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Knowledge Centre


Natures Answer to Early Learning
Par Jane Hewes, PhD
Chair of the Early Childhood Education Program,
Grant MacEwan College
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Play is essential for optimal development

Play is a universal phenomenon with a pervasive and
enduring presence in human history.1,2,3 Play has fascinated
philosophers, painters, and poets for generations. Article
31 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
recognizes the significance of play in the lives of children,
acknowledging play as a specific right, in addition to and
distinct from the childs right to recreation and leisure.4
Early childhood educators have long recognized the
power of play. The significant contribution of play to
young childrens development is well documented in child
psychology, anthropology, sociology, and in the theoretical
frameworks of education, recreation, and communications.5
Being able to play is one of the key developmental tasks of
early childhood.6 Play is the leading source of development
in the early years:7 it is essential to childrens optimal
Childrens opportunities to play
are under threat
Ironically, play is persistently undervalued, and childrens
opportunities for uninterrupted free play both indoors
and out are under threat. The physical and social
environments of childhood in the Western world have
changed dramatically over the past several decades.9,10
Many children are spending substantial time in peer-group
settings from a very young age. Many of these settings
focus on structured educational and recreational activities,
leaving little time for participation in open-ended, selfinitiated free play.11
Childrens play advocates are concerned that access to
outdoor play opportunities in natural environments in
neighborhoods is vanishing. Technology, traffic, and urban
land-use patterns have changed the natural play territory

of childhood.12 Parents are increasingly concerned about

safety and children find themselves in carefully constructed
outdoor playgrounds that limit challenge in the name of
The priority currently given to the early acquisition of
academic skills is another threat to childrens play.16 This
emphasis often constrains and limits the scope of the
learning that unfolds naturally in play. The question of
how and what children should learn in preparation for
formal school is a subject of vigorous debate in Canada.
It used to be that children spent their preschool years
playing, whether at home, in child care, or in preschool
social settings. Many now advocate for early childhood
programs focused on literacy and numeracy experiences,
particularly in cases where social and environmental
circumstances potentially compromise childrens readiness
for school.
In recent years, the trend has been to introduce more
content via direct instruction into the practice of earlychildhood professionals. Research demonstrates that this
approach, while promising in the short term, does not
sustain long-term benefits and, in fact, has a negative
impact on some young children.17 Long uninterrupted
blocks of time for children to play by themselves and
with peers, indoors and outdoors are becoming increasin
gly rare.
The developmental literature is clear: play stimulates
physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development
in the early years. Children need time, space, materials,
and the support of informed parents and thoughtful,
skilled early-childhood educators in order to become
master players.18 They need time to play for the sake
of playing.

What is play? Why is it important?

Almost any adult you meet can recall a pleasurable
childhood play experience, often in rich and vivid detail.
When we recall our childhood play, we talk about feelings
of freedom, of power, of control, and of intimacy with
friends. Many of us remember endless, delicious time spent
in secret places the time and place still palpable. We
remember the feel of the wind, the touch of the grass, the
sound of creaking stairs, and the smell of a dusty attic.
Play is meaningful experience. It is also tremendously
satisfying for children, a pursuit they seek out eagerly, and
one they find endlessly absorbing. Anyone who has spent
any time watching children play knows they engage deeply
and they take their play very seriously.
Although play is a common experience, and a universal
one, it is difficult to define precisely for the purposes of
multidisciplinary scholarly research. Play is paradoxical it
is serious and non-serious, real and not real, apparently
purposeless and yet essential to development. It is resilient
children continue to play in the most traumatic of situations
and yet fragile there is increasing evidence that play
deprivation has a damaging impact on development.19
In a much-quoted review of play theory and research,
authors Rubin, Fein, and Vandenburg20 draw together
existing psychological definitions, developing a consensus
around a definition of play behaviour as
Intrinsically motivated
Controlled by the players
Concerned with process rather than product
Non literal
Free of externally imposed rules
Characterized by the active engagement of the players
These characteristics now frame much of the scholarly work
on childrens play.
Anthropological investigations of childrens play focus on the
complex relationships between play and culture: the obvious

