Exudate Management

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Exudate production by open wounds is essential

for moist wound healing. However, when wounds
produce insufficient or too much exudate, and/or
the composition of the exudate is harmful, a wide
range of problems can occur that ultimately delay
healing, distress patients and consume considerable
healthcare resources. This document builds on
the principles presented in the document Wound
exudate and the role of dressings1, and focuses on how
a rigorous approach to exudate management can
improve patient quality of life, promote healing and
enhance healthcare effectiveness.

Authors: M Romanelli, K Vowden, D Weir

Full author details can be found on page 5.

What is exudate?
Exudate can be defined as fluid leaking from a wound. It plays a
central role in healing.
Exudate is mainly water, but also contains electrolytes, nutrients,
proteins, inflammatory mediators, protein digesting enzymes
(eg matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs)), growth factors and
waste products, as well as various types of cells (eg neutrophils,
macrophages and platelets)2. Although wound exudate
frequently contains micro-organisms, their presence does not
necessarily mean that the wound is infected3. Exudate is usually
clear, pale amber and of watery consistency4. In general, it is
odourless, although some dressings produce a characteristic odour
that may be mistaken as coming from exudate.
Wound exudate should be evaluated in the context of the
wound tissue type being treated. For example, exudate
produced by a necrotic wound as a result of autolytic or
enzymatic debridement would characteristically be opaque and
tan, grey or even green (if the wound contains certain bacteria).
This exudate may also present with a foul odour.

What does exudate do?

In healing wounds, exudate supports healing and a
moist wound environment. The main role of exudate is in

facilitating the diffusion of vital healing factors (eg growth

and immune factors) and the migration of cells across the
wound bed5. It also promotes cell proliferation, provides
nutrients for cell metabolism, and aids autolysis of necrotic or
damaged tissue.

What affects rate of exudate

As healing occurs, the amount of exudate produced usually
decreases5. It is important to recognise that the volume of
exudate is related to the surface area of the wound, and
therefore large wounds such as burns, venous leg ulcers and
skin donor sites often produce higher volumes of exudate6.
Although a moist wound environment is necessary for optimal
wound healing7, over- or under-production of exudate may
adversely affect healing.
Any factor that increases capillary leakage or predisposes
to the development of tissue oedema (eg inflammation,
bacterial contamination or limb dependency) may boost
exudate production. Low exudate production may indicate
a systemic problem, eg dehydration, hypovolaemic shock,
microangiopathy, or may be a feature of ischaemic ulcers1.
When too much or too little exudate is produced, it is essential
that the healthcare professional accurately determines and
evaluates the factors contributing to the problem. Only then can
effective management strategies be introduced.

Why does exudate sometimes cause

healing problems?
In wounds not healing as expected (ie chronic wounds),
exudate appears to impede healing it:
slows down or even prevents cell proliferation
interferes with growth factor availability
contains elevated levels of inflammatory mediators and
activated MMPs8-10.
The increased proteolytic activity of chronic wound exudate is
implicated in perpetuating wounds, damaging the wound bed,
degrading the extracellular matrix, and causing periwound skin
Alterations in the characteristics of exudate, eg in colour,
quantity, odour or consistency, may have particular



How do I know when

exudate is not being
managed properly?

significance1,13. Any unexpected

change in exudate characteristics
may indicate a change in wound
status or concomitant disease process
and should prompt re-evaluation
see: Wound exudate and the role of

Why is it important to
manage exudate?
Effective exudate management can
reduce time to healing, reduce exudaterelated problems such as periwound skin
damage and infection, improve patients
quality of life, reduce dressing change
frequency and clinician input, and so,
overall, improve healthcare efficiency.
Comprehensive assessment underpins
effective exudate management, and
ideally should be integrated into
general wound assessment (Figure 1).
Assessment should identify any woundrelated, local, systemic or psychosocial
factors that may be contributing to
exudate-related problems.


Exudate is a problem when any of the

following occurs:
leakage and soiling
periwound skin changes, eg
maceration, denudation (skin
stripping or erosion)
delayed healing
protein loss/fluid and electrolyte
need for frequent dressing changes
psychosocial problems exudateassociated leakage, soiling, odour,
pain and the requirement for
frequent dressing changes may
distress patients and carers and
result in social isolation1.
Insufficient exudate may be associated
with delayed healing, delayed autolysis,
dressing adherence and pain on
dressing removal.

Figure 1 Integration of exudate assessment (adapted from1)

7. Management
of exudate
and related

1. Assess the

2. Assess the
region of the

6. Assess
periwound skin

5. Assess
wound base
and edge

3. Assess
4. Assess

What is the role of

In many cases, the overall aim of
exudate management is to achieve a
wound bed that is sufficiently moist for
healing (see Table 1), but that does not
cause problems such as maceration,
whilst treating underlying contributory
factors, enhancing patient quality of
life, encouraging healing, addressing
exudate-related problems and
optimising healthcare resource use1,14
(Figure 2).
Dressings are the main option for
managing exudate at wound level.
Table 2 presents dressing-related
strategies that can be employed to
increase, maintain or reduce wound
Where excessive exudate is a problem, or
where exudate composition is suspected
of impeding healing, removal of exudate
from the wound bed is a priority.

