(IJETA-V2I215) : Subodh Ghuge, Vaibhav Kande, Sanket Lad
(IJETA-V2I215) : Subodh Ghuge, Vaibhav Kande, Sanket Lad
(IJETA-V2I215) : Subodh Ghuge, Vaibhav Kande, Sanket Lad
The traditional door locking system comprises of a physical lock and a key, even though this system is efficient it is not
flawless. The major problem of existing system is that it can be easily compromised and it also requires carrying a separate
key for each lock to which access is needed. In large organizations this distribution of keys is a costly affair. The aim of
our project is to create an advanced system which gets rid of the problems in the existing system while keeping the costs
B. Proposed System
Existing System
1 Existing door lock system
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Applications (IJETA) Volume 2 Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2015
A. Block diagram
B. Description of Blocks
The major blocks used in the said system are as follows:
The microcontroller is responsible for detection and
polling of the peripherals status. It is responsible for
decisions for
door/windows. It is responsible for prioritizing all the
devices attached to it. We have used the ATMEL
89S51 microcontroller. The AT89S51 is a lowpower,
microcontroller with 8K bytes of in-system
programmable Flash memory. It has got 32 I/O lines,
Watchdog timer, two data pointers, three 16-bit
timer/counters, six-vector two-level interrupt
architecture, a full duplex serial port, on-chip
oscillator, and a clock circuitry. It is the major part of
the system which controls all the operation of the
circuit such as LCD interfacing, square wave
generation. It also decides the messages to be
Mobile handset
It consists of an android mobile handset having
Bluetooth. The mobile device also needs to have
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Applications (IJETA) Volume 2 Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2015
the required application installed. This android
mobile is used to send command using the
Bluetooth technology.
Bluetooth Decoder
The bluetooth decoder is used for transmitting as
well as receiving the serial data. The range of
bluetooth decoder depends upon its class. The
bluetooth decoder used in the proposed system
has a range of 10 meters.
DC Motor Driver
This IC is used to convert 5v to 12v which is
required to drive the DC motor, which is used to
open the gate. The L293D is a quadruple half Hbridge bidirectional motor driver IC that can
drive current of up to 600mA with voltage range
of 4.5 to 36 volts. It is suitable to drive small
DC-Geared motors, bipolar stepper motor
DC Motor
A DC motor is a mechanically commutated
electric motor powered from direct current (DC).
In DC motor, operation is based on simple
electromagnetism. A current-carrying conductor
generates a magnetic field; when this is then
placed in an external magnetic field, it will
experience a force proportional to the current in
the conductor, and to the strength of the external
magnetic field. Opposite (North and South)
polarities of magnet attract, while like polarities
(North and North, South and South) repel. The
internal configuration of a DC motor is designed
to harness the magnetic interaction between a
current-carrying conductor and an external
magnetic field to generate rotational motion. The
DC motor used in the proposed system is of
approximately 100 rpm.[7]
Power Supply
The power supply gives +5v and +12v supply to
the circuit. The power supply consists of four
stages namely transformer, rectifier, filter, and
regulator. Transformer is a step-down
transformer taking input of 230v AC and giving
output of 15v at the secondary. This 15v AC is
rectified by bridge rectifier consisting of four
diodes, which converts the AC wave into fully
rectified wave. The next stage is the filter stage
consisting of capacitor, which converts the fully
rectified wave into the DC wave with some
ripple. Last stage is the regulator stage.
Regulator removes the entire ripple and gives
pure DC[10]
Relay acts as a switch which is used to control
the 230 volt AC supply. This relay will be turned
off if there is no person inside the room. This
relay can be used to turn off the electrical
appliances like fan, tubes etc.
EEPROM stands for electrically erasable
programmable read only memory. It is a
secondary storage device that once written
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Applications (IJETA) Volume 2 Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2015
[5] circuitstoday.com
[6] www.discovercircuits.com
[7] www.electronicsforu.com
[8] www.electronic-diagrams.com
The proposed system as a wide range of applications,
some of them are as follows:
[9] www.circuitlake.com
[10] www.wikipedia.org
Home security
Can be used in offices
Can be used to secure industrial plants against
During the development of this project we learnt
many new aspects of embedded system as well as the
microcontroller. This knowledge will help us to
develop more systems that are based on developing
mobile supported applications. This project has also
helped us to get ourselves acquainted with the
android operating system and the microcontroller
Our area of interest is control of door lock using
mobile phones via Bluetooth. Our future study of this
project includes implementing more complex
security mechanisms such as fingerprint detection
and face detection for a more robust security
mechanism as well as extending support to windows
and ios devices so as to cover a wider range of
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