Origami Book

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Presented at the 2002 Automated Software Engineering Conference in Edinburgh, Scotland, pp 81-92.

Generating Product-Lines of Product-Families

Don Batory, Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon, Jean-Philippe Martin
Department of Computer Sciences
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas 78712
{batory, rlopez, jpmartin}@cs.utexas.edu
GenVoca is a methodology and technology for generating
product-lines, i.e. building variants of a program. The
primitive components from which applications are constructed are refinements or layers, which are modules that
implement a feature that many programs of a product-line
can share. Unlike conventional components (e.g., COM,
CORBA, EJB), a layer encapsulates fragments of multiple
classes. Sets of fully-formed classes can be produced by
composing layers. Layers are modular, albeit unconventional, building blocks of programs.
But what are the building blocks of layers? We argue that
facets is an answer. A facet encapsulates fragments of
multiple layers, and compositions of facets yields sets of
fully-formed layers. Facets arise when refinements scale
from producing variants of individual programs to producing variants of multiple integrated programs, as typified
by product families (e.g., MS Office).
We present a mathematical model that explains relationships between layers and facets. We use the model to
develop a generator for tools (i.e., product-family) that are
used in language-extensible Integrated Development
Environments (IDEs).

1. Introduction
Over the last thirty years, program modularity has been
dominated by object-orientation (OO): method, class, and
package encapsulations are standard concepts. Over this
same period, another form of program modularity has
arisen. The concept is feature refinement that is, a module that encapsulates the implementation of a feature,
which is a product characteristic that customers view as
important in describing and distinguishing programs
within a family of related programs (e.g., a product-line)
Feature refinement is a very general concept and many
different implementations of it have been proposed, each
with different names, capabilities, and limitations: layers
[2], features [18], collaborations [25, 35, 21], subjects

[16], aspects [19], and concerns [33]. Unlike traditional

component technologies (such as COM, CORBA, and
EJB), a feature refinement encapsulates not an entire
method or class, but rather fragments of methods and
classes. Figure 1 depicts a package of three classes, c1
c3. Refinement r1 cross-cuts these classes, i.e., it encapsulates fragments of c1c3. The same holds for refinements r2 and r3. Composing refinements r1r3 yields a
package of fully-formed classes c1c3. Because refinements reify levels of abstraction, feature refinements are
often called layers a name that is visually reinforced by
their vertical stratification of c1c3 in Figure 1. As
refinements, layers, and features are so closely related,
their terms are often used interchangably. In general, layers are modular, albeit unconventional, building blocks of


layers r2
Figure 1. Classes and Refinements (Layers)

This raises an interesting question: if layers (features) are

the building blocks of programs, what are the building
blocks of layers (features)? We argue that an answer is a
facet. The idea is simple: Figure 2 depicts a set of three
layers, r1r3. Facet f1 cross-cuts these layers, i.e., it
encapsulates fragments of r1r3. The same for facets f2
and f3. Composing facets f1f3 yields fully-formed
layers r1r3. Although it appears that Figure 2 is just
Figure 1 turned on its side, where classes and facets are
indistinguishable, this is not the case. Facets are not



Figure 2. Facets

A year ago, we would not have believed facets to exist or,

if they did, to have any utility. To our surprise, we now
believe that they are very common. Facets arise when feature refinements scale beyond the confines of an individual program or package. As a perspective, contemporary
models of feature refinements allow clients to customize
individual programs; the set of all program variants that
can be produced is a product-line. In contrast, a productfamily is an integrated suite of programs, each program
having different capabilities [9]. Microsoft Office is an
example; it includes the Excel (spreadsheet), Word (text
processor), and Access (database) programs. Given how
common product-families are, an interesting question is:
can feature refinements scale to define a product-line of
In this paper, we present new results on feature refinement
modularity. We show that refinements do scale to productfamilies and there are interesting twists in doing so. Previously considered atomic refinements are revealed to be
composed of more elementary refinements called gluons.
Gluons are arranged in regular ways to form both
atomic refinements and facets. We present a model of
gluons, called Origami, that reveals software to have an
elegant mathematical structure that leads to simpler
designs and more powerful models of code generation.
We base our work on GenVoca, a methodology and technology for generating product-lines using feature refinements. This paper shows how GenVoca ideas scale to
product-families, something that has not been demonstrated previously. Further, we argue that our results are
directly applicable to other models, such as Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) [20] and Multi-Dimensional
Separation of Concerns (MDSC) [33, 23, 24], and thus are
not GenVoca-specific. We explore this connection further
in Related Work. We begin with a motivating example that
illustrates the phenomenon of facets.

