SNR S2980G 8T Configuration Guide

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SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide


I Basic Management Configuration


1 Switch management
1.1 Management options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2 CLI Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


2 Basic Switch Configuration

2.1 Basic Configuration . . . . . .
2.2 Telnet Management . . . . . .
2.3 Configure Switch IP Addresses
2.4 SNMP Configuration . . . . . .
2.5 Switch Upgrade . . . . . . . . .
























3 File System Operations

3.1 Introduction to File Storage Devices . . . . .
3.2 File System Operation Configuration Task list
3.3 Typical Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.4 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .























4 Cluster Configuration
4.1 Introduction to cluster network management . . . . . . .
4.2 Cluster Network Management Configuration Sequence
4.3 Examples of Cluster Administration . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.4 Cluster Administration Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . .
























II Port Configuration


5 Port Configuration
5.1 Introduction to Port . . . . . . . . . .
5.2 Network Port Configuration Task List
5.3 Port Configuration Example . . . . .
5.4 Port Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . .



6 Port Isolation Function Configuration

6.1 Introduction to Port Isolation Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2 Task Sequence of Port Isolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.3 Port Isolation Function Typical Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



























SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide


7 Port Loopback Detection Function Configuration

7.1 Introduction to Port Loopback Detection Function . . . . .
7.2 Port Loopback Detection Function Configuration Task List
7.3 Port Loopback Detection Function Example . . . . . . . .
7.4 Port Loopback Detection Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . .
















8 ULDP Function Configuration

8.1 Introduction to ULDP Function . . .
8.2 ULDP Configuration Task Sequence
8.3 ULDP Function Typical Examples . .
8.4 ULDP Troubleshooting . . . . . . . .
























9 LLDP Function Operation Configuration

9.1 Introduction to LLDP Function . . . . . . . . .
9.2 LLDP Function Configuration Task Sequence
9.3 LLDP Function Typical Example . . . . . . .
9.4 LLDP Function Troubleshooting . . . . . . . .























10 Port Channel Configuration

10.1 Introduction to Port Channel . . . . .
10.2 Brief Introduction to LACP . . . . . .
10.3 Port Channel Configuration Task List
10.4 Port Channel Examples . . . . . . .
10.5 Port Channel Troubleshooting . . . .























11 MTU Configuration
11.1 Introduction to MTU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11.2 MTU Configuration Task Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


12 EFM OAM Configuration

12.1 Introduction to EFM OAM .
12.2 EFM OAM Configuration . .
12.3 EFM OAM Example . . . .
12.4 EFM OAM Troubleshooting












13 Port Security
13.1 Introduction to Port Security . . . . .
13.2 Port Security Configuration Task List
13.3 Example of Port Security . . . . . .
13.4 Port Security Troubleshooting . . . .
14 DDM Configuration
14.1 Introduction to DDM . . . . .
14.2 DDM Configuration Task List
14.3 Examples of DDM . . . . . .
14.4 DDM Troubleshooting . . . .







































SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide


15.1 Introduction to LLDP-MED . . . . . . . . .
15.2 LLDP-MED Configuration Task Sequence
15.3 LLDP-MED Example . . . . . . . . . . . .
15.4 LLDP-MED Troubleshooting . . . . . . . .

























16 BPDU-Tunnel Configuration
16.1 Introduction to bpdu-tunnel . . . . .
16.2 bpdu-tunnel Configuration Task List
16.3 Examples of bpdu-tunnel . . . . . .
16.4 bpdu-tunnel Troubleshooting . . . .




























17 EEE Energy-saving Configuration

17.1 Introduction to EEE Energy-saving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
17.2 EEE Energy-saving configuration List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
17.3 EEE Energy-saving Typical Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

III VLAN and MAC Table Configuration


18 VLAN Configuration
18.1 Introduction to VLAN . . . . . . .
18.2 VLAN Configuration Task List . .
18.3 Typical VLAN Application . . . .
18.4 Typical Application of Hybrid Port









19 Dot1q-tunnel Configuration
19.1 Introduction to Dot1q-tunnel . . . . . . .
19.2 Dot1q-tunnel Configuration . . . . . . .
19.3 Typical Applications of the Dot1q-tunnel
19.4 Dot1q-tunnel Troubleshooting . . . . . .
























20 Selective QinQ Configuration

20.1 Introduction to Selective QinQ . . . . .
20.2 Selective QinQ Configuration . . . . .
20.3 Typical Applications of Selective QinQ
20.4 Selective QinQ Troubleshooting . . . .



























21 VLAN-translation Configuration
21.1 Introduction to VLAN-translation . . .
21.2 VLAN-translation Configuration . . . .
21.3 Typical application of VLAN-translation
21.4 VLAN-translation Troubleshooting . .



























22 Multi-to-One VLAN Translation Configuration

22.1 Introduction to Multi-to-One VLAN Translation . . . .
22.2 Multi-to-One VLAN Translation Configuration . . . .
22.3 Typical application of Multi-to-One VLAN Translation
22.4 Multi-to-One VLAN Translation Troubleshooting . . .



















SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide


23 Dynamic VLAN Configuration

23.1 Introduction to Dynamic VLAN . . . . . .
23.2 Dynamic VLAN Configuration . . . . . . .
23.3 Typical Application of the Dynamic VLAN
23.4 Dynamic VLAN Troubleshooting . . . . .

























24 GVRP Configuration
24.1 Introduction to GVRP . . . .
24.2 GVRP Configuration Task List
24.3 Example of GVRP . . . . . .
24.4 GVRP Troubleshooting . . .



























25 Voice VLAN Configuration

25.1 Introduction to Voice VLAN . . . . . . .
25.2 Voice VLAN Configuration . . . . . . . .
25.3 Typical Applications of the Voice VLAN .
25.4 Voice VLAN Troubleshooting . . . . . .


























26 MAC Table Configuration

26.1 Introduction to MAC Table . . . . . . . . . .
26.2 Mac Address Table Configuration Task List
26.3 Typical Configuration Examples . . . . . . .
26.4 MAC Table Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . .
26.5 MAC Address Function Extension . . . . .
26.6 MAC Notification Configuration . . . . . . .





























IV MSTP Configuration


27 MSTP Configuration
27.1 Introduction to MSTP . . . . .
27.2 MSTP Configuration Task List
27.3 MSTP Example . . . . . . . .
27.4 MSTP Troubleshooting . . . .































V QoS and Flow-based Redirection Configuration

28 QoS Configuration
28.1 Introduction to QoS . . . . .
28.2 QoS Configuration Task List
28.3 QoS Example . . . . . . . .
28.4 QoS Troubleshooting . . . .


































29 Flow-based Redirection
29.1 Introduction to Flow-based Redirection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
29.2 Flow-based Redirection Configuration Task Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
29.3 Flow-based Redirection Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide


29.4 Flow-based Redirection Troubleshooting Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182

30 Flexible QinQ Configuration
30.1 Introduction to Flexible QinQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
30.2 Flexible QinQ Configuration Task List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
30.3 Flexible QinQ Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185

VI L3 Forward and ARP Configuration

31 Layer 3 Management Configuration
31.1 Layer 3 Management Interface .
31.2 IP Configuration . . . . . . . . .
31.3 Static Route . . . . . . . . . . . .
31.4 ARP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .














32 ARP Scanning Prevention Function Configuration

32.1 Introduction to ARP Scanning Prevention Function . . .
32.2 ARP Scanning Prevention Configuration Task Sequence
32.3 ARP Scanning Prevention Typical Examples . . . . . .
32.4 ARP Scanning Prevention Troubleshooting Help . . . .



















33 Prevent ARP Spoofing Configuration

33.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
33.2 Prevent ARP Spoofing configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
33.3 Prevent ARP Spoofing Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
34 ARP Guard Configuration
34.1 Introduction to ARP Guard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
34.2 ARP Guard Configuration Task List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
35 Gratuitous ARP Configuration
35.1 Introduction to Gratuitous ARP . . . . .
35.2 Gratuitous ARP Configuration Task List
35.3 Gratuitous ARP Configuration Example
35.4 Gratuitous ARP Troubleshooting . . . .

























VII DHCP Configuration

36 DHCP Configuration
36.1 Introduction to DHCP . . . . .
36.2 DHCP Server Configuration . .
36.3 DHCP Relay Configuration . .
36.4 DHCP Configuration Examples
36.5 DHCP Troubleshooting . . . .
































SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide


37 DHCPv6 Configuration
37.1 Introduction to DHCPv6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
37.2 DHCPv6 Server Configuration . . . . . . . . . .
37.3 DHCPv6 Relay Delegation Configuration . . . .
37.4 DHCPv6 Prefix Delegation Server Configuration
37.5 DHCPv6 Prefix Delegation Client Configuration .
37.6 DHCPv6 Configuration Examples . . . . . . . . .
37.7 DHCPv6 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . .
38 DHCP option 82 Configuration
38.1 Introduction to DHCP option 82 . . . . .
38.2 DHCP option 82 Configuration Task List
38.3 DHCP option 82 Application Examples .
38.4 DHCP option 82 Troubleshooting . . . .









39 DHCP option 60 and option 43

39.1 Introduction to DHCP option 60 and option 43 . . . . .
39.2 DHCP option 60 and option 43 Configuration Task List
39.3 DHCPv6 option 60 and option 43 Example . . . . . .
39.4 DHCP option 60 and option 43 Troubleshooting . . . .
40 DHCPv6 option37, 38
40.1 Introduction to DHCPv6 option37, 38 . . . . .
40.2 DHCPv6 option37, 38 Configuration Task List
40.3 DHCPv6 option37, 38 Examples . . . . . . .
40.4 DHCPv6 option37, 38 Troubleshooting . . . .












































41 DHCP Snooping Configuration

41.1 Introduction to DHCP Snooping . . . . . . . . .
41.2 DHCP Snooping Configuration Task Sequence
41.3 DHCP Snooping Typical Application . . . . . .
41.4 DHCP Snooping Troubleshooting Help . . . . .






















VIII Multicast Protocol


42 IPv4 Multicast Protocol

42.1 IPv4 Multicast Protocol Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
42.2 DCSCM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
42.3 IGMP Snooping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
43 IPv6 Multicast Protocol
43.1 IPv6 DCSCM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
43.2 MLD Snooping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
44 Multicast VLAN
44.1 Introductions to Multicast VLAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
44.2 Multicast VLAN Configuration Task List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
44.3 Multicast VLAN Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide


IX Security Function Configuration

45 ACL Configuration
45.1 Introduction to ACL . . . . .
45.2 ACL Configuration Task List
45.3 ACL Example . . . . . . . .
45.4 ACL Troubleshooting . . . .



46 802.1x Configuration
46.1 Introduction to 802.1x . . . . .
46.2 802.1x Configuration Task List
46.3 802.1x Application Example . .
46.4 802.1x Troubleshooting . . . .

































47 The Number Limitation Function of MAC and IP in Port, VLAN Configuration

47.1 Introduction to the Number Limitation Function of MAC and IP in Port, VLAN . . . 306
47.2 The Number Limitation Function of MAC and IP in Port, VLAN Configuration Task
Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
47.3 The Number Limitation Function of MAC and IP in Port, VLAN Typical Examples . 309
47.4 The Number Limitation Function of MAC and IP in Port, VLAN Troubleshooting Help 310
48 Operational Configuration of AM Function
48.1 Introduction to AM Function . . . . . . .
48.2 AM Function Configuration Task List . .
48.3 AM Function Example . . . . . . . . . .
48.4 AM Function Troubleshooting . . . . . .


























49 Security Feature Configuration

49.1 Introduction to Security Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
49.2 Security Feature Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
49.3 Security Feature Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
50 TACACS+ Configuration
50.1 Introduction to TACACS+ . . . . . . . .
50.2 TACACS+ Configuration Task List . . .
50.3 TACACS+ Scenarios Typical Examples
50.4 TACACS+ Troubleshooting . . . . . . .
51 RADIUS Configuration
51.1 Introduction to RADIUS . . . . .
51.2 RADIUS Configuration Task List
51.3 RADIUS Typical Examples . . .
51.4 RADIUS Troubleshooting . . . .
52 SSL Configuration
52.1 Introduction to SSL . . . . .
52.2 SSL Configuration Task List
52.3 SSL Typical Example . . .
52.4 SSL Troubleshooting . . . .





































SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide


53 IPv6 Security RA Configuration

53.1 Introduction to IPv6 Security RA . . . . . . . .
53.2 IPv6 Security RA Configuration Task Sequence
53.3 IPv6 Security RA Typical Examples . . . . . . .
53.4 IPv6 Security RA Troubleshooting Help . . . .






















54 MAB Configuration
54.1 Introduction to MAB . . . . .
54.2 MAB Configuration Task List
54.3 MAB Example . . . . . . . .
54.4 MAB Troubleshooting . . . .






















55 PPPoE Intermediate Agent Configuration

55.1 Introduction to PPPoE Intermediate Agent . . . . .
55.2 PPPoE Intermediate Agent Configuration Task List
55.3 PPPoE Intermediate Agent Typical Application . .
55.4 PPPoE Intermediate Agent Troubleshooting . . . .




















56 Web Portal Configuration

56.1 Introduction to Web Portal Authentication . . . . .
56.2 Web Portal Authentication Configuration Task List
56.3 Web Portal Authentication Typical Example . . . .
56.4 Web Portal Authentication Troubleshooting . . . .




















57 VLAN-ACL Configuration
57.1 Introduction to VLAN-ACL . . . . .
57.2 VLAN-ACL Configuration Task List
57.3 VLAN-ACL Configuration Example
57.4 VLAN-ACL Troubleshooting . . . .





























58 SAVI Configuration
58.1 Introduction to SAVI . .
58.2 SAVI Configuration . . .
58.3 SAVI Typical Application
58.4 SAVI Troubleshooting .













































X Reliability Configuration
59 MRPP Configuration
59.1 Introduction to MRPP . . . . .
59.2 MRPP Configuration Task List .
59.3 MRPP Typical Scenario . . . .
59.4 MRPP Troubleshooting . . . .



60 ULPP Configuration
60.1 Introduction to ULPP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
60.2 ULPP Configuration Task List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
60.3 ULPP Typical Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .






























SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide


60.4 ULPP Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372

61 ULSM Configuration
61.1 Introduction to ULSM . . . . .
61.2 ULSM Configuration Task List
61.3 ULSM Typical Example . . .
61.4 ULSM Troubleshooting . . . .































XI Flow Monitor Configuration



62 Mirror Configuration
62.1 Introduction to Mirror . . . . . .
62.2 Mirror Configuration Task List .
62.3 Mirror Examples . . . . . . . .
62.4 Device Mirror Troubleshooting































63 sFlow Configuration
63.1 Introduction to sFlow . . . . .
63.2 sFlow Configuration Task List
63.3 sFlow Examples . . . . . . .
63.4 sFlow Troubleshooting . . . .
































64 RSPAN Configuration
64.1 Introduction to RSPAN . . . . .
64.2 RSPAN Configuration Task List
64.3 Typical Examples of RSPAN .
64.4 SPAN Troubleshooting . . . . .































65.1 Introduction to ERSPAN . . . . .
65.2 ERSPAN Configuration Task List
65.3 Typical Examples of ERSPAN . .
65.4 ERSPAN Troubleshooting . . . .






























XII Network Time Management Configuration


66 SNTP Configuration
66.1 Introduction to SNTP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
66.2 Typical Examples of SNTP Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
67 NTP Function Configuration
67.1 Introduction to NTP Function . . . . .
67.2 NTP Function Configuration Task List
67.3 Typical Examples of NTP Function . .
67.4 NTP Function Troubleshooting . . . .



























SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide


68 DNSv4/v6 Configuration
68.1 Introduction to DNS . . . . . . . .
68.2 DNSv4/v6 Configuration Task List
68.3 Typical Examples of DNS . . . . .
68.4 DNS Troubleshooting . . . . . . .
























69 Summer Time Configuration

69.1 Introduction to Summer Time . . . . . . . . .
69.2 Summer Time Configuration Task Sequence
69.3 Examples of Summer Time . . . . . . . . . .
69.4 Summer Time Troubleshooting . . . . . . . .




























XIII Debugging and Diagnosis

70 Monitor and Debug
70.1 Ping . . . . . .
70.2 Ping6 . . . . .
70.3 Traceroute . .
70.4 Traceroute6 . .
70.5 Show . . . . .
70.6 Debug . . . . .
70.7 System log . .








































71 Reload Switch after Specified Time

71.1 Introduce to Reload Switch after Specifid Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
71.2 Reload Switch after Specifid Time Task List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
72 Debugging and Diagnosis for Packets Received and Sent by CPU
72.1 Introduction to Debugging and Diagnosis for Packets Received and Sent by CPU . 417
72.2 Debugging and Diagnosis for Packets Received and Sent by CPU Task List . . . . 417


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Part I
Basic Management Configuration


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Switch management

Chapter 1
Switch management
1.1 Management options
After purchasing the switch, the user needs to configure the switch for network management.
Switch provides two management options: in-band management and out-of-band management.

1.1.1 Out-of-Band management

Out-of-band management is the management through Console interface. Generally, the user will
use out-of-band management for the initial switch configuration, or when in-band management
is not available. For instance, the user must assign an IP address to the switch via the Console
interface to be able to access the switch through Telnet.
The procedures for managing the switch via Console interface are listed below:
Step 1: Setting up the environment.

Connect with serial port

Figure 1.1: Out-of-band Management Configuration Environment

As shown in above, the serial port (RS-232) is connected to the switch with the serial cable
provided. The table below lists all the devices used in the connection.
Device Name
PC machine
Serial port cable

Has functional keyboard and RS-232, with terminal emulator installed.
One end attach to the RS-232 serial port, the other end to the Console
Functional Console port required.

Step 2: Starting the Terminal Emulation Software

Before you power on the switch, start the terminal emulation session so that you can see the
output display from the power-on self-test(POST). The terminal-emulation software - frequently a

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Switch management

PC application such as Hyperterminal or PuTTY - makes communication between the switch and
your PC or terminal possible.
1. Start the terminal-emulation program and open a session if you are using a PC or terminal.
2. Start a terminal-emulation session.
3. Configure the baud rate and character format of the PC or terminal to match the console port
default characteristics:
9600 baud
8 data bits
1 stop bit
No parity
None (flow control)
Step 3: Entering switch CLI interface
Power on the switch, the following appears in the terminal-emulation window, that is the CLI
configuration mode for Switch.
System is booting, please wait...
Testing RAM...
0x04000000 RAM OK.
Attaching to file system ... done.
Loading flash:/nos.img ...
Starting at 0x10000...
Attaching to file system ... done.
Current time is Sun Jan 01 00:00:00 2006
SNR-S2980G-24T Series Switch Operating System
Software Version
Compiled Sep 14 17:45:37 2011
Loading factory config ...
The user can now enter commands to manage the switch. For a detailed description for the
commands, please refer to the following chapters.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Switch management

1.1.2 In-band Management

In-band management refers to the management by login to the switch using Telnet, or using HTTP,
or using SNMP management software to configure the switch. In-band management enables
management of the switch for some devices attached to the switch. In the case when in-band
management fails due to switch configuration changes, out-of-band management can be used for
configuring and managing the switch.
Management via Telnet
To manage the switch with Telnet, the following conditions should be met:
1. Switch has an IPv4/IPv6 address configured;
2. The host IP address (Telnet client) and the switch's VLAN interface IPv4/IPv6 address is in
the same network segment;
3. If 2) is not met, Telnet client can connect to an IPv4/IPv6 address of the switch via other
devices, such as a router.
The switch is a Layer 2 switch that can be configured with several IP addresses, the configuration method refers to the relative chapter. The following example assumes the shipment status
of the switch where only VLAN1 exists in the system.
The following describes the steps for a Telnet client to connect to the switch's VLAN1 interface
by Telnet(IPV4 address example):
Step 1: Configure the IP addresses for the switch and start the Telnet Server function on the
First is the configuration of host IP address. This should be within the same network segment
as the switch VLAN1 interface IP address. Suppose the switch VLAN1 interface IP address is Then, a possible host IP address is Run ping
from the host and verify the result, check for reasons if ping failed.
The IP address configuration commands for VLAN1 interface are listed below. Before in-band
management, the switch must be configured with an IP address by out-of-band management (i.e.
Console mode), the configuration commands are as follows (All switch configuration prompts are
assumed to be Switch hereafter if not otherwise specified):
Switch(config)#interface vlan 1
Switch(Config-if-Vlan1)#ip address
Switch(Config-if-Vlan1)#no shutdown
To enable the Telnet Server function, users should type the CLI command telnet-server enable
in the global mode as below:
Switch(config)# telnet-server enable

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Switch management

Step 2: Run Telnet Client program.

Run Telnet client program with the specified Telnet target.
Step 3: Login to the switch.
Login to the Telnet configuration interface. Valid login name and password are required, otherwise the switch will reject Telnet access. This is a method to protect the switch from unauthorized
access. As a result, when Telnet is enabled for configuring and managing the switch, username
and password for authorized Telnet users must be configured with the following command:
username <username> privilege <privilege> [password (0|7) <password>]
To open the local authentication style with the following command:
authentication line vty login local
Privilege option must exist and just is 15. Assume an authorized user in the switch has a
username of test, and password of test, the configuration procedure should like the following:
Switch(config)#username test privilege 15 password 0 test
Switch(config)#authentication line vty login local
Enter valid login name and password in the Telnet configuration interface, Telnet user will be
able to enter the switch's CLI configuration interface. The commands used in the Telnet CLI interface after login is the same as that in the Console interface.
Management via HTTP
To manage the switch via HTTP, the following conditions should be met:
1. Switch has an IPv4/IPv6 address configured;
2. The host IPv4/IPv6 address (HTTP client) and the switch's VLAN interface IPv4/IPv6 address
are in the same network segment;
3. If 2) is not met, HTTP client should connect to an IPv4/IPv6 address of the switch via other
devices, such as a router.
Similar to management the switch via Telnet, as soon as the host succeeds to ping/ping6 an
IPv4/IPv6 address of the switch and to type the right login password, it can access the switch via
HTTP. The configuration list is as below:
Step 1: Configure the IP addresses for the switch and start the HTTP server function on the
For configuring the IP address on the switch through out-of-band management, see the telnet
management chapter.
To enable the WEB configuration, users should type the CLI command IP http server in the
global mode as below:
Switch(config)#ip http server

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Switch management

Step 2: Run HTTP protocol on the host.

Open the Web browser on the host and type the IP address of the switch, or run directly the
HTTP protocol on the Windows. For example, the IP address of the switch is;
When accessing a switch with IPv6 address, it is recommended to use the Firefox browser with
1.5 or later version. For example, if the IPv6 address of the switch is 3ffe:506:1:2::3. Input the
IPv6 address of the switch is http://[3ffe:506:1:2::3] and the address should draw together with the
square brackets.
Step 3: Login to the switch.
Login to the Web configuration interface. Valid login name and password are required, otherwise the switch will reject HTTP access. This is a method to protect the switch from unauthorized
access. As a result, when Telnet is enabled for configuring and managing the switch, username
and password for authorized Telnet users must be configured with the following command:
"username <username> privilege <privilege> [password (0|7) <password>]"
To open the local authentication style with the following command:
"authentication line web login local"
Privilege option must exist and just is 15. Assume an authorized user in the switch has a
username of admin, and password of admin, the configuration procedure should like the following:
Switch(config)#username admin privilege 15 password 0 admin
Switch(config)#authentication line web login local
Notice: When configure the switch, the name of the switch is composed with English letters.
Manage the Switch via SNMP Network Management Software
The necessities required by SNMP network management software to manage switches:
1. IP addresses are configured on the switch;
2. The IP address of the client host and that of the VLAN interface on the switch it subordinates
to should be in the same segment;
3. If 2) is not met, the client should be able to reach an IP address of the switch through devices
like routers;
4. SNMP should be enabled.
The host with SNMP network management software should be able to ping the IP address of
the switch, so that, when running, SNMP network management software will be able to find it and
implement read/write operation on it. Details about how to manage switches via SNMP network
management software will not be covered in this manual.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Switch management

1.2 CLI Interface

The switch provides three management interface for users: CLI (Command Line Interface) interface, Web interface, Snmp network management software. We will introduce the CLI interface
and Web configuration interface in details, Web interface is familiar with CLI interface function and
will not be covered.
CLI interface is familiar to most users. As aforementioned, out-of-band management and Telnet
login are all performed through CLI interface to manage the switch.
CLI Interface is supported by Shell program, which consists of a set of configuration commands. Those commands are categorized according to their functions in switch configuration and
management. Each category represents a different configuration mode. The Shell for the switch
is described below:
Configuration Modes
Configuration Syntax
Shortcut keys
Help function
Input verification
Fuzzy match support

1.2.1 Configuration Modes

User Mode
On entering the CLI interface, entering user entry system first. If as common user, it is defaulted
to User Mode. The prompt shown is Switch>, the symbol > is the prompt for User Mode. When
exit command is run under Admin Mode, it will also return to the User Mode.
Under User Mode, no configuration to the switch is allowed, only clock time and version information of the switch can be queries.
Admin Mode
To Admin Mode sees the following: In user entry system, if as Admin user, it is defaulted to Admin
Mode. Admin Mode prompt Switch# can be entered under the User Mode by running the enable
command and entering corresponding access levels admin user password, if a password has
been set. Or, when exit command is run under Global Mode, it will also return to the Admin Mode.
Switch also provides a shortcut key sequence Ctrl+z, this allows an easy way to exit to Admin
Mode from any configuration mode (except User Mode).
Under Admin Mode, the user can query the switch configuration information, connection status
and traffic statistics of all ports; and the user can further enter the Global Mode from Admin Mode
to modify all configurations of the switch. For this reason, a password must be set for entering
Admin mode to prevent unauthorized access and malicious modification to the switch.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Switch management

User Mode

Admin Mode

ACL conguration mode

Route conguration mode

DHCP address pool conguration



Interface mode

Global Mode

Figure 1.2: Shell Configuration Modes

Global Mode
Type the config command under Admin Mode will enter the Global Mode prompt Switch(config)#.
Use the exit command under other configuration modes such as Port Mode, VLAN mode will return
to Global Mode.
The user can perform global configuration settings under Global Mode, such as MAC Table,
Port Mirroring, VLAN creation, IGMP Snooping start and STP, etc. And the user can go further to
Port Mode for configuration of all the interfaces.
Interface Mode
Use the interface command under Global Mode can enter the interface mode specified. Switch
provides three interface type: 1. VLAN interface; 2. Ethernet port; 3. port-channel, accordingly
the three interface configuration modes.
VLAN Interface




Type interface vlan <Vlan-id>

command under Global Mode.

Configure switch IPs,



under Global Mode.

Configure supported
duplex mode, speed,
etc. of Ethernet Port.

Use the exit command to return to

Global Mode.
Use the exit command to return to
Global Mode.



SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Switch management


Type interface port-channel

<port-channel-number> command under Global Mode.

settings such as
duplex mode, speed,

Use the exit command to return to

Global Mode.

Using the vlan <vlan-id> command under Global Mode can enter the corresponding VLAN Mode.
Under VLAN Mode the user can configure all member ports of the corresponding VLAN. Run the
exit command to exit the VLAN Mode to Global Mode.
DHCP Address Pool Mode
Type the ip dhcp pool <name> command under Global Mode will enter the DHCP Address Pool
Mode prompt Switch(Config-<name>-dhcp)#. DHCP address pool properties can be configured
under DHCP Address Pool Mode. Run the exit command to exit the DHCP Address Pool Mode
to Global Mode.
ACL Mode
ACL type

Type ip access-list standard
command under Global Mode.
Type ip access-list extended
command under Global Mode.

Configure parameters for Standard IP
ACL Mode.
Configure parameters for Extended IP
ACL Mode.

Use the exit command to return to
Global Mode.
Use the exit command to return to
Global Mode.

1.2.2 Configuration Syntax

Switch provides various configuration commands. Although all the commands are different, they
all abide by the syntax for Switch configuration commands. The general commands format of
Switch is shown below:
cmdtxt <variable> {enum1 | ... | enumN } [option1 | ... | optionN]
cmdtxt indicates a command keyword;
<variable> indicates a variable parameter;
{ enum1 | ... | enumN } indicates a mandatory parameter that should be selected from the
parameter set enum1 enumN; and the square bracket ([ ]) in
textbf[option1 | | optionN] indicate an optonal parameter. There may be combinations of < >,
{ } and [ ] in the command line, such as [<variable>], {enum1 <variable> | enum2}, [option1
[option2]], etc.
Here are examples for some actual configuration commands:

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Switch management

show version, no parameters required. This is a command with only a keyword and no
parameter, just type in the command to run.
vlan <vlan-id>, parameter values are required after the keyword.
firewall { enable | disable }, user can enter firewall enable or firewall disable for this command.
snmp-server community { ro | rw } <string>, the followings are possible:
snmp-server community ro <string>
snmp-server community rw <string>


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Switch management

1.2.3 Shortcut Key Support

Switch provides several shortcut keys to facilitate user configuration, such as up, down, left, right
and Blank Space. If the terminal does not recognize Up and Down keys, Ctrl+p and Ctrl+n can
be used instead.
BackSpace Delete a character before the cursor, and the cursor moves back.
Up ""
Show previous command entered. Up to ten recently entered commands
can be shown.
Down ""
Show next command entered. When use the Up key to get previously entered commands, you can use the Down key to return to the next command.
Left ""
The cursor moves one character to the left. You can use this key to modify
an entered command.
Right "" The cursor moves one character to the right. You can use this key to modify
an entered command.
Ctrl + p
The same as Up key "".
Ctrl + n
The same as Down key "".
Ctrl + b
The same as Left key "".
Ctrl + f
The same as Right key "".
Ctrl + z
Return to the Admin Mode directly from the other configuration modes (except User Mode).
Ctrl + c
Break the ongoing command process, such as ping or other command execution.
When a string for a command or keyword is entered, the Tab can be used to
complete the command or keyword if there is no conflict.

1.2.4 Help Function

There are two ways in Switch for the user to access help information: the help command and the
Access to Help

Usage and function

Under any command line prompt, type in help and press Enter will get
a brief description of the associated help system.
1. Under any command line prompt, enter ? to get a command list of
the current mode and related brief description.
2. Enter a textbf? after the command keyword with an embedded
space. If the position should be a parameter, a description of that parameter type, scope, etc, will be returned; if the position should be a
keyword, then a set of keywords with brief description will be returned;
if the output is <cr>, then the command is complete, press Enter to run
the command.
3. A ? immediately following a string. This will display all the commands
that begin with that string.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Switch management

1.2.5 Input Verification

Returned Information: success
All commands entered through keyboards undergo syntax check by the Shell. Nothing will be
returned if the user entered a correct command under corresponding modes and the execution is
Returned Information: error
Output error message
Unrecognized command or illegal parameter!
Ambiguous command
Invalid command or parameter
This command is not exist in current
Please configure precursor command
'*' at first!
syntax error : missing '"' before the
end of command line!

The entered command does not exist, or there is
error in parameter scope, type or format.
At least two interpretations is possible basing on
the current input.
The command is recognized, but no valid parameter record is found.
The command is recognized, but this command
can not be used under current mode.
The command is recognized, but the prerequisite
command has not been configured.
Quotation marks are not used in pairs.

1.2.6 Fuzzy Match Support

Switch shell support fuzzy match in searching command and keyword. Shell will recognize commands or keywords correctly if the entered string causes no conflict.
For example:
1. For command show interfaces status ethernet1/1, typing sh in status ethernet1/1 will
2. However, for command show running-config, the system will report a > Ambiguous command! error if only show r is entered, as Shell is unable to tell whether it is show run or
show running-config. Therefore, Shell will only recognize the command if sh ru is entered.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Basic Switch Configuration

Chapter 2
Basic Switch Configuration
2.1 Basic Configuration
Basic switch configuration includes commands for entering and exiting the admin mode, commands for entering and exiting interface mode, for configuring and displaying the switch clock, for
displaying the version information of the switch system, etc.
Normal User Mode / Admin Mode
enable [<1-15>]
The User uses enable command to step into admin mode from
normal user mode or modify the privilege level of the users. The
disable command is for exiting admin mode.
Admin Mode
config [terminal]
Enter global mode from admin mode.
Various Modes
Exit current mode and enter previous mode, such as using this
command in global mode to go back to admin mode, and back to
normal user mode from admin mode.
show privilege
Show privilege of the current users.
Except User Mode / Admin Mode
Quit current mode and return to Admin mode when not at User
Mode/ Admin Mode.
Admin Mode
clock set <HH:MM:SS> Set system date and time.
show version
Display version information of the switch.
set default
Restore to the factory default.
Save current configuration parameters to Flash Memory.
Hot reset the switch.
show cpu usage
Show CPU usage rate.
show cpu utilization
Show current CPU utilization rate.
show memory usage
Show memory usage rate.
Global Mode
banner motd <LINE>
Configure the information displayed when the login authentication
no banner motd
of a telnet or console user is successful.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Basic Switch Configuration

2.2 Telnet Management

2.2.1 Telnet
Introduction to Telnet
Telnet is a simple remote terminal protocol for remote login. Using Telnet, the user can login to a
remote host with its IP address of hostname from his own workstation. Telnet can send the user's
keystrokes to the remote host and send the remote host output to the user's screen through TCP
connection. This is a transparent service, as to the user, the keyboard and monitor seems to be
connected to the remote host directly.
Telnet employs the Client-Server mode, the local system is the Telnet client and the remote
host is the Telnet server. Switch can be either the Telnet Server or the Telnet client.
When switch is used as the Telnet server, the user can use the Telnet client program included
in Windows or the other operation systems to login to switch, as described earlier in the In-band
management section. As a Telnet server, switch allows up to 5 telnet client TCP connections.
And as Telnet client, using telnet command under Admin Mode allows the user to login to the
other remote hosts. Switch can only establish TCP connection to one remote host. If a connection
to another remote host is desired, the current TCP connection must be dropped.
Telnet Configuration Task List
1. Configure Telnet Server
2. Telnet to a remote host from the switch.
1. Configure Telnet Server
Global Mode
telnet-server enable
no telnet-server enable
username <user-name> [privilege <privilege>] [password [0 |
7] <password>]
no username <username>
no aaa authorization configcommands
authentication securityip <ipaddr>
no authentication securityip <ipaddr>
no authentication securityipv6

Enable the Telnet server function in the switch: the no command disables the Telnet function.
Configure user name and password of the telnet. The no
form command deletes the telnet user authorization.

Enable command authorization function for the login user

with VTY (login with Telnet and SSH). The no command disables this function. Only enabling this command and configuring command authorization manner, it will request to authorize when executing some command.
Configure the secure IP address to login to the switch
through Telnet: the no command deletes the authorized Telnet secure address.
Configure IPv6 security address to login to the switch
through Telnet; the no command deletes the authorized Telnet security address.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Basic Switch Configuration

authentication ip access-class {
<num-std> | <name> }
no authentication ip accessclass
authentication ipv6 access-class
{ <num-std> | <name> }
no authentication ipv6 accessclass
authentication line { console | vty
| web } login method1 [method2
no authentication line { console |
vty | web } login
authentication enable method1
[method2 ]
no authentication enable
authorization line { console | vty
| web } exec method1 [method2
no authorization line { console |
vty | web } exec
authorization line vty command
<1-15> { local | radius | tacacs }
( none | )
no authorization line vty command <1-15>
accounting line { console | vty
} command <1-15> { start-stop
| stop-only | none } method1
no accounting line { console | vty
} command <1-15>
Admin Mode
terminal monitor
terminal no monitor

clear line vty <0-31>

Binding standard IP ACL protocol to login with Telnet/SSH/Web; the no form command will cancel the binding
Binding standard IPv6 ACL protocol to login with Telnet/SSH/Web; the no form command will cancel the binding
Configure authentication method list with telnet.

Configure the enable authentication method list.

Configure the authorization method list with telnet.

Configure command authorization manner and authorization selection priority of login user with VTY (login with Telnet
and SSH). The no command recovers to be default manner.

Configure the accounting method list.

Display debug information for Telnet client login to the

switch; the no command disables the debug information.
show users Show the user information who logs in through
telnet or ssh. It includes line number, user name and user
Delete the logged user information on the appointed line,
force user to get down the line who logs in through telnet or


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Basic Switch Configuration

2. Telnet to a remote host from the switch

Admin Mode
telnet [vrf <vrf-name>] { <ip-addr> | <ipv6addr> | host <hostname> } [<port>]

Login to a remote host with the Telnet client included in the switch.

2.2.2 SSH
Introduction to SSH
SSH (Secure Shell) is a protocol which ensures a secure remote access connection to network
devices. It is based on the reliable TCP/IP protocol. By conducting the mechanism such as
key distribution, authentication and encryption between SSH server and SSH client, a secure
connection is established. The information transferred on this connection is protected from being
intercepted and decrypted. The switch meets the requirements of SSH2.0. It supports SSH2.0
client software such as SSH Secure Client and putty. Users can run the above software to manage
the switch remotely.
The switch presently supports RSA authentication, 3DES cryptography protocol and SSH user
password authentication etc.
SSH Server Configuration Task List
Global Mode
ssh-server enable
no ssh-server enable
username <username> [privilege <privilege>] [password [0 |
7] <password>]
no username <username>
ssh-server timeout <timeout>
no ssh-server timeout
ssh-server authentication-retires
no ssh-server authenticationretries
ssh-server host-key create rsa
modulus <moduls>
Admin Mode
terminal monitor
terminal no monitor
show crypto key
crypto key clear rsa

Enable SSH function on the switch; the no command disables SSH function.
Configure the username and password of SSH client software for logging on the switch; the no command deletes the
Configure timeout value for SSH authentication; the no command restores the default timeout value for SSH authentication.
Configure the number of times for retrying SSH authentication; the no command restores the default number of times
for retrying SSH authentication.
Generate the new RSA host key on the SSH server.

Display SSH debug information on the SSH client side; the

no command stops displaying SSH debug information on
the SSH client side.
Show the secret key of ssh.
Clear the secret key of ssh.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Basic Switch Configuration

Example of SSH Server Configuration

Example 1:
Requirement: Enable SSH server on the switch, and run SSH2.0 client software such as Secure shell client or putty on the terminal. Log on the switch by using the username and password
from the client.
Configure the IP address, add SSH user and enable SSH service on the switch. SSH2.0 client
can log on the switch by using the username and password to configure the switch.
Switch(config)#ssh-server enable
Switch(config)#interface vlan 1
Switch(Config-if-Vlan1)#ip address
Switch(config)#username test privilege 15 password 0 test
In IPv6 networks, the terminal should run SSH client software which support IPv6, such as
putty6. Users should not modify the configuration of the switch except allocating an IPv6 address
for the local host.

2.3 Configure Switch IP Addresses

All Ethernet ports of switch are default to Data Link layer ports and perform layer 2 forwarding.
VLAN interface represent a Layer 3 interface function which can be assigned an IP address, which
is also the IP address of the switch. All VLAN interface related configuration commands can be
configured under VLAN Mode. Switch provides three IP address configuration methods:
Manual configuration of IP address is assign an IP address manually for the switch.
In BOOTP/DHCP mode, the switch operates as a BOOTP/DHCP client, send broadcast packets of BOOTPRequest to the BOOTP/DHCP servers, and the BOOTP/DHCP servers assign the
address on receiving the request. In addition, switch can act as a DHCP server, and dynamically
assign network parameters such as IP addresses, gateway addresses and DNS server addresses
to DHCP clients DHCP Server configuration is detailed in later chapters.

2.3.1 Switch IP Addresses Configuration Task List

1. Enable VLAN port mode
2. Manual configuration
3. BOOTP configuration
4. DHCP configuration


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Basic Switch Configuration

1. Enable VLAN port mode

Global Mode
interface vlan <vlan-id>
no interface vlan <vlan-id>

Create VLAN interface (layer 3 interface); the no command
deletes the VLAN interface.

2. Manual configuration
VLAN Interface Mode
<mask> [secondary]
no ip address <ip-address>
<mask> [secondary]
ipv6 address <ipv6-address /
prefix-length> [eui-64]
no ipv6 address <ipv6-address /

Configure IP address of VLAN interface; the no command
deletes IP address of VLAN interface.

Configure IPv6 address, including aggregation global unicast address, local site address and local link address. The
no command deletes IPv6 address.

3. BOOTP configuration
VLAN Interface Mode
ip bootp-client enable
no ip bootp-client enable

Enable the switch to be a BootP client and obtain IP address and gateway address through BootP negotiation; the
no command disables the BootP client function.

4. DHCP configuration
VLAN Interface Mode
ip bootp-client enable
no ip bootp-client enable

Enable the switch to be a DHCP client and obtain IP address and gateway address through DHCP negotiation; the
no command disables the DHCP client function.

2.4 SNMP Configuration

2.4.1 Introduction to SNMP
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is a standard network management protocol widely
used in computer network management. SNMP is an evolving protocol. SNMP v1 [RFC1157] is
the first version of SNMP which is adapted by vast numbers of manufacturers for its simplicity and
easy implementation; SNMP v2c is an enhanced version of SNMP v1, which supports layered
network management; SNMP v3 strengthens the security by adding USM (User-based Security
Mode) and VACM (View-based Access Control Model).
SNMP protocol provides a simple way of exchange network management information between

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Basic Switch Configuration

two points in the network. SNMP employs a polling mechanism of message query, and transmits
messages through UDP (a connectionless transport layer protocol). Therefore it is well supported
by the existing computer networks.
SNMP protocol employs a station-agent mode. There are two parts in this structure: NMS
(Network Management Station) and Agent. NMS is the workstation on which SNMP client program
is running. It is the core on the SNMP network management. Agent is the server software runs on
the devices which need to be managed. NMS manages all the managed objects through Agents.
The switch supports Agent function.
The communication between NMS and Agent functions in Client/Server mode by exchanging
standard messages. NMS sends request and the Agent responds. There are seven types of
SNMP message:
NMS sends queries to the Agent with Get-Request, Get-Next-Request, Get-Bulk-Request and
Set-Request messages; and the Agent, upon receiving the requests, replies with Get-Response
message. On some special situations, like network device ports are on Up/Down status or the network topology changes, Agents can send Trap messages to NMS to inform the abnormal events.
Besides, NMS can also be set to alert to some abnormal events by enabling RMON function.
When alert events are triggered, Agents will send Trap messages or log the event according to
the settings. Inform-Request is mainly used for inter-NMS communication in the layered network
USM ensures the transfer security by well-designed encryption and authentication. USM encrypts the messages according to the user typed password. This mechanism ensures that the
messages can't be viewed on transmission. And USM authentication ensures that the messages
can't be changed on transmission. USM employs DES-CBC cryptography. And HMAC-MD5 and
HMAC-SHA are used for authentication.
VACM is used to classify the user's access permission. It puts the users with the same access
permission in the same group. Users can't conduct the operation which is not authorized.

2.4.2 Introduction to MIB

The network management information accessed by NMS is well defined and organized in a Management Information Base (MIB). MIB is pre-defined information which can be accessed by network management protocols. It is in layered and structured form. The pre-defined management
information can be obtained from monitored network devices. ISO ASN.1 defines a tree structure
for MID. Each MIB organizes all the available information with this tree structure. And each node

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Basic Switch Configuration

on this tree contains an OID (Object Identifier) and a brief description about the node. OID is a set
of integers divided by periods. It identifies the node and can be used to locate the node in a MID
tree structure.
If the variable information of Agent MIB needs to be browsed, the MIB browse software needs
to be run on the NMS. MIB in the Agent usually consists of public MIB and private MIB. The
public MIB contains public network management information that can be accessed by all NMS;
private MIB contains specific information which can be viewed and controlled by the support of the
MIB-I [RFC1156] is the first implemented public MIB of SNMP, and is replaced by MIB-II
[RFC1213]. MIB-II expands MIB-I and keeps the OID of MIB tree in MIB-I. MIB-II contains subtrees which are called groups. Objects in those groups cover all the functional domains in network
management. NMS obtains the network management information by visiting the MIB of SNMP
The switch can operate as a SNMP Agent, and supports both SNMP v1/v2c and SNMP v3.
The switch supports basic MIB-II, RMON public MIB and other public MID such as BRIDGE MIB.
Besides, the switch supports self-defined private MIB.