How do I choose an
appropriate dressing?
There are numerous dressings
available, ranging from simple
dressings consisting of one material,
to more sophisticated multilayered
dressings that combine several
modes of fluid handling. The materials
used in dressings vary in the way
that they handle fluid and may
have other properties. Developing
an understanding of how dressing
materials function will assist clinicians
in making appropriate dressing product
choices according to individual patients
In addition to fluid handling
capability, the dressing selected
should promote a wound

Table 1 Evaluation of dressingexudate interaction (adapted from1)


Wound bed


Surrounding skin

Wound bed is dry;

there is no visible

Primary dressing is unmarked; dressing may be adherent to


Skin may be scaly, atrophic,


Small amounts of
fluid are visible when
dressing is removed;
wound bed may
appear glossy

Primary dressing may be lightly marked; dressing change

frequency is appropriate

Skin is likely to be intact, hydrated, no



Small amounts of
fluid are visible
when the dressing is

Primary dressing is extensively marked, but strikethrough does

not occur; appropriate dressing change frequency

Initial fragmented areas of maceration

may be apparent


Free fluid is visible

when the dressing is

Primary dressing is wet and strikethrough occurs; dressing

change is required more frequently than usual

Macerated or denuded periwound skin

may encircle the wound


Free fluid is visible

when the dressing is

Dressings are saturated and exudate is escaping from primary

and secondary dressings onto clothes or beyond; dressing
change is required much more frequently than usual

Periwound skin is likely to be macerated

or denuded with extensive involvement

May be the
environment of
choice for ischaemic
Aim of exudate
management in
many cases

Table 2 Strategies for achieving the desired moist wound environment (adapted from1)


Increase wound moisture


Maintain wound
Reduce wound moisture


Reassess patient management to ensure appropriate treatment is in place

Choose dressing type that conserves, maintains or adds moisture
Use thinner (less absorbent) version of current dressing
Decrease dressing change frequency
If problems continue or worsen, refer for specialist opinion

Continue current dressing regimen if wound is making satisfactory progress towards treatment goals
Reconsider dressing choice or consider specialist referral if progress towards treatment goals is unsatisfactory

Reassess patient management to ensure appropriate treatment is in place (eg systemic interventions, or elevation or
compression where appropriate)
n Use thicker (more absorbent) version of current dressing
n Change to dressing type of greater fluid handling capacity
n Add or use higher absorbency secondary dressing
n Increase frequency of primary and/or secondary dressing change
n If problems continue or worsen, refer for specialist opinion

*It is important to review strategies regularly and to expect need for adjustment

environment that will encourage healing, prevent further

problems and meet the patients individual needs 15. Other
considerations will include:
ease of application, comfort, conformability
length of wear/frequency of dressing change required
retention of exudate within the dressing
avoidance of maceration/denudation
ease of removal
ability to reduce pain on application and removal and
during wear

if used under compression, ability to retain fluid under


Only by careful assessment of the current dressingwound

interaction can appropriate decisions be made regarding future
dressing selection (Table 1). Any decisions made to change the
dressing regimen need to be taken in the overall context of the
patients wound, concomitant conditions, psychosocial status
and wishes.

How do dressing materials

retain fluid?
Many dressing materials handle fluid
by absorbing it and/or allowing it to
evaporate. Simple absorptive dressing
materials that take fluid up into spaces
in their structure, eg cotton, viscose
or polyester textiles and simple
polyurethane or silicone foams, are not
able to retain liquid under pressure. Some
dressing materials, eg hydrocolloids,
carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) fibres
(Hydrofiber Technology) and, to an extent,
alginates, can retain a high proportion
of absorbed fluid when compressed by
taking up liquid to form a gel16.
Dressing materials are frequently
available in several different forms, eg
flat sheets of varying thickness, pastes
and ropes. Increasingly, individual
dressing products combine layers or
pockets of different types of dressing
materials. For example, dressings may
consist of a wound contact layer, an
absorbent layer and a non-permeable or
semi-permeable backing. As a result, the
fluid handling characteristics and usages
of individual dressings of the same
broad type may vary considerably1.

How do I avoid skin

Periwound skin changes have a number
of causes including: contact with
exudate, dressing sensitivity/allergy or a
dermatological condition. The likelihood of
exudate-related changes can be reduced
by minimising skin contact with exudate
by employing a dressing and regimen
appropriate to the level of exudate
production, and, if appropriate, using
a suitable skin barrier and atraumatic
dressings and methods of fixation.
CMC fibres (Hydrofiber Technology)
have been shown to form a gel that
prevents lateral movement of fluid

Figure 2 Principles of effective exudate management (adapted from1)

Effective exudate management
Treat underlying or contributory factors

Local factors

Wound-related factors

Systemic factors

Remove/maintain/increase wound
moisture as appropriate

wound bed

Psychosocial factors

Enhance patient
quality of life

Prevention and treatment of exudate-related problems

within the dressing16,17. This property

may help to protect periwound skin18,19.

