Trichuris Vulpis

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Trichuris vulpis berpotensi zoonotiik

Causal Agent:
The nematode (roundworm)

Trichuris trichiura

, also called the

human whipworm.

The unembryonated eggs are passed with the stool

. In the soil, the eggs develop into a 2-cell

, an advanced cleavage stage
, and then they embryonate
; eggs become infective in
15 to 30 days. After ingestion (soil-contaminated hands or food), the eggs hatch in the small
intestine, and release larvae

that mature and establish themselves as adults in the colon

The adult worms (approximately 4 cm in length) live in the cecum and ascending colon. The adult
worms are fixed in that location, with the anterior portions threaded into the mucosa. The females
begin to oviposit 60 to 70 days after infection. Female worms in the cecum shed between 3,000
and 20,000 eggs per day. The life span of the adults is about 1 year.

Telur yang belum berembrio keluar melalui feses

Ditanah, telur berkembang menjadi 2 sel kemudian berkembang menjadi tahap pembelahan dan
kemudian menjadi embrio
Telur menjadi infektif dalam 15 sampai 30 hari
Kemudian tertelan dan menetas di usus halus.
Menjadi dewasa dan melekatkan diri pada usus besar
Cacing dewasa(bisa sebesar 4cm) hidup di usus buntu dan usus besar.
Cacing dewasa berada pada tempat yang tetap dengan bagian anterior ada di mukosa
Cacing betina akan memulai bertelur pada 60-70 hari. Telur dapat berjumlah 3000-20.000 telur

Trichuris vulpis

Trichuris vulpis ada pada anjing, serigala dan coyote

eggs are unembryonated when passed in feces and are highly resistant to desiccation, extremes in

temperature, and ultraviolet radiation. Eggs embryonate in 9 to 21 days (or longer) depending on the temperature
and moisture content of the soil. Infective whipworm eggs can remain viable for many years.
Telur yang belum berembrio keluar melalui feses tahan terhadap berbagai kondisi seperti temperatur dan ultra
violet. Telur berembrio akan tumbuh dalam 9 sampai 21 hari tergantung temperatur dan kelembaban tanah
Hosts are infected by ingesting embryonated eggs from the soil or other substrates in which eggs are


Host memakan telur berembrio

Larvae hatch from eggs (generally in the small intestine) and penetrate the mucosa. They develop for 2

to 10 days in the mucosa, move to the cecum (occasionally the terminal small intestine or colon), and mature to
adult worms.
Larva menetas dan mempenetrasi lapisan mukosa usus kemudian menuju usus buntu dan menjadi cacing

The prepatent period of T. vulpis is 74 to 90 days.

Masa prepaten selama 74-90 hari

Many canine whipworm infections are either asymptomatic or subclinical.

Infeksi cacing cambuk kebanyakan bersifat asimtomatik atau subklinis

Some infections result in hemorrhagic typhilitis or colitis characterized by diarrhea that is often streaked
with mucus and fresh blood.
Infeksi lebih lanjut dapat menyebabkan typhilitis atau colitis yang bersifat hemoragik disetai diare berdarah

Severe infections result in bloody diarrhea, weight loss, dehydration, anemia, and in the most extreme
cases, death.

Infeksi lebih lanjut menyebabkan diare berdarah, berat badan tubuh hhilang, dehidrasi, anemia, hingga

Dogs acquire T. vulpis infections only by ingesting eggs containing infective larvae from the environment.

Indirect transmission between animals via paratenic hosts and transplacental or transmammary
transmission from the dam to her offspring does not occur.

Are whipworms a health hazard to people?

There have been reports of people being infected with T. vulpis. Humans are much more often infected with T.
trichiura, the human whipworm.

Host range: The species T. trichiura is found in human populations throughout the world, mainly in tropical and
subtropical regions. It is estimated that around 10% of the world population (800 million people) may be infected.
Parasites are very prevalent in regions where human excrement (nightsoil) is used to fertilize vegetable gardens.
Infections are typically over-dispersed, where a few individuals harbour most of the worms. Other whipworm
species occur in a range of domestic and wild animals, including T. ovis, T. skrjabini, T. discolor and T.
globulosa in ruminants,T. vulpis, T. campanula and T. serrata in dogs and cats, T. suis in pigs and T. muris in
rodents. Zoonotic transmission ofT. vulpis to humans has occasionally been reported.

T Vulpis menurut beberapa

sumber pernah dilaporkan
menyerang manusia

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