2. A Motivating Problem
An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a suite
of applications (i.e., a product-family) that allow users to
write, debug, visualize, and document programs. Among
the programs, here called tools, of an IDE are a compiler,
debugger, editor, formatter, and document generator (e.g,
Javadoc). Figure 3a depicts some of these tools, each of
which is implemented in a different package.
The problem we consider is generating IDE tools that all
work on the same language dialect or Domain-Specific
Language (DSL). The use of DSLs have shown benefits in
terms of understandability, maintainability, and extensibility in software design and development processes [11].
Providing IDE tools to support DSL program compilation,
editing, debugging, and document generation is essential


compiler debugger






Figure 3. IDE Tools and Cross-Cutting
Language Features

for the successful adoption of DSL technology. In particular, our work focuses on dialects of Java.
An example of a Java dialect is the one we are using to
write fire-support simulators for the U.S. Army [6]. As a
brief summary, fire support programs are a set of collaborating state machines. Figure 4a depicts a state machine of
three states (s1, s2, s3) and three edges (e1, e2, e3),
where an edge denotes a transition from one state to
another. For example, edge e3 begins at state s1 and ends
at state s3. Wide spectrum languages, like Java, are typically used to implement state machines. The resulting
code, even when using the state machine design pattern
[14], is often ugly, involving nested switch statements,
large numbers of methods or classes. This places a burden
on maintenance engineers because they must re-engineer
the simple abstractions of state machines (e.g., Figure 4a)
from the code in order to understand and modify it. In contrast, Figure 4b shows the specification of Figure 4a in our
extended Java language. Highlighted are state declarations
and edge declarations. We have found that state-machineextended Java programs are about half the size of their
pure-Java counterparts, and this in turn simplifies the writing, maintenance, and understanding of domain-specific
programs. Similar benefits accrue when other extensions,
such as templates, are added to Java.
In the future, we expect to work in other domains, each
requiring their own specific extensions to Java. This
means that we need to be able to construct IDE tools targeted for a particular Java dialect, or more generally, we
need to define a product-line for a product-family of IDE
tools. The novelty of our work is that we are using refinements (layers) as the unit of modularity.
Figure 3b revisits our IDE tools, but this time we expose
the layers from which they were constructed. One layer,
Java, encapsulates a cross-cut of the compiler, debugger,
and document generation packages that is specific to the
Java language. A second layer, Sm, encapsulates another
cross-cut of these tools; the encapsulated code fragments







state_machine example {
event_delivery receive_message(M m);
no_transition { error( -1, m ); }
otherwise_default { ignore_msg(m); }

Figure 5. A GUI for an IDE-Tool Generator

states s1, s2, s3;


edge e1 : s1 -> s2
conditions !booltest() do
{ /* e1 action */ }


edge e2 : s2 -> s3
conditions booltest() do
{ /* e2 action */ }
edge e3 : s1 -> s3
conditions true do
{ /* e3 action */ }
// Java class data members and
// methods from here
boolean booltest() { ... }
example() { current_state = start; }

Figure 4. State Machines in Extended Java

implement our state machine extension to Java. (That is,

Sm extends the compiler tool to compile state machine
specifications, it also extends the debugger so that it can
debug state machine programs, etc.) A third layer, Tmpl,
encapsulates the code fragments that implement our template extension to Java.
In principle, this is encouraging: layers (features) scale to
product-families. That is, refinements scale to the encapsulation of fragments of multiple tools. Further, it appears
that an IDE tool generator has a simple, declarative GUI
front-end. Figure 5 suggests its basic outline: a client
selects a set of optional language features and a set of tools
(as not all might be needed), and by pressing the Generate button, the generator produces the requested set of
IDE tools to work on the specified dialect of Java.
While the GUI is simple, the technology that underlies this
generator is sophisticated. To understand how it works, we
first review the GenVoca model and the Jakarta Tool Suite.

3. GenVoca
GenVoca is a design methodology for creating productlines and building architecturally-extensible software

i.e., software that is extensible via component additions

and removals. GenVoca is an outgrowth of an old and
practitioner-ignored methodology called step-wise refinement [12], which asserts that efficient programs can be
created by revealing implementation details in a progressive manner. Traditional work on step-wise refinement has
focussed on microscopic program refinements (e.g., x+0
x), for which one had to apply hundreds or thousands
of refinements to yield admittedly small programs. While
the approach is fundamental and industrial infrastructures
are on the horizon [7, 27], GenVoca extends step-wise
refinement by scaling refinements to a multi-class-crosscut granularity, so that each refinement adds a feature to a
program, and composing a few refinements yields an
entire application.

3.1. Model Concepts

The central idea is programs are values and that refinements are functions that add features to programs. Consider the following constants that represent programs with
different features:

// program with feature f

// program with feature g

A refinement is a function that takes a program as input

and produces a refined (or feature-augmented) program as

// adds feature i to program x

// adds feature j to program x

A multi-featured application is specified by an equation,

i.e., a named composition of functions. Different equations define a family of applications, such as:
app1 = i(f)
// app1 has features i & f
app2 = j(g)
// app2 has features j & g
app3 = i(j(f)) // app3 has features i, j, & f

Thus, by casually inspecting an equation, one can determine features of an application.

