Biomedical Engineering

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Origins and Development of Biomedical
Engineering within Chemical Engineering
Nicholas A. Peppas
Dept. of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, and Pharmaceutics, The University of Texas at Austin, 1 University Station
C0400, Austin, TX 78712

Robert Langer
Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139

Over the past 45 years, the field of biomedical engineering has found a welcome home
in academic chemical engineering departments and in companies working with artificial
organs, medical devices, and pharmaceutical formulations. The contributions of chemical
engineers to the definition and the growth of the field have been important and at times
seminal. The development and early contributions in the biomedical field with special
emphasis on the contributions of chemical engineers is examined. 2004 American Institute
of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 50: 536 546, 2004

Keywords: biomedical engineering, blood rheology, hemodialysis, biomaterials, controlled release, tissue engineering

Origins of Chemical (and Biomedical) Engineering


In the changing industrial world of the late 19 century, the

chemical industry took a central position. At the end of the 19th
century, the competition of England, Germany, and the United
States for industrial chemicals had become rather fierce. It was
not surprising then that in 1888, Lewis M. Norton (18551893)
of the Chemistry Department of MIT offered a new course in
chemical engineering. As Weber (1980) notes, the material was
taken predominantly from Nortons notes on industrial practice
in Germany, which at that time had probably the most advanced chemical process industry in the world.
When Norton died in 1893, Frank H. Thorpe (1864 1932),
who had received a BS degree from MIT only four years earlier
and a doctorate from the University of Heidelberg in 1893,
took responsibility for Nortons course. In 1898, he published
what may be considered to be the first textbook on chemical
engineering, entitled Outlines of Industrial Chemistry. This
first chemical engineering textbook made mention of the chemCorrespondence concerning this article should be addressed to R. Langer at; N. A. Peppas e-mail address is:,

2004 American Institute of Chemical Engineers


March 2004

ical treatment of biological bioproducts, a very faint indication

of very early biotechnology processes!
In the next 50 years, the term Industrial Chemistry first
appearing in Nortons book to broadly describe industrial processes applied in the production of chemicals became associated with chemical engineering. Not until the radical approach
to analysis of chemical engineering problems introduced by,
among others, R. Neal Amundson and Rutherford Aris in the
mid-1950s at the University of Minnesota, and R. Byron Bird,
Warren E. Stewart, and Edwin N. Lightfoot at the University of
Wisconsin, would industrial chemistry be clearly separated
from the main goals of chemical engineering.
Although Norton and Thorpe were the pioneers of chemical
engineering at MIT, it was Arthur A. Noyes and later William H.
Walker (1869 1934) who introduced fundamental principles to
the chemical curriculum (Peppas, 1989). After an MS in Chemistry at MIT (1887) and a doctorate at the University of Leipzig
with Ostwald (1890), Noyes established the Research Laboratory
of Physical Chemistry in 1903. Meanwhile, William Walker, who
had received his doctorate in 1892 at the University of Gottingen
with Otto Wallach (Nobel Prize 1910), established in 1908 the
Research Laboratory of Applied Chemistry.
During the same period in England, Davis proceeded with
the publication of his Handbook of Chemical Engineering,
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Table 1. Examples of Important Biomedical Research Contributions by Chemical Engineers




Blood Rheology
Artificial Kidney Design
Analysis of Hemodialysis
Heparinized non-Thrombogenic Biomaterials
Radiation Produced Biomaterials
Contact and Intraocular Lenses
Protein Delivery from Polymer Matrices
Intelligent Hydrogels in Drug Delivery

E. W. Merrill, MIT
E. Leonard, Columbia
C. K. Colton, MIT
A. Michaels, MIT
E. W. Merrill, MIT
A. Hoffman, MIT, U. Washington
N. A. Peppas, Purdue Univ.
R. Langer, MIT
N. A. Peppas, Purdue Univ.


which was revised and published in a second edition of over

1,000 pages in 1904. Davis was the originator of the idea of
unit operations (especially in the second edition of his book,
although the term was coined by Arthur D. Little at MIT in
1915). Unit operations called for analysis of chemical processes by dividing them in distinct operations (distillation,
extraction, filtration, crystallization, and so on) that are governed by distinct principles.
The training of chemical engineers was a subject of much
debate in the first years of the 20th century. Milton C. Whitaker,
a professor of Chemical Engineering at Columbia University,
and an important contributor to the ChE literature and societal
causes, expressed his views on the training of chemical engineers (Whitaker, 1911) as follows: The chemical engineer
works in the organization, operation, and management of existing or proposed processes with a view to building up a
successful manufacturing industry. . . His fundamental training
in chemistry, physics, mathematics, and so on, must be thorough and must be combined with a natural engineering inclination and an acquired knowledge of engineering methods and
appliances. He continued by giving a description of the types
of courses that should be taught, which he classified as courses
for fundamental training (chemistry, physics, and mathematics), associated training (electrical, mechanical, civil and
general engineering, and business economics) and supplementary training (laboratory and administration courses). The
terms physiology or biology were not in a chemical engineers
vocabulary yet; it would take until the beginning of World War
II before the first efforts in the biomedical field would be
Whitaker was a most influential educator and researcher, one
of the earliest members of AIChE and its President in 1914.
Whitaker, who had studied Chemistry (PhD 1902) with Franz
Sachs, and received the Perkins medal in 1923, was a chemical
engineer who believed in the rapid separation of industrial
chemistry from chemical engineering.
The establishment of the American Institute of Chemical
Engineers (AIChE) in 1908 gave shape to the dreams of the
converted chemists who were calling themselves chemical
engineers, albeit with major obstacles. For example, Hugo
Schweitzer (Peppas, 1989) declared in a 1904 ACS meeting: I
am absolutely against the introduction of chemical engineering
in the education of chemists. In the same meeting, M. T.
Bogert (Herreshoff, 1904), who joined Columbia in 1907,
agreed with Schweitzer saying that progress in technical
chemistry was achieved in research laboratories by researchers without engineering training. On the other side, Whitaker
became the apologist of chemical engineers stating that a
chemist was generally not the man who is capable of transAIChE Journal

