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Sennheiser MD 441

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So good it almost worried us.

lf we didn't have such good condenser microphones, we'd be

worried. Because when it comes to performance, the MD 441 doesn't
leave much to be
desired. Especially when you
consider it's not
a condenser



The response curve may leave you uncertain, however.

Smooth and wide, extending from 40to 20,000 Hz.
And a super-cardiod directional pattern
whose traces at various frequencies lbok like an Olympic
skater doing "school figures".

The MD 441. Beauty more than skindeep. Our design goal was ambitious: a microphone to satisfy
performers and engineers alike.
With remarkably critical reproduction . . . yet remarkably
non-cdtlcal in use.
One major problem: mechanical noise. While super-cardiod
directionality is extremely desirable, previous dynamics of
this type could not be hand-held because of mechanical
noise and vibration conducted through the housing. However, in ihe MD 441, the
problem is solved with a double housing. The microphone element, in an inner housing
isolated by means of a compliant suspension, is shielded from mechanically conducted noise. Bringing
studio'quiet' into the performer's hand.
Depth. Presence. And absence. To make the MD 441 even more practical and flexibp we added three
more features. The first two are presence and bass switches, which offer a 5 dBSoost at 5 kHz and,
five-position atten0ation, repsectively, to selectively enhance.vocals and instrumentals, while preventing
overemphasis of low frequencies. And, to provide opiimum close-miking, the MD 441 features an absence
of pops and proximity effect, due to its novel pressure-gradient design and integral windscreen.
We could tell you more about the remarkable new MD 441 dynamic microphone. But if it's good enough
to almost worry us, using it
will likely delight you.


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Technical Description
The MD 441 dynamic microphone is a pressure-gradient
receiver of advanced design, fea-

turing high d irection ality and

wide response.
The d irectional pattern issupercardiod, virtually identical at frequencies of 250, 500, 1000, 2000,
4000 and 8000 Hz, featuring a
high front-to-back ratio and no
side lobes.
The microphone exhibits a high
degree ot insensitivity to mechanical noise caused by rubbing the
housing against loreign objects,
and stronger shocks. This is facilitated by means of a double hous-

ing. The inner housing, containing

the microphone element, is isolated from the outer housing by

means ol a highly compliant suspension, a principle proven in the

earlier Sennheiser 214 lavalier

microphone. To reduce pops and

wind noise+ the microphone is

equipped with an integral internal
wind-screen, sullicient lor most
The MD 441 also features a
built-in brilliance boost switch,
providing a response rise that begins at 2000 Hz and is nominally
-+5 db at 5 kHz, referred to the

Es pe c ially su itab le for handheld applications, the MD 441 has

highly linear .esponse throughout

the 40-20k Hz range, making it

especially suitable lor recording
and performing applications
where a combination of high
directionality and extended response are desirable.

ln tests, lhe MD 441 was subjected to sound pressure levels

greatly exceeding the human pain
threshold. While in some cases,
the preamplifier overloaded, in no
case did the microphone clip.

1000 Hz level.

Frequency Response

4O-2O,OOO Hz

Acoustic l\4ode of Operation

Directional Characteristic

pressure gradient

Front-to-Back Ratio
@ 1000 Hz, 130o



Sensitivity (1 kHz)
lmpedance (1 kHz)
Brilliance Switch
Bass Switch

Variable, f ive-position attenuation



200 ohm
5 db boost


- ground; 2,3 - signal

Sensitivity to
lvlagnetic Fields



15 oz.

5 kHz

5 uV/mG

Windscreen MZW 441

Microphone Stand MZT 44'l

MC 22 Cable

Foam windscreen especially

designed for the MD 441.

Heavy, die-cast base attaghes to

quick-release clamp and swivel
supplied with rhe MD 441. swivel
mount has standard 5/8" thread.

shielded cable with XLR

connectors at both ends.

FifteenJoot llexible double-

Available lrcm:


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1ott1 244.6881


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