2.4.3 Introduction to RMON

RMON is the most important expansion of the standard SNMP. RMON is a set of MIB definitions,
used to define standard network monitor functions and interfaces, enabling the communication
between SNMP management terminals and remote monitors. RMON provides a highly efficient
method to monitor actions inside the subnets.
MID of RMON consists of 10 groups. The switch supports the most frequently used group 1,
2, 3 and 9:
Statistics: Maintain basic usage and error statistics for each subnet monitored by the Agent.
History: Record periodical statistic samples available from Statistics.
Alarm: Allow management console users to set any count or integer for sample intervals and
alert thresholds for RMON Agent records.
Event: A list of all events generated by RMON Agent.
Alarm depends on the implementation of Event. Statistics and History display some current or
history subnet statistics. Alarm and Event provide a method to monitor any integer data change
in the network, and provide some alerts upon abnormal events (sending Trap or record in logs).

2.4.4 SNMP Configuration

SNMP Configuration Task List
1. Enable or disable SNMP Agent server function
2. Configure SNMP community string
3. Configure IP address of SNMP management base
4. Configure engine ID
5. Configure user
6. Configure group

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Basic Switch Configuration

7. Configure view
8. Configuring TRAP
9. Enable/Disable RMON
1. Enable or disable SNMP Agent server function
Global Mode
snmp-server enabled
no snmp-server enabled

Enable the SNMP Agent function on the switch;
the no command disables the SNMP Agent function on the switch.

2. Configure SNMP community string

Global Mode
snmp-server community { ro | rw } { 0 | 7
} <string> [access { <num-std> | <name>
}] [ ipv6-access { <ipv6-num-std> | <ipv6name> } ] [read <read-view-name>] [write
no snmp-server community <string> [ access { <num-std> | <name> } ] [ ipv6-access
{ <ipv6-num-std> | <ipv6-name> } ]

Configure the community string for the switch; the
no command deletes the configured community

3. Configure IP address of SNMP management station

Global Mode
snmp-server securityip { <ipv4-address> |
<ipv6-address> }
no snmp-server securityip { <ipv4-address>
| <ipv6-address> }
snmp-server securityip enable
snmp-server securityip disable

Configure IPv4/IPv6 security address which is
allowed to access the switch on the NMS; the
no command deletes the configured security address.
Enable or disable secure IP address check function on the NMS.

4. Configure engine ID
Global Mode
snmp-server engineid <engine-string>
no snmp-server engineid

Configure the local engine ID on the switch. This
command is used for SNMP v3.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Basic Switch Configuration

5. Configure user
Global Mode
snmp-server user <use-string> <groupstring> [ { authPriv | authNoPriv } auth {
md5 | sha } <word>] [access { <num-std> |
<name> } ] [ ipv6-access { <ipv6-num-std>
| <ipv6-name> } ]
no snmp-server user <user-string> [ access
{ <num-std> | <name> } ] [ ipv6-access {
<ipv6-num-std> | <ipv6-name> } ]

Add a user to a SNMP group. This command is
used to configure USM for SNMP v3.

6. Configure group
Global Mode
snmp-server group <group-string> { noauthnopriv | authnopriv | authpriv } [ [ read
<read-string> ] [ write <write-string> ] [ notify <notify-string> ] ] [ access { <num-std> |
<name> } ] [ ipv6-access { <ipv6-num-std>
| <ipv6-name> } ]
no snmp-server group <group-string> {
noauthnopriv | authnopriv | authpriv } [ access { <num-std> | <name> } ] [ ipv6-access
{ <ipv6-num-std> | <ipv6-name> } ]

Set the group information on the switch. This
command is used to configure VACM for SNMP

7. Configure view
Global Mode
snmp-server view <view-string> <oidstring> { include | exclude }
no snmp-server view <view-string> [ <oidstring> ]

Configure view on the switch. This command is
used for SNMP v3.

8. Configuring TRAP
Global Mode
snmp-server enable traps
no snmp-server enable traps

Enable the switch to send Trap message. This
command is used for SNMP v1/v2/v3.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Basic Switch Configuration

Global Mode
snmp-server host { <host-ipv4-address> |
<host-ipv6-address> } { v1 | v2c | { v3 {
noauthnopriv | authnopriv | authpriv } } }
no snmp-server host { <host-ipv4-address>
| <host-ipv6-address> } {v1 | v2c | { v3 {
noauthnopriv | authnopriv | authpriv } } }
snmp-server trap-source { <ipv4-address> |
<ipv6-address> }
no snmp-server trap-source { <ipv4address> | <ipv6-address> }

Set the host IPv4/IPv6 address which is used
to receive SNMP Trap information. For SNMP
v1/v2, this command also configures Trap community string; for SNMP v3, this command also
configures Trap user name and security level.
The no form of this command cancels this IPv4
or IPv6 address.
Set the source IPv4 or IPv6 address which is
used to send trap packet, the no command
deletes the configuration.

9. Enable/Disable RMON
Global Mode
rmon enable
no rmon enable

Enable/disable RMON.

2.4.5 Typical SNMP Configuration Examples

The IP address of the NMS is; the IP address of the switch (Agent) is
Scenario 1: The NMS network administrative software uses SNMP protocol to obtain data
from the switch.
The configuration on the switch is listed below:

community rw private
community ro public

The NMS can use private as the community string to access the switch with read-write permission, or use public as the community string to access the switch with read-only permission.
Scenario 2: NMS will receive Trap messages from the switch (Note: NMS may have community string verification for the Trap messages. In this scenario, the NMS uses a Trap verification
community string of usertrap).
The configuration on the switch is listed below:
Switch(config)#snmp-server enable
Switch(config)#snmp-server host v1 usertrap
Switch(config)#snmp-server enable traps
Scenario 3: NMS uses SNMP v3 to obtain information from the switch.
The configuration on the switch is listed below:

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Basic Switch Configuration

Switch(config)#snmp-server user tester UserGroup authPriv auth md5 hellotst
Switch(config)#snmp-server group UserGroup AuthPriv read max write max notify max
Switch(config)#snmp-server view max 1 include
Scenario 4: NMS wants to receive the v3Trap messages sent by the switch.
The configuration on the switch is listed below:
Switch(config)#snmp-server enable
Switch(config)#snmp-server host v3 authpriv tester
Switch(config)#snmp-server enable traps
Scenario 5: The IPv6 address of the NMS is 2004:1:2:3::2; the IPv6 address of the switch
(Agent) is 2004:1:2:3::1. The NMS network administrative software uses SNMP protocol to obtain
data from the switch.
The configuration on the switch is listed below:

community rw private
community ro public
securityip 2004:1:2:3::2

The NMS can use private as the community string to access the switch with read-write permission, or use public as the community string to access the switch with read-only permission.
Scenario 6: NMS will receive Trap messages from the switch (Note: NMS may have community string verification for the Trap messages. In this scenario, the NMS uses a Trap verification
community string of usertrap).
The configuration on the switch is listed below:
Switch(config)#snmp-server host 2004:1:2:3::2 v1 usertrap
Switch(config)#snmp-server enable traps

2.4.6 SNMP Troubleshooting

When users configure the SNMP, the SNMP server may fail to run properly due to physical connection failure and wrong configuration, etc. Users can troubleshoot the problems by following the
guide below:
Good condition of the physical connection.
Interface and datalink layer protocol is Up (use the 'show interface' command), and the
connection between the switch and host can be verified by ping (use 'ping' command).
The switch enabled SNMP Agent server function (use 'snmp-server' command)
Secure IP for NMS (use 'snmp-server securityip' command) and community string (use
'snmp-server community' command) are correctly configured, as any of them fails, SNMP
will not be able to communicate with NMS properly.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Basic Switch Configuration

If Trap function is required, remember to enable Trap (use 'snmp-server enable traps'
command). And remember to properly configure the target host IP address and community
string for Trap (use 'snmp-server host' command) to ensure Trap message can be sent to
the specified host.
If RMON function is required, RMON must be enabled first (use 'rmon enable' command).
Use 'show snmp' command to verify sent and received SNMP messages; Use 'show snmp
status' command to verify SNMP configuration information; Use 'debug snmp packet' to
enable SNMP debugging function and verify debug information.
If users still can't solve the SNMP problems, Please contact our technical and service center.

2.5 Switch Upgrade

Switch provides two ways for switch upgrade: BootROM upgrade and the TFTP/FTP upgrade
under Shell.

2.5.1 Switch System Files

The system files includes system image file and boot file. The updating of the switch is to update
the two files by overwrite the old files with the new ones.
The system image files refers to the compressed files of the switch hardware drivers, and
software support program, etc, namely what we usually call the IMG update file. The IMG file can
only be saved in the FLASH with a defined name of nos.img
The boot file is for initiating the switch, namely what we usually call the ROM update file (It can
be compressed into IMG file if it is of large size). In switch, the boot file is allowed to save in ROM
only. Switch mandates the name of the boot file to be boot.rom.
The update method of the system image file and the boot file is the same. The switch supplies
the user with two modes of updating:
1. BootROM mode;
2. TFTP and FTP update at Shell mode.
This two update method will be explained in details in following two sections.

2.5.2 BootROM Upgrade

There is one method for BootROM upgrade: TFTP which can be configured at BootROM command.
The upgrade procedures are listed below:
Step 1:
As shown in the figure, a PC is used as the console for the switch. A console cable is used
to connect PC to the management port on the switch. The PC should have TFTP server software
installed and has the image file required for the upgrade.
Step 2:
Press 'Ctrl+b' on switch boot up until the switch enters BootROM monitor mode. The operation
result is shown below:

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Basic Switch Configuration

Connect with Ethernet

Connect with serial port

Figure 2.1: Typical topology for switch upgrade in BootROM mode

Step 3:
Under BootROM mode, run 'setconfig' to set the IP address and mask of the switch under
BootROM mode and server IP address. Suppose the switch address is, and PC
address is, and the configuration should like:
[Boot]: setconfig
Host IP Address: []
Server IP Address: []
Step 4:
Enable TFTP server in the PC. Run TFTP server program. Before start downloading upgrade
file to the switch, verify the connectivity between the server and the switch by ping from the switch.
If ping succeeds, run 'load' command in the BootROM mode from the switch; if it fails, perform
troubleshooting to find out the cause.
The following update file boot.rom.
[Boot]: load boot.rom
Using switch device
TFTP from server; our IP address is
Filename 'boot.rom'.
Load address: 0x82000000
Loading: #################################################################
Bytes transferred = 496240 (79270 hex)
Step 5:
Execute write boot.rom in BootROM mode. The following saves the update file.
[Boot]: write boot.rom
File exists, overwrite? (Y/N)[N] y
Writing flash:/boot.rom......
Write flash:/boot.rom OK.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Basic Switch Configuration

Step 6:
The following is the configuration for the system update image file.
[Boot]: load nos.img
Using switch device
TFTP from server; our IP address is
Filename 'nos.img'.
Load address: 0x82000000
Loading: ###########
Bytes transferred = 51635 (c9b3 hex)
Step 7:
Execute write nos.img in BootROM mode. The following saves the system update image file.
[Boot]: write nos.img
File exists, overwrite? (Y/N)[N] y
Writing flash:/nos.img..............................................
Write flash:/nos.img OK.
Step 8:
After successful upgrade, execute run or reboot command in BootROM mode to return to CLI
configuration interface.
[Boot]: run (or reboot)
Other commands in BootROM mode
1. DIR command
Used to list existing files in the FLASH.
[Boot]: dir
1 file(s), 0 dir(s)
Total size:6995456 bytes , used size:5422080 bytes, free size:1573376 bytes
2. boot command
Used to set the IMAGE file to run upon system start-up, and the configuration file to run upon
configuration recovery.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Basic Switch Configuration

[Boot]: boot img nos.img primary

flash:/nos.img will be used as the primary img file at the next time!
[Boot]: show boot-files
The primary img file : flash:/nos.img
The backup img file : flash:/nos.img
The startup-config file: NULL

2.5.3 FTP/TFTP Upgrade

Introduction to FTP/TFTP
FTP(File Transfer Protocol)/TFTP(Trivial File Transfer Protocol) are both file transfer protocols that
belonging to fourth layer(application layer) of the TCP/IP protocol stack, used for transferring files
between hosts, hosts and switches. Both of them transfer files in a client-server model. Their
differences are listed below.
FTP builds upon TCP to provide reliable connection-oriented data stream transfer service.
However, it does not provide file access authorization and uses simple authentication mechanism
(transfers username and password in plain text for authentication). When using FTP to transfer
files, two connections need to be established between the client and the server: a management
connection and a data connection. A transfer request should be sent by the FTP client to establish
management connection on port 21 in the server, and negotiate a data connection through the
management connection.
There are two types of data connections: active connection and passive connection.
In active connection, the client transmits its address and port number for data transmission to
the server, the management connection maintains until data transfer is complete. Then, using the
address and port number provided by the client, the server establishes data connection on port 20
(if not engaged) to transfer data; if port 20 is engaged, the server automatically generates some
other port number to establish data connection.
In passive connection, the client, through management connection, notify the server to establish a passive connection. The server then creates its own data listening port and informs the
client about the port, and the client establishes data connection to the specified port.
As data connection is established through the specified address and port, there is a third party
to provide data connection service.
TFTP builds upon UDP, providing unreliable data stream transfer service with no user authentication or permission-based file access authorization. It ensures correct data transmission by
sending and acknowledging mechanism and retransmission of time-out packets. The advantage
of TFTP over FTP is that it is a simple and low overhead file transfer service.
Switch can operate as either FTP/TFTP client or server. When switch operates as a FTP/TFTP
client, configuration files or system files can be downloaded from the remote FTP/TFTP servers
(can be hosts or other switches) without affecting its normal operation. And file list can also be
retrieved from the server in ftp client mode. Of course, switch can also upload current configuration
files or system files to the remote FTP/TFTP servers (can be hosts or other switches). When switch
operates as a FTP/TFTP server, it can provide file upload and download service for authorized

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Basic Switch Configuration

FTP/TFTP clients, as file list service as FTP server.

Here are some terms frequently used in FTP/TFTP.
ROM: Short for EPROM, erasable read-only memory. EPROM is repalced by FLASH memory
in switch.
SDRAM: RAM memory in the switch, used for system software operation and configuration
sequence storage.
FLASH: Flash memory used to save system file and configuration file.
System file: including system image file and boot file.
System image file: refers to the compressed file for switch hardware driver and software
support program, usually refer to as IMAGE upgrade file. In switch, the system image file is
allowed to save in FLASH only. Switch mandates the name of system image file to be uploaded
via FTP in Global Mode to be nos.img, other IMAGE system files will be rejected.
Boot file: refers to the file initializes the switch, also referred to as the ROM upgrade file (Large
size file can be compressed as IMAGE file). In switch, the boot file is allowed to save in ROM only.
Switch mandates the name of the boot file to be boot.rom.
Configuration file: including start up configuration file and running configuration file. The
distinction between start up configuration file and running configuration file can facilitate the backup
and update of the configurations.
Start up configuration file: refers to the configuration sequence used in switch startup.
Startup configuration file stores in nonvolatile storage, corresponding to the so-called configuration save. If the device does not support CF, the configuration file stores in FLASH only, if the
device supports CF, the configuration file stores in FLASH or CF, if the device supports multiconfig file, names the configuration file to be .cfg file, the default is startup.cfg. If the device does
not support multi-config file, mandates the name of startup configuration file to be startup-config.
Running configuration file: refers to the running configuration sequence use in the switch.
In switch, the running configuration file stores in the RAM. In the current version, the running
configuration sequence running-config can be saved from the RAM to FLASH by write command or
copy running-config startup-config command, so that the running configuration sequence becomes
the start up configuration file, which is called configuration save. To prevent illicit file upload and
easier configuration, switch mandates the name of running configuration file to be running-config.
Factory configuration file: The configuration file shipped with switch in the name of factoryconfig. Run set default and write, and restart the switch, factory configuration file will be loaded to
overwrite current start up configuration file.
FTP/TFTP Configuration
The configurations of switch as FTP and TFTP clients are almost the same, so the configuration
procedures for FTP and TFTP are described together in this manual.
FTP/TFTP Configuration Task List
1. FTP/TFTP client configuration
(a) Upload/download the configuration file or system file.
(b) For FTP client, server file list can be checked.
2. FTP server configuration


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Basic Switch Configuration

(a) Start FTP server

(b) Configure FTP login username and password
(c) Modify FTP server connection idle time
(d) Shut down FTP server
3. TFTP server configuration
(a) Start TFTP server
(b) Configure TFTP server connection idle time
(c) Configure retransmission times before timeout for packets without acknowledgement
(d) Shut down TFTP server
1. FTP/TFTP client configuration
(a)FTP/TFTP client upload/download file
Admin Mode
copy <source-url> <destination-url> [ascii |

FTP/TFTP client upload/download file.

(b)For FTP client, server file list can be checked.

Admin Mode
ftp-dir <ftpServerUrl>

For FTP client, server file list can be
FtpServerUrl format looks like:
ftp://user:password@IPv4|IPv6 Address.

2. FTP server configuration

(a)Start FTP server
Global Mode
ftp-server enable
no ftp-server enable

Start FTP server, the no command shuts down
FTP server and prevents FTP user from logging

(b)Configure FTP login username and password

Global Mode
ip ftp username <username> password [0 |
7] <password>
no ip ftp username <username>

Configure FTP login username and password;
this no command will delete the username and


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Basic Switch Configuration

(c)Modify FTP server connection idle time

Global Mode
ftp-server timeout <seconds>

Set connection idle time.

3. TFTP server configuration

(a)Start TFTP server
Global Mode
tftp-server enable
no tftp-server enable

Start TFTP server, the no command shuts down
TFTP server and prevents TFTP user from logging in.

(b)Modify TFTP server connection idle time

Global Mode
tftp-server retransmission-timeout <seconds>

Set maximum retransmission time within timeout

(c)Modify TFTP server connection retransmission time

Global Mode
tftp-server retransmission-number <number>

Set the retransmission time for TFTP server.

FTP/TFTP Configuration Examples

The configuration is same for IPv4 address or IPv6 address. The example only for IPv4 address.
Fig 2 3 Download nos.img file as FTP/TFTP client
Scenario 1: The switch is used as FTP/TFTP client. The switch connects from one of its
ports to a computer, which is a FTP/TFTP server with an IP address of; the switch acts
as a FTP/TFTP client, the IP address of the switch management VLAN is Download
'nos.img' file in the computer to the switch.
FTP Configuration
Computer side configuration:
Start the FTP server software on the computer and set the username 'Switch', and the password 'superuser'. Place the 12_30_nos.img file to the appropriate FTP server directory on the
The configuration procedures of the switch are listed below:
Switch(config)#interface vlan 1
Switch(Config-if-Vlan1)#ip address
Switch(Config-if-Vlan1)#no shut

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Basic Switch Configuration

Switch#copy ftp://Switch:switch@ nos.img
With the above commands, the switch will have the 'nos.img' file in the computer downloaded
to the FLASH.
TFTP Configuration
Computer side configuration:
Start TFTP server software on the computer and place the '12_30_nos.img' file to the appropriate TFTP server directory on the computer.
The configuration procedures of the switch are listed below:
Switch(config)#interface vlan 1
Switch(Config-if-Vlan1)#ip address
Switch(Config-if-Vlan1)#no shut
Switch#copy tftp:// nos.img
Scenario 2: The switch is used as FTP server. The switch operates as the FTP server and
connects from one of its ports to a computer, which is a FTP client. Transfer the 'nos.img' file in
the switch to the computer and save as '12_25_nos.img'.
The configuration procedures of the switch are listed below:
Switch(config)#interface vlan 1
Switch(Config-if-Vlan1)#ip address
Switch(Config-if-Vlan1)#no shut
Switch(config)#ftp-server enable
Switch(config)#username Admin password 0 superuser
Computer side configuration:
Login to the switch with any FTP client software, with the username 'Switch' and password
'superuser', use the command get nos.img 12_25_nos.img to download 'nos.img' file from the
switch to the computer.
Scenario 3: The switch is used as TFTP server. The switch operates as the TFTP server and
connects from one of its ports to a computer, which is a TFTP client. Transfer the 'nos.img' file in
the switch to the computer.
The configuration procedures of the switch are listed below:
Switch(config)#interface vlan 1
Switch(Config-if-Vlan1)#ip address
Switch(Config-if-Vlan1)#no shut
Switch(config)#tftp-server enable


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Basic Switch Configuration

Computer side configuration:

Login to the switch with any TFTP client software, use the 'tftp' command to download 'nos.img'
file from the switch to the computer.
Scenario 4: Switch acts as FTP client to view file list on the FTP server. Synchronization
conditions: The switch connects to a computer by an Ethernet port, the computer is a FTP server
with an IP address of; the switch acts as a FTP client, and the IP address of the switch
management VLAN1 interface is
FTP Configuration:
PC side:
Start the FTP server software on the PC and set the username 'Switch', and the password
Switch(config)#interface vlan 1
Switch(Config-if-Vlan1)#ip address
Switch(Config-if-Vlan1)#no shut
Switch#copy ftp://Switch:superuser@
220 Serv-U FTP-Server v2.5 build 6 for WinSock ready...
331 User name okay, need password.
230 User logged in, proceed.
200 PORT Command successful.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
recv total = 480
...(some display omitted here)
226 Transfer complete.
FTP/TFTP Troubleshooting
FTP Troubleshooting When upload/download system file with FTP protocol, the connectivity
of the link must be ensured, i.e., use the 'Ping' command to verify the connectivity between the
FTP client and server before running the FTP program. If ping fails, you will need to check for
appropriate troubleshooting information to recover the link connectivity.
The following is what the message displays when files are successfully transferred. Otherwise, please verify link connectivity and retry 'copy' command again.

Serv-U FTP-Server v2.5 build 6 for WinSock ready...

User name okay, need password.
User logged in, proceed.
PORT Command successful.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Basic Switch Configuration

nos.img file length = 1526021

read file ok
send file
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for nos.img.
226 Transfer complete.
close ftp client.
The following is the message displays when files are successfully received. Otherwise,
please verify link connectivity and retry 'copy' command again.
220 Serv-U FTP-Server v2.5 build 6 for WinSock ready...
331 User name okay, need password.
230 User logged in, proceed.
200 PORT Command successful.
recv total = 1526037
write ok
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for nos.img (1526037 bytes).
226 Transfer complete.
If the switch is upgrading system file or system start up file through FTP, the switch must
not be restarted until 'close ftp client' or '226 Transfer complete.' is displayed, indicating
upgrade is successful, otherwise the switch may be rendered unable to start. If the system
file and system start up file upgrade through FTP fails, please try to upgrade again or use
the BootROM mode to upgrade.
TFTP Troubleshooting When upload/download system file with TFTP protocol, the connectivity
of the link must be ensured, i.e., use the 'Ping' command to verify the connectivity between the
TFTP client and server before running the TFTP program. If ping fails, you will need to check for
appropriate troubleshooting information to recover the link connectivity.
The following is the message displays when files are successfully transferred. Otherwise,
please verify link connectivity and retry 'copy' command again.
nos.img file length = 1526021
read file ok
begin to send file, wait...
file transfers complete.
Close tftp client.
The following is the message displays when files are successfully received. Otherwise,
please verify link connectivity and retry 'copy' command again.
begin to receive file, wait...
recv 1526037
write ok
transfer complete
close tftp client.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Basic Switch Configuration

If the switch is upgrading system file or system start up file through TFTP, the switch must not
be restarted until 'close tftp client' is displayed, indicating upgrade is successful, otherwise the
switch may be rendered unable to start. If the system file and system start up file upgrade through
TFTP fails, please try upgrade again or use the BootROM mode to upgrade.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

File System Operations

Chapter 3
File System Operations
3.1 Introduction to File Storage Devices
File storage devices used in switches mainly include FLASH cards. As the most common storage
device, FLASH is usually used to store system image files (IMG files), system boot files (ROM
files) and system configuration files (CFG files).
Flash can copy, delete, or rename files under Shell or Bootrom mode.

3.2 File System Operation Configuration Task list

1. The formatting operation of storage devices
2. The creation of sub-directories
3. The deletion of sub-directory
4. Changing the current working directory of the storage device
5. The display operation of the current working directory
6. The display operation of information about a designated file or directory
7. The deletion of a designated file in the file system
8. The renaming operation of files
9. The copying operation of files
1. The formatting operation of storage devices
Admin Configuration Mode
format <device>

Format the storage device.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

File System Operations

2. The creation of sub-directories

Admin Configuration Mode
mkdir <directory>

Create a sub-directory in a designated directory on a certain

3. The deletion of sub-directory

Admin Configuration Mode
rmdir <directory>

Delete a sub-directory in a designated directory on a certain

4. Changing the current working directory of the storage device

Admin Configuration Mode
cd <directory>

Change the current working directory of the storage device.

5. The display operation of the current working directory

Admin Configuration Mode

Display the current working directory.

6. The display operation of information about a designated file or directory

Admin Configuration Mode
dir [WORD]

Display information about a designated file or directory on
the storage device.

7. The deletion of a designated file in the file system

Admin Configuration Mode
delete <file-url>

Delete the designated file in the file system.

8. The renaming operation of files

Admin Configuration Mode
rename <source-file-url> <destfile>

Change the name of a designated file on the switch to a new


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

File System Operations

9. The copy operation of files

Admin Configuration Mode
copy <source-file-url> <dest-fileurl>

Copy a designated file one the switch and store it as a new

3.3 Typical Applications

Copy an IMG file flash:/nos.img stored in the FLASH on the boardcard, to flash:/nos-
The configuration of the switch is as follows:
Switch#copy flash:/nos.img flash:/nos-
Copy flash:/nos.img to flash:/nos- [Y:N] y
Copyed file flash:/nos.img to flash:/nos-

3.4 Troubleshooting
If errors occur when users try to implement file system operations, please check whether they are
caused by the following reasons:
Whether file names or paths are entered correctly.
When renaming a file, whether it is in use or the new file name is already used by an existing
file or directory.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Cluster Configuration

Chapter 4
Cluster Configuration
4.1 Introduction to cluster network management
Cluster network management is an in-band configuration management. Unlike CLI, SNMP and
Web Config which implement a direct management of the target switches through a management workstation, cluster network management implements a direct management of the target
switches (member switches) through an intermediate switch (commander switch). A commander
switch can manage multiple member switches. As soon as a Public IP address is configured in the
commander switch, all the member switches which are configured with private IP addresses can
be managed remotely. This feature economizes public IP addresses which are short of supply.
Cluster network management can dynamically discover cluster feature enabled switches (candidate switches). Network administrators can statically or dynamically add the candidate switches to
the cluster which is already established. Accordingly, they can configure and manage the member
switches through the commander switch. When the member switches are distributed in various
physical locations (such as on the different floors of the same building), cluster network management has obvious advantages. Moreover, cluster network management is an in-band management. The commander switch can communicate with member switches in existing network. There
is no need to build a specific network for network management.
Cluster network management has the following features:
Save IP addresses
Simplify configuration tasks
Indifference to network topology and distance limitation
Auto detecting and auto establishing
With factory default settings, multiple switches can be managed through cluster network
The commander switch can upgrade and configure any member switches in the cluster


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Cluster Configuration

4.2 Cluster Network Management Configuration Sequence

Cluster Network Management Configuration Sequence:
1. Enable or disable cluster function
2. Create cluster
(a) Configure private IP address pool for member switches of the cluster
(b) Create or delete cluster
(c) Add or remove a member switch
3. Configure attributes of the cluster in the commander switch
(a) Enable or disable automatically adding cluster members
(b) Set automatically added members to manually added ones
(c) Set or modify the time interval of keep-alive messages on switches in the cluster.
(d) Set or modify the max number of lost keep-alive messages that can be tolerated
(e) Clear the list of candidate switches maintained by the switch
4. Configure attributes of the cluster in the candidate switch
(a) Set the time interval of keep-alive messages of the cluster
(b) Set the max number of lost keep-alive messages that can be tolerated in the cluster
5. Remote cluster network management
(a) Remote configuration management
(b) Remotely upgrade member switch
(c) Reboot member switch
6. Manage cluster network with web
(a) Enable http
7. Manage cluster network with snmp
(a) Enable snmp server
1. Enable or disable cluster
Global Mode
cluster run [key <WORD>] [vid <VID>]
no cluster run

Enable or disable cluster function in the switch.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Cluster Configuration

2. Create a cluster
Global Mode
cluster ip-pool <commander-ip>
no cluster ip-pool
cluster commander [<cluster_name>]
no cluster commander
cluster member { candidate-sn <candidatesn> | mac-address <mac-addr> [id
<member-id> ] }
no cluster member { id <member-id> | macaddress <mac-addr> }

Configure the private IP address pool for cluster
member devices.
Create or delete a cluster.
Add or remove a member switch.

3. Configure attributes of the cluster in the commander switch

Global Mode
cluster auto-add
no cluster auto-add
cluster member auto-to-user
cluster keepalive interval <second>
no cluster keepalive interval
cluster keepalive loss-count <int>
no cluster keepalive loss-count
Admin Mode
clear cluster nodes [nodes-sn <candidatesn-list> | mac-address <mac-addr>]

Enable or disable adding newly discovered candidate switch to the cluster.
Change automatically added members into manually added ones.
Set the keep-alive interval of the cluster.
Set the max number of lost keep-alive messages
that can be tolerated in the cluster.
Clear nodes in the list of candidate switches
maintained by the switch.

4. Configure attributes of the cluster in the candidate switch

Global Mode
cluster keepalive interval <second>
no cluster keepalive interval
cluster keepalive loss-count <int>
no cluster keepalive loss-count

Set the keep-alive interval of the cluster.
Set the max number of lost keep-alive messages
that can be tolerated in the clusters.

5. Remote cluster network management

Admin Mode
rcommand member <member-id>
rcommand commander

In the commander switch, this command is used
to configure and manage member switches.
In the member switch, this command is used to
configure the commander switch.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Cluster Configuration

cluster reset member [id <member-id> |

mac-address <mac-addr>]
cluster update member <member-id> <srcurl> <dst-filename> [ascii | binary]

In the commander switch, this command is used

to reset the member switch.
In the commander switch, this command is used
to remotely upgrade the member switch. It can
only upgrade nos.img file.

6. Manage cluster network with web

Global Mode
ip http server

Enable http function in commander switch and
member switch.
Notice: must insure the http function be enabled in member switch when commander switch
visiting member switch by web. The commander switch visit member switch via beat member
node in member cluster topology.

7. Manage cluster network with snmp

Global Mode
snmp-server enable

Enable snmp server function in commander
switch and member switch.
Notice: must insure the snmp server function be enabled in member switch when commander switch visiting member switch by snmp.
The commander switch visit member switch
via configure character string <commandercommunity>@sw<member id>.

4.3 Examples of Cluster Administration

The four switches SW1-SW4, amongst the SW1 is the command switch and other switches
are member switch. The SW2 and SW4 is directly connected with the command switch, SW3
connects to the command switch through SW2.











Figure 4.1: Examples of Cluster


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Cluster Configuration

Configuration Procedure:
1. Configure the command switch
Configuration of SW1:

commander 5526

2. Configure the member switch

Configuration of SW2-SW4
Switch(config)#cluster run

4.4 Cluster Administration Troubleshooting

When encountering problems in applying the cluster admin, please check the following possible
If the command switch is correctly configured and the auto adding function (cluster auto-add)
is enabled. If the ports connected the command switch and member switch belongs to the
cluster vlan.
After cluster commander is enabled in VLAN1 of the command switch, please don't enable a
routing protocol (RIP, OSPF, BGP) in this VLAN in order to prevent the routing protocol from
broadcasting the private cluster addresses in this VLAN to other switches and cause routing
Whether the connection between the command switch and the member switch is correct.
We can use the debug cluster packets to check if the command and the member switches
can receive and process related cluster admin packets correctly.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Part II
Port Configuration


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Port Configuration

Chapter 5
Port Configuration
5.1 Introduction to Port
Switch contains Cable ports and Combo ports. The Combo ports can be configured to as either
1000GX-TX ports or SFP Gigabit fiber ports.
If the user needs to configure some network ports, he/she can use the interface ethernet
<interface-list> command to enter the appropriate Ethernet port configuration mode, where <interfacelist> stands for one or more ports. If <interface-list> contains multiple ports, special characters
such as ';' or '-' can be used to separate ports, ';' is used for discrete port numbers and '-' is used
for consecutive port numbers. Suppose an operation should be performed on ports 2,3,4,5 the
command would look like: interface ethernet 1/2-5. Port speed, duplex mode and traffic control can be configured under Ethernet Port Mode causing the performance of the corresponding
network ports to change accordingly.

5.2 Network Port Configuration Task List

1. Enter the network port configuration mode
2. Configure the properties for the network ports
(a) Configure combo mode for combo ports
(b) Enable/Disable ports
(c) Configure port names
(d) Configure port cable types
(e) Configure port speed and duplex mode
(f) Configure bandwidth control
(g) Configure traffic control
(h) Enable/Disable port loopback function
(i) Configure broadcast storm control function for the switch
(j) Configure scan port mode
(k) Configure rate-violation control of the port

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Port Configuration

(l) Configure interval of port-rate-statistics

3. Virtual cable test
1. Enter the Ethernet port configuration mode
Global Mode
interface ethernet <interfacelist>

Enters the network port configuration mode.

2. Configure the properties for the Ethernet ports

Port Mode
media-type { copper | copperpreferred-auto | fiber | sfppreferred-auto }
no shutdown
description <string>
no description
mdi { auto | across | normal }
no mdi
speed-duplex { auto [10 [100
[1000]] [auto | full | half |]]
| force10-half | force10-full |
force100-half | force100-full |
force100-fx [module-type { autodetected | no-phy-integrated |
phy-integrated }] | { { force1ghalf | force1g-full } [nonegotiate
[master | slave]] } | force10g-full
no speed-duplex
negotiation { on | off }
bandwidth control <bandwidth>
[both | receive | transmit]
no bandwidth control
flow control
no flow control
no loopback

Sets the combo port mode (combo ports only).

Enables/Disables specified ports.

Specifies or cancels the name of specified ports.
Sets the cable type for the specified port; this command is
not supported by combo port and fiber port of switch.
Sets port speed and duplex mode of 100/1000Base-TX or
100Base-FX ports. The no format of this command restores
the default setting, i.e., negotiates speed and duplex mode

Enables/Disables the auto-negotiation function of

1000Base-FX ports.
Sets or cancels the bandwidth used for incoming/outgoing
traffic for specified ports.
Enables/Disables traffic control function for specified ports.
Enables/Disables loopback test function for specified ports.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Port Configuration

storm-control { unicast | broadcast | multicast } <Kbits>

bcast|mcast|ucast }
no switchport flood-control {
bcast|mcast|ucast }
port-scan-mode { interrupt | poll
no port-scan-mode
rate-violation <200-2000000>
[recovery <0-86400>]
no rate-violation

switchport discard packet { all |

untag }
no switchport discard packet { all
| untag }

Enables the storm control function for broadcasts, multicasts and unicasts with unknown destinations (short for
broadcast), and sets the allowed broadcast packet number;
the no format of this command disables the broadcast storm
control function.
Configure that switch does not transmit broadcast, unknown
multicast or unknown unicast packets any more to the specified port; no command restores the default configuration.
Configure port-scan-mode as interrupt or poll mode, the no
command restores the default port-scan-mode.
Set the max packet reception rate of a port. If the rate of
the received packet violates the packet reception rate, shut
down this port and configure the recovery time, the default is
300s. The no command will disable the rate-violation function of a port.
Configure the port not to receive any packet or untag; the
no command cancel the restriction of discard, it means the
port is allowed to receive any packet or untag.
Configure the interval of port-rate-statistics.

3. Virtual cable test

Admin Mode
virtual-cable-test interface ethernet <interface-list>

Test virtual cables of the port.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Port Configuration

5.3 Port Configuration Example





Figure 5.1: Port Configuration Example

No VLAN has been configured in the switches, default VLAN1 is used.


Ingress bandwidth limit: 50 M
Mirror source port
100Mbps full, mirror source port
1000Mbps full, mirror destination port
100Mbps full

The configurations are listed below:

Switch1(config)#interface ethernet 1/7
Switch1(Config-If-Ethernet1/7)#bandwidth control 50000 both
Switch2(config)#interface ethernet 1/9
Switch2(Config-If-Ethernet1/9)#speed-duplex force100-full
Switch2(config)#interface ethernet 1/10
Switch2(Config-If-Ethernet1/10)#speed-duplex force1g-full
Switch2(config)#monitor session 1 source interface ethernet 1/8;1/9
Switch2(config)#monitor session 1 destination interface ethernet 1/10
Switch3(config)#interface ethernet 1/12
Switch3(Config-If-Ethernet1/12)#speed-duplex force100-full


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Port Configuration

5.4 Port Troubleshooting

Here are some situations that frequently occurs in port configuration and the advised solutions:
Two connected fiber interfaces won't link up if one interface is set to auto-negotiation but the
other to forced speed/duplex. This is determined by IEEE 802.3.
The following combinations are not recommended: enabling traffic control as well as setting
multicast limiting for the same port; setting broadcast, multicast and unknown destination
unicast control as well as port bandwidth limiting for the same port. If such combinations are
set, the port throughput may fall below the expected performance.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Port Isolation Function Configuration

Chapter 6
Port Isolation Function Configuration
6.1 Introduction to Port Isolation Function
Port isolation is an independent port-based function working in an inter-port way, which isolates
flows of different ports from each other. With the help of port isolation, users can isolate ports within
a VLAN to save VLAN resources and enhance network security. After this function is configured,
the ports in a port isolation group will be isolated from each other, while ports belonging to different
isolation groups or no such group can forward data to one another normally. No more than 16 port
isolation groups can a switch have.

6.2 Task Sequence of Port Isolation

1. Create an isolate port group
2. Add Ethernet ports into the group
3. Display the configuration of port isolation
1. Create an isolate port group
Global Mode
isolate-port group <WORD>
no isolate-port group <WORD>

Set a port isolation group; the no operation of this command
will delete the port isolation group.

2. Add Ethernet ports into the group

Global Mode
isolate-port group
switchport interface
no isolate-port group
switchport interface


Add one port or a group of ports into a port isolation group

to isolate, which will become isolated from the other ports
in the group; the no operation of this command will remove
one port or a group of ports out of a port isolation group.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Port Isolation Function Configuration

3. Display the configuration of port isolation

Admin Mode and Global Mode
show isolate-port group [ Display the configuration of port isolation, including all con<WORD> ]
figured port isolation groups and Ethernet ports in each

6.3 Port Isolation Function Typical Examples






Figure 6.1: Typical example of port isolation function

The topology and configuration of switches are showed in the figure above, with e1/1, e1/10
and e1/15 all belonging to VLAN 100. The requirement is that, after port isolation is enabled
on switch S1, e1/1 and e1/10 on switch S1 can not communicate with each other, while both of
them can communicate with the uplink port e1/15. That is, the communication between any pair
of downlink ports is disabled while that between any downlink port and a specified uplink port is
normal. The uplink port can communicate with any port normally. The configuration of S1:
Switch(config)#isolate-port group test
Switch(config)#isolate-port group test switchport interface ethernet 1/1;1/10


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Port Loopback Detection Function Configuration

Chapter 7
Port Loopback Detection Function
7.1 Introduction to Port Loopback Detection Function
With the development of switches, more and more users begin to access the network through
Ethernet switches. In enterprise network, users access the network through layer-2 switches,
which means urgent demands for both internet and the internal layer 2 Interworking. When layer 2
Interworking is required, the messages will be forwarded through MAC addressing the accuracy of
which is the key to a correct Interworking between users. In layer 2 switching, the messages are
forwarded through MAC addressing. Layer 2 devices learn MAC addresses via learning source
MAC address, that is, when the port receives a message from an unknown source MAC address, it
will add this MAC to the receive port, so that the following messages with a destination of this MAC
can be forwarded directly, which also means learn the MAC address once and for all to forward
When a new source MAC is already learnt by the layer 2 device, only with a different source
port, the original source port will be modified to the new one, which means to correspond the
original MAC address with the new port. As a result, if there is any loopback existing in the link,
all MAC addresses within the whole layer 2 network will be corresponded with the port where the
loopback appears (usually the MAC address will be frequently shifted from one port to another
), causing the layer 2 network collapsed. That is why it is a necessity to check port loopbacks
in the network. When a loopback is detected, the detecting device should send alarms to the
network management system, ensuring the network manager is able to discover, locate and solve
the problem in the network and protect users from a long-lasting disconnected network.
Since detecting loopbacks can make dynamic judgment of the existence of loopbacks in the
link and tell whether it has gone, the devices supporting port control (such as port isolation and
port MAC address learning control) can maintain that automatically, which will not only reduce the
burden of network managers but also response time, minimizing the effect caused loopbacks to
the network.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Port Loopback Detection Function Configuration

7.2 Port Loopback Detection Function Configuration Task List

1. Configure the time interval of loopback detection
2. Enable the function of port loopback detection
3. Configure the control method of port loopback detection
4. Display and debug the relevant information of port loopback detection
5. Configure the loopback-detection control mode (automatic recovery enabled or not)
1. Configure the time interval of loopback detection
Global Mode
loopback-detection interval-time
<loopback> <no-loopback>
no loopback-detection intervaltime

Configure the time interval of loopback detection.

2. Enable the function of port loopback detection

Port Mode
specifiedvlan <vlan-list>
no loopback-detection specifiedvlan <vlan-list>

Enable and disable the function of port loopback detection.

3. Configure the control method of port loopback detection

Port Mode
loopback-detection control {
shutdown | block | learning }
no loopback-detection control

Enable and disable the function of port loopback detection

4. Display and debug the relevant information of port loopback detection

Admin Mode
debug loopback-detection
no debug loopback-detection
show loopback-detection [interface <interface-list>]

Enable the debug information of the function module of port
loopback detection. The no operation of this command will
disable the debug information.
Display the state and result of the loopback detection of all
ports, if no parameter is provided; otherwise, display the
state and result of the corresponding ports.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Port Loopback Detection Function Configuration

5. Configure the loopback-detection control mode (automatic recovery enabled or not)

Global Mode
controlrecovery timeout <0-3600>

Configure the loopback-detection control mode (automatic
recovery enabled or not) or recovery time.

7.3 Port Loopback Detection Function Example



Figure 7.1: Typical example of port loopback detection function

As shown in the above configuration, the switch will detect the existence of loopbacks in the
network topology. After enabling the function of loopback detection on the port connecting the
switch with the outside network, the switch will notify the connected network about the existence
of a loopback, and control the port on the switch to guarantee the normal operation of the whole
The configuration task sequence of SWITCH:
Switch(config)#loopback-detection interval-time 35 15
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/1
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/1)#loopback-detection special-vlan 1-3
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/1)#loopback-detection control block
If adopting the control method of block, MSTP should be globally enabled. And the corresponding relation between the spanning tree instance and the VLAN should be configured.
Switch(config)#spanning-tree mst configuration
Switch(Config-Mstp-Region)#instance 1 vlan 1
Switch(Config-Mstp-Region)#instance 2 vlan 2

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Port Loopback Detection Function Configuration

7.4 Port Loopback Detection Troubleshooting

The function of port loopback detection is disabled by default and should only be enabled if required.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ULDP Function Configuration

Chapter 8
ULDP Function Configuration
8.1 Introduction to ULDP Function
Unidirectional link is a common error state of link in networks, especially in fiber links. Unidirectional link means that only one port of the link can receive messages from the other port, while
the latter one can not receive messages from the former one. Since the physical layer of the link
is connected and works normal, via the checking mechanism of the physical layer, communication problems between the devices can not be found. As shown in Graph, the problem in fiber
connection can not be found through mechanisms in physical layer like automatic negotiation.