March 2004

mitting from a laboratory to a factory the ideas which he has

developed because he was not educated in the engineering
branches. With such debates, AIChE had only 40 members
(out of about 500 chemical engineers) when it was formed in
1908. The number rose to 214 in 1914 when Whitaker was
President; it was not until 1926 that AIChE truly became a
representative society of chemical engineers.
Olaf A. Hougen (1979) of the University of Wisconsin notes
that it was only from 1888 to 1923 that industrial chemistry
was the chief offering of all chemical engineering departments
. . ., and he continues in these courses, the sequences of steps
in chemical manufacture were described. The approach did not
allow much time for discussion in depth of the scientific
principles involved. Hougen remarks also that the introduction of unit operations by Walker, Lewis and McAdams of MIT
during the 1920s marked the beginning of the distinctive
American system of chemical engineering education. Hougen
concludes that the next three decades (1920 1950) in the
development of the science of chemical engineering came
with the application of physical chemistry to material and
energy balances, to thermodynamics, and to rates of chemical
reactions in industrial processes.
It was during that period that the seeds of biotechnology
were started, especially with the first studies on biochemical
processes, biomass, and engineering devices in biomedicine.
The early seeds of bioengineering were set in Europe and the
U S in the 1920s and early 1930s. Early chemical engineers
involved in chemical processes started applying simple operations on agricultural products as early as 1926 (Peppas, 1989).
It was in a hospital in Amsterdam in the summer of 1941 that
Wilhelm Kolff, a practicing physician, designed the first primitive artificial kidney unit for blood purification. This event is
marked by many as the historical beginning of the biomedical
engineering field, although several other early events are also
identified as important events in the history of BME. Kolffs
developments would continue through improvements in the
1950s and 1960s, and would become the field of hemodialysis,
a field that benefited by the major contributions of chemical
engineers such as Clark Colton and Ed Merrill of MIT, Ed
Leonard of Columbia, Ben Lipps of the Dow Cordis Company,
Alan Michaels, and many others. Table 1 summarizes some
major biomedical research contributions made by chemical
engineers in the first 20 years of the field.

Engineering Science and Biomedical Activities

The development of the field of unit operations, and the
subsequent introduction of thermodynamics and chemical kinetics led to further developments of the chemical engineering
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field, and the emergence of biomedical engineering activities

within chemical engineering.
The year 1955 marked an important change in engineering
education throughout the United States. In May 1952 S.C.
Hollister, President of the American Society for Engineering
Education (ASEE), appointed a Committee on Evaluation of
Engineering Education with the goal to evaluate engineering
education and suggest new approaches to teaching engineering.
When the report of this committee was published on June 15,
1955 a long chapter in the history of engineering education had
ended. The report was only 36 pages long. It was polite to the
older tradition, but firm in its recommendations to the new
generation (ASEE, 1955). The objective in engineering curricula will not be achieved. . . by repair of patchwork curricula.
It requires complete reconstruction of curricula.
Some attention to engineering art and practice is necessary,
but its high purpose is to illuminate the engineering science,
analysis or design, rather than to teach the art as engineering
It is the responsibility of the engineer to recognize those new
developments in science and technology that have significant
potentialities in engineering. Moreover, the rate at which new
scientific knowledge will be translated into engineering practice depends, in a large measure, upon the engineers capacity
to understand the new science as it develops.
Fortunately, some things do not change. Reactions, stresses,
and deflections will still occur, and they will have to be
calculated. Electrical currents and fields will follow unchanging laws. Energy transformation, thermodynamics, and heat
flow will be as important to the next generation of engineers as
to the present one. Solids, fluids, and gases will continue to be
handled, and their dynamics and chemical behavior will have
to be understood. The special properties of materials as dependent on their internal structure will be even more important to
engineers a generation hence than they are today. These studies
encompass the solid, unshifting foundation of engineering science upon which the engineering curriculum can be built with
assurance and conviction (authors italics).
Gradually the framework of a scientifically oriented curriculum was built. The recommendations of the Hollister report
led to the development of engineering science. The impact of
this committees views on chemical engineering was monumental. In the early days of chemical engineering, the teaching
of and research in industrial chemistry was the central theme.
Around 1920, unit operations became the main focus of
chemical engineering research and education, and were so until
World War II. In the 1930s applied thermodynamics also
became an important component of academic chemical engineering.
Two developments that occurred at the University of Minnesota and the University of Wisconsin in the 1950s changed
the course of chemical engineering. Five academic researchers
would become the leading forces of major changes in chemical
engineering education and research. These five researchers
were Neal R. Amundson, Rutherford Aris, R. Byron Bird,
Edwin N. Lightfoot, Jr. and Warren E. Stewart. Their message was controversial and much questioned, but it was gradually accepted by both industry and academia.
Amundson was an educator and researcher with far-reaching
insight. He realized that further insight into chemical engineering problems lay in an analysis of chemical processes and

