Vestal, M. L. Chem. Rev., 101 (2), 361, 2001
Vestal, M. L. Chem. Rev., 101 (2), 361, 2001
Vestal, M. L. Chem. Rev., 101 (2), 361, 2001
I. Introduction
II. Atomic Ions
A. Thermal Ionization
B. Spark Source
C. Plasma Sources
D. Glow Discharge
E. Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP)
III. Molecular Ions from Volatile Samples.
A. Electron Ionization (EI)
B. Chemical Ionization (CI)
C. Photoionization (PI)
D. Field Ionization (FI)
IV. Molecular Ions from Nonvolatile Samples
A. Spray Techniques
B. Electrospray
C. Desorption from Surfaces
D. High-Energy Particle Impact
E. Low-Energy Particle Impact
F. Low-Energy Impact with Liquid Surfaces
G. Flow FAB
H. Laser IonizationMALDI
J. Delayed Extraction
K. New Mass Analyzers
V. Present Status and Future Prospects
VI. References
I. Introduction
Mass spectrometry separates ions according to
their mass-to-charge ratio. Except for the quadrupole
ion trap, all conventional mass analyzers require ions
in the gas phase in a sufficiently good vacuum that
collisions with background gas are insignificant. With
few exceptions, such as flames and plasmas, samples
of interest are not charged and are present in
condensed phases or as gases at atmospheric pressure or above. The challenge in selecting an ionization method for mass spectrometry is to choose a
technique that preserves the properties of the sample
that are of interest while at the same time converting
it to ions which can be mass analyzed. This review
will concentrate on ionization methods of most practical utility at present but will also include a brief
summary of some that are of historical or fundamental importance.
Marvin L. Vestal received his B.S. and M.S. degrees, 1958 and 1960,
respectively, in Engineering Sciences from Purdue Univesity, Layfayette,
IN. In 1975 he received his Ph.D. degree in Chemical Physics from the
University of Utah, Salt Lake City. From 1958 to 1960 he was a Scientist
at Johnston Laboratories, Inc., in Layfayette, IN. From 1960 to 1967 he
became Senior Scientist at Johnston Laboratories, Inc., in Baltimore, MD.
From 1960 to 1962 he was a Graduate Student in the Department of
Physics at John Hopkins University. From 1967 to 1970 he was Vice
President at Scientific Research Instruments, Corp. in Baltimore, MD. From
1970 to 1975 he was a Graduate Student and Research Instructor at the
University of Utah, Salt Lake City. From 1976 to 1981 he became
Associate Professor of Chemistry at the University of Houston. From 1981
to 1987 he was Professor of Chemistry at the University of Houston.
From 1983 to 1993 he was President of Vestec Corp. in Houston, TX.
From 1993 to present, he has been Vice President, Biospectrometry, at
PerSeptive Biosystems, Framingham, MA.
C. Plasma Sources
The dominant techniques presently in use for
elemental analysis by mass spectrometry fall into the
general category of plasma sources. An excellent
review with an extensive bibliography has been
published by Hieftje.10 These may be separated into
those operating at reduced pressure, ca. 1 Torr,
producing a glow discharge (GD), and those operating
at atmospheric pressure using inductively coupled
plasma (ICP) generators. Glow discharge ionization
has a long history in mass spectrometry, beginning
with its early use in isotopic studies and as a means
of ionizing volatile organic compounds. These applications generally employ other techniques at
present, but glow discharges are still used extensively
in the analysis of trace elements in semiconductors,
metals, and especially high-purity metals.11
D. Glow Discharge
A schematic diagram of a glow discharge ion source
for a magnetic mass spectrometer is shown in Figure
1.12 The cathode is formed as a metal pin, ca. 2 mm
in diameter, mounted on a removable probe. The
stainless steel anode contains the ion exit aperture,
typically 0.5 mm in diameter. The anode is separated
B. Spark Source
The thermal ionization source is simple and wellbehaved but is highly selective. Elements with low
ionization potentials are efficiently ionized, but others
such as most transition metals are difficult or impossible to ionize thermally, and the ionization efficiency
may vary by many orders of magnitude. The vacuum
spark was originally developed by Dempster7 to
extend mass spectrometry to analysis of metals. In
this source an electrical spark is produced between
a rod electrode of the material to be analyzed and
the wall of an aperture in a tantalum disk. Both
Tesla-coil and pulsed-RF sources have been used for
excitation of the spark. Ions passing through the
aperture in the tantalum electrode are accelerated
to ca. 15 kV and analyzed in a double-focusing mass
spectrometer.8 The ions from the source have a very
wide energy spread (ca. 1000 eV), so double focusing
is required to obtain useful resolution. Another
problem with this source is that the spark is subject
to random fluctuations in ion intensity and produces
considerable RF noise which may interfere with
electrical detection. Despite these limitations, the
spark source provides a very sensitive method for the
analysis of trace impurities in solids that give approximately equal sensitivity for all elements.9 It has
been replaced for some applications by more recently
from the source block by a machined ceramic insulator. The anode to cathode gap is about 5 mm. The
cathode is insulated from the source block by a
shaped cap of either ceramic or vespel through which
the sample pin protrudes. The discharge gas, usually
high-purity argon, is supplied through a needle valve
and a length of fused silica capillary to maintain a
pressure of about 1 Torr in the discharge. A floating
power supply provides a voltage of about -1000 V to
the cathode, and a series resistor limits the discharge
current to 1-2 mA. The sample of interest is either
the cathode material itself, in the case of metals, or
a layer of material depositied on the surface of the
cathode. In this configuration the glow discharge is
limited to analysis of conductive solids, but a RFexcited version has also been developed and applied
to nonconductive solids.13
The processes occurring within a glow discharge
have been studied extensively14,15 For a given discharge voltage and gas pressure, the voltage drop
adjacent to the cathode (the cathode fall) occurs
mostly within the thin dark space near the cathode.
