizes strengths and limitations of the different imaging
modalities and how they may be used in a complementary fashion. Echocardiography obviously remains the workhorse of imaging routinely
used in all patients. However, in complex disease and after surgery echocardiography alone frequently remains insufficient. CMR is particularly
useful in this setting and allows reproducible and accurate quantification of ventricular function and comprehensive assessment of cardiac
anatomy, aorta, pulmonary arteries and venous return including complex flow measurements. CT is preferred when CMR is contraindicated,
when superior spatial resolution is required or when metallic artefacts limit CMR imaging.
In conclusion, the use of currently available imaging modalities in adult congenital heart disease needs to be complementary. Echocardiography remains
the basis tool, CMR and CT should be added considering specific open questions and the ability to answer them, availability and economic issues.
Table 1
Deformation imaging
Intracardiac echo
SSFP acquisitions
Deformation imaging
Flow (phase-contrast
velocity mapping)
4-D velocity imaging
T1 mapping
Computed tomography
S. Orwat et al.
Table I Continued
ECG-gated cine CT
Due to its relatively low cost, good safety profile, and wide availability,
transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) remains the first-line tool for
the regular assessment of ACHD. Two-dimensional TTE together
with colour and spectral Doppler indeed allows the accurate and
comprehensive assessment of cardiac morphology as well as function
in most ACHD patients. This includes basic cardiac anatomy with
orientation and position of the heart, venous return, connection of
the atria and ventricles and origin of the great arteries, the morphology of the heart chambers, ventricular function and shunt connections, as well as morphology and function of heart valves. Doppler
echocardiography provides information on the severity of obstructive lesions, RV/pulmonary artery (PA) pressures from tricuspid
regurgitant velocity and allows to semiquantitatively assess valvular
regurgitation and shunt lesions.
For certain indications such as evaluation of the aorta, pulmonary
venous return, the interatrial septum, or left atrial appendage, transoesophageal echocardiography (TOE) is of particular advantage.
Besides the problems with image quality in patients after surgery or
with abnormal position of the heart in the chest, echocardiography
has some additional limitations: assessment of ventricular volumes
and function remains unsatisfying in patients with systemic and nonsystemic right ventricles and univentricular hearts particularly
because of the unique geometry.4 6 Furthermore, Doppler gradients
may sometimes be misleading particularly in RV outflow tract obstruction (RVOTO), coarctation, and stenosis occurring in series.
Finally, the assessment of venous return and the great arteries
often requires additional imaging modalities.
Real-time three-dimensional (3-D) echocardiography in patients
with CHD is increasingly used7,8 and represents a sensitive tool to
identify left ventricular (LV) and RV dysfunction in this patient
Evolving echocardiographic technologies such as angle-independent
speckle-tracking echocardiography (STE) have been introduced lately
in the evaluation of cardiac function in ACHD. Longitudinal ventricular
dysfunction may precede systolic dysfunction as assessed by conventional parameters and thus, may be more sensitive in detecting myocardial impairment before it becomes evident with conventional imaging
modalities. In fact, STE is increasingly used for the quantification of
cardiac function in ACHD and has the potential to predict adverse clinical outcomes.10 12 However, the lack of standardization and differences between measurements obtained with different machines
Figure 1: CMR feature tracking based assessment of the RV and LV in a patient with tetralogy of Fallot in a four-chamber view (A) and in the midventricular short axis (B).
Computed tomography
Multidetector CT provides excellent spatial resolution and rapid acquisition time and therefore, plays an increasing role in the assessment of cardiac and pulmonary structures in ACHD patients.42 44
Besides its role in the assessment of the coronary artery anatomy,
CT allows for the assessment of biomedical devices such as stents,
valves, and sternal wires. CT scanning of the aorta is a quick and
widely available imaging modality. Retrospectively gated cardiac CT
angiography studies create the images needed for the assessment
of ventricular function and volume. This provides a 4-D volumetric
dataset for the analysis, which showed a good correlation but slight
overestimation to CMR results.3 Tracheobronchial pathology is
often associated in CHD, and can also be nicely evaluated by CT.
Recent developments aim to establish a role for CT in the functional imaging of the heart beyond the mere visualization of anatomy.45
Newer techniques to reduce the radiation dose, such as electrocardiogram (ECG)-controlled dose modulation, ECG-triggered
sequential CT, low kV scanning, and interactive reconstruction,
allow cardiac imaging at a much lower radiation dose.46,47 Despite
Chest X-ray
Chest X-ray is helpful for serial comparison of heart size, exclusion of
cardiac malposition, and evaluation of pulmonary vascularity, thoracic skeleton, as well as peripheral lung fields.1 It has also been
shown to provide prognostic information in ACHD patients.48
In some centres, it is still routinely performed; however, other
imaging modalities avoiding radiation exposure are increasingly
used and have largely replaced chest radiograph at our and many
other centres.