Figure 8.1: Fiber Cross Connection

This kind of problem often appears in the following situations: GBIC (Giga Bitrate Interface
Converter) or interfaces have problems, software problems, hardware becomes unavailable or
operates abnormally. Unidirectional link will cause a series of problems, such as spinning tree
topological loop, broadcast black hole.
ULDP (Unidirectional Link Detection Protocol) can help avoid disasters that could happen in
the situations mentioned above. In a switch connected via fibers or copper Ethernet line (like ultra
five-kind twisted pair), ULDP can monitor the link state of physical links. Whenever a unidirectional
link is discovered, it will send warnings to users and can disable the port automatically or manually
according to users configuration.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ULDP Function Configuration






Figure 8.2: One End of Each Fiber Not Connected

The ULDP of switches recognizes remote devices and check the correctness of link connections via interacting ULDP messages. When ULDP is enabled on a port, protocol state machine
will be started, which means different types of messages will be sent at different states of the state
machine to check the connection state of the link by exchanging information with remote devices.
ULDP can dynamically study the interval at which the remote device sends notification messages
and adjust the local TTL (time to live) according to that interval. Besides, ULDP provides the reset
mechanism, when the port is disabled by ULDP, it can check again through reset mechanism.
The time intervals of notification messages and reset in ULDP can be configured by users, so that
ULDP can respond faster to connection errors in different network environments.
The premise of ULDP working normally is that link works in duplex mode, which means ULDP
is enabled on both ends of the link, using the same method of authentication and password.

8.2 ULDP Configuration Task Sequence

1. Enable ULDP function globally
2. Enable ULDP function on a port
3. Configure aggressive mode globally
4. Configure aggressive mode on a port
5. Configure the method to shut down unidirectional link
6. Configure the interval of Hello messages
7. Configure the interval of Recovery
8. Reset the port shut down by ULDP
9. Display and debug the relative information of ULDP


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ULDP Function Configuration

1. Enable ULDP function globally

Global Configuration Mode
uldp enable
uldp disable

Globally enable or disable ULDP function.

2. Enable ULDP function on a port

Port Configuration Mode
uldp enable
uldp disable

Enable or disable ULDP function on a port.

3. Configure aggressive mode globally

Global Configuration Mode
uldp aggressive-mode
no uldp aggressive-mode

Set the global working mode.

4. Configure aggressive mode on a port

Port Configuration Mode
uldp aggressive-mode
no uldp aggressive-mode

Set the working mode of the port.

5. Configure the method to shut down unidirectional link

Global Configuration Mode
uldp manual-shutdown
no uldp manual-shutdown

Configure the method to shut down unidirectional link.

6. Configure the interval of Hello messages

Global Configuration Mode
uldp hello-interval <integer>
no uldp hello-interval

Configure the interval of Hello messages, ranging from 5 to
100 seconds. The value is 10 seconds by default.

7. Configure the interval of Recovery

Global Configuration Mode
uldp recovery-time <integer>
no uldp recovery-time <integer>

Configure the interval of Recovery reset, ranging from 30 to
86400 seconds. The value is 0 second by default.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ULDP Function Configuration

8. Reset the port shut down by ULDP

Global configuration mode or port configuration mode
uldp reset
Reset all ports in global configuration mode;
Reset the specified port in port configuration mode.
9. Display and debug the relative information of ULDP
Admin Mode
show uldp [interface ethernet IFNAME]

debug uldp fsm interface ethernet <IFname>

no debug uldp fsm interface ethernet <IFname>
debug uldp error
no debug uldp error
debug uldp event
no debug uldp event
debug uldp packet { receive |
send }
no debug uldp packet { receive |
send }
debug uldp { hello | probe | echo
| unidir | all } [ receive | send ]
interface ethernet <IFname>
no debug uldp { hello | probe |
echo | unidir | all } [ receive | send
] interface ethernet <IFname>

Display ULDP information. No parameter means to display
global ULDP information. The parameter specifying a port
will display global information and the neighbor information
of the port.
Enable or disable the debug switch of the state machine
transition information on the specified port.

Enable or disable the debug switch of error information.

Enable or disable the debug switch of event information.
Enable or disable the type of messages can be received and
sent on all ports.

Enable or disable the content detail of a particular type of

messages can be received and sent on the specified port.

8.3 ULDP Function Typical Examples

In the network topology in Graph, port g1/1 and port g1/2 of SWITCH A as well as port g1/3 and
port g1/4 of SWITCH B are all fiber ports. And the connection is cross connection. The physical
layer is connected and works normally, but the data link layer is abnormal. ULDP can discover
and disable this kind of error state of link. The final result is that port g1/1, g1/2 of SWITCH A and
port g1/3, g1/4 of SWITCH B are all shut down by ULDP. Only when the connection is correct, can
the ports work normally (won't be shut down).
Switch A configuration sequence:
SwitchA(config)#uldp enable
SwitchA(config)#interface ethernet 1/1
SwitchA(Config-If-Ethernet1/1)#uldp enable

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ULDP Function Configuration





Figure 8.3: Fiber Cross Connection

SwitchA(config)#interface ethernet 1/2
SwitchA(Config-If-Ethernet1/2)#uldp enable
Switch B configuration sequence:
SwitchB(config)#uldp enable
SwitchB(config)#interface ethernet1/3
SwitchB(Config-If-Ethernet1/3)#uldp enable
SwitchB(config)#interface ethernet 1/4
SwitchB(Config-If-Ethernet1/4)#uldp enable
As a result, port g1/1, g1/2 of SWITCH A are all shut down by ULDP, and there is notification
information on the CRT terminal of PC1.
%Oct 29 11:09:50
to be shutted down!
%Oct 29 11:09:50
%Oct 29 11:09:50
to be shutted down!
%Oct 29 11:09:50

2007 A unidirectional link is detected!

Port Ethernet1/1 need

2007 Unidirectional port Ethernet1/1 shut down!

2007 A unidirectional link is detected! Port Ethernet1/2 need
2007 Unidirectional port Ethernet1/2 shutted down!

Port g1/3, and port g1/4 of SWITCH B are all shut down by ULDP, and there is notification
information on the CRT terminal of PC2.
%Oct 29 11:09:50
to be shutted down!
%Oct 29 11:09:50
%Oct 29 11:09:50
to be shutted down!
%Oct 29 11:09:50

2007 A unidirectional link is detected!

Port Ethernet1/3 need

2007 Unidirectional port Ethernet1/3 shutted down!

2007 A unidirectional link is detected! Port Ethernet1/4 need
2007 Unidirectional port Ethernet1/4 shutted down!

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ULDP Function Configuration

8.4 ULDP Troubleshooting

Configuration Notice:
In order to ensure that ULDP can discover that the one of fiber ports has not connected or
the ports are incorrectly cross connected, the ports have to work in duplex mode and have
the same rate.
If the automatic negotiation mechanism of the fiber ports with one port misconnected decides
the working mode and rate of the ports, ULDP won't take effect no matter enabled or not. In
such situation, the port is considered as Down.
In order to make sure that neighbors can be correctly created and unidirectional links can
be correctly discovered, it is required that both end of the link should enable ULDP, using
the same authentication method and password. At present, no password is needed on both
The hello interval of sending hello messages can be changed (it is10 seconds by default
and ranges from 5 to 100 seconds) so that ULDP can respond faster to connection errors
of links in different network environments. But this interval should be less than 1/3 of the
STP convergence time. If the interval is too long, a STP loop will be generated before ULDP
discovers and shuts down the unidirectional connection port. If the interval is too short, the
network burden on the port will be increased, which means a reduced bandwidth.
ULDP does not handle any LACP event. It treats every link of TRUNK group (like Portchannel, TRUNK ports) as independent, and handles each of them respectively.
ULDP does not compact with similar protocols of other vendors, which means users can not
use ULDP on one end and use other similar protocols on the other end.
ULDP function is disabled by default. After globally enabling ULDP function, the debug
switch can be enabled simultaneously to check the debug information. There are several
DEBUG commands provided to print debug information, such as information of events, state
machine, errors and messages. Different types of message information can also be printed
according to different parameters.
The Recovery timer is disabled by default and will only be enabled when the users have
configured recovery time (30-86400 seconds).
Reset command and reset mechanism can only reset the ports automatically shut down by
ULDP. The ports shut down manually by users or by other modules won't be reset by ULDP.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

LLDP Function Operation Configuration

Chapter 9
LLDP Function Operation Configuration
9.1 Introduction to LLDP Function
Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) is a new protocol defined in 802.1ab. It enables neighbor
devices to send notices of their own state to other devices, and enables all ports of every device
to store information about them. If necessary, the ports can also send update information to the
neighbor devices directly connected to them, and those neighbor devices will store the information
in standard SNMP MIBs. The network management system can check the layer-two connection
state from MIB. LLDP won't configure or control network elements or flows, but only report the
configuration of layer-two. Another content of 802.1ab is to utilizing the information provided by
LLDP to find the conflicts in layer-two. IEEE now uses the existing physical topology, interfaces
and Entity MIBs of IETF.
To simplify, LLDP is a neighbor discovery protocol. It defines a standard method for Ethernet
devices, such as switches, routers and WLAN access points, to enable them to notify their existence to other nodes in the network and store the discovery information of all neighbor devices.
For example, the detail information of the device configuration and discovery can both use this
protocol to advertise.
In specific, LLDP defines a general advertisement information set, a transportation advertisement protocol and a method to store the received advertisement information. The device to advertise its own information can put multiple pieces of advertisement information in one LAN data
packet to transport. The type of transportation is the type length value (TLV) field. All devices supporting LLDP have to support device ID and port ID advertisement, but it is assumed that, most
devices should also support system name, system description and system performance advertisement. System name and system description advertisement can also provide useful information
for collecting network flow data. System description advertisement can include data such as the
full name of the advertising device, hardware type of system, the version information of software
operation system and so on.
802.1AB Link Layer Discovery Protocol will make searching the problems in an enterprise
network an easier process and can strengthen the ability of network management tools to discover
and maintain accurate network topology structure.
Many kinds of network management software use Automated Discovery function to trace the
change and condition of topology, but most of them can reach layer-three and classify the devices
into all IP subnets at best. This kind of data are very primitive, only referring to basic events like
the adding and removing of relative devices instead of details about where and how these devices
operate with the network.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

LLDP Function Operation Configuration

Layer 2 discovery covers information like which devices have which ports, which switches
connect to other devices and so on, it can also display the routs between clients, switches, routers,
application servers and network servers. Such details will be very meaningful for schedule and
investigate the source of network failure.
LLDP will be a very useful management tool, providing accurate information about network
mirroring, flow data and searching network problems.

9.2 LLDP Function Configuration Task Sequence

1. Globally enable LLDP function
2. Configure the port-based LLDP function switch
3. Configure the operating state of port LLDP
4. Configure the intervals of LLDP updating messages
5. Configure the aging time multiplier of LLDP messages
6. Configure the sending delay of updating messages
7. Configure the intervals of sending Trap messages
8. Configure to enable the Trap function of the port
9. Configure the optional information-sending attribute of the port
10. Configure the size of space to store Remote Table of the port
11. Configure the type of operation when the Remote Table of the port is full
12. Display and debug the relative information of LLDP
1. Globally enable LLDP function
Global mode
lldp enable
lldp disable

Globally enable or disable LLDP function.

2. Configure the port-base LLDP function switch

Port mode
lldp enable
lldp disable

Configure the port-base LLDP function switch.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

LLDP Function Operation Configuration

3. Configure the operating state of port LLDP

Port mode
lldp mode ( send | receive | both
| disable )

Configure the operating state of port LLDP.

4. Configure the intervals of LLDP updating messages

Global mode
lldp tx-interval <integer>
no lldp tx-interval

Configure the intervals of LLDP updating messages as the
specified value or default value.

5. Configure the aging time multiplier of LLDP messages

Global mode
lldp msgTxHold <value>
no lldp msgTxHold

Configure the aging time multiplier of LLDP messages as
the specified value or default value.

6. Configure the sending delay of updating messages

Global mode
lldp transmit delay <seconds>
no lldp transmit delay

Configure the sending delay of updating messages as the
specified value or default value.

7. Configure the intervals of sending Trap messages

Global mode
lldp notification interval <seconds>
no lldp notification interval

Configure the intervals of sending Trap messages as the
specified value or default value.

8. Configure to enable the Trap function of the port

Port configuration mode
lldp trap < enable | disable >

Enable or disable the Trap function of the port.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

LLDP Function Operation Configuration

9. Configure the optional information-sending attribute of the port

Global mode
lldp transmit optional tlv [portDesc] [sysName] [sysDesc]
no lldp transmit optional tlv

Configure the optional information-sending attribute of the
port as the option value of default values.

10. Configure the size of space to store Remote Table of the port
Port configuration mode
lldp neighbors max-num < value
no lldp neighbors max-num

Configure the size of space to store Remote Table of the
port as the specified value or default value.

11. Configure the type of operation when the Remote Table of the port is full
Port configuration mode
lldp tooManyNeighbors { discard
| delete }

Configure the type of operation when the Remote Table of
the port is full.

12. Display and debug the relative information of LLDP

Admin, Global mode
show lldp
show lldp interface ethernet <IFNAME>
show lldp traffic
show lldp neighbors interface
ethernet < IFNAME >
show debugging lldp
Admin mode
debug lldp
no debug lldp
debug lldp packets interface ethernet <IFNAME>
no debug lldp packets interface
ethernet <IFNAME>
Port configuration mode
clear lldp remote-table

Display the current LLDP configuration information.
Display the LLDP configuration information of the current
Display the information of all kinds of counters.
Display the information of LLDP neighbors of the current
Display all ports with LLDP debug enabled.
Enable or disable the DEBUG switch.
Enable or disable the DEBUG packet-receiving and sending
function in port or global mode.

Clear Remote-table of the port.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

LLDP Function Operation Configuration

9.3 LLDP Function Typical Example

In the network topology graph above, the port 1,3 of SWITCH B are connected to port 2,4 of
SWITCH A. Port 1 of SWITCH B is configured to message-receiving-only mode, Option TLV of
port 4 of SWITCH A is configured as portDes and SysCap.


Figure 9.1: LLDP Function Typical Configuration Example

SWITCH A configuration task sequence:
SwitchA(config)# lldp enable
SwitchA(config)#interface ethernet 1/4
SwitchA(Config-If-Ethernet1/4)#lldp transmit optional tlv portDesc sysCap
SWITCH B configuration task sequence:
SwitchB(config)#lldp enable
SwitchB(config)#interface ethernet1/1
SwitchB(Config-If-Ethernet1/1)#lldp mode receive

9.4 LLDP Function Troubleshooting

LLDP function is disabled by default. After enabling the global switch of LLDP, users can
enable the debug switch debug lldp simultaneously to check debug information.
Using show function of LLDP function can display the configuration information in global or
port configuration mode.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Port Channel Configuration

Chapter 10
Port Channel Configuration
10.1 Introduction to Port Channel
To understand Port Channel, Port Group should be introduced first. Port Group is a group of
physical ports in the configuration level; only physical ports in the Port Group can take part in
link aggregation and become a member port of a Port Channel. Logically, Port Group is not a
port but a port sequence. Under certain conditions, physical ports in a Port Group perform port
aggregation to form a Port Channel that has all the properties of a logical port, therefore it becomes
an independent logical port. Port aggregation is a process of logical abstraction to abstract a set
of ports (port sequence) with the same properties to a logical port. Port Channel is a collection
of physical ports and used logically as one physical port. Port Channel can be used as a normal
port by the user, and can not only add network's bandwidth, but also provide link backup. Port
aggregation is usually used when the switch is connected to routers, PCs or other switches.


Figure 10.1: Port aggregation

As shown in the above, S1 is aggregated to a Port Channel, the bandwidth of this Port Channel
is the total of all the four ports. If traffic from S1 needs to be transferred to S2 through the Port
Channel, traffic allocation calculation will be performed based on the source MAC address and

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Port Channel Configuration

the lowest bit of target MAC address. The calculation result will decide which port to convey the
traffic. If a port in Port Channel fails, the other ports will undertake traffic of that port through a
traffic allocation algorithm. This algorithm is carried out by the hardware.
Switch offers two methods for configuring port aggregation: manual Port Channel creation and
LACP (Link Aggregation Control Protocol) dynamic Port Channel creation. Port aggregation can
only be performed on ports in full-duplex mode.
For Port Channel to work properly, member ports of the Port Channel must have the same
properties as follows:
All ports are in full-duplex mode.
All Ports are of the same speed.
All ports are Access ports and belong to the same VLAN or are all TRUNK ports, or are all
Hybrid ports.
If the ports are all TRUNK ports or Hybrid ports, then their Allowed VLAN and Native VLAN
property should also be the same.
If Port Channel is configured manually or dynamically on switch, the system will automatically
set the port with the smallest number to be Master Port of the Port Channel. If the spanning tree
function is enabled in the switch, the spanning tree protocol will regard Port Channel as a logical
port and send BPDU frames via the master port.
Port aggregation is closely related with switch hardware. Switch allow physical port aggregation
of any two switches, maximum 14 groups and 8 ports in each port group are supported.
Once ports are aggregated, they can be used as a normal port. Switch have a built-in aggregation interface configuration mode, the user can perform related configuration in this mode just
like in the VLAN and physical interface configuration mode.

10.2 Brief Introduction to LACP

LACP (Link Aggregation Control Protocol) is a kind of protocol based on IEEE802.3ad standard to
implement the link dynamic aggregation. LACP protocol uses LACPDU (Link Aggregation Control
Protocol Data Unit) to exchange the information with the other end.
After LACP protocol of the port is enabled, this port will send LACPDU to the other end to notify
the system priority, the MAC address of the system, the priority of the port, the port ID and the
operation Key. After the other end receives the information, the information is compared with the
saving information of other ports to select the port which can be aggregated, accordingly, both
sides can reach an agreement about the ports join or exit the dynamic aggregation group.
The operation Key is created by LACP protocol according to the combination of configuration
(speed, duplex, basic configuration, management Key) of the ports to be aggregated.
After the dynamic aggregation port enables LACP protocol, the management Key is 0 by default. After the static aggregation port enables LACP, the management Key of the port is the same
with the ID of the aggregation group.
For the dynamic aggregation group, the members of the same group have the same operation
Key, for the static aggregation group, the ports of Active have the same operation Key.
The port aggregation is that multi-ports are aggregated to form an aggregation group, so as to
implement the out/in load balance in each member port of the aggregation group and provides the
better reliability.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Port Channel Configuration

10.2.1 Static LACP Aggregation

Static LACP aggregation is enforced by users configuration, and do not enable LACP protocol.
When configuring static LACP aggregation, use on mode to force the port to enter the aggregation

10.2.2 Dynamic LACP Aggregation

1. The summary of the dynamic LACP aggregation
Dynamic LACP aggregation is an aggregation created/deleted by the system automatically, it
does not allow the user to add or delete the member ports of the dynamic LACP aggregation. The
ports which have the same attribute of speed and duplex, are connected to the same device, have
the same basic configuration, can be dynamically aggregated together. Even if only one port can
create the dynamic aggregation, that is the single port aggregation. In the dynamic aggregation,
LACP protocol of the port is at the enable state.
2. The port state of the dynamic aggregation group
In dynamic aggregation group, the ports have two states: selected or standby. Both selected
ports and standby ports can receive and send LACP protocol, but standby ports can not forward
the data packets.
Because the limitation of the max port number in the aggregation group, if the current number
of the member ports exceeds the limitation of the max port number, then the system of this end
will negotiates with the other end to decide the port state according to the port ID. The negotiation
steps are as follows:
Compare ID of the devices (the priority of the system + the MAC address of the system). First,
compare the priority of the systems, if they are same, then compare the MAC address of the
systems. The end with a small device ID has the high priority.
Compare the ID of the ports (the priority of the port + the ID of the port). For each port in the
side of the device which has the high device priority, first, compare the priority of the ports, if the
priorities are same, then compare the ID of the ports. The port with a small port ID is selected,
and the others become the standby ports.
In an aggregation group, the port which has the smallest port ID and is at the selected state
will be the master port, the other ports at the selected state will be the member port.

10.3 Port Channel Configuration Task List

1. Create a port group in Global Mode
2. Add ports to the specified group from the Port Mode of respective ports
3. Enter port-channel configuration mode
4. Set load-balance method for port-group
5. Set the system priority of LACP protocol
6. Set the port priority of the current port in LACP protocol
7. Set the timeout mode of the current port in LACP protocol


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Port Channel Configuration

1. Creating a port group

Global mode
no port-group


Create or delete a port group.


2. Add physical ports to the port group

Port mode
number> mode
passive | on }
no port-group

<port-group{ active |

Add the ports to the port group and set their mode.

3. Enter port-channel configuration mode.

Global mode
interface port-channel


Enter port-channel configuration mode.

4. Set load-balance method for port-group

Aggregation port configuration mode
load-balance { src-mac | dst-mac Set load-balance for port-group.
| dst-src-mac | src-ip | dst-ip | dstsrc-ip }
5. Set the system priority of LACP protocol
Global mode
lacp system-priority <systempriority>
no lacp system-priority

Set the system priority of LACP protocol, the no command
restores the default value.

6. Set the port priority of the current port in LACP protocol

Port mode
lacp port-priority <port-priority>

Set the port priority in LACP protocol. The no command
restores the default value.

no lacp port-priority


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Port Channel Configuration

7. Set the timeout mode of the current port in LACP protocol

Port mode
lacp timeout { short | long }

Set the timeout mode in LACP protocol. The no command
restores the default value.

no lacp timeout

10.4 Port Channel Examples

Scenario 1: Configuring Port Channel in LACP.
The switches in the description below are all switch and as shown in the figure, ports 1, 2, 3,
4 of S1 are access ports and add them to group1 with active mode. Ports 6, 8, 9, 10 of S2 are
access ports and add them to group2 with passive mode. All the ports should be connected with
The configuration steps are listed below:
Switch1(config)#interface ethernet 1/1-4
Switch1(Config-If-Port-Range)#port-group 1 mode active
Switch1(config)#interface port-channel 1
Switch2(config)#port-group 2
Switch2(config)#interface ethernet 1/6
Switch2(Config-If-Ethernet1/6)#port-group 2 mode passive
Switch2(config)#interface ethernet 1/8-10
Switch2(Config-If-Port-Range)#port-group 2 mode passive
Switch2(config)#interface port-channel 2
Configuration result:
Shell prompts ports aggregated successfully after a while, now ports 1, 2, 3, 4 of S1 form an
aggregated port named Port-Channel1, ports 6, 8, 9, 10 of S2 form an aggregated port named
Port-Channel2; can be configured in their respective aggregated port mode.
Scenario 2: Configuring Port Channel in ON mode.
As shown in the figure, ports 1, 2, 3, 4 of S1 are access ports and add them to group1 with on
mode. Ports 6, 8, 9, 10 of S2 are access ports and add them to group2 with on mode.
The configuration steps are listed below:
Switch1(config)#interface ethernet 1/1
Switch1(Config-If-Ethernet1/1)#port-group 1 mode on

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Port Channel Configuration

Switch1(config)#interface ethernet 1/2
Switch1(Config-If-Ethernet1/2)#port-group 1 mode on
Switch1(config)#interface ethernet 1/3
Switch1(Config-If-Ethernet1/3)#port-group 1 mode on
Switch1(config)#interface ethernet 1/4
Switch1(Config-If-Ethernet1/4)#port-group 1 mode on
Switch2(config)#port-group 2
Switch2(config)#interface ethernet 1/6
Switch2(Config-If-Ethernet1/6)#port-group 2 mode on
Switch2(config)#interface ethernet 1/8-10
Switch2(Config-If-Port-Range)#port-group 2 mode on
Configuration result:
Add ports 1, 2, 3, 4 of S1 to port-group1 in order, and we can see a group in on mode is completely joined forcedly, switch in other ends won't exchange LACP PDU to complete aggregation.
Aggregation finishes immediately when the command to add port 1/2 to port-group 1 is entered,
port 1 and port 2 aggregate to be port-channel 1, when port 1/3 joins port-group 1, port-channel 1
of port 1 and 2 are ungrouped and re-aggregate with port 3 to form port-channel 1, when port 1/4
joins port-group 1, port-channel 1 of port 1, 2 and 3 are ungrouped and re-aggregate with port 4
to form port-channel 1. (It should be noted that whenever a new port joins in an aggregated port
group, the group will be ungrouped first and re-aggregated to form a new group.) Now all four
ports in both S1 and S2 are aggregated in on mode and become an aggregated port respectively.

10.5 Port Channel Troubleshooting

If problems occur when configuring port aggregation, please first check the following for causes.
Ensure all ports in a port group have the same properties, i.e., whether they are in full-duplex
mode, forced to the same speed, and have the same VLAN properties, etc. If inconsistency
occurs, make corrections.
Some commands cannot be used on a port in port-channel, such as arp, bandwidth, ip,
ip-forward, etc.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

MTU Configuration

Chapter 11
MTU Configuration
11.1 Introduction to MTU
So far the Jumbo (Jumbo Frame) has not reach a determined standard in the industry (including
the format and length of the frame). Normally frames sized within 1519-9000 should be considered
jumbo frame. Networks with jumbo frames will increase the speed of the whole network by 2% to
5%. Technically the Jumbo is just a lengthened frame sent and received by the switch. However
considering the length of Jumbo frames, they will not be sent to CPU. We discard the Jumbo
frames sent to CPU in the packet receiving process.

11.2 MTU Configuration Task Sequence

1. Configure enable MTU function
Global mode
mtu [<mtu-value>]
no mtu enable

Configure the MTU size of JUMBO frame, enable the receiving/sending function of JUMBO frame. The no command disables
sending and receiving function of MTU frames.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

EFM OAM Configuration

Chapter 12
EFM OAM Configuration
12.1 Introduction to EFM OAM
Ethernet is designed for Local Area Network at the beginning, but link length and network scope
is extended rapidly while Ethernet is also applied to Metropolitan Area Network and Wide Area
Network along with development. Due to lack the effectively management mechanism, it affects
Ethernet application to Metropolitan Area Network and Wide Area Network, implementing OAM
on Ethernet becomes a necessary development trend.
There are four protocol standards about Ethernet OAM, they are 802.3ah (EFM OAM), 802.3ag
(CFM), E-LMI and Y.1731. EFM OAM and CFM are set for IEEE organization. EFM OAM works in
data link layer to validly discover and manage the data link status of rock-bottom. Using EFM OAM
can effectively advance management and maintenance for Ethernet to ensure the stable network
operation. CFM is used for monitoring the whole network connectivity and locating the fault in
access aggregation network layer. Compare with CFM, Y.1731 standard set by ITU (International
Telecommunications Union) is more powerful. E-LMI standard set by MEF is only applied to UNI.
So above protocols can be used to different network topology and management, between them
exist the complementary relation.
EFM OAM (Ethernet in the First Mile Operation, Administration and Maintenance) works in
data link layer of OSI model to implement the relative functions through OAM sublayer, figure is
as bleow:
OAM protocol data units (OAMPDU) use destination MAC address 01-80-c2-00-00-02 of protocol, the max transmission rate is 10Pkt/s.
EFM OAM is established on the basis of OAM connection, it provides a link operation management mechanism such as link monitoring, remote fault detection and remote loopback testing, the
simple introduction for EFM OAM in the following:

12.1.1 Ethernet OAM connection establishment

Ethernet OAM entity discovers remote OAM entities and establishes sessions with them by exchanging Information OAMPDUs. EFM OAM can operate in two modes: active mode and passive
mode. One session can only be established by the OAM entity working in the active mode and
ones working in the passive mode need to wait until it receives the connection request. After
an Ethernet OAM connection is established, the Ethernet OAM entities on both sides exchange
Information OAMPDUs continuously to keep the valid Ethernet OAM connection. If an Ethernet


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

EFM OAM Configuration



















ta L






Figure 12.1: OAM location in OSI model

OAM entity receives no Information OAMPDU for five seconds, the Ethernet OAM connection is

12.1.2 Link Monitoring

Fault detection in an Ethernet is difficult, especially when the physical connection in the network
is not disconnected but network performance is degrading gradually. Link monitoring is used to
detect and discover link faults in various environments. EFM OAM implements link monitoring
through the exchange of Event Notification OAMPDUs. When detecting a link error event, the
local OAM entity sends an Event Notification OAMPDU to notify the remote OAM entity. At the
same time it will log information and send SNMP Trap to the network management system. While
OAM entity on the other side receives the notification, it will also log and report it. With the log
information, network administrators can keep track of network status in time.
The link event monitored by EFM OAM means that the link happens the error event, including
Errored symbol period event, Errored frame event, Errored frame period event, Errored frame
seconds event.
Errored symbol period event: The errored symbol number can not be less than the low
threshold. (Symbol: the min data transmission unit of physical medium. It is unique for coding system, the symbols may be different for different physical mediums, symbol rate means the
changed time of electron status per second. )
Errored frame period event: Specifying N is frame period, the errored frame number within
the period of receiving N frames can not be less than the low threshold. (Errored frame: Receiving
the errored frame detected by CRC.)
Errored frame event: The number of detected error frames over M seconds can not be less
than the low threshold.
Errored frame seconds event: The number of error frame seconds detected over M seconds
can not be less than the low threshold. (Errored frame second: Receiving an errored frame at
least in a second.)


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

EFM OAM Configuration

12.1.3 Remote Fault Detection

In a network where traffic is interrupted due to device failures or unavailability, the flag field defined in Ethernet OAMPDUs allows an Ethernet OAM entity to send fault information to its peer.
As Information OAMPDUs are exchanged continuously across established OAM connections, an
Ethernet OAM entity can inform one of its OAM peers of link faults through Information OAMPDUs. Therefore, the network administrator can keep track of link status in time through the log
information and troubleshoot in time.
There are three kinds of link faults for Information OAMPDU, they are Critical Event, Dying
Gasp and Link Fault, and their definitions are different for each manufacturer, here the definitions
are as below:
Critical Event: EFM OAM function of port is disabled.
Link Fault: The number of unidirectional operation or fault can not be less than the high threshold in local. Unidirectional Operation means unidirectional link can not work normally on full-duplex
link without autonegotiaction. EFM OAM can detect the fault and inform the remote OAM peers
through sending Information OAMPDU.
Dying Gasp: There is no definition present. Although device does not generate Dying Gasp
OAMPDU, it still receives and processes such OAMPDU sent by its peer.

Service Provider


Ethernet in
the First Mile


802.1ah OAMPDU

Figure 12.2: Typical OAM application topology

12.1.4 Remote loopback testing

Remote loopback testing is available only after an Ethernet OAM connection is established. With
remote loopback enabled, operating Ethernet OAM entity in active mode issues remote loopback
requests and the peer responds to them. If the peer operates in loopback mode, it returns all packets except Ethernet OAMPDUs to the senders along the original paths. Performing remote loopback testing periodically helps to detect network faults in time. Furthermore, performing remote
loopback testing by network segments helps to locate network faults. Note: The communication
will not be processed normally in remote loopback mode.
Typical EFM OAM application topology is in the following, it is used for point-to-point link and
emulational IEEE 802.3 point-to-point link. Device enables EFM OAM through point-to-point con86

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

EFM OAM Configuration

nection to monitor the link fault in the First Mile with Ethernet access. For user, the connection
between user to telecommunication is the First Mile, for service provider, it is the Last Mile.

12.2 EFM OAM Configuration

EFM OAM configuration task list
1. Enable EFM OAM function of port
2. Configure link monitor
3. Configure remote failure
Note: it needs to enable OAM first when configuring OAM parameters.
1. Enable EFM OAM function of port
Port mode
ethernet-oam mode { active |
passive }
no ethernet-oam
ethernet-oam period <seconds>
no ethernet-oam period
ethernet-oam timeout <seconds>
no ethernet-oam timeout

Configure work mode of EFM OAM, default is active mode.
Enable EFM OAM of port, no command disables EFM OAM
of port.
Configure transmission period of OAMPDU (optional), no
command restores the default value.
Configure timeout of EFM OAM connection, no command
restores the default value.

2. Configure link monitor

Port mode
ethernet-oam link-monitor
no ethernet-oam link-monitor
ethernet-oam errored-symbolperiod { threshold low <lowsymbols> | window <seconds>
erroredsymbol-period { threshold low |
window }
errored-frameperiod { threshold low <lowframes> | window <seconds>
no ethernet-oam errored-frameperiod { threshold low | window

Enable link monitor of EFM OAM, no command disables link
Configure the low threshold and window period of errored
symbol period event, no command resotores the default
value. (optional)

Configure the low threshold and window period of errored

frame period event, no command resotores the default


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

EFM OAM Configuration

Port mode
ethernet-oam errored-frame {
threshold low <low-frames> |
window <seconds> }
no ethernet-oam errored-frame {
threshold low | window }
errored-frameseconds { threshold low <lowframe-seconds>
<seconds> }
no ethernet-oam errored-frameseconds {threshold low | window

Configure the low threshold and window period of errored
frame event, no command resotores the default value. (optional)

Configure the low threshold and window period of errored

frame seconds event, no command resotores the default
value. (optional)

3. Configure remote failure

Port mode
ethernet-oam remote-failure
no ethernet-oam remote-failure
ethernet-oam errored-symbolperiod threshold high { highsymbols | none }
erroredsymbol-period threshold high
errored-frameperiod threshold high { highframes | none }
no ethernet-oam errored-frameperiod threshold high
threshold high { high-frames |
none }
no ethernet-oam errored-frame
threshold high
errored-frameseconds threshold high {
high-frame-seconds | none }
no ethernet-oam errored-frameseconds threshold high

Enable remote failure detection of EFM OAM (failure means
critical-event or link-fault event of the local), no command
disables the function. (optional)
Configure the high threshold of errored symbol period event,
no command restores the default value. (optional)

Configure the high threshold of errored frame period event,

no command restores the default value. (optional)

Configure the high threshold of errored frame event, no

command restores the default value. (optional)

Configure the high threshold of errored frame seconds

event, no command restores the default value. (optional)


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

EFM OAM Configuration

12.3 EFM OAM Example

CE and PE devices with point-to-point link enable EFM OAM to monitor the First Mile link
performance. It will report the log information to network management system when occurring
fault event and use remote loopback function to detect the link in necessary instance




802.1ah OAMPDU

Figure 12.3: Typical OAM application topology

Configuration procedure: (Omitting SNMP and Log configuration in the following)
Configuration on CE:
CE(config)#interface ethernet1/1
CE(config-if-ethernet1/1)#ethernet-oam mode passive
CE(config-if-ethernet1/1)#ethernet-oam remote-loopback supported
Other parameters use the default configuration.
Configuration on PE:
PE(config)#interface ethernet 1/1
Other parameters use the default configuration.
Execute the following command when using remote loopback.
PE(config-if-ethernet1/1)#ethernet-oam remote-loopback
Execute the following command to make one of OAM peers exiting OAM loopback after complete detection.
PE(config-if-ethernet1/1)# no ethernet-oam remote-loopback
Execute the following command without supporting remote loopback.
CE(config-if-ethernet1/1)#no ethernet-oam remote-loopback supported


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

EFM OAM Configuration

12.4 EFM OAM Troubleshooting

When using EFM OAM, it occurs the problem, please check whether the problem is resulted by
the following reasons:
Check whether OAM entities of two peers of link in passive mode. If so, EFM OAM connection can not be established between two OAM entities.
Ensuring SNMP configuration is correct, or else errored event can not be reported to network
management system.
Link does not normally communicate in OAM loopback mode, it should cancel remote loopback in time after detect the link performance.
Ensuring the used board supports remote loopback function.
Port should not configure STP, MRPP, ULPP, Flow Control, loopback detection functions
after it enables OAM loopback function, because OAM remote loopback function and these
functions are mutually exclusive.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Port Security

Chapter 13
Port Security
13.1 Introduction to Port Security
Port security is a MAC address-based security mechanism for network access controlling. It is
an extension to the existing 802.1x authentication and MAC authentication. It controls the access of unauthorized devices to the network by checking the source MAC address of the received
frame and the access to unauthorized devices by checking the destination MAC address of the
sent frame. With port security, you can define various port security modes to make that a device learns only legal source MAC addresses, so as to implement corresponding network security
management. After port security is enabled, the device detects an illegal frame, it triggers the
corresponding port security feature and takes a pre-defined action automatically. This reduces
user's maintenance workload and greatly enhances system security.

13.2 Port Security Configuration Task List

1. Basic configuration for Port Security
Port mode
switchport port-security
no switchport port-security
switchport port-security macaddress <mac-address> [vlan
no switchport port-security macaddress <mac-address> [vlan
switchport port-security maximum <value> [vlan <vlan-list>]
no switchport port-security maximum <value> [vlan <vlan-list>]

Configure port-security of the interface.
Configure the static security MAC of the interface.

Configure the maximum number of the security MAC address allowed by the interface.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Port Security

Port mode
switchport port-security violation
{ protect | restrict | shutdown }
no switchport port-security violation
switchport port-security aging {
static | time <value> | type { absolute | inactivity } }
no switchport port-security violation aging { static | time | type }
Admin mode
clear port-security { all | configured | dynamic | sticky } [[address <mac-addr> | interface
<interface-id>] [vlan <vlan-id> ]]
show port-security [interface
<interface-id>] [address | vlan]

When exceeding the maximum number of the configured
MAC addresses, MAC address accessing the interface does
not belongs to this interface in MAC address table or a MAC
address is configured to several interfaces in same VLAN,
both of them will violate the security of the MAC address.
Enable port-security aging entry of the interface, specify aging time or aging type.

Clear the secure MAC entry of the interface.

Show port-security configuration.

13.3 Example of Port Security



Figure 13.1: Typical topology chart for port security

When the interface enabled Port security function, configure the maximum number of the secure MAC addresses allowed by a interface to be 10, the interface allows 10 users to access the
internet at most. If it exceeds the maximum number, the new user cannot access the internet,
so that it not only limit the user's number but also access the internet safely. If configuring the
maximum number of the secure MAC addresses as 1, only HOST A or HOST B is able to access
the internet.
Configuration process:
#Configure the switch.
Switch(config)#interface Ethernet 1/0/1
Switch(config-if-ethernet1/0/1)#switchport port-security

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Port Security

Switch(config-if-ethernet1/0/1)#switchport port-security maximum 10


13.4 Port Security Troubleshooting

If problems occur when configuring Port Security, please check whether the problem is caused by
the following reasons:
Check whether Port Security is enabled normally
Check whether the valid maximum number of MAC addresses is configured


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DDM Configuration

Chapter 14
DDM Configuration
14.1 Introduction to DDM
14.1.1 Brief Introduction to DDM
DDM (Digital Diagnostic Monitor) makes the detailed digital diagnostic function standard in SFF8472 MSA. It set that the parameter signal is monitored and make it to digitize on the circuit board
of the inner module. After that, providing the demarcated result or the digitize measure result and
the demarcate parameter which are saved in the standard memory framework, so as to expediently
read by serial interface with double cables.
Normally, intelligent fiber modules support Digital Diagnostic function. Network management
units is able to monitor the parameters (temperature, voltage, bias current, tx power and rx power)
of the fiber module to obtain theirs thresholds and the real-time state of the current fiber module
by the inner MCU of the fiber module. That is able to help the network management units to locate
the fault in the fiber link, reduce the maintenance workload and enhance the system reliability.
DDM applications are shown in the following:
1. Module lifetime forecast
Monitoring the bias current is able to forecast the laser lifetime. Administrator is able to find
some potential problems by monitoring voltage and temperature of the module.
1. High Vcc voltage will result in the breakdown CMOS, low Vcc voltage will result in the abnormity work.
2. High rx power will damage the receiving module, low rx power will result that the receiving
module cannot work normally.
3. High temperature will result in the fast aging of the hardware.
4. Monitoring the received fiber power to monitor the capability of the link and the remote switch.
2. Fault location
In fiber link, locating the fault is important to the fast overload of the service, fault isolation is
able to help administrator to fast locate the location of the link fault within the module (local module
or remote module) or on the link, it also reduce the time for restoring the fault of the system.
Analyzing warning and alarm status of real-time parameters (temperature, voltage, bias current, tx power and rx power) can fast locate the fault through Digital Diagnostic function. Besides,
the state of Tx Fault and Rx LOS is important for analyzing the fault.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DDM Configuration

3. Compatibility verification
Compatibility verification is used to analyze whether the environment of the module accords the
data manual or it is compatible with the corresponding standard, because the module capability
is able to be ensured only in the compatible environment. Sometimes, environment parameters
exceed the data manual or the corresponding standard, it will make the falling of the module
capability that result in the transmission error.
Environment is not compatible with the module are as below:
1. Voltage exceeds the set range
2. Rx power is overload or is under the sensitivity of the transceiver
3. Temperature exceeds the range of the running temperature

14.1.2 DDM Function

DDM descriptions are shown in the following:
1. Show the monitoring information of the transceiver
Administrator is able to know the current working state of the transceiver and find some potential
problems through checking the real-time parameters (including TX power, RX power, Temperature,
Voltage, Bias current) and querying the monitoring information (such as warning, alarm, real-time
state and threshold, and so on). Besides, checking the fault information of the fiber module helps
administrator to fast locate the link fault and saves the restored time.
2. Threshold defined by the user
For real-time parameters (TX power, RX power, Temperature, Voltage, Bias current), there are
fixed thresholds. Because the user's environments are difference, the users is able to define the
threshold (including high alarm, low alarm, high warn, low warn) to flexibly monitor the working
state of the transceiver and find the fault directly.
The thresholds configured by the user and the manufacturer can be shown at the same time.
When the threshold defined by the user is irrational, it will prompt the user and automatically process alarm or warning according to the default threshold. (the user is able to restore all thresholds
to the default thresholds or restore a threshold to the default threshold)
Threshold rationality: high/low warn should be between high alarm and low alarm and high
threshold should be higher than low threshold, namely, high alarm >= high warn >= low warn >=
low alarm.
For fiber module, verification mode of the receiving power includes inner verification and outer
verification which are decided by the manufacturer. Besides the verification mode of the real-time
parameters and the default thresholds are same.
3. Transceiver monitoring
Besides checking the real-time working state of the transceiver, the user needs to monitor the
detailed status, such as the former abnormity time and the abnormity type. Transceiver monitoring
helps the user to find the former abnormity status through checking the log and query the last abnormity status through executing the commands. When the user finds the abnormity information of
the fiber module, the fiber module information may be remonitored after processing the abnormity
information, here, the user is able to know the abnormity information and renew the monitoring.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DDM Configuration

14.2 DDM Configuration Task List

DDM configuration task list:
1. Show the real-time monitoring information of the transceiver
2. Configure the alarm or warning thresholds of each parameter for the transceiver
3. Configure the state of the transceiver monitoring
(a) Configure the interval of the transceiver monitoring
(b) Configure the enable state of the transceiver monitoring
(c) Show the information of the transceiver monitoring
(d) Clear the information of the transceiver monitoring
1. Show the real-time monitoring information of the transceiver
User mode, admin mode and global mode
show transceiver [interface eth- Show the monitoring of the transceiver.
ernet <interface-list>][detail]
2. Configure the alarm or warning thresholds of each parameter for the transceiver
Port mode
transceiver threshold { default | {
temperature | voltage | bias | rxpower | tx-power } { high-alarm |
low-alarm | high-warn | low-warn
} { <value> | default } }

Set the threshold defined by the user.

3. Configure the state of the transceiver monitoring

(a) Configure the interval of the transceiver monitoring
Global mode
transceiver-monitoring interval
no transceiver-monitoring interval

Set the interval of the transceiver monitor. The no command
sets the interval to be the default interval of 15 minutes.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DDM Configuration

(b)Configure the enable state of the transceiver monitoring

Port mode
transceiver-monitoring { enable |
disable }

Set whether the transceiver monitoring is enabled. Only the
port enables the transceiver monitoring, the system records
the abnormity state. After the port disables the function, the
abnormity information will be clear.

(c)Show the information of the transceiver monitoring

Admin mode and global mode
show transceiver thresholdviolation [interface ethernet

Show the information of the transceiver monitoring, including the last threshold-violation informatijon, the interval of
the current transceiver monitoring and whether the port enables the transceiver monitoring.

(d)Clear the information of the transceiver monitoring

Admin mode
clear transceiver thresholdviolation [interface ethernet

Clear the threshold violation of the transceiver monitor.