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phenomena based on a fundamental understanding of these

problems. Applied mathematics, and later the computer, would
become excellent tools for generalization and solution of various transport and reaction engineering problems.
At about the same time, a second major educational revolution was occurring at the University of Wisconsin. Professors
Bird, Stewart, and Lightfoot, collectively known to future
generations of students as BSL, prepared a set of notes (in
1957), and eventually a book (in 1960) entitled Transport
Phenomena, which offered a new approach to the analysis of
chemical engineering unit problems. The main lesson of BSL is
that there is a strong unifying backbone to apparently different
unit operations in the framework of the continuum equations of
transport. The necessity for analysis of individual operations or
processes does not disappear, but the differential volume and
the balance equations become the central theme of this approach.
Thus, in the mid-1960s the major chemical engineering
departments in the U.S., with a handful of exceptions, were
adjusting to the new ideas of our profession. Unit operations
had definitely declined, and unit processes were almost obsolete as unifying themes for education and research.
In the midst of this major transition, biomedical engineering
principles entered the field almost by chance. In fact, biomedical engineering appeared in ChE because some enterprising
physicians in Boston and New York had important medical
problems that they were willing to discuss with chemical
engineers. What is particularly noteworthy is that the origins of
biomedical engineering activities in chemical engineering are
closely related with the development of transport phenomena in
ChE. Several early pioneers of the late 1950s and 1960s indicated to the authors that their first association with biomedical
problems was in response to medical needs by practicing
physicians in local hospitals. Some of these problems were
related to blood separation and purification, blood flow, measurement of viscosity or shear stresses (Merrill, 1967; Merrill
et al., 1965), or improvement with simple medical devices
(Merrill, 1984).

Early Interdisciplinary Work in Chemical

The birth of BME within chemical engineering was part of
a broader revolution, the implications of which would not be
felt until the mid 1970s, but which had started in chemical
engineering in the early 1960s. This new trend was initiated by
a group of gifted educators and researchers in various universities and industrial government laboratories. These researchers
recognized that chemical engineers could contribute to areas
outside of the main attention of classical chemical engineering,
interdisciplinary areas such as biochemical and biomedical
sciences, and polymers. They included Elmer L. Gaden of
Columbia and Arthur E. Humphrey of the University of Pennsylvania in biochemical engineering, Arthur B. Metzner of the
University of Delaware and R. Byron Bird in polymer rheology, and Edward W. Merrill of MIT and Edward Leonard of
Columbia in biomedical engineering.
The changes in ChE research directions were affected by
major changes in research funding. The National Science
Foundation, National Institutes of Health, and other federal
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agencies became important sources for funding of the new

work of chemical engineers.
Important new developments in research in bioengineering
were initiated in the mid 1950s. Columbia University was in
the middle of these changes as young engineers in its faculty
became pioneering of the two main branches of bioengineering. Formal instruction in biochemical engineering at Columbia first began in 1950 through the efforts of Elmer Gaden. In
the area of biomedical engineering, Ed Leonard initiated his
earliest biomedical studies in 1958, and went on to publish two
important ChE articles in the biomedical field on analysis of
solute transport in hemodialyzers (Leonard and Bluemle, 1959,
1960). Leonard went on to win the Allan P Colburn Award
from AIChE in 1969 for fundamental contributions to the
engineering and design of artificial organs. This was the first
recognition of the impact of bioengineering and specifically
biomedical engineering to the field.
Another pioneer of the field was Edward W Merrill, an MIT
professor. Merrill was educated at Harvard and MIT, and
received his ScD in 1947 while working with Herman Meissner
on adhesion of polymers. Similar to Leonard, Merrills earliest
excursion in biomedical engineering was because he was asked
by Boston physicians to help solve an important problem of
measurement of blood viscosity. Thus, around 1956 he became
one of the very early investigators of the non-Newtonian behavior of blood under low and moderate shear rates (Merrill,
2003). He investigated the effect of the hematocrit, various
plasma proteins, and white blood cells on blood viscosity and
flow behavior, and he developed appropriate experimental
tools for rheological investigations of blood (including the
patented GilinsonDauwalterMerrill (GDM) viscometer) under realistic in vitro conditions. AIChE has recognized Merrill
with three awards, including the 2002 Founders Award. It is
interesting that Ed Leonard and another pioneer of the biomedical field, Allan Hoffman of the University of Washington,
were undergraduate students in the first Unit Operations class
that Merrill taught at MIT in 1951 (Leonard, 2003). Twelve
years later Merrill introduced the first BME graduate course in
chemical engineering, the course 10.56 Engineering in Biology and Medicine. Merrill and Leonard remain active in
biomedical engineering research at MIT and Columbia today,
addressing among other issues, biomaterials improvement, and
the interaction of cells with surfaces.
The development of biomedical interests in chemical engineering happened at about the same time as in other fields. In
electrical engineering, this occurred in 1952. On the occasion
of the fiftieth anniversary of the Engineering in Medicine and
Biology Division of IEEE, a valuable history of the field was
published, that includes numerous oral histories by chemical
engineers (Nebeker and Geselowitz, 2002).
The early years of chemical bioengineering focused on biorheology and analysis of transport phenomena in artificial
organs, especially in hemodialyzers and lung oxygenators. The
earliest AIChE Journal contribution of biomedical interest was
by Powers and associates on mass transfer in blood oxygenators (Landino et al., 1966). Two more articles on the same
problem were published in 1968 by Lightfoot (Lightfoot,
1968)) and Dan Hershey (Hershey and Karhan, 1968).
Other chemical engineers conducted important studies examining mass transfer in various blood filtration devices. An
important period in Merrills research deals with his attention
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Figure 1. Diffusion cell from the mid 1960s used in detailed studies of solute permeation in biocompatible membranes with possible use in hemodialyzers