Note that there is a subtle but important confluence of
ideas: a function represents both a feature and its implementation there can be different functions that offer different implementations of the same feature:



adds feature k with

implementation1 to x
adds feature k with
implementation2 to x

When an application requires feature k, it is a problem of

equation optimization to determine which implementation
of k would be the best (e.g., provide the best performance)1. It is possible to automatically design software
(i.e., produce an equation that optimizes some quantitative
criteria) given a set of declarative constraints for a target
application. An example of this kind of automated reasoning is in [5].
Although GenVoca constants and functions appear to be
untyped, typing constraints do exist in the form of design
rules. Design rules capture syntactic and semantic constraints that govern the legal composition of features [3]. It
is not unusual that the selection of a feature will disable
(or enable) the selection of other features. For this paper,
design rules constrain the order in which features are composed. Details of their specification are beyond the scope
of this paper and can be found in [3].

3.2. Model Implementation

Feature refinements are intimately related to collaboration-based designs [25, 30, 28]. A collaboration is a
generic relationship among multiple classes. An individual
class represents a particular role in a collaboration, and is
a set of data members, methods, and method overrides that
are needed to carry out this role. Because collaborations
are defined largely in isolation of each other, they define
features that are reusable, i.e., that can be used in the construction of many applications. A particular application is
a composition of collaborations. Each class of an application plays one or more roles, where each role originates
from a different collaboration.
A GenVoca constant is a set of classes. Figure 6 depicts a
constant i with four classes (aidi). A GenVoca function
is a set of classes and class refinements. A class extension
is a subclass2: it encapsulates new data members, methods, and method overrides of its parent class. Figure 6
shows the result of applying function j to i: three classes
are extended and another class is added. (That is, j encapsulates a cross-cut that includes classes aj, cj, and dj that
extend ai, ci and di respectively, and adds class ej).
Figure 6 also shows the application of function k to j(i),
1. Different equations represent different programs and equation optimization is over the space of semantically equivalent programs. This is
identical to relational query optimization: a query is initially represented
by a relational algebra expression, and this expression is optimized. Each
expression represents a different, but semantically equivalent, queryevaluation program as the original expression.
2. More accurately, a class extension is a subclass that assumes the
name of its parent class. This is different than typical subclassing, but is a
simple way in which the contents of a class can be refined.

resulting in two classes being extended. In general, a forest of inheritance hierarchies is created as layers are composed, and this forest grows progressively broader and
deeper as the number of layers increase [4].











Figure 6. Implementing Refinements as Collaborations

Linear inheritance chains, called refinement chains, are

common in this implementation method. The general rule
is that only the bottom-most class of a refinement chain is
instantiated, because this class implements all roles that
were assigned to it. These classes are shaded in Figure 6.
For example, the bottom-most class of the c refinement
chain plays the roles ci, cj, and ck in the collaborations i,
j, and k respectively.
Because GenVoca functions may be composed in arbitrary
orders, class extensions can be implemented as mixins
(modulo footnote 2). A mixin is a template: it is a class
whose superclass is specified via a parameter. Mixins
enable the order in which subclasses appear in a refinement chain to be permuted. More details on mixins and
implementing collaborations as mixins are discussed elsewhere [30, 28, 13].

4. The Jakarta Tool Suite (JTS)

The Jakarta Tool Suite (JTS) is a suite of compiler-compiler tools for building families of language translators [4]
that we used to implement our IDE tools. A language family is defined by a GenVoca model, which consists of a
single constant the base language and functions that
define optional extensions to the base. The family of Java
dialects that can be synthesized by JTS is a GenVoca
model, named J, consisting of the Java constant (representing the Java 1.4 language) and functions that add to
Java embedded domain-specific languages for state
machines (Sm(x)), container data structures (P3(x)),
code fragments a la Lisp quote and unquote (Ast(x)),
hygienic macros (Gscope(x)), and templates
(Tmpl(x)), among others [4, 5, 29]:
J = { Java, Sm(x), P3(x), Ast(x), Gscope(x),
Tmpl(x), ...}

A particular dialect of Java is defined by an equation. The

current dialect is called Jak (short for Jakarta), which is
Java extended with state machines and templates:


Parse Tree



Parse Tree


Figure 7. The Organization of the Jak Translator

Jak = Sm( Tmpl( Java ))


The state machine and template features are independent

of each other. As a consequence, the order in which Sm
and Tmpl are composed doesnt matter. Thus, an equation
equivalent to (2) is:
Jak = Tmpl( Sm( Java ))

ities of producing HTML documentation for state

machines (SmDoc(x)), templates (TmplDoc(x)), etc. In
principle, the elements of models J and D are in one-toone correspondence: each language extension in J has a
corresponding documentation extension in D.3
D = { JavaDoc, SmDoc(x), TmplDoc(x), ... } (4)


