1076 Muir Wood 2014
1076 Muir Wood 2014
1076 Muir Wood 2014
N ISBN : 978-2-9700858-6-7
MAY 2014
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Muir Wood Lecture 2014 - Some Critical Aspects Of SubaqueaousTunnelling - NISBN : 978-2-9700858-6-7 / MAY 2014
Layout : Longrine Avignon France www.longrine.fr
The International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association/Association Internationale des Tunnels et de lEspace Souterrain (ITA/AITES) publishes this report to, in accordance with its
statutes, facilitate the exchange of information, in order: to encourage planning of the subsurface for the benefit of the public, environment and sustainable development to promote advances
in planning, design, construction, maintenance and safety of tunnels and underground space, by bringing together information thereon and by studying questions related thereto. This report
has been prepared by professionals with expertise within the actual subjects. The opinions and statements are based on sources believed to be reliable and in good faith. However, ITA/AITES
accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the material published in this report. This material is: information of a general nature only which is not intended to address the specific
circumstances of any particular individual or entity; not necessarily comprehensive, complete, accurate or up to date; This material is not professional or legal advice (if you need specific advice,
you should always consult a suitably qualified professional).
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1 >> Introduction
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1 >> Introduction
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1 >> Introduction
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The Storeblt fixed link project involves a twin bored railway tunnel
8 km long which connects the islands of Sprog und Seeland in
Denmark [4, 10, 11, 12]. The tunnel was constructed in 1990 - 1997
using four EPB shields (two starting from Sprog and two starting from
Seeland) of 8.75 m diameter. The ground in the project area consists
of fissured marls and glacial tills, each accounting for about 50% of the
alignment (Fig. 6a).
Tills are particularly unfavourable for tunnel construction: the till in
question is an overconsolidated soil with up to 20% clay in the shallow
part of the alignment and a very heterogeneous material in the deeper
part (containing irregular sand lenses, gravels and glacial boulders
and less than 10% clay). Typical parameter values for the till were a
cohesion c of 20 kPa, a friction angle of 35 and a coefficient of
permeability k of 10-7 - 10-5 m/s [13].
Considering the low shear strength and the high permeability of the till
as well as the high hydrostatic pressure (up to 5 bar), the main hazard
scenario was a collapse of the tunnel heading with subsequent failure
propagation up to the seabed. This became evident soon after the
start of TBM excavation. During a weekend in October 1991, a face
collapse occurred which created a hydraulic connection to the seabed.
The quantity of water flowing in increased rapidly to 4 m3/sec and led
through open bulkhead doors to flooding of the tunnel (at that time
350 m long), the TBM launch pit in Sprog and from there the parallel
tunnel as well (Fig. 7).
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If, on the other hand, the hydraulic head hF in the chamber is lower
than the sea level elevation, then water will flow towards the tunnel
face, thus exerting seepage forces upon the ground. Figure 8 shows
the contour-lines of the piezometric head under atmospheric pore
water pressure in the working chamber. The seepage forces s are
oriented perpendicular to the contour-lines. Their magnitude increases
linearly with the head gradient and is, therefore, higher close to the
tunnel face. The seepage forces are unfavourable for stability and
necessitate a higher effective support pressure s in order for the face
to be stable. The lower the hydraulic head hF in the working chamber,
the higher the seepage forces and, consequently, the higher will be the
necessary effective support pressure s.
Figure 8 : Body forces (, s) acting upon the ground, necessary effective support pressure s and contour lines of the hydraulic head h:
(a) hydraulic head in the working chamber according to the sea level; (b) atmospheric pore water pressure in the working chamber
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For the given shear strength of the till and the given in situ
hydrostatic head hG (Fig. 9, black line), a low effective support
pressure would be sufficient for stability only in combination with
a sufficiently high hydraulic head hF in the working chamber (e.g.
moving from point A to point B of Fig. 9). Normally, the water
pressure in the chamber can be kept high by creating a
low-permeability muck that acts as a barrier to groundwater flow.
The addition of bentonite slurry, polymers or foams to the muck
can help here to some extent. In the case in point, conditioning
attempts remained unsuccessful. In order to maintain a high water
pressure in the chamber, it was necessary to apply back-pressure
by installing a piston pump at the end of the screw conveyor.
