Rune Crafting Guide

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Runecraft: The Basics

Runes are entire words, much like Mandarin/Kanji/Cuneiform. Each has a very
specific and literal meaning. The rune for "contain" means that the spell is
contained within the circle. You can't use this rune to contain someone within a
cage. The runes above are as follows: Sustain, Create, Contain, Fire, Small

The basics of spellcraft and spellcircles consists of an outer circle (in blue) and
an inner circle (in red). The red circle is the focus for the spell, the blue circle will
contain runes to modify and affect the red circle. You can have as many circles
within one another as you want, the more complex the spell you want to cast. For
example, a fire spell (no matter what you want to do with the fire) will have a fire
rune occupying the red inner circle)

For one circle to affect another it must be linked to it with a curved line as shown
here. To create fire you must link the create rune and the fire rune.

If runes are affecting one another *within* a circle, you must show which is
affecting which. For this, edges are used. The "circle" with the most edges affects
the "circle" with the least, with a true circle being the last affected. Runes going
from an outer circle to an inner one do not need to show order of operations.

If one wants to create a spell that excludes something, one shows that by a circle
around that rune, physically excluding it from the rest of the spell. For example, if
one wants to create a dome wherein water does not come. One would link the
dome rune (shown for argument in blue) with the rune for water (in red), thereby
creating a dome wherein water cannot come.

If one wants to modify a rune rather than affect it, a smaller circle is placed
overlapping the rune in question creating a combined rune. This combined rune
is then effected by all runes interacting with them. For example to create a small
fire one would overlap the fire rune with a small (for simplicity's sake) rune.

Here is a very simple spell incorporating nearly all stated above using the runes
already explained. It is a campfire spell. The central Fire rune is modified by the
Small rune. This combined rune is affected by the Sustain rune (ensuring it will
keep for the night), the Create rune (to make a difference between using fire that
is already available and creating it from nothing) and the Contain rune (to keep it
within the boundary of the spell so that it will not go out of control).

Runecraft: Adept Level Techniques

Multiple spell circles can be combined to create a complex spell.

Here you can see two spells, one in red/blue, the other in yellow/green plus some
normal runes in purple. Even if you have multiple spells, one spell must be the
focus, and one rune inside must be that spells focus.
For example, the red/blue spell circle is the focus of this complex spell. The red
central rune tier is the focus of the red/blue spell, and thus the focus of the entire
spell. As an example, say you want to create a floating platform that is always on
fire and cannot be put out by water. The red/blue spellcircle would be the floating
platform spell and the yellow/green spellcircle would be the fire spell. The
exclusion part would take the form of the purple runes.

When dealing with multiple spells, order of operations function in the same way
as they do in simple spells. The pentagonal orange/pink spell must show order of
operations with the yellow/green spell because they occupy the same tier (the
white tier). Because the red/blue spellcircle is the focus, it occupies its own tier
meaning that the yellow/green spell do not have to show order of operations
when affecting it.

Runecraft: Master Level


There are a number of runes and techniques which can be used to create a
rudimentary form of automation.

If you wish your spellcircles to have a specific fuel, then simply use the fuel rune
(shown here in white on the blue circle) Connected to another rune (as shown
here as the red circle) would mean that when a fuel source is added to the fuel
rune, it activates the affect (red) rune. In such a way, this fuel rune can act as a

To add more complexity to your spellcircles, you can add an "if-then" statement.
If the required action occurs, the rune works. Show here is a blue rune affecting a
red rune. The curved line with the two straight lines intersecting the green rune
represents this if-then statement. For example, let us say that the blue rune is
Create, the red Fire and the green Human. This would mean that the spell would
only Create Fire if a Human is present. Essentially, creating a trap.

If you want to be able to link separate spellcircles together, you can use the Send
& Receive runes. Sending & Rececing works in much the same way as multiple
spells inside a complex spell. Its functions is to Send the effects of one spell to
another spell. Call it teleporting the effects, because the spellcircles do not have
to be near each other. The rune in the focus of the red/blue spellcircle is the
Send rune. The rune in the purple circle of the green-yellow spellcircle is the
Receive rune. The Send rune must always be the focus of its spell circle (shown
here in red), because it will send all the effects of its spell to the Receive rune.
The Receive rune cannot be the focus of its spell. It will always be an affecting
rune (shown here in purple). This is because the Receive rune takes the place of
a spellcircle. Its duty is to affect the focus of its spell circle with the effects given
to it by the Send rune.

Here is a spell tying together all these optional runes. Note: the bottom rune on
the lefthand spellcircle is the Pull rune. It pulls into the spellcircle whatever is
needed. This spell is a preventative fire extinguisher. It creates water when it
senses fire. The left hand spellcircle Pulls in Water only if Fuel is present and
Sends this Water to the righthand spellcircle. The righthand spellcircle uses this
Water to Create Water only if Fire is present.

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