ArsMagica5 BrokenCovenantOfCalebais
ArsMagica5 BrokenCovenantOfCalebais
ArsMagica5 BrokenCovenantOfCalebais
Authors: Mark ReinHagen and Jonathan Tweet
Erik Dahl lives in northern California and works for a major university. When he's not writing about Ars Magica,
he plays in a fun rock band called Volvo Maroon, and many of their songs are freely available on the internet.
This book is the synthesis of many excellent contributions from the brilliant and helpful people listed above, and is
dedicated to Erik's lovely wife, who always endures his geekiness with grace and charm.
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2004 Trident, Inc. d/b/a Atlas Games. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this work by any means without written permission from the
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Table of
The Covenant of Calebais . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Chapter One:
The Mystery of Calebais. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Chapter Two:
The Ruins of Calebais . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Chapter Three:
The Legacy of Calebais. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Awakened Animals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
While the events of these chapters are based around a framework for a story, they do not outline that story from beginning
to end. Instead, they describe the places, people, and events
associated with Calebais. This is a dynamic setting that should
interact with the characters, and change depending on their
actions. The inhabitants are independent, and act on their own
initiative, as well as in response to what the characters do. If the
characters choose not to enter an area, the inhabitants might
instead come to them.
For this reason, you will need to be familiar enough with the elements that make up the story to be able to invent things as you
go along. It requires a bit of extra preparation on your part, but
in return you will have a better story and your troupe will have a
better experience. Make sure you read each chapter thoroughly
before playing it, so that you will understand all the subtleties of
what is going on and can feel free to change things or make up
new elements as you think appropriate.
A New Revision
This revised edition of The Broken Covenant of Calebais is the third
version of the adventure to be published for Ars Magica. Calebais
At the end of each chapter, several options are presented for taking the story in different directions. Consider these ideas and
your own before running the adventure. Perhaps one of the players choices will make one of the options especially attractive.
Dont let your preconceptions hinder you be ready to change
your mind about the encounters as you go, to produce an exciting and fulfilling story that still makes sense.
The rewards of this story are great, and so the challenges are significant. Nothing about Calebais should be simple, though it does not
need to be frustrating. When in doubt, go easy on the characters.
Even if they generally have the advantage, botches on important
rolls can lead to crippling injuries and even a dead character or
two. Make sure they come prepared with cannon fodder characters they can afford to lose if things go wrong because many
of the encounters are more dramatic when they are deadly.
Dont expect to be done with this supplement in just one play session, either. Five sessions is normal, and it can easily be stretched
even further if the characters are very thorough. Also, the last chapter takes place long after the first two have been completed, and yet
is still part of the story; you can mix in other adventures and then
come back to it. The supplement works particularly well if you can
introduce the story into a setting that you have already developed,
so that you can both foreshadow it and refer back to it. You can
even build an entire saga around the adventure, if you wish.
the distance the higher ground from which Two Crag Hill may be
reached. The view into the English Channel from the jagged chalk
and limestone cliffs is blue and fair in summer and grey and misty in
the winter, but a persistent fog covers the woodlands as characters
begin to make their way to the site of the fallen covenant.
The Setting
In Ars Magica, there are some aspects of the published setting
that are kept deliberately vague, so that it is easy to integrate
them into your game. This story is no exception; the broken
covenant does not exist in any specific place in Mythic Europe,
but it can exist anywhere that you would like to place it. It is
important to the story that Calebais has a history in the area,
and possesses the regional flavor that matches its surroundings,
so it is up to you to weave it into your saga.
On the Gothic March west of the Rhone River, just north of the
Pyrenees and near the border of Burgundy, lies the small village
of Bonnedon. It may be found on a temperate plateau about two
days walk from Toulouse, among rolling hills covered with vineyards and valleys swathed in wheat. To the northeast is a wooded area thick with brambles and brush under the twisting, dry
trees; at one time the whole village looked very similar, but the
Cistercian monks of the abbey have cultivated the land and
brought about a near-miraculous change.
Each setting describes three places, for use in each of the three
different chapters of the story. The first is a small village with an
abbey and a nearby forest. The second is deep within that forest,
home to faeries and long-dead wizards. The third describes a
Cistercian nunnery, the significance of which will not be
revealed until much later in the adventure.
Note that none of these potential settings actually existed in the
medieval world, though they are obviously inspired by history.
They are portraits painted with a broad brush, intended to convey
the tone and feeling of the area without perfectly depicting reality.
Thus, you may personalize them without fear, changing any part of
the image to conform more or less to your vision, and altering the
impression they give to match the colors of your saga.
The wood has a dry, dusty smell, even in colder months, and
quite strangely grows more lush as the characters travel further
from the river. The trees are dense and knot together overhead,
with their tangled roots sprawled about the earthy wilderness,
forcing the characters to climb over and under such wooden barricades as they travel north towards Two Crag Hill.
When the time comes to visit the nuns, the characters will find
the Abbey of St. Douceline in the civilized valleys further west,
closer to Montauban, near the Dalinnae River. Though established in the heart of the Cistercian Order, the convent is much
smaller than one might expect, considering its influence, and the
nuns must work hard each year to coerce the brittle ground to
meet their needs, since their charter only barely provides them
with enough to make their living.
The village of Byneden is situated on the southern coast of Dorset,
near the almost perfectly-rounded cove of Lulworth. It is a small
group of perhaps twenty families, clustered about a well-established
Cistercian abbey that was built in 1149. Behind it, to the north, rise
large round hills. Byneden Hill, the largest, is said to be haunted by
the ghosts of Roman legions who landed here in ancient times and
fell to their deaths, and the path by which the characters must
arrive passes between it and a range of several lesser hills to the
east, unless they travel by boat and sail into the cove.
The Rhine
Maulbronn Abbey is located about forty miles west of Stuttgart,
in the village of Baden on the northern edge of the Black Forest.
It is an impressive structure, with thick, fortified stone walls to
separate the monks from the harsh world outside, and finely-
crafted sloped roofs of brown-red rock. The buildings are closeset, conveying a sense of huddled safety within, and while most
of the building is only two stories high, it seems extremely tall
and narrow.
Long ago, perhaps two hundred years or more, a group of
Hermetic magi constructed an inverted tower, tunneling down
into Two Crag Hill. It was essentially a deep well with rooms
carved into the sides, providing the magi with water and shelter
and safety from prying eyes. In their early years they united
together to aid rebels against the king, and thus took the symbol
of a broken crown. These activities brought great disfavor from
the tribunal, who conducted a thorough investigation and punished many of the wizards for their interference in mundane
affairs. After that followed a period of inactivity as the magi
withdrew into seclusion, and each of them began to fear that
others, outside or working within, would try to take over their
covenant. By design they lacked any central authority to regulate
their activities, and the magi of Calebais soon became estranged
from each other.
Other Locales
As long as the characters are located somewhere in Mythic
Europe, this story can still fit into the setting without much
effort. Monasteries and nunneries may be found almost anywhere, and the Cistercian Rule had become very popular in the
early 1200s; many existing abbeys adopted its rigid structure,
even as far away as Portugal, Ireland, and Constantinople. The
severe, strict piety of the White Monks helps create an interesting contrast with the proud, divisive magi, but if you cannot justify their presence in your setting, Benedictines are found in
every corner of the world and are still an acceptable substitute.
Finally, in about 1170, the situation finally exploded into violence, unintentionally catalysed by one of the wizards great
achievements. Mormulus, a master of illusions, wanted to protect
himself from the prying eyes and ceaseless spying that he imagined to occur throughout the covenant. He devoted his studies
to magic that could stop what he saw as the essential problem
and his final creation was a magical device that effectively prevented all such spells. No magi would ever be able to peer into
his or the covenants affairs ever again.
Soon after, the Quaesitor Ornath left, unable to tolerate the wizards infighting any further. In his absence, Mormuluss enchantment increased the wizards paranoia, and they inexplicably concluded that they were free from the threat of retribution from
the Order. As long as they allowed no outsiders into their
covenant, they could aid rebels, punish their enemies, and even
secretly attack each other, safe in the belief that no one would
ever be able to ascertain who was to blame for what. This idea
threw the unstable covenant into terrifying anarchy.
The Story
In order to give you an idea of what to expect, there follows a
summary of the events of The Broken Covenant of Calebais as they
might occur in your game. Of course, this may not be how it
happens in your group, whether because you change things
about it or because the players make new and interesting choices
that this version does not anticipate. In short, the story can happen many different ways, and there is no one best route through
this adventure.
the attack can remember almost nothing, and there are reports of
strange devil-folk in the woods. The abbot of the monastery
believes that these rumors are baseless, and wishes the whole
clamor quieted; the reeve has petitioned the nobility for a force
of men with which to search the woods.
almost everyone and destroyed most of the covenants possessions. The rooms and tunnels were severely damaged; little
remains of what was once a place of culture and great beauty.
In terms of sheer destruction, the wizard Pitsdim was unequaled
in his ability to lay waste to everything in his path, and many of
the ghosts still blame him for the result. Crenvalus, too,
destroyed more than his share of the covenant in a great rage,
summoning an earthquake that buried Pitsdim under several feet
of rock, but also caused great damage and flooded the lower levels, drowning or crushing the few living souls who remained.
From those who fled at the outset, other magi of the Order gathered that some great evil had befallen the covenant. A group of
three Quaesitores went to investigate the site, to determine what
had happened and report to the tribunal. One of these magi was
Ornath, the only wizard from Calebais to have escaped. They
found that little remained of proud Calebais, and that the ruins
were already haunted by ghosts of the bitter dead. Because
Ornaths anger over the destruction was immense, he wanted these
spirits to suffer perpetually for their terrible acts. He realized that
explorers might be persuaded by the dead to help lay them to rest,
so after cursory examination, he convinced the others that the
place was cursed by devils and should not be disturbed.
Since that time, no one has ever seen inside the covenant, both
because the spells that they would use to examine a potentially
dangerous place from a distance do not function, and because
they fear traffic with demons. To this day, however, many magi
in the Order are intensely concerned over what happened at
Calebais, a covenant that should have been too powerful to
destroy, but none have been able to penetrate Mormuluss Veil of
secrecy. The ruins have thus been left entirely undisturbed.
The Adventure
After years of silence, a messenger of the Order of Hermes
brings a strange document to the characters covenant. This old,
tattered letter outlines some of what happened at Calebais and
tells of a bell of great magical power still hidden in the depths.
The message was given to the Redcap by a nun who had once
been a valuable member of Calebais, but who asked that her
name and location be kept secret. She believes that the Order is
in danger, that the ruins of Calebais will soon be uncovered, and
asks that the characters use their powers and wisdom to convince the mortals to leave the place undisturbed, while helping
themselves to what treasures still remain.
The story also contains many loose ends that the characters may
choose to tie up afterwards: rescuing the satyrs captive, freeing
the restless dead from their torment, determining the future of
the Hrools, and even exploring submerged levels of the
covenant. The story of Calebais should thus inspire many exciting subsequent adventures for you and your Ars Magica troupe.
Here are some notes about the characters in this adventure, briefly summarized with a page reference to help you remember their
roles, explain their relationships to each other, and locate them quickly. Refer back to this list whenever you need to find information
about a character in the story.
11 Ash, Redcap
16 young woman
16 murdered man
16 young man
16 Father Eric, abbot
16 Stephen, reeve
21 Sir Gilbert
21 Luc, adviser
22 Paul, squire
18 Boch, satyr
29 dryad
Respects magi and the Order, dislikes being taken for granted
Father killed, lover injured, pregnant, held by faerie curse
Killed by satyrs in the forest while protecting daughter
Injured protecting lover, resting at abbey, lost memory, heard the Bell
Angry with the reeve for stirring up the village, assumes girl fled
Investigating murder and abduction, believes great evil in forest, dislikes the abbot
Friendly knight-errant, seeks dragon, knows four of the guides
Distrusts characters, protects Sir Gilbert
Enthusiastic and awkward, serves Sir Gilbert and Luc
Speaks for the satyrs, misses the dryad, explains the abduction and the faerie curse
Controls the Veil, lonely, can only leave the fountain in spirit unless freed
Dargaud, ghost
Ornath, magus
Paulo, ghost
Josephine, ghost
David, ghost
Igack, fire drake
Ferdina, ghost
Mormulus, ghost
Ierimyra, ghost
Pitsdim, ghost
Larine, nun
Althea, ghost
Granorda, ghost
Crenvalus, ghost
Uderzus, ghost
UnGifted Redcap, sneaky, throws rocks, freed when he understands what happened
Quaesitor, disliked Crenvalus, left the covenant, headed its investigation
Crenvaluss muddled shield grog, war hammer, freed by protecting Calebais
Grog, thief, grieving, freed by rescuing her son Gemaric
Captain; practical; magic armor, sword, shield; freed by killing Crenvalus
Transformed child, now an intelligent rock, has little legs, flees
Pitsdims familiar, breathes fire, has a diadem
Former autocrat, gentle, burned, chime, freed by respect from magi
Merinita illusionist, lost in dream world, freed by remorse
Bjornaer, mother of the Hrools, scholarly, freed by her childrens safety
Ignem Flambeau, insane, freed by burning to death
Librarian, Davids lover, fled Calebais to nunnery with Crenvaluss letter
Lab assistant, freed by satiating her hunger
Necromancer, paranoid, freed by making her corpse safe
Rego master, crafty, killed David, fears Larine and his letter
Tests the characters, magical lance, freed by answers to his questions
Hedwig, abbess
Palona, advocate
Alice, visionary
Malores, mute
Nadaline, cook
Father Martin
Chapter One
The story begins when the characters are visited by a Redcap, one
of the messengers of the Order of Hermes, who bears a letter for
the magi. This Redcap could be someone the characters know,
who lives in their Tribunal, or a new character that they will meet
for the first time. Included is a character named Ash, a Redcap
without The Gift, who you may use for this story. In any case,
since all covenants need to have some connection to the Order,
no matter how remote or secret the wizards may be they will
eventually receive the message that introduces the adventure.
This story device works best if the characters call a special meeting to hear the message, with as many magi as possible present
to hear it. The Redcap will explain upon her arrival that the
information she carries is interesting but not urgent, and concerns a former covenant in the area known as Calebais. It can
wait a few hours while she recovers from her journey, perhaps
giving the magi time to refresh their knowledge.
Ash is a member of a small group of redcaps who call themselves
the Broken Branches. She has spent her entire adult life as a
messenger for the Order of Hermes; she loves the freedom, the
excitement, and the responsibility. If she could not travel, she
would quickly wither away. Her name is her own invention, and
she doesnt like questions or jokes about it. She is respectful to
magi, but privately doesnt think much of them or their leadership. However, she is very loyal to the Order of Hermes as a
whole; this may be because the only person shes ever trusted
(beside herself) was her brother, a magus, now dead.
Rumors of Calebais
As long as the characters have some knowledge of the Order
(that is, a score in Order of Hermes Lore), players may see what
they know about the former covenant by making an Intelligence
+ Order of Hermes Lore stress roll and applying the results to
the list below. You might wait to reveal all of this information
until after every roll has been made, so that you can share the
results with the whole troupe; dont force the players to compare
notes unless the characters are particularly secretive, as several
characters may recall the same things.
Ash wears a magical travelers cloak, which was a gift to her from
her brother and her most prized possession. He also gave her a
magic ring that can disguise her appearance, making her look
and sound like a man when necessary. She intensely dislikes this,
but she recognizes that it is often useful, as medieval women
rarely travel without an escort and are not treated well when
they do. It is one of the reasons she respects the Order, for
among wizards she can simply be herself.
When Ash does something that does not fall within her official
duties, she expects to be paid. House Mercere sees to her needs,
but she believes that it is through special alms that magi recognize her exceptional efforts on their behalf. To her, not giving
her something in return for doing something expertly is treating
Ash, a Redcap
Characteristics: Int 0, Per +1, Pre -1, Com -2, Str +2, Sta +4,
Dex 0, Qik 0
Age: 33
Virtues and Flaws: Redcap; Dowsing, Wilderness Sense;
Enduring Constitution, Great (Stamina), Strong-Willed;
Low Self-Esteem; Compulsion (travel), Temperate; Mentor
(leader of the Broken Branches); Poor Student, Social
Handicap (independent)
Personality Traits: Independent +3, Respectful +2, Loyal +2
Staff (thorny): Init +0, Attack +7, Defense +11, Damage +8
Soak: +4
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, 0, -2, -4, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: 0 (1-5), -2 (6-10), -4 (11-15), Incapacitated
Abilities: Athletics 3 (walking), Awareness 1, Bargain 4 (services), Brawl 3 (dodging), Carouse 2, Code of Hermes 2
(Redcaps), Dowsing 4 (water), Folk Ken 3, Great Weapon
(staff) 5, Local Area Lore (geography) 5, Local Language 5
(directions), Order of Hermes Lore (covenants) 4, Ride 1,
Speak Latin 5 (reading messages), Survival 5 (forest), Swim
2 (while burdened)
Equipment: Ash wears a circular travelers cloak fashioned from
rough cloth with several magical effects: it protects her
from harsh elements (ReAqAuIg Base 1, +1 Touch, +2 Sun,
+2 requisites; +4 constant = Level 14), makes walking easier
if the false ones interest you, they can be developed into additional options for this story.
If players botch their roll, their characters will remember nothing about Calebais, and might suffer other ill effects depending
on the severity of the botch: they might become fatigued, lose
interest in the whole subject, or even suffer a loss of Confidence
Points. You can also mix up or invent information to give them,
but try to avoid giving hints of what is true and what is false this
way. Knowing that they botched, players will probably disregard
what you tell them unless that information is confirmed by other
When the wizards gather, the Redcap will explain that an old
nun, who had once been a custos of Calebais, gave her a letter for
them. She said that the last magus at Calebais wrote it just
before its end, and the nun took it with her when fleeing the
covenant. It reveals the fact that one may pass the veil that protects Calebais, and describes the Bell of Ibyn, their greatest treasure. She has kept the letter hidden all these years, but recent
events have made her decide to come forward. Her position at
the convent would be compromised if her sisters knew of her
history with the Order, so she asked the Redcap to keep her
name and location secret. (The Redcap agreed, and will not yield
to the characters curiosity out of professional pride.)
The nun fears that this situation could have dire consequences
for the Order of Hermes. She believes that these attacks were
caused directly or indirectly by Calebais, and that if the
authorities were to investigate the area, they would discover evidence of the Order and hold them responsible for the attacks.
This could turn their wrath upon other local magi, and perhaps
worse the abbot of the nearby monastery has distant ties to
the Pope, and could bring the power of the see of Rome to bear.
Someone must act to see that the mystery of these attacks is
solved without involving Calebais, or at least ensure that there is
nothing there to implicate the Order. If nothing else, this may
be the last chance for anyone to rescue some of the lost treasures
of the covenant before they are destroyed.
The nun may have an exaggerated idea of the danger, and it may
be very unlikely that any of these events will come to pass. The
promise of worthwhile treasure and a unique challenge could be
enough to convince the magi to investigate. However, the events
in the village may help draw the characters into the medieval
landscape that surrounds the former covenant, and explain some
of the rumors that they have heard, or will hear, about what lies
in the ruins. Solving the mystery of the village is an excellent
opportunity for the characters to start off on a good footing with
the nuns in Chapter Three, assuming the story brings them to
that conclusion, as their reputation will probably precede them.
I have a sad tale to tell. Calebais is no more. It has been destroyed. Heed well
my warning, if you desire to avoid our fate, for I write to you from my grave.
Perilous was the devil that beset us, but his embrace was not inevitable. Learn
from our mistakes in dealing with this evil that covered our eyes and took hold
of our hearts.
To reach the Bell, you must first pass through Mormuluss Veil. This can be
done if you find the dryad who lives upon the hill. The twelve guides will lead
you to her if you follow them in the correct order. The thief in red is first, followed by one who crawls through the air, one who crawls upon the earth, one
Mormuluss Veil was the beginning of our end. It was the means to bring peace
to Calebais and those who lived within, but after all else, it was that which
destroyed us. Though it had no power to harm of itself, it is what allowed the
demon to strike, and when it finally usurped the Code of Hermes, our seduction
was complete.