This made it possible for one machine to continue excavation in
the glacial tills and to enter the underlying stable marls. The other
machine was put out of operation; as the TBM coming from Sprog
made good progress in the meantime, the decision was taken to
shift the joining point of the two drives to the location of the stuck
TBM [12].
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The Melen 7 tunnel is located about 15 km north of central Istanbul. It
is the first bored tunnel underneath Bosphorus and also the first bored
tunnel in the world connecting two continents. The tunnel is a key
element of Istanbuls drinking water supply [18]. It has a bored diameter
of 6.11 m and is 5550 m long. A 3400 m long part, which includes the
section under the sea, was constructed using a shielded TBM (Fig. 6c).
The TBM was designed to sustain a maximum hydrostatic pressure of
13.5 bar during standstills and to operate in EPB mode at pressures of
up to 4 bar.
At the deepest section of the alignment, the TBM operated 135 m
below the sea level and 70 m below the seabed. The bedrock in
the project area consisted of alternating calcareous shales, clayey
or sandy limestones and sandstones. Due to thick granular alluvial
deposits, however, the minimum rock cover was as little as 35 m
in the marine section of the tunnel. This, in combination with the
existence of several faults as well as volcanic dykes in the project
area, implied a higher probability of encountering very high water
quantities or pressures in fault zones or in dykes communicating
with the seabed. The thickness of the dykes ranges from a few
meters up to 50 m and they consist of hard rocks with compressive
strengths of up to 140 MPa, which may nevertheless be fractured
and weathered. In the contact zones, the host sedimentary rock
is often completely crushed or disintegrated into a fine-grained
material. Due to this geological setting, together with previous
experience of tunnelling in the region, where groundwater problems
have been associated mostly with fault zones and/or dykes [6],
hazards such as a face collapse with subsequent tunnel flooding
were a major concern during the preparations for tunnelling.
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The following conclu-sions can be drawn from this diagram: For a given depth
below the sea level, the neces-sary face support pressure depends sensitively
on the depth of cover; the highest values correspond to the cross section A
in the central portion of the alignment. Tunnelling ex-perience indicates indeed
that the tunnel stretches with the highest water pressure and the smallest
depth of cover are the most critical [15, 17]. Furthermore, the narrower the
fault, the lower will be the necessary face support pressure. This is due to the
stabilizing effect of the shear stress at the interface between the fault and the
competent shale.
As can be seen from Figure 11b, face support is needed only if the fault
thickness d is greater than the critical thickness dcr . Figure 11c shows the
critical fault thickness dcr as a function of the undrained shear strength Su of
the ground for the three cross sections. Faults narrower than 2 - 3 m do not
present a stability problem even at the deepest portion of the alignment and
under extremely low shear strength values. Depending on the strength of the
fault material, thicker faults may necessitate face support (operation in closed
mode), ground improvement by grouting or pore pressure relief in the ground
ahead of the TBM by advance drainage. For shear strengths Su higher than
50 - 60 kPa, the face would remain stable without any measures. In view of
the difficulties of thorough advance grouting (due to the low permeability of
fine-grained soils and the constraints imposed by the tunnelling equipment on
the drillhole pattern), it is interesting to note that even a relatively small ground
improvement suffices to stabilize the face.
The TBM drive started March 2008 and finished without particular problems
in April 2009, about one month earlier than planned [18]. The evaluation
outlined above assisted in defining the criteria for decision-making during
construction with respect to advance probing, ground improvement and TBM
operational mode. The measures foreseen were: rotary percussive drilling for
routine advance probing and core drilling only for fault zones thicker than 2 m
consisting of ground of uncertain characteristics (fractured rock or soil that was
predominantly clayey or silty); stabilization grouting and/or closed mode TBM
operation in the case of fault zones thicker than 2 m consisting of low to medium
permeability soil (e.g. silty fault gouge, but not a practically impervious clay).
Figure 11 : Melen tunnel. (a) Problem layout; (b) Required support pressure s as a function of the
thickness d of the fault (undrained shear strength Su = 40 kPa); (c) Critical fault thickness dcr for an
unsupported tunnel face as a function of undrained shear strength Su (computation after [16])
Muir Wood Lecture 2014
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Lake Mead, behind the Hoover Dam, supplies about 90% of Las
Vegas valleys water. Over recent years, drought has caused the
lake level to drop by more than 30 meters. In order to maintain
water supplies, a third intake is under construction that is
deep enough to function at the lowest lake levels [7]. The main
structures of the project are a 170 m deep access shaft, a tunnel
approximately 4700 m long with a bored diameter of 7.22 m and
an intake structure in the middle of the lake.