to problems related to solute diffusion in biomembranes, and to

applications of membranes to artificial kidney devices. With
the expert assistance of his graduate student Clark Colton (now
at MIT), the foundations were set for what is now the accepted
methodology for evaluation of membranes in hemodialyzers.
Of numerous outstanding publications in this area, Colton et al.
(1969) is particularly significant. This article refers to a freevolume analysis of high-molecular-weight solute diffusion in
polymers, and today it is the most acceptable theory for analyzing experimental data of solute diffusion and/or predicting
related diffusion coefficients.
Colton (Colton et al., 1971a,b) and Leonard (Leonard and
Bluemle, 1959, 1960) were early pioneers in these areas. The
work by these two individuals helped define a number of the
mass-transport properties of different hemodialysis membranes
(Colton, 1987). An early diffusion cell was used in some of the
pioneering studies of Colton at MIT in the mid-1960s to
analyze solute permeation in candidate membranes for hemodialysis and is shown in Figure 1. In addition, such studies led
to a rigorous and consistent set of protocols for characterizing
the transport characteristics of hemodialysis membranes
(Gotch et al., 1972; Leonard et al., 1974; Klein et al., 1977).
Colton provided a better understanding of how different solutes
can be removed by hemodialysis (Colton, 1987). Important
contributions to the performance of hemodialyzers were also
presented by Cooney et al. (1978).
From an educational point of view, the early days of BME
within chemical engineering were characterized by the authorship of a wide range of textbooks; both undergraduate and
graduate, written by major leaders of the field (see also Table
2). Of these, Cooneys book became the best-seller of the field
in the 1980s, whereas Lightfoots monograph was and continues to be a standard graduate textbook. Peppas and Mallinson
(1980) conducted the earliest survey of BME in the field of
chemical engineering, and reported on trends of that physiology-based, pre-biology BME period. In 1980, 79 U.S. and
Canadian ChE departments were offering at least one BME
Although significant contributions to biomedical transfer
problems were made during that period, chemical engineers
contributed also to biomedical fluid mechanics. Lightfoot
(1973) summarized a number of flow problems solved through
Newtonian fluid mechanics analysis in elastic conduits. ImporVol. 50, No. 3


Table 2. Early Textbooks or Monographs in Biomedical Engineering Contributions by Chemical Engineering

Daniel Hershey, ed.
Richard C. Seagrave
Stanley Middleman
Kenneth H. Keller
Edwin N. Lightfoot Jr.
David O. Cooney

Chemical Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Plenum Press, New York (1967)
Biomedical Applications of Heat and Mass Transfer, Iowa State University Press, Ames
Transport Phenomena in the Cardiovascular System, Wiley, New York (1972)
Fluid Mechanics and Mass Transfer in Artificial Organs, ASAIO, Washington, DC (1973)
Transport Phenomena and Living Systems, Wiley, New York (1973)
Biomedical Engineering Principles, Dekker, New York (1976)

tant contributions towards understanding the complex flow in

heart valves were initiated in the PhD thesis of Ajit Yoganathan
at the California Institute of Technology (for example, Yoganathan et al., 1978) and led, over the next 25 years, to major
contributions by Yoganathans group to our understanding of
the flow behavior of blood in artificial hearts.
As mathematical modeling of biomedical phenomena became more advanced in the early 1980s, chemical engineers
made seminal contributions to other fields, such as cancer
research and arteriosclerosis. With a careful analysis of the
heat-transfer characteristics of tumors, Rakesh Jain and his
associates at Columbia, Carnegie-Mellon and Harvard (see, for
example, Gullino et al., 1982) developed a most successful
mathematical analysis of temperature gradients in tumors, and,
thus, contributed to our understanding and detection of cancer.
Meanwhile, Clark Colton and his associates at MIT (Feig at el.,
1982; Truskey et al., 1981) were among several engineers who
contributed to our understanding of the development of arteriosclerotic plaques using aortic transport studies with radioactively labeled low-density lipoproteins and cholesterol. Associated modeling analyzed this transport with diffusional,
convective, carrier-mediated transport and vesicular transport