I beg of you, my friends, beware the pride that holds your souls captive. This
sickness will destroy you as surely as it destroyed us. Be strong; unite, and
bond together. Do this lest you also be beset by the curse that fell upon us.
If you think you can atone for our great sin, retrieve our great Bell of Ibyn.
This device of warning served Calebais since its founding, though it could not
prevent the evil that penetrated our deepest thoughts. Yet our fabulous treasure
The Village
As explained in the introduction, this settlement can be placed in
many different parts of Mythic Europe, as appropriate to your
saga. There are, however, a few features of the village that
should remain constant wherever it is located, and encounters
involving those areas are described below.
The Abbey
One of the sacred duties of monasteries is the charity of giving
travelers a meal and a bed, and the characters are probably aware
of this, as it is a common feature of medieval life. However,
depending on how common Cistercian abbeys are in their
region, they may not be aware of their unusual restrictions
regarding women. Bluntly, the general consensus among
Cistercian monks is if you allow a woman through the door, the
devil will come in through the window. Only in unique circum-
If the characters travel to the village with Ash, she will make
them aware of these facts before they leave the covenant, so that
they can prepare disguises or make other plans. She suggests
they look for lodging in the village, but that they prepare a plau-
sible story for why they are traveling: nobility returning to their
lands from other holdings, pious Christians on a pilgrimage, or
perhaps craftsfolk traveling to a fair.
A detailed description of the abbey is not necessary, since the
characters are unlikely to spend much time there. If they stay
within, they sleep in the guest house and eat apart from the
monks, and while they might visit the church to pray, they have
little interaction with the brothers apart from the one who sees
to their needs. If you find you need a better idea of the layout
and buildings of a medieval abbey, there is more information in
Chapter Three.
Characters with The Gift will have great difficulty in the village,
for few people will speak with them, and they will be regarded
with distrust wherever they go. Stephen is desperate enough to
overcome his instinctive revulsion at working with such unpleasant company, but he will hate himself for it and will share none
of the credit with them. If they succeed in resolving the mystery
of the missing girl without help from more palatable companions, they will be thanked and quickly seen on their way.
Obviously, characters with the Blatant Gift will be utterly unwelcome, driven off and watched for in case they should return.
The Reeve
The village is not particularly large, and the wealthiest family is
that of Stephen, the reeve. He lives on the other side of the river
and closer to the wood in a large, well-built house. Stephen
believes that the recent events in the forest bode ill for the village,
and hopes to play the politics of the situation well enough to
recapture some of the influence that he has lost to the abbot over
the last decade. His visit with his lord did not go as well as he had
What happened next is not clear, though certainly they all met in
the woods. The boy was injured, beaten senseless, and a head
injury has destroyed his memories of the event. The father was
found dead with a great wound in his chest, as from a sharp horn,
and many bruises. Tracks suggested he had been attacked by a
group of wild animals, though it was whispered that such animals
must have walked on two legs with goat-feet. It is likely the girl
had been there as well, for a strip of cloth torn from her garments
was found near the men. No other trace of her has been found
since, either in the forest or in the surrounding villages.
The Wood
Most of the forest on the outskirts of the village has a Faerie aura
of 2. A significant portion of the area also has a Faerie regio,
which is unusual in that it is impossible to accidentally stumble
into it. That is, unless the characters suspect a regio, they will
not find it. Its strength varies from level 3 to level 5. It covers
three territories, each occupying a different section of the forest:
Satyr Hollow (Faerie 3), the Veil (Faerie 4), and Dryad Grove
(Faerie 5). These areas are outlined in more detail below
The boy would gladly accept his responsibilities and marry the
girl once he recovers, but he fears she will not have him, for she
had said on that terrible day that she planned to leave him. The
troubles that now consume his waking hours stem from his concern for her safety. He can remember nothing else of what
occurred except for one inexplicable image: he thought he heard
the jarring sound of a bell, an awful sound, tolling far in the distance but still loud enough to be heard clearly. The broken tone
of the bell occupies his dreams and fills his thoughts with guilt
and remorse.
The abbot maintains that the girl has been lost, fled from her
wanton actions and hidden somewhere far away, to atone for her
sins and bear the child. He regards the death as a terrible accident, and wishes to discourage fearful rumors of demonic creatures marauding in the surrounding region. He is very angry with
the reeve for frightening the villagers and attempting to mobilize
his lords men, and views these actions as a challenge to his leadership. The reeve, in turn, believes that the abbot wants the
young couple too harshly punished for their sinful actions
(which are quite understandable to the common people), and is
using this event as an example to the community for the consequences of sin, rather than taking any interest in what happened
or giving any thought to the girl.
The villagers, including the reeve, have long known that there is
a great evil hidden in the forest, and see this event as its return
brought about by the dark times in which they live. They know
there are areas of the wood that cannot be penetrated, and a particular clearing where strange visions of talking animals and
other wicked things plague those who stray there. Beyond is a
place of great strife and battle in years past, where flames and
screams were heard day and night, accompanied by the clanging
sound of a great iron being struck. Foresters have occasionally
seen shaggy, bestial devil-men running in the distance in that
same area. Wilder legends brought forth with strong drink tell of
a sleeping dragon on Two Crag Hill, who long ago stole and
devoured many of their people. With all these forces arrayed
against them, it is no wonder the villagers are frightened, and do
not know who will have the strength to protect them, the abbot
or their lord.
the characters may also find their way into the dryads grove,
another level that overlaps the covenant site.
Satyr Hollow
Near the place where the man was killed is the entrance to Satyr
Hollow, where a small number of the goat-footed creatures of
ancient myth still live in a free, comfortable band. Here they run
at will through the forest, brawl with each other in sport, or nap
under the trees while listening to their faerie pipes. They
embody every kind of masculine leisure in the wild. The characters will be greeted by several surprised satyrs when they first
arrive in the regio, who may abruptly challenge them to a
wrestling match or invite them to accompany their hunt, as if
this were the most natural thing in the world.
If the characters are threatening (have drawn weapons, for example) the satyrs may circle warily, pointing thick javelins at them
and demanding to know their business. The creatures are not
averse to a fight, as they havent had a good one in some time,
but their numbers are waning and they fear unnecessary casualties. They would rather talk, but if the players want a battle it is
easy to give them one here.
If the characters are easygoing and friendly, they will be offered
wine and fruit. The satyrs have no leader, so this is more along
the lines of one or two of them holding up their wineskins or
gesturing to the drying figs on flat rocks. They will start to
drink, carouse, and generally make merry, which may encourage
the characters to join them. Characters with some knowledge of
Faerie Lore may recognize this as dangerous, and you should
warn characters with Common Sense that accepting food or
drink from the fay is a bad idea.
The aura here is Faerie 3.
These satyrs spend much of their days hunting, chasing down
faerie stags for sport, engaging in contests to see who can put
makes it possible for them to run through the Veil without losing
their way or being misled by the illusions. They are searching
for the dryad, but they never find her (their wine prevents them
from seeing illusions, including her), and they have become convinced she is held captive at Calebais. Many of their number
have been lost in battle with the strange creatures that live there,
and they now have a long-standing grudge that they periodically
renew in spite of the danger. Simply put, they are dying out.
the most javelins into the neck of the beast without killing it,
and so on. They do not eat meat, and they believe it dishonorable to kill unless their opponent kills one of them first.
Incredibly lusty, these wild creatures live for the hunt and other
earthly pleasures. In battle, they fight with horns and hooves
simultaneously, hurling themselves at their enemies with dreadful
The eldest satyr, who will introduce himself as Boch, will quietly
make the characters acquaintance and take them aside once they
have gotten comfortable. Older and wiser, he speaks the language much better than the others and bluntly asks the characters their business. If necessary, he will facilitate this discussion
by playing a drowsy song on his pipes to calm down the rest
after they have finished posturing for the newcomers. He
assumes the characters have come here looking for the girl, and
wants to head off a war without arousing the others suspicions.
Boch suggested that the satyrs capture a wife from the village, as
payment for the dryad stolen from them. The fauns dislike the
Dominion, but they saw the girl in the forest several times from
a distance, and after a few fights to establish dominance, one of
the younger satyrs decided to take her. Resolved, he and several
others in his hunting party interrupted an angry confrontation
between her father and her lover, and the two men attacked the
fauns. It was not much of a fight, but one of the satyrs was
killed, and so they killed one of the humans in their own form of
primitive justice, taking their new bride and their fallen brother
with them. Boch regrets this, and will do what he can to help
the characters as long as no more blood must be shed.
He will admit that she is here if they ask after her, but explains
that she is needed, and that she is their wife. He can tell the
story of how they captured her and what happened during the
conflict, and may explain what he can remember about the
arrangement with the dryad, mentioned below, if the characters
negotiate. If they insist on seeing her, he will take them to her,
but cautions that the others are extremely protective of her, and
that in any case she cannot leave, for she belongs with us now.
The woman has drunk their faerie wine and eaten their faerie
fruit, both of which have strange effects. Firstly, they accentuate
independence and heighten reckless, lustful behavior. Secondly,
they inspire a sort of temporary battle-madness, making one less
susceptible to trickery and illusion and more inclined to fight.
Finally, and most importantly, they prevent mortals from leaving
the regio for a whole year. If any of the characters eats or drinks
from the satyrs stores, they too will be affected in this way; they
can visit the dryads palace, the Veil, and the surrounding forest,
in fact anywhere within the regiones, but when they try to walk
towards the village or follow the dryad into the covenant, they
will simply wind up back where they started. Emphasize that the
curse feels as if ones blood is racing, like running faster, or like
one is more awake this may later help the players piece
together how to break the curse.
Before the magi of Calebais set up their magical Veil, the satyrs
had a similar arrangement with the dryad who lives in the forest,
whereby they would visit her when they wanted company,
which suited both parties very well. However, recently (that is,
within the last fifty years) she has gone missing. This is dangerous for the fauns; they have become much more aggressive and
violent, occasionally staging raids on the covenant by drinking
their faerie wine until they are intoxicated and berserk, which
Closely followed by his stubbly beard, his holy sword is his most
prized possession. It contains the knucklebone of St. Augustus
built into its hilt below the leather straps. This relic gives the
sword the following powers:
In the meadow just below Two Crag Hill, the characters will
meet a knight-errant, his trusted adviser, and his servants, from
whom they can gain information about the magic protecting
Calebais. These characters might be used later in your saga as
occasional visitors to the covenant if they wind up being friends,
or as periodic hindrances if they become enemies. They could
even be incorporated into the game as companion characters, if
you are just beginning and have players who would be interested
in them.
During the day, this clearing should give the characters their first
glimpse of the famous crags at the top of the hill that marks the
location of the covenant. If the sky is clear, the peaks show up
hazily against the sky on the horizon like a ghostly gate to
another world. A colorful tent striped with red and blue has been
erected at the center of the large, open field dotted with wildflowers. A red pennant with a rampant golden griffon flies from
the central post, and colored ribbons dangle from the supporting
ropes. Tied to one side is the knights huge warhorse, picketed
with the rest of the mounts. His many retainers are spread
throughout the clearing, cleaning and cooking, while others may
be out hunting in the surrounding woods.
IV. Saint Augustus was an abbot known for finding lost relics,
and he may lend his influence when Sir Gilbert prays for guidance; for example, he might send the knight a vision of what he
seeks in a dream.
Sir Gilbert is careful to show deference to God, despite his bravery. Each week he returns to the abbey to confess his sins and
hear Mass, and he sets aside time every night to pray and give
thanks for his blessings. This sort of behavior may grate on wizards nerves, but as he believes himself tolerant of their eccentricities, he will be very offended if they do not show him similar
courtesy. Insulting his faith or the Church is one of the few ways
characters can make him angry enough to attack them.
Luc is Sir Gilberts personal and spiritual guide, an old friend of
his family who has taken it upon himself to protect the knight
from the intangible dangers of the world. He has much academic
and arcane knowledge that he has learned from study and experience, and he doesnt have a great deal of pragmatism. Luc
speaks four languages passably well, including Latin, but he is
not as comfortable talking as he is listening, a quirk left over
from living in silence as a hermit for seven years.
Sir Gilbert
Weapon 5 (lance), Leadership 3 (small groups), Local
Language 5 (straight talk), Magic Lore 2 (creatures), Ride 4
(combat), Single Weapon 5 (long sword)
Equipment: Full chain mail, helmet, heater shield, holy long
Encumbrance: 0 (3)
Appearance: Sir Gilbert is a large, burly man who appears slightly unkempt, his hair mussed and his beard slightly
untrimmed. He nevertheless has polite manners despite his
unrestrained demeanor. He is tall with blue, childlike eyes
and straw-colored hair.
Roleplaying Tips: Imagine a friendly, slightly overbearing country sheriff; strap on a sword, and you have Sir Gilbert. He is
pleasant company, very good in a fight, and yet still
strangely humble. He is pious, but he is also good-naturedly
tolerant of things that are strange to him. The characters
should find they like him, even if they would normally be at
odds with such a figure. Though he is something of a caricature, try to roleplay him as honestly as you can.
Characteristics: Int -1, Per -3, Pre 0, Com +2, Str +3, Sta +2,
Dex +1, Qik +1
Age: 25
Confidence: 1 (3)
Virtues and Flaws: Knight; Lesser Immunity (fear), Relic (x3);
Pious; Humble; Visions
Personality Traits: Brave +5, Friendly +2, Honorable +2, Wise -1
Reputations: Brave knight 3 (local area), Pious 2 (local churches)
Long Sword and Heater Shield: Init +3, Attack +11, Defense
+14, Damage +11
Long Sword and Heater Shield (mounted): Init +3, Attack +14,
Defense +17, Damage +11
Lance and Heater Shield (mounted): Init +4, Attack +13,
Defense +17, Damage +12
Soak: +14
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incapacitated
Abilities: Athletics 2 (climbing), Carouse 1 (staying sober),
Charm 4 (gentlefolk), Folk Ken 3 (motivations), Great
Characteristics: Int +2, Per +2, Pre +1, Com -2, Str -3, Sta -2,
Dex +2, Qik -2
Age: 50
Confidence: 1 (3)
Virtues and Flaws: Priest; Educated, Student of Infernal, Student
of Magic; Noncombatant, Vow (celibacy); Close Family
Ties, Social Handicap (poor speaker)
Personality Traits: Loyal +2, Skeptical +2, Humble -1
Dodge: Init -2, Attack +2, Defense -2, Damage -3
Soak: -2
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incapacitated
Abilities: Area Lore 5 (politics), Artes Liberales 5 (rhetoric),
Bargain 2 (books), Chirurgy 2 (setting bones), Church Lore
6 (politics), Concentration 6 (reading), Folk Ken 4 (nobles),
Infernal Lore 2 (demons), Intrigue 3 (subterfuge), Latin 3
will tell them about a story he heard of an evil spirit that lived
under the hill, who plotted against the king. He would like to
guide Sir Gilbert to fight and defeat such a base enemy.
In many ways, Paul is a perfect squire for a great knight: he is
diligent, clever, and knows how to mimic the behavior of his
master. However, he is also young and inexperienced, and likely
to break into conversation at inappropriate times. He can be
rather awkward with social graces. He will probably never
become a knight; his aptitudes are much more directed towards
being a man of the cloth. Paul also admires Luc, whom he serves
nearly as much as Sir Gilbert. Fighting doesnt really appeal to
him, though; he will only fight to protect his lord.
Luc will intensely distrust characters with The Gift. If Sir Gilbert
seems too friendly with them, Luc will compensate with extreme
hostility. He will assume the magi have somehow enchanted his
lord, and take steps to remove him from their influence if he
determines it to be necessary.
If questioned about his personal interest in the ruins of Calebais, he
will speak of secrets to be found in the hill, secrets about which
he admits he knows nothing. If he begins to trust the characters, he
or a few cups of drink. His demeanor is expansive among gentlemen; solicitous and speculative with ladies; and distant to servants, grogs, or those with an unpleasant aura about them.
I. The dragon surely lives within the hill, for though no one
has seen it for many years, he has witnessed black clouds of
smoke, and was awoken once by the booming sound of
flames exploding up from the hill like a volcano, lighting
the night sky for miles.
II. The woods are perilous, for several times he has gotten lost
in them for hours, even with the strange guides that appear
to lead him, for they do not take him anywhere that he can
find again without their help. Once he managed to return
to the campsite by following a white dove, which he
believes was sent by God.
III. He thinks that to reach the hill, the guides must be followed in a specific order, and he has had four dreams in
which he followed one: a fox, a spider, a snake, and a squirrel. He believes this is the order in which they must be followed. If he keeps at it long enough, he thinks he will discover the proper sequence. He has faith in the truth of his
dreams, but will be pleased if the characters confirm his discovery with their letter. (The letter will make Luc very suspicious, though, and he will certainly ask to read it himself.)
IV. A stone pylon, inscribed with arcane symbols and weathered runes, stands on the slope nearby. Luc has managed to
translate some of the message, but none of it meant much
to Sir Gilbert, and he doesnt remember any of it except for
one phrase, the kiss of fire, because that sounds like dragons breath to him. (Luc translated Calebais as cali[dum]
V. There are other strange creatures in the forest. His men
have heard large animals, and one claims to have glimpsed a
shaggy man with goats feet. Sir Gilbert thinks he saw
something himself one evening when he was returning from
the Veil. What he saw looked more like a group of large
weasels, one of them standing on its hind legs to smell the
While Sir Gilbert speaks, Luc will remain at his side, intent that
the kind-hearted knight will not be tricked. If he senses The
Gift, he will expect deceit and villainy from them. Nevertheless,
he is still curious about the knowledge that legendary figures like
wizards might possess, and as Sir Gilbert is seeking a dragon, he
will attempt to tease any information from the characters that
might aid his lord.
Sir Gilbert will openly reveal his purpose and tell what he has
learned if he judges the characters to be good people; that is, if
they are respectful and courteous, have obvious gentlefolk
among them, appear wealthy, or seem like honorable allies. He
will reluctantly agree to work with magi so long as they promise
to leave the dragon to him, and may invite non-magi to accompany him on his expedition if Luc doesnt object too strongly.
If characters wait beside the marker, one of the guides will eventually approach and beckon them into the regio (see The Veil, below).
The Marker
At the edge of the southern slope of the hill, just outside of the
regio, is a stone pylon about nine feet high. Sir Gilbert, if he is
with them, will bring the characters over to see it, since Luc
could not understand all of what it says. It is worn and ruinous,
When translating the message for Sir Gilbert, Luc thought that
the word Calebais might be a name derived from calidum basium, or fiery kiss, but it was too hard for him to decipher from
context. If players ask how to say kiss of fire in Latin, perhaps
because of Gilberts use of the phrase, or if the characters ask Luc
about that part of the inscription, they will realize the misunderstanding.
The Veil
Calebais and the surrouning area are protected against unwanted
visitors by a powerful enchantment, similar to the Hermetic spell
The Shrouded Glen (ReMe40). It prevents people from entering the
covenant and its environs without being admitted by the dryad,
who acts as a sort of gatekeeper. Merely wandering through the
area will not suffice, as the magic on the mundane level of the
forest will turn explorers away without their realizing it, and in
the regio the illusions will keep them occupied and confused. It
is this veil of mystery that Sir Gilbert has been trying to penetrate, with limited success. The characters must find a way to
understand the riddle before the dryad will allow them to enter
the ruined covenant.
On pages 26 and 27 are the guides, their messages, and the brief
description of their dens, in the order in which they must be followed. If you photocopy the pages, cut out each of the riddles
and give them to the players as they are encountered, it will
make this section much easier to run and much, much more
enjoyable to play.
If all the guides have been followed in the right order, the image
of the beautiful white-haired dryad, dressed in a living gown of
leaves and flowers, will appear at the top of the cliff. She calls
out to them with a voice like rushing wind and water, saying: Be
welcome, friends, if you can answer the riddle that goes before
you. Tell me: What am I?