links between childrens play and adult social roles, and the
sense in which play creates a culture among children, with
rules of engagement and rites of passage.21 An intriguing
perspective in play research considers the meaning of play
from the perspective of the players themselves.22 Children
have their own definitions of play and their own deeply serious
and purposeful goals. In a recent study, children defined play
based on the absence of adults and the presence of peers or
Taken together, these definitions give us a glimpse of the
complexity and depth of the phenomenon of childrens play.
There are many forms of play in childhood, variously
described as exploratory play, object play, construction
play, physical play (sensorimotor play, rough-and-tumble
play), dramatic play (solitary pretense), socio-dramatic play
(pretense with peers, also called pretend play, fantasy play,
make-believe, or symbolic play), games with rules (fixed,
predetermined rules) and games with invented rules (rules
that are modifiable by the players).
These forms of play evolve over the course of early
childhood. Naturally occurring episodes of play often
have a mix of different types of play. For example, a block
construction representing buildings leads naturally to
a dramatic play episode with toy cars and people. The
complexity of each type of play develops over the course
of childhood. For example, symbolic play begins in toddlers
with simple pretense pretending to say hello to grandma
on a toy telephone peaking during the preschool years in
complex extended episodes of pretend play with peers.
The developmental progression that we observe in
different types of play mirrors development in other areas;
for example, language and symbolic play emerge in young
children at approximately the same time in cultures around
the world. Children begin to create and play active games
with predetermined rules and with invented rules when
they develop sufficient physical strength and coordination
and the capacity for concrete operational thought.32

Play and Diversity

Recent research emphasizes the importance of interpreting
childrens pretend play within a social and cultural context.24
The sociocultural context is important in informing practice
in diverse societies such as Canada. Cultures have different
attitudes and values about play. The prominence given
to the development of socio-dramatic play in Western
culture is not universal.25 This is increasingly a significant
consideration for early childhood educators in Canada.
There are sociocultural themes in pretend play26,27 and
these have implications for the way we design play
environments in communities as well as early childhood

2 LET THE CHILDREN PLAY: Natures Answer to Early Learning

settings.28 Children find it difficult to engage in pretend

play if the props and settings are unfamiliar. In a culturally
sensitive context, play has the potential to bridge between
cultures, helping newcomer children develop bicultural
Children explore and express their understanding of
aspects of diversity in their play. It is important for adults
to respond to childrens interpretations of diversity in their
play gender roles, ability and disability, socioeconomic
class particularly if they are inaccurate or hurtful to other




Exploratory play/object play/

sensory play

Very young children explore objects and environments

touching, mouthing, tossing, banging, squeezing.
Sensory play appears in childrens early attempts
to feed themselves. As they get older, materials
like playdough, clay, and paint add to sensory-play

02.5 years

Dramatic play
(solitary pretense)

Many young children spend a lot of time engaged in

imaginative play by themselves throughout the earlychildhood years. They invent scripts and play many roles
simultaneously. Toys or props, (e.g., dolls, cars, action
figures) usually support this kind of play. As children
get older, they create entire worlds in solitary pretense,
often with large collections of small objects or miniature

38 years

Construction play

Children begin to build and construct with commercial

toys (Lego, Tinkertoys, blocks), with found and recycled
materials (cardboard boxes, plastic tubing) and with a
variety of modelling media, (clay, playdough, plasticine).
Older children play for extended periods with complex
commercial model sets. Children across the age range
engage in this kind of play by themselves and in groups,
often combining it with episodes of solitary pretense or
socio-dramatic play.

38 years

Physical play

Sensorimotor play begins as young infants discover they

can make objects move; e.g., kicking the figures on a
crib mobile or crawling after a rolling ball. Physical play
in the preschool years often involves rough-and-tumble
play, a unique form of social play most popular with
little boys. Rough and tumble play describes a series
of behaviours used by children in play fighting. Adults
often mistake it as aggression. Older preschoolers
engage in vigorous physical activity, testing the
boundaries of their strength by running, climbing,
sliding, and jumping, individually and in groups. This
kind of play often develops spontaneously into games
with invented rules.

38 years

Socio-dramatic play

Pretend play with peers children take on social roles

and invent increasingly complex narrative scripts, which
they enact with friends in small groups.

36 years

Games with rules

Children begin to play formal games in social groups.

These games have fixed, predetermined rules; e.g.,
card games, board games, soccer, and hockey.

5 years and up

Games with invented rules

Children begin to invent their own games and/or

modify the rules of traditional playground games in
their self-organized playgroups; e.g., tag, hide-andseek, red rover, hopscotch.