How can I increase wound

In some situations, wound healing and
autolysis are delayed because there
is insufficient moisture in the wound.
Occlusive dressings (such as those with
a semi-permeable film backing or that
contain hydrocolloids) or those that
donate moisture (such as hydrogels) can
increase wound moisture content. Some
combination dressings are intended to
maintain a moist wound environment
whilst absorbing exudate.

What do we know
about the effects of
dressings on exudate
It has been suggested that some
dressing materials have the potential
to alter the composition of exudate in
ways that may prove to be beneficial to

For example, CMC fibres and some

alginates, have been shown in vitro to
trap bacteria and exudate components
such as proteolytic enzymes along with
Laboratory studies have also shown
that some dressing materials, eg CMC,
collagen/oxidised-regenerated cellulose
and some forms of hyaluronan, are
able to reduce free radical activity21,22.
Free radicals are produced as part of
the inflammatory process and have
been implicated in the perpetuation of

How do I know when

I have made the right
Regular comprehensive assessment
and documentation of the wound are
essential for monitoring change and
aiding decision-making. Documented
improvement of the wound and
progression towards treatment goals
(usually healing) provide a clear

indication that the wound environment

enhancement provided by topical
interventions has been successful.
Indications that the right choice has
been made and that the wound is
progressing to healing include:
healthy or improving periwound
healthy wound bed with no sign of
reduced dressing change
lack of or reduction in wound odour
reduction in or lack of wound pain.

When do I need to
think again?
The complications that may arise
from poor exudate management are
significant. Regular reassessment is
necessary to highlight continued or
emerging problems, and to prompt
adjustments in management. When
there is lack of progress, reassessment
should include examination for factors
beyond the wound that may be
creating a barrier to healing. In addition,
specialist referral may be considered.
Signs of lack of progress include:
the patients quality of life is not
the periwound skin remains



unhealthy and/or the wound is

the wound bed shows signs of
increasing bacterial load
there is soiling outside the dressing
the patient has made adjustments
to dressing arrangements to
accommodate the exudate
dressing changes are very frequent
wound odour is uncontrolled
wound pain is continuing.

Management with topical

negative pressure
In recent years, topical negative
pressure wound therapy has
revolutionised the management of
heavily exuding wounds24. In the
context of exudate management, it
is especially useful when soiling and
leakage pose significant problems
and when frequent dressing changes
are very painful. It has been used in a
wide range of wound types, including
diabetic foot ulcers and pressure ulcers
and has proved particularly useful in
the management of sternal and open
abdominal wounds.
Topical negative pressure
wound therapy must be used
appropriately, giving consideration to
contraindications, the type and location
of the wound, resources required and
practitioner competencies24.

Management with fluid

collection devices
Fluid collection devices (eg wound
management, stoma or urostomy bags)
are useful when exudate levels are
high and draining from an area where
the surrounding skin can support an
adhesive flange. Collection devices
are available that may be suitable for
a range of wound sizes, from small
discrete wounds, eg small surgical
wounds or drain sites, to large wounds
such as dehisced abdominal wounds.

Supported by an educational grant from

ConvaTec. The views expressed in this
Made Easy section do not necessarily
reflect those of ConvaTec.
Hydrofiber is a registered trademark of
ConvaTec Inc.

Author details
M Romanelli1, K Vowden2, D Weir3.
1. Consultant Dermatologist, Wound
Research Unit, Department of
Dermatology, University of Pisa, Italy
2. Nurse Consultant, Acute and Chronic
Wound Care, Bradford Teaching Hospitals
NHS Foundation Trust and University of
Bradford, Bradford, UK
3. Director, Wound Care, Osceola Regional
Medical Center, Kissimmee, Florida, USA


Exudate production is a normal feature of healing wounds. However, when the exudate
produced is too much, too little or of the wrong composition, a wide variety of problems
can occur, ranging from psychosocial issues to delayed healing. Careful attention to
contributory factors and to local management can help to reduce the likelihood of
problems, encourage healing and avoid unnecessary health burden costs.
To cite this publication
M Romanelli, K Vowden, D Weir. Exudate Management Made Easy. Wounds International 2010; 1(2):
Available from http://www.woundsinternational.com

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14. Dowsett C. Exudate management: a
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15. D owsett C. Managing wound exudate:
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18. Vanscheidt W, Mnter KC, Klvekorn W,

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Further reading
World Union of Wound Healing Societies (WUWHS). Principles of best practice: Wound exudate and the role of dressings.
London: MEP Ltd, 2007. Available from: http://www.woundsinternational.com.
Gibson D, Cullen B, Legerstee R, et al. MMPs Made Easy. Wounds International 2009; 1(1): Available from: http://
Krasner D, Rodeheaver GT, Sibbald RG (eds). Chronic wound care, 4th edition. Wayne, PA: HMP Communications, 2008.

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