Literature The Jordanian
Literature The Jordanian
Literature The Jordanian
Who stands up for the study of literature in Jordan to be concerned by the temporal
and spatial boundaries of this literature and define the concept of a geo-political,
reliable in his study, to see how this literature grew up, and how he grew up? And
the influences that contributed to the growth and maturity? Studies and historical
events of the twentieth century, indicate that Jordan before the establishment of the
emirate in 1921 was part of Syria's natural, it includes northern Palestine and Jordan
today, and was the scene of underdevelopment, illiteracy and tribal invasion, and
the policy Turkification. Studies did not indicate to school to learn Arabic literature
and eloquent, but transmission of ancestral colors of hair and colloquial colloquial
and popular literature, scholars did not refer to the genres published or maxims for
Jordanian writers during the Turkish rule.
The Observers of the movement of literature in Jordan could monitor the track
through three stages, namely: Literature time Emirate (1921 - 1946), literature
between the Nakba and the setback (1947-1967), or time of unit two banks, and
literature after a setback in June 1967 until today. This is a quick review of these
three directions.
Literature The Jordanian time of the Emirate of Jordan: There must be reference to
the nature of the link to Jordan, the Levant claimed until the end of Ottoman rule
and to the dominance of invasions of tribal relations between the tribes and the
rural population and the paucity of education and the absence of newspapers,
magazines and schools that teach Arabic, and education was limited to Koranic
schools and the Senate that do not merely culture and curricula of the principles of
little account, and focus on the Quran and writing calligraphy, was established, the
first Jordanian high school in 1923, after the arrival of Prince Abdullah two years
two, in which the first class graduated in 1928.
The Emirate's the role of national, national, and cultural and literary, and adopted
the Prince Abdullah Bin Al-Hussein intellectuals and writers of the sons of Syria,
Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Iraq and enlightened Arab who had come to him after
the fall of the Arab government after the battle of Maysaloun in 1920, and this led
to the response of the emirate with the Arab community's new, it is society
composed of a campaign of ideas of nationalism and national, has attracted writers
and educators the mobilized nationalist sentiment resistant to colonialism and
underdevelopment, retail, and some have created a few years, including the best
religion Zarkali from Syria, and Fouad Khatib, from Lebanon, and others lived in
Jordan, where he settled and received Jordanian citizenship, such as Nadim Mallah
Lebanese poet and Hamad Achariqi poet journalist who created the newspaper the
Arab Middle East first newspaper Jordanian issued in Amman after the
establishment of the emirate, and to facilitate Zbian Syrian journalist, who conveyed
his newspaper island from Damascus to Amman in 1939, the opening pages of a
literary movement thriving, he joined the Arab writers and poets of all persuasions
and methods of their lives, and the voice calling for Arab unity, to antagonize the
French and British, and was closed times, and contributed to the care of writers
Jordanian youth, and encouraged the movement of cash, shares of Crown Prince
Abdullah himself to write for. The eloquent man of letters collected in his court
writers, poets, and interlocutors Isaglhm in poetry and literary history, and what he
means Arab poets, and has a collection of poems and literary works fully published.
And issued dozens of magazines and newspapers, the time the emirate, and the
pages were published hundreds of poems and literary essays, stories, small, and
this has paved for the establishment of a literary movement stability and the
welfare state has not forgotten the impact of Arab intellectuals who gathered in
Jordan after the fall of Faisaly in Damascus and their contribution in establishing the
literary movement of Jordan .
At a time when the emirate prospered poetry and prose and got up literature at the
hands of leaders of the sons of Jordan original, it was (Arar Mustafa Wahbi hill) Poet
of Jordan's first represents this stage the best representation, said poetry is
eloquent Mnzawma closer to the spirit of the people, and the votes in a bold
spokesman for the poor of the nation and Mazlomiha dealt with in my hair alcohol
and crushed the lives of the Roma category that belong to a non-Arab origin, living
in Jordan, and an offense to play musical instruments and begging, and live mobile
Jordanian village to another, love of country has been obsessed with the first poet.
In the field of prose, Muhammad Subhi Abu Trophy first of the books Songs night,
a group of stories of social, ethical, moral, and the thoughts advanced in the art of
literature in this phase of the Emirate of Jordan, and Abu booty poet lice.