58 years

LET THE CHILDREN PLAY: Natures Answer to Early Learning 3

The Pedagogical Value of Play: What do

children learn?
Play nourishes every aspect of childrens development
physical, social, emotional, intellectual, and creative. The
learning in play is integrated, powerful, and largely invisible
to the untrained eye. Much of this learning happens
without direct teaching. It is learning that is important to
the learner. Play has an intrinsic value in childhood and
long-term developmental benefits.
Play develops the foundation of intellectual, social, physical,
and emotional skills necessary for success in school and in
life. It paves the way for learning.33 Block building, sand
and water play lay the foundation for logical mathematical
thinking, scientific reasoning, and cognitive problem
solving.34 Rough-and-tumble play develops social and
emotional self-regulation35 and may be particularly important
in the development of social competence in boys.36 Play
fosters creativity and flexibility in thinking. There is no right
or wrong way to do things; there are many possibilities in
play a chair can be a car or a boat, a house or a bed.
Pretend play fosters communication, developing
conversational skills,37 turn taking, and perspective taking,38
and the skills of social problem solving persuading,
negotiating, compromising, and cooperating.39 It requires
complex communication skills: children must be able to
communicate and understand the message, this is play.40
As they develop skill in pretend play, children begin to
converse on many levels at once, becoming actors, directors,
narrators, and audience,41 slipping in and out of multiple
roles easily.
There is considerable fascination among play researchers
and theorists with the correlations between childrens
pretend play and cognitive development.42,43 The capacity
for pretense, developed so elaborately in socio-dramatic
play, is inextricably intertwined with the development of
the capacity for abstract, representational thinking.44,45 We
marvel at the developmental progression in thinking as
the child gives up the need for a realistic object in pretend
play a banana, shoe, or simple hand gesture replaces the
toy telephone.

In play, children construct knowledge by combining their

ideas, impressions, and intuitions with experiences and
opinions.47 They create theories about their world and share
them with one another. They establish a culture and a social
world with their peers. In play, children make sense and
sometimes nonsense of their experience. They discover
the intimacy and joy of friendship as they explore their own
emerging identity. Because it is self-directed, play leads
to feelings of competence and self-confidence. Play is a
significant dimension of early learning.
Young children learn the most important things not by
being told but by constructing knowledge for themselves
in interaction with the physical world and with other
children and the way they do this is by playing.
Source: Jones, E., & Reynolds, G. (1992). The plays the
thing: Teachers roles in childrens play, p. 1

The relationship between play and learning is complex,

reciprocal, and multidimensional. The processes of play and
learning stimulate one another in early childhood there
are dimensions of learning in play and dimensions of play
in learning. Play and learning are inseparable dimensions
in preschool practice.48
There is immediate and obvious learning in play and
learning that is not so obvious. For example, it is obvious
that outdoor play experiences contribute to childrens
physical development, in particular to motor development.
Less obvious is the learning that happens as children test
their strength, externally and internally: How high can I
climb? Why does my heart pound when I run? Am I brave
enough to jump from this platform?
Although the learning in play is powerful, oddly enough,
it is often incidental to the play, at least from the childs
perspective. The toddler absorbed by balancing blocks on
top of one another is not necessarily motivated by a need
or even a desire to learn the principles of stable physical
structures, though this may indeed be what is fascinating to
him; this learning is the byproduct of his play, and generally
speaking, not its purpose.

Play and Literacy

There are consistent findings in research about the close
relationship between symbolic play and literacy development
and good evidence that increasing opportunities for rich
symbolic play can have a positive influence on literacy
Pretend play with peers engages children in the same kind of
representational thinking needed in early literacy activities.
Children develop complex narratives in their pretend play.
They begin to link objects, actions, and language together
in combinations and narrative sequences. They generate
language suited to different perspectives and roles.

4 LET THE CHILDREN PLAY: Natures Answer to Early Learning

Children dont play in order to learn, although they are

learning while they are playing.
Source: Kalliala, M. (2006). Play Culture in a Changing
World, p. 20

Not all play is learning and not all learning is play. It is also
important to remember that not everything children do is
play.49 Play-based learning in early childhood is a valuable,
effective, and appropriate pedagogy and much good work
has been done on the process of playful approaches to early
learning.50,51,52 Learning through play is an approach to
curriculum and planning promoted by many early childhood
programs in Canada. Early educators see such tremendous
potential in play for childrens learning that we sometimes
run the risk of overemphasizing the learning and under
emphasizing the play.53 There are unique and fundamental
developmental benefits that derive from spontaneous free
play. The childs experience of intrinsic motivation in play is
fundamental to successful life-long learning. Play is a valid
learning experience in and of itself albeit one that has been
difficult to justify and sustain in formal educational settings.
We know that development is rapid in the early years,
the domains of development are interdependent and
that children need environments that stimulate overall
development without forcing it prematurely. Play provides
a natural integration of learning domains, integrating
social, emotional, and physical learning with cognitive and
academic learning. This integration is difficult to achieve
and maintain in teacher-directed instruction.54
One of the challenges facing early-childhood educators
is teaching in the context of extraordinary individual
variation in development. Play helps to balance learning for
individual children the child engages at the level and with
the intensity needed to support his or her own learning.
Play is uniquely responsive to each childs developmental
needs and interests. A well-designed environment meets
multiple individual developmental needs simultaneously.
The pedagogical value of play does not lie in its use
as a way to teach children a specific set of skills through
structured activities called play.
Source: Bergen, D. 1998. Play as a Medium for Learning and
Development, p. 7