14.3 Examples of DDM

Example 1:
Ethernet 1/21 and Ethernet 1/23 are inserted the fiber module with DDM, Ethernet 1/24 is
inserted the fiber module without DDM, Ethernet 1/22 does not insert any fiber module, show the
DDM information of the fiber module.
a) Show the information of all interfaces which can read the real-time parameters normally, (No
fiber module is inserted or the fiber module is not supported, the information will not be shown),
for example:
Switch#show transceiver
Interface Temp Voltage(V)


RX Power(dBM)

TX Power(dBM)

b) Show the information of the specified interface. (N/A means no fiber module is inserted or
does not support the fiber module), for example:
Switch#show transceiver interface ethernet 1/21-22;23
Interface Temp Voltage(V) Bias(mA) RX Power(dBM) TX Power(dBM)

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DDM Configuration







c) Show the detailed information, including base information, parameter value of the real-time
monitoring, warning, alarm, abnormity state and threshold information, for example:
Switch#show transceiver interface ethernet 1/21-22;24 detail
Ethernet 1/21 transceiver detail information:
Base information:
SFP found in this port, manufactured by company, on Sep 29 2010.
Type is 1000BASE-SX, Link length is 550 m for 50um Multi-Mode Fiber.
Link length is 270 m for 62.5um Multi-Mode Fiber.
Nominal bit rate is 1300 Mb/s, Laser wavelength is 850 nm.
Brief alarm information:
RX loss of signal
Voltage high
RX power low
Detail diagnostic and threshold information:
High Alarm Low Alarm High Warn Low Warn
--------- ---------- --------- --------- -------Temperature
Bias current(mA) 6.11(W+)
RX Power(dBM)
-30.54(A-) 9.00
TX Power(dBM)
Ethernet 1/22 transceiver detail information: N/A
Ethernet 1/24 transceiver detail information:
Base information:
SFP found in this port, manufactured by company, on Sep 29 2010.
Type is 1000BASE-SX, Link length is 550 m for 50um Multi-Mode Fiber.
Link length is 270 m for 62.5um Multi-Mode Fiber.
Nominal bit rate is 1300 Mb/s, Laser wavelength is 850 nm.
Brief alarm information: N/A
Detail diagnostic and threshold information: N/A
Example 2:
Ethernet 1/21 is inserted the fiber module with DDM. Configure the threshold of the fiber module
after showing the DDM information.
Step 1: Show the detailed DDM information.
Switch#show transceiver interface ethernet 1/21 detail
Ethernet 1/21 transceiver detail information:
Base information:
Brief alarm information:

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DDM Configuration

RX loss of signal
Voltage high
RX power low
Detail diagnostic and threshold information:
High Alarm Low Alarm High Warn
---------- ---------- --------- --------Temperature
Bias current(mA) 6.11(W+)
RX Power(dBM)
-30.54(A-) 9.00
TX Power(dBM)

Low Warn

Step 2: Configure the tx-power threshold of the fiber module, the low-warning threshold is -12,
the low-alarm threshold is -10.00.
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/21
Switch(config-if-ethernet1/21)#transceiver threshold tx-power low-warning -12
Switch(config-if-ethernet1/21)#transceiver threshold tx-power low-alarm -10.00
Step 3: Show the detailed DDM information of the fiber module. The alarm uses the threshold
configured by the user, the threshold configured by the manufacturer is labeled with the bracket.
There is the alarm with A- due to -13.01 is less than -12.00.
Switch#show transceiver interface ethernet 1/21 detail
Ethernet 1/21 transceiver detail information:
Base information:
Brief alarm information:
RX loss of signal
Voltage high
RX power low
TX power low
Detail diagnostic and threshold information:
High Alarm Low Alarm
High Warn
---------- ---------- ------------- --------Temperature
Bias current(mA) 6.11(W+)
RX Power(dBM)
-30.54(A-) 9.00
TX Power(dBM)
-13.01(A-) 9.00
-12.00(-25.00) 9.00

Low Warn

Example 3:
Ethernet 1/21 is inserted the fiber module with DDM. Enable the transceiver monitoring of the
port after showing the transceiver monitoring of the fiber module.
Step 1: Show the transceiver monitoring of the fiber module. Both ethernet 1/21 and ethernet
1/22 do not enable the transceiver monitoring, its interval is set to 30 minutes.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DDM Configuration

Switch(config)#show transceiver threshold-violation interface ethernet 1/21-22

Ethernet 1/21 transceiver threshold-violation information:
Transceiver monitor is disabled. Monitor interval is set to 30 minutes.
The last threshold-violation doesn't exist.
Ethernet 1/22 transceiver threshold-violation information:
Transceiver monitor is disabled. Monitor interval is set to 30 minutes.
The last threshold-violation doesn't exist.
Step 2: Enable the transceiver monitoring of ethernet 1/21.
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/21
Switch(config-if-ethernet1/21)#transceiver-monitoring enable
Step 3: Show the transceiver monitoring of the fiber module. In the following configuration,
ethernet 21 enabled the transceiver monitoring, the last threshold-violation time is Jan 02 11:00:50
2011, the detailed DDM information exceeding the threshold is also shown.
Switch(config)#show transceiver threshold-violation interface ethernet 1/21-22
Ethernet 1/21 transceiver threshold-violation information:
Transceiver monitor is enabled. Monitor interval is set to 30 minutes.
The current time is Jan 02 12:30:50 2011.
The last threshold-violation time is Jan 02 11:00:50 2011.
Brief alarm information:
RX loss of signal
RX power low
Detail diagnostic and threshold information:
High Alarm Low Alarm
High Warn Low Warn
--------- ---------- ----------- --------- --------Temperature
Bias current(mA) 3.11
RX Power(dBM)
-30.54(A-) 9.00
-25.00(-34) 9.00
TX Power(dBM)
Ethernet 1/22 transceiver threshold-violation information:
Transceiver monitor is disabled. Monitor interval is set to 30 minutes.
The last threshold-violation doesn't exist.

14.4 DDM Troubleshooting

If problems occur when configuring DDM, please check whether the problem is caused by the
following reasons:
Ensure that the transceiver of the fiber module has been inserted fast on the port, or else
DDM configuration will not be shown.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DDM Configuration

Ensure that SNMP configuration is valid, or else the warning event cannot inform the network
management system.
Because only some boards and box switches support SFP with DDM or XFP with DDM,
ensure the used board and switch support the corresponding function.
When using show transceiver command or show transceiver detail command, it cost much
time due to the switch will check all ports, so it is recommended to query the monitoring
information of the transceiver on the specified port.
Ensure the threshold defined by the user is valid. When any threshold is error, the transceiver
will give an alarm according to the default setting automatically.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide


Chapter 15
15.1 Introduction to LLDP-MED
LLDP-MED (Link Layer Discovery Protocol-Media Endpoint Discovery) based on 802.1AB LLDP
(Link Layer Discovery Protocol) of IEEE. LLDP provides a standard link layer discovery mode, it
sends local device information (including its major capability, management IP address, device ID
and port ID) as TLV (type/length/value) triplets in LLDPDU (Link Layer Discovery Protocol Data
Unit) to the direct connection neighbors. The device information received by the neighbors will be
stored with a standard management information base (MIB). This allows a network management
system to quickly detect and identify the communication status of the link.
In 802.1AB LLDP, there is no transmission and management about the voice device information. To deploy and manage voice device expediently, LLDP-MED TLVs provide multiple information, such as PoE (Power over Ethernet), network policy, and the location information of the
emergent telephone service.

15.2 LLDP-MED Configuration Task Sequence

1. Basic LLDP-MED configuration
Port mode
lldp transmit med tlv all
no lldp transmit med tlv all
lldp transmit med tlv capability
no lldp transmit med tlv capability
lldp transmit med tlv networkPolicy
no lldp transmit med tlv networkPolicy
lldp transmit med tlv extendPoe
no lldp transmit med tlv extendPoe

Configure the specified port to send all LLDP-MED TLVs.
The no command disables the function.
Configure the specified port to send LLDP-MED Capability
TLV. The no command disables the capability.
Configure the specified port to send LLDP-MED Network
Policy TLV. The no command disables the capability.

Configure the specified port to send LLDP-MED Extended

Power-Via-MDI TLV. The no command disables the capability.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide


Port mode
lldp transmit med tlv inventory
Configure the port to send LLDP-MED Inventory Manageno lldp transmit med tlv inventory ment TLVs. The no command disables the capability.
network policy { voice | voice- Configure network policy of the port, including VLAN ID, the
signaling | guest-voice | guest- supported application (such as voice and video), the applivoice-signaling | softphone- cation priority and the used policy, and so on.
| streaming-video | videosignaling } [status { enable |
disable }] [tag { tagged | untagged }] [vid { <vlan-id> |
dot1p }] [cos <cos-value>] [dscp
<dscp-value> ]
no network policy { voice
| voice-signaling | guestvoice | guest-voice-signaling
| softphone-voice | videoconferencing | streaming-video |
video-signaling }
civic location { dhcp server | Configure device type and country code of the location with
switch | endpointDev } <country- Civic Address LCI format and enter Civic Address LCI adcode>
dress mode. The no command cancels all configurations of
no civic location
the location with Civic Address LCI format.
ecs location <tel-number>
Configure the location with ECS ELIN format on the port, the
no ecs location
no command cancels the configured location.
lldp med trap { enable | disable } Enable or disable LLDP-MED trap for the specified port.
Civic Address LCI address mode
| Configure the detailed address after enter Civic Address LCI
province-state | city | county address mode of the port.
| street | locationNum | location |
floor | room | postal | otherInfo }
no { description-language |
province-state | city | county |
street | locationNum | location |
floor | room | postal | otherInfo }
Global mode
lldp med fast count <value>
When the fast LLDP-MED startup mechanism is enabled, it
no lldp med fast count
needs to fast send the LLDP packets with LLDP-MED TLV,
this command is used to set the value of the fast sending
packets, the no command restores the default value.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide


Admin mode
show lldp
show lldp [ interface ethernet
show lldp neighbors [ interface
ethernet <IFNAME> ]

Show the configuration of the global LLDP and LLDP-MED.
Show the configuration of LLDP and LLDP-MED on the current port.
Show LLDP and LLDP-MED configuration of the neighbors.

15.3 LLDP-MED Example

Switch A


MED device

Switch B

Figure 15.1: Basic LLDP-MED configuration topology

1) Configure Switch A
SwitchA(config)#interface ethernet1/0/1
SwitchA(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#lldp enable
SwitchA(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#lldp mode both
SwitchA(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#lldp transmit med tlv capability
SwitchA(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#lldp transmit med tlv network policy
SwitchA(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#lldp transmit med tlv inventory
SwitchB(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#network policy voice tag tagged vid 10 cos 5 dscp 15
SwitchA(config)#interface ethernet1/0/2
SwitchA(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/2)#lldp enable
SwitchA(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/2)#lldp mode both
2) Configure Switch B
SwitchB(config)#interface ethernet1/0/1
SwitchB(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#lldp enable
SwitchB(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#lldp mode both
SwitchB(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#lldp transmit med tlv capability
SwitchB(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#lldp transmit med tlv network policy
SwitchB(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#lldp transmit med tlv inventory
SwitchB(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#network policy voice tag tagged vid 10 cos 4

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide


3) Verify the configuration

# Show the global status and interface status on Switch A.
SwitchA# show lldp neighbors interface ethernet 1/0/1
Port name : Ethernet1/0/1
Port Remote Counter : 1
TimeMark :20
ChassisIdSubtype :4
ChassisId :f8-f0-82-00-00-02
PortIdSubtype :Local
PortId :1
PortDesc :****
SysName :****
SysDesc :*****
SysCapSupported :4
SysCapEnabled :4
LLDP MED Information :
MED Codes:
(CAP)Capabilities, (NP) Network Policy
(LI) Location Identification, (PSE)Power Source Entity
(PD) Power Device, (IN) Inventory
MED Capabilities:CAP,NP,PD,IN
MED Device Type: Endpoint Class III
Media Policy Type :Voice
Media Policy :Tagged
Media Policy Vlan id :10
Media Policy Priority :3
Media Policy Dscp :5
Power Type : PD
Power Source :Primary power source
Power Priority :low
Power Value :15.4 (Watts)
Hardware Revision:
Firmware Revision:4.0.1
Software Revision:
Serial Number:
Manufacturer Name:****
Model Name:Unknown
Assert ID:Unknown
IEEE 802.3 Information :
auto-negotiation support: Supported
auto-negotiation support: Not Enabled
PMD auto-negotiation advertised capability: 1
operational MAU type: 1
SwitchA# show lldp neighbors interface ethernet 1/0/2
Port name : interface ethernet 1/0/2

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide


Port Remote Counter: 1

Neighbor Index: 1
Port name : Ethernet1/2
Port Remote Counter : 1
TimeMark :20
ChassisIdSubtype :4
ChassisId :f8-f0-82-00-00-02
PortIdSubtype :Local
PortId :1
PortDesc :Ethernet1/0/1
SysName :****
SysDesc :*****
SysCapSupported :4
SysCapEnabled :4
1. Both Ethernet2 of switch A and Ethernet1 of switch B are the ports of network connection
device, they will not send LLDP packets with MED TLV information forwardly. Although
configure Ethernet1 of switch B to send MED TLV information, it will not send the related MED
information, that results the corresponding Remote table without the related MDE information
on Ethernet2 of switch A.
2. LLDP-MED device is able to send LLDP packets with MED TLV forwardly, so the corresponding Remote table with LLDP MED information on Ethernet1 of switch A.

15.4 LLDP-MED Troubleshooting

If problems occur when configuring LLDP-MED, please check whether the problem is caused by
the following reasons:
Check whether the global LLDP is enabled.
Only network connection device received LLDP packets with LLDP-MED TLV from the near
MED device, it sends LLDP-MED TLV. If network connection device configured the command
for sending LLDP-MED TLV, the packets also without LLDP-MED TLV sent by the port, that
means no MED information is received and the port does not enable the function for sending
LLDP-MED information.
If neighbor device has sent LLDP-MED information to network connection device, but there
is no LLDP-MED information by checking show lldp neighbors command, that means LLDPMED information sent by neighbor is error.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

BPDU-Tunnel Configuration

Chapter 16
BPDU-Tunnel Configuration
16.1 Introduction to bpdu-tunnel
BPDU Tunnel is a Layer 2 tunnel technology. It allows Layer 2 protocol packets of geographically
dispersed private network users to be transparently transmitted over specific tunnels across a
service provider network.

16.1.1 bpdu-tunnel function

In MAN application, multi-branches of a corporation may connect with each other by the service
provider network. VPN provided by the service provider enables the geographically dispersed
networks to form a local LAN, so the service provider needs to provide the tunnel function, namely,
data information generated by user's network is able to inextenso arrive at other networks of the
same corporation through the service provider network. To maintain a local concept, it not only
needs to transmit the data within the user's private network across the tunnel, but also transmit
layer 2 protocol packets within the user's private network.

16.1.2 Background of bpdu-tunnel

Special lines are used in a service provider network to build user-specific Layer 2 networks. As a
result, a user network is broken down into parts located at different sides of the service provider
network. As shown in Figure, User A has two devices (CE 1 and CE 2) and both devices belong to
the same VLAN. User's network is divided into network 1 and network 2, which are connected by
the service provider network. When Layer 2 protocol packets cannot implement the passthrough
across the service provider network, the user's network cannot process independent Layer 2 protocol calculation (for example, spanning tree calculation), so they affect each other.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

BPDU-Tunnel Configuration


ISP Network



User A network 1
VLAN 100

User A network 2
VLAN 100

Figure 16.1: BPDU Tunnel application

16.2 bpdu-tunnel Configuration Task List

bpdu-tunnel configuration task list:
1. Configure tunnel MAC address globally
2. Configure the port to support the tunnel
1. Configure tunnel MAC address globally
Global mode
bpdu-tunnel dmac <mac>
no bpdu-tunnel dmac

Configure or cancel the tunnel MAC address globally.

2. Configure the port to support the tunnel

Port mode
bpdu-tunnel { stp | gvrp | uldp |
lacp | dot1x }
no bpdu-tunnel { stp | gvrp | uldp
| lacp | dot1x }

Enable the port to support the tunnel, the no command disables the function.

16.3 Examples of bpdu-tunnel

Special lines are used in a service provider network to build user-specific Layer 2 networks. As a
result, a user network is broken down into parts located at different sides of the service provider
network. As shown in Figure, User A has two devices (CE 1 and CE 2) and both devices belong to
the same VLAN. User's network is divided into network 1 and network 2, which are connected by
the service provider network. When Layer 2 protocol packets cannot implement the passthrough
across the service provider network, the user's network cannot process independent Layer 2 protocol calculation (for example, spanning tree calculation), so they affect each other.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

BPDU-Tunnel Configuration

With BPDU Tunnel, Layer 2 protocol packets from user's networks can be passed through over
the service provider network in the following work flow:
1. After receiving a Layer 2 protocol packet from network 1 of user A, PE 1 in the service
provider network encapsulates the packet, replaces its destination MAC address with a specific multicast MAC address, and then forwards the packet in the service provider network.
2. The encapsulated Layer 2 protocol packet (called BPDU Tunnel packet) is forwarded to PE 2
at the other end of the service provider network, which de-encapsulates the packet, restores
the original destination MAC address of the packet, and then sends the packet to network 2
of user A.
bpdu-tunnel configuration of edge switches PE1 and PE2 in the following:
PE1 configuration:
PE1(config)# bpdu-tunnel dmac 01-02-03-04-05-06
PE1(config-if-ethernet1/1)# bpdu-tunnel stp
PE1(config-if-ethernet1/1)# bpdu-tunnel lacp
PE1(config-if-ethernet1/1)# bpdu-tunnel uldp
PE1(config-if-ethernet1/1)# bpdu-tunnel gvrp
PE1(config-if-ethernet1/1)# bpdu-tunnel dot1x
PE2 configuration:
PE2(config)# bpdu-tunnel dmac 01-02-03-04-05-06
PE2(config-if-ethernet1/1)# bpdu-tunnel stp
PE2(config-if-ethernet1/1)# bpdu-tunnel lacp
PE2(config-if-ethernet1/1)# bpdu-tunnel uldp
PE2(config-if-ethernet1/1)# bpdu-tunnel gvrp
PE2(config-if-ethernet1/1)# bpdu-tunnel dot1x

16.4 bpdu-tunnel Troubleshooting

After port disables stp, gvrp, uldp, lacp and dot1x functions, it is able to configure bpdu-tunnel


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

EEE Energy-saving Configuration

Chapter 17
EEE Energy-saving Configuration
17.1 Introduction to EEE Energy-saving
eee is Energy Efficient Ethernet. After the port is enabled this function, switch will detect the port
state automatically. If the port is free and there is no data transmission, this port will change to the
power saving mode and it will cut down the power of the port to save the energy.

17.2 EEE Energy-saving configuration List

1. Enable EEE energy-saving function
Port mode
eee enable
no eee enable

Enable the energy-saving function of the port; the no command disables the energy-saving function of the port.

17.3 EEE Energy-saving Typical Examples

Case: Configure the port 1 of switch as saving mode.
Below is the configuration steps:
Switch(config-if-ethernet1/1)# eee enable


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Part III
VLAN and MAC Table Configuration


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

VLAN Configuration

Chapter 18
VLAN Configuration
18.1 Introduction to VLAN
VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) is a technology that divides the logical addresses of devices
within the network to separate network segments basing on functions, applications or management requirements. By this way, virtual workgroups can be formed regardless of the physical
location of the devices. IEEE announced IEEE 802.1Q protocol to direct the standardized VLAN
implementation, and the VLAN function of switch is implemented following IEEE 802.1Q.
The key idea of VLAN technology is that a large LAN can be partitioned into many separate
broadcast domains dynamically to meet the demands.














Figure 18.1: A VLAN network defined logically

Each broadcast domain is a VLAN. VLANs have the same properties as the physical LANs,
except VLAN is a logical partition rather than physical one. Therefore, the partition of VLANs can
be performed regardless of physical locations, and the broadcast, multicast and unicast traffic
within a VLAN is separated from the other VLANs.
With the aforementioned features, VLAN technology provides us with the following convenience:
Improving network performance

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

VLAN Configuration

Saving network resources

Simplifying network management
Lowering network cost
Enhancing network security
Switch Ethernet Ports can works in three kinds of modes: Access, Hybrid and Trunk, each
mode has a different processing method in forwarding the packets with tagged or untagged.
The ports of Access type only belongs to one VLAN, usually they are used to connect the ports
of the computer.
The ports of Trunk type allow multi-VLANs to pass, can receive and send the packets of multiVLANs. Usually they are used to connect between the switches.
The ports of Hybrid type allow multi-VLANs to pass, can receive and send the packets of multiVLANs. They can be used to connect between the switches, or to a computer of the user.
Hybrid ports and Trunk ports receive the data with the same process method, but send the
data with different method: Hybrid ports can send the packets of multi-VLANs without the VLAN
tag, while Trunk ports send the packets of multi-VLANs with the VLAN tag except the port native
The switch implements VLAN and GVRP (GARP VLAN Registration Protocol) which are defined by 802.1Q. The chapter will explain the use and the configuration of VLAN and GVRP in

18.2 VLAN Configuration Task List

1. Create or delete VLAN
2. Set or delete VLAN name
3. Assign Switch ports for VLAN
4. Set the switch port type
5. Set Trunk port
6. Set Access port
7. Set Hybrid port
8. Enable/Disable VLAN ingress rules globally
9. Configure Private VLAN
10. Set Private VLAN association
11. Specify internal VLAN ID


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

VLAN Configuration

1. Create or delete VLAN

Global mode
vlan WORD
no vlan WORD

Create/delete VLAN or enter VLAN Mode

2. Set or delete VLAN name

VLAN mode
name <vlan-name>
no name

Set or delete VLAN name.

3. Assigning Switch ports for VLAN

VLAN mode
switchport interface <interface-list>
no switchport interface <interface-list>

Assign Switch ports to VLAN.

4. Set the Switch Port Type

Port mode
switchport mode { trunk | access
| hybrid }

Set the current port as Trunk, Access or Hybrid port.

5. Set Trunk port

Port mode
switchport trunk allowed vlan { WORD | all | add
WORD | except WORD | remove WORD }
no switchport trunk allowed vlan
switchport trunk native vlan <vlan-id>
no switchport trunk native vlan

Set/delete VLAN allowed to be crossed by
Trunk. The no command restores the default setting.
Set/delete PVID for Trunk port.

6. Set Access port

Port mode
switchport access vlan <vlan-id>
no switchport access vlan

Add the current port to the specified VLAN. The no command restores the default setting.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

VLAN Configuration

7. Set Hybrid port

Port mode
switchport hybrid allowed vlan { WORD | all | add WORD |
except WORD | remove WORD } { tag | untag }
no switchport hybrid allowed vlan
switchport hybrid native vlan <vlan-id>
no switchport hybrid native vlan

Set/delete the VLAN which is allowed by Hybrid port with tag or
untag mode.
Set/delete PVID of the port.

8. Disable/Enable VLAN Ingress Rules

Global mode
vlan ingress enable
no vlan ingress enable

Enable/Disable VLAN ingress rules.

9. Configure Private VLAN

VLAN mode
private-vlan { primary | isolated | community }
no private-vlan

Configure current VLAN to Private VLAN.
The no command deletes private VLAN.

10. Set Private VLAN association

VLAN mode
private-vlan association <secondary-vlan-list>
no private-vlan association

Set/delete Private VLAN association.

11. Specify internal VLAN ID

Global mode
vlan <2-4094> internal

Specify internal VLAN ID.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

VLAN Configuration

18.3 Typical VLAN Application








Switch A

Trunk Link

Switch B










Figure 18.2: Typical VLAN Application Topology

The existing LAN is required to be partitioned to 3 VLANs due to security and application requirements. The three VLANs are VLAN2, VLAN100 and VLAN200. Those three VLANs are cross
two different location A and B. One switch is placed in each site, and cross-location requirement
can be met if VLAN traffic can be transferred between the two switches.
Configuration Item
Trunk port

Configuration description
Site A and site B switch port 2-4.
Site A and site B switch port 5-7.
Site A and site B switch port 8-10.
Site A and site B switch port 11.

Connect the Trunk ports of both switches for a Trunk link to convey the cross-switch VLAN
traffic; connect all network devices to the other ports of corresponding VLANs.
In this example, port 1 and port 12 are spared and can be used for management port or for
other purposes.
The configuration steps are listed below:
Switch A:
Switch(config)#vlan 2
Switch(Config-Vlan2)#switchport interface ethernet 1/2-4
Switch(config)#vlan 100
Switch(Config-Vlan100)#switchport interface ethernet 1/5-7
Switch(config)#vlan 200

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

VLAN Configuration

Switch(Config-Vlan200)#switchport interface ethernet 1/8-10

Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/11
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/11)#switchport mode trunk
Switch B:
Switch(config)#vlan 2
Switch(Config-Vlan2)#switchport interface ethernet 1/2-4
Switch(config)#vlan 100
Switch(Config-Vlan100)#switchport interface ethernet 1/5-7
Switch(config)#vlan 200
Switch(Config-Vlan200)#switchport interface ethernet 1/8-10
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/11
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/11)#switchport mode trunk

18.4 Typical Application of Hybrid Port



Switch A


Switch B


Figure 18.3: Typical Application of Hybrid Port

PC1 connects to the interface Ethernet 1/7 of SwitchB, PC2 connects to the interface Ethernet
1/9 of SwitchB, Ethernet 1/10 of SwitchA connect to Ethernet 1/10 of SwitchB.
It is required that PC1 and PC2 can not mutually access due to reason of the security, but PC1
and PC2 can access other network resources through the gateway SwitchA. We can implement
this status through Hybrid port.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

VLAN Configuration

Configuration items are as follows:

Port 1/10 of Switch A



Port 1/10 of Switch B



Port 1/7 of Switch B


Port 1/9 of Switch B


the VLANs are allowed to pass

Allow the packets of VLAN 10 to pass with untag
Allow the packets of VLAN 7, 9, 10 to pass with untag
Allow the packets of VLAN 7, 10 to pass with untag
Allow the packets of VLAN 9, 10 to pass with untag

The configuration steps are listed below:

Switch A:
Switch(config)#vlan 10
Switch(Config-Vlan10)#switchport interface ethernet 1/10
Switch B:
Switch(config)#vlan 7;9;10
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/7
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/7)#switchport mode hybrid
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/7)#switchport hybrid native vlan 7
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/7)#switchport hybrid allowed vlan 7;10 untag
Switch(Config)#interface Ethernet 1/9
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/9)#switchport mode hybrid
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/9)#switchport hybrid native vlan 9
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/9)#switchport hybrid allowed vlan 9;10 untag
Switch(Config)#interface Ethernet 1/10
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/10)#switchport mode hybrid
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/10)#switchport hybrid native vlan 10
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/10)#switchport hybrid allowed vlan 7;9;10 untag


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Dot1q-tunnel Configuration

Chapter 19
Dot1q-tunnel Configuration
19.1 Introduction to Dot1q-tunnel
Dot1q-tunnel is also called QinQ (802.1Q-in-802.1Q), which is an expansion of 802.1Q. Its dominating idea is encapsulating the customer VLAN tag (CVLAN tag) to the service provider VLAN
tag (SPVLAN tag). Carrying the two VLAN tags the packet is transmitted through the backbone
network of the ISP internet, so to provide a simple layer-2 tunnel for the users. It is simple and
easy to manage, applicable only by static configuration, and especially adaptive to small office
network or small scale metropolitan area network using layer-3 switch as backbone equipment.
On the customer port
Trunk VLAN 200-300

ISP Network

networks 1



This port on PE2 is enabled

QinQ and belong to VLAN 3

This port on PE2 is enabled

QinQ and belong to VLAN 3



networks 2
On the customer port
Trunk VLAN 200-300

Figure 19.1: Dot1q-tunnel based Internetworking mode

As shown in above, after being enabled on the user port, dot1q-tunnel assigns each user
an SPVLAN identification (SPVID). Here the identification of user is 3. Same SPVID should be
assigned for the same network user on different PEs. When packet reaches PE1 from CE1,
it carries the VLAN tag 200-300 of the user internal network. Since the dot1q-tunnel function
is enabled, the user port on PE1 will add on the packet another VLAN tag, of which the ID is
the SPVID assigned to the user. Afterwards, the packet will only be transmitted in VLAN3 when
traveling in the ISP internet network while carrying two VLAN tags (the inner tag is added when
entering PE1, and the outer is SPVID), whereas the VLAN information of the user network is open
to the provider network. When the packet reaches PE2 and before being forwarded to CE2 from
the client port on PE2, the outer VLAN tag is removed, then the packet CE2 receives is absolutely


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Dot1q-tunnel Configuration

identical to the one sent by CE1. For the user, the role the operator network plays between PE1
and PE2, is to provide a reliable layer-2 link.
The technology of Dot1q-tuunel provides the ISP internet the ability of supporting many client
VLANs by only one VLAN of theirselves. Both the ISP internet and the clients can configure their
own VLAN independently.
It is obvious that, the dot1q-tunnel function has got following characteristics:
Applicable through simple static configuration, no complex configuration or maintenance to
be needed.
Operators will only have to assign one SPVID for each user, which increases the number of
concurrent supportable users; while the users has got the ultimate freedom in selecting and
managing the VLAN IDs (select within 1~4096 at user's will).
The user network is considerably independent. When the ISP internet is upgrading their
network, the user networks do not have to change their original configuration.
Detailed description on the application and configuration of dot1q-tunnel will be provided in this

19.2 Dot1q-tunnel Configuration

Configuration Task Sequence of Dot1q-Tunnel:
1. Configure the dot1q-tunnel function on port
2. Configure the protocol type (TPID) on port
1. Configure the dot1q-tunnel function on port
Port mode
dot1q-tunnel enable
no dot1q-tunnel enable

Enter/exit the dot1q-tunnel mode on the port.

2. Configure the protocol type (TPID) on port

Port mode
dot1q-tunnel tpid { 0x8100 |
0x9100 | 0x9200 | <1-65535> }

Configure the protocol type on TRUNK port.

19.3 Typical Applications of the Dot1q-tunnel

Edge switch PE1 and PE2 of the ISP internet forward the VLAN200~300 data between CE1 and
CE2 of the client network with VLAN3. The port1 of PE1 is connected to CE1, port10 is connected

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Dot1q-tunnel Configuration

to public network, the TPID of the connected equipment is 9100; port1 of PE2 is connected to
CE2, port10 is connected to public network.
Configuration Item

Configuration Explanation
Port1 of PE1 and PE2.
Port1 of PE1 and PE2.

Configuration procedure is as follows:

Switch(config)#vlan 3
Switch(Config-Vlan3)#switchport interface ethernet 1/0/1
Switch(Config)#interface ethernet 1/0/1
Switch(Config-Ethernet1/0/1)#dot1q-tunnel enable
Switch(Config)#interface ethernet 1/0/10
Switch(Config-Ethernet1/0/10)#switchport mode trunk
Switch(Config-Ethernet1/0/10)#dot1q-tunnel tpid 0x9100
Switch(config)#vlan 3
Switch(Config-Vlan3)#switchport interface ethernet 1/0/1
Switch(Config)#interface ethernet 1/0/1
Switch(Config-Ethernet1/0/1)#dot1q-tunnel enable
Switch(Config)#interface ethernet 1/0/10
Switch(Config-Ethernet1/0/10)#switchport mode trunk
Switch(Config-Ethernet1/0/10)#dot1q-tunnel tpid 0x9100

19.4 Dot1q-tunnel Troubleshooting

Enabling dot1q-tunnel on Trunk port will make the tag of the data packet unpredictable which
is not required in the application. So it is not recommended to enable dot1q-tunnel on Trunk
Enabled with STP/MSTP is not supported.
Enabled with PVLAN is not supported.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Selective QinQ Configuration

Chapter 20
Selective QinQ Configuration
20.1 Introduction to Selective QinQ
Selective QinQ is an enhanced application for dot1q tunnel function. It is able to tag packets
(they are received by the same port) with different outer VLAN tags based on different inner VLAN
tags according to users requirement, so it is able to implement that packets of different types are
assigned to different VLAN by selecting different transmission path.

20.2 Selective QinQ Configuration

Selective QinQ Configuration Task List:
1. Configure the port mapping relation between the inner tag and the outer tag
2. Configure selective QinQ of port
1. Configure the port mapping relation between the inner tag and the outer tag
Port mode
dot1q-tunnel selective s-vlan <s-vid>
c-vlan <c-vid-list>
no dot1q-tunnel selective s-vlan <svid> c-vlan <c-vid-list>

Configure/delete the port mapping relation of the inner
tag and the outer tag for selective QinQ.

2. Configure selective QinQ of port

Port mode
dot1q-tunnel selective enable
no dot1q-tunnel selective enable

Enable/disable selective QinQ of the port.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Selective QinQ Configuration


Switch B

Switch A

VLAN 100-200


VLAN 201-300

VLAN 100-200

VLAN 201-300

Figure 20.1: Selective QinQ application

20.3 Typical Applications of Selective QinQ

1. Ethernet1/1 of SwitchA provides public network access for PC users and Ethernet 1/2 of
SwitchA provides public network access for IP phone users. PC users belong to VLAN 100
through VLAN 200, and IP phone users belong to VLAN 201 through VLAN 300. Ethernet
1/9 of SwitchA is connected to the public network.
2. Ethernet1/1 and Ethernet1/2 of SwitchB provide network access for PC users belonging to
VLAN 100 through VLAN 200 and IP phone users belonging to VLAN 201 through VLAN
300 respectively. Ethernet 1/9 is connected to the public network.
3. The public network permits packets of VLAN 1000 and VLAN 2000 to pass.
4. Enable the selective QinQ on Ethernet1/1 and Ethernet1/2 ports of Switch A and Switch B
respectively. Packets of VLAN 100 through VLAN 200 are tagged with the tag of VLAN 1000
as the outer VLAN tag on Ethernet1/1, and packets of VLAN 201 through VLAN 300 are
tagged with the tag of VLAN 2000 as the outer VLAN tag on Ethernet1/2.
Steps of configuration:
# Create VLAN 1000 and VLAN 2000 on SwitchA.
switch(config)#vlan 1000;2000
# Configure Ethernet1/1 as a hybrid port and configure it to remove
# VLAN tags when forwarding packets of VLAN 1000.
switch(config-if-ethernet1/1)#switchport hybrid allowed vlan 1000 untag
# Configure the mapping rules for selective QinQ on Ehernet1/1 to
# insert VLAN 1000 tag as the outer VLAN tag in packets with the tags
# of VLAN 100 through VLAN 200.
switch(config-if-ethernet1/1)#dot1q-tunnel selective s-vlan 1000 c-vlan 100-200
# Enable selective QinQ on Ethernet1/1.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Selective QinQ Configuration

switch(config-if-ethernet1/1)#dot1q-tunnel selective enable

# Configure Ethernet 1/2 as a hybrid port and configure it to remove
# VLAN tags when forwarding packets of VLAN 2000.
switch(config-if-ethernet1/2)#switchport mode hybrid
switch(config-if-ethernet1/2)#switchport hybrid allowed vlan 2000 untag
# Configure mapping rules for selective QinQ on Ehernet1/2 to insert
# VLAN 2000 tag as the outer VLAN tag in packets with the tags of
# VLAN 201 through VLAN 300.
switch(config-if-ethernet1/2)#dot1q-tunnel selective s-vlan 2000 c-vlan 201-300
# Enable selective QinQ on Ethernet 1/2.
switch(config-if-ethernet1/2)#dot1q-tunnel selective enable
# Configure uplink port Ethernet 1/9 as a hybrid port and configure it
# to save VLAN tags when forwarding packets of VLAN 1000 and VLAN 2000.
switch(config-if-ethernet1/2)#interface ethernet 1/9
switch(config-if-ethernet1/9)#switchport mode hybrid
switch(config-if-ethernet1/9)#switchport hybrid allowed vlan 1000;2000 tag
After the above configuration, packets of VLAN 100 through VLAN 200 from Ethernet1/1 are
automatically tagged with the tag of VLAN 1000 as the outer VLAN tag, and packets of VLAN 201
through VLAN 300 from Ethernet1/2 are automatically tagged with the tag of VLAN 2000 as the
outer VLAN tag on SwitchA.
The configuration on Switch B is similar to that on Switch A, the configuration is as follows:
switch(config)#vlan 1000;2000
switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/1
switch(config-if-ethernet1/1)#switchport mode hybrid
switch(config-if-ethernet1/1)#switchport hybrid allowed vlan 1000 untag
switch(config-if-ethernet1/1)#dot1q-tunnel selective s-vlan 1000 c-vlan 100-200
switch(config-if-ethernet1/1)#dot1q-tunnel selective enable
switch(config-if-ethernet1/1)#interface ethernet 1/2
switch(config-if-ethernet1/2)#switchport hybrid allowed vlan 2000 untag
switch(config-if-ethernet1/2)#dot1q-tunnel selective s-vlan 2000 c-vlan 201-300
switch(config-if-ethernet1/2)#dot1q-tunnel selective enable
switch(config-if-ethernet1/9)#switchport mode hybrid
switch(config-if-ethernet1/9)#switchport hybrid allowed vlan 1000;2000 tag

20.4 Selective QinQ Troubleshooting

Selective QinQ and dot1q-tunnel functions should not be configured synchronously for a port.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

VLAN-translation Configuration

Chapter 21
VLAN-translation Configuration
21.1 Introduction to VLAN-translation
VLAN translation, as one can tell from the name, which translates the original VLAN ID to new
VLAN ID according to the user requirements so to exchange data across different VLANs. VLAN
translation is classified to ingress translation and egress translation, respectively switch over the
VLAN ID at the ingress or the egress.
Application and configuration of VLAN translation will be explained in detail in this section.
The access ports of the switch can not support this function.

21.2 VLAN-translation Configuration

Configuration task sequence of VLAN-translation:
1. Configure the VLAN-translation function on the port
2. Configure the VLAN-translation relations on the port
3. Configure whether the packet is dropped when checking VLAN-translation is failing
4. Show the related configuration of vlan-translation
1. Configure the VLAN-translation of the port
Port mode
vlan-translation enable
no vlan-translation enable

Enter/exit the port VLAN-translation mode.

2. Configure the VLAN-translation relation of the port

Port mode
vlan-translation <old-vlan-id> to <new-vlan-id> { in | out }
no vlan-translation old-vlan-id { in | out }

Add/delete a VLAN-translation


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

VLAN-translation Configuration

3. Configure whether the packet is dropped when checking VLAN-translation is failing

Port mode
vlan-translation miss drop { in | out | both }
no vlan-translation miss drop { in | out | both }

Configure the VLAN-translation packet
dropped on port if there is any failure.

4. Show the related configuration of vlan-translation

Admin mode
show vlan-translation

Show the related configuration of vlan-translation.

21.3 Typical application of VLAN-translation

The ingress of the port
translates VLAN20 to
VLAN3, the egress translates
VLAN3 to VLAN20 on PE

On the customer port

Trunk VLAN 200-300

ISP Network

networks 1


The ingress of the port

translates VLAN20 to
VLAN3, the egress translates
VLAN3 to VLAN20 on PE



networks 2
On the customer port
Trunk VLAN 20

Figure 21.1: Vlan translation topology mode

Edge switch PE1 and PE2 of the ISP internet support the VLAN20 data task between CE1 and
CE2 of the client network with VLAN3. The port1/0/1 of PE1 is connected to CE1, port1/0/10 is
connected to public network; port1/0/1 of PE2 is connected to CE2, port1/0/10 is connected to
public network.
Configuration Item
Trunk port

Configuration Explanation
Port1/0/1 of PE1 and PE2.
Port1/0/1 and Port1/0/10 of PE1 and PE2.

Configuration procedure is as follows:

PE1, PE2:
switch(Config)#interface ethernet 1/0/1
switch(Config-Ethernet1/0/1)#switchport mode trunk
switch(Config-Ethernet1/0/1)#vlan-translation enable
switch(Config-Ethernet1/0/1)#vlan-translation 20 to 3 in

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

VLAN-translation Configuration

switch(Config-Ethernet1/0/1)#vlan-translation 3 to 20 out
switch(Config)#interface ethernet 1/0/10
switch(Config-Ethernet1/0/10)#switchport mode trunk

21.4 VLAN-translation Troubleshooting

Normally the VLAN-translation is applied on trunk ports.
Normally before using the VLAN-translation, the dot1q-tunnel function needs to be enabled
first, to adapt double tag data packet processes VLAN-translation.
When configuration vlan-translation of the egress, make sure native vlan of the port is not
identical with pvid of the packet. Otherwise, the tag of the packet will be stripped in advance and
the transform of vid cannot be completed.
When configuration vlan-translation of the egress, make sure native vlan of the port is not
identical with pvid of the packet. Otherwise, the tag of the packet will be stripped in advance and
the transform of vid cannot be completed.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Multi-to-One VLAN Translation Configuration

Chapter 22
Multi-to-One VLAN Translation
22.1 Introduction to Multi-to-One VLAN Translation
Multi-to-One VLAN translation, it translates the original VLAN ID into the new VLAN ID according
to user's requirement on uplink traffic, and restores the original VLAN ID on downlink traffic.
Application and configuration of Multi-to-One VLAN translation will be explained in detail in this
The access ports of the switch can not support this function.

22.2 Multi-to-One VLAN Translation Configuration

Multi-to-One VLAN translation configuration task list:
1. Configure Multi-to-One VLAN translation on the port
2. Show the related configuration of Multi-to-One VLAN translation
1. Configure Multi-to-One VLAN translation on the port
Port mode
vlan-translation n-to-1 <WORD> to <new-vlan-id>
no vlan-translation n-to-1 <WORD>

Configure/delete Multi-to-One
VLAN translation.

2. Show the related configuration of Multi-to-One VLAN translation

Admin mode
show vlan-translation n-to-1

Show the related configuration of Multi-to-One VLAN translation.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Multi-to-One VLAN Translation Configuration

22.3 Typical application of Multi-to-One VLAN Translation

UserA, userB and userC belong to VLAN1, VLAN2, VLAN3 respectively. Before entering the
network layer, data traffic of userA, userB and userC is translated into VLAN 100 by Ethernet1/0/1
of edge switch1. Contrarily, data traffic of userA, userB and userC will be translated into VLAN1,
VLAN2, VLAN3 by Ethernet1/0/1 of edge switch1 from network layer respectively. In the same
way, it implements multi-to-one translation for userD, userE and userF on Ethernet1/0/1 of edge

User A,B,C VID=100




User D,E,F VID=200




Figure 22.1: VLAN-translation typical application

Configuration Item
Trunk Port
Multi-to-One VLAN-translation

Configuration Explanation
Switch1, Switch2
Downlink port 1/0/1 and uplink port 1/0/5 of Switch1 and
Switch 2
Downlink port 1/0/1 of Switch1 and Switch2

Configuration procedure is as follows:

Switch1, Switch2:
switch(Config)#vlan 1-3;100
switch(Config-Ethernet1/0/1)#switchport mode trunk
switch(Config-Ethernet1/0/1)#vlan-translation n-to-1 1-3 to 100
switch(Config)#interface ethernet 1/0/5
switch(Config-Ethernet1/0/5)#switchport mode trunk

22.4 Multi-to-One VLAN Translation Troubleshooting

Can not be used with Dot1q-tunnel and VLAN-Translation at the same time.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Multi-to-One VLAN Translation Configuration

The same MAC address should not exist in the original and the translated VLAN.
Check whether the hardware resource of the chip is able to ensure all clients to work normally.
Limit learning of MAC address may affect Multi-to-One VLAN Translation.
Multi-to-One VLAN Translation should be enabled after MAC learning.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Dynamic VLAN Configuration

Chapter 23
Dynamic VLAN Configuration
23.1 Introduction to Dynamic VLAN
The dynamic VLAN is named corresponding to the static VLAN (namely the port based VLAN).
Dynamic VLAN supported by the switch includes MAC-based VLAN, IP-subnet-based VLAN and
Protocol-based VLAN. Detailed description is as follows:
The MAC-based VLAN division is based on the MAC address of each host, namely every host
with a MAC address will be assigned to certain VLAN. By the means, the network user will maintain
his membership in his belonging VLAN when moves from a physical location to another. As we
can see the greatest advantage of this VLAN division is that the VLAN does not have to be reconfigured when the user physic location change, namely shift from one switch to another, which
is because it is user based, not switch port based.
The IP subnet based VLAN is divided according to the source IP address and its subnet mask of
every host. It assigns corresponding VLAN ID to the data packet according to the subnet segment,
leading the data packet to specified VLAN. Its advantage is the same as that of the MAC-based
VLAN: the user does not have to change configuration when relocated.
The VLAN is divided by the network layer protocol, assigning different protocol to different
VLANs. This is very attractive to the network administrators who wish to organize the user by
applications and services. Moreover the user can move freely within the network while maintaining
his membership. Advantage of this method enables user to change physical position without
changing their VLAN residing configuration, while the VLAN can be divided by types of protocols
which is important to the network administrators. Further, this method has no need of added frame
label to identify the VLAN which reduce the network traffic.
Notice: Dynamic VLAN needs to associate with Hybrid attribute of the ports to work, so the
ports that may be added to a dynamic VLAN must be configured as Hybrid port.

