Elements of TQM PDF
Elements of TQM PDF
Elements of TQM PDF
European Scientific Journal February 2014 /SPECIAL/ edition vol.3 ISSN: 1857 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431
European Scientific Journal February 2014 /SPECIAL/ edition vol.3 ISSN: 1857 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431
Probably the most important element of TQM. Appears everywhere in organization.
Leadership in TQM means that the manager must have the vision to inspire, to trace the
strategic directions that would be understood and implemented by all employees that will
lead subordinates. For TQM to be successful in business supervisor must be dedicated
leadership subordinates. A leader must understand the TQM, believe in his principles and to
demonstrate this fact by faith every day. Supervisor to ensure that strategies, philosophies,
values and goals are transmitted down the organization in order to provide focus, clarity and
Effective leadership starts with the development of a mission statement,
followed by a strategy, which is translated into action plans down through the organisation.
These, combined with a TQM approach, should result in a quality organisation, with satisfied
customers and good business results.
A key factor is that TQM must be introduced and led by management at the highest
level. Personal involvement and commitment is absolutely necessary from the top
management in determining values and goals for all levels in line with company objectives
and define the systems, methods and measurable indicators to achieve these goals.
Communication is one that unites all these concepts. This acts as a vital link between
all elements of TQM. Communication is there a common understanding of the ideas so that it
emits and the one who receives them. TQM success is conditioned by the communication
between all members of the organization, suppliers and customers. Superiors should create
and maintain channels of communication through which to receive and transmit information
about TQM processes. Sharing of accurate information is vital. For a credible communication
is absolutely necessary that the message be clear that the interpretation of receptor to be in the
sense in which the broadcaster has intentionally.
This is the last element of the system, it should be given both for and suggestions for
performance, both for teams and individuals.
Employees shall endeavor to obtain recognition for themselves and for their teams. Detection
and recognition of individual contribution is the most important duty that each supervisor has.
Then when people recognized the merits of producing major changes in terms of self respect,
productivity, quality and quantity of effort for each task.
Recognition is the greatest impact when it is close can be a reward or just a message from top
Models for the representation of TQM
It was proposed several models for the representation of TQM, in accordance with
definitions given by different researchers (Stancu, 2004).
Model Oakland (1989) proposes that TQM representation of a pyramid in the supply
chain to customer-supplier of quality systems, tools of statistical quality control method of
teamwork. These are integrated to support communication by stimulating the cultivation of a
new industrial crops and immediate employment of all managerial structures.
The model focuses on meeting customer requirements in the external and the internal
(which is translated by satisfying the requirements of any recipient of services or track the
flow of production), the firm commitment to quality that has to start from the high level of
management and should be reflected until the last level. This commitment is found both in
quality investments for the specific field of activity, and by increasing the risk taken in an
effort to get success (Kakkar et. al., 2007).
European Scientific Journal February 2014 /SPECIAL/ edition vol.3 ISSN: 1857 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431
A good quality management system covers all major aspects of business such as
management, conception, design, materials, manufacturing processes, qualifications,
distribution of products and services. TQM requires a continuing review of compliance with
agreed standards of clients and performance tracking tools with statistical control of
processes. The "team work" model involves promoting the idea of continuous and sustained
improvement, and implementation in the organization.
Model SOHAL (1989) suggests that quality improvement continues to come from an
integrated approach to quality control action plans at various operations during the business
The principal elements of the model are:
- focusing the customer: the objective of all of the organization should improve the quality of
processes and services delivered.
- engage management to build a culture and an environment of quality, expressed by
changing attitudes and expectations and supported by the measurement and quality control.
- total staff participation from the base to the peak, the problems associated with
understanding the processes in the sense of moral responsibility and membership.
- use of statistical techniques for analysis of correlated data and to solve various problems.
- a systematic process of solving problems using the cycle execution-check-action-and
concentration items on clients business process.
Three dimensional model proposed by Price and Gaskill. This model is to:
- the size of products and services, and the degree to which a customer is satisfied with our
products and services;
- personal dimension and the degree to which a customer is satisfied relationship with the
organization providing personnel;
- size processes and the degree to which the supplier is satisfied with the internal working
processes, which are used to develop products and services provided to the client.
The three dimensions are considered together and reflect the organization and request
that it can evaluate, analyze and can only improve business.
In terms of scope of TQM, there are implementations in the different areas are:
protection of health education and research; government agencies; the environment; banks;
The difficulties encountered in implementing TQM come most often from:
- lack of sufficient involvement of top management;
- resistance to change;
- insufficient training and education;
- the poor communication;
- lack of resources, high costs.
For the enterprise stimulation and implementation of the TQM, the European
Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) has developed starting with 1991, European
Quality Award EQA. Developing this reward system, was achieved with the help of
European Organization for Quality and European Commission. The pressure of new
conditions in the world economy, globalization of market demand orientation and relaxation
dynamics of technology and resources, orientation and expectations of customers, forcing the
application of appropriate managerial concepts, this being a condition of competitiveness.
By entering the European Quality Award, is meant by the European Foundation for
Quality Management (EFQM) the stimulation and implementation of the TQM.
TQM refers to an integrated approach by management to focus all functions and
levels of an organization on quality and continuous improvement.
European Scientific Journal February 2014 /SPECIAL/ edition vol.3 ISSN: 1857 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431
Over the years TQM has become very important for improving a firm's process capabilities in
order to achieve fit and sustain competitive advantages. TQM focuses on encouraging a
continuous flow of incremental improvements from the bottom of the organization's
TQM is not a complete solution formula as viewed by many formulas cannot solve
managerial problems, but a lasting commitment to the process of continuous improvement.
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