The answer to her riddle is a crown (and you might congratulate
whoever solves it with a Confidence Point). If the characters
guess correctly, no matter how many tries it takes them, she will
descend the cliff on a hidden path, and extend her ghostly hand
to lead them through the pass to the ruins of Calebais. The trail
cannot be seen no matter how hard the characters try, because of
the illusion, but if they follow her carefully they will reach the
top without mishap.
This part of the regio also has a Faerie 4 aura, which will boost
the characters spells but will also increase their chances for disaster should they botch their magic.
Once the characters enter, phantom images will occasionally
appear one at a time, each speaking a cryptic message in a language every character can understand, and motioning for the
characters to follow. Each guide leads them to its den, an illusory location within the regio. Other guides will then appear
periodically, even those that the characters have already followed, each speaking its message and beckoning to the characters. If the characters do not follow any of the guides, no matter
how carefully they aim or how accomplished their sense of
direction, they will eventually wind up back at the pylon or
emerge from a different part of the forest, perhaps even on the
other side of the hill.
The dryad is bound to Calebais by a bargain she made with
Mormulus, whereby she has promised to serve as guide and bearer of the Veil, and the wizard agreed to see that she and her forest were protected from harm. Because of this, she remains
bound to the covenant and cannot leave, and, over the years, she
has become very lonely. She will welcome guests merrily, and
thoroughly enjoy the time she has with them as they try to
guess the riddle before she leads them up the pass. It is not their
conversation or their appearance that she enjoys, but rather their
company; she desires the feeling of having people nearby.
Remember that the guides will not appear in the proper order.
While waiting at a creatures den, characters may be approached
by several of the wrong guides before the right one comes along.
This may be a random process, or calculated to make the puzzle
easier or more difficult. If you have one, a twelve-sided die is
useful for this, but dont assign the creatures the number that
corresponds to their place in the sequence below or the players
might catch on. If the characters lose sight of the guides or leave
the dens on their own, they will have to find their way back to
the pylon and start over.
If threatened, the dryad can bend the forest to her will, but it is
unlikely that she will need to do so since she appears at will and
is always insubstantial. Nevertheless, if she is somehow
I. Red fox
It is supernaturally dexterous and svelte, and leaps about a great deal. Its ears
are large and pointed, and its den is a large, tangled briar patch. It says:
watch over
ealms have
crumbled in
lust for my
(Note: those with more than passing knowledge of Hermetic history may remember that
Quendalon was said to have gems for eyes.)
IV. Squirrel
Brightly colored and not much larger than a dagger, this creature leads
the characters to a flat rock that sits in the middle of a flower-covered
glade. It says:
This creature is twice its normal size, with a coat more deeply red than
that of other squirrels, and waves its tail in agitation. It lives in an enormous oak tree, and says
ifts like me
are given
only by the
holiest of
ower and
are my
V. Red Drake
VI Gray Cat
en covet
my bright
skin, &
desire the
Permission granted to photocopy for personal use. 2004 Trident, Inc. d/b/a Atlas Games.
ithin my
lay all of
VIII. Mole
It nuzzles along the ground, never looking at the visitors, and leads
them directly to its den, a large mound of earth overgrown with small
trees and plants. It mumbles:
acking a center,
but round as a
wheel, I tumble
into valleys
and climb
sharp peaks.
isdom is
not all
that those
beneath me
are lacking.
IX. Falcon
X. Rooster
A beautiful yellow and red peregrine falcon, with a golden wire band
circling its head, meets and leads the characters by flying over them. Its
den is the top of a tall stone column, ten feet high, and a basin at the
top serves as a bath for a flock of red-brown sparrows. It cries:
A plucky, bold bird three feet high leaps out of the bushes, perhaps
startling one of the characters. Its comb is not red, but silver, and it
jumps in the blink of an eye. It lives beneath a small bush covered in
berries, and says:
eaks of stone
made the
roof that
covered my
first home.
ome I have
again in stone,
in great halls
hewn by
crafters hands.
XI. Ghost
XII. Ermine
A white ferret, walking on its hind legs, brings the characters to the
face of a large cliff face, about thirty feet high. It is difficult to understand as it speaks through clenched teeth:
bling upon the covenant. Thus, the Veil was not originally
intended to keep everyone out of Calebais, only to present a
challenge for those determined to get in. Because of the powers
of the Bell, those who wore diadems could sense whenever
someone set foot on the hill, and thus would have plenty of time
to prepare while visitors were delayed by the riddle. If they won
through and were still not useful to the covenant, their memory
would be modified and they would be released back into the
wood. In the face of a concentrated attack, the dryad would be
instructed not to let anyone through, and the invaders would be
waited out or hunted down.
destroyed, the effects of the Veil will end, and all the crops in
the region will suffer a terrible disease and waste away, causing
seven years of famine. While they may not know the reason, the
people in the village may come to blame the characters for this,
as their troubles will have started just after those strange folk
came through here, and the characters may subsequently gain a
poor reputation that could make its way to the convent in
Chapter Three.
If the characters are having a hard time with the riddle, the
dryad may encourage them by making the guides speak.
Although she is bound not to give away either the solution to
the riddle or tell the characters the secret to the proper order of
the guides, she can give vague hints or choose the order in
which the guides approach, and she might make them appear
one after another to emphasize the first and last words of each
The effects of the Veil cover all of Two Crag Hill, which is a
Boundary target. It has lasted fifty years, so it must be a continuous effect of a device. Yet devices cannot affect a Boundary, as
that requires a Ritual spell. How is this possible? The reason is
that Mormulus bound the dryad to his service and enchanted her
with the Veil. Her involvement makes it possible for him to target the entire area via a specialized form of magic. While it
might be possible for other magi to learn this mysterious art of
binding spirits, rules for it are beyond the scope of this adventure.
If they are really stuck, the dryad (speaking through the guides)
might suggest an exchange: if one of the characters will come to
her grove, she will allow that character to take her place in the
Veil, and so provide access for the rest of the characters. This
exchange has consequences that she does not reveal, though, for
that character will fall asleep, and because of the nature of the
faerie regio will be unable to leave for an entire year.
At the center of the Veil that protects Calebais is the area that
contains the dryads home and her grove of trees. This area corresponds to the top of Two Crag Hill, and overlaps the mundane
layer the covenant with a regio and a Faerie 5 aura. It is
impossible for the characters to find this place without being led
here by the dryad herself or by searching for regio boundaries
from within the Veil. Note that Intellego Mentem and Intellego
Imaginem effects here are also reduced by 60 spell levels, as
explained above.
bowls filled with rich, heady mead, thick and sweet; and wooden
plates piled with cold, spiced meats, salty and flavorful. If mortals eat or drink of these pleasures, they soon become very
drowsy and fall fast asleep. This unnatural sleep lasts for an
entire year. With a lot of effort, characters can rouse themselves
into a state of bleary consciousness for a short while (the equivalent of Dazed), but they cannot leave the faerie forest they
fall unconscious before they can cross the threshold and they
cannot be carried out, for they become too heavy to move. This
curse is effectively cast by the dryad, and thus very difficult to
The Mystery
I. The characters may somehow sneak women into the abbey,
which could have the effect of profaning the services, for it
is strictly against the Cistercian Rule to say Mass while
women are present. This could create a chink through
which evil forces can penetrate this fortress of holiness. The
divine aura may weaken, and the site could become more
vulnerable to infernal attacks. Because of their flouting of
tradition, the characters may discover that they have helped
a demon gain a hold on the abbey and corrupt it. This
demon would probably also be interested in tracking down
the characters and corrupting them too, in thanks for their
aid, since they seem to be ripe fruit for plucking.
II. If the characters manage to rescue the young woman, by
bringing her mead or food from the dryads grove, she wont
want to return to the village, and she will be desolated if
the characters have killed off the satyrs or freed the dryad.
She might be convinced to join the characters covenant. If
the satyrs replace her and the characters ignore her plight,
she will eventually escape on her own and return to the village, where the abbot will instruct her to join a convent.
The characters may encounter her again in Chapter Three,
but she will not speak kindly of them to the abbess.
III. Perhaps the characters cannot find their way out of the Veil,
and are stuck wandering the forest for days or even weeks,
eating up their supplies and scrounging for food. This will
probably make the players good and mad, and could cause
rifts between the grogs and their masters. If youre going to
do this, go all the way, and play out these scenes in detail.
Try to get everyone involved, since this option is likely to
inspire a lot of angry character development.
The Dryad
Faerie Might: 45 (Herbam)
Characteristics: Int 0, Per +3, Pre +3, Com +1, Str 0,
Sta +2, Dex +2, Qik +2
Personality Traits: Lonely +3, Protective +2, Kind +1
Control Herbam, 0 points, +5, Herbam: The dryad can
control plants within the Veil, causing them to
respond to her command. This is equivalent to a
sixth magnitude Hermetic effect.
Infatuation, 1 point, +0, Mentem: By drawing her spirit
close to a mortal, the dryad can cause intense
desire for her and a willingness to do her will.
Insubstantial Form, 0 points, +5, Imaginem: The dryad
cannot be affected by physical things, though she
also cannot affect them. This is the only way she
can manifest as long as she is bound to Calebais.
Vis: The dryad has no vis, since her magical essence is
part of the enchantment of the wood.
Appearance: The dryad is old, white-haired, and wise,
but still beautiful and earthy. She wears a living
gown of leaves and flowers.
Chapter Two
This chapter concerns the inside of the fallen covenant, inhabited by the ferret-like Hrools, strange magical creatures, and the
ghosts of many of the former residents. Evidence of its mad
destruction is found all about, and while there are signs of its
former grandeur, the beauty of Calebais is gone forever.
Characters will find much to attract their interest amid the rubble, including exquisite sculpture, enigmatic artifacts, and the
sordid and twisted tales of the dead. However, much of the
covenants great wealth has been lost; characters will have to
search carefully to find the few treasures that remain and uncover the clues to what happened from beneath the dust of decades.
The mood should emphasize increasing fear and brooding mystery, and the best story involves a fine balance between roleplaying with the ghosts and intrepidly exploring the ruins.
Before the characters make their way into the tunnels, there are a
few facts that you should make sure the players know. Because of
their association with the Order of Hermes, magi and those who
serve them would take these things for granted, and emphasizing
them will help to bring the most mysterious aspects of the tale
of Calebais into sharp relief.
I. Magi are not allowed to spy on each other with magic. The
Code to which every wizard swears states that scrying upon
the affairs of other magi is strictly forbidden and punishable
by death. This is difficult to regulate, though, since only
the wizard who is so violated is aware of it (and not even
then, if the spell is powerful enough), and it is very difficult
to figure out who was responsible without scrying in return.
But Quaesitors investigating a Hermetic crime are allowed
to ignore this rule, and so magi who are inclined to break
the law must be careful that they leave no evidence that can
be magically discovered later.
(It is probably this fact more than any other that kept the
magi from attacking each other for so long, and why
Mormuluss Veil caused such chaos; it led the wizards who
began the conflict to believe that they could get away with
murder, for they thought no one could ever prove what
they had done. If they had considered more carefully, they
On the upper levels, the rats eat as much of the moss as they can
reach, leaving clear a small stripe along the bottom of the walls.
On the lower levels, the Hrools collect it to feed their livestock.
Because of this, it is found growing most densely in areas where
small animals cannot reach, such as high along the ceilings and
in labs that are still guarded. Be sure to point out the abundance
or lack of moss in different rooms so that you can appreciate the
players attempts to fathom its significance.
Inside Calebais
The interior of the covenant shows evidence of incredible
destruction. Rubble, scorch marks, broken weaponry, and bones
litter the floors. Nearly all of the wood in the covenant, including doors and furniture, has been burned or smashed apart. The
stone walls and even sections of the ceilings bear many cracks
and holes, especially in the lower levels. Pools of water have
formed in various depressions throughout the rooms.
The vermin of the tunnels can also be heard if one listens quietly. Bats flutter about in the well, and there are many rat warrens
dug into the rubble along the walls of the upper levels. Cobwebs
hang in undisturbed areas or cover unused doorways. The aura
and their magical diet has affected many of these creatures, making them preternaturally large and vicious, and the Hrools have
basically abandoned the seventh level to those creatures that
have grown too large for them to handle.
In most areas, the ceilings are between eight and ten feet high,
though some of the corridors are only seven feet high. There is
about five feet of solid rock between levels, with magical reinforcement where necessary. While many of the walls were once
covered with beautiful tapestries, their deterioration causes voices to sound hollow and echo ominously. The dank air is laden
with moisture and heavy with rot.
The Hrools
Hrools are ferret-like creatures about the size of toddlers or
small dogs that inhabit the ruins of Calebais and possess human
intelligence. The maga Ierimyra brought them to the covenant
years before the Sundering and enhanced them with specialized
magic (see the Appendix). For a time, they served as her personal guards, much to the disgruntlement of the other wizards and
grogs, and in fact Ierimyra had grandiose plans (or a fateful
vision) that one day her children would rule the entire
Hrools sleep a long time, about fifteen hours a day, and therefore many of them may be taken by surprise if caught in their
dens. They post guards for this reason. When frightened, or just
after they wake, Hrools tremble visibly. They make interesting
clucking, chuckling sounds when excited, and hiss loudly when
angry. They also spray a thick, foul-smelling scent to mark their
territory or to scare away enemies, and characters fighting them
or traveling through their living areas should make periodic
Like most animals, Hrools can sense The Gift and it disturbs
them. Magi quite literally make their fur bristle and set their
teeth on edge. While they might revere some wizards as benevolent, like Ierimyra, they know of others like Pitsdim who are
capable of great destruction and evil. If they sense The Gift, or
especially the Blatant Gift, they will naturally assume characters
fall into this second category and attack immediately, or bolt in
terror if battle seems hopeless. Under no circumstances will they
help or trust magi who do not have the Gentle Gift.
When Calebais fell, the Hrools forgot most of what they had
learned about civilization and reverted to their more feral nature.
Many Hrools were slain out of malice by the grogs and magi,
and many more died trying to protect Ierimyra. Enough
remained, however, to repopulate the covenant after everyone
else had died or fled. They retain their ability to reason, they
still use tools and weapons, and a few have limited magical powers, all of which appear to be hereditary. A Hrools lifespan is
short usually about twenty years and several generations
have been born and died since they were introduced to Calebais.
A few of the Hrools can speak Latin, though it has become garbled by years of isolation and their limited vocabulary. The rest
of them speak Hrool when they speak at all, which sounds
something like growling and barking in the local language.
Characters fluent in that language might understand a few words
Adult Hrool
Magic Might: 5 (Animal)
Characteristics: Int +2, Per +2, Pre -2, Com -3, Str -2, Sta +2,
Dex +1, Qik +2
Size: -3
Confidence: 1 (3)
Personality Traits: Curious +3, Tricky +2
Bite: Init +4, Attack +5, Defense +5, Damage -1
Stone (thrown): Init +0, Attack +3, Defense +5, Damage +2
Soak: +3
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: -1 (1-2), -3 (3-4), -5 (5-6), Incapacitated (7-8)
Abilities: Animal Handling 4 (rats), Athletics 3 (climbing),
Awareness 3 (sentry), Brawl 2 (grapples), Speak Hrool 3
Warrior Hrool
Wound Penalties: -1 (1-2), -3 (3-4), -5 (5-6), Incapacitated (7-8)
Abilities: Athletics 3 (climbing), Awareness 1, Brawl 4 (grapple),
Hunt 3 (rats), Leadership 2 (combat), Single Weapon 4
(club), Speak Hrool 2 (orders), Stealth 1, Swim 3 (diving),
Thrown Weapons 1 (rocks)
Vis: 2 Corpus in each satyr horn, 1 Animal
Appearance: Warrior Hrools look like regular adult Hrools who
have been put through a training program. They are
stronger and meaner, with darker coats, wielding wooden
clubs made from fallen tree branches or stone axes. They
wear necklaces strung with satyr horns around their necks.
Note: Warrior Hrools are used to fighting in trained groups of
3-5 under the leadership of their champion or an ermine.
This means the group receives a +12 combat bonus to
either attack or defense.
Ermine Hrool
Wielding the Invisible Sling, 1 point, +5, Terram: Ermine Hrools can
magically throw a small stone at a target, causing +5 damage, or +12 if the stone has been specially sharpened. The
Hrools keep many of these stones at hand, marked with
their special symbols for war and magic.
Banish the Haunting Spirit, 3 points, +0, Mentem: By standing on
their hind legs and hissing, ermine Hrools can drive away a
ghost with a Might of 15 or less. They can also work
together, so that two of them can drive away a ghost with
up to 20 Might, and three can affect those with 25. Ghosts
cannot stand the sound of their hissing, and must flee the
room or vanish when they use this power.
Vis: 3 Rego
Appearance: Ermine Hrools are leaner and spindlier than their
weasel-like counterparts, with pure white fur and pink eyes.
Many wear golden wire crowns bent around their heads,
with a green gemstone shaped like an eye at their foreheads. They wear almost comical attempts at wizard robes
gnawed from tattered tapestry remains, and wrap rings of
bark or sculpted stone around their claws or through holes
poked in their ears.
If a battle is taking place near the well (in the garden or in front
of Ierimyras quarters, for example), two or three adult Hrools
will charge their opponents and try to push them in, riding
along for the plunge into the water. Then they simply dive down
to the submerged rooms and swim back up through the flooded
stairways, as they can hold their breath for several minutes at a
time. This tactic is an effective action for the non-warrior Hrools
to use, as they can fight as a group to receive a bonus to their
attack. They can also throw rocks or try to trip up characters by
sneaking around behind them and clawing at their clothing or
rifling through their packs.
Like any magically animated thing, elementals have an inexplicable sense of their surroundings. That is, while they cannot see or
hear (they have no eyes or ears), part of the magic that binds
them allows them to perceive their environment. How elementals do this might be characterized by their element: earth and
air elementals sense movement across the ground or through the
air, while fire and water elementals sense changes in temperature.
As long as they are within their element, they are considered
part of that element and can sense everything foreign that comes
into contact with it.
Some of the wizards at Calebais practiced magic that allowed
them to bind spirits into physical objects, and Mormuluss Veil is
one example of this. Other magi at the covenant experimented
with similar forms of sorcery before their demise, and left behind
Calebais is haunted by the ghosts of many of its former inhabitants, disembodied spirits still confined to earth because of their
actions in life, or because of a supernatural desire to complete
some task left unfinished. Many ghosts are dark, sinister souls,
living tormented existences beside the physical world without
being able to affect it in any real way. They are often confused,
sometimes violently insane, and may hate and fear the living or
take pleasure in making others share their suffering. Others may
be of good heart and seek only to put right what their passing
made wrong, or were made ghosts simply because they lived too
long in a magical aura. Ghosts are as individual as living beings,
and each has its own distinct personality.
ways as if they were flesh and blood. For most ghosts, the physical world is as real as ever, except that people seem to play tricks
on them or do not always see them.
The appearance of ghosts can also vary, from seeming completely substantial, so real that they even feel solid, to a luminous
haze in the air with only vague similarities to the human form.
All ghosts at Calebais can become invisible at will, hidden from
those who cannot perceive the spirit world, but only a few come
close to a state resembling solidity; most remain translucent and
rippled, like a reflection in deep water. As they spend their
Might Pool, they also lose their clarity, fading away completely
when exhausted.
Ghostly magi can also cast spells, just as they did in life. The
ghosts of Calebais are described with some spells to represent
their specialties, to give you ideas of what they might do, but
they also have suggested Arts for spontaneous magic, and you
should give them other spells that you think that they would
have learned before death. These spells are not physical and cannot affect the physical world, but they are realistic illusions. A
Perdo Corpus spell might cause a flash of pain, while a Creo
Aquam spell might cause a powerful chill as ghostly waters rush
past. However, Imaginem, Mentem, and Vim magics still affect
the living normally, as can some Animal (animal minds) and
Ignem (light) effects.
Most ghosts also have some sort of magical power to affect the
physical world, even if it is only a mundane activity appropriate
to their duties and desires in life. Ghostly magi typically have
the power to make their spells real, affecting the living as if
their magic were cast in the flesh. These powers often cost them
some of their Magic Might to activate, but they gain this back
over time, and a day is typically sufficient to bring them back to
full strength. If they lose all their temporary Might points, or are
injured or killed by magic or other ghosts, they will return after
Many ghosts do not realize they are dead, and refuse to believe
those who say that they are. Only ghosts who accept their
nature and have become used to their incorporeal forms can
move through solid walls, ignore Fatigue penalties or wounds, or
in any way act as if they were not living, breathing humans.