23.2 Dynamic VLAN Configuration

Dynamic VLAN Configuration Task Sequence:
1. Configure the MAC-based VLAN function on the port
2. Set the VLAN to MAC VLAN
3. Configure the correspondence between the MAC address and the VLAN

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Dynamic VLAN Configuration

4. Configure the IP-subnet-based VLAN function on the port

5. Configure the correspondence between the IP subnet and the VLAN
6. Configure the correspondence between the Protocols and the VLAN
7. Adjust the priority of the dynamic VLAN
1. Configure the MAC-based VLAN function on the port
Port mode
switchport mac-vlan enable
no switchport mac-vlan enable

Enable/disable the MAC-based VLAN function
on the port.

2. Set the VLAN to MAC VLAN

Global mode
mac-vlan vlan <vlan-id>
no mac-vlan

Configure the specified VLAN to MAC VLAN; the no mac-vlan
command cancels the MAC VLAN configuration of this VLAN.

3. Configure the correspondence between the MAC address and the VLAN
Global mode
mac-vlan mac <mac-address> vlan <vlanid> priority <priority-id>
no mac-vlan { mac <mac-address> | all }

Add/delete the correspondence between the
MAC address and the VLAN, namely specified
MAC address join/leave specified VLAN.

4. Configure the IP-subnet-based VLAN function on the port

Port mode
switchport subnet-vlan enable
no switchport subnet-vlan enable

Enable/disable the port IP-subnet-base VLAN
function on the port.

5. Configure the correspondence between the IP subnet and the VLAN

Global mode
subnet-vlan ip-address <ipv4-addrss> mask
<subnet-mask> vlan <vlan-id> priority <priorityid>
no subnet-vlan { ip-address <ipv4-addrss> mask
<subnet-mask> | all }

Add/delete the correspondence between
the IP subnet and the VLAN, namely specified IP subnet joins/leaves specified VLAN.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Dynamic VLAN Configuration

6. Configure the correspondence between the Protocols and the VLAN

Global mode
protocol-vlan mode { ethernetii etype <etype-id> | llc { dsap
<dsap-id> ssap <ssap-id> } | snap etype <etype-id> } vlan
<vlan-id> priority <priority-id>
no protocol-vlan { mode { ethernetii etype <etype-id> | llc {
dsap <dsap-id> ssap <ssap-id> } | snap etype <etype-id> }
| all }

Add/delete the correspondence
between the Protocols and the
VLAN, namely specified protocol
joins/leaves specified VLAN.

7. Adjust the priority of the dynamic VLAN

Global mode
dynamic-vlan mac-vlan prefer
dynamic-vlan subnet-vlan prefer

Configure the priority of the dynamic VLAN.

23.3 Typical Application of the Dynamic VLAN

In the office network Department A belongs to VLAN100. Several members of this department
often have the need to move within the whole office network. It is also required to ensure the
resource for other members of the department to access VLAN 100. Assume one of the members
is M, the MAC address of his PC is f8-f0-82-11-22-33, when M moves to VLAN200 or VLAN300,
the port connecting M is configured as Hybrid mode and belongs to VLAN100 with untag mode.
In this way, the data of VLAN100 will be forwarded to the port connecting M, and implement the
communication requirement in VLAN100.














Figure 23.1: Typical topology application of dynamic VLAN

Configuration Items
MAC-based VLAN

Configuration Explanation
Global configuration on Switch A, Switch B, Switch C.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Dynamic VLAN Configuration

For example, M at E1/0/1 of SwitchA, then the configuration procedures are as follows:
Switch A:
SwitchA(Config)#mac-vlan mac f8-f0-82-11-22-33 vlan 100 priority 0
SwitchA(Config)#interface ethernet 1/0/1
SwitchA(Config-Ethernet1/0/1)#swportport mode hybrid
SwitchA(Config-Ethernet1/0/1)#swportport hybrid allowed vlan 100 untagged
Switch B:
SwitchB(Config)#mac-vlan mac f8-f0-82-11-22-33 vlan 100 priority 0
Switch C:
SwitchC(Config)#mac-vlan mac f8-f0-82-11-22-33 vlan 100 priority 0

23.4 Dynamic VLAN Troubleshooting




Figure 23.2: Dynamic VLAN Troubleshooting

On the switch configured with dynamic VLAN, if the two connected equipment (e.g. PC) are
both belongs to the same dynamic VLAN, first communication between the two equipments
may not go through. The solution will be letting the two equipments positively send data
packet to the switch (such as ping), to let the switch learn their source MAC, then the two
equipments will be able to communicate freely within the dynamic VLAN.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

GVRP Configuration

Chapter 24
GVRP Configuration
24.1 Introduction to GVRP
GVRP, i.e. GARP VLAN Registration Protocol, is an application of GARP (Generic Attribute Registration Protocol). GARP is mainly used to establish an attribute transmission mechanism to
transmit attributes, so as to ensure protocol entities registering and deregistering the attribute.
According to different transmission attributes, GARP can be divided to many application protocols, such as GMRP and GVRP. Therefore, GVRP is a protocol which transmits VLAN attributes
to the whole layer 2 network through GARP protocol.
Device C

VLAN 100-1000

Device A

VLAN 100-1000

Device B

Device D

Device F

Device G

Device E

Figure 24.1: a typical application scene

A and G switches are not directly connected in layer 2 network; BCDEF are intermediate
switches connecting A and G. Switch A and G configure VLAN100-1000 manually while BCDEF
switches do not. When GVRP is not enabled, A and G cannot communicate with each other,
because intermediate switches without relevant VLANs. However, after GVRP is enabled on all
switches, its VLAN attribute transmission mechanism enables the intermediate switches registering the VLANs dynamically, and the VLAN in VLAN100-1000 of A and G can communicate
with each other. The VLANs dynamically registered by intermediate switches will be deregistered
when deregistering VLAN100-1000 of A and G switches manually. So the same VLAN of two unadjacent switches can communicate mutually through GVRP protocol instead of configuring each
intermediate switch manually for achieving the purpose of simplifying VLAN configuration.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

GVRP Configuration

24.2 GVRP Configuration Task List

GVRP configuration task list:
1. Configure GVRP timer
2. Configure port type
3. Enable GVRP function
1. Configure GVRP timer
Global mode
garp timer join <200-500>
garp timer leave <500-1200>
garp timer leaveall <5000-60000>
no garp timer (join | leave | leaveAll)

Configure leaveall, join and leave timer for

2. Configure port type

Port mode
no gvrp

Enable/disable GVRP function of port.

3. Enable GVRP function

Global mode
no gvrp

Enable/disable the global GVRP function of


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

GVRP Configuration

24.3 Example of GVRP

GVRP application:
Switch A

Switch B

Switch C

Figure 24.2: Typical GVRP Application Topology

To enable dynamic VLAN information register and update among switches, GVRP protocol is
to be configured in the switch. Configure GVRP in Switch A, B and C, enable Switch B to learn
VLAN100 dynamically so that two workstations connected to VLAN100 in Switch A and C can
communicate with each other through Switch B without static VLAN100 entries.
Configuration Item
Trunk port
Global GVRP

Configuration description
Port 2-6 of Switch A and C.
Port 11 of Switch A and C, Port 10, 11 of Switch B.
Switch A, B, C.
Port 11 of Switch A and C, Port 10, 11 of Switch B.

Connect two workstations to the VLAN100 ports in switch A and B, connect port 11 of Switch
A to port 10 of Switch B, and port 11 of Switch B to port 11 of Switch C.
The configuration steps are listed below:
Switch A:
Switch(config)#vlan 100
Switch(Config-Vlan100)#switchport interface ethernet 1/2-6
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/11
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/11)#switchport mode trunk
Switch B:
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/10
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/10)#switchport mode trunk

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

GVRP Configuration

Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/11

Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/11)#switchport mode trunk
Switch C:
Switch(config)#vlan 100
Switch(Config-Vlan100)#switchport interface ethernet 1/2-6
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/11
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/11)#switchport mode trunk

24.4 GVRP Troubleshooting

The GARP counter setting for Trunk ports in both ends of Trunk link must be the same, otherwise
GVRP will not work normally. It is recommended to avoid enabling GVRP and RSTP at the same
time in switch. If GVRP needs to be enabled, RSTP function for the ports must be disabled first.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Voice VLAN Configuration

Chapter 25
Voice VLAN Configuration
25.1 Introduction to Voice VLAN
Voice VLAN is specially configured for the user voice data traffic. By setting a Voice VLAN and
adding the ports of the connected voice equipments to the Voice VLAN, the user will be able
to configure QoS (Quality of service) service for voice data, and improve the voice data traffic
transmission priority to ensure the calling quality.
The switch can judge if the data traffic is the voice data traffic from specified equipment according to the source MAC address field of the data packet entering the port. The packet with the
source MAC address complying with the system defined voice equipment OUI (Organizationally
Unique Identifier) will be considered the voice data traffic and transmitted to the Voice VLAN.
The configuration is based on MAC address, acquiring a mechanism in which every voice
equipment transmitting information through the network has got its unique MAC address. VLAN
will trace the address belongs to specified MAC. By This means, VLAN allows the voice equipment
always belong to Voice VLAN when relocated physically. The greatest advantage of the VLAN is
the equipment can be automatically placed into Voice VLAN according to its voice traffic which will
be transmitted at specified priority. Meanwhile, when voice equipment is physically relocated, it
still belongs to the Voice VLAN without any further configuration modification, which is because it
is based on voice equipment other than switch port.
Notice: Voice VLAN needs to associate with Hybrid attribute of the ports to work, so the ports
that may be added to Voice VLAN must be configured as Hybrid port.

25.2 Voice VLAN Configuration

Voice VLAN Configuration Task Sequence:
1. Set the VLAN to Voice VLAN
2. Add a voice equipment to Voice VLAN
3. Enable the Voice VLAN on the port


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Voice VLAN Configuration

1. Configure the VLAN to Voice VLAN

Global mode
voice-vlan vlan <vlan-id>
no voice-vlan

Set/cancel the VLAN as a Voice VLAN

2. Add a Voice equipment to a Voice VLAN

Global mode
voice-vlan mac <mac-address> mask <mac-mask> priority
<priority-id> [name <voice-name>]
no voice-vlan { mac <mac-address> mask <mac-mask> |
name <voice-name> | all }

Specify certain voice equipment
join/leave the Voice VLAN.

3. Enable the Voice VLAN of the port

Port mode
switchport voice-vlan enable
no switchport voice-vlan enable

Enable/disable the Voice VLAN function on the port

25.3 Typical Applications of the Voice VLAN

A company realizes voice communication through configuring Voice VLAN. IP-phone1 and IPphone2 can be connected to any port of the switch, namely normal communication and interconnected with other switches through the uplink port. IP-phone1 MAC address is f8-f0-82-11-22-33,
connect port 1/0/1 of the switch, IP-phone2 MAC address is f8-f0-82-11-22-55, connect port 1/0/2
of the switch.





Figure 25.1: VLAN typical apply topology Figure

Configuration items
Voice VLAN

Configuration Explanation
Global configuration on the Switch.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Voice VLAN Configuration

Configuration procedure:
Switch 1:
Switch(config)#vlan 100
Switch(config)#voice-vlan vlan 100
Switch(config)#voice-vlan mac f8-f0-82-11-22-33 mask 255 priority 5 name company
Switch(config)#voice-vlan mac f8-f0-82-11-22-55 mask 255 priority 5 name company
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/0/10
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/10)#switchport mode trunk
switch(Config)#interface ethernet 1/0/1
switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#switchport mode hybrid
switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#switchport hybrid allowed vlan 100 untag
switch(Config)#interface ethernet 1/0/2
switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/2)#switchport mode hybrid
switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/2)#switchport hybrid allowed vlan 100 untag

25.4 Voice VLAN Troubleshooting

Voice VLAN can not be applied concurrently with MAC-based VLAN. The Voice VLAN support
maximum 1024 sets of voice equipments, the exceeded number of equipments will not be supported.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

MAC Table Configuration

Chapter 26
MAC Table Configuration
26.1 Introduction to MAC Table
MAC table is a table identifies the mapping relationship between destination MAC addresses and
switch ports. MAC addresses can be categorized as static MAC addresses and dynamic MAC
addresses. Static MAC addresses are manually configured by the user, have the highest priority
and are permanently effective (will not be overwritten by dynamic MAC addresses); dynamic MAC
addresses are entries learnt by the switch in data frame forwarding, and is effective for a limited
period. When the switch receives a data frame to be forwarded, it stores the source MAC address
of the data frame and creates a mapping to the destination port. Then the MAC table is queried for
the destination MAC address, if hit, the data frame is forwarded in the associated port, otherwise,
the switch forwards the data frame to its broadcast domain. If a dynamic MAC address is not learnt
from the data frames to be forwarded for a long time, the entry will be deleted from the switch MAC
There are two MAC table operations:
1. Obtain a MAC address.
2. Forward or filter data frame according to the MAC table.

26.1.1 Obtaining MAC Table

The MAC table can be built up statically and dynamically. Static configuration is to set up a mapping
between the MAC addresses and the ports; dynamic learning is the process in which the switch
learns the mapping between MAC addresses and ports, and updates the MAC table regularly. In
this section, we will focus on the dynamic learning process of MAC table.
The topology of the figure above: 4 PCs connected to switch, where PC1 and PC2 belongs to
a same physical segment (same collision domain), the physical segment connects to port 1/5 of
switch; PC3 and PC4 belongs to the same physical segment that connects to port 1/12 of switch.
The initial MAC table contains no address mapping entries. Take the communication of PC1
and PC3 as an example, the MAC address learning process is as follow:
1. When PC1 sends message to PC3, the switch receives the source MAC address 00-01-1111-11-11 from this message, the mapping entry of 00-01-11-11-11-11 and port 1/5 is added
to the switch MAC table.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

MAC Table Configuration

2. At the same time, the switch learns the message is destined to 00-01-33-33-33-33, as the
MAC table contains only a mapping entry of MAC address 00-01-11-11-11-11 and port1/5,
and no port mapping for 00-01-33-33-33-33 present, the switch broadcast this message to
all the ports in the switch (assuming all ports belong to the default VLAN1).
Switch A

Port 5

MAC: 00-01-11-11-11-11

MAC: 00-01-22-22-22-22

Port 12

MAC: 00-01-44-44-44-44

MAC: 00-01-33-33-33-33

Figure 26.1: MAC Table dynamic learning

3. PC3 and PC4 on port 1/12 receive the message sent by PC1, but PC4 will not reply, as the
destination MAC address is 00-01-33-33-33-33, only PC3 will reply to PC1. When port 1/12
receives the message sent by PC3, a mapping entry for MAC address 00-01-33-33-33-33
and port 1/12 is added to the MAC table.
4. Now the MAC table has two dynamic entries, MAC address 00-01-11-11-11-11 - port 1/5 and
00-01-33-33-33-33 -port1/12.
5. After the communication between PC1 and PC3, the switch does not receive any message
sent from PC1 and PC3. And the MAC address mapping entries in the MAC table are deleted
in 300 to 2*300 seconds (ie, in single to double aging time). The 300 seconds here is the
default aging time for MAC address entry in switch. Aging time can be modified in switch.

26.1.2 Forward or Filter

The switch will forward or filter received data frames according to the MAC table. Take the above
figure as an example, assuming switch have learnt the MAC address of PC1 and PC3, and the
user manually configured the mapping relationship for PC2 and PC4 to ports. The MAC table of
switch will be:
MAC Address

Port number

Entry added by
Dynamic learning
Static configuration
Dynamic learning
Static configuration


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

MAC Table Configuration

1. Forward data according to the MAC table

If PC1 sends a message to PC3, the switch will forward the data received on port 1/5 from port
2. Filter data according to the MAC table
If PC1 sends a message to PC2, the switch, on checking the MAC table, will find PC2 and PC1
are in the same physical segment and filter the message (i.e. drop this message).
Three types of frames can be forwarded by the switch:
Broadcast frame
Multicast frame
Unicast frame
The following describes how the switch deals with all the three types of frames:
Broadcast frame: The switch can segregate collision domains but not broadcast domains. If
no VLAN is set, all devices connected to the switch are in the same broadcast domain. When
the switch receives a broadcast frame, it forwards the frame in all ports. When VLANs are
configured in the switch, the MAC table will be adapted accordingly to add VLAN information.
In this case, the switch will not forward the received broadcast frames in all ports, but forward
the frames in all ports in the same VLAN.
Multicast frame: For the unknown multicast, the switch will broadcast it in the same vlan, but
the switch only forwards the multicast frames to the multicast group's port if IGMP Snooping
function or the static multicast group has been configured.
Unicast frame: When no VLAN is configured, if the destination MAC addresses are in the
switch MAC table, the switch will directly forward the frames to the associated ports; when
the destination MAC address in a unicast frame is not found in the MAC table, the switch will
broadcast the unicast frame. When VLANs are configured, the switch will forward unicast
frame within the same VLAN. If the destination MAC address is found in the MAC table but
belonging to different VLANs, the switch can only broadcast the unicast frame in the VLAN
it belongs to.

26.2 Mac Address Table Configuration Task List

1. Configure the MAC address aging-time
2. Configure static MAC forwarding or filter entry
3. Clear dynamic address table
1. Configure the MAC aging-time
Global Mode
mac-address-table aging-time <0 | aging-time>
no mac-address-table aging-time

Configure the MAC address aging-time.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

MAC Table Configuration

2. Configure static MAC forwarding or filter entry

Global Mode
mac-address-table { static | static-multicast | blackhole
} address <mac-addr> vlan <vlan-id > [interface ethernet <interface-name>] | [source | destination | both]
no mac-address-table { static | static-multicast | blackhole | dynamic } [address <mac-addr>] [vlan <vlan-id>]
[interface ethernet <interface-name>]

Configure static MAC entries, static
multicast MAC entries, filter address

3. Clear dynamic address table

Admin Mode
clear mac-address-table dynamic [address <macaddr>] [vlan <vlan-id>] [interface [ethernet | portchannel] <interface-name>]

Clear the dynamic address table.

26.3 Typical Configuration Examples

Switch A

Port 5

MAC: 00-01-11-11-11-11

MAC: 00-01-22-22-22-22

Port 12

MAC: 00-01-44-44-44-44

MAC: 00-01-33-33-33-33

Figure 26.2: MAC Table typical configuration example

Four PCs as shown in the above figure connect to port 1/5, 1/7, 1/9, 1/11 of switch, all the four
PCs belong to the default VLAN1. As required by the network environment, dynamic learning is
enabled. PC1 holds sensitive data and can not be accessed by any other PC that is in another
physical segment; PC2 and PC3 have static mapping set to port 1/7 and port 1/9, respectively.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

MAC Table Configuration

The configuration steps are listed below:

1. Set the MAC address 00-01-11-11-11-11 of PC1 as a filter address.
Switch(config)#mac-address-table static 00-01-11-11-11-11 discard vlan 1
2. Set the static mapping relationship for PC2 and PC3 to port 1/7 and port 1/9, respectively.
Switch(config)#mac-address-table static address 00-01-22-22-22-22
vlan 1 interface ethernet 1/7
Switch(config)#mac-address-table static address 00-01-33-33-33-33
vlan 1 interface ethernet 1/9

26.4 MAC Table Troubleshooting

Using the show mac-address-table command, a port is found to be failed to learn the MAC of a
device connected to it. Possible reasons:
The connected cable is broken.
Spanning Tree is enabled and the port is in 'discarding' status; or the device is just connected to the port and Spanning Tree is still under calculation, wait until the Spanning Tree
calculation finishes, and the port will learn the MAC address.
If not the problems mentioned above, please check for the switch portand contact technical
support for solution.

26.5 MAC Address Function Extension

26.5.1 MAC Address Binding
Introduction to MAC Address Binding
Most switches support MAC address learning, each port can dynamically learn several MAC addresses, so that forwarding data streams between known MAC addresses within the ports can be
achieved. If a MAC address is aged, the packet destined for that entry will be broadcasted. In
other words, a MAC address learned in a port will be used for forwarding in that port, if the connection is changed to another port, the switch will learn the MAC address again to forward data in
the new port.
However, in some cases, security or management policy may require MAC addresses to be
bound with the ports, only data stream from the binding MAC are allowed to be forwarded in the
ports. That is to say, after a MAC address is bound to a port, only the data stream destined for that
MAC address can flow in from the binding port, data stream destined for the other MAC addresses
that not bound to the port will not be allowed to pass through the port.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

MAC Table Configuration

MAC Address Binding Configuration Task List

1. Enable MAC address binding function for the ports
2. Lock the MAC addresses for a port
3. MAC address binding property configuration
4. mac-notification trap configuration
1. Enable MAC address binding function for the ports
Port Mode
switchport port-security
no switchport port-security

Enable MAC address binding function for the port and lock
the port. When a port is locked, the MAC address learning function for the port will be disabled: the 'no switchport
port-security' command disables the MAC address binding
function for the port, and restores the MAC address learning
function for the port.

2. Lock the MAC addresses for a port

Port Mode
switchport port-security lock
no switchport port-security lock
switchport port-security convert
switchport port-security timeout
no switchport port-security timeout
switchport port-security macaddress <mac-address>
no switchport port-security macaddress <mac-address>
Admin Mode
clear port-security dynamic [address <mac-addr> | interface

Lock the port, then MAC addresses learned will be disabled.
The 'no switchport port-security lock' command restores the
Convert dynamic secure MAC addresses learned by the port
to static secure MAC addresses.
Enable port locking timer function; the 'no switchport portsecurity timeout' restores the default setting.

Add static secure MAC address; the 'no switchport portsecurity mac-address' command deletes static secure MAC

Clear dynamic MAC addresses learned by the specified



SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

MAC Table Configuration

3. MAC address binding property configuration

Port Mode
switchport port-security maximum <value>
no switchport port-security maximum <value>
switchport port-security violation
{ protect | shutdown } [recovery
no switchport port-security violation

Set the maximum number of secure MAC addresses for a
port; the 'no switchport port-security maximum' command
restores the default value.
Set the violation mode for the port; the 'no switchport portsecurity violation' command restores the default setting.

4. mac-notification trap configuration

Global Mode
mac-address-table synchronizing enable
no mac-address-table synchronizing enable
periodicmonitor-time <5-86400>
mac-address-table trap enable
no mac-address-table trap enable

Enable the monitor function for MAC, if a MAC is added or
deleted, the system will report this monitored event; the no
command will cancel this function.
Set the MAC monitor interval to count the added and deleted
MAC in time, and send out them with trap message.
Enable or disable mac notification trap passthrough.

Binding MAC Address Binding Troubleshooting

Enabling MAC address binding for ports may fail in some occasions. Here are some possible
causes and solutions:
If MAC address binding cannot be enabled for a port, make sure the port is not enabling
port aggregation and is not configured as a Trunk port. MAC address binding is exclusive
to such configurations. If MAC address binding is to be enabled, the functions mentioned
above must be disabled first.
If a secure address is set as static address and deleted, that secure address will be unusable
even though it exists. For this reason, it is recommended to avoid static address for ports
enabling MAC address.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

MAC Table Configuration

26.6 MAC Notification Configuration

26.6.1 Introduction to MAC Notification
MAC Notification function depends on the notification. Add or remove the MAC address, namely,
when the device is added or removed, it will notify administrator about the changing by the trap
function of snmp.

26.6.2 MAC Notification Configuration

Mac notification configuration task list:
1. Configure the global snmp MAC notification
2. Configure the global MAC notification
3. Configure the interval for sending MAC notification
4. Configure the size of history table
5. Configure the trap type of MAC notification supported by the port
6. Show the configuration and the data of MAC notification
7. Clear the statistics of MAC notification trap
1. Configure the global snmp MAC notification
Global mode
snmp-server enable traps macnotification
no snmp-server enable traps

Configure or cancel the global snmp MAC notification.

2. Configure the global MAC notification

Global mode
mac-address-table notification
no mac-address-table notification

Configure or cancel the global MAC notification.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

MAC Table Configuration

3. Configure the interval for sending MAC notification

Global mode
mac-address-table notification
interval <0-86400>
no mac-address-table notification interval

Configure the interval for sending the MAC address notification, the no command restores the default interval.

4. Configure the size of history table

Global mode
mac-address-table notification
history-size <0-500>
no mac-address-table notification history-size

Configure the history table size, the no command restores
the default value.

5. Configure the trap type of MAC notification supported by the port

Port mode
mac-notification { added | both |
removed }
no mac-notification

Configure or cancel the trap type of MAC notification supported by the port.

6. Show the configuration and the data of MAC notification

Admin mode
show mac-notification summary

Show the configuration and the data of MAC notification.

7. Clear the statistics of MAC notification trap

Admin mode
clear mac-notification statistics

Clear the statistics of MAC notification trap.

26.6.3 MAC Notification Example

IP address of network management station (NMS) is, IP address of Agent is NMS
will receive Trap message from Agent. (Note: NMS may set the authentication to the community character string of trap, suppose the community character string as usertrap) Configuration
procedure in the following:
Switch(config)#snmp-server enable
Switch(config)#snmp-server enable traps mac-notification
Switch(config)#mac-address-table notification

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

MAC Table Configuration

Switch(config)#mac-address-table notification interval 5

Switch(config)#mac-address-table notification history-size 100
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/4)#mac-notification both

26.6.4 MAC Notification Troubleshooting

Check whether trap message is sent successfully by show command and debug command of


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Part IV
MSTP Configuration


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

MSTP Configuration

Chapter 27
MSTP Configuration
27.1 Introduction to MSTP
The MSTP (Multiple STP) is a new spanning-tree protocol which is based on the STP and the
RSTP. It runs on all the bridges of a bridged-LAN. It calculates a common and internal spanning
tree (CIST) for the bridge-LAN which consists of the bridges running the MSTP, the RSTP and
the STP. It also calculates the independent multiple spanning-tree instances (MSTI) for each MST
domain (MSTP domain). The MSTP, which adopts the RSTP for its rapid convergence of the
spanning tree, enables multiple VLANs to be mapped to the same spanning-tree instance which
is independent to other spanning-tree instances. The MSTP provides multiple forwarding paths
for data traffic and enables load balancing. Moreover, because multiple VLANs share a same
MSTI, the MSTP can reduce the number of spanning-tree instances, which consumes less CPU
resources and reduces the bandwidth consumption.

27.1.1 MSTP Region

Because multiple VLANs can be mapped to a single spanning tree instance, IEEE 802.1s committee raises the MST concept. The MST is used to make the association of a certain VLAN to a
certain spanning tree instance.
A MSTP region is composed of one or multiple bridges with the same MCID (MST Configuration
Identification) and the bridged-LAN (a certain bridge in the MSTP region is the designated bridge
of the LAN, and the bridges attaching to the LAN are not running STP). All the bridges in the same
MSTP region have the same MSID.
MSID consists of 3 attributes:
Configuration Name: Composed by digits and letters
Revision Level
Configuration Digest: VLANs mapping to spanning tree instances
The bridges with the same 3 above attributes are considered as in the same MST region.
When the MSTP calculates CIST in a bridged-LAN, a MSTP region is considered as a bridge.
See the figure below:
In the above network, if the bridges are running the STP or the RSTP, one port between Bridge
M and Bridge B should be blocked. But if the bridges in the yellow range run the MSTP and are

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

MSTP Configuration




Figure 27.1: Example of CIST and MST Region

configured in the same MST region, MSTP will treat this region as a bridge. Therefore, one port
between Bridge B and Root is blocked and one port on Bridge D is blocked.
Operations within an MSTP Region
The IST connects all the MSTP bridges in a region. When the IST converges, the root of the IST
becomes the IST master, which is the switch within the region with the lowest bridge ID and path
cost to the CST root. The IST master is also the CST root if there is only one region within the
network. If the CST root is outside the region, one of the MSTP bridges at the boundary of the
region is selected as the IST master.
When an MSTP bridge initializes, it sends BPDUs claiming itself as the root of the CST and
the IST master, with both of the path costs to the CST root and to the IST master set to zero.
The bridge also initializes all of its MST instances and claims to be the root for all of them. If the
bridge receives superior MST root information (lower bridge ID, lower path cost, and so forth) than
currently stored for the port, it relinquishes its claim as the IST master.
Within a MST region, the IST is the only spanning-tree instance that sends and receives BPDUs. Because the MST BPDU carries information for all instances, the number of BPDUs that
need to be processed by a switch to support multiple spanning-tree instances is significantly reduced.
All MST instances within the same region share the same protocol timers, but each MST instance has its own topology parameters, such as root switch ID, root path cost, and so forth.
Operations between MST Regions
If there are multiple regions or legacy 802.1D bridges within the network, MSTP establishes and
maintains the CST, which includes all MST regions and all legacy STP bridges in the network. The
MST instances combine with the IST at the boundary of the region to become the CST.
The MSTI is only valid within its MST region. An MSTI has nothing to do with MSTIs in other
MST regions. The bridges in a MST region receive the MST BPDU of other regions through
Boundary Ports. They only process CIST related information and abandon MSTI information.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

MSTP Configuration

27.1.2 Port Roles

The MSTP bridge assigns a port role to each port which runs MSTP.
CIST port roles: Root Port, Designated Port, Alternate Port and Backup Port
On top of those roles, each MSTI port has one new role: Master Port.
The port roles in the CIST (Root Port, Designated Port, Alternate Port and Backup Port) are
defined in the same ways as those in the RSTP.

27.1.3 MSTP Load Balance

In a MSTP region, VLANs can by mapped to various instances. That can form various topologies.
Each instance is independent from the others and each distance can have its own attributes such
as bridge priority and port cost etc. Consequently, the VLANs in different instances have their own
paths. The traffic of the VLANs are load-balanced.

27.2 MSTP Configuration Task List

MSTP configuration task list:
1. Enable the MSTP and set the running mode
2. Configure instance parameters
3. Configure MSTP region parameters
4. Configure MSTP time parameters
5. Configure the fast migrate feature for MSTP
6. Configure the format of port packet
7. Configure the spanning-tree attribute of port
8. Configure the snooping attribute of authentication key
9. Configure the FLUSH mode once topology changes
1. Enable MSTP and set the running mode
Global Mode and Port Mode
no spanning-tree
Global Mode
spanning-tree mode { mstp | stp | rstp }
no spanning-tree mode

Enable/Disable MSTP.

Set MSTP running mode.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

MSTP Configuration

Port Mode
spanning-tree mcheck

Force port migrate to run under MSTP.

2. Configure instance parameters

Global Mode
spanning-tree mst <instance-id> priority
no spanning-tree mst <instance-id> priority
spanning-tree priority <bridge-priority>
no spanning-tree priority
Port Mode
spanning-tree mst <instance-id> cost
no spanning-tree mst <instance-id> cost
spanning-tree mst <instance-id> portpriority <port-priority>
no spanning-tree mst <instance-id> portpriority
spanning-tree mst <instance-id> rootguard
no spanning-tree mst <instance-id> rootguard
spanning-tree rootguard
no spanning-tree rootguard
spanning-tree [mst <instance-id>] loopguard
no spanning-tree [mst <instance-id>] loopguard

Set bridge priority for specified instance.

Configure the spanning-tree priority of the switch.

Set port path cost for specified instance.

Set port priority for specified instance.

Configure currently port whether running rootguard in specified instance, configure the rootguard port can't turn to root port.
Configure currently port whether running rootguard in instance 0, configure the rootguard port
can't turn to root port.
Enable loopguard function on specified instance,
the no command disables this function.

3. Configure MSTP region parameters

Global Mode
spanning-tree mst configuration
no spanning-tree mst configuration
MSTP region mode
instance <instance-id> vlan <vlan-list>
no instance <instance-id> [vlan <vlan-list>]
name <name>
no name
revision-level <level>
no revision-level

Enter MSTP region mode. The no command restores the default setting.
Display the information of the current running
Create Instance and set mapping between VLAN
and Instance.
Set MSTP region name.
Set MSTP region revision level.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

MSTP Configuration


Quit MSTP region mode and return to Global

mode without saving MSTP region configuration.
Quit MSTP region mode and return to Global
mode with saving MSTP region configuration.
Cancel one command or set initial value.

4. Configure MSTP time parameters
Global Mode
spanning-tree forward-time <time>
no spanning-tree forward-time
spanning-tree hello-time <time>
no spanning-tree hello-time
spanning-tree maxage <time>
no spanning-tree maxage
spanning-tree max-hop <hop-count>
no spanning-tree max-hop

Set the value for switch forward delay time.
Set the Hello time for sending BPDU messages.
Set Aging time for BPDU messages.
Set Maximum number of hops of BPDU messages in the MSTP region.

5. Configure the fast migrate feature for MSTP

Port Mode
spanning-tree link-type p2p { auto | forcetrue | force-false }
no spanning-tree link-type
spanning-tree portfast [ bpdufilter | bpduguard ] [recovery <30-3600>]
no spanning-tree portfast

Set the port link type.

Set and cancel the port to be an boundary port.

bpdufilter receives the BPDU discarding; bpduguard receives the BPDU will disable port; no
parameter receives the BPDU, the port becomes
a non-boundary port.

6. Configure the format of MSTP

Port Mode
spanning-tree format standard
spanning-tree format privacy
spanning-tree format auto
no spanning-tree format

Configure the format of port spanning-tree packet, standard format is provided by IEEE, privacy is compatible with
CISCO and auto means the format is determined by checking the received packet.

7. Configure the spanning-tree attribute of port

Port Mode
spanning-tree cost
no spanning-tree cost

Set the port path cost.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

MSTP Configuration

spanning-tree port-priority
no spanning-tree port-priority
spanning-tree rootguard
no spanning-tree rootguard
Global Mode
transmit-holdcount <tx-hold-count-value>
no spanning-tree transmit-holdcount
spanning-tree cost-format {
dot1d | dot1t }

Set the port priority.

Set the port is root port.

Set the max transmit-hold-count of port.

Set port cost format with dot1d or dot1t.

8. Configure the snooping attribute of authentication key

Port Mode
spanning-tree digest-snooping

Set the port to use the authentication string of partner port.
The no command restores to use the generated string.

9. Configure the FLUSH mode once topology changes

Global Mode
spanning-tree tcflush { enable |
disable | protect }
no spanning-tree tcflush

Port Mode
spanning-tree tcflush { enable |
disable | protect }
no spanning-tree tcflush

Enable: the spanning-tree flush once the topology changes.
Disable: the spanning tree don't flush when the topology
Protect: the spanning-tree flush not more than one time every ten seconds.
The no command restores to default setting, enable flush
once the topology changes.
Configure the port flush mode.
The no command restores to use the global configured flush


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

MSTP Configuration

27.3 MSTP Example

The following is a typical MSTP application example:







Figure 27.2: Typical MSTP Application Scenario

The connections among the switches are shown in the above figure. All the switches run in the
MSTP mode by default, their bridge priority, port priority and port route cost are all in the default
values (equal). The default configuration for switches is listed below:

Route Cost

Port Priority

Bridge Name
Bridge MAC
Bridge Priority
port 1
port 2
port 3
port 4
port 5
port 6
port 7
port 1
port 2
port 3
port 4
port 5
port 6
port 7











By default, the MSTP establishes a tree topology (in blue lines) rooted with SwitchA. The ports
marked with 'X' are in the discarding status, and the other ports are in the forwarding status.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

MSTP Configuration

Configurations Steps:
Step 1: Configure port to VLAN mapping:
Create VLAN 20, 30, 40, 50 in Switch2, Switch3 and Switch4.
Set ports 1-7 as trunk ports in Switch2 Switch3 and Switch4.
Step 2: Set Switch2, Switch3 and Switch4 in the same MSTP:
Set Switch2, Switch3 and Switch4 to have the same region name as mstp.
Map VLAN 20 and VLAN 30 in Switch2, Switch3 and Switch4 to Instance 3; Map VLAN 40
and VLAN 50 in Switch2, Switch3 and Switch4 to Instance 4.
Step 3: Set Switch3 as the root bridge of Instance 3; Set Switch4 as the root bridge of Instance
Set the bridge priority of Instance 3 in Switch3 as 0.
Set the bridge priority of Instance 4 in Switch4 as 0.
The detailed configuration is listed below:
Switch2(config)#vlan 20
Switch2(config)#vlan 30
Switch2(config)#vlan 40
Switch2(config)#vlan 50
Switch2(config)#spanning-tree mst configuration
Switch2(Config-Mstp-Region)#name mstp
Switch2(Config-Mstp-Region)#instance 3 vlan 20;30
Switch2(Config-Mstp-Region)#instance 4 vlan 40;50
Switch2(config)#interface e1/0/1-7
Switch2(Config-Port-Range)#switchport mode trunk
Switch3(config)#vlan 20
Switch3(config)#vlan 30
Switch3(config)#vlan 40

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

MSTP Configuration

Switch3(config)#vlan 50
Switch3(config)#spanning-tree mst configuration
Switch3(Config-Mstp-Region)#name mstp
Switch3(Config-Mstp-Region)#instance 3 vlan 20;30
Switch3(Config-Mstp-Region)#instance 4 vlan 40;50
Switch3(config)#interface e1/0/1-7
Switch3(Config-Port-Range)#switchport mode trunk
Switch3(config)#spanning-tree mst 3 priority 0
Switch4(config)#vlan 20
Switch4(config)#vlan 30
Switch4(config)#vlan 40
Switch4(config)#vlan 50
Switch4(config)#spanning-tree mst configuration
Switch4(Config-Mstp-Region)#name mstp
Switch4(Config-Mstp-Region)#instance 3 vlan 20;30
Switch4(Config-Mstp-Region)#instance 4 vlan 40;50
Switch4(config)#interface e1/0/1-7
Switch4(Config-Port-Range)#switchport mode trunk
Switch4(config)#spanning-tree mst 4 priority 0
After the above configuration, Switch1 is the root bridge of the instance 0 of the entire network.
In the MSTP region which Switch2, Switch3 and Switch4 belong to, Switch2 is the region root of
the instance 0, Switch3 is the region root of the instance 3 and Switch4 is the region root of the
instance 4. The traffic of VLAN 20 and VLAN 30 is sent through the topology of the instance 3.
The traffic of VLAN 40 and VLAN 50 is sent through the topology of the instance 4. And the traffic
of other VLANs is sent through the topology of the instance 0. The port 1 in Switch2 is the master
port of the instance 3 and the instance 4.
The MSTP calculation generates 3 topologies: the instance 0, the instance 3 and the instance
4 (marked with blue lines). The ports with the mark 'X' are in the status of discarding. The other
ports are the status of forwarding. Because the instance 3 and the instance 4 are only valid in the
MSTP region, the following figure only shows the topology of the MSTP region.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

MSTP Configuration








Figure 27.3: The Topology Of the Instance 0 after the MSTP Calculation







Figure 27.4: The Topology Of the Instance 3 after the MSTP Calculation


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

MSTP Configuration








Figure 27.5: The Topology Of the Instance 4 after the MSTP Calculation

27.4 MSTP Troubleshooting

In order to run the MSTP on the switch port, the MSTP has to be enabled globally. If the
MSTP is not enabled globally, it can't be enabled on the port.
The MSTP parameters co work with each other, so the parameters should meet the following
conditions. Otherwise, the MSTP may work incorrectly.
2 x (Bridge_Forward_Delay - 1.0 seconds) >= Bridge_Max_Age
Bridge_Max_Age >= 2 x (Bridge_Hello_Time + 1.0 seconds)
When users modify the MSTP parameters, they have to be sure about the changes of the
topologies. The global configuration is based on the bridge. Other configurations are based
on the individual instances.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Part V
QoS and Flow-based Redirection


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

QoS Configuration

Chapter 28
QoS Configuration
28.1 Introduction to QoS
QoS (Quality of Service) is a set of capabilities that allow you to create differentiated services for
network traffic, thereby providing better service for selected network traffic. QoS is a guarantee for
service quality of consistent and predictable data transfer service to fulfill program requirements.
QoS cannot generate extra bandwidth but provides more effective bandwidth management according to the application requirement and network management policy.

28.1.1 QoS Terms

QoS: Quality of Service, provides a guarantee for service quality of consistent and predictable
data transfer service to fulfill program requirements. QoS cannot generate new bandwidth but
provides more effective bandwidth management according to the application requirement and
network management.
QoS Domain: QoS Domain supports QoS devices to form a net-topology that provides Quality
of Service, so this topology is defined as QoS Domain.
CoS: Class of Service, the classification information carried by Layer 2 802.1Q frames, taking
3 bits of the Tag field in frame header, is called user priority level in the range of 0 to 7.
Layer 2 802.1Q/P Frame
Start frame







3 bits used for Cos (user priority)

Figure 28.1: CoS priority

ToS: Type of Service, a one-byte field carried in Layer 3 IPv4 packet header to symbolize the
service type of IP packets. Among ToS field can be IP Precedence value or DSCP value.
IP Precedence: IP priority. Classification information carried in Layer 3 IP packet header,
occupying 3 bits, in the range of 0 to 7.
DSCP: Differentiated Services Code Point, classification information carried in Layer 3 IP
packet header, occupying 6 bits, in the range of 0 to 63, and is downward compatible with IP

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

QoS Configuration

Layer 3 IPv4 Packet

(1 byte)










IP precedence or DSCP

Figure 28.2: ToS priority






Label (20-bits)



Figure 28.3: MPLS TC

A field of the MPLS packets means the service class, there are 3 bits, the ranging from 0 to 7.
Internal Priority: The internal priority setting of the switch chip, it's valid range relates with the
chip, it's shortening is Int-Prio or IntP.
Drop Precedence: When processing the packets, firstly drop the packets with the bigger drop
precedence, the ranging is 0-2 in three color algorithm, the ranging is 0-1 in dual color algorithm.
It's shortening is Drop-Prec or DP.
Classification: The entry action of QoS, classifying packet traffic according to the classification
information carried in the packet and ACLs.
Policing: Ingress action of QoS that lays down the policing policy and manages the classified
Remark: Ingress action of QoS, perform allowing, degrading or discarding operations to packets according to the policing policies.
Scheduling: QoS egress action. Configure the weight for eight egress queues WRR (Weighted
Round Robin).
In-Profile: Traffic within the QoS policing policy range (bandwidth or burst value) is called
Out-of-Profile: Traffic out the QoS policing policy range (bandwidth or burst value) is called

28.1.2 QoS Implementation

To implement the switch software QoS, a general, mature reference model should be given. QoS
can not create new bandwidth, but can maximize the adjustment and configuration for the current
bandwidth resource. Fully implemented QoS can achieve complete management over the network
traffic. The following is as accurate as possible a description of QoS.
The data transfer specifications of IP cover only addresses and services of source and destination, and ensure correct packet transmission using OSI layer 4 or above protocols such as
TCP. However, rather than provide a mechanism for providing and protecting packet transmission
bandwidth, IP provide bandwidth service by the best effort. This is acceptable for services like
Mail and FTP, but for increasing multimedia business data and e-business data transmission, this
best effort method cannot satisfy the bandwidth and low-lag requirement.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

QoS Configuration

Based on differentiated service, QoS specifies a priority for each packet at the ingress. The
classification information is carried in Layer 3 IP packet header or Layer 2 802.1Q frame header.
QoS provides same service to packets of the same priority, while offers different operations for
packets of different priority. QoS-enabled switch or router can provide different bandwidth according to the packet classification information, and can remark on the classification information
according to the policing policies configured, and may discard some low priority packets in case
of bandwidth shortage.
If devices of each hop in a network support differentiated service, an end-to-end QoS solution
can be created. QoS configuration is flexible, the complexity or simplicity depends on the network
topology and devices and analysis to incoming/outgoing traffic.

28.1.3 Basic QoS Model

The basic QoS consists of four parts: Classification, Policing, Remark and Scheduling, where
classification, policing and remark are sequential ingress actions, and Queuing and Scheduling
are QoS egress actions.