Cardiac catheterization
Invasive diagnostic studies should only be undertaken once other
non-invasive imaging modalities have been used exhausted. It is
then primarily required for hemodynamic assessment rather than
imaging. Specific indications for invasive assessment remain the measurement of pulmonary vascular resistance, the evaluation of coronary arteries, and collateral vessels. Invasive assessment of systolic
and end-diastolic ventricular function, pressure gradients, as well as
shunts remains reserved for patients in whom non-invasive evaluation leaves uncertainty and the information is critical for clinical
All the above-mentioned imaging techniques require special expertise in complex CHD. Imaging by CT and CMR scanning should
be physician-supervised.
blood flow patterns in the heart and adjacent large vessels, suggesting
possible roles of fluid dynamic factors in the initiation or progression
of pathology.37 39 The ability to measure multidirectional flows
throughout a study volume has provided novel insights into cardiovascular blood flow patterns.
Contrast-enhanced MR angiography is particularly useful in the
setting of ACHD. Visualization of anomalous pulmonary or systemic
venous return or assessment and illustration of aortic pathology, such
as coarctation and associated collaterals, can be performed.
Myocardial late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) detects myocardial scar and has been used to demonstrate fibrosis in different
groups of ACHD. The finding of LGE is generally associated with
worse functional (New York Heart Association) class, adverse ventricular mechanics, and history of arrhythmias. However, LGE provides only an incomplete estimate of the degree of fibrosis as it
relies on a difference in signal intensity that may not exist in the
case of interstitial myocardial fibrosis.40 CMR T1 mapping is a promising modality for the evaluation of diffuse myocardial fibrosis, and
pilot studies in ACHD patients have already been conducted.41
S. Orwat et al.
EDVi (mL/m2)
ESVi (mL/m2)
Buechel et al.57
Therrien et al.56
Dave et al.98
Oosterhof et al.99
Frigiola et al.100
Geva et al.101
Lee et al.102
(i) Quantification of RV volumes and ejection fraction (tetralogy of Fallot [ToF], systemic RV, and tricuspid regurgitation) [CMR].
(ii) Evaluation of the RV outflow tract and RV-PA conduits
[CMR and CT].
(iii) Quantification of pulmonary regurgitation (PR) [CMR].
(iv) Evaluation of pulmonary arteries (stenosis and aneurysms)
and the aorta (aneurysm, dissection, and coarctation)
[CMR and CT].
(v) Evaluation of systemic and pulmonary veins (anomalous
connection, obstruction, etc.) [CMR and CT].
(vi) Collaterals and arteriovenous malformations (CT is superior to CMR).
(vii) Coronary anomalies and coronary artery disease (CT is
superior to CMR).
(viii) Evaluation of intra- and extracardiac masses [CMR and
(ix) Quantification of myocardial mass [CMR and CT].
(x) Detection and quantification of myocardial fibrosis/scar
(gadolinium late enhancement) [CMR].
(xi) Tissue characterization (fibrosis, fat, iron etc.) [CMR].
for potentially malignant arrhythmias, and sudden death. As a consequence of RV dysfunction and inter-ventricular interaction, LV dysfunction may also occur and represents an adverse prognostic
feature in itself.11,51 53
TTE as the first-line diagnostic technique for follow-up provides
comprehensive information on residual RVOTO, the presence and
degree of PR, residual ventricular septal defect, RV and LV size, as
well as systolic and diastolic functions. Two recent studies found a
high degree of correlation between indexed apical RV diastolic
area and indexed CMR end-diastolic volume.54,55 In addition, the
degree of tricuspid regurgitation, RV pressure (RVP), aortic root
size, and aortic regurgitation can be assessed by echocardiography.
Despite its prognostic importance, assessment of PR remains difficult. The treatment for PR is pulmonary valve replacement (PVR),
but its optimal timing in asymptomatic patients, which is based
on clinical, electrocardiographic, and volumetric measurements
remain insufficiently defined.56,57 Although pre-PVR threshold
values have been identified for RV dilation beyond that normalization
of RV size is unlikely after PVR (Table 2), they do not provide ideal criteria for the timing of intervention. Normalization of RV size does not
necessarily translate into normalization of RV function andmore
importantlyimprovement of exercise capacity indicating that intervention for PR may be required even earlier. In addition, dynamic
changes of RV size and function may be more important than single
measurements. Thus, regular follow-up is essential.