And the cradle of these Alodiban Alordnian path generation produced literature The
content of national and unitary resistance to colonialism and underdevelopment, of
meaning philosophical, humanistic and political seeks to change and ushering in the
performance of the terms a refined and articulate language Ohlihama to be the pilot
in Jordan, and there were poets, the lowest figure of them, and some of them
matured experience after the era of the emirate, and appeared in two anthologies
Charian this stage are: structures Love Husni Fariz, and groundswell Ogarrid
Husni Zaid, but felt Arar did not print until after his death in 1949.
In the area of the long story appeared in the emirate book memories of Shukri
Sha'sha'a in 1945, and the book Where protectors of virtue? To facilitate Zbian,
was published in serialized in the newspaper island.
The short story was Luna written by some literary writers were a writer specializing
in a specific phase of the Emirate of Jordan, but dozens of stories published in
magazines and newspapers, which did not issue any collection of short stories.
Literature The Jordanian after unit two shores (1950 - 1967): fled to Jordan after the
plight of Palestine in 1948 about half a million Palestinian refugees to the East Bank,
and met the people of the West Bank in Jericho, decided to join Jordan in one state
in 1950, and separated the rest of the Palestinian people in the regions of the
earth , and became the Jordanian society consists of two Palestinians and Jordanians
by close, gathering the identity of a Jordanian-Palestinian uniform and literature,
which emerged a new This is a new trend, the population doubled, and the
expanded area of the country, and many schools, students and university graduates
and active movement of culture and literature, grew up a permanent dialogue on
Palestinian concern and trends are apparent literary variety, which is characteristic
of this stage, and issued genres available, in addition to the large number of forums
the moral and the increasing number of newspapers, and produced a literature a
diverse content trends, there are writers Palestinian Jordanian who wrote the novel
and the story such as Fri Hammad, useful bee, Secretary of infamy, and the writers
Jordanian wrote this kind of literature such as Issa Na'ouri, Husni Fariz, Solomon
There are poets, Jordanian, Palestinian, such as: Khalil Zaqtan, Fadwa Toukan, and
Friday Hammad, Asad Muhammad al-Qasim, the Secretary of infamy, Ayoub Taha,
Raja Samreen, and Kamal Nasser, Youssef Al-Khatib, organized poetry traditionally
felt free, The most famous poets of East Bank Jordanians understand Husni Fariz
Abdul Monem Rifai, The most famous poets, free poetry at this stage to understand
Abdel Rahim Omar, and to facilitate Zabul, and Haidar Mahmood, Asad Muhammad
At this stage, was about eighty collection of poems and ten novels, short story and
in the back of Sayf al-Din Iran has five groups of stories, and the Secretary of Persia
Malhas, and Muhammad Adib al-Amiri.
Post a setback in June 1967 to date:
The holding of the fifties and sixties the establishment phase of the Literature The
Jordanian real, wherein grew literary magazines specialized foster literature and
encourage writers, has issued Issa Na'ouri magazine pen new in 1961, and was
the mouthpiece of the educated Jordanians, collected young poets and Qassaseen
on their pages, published production per week, for five years (1961 - 1965), and
then issued by the Department of Culture and Arts in Jordan, the magazine Ideas
in 1966, and still today, and adopt the first literature Jordanian, Arab and II. At this
stage varied platforms of Literary and many authoring, and raised the Jordanian
Writers Association in 1976, involving hundreds of poets and writers in their
activities, and fueled the Jordanian media newspapers and magazines Jordanian
programs and energies colors literary many, and the numerous critical studies in
this literature, we can say that the number of collections of poetry the Jordanian
Hnevic collection of poems on the four hundred and eighty-one hundred novels and
novellas, as well as hundreds of books dealing with literary thoughts.
The theme of literary studies of Jordan, the first of these references, specialized in
literature and its relevance and role are studies Nasir al-Din al-Assad: literary trends
in Palestine and Jordan, and Modern Poetry in Palestine and Jordan, has staked
literature, Palestinian and Jordanian together, without limitation, and focused on
literature emirate, but Abdta path for walking and researchers, and the studies
Samir Qatami: the literary movement in the east of Jordan, and the literary
movement in Jordan has PMs addressed genres different without the focus on the
sex of a moral given, and the hair grew studies: poetry movement on the East Bank
of Jesus Na'ouri, the study of Mahmoud Mohsen Mhidat: Trends poets of northern
Jordan, the Ahtmta hair in a narrow, focused study Fawaz Touqan: poetic movement
in Jordan, on the descriptive statistics in a few pages, marked by study, Ibrahim
Khalil: Contemporary Poetry in Jordan as a collection of essays critical of the limited