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 Horse riding-

Carreras de
 Gymnastics- Gimnasia caballos
 Aerobics - Aerobic
 Handball- Balonmano  Rugby- Rugby
 American football - Futbol Amer.
 Hang gliding-Ala Delta  Sailing- Vela
 Archery - Tiro con arco
 High diving- Salto de  Shooting_ Tiro
 Badminton - Bádminton trampolín
 Skateboarding_
 Baseball - Baseball Monopatín
 High jump- Salto de
altura  Snowboarding-
 Basketball - Baloncesto
 Hiking-Senderismo
 Beach volleyball l- Voley playa
 Soccer_Fútbol
 Hockey- Hockey
 Billiards - Billar  Squash_ Squash
 Hurdle race-Salto de
 Bowling - Bolos  Surfing-Surfing
 Canoeing- Canoa  Swimming-
 Ice hockey- Hockey Natación
 Car racing – Carreras de coches hielo
 Snorkelling_Buceo
 Chess _ Ajedrez  In-line skating- Patinaje
en linea  Table tennis_tenis
 Climbing - Escalada de mesa
 Jogging- Correr
 Cricket - Cricket  Tenis -Tenis
 Martial arts-Artes
 Paddleball_Pádel
 Cycling_ Ciclismo marciales
 The discus-Disco
 Dancing_ Danza  Taekwondo-
Taekwondo  The javelin-
 Darts_Dardos Jabalina
 Judo- Judo
 Diving_ Submanirismo  Volleyball_
 Karate- Karate Voleyball
 Fencing- Esgrima
 Walking-Caminar
 Long jump-Salto de
 Figure skating_Patinaje artístico
longitud  Water polo
 Fishing- Pesca
 Motorbike sports -  Weight lifting_
Motociclismo Levantamiento
 Football-Futbol
de pesas
 Gliding- Vuelo sin motor  Parachuting-
Paracaidismo  Windsurfing
 Golf_Golf  Wrestling_ Lucha
 Polo-Polo

Antonia Román Hernández 2009-10 IES Pay Arias.Espejo.Córdoba

 Ball - Balón

 Bat_ Bate ( En tenis de mesa

paleta)  Goal Porteria

 Board Tabla, tablero  Net red

 Cleats Tacos  Whistle Silbato

 Clubs Palos de golf  King Rey

 Gloves Guantes  Queen Reina

 Paddle Remo  Pawn Peón

 Piece Ficha  Reins Riendas

 Puck Disco ( en hockey hielo)  Hat Sombrero

 Racket Raqueta  Boots Botas

 Saddle Silla de montar  Shorts Pantalón corto

 Stick Palo (hockey)  Wetsuit Traje de neoprene

 Suit Traje  Helmet Casco

 Pads (knee pad, shoulder pad…)


 Court Cancha, Pista  Pitch Campo, terreno

 Rink Pista de Patinaje  Board Tablero

 Table Mesa  Track Pista

 Race Course Hipódromo  Pool Piscina

 Field Campo  Circuit Circuito

 Ring Cuadrilátero

 Stadium Estadio

Antonia Román Hernández 2009-10 IES Pay Arias.Espejo.Córdoba

Use PLAY with any competitive game that you can play.

I love playing chess from time to time.

He plays basketball, soccer and hockey.

Use GO with activities that can be done alone.

She goes horse riding twice a week.

This summer we´re going to go windsurfing every day.

Use DO with groups of related activities.

He has been doing gymnastics for over five years now.

He does athletics for his local track club.

 To beat Derrotar, batir  To cheer Animar

 To lose Perder  To throw Lanzar

 To win Ganar  To support Apoyar

 To draw Empatar  To kick Dar una patada al balón

 To tackle … placar, entrarle a ..


Nil………. Cero Trainer Entrenador

(1,2,3..) all….. empate a Coach Entrenador

Love…….. cero ( tenis) Score Marcador

Defender Defensa Goal Gol

Team Equipo Supporters Seguidores

Referee Árbitro Player Jugadores.

Goalkeeper Portero

Antonia Román Hernández 2009-10 IES Pay Arias.Espejo.Córdoba

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