A particular version of Jedi is specified as an equation:

JTS converts such equations directly into a Java package
using the ideas of Section 3 to implement a translator (preprocessor) for that language. The Jak preprocessor, like
other JTS-produced preprocessors, translates an extendedJava program (with state machines and templates) into a
program that represents its pure-Java counterpart. Figure 7
depicts its organization. An extended-Java program is
parsed into an extended-Java parse tree. A reducer walks
the tree, replacing each non-Java node or subtree with its
pure-Java counterpart. The result is a pure-Java parse tree,
which is then printed. The printed program is the Java
translation of the extended-Java program. No matter what
language extensions are added to Java, the organization of
Figure 7 remains the same. This organization was inspired
by Microsofts IP [27].
Jak is only one of a number of IDE tools that must be cus-

tomized to a particular language dialect. Another is a Javadoc-like tool that harvests comments from specific
program constructs and displays them neatly on HTML
pages. Obviously, Sun Microsystems Javadoc [17] cant
be used directly, as it only understands pure-Java programs (and documenting generated pure-Java programs
typically isnt all that useful). So we created a language
extensible version of Javadoc called Jedi (Java Extensible
DocumentatIon). Jedi, like Jak, is produced by JTS
using a GenVoca model, called D. The lone constant is
JavaDoc, which encapsulates the code that parsers, harvests, and documents comments in pure-Java programs.
Functions of this model extend JavaDoc with the capabil-

Jedi = SmDoc( TmplDoc( JavaDoc ))

As before, the template and state machine layers of Jedi

are independent, and thus can be composed in any order.
Thus, an equation equivalent to (5) is:
Jedi = TmplDoc( SmDoc( JavaDoc ))

It is interesting to note that Jak, Jedi, and other IDE tools

can be expressed directly by a single GenVoca model,
IDE_Model, where different equations correspond to different tools. The primitives of this model are tool features.
There is a lone constant Parse, which represents the
parser for the given language dialect, and there are functions for reducing extended-Java constructs to pure-Java
(Reduce(x)), for printing parse trees (Print(x)), for
harvesting comments from parse trees (Harvest(x)), for
3. In practice, J and D need not be in correspondence. That is, there
might be a language extension without a corresponding documentation
extension, simply because that extension has yet to be built.


Parse Tree



Figure 8 depicts the internal organization of Jedi. An

extended-Java program is parsed into an extended-Java
parse tree. A harvester walks the tree, harvesting comments prefacing particular language constructs (e.g., class,
method, state machine declarations, etc.) and stores them
in a comment repository. Finally, a doclet reads the contents of the comment repository, and formats harvested
comments neatly on an HTML page, which users recognize as Javadoc-like output.





Figure 8. The Organization of the Jedi Translator


producing HTML documents from harvested comments

(Doclet(x)), and so on.
IDE_Model = { Parse, Reduce(x), Print(x),
Harvest(x), Doclet(x), ... }

5. Gluons
Language features are orthogonal to tool features. This
means that we can understand the modularity of Jak and
Jedi in terms of matrices, where rows correspond to language features and columns correspond to tool features.


Each IDE tool has an equation. The equations for Jak and
Jedi are given below:

= Print( Reduce( Parse ))

The matrix for Jedi is shown in Figure 10. Each matrix

entry lists the name of a module that implements a particular tool feature for a particular language feature. For
example, Sharvest is a module that implements the harvesting of comments from state machine specifications.
Jharvest harvests comments from Java specifications.
Tdoclet formats comments from template declarations
on an HTML page. And so on. A composition of these
modules implements Jedi.


Jedi = Doclet( Harvest( Parse ))


Even though the above equations look suspiciously like

functional (e.g. Haskell) programs, they really do represent a composition of features that are implemented by the
usual cross-cuts. Figure 9a shows the Parse layer to
encapsulate a set of parser classes (only one class is
shown), a set of parse tree node classes (again, only one is
shown), and a Main class. The Reduce layer extends each
parse tree node type with a reduction method (specific to
that type), and extends the Main class with a call to reduce
an extended-Java parse tree to a pure-Java parse tree.
Finally, the Print layer extends each parse tree node type
with a print method (specific to that node type) and
extends the Main class with a call to print the reduced tree.
Again, the terminals of the resulting refinement chains are
the classes that are instantiated. Figure 9b shows the code
added by each layer to the Main class.



Sdoclet Sharvest Sparse


Tdoclet Tharvest Tparse












These matrices provide the first indication of facets. Let us

call matrix entries gluons and consider the Jedi matrix of
class Main { // Parse
main( String args ) {
treeNode n;
n = parse(args[0]);







Jak = Print( Reduce( Parse ))


Figure 11. Jak Matrix



The matrix for Jak is shown in Figure 11, and has a similar
interpretation. There is a difference: there are no Sm and
Tmpl row entries for the Print column. The reason is
simple: consider the interpretation of Sreduce: it is a
module that transforms parse trees on state machines into
parse trees of pure Java. The Jprint module prints parse
trees of pure Java. So once the Sreduce module performs
its task, the Jprint module is invoked. Thus there is no
need for a module that prints state machine parse trees.
The same argument applies for templates. Once again, a
composition of these modules implements the Jak tool.