In the early days of biomedical engineering, chemical engineers became pioneers in the development of biomaterials
science and engineering. This is probably associated with significant ChE contributions to the broader field of polymer
science whose chemical engineers were early pioneers. From
1965 to the early 1980s, contributions by Allan Hoffman,
Edward Merrill, Buddy Ratner, Stuart Cooper, Nicholas Peppas, Robert Langer, Larry McIntire, Michael Sefton, David
Tirrell and others opened up the field of biomaterials science.
Table 3 summarizes some groups of biomaterials to which
chemical engineers made contributions in the early days of the
biomedical engineering field.
Some of the early contributions in biomaterials involve the

research of Merrill and his coworkers who did some of the first
studies, understanding what would cause compatibility of biomaterials in contact with blood. Merrills initial studies examined whether heparin might allow a surface to be anti-thrombogenic (Merrill et al., 1966; Britton et al., 1968). He and
others conducted studies to test whether it was the high water
content of hydrogels that could be useful in preventing thrombogenicity, but recognized that this was not sufficient (Merrill
et al., 1970). Merrill and colleagues followed these studies by
examining hydrophobic polymers such as poly(dimethyl siloxane), but they recognized that these too were thrombogenic
(Gifford et al., 1976).
As early as 1974, Merrill and coworkers then turned to
poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO), and showed that it could be useful
as a biomaterial (Merrill and Salzman, 1982). They found that
when PEO was absorbed onto glass vessel walls, subsequent
absorption of proteins, or viruses from solution was prevented.
Other water-soluble polymers that they studied were not nearly
as effective. Building on these studies, Merrill then went on to
produce materials in which PEO chains were crosslinked by
phase separation of segmented polyurethane ureas (Sa da Costa
et al., 1980). He and his colleagues studied PEO and poly(ethylene glycol) monomethyl ether in crosslinked polyfunctional
siloxane networks (Pekala et al., 1986), and synthesized PEO
networks crosslinked by polyfunctional siloxanes (Sung et al.,
1990; Chaikof and Merrill, 1990). They then synthesized PEO
networks formed by radio crosslinking (Merrill, 1992), and
along with Rempp and colleagues developed PEO star molecules for biomedical applications (Rempp et al., 1990).
Meanwhile, Hoffman studied the use of radiation polymerization techniques to prepare biocompatible hydrogels. Hydrogels are crosslinked hydrophilic polymers that form networks
that can swell but not dissolve in biological fluids. Although
available for chemical applications as early as 1935, they
became the subject of intense medical studies after the pioneering work of Wichterle and Lim (1960), who prepared the
earliest poly(hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (PHEMA) hydrogels.
These materials became the contact lenses of choice (known

Table 3. Some Significant Contributions to Biomaterials Science and Engineering by Chemical Engineers



Cellulose Acetate as Hemodialyzer Material


C. Colton, MIT
A. Hoffman, MIT
E. Merrill, MIT
E. Merrill, MIT
N. Peppas, Purdue
M. Sefton, U. Toronto
S. Cooper, U. Wisconsin
B. Ratner, U. Washington
E. Merrill, MIT
R. Langer, MIT


Poly(vinyl alcohol)
Poly(hydroxyethyl methacrylate)
Poly(ethylene oxide)


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nism. Robertson along with William Deen, now at MIT, were

also major originators of a detailed analysis of the renal microcirculation (Robertson et al., 1977).

Chemical Engineering Contributions to Drug


Figure 2. Blood coagulation cascade mechanism as it

was known in 1975 when chemical engineers
were working on the importance of bronectin, kallikrein, prothrombin and thrombin in
blood coagulation.

also as soft contact lenses) in the 1970s. Hoffman and associates became major contributors to this field.
Ratner, who joined the University of Washington first as a
postdoctoral fellow and then as a ChE professor in the 1970s,
made numerous contributions to the field of surface characterization of biomaterials (for example, see Ratner et al., 1990).
Cooper and associates were early pioneers of the structure and
analysis of polyurethanes as biomaterials (Cooper et al., 1997).
Applied thermodynamics and molecular theories were beginning to be applied to the design and understanding of the
dynamic behavior of a wide range of biomaterials, and notably
hydrogels. Early contributions to the development of heparinized poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogels (Peppas and Merrill, 1977)
and ultrapure polymers led to inert hydrogels for long term
potential applications in articular cartilage, contact lenses and
linings for artificial hearts (Hassan and Peppas, 2000). McIntire
also made a number of important early contributions to biomaterials. For example, he developed new models for studying
viscoelastic materials (Yen and McIntire, 1972).
Studies of the mechanisms of blood coagulation were contributed by several chemical engineering researchers including
Channing Robertson of Stanford University (Watkins and Roberston, 1977), who developed the earliest internal total reflection technique for examination of protein adsorption on polymer/biomaterial surfaces. The coagulation cascade mechanism
as understood in 1975, is shown in Figure 2. The work of
Robertson, Merrill, Michael Sefton of the University of Toronto, Stuart Cooper at the University of Wisconsin, and other
chemical engineers led to a better understanding of the function
of various components in this cascade mechanism, notably
kallikrein, fibronectin, and the prothromin/thrombin mechaAIChE Journal

