Andri Julio Hermawan 1006674004 Plan B 4.0 Chapter 2
Andri Julio Hermawan 1006674004 Plan B 4.0 Chapter 2
Andri Julio Hermawan 1006674004 Plan B 4.0 Chapter 2
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------At a time when excessive pressures on the earths land and water resources are of
growing concern, there is a massive new demand emerging for cropland to produce
fuel for carsone that threatens world food security. Although this situation had
been developing for a few decades, it was not until Hurricane Katrina in 2005, when
oil prices jumped above $60 a barrel and U.S. gasoline prices climbed to $3 a gallon,
that the situation came into focus. Suddenly investments in U.S. corn-based ethanol
distilleries became hugely profitable, unleashing an investment frenzy that will
convert one fourth of the 2009 U.S. grain harvest into fuel for cars.
The price of grain is now tied to the price of oil. Historically the food and energy
economies were separate, but now with the massive U.S. capacity to convert grain
into ethanol, that is changing. In this new situation, when the price of oil climbs, the
world price of grain moves up toward its oil-equivalent value. If the fuel value of
grain exceeds its food value, the market will simply move the commodity into the
energy economy. If the price of oil jumps to $100 a barrel, the price of grain will
follow it upward. If oil goes to $200, grain will follow.
From 1990 to 2005, world grain consumption, driven largely by population growth
and rising consumption of grain-based animal products, climbed by an average of
21 million tons per year. Then came the explosion in grain used in U.S. ethanol
distilleries, which jumped from 54 million tons in 2006 to 95 million tons in 2008.
This 41-million-ton jump doubled the annual growth in world demand for grain
almost overnight, helping to triple world prices for wheat, rice, corn, and soybeans
from mid-2006 to mid-2008. A World Bank analyst attributes 70 percent of the food
price rise to this diversion of food to produce fuel for cars. Since then prices have
subsided somewhat as a result of the global economic downturn, but as of mid-2009
they are still well above historical levels.
From an agricultural vantage point, the worlds appetite for crop-based fuels is
insatiable. The grain required to fill an SUVs 25-gallon tank with ethanol just once
will feed one person for a whole year. If the entire U.S. grain harvest were to be
converted to ethanol, it would satisfy at most 18 percent of U.S. automotive fuel
Since the budgets of international food aid agencies are set well in advance, a rise
in food prices shrinks food assistance. The WFP, which is now supplying emergency
food aid to more than 30 countries, cut shipments as prices soared. Hunger is on
the rise, with 18,000 children dying each day from hunger and related illnesses.
The emerging competition between the owners of the worlds 910 million
automobiles and the 2 billion poorest people is taking the world into uncharted
territory. Suddenly the world is facing an epic moral and political issue: Should grain
be used to fuel cars or feed people? The average income of the worlds automobile
owners is roughly $30,000 a year; the 2 billion poorest people earn on average less
than $3,000 a year. The market says, lets fuel the cars.
For every additional acre planted to corn to produce fuel, an acre of land must be
cleared for cropping elsewhere. But there is little new land to be brought under the
plow unless it comes from clearing tropical rainforests in the Amazon and Congo
basins and in Indonesia or from clearing land in the Brazilian cerrado. Unfortunately,
this has heavy environmental costs: a massive release of sequestered carbon, the
loss of plant and animal species, and increased rainfall runoff and soil erosion.
There are alternatives to this grim scenario. The decision in May 2009 to raise U.S.
auto fuel efficiency standards 40 percent by 2016 will reduce U.S. dependence on
oil far more than converting the countrys entire grain harvest into ethanol could.
The next step is a comprehensive shift to gas-electric plug-in hybrid cars that can
be recharged at night, allowing most short-distance drivingdaily commuting and
grocery shopping, for exampleto be done with electricity.
As the leading grain exporter and ethanol producer, the United States is in
the drivers seat. It needs to make sure that efforts to reduce its heavy
dependence on imported oil do not create a far more serious problem: chaos
in the world food economy. The choice is between a future of rising world
food prices, spreading hunger, and growing political instability and one of
more stable food prices, sharply reduced dependence on oil, and much lower
carbon emissions