Sort the packet trafc
according to the
classication info and
convert classication
info to internal priority
value and drop
precedence value


Decide whether the
trafc color is single
bucket dual color or
dual bucket three
color according to
policing policy





Degrade, discard the

different color
packets, and remark

Place packets into

priority queues
according to internal

Figure 28.4: Basic QoS Model


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

QoS Configuration

Classification: Classify traffic according to packet classification information and generate internal priority and drop precedence based the classification information. For different packet types
and switch configurations, classification is performed differently; the flowchart below explains this
in detail.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

QoS Configuration

Policing and remark: Each packet in classified ingress traffic is assigned an internal priority
value and a drop precedence value, and can be policed and remarked.
Policing can be performed based on the flow to configure different policies that allocate bandwidth to classified traffic, the assigned bandwidth policy may be dual bucket dual color or dual
bucket three color. The traffic, will be assigned with different color, can be discarded or passed,
for the passed packets, add the remarking action. Remarking uses a new DSCP value of lower
priority to replace the original higher level DSCP value in the packet. The following flowchart
describes the operations.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

QoS Configuration

Queuing and scheduling: There are the internal priority and the drop precedence for the
egress packets, the queuing operation assigns the packets to different priority queues according to
the internal priority, while the scheduling operation perform the packet forwarding according to the
priority queue weight and the drop precedence. The following flowchart describes the operations
during queuing and scheduling.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

QoS Configuration

28.2 QoS Configuration Task List

1. Configure class map
Set up a classification rule according to ACL, CoS, VLAN ID, IPv4 Precedent, DSCP, IPV6 FL
to classify the data stream. Different classes of data streams will be processed with different
2. Configure a policy map
After data steam classification, a policy map can be created to associate with the class map
created earlier and enter class mode. Then different policies (such as bandwidth limit, priority
degrading assigning new DSCP value) can be applied to different data streams. You can also
define a policy set that can be use in a policy map by several classes.
3. Apply QoS to the ports or the VLAN interfaces
Configure the trust mode for ports or bind policies to ports. A policy will only take effect on a
port when it is bound to that port.
The policy may be bound to the specific VLAN.
It is not recommended to synchronously use policy map on VLAN and its port.
4. Configure queue management algorithm
Configure queue management algorithm, such as sp, wrr, wdrr, and so on.
Configure QoS mapping
Configure the mapping from CoS to DP, DSCP to DSCP, IntP or DP, IntP to DSCP.
1. Configure class map.
Global Mode
class-map <class-map-name>
no class-map <class-map-name>

match { access-group <acl-index-or-name> | ip

dscp <dscp-list>| ip precedence <ip-precedencelist>| ipv6 access-group <acl-index-or-name> |
ipv6 dscp <dscp-list> | ipv6 flowlabel <flowlabellist> | vlan <vlan-list> | cos <cos-list> | exp <explist> | vlan range <vlan-list> }
no match { access-group | ip dscp | ip precedence
| ipv6 access-group | ipv6 dscp | ipv6 flowlabel |
vlan | cos | exp | vlan range }

Create a class map and enter class map
mode; the 'no class-map <class-mapname>' command deletes the specified
class map.
Set matching criterion (classify data stream
by ACL, CoS, VLAN ID, IPv4 Precedent,
IPv6 FL or DSCP, etc) for the class map;
the no command deletes specified matching criterion.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

QoS Configuration

2. Configure a policy map

Global Mode
policy-map <policy-map-name>
no policy-map <policy-map-name>
class <class-map-name> [insert-before <classmap-name>]
no class <class-map-name>

set { ip dscp <new-dscp> | ip precedence <newprecedence> | internal priority <new-inp> | drop

precedence <new-dp> | cos <new-cos> }
no set { ip dscp | ip precedence | internal priority
| drop precedence | cos }
Single bucket mode:
<normal_burst_bytes> ({ conform-action ACTION |
exceed-action ACTION } )
Dual bucket mode:
<normal_burst_bytes> [pir <peak_rate_bps>] |
<maximum_burst_bytes> [{ conform-action ACTION | exceed-action ACTION | violate-action
ACTION definition:
drop | transmit | set-dscp-transmit <dscp_value>
| set-prec-transmit <ip_precedence_value> | setcos-transmit <cos_value> | set-internal-priority
<inp_value> | set-Drop-Precedence <dp_value>
no policy
policy aggregate <aggregate-policy-name>
no policy aggregate <aggregate-policy-name>
no accounting

Create a policy map and enter policy map
mode; the no command deletes the specified policy map.
After a policy map is created, it can be associated to a class. Different policy or new
DSCP value can be applied to different data
streams in class mode; the no command
deletes the specified class.
Assign a new DSCP, CoS, IP Precedence
value for the classified traffic; the no command cancels the newly assigned value.

Configure a policy for the classified flow.

The non-aggregation policy command supports three colors. Analyze the working
mode of the token bucket, whether it is
singe rate single bucket, single rate dual
bucket, dual rate dual bucket, set corresponding action to different color packets.
The no command will delete the mode configuration. Single bucket mode is supported
by the specific switch.

Apply a policy to classified traffic; the no

command deletes the specified policy set.
Set statistic function for the classified traffic. After enable this function under the policy class map mode, add statistic function to
the traffic of the policy class map. In single
bucket mode, the messages can only red or
green when passing policy. In the print information, in-profile means green and outprofile means red. In dual bucket mode,
there are three colors of the packets. In
the print information, in-profile means green
and out-profile means red and yellow.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

QoS Configuration

3. Apply QoS to port or VLAN interface

Policy class map configuration mode
Drop or transmit data package that match the class, the no
no drop
command cancels the assigned action.
no transmit
3. Apply QoS to port or VLAN interface
Interface Configuration Mode
mls qos trust { cos | dscp }
no mls qos trust { cos | dscp }
mls qos cos {<default-cos>}
no mls qos cos
service-policy input <policymap-name>
no service-policy input {<policymap-name>}
Global Mode
service-policy input <policymap-name> vlan <vlan-list>
no service-policy input {<policymap-name>} vlan <vlan-list>

Configure port trust; the no command disables the current
trust status of the port.
Configure the default CoS value of the port; the no command
restores the default setting.
Apply a policy map to the specified port; the no command deletes the specified policy map applied to the port
or deletes all the policy maps applied on the ingress direction of the port. Egress policy map is not supported yet.
Apply a policy map to the specified VLAN interface; the no
command deletes the specified policy map applied to the
VLAN interface or deletes all the policy maps applied in the
ingress direction of the vlan interface.

4. Configure queue management algorithm and weight

Port Configuration Mode
mls qos queue algorithm { sp | wrr | wdrr }
no mls qos queue algorithm
mls qos queue wrr weight <weight0..weight7>
no mls qos queue wrr weight
mls qos queue wdrr weight <weight0..weight7>
no mls qos queue wdrr weight
mls qos queue <queue-id> bandwidth
<minimum-bandwidth> <maximum-bandwidth>
no mls qos queue <queue-id> bandwidth

Set queue management algorithm, the default queue management algorithm is wrr.
Set queue weight based a port, the default
queue weight is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8.
Set queue weight based a port, the default
queue weight is 10 20 40 80 160 320 640
Set bandwidth guarantee based a port.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

QoS Configuration

5. Configure QoS mapping

Global Mode
mls qos map (cos-dp <dp1..dp8> | dscp-dscp <in-dscp
list> to <out-dscp> | dscp-intp <in-dscp list> to <intp> |
dscp-dp <in-dscp list> to <dp> )
no mls qos map (cos-dp | dscp-dscp | dscp-intp | dscpdp)
mls qos map intp-dscp <dscp1..dscp8>
no mls qos map intp-dscp

Set the priority mapping for QoS,
the no command restores the default
mapping value.

6. Clear accounting data of the specific ports or VLANs

Admin Mode
clear mls qos statistics [interface
<interface-name> | vlan <vlanid>]

Clear accounting data of the specified ports or VLAN Policy
Map. If there are no parameters, clear accounting data of
all policy map.

7. Show configuration of QoS

Admin Mode
show mls qos maps [cos-dp |
dscp-dscp | dscp-intp | dscp-dp
| intp-dscp]
show class-map [<class-mapname>]
show policy-map [<policy-mapname>]
show mls qos { interface
[<interface-id>] [policy | queuing] | vlan <vlan-id> }

Display the configuration of QoS mapping.

Display the classified map information of QoS.

Display the policy map information of QoS.
Displays QoS configuration information on a port.

28.3 QoS Example

Example 1:
Enable QoS function, change the queue out weight of port ethernet 1/0/1 to 1:1:2:2:4:4:8:8, set
the port in trust CoS mode without changing DSCP value, and set the default CoS value of the
port to 5. The configuration steps are listed below:
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/0/1
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#mls qos queue weight 1 1 2 2 4 4 8 8
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#mls qos cos 5
Configuration result:

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

QoS Configuration

When QoS enabled in Global Mode, the egress queue bandwidth proportion of port ethernet1/0/1 is 1:1:2:2:4:4:8:8. When packets have CoS value coming in through port ethernet1/0/1,
it will be map to the queue out according to the CoS value, CoS value 0 to 7 correspond to queue
out 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 respectively. If the incoming packet has no CoS value, it is default to 5 and
will be put in queue6. All passing packets would not have their DSCP values changed.
Example 2:
In port ethernet1/0/2, set the bandwidth for packets from segment to 10 Mb/s, with
a burst value of 4 MB, all packets exceed this bandwidth setting will be dropped.
The configuration steps are listed below:
Switch(config)#access-list 1 permit
Switch(config)#class-map c1
Switch(Config-ClassMap-c1)#match access-group 1
Switch(config)#policy-map p1
Switch(Config-PolicyMap-p1)#class c1
Switch(Config-PolicyMap-p1-Class-c1)#policy 10000 4000 exceed-action drop
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/0/2
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/2)#service-policy input p1
Configuration result:
An ACL name 1 is set to matching segment Enable QoS globally, create a class
map named c1, matching ACL1 in class map; create another policy map named p1 and refer to
c1 in p1, set appropriate policies to limit bandwidth and burst value. Apply this policy map on port
ethernet1/0/2. After the above settings done, bandwidth for packets from segment
through port ethernet 1/0/2 is set to 10 Mb/s, with a burst value of 4 MB, all packets exceed this
bandwidth setting in that segment will be dropped.
Example 3:
As shown in the figure, inside the block is a QoS domain, Switch1 classifies different traffics and
assigns different IP precedences. For example, set CoS precedence for packets from segment to 5 on port ethernet1/0/1. The port connecting to switch2 is a trunk port. In Switch2,
set port ethernet 1/0/1 that connecting to swtich1 to trust cos. Thus inside the QoS domain, packets
of different priorities will go to different queues and get different bandwidth.
The configuration steps are listed below:
QoS configuration in Switch1:
Switch(config)#access-list 1 permit
Switch(config)#class-map c1
Switch(Config-ClassMap-c1)#match access-group 1
Switch(config)#policy-map p1
Switch(Config-PolicyMap-p1)#class c1
Switch(Config-PolicyMap-p1-Class-c1)#set ip precedence 5

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

QoS Configuration

Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/0/1
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#service-policy input p1
QoS configuration in Switch2:
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/0/1
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#mls qos trust cos

28.4 QoS Troubleshooting

trust cos and exp can be used with other trust or Policy Map.
trust dscp can be used with other trust or Policy Map. This configuration takes effect to IPv4
and IPv6 packets.
trust exp, trust dscp and trust cos may be configured at the same time, the priority is:
If the dynamic VLAN (mac vlan/voice vlan/ip subnet vlan/protocol vlan) is configured, then
the packet COS value equals COS value of the dynamic VLAN.
Policy map can only be bound to ingress direction, egress is not supported yet.
At present, it is not recommended to synchronously use policy map on VLAN and VLAN's


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

QoS Configuration




IP packet




tag packet

conversion according to the
packet DSCP

Set the packet COS as

the default COS (*4)

conversion according to the
packet COS value (*5)

conversion according to the
packet MPLS EXP value

Set the packet COS

eld equals Int-Prio

Enter the policing ow

Figure 28.5: Classification process


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

QoS Configuration


Whether congure
the policing policy

Decide the color and

action accordng to the

Drop the


The specic
color action

Select one or several options of the following:
Set COS: Set L2 COS eld of the packet
Set Int-Prio: Set internal priority of the packet
Set Drop-Prec: Set drop precedence of the packet
Set DSCP/TOS: Set DSCP or TOS eld of the packet

Enter Scheduling

Figure 28.6: Policing and Remarking process


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

QoS Configuration



Remark EXP eld of the

packet according to IntPrio-to-EXP mapping

Remark DSCP and L2 COS

elds of the packet according to
mapping (*1)

Select queue according to IntPrio-to-Queue mapping

Queue number

Read the buffer value according

to the queue remove algorithm,
the packet drop priority and the
egress queue

Place packet into specied
queue, and forward according to
the weight priority of the queues

Enter the policing ow

Drop packet

Figure 28.7: Queuing and Scheduling process


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

QoS Configuration


QoS Area



Figure 28.8: Typical QoS topology


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Flow-based Redirection

Chapter 29
Flow-based Redirection
29.1 Introduction to Flow-based Redirection
Flow-based redirection function enables the switch to transmit the data frames meeting some
special condition (specified by ACL) to another specified port. The fames meeting a same special
condition are called a class of flow, the ingress port of the data frame is called the source port
of redirection, and the specified egress port is called the destination port of redirection. Usually
there are two kinds of application of flow-based redirection: 1. connecting a protocol analyzer
(for example, Sniffer) or a RMON monitor to the destination port of redirection, to monitor and
manage the network, and diagnose the problems in the network; 2. Special transmission policy
for a special type of data frames.
The switch can only designate a single destination port of redirection for a same class of flow
within a source port of redirection, while it can designate different destination ports of redirection
for different classes of flows within a source port of redirection. The same class of flow can be
applied to different source ports.

29.2 Flow-based Redirection Configuration Task Sequence

Flow-based redirection configuration
Check the current flow-based redirection configuration
1. Flow-based redirection configuration
Physical Interface Configuration Mode
access-group <aclname> redi- Specify flow-based redirection for the port; the 'no accessrect to interface [ethernet <IF- group <aclname> redirect' command is used to delete flowNAME> | <IFNAME>]
based redirection.
no access-group <aclname>


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Flow-based Redirection

2. Check the current flow-based redirection configuration

Global Mode/Admin Mode
show flow-based-redirect { interface [ethernet <IFNAME> | <IFNAME>] }

Display the information of current flow-based redirection in
the system/port.

29.3 Flow-based Redirection Examples

User's request of configuration is listed as follows: redirecting the frames whose source IP
is received from port 1 to port 6, that is sending the frames whose source IP is received from port 1 through port6.
Modification of configuration:
1. Set an ACL, the condition to be matched is: source IP is;
2. Apply the redirection based on this flow to port 1.
The following is the configuration procedure:
Switch(config)#access-list 1 permit host
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/0/1
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)# access-group 1 redirect to interface ethernet 1/0/6

29.4 Flow-based Redirection Troubleshooting Help

When the configuration of flow-based redirection fails, please check that whether it is the following
reasons causing the problem:
The type of flow (ACL) can only be digital standard IP ACL, digital extensive IP ACL, nomenclature standard IP ACL, nomenclature extensive IP ACL, digital standard IPv6 ACL, and
nomenclature standard IPv6 ACL;
Parameters of Timerange and Portrange can not be set in ACL, the type of ACL should be
The redirection port must be 1000Mb port in the flow-based redirection function.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Flexible QinQ Configuration

Chapter 30
Flexible QinQ Configuration
30.1 Introduction to Flexible QinQ
30.1.1 QinQ Technique
Dot1q-tunnel is also called QinQ (802.1Q-in-802.1Q), which is an expansion of 802.1Q. Its dominating idea is encapsulating the customer VLAN tag (CVLAN tag) to the service provider VLAN tag
(SPVLAN tag). The packet with two VLAN tags is transmitted through the backbone network of
the ISP internet to provide a simple layer-2 tunnel for the users. It is simple and easy to manage,
applicable only by static configuration, and especially adaptive to small office network or small
metropolitan area network using layer-3 switch as backbone equipment.
There are two kinds of QinQ: basic QinQ and flexible QinQ, the priority of flexible QinQ is higher
than basic QinQ.

30.1.2 Basic QinQ

Basic QinQ based the port. After a port configures QinQ, whether the received packet with tag or
not, the device still packs the default VLAN tag for the packet. Using basic QinQ is simple, but the
setting method of VLAN tag is inflexible.

30.1.3 Flexible QinQ

Flexible QinQ based data flow. It selects whether pack the external tag and packs what kind of
the external tag by matching the material flow. For example: implement the property of flexible
QinQ according to the user's VLAN tag, MAC address, IPv4/IPv6 address, IPv4/IPv6 protocol
and the port ID of the application, etc. So, it can encapsulate the external tag for the packet and
implements different scheme by different users or methods.

30.2 Flexible QinQ Configuration Task List

The match of flexible QinQ data flow uses policy-map rule of QoS to be sent, the configuration
task list is as follows:
1. Create class-map to classify different data flows

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Flexible QinQ Configuration

2. Create flexible QinQ policy-map to relate with the class-map and set the corresponding operation
3. Bind flexible QinQ policy-map to port
4. Show flexible QinQ policy-map bound to port
1. Configure class map
Global mode
class-map <class-map-name>
no class-map <class-map-name>


match { access-group <acl-index-or-name>

| ip dscp <dscp-list> | ip precedence <ipprecedence-list> | ipv6 access-group <acl-indexor-name> | ipv6 dscp <dscp-list> | ipv6 flowlabel
<flowlabel-list> | vlan <vlan-list> | cos <cos-list>
no match { access-group | ip dscp | ip precedence
| ipv6 access-group | ipv6 dscp | ipv6 flowlabel |
vlan | cos }

Create a class-map and enter class-map

mode, the no command deletes the specified class-map.
Set the match standard of class-map, (classify data flow by ACL, CoS, VLAN ID,
IPv4 Precedent or DSCP, etc for the class
map); the no command deletes the specified match standard.

2. Configure policy-map of flexible QinQ

Global mode
policy-map <policy-map-name>
no policy-map <policy-mapname>
no class <class-map-name>
set nested-vlan <vid>
no set nested-vlan

Create a policy-map and enter policy-map mode, the no
command deletes the specified policy-map.
After a policy-map is created, it can be associated to a class.
Different policy or new DSCP value can be applied to different data flows in class mode; the no command deletes the
specified class-map.
Add the external tag to the classified flow, the no command
cancels the operation.

3. Bind flexible QinQ policy-map to port

Port mode
<policy-mapname> in
no service-policy <policy-mapname> in

Apply a policy-map to a port, the no command deletes the
specified policy-map applied to the port.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Flexible QinQ Configuration

4. Show flexible QinQ policy-map bound to port

Admin mode
show mls qos
[<interface-id>] }



Show flexible QinQ configuration on the port.

30.3 Flexible QinQ Troubleshooting

If flexible QinQ policy can not be bound to the port, please check whether the problem is caused
by the following reasons:
Make sure flexible QinQ whether supports the configured class-map and policy-map
Make sure ACL includes permit rule if the class-map matches ACL rule
Make sure the switch exists enough TCAM resource to send the binding


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Part VI
L3 Forward and ARP Configuration


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Layer 3 Management Configuration

Chapter 31
Layer 3 Management Configuration
Switch only support Layer 2 forwarding, but can configure a Layer 3 management port for
the communication of all kinds of management protocols based on IP protocol.

31.1 Layer 3 Management Interface

31.1.1 Introduction to Layer 3 Management Interface
Only one layer 3 management interface can be created on switch. The Layer 3 interface is not a
physical interface but a virtual interface. Layer 3 interface is built on VLANs. The Layer 3 interface
can contain one or more layer 2 ports which belong to the same VLAN, or contain no layer 2 ports.
At least one of the Layer 2 ports contained in Layer 3 interface should be in UP state for Layer 3
interface in UP state, otherwise, Layer 3 interface will be in DOWN state. The switch can use the
IP addresses set in the layer 3 interfaces to communicate with the other devices via IP.

31.1.2 Layer 3 Management Interface Configuration Task List

1. Create Layer 3 management interface
2. Configure VLAN interface description
3. Open or close the VLAN interface
1. Create Layer 3 management interface
Global Mode
interface vlan <vlan-id>
no interface vlan <vlan-id>

Creates a management VLAN interface; the no command
deletes the VLAN interface created in the switch.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Layer 3 Management Configuration

2. Configure VLAN interface description

VLAN Interface Mode
description <text>
no description

Configure the description information of VLAN interface.
The no command will cancel the description information of
VLAN interface.

31.2 IP Configuration
31.2.1 Introduction to IPv4, IPv6
IPv4 is the current version of global universal Internet protocol. The practice has proved that
IPv4 is simple, flexible, open, stable, strong and easy to implement while collaborating well with
various protocols of upper and lower layers. Although IPv4 almost has not been changed since
it was established in 1980's, it has kept growing to the current global scale with the promotion of
Internet. However, as Internet infrastructure and Internet application services continue boosting,
IPv4 has shown its deficiency when facing the present scale and complexity of Internet.
IPv6 refers to the sixth version of Internet protocol which is the next generation Internet protocol
designed by IETF to replace the current Internet protocol version 4 (IPv4). IPv6 was specially
developed to make up the shortages of IPv4 addresses so that Internet can develop further.
The most important problem IPv6 has solved is to add the amount of IP addresses. IPv4
addresses have nearly run out, whereas the amount of Internet users has been increasing in geometric series. With the greatly and continuously boosting of Internet services and application
devices (Home and Small Office Network, IP phone and Wireless Service Information Terminal
which make use of Internet,) which require IP addresses, the supply of IP addresses turns out
to be more and more tense. People have been working on the problem of shortage of IPv4 addresses for a long time by introducing various technologies to prolong the lifespan of existing IPv4
infrastructure, including Network Address Translation(NAT for short), and Classless Inter-Domain
Routing(CIDR for short), etc.
Although the combination of CIDR, NAT and private addressing has temporarily mitigated the
problem of IPv4 address space shortage, NAT technology has disrupted the end-to-end model
which is the original intention of IP design by making it necessary for router devices that serve as
network intermediate nodes to maintain every connection status which increases network delay
greatly and decreases network performance. Moreover, the translation of network data packet
addresses baffles the end-to-end network security check, IPSec authentication header is such an
Therefore, in order to solve all kinds of problems existing in IPv4 comprehensively, the next
generation Internet Protocol IPv6 designed by IETF has become the only feasible solution at
First of all, the 128 bits addressing scheme of IPv6 Protocol can guarantee to provide enough
globally unique IP addresses for global IP network nodes in the range of time and space. Moreover,
besides increasing address space, IPv6 also enhanced many other essential designs of IPv4.
Hierarchical addressing scheme facilitates Route Aggregation, effectively reduces route table
entries and enhances the efficiency and expansibility of routing and data packet processing.
The header design of IPv6 is more efficient compared with IPv4. It has less data fields and


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Layer 3 Management Configuration

takes out header checksum, thus expedites the processing speed of basic IPv6 header. In IPv6
header, fragment field can be shown as an optional extended field, so that data packets fragmentation process won't be done in router forwarding process, and Path MTU Discovery Mechanism
collaborates with data packet source which enhances the processing efficiency of router.
Address automatic configuration and plug-and-play is supported. Large amounts of hosts can
find network routers easily by address automatic configuration function of IPv6 while obtaining a
globally unique IPv6 address automatically as well which makes the devices using IPv6 Internet
plug-and-play. Automatic address configuration function also makes the readdressing of existing
network easier and more convenient, and it is more convenient for network operators to manage
the transformation from one provider to another.
Support IPSec. IPSec is optional in IPv4, but required in IPv6 Protocol. IPv6 provides security
extended header, which provides end-to-end security services such as access control, confidentiality and data integrity, consequently making the implement of encryption, validation and Virtual
Private Network easier.
Enhance the support for Mobile IP and mobile calculating devices. The Mobile IP Protocol
defined in IETF standard makes mobile devices movable without cutting the existing connection,
which is a network function getting more and more important. Unlike IPv4, the mobility of IPv6 is
from embedded automatic configuration to get transmission address (Care-Of-Address); therefore
it doesn't need Foreign Agent. Furthermore, this kind of binding process enables Correspondent
Node communicate with Mobile Node directly, thereby avoids the extra system cost caused by
triangle routing choice required in IPv4.
Avoid the use of Network Address Translation. The purpose of the introduction of NAT mechanism is to share and reuse same address space among different network segments. This mechanism mitigates the problem of the shortage of IPv4 address temporally; meanwhile it adds the
burden of address translation process for network device and application. Since the address space
of IPv6 has increased greatly, address translation becomes unnecessary, thus the problems and
system cost caused by NAT deployment are solved naturally.
Support extensively deployed Routing Protocol. IPv6 has kept and extended the supports
for existing Internal Gateway Protocols (IGP for short), and Exterior Gateway Protocols (EGP for
short). For example, IPv6 Routing Protocol such as RIPng, OSPFv3, IS-ISv6 and MBGP4+, etc.
Multicast addresses increased and the support for multicast has enhanced. By dealing with
IPv4 broadcast functions such as Router Discovery and Router Query, IPv6 multicast has completely replaced IPv4 broadcast in the sense of function. Multicast not only saves network bandwidth, but enhances network efficiency as well.

31.2.2 IP Configuration
Layer 3 interface can be configured as IPv4 interface, IPv6 interface.
IPv4 Address Configuration
IPv4 address configuration task list:
1. Configure the IPv4 address of three-layer interface
2. Configure the default gateway


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Layer 3 Management Configuration

1. Configure the IPv4 address of three-layer interface

VLAN Interface Configuration Mode
ip address <ip-address> <mask>
no ip address [<ip-address> <mask>]

Configure IP address of VLAN interface; the no ip address [<ip-address> <mask>] command cancels IP address of VLAN interface.

2. Configure the default gateway

Global Mode
ip default-gateway <A.B.C.D>
no ip default-gateway <A.B.C.D>

Configure the default gateway of the route. The no
command cancels the configuration.

IPv6 Address Configuration

The configuration Task List of IPv6 is as follows:
1. IPv6 basic configuration
(a) Configure interface IPv6 address
(b) Configure default gateway
2. IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Configuration
(a) Configure DAD neighbor solicitation message number
(b) Configure send neighbor solicitation message interval
(c) Configure static IPv6 neighbor entries
(d) Delete all entries in IPv6 neighbor table
1. IPv6 Basic Configuration
(a) Configure interface IPv6 address
Interface Configuration Mode
<ipv6address/prefix-length> [eui-64]

Configure IPv6 address, including aggregatable global unicast addresses, site-local addresses and link-local addresses. The no ipv6 address <ipv6-address/prefixlength> command cancels IPv6 address.

(b) Set default gateway

Global Mode
ipv6 default-gateway <X:X::X:X>
no ipv6 default-gateway <X:X::X:X>

Configure IPv6 default gateway of the router. The no
command cancels the configuration.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Layer 3 Management Configuration

2. IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Configuration

(a) Configure DAD Neighbor solicitation Message number
Interface Configuration Mode
ipv6 nd dad attempts <value>
no ipv6 nd dad attempts

Set the neighbor query message number sent in sequence
when the interface makes duplicate address detection. The
no command resumes default value (1).

(b) Configure Send Neighbor solicitation Message Interval

Interface Configuration Mode
ipv6 nd ns-interval <seconds>
no ipv6 nd ns-interval

Set the interval of the interface to send neighbor query message. The NO command resumes default value (1 second).

(c) Configure static IPv6 neighbor Entries

Interface Configuration Mode
ipv6 neighbor <ipv6-address> <hardwareaddress>
no ipv6 neighbor <ipv6-address>

Set static neighbor table entries, including neighbor IPv6 address, MAC address and two-layer
Delete neighbor table entries.

(d) Delete all entries in IPv6 neighbor table

Admin Mode
clear ipv6 neighbors

Clear all static neighbor table entries.

31.2.3 IPv6 Troubleshooting

If the connected PC has not obtained IPv6 address, you should check the RA announcement
switch (the default is turned off)

31.3 Static Route

31.3.1 Introduction to Static Route
As mentioned earlier, the static route is the manually specified path to a network or a host. Static
route is simple and consistent, and can prevent illegal route modification, and is convenient for load
balance and route backup. However, it also has its own defects. Static route, as its name indicates,
is static, it wont modify the route automatically on network failure, and manual configuration is
required on such occasions, therefore it is not suitable for mid and large-scale networks.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Layer 3 Management Configuration

Static route is mainly used in the following two conditions: 1) in stable networks to reduce load
of route selection and routing data streams. For example, static route can be used in route to
STUB network. 2) For route backup, configure static route in the backup line, with a lower priority
than the main line.
Static route and dynamic route can coexist; layer3 switch will choose the route with the highest priority according to the priority of routing protocols. At the same time, static route can be
introduced (redistribute) in dynamic route, and change the priority of the static route introduced as

31.3.2 Introduction to Default Route

Default route is a kind of static route, which is used only when no matching route is found. In the
route table, default route in is indicated by a destination address of and a network mask of, too. If the route table does not have the destination of a packet and has no default route
configured, the packet will be discarded, and an ICMP packet will be sent to the source address
indicate the destination address or network is unreachable.

31.3.3 Static Route Configuration Task List

1. Static route configuration
1. Static route configuration
Global mode
ip route {<ip-prefix> <mask> | <ip-prefix>/<prefixlength>} {<gateway-address> | <gatewayinterface>} [<distance>]
no ip route {<ip-prefix> <mask> | <ipprefix>/<prefix-length>}
| <gateway-interface>] [<distance>]

Set static routing; the no ip route {<ipprefix> <mask> | <ip-prefix>/<prefixlength>}
command deletes a static route entry

31.3.4 Static Route Configuration Examples

The figure shown below is a simple network consisting of three layer3 switches, the network mask
for all switches and PC is PC-A and PC-C are connected via the static route set
in SwtichA and SwitchC; PC-A and PC-B are connected via the static route set in SwtichC to
SwitchB; PC-B and PC-C is connected via the default route set in SwitchB.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Layer 3 Management Configuration














Figure 31.1: Static Route Configurations

Configuration steps:
Configuration of layer3 SwitchA
Switch(config)#ip route
Configuration of layer3 SwitchC
#Next hop use the
#Next hop use the

partner IP address
partner IP address

Configuration of layer3 SwitchB

Switch(config)#ip route
In this way, ping connectivity can be established between PC-A and PC-C, and PC-B and


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Layer 3 Management Configuration

31.4 ARP
31.4.1 Introduction to ARP
ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) is mainly used to resolve IP address to Ethernet MAC address.
Switch supports both dynamic ARP and static ARP configuration.

31.4.2 ARP Configuration Task List

ARP Configuration Task List:
1. Configure static ARP
1. Configure static ARP
VLAN Interface Mode
arp <ip_address> <mac_address> { interface
[ethernet] <portName> }
no arp <ip_address>

Configures a static ARP entry; the no command deletes a ARP entry of the specified
IP address.

31.4.3 ARP Troubleshooting

If ping from the switch to directly connected network devices fails, the following can be used to
check the possible cause and create a solution.
Check whether the corresponding ARP has been learned by the switch.
If ARP has not been learned, then enabled ARP debugging information and view the sending/receiving condition of ARP packets.
Defective cable is a common cause of ARP problems and may disable ARP learning.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ARP Scanning Prevention Function Configuration

Chapter 32
ARP Scanning Prevention Function
32.1 Introduction to ARP Scanning Prevention Function
ARP scanning is a common method of network attack. In order to detect all the active hosts in a
network segment, the attack source will broadcast lots of ARP messages in the segment, which
will take up a large part of the bandwidth of the network. It might even do large-traffic-attack in the
network via fake ARP messages to collapse of the network by exhausting the bandwidth. Usually ARP scanning is just a preface of other more dangerous attack methods, such as automatic
virus infection or the ensuing port scanning, vulnerability scanning aiming at stealing information,
distorted message attack, and DOS attack, etc.
Since ARP scanning threatens the security and stability of the network with great danger, so it
is very significant to prevent it. Switch provides a complete resolution to prevent ARP scanning:
if there is any host or port with ARP scanning features is found in the segment, the switch will cut
off the attack source to ensure the security of the network.
There are two methods to prevent ARP scanning: port-based and IP-based. The port-based
ARP scanning will count the number to ARP messages received from a port in a certain time range,
if the number is larger than a preset threshold, this port will be 'down'. The IP-based ARP scanning
will count the number to ARP messages received from an IP in the segment in a certain time range,
if the number is larger than a preset threshold, any traffic from this IP will be blocked, while the
port related with this IP will not be 'down'. These two methods can be enabled simultaneously.
After a port or an IP is disabled, users can recover its state via automatic recovery function.
To improve the effect of the switch, users can configure trusted ports and IP, the ARP messages
from which will not be checked by the switch. Thus the load of the switch can be effectively

32.2 ARP Scanning Prevention Configuration Task Sequence

1. Enable the ARP Scanning Prevention function.
2. Configure the threshold of the port-based and IP-based ARP Scanning Prevention
3. Configure trusted ports


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ARP Scanning Prevention Function Configuration

4. Configure trusted IP
5. Configure automatic recovery time
6. Display relative information of debug information and ARP scanning
1. Enable the ARP Scanning Prevention function.
Global configuration mode
anti-arpscan enable
no anti-arpscan enable

Enable or disable the ARP Scanning Prevention function

2. Configure the threshold of the port-based and IP-based ARP Scanning Prevention
Global configuration mode
anti-arpscan port-based threshold <threshold-value>
no anti-arpscan port-based threshold
anti-arpscan ip-based threshold <threshold-value>
no anti-arpscan ip-based threshold

Set the threshold of the port-based
ARP Scanning Prevention.
Set the threshold of the IP-based ARP
Scanning Prevention.

3. Configure trusted ports

Port configuration mode
anti-arpscan trust <port | supertrust-port>
no anti-arpscan trust <port | supertrust-port>

Set the trust attributes of the ports.

4. Configure trusted IP
Global configuration mode
anti-arpscan trust ip <ip-address> [<netmask>]
no anti-arpscan trust ip <ip-address> [<netmask>]

Set the trust attributes of IP.

5. Configure automatic recovery time

Global configuration mode
anti-arpscan recovery enable
no anti-arpscan recovery enable
anti-arpscan recovery time <seconds>
no anti-arpscan recovery time

Enable or disable the automatic recovery
Set automatic recovery time.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ARP Scanning Prevention Function Configuration

6. Display relative information of debug information and ARP scanning

Global configuration mode
anti-arpscan log enable
no anti-arpscan log enable
anti-arpscan trap enable
no anti-arpscan trap enable
show anti-arpscan [trust <ip | port |
supertrust-port> | prohibited <ip | port>]
Admin Mode
debug anti-arpscan <port | ip>
no debug anti-arpscan <port | ip>

Enable or disable the log function of ARP scanning prevention.
Enable or disable the SNMP Trap function of
ARP scanning prevention.
Display the state of operation and configuration
of ARP scanning prevention.
Enable or disable the debug switch of ARP scanning prevention.

32.3 ARP Scanning Prevention Typical Examples






Figure 32.1: ARP scanning prevention typical configuration example

In the network topology above, port E1/0/1 of SWITCH B is connected to port E1/0/19 of
SWITCH A, the port E1/0/2 of SWITCH A is connected to file server (IP address is,
and all the other ports of SWITCH A are connected to common PC. The following configuration
can prevent ARP scanning effectively without affecting the normal operation of the system.
SWITCH A configuration task sequence:
SwitchA(config)#anti-arpscan enable
SwitchA(config)#anti-arpscan recovery time 3600
SwitchA(config)#anti-arpscan trust ip
SwitchA(config)#interface ethernet1/0/2
SwitchA(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/2)#anti-arpscan trust port

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ARP Scanning Prevention Function Configuration

SwitchA(config)#interface ethernet1/0/19
SwitchA(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/19)#anti-arpscan trust supertrust-port
SWITCH B configuration task sequence:
SwitchB(config)#anti-arpscan enable
SwitchB(config)#interface ethernet1/0/1
SwitchB(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#anti-arpscan trust port

32.4 ARP Scanning Prevention Troubleshooting Help

ARP scanning prevention is disabled by default. After enabling ARP scanning prevention,
users can enable the debug switch, debug anti-arpscan, to view debug information.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Prevent ARP Spoofing Configuration

Chapter 33
Prevent ARP Spoofing Configuration
33.1 Overview
33.1.1 ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)
Generally speaking, ARP (RFC-826) protocol is mainly responsible of mapping IP address to relevant 48-bit physical address, that is MAC address, for instance, IP address is, network
card Mac address is f8-f0-82-FD-1D-2B. What the whole mapping process is that a host computer
send broadcast data packet involving IP address information of destination host computer, ARP
request, and then the destination host computer send a data packet involving its IP address and
Mac address to the host, so two host computers can exchange data by MAC address.

33.1.2 ARP Spoofing

In terms of ARP Protocol design, to reduce redundant ARP data communication on networks,
even though a host computer receives an ARP reply which is not requested by itself, it will also
insert an entry to its ARP cache table, so it creates a possibility of 'ARP spoofing'. If the hacker
wants to snoop the communication between two host computers in the same network (even if are
connected by the switches), it sends an ARP reply packet to two hosts separately, and make them
misunderstand MAC address of the other side as the hacker host MAC address. In this way, the
direct communication is actually communicated indirectly among the hacker host computer. The
hackers not only obtain communication information they need, but also only need to modify some
information in data packet and forward successfully. In this sniff way, the hacker host computer
doesn't need to configure intermix mode of network card, that is because the data packet between
two communication sides are sent to hacker host computer on physical layer, which works as a

33.1.3 How to prevent void ARP Spoofing

There are many sniff, monitor and attack behaviors based on ARP protocol in networks, and most
of attack behaviors are based on ARP spoofing, so it is very important to prevent ARP spoofing.
ARP spoofing accesses normal network environment by counterfeiting legal IP address firstly, and
sends a great deal of counterfeited ARP application packets to switches, after switches learn these
packets, they will cover previously corrected IP, mapping of MAC address, and then some corrected IP, MAC address mapping are modified to correspondence relationship configured by attack

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Prevent ARP Spoofing Configuration

packets so that the switch makes mistake on transfer packets, and takes an effect on the whole
network. Or the switches are made used of by vicious attackers, and they intercept and capture
packets transferred by switches or attack other switches, host computers or network equipment.
What the essential method on preventing attack and spoofing switches based on ARP in networks is to disable switch automatic update function; the cheater can't modify corrected MAC
address in order to avoid wrong packets transfer and can't obtain other information. At one time, it
doesn't interrupt the automatic learning function of ARP. Thus it prevents ARP spoofing and attack
to a great extent.

33.2 Prevent ARP Spoofing configuration

The steps of preventing ARP spoofing configuration as below:
1. Disable ARP automatic update function
2. Disable ARP automatic learning function
3. Changing dynamic ARP to static ARP
1. Disable ARP automatic update function
Global Mode and Port Mode
ip arp-security updateprotect
no ip arp-security updateprotect

Disable and enable ARP automatic update function.

2. Disable ARP automatic learning function

Global mode and Interface Mode
ip arp-security learnprotect
Disable and enable ARP automatic learning function.
no ip arp-security learnprotect
3. Function on changing dynamic ARP to static ARP
Global Mode and Port Mode
ip arp-security convert

Change dynamic ARP to static ARP.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Prevent ARP Spoofing Configuration

33.3 Prevent ARP Spoofing Example


Figure 33.1: Prevent ARP spoofing configuration example

Equipment Explanation

IP:; mac: 00-00-00-00-00-04
IP:; mac: 00-00-00-00-00-01
IP:; mac: 00-00-00-00-00-02
IP:; mac: 00-00-00-00-00-03


There is a normal communication between B and C on above diagram. A wants switch to

forward packets sent by B to itself, so need switch sends the packets transfer from B to A. firstly A
sends ARP reply packet to switch, format is:, 00-00-00-00-00-01, mapping its MAC
address to C's IP, so the switch changes IP address when it updates ARP list., then data packet
of is transferred to 00-00-00-00-00-01 address (A MAC address).
In further, a transfers its received packets to C by modifying source address and destination
address, the mutual communicated data between B and C are received by A unconsciously. Because the ARP list is update timely, another task for A is to continuously send ARP reply packet,
and refreshes switch ARP list.
So it is very important to protect ARP list, configure to forbid ARP learning command in stable environment, and then change all dynamic ARP to static ARP, the learned ARP will not be
refreshed, and protect for users.
Switch(config)#interface vlan 1
Switch(Config-If-Vlan1)#arp 00-00-00-00-00-01 interface eth 1/0/2
Switch(Config-If-Vlan1)#interface vlan 2
Switch(Config-If-Vlan2)#arp 00-00-00-00-00-02 interface eth 1/0/2
Switch(Config-If-Vlan2#interface vlan 3
Switch(Config-If-Vlan3)#arp 00-00-00-00-00-03 interface eth 1/0/2
Switch(Config)#ip arp-security learnprotect
Switch(config)#ip arp-security convert
If the environment changing, it enable to forbid ARP refresh, once it learns ARP property, it
wont be refreshed by new ARP reply packet, and protect use data from sniffing.
Switch(config)#ip arp-security updateprotect

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ARP Guard Configuration

Chapter 34
ARP Guard Configuration
34.1 Introduction to ARP Guard
There is serious security vulnerability in the design of ARP protocol, which is any network device,
can send ARP messages to advertise the mapping relationship between IP address and MAC address. This provides a chance for ARP cheating. Attackers can send ARP REQUEST messages
or ARP REPLY messages to advertise a wrong mapping relationship between IP address and
MAC address, causing problems in network communication. The danger of ARP cheating has
two forms: 1. PC4 sends an ARP message to advertise that the IP address of PC2 is mapped to
the MAC address of PC4, which will cause all the IP messages to PC2 will be sent to PC4, thus
PC4 will be able to monitor and capture the messages to PC2; 2. PC4 sends ARP messages to
advertise that the IP address of PC2 is mapped to an illegal MAC address, which will prevent PC2
from receiving the messages to it. Particularly, if the attacker pretends to be the gateway and do
ARP cheating, the whole network will be collapsed.






Figure 34.1: ARP Guard schematic diagram

We utilize the filtering entries of the switch to protect the ARP entries of important network
devices from being imitated by other devices. The basic theory of doing this is that utilizing the
filtering entries of the switch to check all the ARP messages entering through the port, if the source
address of the ARP message is protected, the messages will be directly dropped and will not be
ARP Guard function is usually used to protect the gateway from being attacked. If all the
accessed PCs in the network should be protected from ARP cheating, then a large number of ARP
Guard address should be configured on the port, which will take up a big part of FFP entries in the
chip, and as a result, might affect other applications. So this will be improper. It is recommended

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ARP Guard Configuration

that adopting FREE RESOURCE related accessing scheme. Please refer to relative documents
for details.

34.2 ARP Guard Configuration Task List

1. Configure the protected IP address
Port configuration mode
arp-guard ip <addr>
no arp-guard ip <addr>

Configure/delete ARP GUARD address


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Gratuitous ARP Configuration

Chapter 35
Gratuitous ARP Configuration
35.1 Introduction to Gratuitous ARP
Gratuitous ARP is a kind of ARP request that is sent by the host with its IP address as the destination of the ARP request.
The basic working mode for the switch is as below: The Layer 3 interfaces of the switch can be
configured to advertise gratuitous ARP packets period or the switch can be configured to enable
to send gratuitous ARP packets in all the interfaces globally.
The purpose of gratuitous ARP is as below:
1. To reduce the frequency that the host sends ARP request to the switch. The hosts in the
network will periodically send ARP requests to the gateway to update the MAC address of
the gateway. If the switch advertises gratuitous ARP requests, the host will not have to
send these requests. This will reduce the frequency the host's sending ARP requests for the
gateway's MAC address.
2. Gratuitous ARP is a method to prevent ARP cheating. The switch's advertising gratuitous
ARP request will force the hosts to update its ARP table cache. Thus, forged ARP of gateway
cannot function.