Language extensibility is not part of the IDE_Model. In

fact, astute readers may have noticed that our original
descriptions of Jak and Jedi were based on GenVoca
models of language features, and not tool features. Clearly
these models are related, but how? Further, we know the
Jak equations (2) and (8) must be equivalent, and so too
the Jedi equations (5) and (9). But how? An answer
requires a closer look at the internals of these tools, which
we do in the next section.



Jdoclet Jharvest Jparse

Figure 10. Jedi Matrix

Note: the order in which tool features are composed is

important. Parse must be first, followed by Reduce
and then Print, or followed by Harvest and then
Doclet. The reason is Harvest extends classes in
Parse, and Doclet references methods in Harvest.
The same applies to Reduce and Print. These constraints are examples of design rules.

parser treeNode
classes classes



Figure 9. Cross-Cuts of Tool Features

Figure 10. Each row represents a language feature; its

implementation is a composition of the gluons in that row.
The Java language feature, for example, is defined by a
composition of the Jparse, Jharvest, and Jdoclet
gluons. The same for other rows.
By the same reasoning, each tool feature is represented by
a column and is implemented by a composition of gluons
in that column. For example, the Harvest tool feature is a
composition of the Jharvest, Sharvest, and Tharvest
gluons. The same for other columns.
Thus, if layers are rows of gluons, then facets are columns
of gluons columns cross-cut every row. Similarly, if
layers are columns of gluons, then facets are rows of gluons rows cross-cut every column. Thus, a facet is simply a feature along a dimension, and the implementation
of a facet cross-cuts features of other dimensions.
Two questions remain. First, what are gluons? Very simply, they are elementary layers (refinements) that implement the intersection of pair of orthogonal features. Or
more accurately, a gluon implements a feature of a feature
or a building block of both a language feature and tool feature. A gluon is a module that encapsulates any number of
classes and class extensions, and has straightforward
implementation as a set of classes and mixins. Thus, we
can represent each gluon as a GenVoca constant or function.
When we create the matrices of Figure 10 and Figure 11,
we are decomposing a composite language feature (layer)
or tool feature (layer) into more primitive layers in
essence, separating their concerns. The theoretical justification is simple: any function F can be the result of composing more primitive functions F1Fn, and any constant
C could be the result of composing a more primitive constant C with one or more functions F1Fn:
F(x) = F1( F2( ... Fn(x) ... ))
= F1( F2( ... Fn( C )...))

Decomposing software is modeled by decomposing equations.

Second, we want to represent Jak and Jedi as equations
that are compositions of gluons. Equations for Jak and
Jedi are:





Jak = Jprint( Treduce( Sreduce( Jreduce(

Tparse( Sparse( Jparse ))))))


Jedi = Tdoclet( Tharvest( Tparse(

Sdoclet( Jdoclet( Sharvest(
Jharvest( Sparse( Jparse )))))))))


These equations are much more complex than those of

previous sections. Two questions immediately arise: (a)
are they correct are they legal compositions of gluons?
and (b) are they consistent do they represent tools that
work on the same language dialect? Existing design rule
checking algorithms can validate these equations [3], but
there are no algorithms to check for consistency. In fact,
without the techniques presented in the next section, it
would take some time to write such equations manually
and verify that they are consistent. We would expect the
consistency problem to be much more difficult for larger
sets of tools and more complex language dialects. Hence,
automated support is required to write these equations and
to ensure their consistency: we need a model of gluons.

6. Origami: A Model of Gluons

The notation that we have used prior to this section is consistent with previous work on GenVoca. However, the
usual functional notation becomes cumbersome as equations become complicated. So we make a cosmetic switch
in notation to simplify our upcoming discussions. Without
loss of generality, instead of writing A = B(C(D)) we
write A = B o C o D, where o is the (function) composition
GenVoca models are inherently one-dimensional; they are
sets of constants and functions. In contrast, models of gluons are 2-dimensional and generally n-dimensional
and need to be treated accordingly.4 Consider the matrix
of Figure 12, called an Origami matrix, where rows
denote language features and columns are tool features.
Elements of this matrix are gluons.
Adding new entries to this matrix is easy. When a new row
is added, a gluon must be supplied for every existing column. For example, to add the container data structure (Ds)
4. All examples of gluons that are known to us can be expressed in 2dimensions. We would expect examples yet to be discovered to have
higher dimensionality. A 3-dimensional example would expose facets of
facets, and so on. Thus our model scales.