The plasma in the remaining negative glow is
almost electrically neutral overall and is close in
potential to the anode. Sputtering is caused by both
ionic and neutral argon bombardment of the probe
with an energy which is estimated to be about 1/4 of
the discharge voltage at a pressure of 1 Torr. Neutral
atoms or molecules are sputtered into the gas phase
from the surface of the cathode. Any cations formed
would not be able to escape the electric field of the
cathode fall. The neutrals are then ionized by electrons, excited atoms (Penning ionization), or by ionmolecule reactions (chemical ionization). The ions
sampled by the mass spectrometer are those formed
close to the ion exit that are swept out by the flowing
gas. The major disadvantage of the glow discharge
for elemental analysis is that it takes relatively long
times (ca. several minutes) for the extracted ion beam
to reach equilibrium with the elemental concentration of the original sample. Thus, sample throughput
may be low.
Figure 5. Simplified schematic diagram of a heated pneumatic nebulizer LC/MS interface combined with an atmospheric
pressure chemical ionization source. (Adapted with permission from ref 44. Copyright 1986 American Chemical Society.)
C. Photoionization (PI)
The ion source for photoionization is similar to that
shown in Figure 3,45 with the beam of electrons
replaced by a beam of monoenergetic vacuum UV
photons. The photon beam may be produced by a
monochromator with either a conventional discharge
light source or by radiation from a synchrotron. More
recently, laser multiphoton ionization of vibrationally
and rotationally cooled beams of molecules has been
used extensively.46 These ionization methods have
been primarily used to obtain accurate values of
ionization and appearance thresholds for both positive and negative ions. The results provide much of
the basic data required in gas-phase ion and neutral
A. Spray Techniques
Static electrification processes were extensively
studied in the laboratory of Professor Leonard Loeb
before and after World War II.54 In one of those
studies, Chapman55 measured ion mobilities produced at atmospheric pressure by vaporization of
charged liquid droplets that were consistent with
molecular ions in the gas phase, although they could
also be explained as relatively small droplets with
an unusally high charge. Dole and co-workers56
developed an electrospray apparatus aimed at producing molecular ions from nonvolatile polymers.
Spraying solutions containing high molecular weight
polystyrene produced mobility spectra that were
consistent with molecular ions of these molecules, but
attempts to observe ions in a time-of-flight mass
spectrometer were unsuccessful. Iribarne and Thompson57 repeated the measurements of Chapman
with a higher resolution mobility apparatus and
concluded that desorption of small molecular ions did
indeed occur. Subsequently they showed that molecular ions from a wide variety of solute species could
be produced by spray electrification and that these
species could be detected and analyzed in a mass
spectrometer.58 Independently, in connection with
developing the thermospray interface between liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry, it was
found that ions were produced in the spray process
when the hot filament normally used for initiating
ionization failed and the ion beam persisted. Furthermore, intact molecular ions were produced by the
spray ionization process from molecules which were
not amenable to normal CI even with direct vaporization.59 Following these earlier observations, Fenn
and co-workers60 applied their expertise in supersonic
molecular beams to developing a new approach,
superficially similar to that described earlier by Dole
but with spectacularly different results.