35.2 Gratuitous ARP Configuration Task List

1. Enable gratuitous ARP and configure the interval to send gratuitous ARP request
2. Display configurations about gratuitous ARP
1. Enable gratuitous ARP and configure the interval to send gratuitous ARP request.
Global Configuration Mode and Interface Configuration Mode
ip gratuitous-arp <5-1200>
To enable gratuitous ARP and configure the interval to send
no ip gratuitous-arp
gratuitous ARP request.
The no command cancels the gratuitous ARP.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Gratuitous ARP Configuration

2. Display configurations about gratuitous ARP

Admin Mode and Configuration Mode
show ip gratuitous-arp [interface To display configurations about gratuitous ARP.
vlan <1-4094>]

35.3 Gratuitous ARP Configuration Example


Interface vlan 1



Interface vlan 10




Figure 35.1: Gratuitous ARP Configuration Example

For the network topology shown in the figure above, interface VLAN10 whose IP address
is and network address mask is in the switch system. Three
PCs - PC3, PC4, PC5 are connected to the interface. The IP address of interface VLAN 1 is, its network address mask is Two PCs - PC1 and PC2 are connected to this interface. Gratuitous ARP can be enabled through the following configuration:
1. Configure two interfaces to use gratuitous ARP at one time.
Switch(config)#ip gratuitous-arp 300
2. Configure gratuitous ARP specifically for only one interface at one time.
Switch(config)#interface vlan 10
Switch(Config-if-Vlan10)#ip gratuitous-arp 300

35.4 Gratuitous ARP Troubleshooting

Gratuitous ARP is disabled by default. And when gratuitous ARP is enabled, the debugging information about ARP packets can be retrieved through the command debug ARP send.
If gratuitous ARP is enabled in global configuration mode, it can be disabled only in global configuration mode. If gratuitous ARP is configured in interface configuration mode, the configuration
can only be disabled in interface configuration mode.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Part VII
DHCP Configuration


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DHCP Configuration

Chapter 36
DHCP Configuration
36.1 Introduction to DHCP
DHCP [RFC2131] is the acronym for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. It is a protocol that
assigns IP address dynamically from the address pool as well as other network configuration parameters such as default gateway, DNS server, and default route and host image file position
within the network. DHCP is the enhanced version of BOOTP. It is a mainstream technology that
can not only provide boot information for diskless workstations, but can also release the administrators from manual recording of IP allocation and reduce user effort and cost on configuration.
Another benefit of DHCP is it can partially ease the pressure on IP demands, when the user of an
IP leaves the network that IP can be assigned to another user.
DHCP is a client-server protocol, the DHCP client requests the network address and configuration parameters from the DHCP server; the server provides the network address and configuration
parameters for the clients; if DHCP server and clients are located in different subnets, DHCP relay
is required for DHCP packets to be transferred between the DHCP client and DHCP server. The
implementation of DHCP is shown below:
DHCP Client

DHCP Server

Figure 36.1: DHCP protocol interaction

1. DHCP client broadcasts DHCPDISCOVER packets in the local subnet.
2. On receiving the DHCPDISCOVER packet, DHCP server sends a DHCPOFFER packet
along with IP address and other network parameters to the DHCP client.
3. DHCP client broadcast DHCPREQUEST packet with the information for the DHCP server it
selected after selecting from the DHCPOFFER packets.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DHCP Configuration

4. The DHCP server selected by the client sends a DHCPACK packet and the client gets an IP
address and other network configuration parameters.
The above four steps finish a Dynamic host configuration assignment process. However, if the
DHCP server and the DHCP client are not in the same network, the server will not receive the
DHCP broadcast packets sent by the client, therefore no DHCP packets will be sent to the client
by the server. In this case, a DHCP relay is required to forward such DHCP packets so that the
DHCP packets exchange can be completed between the DHCP client and server.
Switch can act as both a DHCP server and a DHCP relay. DHCP server supports not only
dynamic IP address assignment, but also manual IP address binding (i.e. specify a specific IP
address to a specified MAC address or specified device ID over a long period. The differences
and relations between dynamic IP address allocation and manual IP address binding are:
1. IP address obtained dynamically can be different every time; manually bound IP address will
be the same all the time.
2. The lease period of IP address obtained dynamically is the same as the lease period of the
address pool, and is limited; the lease of manually bound IP address is theoretically endless.
3. Dynamically allocated address cannot be bound manually.
4. Dynamic DHCP address pool can inherit the network configuration parameters of the dynamic DHCP address pool of the related segment.

36.2 DHCP Server Configuration

DHCP Sever Configuration Task List:
1. Enable/Disable DHCP service
2. Configure DHCP Address pool
(a) Create/Delete DHCP Address pool
(b) Configure DHCP address pool parameters
(c) Configure manual DHCP address pool parameters
3. Enable logging for address conflicts
1. Enable/Disable DHCP service
Global Mode
service dhcp
no service dhcp
Port Mode
ip dhcp disbale
no ip dhcp disable

Enable DHCP server. The no command disables DHCP
The port disables DHCP services, the no command enables
DHCP services.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DHCP Configuration

2. Configure DHCP Address pool

(a) Create/Delete DHCP Address pool
Global Mode
ip dhcp pool <name>
no ip dhcp pool <name>

Configure DHCP Address pool. The no operation
cancels the DHCP Address pool.

(b) Configure DHCP address pool parameters

DHCP Address Pool Mode
network-address <network-number>
[mask | prefix-length]
no network-address
default-router [<address1> [<address2> [...<address8>]]]
no default-router
dns-server [<address1> [<address2>
no dns-server
domain-name <domain>
no domain-name
[<address2> [...<address8>]]]
no netbios-name-server
netbios-node-type { b-node | h-node |
m-node | p-node | <type-number> }
no netbios-node-type
bootfile <filename>
no bootfile
next-server [<address1> [<address2>
no next-server [<address1> [<address2> [...<address8>]]]
option <code> { ascii <string> | hex
<hex> | ipaddress <ipaddress> }
no option <code>
lease { days [hours][minutes] | infinite
no lease
max-lease-time { [<days>] [<hours>]
[<minutes>] | infinite }
no max-lease-time

Configure the address scope that can be allocated to
the address pool. The no operation of this command
cancels the allocation address pool.
Configure default gateway for DHCP clients. The no
operation cancels the default gateway.
Configure DNS server for DHCP clients. The no command deletes DNS server configuration.
Configure Domain name for DHCP clients; the 'no
domain-name' command deletes the domain name.
Configure the address for WINS server. The no operation cancels the address for server.
Configure node type for DHCP clients. The no operation cancels the node type for DHCP clients.
Configure the file to be imported for DHCP clients on
boot up. The no command cancels this operation.
Configure the address of the server hosting file for importing. The no command deletes the address of the
server hosting file for importing.
Configure the network parameter specified by the option code. The no command deletes the network parameter specified by the option code.
Configure the lease period allocated to addresses in
the address pool. The no command deletes the lease
period allocated to addresses in the address pool.
Set the maximum lease time for the addresses in the
address pool; the no command restores the default


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DHCP Configuration

Global Mode
ip dhcp excluded-address <low-address>
no ip dhcp excluded-address <lowaddress> [<high-address>]

Exclude the addresses in the address pool that

are not for dynamic allocation.

(c) Configure manual DHCP address pool parameters

DHCP Address Pool Mode
hardware-address <hardware-address> [{
Ethernet | IEEE802 | <type-number> }]
no hardware-address
host <address> [<mask> | <prefix-length>]
no host
client-identifier <unique-identifier>
no client-identifier

Specify/delete the hardware address when assigning address manually.
Specify/delete the IP address to be assigned to
the specified client when binding address manually.
Specify/delete the unique ID of the user when
binding address manually.

3. Enable logging for address conflicts

Global Mode
ip dhcp conflict logging
no ip dhcp conflict logging
Admin Mode
clear ip dhcp conflict <address |

Enable/disable logging for DHCP address to detect address
Delete a single address conflict record or all conflict records.

36.3 DHCP Relay Configuration

When the DHCP client and server are in different segments, DHCP relay is required to transfer
DHCP packets. Adding a DHCP relay makes it unnecessary to configure a DHCP server for
each segment, one DHCP server can provide the network configuration parameter for clients from
multiple segments, which is not only cost-effective but also management-effective.
DHCPDiscover (Broadcast)






DHCPACK (Unicast)
DHCP Client

DHCP Relay

DHCP Server

Figure 36.2: DHCP relay


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DHCP Configuration

As shown in the above figure, the DHCP client and the DHCP server are in different networks,
the DHCP client performs the four DHCP steps as usual yet DHCP relay is added to the process.
1. The client broadcasts a DHCPDISCOVER packet, and DHCP relay inserts its own IP address
to the relay agent field in the DHCPDISCOVER packet on receiving the packet, and forwards
the packet to the specified DHCP server (for DHCP frame format, please refer to RFC2131).
2. On the receiving the DHCPDISCOVER packets forwarded by DHCP relay, the DHCP server
sends the DHCPOFFER packet via DHCP relay to the DHCP client.
3. DHCP client chooses a DHCP server and broadcasts a DHCPREQUEST packet, DHCP
relay forwards the packet to the DHCP server after processing.
4. On receiving DHCPREQUEST, the DHCP server responds with a DHCPACK packet via
DHCP relay to the DHCP client.
DHCP Relay Configuration Task List:
1. Enable DHCP relay.
2. Configure DHCP relay to forward DHCP broadcast packet.
3. Configure share-vlan
1. Enable DHCP relay.
Global Mode
service dhcp
no service dhcp

DHCP server and DHCP relay is enabled as the DHCP service is enabled.

2. Configure DHCP relay to forward DHCP broadcast packet.

Global Mode
ip forward-protocol udp bootps
no ip forward-protocol udp
Interface Configuration Mode
ip helper-address <ipaddress>
no ip helper-address <ipaddress>

The UDP port 67 is used for DHCP broadcast packet forwarding.

Set the destination IP address for DHCP relay forwarding;

the 'no ip helper-address <ipaddress>' command cancels
the setting.

3. Configure share-vlan
When the user want to use layer 2 device as DHCP relay, there is the number limitation that
create layer 3 interface on layer 2 device, but using the layer 3 interface of share-vlan (it may
include many sub-vlan, however a sub-vlan only correspond to a share-vlan) can implement DHCP
relay forwarding, and the relay device needs to enable option82 function at the same time.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DHCP Configuration

Global Mode
ip dhcp relay share-vlan
<vlanid> sub-vlan <vlanlist>
no dhcp relay share-vlan

Create or delete share-vlan and it's sub-vlan.

36.4 DHCP Configuration Examples

Scenario 1:
Too save configuration efforts of network administrators and users, a company is using switch
as a DHCP server. The Admin VLAN IP address is The local area network for the
company is divided into network A and B according to the office locations. The network configurations for location A and B are shown below.
Pool A (network
IP address
Default gateway
DNS server
WINS server
WINS node type
3 days

Pool B (network

IP address
Default gateway
DNS server
WWW server


In location A, a machine with MAC address 00-03-22-23-dc-ab is assigned with a fixed IP

address of and named as 'management'.
Switch(config)#service dhcp
Switch(config)#interface vlan 1
Switch(Config-Vlan-1)#ip address
Switch(config)#ip dhcp pool A
Switch(dhcp-A-config)#network 24
Switch(dhcp-A-config)#lease 3
Switch(dhcp-A-config)#netbios-node-type H-node
Switch(config)#ip dhcp excluded-address
Switch(config)#ip dhcp pool B
Switch(dhcp-B-config)#network 24
Switch(dhcp-B-config)#lease 1
Switch(dhcp-B-config)#option 72 ip
Switch(config)#ip dhcp excluded-address

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DHCP Configuration

Switch(config)#ip dhcp pool A1

Switch(dhcp-A1-config)#hardware-address 00-03-22-23-dc-ab
Usage Guide: When a DHCP/BOOTP client is connected to a VLAN1 port of the switch,
the client can only get its address from instead of This is because the
broadcast packet from the client will be requesting the IP address in the same segment of the VLAN
interface after VLAN interface forwarding, and the VLAN interface IP address is,
therefore the IP address assigned to the client will belong to
If the DHCP/BOOTP client wants to have an address in, the gateway forwarding
broadcast packets of the client must belong to The connectivity between the client
gateway and the switch must be ensured for the client to get an IP address from the
address pool.
Scenario 2:

DHCP Client

DHCP Client



DHCP Relay
DHCP Server

DHCP Client

Figure 36.3: DHCP Relay Configuration

As shown in the above figure, route switch is configured as a DHCP relay. The DHCP server
address is, the configuration steps is as follows:
Switch(config)#service dhcp
Switch(config)#interface vlan 1
Switch(Config-if-Vlan1)#ip address
Switch(config)#vlan 2
Switch(config)#interface Ethernet 1/0/2
Switch(Config-Erthernet1/0/2)#switchport access vlan 2
Switch(config)#interface vlan 2
Switch(Config-if-Vlan2)#ip address
Switch(config)#ip forward-protocol udp bootps
Switch(config)#interface vlan 1
Switch(Config-if-Vlan1)#ip help-address

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DHCP Configuration

Note: It is recommended to use the combination of command ip forward-protocol udp <port>

and ip helper-address <ipaddress>. ip help-address can only be configured for ports on layer 3
and cannot be configured on layer 2 ports directly.
Scenario 3:

DHCP Client


DHCP Server

Figure 36.4: DHCP configuration example

As shown in the above figure, PC1 is DHCP client, obtain the address through DHCP. Switch1
is a layer 2 access device, it enables DHCP Relay and option82 functions, Ethernet1/0/2 is a
access port, belongs to vlan3, Ethernet1/0/3 is a trunk port, connects to DHCP Server, DHCP
Server address is Switch1 creates vlan1 and interface vlan1, configure IP address of interface vlan1 as, configure the address of DHCP Relay forwarding as, configure vlan3 as a sub-vlan of vlan1. The configuration is as follows:
switch(config)#vlan 1
switch(config)#vlan 3
switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/0/2
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/2)#switchport access vlan 3
switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/0/3
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/2)#switchport mode trunk
switch(config)#service dhcp
switch(config)#ip forward-protocol udp bootps
switch(config)#ip dhcp relay information option
switch(config)#ip dhcp relay share-vlan 1 sub-vlan 3
switch(config-if-vlan1)#ip address
switch(config-if-vlan1)#ip helper-address

36.5 DHCP Troubleshooting

If the DHCP clients cannot obtain IP addresses and other network parameters, the following procedures can be followed when DHCP client hardware and cables have been verified ok.
Verify the DHCP server is running, start the related DHCP server if not running.
In such case, DHCP server should be examined for an address pool that is in the same
segment of the switch VLAN, such a pool should be added if not present, and (This does not
indicate switch cannot assign IP address for different segments, see solution 2 for details.)
In DHCP service, pools for dynamic IP allocation and manual binding are conflicting, i.e., if
command 'network-address' and 'host' are run for a pool, only one of them will take effect;
furthermore, in manual binding, only one IP-MAC binding can be configured in one pool. If
multiple bindings are required, multiple manual pools can be created and IP-MAC bindings
set for each pool. New configuration in the same pool overwrites the previous configuration.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DHCPv6 Configuration

Chapter 37
DHCPv6 Configuration
37.1 Introduction to DHCPv6
DHCPv6 [RFC3315] is the IPv6 version for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). It is
a protocol that assigns IPv6 address as well as other network configuration parameters such as
DNS address, and domain name to DHCPv6 client, DHCPv6 is a conditional auto address configuration protocol relative to IPv6. In the conditional address configuration process, DHCPv6 server
assigns a complete IPv6 address to client, and provides DNS address, domain name and other
configuration information, maybe the DHCPv6 packet can transmit through relay delegation, at last
the binding of IPv6 address and client can be recorded by DHCPv6 server, all that can enhance
the management of network; DHCPv6 server can also provide non state DHCPv6 service, that is
only assigns DNS address and domain name and other configuration information but not assigns
IPv6 address, it can solve the bug of IPv6 auto address configuration in non state; DHCPv6 can
provide extend function of DHCPv6 prefix delegation, upstream route can assign address prefix
to downstream route automatically, that achieve the IPv6 address auto assignment in levels of
network environment, and resolved the problem of ISP and IPv6 network dispose.
There are three entities in the DHCPv6 protocol - the client, the relay and the server. The
DHCPv6 protocol is based on the UDP protocol. The DHCPv6 client sends request messages to
the DHCP server or DHCP relay with the destination port as 547, and the DHCPv6 server and
relay send replying messages with the destination port as 546. The DHCPv6 client sends solicit
or request messages with the multicast address - ff02::1:2 for DHCP relay and server.
Solicit (Multicast)
Advertise (Unicast)
Request (Multicast)
Reply (Unicast)
DHCPv6 Client

DHCPv6 Server

Figure 37.1: DHCPv6 negotiation

When a DHCPv6 client tries to request an IPv6 address and other configurations from the
DHCPv6 server, the client has to find the location of the DHCP server, and then request configurations from the DHCP server.
1. In the time of located server, the DHCP client tries to find a DHCPv6 server by broadcasting

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DHCPv6 Configuration

a SOLICIT packet to all the DHCP delay delegation and server with broadcast address as
2. Any DHCP server which receives the request, will reply the client with an ADVERTISE message, which includes the identity of the server - DUID, and its priority.
3. It is possible that the client receives multiple ADVERTISE messages. The client should select
one and reply it with a REQUEST message to request the address which is advertised in the
ADVERTISE message.
4. The selected DHCPv6 server then confirms the client about the IPv6 address and any other
configuration with the REPLY message.
The above four steps finish a Dynamic host configuration assignment process. However, if the
DHCPv6 server and the DHCPv6 client are not in the same network, the server will not receive the
DHCPv6 broadcast packets sent by the client, therefore no DHCPv6 packets will be sent to the
client by the server. In this case, a DHCPv6 relay is required to forward such DHCPv6 packets so
that the DHCPv6 packets exchange can be completed between the DHCPv6 client and server.
At the time this manual is written, DHCPv6 server, relay and prefix delegation client have been
implemented on the switch. When the DHCPv6 relay receives any messages from the DHCPv6
client, it will encapsulate the request in a Relay-forward packet and deliver it to the next DHCPv6
relay or the DHCPv6 server. The DHCPv6 messages coming from the server will be encapsulated
as relay reply packets to the DHCPv6 relay. The relay then removes the encapsulation and delivers
it the DHCPv6 client or the next DHCPv6 relay in the network.
For DHCPv6 prefix delegation where DHCPv6 server is configured on the PE router and
DHCPv6 client it configured on the CPE router, the CPE router is able to send address prefix
allocation request to the PE router and get a pre-configured address prefix, but not set the address prefix manually. The protocol negotiation between the client and the prefix delegation client
is quite similar to that when getting a DHCPv6 address. Then the CPE router divides the allocated
prefix - whose length should be less than 64 characters, into 64 subnets. The divided address prefix will be advertised through routing advertisement messages (RA) to the host directly connected
to the client.

37.2 DHCPv6 Server Configuration

DHCPv6 server configuration task list as below:
1. To enable/disable DHCPv6 service
2. To configure DHCPv6 address pool
(a) To achieve/delete DHCPv6 address pool
(b) To configure parameter of DHCPv6 address pool
3. To enable DHCPv6 server function on port


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DHCPv6 Configuration

1. To enable/disable DHCPv6 service

Global Mode
service dhcpv6
no service dhcpv6

To enable DHCPv6 service.

2. To configure DHCPv6 address pool

(a) To achieve/delete DHCPv6 address pool
Global Mode
ipv6 dhcp pool <poolname>
no ipv6 dhcp pool <poolname>

To configure DHCPv6 address pool.

(b)To configure parameter of DHCPv6 address pool

DHCPv6 address pool Configuration Mode
<ipv6-pool- To configure the range of IPv6 address assignable of adstart-address> { <ipv6-pool- dress pool.
end-address> | <prefix-length> }
no network-address
dns-server <ipv6-address>
To configure DNS server address for DHCPv6 client.
no dns-server <ipv6-address>
domain-name <domain-name>
To configure DHCPv6 client domain name.
no domain-name <domainname>
<ipv6- To exclude IPv6 address which isn't used for dynamic asaddress>
signment in address pool.
no excluded-address <ipv6address>
lifetime { <valid-time> | infinity } { To configure valid time or preferred time of DHCPv6 address
<preferred-time> | infinity }
no lifetime
3. To enable DHCPv6 server function on port.
Interface Configuration Mode
ipv6 dhcp server <poolname>
[preference <value>] [rapidcommit] [allow-hint]
no ipv6 dhcp server <poolname>

To enable DHCPv6 server function on specified port, and
binding the used DHCPv6 address pool.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DHCPv6 Configuration

37.3 DHCPv6 Relay Delegation Configuration

DHCPv6 relay delegation configuration task list as below:
1. To enable/disable DHCPv6 service
2. To configure DHCPv6 relay delegation on port
1. To enable DHCPv6 service
Global Mode
service dhcpv6
no service dhcpv6

To enable DHCPv6 service.

2. To configure DHCPv6 relay delegation on port

Interface Configuration Mode
ipv6 dhcp relay destination {
[<ipv6-address>] [interface {
<interface-name> | vlan <14096> } ] }
no ipv6 dhcp relay destination { [<ipv6-address>] [interface
{ <interface-name> | vlan <14096> } ] }

To specify the destination address of DHCPv6 relay transmit; The no form of this command delete the configuration.

37.4 DHCPv6 Prefix Delegation Server Configuration

DHCPv6 prefix delegation server configuration task list as below:
1. To enable/delete DHCPv6 service
2. To configure prefix delegation pool
3. To configure DHCPv6 address pool
(a) To achieve/delete DHCPv6 address pool
(b) To configure prefix delegation pool used by DHCPv6 address pool
(c) To configure static prefix delegation binding
(d) To configure other parameters of DHCPv6 address pool
4. To enable DHCPv6 prefix delegation server function on port


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DHCPv6 Configuration

1. To enable/delete DHCPv6 service

Global Mode
service dhcpv6
no service dhcpv6

To enable DHCPv6 service.

2. To configure prefix delegation pool

Global Mode
ipv6 local pool <poolname>
no ipv6 local pool <poolname>

To configure prefix delegation pool.

3. To configure DHCPv6 address pool

(a) To achieve/delete DHCPv6 address pool
Global Mode
ipv6 dhcp pool <poolname>
no ipv6 dhcp pool <poolname>

To configure DHCPv6 address pool.

(b) To configure prefix delegation pool used by DHCPv6 address pool

DHCPv6 address pool Configuration Mode
prefix-delegation pool <pool- To specify prefix delegation pool used by DHCPv6 address
name> [lifetime <valid-time> pool, and assign usable prefix to client.
no prefix-delegation pool <poolname>
(c) To configure static prefix delegation binding
DHCPv6 address pool Configuration Mode
<ipv6- To specify IPv6 prefix and any prefix required static binding
<client- by client.
DUID> [iaid <iaid>] [lifetime
<valid-time> <preferred-time>]
no prefix-delegation <ipv6prefix/prefix-length>
<clientDUID> [iaid <iaid>]


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DHCPv6 Configuration

(d) To configure other parameter of DHCPv6 address pool

DHCPv6 address pool Configuration Mode
dns-server <ipv6-address>
To configure DNS server address for DHCPv6 client.
no dns-server <ipv6-address>
domain-name <domain-name>
To configure domain name for DHCPv6 client.
no domain-name <domainname>
4. To enable DHCPv6 prefix delegation server function on port
Interface Configuration Mode
ipv6 dhcp server <poolname>
[preference <value>] [rapidcommit] [allow-hint]
no ipv6 dhcp server <poolname>

To enable DHCPv6 server function on specified port, and
binding used DHCPv6 address pool.

37.5 DHCPv6 Prefix Delegation Client Configuration

DHCPv6 prefix delegation client configuration task list as below:
1. To enable/disable DHCPv6 service
2. To enable DHCPv6 prefix delegation client function on port
1. To enable/disable DHCPv6 service
Global Mode
service dhcpv6
no service dhcpv6

To enable DHCPv6 service.

2. To enable DHCPv6 prefix delegation client function on port

Interface Configuration Mode
ipv6 dhcp client pd <prefixname> [rapid-commit]
no ipv6 dhcp client pd

To enable client prefix delegation request function on specified port, and the prefix obtained associate with universal
prefix configured.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DHCPv6 Configuration

37.6 DHCPv6 Configuration Examples

Example 1:
When deploying IPv6 networking, the switch can be configured as DHCPv6 server in order to
manage the allocation of IPv6 addresses. Both the state and the stateless DHCPv6 are supported.
The access layer use Switch1 switch to connect users of dormitory buildings and it is configured
as DHCPv6 relay delegation; Switch3 is configured as DHCPv6 server in secondary aggregation
layer, and connected with backbone network or higher aggregation layers; The Windows Vista
which be provided with DHCPv6 client must load on PC.

DHCPv6 Client


DHCPv6 Relay

DHCPv6 Server

Vlan 1: 2001:da8:1:1::2
Vlan 10: 2001:da8:10:1::2
Vlan 100: 2001:da8:100:1::2

Switch 3
Vlan 1: 2001:da8:1:1::1
Vlan 10: 2001:da8:10:1::1

Figure 37.2: DHCPv6 Configuration Example

Usage guide:
Switch3 configuration:
Switch3(config)#service dhcpv6
Switch3(config)#ipv6 dhcp pool EDP
Switch3(dhcpv6-EDP-config)#network-address 2001:da8:100:1::1 2001:da8:100:1::100
Switch3(dhcpv6-EDP-config)#excluded-address 2001:da8:100:1::1
Switch3(dhcpv6-EDP-config)#dns-server 2001:da8::20
Switch3(dhcpv6-EDP-config)#dns-server 2001:da8::21
Switch3(dhcpv6-EDP-config)#lifetime 1000 600
Switch3(config)#interface vlan 1
Switch3(Config-if-Vlan1)#ipv6 address 2001:da8:1:1::1/64
Switch3(config)#interface vlan 10
Switch3(Config-if-Vlan10)#ipv6 address 2001:da8:10:1::1/64
Switch3(Config-if-Vlan10)#ipv6 dhcp server EDP preference 80
Switch2 configuration:
Switch2(config)#service dhcpv6
Switch2(config)#interface vlan 1
Switch2(Config-if-Vlan1)#ipv6 address 2001:da8:1:1::2/64
Switch2(config)#interface vlan 10
Switch2(Config-if-Vlan10)#ipv6 address 2001:da8:10:1::2/64

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DHCPv6 Configuration

Switch2(config)#interface vlan 100
Switch2(Config-if-Vlan100)#ipv6 address 2001:da8:100:1::1/64
Switch2(Config-if-Vlan100)#no ipv6 nd suppress-ra
Switch2(Config-if-Vlan100)#ipv6 nd managed-config-flag
Switch2(Config-if-Vlan100)#ipv6 nd other-config-flag
Switch1 configuration:
Switch1(config)#service dhcpv6
Switch1(config)#interface vlan 1
Switch1(Config-if-Vlan1)#ipv6 address 2001:da8:100:1::2/64
Switch1(Config-if-Vlan1)#ipv6 dhcp relay destination 2001:da8:10:1::1

37.7 DHCPv6 Troubleshooting

If the DHCPv6 clients cannot obtain IPv6 addresses and other network parameters, the following
procedures can be followed when DHCPv6 client hardware and cables have been verified ok:
Verify the DHCPv6 server is running, start the related DHCP v6 server function if not running;
If the DHCPv6 clients and servers are not in the same physical network, verify the router
responsible for DHCPv6 packet forwarding has DHCPv6 relay function. If DHCPv6 relay is
not available for the intermediate router, it is recommended to replace the router or upgrade
its software to one that has a DHCPv6 relay function;
Sometimes hosts are connected to the DHCPv6 enabled switches, but can not get IPv6
addresses. In this situation, it should be checked first whether the ports which the hosts
are connected to, are connected with the port which the DHCPv6 server is connected to. If
connected directly, it should be checked then whether the IPv6 address pool of the VLAN
which the port belongs to, is in the same subnet with the address pool configure in the
DHCPv6 server; If not connected directly, and any layer three DHCPv6 relay is configured
between the hosts and the DHCPv6 server, it should be checked first whether an valid IPv6
address has been configured for the switch interface which the hosts are connected to. If
not configured, configure an valid IPv6 address. If configured, it should be checked whether
the configured IPv6 address is in the same subnet with the DHCPv6 server. If not, please
add it to the address pool.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DHCP option 82 Configuration

Chapter 38
DHCP option 82 Configuration
38.1 Introduction to DHCP option 82
DHCP option 82 is the Relay Agent Information Option, its option code is 82. DHCP option 82 is
aimed at strengthening the security of DHCP servers and improving the IP address configuration
policy. The Relay Agent adds option 82 (including the client's physical access port, the access
device ID and other information), to the DHCP request message from the client then forwards
the message to DHCP server. When the DHCP server which supports the option 82 function
receives the message, it will allocate an IP address and other configuration information for the
client according to preconfigured policies and the option 82 information in the message. At the
same time, DHCP server can identify all the possible DHCP attack messages according to the
information in option 82 and defend against them. DHCP Relay Agent will peel the option 82 from
the reply messages it receives, and forward the reply message to the specified port of the network
access device, according to the physical port information in the option. The application of DHCP
option 82 is transparent for the client.

38.1.1 DHCP option 82 Message Structure

A DHCP message can have several option segments; option 82 is one of them. It has to be placed
after other options but before option 255. The following is its format:
Code Len

Agent Information Field







Code: represents the sequence number of the relay agent information option, the option 82 is
called so because RFC3046 is defined as 82.
Len: the number of bytes in Agent Information Field, not including the two bytes in Code
segment and Len segment.
Option 82 can have several sub-options, and need at least one sub-option. RFC3046 defines
the following two sub-options, whose formats are showed as follows:
SubOpt: the sequence number of sub-option, the sequence number of Circuit ID sub-option
is 1, the sequence number of Remote ID sub-option is 2.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DHCP option 82 Configuration

SubOpt Len

Sub-option Value

SubOpt Len








Sub-option Value




Len: the number of bytes in Sub-option Value, not including the two bytes in SubOpt segment
and Len segment.

38.1.2 DHCP option 82 Working Mechanism

DHCP Request

DHCP Request + Opt.82

DHCP Reply
DHCP Client

DHCP Reply + Opt.82

DHCP Relay Agent

DHCP Server

Figure 38.1: DHCP option 82 flow chart

If the DHCP Relay Agent supports option 82, the DHCP client should go through the following
four steps to get its IP address from the DHCP server: discover, offer, select and acknowledge.
The DHCP protocol follows the procedure below:
1. DHCP client sends a request broadcast message while initializing. This request message
does not have option 82.
2. DHCP Relay Agent will add the option 82 to the end of the request message it receives, then
relay and forward the message to the DHCP server. By default, the sub-option 1 of option
82 (Circuit ID) is the interface information of the switch connected to the DHCP client (VLAN
name and physical port name), but the users can configure the Circuit ID as they wish. The
sub-option 2 of option 82(Remote ID) is the MAC address of the DHCP relay device.
3. After receiving the DHCP request message, the DHCP server will allocate IP address and
other information for the client according to the information and preconfigured policy in the
option segment of the message. Then it will forward the reply message with DHCP configuration information and option 82 information to DHCP Relay Agent.
4. DHCP Relay Agent will peel the option 82 information from the replay message sent by
DHCP server, and then forward the message with DHCP configuration information to the
DHCP client.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DHCP option 82 Configuration

38.2 DHCP option 82 Configuration Task List

1. Enabling the DHCP option 82 of the Relay Agent
2. Configure the DHCP option 82 attributes of the interface
3. Enable the DHCP option 82 of server
4. Configure DHCP option 82 default format of Relay Agent
5. Configure delimiter
6. Configure creation method of option82
7. Diagnose and maintain DHCP option 82
1. Enabling the DHCP option 82 of the Relay Agent.
Global Mode
ip dhcp relay information option
no ip dhcp relay information option

Set this command to enable the option 82 function of the
switch Relay Agent. The 'no ip dhcp relay information option'
is used to disable the option 82 function of the switch Relay

2. Configure the DHCP option 82 attributes of the interface

Interface configuration mode
ip dhcp relay information policy {
drop | keep | replace }
no ip dhcp relay information policy

ip dhcp relay information option subscriber-id { standard |

<circuit-id> }
no ip dhcp relay information option subscriber-id

This command is used to set the retransmitting policy of the
system for the received DHCP request message which contains option 82. The drop mode means that if the message
has option82, then the system will drop it without processing; keep mode means that the system will keep the original
option 82 segment in the message, and forward it to the
server to process; replace mode means that the system will
replace the option 82 segment in the existing message with
its own option 82, and forward the message to the server
to process. The 'no ip dhcp relay information policy' will set
the retransmitting policy of the option 82 DCHP message as
This command is used to set the format of option 82
sub-option1(Circuit ID option) added to the DHCP request messages from interface, standard means the standard VLAN name and physical port name format, like
'Vlan2+Ethernet1/0/12', <circuit-id> is the circuit-id contents
of option 82 specified by users, which is a string no longer
than 64characters. The 'no ip dhcp relay information option
subscriber-id' command will set the format of added option
82 sub-option1 (Circuit ID option) as standard format.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DHCP option 82 Configuration

Global Mode
ip dhcp relay information option
remote-id { standard | <remoteid> }
no ip dhcp relay information option remote-id

Set the suboption2 (remote ID option) content of option 82

added by DHCP request packets (They are received by the
interface). The no command sets the additive suboption2
(remote ID option) format of option 82 as standard.

3. Enable the DHCP option 82 of server

Global Mode
ip dhcp server relay information
no ip dhcp server relay information enable

This command is used to enable the switch DHCP server to
identify option82. The 'no ip dhcp server relay information
enable' command will make the server ignore the option 82.

4. Configure DHCP option 82 default format of Relay Agent

Global Mode
ip dhcp relay information option
subscriber-id format { hex | acsii
| vs-hp }
ip dhcp relay information option
remote-id format { default | vs-hp

Set subscriber-id format of Relay Agent option82.

Set remote-id format of Relay Agent option82.

5. Configure delimiter
Global Mode
ip dhcp relay information option
delimiter [colon | dot | slash |
no ip dhcp relay information option delimiter

Set the delimiter of each parameter for suboption of option82
in global mode, no command restores the delimiter as slash.

6. Configure creation method of option82

Global Mode
ip dhcp relay information option
self-defined remote-id { hostname | mac | string WORD }
no ip dhcp relay information option self-defined remote-id

Set creation method for option82, users can define the parameters of remote-id suboption by themselves.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DHCP option 82 Configuration

ip dhcp relay information option self-defined remote-id format [ascii | hex]

ip dhcp relay information option self-defined subscriber-id {
vlan | port | id (switch-id (mac |
hostname) | remote-mac) | string
no ip dhcp relay information option self-defined subscriber-id
ip dhcp relay information option
self-defined subscriber-id format
[ascii | hex]

Set self-defined format of remote-id for relay option82.

Set creation method for option82, users can define the parameters of circute-id suboption by themselves.

Set self-defined format of circuit-id for relay option82.

7. Diagnose and maintain DHCP option 82

Admin mode
show ip dhcp relay information

debug ip dhcp relay packet

This command will display the state information of the DHCP
option 82 in the system, including option82 enabling switch,
the interface retransmitting policy, the circuit ID mode and
the DHCP server option82 enabling switch.
This command is used to display the information of data
packets processing in DHCP Relay Agent, including the
'add' and 'peel' action of option 82.

38.3 DHCP option 82 Application Examples

DHCP Client PC1

Switch 1

Switch 3
Vlan 2: E1/0/3
Vlan 3

Vlan 2: E1/0/2
DHCP Relay Agent

DHCP Client PC2

DHCP Server

Switch 2

Figure 38.2: A DHCP option 82 typical application example

In the above example, layer 2 switches Switch1 and Switch2 are both connected to layer 3
switch Switch3, Switch 3 will transmit the request message from DHCP client to DHCP serer as
DHCP Relay Agent. It will also transmit the reply message from the server to DHCP client to finish
the DHCP protocol procedure. If the DHCP option 82 is disabled, DHCP server cannot distinguish

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DHCP option 82 Configuration

that whether the DHCP client is from the network connected to Switch1 or Switch2. So, all the PC
terminals connected to Switch1 and Switch2 will get addresses from the public address pool of
the DHCP server. After the DHCP option 82 function is enabled, since the Switch3 appends the
port information of accessing Switch3 to the request message from the client, the server can tell
that whether the client is from the network of Swich1 or Swich2, and thus can allocate separate
address spaces for the two networks, to simplify the management of networks.
The following is the configuration of Switch3(MAC address is f8:f0:82:02:33:01):
Switch3(Config)#service dhcp
Switch3(Config)#ip dhcp relay information option
Switch3(Config)#ip forward-protocol udp bootps
Switch3(Config)#interface vlan 3
Switch3(Config-if-vlan3)#ip address
Switch3(Config)#interface vlan 2
Switch3(Config-if-vlan2)#ip address
Switch3(Config-if-vlan2)#ip helper
Linux ISC DHCP Server supports option 82, its configuration file /etc/dhcpd.conf is
ddns-update-style interim;
ignore client-updates;
class "Switch3Vlan2Class1" {
match if option agent.circuit-id = "Vlan2+Ethernet1/0/2"
and option agent.remote-id=f8:f0:82:02:33:01;
class "Switch3Vlan2Class2" {
match if option agent.circuit-id = "Vlan2+Ethernet1/0/3"
and option agent.remote-id=f8:f0:82:02:33:01;
subnet netmask {
option routers;
option subnet-mask;
option domain-name "";
option domain-name-servers;
pool {
default-lease-time 86400; #24 Hours
max-lease-time 172800; #48 Hours
allow members of "Switch3Vlan2Class1";
pool {
default-lease-time 43200; #12 Hours

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DHCP option 82 Configuration

max-lease-time 86400; #24 Hours

allow members of "Switch3Vlan2Class2";
Now, the DHCP server will allocate addresses for the network nodes from Switch1 which are
relayed by Switch3 within the range of, and allocate addresses
for the network nodes from Switch1 within the range of

38.4 DHCP option 82 Troubleshooting

DHCP option 82 is implemented as a sub-function module of DHCP Relay Agent. Before
using it, users should make sure that the DHCP Relay Agent is configured correctly.
DHCP option 82 needs the DHCP Relay Agent and the DHCP server cooperate to finish
the task of allocating IP addresses. The DHCP server should set allocating policy correctly
depending on the network topology of the DHCP Relay Agent, or, even the Relay Agent can
operate normally, the allocation of addresses will fail. When there is more than one kind of
Relay Agent, please pay attention to the retransmitting policy of the interface DHCP request
To implement the option 82 function of DHCP Relay Agent, the 'debug dhcp relay packet'
command can be used during the operating procedure, including adding the contents of
option 82, the retransmitting policy adopted, the option 82 contents of the server peeled by
the Relay Agent and etc., such information can help users to do troubleshooting.
To implement the option 82 function of DHCP server, the 'debug ip dhcp server packet' command can be used during the operating procedure to display the procedure of data packets
processing of the server, including displaying the identified option 82 information of the request message and the option 82 information returned by the reply message.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DHCP option 60 and option 43

Chapter 39
DHCP option 60 and option 43
39.1 Introduction to DHCP option 60 and option 43
DHCP server analyzes DHCP packets from DHCP client. If packets with option 60, it will decide
whether option 43 is returned to DHCP client according to option 60 of packets and configuration
of option 60 and option 43 in DHCP server address pool.
Configure the corresponding option 60 and option 43 in DHCP server address pool:
1. Address pool configured option 60 and option 43 at the same time. The received DHCP
packet with option 60 from DHCP client, if it matches with option 60 of DHCP server address
pool, DHCP client will receive the option 43 configured in the address pool, or else do not
return option 43 to DHCP client.
2. Address pool only configured option 43, it will match with any option 60. If the received DHCP
packet with option 60 from DHCP client, DHCP client will receive the option 43 configured in
the address pool.
3. Address pool only configured option 60, it will not return option 43 to DHCP client.

39.2 DHCP option 60 and option 43 Configuration Task List

1. Basic DHCP option 60 and option 43 configuration
Address pool configuration mode
option 60 ascii LINE
Configure option 60 character string with ascii format in ip
dhcp pool mode.
option 43 ascii LINE
Configure option 43 character string with ascii format in ip
dhcp pool mode.
option 60 hex WORD
Configure option 60 character string with hex format in ip
dhcp pool mode.
option 43 hex WORD
Configure option 43 character string with hex format in ip
dhcp pool mode.
option 60 ip A.B.C.D
Configure option 60 character string with IP format in ip dhcp
pool mode.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DHCP option 60 and option 43

option 43 ip A.B.C.D

Configure option 43 character string with IP format in ip dhcp

pool mode.
Delete the configured option 60 in the address pool mode.
Delete the configured option 43 in the address pool mode.

no option 60
no option 43

39.3 DHCPv6 option 60 and option 43 Example

Fit AP

Wireless Controller
DHCP Server

Figure 39.1: Typical DHCP option 60 and option 43 topology

Fit AP obtains IP address and option 43 attribute by DHCP server to send unicast discovery
request for wireless controller. DHCP server configures option 60 matched with the option 60 of
fit ap to return option 43 attribute to FTP AP. The wireless controller addresses of DHCP option
43 are and
Configuration procedure:
switch (config)#ip dhcp pool a
switch (dhcp-a-config)#option 60 ascii AP1000
switch (dhcp-a-config)#option 43 hex 0104C0A80A050104C0A80A06

39.4 DHCP option 60 and option 43 Troubleshooting

If problems occur when configuring DHCP option 60 and option 43, please check whether the
problem is caused by the following reasons:
Check whether service dhcp function is enabled
If the address pool configured option 60, check whether it matches with the option 60 of the


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DHCPv6 option37, 38

Chapter 40
DHCPv6 option37, 38
40.1 Introduction to DHCPv6 option37, 38
DHCPv6 (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6) is designed for IPv6 address scheme
and is used for assigning IPv6 prefixes, IPv6 addresses and other configuration parameters to
When DHCPv6 client wants to request address and configure parameter of DHCPv6 server
from different link, it needs to communicate with server through DHCPv6 relay agent. DHCPv6
message received by relay agent node is reencapsulated to be relay-forward packets and they
are forwarded to the server which sends the relay-reply packets to DHCPv6 relay agent node in
different link, after that, relay agent node restores DHCPv6 message to DHCPv6 client to finish
communication between client and server.
There are some problems when using DHCPv6 relay agent, for example: How to assign IP
address in the fixed range to the specifiec users? How to avoid illegal DHCPv6 client to forge IP
address exhaust attack triggered by MAC address fields of DHCPv6 packets? How to avoid illegal
DHCPv6 client to trigger deny service attack through using MAC address of other legal clients?
Therefore, IETF set rfc4649 and rfc4580, i.e. DHCPv6 option 37 and option 38 to solve these
DHCPv6 option 37 and option 38 is similar to DHCP option 82. When DHCPv6 client sends
request packets to DHCPv6 server though DHCPv6 relay agent, if DHCPv6 relay agent supports
option 37 and option 38, they will be added to request packets. For the respond packets of server,
option 37 and option 38 are meaningless and are peeled from the respond packets. Therefore,
the application of option 37 and option 38 is transparent for client.
DHCPv6 server can authenticate identity of DHCPv6 client and DHCPv6 relay device by option
37 and option 38, assign and manage client address neatly through configuring the assign policy,
prevent DHCPv6 attack availably according to the inclusive client information, such as forging
MAC address fields of DHCPv6 packets to trigger IP address exhaust attack. Since server can
identify multiple request packets from the same access port, it can assign the address number
through policy limit to avoid address exhaust. However, rfc4649 and rfc4580 do not set how to
use opton 37 and option 38 for DHCPv6 server, users can use it neatly according to their own


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DHCPv6 option37, 38

40.2 DHCPv6 option37, 38 Configuration Task List

1. Dhcpv6 snooping option basic functions configuration
2. Dhcpv6 relay option basic functions configuration
3. Dhcpv6 server option basic functions configuration
1.DHCPv6 snooping option basic functions configuration
Global mode
ipv6 dhcp snooping remote-id
no ipv6 dhcp snooping remote-id
ipv6 dhcp snooping subscriberid option
subscriber-id option
ipv6 dhcp snooping remote-id
policy { drop | keep | replace }
no ipv6 dhcp snooping remote-id

ipv6 dhcp snooping subscriberid policy { drop | keep | replace

subscriber-id policy

ipv6 dhcp snooping subscriberid select (sp | sv | pv | spv) delimiter WORD (delimiter WORD
subscriber-id select delimiter

This command enables DHCPv6 SNOOPING to support option 37 option, no command disables it.