Towards a Pedagogy of Play: The Role

of the Adult
Supporting childrens play is more active than simply
saying you believe that it is important. When childrens
play culture is taken seriously, the conditions which make
it flourish are carefully created. Childrens play culture
does not just happen naturally. Play needs time and space.
It needs mental and material stimulation to be offered
in abundance. Creating a rich play environment means
creating good learning environments for children.
Source: Kalliala, M. 2006. Play Culture in a Changing World,
p. 139

Creating environments where children can learn through

play is not a simple thing to do consistently and well.
Children must have time to play in order to learn through
play. The role of the adult is critical. In order for children to
become skilled at play, they need uninterrupted time and
knowledgeable adults who pay attention to and support
their right to play. Children learn to play all by themselves,
given time and materials.
The environment for play and the attitudes of the supporting
adults towards play shapes the quality of the play experience
for children. One of the most important roles is a facilitative
one the adult sets the stage, creating and maintaining
an environment conducive to rich, spontaneous play, and
interacting in ways that enhance childrens learning in play,
without interrupting the flow and direction of play.
The skillful teacher of young children is one who makes.
play possible and helps children keep getting better and
better at it.
Source: Jones & Reynolds. 1992. The Plays the Thing, p. 1

The adult designs an environment with hands-on,

concrete materials that encourage exploration, discovery,
manipulation, and active engagement of children. The
quantity, quality, and selection of play materials influence
the interactions that take place between children. The
adult protects the time needed for exploration, discovery,
and uninterrupted play.
There are multiple roles for the adult in facilitating
childrens play experiences. Jones and Reynolds55 describe
the teacher as stage manager, mediator, player, scribe,
assessor and communicator, and planner. Van Hoorn
et al.56 describe several similar roles in orchestrating
childrens play along a continuum from indirect to direct
involvement. Jones and Reynolds57 point out that teachers
tend to have more difficulty with indirect roles than with
direct ones. This presents a challenge. The indirect roles
are most facilitative of childrens spontaneous free play,
with its unique developmental benefits.
While some play advocates maintain that children should be
left alone to play without adult interruption, there is good
evidence to support the positive benefits of some active
adult involvement in childrens play. When skillfully done,
adult involvement results in longer, more complex episodes
of play.58 Early childhood educators pay close attention
to childrens play while they are playing; they are respon
sive observers and skilled play watchers.59 They support
childrens learning in play by becoming co-players, guiding
and role modelling when the play becomes frustrating for
the child or when it is about to be abandoned for lack of
knowledge or skill. Based on their observations, they provide
new experiences for children to enrich and extend play.

LET THE CHILDREN PLAY: Natures Answer to Early Learning 5

They pose challenging questions for young children

to consider, assisting them to develop new cognitive
understanding. They interact in ways that maximize the
potential for peer learning, continually seeking opportunities
for children to learn from one another.

Facilitating childrens play

Young children need a balance of opportunities for
different kinds of play, indoors and out. They need
the support of knowledgeable adults and parents
who do the following:
Provide long, uninterrupted periods (45-60
minutes minimum) for spontaneous free play.
Provide a sufficient variety of materials to
stimulate different kinds of play blocks and
construction toys for cognitive development;
sand, mud, water, clay, paint, and other openended materials for sensory play, dress-up
clothes and props for pretend play; balls,
hoops, climbing places, and open space for
gross motor play.
Provide loose parts for play, both indoors and
out, and encourage children to manipulate the
environment to support their play.
Consider the opportunities for challenge and
age-appropriate risk-taking in play.
Ensure that all children have access to play
opportunities and are included in play.
Let children play for their own purposes.
Play with children on their terms, taking the
occasional ride down the slide, or putting on a
hat and assuming a role in pretend play.
Recognize the value of messy play, rough-andtumble play, and nonsense play.

Caring Spaces, Learning Places: Childrens Environments

that Work Greenman, J. (2005). Redmond, WA: Exchange
Canadian Association for the Right to Play (IPA Canada):
International Play Association:
Playing for Keeps:
Invest in Kids: Click on Comfort Play
and Teach for activities and information on play for parents
of children from birth to eight years old.