B. Electrospray
The work by Fenn and co-workers in developing
electrospray ionization was largely ignored by the
mass spectrometry community until, before a small
audience at the ASMS meeting in 1988, they presented their first results on proteins.61 A small
sample of the early results is shown in Figure 6. The
fact that these highly charged molecular ions from
proteins as large as 40 000 molecular weight could
Figure 6. Examples of the first electrospray ionization spectra of proteins. Each spectrum is the result of a single 30 s
scan over the indicated range of m/z values and comprises a family of multiply charged peaks from the same nominal
mass. In this case the charge carrier is a proton, and the molecular weight of the molecule and the charge state for each
peak can be calculated from measured m/z values for two or more peaks. (Reprinted with permission from ref 61. Copyright
somewhat below the Rayleigh limit,64 which corresponds to the droplet radius at which the forces of
surface tension holding the droplet together are equal
to the Coulomb repulsive forces between the charges.
As the droplet vaporizes, this limit is exceeded and
the droplet becomes unstable. This hydrodynamic
instability, at least for larger droplets, results in
release of a jet of small charged droplets. As the
initial droplet vaporizes further, this process is
repeated until the liquid is entirely dispersed. There
is general agreement about the first part of this
process, but the mechanism leading to molecular ions
from very small charged droplets has been the source
of some debate. Iribarne and Thomson58 proposed the
model of field-induced ion evaporation in which the
high electric field at the surface of a small charged
droplet was sufficient to make ion evaporation competitive with solvent vaporization. Roellgen65 challenged this model on the basis that such high
localized fields would cause the onset of hydrodynamic instability on the surface producing a jet
releasing a number of charged droplets. Roellgens
view is that the hydrodynamic disintegration continues until the droplets are so small that they
contain only a single solvated ion, and further desolvation leads to the ions observed in the mass
spectrometer. It is fairly clear that the observed
energetics for the ion evaporation model requires that
the emitted ions must be heavily solvated. If so, the
two models become almost indistinguishable and
mostly semantic since in the one case we have a
solvated ion and in the other a very small charged
droplet containing a single species which can compete
with the solvent for the charge as vaporization
proceeds. In either case, to efficiently produce ions
by electrospray it is desirable to produce small
charged droplets with as much charge as possible and
cause those droplets to vaporize in a bath of gas. If
the concentration of sample or nonvolatile salts is too
high, then the efficiency of ionization is low since the
droplets may dry to a solid particle without releasing
much of the sample into small droplets that can
produce molecular ions.
A number of variations on the design of electrospray ion sources have been described in the literature, and many of these are in use on commercial
instruments. These variations are mostly concerned
with the sampling of the electrospray ions into the
mass spectrometer to maximize sensitivity and improve reliability. In some of these, the countercurrent
flowing bath gas is not used and residual droplets
and some of the solvent vapor enters the nozzle
interfacing with the mass spectrometer. In these
systems vaporization is completed and resolvation
prevented by using either a heated capillary nozzle66
or a heated chamber downstream of the skimmer.67
In applications requiring continual sampling of the
effluent from an HPLC, a major concern has been
contamination of surfaces in the interface or mass
spectrometer by nonvolatile components which may
cause the system to fail and require it to be disassembled and cleaned frequently. Several ingenious
schemes have been described recently in an attempt
to efficiently sample the ions but reject any liquid
Figure 8. Schematic of a
A schematic diagram of a plasma desorption system is shown in Figure 8.74 Ionization is initiated by
spontaneous fission of a 252Cf nucleus which produces
fission fragments with energies of about 100 Mev and
charges of +20 or so. Results have also been obtained
using similar beams of particles from an accelerator.73 The linear energy transfer is these ions in a
solid is so high (0.1-1 keV/) that it is important
that the source be thin. A typical source strength is
10 microcuries spread over a circular area 3-5 mm
in diameter. The thickness of the californium layer
is about 1 ng/cm2. The foils covering the source must
be thin enough to allow one of the fission fragments
to reach the start detector and the other fragment
to pass through the foil and ionize the sample
deposited on the surface of the foil. A grounded grid
is placed 2-5 mm in front of the sample surface, and
a high voltage (ca. 5-10 kV) is applied to the sample
to accelerate ions toward the detector.