March 2004

One of the medical areas of perhaps the greatest importance

in terms of chemical engineering contributions has been controlled drug delivery systems. These systems now have sales on
the order of 25 billion dollars a year, and have saved countless
lives. Of several chemical engineers, Alan Michaels of MIT
and Stanford was perhaps the earliest to conduct important
studies showing how membranes could control the release of
drugs. He was also a pioneer in the delivery of molecules
through the skin (transdermal drug delivery). Michaels and his
colleagues (including Kumar Chandrasekaran, a chemical engineer from the University of California at Berkeley and ChEMIT-trained polymer chemist, Patrick Wong) developed the
first methods of predicting what types of drug could pass
through the skin (Michaels, 1976, 1985). ALZA Corporation,
where Michaels served as its first executive vice-president,
went on to develop a number of transdermal systems for drugs,
such as estradiol, scopolamine, and nitroglycerin.
However, up until the early 1970s, it was not thought possible to deliver molecules of greater than a few hundred in
molecular weight through polymers. In the early 1970s,
Langers research group began examining this issue. They
discovered that when very hydrophobic polymers, such as
ethylene vinyl acetate, or lactic glycolic acid copolymers were
mixed with macromolecules, such as peptides or proteins under
appropriate conditions, highly porous structures could be created through which molecules could be released for hundreds
of days (Langer and Folkman, 1976) (Figure 3). Building on
this work, various companies were able to then create controlled release systems for a variety of peptides, proteins, and
other macromolecules. One important example was the development of controlled release systems for luteinizing hormone
releasing hormone (LHRH) analogs, such as Zoladex, Lupron
Depot, and Decapeptyl. These systems originally released the
drug for one month and now do so for three or four months.

Figure 3. Glass mold and controlled release pellets for

macromolecules. This scale is in mm.
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4. Hemispheric controlled release

(Adapted from Hsieh et al., 1983)


These systems provide the most widely used method of treating

patients for prostate cancer, endometriosis or precocious puberty. More recently, controlled release systems comprised of
injectable microspheres for releasing the human growth hormone (Nutropin Depot) were developed, and can be used to
treat patients with pituitary dwarfism for either two weeks or
four weeks from a single injection. In addition, drug eluting
stents where rapamycin (MW1,000), or other drugs are incorporated into polymers, thus beginning a revolution in the
treatment of coronary artery disease and restenosis (Morice et
al., 2002; Park et al., 2003).
Chemical engineers have also contributed in creating mathematical models to predict these controlled release phenomena
(Langer and Peppas, 1983). Peppas and collaborators (Gurny et
al., 1982) and Chandrasekaran and Paul (1982) developed
models to describe drug transport from dissolution controlled
systems whereas Peppas and coworkers showed how models
can predict diffusion rates from various polymer systems (Peppas and Ritger, 1987). Specifically, Peppas et al. showed that a
simple exponential relationship describes drug release from
most nonswellable and swellable devices. This equation has
been used by numerous investigators to analyze the release
behavior of various control release systems.
Another major issue is developing drug release delivery
systems. If the drug is uniformly distributed in the polymer and
released solely by diffusion, the release rate will decrease with
time. To address this problem, mathematical models were
developed based on Ficks law and material balances (Rhine et
al., 1980), enabling prediction of release rates as a function of
time. These equations suggested ways to obtain constant release from a matrix type system. One such system is in the
shape of a hemisphere coated with an impermeable coating
everywhere except for a cavity in the center face. The mathematical model predicts that such a system can release drugs at
a constant rate because at early times a drug will diffuse out
from near the matrix surface where little drug is available, even
though the distance the drug must travel is short (Figure 4).
However, at a later time, the drug will travel at a greater
distance, which slows it down. The increased area of drug that
becomes available as the distance from the surface increases
enables the release rate to be essentially constant (Hsieh et al.,

