City of Spokane 2016 Budget Priorities

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City of Spokane 2016 Budget Priorities

1. Public Safety Improving community safety

Continue implementation of precincts as part of community-oriented policing with

input from Council and public regarding placement and deployment of resources.
Continue participation and joint funding of Spokane County Regional Criminal
Justice Commission; while ensuring balanced community participation.
Sustain COPS program funding at 2015 level.
Implement operational and budget strategies to reduce overtime costs in police
and fire.
Ensure a training budget for new Police Ombudsman and Police Ombudsman
Develop a strategy for sustainable funding for twelve (12) new firefighter
positions; I.E., such as setting aside reserves for out years after SAFER grant
expires, or other dedicated revenue options.
Explore new state law allowing medicare/Medicaid emergency transport to create
new funding stream for fire safety, including a portion ear-marked for training.
The Spokane Municipal Court proposes to commence the process of instituting
foundational elements of the High Performance court best practices model, as
outline by the National Center for State Courts. See: High Performance Court

Establish personnel and infrastructure elements to allow improved service

delivery to other agencies and the community at large:

Assume responsibility for the financial qualification of applicants for City Public
Defender services:

2. Jobs and Economic Growth Supporting sustainable, targeted growth and

economic opportunity

Provide ongoing administrative support for the Northeast PDA and U District
Approve additional development incentives for Downtown Spokane and other
targeted growth areas, as well as focus planning efforts in these areas.
Fund three (3) additional positions in planning to address critical issues such as
downtown planning, updating codes and policies to support targeted investment,
and long-range annexation planning.
Set aside additional $21,000 for planning in the newly-formed Shadle Park/Loma
Vista neighborhood.

Revised Recd 5-1-2015

Fund integrated projects in the East Sprague Targeted Investment Pilot area;
sustain funding for staff support and provide data and performance measures to
justify funding the next selected TIP area.
Set aside at least $50,000 for economic development work in our key business
Centers and Corridors (same as 2015 budget).
Ensure continued funding for compliance employees for Apprenticeship utilization
requirements and other City regulations, as necessary.
Support the development of a Port District in Spokane region.

3. Budget Promoting fiscal health and budget accountability and transparency

Work with administration and public to identify performance measures that link to
Councils Budget Priorities and the Citys Comprehensive Plan.
Annual rate of Library budget increase to match 2.5% increase in General Fund
revenue to ensure fiscal preparedness for when the current Library levy expires.
Also, support the creation of a Library budget task force to assist in ensuring the
long-range financial sustainability of the Library system.

4. Infrastructure -- Maintaining and improving public infrastructure in an

affordable and integrated fashion

Continue funding CSO implementation with goal of meeting 2017 permit deadline
with no more than 2.9% utility rate increases.
Dedicate resources within the Utilities budget to develop a strategic plan to
eliminate unintended water loss in our City Water System.
Include funding for signage & monuments honoring the Spokane Tribe in
Spokane River stormwater/CSO projects.
Budget for roof replacement at the South Side Library and new carpeting at the
Downtown Library.
Set aside a minimum of $200,000 for City Hall Council Chambers upgrades.
Prioritize capital funding for Cincinnati Street and South Hill Greenway

5. Quality of Life Engaging citizens and improving the health, quality and
character of our community

Maintain funding for the Arts at 2015 levels.

Continue to fund Human Services (pure human service grant funding) in an
increasing amount of $50,000 per year (end goal of 1% of GF); $100,000 over
2014 budget levels; $50,000 over 2015 levels.
Direct CHHS Board to set aside at least $100,000/year in dedicated funding to
maintain basic capital needs at the Citys Community Centers.
Dedicate $85,000 toward homeless outreach coordination in the CHHS budget.

Revised Recd 5-1-2015

Revised Recd 5-1-2015

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