Ghosts are solid to one another, of course, and interact in all
a day or so, as whole as before, with no memory of what happened. Permanently destroying a ghost is extremely difficult.
However, every ghost has fetters that bind it to life. When
ghosts deal with the tasks they left unfinished, or address whatever circumstances prevent them from passing on, they fade
away forever. This should be a very rare occurrence, worthy of
more than a simple declaration; you should describe the process
in detail, portraying a vivid event. A ghost leaving the confines
of the mortal world is an awe-inspiring affair. Treat this scene
with the reverence it deserves, and make it memorable.
When they pass on, ghosts can leave raw vis behind. This vis is
often as ghostly as they were, tied to a spiritual memento of the
haunting, though there are magical ways to harvest this vis. A
Muto Mentem spell with a physical requisite can make the item
and the vis temporarily solid. Rego Mentem can transport ghostly objects, and Rego Vim can siphon the vis into some other
container. Finally, even if they cannot move it, magi can always
use ghostly vis simply by touching it.
There are also many opportunities throughout the ruins for players to make Perception + Awareness rolls. As they may come to
rely on the solid information they receive from success, knowing
when they have botched or rolled low, you might want to roll
for them, or have them make Personality checks at the same
time. If they lose heart while peering into dark corners and sifting through ancient graves, color the information they receive
Free-Moving Encounters
Some of the inhabitants of Calebais are given definite locations
where they may be found, but since most are free to move
about, you may have them appear wherever and whenever your
story demands it. If the characters draw attention to themselves,
or the game is moving slowly, bring in a free-moving encounter.
Below is a list of events that could take place in a variety of locations throughout the ruins and can be used at your discretion.
Not all of them are necessary, but you might note the ones you
definitely want to include for future use. Dont let this list limit
your imagination if you have other ideas.
It doesnt hurt the living, but the ghost is slain (to return
later with no memory of the event).
XIII. Dargaud comes creeping through the covenant from one
of the lower levels, looking for his master Erechtheus or
one of the covenfolk to torment. He sees the characters,
and decides to stealthily follow them to discover what they
are doing here.
XIV. A character searching through the rubble disturbs a copper-colored centipede over a foot long. The character must
make a Quickness + Athletics - Encumbrance roll against an
Ease Factor of 9 to get out of the way before being bitten.
The poison has an Ease Factor of 6, and causes a Medium
Wound. The centipede scampers back into the debris after
delivering its bite.
XV. While moving a tapestry, pile of wood, or a large curtain
of webs blocking a doorway, the characters disturb a nest of
spiders, more than a dozen of them, each one the size of a
mans fist. Frightened, they crawl chaotically about the
room, even over people, before fleeing into the corners,
giving the characters (and, one hopes, the players) fits and
a nasty scare.
XVI. Large rats, big enough to come up to the characters
ankles, made brave with hunger, creep out of a hole in the
wall and attack the characters or the Hrools, trying to bite
them. After drawing blood, they retreat into the shadows.
Later, injured characters might find their wounds have
become infected.
XVII. A group of three satyrs from the faerie forest raid the
covenant and attack, drunk on wine and unable to recognize or interact with the characters in any way but to fight.
Hrools arrive during the battle, brutally counter-attacking
the faeries with surprising efficiency and skill.
XVIII. At sunset, a huge flock of bats flies out of their nests in
the well, and out through the opening into the darkening
sky. Watching the cloud rise across the horizon like a column of black smoke is ominous and eerie if seen from the
outside or one of the balconies.
The Entrance
The dryad leads the characters up a steep trail, which crests the
hill and passes between two great crags, then descends a few feet
and levels off. All that is visible from the surface of the ruins is a
pit, 30 feet in diameter, circled by a 10 foot wide band of paved
rock. Six large oak trees grow around the sides, concealing it
from viewers in the air or on the surrounding hilltops. A wide set
of stairs is cut into the rock at the edge, extending into the hilltop, not into the well.
After investigating what had become of Calebais, and convincing his fellow Quaesitors that some diabolical curse had affected
the covenant in his absence, Ornath left this marker in the hope
that it would dissuade people from entering. He feared that others might aid the ghosts, or free them from their torment, and he
preferred that they suffer here as long as possible.
When the characters first look down the deep well (180 feet
total), they see an eerie, muted, yellow light at the bottom, shining up from a strange, coiling design in silhouette. If they look
more carefully, have them make a Perception + Awareness roll.
On a 9+, characters see that there is water at the bottom; at 12+
they recognize the coiling design as serpent-like; 15+ lets them
see bubbles coming out of the water from the mouth of the creature; and at 18+ they can see that it is probably a statue. You
may want to roll the dice for the players and let them know privately what they see. This is about the right time to start building a sense of mystery about the ruins, so keeping the players
unsure of what is happening is a good idea. If any characters
botch, they suffer a powerful sense of vertigo from staring into
the long drop and may even lose their balance; roll Dexterity +
Athletics - Encumbrance and use the severity of the botch to
dog their steps to learn who they are and what they are doing
from that moment on. If he sees a good shot, he will throw a
rock at them, but not so that it is obvious it was him. He still has
the exuberance of youth, and enjoys a good challenge, but he is
essentially capricious and spiteful.
If Sir Gilbert sees the dragon statue for what it is, he will be
greatly disappointed and may become so despondent that he
cannot continue.
He keeps his voting sigil nearby at all times, for it was this token
that proved he was a full member of the wizards council, even
though he did not have the Gift and by tradition did not vote.
His status as a redcap raised him higher than the other mundane
Parts of the two craggy outcroppings of rock that give the hill its
name have been dug out, with cave entrances on the covenant
side, shielded from sun and view from above by large overhangs.
Characters probably wont notice these if they are focused on
the entrance and the warning that stands before it.
The southeastern cave is one large room, covered in dust, with
many overturned beds, tables and other pieces of metal and stone
furniture, but no valuables. It does not appear to have been disturbed for many years, but was ransacked and emptied very thoroughly at one time. A few broken tools remain in one corner: rusted pickaxes without handles, a few cracked stone hammers, ripped
leather hauberks, splintered lances, and an assortment of barrel rims
amid a pile of hardened clay. A few small holes are cut at intervals
into the northern and southern walls, large enough to let light into
the cave or to fire arrows down the other side.
The cave to the southwest has been partially blocked with a barricade made of all manner of large, heavy pieces of rock and
wooden beams. The large entryway is not difficult to clear if the
characters are willing to spend the time, but doing so will earn
them the attention and resentment of Dargaud, a ghostly young
redcap who haunts this area.
From the moment the characters step into the covenant environs, Dargaud will be watching them through the chinks in his
painstakingly-fashioned screen. He will not interfere with them,
and in fact they will probably have no idea he is there unless
they disturb his barricade. Doing so will enrage him, and he will
This cave is shaped just like the other, only it is clear of debris
and shows no signs of being inhabited. As in the other cave,
there are several deep holes cut into the walls that act as windows to let the light in. The remains of a few collapsed stalls
(pieces of fencing that were not incorporated into the barricade),
a pair of damaged buckets, and a bald and discarded brush may
reveal to the characters that this was a horse stable, but there is
nothing of value remaining here for them to find.
men and women at the covenant (who hate him and will drive
him off if they see him), and he abused his position terribly,
ordering others to perform the simplest of tasks. He needs this
reminder of his authority, and he will never willingly set it down.
Dargaud was hiding in the lower levels of the covenant when
they flooded, and he drowned. His body lodged halfway up the
escape shaft, and his ghost climbed out into the stables. He does
not remember any of this, but he does have a nagging feeling
that something unpleasant happened, and he doesnt want anyone to go down the tunnel. He needs to know why before he
can be at peace. He doesnt recognize anything different about
his surroundings the covenant looks the same to him but
he does notice strangers like the characters, and he listens to
what they say. He will pay special attention when they discuss
the covenant, or things that he cannot perceive, such as Ornaths
warning. If Dargaud learns that a magical tremor caused the
flooding of the lower levels, and who was responsible, he will
accept that he is dead and pass on.
At the very back of the room is a trap door, which has been
extremely well-hidden. It is covered with about an inch of dirt
and what was probably straw, and appears in all respects to be
part of the floor. Only characters who are intensely searching
have any chance of finding it, and then only on a Perception +
Awareness roll against an Ease Factor of 15. Obviously, it hasnt
been opened for decades, and it leads to a narrow shaft that is
only large enough for one normal-sized person. Rough, uneven
rungs are carved out of the stone, descending into darkness.
About thirty feet down, another tunnel branches off to the west.
This leads to the base of Two Crag Hill, ending in a covered exit
hatch masked by grasses and bushes on the other side of the forest, though still within the Veil. The ladder also continues down
about a hundred feet, where it encounters the waterline, and
continues far below that into the lower levels, though Dargauds
corpse is lodged in the way at a place where the shaft narrows a
little, wearing a diadem. If the characters can travel underwater
and want to move the body aside, feel free to invent what they
discover at the bottom of the escape tunnel, as the flooded parts
of the covenant are not part of this story.
Second Sight
Characters with Second Sight may be able to see through
all sorts of illusions and magical effects in Calebais.
However, asking the players to make a Second Sight roll
may give away some of the mysteries of the covenant,
such as the fact that there are otherworldly features to be
perceived. For example, if you have them roll to recognize
that the figure behind the arrow slits is a ghost, they will
probably think of him a ghost when they meet him later,
even if they fail the roll. Instead, you might wish to note
the characters Second Sight scores, and then ask for
Perception + Awareness rolls instead. You should then be
able to calculate whether the characters see anything
unusual because of their magical sight. The players will be
alerted that there is something to see, but even that may
serve to heighten the sense of paranoia that should be
inherent in the idea of exploring magical ruins.
Premonitions might get the feeling they are being watched. This
is Paulo, the ghost of one of the guards (see below).
similarity to the dryad in the Veil. If any of the players ask about
this possibility, they also notice the resemblance.
There are two short corridors leading from the entrance room to
spiral staircases, and a large double door made of iron occupies the
wall between them. The larger staircase is the wizards staircase,
and the smaller is the common staircase. A short flight of stairs in
the far wall leads to the archers room.
Four feet in front of the stone are two large broken crown symbols,
faintly glowing, one on the floor and one on the ceiling. If any
character walks past those symbols without saying regno vicem
regis (RAY-gnoh WEE-chaym RAY-geese, I rule in place of
kings), a very loud boom sounds. (If the boulder trap were reset, it
would fall a few seconds later.) Ghosts and Hrools may be attract-
Magic Might: 21 (Mentem)
Characteristics: Int -3, Per +2, Pre 0, Com -3, Str +4, Sta +2,
Dex +2, Qik +1
Age: 39
Personality Traits: Loyal +3, Determined +2, Hopeful -2
War hammer: Init +1, Attack +13, Defense +10, Damage +18
Short Bow: Init -1, Attack +11, Defense +4, Damage +12
Soak: +7
Abilities: Athletics 5 (stairs), Awareness 5 (guarding), Bow 4
(short bow), Brawl 4 (wrestling), Carouse 4 (songs), Great
Weapon 6 (smashing stone), Latin 2 (listening), Local
Language 3 (listening), Single Weapon 5 (long sword),
Stealth 3 (shadowing), Thrown Weapon 5 (javelin)
Smash Stone, 1 point, +1, Terram: Causes stone to weaken and
crack when hit with his hammer.
Equipment: War hammer, short bow, metal reinforced armor
Encumbrance: 0 (3)
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious
Like many of the ghosts at the covenant, Paulo does not realize he
is dead, and it is his stubborn determination and refusal to see this
fact that keeps him here. He becomes very agitated when he is
forced to recognize there is something wrong, and thus repeatedly
undergoes strange mood swings: listless and not quite sure where
he is one minute, angry and violent the next. When unoccupied,
he fades into invisibility, disappearing into the shadows and muttering to himself, but when he finds a task he reappears and
charges into action with a mighty cry of determination.
The ghost of Paulo is on this level, continuing the guard duties that
occupied him in life. By the time the characters reach the entrance
hall, unless they are extraordinarily sneaky, he has seen them and
has hidden in the corridor leading to the common staircase. It has
not occurred to him that the characters are intruders, though he
thinks they might oppose his master, Crenvalus, so he watches
them from a distance. He will retreat if they move to take the common staircase, or follow them if they take the wizards stairs.
His main armament is a large hammer, with which he periodically hits the walls of the covenant when he is upset, actually causing them to crumble. He might become infuriated with the characters and smash walls and such around him in order to scare or
harm them or even to block off their avenues of retreat. It costs
him some of his Might each time he does this, and it takes about
five blows to completely seal off a corridor. Other than this form
of attack, he cannot hurt the characters, though he can fight
other ghosts.
Paulo is a warrior grog, extremely strong but passive. Presently,
he wanders about, mournful and sad, lamenting in monosyllabic
grunts the end of his days as the strongest grog of the covenant,
when he proudly served his master Crenvalus. Paulo mumbles a
lot but also screams sometimes; he has seemingly forgotten how
The Fountain
At the edge of the regio the characters will feel a powerful tug, and
if they persist, the statue will shudder and crack and its color will
fade as the dryad dies. The Veil of Mormulus will fail, though the
characters may not recognize this from outside. If they spend a season in the lab investigating the enchantment, they may learn something of how the device worked, but not very much because it is
no longer magical once the faerie is dead.
If the fountain is pried up from the ground and carried out of the
covenant, the spirit of the dryad (page 29) will appear in the wood
and beg the characters not to proceed. Carrying the statue out of
the Veil will kill her. If they continue anyway, she will use her powers to confuse and mislead the characters, but if they have a diadem
(see page 78) they will see right through these illusions. If they do
not heed her, she will command the forest to attack as her last
defense, trying to either damage or recover the statue.
If Paulo can do one last good deed for the covenant, something
that protects it or the magi from terrible evil or desecration, he
will pass on to the next world. One moment he will be there,
proud and smiling for the first time since he died, and the next
moment he will fade away into the shadows, but his ghostly
hammer will remain.
A large balcony overlooks the well from the meeting room, and
characters falling from the upper level or the top may very well
land here. A huge pile of rubble, rotting wood, ruined tapestries,
and rusted metal lies in one corner. This is the lair of a family of
rats, each two feet long with gleaming red eyes. When anyone
enters the meeting room, a soft scuttling sound will fill the air as
the few rats in this room retreat into their tunnels in the pile of
rubble. They will wait there until they are alone again. The rats
fight only when cornered, and their bites will not infect the
characters with disease unless the players need a challenge.
Adjoining the entrance room is the equipment room with the
large, iron double doors. At one time it contained much of the
equipment the magi and grogs used on their journeys. These
doors are now barricaded from within and require spells or an
impressive feat of strength to open. A Strength + Athletics roll
of 21+ will break through; if multiple people push, add each
characters Strength and use the highest Athletics score. Running
shoves will add twice as much to the roll but may cause injury
subtract Soak from the total contribution and take any
remainder as damage.
Two of the companions rooms still contain their personal
belongings, but whatever can be found in the way of clothing
and equipment is in a very sorry state; everything is in ruins.
The first room (closest to the stairs) is empty, but the ghost of
Josephine, one of the covenants custodes, haunts the middle
room. She is crying, lying on an imaginary bed with her arm
hanging over her eyes. Her sobs are interspersed with lamentations about her son, Gemaric.
Josephine will only speak to other warriors, and will be very
frightened if a character with higher than grog status attempts to
speak with her. She will vanish if she is threatened by any nongrogs. She is very suspicious and believes that everyone lies to
her. She can be boring and repetitive, but she is also easily
angered if ignored.
A short set of stairs leads ten feet up to a small archery chamber,
with arrow slits facing the stairs on the other side. It is now in partial ruins, with gouges in the walls, and is empty. Paulo often stands
here in the shadows, guarding the entrance, and if characters manage to enter invisibly and quietly enough to slip by his watch, he
will be brooding by the arrow slits, gloomy and insubstantial.
Josephine served Ornath until he left the covenant. She was slain
during the confusion of the Sundering, and has been driven
almost mad with grief. She is obsessed with telling others about
the fall of the covenant and how terrible it was. There was a lot
of fighting, which she describes in gruesome detail. The grogs
from the outer barracks set fire to the bridge, and they had to
shoot at them through the smoke. Her husband died in a skirmish in the banquet hall. She had to kill her cousin Michael,
who took part in the rebellion, She tried to sneak her son
Gemaric out through the lower levels when the magi began
fighting, but they were caught and punished by Uderzus, and
she never saw the boy again.
Josephine believes that her son is still alive; she pleads with the
characters to tell her where he is. She is convinced he is some-
Equipment: Long spear, short sword, metal reinforced leather armor
Encumbrance: 1 (2)
Vis: 3 Mentem in her ghostly spear, if Gemaric is rescued
Appearance: Josephine is a very hazy ghost of a strong, young
woman in torn leather armor. She clutches a spear and has a
short sword buckled at her side. Her cheeks are lined from
tears, and she bows her head and covers her eyes with her forearm as she shakes with grief.
Roleplaying Tips: Pretend to grasp the shaft of her spear, and let
your hands tremble as you speak; the violence of your grip symbolizes her pain and loss.
What She Knows: She can sketch some of the details of the fighting
among the grogs, three factions that began fighting each other
at the orders of their magi. One was Crenvaluss, one was
Granordas, and the rest were neutral.
that they are not guests. He will wait to see if they find his treasures, and then ambush them when they leave.
where in the ruins and that the five year old boy is suffering. If she
finds him, speaks with him, and decides that he will receive proper
care without her, she will pass on, as she will feel her earthly
duties are finished. If Gemaric is taken from Calebais by characters
who Josephine believes will not take care of him, her ghost will
accompany them and haunt them as viciously as she can.
The last room, like the storeroom upstairs, is locked and barricaded from the inside (ease factor of 12+ to open it). Paulos
body is within, with most of his personal things, such as his
clothing, armor, and wages. If characters search carefully, they
may find some sinister items under the collapsed boards of his
bed: black candles, a small statue, and a book of evil prayers.
These occult paraphernalia are merely trinkets he picked up on
one of his missions for the covenant; he cant read. Characters
may notice the candles have never been used.
When the characters enter this level (and maybe before), they
will hear Davids shouts coming from the Greeting Hall.
The ghost of David paces up and down the room, shouting at
the walls with uncontained rage. There are stone benches built
into all the walls, a rotted wooden table and some chairs running
down the middle, and a five-foot-wide magical mirror hangs on
the wall opposite the door. At one time, this heavy looking glass
showed the surroundings of the stone pylon that stands at the
entrance to the Veil of Mormulus, and the captain of the guard
David spent the Sundering trying to regain control of the grogs,
but they had divided into factions long before then, each favoring different magi who promised rewards in return for their support. The covenant developed into a disparate group of armed
Encumbrance: 0 (2)
Vis: 6 Mentem total in his ghostly sword, shield, and mail (or
their physical counterparts if he has them), if he sees
Crenvalus defeated.
Appearance: David is a well-formed, whole-body apparition of
an experienced warrior, with the symbol of Calebais (the
broken crown and flames) emblazoned in full color on his
surcoat and shield. He carries a large sword at his side, and
his abdomen is wrapped in bloody bandages.
Roleplaying Tips: Assume a strong demeanor and a leaders tone
of voice. Dont let anyone give you crap. David will either
see the characters as superiors to whom he can report, or
intruders whom he must scare away, and it all depends on
what they say or do. Strong, decisive leadership will quickly
gain his respect.
What He Knows: David can give visitors directions and advises
them to stay in their quarters where it is safe. If they are
willing to help him restore order, he can describe many of
the magi and outline the general timeline of the Sundering.