March 2004

1983). Variations of this system have been used to release

drugs for human and animal health, such as antihelmetics to
Another chemical contribution to the field were the early
studies on hydrophilic polymers and hydrogels for the controlled delivery of drugs, peptides, and proteins (Langer and
Peppas, 1983). New swelling-controlled release systems, exhibited an unexpected time-dependent (zero-order) release because of coupling of diffusional and relaxational mechanisms
(Peppas and Lustig, 1985). Mathematical analysis with complex transport equations incorporating the viscoelastic behavior
of the polymer, and its relaxational behavior led to an analysis
during water swelling and drug release. Peppas and Ritger
(1987) proposed the now well-known exponential time dependence of the quantity of drug released, which has become a
useful equation for the analysis of non-Fickian drug delivery.
Other important contributions to oral drug delivery were in
the form of novel mucoadhesive systems for targeted delivery,
for example, buccal, nasal, and vaginal release (Gurny et al.,
1984). For example, dose-dependent, oral drug-delivery systems that administer insulin through a gel composed of poly(methacrylic acid) (PMAA) and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)
have been developed in the last few years (Lowman and
Peppas, 1999). This is one of the first of such systems that has
been shown to work via the oral route. Thus, diabetic patients
can potentially avoid the cumbersome continuous injections of
insulin and, instead, use dose-dependent capsules. The new
system, so far tested in diabetic rats and dogs, can overcome
these barriers. In tests on over 150 rats and dogs that were
given capsules containing microspheres of this PMAA/PEG
graft copolymer carrier, a bioavailability of up to 16% was
New types of pulsatile controlled release systems are being
developed. Examples include systems that can be triggered by
pH, enzymes, magnetism, temperature, and ultrasound (Kost
and Langer, 1991; Brazel and Peppas, 1994; Khare and Peppas,
1993). Most recently, microfabrication has been used to create
novel microchips that can be used to create a pharmacy on a
chip and provide a novel control of drug delivery systems
(Santini et al., 1999).
New methods of the preparation of gels with unique molecular recognition characteristics with molecular imprinting
methods have also been reported (Peppas and Huang, 2002).
For example, biological sensors for glucose are being developed in research that ultimately may help to design intelligent
drug delivery devices that could be implanted in the body to
administer medications, such as insulin. Mesh-like biomimetic gels containing glucose molecules are being created,
and use a slightly acidic chemical to remove the glucose,
leaving behind spaces where the glucose used to be. The
approach attempts to mimic how some molecules attach to
binding sites on other molecules. Such binding is critical to
various biological processes. Each binding site possesses the
proper shape and other characteristics for it to bind to a specific
molecule. An important aspect of the research is that the gels
are prepared with benign manufacturing processes.
Another important focus has been on trying to create new
materials for drug delivery and other medical areas. In many
cases, scientists used off the shelf materials that somehow
resembled the organ or tissue they were trying to fix. An
example was the artificial heart where a polyether urethane was
Vol. 50, No. 3

AIChE Journal

used, even though it was originally derived from a ladies girdle

because it had good flexural properties (Peppas and Langer,
1994). In contrast, chemical engineering design may provide an
extremely useful way of creating biomaterials with nearly ideal
properties. One example of this can again be found in drug
delivery where initially most polymers are degraded by bulk
erosion, which could possibly lead to dose dumping. From an
engineering standpoint it would be far better if one could
achieve surface erosion. A variety of issues must be addressed
from an engineering standpoint to do this. The first is whether
the materials should dissolve enzymatically or hydrolytically.
Enzymatic degradation could lead to a variation from patient to
patient, because enzyme levels could vary between individuals.
In addition, the cellular response could change over time.
However, all individuals have excess water; thus hydrolysis as
a mechanism should lead to a very high degree of reproducibility.
Thus, the first design criterion would be that the polymer
should be hydrolytically as opposed to enzymatically degraded.
The next criterion involves the nature of the monomers. If one
were to achieve surface erosion it would be important to use
hydrophobic monomers that make it difficult for water to
permeate the matrix. The next issue is to enable the polymer to
degrade at desired rates. Here, it is important to create bonds
that are very hydrolytically reactive. By examining various
bond chemistries, the anhydride bond was selected. The next
issue is to determine the correct monomers. Working with
toxicologists one can select monomers that are able to be
synthesized appropriately but will also degrade to safe degradation products. With these criteria, monomers, such as carboxyphenoxypropane (CPP) and sebacic acid (SA) were chosen (Leong et al., 1986). These polymers were then synthesized
(Leong et al., 1987; Domb and Langer, 1987; Domb et al.,
1988). Interestingly, by changing the copolymer ratios of CPP
to SA, the polymer can be made to last from a few days to
many years (Leong et al., 1985). These polymers are now being
used in combination with chemotherapy drugs to treat brain
cancer patients, and became the first system approved by the
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treating brain
cancer in over 20 years. Furthermore, this system was the first
chemotherapy drug delivery system to be approved by the
FDA. The concept of local chemotherapy is now being used to
treat different types of cancer as well in cardiovascular disease.
A critical area in guiding drug safety and performance is
pharmacokinetics. Here, Bischoff and Dedrick have pioneered
the use of simulations in modeling drug disposition and kinetics from in vitro to in vivo systems, and across species. They
were the first to provide simple yet accurate compartmental
models for the pharmacokinetic analysis of drug distribution.
Their work has been fundamental to explaining the pharmacokinetics of methotrexate and other drugs (Bischoff and Brown,
1966; Bischoff et al., 1972; Dedrick et al., 1972). Rakesh Jains
research has provided a crucial guidance in the delivery of
drugs to solid tumors. He and his colleagues have shown that
high-pressure is a characteristic of all solid tumors and can
compromise the delivery of macromolecules to the tumor site
(Helmlinger et al., 1997). He also discovered that the anomalous assembly of the collagen network is a key barrier to the
delivery of macromolecules in tumors, and proposed that this
barrier can be circumvented by drugs that interfere with collagen synthesis. Another important area involves biosensors to
AIChE Journal

March 2004

detect glucose or other molecules. Ongoing work in electrically

based biosensors by Heller provides promising research avenues where chemical engineers are developing novel materials
based approaches to creating new sensors (Heller et al., 1991)