The tunnel crosses metamorphic rocks and tertiary sedimentary
rocks (conglomerates, breccias, sandstones, siltstones and
mudstones of very variable quality), at a maximum depth of about
139 m beneath the current lake level. The rock cover decreases in
the last portion of the alignment, amounting locally to just 20 - 30 m
(Fig. 6d).
Due to the existence of several faults in the project area, the ground
at the elevation of the tunnel may be recharged directly from Lake
Mead, which implies the possibility of considerable water ingress
during construction. Given the high hydrostatic pressures and the
poor quality of the prevailing sedimentary rocks over long portions
of the alignment, attention was paid right from the start to the
potential hazards of a cave-in of the rock at the working face or
a flooding of the tunnel, and a decision was taken to construct
the tunnel using a convertible hybrid TBM [7, 19]. The TBM is
capable of boring in open- or closed-mode. In open mode, a screw
conveyor extracts the excavated rock from the working chamber. In
closed mode, the screw conveyor is retracted from the cutterhead
and the TBM operates as a closed shield by applying a pressurized
bentonite slurry which counterbalances the hydrostatic pressure
and stabilizes the tunnel face. The machine is designed to cope
with water pressures of more than 14 bar - the highest pressures
ever seen in closed shield tunnelling anywhere in the world (Fig. 12).
Although the TBM can bore in closed mode at this depth below
the water level, however, the high hydrostatic pressures make
inspection and maintenance in the working chamber extremely
The inherent technological risk of such high-pressure closedmode TBM operation and the lack of experience with hyperbaric
interventions at 14 bar in tunnelling made it necessary to develop
fallback strategies involving open mode operation, potentially in
combination with advance grouting and/or drainage.
4.2 Assessment of ground behaviour
The main difficulty with assessing the behaviour of the prevailing
weak, water-bearing, low-permeability tertiary rocks is that their
response to tunnel excavation is time-dependent. This means
that the tunnel face might be initially stable but fail after a period
of time: the short-term behaviour of the ground (i.e. the behaviour
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Advance drainage decreases the pore pressures and thus also the
destabilizing seepage forces acting within the ground towards the
face. Drainage-induced pore pressure relief is significant even under
the practical limitations imposed by the construction equipment
with respect to the spacing and number of boreholes [25, 26] (Fig. 14).
As can be seen from Figure 15, pore pressure relief has direct
consequences in terms of the slurry or compressed air pressure
that is needed in order to ensure face stability. Advance drainage
increases the feasibility range of open mode operation (bottom of
Fig. 15).
In the case of particularly poor quality ground, advance drainage
either alone (Fig. 15, BC) or in combination with grouting (Fig. 15,
ABC) allows reductions to be made in operational pressure.
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5.1 Project
The Zurich Cross Rail project includes a 4500 m bored doubletrack tunnel of 11.3 m diameter [5]. The last 280 m of the tunnel
crosses a glacial till overlain by lake deposits and fluvial gravels. An
86 m long part of the soft ground section runs at a minimum depth
of about 9 m below bed of the Limmat river and 13 m below river
level (Fig. 6b).
The tunnel was constructed using a shielded TBM, which was
operated in the soft ground section in closed mode as a slurry
shield. In order to reduce the impact of tunnelling on surface
structures, the last 140 m were excavated under the protection of a
large diameter pipe arch (Fig. 17a).
In the following we will focus on an interesting peculiarity of this
tunnel that arose from the rare combination of subaqueous
tunnelling and tunnelling underneath a building on the west bank of
the river (Fig. 17c).
5.2 Subaqueous tunnelling underneath a building
In the soft ground section, face stability was ensured through a
pressurized bentonite slurry that compensated the hydrostatic
pressure and exerted an excess pressure on the face (Fig. 17b).