Prior to electrospray and MALDI, this technique
was becoming a standard tool in mass spectrometry
laboratories focusing on biological samples74 and was
commercially available. At that time it was the only
technique available that could reliably produce molecular ions from proteins with molecular weight over
10 000. The spectrum of one of the larger proteins
measured is shown in Figure 9; this illustrates both
the power and the problems with the technique. The
rather low quality of the spectrum, by contemporary
standards, is now understood to be primarily due to
metastable decomposition of the ions in flight. The
plasma desorption technique has been largely supplanted by electrospray and MALDI but marked an
extremely important milestone in the development
of ionization techniques for mass spectrometry of
difficult samples. It both renewed interest in the
largely dormant field of time-of-flight mass spectrometry, particularly for large molecules, and showed for
G. Flow FAB
Continuous-flow FAB was developed to correct
some of the difficulties with the standard FAB
technique while retaining the essential advantages.88
This technique uses a sample introduction probe that
provides a continuous flow of liquid into the mass
spectrometer ion source and onto the sample stage
where atom bombardment occurs. This reduces the
requirement for a viscous carrier and allows the use
of more volatile solvents such as water, methanol,
and acetonitrile. The liquid flow rate is generally in
the range of 1-20 L/min, and samples may be
analyzed by flow injection, or following on-line separation by capillary LC,89 or capillary electrophoresis.90
In addition to the obvious advantages of convenience
and speed of sample introduction, the flow technique
also provides lower limits of detection91 and decreased
ion suppression effects92 compared to conventional
H. Laser IonizationMALDI
Laser ionization of organic solids was investigated
by Mumma and Vastola93 in the late 1960s and early
1970s, but most of the early work on laser ionization
was focused on inorganic samples. The early work
has been reviewed by Conzemius and Capellen.,94
During the next decade, several groups conducted
research on improved methods for applying lasers to
ionization of organic samples,95,96 but until the breakthrough by Karas and Hillenkamp in 1988, these
techniques were not widely applied.97,98 By embedding large bioorganic molecules in a suitable matrix
which strongly absorbs the radiation from a UV laser,
they showed that singly charged molecular ions with
masses greater than 100 000 could be efficiently
desorbed and measured in a time-of-flight mass
spectrometer. An example of one of the spectra from
the original publication is shown in Figure 10.98 At
the time, this example of -D-galactosidase, molecular
mass 116 900, was by far the largest intact molecular
ion that had been observed. This matrix-assisted
laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) technique has
rapidly evolved to become one of the predominant
methods for analyzing large, nonvolatile molecules.
Since the ions are produced in short pulses using a
pulsed laser, the technique is particularly well suited
for time-of-flight analyzers, but it is also used quite
successfully with FT-ICR and with quadrupole ion
A schematic diagram of a MALDI source is shown
in Figure 11.103 Samples in solution are mixed with
a matrix solution containing a large molar excess (ca.
104-105) of a UV-absorbing matrix material. This
liquid is deposited in a small droplet, a few L or less
in volume, on a sample probe or plate and allowed
to dry. The early work employed a single sample
probe, similar to solids probes used in other areas,
but most commercial systems now use a sample plate
holding a number of samples and a mechanism for
sequentially positioning the samples in front of the
laser. A laser with pulse duration of a few nanoseconds is preferred. Nitrogen lasers emitting at 337 nm
The use of infrared (IR) lasers instead of the UV
lasers traditionally employed in MALDI has been
studied by several research groups.112-114 It has been
demonstrated that approximately the same performance can be obtained with either laser source with
respect to mass resolution, mass accuracy, and
analytically useful sensitivity.114 The major differences observed are that IR generally gives less
fragmentation of large molecules, but much more
sample is consumed per laser shot. The ionization
efficiency is generally several orders of magnitude
lower with IR than with UV, but the sensitivity is
generally limited by chemical noise from matrix and
other impurities, and a much smaller fraction of the
sample is desorbed in typical UV measurements. The
IR laser also penetrates more deeply into the matrix
and allows sample to be successfully analyzed from
gels and membranes. On the other hand, UV MALDI
detects sample present at or near the surface and
does not detect molecules embedded more deeply. The
major limitation on the use of IR lasers in MALDI is
that the available lasers are rather expensive and
somewhat more difficult to use routinely.
J. Delayed Extraction
Electrospray was more rapidly accepted than
MALDI for many routine applications primarily
because it was readily adapted to the quadrupole and
magnetic mass analyzers predominately in use. The
pulsed ion beam produced by MALDI was particularly compatible with time-of-flight (TOF) techniques,
but the resolution and mass accuracy obtained with
MALDI-TOF on larger molecules was not as good as
that obtained with electrospray on either quadrupole
or magnetic analyzers. The use of reflecting TOF
instruments such as that described originally by
Mamyrin115 improved the performance for peptides
and other small molecules, but the resolution and
accuracy for oligonucleotides and proteins was similar for both linear and reflecting analyzers and
clearly inferior to that obtained by electrospray. Early
studies showed that the ions produced by MALDI
exhibit a rather broad velocity distribution and that
the initial velocity of desorbed ions is nearly independent of mass.116,117 Also, when desorption occurs
in a strong electric field, energy is lost presumably
by collisions with the neutral plume.
In pioneering work, Wiley and McLaren118 described a two-field, pulsed ion source for time-of-flight
analyzers that provided first-order correction for the
initial space distribution of ions. They also described
a technique which they named time-lag energy
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