He thinks a group loyal to Granorda initiated the conflict,
but almost everyone died in the rebellion, the great tremor,
or a sudden attack of satyrs who made it all the way to the
sixth level. He has never seen the Bell, but Larine told him
about it; she said she there was a strange book in the library
that described its origins. He does not know what became
of her and hopes that she is hiding somewhere safe. He will
recognize Crenvaluss letter if it is shown to him, but it will
drive him into an incoherent rage that he cannot explain,
and he might even try to destroy it.
If David encounters Ferdina, the autocrat, he will forget his mission and berate her for failing to prevent the Sundering. He yells
at her, Thats what we were paying you for! He lauds her
accounting skills and ridicules her leadership. David has nothing
but contempt for the pathetic way she went to the magi who
were organizing the fighting and begged them to stop.
camps, and David could not restore unity. He is still energetically trying to figure out what is going on, and to report what he
has found to the council so he can receive new orders. He may
come to realize he is dead, but he is used to unusual happenings
and will continue to serve as long as he can.
Before he died, David was injured in battle against a group of
satyrs. Even though he is dead and technically has no physical
body, he fights as if he were still recovering from his wounds,
giving him a -2 penalty to his actions. If he realizes he is a ghost
he may ignore this penalty.
Captains Sword
Parmae. Whenever the sword comes in contact with a non-ritual
spell of more than Momentary duration, roll a stress die (no botch).
That spell is canceled if its level is (20 + the roll) or less; Parmae
are cut down if (20 + the roll) is more than (5 x Parma Magica).
(PeVi Base 4, +1 Touch; unlimited +10, penetration 30 +15 = Level
30). If the ward would resist the effect, as Parma would, the swords
power must penetrate the magic resistance.
The sword has the symbol of Calebais sculpted into the hilt, and is
an invested device with three powers. It can cast Blade of the Virulent
Flame (CrIg Base 5, +1 Conc; +5 maintain concentration = Level
15), activated by holding the sword aloft as if to catch the light,
and this effect is reflected in both Hofots and Davids stats. The
sword also resists physical damage and rust, maintaining its edge
throughout the years (CrTe Base 5, +2 Sun; +1 two uses per day,
+3 activated by sunrise and sunset = Level 19). Finally, the sword
cuts through magical defenses, taking down wards and even
instead hanging back and watching his opponents for weaknesses, relying on his shield and armor (and his lack of substance) to
protect him.
David and Larine were lovers, and if her name is mentioned, he
will ask after her and will do nearly anything to ensure she is alive
and safe. (Larine is the nun who gave the characters the letter,
though they probably do not know this when they first meet him.)
David hates the wizard Crenvalus. He doesnt remember being
murdered by him, but he does think him a lunatic, responsible
for initiating the Sundering, and goes into an irrational fury
whenever he hears his name. If he ever happens to meet up with
him, he will use his all of his powers of persuasion to get his
companions to attack, and then flank the wizard while his attention is diverted. David cannot rest until he has punished
Crenvalus for what he has done.
If any of the characters wear a diadem, David will react badly,
demanding to know who gave them the authority to wear it. He
can be bluffed, but it had better be a good story, backed up with
some facts about the covenant.
The ceiling near the fireplace is only nine feet high, but it slopes
upwards. Where the walls are parallel, the ceiling is 25 feet high.
Against the far wall is a set of stairs leading up to a musicians loft,
fifteen feet above the floor. The stone bowls and containers that
litter the room are broken shards, mostly empty, and the remains of
many rusted and worthless swords and axes are also strewn about.
The fireplace vents out into the well. Nothing remains of the furniture that once filled this area. In the middle of the room sits a gilded dragons head, carved of stone and about ten feet long, clutching a broken crown in its mouth. It is covered with moss, lies on its
side, and has a small statue of a Hrool placed on its snout.
Eighteen Hrools live here, including two ermines that live in the
loft. There are all kinds of shamanic equipment stored there: dolls
dangling from sticks, necklaces, geometric statues, and stones
carved in the shapes of Hrool body parts. Dozens of foot-long statues of wizard-like figures and Hrools are stacked along the walls.
This is probably the first time the characters have encountered
the Hrools. Besides their leaders, there are four adults, who are
likely to be sleeping, six warriors, who will be startled and wait
for instructions, and five pups, who are noncombatant and helpless. Their champion, Hofot, carries Davids sword and ignites it
at first sign of trouble. The ermines, Nungasing and Yuzod,
watch from the loft and support the others with their magic if
the fight goes badly. Nungasing wears a diadem (see page 78).
to gather baskets lowered from the outside. Because of its positioning, characters falling from first setting foot on the bridge
are more likely to land here than any of the other balconies.
The dragons head fell from above, where the ceiling dips down,
from a huge stone relief of a dragon that once looked down
upon the room. The body is gilded too, and even though it is
partly covered with moss, its striking image is undiminished. If
the players dont seem to be noticing the symbolism of a broken
dragon in a broken covenant biting a broken crown, you may
want to casually mention it to them.
This once busy kitchen is now in ruins, though some heavy
stone tables are still standing. The remains of bones, kitchen
tools, platters and other refuse are found throughout. A large
basin magically transports water from a source far below. The
fireplaces vent out into the well, and the balcony was once used
This item is about two feet wide and a few inches thick, and
looks very much like Gemaric in his transformed state. It is a
lesser magic device enchanted with one constant effect that
changes it and whatever person is carrying it into a rock
(MuCoTe Base 25, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 for special effect; +4
constant = Level 49). If its effect is dispelled, it will slip from
Gemarics hands, but whoever picks it up might be affected by it
the next time it triggers. Since part of the stones effect is that it
Piles of rubble cover the floors about three or four feet high,
especially near the walls. Old rusted carpentry tools can be
found throughout, as well as numerous pieces of wood and shavings.
This room belongs to Igack, a small fire drake who was once
Pitsdims familiar. When his master died he was devastated, but
he did not waste away because Pitsdim continued to visit him
regularly. The mystic cords that connected them were severed,
though, leaving Igack aimless and more simple-minded than he
once was. Now, he hunts down rats and several Hrools each
month to stay alive (he enjoys terrorizing the ones in the garden, below), but otherwise he rarely leaves this level of the
Igack is frightened, lonely, and prone to treating intruders to the
same fiery greeting that his master employs. He may even consider his breath affectionate, since it has never affected Pitsdim,
who encouraged him to breathe at anyone who approached. In
general, Igack is a trusting, friendly, and simple-minded creature.
He can speak Latin if encouraged, but his pronunciation is
abysmal and he only understands basic concepts.
Fiery Breath, 2 points, +4, Ignem: Breathes fire that does +10
Damage to a single target within five paces.
Dominate Animal, 3 points, +0, Animal: Gives an animal a silent
order that it carries out to the best of its ability, delayed up
to a month later. This doesnt work on the Hrools.
Equipment: Diadem
Vis: 3 Ignem
Appearance: Igack is a dragon-like serpent with shiny red scales
and sharp teeth. He has no wings, but he does breathe fire
and can move quickly on four legs. He is proud of the gold
diadem he wears, a C-shaped crown with a green gemstone
shaped like an eye that sits in the center of his forehead.
The forges where the weapons and much of the wizards lab
equipment was forged and blown can be found here. Some
unfinished examples of the smiths work are strewn about on the
floor: sword handles, glass bowls, iron forceps, and wire cages.
At one time, this room was very comfortably furnished, but now
most of its luxuries have deteriorated. Some rickety chairs and
tables still stand, and a large keg that smells of vinegar (it was
once wine) rests on a stand in the east corner. The two rooms
connected to it are relatively clear of rubbish, but are empty
except for some piles of rotting wood and rubble strewn about.
Ferdina, the autocrat, spends most of her days sulking here. She
frequently imagines that she is again offering advice to Larine,
the librarian, or sharing jokes with Parcimides the scribe, or
keeping an eye on Dargaud, or deep in conversation about the
parameters of magical theory with Erechtheus. To her, these old
friends are quite real, and a person outside the chamber might
hear voices other than hers as she talks.
Two large stone bins along the wall hold sand and ingots of
bronze and iron. Small chests that have obviously been forced
open sit beside them. A tall pile of rotted wood planks lies in the
middle of the room and broken shelves line all the walls. A series
of locked chests (Dexterity + Legerdemain roll of 12+ to open)
hold sundry components for spells and magical research such as
stork feathers, boar hair, lye, mercury, and salt. They are in very
poor condition.
Ferdina was the autocrat of Calebais, a term that older covenants
use to describe the person responsible for the covenants mundane activities: keeping track of money, entertaining guests,
supervising the staff, and so on. She was a marvel of organization and at any time could recite innumerable details about the
financial status of the covenant. During the Sundering, she tried
desperately to stop the fighting, but she found to her horror that
the authority the wizards had given her was taken away as soon
as they felt they had no more need for her. Pitsdim casually slew
her because he found it annoying when she ordered him to stop
burning the books in the library. She does not remember this
and is still trying to regain control over the covenant so she can
stop the fighting.
recognize that she also bears some of the blame, which is what
allows her to recognize and accept that she has died.
Ferdina carries the ghost of magical chime that was the formal
means by which a council meeting was called. The chime caused
the bell in the council chamber to reverberate in a low tone,
which the magi knew meant to convene for a council meeting.
Its physical counterpart has long since been broken, though she
can will it to ring as it once did. If Ferdina passes on, she will
leave the ghostly image of the chime behind, containing 5
pawns of Mentem vis.
The covenants garden has fared well. It has fared so well, in fact,
that it is now overrun with plants. The bright light emanating
from the ceiling continues to work, and clear water still trickles
in off the walls. Vines and branches tumble out of the large window and hang down the side of the well. A few chirping birds
can even be found here.
This black iron rod with a dark onyx at its tip has the power to
shatter rock or metal anywhere within the sound of the wielders
voice. It blasts a hole three feet deep and three feet wide in the
shape of a half-sphere, leaving rough or jagged edges (PeTe5, +2
Voice, +1 Part; +10 unlimited = Level 30). The Hrools mistakenly wielding it as a weapon dont know how to use it. You must
say Posse visum durare in aeternum (POHS-say WEE-soom
doo-RAH-ray een eye-TAYR-noom, May the vision last forever) and then swing the rod over your shoulder, back in front of
This room was thoroughly burned, and nothing is left but ashes
that have long since compacted into spongy dirt.
The floors on this level are cracked and jagged in places, perhaps
showing through to the destruction on the level below, and the
northern stairwell is filled with dirt. The seventh level was buried
under tons of rubble as the rock that made up its ceilings collapsed during the events of the Sundering, and while this level
still seems relatively unharmed, some sign of the underlying devastation may still show through, and it would be relatively easy
for characters to widen cracks in the ground or even fall through
if they are not careful. The magic that keeps the floors from collapsing is not strong enough to withstand concentrated effort.
Also within the garden are various marble garden benches and a
marble table with a chessboard etched into its surface.
Overgrown plants cover all of these, and hundreds of flowers
grow all about: tulips, pansies, lilacs, hyacinths, buttercups,
shamrocks, and amaranths. The scent is almost overpowering,
although it is not magical.
A concealed door hides a staircase down to Drininkeanas lab. To
find it, characters must search thoroughly and make a Perception
+ Awareness roll against an Ease Factor of 9, or search halfheartedly and make a roll against an Ease Factor of 15. Even when
found, the door is hard to open because there are no handholds
on this side. It is made of stone, so a spontaneous Rego Terram
spell will open it, or characters may clear away the vines and
branches and pry it open.
The alcove in the hallway between the two main stairways is
empty except for a stone bench that runs the length of the
chamber, built into the wall, and a large bell one foot high fastened to the ceiling. A chain hangs down from the bells tongue,
and pulling the chain rings it. In the days of old, this alcove
served as a guard post the bell has a distinctive gong-like ring
to it that can be heard up and down the well, and it may cause
some of the ghosts to investigate, as it was common practice to
ring the bell in case of an emergency, such as when someone fell
into the well. Most of the ghosts will assume it means another
attack, and those who do not like conflict will hide in their
rooms, while others (like David or Pitsdim) might come running.
The Undertakers
Magic Might: 20 (Terram)
Characteristics: Int -5, Per -2, Str +5, Sta +8, Dex +2,
Qik +3
Size: +2
Tentacles: Init +3, Attack +7, Defense +10, Damage +8
Soak: +26 (they take double damage from edged
Wound Penalties: -1 (1-7), -3 (8-14), -5 (15-21),
Incapacitated (22-28)
Vis: 4 Terram
Appearance: Undertakers are hard to see, because they
spend most of their time underground. They are
made entirely of tightly packed earth, and have
four tentacles that sprout from the surface to grasp
a victim. When they envelop or swallow intruders,
they might appear to have mouths as they fold in
on themselves, but they have no need of eyes,
ears, or even a humanoid shape, as they are simply
dirt that has been animated to take an efficient,
mutable, and malevolent form.
Drininkeana was quite skilled with plants and other forms of life
and was the most knowledgeable wizard at Calebais in matters
concerning growing things. She spent much of her time in the
forests surrounding the covenant and it is because of her influence that it is such a haven of diverse herbs and plant life. She
also took charge of the gardens on the floor above, and even had
a private staircase leading up to it from her lab. The entrance to
the gardens is concealed by a stone door that can be barred from
the inside and is nearly flush with the outside wall.
A large bronze door stands at the entrance to her quarters,
marked with the sanctum symbol recognized throughout the
Order. It has been broken in and now hangs at an angle by one
hinge. The inside of the lab can be clearly seen. The floor is
made of rocks and dirt, and all of her laboratory equipment and
personal possessions have been ruined and at least partially
buried. This rubble is at least fifteen feet deep and part of level
seven, below, where the rock that separated the two floors was
destroyed and has been built up with dirt. Sticking up at an
angle through the earth floor is a bronze pillar about three feet
high with a sundial set into a small dish on the top. Moss grows
in great profusion here.
An Undertaker is a kind of earth elemental that moves beneath
the ground like an octopus swimming in water, but can hear
when someone steps upon the earth above. These creatures are
Her crystal plants were a gift from a powerful magus for whom
she did a great favor. Drininkeana had a study requirement Flaw,
and this exquisitely crafted set of lesser devices allowed her to
increase her understanding of Herbam to master levels without
needing to leave the covenant. She valued these so highly that
she gave more thought to protecting them than herself; when
the fighting began, she sealed the doors and cast a Watching Ward
to alert her if they were tampered with. Alas, these preparations
did her little good, since no one else cared about her great treasure, and they have been left undisturbed since her death.
Those who wear diadems can see through these illusions if they
wish, or take control of them after Mormulus is gone, but cannot see
Mormulus or his diadem unless he wills it. Those with Second Sight
might see past the illusion to perceive the true nature of the room,
but only with a Perception + Second Sight roll of 24+, because the
effect is so powerful. The effects that generate these illusions have
Creo, Perdo, Rego, Imaginem, Mentem, and Vim components, and
the highest is Level 80.
In Ars Magica, images created by magic are real, even though the
things they appear to be are not. This means that a spell that creates
the image of something solid can mimic feelings associated with
touch: temperature, texture, sharpness, give, and even solidity.
Illusions may thus appear to have substance. Much like they would
instinctively draw their hands away from a flame, characters will
instinctively hesitate before charging blindly into what seems to be a
solid wall. The Mentem effects that form part of Mormuluss illusions
back this up, influencing characters minds so that they subconsciously avoid doing things that would show the illusions for what they
are. However, the Mentem effect has no penetration, and thus does
not affect any characters with magic resistance.
If a character seems to be figuring out the illusions, you can rule that
everything still feels like the illusion, even if they know better. If the
characters begin to run around, let them run into the walls, but
change the details of the setting so that some sort of wall is really
there, and then insist that it was there all along. If you can evoke the
confusing nature of these illusions through your storytelling style,
even though it may frustrate players who prefer more direct action,
this scene will be greatly enhanced.
Magic may seem to have an effect in this dream world, though this is
simply part of the illusion and the spells will not actually succeed if
they are cast at something that does not exist. If a spell is cast that
affects one of the tables, or Mormulus, or the images created by the
room, then it will probably work (though it may be resisted), and
this may or may not be reflected in the illusion. Spells cast on people
will usually work, if they are where they seem to be. All targeting
rolls are at -5, however, due to the confusing nature of this place.
I. Weirdly shaped stone tables, but with all the equipment ruined
and in pieces on the floor
II. Broken furniture, as well as the rotting contents of various trunks
and cabinets
III. A small pool of water
IV. A statue of a mushroom, about three feet high
V. A statue of a broken crown set into the floor, two feet across
VI. The corpse of Mormulus, long decayed (could be anywhere)
This part of the story can take as long as you like; if the players dont
seem to be enjoying themselves, cut it short, but if they are really
interested, let yourself go wild. Dont let the game get out of control,
of course. Underneath the chaos, everything should make sense (if
only to you) so that you can explain everything after the scene is
over. All in all, the secret to running this part of the story is to have
fun with it. It may be hard to manage, but it will be well worth the
One of the diadems is also here, and it is the real treasure of this
room. Therefore, it should only be included in the final part of the
illusion, when the players can see Mormulus as he looks to himself.
The actual diadem will be found somewhere near the remains of his
body, for he kept it on him but did not usually wear it all the time,
but the characters will be unable to find it unless Mormulus removes
its ghostly counterpart.
His corpse is lost somewhere within the room, and he does not
remember that he has died. After many decades in his room of
illusions, he has a hard time separating truth from fiction. He
may periodically lose interest in the characters, even after they
explain things to him, because he still is in the habit of treating
everything as illusions that he can ignore or change when he
grows bored with them. If the characters can get him to recognize that he is wearing a diadem, he may take them more seriously, since he knows that one of the crowns powers allows him
to see through his illusions. This may cause him to question if
there is something wrong with the effect, and ultimately realize
that he is not actually wearing his diadem, giving the real one to
the characters.
These rooms were owned by the wizard Ierimyra, and her ghost
still lives within them. They are also inhabited by Hrools lots
of Hrools. Two huge wooden doors that once stood at the
entrance to her sanctum now lie on the ground before it, partially covered with rubble and refuse. Beyond, characters will probably encounter Ierimyras ghost pacing between her living quarters and her laboratory, as she regularly does.
Until then, you can let your imagination and creativity carry
you, because the whole room is constantly filled with some kind
of illusion. These can take any form, including entire landscapes
that extend to the horizon, and can change in the blink of an
eye (but dont do this too often players will become very confused if you abuse this effect). The settings can be weird and
exotic, such as a faerie palace on a mountaintop, or strangely
One of the other wizards, Eonus, destroyed Ierimyras mind during the Sundering, but she survived, tended by her Hrools. A
few years later, however, raiding satyrs made it past her guards
and killed her. She does not quite realize that she is dead. She is
still driven by a powerful need to protect the Hrools, for she is
dimly aware that they are in great danger at Calebais. However,
it is almost impossible to get her to recognize that the Hrools
are safe, even if taken elsewhere, because she cannot leave.
Without the Hrools, she be overcome with grief, though perhaps if the characters return after several years with a few older
Hrools she will see that they are secure and will be comforted.
tions are not always clear, since they are relative to each
other. If care were taken in collecting them, it would not be
very hard to reconstruct them, but if the characters just
throw them into a bag, it will take at least a season to piece
them back together. Use these maps as starting points for
new stories the magi should at least be able to obtain
leads to some good sources of raw vis.
VII. Under the table is a blue marble mortar and pestle, about
the size of a soup bowl.
VIII. Ierimyras gold wire diadem (see page 78), was kicked
beneath the cages. Characters cannot see it in the darkness
without shining some sort of light underneath.
In contrast, Ierimyras living quarters are stark and clear of rubble. Where parts of the walls or floors have collapsed, the rock
has been taken away and the cracks swept clean of dust. The
only moss that grows here is high on the walls and on the ceiling. In the center of the room is a pile of Hrool skeletons, fifteen
feet across and five feet high. As may be obvious to the characters, this room is used as a cemetery. If characters look closely,
they will notice that all the skulls have been broken apart or
have large holes in them, and that some bunches of bones have
been tied together with vines.
The ground is safe to walk on, though it might not look like it,
being paper-thin in many places. Most of the floors of the
covenant had devices that kept them structurally sound, since in
many places only a few feet of rock separated the two levels.