Figure 12. An Origami Matrix



language feature, we would have to add Dparse (a parser

for container DSL specifications), Dreduce (reduction
methods to transform container specification parse trees to
Java parse trees), Dharvest (a harvester of comments on
container specifications), and Ddoclet (a doclet that formats container comments). Some entries (such as the entry
for the Print column) are empty because no code
needs to be written to implement that functionality. In such
cases, the identity function (denoted by -) is supplied.
Symmetrically, when a new column is added, a gluon must
be supplied for every existing row. To add a new doclet
that produces, say Word documents, we would add Jword
(a doclet that formats Java comments in Word), Sword (a
doclet that formats state machine comments in Word),
Tword (a doclet that formats template comments in
Word), and so on. Again, if no code needs to be written for
a particular entry, an identity function is supplied.
An application (expression) is created by folding an
Origami matrix (hence its name). Rows are folded
together by composing the corresponding gluons in each
column. Columns are folded together by composing the
corresponding gluons in each row. Folding continues until
a 1 1 matrix is produced; the entry of this matrix is the
desired expression. (Unlike true Origami, rows and columns to be folded need not be adjacent. For our examples,
we have arranged this matrix so that they are).
Rows and columns cannot be chosen at random for folding. Rows (columns) must be composed in design rule
order. That is, if we are folding tool features, we must
begin with the Parse column, and then fold/compose the
Harvest column, and finally the Doclet column, just as
design rules prescribe for the IDE_Model. Similarly, if we
are folding language features, we must begin with the



Sm o Sdoclet o




features are orthogonal.5

As an illustration, suppose we want to create an equation

for current version of Jedi. We project this matrix of
unnecessary rows and columns, leaving the rows for
Java, Sm, and Tmpl, and the columns Parse, Harvest,
and Doclet yielding Figure 13a. (Note that there can be
different kinds of doclets HTML, Word, etc. So part of
this projection is selecting the appropriate tool features).
Figure 13b shows the result of composing the Java row
with the Sm row. Figure 13c-d shows the result of composing the Harvest column with the Parse column, and this
result with the Doclet column. A matrix of two rows and
one column results. The final fold merges the remaining
two rows to yield the expression of equation (11). We
leave it as an exercise for readers to discover the folding of
equation (10).
Other constraints may preclude certain foldings, but this is
the essential idea. In the next section, we show how we
can use Origami to produce sets of language-dialect consistent equations.

7. An Application of Origami
Recall the GUI for the IDE generator of Figure 5: users
select a set of optional language features and a set of tools,
and the generator produces this set of tools for the speci5. In effect, gluons make our model more powerful without additional
complexity as the existing row and column rules can be used without

Sm o Java Sdoclet o Sharvest o


Harvest o
Sharvest o
Jharvest o
Sparse o
Tharvest o

Java row, and then fold the Sm row and Tmpl rows in any
order, as prescribed by the language feature models J and
D. The reason for this is that language features and tool

Sm o


Doclet o
Harvest o
Sdoclet o
Jdoclet o
Sharvest o
Jharvest o
Sparse o
Tdoclet o
Tharvest o

Figure 13. Folding an Origami Matrix

Tmpl o
Sm o

Sparse o

Doclet o
Harvest o
Tdoclet o
Tharvest o
Tparse o
Sdoclet o
Jdoclet o
Sharvest o
Jharvest o
Sparse o

fied language dialect.6 To see how the generator works,

we begin with the Origami matrix of Figure 12 and eliminated all language feature rows that were not selected.
Figure 14 shows this matrix for the current Jak/Jedi dialect.

tools that compose Jak specifications), and UnMixin (a

tool that propagates changes made manually in composed
code back to their defining gluon layers). There are nine
language features and nine tool features that span these
tools. (We support several template features as well as
additional language features, such as hygienic macros).
Table 1 lists for each tool its size in Java LOC, and the
number of gluons that define its equation. Note that equations provide very compact specifications of these tools.

Rows are folded in design rule order (i.e., Tmpl o Sm o

Java). In general, our generator simply uses design rules
to hard-code this ordering. The result is a 1 n matrix (i.e.
a row) in Figure 15. Note the rows semantics. First, each
column defines an equation for a tool feature:

Just with this set of tools (for which we expect many

more), we are generating over 100K LOC. Without
Origami, our tool equations are seemingly randomlyordered compositions of gluons that are difficult to understand and update. Origami imposes a regularity in equation organization and layer modularization that enables us
to generate product-families from simple specifications.
Just as important, it helps us control the complexity of feature-refinement-based representations of product-families.

Doclet = Tdoclet o Sdoclet o Jdoclet

Harvest = Tharvest o Sharvest o Jharvest
= Tparse o Sparse o Jparse

That is, the Doclet equation is a composition of gluons

that builds a doclet layer for the Java language that has
been extended by state machines and templates. The Harvest equation defines a harvest layer for the Java language that has been extended by state machines and
templates, and so on. Thus, by folding rows in design-rule
order, we have produced a set of equations for tool features that are consistent with respect to a particular language dialect.


