Imaging of The Urinary System
Imaging of The Urinary System
Imaging of The Urinary System
Radioopaque calculi
Gas pattern
Bony abnormalities
Optiray 160 is an injectable low osmolar, nonionic, contrast media agent
intended to be therapeutically and biologically inert when injected intraarterially.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Intravenous urography [ IVU ]
Diagnostic value
Show the renal function
UT obstruction
Renal an bladder masses
Congenital anomalies
Contraindicated in patients with :
Renal impairment
Hypersensitivity to contrast media
Normal IV urography
IVP series
PUT showing no radiopaque calculi: IVP showing normal renal function with normal appearance
of both pelvicalyceal systems, ureters and urinary bladder
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cystoureathrography [ CUG ]
Urethral lesions
Vesicoureteral reflux
Stress incontinence
Ultrasonography [ US]
Requirements :
Fasting 4-6 hours
No bowel preparation
No contrast media
No radiation hazards
Ultrasonography [ US]
Diagnostic value
Show the renal parenchymal changes
Detection of UT calculi
UT obstruction
Renal an bladder masses
Differentiates cystic from solid masses
Congenital anomalies
Doppler assessment of the renal vessels
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Computed tomography [ CT ]
More sensitive
Considered with care
Requirements :
Fasting 4-6 hours
May need bowel preparation
May use contrast media
Consider radiation hazards
CT machine
Computed tomography [ CT ]
Diagnostic value
Detection of UT calculi
UT obstruction
Renal an bladder masses
Differentiates cystic from solid masses
Congenital anomalies
CT angiography
CT anatomy
Serial CT sections through the kidneys showing normal renal configuration and function
Serial CT sections taken for the whole urinary tract showing no evidence of
radiopaque calculi
Flush aortography
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Diagnosis of UT pathology
Stone disease
UT neoplasms
UT infection
UT trauma
Miscellaneous lesions
Congenital lesions
Vesico ureteric reflux
Urethral lesions
Reno-vascular hypertension
Diagnosis of UT pathology
Stone disease
UT neoplasms
UT infection
UT trauma
Miscellaneous lesions
Radio-opaque renal stones
Stone disease
UT neoplasms
UT infection
UT trauma
Miscellaneous lesions
IVP showing small stone at the distal end of the right ureter with proximal back
pressure changes. Compare to the normal urogram in the right image
US images showing dilated pelvicalyceal systems and ureter down to a stone (arrow) at the
ureterovesical junction
Ureteral calculus
IVP showing distended left pelvicalyceal system and ureter proximal to a suspected
distal ureteric stone which was confirmed in the CT images
Ureteral calculi
CECT scan shows a swollen right kidney with a striated pattern of enhancement with
dilation of the right renal pelvis. An image at the level of the bladder base shows a calculus
in the right ureterovesical junction, which was causing the right hydronephrosis and
predisposed the right kidney to infection.
Non contrast CT of the urinary tract showing multiple bilateral renal and
left upper ureteric stones with proximal back pressure effect
Ureteral calculus
Diagnosis of UT pathology
Stone disease
UT neoplasms
UT infection
UT trauma
Miscellaneous lesions
Renal US showing the difference between cystic (left image) and solid (right image) renal masses,
compared to the normal kidney in the middle image
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------CT , MRI Other findings affecting the management and prognosis
Renal vein invasion
IVC invasion
Perinephric invasion
Lymph node enlargement
Adrenal metastasis
US & CT scan show a large right renal mass. The mass (M) is hyper echoic with
heterogeneous texture ,low areas consistent with necrosis (n) and enhancing areas
consistent with viable tumor (t) which is less enhancing than the normal renal
parenchyma (p).
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wilms tumor
CT scan and surgical specimen showing a large solid left renal mass in a child
diagnostic of nephroblastoma (Wilms tumors)
The most common renal pelvic tumor
Multiple lesions in about 30% of cases
M:F = 4:1 above 60Years
Diagnosed by IVP, CTU , MRU
Filling defect in the pelvis
Bladder carcinoma
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bladder carcinoma
Other findings affecting the management and prognosis of bladder cancer include:
Extra-vesical extension
Perivesical invasion
Lymph node enlargement
Abdominal metastasis
Diagnosis of UT pathology
Stone disease
UT neoplasms
UT infection
UT trauma
Miscellaneous lesions
Perinephric hematoma
Renal laceration
Avulsion of the vascular pedicle
Perinephric hematoma
Renal laceration
CECT scan shows normal- sized kidneys with no fluid collection, but the left kidney does not
enhance. A DSA abdominal aortogram shows complete lack of enhancement of the left
kidney denoting complete occlusion of the left renal artery, which prompted an emergent
surgical procedure to restore blood flow.
Diagnosis of UT pathology
Stone disease
UT neoplasms
UT infection
UT trauma
Miscellaneous lesions
Acute conditions
Renal and perirenal abscesses
Chronic inflammatory lesions
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Renal abscess
UT infection, trauma, UT obstruction, blood born
Well defined marginally enhancing lesion
Air loculi inside ?!
May extend into the perinephric space
Renal abscess
Emphysematous pyelonephritis
Gas shadows within and around the kidney
Surgical emergency that is lethal if treated medically
Renal TB
GU tract 2nd most common site of TB infection after lungs
Males are more infected than females
Usually above the age of 50 years
Spread is hematogenous and is usually primary exposure
Infection may remain latent for decades
Active pulmonary TB seen only 4-8% of time
25% of patients with GU TB have a known pulmonary TB
Renal TB: Axial and coronal CT images showing small sized totally
calcified left kidney (end stage kidney)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Diagnosis of UT pathology
Stone disease
UT neoplasms
UT infection
UT trauma
Congenital lesions
Urethral lesions
Reno-vascular hypertension
Congenital lesions
Absent & hypo plastic kidney
Duplex kidney and ureter
Ectopic kidney
Horseshoe kidney
PUJ obstruction
Bladder diverticulum
Horseshoe kidney
intravenous urogram shows a single right
ureter but a complete left ureteral duplication,
with the two left ureters extending down to the
bladder, where their distal course was obscured
by contrast in the bladder.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bilateral ureteroceles
Vesicoureteric reflux
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stricture ureathra