Almost all of this material was brought down upon the labs
below during Crenvaluss great tremor spell, but the magic of the
floor tiles still keeps this room intact. Still, it would not be wise
to jump up and down or start hitting the floor with large, heavy
The warrens stretch far into the rock in three directions, and
even slope below the floor level. The ground is rough but any
holes or cracks have been perfectly patched, and the ceilings are
so low that most characters will have to stoop. Empty bowls and
other containers litter the area; broken shards and a collection of
heavily rusted (and worthless) swords and axes are strewn about.
In the far corner of one cavern are six pups, which scamper
through the rooms, play fighting and squealing. They will take
no notice of what happens in the caverns, though if the Hrools
have advance warning of approaching characters, they will hide
the pups throughout the rubble for safety.
A pair of Hrool-sized tunnels lead to their livestock pens, where
they raise rats in primitive cages sculpted from stone. The Hrools
also keep a reservoir of drinking water pulled from the well in a great
covered stone jar here, and have a large storeroom for fodder, packed
close to full with moss (about two pawns worth). There is another
Captains Shield
sunset = Level 24). Also, if held still for six seconds, it can turn
the bearer and everything he carries invisible for as long as he
remains in one place. (PeIm4, +1 Touch, +2 Sun; +1 twice per
day, +3 activate at sunrise and sunset = Level 19).
Captains Mail
twice per day, +3 activate at sunrise and sunset = Level 49), and
reduce the intensity of all of a persons emotions (PeMe4, +1
Touch, +2 Sun; +1 twice per day, +3 activate at sunrise and sunset = Level 19). The mail is also resistant to wear and age, preventing rust and mending itself when damaged (CrTe10, +2 Sun;
+1 twice per day, +3 activate at sunrise and sunset = Level 24).
Davids chain mail has three magical powers that were designed
to trigger automatically every sunrise and sunset, though wounds
do not heal naturally while the mail is worn and reopen soon
after it is removed. These effects are: heal the debilitating
effects of disease, poison, or injury (CrCo20, +1 Touch, +2 Sun;
+1 twice per day, +3 activate at sunrise and sunset = Level 39),
heal an incapacitating wound (CrCo30, +1 Touch, +2 Sun; +1
exit tunnel that leads to the level below that they keep blocked. All
of these areas have been carved from the rock by the ermines, and
the doorways look almost chewed, as if Hrool-sized fistfuls were simply scooped out of the walls.
There are two ermines here, Arz and Kremin, and each one
wears a diadem. There are also 22 adults and 11 warriors, though
feel free to change this number if the characters are weak. This
group of Hrools possesses Davids shield (carried by their champion, Hukla) and his chain mail, which is too big for Hrools to
wear, so they keep it hidden on one side of the warrens. These
Hrools fight with wooden spears that were once pieces of furniture or tool handles but that have been chewed into sharp stakes.
The library is a large chamber with two lines of pillars giving the
twenty foot high room a grand feeling. The upper parts of the
walls have gilded carvings on them, depicting the potential of
education. The north wall shows a maga standing proudly before a
bearded, bare-chested giant sitting on a throne. The east wall
shows a magus finding an enchanted clearing in a jungle-like faerie
forest. The west wall depicts a maga with hand outstretched
standing before a vast panorama of gold gilded stars. The south
wall pictures a magus leading a sea of people up a mountain.
The Engraving
Etched in careful letters across this panorama are the
following words.
The antechamber to the council room has stone benches built
into the wall opposite the well, and its floor is covered with a
complicated mosaic of colored tiles, detailing a golden dragon
flying out of grim, dark hole in the hollow of a mountain. There
is no rubble in this room and only a few decaying tapestries litter
the floor where they fell from their hooks.
The council room has a long, crafted stone table running down the
middle of it. Around it are twelve chairs of different kinds, all of
them large and ornately carved. Bright lights shine from above on
each of the chairs, causing the dust in the air to sparkle and lending
the room an air of majesty. The chamber is in fairly good shape, and
some heavily tattered tapestries still hang on the walls. The only one
on which a design may be deciphered has a map of the region
around Calebais, but much of the detail has worn away.
the council table are made of wood (still intact), and some are
made of stone, and still others are made of tarnished bronze or
brass. Many of the chairs are covered with moss, as is most of the
table, but close inspection may reveal their high artistic quality. On
the back of each chair (in Latin) is one of the following phrases:
and flat when hit, for it was activated by striking the magical
chime that Ferdina carried. Only the autocrat can now cause the
bell to ring properly; if she does it will echo with an otherworldly quality, and the ghosts of the remaining magi will be compelled to gather in the council chamber.
On the far wall from the entrance to this room, behind the head of
the table, is a magical door. One of the ghosts (David or Ferdina)
might tell the characters about it, if properly questioned and treated
respectfully. They know that the wizards would cast a spell every
time they wanted to go through the wall, and then they pushed their
way through the rock. There is a tunnel beyond it, though they
probably do not remember more than that.
The door is magical, and Intellego Vim spells will reveal that it is
an active device with Muto Terram, and Intellego Vim effects. If
a magus casts a spontaneous Muto Terram spell on it, of any
magnitude, a six foot by five foot section of the wall becomes
passable (Sun duration). The spell is the means to activate the
item, and does not make the change itself. The first time this
happens, the mummified corpse (David) will crumple and fall
partially out into the council room. Those walking through the
door must hold their breath and force their way through five
feet of pudding-like rock until they get to the other side.
Characters may need to make Brave checks of at least 6+ to
attempt to cross. A low Brave roll or botch might mean that
characters panic while inside the rock, digging in their heels or
thrashing about as if drowning. Another spontaneous Muto
Terram spell causes the door to close again.
Crenvalus Letter
... hoards green treasure, one who hoards gold treasure,
one who hunts in the village, one who hunts in the forest, one who is blunt, one who is sharp, one of bright
silver, one of tarnished silver, and the thief in white.
The answer is: A Crown.
Make your way to our council chamber, seven levels
down. There, you may pass through the door of stone
by inventing a spell of Muto and Terram, and then you
must break through another wall that seals the corridor
beyond. When you see the sun, speak the words The
crown is broken to bring you safely through the tunnel, but ignore the chests and avoid the pitfalls in the
floor to find the cavern where our greatest treasure lies.
Use our former glory for good, and share it justly and
mercifully with your sodales, for I travel now to a place
where wealth and power cannot help me. Think no more
ill of Crenvalus, but pray instead for my soul, and perhaps
I will see you from afar and thank you for your mercy.
The bell that hangs here is not the Bell of Ibyn, but merely a bell
that was used to call magi to council meetings. It sounds toneless
The laboratory was once well equipped, though little sign of that
equipment remains. Rubble lies strewn about everywhere. Large boulders, fallen out of jagged depressions in the ceiling, sit within a maelstrom of destruction. The walls are cracked and falling in many places.
She will tell everything she knows about the laboratory if someone will give her some food to quiet her desperate hunger,
which has grown over the last fifty years. To feed her, something
edible must be given a spiritual component, as with a spontaneous MuAn or MuHe spell with a Mentem requisite. She also
has the power of possession and may take over someones body
so that she may eat. This may result in a humorous episode, but
try to make it grim, too. Once fed, she will go to sleep near her
remains and quietly pass on.
The laboratory here has no contact with the rest of the covenant
except through its balcony, so it is unlikely that characters will
wind up here unless they have descended the well, either on purpose or by accident. The balcony is ornately carved with a basrelief of a great eagle in flight on the wall above, and some
gleams of gold remain from the gilt. Characters may be able to
see this balcony from the upper floors.
If anyone touches the massive table in the center of the room, a bolt
of lightning (CrAu35) flies from a small silver knob on the west wall
onto the tables center, accompanied by a loud crack. If the lab were
still functioning, this would light the materials here on fire, causing
a mighty explosion, but the fuel is long gone and the trap is not as
effective, save perhaps to knock intruders to the floor.
The north wall of the laboratory is covered with niches of all sizes
that have been carved into the wall, floor to ceiling, creating a
mosaic of square holes. Many are full, though very little of value
remains. Most of the books have been ruined, but two tractatus on
the history of the Order of Hermes, three on Roman history, and
five on storm weather spells (Auram) are still legible, all of them
Quality 8. Five goblet-sized glass containers each hold a bubble of
viscous blue-black smoke, each worth a pawn of Auram vis. Three
bucket-sized clay urns, sealed with wax, feel light enough to be
empty, but each is labeled tempestas intestae (tem-PASTE-ahs inTASTE-eye, tempest in a pot), so characters should know to be
careful; each contains a different kind of weather spirit or air elemental, and as they have not been bound in service they will simply wreak havoc if released. Some other niches hold bottles with
strange and mundane liquids inside, while others hold jars of fur or
butterfly wings, and a few hold silver objects formed into small,
hand-sized sculptures symbolizing clouds and lightning bolts.
The room across the well from the laboratory has a large, gray
cloud in the middle, thirty feet around, and the bowl-shaped floor is
partially filled with water. Soon after the characters enter, the cloud
begins to rain. This was once a test area for Ventus Gurges; he practiced his magic here and designed and perfected new Auram spells
using the cloud. If the characters attempt to cast Auram magic at it,
they find it is exceptionally easy to affect and manipulate.
Possession, 3 points, +0, Mentem: Althea can take over a living body
as if it were her own. Each round, the victim may make an
Intellegence roll to resist, adding an appropriate Personality trait
(e.g. Rebellious). On a 9+, she is driven out. On a 6+, the two
wills are in conflict and neither may act. Otherwise, Althea may
use the body as she wishes.
Vis: 3 Corpus in her corpse if she manages to eat something
Appearance: Althea is an elderly, emaciated woman in rags, hobbling
on her cruelly fractured left leg, her eyes wild with hunger.
Roleplaying Tips: Let your head dangle from your neck, and speak in
a raspy, trembling voice. Stop speaking entirely every few seconds and look woeful.
What She Knows: Althea was a relative of Ventus Gurges and came
to work at the covenant late in her life, not long before the
Sundering. She rarely left his laboratory, eating meals in her living quarters, and thus does not know much about the covenant.
She does know that an earthquake killed her master and flooded the well, and that most of the lab notes she copied are kept
in the library. She remembers seeing a text about a magical bell,
though she recalls nothing of the substance.
ples of the paranoia, power and pride that came to possess the
magi. Unlike the ghosts on the sixth level, or Pitsdim on the
eighth, the wizards who have gathered here are the ones who
had the highest status. There is little trace of their labs or living
quarters, as they are buried under rock or submerged beneath
tons of water, so the ghosts on this level inhabit the rooms
where they can remember and revel in their influence and their
covenants former glory.
Further Levels
Remember that these are the magi who were directly responsible
for the disaster, even if they didnt cause all of the damage, and
each of them has a lesson to teach. They have all committed ruthless and cunning acts, but dont give away their secrets until the
moment is right. Instead, allow the players to become lulled by
their ghostly stereotypes, and let the scenes drag on a little with
their heavy symbolism. Then, before the characters lose interest,
surprise and frighten them with sudden, swift, terrible action.
The remaining levels are completely flooded, buried under water and
sharing the depths with the great dragon statue that fills the central
section. Many more laboratories and living quarters were located in
this area, though not all of them had direct access to the well. If the
characters have the means to explore them, you can extend the adventure, developing your own ideas for what they might find, but a better
way to continue the story would be to put more detail into the upper
levels and use these flooded levels to design a later expedition, after
several game years have passed (Return to the Broken Covenant).
The characters will not necessarily leave here with the Bell of
Ibyn. Defeating the foes that will oppose them and avoiding or
surviving the traps that lie in wait will take great presence of
mind and a good deal of luck. Even finding the chamber where
the Bell lies will not be easy. Dont be tempted to keep giving
the players hints until they figure it out; the Bell is so powerful
and useful that the characters should not be guaranteed success.
If they dont find it, they dont find it.
The Vault
This level will probably mark the end of the long journey the
characters began by exploring Calebais, and it is rich with exam-
Characters who explore the corners of the chamber may find the
burned and dried husk of a dead fox (Crenvaluss familiar), the
crumbled remains of several wooden shelves, a scribes table, and
a decaying stack of vellum that contains ancient and unreadable
covenant records. The writing on these documents is faded and
indecipherable, but its volume suggests it predates the Sundering
by several years.
When the characters push through the magic door from the
council room, they will emerge into pitch darkness (this section
of the covenant is not magically lit). Once they make light, they
will see a rough-hewn cave sloping down, with a wall made of
smooth stone at the far end, obviously blocking the passage.
Near the wall is a skeleton in rotted wizards clothing, still
The Message
David stood loyally by his side through all this, and after seeing
the wizard fall dead, he said a prayer and took the letter as he
had promised, turning to slowly make his way back through the
portal that would remain open until sundown. But Crenvalus
found himself still standing when his body fell, and in confusion
he frantically commanded David to stop, stop, for it seemed he
was not dead, and everything was for nothing. Tormented and
impotent, he grew furious with David, who stupidly no longer
obeyed him, and in the blink of an eye he decided that he must
make sure that the captain could not deliver his cursed letter. He
quickly closed the portal, sealing David within.
Only the first character to pass the trap is struck, since it only
activates once every twenty rounds, but if anyone says Corona
fracta est (coh-ROH-nah FROCK-tah est, The crown is broken) while standing beneath the picture, or in fact any sentence
in Latin that contains the words for broken and crown, the
trap will be disarmed for several minutes.
Just after the corridor turns again, it will be evident that water is
seeping in through cracks in the wall and trickling down the
ramp. The rest of the journey is very tricky, because the wet rock
is very slick. All characters should make Dexterity + Athletics Encumbrance rolls against an Ease Factor of 12 to avoid sliding
down the ramp (remember to take into account Virtues like
Perfect Balance and Troupe Upbringing). Falling characters can
catch themselves by succeeding on a subsequent Dexterity +
Athletics roll against an Ease Factor of 9, but otherwise they tumble all the way to the bottom and suffer +16 damage.
Once they discover a way past the wall, the characters will find
a tunnel fashioned into a ramp that spirals down into the darkness. The walls are very rough-hewn and uneven, as if they were
dug out with a huge scoop, and the ramp descends forty feet,
making four complete revolutions.
Thoughtful characters (Intelligence + Awareness of 15 or more)
will realize that this path will take them below the water line of
the flooded well. Characters with Premonitions or similar powers
will begin to get a sense that they are in danger from fire in the
air and water in the earth (Ease Factor 3).
By the time the lead characters have made it down the ramp, Paulo
will begin smashing the wall holding back the water, assuming he is
with them and they have not taken steps to prevent what should
be predictable behavior. Those who do not recognize the danger
ahead of time will reach the bottom of the ramp just in time to
hear Paulos yelling as his first swing hits the wall. They will then
have to choose between fleeing back up the ramp to get above the
flood, rushing blindly forward, or attempting to stop Paulo.
Halfway down the ramp is a stylized picture of the sun with three
clouds surrounding it etched into the ceiling. Have players make a
Perception + Awareness roll of 9+, but roll a separate die yourself. If
any players succeed when you roll a 0, tell them that they see the
symbol of Calebais instead (a broken crown with three flames), until
they examine the picture more closely. This extra roll may throw off
players who have come to rely on Perception rolls.
To either flee up the ramp past Paulo or race down to the relative safety of the far caverns requires a Quickness + Athletics Encumbrance roll against an Ease Factor of 6. Stopping Paulo is
hardly an option at all, since once he has started swinging the
characters will have, at most, one round before the rock cracks,
and Paulo is probably not within their line of sight. Wizards will
have to rush back half the distance and try to fast-cast a spell,
and this requires at least a 12+ Initiative roll. Even then, the
cracks will be widened a little because of his first blow, and it
will be only a matter of time before they burst.
As the first character walks past this motif, a thunderbolt flies from
its center and strikes that characters head. If that character is under
the influence of active magical effects or has the Gift, two bolts
strike instead. Each bolt does +30 damage (a CrAu35 effect, with
+25 Penetration), and because it specifically targets the head, the
character will be knocked unconscious if this damage causes a heavy
wound. In addition, all characters within thirty feet are deafened for
several minutes unless they roll a 6 or better on a simple Stamina roll.
The crack of thunder is loud enough to be heard from both the
council room and the treasure chambers below.
Characters cannot see this illusion because of the water, and if they
step into the pit, they will not sink quickly enough to damage
themselves, though they could drown if they are wearing heavy
armor. They will need to make Strength + Swim - Burden rolls
against an Ease Factor of 6 to make their way back to the surface.
in. The caverns will fill almost completely with water, but characters who are able to stay afloat (ditching heavy armor) can eventually work their way out. Retrieving the spoils of the treasure vault
at this point will be extremely difficult without powerful Rego
magic and either the ability to breathe underwater or some way to
drain the area fast enough to keep ahead of the flood.
When characters come within ten feet of the pit, have them
make a Perception + Awareness roll. A large boulder with
accompanying noise will appear behind them, as if it rolled in
from somewhere in the other room, and any characters who did
not botch their roll will see it coming towards them. This boulder is an illusion, intended to make intruders run towards the pit,
but since it was not designed to account for water on the
ground, something about it will look and sound odd to characters with a roll of 6 or better. Those with 12 or more on the roll,
or anyone who stops to take a close look at it, will perceive
exactly what is wrong with it and see through the illusion.
A great deal of treasure was stored in this room at one time, but
almost all of it has rotted away under the still waters. Characters
will feel the ground slide about beneath their feet as they wander
about. If they start digging through the muck, they will find an
assortment of ruined goods: pieces of furniture, metal rods, lengths
of chain, carved chess pieces, tattered tapestries, rusted arms and
armor, and more. Feel free to reward tenacity by slipping in exotic
objects that might be useful in a lab or lead to other stories.
Three large chests sit spaced across the far wall, their lids clearing the surface of the water by about six inches. Massive locks
still hold each of these chests shut, and the Ease Factor to pick
them is 18 because of rust, though more forceful methods might
be easier. Two of the chests hold a sizable fortune of silver coins,
and the last once contained the covenants stores of vis, unfortunately depleted during the Sundering.
Granorda loves mortal men and all of the decadent pleasures of life,
even in death. Yet despite her specialty in necromancy and her hedonistic interests, she is generally an honest, open woman interested in
justice and the survival of all that is pure and beautiful in the world.
Underneath her brash exterior she is a caring, compassionate soul
who is genuinely concerned for the well being of others.
At the north side of the cavern is a corridor twenty feet long leading into the second cavern. In the middle of this corridor is a pit,
the effect of which has been somewhat altered now that the area
has been submerged in water. It is ten feet across and twenty feet
deep, with spikes at the bottom, and an illusion of floor covering it.
and thanks, and soon go to her eternal rest. However, even if she
had been their leader, the other magi will certainly object to
this, and they will fight twice as hard to prevent the characters
from taking the Bell without their consent.
Crenvalus has a distinct dislike of not being in control of a situation, and in life he took great pleasure in manipulating the
actions of other people. It was his constant efforts to take charge
of the covenant and his repeated squabbles with Ornath that
precipitated the Sundering, and his ill-planned vengeance that
made him finally realize he was also unfit to rule. Yet when he
realized that death was not the end for him, he found he could
not bear the thought of anyone else ruling Calebais, or else he
decided he really wanted to continue after all, and acted to
ensure that no one would ever disturb the covenant again.
Hot-tempered and cynical, when Uderzus first meets the characters, he will probably size them up and ask, Well, what are you
waiting for? Dont you know how to loot a treasure trove? He
likes people who are able to accomplish things, and will scorn
those who fail. He may indirectly warn the characters that they
face more danger here than they think, but after that he will simply wait and watch to see how they deal with it.
The Ghosts
The ghosts of three of the magi may be found in this area,
either gathered together in the Burial Chamber or moving
throughout the caverns. They are each trying to seize control of Calebais from the others while watching over their
once mighty covenants last great treasure, the Bell of Ibyn.