Second, the row itself is exactly the set of tool features

that comprise the IDE_Model. Since we know the
IDE_Model equations for each tool (e.g., (8),(9)), we
use these equations and plug in the generated definitions
for their tool features. Thus, for each GUI-selected tool,
we evaluate its equation, and send it to a generator to produce the Java package for that tool. In this way, our IDE
generator produces language-dialect-consistent tools from
a simple declarative specification.


Table 1. Size of Generated IDE Tools

9. Relevance to Other Technologies

There are many non-GenVoca examples of Origami. One
possibility is the internationalization of programs made
during Windows OS installations. By selecting a particular
language (or dialect), the GUIs of different Windows programs are modified to present commands in that language.
Origami also has relationships to component-based software design.

8. Implementation
We currently have five tools that are language-dialect sensitive: Jedi, Jak, Mixin and Jampack (two different

Microsofts Component Object Model (COM), Suns

Enterprise Java Beans (EJB), and CORBA are conventional component models [26] that deal with interfacebased programming clients program to standardized

6. We assume the set of language features is consistent. Design rule

checking algorithms can be used to check consistency.




# of Gluons Size in Java LOC






Figure 14. A Row-Projected Matrix

Tmpl o Tdoclet o Tharvest o
Sm o Sdoclet o Sharvest o

Tparse o
Sparse o

Treduce o
Sreduce o

Figure 15. A Row-Folded Matrix



interfaces and components implement these interfaces

[32]. This makes it easy to swap out one interface implementation (component) with another, say, for purposes of
bug fixes, improved performance, or trying alternative
implementations. Variations of interface-based programming are found in design patterns (e.g., OO decorators)
and in common OO designs (e.g., frameworks) [14].
Not long ago, GenVoca was presented as example of interface-based programming.7 The key design issue was
choosing the methods of an interface. Those that were
included were fundamental to the abstraction of that interface; those that were excluded were dismissed as not fundamental.
The problem that we and other engineers have noticed
with interface-based designs is that they are brittle. We
observed that the set of methods that we designated as fundamental was subjective they were sufficient for our
current needs. Over time, we longed for other methods to
be included, and periodically we would indeed extend the
set of methods in our interfaces. However, when new
methods are added to a standardized interface, all components that export that interface had to be (manually)
updated. After an extension, we would be happy for a
while until we discovered a new set of methods that
needed to be added, and the update cycle would repeat.
The problem with this, of course, is that we couldnt subsequently customize our interfaces or our components. It
was simply too much work to eliminate unneeded groups
of methods from interfaces and components. The impact
of interface extensions is negative: interfaces become fat
and components suffer code bloat. Other techniques have
been developed to address this problem, but they too have
limitations. COM, for example, requires that a new interface be published rather than changing an existing interface. While this works, it still requires a manuallyintroduced extension to each component that is to implement that new interface. The visitor design pattern allows
almost arbitrary method extensions to existing components [14]. Access to private data members and methods
of components is precluded to visitors, and this can be
problematic. Also, it is useful for extensions to add new
data members to components, and this too is problematic
using visitors.
It is easy to recognize the concept of gluons and Origami
in this situation. Each row represents either a standardized
interface or a component that implements such an interface. Columns represent semantically cohesive groups of
methods features where one column defines a
core set of methods and other columns represent
optional additional extensions to this set. Matrix (column)
7. Which actually it still is. Layers have interfaces, although in recent
papers including this one, this feature of layer implementation has been
down-played. See [8, 22].

folding corresponds to the construction of interfaces and

components that are customized for a desired set of interface extensions with their implementing components.
The need for Origami arises because abstractions change
over time. Changes tend to be incremental and optional.
That is, abstractions change by incremental leaps in understanding, and these leaps are needed for building specialized classes of applications. The contribution of this paper
is a general model and a set of techniques that allow us to
evolve both conventional components and implementations of feature refinements statically in an automatic and
declaratively-specified way. Such flexibility is useful in
generating software. For situations dealing with thirdparty components, where extensibility without recompilation is a major goal, it might not work as well. However,
there is no requirement that feature refinements must be
composed statically; they can be composed dynamically
as well [31]. Unfortunately, dynamically-composable
refinements are not as well-understood as statically-composable refinements.