Due to the small depth below the riverbed, the slurry pressure
acting upon the crown involved the risk of a blowout. During
TBM advance under the river, the slurry pressure required at the
crown was 20% lower than the critical blowout pressure and thus
not problematic. More critical in this respect were the hyperbaric
interventions needed for inspection and maintenance of the cutter
head, because of the inherently higher excess air pressure at the
Figure 17 : Zurich Cross Rail. Tunnel cross section (a), slurry pressure and critical blowout pressure underneath the river (b) and at the river
bank (c)
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6.1 Project
The project under study for the Gibraltar Strait crossing foresees a bored
tunnel approximately 38 km long, of which about 28 km will be under
the sea [8, 9]. The largest part of the tunnel is located in Flysch. At the
central section of the alignment, where the sea is 300 m deep and the
overburden amounts to approximately 200 m, the tunnel will cross two socalled paleochannels filled with clayey breccias of extremely poor quality
(Figure 6e). The very low strength and high deformability of the breccias in
combination with the 50 bar pore pressures prevailing at tunnel elevation
will cause squeezing conditions, i.e. large deformations of the opening and
development of high loads upon the tunnel lining. This, in combination with
the probable length of the critical stretch, its great depth and the distance
from the European and the African coast (all of which limit the construction
options) makes crossing the breccias a key technical challenge of the
project [28, 29].
Figure 18 : Gibraltar tunnel. (a) Template for re-entry probe borehole; (b) hydrodynamically favourable fairing [30, 31]
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In the following, the practical significance of such a poor quality ground for
tunnelling will be illustrated by means of computational results concerning
the short-term behaviour of the ground, i.e. the behaviour under constant
water content. The short-term response of the ground to excavation, i.e. its
behaviour close to the tunnel face, is important from the constructional point
of view. Depending on the intensity of squeezing, it may be necessary to apply
large amounts of support close to the working face in order to control the
ground. This slows down tunnel advance considerably, as support installation
interferes with the excavation work. In mechanized tunnelling, which is an
important construction option in the present case due to the great tunnel
length, squeezing may result in the complete immobilization of the tunnel
boring machine [34, 35] (Fig. 22).
The black solid line in Figure 23 shows the relationship between the radial
displacement of the excavation boundary and the pressure supporting the
ground under the simplifying assumption of rotational symmetry (ground
response curve). For the given parameter set, which applies to the conditions
prevailing in the breccias in the deepest section of the alignment, the maximum
convergence of an unsupported opening is equal to 50% of the tunnel radius.
Even with a heavy support pressure of 1 - 2 MPa, the estimated convergence
reaches 20 - 30% of the tunnel radius. It should be noted that the ground
response curve was obtained by means of a large strain analysis; neglecting
the geometric non-linearity arising in the case of such large deformations
would lead to a convergence of more than 100% of the tunnel radius (Fig. 23,
dashed line), which is physically meaningless. Tunnelling experience shows
that drainage not only improves the stability of the tunnel heading (Section 3),
but is also favourable with respect to squeezing, because the consolidation
of the ground increases its resistance to shearing [37, 40], thus leading to
a dramatic reduction in the deformation of the opening (Fig. 23, blue line).
Advance drainage is in fact an important auxiliary measure for the breccia
section of the Gibraltar tunnel [41, 42]. In view of the very low permeability of
the breccias, complete pore pressure relief by advance drainage may take a
prohibitively long time. The effect of drainage is, nevertheless, remarkable even
with partial pore pressure relief (Fig. 23, red line).
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8 >> References
[41] Floria, V., Fidelibus, C., Repetto, L., Russo, G. 2008. Drainage
and related in-crease of short-term strength of low permeability
rock mass. Building underground for the future; AFTES International
Congress Monaco, Monte Carlo, 281-284, AFTES Paris.
[27] Nickerson, J., Bono, R., Donadoni, N., Nicola, A., Anagnostou,
G., Schuerch, R., Zingg, S. 2014. Lake Mead Intake Tunnel No. 3
A step beyond the limits. Swiss Tunnel Congress, Lucerne.
[28] Russo, G., Grasso, P., Bensaid, A. 2008. A framework for the
risk analysis of the Gibraltar strait Railway-link tunnel. World Tunnel
Congress 2008 - Underground Facilities for better Environment and
Safety - India, 1726 - 1735.
[29] Lombardi, G., Neuenschwander, M., Panciera, A. 2009.
Gibraltar Tunnel Project update the geomechanical challenges.
Geomechanics and Tunnelling, 2, No. 5, 578 - 590.
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