When they first enter this cavern, they interrupt a discussion (or battle) between the magi to determine who will lead the covenant
today. Regardless of the outcome, Crenvalus will eventually see the
characters and begin speaking to them. Uderzus, too, will see them
(probably before Crenvalus), but unless he is the leader he will
remain silent. Crenvalus politely invites them into the chamber, stepping back to make room for them, and magnanimously introduces
himself and his two sodales. Uderzus will make a rude comment or
two about the characters, warning them through his demeanor that
the situation is dangerous, but Crenvalus will soon regain control of
the conversation. Granorda says nothing and tries to overcome her
This chamber contains 22 different corpses hidden beneath the
water, five of which are incomplete (only arms, heads, or the
like). Characters wading into the room will invariably run
Spells Known:
Tossing the Brawling Brute (ReCo10/+70): Throws a person 15 feet in
the air or 25 feet in any direction, causing falling damage if a
solid object intervenes (Base 4, +2 Voice).
Topple the Brutish Band (ReCo20/+70): As Tossing the Brawling Brute, but
affects a Group (Base 4, +2 Voice, +2 Group).
Strings of the Unwilling Marionette (ReCo25/+70)
Confusion of the Numbed Will (ReMe15/+70)
Aura of Rightful Authority (ReMe20/+70)
Enslave the Mortal Mind (ReMe40/+70)
Earth Shock (ReTe30/+65)
The Earth Split Asunder (ReTe30/+65)
Pitsdims Downfall (ReTe50/+70): Shakes and collapses the ceiling of
an entire level of caves to which you have an arcane connection, causing damage to other levels as well (Base 3, +4 Arc,
+1 Diam, +1 Part, +5 size).
Vis: 10 Rego in his ghostly staff, if killed by David
Appearance: Crenvalus is a long, lanky, sinewy apparition with dark,
bronzed skin and thick, heavy eyebrows. His white hair cascades across his head like a lions mane, but his eyes are narrow
and suspicious, and his smile should seem tense, like a trap
ready to spring. He wears simple, well-made robes that are neither humble nor kingly, and carries a plain wooden staff.
Roleplaying Tips: Ensure that every other thing you say is an order
of some kind, though not necessarily malicious or pompous
(Get me a chair; my feet grow weary.) React poorly to those
who dont show you proper respect, and reject anything that
sounds like a command. Give your eyes a haunted look, and
stop moving them only when you speak, but take care never
to look at a player directly, staring instead at a point directly
behind them. You are crazier than you seem; let that slip occasionally. Start to lose it if questioned about David and the
magical portal. When you cant take it any more, start screaming (and actually scream, to shock the players), I should be in
charge! I was the last! I survived! I was the best! Slowly regain
your composure, and then begin again.
natural anxiety about visitors, watching them closely to see that they
dont somehow trick her or make any sudden moves. She will be
interested in them, because she wonders if with their help she would
be able to break the stalemate that exists here. Crenvalus does his
best to keep talking, and keep the characters talking, continuing conversation for as long as possible before making his move, since his
only aims are to find out what they know and then see them dead.
The questions he asks are intended to stall the characters while
subtly convincing Granorda that they are a threat and intend to
defile your corpse with unspeakable acts and hideous experiments! Quickly, Granorda, wake the dead, wake the dead before its too late!
or are simply not very attractive, or if you and the players just
want to play a climactic fight, battle ensues.
Magic Might: 0 (Corpus)
Characteristics: Str +3, Sta -3, Dex -3, Qik -3
Punch and Grapple: Init -3, Attack -3, Defense -3,
Damage +3
Soak: -3
Wound Penalties: -0 (1-5), -0 (6-10), -0 (11-15),
Splattered (16-20) (yes, splattered)
Appearance: Each of these creatures is a bloated corpse,
remarkably well-preserved, animated but mindless.
What little clothing or few possessions they carried
are tattered and decayed.
Note: The corpses can only fight as untrained groups.
These corpses are mindless, and do not fear anything; they
cannot be affected by Mentem spells of any kind. They
cannot really see or hear either, but simply have a magical
sense of where the characters are. They ignore wound
penalties and have no fatigue. If their bodies are searched
afterward, there might be trinkets or other small objects of
value on them, but this sort of looting will frighten
Granorda into casting more spells to protect herself.
If the players are doing badly, Granorda might end her spell, intending to speak sharply to the characters after properly chastising them.
Uderzus might also intervene, driving Crenvalus back with his lance
and casting Wind of Mundane Silence, berating the characters for allowing things to reach this point. If he is overpowered, Crenvalus will
go completely mad, and charge out of the room shouting Larine has
brought our doom; let us bury this covenant and our pitiful dead forever! He will race out of the vaults, intending to make his way to
the surface and shake the entire covenant to pieces, but he will settle
for the tunnel. If the characters dont stop him, he will cause another
earthquake that could collapse the treasure chambers, and will certainly release the deluge described above.
I. The corpses, 17 full and 5 partial, rise from all around the
party, ahead and behind, assuming the characters have
come to the center of the room. They will probably be outnumbered. The first round, just have one corpse attack each
character, but after that they should start ganging up.
II. Various independent body parts (including those caused by
the fight) move through the water, grasping, biting or kicking the characters legs. This attack is mostly ineffectual,
but it can be very creepy and demoralizing.
III. This section of the ruins is not magically lit, so the party may
be depending upon torches or lanterns to see, which will go
out if dropped into the water or the bearer is pulled down.
IV. Characters should suffer a -3 on Attack and Defense rolls,
due to the poor fighting conditions. These circumstances
include at least three extra botch dice for any 0s rolled, taking into account fighting in water, the cold temperature,
bad air, limited visibility, and the partial body parts that
may trip or pull characters down. Botches probably mean
that the character loses his footing and is pulled down.
V. Unconscious or Incapacitated characters are likely to drown
if they are not rescued immediately, as they will fall underwater, and the corpses will try to hold them down.
VI. Crenvalus will continue to try and possess magi, keeping them
off-balance and using his powers whenever he has a firm hold.
The third chamber, assuming the caverns havent been destroyed
or flooded, is filled with three feet of water. In the center is the
Bell of Ibyn, the legendary device described in Crenvaluss letter,
which provided a magical warning system for the covenant of
Calebais worthy of the wizards who founded it. There is also a
small chest beside the Bell, completely submerged, in which may
be found three more diadems (see page 78).
Getting the Bell out of the chamber and up the well to the outside
world is a monumental task, and if you have time you should roleplay
through the activity, as it is a relaxing opportunity to develop characters
and visualize the extraordinary situations in which they participate. If
you need to wrap up the session quickly, however, simply call for a general roll from every character to see how they do, and briefly describe
their journey back. The players have already proven their worth by getting hold of the Bell in the first place, so it can be assumed that such
competent characters can find a way to haul it home.
Once other magi learn that the characters have retrieved the Bell,
their covenant may have many visitors who wish to see it or study it.
Though it would probably be improper and seen as unreasonably
greedy to ask for something in return for merely allowing a magus to
look at it, asking for a minor sum of vis in exchange for a season of
studying it is quite acceptable. If they actively spread word of their
find, the characters and their covenant may receive Hermetic status
and positive reputations among others in the Order.
The Ruins
I. The characters might be able to convene a meeting of the
council of Calebais, using Ferdinas ghostly chime or by
The Diadems
ed by Uderzus. This allows them to walk through the Veil
without having to answer the riddle and perceive Mormuluss
lab as it really is. (InIm30)
II. A diadem is a mark of authority in the covenant, and those who
wear one may command the dryad to change the riddle, refuse
entry to Calebais, or temporarily give up the Veil for a day and
a night. The wearer falls into a deep sleep and takes control of
the Veil in the meantime.
III. If characters are foolish enough to wear a diadem all the time,
they will quickly gain Warping points for being under a constant mystical effect, producing a Major Personality Flaw:
The diadems are the C-shaped crowns made of gold wire, each with
a green gemstone shaped like an eye worn at the forehead. The back
of a diadem is open, and it naturally clasps any normal-sized head.
They have specific powers of their own, but since they are mystically
connected to the Bell, their powers are few until the Bell is mended.
There were twenty-four of them in all, but many of them have been
lost. Luckily, characters only need one, though the Bell will be more
useful if they recover more.
I. Those who wear a diadem can see through any illusion cast by
Mormulus, including all illusions in the story except those creat-
If the characters devote time to magical study of the Bell, they may
learn of the following properties, in addition to those described
The Bell is partially submerged, but has not been tarnished at all. It
does not look like a normal church bell, oval with a round bottom
and a round knocker inside; instead, it has two convex sides that
meet at either of its edges, and a flat top with a massive bracket that
was at one time attached with ropes to the rotted wood frame. It is
three feet wide and five feet tall, and weighs nearly 600 pounds.
Viewed from the bottom, it looks like an eye, though without a
clapper or pupil. The sides of the Bell are inscribed with strange,
non-Hermetic runes. There is also a series of twelve knobs on each
side, each knob a round projection about two inches long and an
inch thick, marked with a different strange and unfamiliar symbol.
The knobs on the front protrude outward, while those on the back
are rounded into the interior of the Bell.
Level 10: To use any of the powers of the Bell, you must wear a diadem.
Level 30: The Bell is damaged, and many of its powers are not
Level 40: The Bell uses strange, non-Hermetic magic, which has
been intertwined with effects designed by magi from the Order of
Hermes. Its unusual origin makes it difficult to identify its powers as
long as it is broken.
Level 55: The Bell is out of tune, and must be adjusted in order to
function properly. This involves filing down the knobs, but as some
of them are already worn, this is dangerous without sure knowledge
of how to go about it.
Level 80: The knobs are tuned to resonate with the personalities of
those who wear the diadems, and there must be at least twelve different people involved to create the proper sound.
Once the characters realize that there is important information they
lack in order to understand how to use the Bell, they will probably
question the ghosts that remain, but none of them know or remember the details of the ritual, since it was Ornath who traditionally
led the ceremony. Laboratory investigation may yield some of the
information they seek, but all of the effects are of such high magnitude that it is doubtful they will be able to learn more than a general
idea that it is magical and has very powerful effects. Eventually,
however, one of the characters should remember Sister Larine and
Crenvaluss cryptic curses about her giving the magi the key, and
resolve to track her down to see if she can provide the information
they need.
Chapter Three
When all other avenues have been exhausted, the players should
think of the nun who provided them with the letter in the first
place. To help them along, you can have the Redcap from the first
chapter arrive at the covenant again and ask how they fared. This
may remind them that there is another source of information about
Calebais, if they can convince Ash to tell them where she is.
Ash will not be easy or cheap to persuade. She gave her word that
she would not tell the characters Sister Larines name or where she
lives, and she will not break it. She might agree to bring them there
to see her, but only if she has no doubts that the characters can be
trusted. Essentially, there are three factors that they must address for
her to feel comfortable with taking them to the convent.
Finally, Ash must like and/or respect the characters. If they treated
her particularly well in the first chapter, this requirement will not be
hard to meet, so long as they continue to go out of their way to
None of the characters in this chapter have been fully developed
according to the rules of Ars Magica. This is by design, to
encourage you to roleplay as much as possible, and to give you
the freedom to use them however you think is best for the story.
This is an opportunity for you and the players to develop characters through choice and desire, and thus you should find yourself using the dice and the rules for nothing more than
The Gift
Remember that characters with The Gift have grave
difficulties when dealing with normal humans. Without
the Gentle Gift, magi will have a very hard time convincing the abbess to see them, and the nuns will eye
them warily the whole time they remain. Wizards will
also be at a great disadvantage in the tests that follow,
for it will take an incredible show of virtue to convince
Sister Hedwig to help them. As for characters with the
Blatant Gift, it is doubtful that they would be allowed
into the convent at all.
If the magi can address all three of these points with Ash, she
will agree to escort them to the convent when they are ready. It
is probably a fair distance; perhaps about sixty miles from the
abbey that the characters visited in the first chapter, though it
can be anywhere if you would like there to be more distance
between these two expeditions. After their long journey, the
characters will arrive at the convent tired and anxious, and will
unfortunately find a great disappointment waiting for them.
The Convent
Sitting high on a rocky hill overlooking the water below, the
convent is a collection of whitewashed stone buildings surrounded by a high wall. The four-story church tower is the focus of
the entire structure, and is the only building more than two stories high. In the surrounding area are gardens, orchards and
fields. Short walls covered with vines separate the different
crops. Nuns in pure white habits, twenty in all, work silently
outside, and the whole setting is pastoral and picturesque.
sisters try to avoid staring at them. If the characters ask about Sister
Larine, the nuns will look surprised and say very sorrowfully that
she has died. They will answer no other questions, silently shaking
their head and politely returning to work. If the characters force
them to talk, or speak sharply to them, the nuns will grow very agitated and try to avoid them, and word will spread throughout the
convent of the uncouth strangers.
An aristocrat from birth, Hedwig now enjoys a position of respect
similar to a baroness. Within the convent, she is indisputably in
charge, making all decisions that affect their relationship with the
outside world: entertaining visitors, expelling unwanted members,
overseeing repairs and new construction, and so on. Her authority
does not bother the other nuns, at least the more spiritually
advanced among them, as it means that they need not bother with
such matters, and can concentrate on bettering themselves. She is
generally a good leader, but very used to getting her own way.
As they approach, the nuns outside might see them from a distance
and watch them curiously, and those in the courtyard will greet the
visitors formally and send for the abbess. They will not be invited
into the convent until after she has seen them and determined their
business, so they may wait a few minutes outside the gate while the
Hedwig is not the first abbess at the convent, but she is the first
abbess under the Cistercian rule. Her guidance has seen the nuns
into a new age, and distinguished the nunnery very highly, pleasing both the secular potentates and her father-abbot, not to
mention a large number of other influential Cistercians. Thus,
her convent is accorded a great deal of leeway, and she feels she
can bend the rules on occasion when she has good reason. For
example, it would probably be frowned upon for any abbess to
allow male guests to stay within the walls of the convent for
more than a night, or encourage the nuns to interact with
strangers to gauge their worth. However, Hedwig believes this
sort of liberality will ultimately lead to good. If caught, she
would probably suffer only a mild penance, and then only if it
could be shown that her actions caused great harm.
When she is ready, the abbess will send for the visitors, instructing
their leaders to meet with her in the parlor. She will be attended by
two others, Sister Palona and Sister Alice. These nuns are her senior
advisers, and she will not meet with the characters without them,
for the sake of propriety as well as the extra boost to her authority.
The abbess will begin by asking their business, and once she confirms they are seeking Sister Larine, she will apologize for their loss,
for Larine died in the time since they last heard of her. Yet their
journey may not have been for nothing, she tells them, as Larine
gave some information to the abbess before she died. If it is relevant
to their reason for coming here, and she believes that by helping
them she will do good, she might be willing to share it.
Sister Palona finds meaning in life by strictly separating the
divine from the diabolical. Everything in the world must be
either from God or from the devil, and she is intent to determine
which side the characters favor, as that is how she interprets the
duties that Sister Hedwig has assigned her. She is very sharp,
and will report everything she finds to the abbess, who is wise
enough to extract the truth from Palonas polar views. Though
arduous and difficult, Sister Hedwig finds her extremely valuable
as she is well-versed in law and an excellent orator.
She will ask why they wished to see Larine, and how they knew
her, for she was not aware that she had any living relations outside
the convent. Together with her advisers (one excelling at logic and
argument, the other a saintly visionary) she will question the characters thoroughly on these matters, attempting to discern their true
intentions and find the weaknesses in any lies they tell. The crossexamination will be brisk and may even unearth secrets the characters would rather keep quiet, due to Alices holy insight. Magic
bothers Sister Hedwig, especially its being used for ill; they also
will not aid those who have committed evil acts in the past
through whatever means if they fully intend to do so again.
Eventually, the abbess will ask for three days in which to consider
the matter. She must reflect on what the characters have told her
and decide whether or not they are people of virtue and righteousness. If the characters are willing to wait, she will see them returned
to their lodgings and kept comfortable and occupied in the meantime. If not, she will nod sadly and escort them back to the gate.
When she was young, Palona fled her home and inheritance with a
lover, intending to elope with him. He brought her to the convent to
make her safe until he could come back for her, but he never
returned. Worse, she learned many years later that he lives in another
village in the region, married advantageously. If the characters learn
this, her bitterness may be explained, but she will forever become
their enemy if she realizes her secret is known.
If they stay, Sister Hedwig will secretly arrange several tests for
the characters over the course of the next few days. These tests
are included as story hooks in the sections that follow. They are
designed to offer them opportunities to be virtuous and to sin, so
that she may observe how they truly act.
them this in her own terms: If you wish to touch me with your
will, you must first bring your heart closer to God. You are
twelve great steps removed from the edge of my sphere; you
have turned your back on Him and pursued His shadow upon
the earth before you; yet the distance is not so much that you
cannot make your way back with His help, if only you would
turn your gaze to the light.
This beautiful young woman is actually a faerie who once lived
in the wild areas tamed by the sisters. The Dominion makes her
slow-witted, and she was found unconscious by local villagers
and brought to the nunnery. With nowhere else to go, Malores
eventually became a nun herself, but from what she understands
of theology, she worries that she cannot go to heaven when she
dies as she does not have an immortal soul. Occasionally, she
acts in strange ways and has been severely punished in the past
for leaving the dormitory to pray beneath the full moon. Sister
Palona says of her She is corrected by word of mouth without
result; she is urged by blows but there is no improvement.
Sister Malores does not age, and the nuns already suspect there
is something supernatural about her. She has the faerie sight, and
will recognize magical characters. She will feel drawn to them,
and they will continually find her following them whenever she
If this brief description of Alice does not impress them, remember that she has a divine magic resistance of 60. If any of the
magi tries to cast a spell at her, she may find them later and tell
Characteristics: Int 0, Per +2, Pre +3, Com +1, Str -1,
Sta 0, Dex -1, Qik -1
Age: 39
Faith: 6 (6)
Personality Traits: Compassionate +4, Somber +2,
Joyous +1
Appearance: A powerful and saintly visionary, preoccupied with heavenly distractions, Alice has piercing
gray eyes and a very thin frame.
Roleplaying Tips: Focus completely on either your own
thoughts (ignoring your surroundings) or what is
happening immediately around you (tuning out the
other world in your head). Hunch your head and
look at the floor with your eyes closed, or else dont
move your face or body as you look at the person
who has your attention. When you do reveal your
intuition, speak quietly but confidently.
Characteristics: Int -3, Per +3, Pre +4, Com 0, Str -2,
Sta 0, Dex +1, Qik -1
Age: 55 (29)
Personality Traits: Joyous +5, Curious +3, Distracted
Appearance: Malores is lithe and willowy with a vacant
and serene expression, and appears about thirty
years old, though the nuns all know she has lived
at the abbey for at least that long. There is definitely something fay about her, perhaps in her
eyes or a slight point to her ears.
Roleplaying Tips: Though she cannot talk, she will
attempt to communicate through pantomime.
Consider this a challenge. Play out her desperation, her sense of being completely lost, and the
special quality of innocence she has about her.
can. She cannot speak within the divine aura, but if she spends a
month in a magical or faerie place, she will regain her voice.
Test: Magic
Nadaline was Sister Larines closest friend, for they were very
close all of her life at the convent. Nadaline was given to the
convent soon after Larine joined, and they latched on to each
other. There are many things about Larine that puzzled
Nadaline, in particular her love of the sound of the church bell.
Once she said that the bell could hear her devotion, but did
not elaborate. Nadaline refuses to answer questions about her
past or Larines, and becomes very angry if pressed about it,
because she knows very little and misses her very much. She
works hard and obeys her superiors. She generally dislikes the
sisters who come from noble descent, as she feels they are incapable of hard work. She does not allow criticism in her kitchen,
though in other places she is more meek and retiring.
Daily Life
The rule that the Cistercian nuns follow is extraordinarily strict,
even more so than the typical monastic oath. They do not speak
except when there is clear need, they are supposed to travel in
pairs or groups of three, even within the abbey walls, and they
do not leave the convent. They own no property and dress in
identical white habits without adornment. Their duties involve
many hours of hard work each day, periodically interrupted by
the services, in which they all gather to chant and worship. Each
of these services takes about twenty minutes and is an essential
part of monastic life; nuns may only miss them if they have been
given particular dispensation by the abbess.