Tissue Engineering
Chemical engineers have also played a central role in creating novel approaches for forming new tissues. In one approach,
cells are placed on highly porous polymer matrices. The concept is that when isolated cells are injected in the body at
random, they are not able to form tissue structures. However,
when they are placed close enough to each other they actually
do form such structures, presumably because of signals they
are able to give to each other. This has been shown, for
example, by placing endothelial cells close together in vitro
where they can form capillaries (Folkman and Haudenchild,
1980), and when mammary epithelial cells are placed close
together, they from acini and make milk (Bissell and BacellosHoff, 1987).
Langer and Vacanti (Vacanti et al., 1988) hypothesized that
by creating the appropriate polymer structures, and with the
correct tissue culture medium, an environment could be created
where there would be a very large surface area per unit volume,
enabling a large number of cells to be grown in such a way that
they would be in close contact with each other. The polymers
were also designed to be degradable so that possible long-term
biologic reactions to them many years later would not be able
to occur. The concept was to initially design a tissue outside the
body, which could then be transplanted into the body where it
could function. The first polymers that were studied were lactic
and glycolic acid, which have biodegradability, biocompatibility, and good physical processing properties. A variety of other
polymers have been synthesized, such as poly(lactic acid)
lysine copolymers that have the ability through the lysines
amino terminus to attach various informational molecules, such
as peptide sequences, which could be helpful for specific cells.
Bioreactors also play an important role in growing these
cells. An example has been the work of Niklason et al. (1999)
who found in trying to create blood vessels, that it was very
difficult to create such vessels simply with the conventional
approach of growing cells on a polymer under normal tissue
culture conditions. However, by connecting the cells on a
polymer tube in a bioreactor to a pulsatile pump that could beat
at a 165 beats per m simulating a heart, Niklason and coworkers were able to make a fully functional blood vessel that could
be implanted in pigs, and stay patent for months. Tissue engineering has already led to the point where new skin can be
created for burn victims, and where cartilage is being placed in
patients. Various other tissues such as tendons, ligaments,
livers, ureters, bones, and others are in animal trials and, in
some cases, clinical trials (Langer et al., 1995; Vacanti and
Langer, 1999).
A different type of approach in which chemical engineers
have played a major role has been to encapsulate cells in
polymers, which serve as immunoisolation membranes. Here,
the concept is to create membranes that allow small molecules,
such as glucose or other nutrients to diffuse through, but can
prevent large molecules, such as immunoglobulins or immune
cells from entering the membrane. Pioneering work by Chick
and Solomon (Sullivan et al., 1991) has shown that hollowVol. 50, No. 3


fiber ultrafiltration membranes could be used to treat diabetic

dogs. They used an acrylonitrile vinyl chloride copolymer
which is impermeable to antibodies that have molecular
weights (MW) greater than 150,000. However, insulin (MW
6,000) and glucose (MW 180) were able to diffuse through it.
They were able to use a relatively wide diameter fiber that
could be connected to blood vessels, thus able to treat diabetic
dogs in the same manner (Sullivan et al., 1991).
Other groups have used microcapsules as immunoisolation
membranes. For example, Sefton and coworkers have used
polyacrylates, which they were able to dissolve in low toxicity
organic solvents and encapsulate islets, liver or other cells
(Uludag and Sefton, 1993). They were able to make these
membranes by phase inversion (Hwang and Sefton, 2000).
Other scientists encapsulated cells in alginate, which can be
ionically crosslinked, have synthesized novel polyphosphazenes (Cohen et al., 1990), which also can be ionically
crosslinked, created new polymers that could be photopolymerized directly onto the islets (Sawhney et al., 1994).
Modeling studies may also prove useful in designing the
right number of ligands on a particular material. Lauffenburger
and coworkers have measured rates of migration of smooth
muscle cells on surfaces coated with different amounts of either
fibronectin or collagen, both of which are adhesive proteins.
They discovered that very slow migration could result from
low traction at very low surface concentration of the adhesive
protein, or from high traction at high concentration. They also
found that the rate of migration depends on both the affinity of
a cell receptor for a particular adhesion ligand, and the distribution of receptors on the cell surface. When the affinity of the
receptor for the ligand is strong, the cells migrate fastest at low
ligand concentrations. When the distribution of receptors of the
leading and trailing edges of the cell is quite asymmetric, cells
migrate fast at a wide range of ligand concentration (Lauffenberger, 1991). Such fndings may be useful in creating biomaterials for tissue engineering because they show that the incorporation of too many or too few ligands into this material may
be counterproductive.

Future Directions
We believe that biomedical engineering is taking on a continually increased role within the field of chemical engineering.
This is reflected by increased student demand, new job opportunities in the newly emerging biotechnology industry, faculty
hiring, and even departmental name changes in a number of
cases. This increased role reflects the challenges ahead in
training and research. From a training standpoint, new courses
are being designed to teach fundamentals combining engineering and biology to instruct students on critical aspects of this
rapidly changing field (Saltzman, 2001). From a research
standpoint, molecular design and engineering principles will be
applied in a range of new areas including gene therapy delivery, biosensor design, new imaging agents, novel biomaterials,
and other areas where chemistry and engineering will undoubtedly impact medicine. We believe that chemical engineering
has played a major role in biomedical engineering in the past,
but that it is importance in the future will be even more

March 2004

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Manuscript received Nov 5, 2003.

Vol. 50, No. 3

AIChE Journal

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