Some patients present with restrictive RV physiology resulting in
less RV dilation despite severe pulmonary valve incompetence and
better clinical tolerance of PR. Restrictive RV filling can be identified
by the presence of end-diastolic forward flow in the PA during atrial
contraction indicating diastolic RV stiffness.58 60 (Figure 2)
Myocardial deformation parameters were found to be useful to
detect early myocardial dysfunction in TOF patients.61 63 Nevertheless, echocardiographic assessment of RV volumes and function as
well as PR remain limited by the complex RV geometry, and CMR
is superior in quantifying both.64 Thus, CMR plays a key role in the
diagnostic work-up after repair of ToF and is recommended during
the routine follow-up of these patients.21,65 68 It allows for highly reproducible quantification of RV volumes, especially if performed
Figure 2: Continuous-wave Doppler (A) and CMR flow (B) profiles in the main PA in a patient with repair of tetralogy of Fallot. Note late diastolic
antegrade flow (arrows) as a possible marker for restrictive RV diastolic function.
from datasets in axial orientation using manual blood-myocardial delineation.69 A recent study by Wald et al.70 concluded that indexed PR
volume rather than PR fraction may be a more sensitive and accurate
measure of RV volume load and thus, may better describe the physiologic significance of PR. Using phase-contrast analysis of the main PA
flow or analysis of differential right and left ventricular stroke
volumes, PR can be quantified by providing regurgitant volume and
regurgitant fraction.
CMR should also routinely be used for the evaluation of RVOTO,
the pulmonary arteries to assess their size and shape and exclude
stenosis, the ascending aorta, and the position of great vessels or conduits in relation to the sternum (essential when planning reoperation
with sternotomy). Although the rate of aortic growth seems to be
slow, mild or modest aortic dilatation is common in repaired TOF
Finally, LGE allows the detection of fibrosis that has been reported
to be related to the risk of ventricular tachycardia and sudden cardiac
death in this patients.72
Cardiac CT provides information on the extent of conduit calcification, postsurgical PA stenosis, coronary arteries, and lung parenchyma and has a specific role in the planning for percutaneous
pulmonary valve implantation to assess the degree of calcification
and the proximity of the coronary arteries.
S. Orwat et al.
of the superior limb of the systemic venous atrium (SVA). SVC, superior vena cava. Stenosis at the isthmus of the pulmonary venous atrium (PVA)
between its posterior (PVAp) and anterior segment (PVAa) revealed by TOE (C and D).
Figure 4: CT angiography of TGA after arterial switch and Lecompte-Maneuver. Normal dimension (A) and narrowing (B and C) of the left pulmonary arteries (LPA). Ao, aorta.
Figure 3: Assessment of intra-atrial tunnels in TGA repaired by Mustard operation. Angiogram (A) and CMR (B) demonstrate narrowing (arrows)
importance for the assessment of conduit stenosis. For morphological assessment, CMR and CT are used.
Figure 5: (A) Coarctation of the aorta. Continuous-wave Doppler from a suprasternal approach with diastolic prolongation of forward flow (diastolic tail), (B) 3-D reconstruction based on CT angiography shows a severe stenosis (arrow) with collaterals.
S. Orwat et al.
Figure 6: (A) Balanced-SSFP cine image of Fontan pathways in a patient with a lateral tunnel (LT) and a fenestration closed by an occluder (arrow).
(B) CMR 3-D pathline visualization of blood flow in the lateral Fontan tunnel, left and right pulmonary arteries (LPA and RPA).
Figure 8: CMR short axis (A) and four-chamber view (B) in a patient with congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries demonstrating
AV discordance. The systemic AV (tricuspid) valve (TV) is guarding the systemic right (subaortic) ventricle (RV). Echocardiographic apical fourchamber view demonstrating severe systemic AV regurgitation (C).
Non-invasive imaging modalities are widely used to assess ACHD
patients, and the need for invasive assessment has been significantly
reduced in the last years. The assessment of ACHD has to involve
a variety of imaging modalities that should be used in a complementary fashion. Echocardiography remains the workhorse of imaging
routinely used in all patients but in complex disease and after
surgery echocardiography is frequently insufficient. CMR is particularly useful in this setting and allows reproducible and accurate quantification of ventricular function and comprehensive assessment of
cardiac anatomy, aorta, pulmonary arteries, and venous return including complex flow measurements. CT may be used when CMR
is contraindicated, when superior spatial resolution is required or
when metallic artefacts limit CMR imaging.
The challenge remains to appreciate the different advantages and
disadvantages of cardiovascular imaging modalities and to determine
the most appropriate and cost-effective diagnostic pathways for
individual ACHD patients.
Conflict of interest: none declared.
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