Every new day begins in the same way. The nuns are awakened
in the middle of the night for Matins and Lauds, where they
gather in the church to sing the service and then return to their
beds. They do this quietly, so as not to disturb guests, by sending a sister through the dormitory, and descending down special
stairs that lead directly to the church. It is a soft and sleepy
office, and creates a feeling of intimacy among the holy sisters
that often bridges grudges and hostility that they may have for
each other.
You should play through all three days of living at the convent
in detail, to give the players a sense of what such pious and
secluded life would be like, and perhaps allowing their characters
to grow and change from the experience. The quiet and subtle
nature of this chapter has remarkable power and strength if you
take the time to develop it properly.
In the morning, the nuns gather for Prime, the service named for
the first hour of daylight, when the bells are rung to welcome
the new day. This occurs usually at about 7:00. Guests will probably be awoken by the tolling of the bells, especially if they do
not live near a monastery and are not used to hearing them ring
the offices. After Prime, the nuns have a simple breakfast in the
rectory, during which time a reader appointed by the abbess
recites a devotional passage for the day, and then the nuns wash
and attend to the necessities of nature before beginning household chores such as laundry, cleaning, or working in the kitchen.
Test: Spying
At each chapter meeting, the abbess will inform the sisters that she has not been convinced the characters are
worthy of hearing Sister Larines last message, and that
she is not going to tell it to them. All the nuns know
that when she makes up her mind, no amount of persuasion will change it. She will tell them this whether it
is true that she doesnt intend to help them or not
(though she is not, strictly speaking, lying; she will not
be convinced until three days have passed, and she
doesnt intend to tell the characters anything, for she
actually has something to show them). This misinformation is a test to see if the characters are spying on
her and the nuns, or if the nuns are communicating
with them. She reasons that if they overhear this, or
somehow convince one of the nuns to tell them, they
will show their true colors or give up and leave of their
own accord, neatly punishing themselves.
After lunch the nuns rest briefly and engage in quiet, artistic
activities in the afternoon, such as embroidery or copying devotional texts, further prayer, or meditation. Those who have been
assigned unusual duties by the abbess will carry them out at this
time. This sedentary stretch of the day is interrupted by Nones,
named for the ninth hour, which is observed at about 15:00.
The third hour (about 9:00) marks the ringing of the bells again
and the nuns gather for Terce, followed by the liturgy, and then
a chapter meeting among the nuns to read from the Rule and
discuss abbey business. This is when the sisters will inform the
abbess what they have seen and heard of the characters, and
when she will direct them what to do during the following day.
The nuns spend the rest of the morning performing manual labor
in the vestry, the gardens, or vineyards, though not on Sundays,
when instead they attend Mass.
Test: Gardening
While many of the nuns are resting and otherwise
occupied, the characters might notice Sister Palona
sneaking off to a distant corner of the compound. If
they follow her without her noticing (and she is very
alert and will be cautious), they will find she goes to
tend a very small but beautiful flower garden. She cares
for the greenery lovingly and with surprising tenderness, humming softly to herself. This may soften the
characters towards the sour-faced and bitter woman,
and the abbess will notice this and approve.
At noon the nuns chant Sext, the sixth hour, and then gather for
a hearty meal, consisting of a pound of bread, and fruits and vegetables in season, but no meat. On cold days, this might be a
warm, hearty soup, and there is often a choice of two dishes.
Guests might be invited to lunch with the abbess, if she would
like to keep an eye on them or ask how they are doing. As the
nuns do not speak during meals, the room is silent except for the
reading of more Scriptures and the shuffle of bowls, spoons,
benches and feet.
When all the work is done and the day is over, the bells ring for
Vespers, and the nuns gather again to sing the service and herald
the approach of evening. They then take a light supper while listening to more Bible readings, study, and gather one last time to
sing the closing service, Compline. They then go to bed.
Test: Curiosity
In the late afternoon or early evening, a pretty young
nun seeks out one of the male characters, probably a
handsome grog or companion. She shyly asks him if he
would like to help her gather grass for the refectory
table. She is very curious what he will do when he is
alone with her; having lived at the convent most of her
life, she knows little of men and would like to know
more. If the character behaves as a gentleman, this
event will eventually be another positive mark for the
troupe when the abbess finds out. However, if things
get out of hand, it may ruin any chance of the characters ever impressing the nuns. This is such a perilous
test that you might want to allow another character to
see them go off together, so that other players can
intervene or get help if the situation looks like it might
end badly.
Test: Chores
The cook, Sister Nadaline, asks (or perhaps orders) the
characters to bring several baskets of bread from the
bakery and a cask of wine from the storehouse. If they
humbly assist her, or at least dont make much of a fuss
about it, news of their charity will reach the abbess.
Nadaline may press her luck, though, and then conscript the characters to help her in the kitchen for several hours. The abbess will not think well of her for
doing this. She may also become suspicious of the
characters if they dont complain, and decide to leave
them alone for a day to see what they do when they
are left aimless.
By every days end, the nuns have worked for about six hours,
prayed together for about four hours, engaged in quiet contemplation and study for about eight hours, and slept for eight hours.
While this routine may seem severe, it is very attractive to the nuns
as an escape from the uncertainties of life in dangerous times. The
convent offers food, shelter, education, and community, and also
the chance to learn and develop spiritually. It is an extremely
attractive medieval lifestyle, producing a flowering of deep and fulfilling devotion, and on the whole the nuns are quite content.
The south side of the cloister contains the common refectory and
day-room, where the nuns take their meals. It is a long, vaulted
chamber with pillars that direct the eye upward and inspire the
nuns to contemplate the heavens while they sit. The kitchen lies
between the two refectories, with easy access to both. Beyond are
the gardens and vineyards on their gentle slope towards the river.
Test: Malores
The second night at the convent is the full moon, and
the characters might be awakened by a quiet keening
sound. Those who investigate discover the mute sister
in the garden chanting in a strange whispering voice.
She is clearly praying to the moon, which might strike
characters as pagan worship. Sister Hedwig will not
think well of the characters if they tell her about this,
or spread word of these strange activities throughout
the convent, as she regards it as divisive and unkind,
and forces her to have Malores punished. She thinks
this is cruel, because the voiceless sister cannot understand why what she is doing is wrong.
To the north is the church, built in the shape of the cross, with a
long pillared nave leading east to the choir, where the nuns sit
before the high altar, and two transepts making a north-south
crossbeam. The common altar and pews fill the western half of
the church. A great door in the northern transept leads to the
outer courtyard, and allows access to the church without passing
through the convent. Elegant pointed arches cap the ceilings,
and give the windows a distinctly Gothic look that the
Cistercians are just beginning to make famous.
Test: Mass
The priest, Father Martin, arrives at the convent on
Sunday to give Mass. He is a dour, tired man in his
fifties who gets along well with the nuns but does not
like strangers. He will likely be dismayed at the guests,
and may even spread ill word of them through the village if they do not mollify him. Yet if they want to
impress the abbess, they must attend the service, and
she will be particularly impressed if they visit confession. The father will assign them strict and tough
penance for their sins.
Test: Raphael
Staying with the nuns in secret is Raphael, a young squire
once employed by the local baron who has taken sanctuary at the convent. He was a little too friendly with the
barons wife, and was furiously dismissed by his lord, who
also challenged him to a fight of honor. Raphael fled the
duel and hides in the stables fearing the barons
vengeance, and he has no idea what he will do once his
thirty days end, when he will probably be hauled out
forcefully by the barons men. He is a skilled manservant,
and good at music, but no one in the area would hire him
now. One day he will inherit land, but he doesnt think he
will live that long in his current situation. He will avoid
magi, but he might show himself to a companion or grog,
perhaps making light of his situation at first by making
fun of them, common ruffians, mingling with noble
blood, and accidentally provoking a fight with his insensitivity. If the characters help him, Sister Hedwig will be
pleased. If they hurt him too badly, it will also reflect
badly on them.
The Letter
After three days have passed, if the characters have not embarrassed themselves too terribly, the abbess summons them to her
again, but this time without Sister Palona and Sister Alice. By
now, she has probably made up her mind, and she would like to
give them an opportunity to explain themselves before she acts
as she thinks best. Her opinion can still be swayed if the characters do particularly well or poorly at this interview, however.
Sister Hedwig will speak candidly with the characters about
what happened during the days they spent at the convent. She
Magi of Hermes:
I will soon leave this world, and so I will my remaining knowledge to you,
that it will not be lost forever. I hope that the letter I once carried reached you.
I hope you were able to prevent disaster and recover the good works of Calebais
from within the fallen walls.
A few times, the magi decided after unsuccessfully tuning the Bell that a person
did not best epitomize the trait, and brought forth another. This caused great
arguments, for the magi feared that the Bell would lose its powers when the
knobs were filed down too far. Yet every time one of us died, the magi would
perform the ritual again.
You may not realize that the Bell of Ibyn is much more than it appears. If you
have not yet retrieved it, as it is well hidden, you should persevere. It is more
powerful a force of good than I can describe. It will protect you from all evil,
save that which preys upon the soul. Though, if you wish to avoid the fate of
the wizards of Calebais, do not wear the crowns that control the Bell for any
longer than is needful, for they will change you assuredly!
After every knobs particular tone was realized, the leader would break five
magical stones he carried, to release the magic that increases other magic, what
they called vis. I believe from what he said while doing this that these stones
bound all of our essences to the Bell.
To reach the treasure vault of Calebais, you must find the magical doorway in
the wizards council room. You will discover my former loves hand to guide
you. I do not know why, but the wizard Crenvalus sealed David in the door
as he passed through, and I took the letter from his hand as he died. I beg you,
please retrieve his remains and see that they are given a Christian burial, for I
wish him to be at peace.
Once the ritual was complete, the many powers of the Bell would become
apparent. You will find that some of them may be used even before it is tuned,
for the will diadems allow you to see through illusions, and if you wear one
and say The crown is broken, you may see great distances through the eyes
of others.
To make use of the Bell, you must complete a special ritual. Each rune on the
Bell has its own meaning, and describes a particular virtue or vice. They are
tied to the knobs on either side, which are opposites. I do not remember what
each rune meant, but they were often compared to the figures in the forest and
the wizards titles, and everyone who participated in the ritual represented one
of them. I remember that my trait had to do with devotion.
The sisters have always been kind and true to me, and I revere Sister Hedwig
as my holy mother and friend. I am deeply grateful for their help. If my convent is ever in need, promise me you will give us aid however you can, in return
for my pains on your behalf. May the good Lord bless you on your perilous
road and deliver you safely from evil.
Yours with Christ
During the ceremony, the leader of the ritual held a mallet with which to strike
the Bell, and did not wear a diadem, for he would have been deafened by the
sound if he had. Each of us would put on a crown, and come forward to stand
Sister Larine
will inform them gravely that she is sorry, but she cannot help
them, as they are not virtuous enough for her standards. Gently,
she will suggest that they take some time away from the convent
and return when they feel they are ready. She will stand peremptorily, announce that their discussion is at an end, and escort
them to the gate, watching them carefully for signs of humility
and resolve.
will ask specific questions about why they did what they did,
revealing for the first time how closely she has been observing
them. After discussing the details and how they have affected
her opinion of them, she will ask them if they have felt any
change come over them during their stay. Encourage the players
to treat her as a sort of confessor, and allow that their characters
might have been transformed a little by this story. Even if they
have done terribly before now, they can still receive the reward
if they repent and accept penance for their actions.
After this last event, if Sister Hedwig has decided to help the
characters, she will stop them with a word and motion for them
to follow her, leading them back through the refectory, around
the cloister, and into the church. She kneels at the back of the
nave, crosses herself, and murmurs a short prayer. Then she goes
Finally, Sister Hedwig will give the characters one final test, to
see how they react to defeat. She wants to know if their behavior at the convent is true or merely a show for her benefit. She
The Ritual
that corresponds to the wearer, though, so it is possible to
recognize who activated it. (ReTe30)
III. If any magical creatures or devices which were not within
the boundary during the ritual come within a mile of the
Bell, it will give a huge, deep toll of warning. (InVi40)
IV. Those who wear diadems can hear the sound of the Bell
ringing, no matter how far the intervening distance.
V. Those who wear diadems may cast the spell Aura of
Rightful Authority three times per day. Doing so causes the
Bell to ring very gently at a particular high pitch. (ReMe20)
VI. While characters wear diadems, their Personality traits
associated with the ritual become emphasized, increasing or
decreasing by 3. Characters will be compelled to act on
these traits as if they were Major Personality Flaws.
VII. If anyone who was part of the tuning ritual dies, the Bell
will toll twelve times, becoming more and more out of tune
as it rings, and it will again cease to function. (InMe20)
A note of caution: the repaired Bell of Ibyn is an extremely powerful artifact, and it may be unbalancing if your players are new
to the game and have only starting-level characters. You might
consider suggesting ways for the characters to get rid of the Bell
in return for rewards appropriate to their station. For example,
the characters masters might expect their descendants to hand it
over, and will cause them more trouble than it is worth if they
refuse. Or perhaps the covenant that Ornath joined registered a
prior claim with the tribunal, stating that as the last living member of the covenant, Ornath was entitled to the Bell, and that if
recovered it should be delivered to his descendants in accordance with the former covenants charter. They might nicely settle out of court with the characters, perhaps paying them a hefty
amount of vis, but promise them all kinds of political grief if
they dispute it.
down the aisle to the high altar, reaches behind it, and removes
a sealed parchment.
Bearing this prize, she returns to her quarters, still leading the
characters, and places it before them, saying: Though Sister
Larine was weak, she still found the strength to lift a quill and
write this letter for you in her last hours. Perhaps it will answer
your questions about the life she forsook when she came here.
would also think less of Sister Larine for passing on such knowledge, and if the characters are wise they will politely thank her
for the letter and leave, rather than read it in her presence and
tempt her curiosity.
The Legacy
This story ends after the delivery of the letter. Because of their
actions at the convent, the characters may have made new
friends or enemies, and as long as they impressed the abbess
they will be welcome if they pass by in the future. She and the
other nuns may make contact with the characters in the future,
as part of other stories or inspiration for new ones.
There are other ways the characters could retrieve the letter, of
course. For example, they could try to coerce the abbess into
telling them what she knows. Against this eventuality, she is
careful not to mention that there is a letter, instead making it
seem that Sister Larine told her something before she died. Yet
there may be ways for the characters to discover this information
using magic, guile, or force; you should simply decide whether
you want that kind of behavior to be successful.
Perhaps Sister Alice had a vision several months ago, and warned
Sister Hedwig some of what would happen when the characters
arrive. Sister Hedwig isnt sure how much of these visions to
trust, but you can rule that the letter isnt where the characters
would find it. That is, if they ransack the church, she has hidden
it in her quarters. If they search her house, she has buried it in
the garden. If they dig up the fields, she has given it to another
convent for safekeeping.
III. Before the characters leave the convent, Sister Malores meets
them and silently begs them with gestures and body motions to
take her with them. She desperately wants to return to a place of
faerie, or even magic, and is very uncomfortable in the
Dominion. To leave with her, the characters will have to negotiate with the abbess, convince Malores to leave on her own, or
kidnap her, but once drawn up as a character she might make an
interesting addition to their covenant, or become a source of
new adventures if they are willing to help her return to Faerie.
Awakened Animals
You must then find a living subject, a naturally fine animal representative of its species, with some amount of Magic Might.
Similar standards to those for finding and befriending a familiar
apply, though not quite as strictly since these results are more
akin to a parent-child relationship than a bond between true
friends or lifelong companions. The animal simply should be
open to being tamed or domesticated, and not hostile as you will
be spending a lot of time with it in the lab.
Next is the ritual in which you give the animal human intelligence, known as awakening. Your laboratory total is Creo +
Mentem + Intelligence + Magic Theory, and bonuses from aptitudes, attunements and the like may apply (though not the special bonus given to initiates of Verditius). The level of the ritual
is level 25, plus the animals Magic Might, plus or minus five
times its Size. This is similar to the formula for enchanting a
familiar; and so a creature with Might 5 and size -3 would
require a lab total of 15, while a creature with Might 20 and size
-3 would be level 30.
As when you are binding a familiar, your lab total must equal or
exceed this level for you to complete the ritual, which takes one
season, and you must spend a pawn of either Creo or Mentem
vis for each five levels or fraction thereof. You can also awaken
multiple creatures of the same species in one season if your lab
total is high enough, by multiplying the base level by the number of animals awakened.
Awakening Animals
To duplicate Ierimyras work, you must first understand the
Hermetic breakthrough that made her experiments possible.
This will take at least a season of study, and require you to either
uncover and comprehend Ierimyras lab notes, bring a living
Hrool back to your lab for magical investigation (the effect is
level 15, or level 30 for an ermine Hrool, and you must study an
ermine to learn how to invest magical powers), or seek out the
original source of the breakthrough by tracking down the wizard
or wizards who first taught it to Ierimyra (perhaps it was learned
through initiation into deeper levels of the Bjornaer mystery
cult). In any case, to create intelligent animals, you must investigate beyond the concept and theory to learn the specifics of the
magical method that follows.
that magic is not always predictable, and some magi have devoted years of study into awakening only to discover that their magnum opus is a temporary thing, an illusion of achievement with no
lasting effect. This may happen because of some weakness of the
animal, or perhaps because the wizards own spirit is flawed.
Awakened Behavior
An intelligent animal, which Hermetic scholars might call an animula (ah-nee-MOO-lah, little soul), requires a incredible
amount of effort to raise, very similar to sacrifice involved in taking an apprentice or having a baby. Once an animal has been
awakened, it will go through stages similar to those of a newborn child; at first it may be in shock, and slowly become more
aware of itself and its new environment, eventually interacting
with and learning from its parent. As part of the awakening
process, the animal gains the power of speech, though it may
take some time for it to learn how to use it.
This process still takes an amount of time based on your lab total
and the level of the invested effect, a minimum of one season per
power, and while you cannot instill multiple powers with different Arts during the same season, you can give the same power to
multiple animals, using the rules for multiple laboratory activities
(see ArM5).
In all ways, animulae are natural, living creatures, and they usually
pass on their awakened traits to their offspring. They are still
animals in most respects, as their physical bodies are affected by
Animal rather than Corpus spells. Magi who are aware of these
creatures argue that since they are animals, they are meant to be
commanded by humans, for though magic may give them an
animating spirit, it cannot give them a soul, and so they can
never equal or exceed their human masters. Others argue that
the ritual which opens animals eyes also gives them the knowledge of right and wrong, and that these animulae must receive
souls when they first become awakened, just as newborn chil-
dren do. Intelligent animals have free will, they say, and like
people, they should be taught to avoid sin, not forced to do
mans bidding.
Animula: You are an animal that has been granted magical intelligence by a benevolent magus. Few people at your covenant treat
you with respect, and you are usually considered a lesser person,
in many ways a natural slave or servant. Outside the covenant,
you frighten people so terribly that they probably attack you on
sight. This flaw essentially encompasses three minor flaws:
Judged Unfairly, Feral Upbringing, and Social Handicap, all of
which you possess, though their penalties vary depending and
are magnified when you are among humans or normal animals of
your species. You age as an animal, not a human, so you may
begin making aging rolls much earlier in life. Finally, you have
Magic Might equal to 10 your Size (add your Size if it is negative), and if killed your corpse could contain a number of pawns
of vis equal to your Magic Might divided by 5, of an Art appropriate to your form.
Awakened Characters
Since animulae can have human characteristics, Abilities, Virtues
and Flaws, and other attributes, it is possible to play one as a
character, as long as your troupe approves. They are probably
best suited to companions, as this emphasizes their uniqueness,
though like Ierimyra an Animal-oriented magus might choose to
awaken a turba of animal grogs, despite the difficulties they
would have interacting with others. If you intend to play such
characters, design them as normal, and assume any natural
advantages you gain due to size or rarity are compensated by the
increased difficulties you will face avoiding and interacting with
others, and with finding other magical animals like yourself.
Here follows several Virtues and Flaws appropriate for an awakened animal character, including the Animula Status Flaw.