The Value of Outdoor play

There is an emerging body of evidence on the
developmental significance of contact with nature and
its positive impact on childrens physical and mental
well being.60,61,62,63 Natural landscapes in the outdoors
typically provide

rich, diverse, multisensory experiences;

opportunities for noisy, boisterous, vigorous,
physically active play;
opportunities for physical challenge and risktaking that is inherent in the value of play;
rough, uneven surfaces, with opportunities for
the development of physical strength, balance,
and coordination; and
natural elements and loose parts that children
can combine, manipulate, and adapt for their
own purposes.
Adults parents and early educators must design
the outdoor play environment with equal care and
attention as they pay to the indoor environments,
ensuring that these opportunities are inclusive of all
children, especially those of differing abilities.

Understand that children need to feel a sense

of belonging to the play culture of childhood.
Take an interest in their play, asking questions,
offering suggestions, and engaging eagerly as
co-players when invited.

Useful Resources and Links


Preschool Outdoor Environment Measurement Scale

DeBord, K., Hestenes, L.L., Moore, R.C. Cosco, N.G., &
McGinnis, J.R. (2005). Lewisville, NC: Kaplan Early Learning.

Tumbling over the edge: A rant for childrens play

Bos, B. & Chapman, J. Roseville. (2005). CA: Turn the Page

The Great Outdoors: Restoring Childrens Right to Play

Rivkin, M. (1995). Washington, D.C.: NAEYC.

Making Space for Children: Rethinking and Recreating

Childrens Play Environments
Society for Children and Youth of B.C. (1999). Available at

The Play For All Guidelines: Planning, Design, and Management

of Outdoor Play Settings For All Children (2nd ed.)
Moore, R., Goltsman, S., & Iacofano, D. (Eds.). (1992). Berkeley,
California: MIG Communications.

6 LET THE CHILDREN PLAY: Natures Answer to Early Learning

The Geography of Childhood: Why Children Need Wild

Places. Nabhan, G.P., & Trimble, S. (1994). Boston, MD: Beacon
Canadian Child Care Federation: Go
to the e-store to view the following titles: Outdoor play in
early childhood education and care programs and Quality
environments and best practices for physical activity in early
childhood settings.
Natural Learning Initiative:
The Challenge for the Future
In the current climate of concern over school readiness, we
must preserve some opportunity for children to play for their
own purposes. If we trust the evidence that childrens play
is at the very heart of healthy growth and development and
early learning, we must ensure that children have sufficient
time and adequate resources and support to develop the
ability to engage independently in extended free play. If
play always and exclusively serves adult educational goals,
it is no longer play from the childs perspective. It becomes
work, albeit playfully organized.
In many early childhood programs, the free play
environment is synonymous with unstructured time.
Teachers do the important work of teaching during centre
time and circle time; spontaneous free play is unimportant
in the educational endeavour. Early childhood educators
must find a way to devote equal time and interest to
facilitating the spontaneous free play of children and to
promoting playful approaches to early learning.
Families have little incentive to make time for play. They need
good information about the benefits of unstructured free
play in early childhood and regular opportunities to engage
with their children in play. Early childhood educators and
elementary school teachers need specialized preparation
to engage comfortably in child-initiated free play, as well as
more structured play-based learning experiences.

It is incumbent upon early-childhood educators, parents,

play advocates and researchers to do the following:
Ensure that there is adequate time, space, and
conditions for play to develop, both indoors and
Ensure that early learning environments have an
appropriate balance of child-initiated free play and
more directed learning.
Improve the quality and scope of play in early-learning
Create tools to assess the quality of play environments
and experiences.
Articulate the learning outcomes of play social,
emotional, cognitive, creative, and physical.
Create tools to assess the learning of individual
children and groups of children in play contexts.
Provide a clear focus in both preservice and inservice
teacher training on developing the full range of roles
for adults facilitating childrens play.
Promote the value of play and the childs right to
The formal education system and structured preschool
educational environments tend to emphasize the benefits
of play as a means to an end. As the debate in Canada
continues over what, when and how to facilitate learning
in early childhood, the philosophy of early-childhood
education developed over several decades of practice
has much to contribute. A comprehensive approach to
promoting learning through play must recognize the whole
continuum of play and the value of skilled educators in
facilitating opportunities for spontaneous free play in early

LET THE CHILDREN PLAY: Natures Answer to Early Learning 7

1. Huizinga, J. (1955). [1938]. Homo ludens: A study

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22. Schwartzman, H. (1978). Transformations: The

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2. Callois, R. (1961). Man, play and games. New

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11. Academy of Leisure Sciences. White Paper #6:

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21. The Association for the Study of Play website.

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46. Roskos, K.A., & Christie, J.F. (Eds.). (2000).

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P.O. Box 6128, Centre-ville Stn.
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