10. Related Work

The idea that features have features is well-established in
the product-line community. Feature diagrams, which are
typically hierarchies of features, i.e., parent features are
defined to have aggregate sets of child features, was first
introduced in the FODA methodology [18] and has been
improved by others [10]. Our contribution shows how the
idea of features-of-features translates into product-family
models based on feature refinements.
As mentioned earlier, there are other models of program
development that are very similar to GenVoca, the most
prominent of which are AspectJ and Hyper/J. AspectJ
[1] offers two flavors of cross-cutting implementations:
static and dynamic. Static cross-cuts are almost identical
to GenVoca layers: they can add new data members and
new methods to existing classes. Dynamic cross-cuts,
where explicit pointcut-advice pairs are defined, can emulate the refinement (overriding) of methods offered by
inheritance. What aspects cannot currently represent is the
addition of new classes; in GenVoca terms, aspects only
extend existing classes. (At least, we have been unable to
add classes in aspect definitions that can be subsequently
refined). With simple work-arounds, we have implemented GenVoca generators using AspectJ. These preliminary results suggest that compositions of layers can be
modeled as compositions of aspects. Therefore, we
believe that the Origami example in this paper could be
implemented using AspectJ and thus our results are relevant to AOP in that they show how aspects can scale to
Admittedly, AspectJ can do more than just implement
layers (modulo our comments above), and in fact, we are

focussing on the least novel part of AspectJ. But it is also

the case that what we and others have been able to do with
GenVoca generators has never been done in AOP. Our
work provides an opportunity to enhance AOPs appeal
from a novel direction.
Our work is more closely related to Multi-Dimensional
Separation of Concerns (MDSC). MDSC is the idea that
modularity relationships can be understood in terms of an
n-dimensional space, called a hyperspace, of units [33, 23,
24]. A unit can be primitive (such as an individual method
or variable) or compound (e.g., a class or package). Each
dimension is associated with a set of similar concerns,
such as a set of classes or a set of features; different values
along a dimension are different members of this set (e.g.,
class1classn or feature1featuren). A hyperslice is the
set of units that pertain to a concern; it is an (n-1)-dimensional space where one coordinate value (e.g., a concern)
is fixed. A hypermodule is a set of hyperslices and a set of
integration relationships that dictate how the units of
hyperslices are to be integrated or composed to form a
Hyper/J is the flagship tool for MDSC [34]. We have
used Hyper/J to implement GenVoca product-line models. GenVoca layers have direct implementations as hyperslices, and layer compositions are hyperslice
compositions. Again, we believe that the Origami model
and its results are directly applicable to Hyper/J. Origami
is a 2-dimensional example of MDSC, where both dimensions are features and units are gluons. Further, the
strength of MDSC models is that they do not impose fixed
modularization hierarchies, and this flexibility is present
in Origami matrices. As with AspectJ, Hyper/J can do
more than just compose hyperslices. Our contribution is
that we can provide sophisticated examples of productlines and product-families to Hyper/J researchers.

In summary, GenVoca, Hyper/J (MDSC), and AspectJ

(AOP) have substantial overlaps. What distinguishes GenVoca and Origami is an algebra for organizing features
into programs.
Other related work deals with tool integration [31]. Crosscuts are problematic when new features can impact every
product in a product-family. However, instead of designing a system to easily handle features, [31] explored how a
product family can be designed in such a way that new
features can be added by modifying a single class a
design that eliminates cross-cuts. The advantage is that it
can be applied to legacy software and that it ensures that
existing tools will be able to work with new additions to
the program family without recompilation. The authors
emphasize that in their design, the cost of evolutionary
change is proportional to its apparent size in specification.
The disadvantage is that this technique only applies to
some features, so in fact their approach is complimentary
to our own.

11. Conclusions
Features have proven their value in raising the level of
abstraction in modularity in building and customizing
individual programs. The question is: do features scale to
larger program organizations, such as program families?
We showed that they do in the context of GenVoca generators, which has not been done before. We discovered that
features themselves have internal structures features of
features which we called gluons. Gluons are arranged
and composed in very regular ways, so that compositions
of gluons yields both familiar and formerly atomic features, as well as an interesting and what we now believe is
a common phenomena of facets. Facets cross-cut features
and compositions of them yield fully-formed features. In
essence, we have identified a new class of composition
relationships among features that were not previously
There is anecdotal evidence that supports our work. Engineers have repeated the observation that there is something about program scale that introduces complexity one
doesnt find in small programs. Our work reveals one reason: there are relationships and constraints that exist
among gluons when building program families. If there is
no way (or only ad hoc ways) of expressing and satisfying
these constraints, it is no wonder why scaling programs
introduces complexity. At least now we have a way to
express and reason about such constraints. Undoubtedly
there are even more relationships to be discovered.
The key to our success is how we represent and manipulate these relationships. Using GenVoca formulations
allows us to capture these regularity relationships as matrices of functions and constants that can be folded into
equations. That is, we can reason about software designs
as equations. We explained that our results are not GenVoca-specific, in particular, how Origami has direct relationships to AOP and MDSC models. We believe Origami
is important, because others will encounter it as feature
refinement models scale to produce more complex systems.
Acknowledgements. We thank Jack Sarvela for pointing
out the relationship of Origami to internationalization customizations of Windows programs. We also thank anonymous referees for helping us to better clarify our

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