This command enables DHCPv6 SNOOPING to support option 38 option, no command disables it.

This command is used to configure the reforward policy of

the system when receiving DHCPv6 packets with option 37,
which can be:
drop, the system simply discards it with option 37;
keep, the system keeps option 37 unchanged and forwards
the packet to the server;
replace, the system replaces option 37 of current packet
with its own before forwarding it to the server. no command
configures the reforward policy of DHCPv6 packets with option 37 as replace.
This command is used to configure the reforward policy of
the system when receiving DHCPv6 packets with option 38,
which can be:
drop, the system simply discards it with option 38;
keep, the system keeps option 38 unchanged and forwards
the packet to the server;
replace, the system replaces option 38 of current packet
with its own before forwarding it to the server. no command
configures the reforward policy of DHCPv6 packets with option 38 as replace.
Configures user configuration options to generate
subscriber-id, no command restores to its original default configuration, i.e. enterprise number together with
vlan MAC.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DHCPv6 option37, 38

ipv6 dhcp snooping subscriberid select (sp | sv | pv | spv) delimiter WORD (delimiter WORD
subscriber-id select delimiter
Port mode
ipv6 dhcp snooping remote-id
no ipv6 dhcp snooping remote-id

ipv6 dhcp snooping subscriberid <subscriber-id>


Configures user configuration options to generate

subscriber-id. The no command restores to its original
default configuration, i.e. vlan name together with port

This command is used to set the form of adding option 37 in

received DHCPv6 request packets, of which <remote-id> is
the content of remote-id in user-defined option 37 and it is
a string with a length of less than 128. The no operation restores remote-id in option 37 to enterprise-number together
with vlan MAC address.
This command is used to set the form of adding option 38
in received DHCPv6 request packets, of which <subscriberid> is the content of subscriber-id in user-defined option 38
and it is a string with a length of less than 128. The no
operation restores subscriber-id in option 38 to vlan name
together with port name such as "Vlan2+Ethernet1/0/2".

2. DHCPv6 relay option basic functions configuration

Global mode
ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id option This command enables the switch relay to support option 37
no ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id op- and the no form of this command disables it.
ipv6 dhcp relay subscriber-id op- This command enables the switch relay to support the option
38, the no form of this command disables it.
no ipv6 dhcp relay subscriber-id
ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id delim- Configures user configuration options to generate remoteiter WORD
id. The no command restores to its original default configuno ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id de- ration, i.e. enterprise number together with vlan MAC.
ipv6 dhcp relay subscriber-id se- Configures user configuration options to generate
lect (sp | sv | pv | spv) delimiter subscriber-id. The no command restores to its original
WORD (delimiter WORD | )
default configuration, i.e. vlan name together with port
no ipv6 dhcp relay subscriber-id name.
select delimiter
Layer3 Interface configuration mode
ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id This command is used to set the form of adding option 37 in
received DHCPv6 request packets, of which <remote-id> is
no ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id
the content of remote-id in user-defined option 37 and it is
a string with a length of less than 128. The no operation restores remote-id in option 37 to enterprise-number together
with vlan MAC address.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DHCPv6 option37, 38

ipv6 dhcp relay subscriber-id

no ipv6 dhcp relay subscriber-id

This command is used to set the form of adding option 38

in received DHCPv6 request packets, of which <subscriberid> is the content of subscriber-id in user-defined option 38
and it is a string with a length of less than 128. The no
operation restores subscriber-id in option 38 to vlan name
together with port name such as "Vlan2+Ethernet1/0/2".

3. Dhcpv6 server option basic functions configuration

Global mode
ipv6 dhcp server remote-id option
no ipv6 dhcp server remote-id
ipv6 dhcp server subscriber-id
no ipv6 dhcp server subscriberid option
ipv6 dhcp use class
no ipv6 dhcp use class

ipv6 dhcp class <class-name>

no ipv6 dhcp class <classname>
Interface configuration mode
ipv6 dhcp server select relayforw
no ipv6 dhcp server select relayforw

This command enables DHCPv6 server to support the identification of option 37, the no form of this command disables
This command enables DHCPv6 server to support the identification of option 38, the no form of this command disables
This command enables DHCPv6 server to support the using
of DHCPv6 class during address assignment, the no form
of this command disables it without removing the relative
DHCPv6 class information that has been configured.
This command defines a DHCPv6 class and enters DHCPv6
class mode, the no form of this command removes this
DHCPv6 class.

This command enables the DHCPv6 server to support selections when multiple option 37 or option 38 options exist
and the option 37 and option 38 of relay-forw in the innermost layer are selected. The no operation of it restores the
default configuration, i.e. selecting option 37 and option 38
of the original packets.
IPv6 DHCP Class configuration mode
{ remote-id [*] <remote-id> [*] | This command configures option 37 and option 38 that
subscriber-id [*] <subscriber-id> match the class in ipv6 dhcp class configuration mode.
[*] }
no { remote-id [*] <remote-id>
[*] | subscriber-id [*] <subscriberid> [*] }
DHCPv6 address pool configuration mode
class <class-name>
This command associates class to address pool in DHCPv6
no class <class-name>
address pool configuration mode and enters class configuration mode in address pool. Use no command to remove
the link.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DHCPv6 option37, 38

address range <start-ip> <endip>

no address range <start-ip>

This command is used to set address range for a DHCPv6

class in DHCPv6 address pool configuration mode, the no
command is used to remove the addreass range. The prefix/plen form is not supported.

40.3 DHCPv6 option37, 38 Examples

40.3.1 DHCPv6 Snooping option37, 38 Example

Switch B

Switch A







Figure 40.1: DHCPv6 Snooping option schematic

As is shown in the figure above, Mac-AA, Mac-BB and Mac-CC are normal users, connected
to untrusted interface 1/0/2, 1/0/3 and 1/0/4 respectively, and they get IP 2010:2, 2010:3 and
2010:4 through DHCPv6 Client; DHCPv6 Server is connected to the trusted interface 1/0/1. Configure three address assignment policies (CLASS), of which CLASS1 matches option 38, CLASS2
matches option 37 and CLASS3 matches option 37 and option 38. In the address pool EDP, the
requests matched with CLASS1, CLASS2 and CLASS3 will be assigned an address ranging from
2001:da8:100:1::2 to 2001:da8:100:1::30, from 2001:da8:100:1::31 to 2001:da8:100:1::60
and from 2001:da8:100:1::61 to 2001:da8:100:1::100 respectively; DHCPv6 snooping function
is enabled and option 37 and option 38 are configured in Switch A.
Switch A configuration:
SwitchA(config)#ipv6 dhcp snooping remote-id option
SwitchA(config)#ipv6 dhcp snooping subscriber-id option
SwitchA(config)#int e 1/0/1
SwitchA(config-if-ethernet1/0/1)#ipv6 dhcp snooping trust
SwitchA(config)#interface vlan 1
SwitchA(config-if-vlan1)#ipv6 address 2001:da8:100:1::1
SwitchA(config)#interface ethernet 1/0/1-4
SwitchA(config-if-port-range)#switchport access vlan 1

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DHCPv6 option37, 38

Switch B configuration:
SwitchB(config)#service dhcpv6
SwitchB(config)#ipv6 dhcp server remote-id option
SwitchB(config)#ipv6 dhcp server subscriber-id option
SwitchB(config)#ipv6 dhcp pool EDP
SwitchB(dhcpv6-edp-config)#network-address 2001:da8:100:1::2 2001:da8:100:1::1000
SwitchB(dhcpv6-edp-config)#dns-server 2001::1
SwitchB(dhcpv6-edp-config)#excluded-address 2001:da8:100:1::2
SwitchB(config)#ipv6 dhcp class CLASS1
SwitchB(dhcpv6-class-class1-config)#remote-id f8-f0-82-00-00-01 subscriber-id
SwitchB(config)#ipv6 dhcp class CLASS2
SwitchB(dhcpv6-class-class2-config)#remote-id f8-f0-82-00-00-01 subscriber-id
SwitchB(config)#ipv6 dhcp class CLASS3
SwitchB(dhcpv6-class-class3-config)#remote-id f8-f0-82-00-00-01 subscriber-id
SwitchB(config)#ipv6 dhcp pool EDP
SwitchB(dhcpv6-edp-config)#class CLASS1
SwitchB(dhcpv6-pool-edp-class-class1-config)#address range 2001:da8:100:1::3
SwitchB(dhcpv6-edp-config)#class CLASS2
SwitchB(dhcpv6-pool-edp-class-class2-config)#address range 2001:da8:100:1::31
SwitchB(dhcpv6-edp-config)#class CLASS3
SwitchB(dhcpv6-pool-edp-class-class3-config)#address range 2001:da8:100:1::61
SwitchB(config)#interface vlan 1
SwitchB(config-if-vlan1)#ipv6 address 2001:da8:100:1::2/64
SwitchB(config-if-vlan1)#ipv6 dhcp server EDP

40.3.2 DHCPv6 Relay option37, 38 Example

Example 1:
When deploying IPv6 campus network, DHCPv6 server function of routing device can be used

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DHCPv6 option37, 38

for IPv6 address allocation if special server is used for uniform allocation and management for
IPv6 address. DHCPv6 server supports both stateful and stateless DHCPv6.
Network topology:
In access layer, layer2 access device Switch1 connects users in dormitory; in first-level aggregation layer, aggregation device Switch2 is used as DHCPv6 relay agent; in second-level aggregation layer, aggregation device Switch3 is used as DHCPv6 server and connects with backbone
network or devices in higher aggregation layer; in user side, PCs are generally loaded with Windows Vista system, thus having DHCPv6 client.

DHCPv6 Client


DHCPv6 Relay

DHCPv6 Server

Vlan 1: 2001:da8:1:1::2
Vlan 10: 2001:da8:10:1::2
Vlan 100: 2001:da8:100:1::2

Switch 3
Vlan 1: 2001:da8:1:1::1
Vlan 10: 2001:da8:10:1::1

Figure 40.2: DHCPv6 relay option schematic

Switch2 configuration:
S2(config)#service dhcpv6
S2(config)#ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id option
S2(config)#ipv6 dhcp relay subscriber-id option
S2(config)#vlan 10
S2(config-vlan10)#int vlan 10
S2(config-if-vlan10)#ipv6 address 2001:da8:1:::2/64
S2(config-if-vlan10)#ipv6 dhcp relay destination 2001:da8:10:1::1

40.4 DHCPv6 option37, 38 Troubleshooting

Request packets sent by DHCPv6 client are multicast packets received by the device within
its VLAN, if DHCPv6 server wants to receive the packets from client, DHCPv6 client and
DHCPv6 server must be in the same VLAN, otherwise it needs to use DHCPv6 relay.
Snooping option37,38 can process one of the following operations for DHCPv6 request packets with option37,38: replace the original option37,38 with its own; discard the packets with
option37,38; do not execute adding, discarding or forwarding operation. Therefore, please
check policy configuration of snooping option37,38 on second device when obtaining the
false address or no address is obtained according to option37,38.
DHCPv6 server obtains option37,38 of the packets from client by default, if no, it will obtain
option37,38 of the packet sent by relay.
DHCPv6 server only checks whether the first DHCPv6 relay adds option37,38 that means
only option37,38 of the innermost relay-forw is valid in relay packets.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DHCP Snooping Configuration

Chapter 41
DHCP Snooping Configuration
41.1 Introduction to DHCP Snooping
DHCP Snooping means that the switch monitors the IP-getting process of DHCP CLIENT via
DHCP protocol. It prevents DHCP attacks and illegal DHCP SERVER by setting trust ports and
untrust ports. And the DHCP messages from trust ports can be forwarded without being verified.
In typical settings, trust ports are used to connect DHCP SERVER or DHCP RELAY Proxy, and
untrust ports are used to connect DHCP CLINET. The switch will forward the DCHP request messages from untrust ports, but not DHCP reply ones. If any DHCP reply messages is received from
a untrust port, besides giving an alarm, the switch will also implement designated actions on the
port according to settings, such as 'shutdown', or distributing a 'blackhole'. If DHCP Snooping
binding is enabled, the switch will save binding information (including its MAC address, IP address, IP lease, VLAN number and port number) of each DHCP CLINET on untrust ports in DHCP
snooping binding table With such information, DHCP Snooping can combine modules like dot1x
and ARP, or implement user-access-control independently.
Defense against Fake DHCP Server: once the switch intercepts the DHCP Server reply packets (including DHCPOFFER, DHCPACK, and DHCPNAK), it will alarm and respond according to
the situation (shutdown the port or send Black hole).
Defense against DHCP over load attacks: To avoid too many DHCP messages attacking
CPU, users should limit the DHCP speed of receiving packets on trusted and non-trusted ports.
Record the binding data of DHCP: DHCP SNOOPING will record the binding data allocated
by DHCP SERVER while forwarding DHCP messages, it can also upload the binding data to the
specified server to backup it. The binding data is mainly used to configure the dynamic users of
dot1x user based ports. Please refer to the chapter called 'dot1x configuration' to find more about
the usage of dot1x use-based mode.
Add binding ARP: DHCP SNOOPING can add static binding ARP according to the binding
data after capturing binding data, thus to avoid ARP cheating.
Add trusted users: DHCP SNOOPING can add trusted user list entries according to the
parameters in binding data after capturing binding data; thus these users can access all resources
without DOT1X authentication.
Automatic Recovery: A while after the switch shut down the port or send blockhole, it should
automatically recover the communication of the port or source MAC and send information to Log
Server via syslog.
LOG Function: When the switch discovers abnormal received packets or automatically recovers, it should send syslog information to Log Server. The Encryption of Private Messages: The

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DHCP Snooping Configuration

communication between the switch and the inner network security management system TrustView
uses private messages. And the users can encrypt those messages of version 2.
Add authentication option82 Function: It is used with dot1x dhcpoption82 authentication
mode. Different option 82 will be added in DHCP messages according to user's authentication

41.2 DHCP Snooping Configuration Task Sequence

1. Enable DHCP Snooping
2. Enable DHCP Snooping binding function
3. Enable DHCP Snooping binding ARP function
4. Enable DHCP Snooping option82 function
5. Set the private packet version
6. Set DES encrypted key for private packets
7. Set helper server address
8. Set trusted ports
9. Enable DHCP Snooping binding DOT1X function
10. Enable DHCP Snooping binding USER function
11. Adding static list entries function
12. Set defense actions
13. Set rate limitation of DHCP messages
14. Enable the debug switch
15. Configure DHCP Snooping option 82 attributes
1. Enable DHCP Snooping
Global mode
ip dhcp snooping enable
no ip dhcp snooping enable

Enable or disable the DHCP snooping function.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DHCP Snooping Configuration

2. Enable DHCP Snooping binding

Global mode
ip dhcp snooping binding enable
no ip dhcp snooping binding enable

Enable or disable the DHCP snooping binding function.

3. Enable DHCP Snooping binding ARP function

Global mode
ip dhcp snooping binding arp
no ip dhcp snooping binding arp

Enable or disable the dhcp snooping binding ARP

4. Enable DHCP Snooping option82 function

Global mode
ip dhcp snooping information enable
no ip dhcp snooping information enable

Enable/disable DHCP Snooping option 82 function.

5. Set the private packet version

Global mode
ip user private packet version two
no ip user private packet version two

To configure/delete the private packet version.

6. Set DES encrypted key for private packets

Global mode
enable trustview key 0/7 <password>
no enable trustview key

To configure/delete DES encrypted key for private packets.

7. Set helper server address

Global mode
ip user helper-address A.B.C.D [port <udpport>]
source <ipAddr> (secondary|)
no ip user helper-address (secondary|)

Set or delete helper server address.

8. Set trusted ports

Port mode
ip dhcp snooping trust
no ip dhcp snooping trust

Set or delete the DHCP snooping trust attributes of ports.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DHCP Snooping Configuration

9. Enable DHCP SNOOPING binding DOT1X function

Port mode
ip dhcp snooping binding dot1x
no ip dhcp snooping binding dot1x

Enable or disable the DHCP snooping binding
dot1x function.

10. Enable or disable the DHCP SNOOPING binding USER function

Port mode
ip dhcp snooping binding user-control
no ip dhcp snooping binding user-control

Enable or disable the DHCP snooping binding user function.

11. Add static binding information

Global mode
ip dhcp snooping binding user <mac> address
<ipAddr> interface (ethernet|) <ifname>
no ip dhcp snooping binding user <mac> interface (ethernet|) <ifname>

Add/delete DHCP snooping static binding
list entries.

12. Set defense actions

Port mode
ip dhcp snooping action { shutdown | blackhole }
[recovery <second>]
no ip dhcp snooping action

Set or delete the DHCP snooping automatic
defense actions of ports.

13. Set rate limitation of data transmission

Global mode
ip dhcp snooping limit-rate <pps>
no ip dhcp snooping limit-rate

Set rate limitation of the transmission of DHCP
snooping messages.

14. Enable the debug switch

Admin mode
debug ip dhcp snooping packet
debug ip dhcp snooping event
debug ip dhcp snooping update
debug ip dhcp snooping binding

Please refer to the chapter on system troubleshooting.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DHCP Snooping Configuration

15. Configure DHCP Snooping option 82 attributes

Global mode
ip dhcp snooping information option
subscriber-id format { hex | acsii | vs-hp }
ip dhcp snooping information option
remote-id { standard | <remote-id> }
no ip dhcp snooping information option
ip dhcp snooping information option delimiter [colon | dot | slash | space]
no ip dhcp snooping information option delimiter
ip dhcp snooping information option selfdefined remote-id { hostname | mac | string
no ip dhcp snooping information option selfdefined remote-id
ip dhcp snooping information option selfdefined remote-id format [ascii | hex]
ip dhcp snooping information option selfdefined subscriber-id { vlan | port | id
(switch-id (mac | hostname) | remote-mac)
| string WORD }
no ip dhcp snooping information option type
self-defined subscriber-id
ip dhcp snooping information option selfdefined subscriber-id format [ascii | hex]
Port mode
ip dhcp snooping information option
subscriber-id { standard | <circuit-id> }
no ip dhcp snooping information option
Globe mode
ip dhcp snooping information option allowuntrusted (replace|)
no ip dhcp snooping information option
allow-untrusted (replace|)

This command is used to set subscriber-id format
of DHCP snooping option82.
Set the suboption2 (remote ID option) content of
option 82 added by DHCP request packets (they
are received by the port). The no command sets
the additive suboption2 (remote ID option) format
of option 82 as standard.
Set the delimiter of each parameter for suboption
of option82 in global mode, no command restores
the delimiter as slash.
Set creation method for option82, users can define the parameters of remote-id suboption by

Set self-defined format of remote-id for snooping

Set creation method for option82, users can define the parameters of circute-id suboption by

Set self-defined format of circuit-id for snooping

Set the suboption1 (circuit ID option) content of
option 82 added by DHCP request packets (they
are received by the port). The no command sets
the additive suboption1 (circuit ID option) format
of option 82 as standard.
This command is used to set that allow untrusted
ports of DHCP snooping to receive DHCP packets with option82 option. When the 'replace' is
setting, the potion82 option is allowed to replace.
When disabling this command, all untrusted ports
will drop DHCP packets with option82 option.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DHCP Snooping Configuration

41.3 DHCP Snooping Typical Application



DHCP Client



DHCP Server

DHCP Server

Figure 41.1: Sketch Map of TRUNK

As showed in the above chart, Mac-AA device is the normal user, connected to the non-trusted
port 1/0/1 of the switch. It operates via DHCP Client, IP; DHCP Server and GateWay
are connected to the trusted ports 1/0/11 and 1/0/12 of the switch; the malicious user Mac-BB is
connected to the non-trusted port 1/0/10, trying to fake a DHCP Server (by sending DHCPACK).
Setting DHCP Snooping on the switch will effectively detect and block this kind of network attack.
Configuration sequence is:
switch(config)#ip dhcp snooping enable
switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/0/11
switch(Config-Ethernet1/0/11)#ip dhcp snooping trust
switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/0/12
switch(Config-Ethernet1/0/12)#ip dhcp snooping trust
switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/0/1-10
switch(Config-Port-Range)#ip dhcp snooping action shutdown

41.4 DHCP Snooping Troubleshooting Help

41.4.1 Monitor and Debug Information
The 'debug ip dhcp snooping' command can be used to monitor the debug information.

41.4.2 DHCP Snooping Troubleshooting Help

If there is any problem happens when using DHCP Snooping function, please check if the problem
is caused by the following reasons:
Check that whether the global DHCP Snooping is enabled;
If the port does not react to invalid DHCP Server packets, please check that whether the port
is set as a non-trusted port of DHCP Snooping.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Multicast Protocol


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

IPv4 Multicast Protocol

Chapter 42
IPv4 Multicast Protocol
42.1 IPv4 Multicast Protocol Overview
This chapter will give an introduction to the configuration of IPv4 Multicast Protocol.

42.1.1 Introduction to Multicast

Various transmission modes can be adopted when the destination of packet (including data, sound
and video) transmission is the minority users in the network. One way is to use Unicast mode, i.e.
to set up a separate data transmission path for each user; or, to use Broadcast mode, which is
to send messages to all users in the network, and they will receive the Broadcast messages no
matter they need or not. For example, if there are 200 users in a network who want to receive
the same packet, then the traditional solution is to send this packet for 200 times separately via
Unicast to guarantee the users who need the data can get all data wanted, or send the data in the
entire domain via Broadcast. Transferring the data in the whole range of network .The users who
need these data can get directly from the network. Both modes waste a great deal of valuable
bandwidth resource, and furthermore, Broadcast mode goes against the security and secrecy.
The emergence of IP Multicast technology solved this problem in time. The Multicast source
only sends out the message once, Multicast Routing Protocol sets up tree-routing for Multicast
data packet, and then the transferred packet just starts to be duplicated and distributed in the
bifurcate crossing as far as possible. Thus the packet can be sent to every user who needs it
accurately and effectively.
It should be noticed that it is not necessary for Multicast source to join in Multicast group. It
sends data to some Multicast groups, but it is not necessarily a receiver of the group itself. There
can be more than one source sending packets to a Multicast group simultaneously. There may
exist routers in the network which do not support Multicast, but a Multicast router can encapsulate
the Multicast packets into Unicast IP packets with tunnel mode to send them to the Multicast router
next to it, which will take off the Unicast IP header and continue the Multicast transmission process,
thus a big alteration of network structure is avoided. The primary advantages of Multicast are:
1. Enhance efficiency: reduce network traffic, lighten the load of server and CPU
2. Optimize performance: reduce redundant traffic
3. Distributed application: Enable Multipoint Application


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

IPv4 Multicast Protocol

42.1.2 Multicast Address

The destination address of Multicast message uses class D IP address with range from
to D class address can not appear in the source IP address field of an IP
message. In the process of Unicast data transmission, the transmission path of a data packet
is from source address routing to destination address, and the transmission is performed with
hop-by-hop principle. However, in IP Multicast environment, the destination addresses is a group
instead of a single one, they form a group address. All message receivers will join in a group, and
once they do, the data flowing to the group address will be sent to the receivers immediately and
all members in the group will receive the data packets. The members in a Multicast group are
dynamic, the hosts can join and leave the Multicast group at any time.
Multicast group can be permanent or temporary. Some of the Multicast group addresses are
assigned officially; they are called Permanent Multicast Group. Permanent Multicast Group keeps
its IP address fixed but its member structure can vary within. The member amount of Permanent
Multicast Group can be arbitrary, even zero. The IP Multicast addresses which are not kept for
use by Permanent Multicast Group can be utilized by temporary Multicast groups. - are reserved Multicast addresses (Permanent Group Address), address is reserved but not assigned, and other addresses are used by Routing Protocol; - are Multicast addresses available to users (Temporary Group Address) and are valid in the entire domain of the network; - are local
management Multicast addresses, which are valid only in specific local domain. Frequently used
reserved multicast address list is as follows:
Benchmark address (reserved) Address of all hosts Address of all Multicast Routers Unassigned DVMRP Router OSPF Router OSPF DR ST Router ST host RIP-2 Router IGRP Router Active Agent DHCP Server/Relay Agent All PIM Routers RSVP Encapsulation All CBT Routers Specified SBM All SBMS VRRP IGMP
When Ethernet transmits Unicast IP messages, the destination MAC address it uses is the
receiver's MAC address. But in transmitting Multicast packets, the transmission destination is not
a specific receiver any more, but a group with uncertain members, thus Multicast MAC address
is used. Multicast MAC address is corresponding to Multicast IP address. It is prescribed in

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

IPv4 Multicast Protocol

IANA (Internet Assigned Number Authority) that the higher 25 bits in Multicast MAC address is
0x01005e, and the lower 23bits in MAC address is the lower 23bits in Multicast IP address.
Since only 23bits out of the lower 28bits in IP Multicast address are mapped into MAC address,
therefore there are 32 IP Multicast addresses which are mapped into the same MAC address.

42.1.3 IP Multicast Packet Transmission

In Multicast mode, the source host sends packets to the host group indicated by the Multicast
group address in the destination address field of IP data packet. Unlike Unicast mode, Multicast data packet must be forwarded to a number of external interfaces to be sent to all receiver
sites in Multicast mode, thus Multicast transmission procedure is more complicated than Unicast
transmission procedure.
In order to guarantee that all Multicast packets get to the router via the shortest path, the
receipt interface of the Multicast packet must be checked in some certain way based on Unicast
router table; this checking mechanism is the basis for most Multicast Routing Protocol to forward
in Multicast mode --- RPF (Reverse Path Forwarding) check. Multicast router makes use of the
impressed packet source address to query Unicast Router Table or independent Multicast Router
Table to determine if the packet ingress interface is on the shortest path from receipt site to source
address. If shortest path Tree is used, then the source address is the address of source host which
sends Multicast Data Packets; if Shared Tree is used, then the source address is the address of
the root of the Shared-Tree. When Multicast data packet gets to the router, if RPF check passes,
then the data packet is forwarded according to Multicast forward item, and the data packet will be
discarded else wise.

42.1.4 IP Multicast Application

IP Multicast technology has effectively solved the problem of sending in single point and receiving
in multipoint. It has achieved the effective data transmission from a point to multiple points, saved a
great deal of network bandwidth and reduced network load. Making use of the Multicast property of
network, some new value-added operations can be supplied conveniently. In Information Service
areas such as online living broadcast, network TV, remote education, remote medicine, real time
video/audio meeting, the following applications may be supplied:
1. Application of Multimedia and Streaming Media
2. Data repository, finance application (stock) etc
3. Any data distribution application of 'one point to multiple points'
In the situation of more and more multimedia operations in IP network, Multicast has tremendous market potential and Multicast operation will be generalized and popularized.

42.2 DCSCM
42.2.1 Introduction to DCSCM
DCSCM (Destination control and source control multicast) technology mainly includes three aspects, i.e. Multicast Packet Source Controllable, Multicast User Controllable and Service-Oriented

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

IPv4 Multicast Protocol

Priority Strategy Multicast.

The Multicast Packet Source Controllable technology of Security Controllable Multicast technology is mainly processed in the following manners:
1. On the edge switch, if source under-control multicast is configured, then only multicast data
from specified group of specified source can pass.
2. For RP switch in the core of PIM-SM, for REGISTER information out of specified source and
specified group, REGISTER_STOP is transmitted directly and table entry is not allowed to
set up. (This task is implemented in PIM-SM model).
The implement of Multicast User Controllable technology of Security Controllable Multicast
technology is based on the control over IGMP report message sent out by the user, thus the
model being controlled is IGMP snooping and IGMP model, of which the control logic includes
the following three, i.e. to take control based on VLAN+MAC address transmitting packets, to
take control based on IP address of transmitting packets and to take control based on the port
where messages enter, in which IGMP snooping can use the above three methods to take control
simultaneously, while since IGMP model is located at layer 3, it only takes control over the IP
address transmitting packets.
The Service-Oriented Priority Strategy Multicast of Security Controllable technology adopts the
following mode: for multicast data in limit range, set the priority specified by the user at the joinin end so that data can be sent in a higher priority on TRUNK port, consequently guarantee the
transmission is processed in user-specified priority in the entire network.

42.2.2 DCSCM Configuration Task List

1. Source Control Configuration
2. Destination Control Configuration
3. Multicast Strategy Configuration
1. Source Control Configuration
Source Control Configuration has three parts, of which the first is to enable source control. The
command of source control is as follows:
Global Configuration Mode
[no] ip multicast source-control

Enable source control globally, the 'no ip multicast sourcecontrol' command disables source control globally. It is noticeable that, after enabling source control globally, all multicast packets are discarded by default. All source control
configuration can not be processed until that it is enabled
globally, while source control can not be disabled until all
configured rules are disabled.

The next is to configure the rule of source control. It is configured in the same manner as for
ACL, and uses ACL number of 5000-5099, every rule number can be used to configure 10 rules. It
is noticeable that these rules are ordered, the front one is the one which is configured the earliest.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

IPv4 Multicast Protocol

Once the configured rules are matched, the following rules won't take effect, so rules of globally
allow must be put at the end. The commands are as follows:
Global Configuration Mode
[no] access-list <5000-5099> { deny | permit } ip
{ { <source> <source-wildcard> } | { host-source
<source-host-ip> } | any-source } { { <destination> <destination-wildcard> } | { host-destination
<destination-host-ip> } | any-destination }

The rule used to configure source control.
This rule does not take effect until it is applied to specified port. Using the NO form
of it can delete specified rule.

The last is to configure the configured rule to specified port.

Note: If the rules being configured will occupy the table entries of hardware, configuring too
many rules will result in configuration failure caused by bottom table entries being full, so we
suggest user to use the simplest rules if possible. The configuration rules are as follows:
Port Configuration Mode
[no] ip multicast source-control
access-group <5000-5099>

Used to configure the rules source control uses to port, the
NO form cancels the configuration.

2. Destination Control Configuration

Like source control configuration, destination control configuration also has three steps.
First, enable destination control globally. Since destination control need to prevent unauthorized user from receiving multicast data, the switch won't broadcast the multicast data it received
after configuring global destination control. Therefore, It should be avoided to connect two or more
other Layer 3 switches in the same VLAN on a switch on which destination control is enabled. The
configuration commands are as follows:
Global Configuration Mode
[no] multicast destination-control

Globally enable IPv4 and IPv6destination control. The no
operation of this command will globally disable destination
control. All of the other configuration can only take effect
after globally enabled. The next is configuring destination
control rules, which are similar.

Next is to configure destination control rule. It is similar to source control, except to use ACL
No. of 6000-7999.
Global Configuration Mode
[no] access-list <6000-7999> { deny | permit }
ip { { <source> <source-wildcard> } | { hostsource <source-host-ip> { range<2-65535> | }
} | any-source } { { <destination> <destinationwildcard> } | { host-destination <destination-hostip> { range<2-255> | } } | any-destination }

The rule used to configure destination control. This rule does not take effect until it
is applied to source IP or VLAN-MAC and
port. Using the NO form of it can delete
specified rule.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

IPv4 Multicast Protocol

The last is to configure the rule to specified source IP, source VLAN MAC or specified port. It
is noticeable that, due to the above situations, these rules can only be used globally in enabling
IGMP-SNOOPING. And if IGMP-SNOOPING is not enabled, then only source IP rule can be used
under IGMP Protocol. The configuration commands are as follows:
Port Configuration Mode
[no] ip multicast destinationcontrol access-group <60007999>
Global Configuration Mode
[no] ip multicast destinationcontrol <1-4094> <macaddr>
access-group <6000-7999>
[no] ip multicast destinationcontrol
access-group <6000-7999>

Used to configure the rules destination control uses to port,
the NO form cancels the configuration.

Used to configure the rules destination control uses to specify VLAN-MAC, the NO form cancels the configuration.
Used to configure the rules destination control uses to specified IP address/net mask, the NO form cancels the configuration.

3. Multicast Strategy Configuration

Multicast Strategy uses the manner of specifying priority for specified multicast data to achieve
and guarantee the effects the specific user requires. It is noticeable that multicast data can not get
a special care all along unless the data are transmitted at TRUNK port. The configuration is very
simple, it has only one command, i.e. to set priority for the specified multicast. The commands
are as follows:
Global Configuration Mode
[no] ip multicast policy <IPADDRESS/M> <IPADDRESS/M>
cos <priority>

Configure multicast strategy, specify priority for sources and
groups in specific range, and the range is <0-7>.

42.2.3 DCSCM Configuration Examples

1. Source Control
In order to prevent an Edge Switch from putting out multicast data ad asbitsium, we configure
Edge Switch so that only the switch at port Ethernet1/0/5 is allowed to transmit multicast, and
the data group must be Also, switch connected up to port Ethernet1/0/10 can transmit
multicast data without any limit, and we can make the following configuration.
Switch(config)#access-list 5000 permit ip any host
Switch(config)#access-list 5001 permit ip any any
Switch(config)#ip multicast source-control
Switch(config)#interface ethernet1/0/5
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/5)#ip multicast source-control access-group 5000
Switch(config)#interface ethernet1/0/10
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/10)#ip multicast source-control access-group 5001


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

IPv4 Multicast Protocol

2. Destination Control
We want to limit users with address in network segment from entering the group of, so we can make the following configuration:
Firstly enable IGMP snooping in the VLAN it is located (Here it is assumed to be in VLAN2)
Switch(config)#ip igmp snooping
Switch(config)#ip igmp snooping vlan 2
After that, configure relative destination control access-list, and configure specified IP address
to use that access-list.
Switch(config)#access-list 6000 deny ip any
Switch(config)#access-list 6000 permit ip any any
Switch(config)#multicast destination-control
Switch(config)#ip multicast destination-control access-group 6000
In this way, users of this network segment can only join groups other than
3. Multicast strategy
Server is distributing important multicast data on group, we can configure
on its join-in switch as follows:
Switch(config)#ip multicast policy cos 4
In this way, the multicast stream will have a priority of value 4 (Usually this is pretty higher, the
higher possible one is protocol data; if higher priority is set, when there is too many multicast data,
it might cause abnormal behavior of the switch protocol) when it gets to other switches through
this switch.

42.2.4 DCSCM Troubleshooting

The effect of DCSCM module itself is similar to ACL, and the problems occurred are usually related to improper configuration. Please read the descriptions above carefully. If you still can not
determine the cause of the problem, please send your configurations and the effects you expect
to the after-sale service staff of our company.

42.3 IGMP Snooping

42.3.1 Introduction to IGMP Snooping
IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol) is a protocol used in IP multicast. IGMP is used
by multicast enabled network device (such as a router) for host membership query, and by hosts
that are joining a multicast group to inform the router to accept packets of a certain multicast
address. All those operations are done through IGMP message exchange. The router will use
a multicast address ( that can address to all hosts to send an IGMP host membership
query message. If a host wants to join a multicast group, it will reply to the multicast address of
that a multicast group with an IGMP host membership reports a message.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

IPv4 Multicast Protocol

IGMP Snooping is also referred to as IGMP listening. The switch prevents multicast traffic from
flooding through IGMP Snooping, multicast traffic is forwarded to ports associated to multicast
devices only. The switch listens to the IGMP messages between the multicast router and hosts,
and maintains multicast group forwarding table based on the listening result, and can then decide
to forward multicast packets according to the forwarding table.
Switch provides IGMP Snooping and is able to send a query from the switch so that the user
can use switch in IP multicast.

42.3.2 IGMP Snooping Configuration Task List

1. Enable IGMP Snooping
2. Configure IGMP Snooping
1. Enable IGMP Snooping
Global Configuration Mode
ip igmp snooping
no ip igmp snooping

Enables IGMP Snooping. The no operation disables IGMP
Snooping function.

2. Configure IGMP Snooping

Global Configuration Mode
ip igmp snooping vlan <vlan-id>
no ip igmp snooping vlan <vlan-id>
ip igmp snooping proxy
no ip igmp snooping proxy
ip igmp snooping vlan <vlan-id> limit { group
<g_limit> | source <s_limit> }
no ip igmp snooping vlan <vlan-id> limit
ip igmp snooping vlan <1-4094> interface
(ethernet | port-channel | ) IFNAME limit
{ group <1-65535> | source <1-65535> }
strategy (replace | drop)
no ip igmp snooping vlan <1-4094> interface (ethernet | port-channel | ) IFNAME
limit group source strategy
ip igmp snooping vlan <vlan-id> l2-generalquerier
no ip igmp snooping vlan <vlan-id> l2general-querier
ip igmp snooping vlan <vlan-id> l2-generalquerier-version <version>

Enables IGMP Snooping for specified VLAN. The
no operation disables IGMP Snooping for specified VLAN.
Enable IGMP Snooping proxy function, the no
command disables the function.
Configure the max group count of vlan and the
max source count of every group. The 'no ip igmp
snooping vlan <vlan-id> limit' command cancels
this configuration.
Configure the number of groups which are allowed joining and the maximum of the source in
each group under the IGMP Snooping port. Configure the strategy when it is up to the upper limit,
including 'replace' and 'drop'. No command configures as 'no limitation'.
Set this vlan to layer 2 general querier. It is recommended to configure a layer 2 general querier
on a segment. The 'no ip igmp snooping vlan
<vlan-id> l2-general-querier' command cancels
this configuration.
Configure the version number of a general query
from a layer 2 general querier.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

IPv4 Multicast Protocol

ip igmp snooping vlan <vlan-id> l2-generalquerier-source <source>

ip igmp snooping vlan <vlan-id> mrouterport interface <interface-name>
no ip igmp snooping vlan <vlan-id> mrouterport interface <interface-name>
ip igmp snooping vlan <vlan-id> mrouterport learnpim
no ip igmp snooping vlan <vlan-id> mrouterport learnpim
ip igmp snooping vlan <vlan-id> mrpt
no ip igmp snooping vlan <vlan-id> mrpt
ip igmp snooping vlan <vlan-id> queryinterval <value>
no ip igmp snooping vlan <vlan-id> queryinterval
no ip igmp snooping vlan <vlan-id>
ip igmp snooping vlan <vlan-id> query-mrsp
no ip igmp snooping vlan <vlan-id> querymrsp
ip igmp snooping vlan <vlan-id> queryrobustness <value>
no ip igmp snooping vlan <vlan-id> queryrobustness
suppression-query-time <value>
no ip igmp snooping vlan <vlan-id>
ip igmp snooping vlan <vlan-id> staticgroup <A.B.C.D> [source <A.B.C.D>] interface [ethernet | port-channel] <IFNAME>
no ip igmp snooping vlan <vlan-id> staticgroup <A.B.C.D> [source <A.B.C.D>] interface [ethernet | port-channel] <IFNAME>
ip igmp snooping vlan <vlan-id> report
source-address <A.B.C.D>
no ip igmp snooping vlan <vlan-id> report

Configure the source address of a general query

from a layer 2 general querier.
Configure static mrouter port of vlan. The no form
of the command cancels this configuration.

Enable the function that the specified VLAN

learns mrouter-port (according to pim packets),
the no command will disable the function.
Configure this survive time of mrouter port. The
'no ip igmp snooping vlan <vlan-id> mrpt' command restores the default value.
Configure this query interval. The 'no ip igmp
snooping vlan <vlan-id> query-interval' command restores the default value.
Enable the IGMP fast leave function for the
specified VLAN: the 'no ip igmp snooping vlan
<vlan-id> immediate-leave' command disables
the IGMP fast leave function.
Configure the maximum query response period.
The 'no ip igmp snooping vlan <vlan-id> querymrsp' command restores to the default value.
Configure the query robustness. The 'no ip igmp
snooping vlan <vlan-id> query-robustness' command restores to the default value.
Configure the suppression query time. The 'no
ip igmp snooping vlan <vlan-id> suppressionquery-time' command restores to the default
Configure static-group on specified port of the
VLAN. The no form of the command cancels this

Configure forwarding IGMP packet source address, The no operation cancels the packet
source address.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

IPv4 Multicast Protocol

ip igmp snooping vlan <vlan-id> specificquery-mrsp <value>

no ip igmp snooping vlan <vlan-id> specificquery-mrsp

Configure the maximum query response time of

the specific group or source, the no command restores the default value.

42.3.3 IGMP Snooping Examples

Scenario 1: IGMP Snooping function
Multicast Router

Multicast Server 1

Multicast Server 2

Multicast port
IGMP Snooping

Group 1

Group 1

Group 1

Group 2

Figure 42.1: Enabling IGMP Snooping function

Example: As shown in the above figure, a VLAN 100 is configured in the switch and includes
ports 1, 2, 6, 10 and 12. Four hosts are connected to port 2, 6, 10 and 12 respectively and the
multicast router is connected to port 1. As IGMP Snooping is disabled by default either in the
switch or in the VLANs, If IGMP Snooping should be enabled in VLAN 100, the IGMP Snooping
should be first enabled for the switch in Global Mode and in VLAN 100 and set port 1 of VLAN 100
to be the mrouter port.
The configuration steps are listed below:
Switch(config)#ip igmp snooping
Switch(config)#ip igmp snooping vlan 100
Switch(config)#ip igmp snooping vlan 100 mrouter interface ethernet 1/0/1
Multicast Configuration
Suppose two programs are provided in the Multicast Server using multicast address Group1
and Group2, three of four hosts running multicast applications are connected to port 2, 6, 10 plays
program1, while the host is connected to port 12 plays program 2.
IGMP Snooping listening result:
The multicast table built by IGMP Snooping in VLAN 100 indicates ports 1, 2, 6, 10 in Group1
and ports 1, 12 in Group2.
All the four hosts can receive the program of their choice: ports 2, 6, 10 will not receive the
traffic of program 2 and port 12 will not receive the traffic of program 1.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

IPv4 Multicast Protocol

Scenario 2: L2-general-querier
Multicast Server

Group 1

Group 2

Switch A
IGMP Snooping
L2 general querier

Switch B
IGMP Snooping

Group 1

Group 1

Group 1

Group 2

Figure 42.2: The switches as IGMP Queries

The configuration of Switch2 is the same as the switch in scenario 1, SwitchA takes the place
of Multicast Router in scenario 1. Let's assume VLAN 60 is configured in SwitchA, including ports
1, 2, 10 and 12. Port 1 connects to the multicast server, and port 2 connects to Switch2. In order
to send Query at regular interval, IGMP query must enabled in Global mode and in VLAN60.
The configuration steps are listed below:
SwitchA(config)#ip igmp snooping
SwitchA(config)#ip igmp snooping vlan 60
SwitchA(config)#ip igmp snooping vlan 60 L2-general-querier
SwitchB(config)#ip igmp snooping
SwitchB(config)#ip igmp snooping vlan 100
SwitchB(config)#ip igmp snooping vlan 100 mrouter interface ethernet 1/0/1
Multicast Configuration
The same as scenario 1
IGMP Snooping listening result:
Similar to scenario 1
Scenario 3: To run in cooperation with layer 3 multicast protocols.
SWITCH which is used in Scenario 1 is replaced with ROUTER with specific configurations
remains the same. And multicast and IGMP snooping configurations are the same with what it is
in Scenario 1. To configure PIM-SM on ROUTER, and enable PIM-SM on vlan 100 (use the same
PIM mode with the connected multicast router)
Configurations are listed as below:
switch(config)#ip pim multicast-routing
switch(config)#interface vlan 100
switch(config-if-vlan100)#ip pim sparse-mode

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

IPv4 Multicast Protocol

IGMP snooping does not distribute entries when layer 3 multicast protocol is enabled. It only
does the following tasks.
Remove the layer 2 multicast entries.
Provide query functions to the layer 3 with vlan, S, and G as the parameters.
When layer 3 IGMP is disabled, re-enable distributing layer 2 multicast entries.
By looking up the layer 3 IPMC entries, it can be found that ports can be indicated by the layer
3 multicast entries. This ensures the IGMP snooping can work in cooperation with the layer 3
multicast protocols.

42.3.4 IGMP Snooping Troubleshooting

On IGMP Snooping function configuration and usage, IGMP Snooping might not run properly
because of physical connection or configuration mistakes. So the users should note that:
Make sure correct physical connection
Activate IGMP Snooping on whole configuration mode (use ip igmp snooping)
Configure IGMP Snooping at VLAN on whole configuration mode (use ip igmp snooping vlan
Make sure one VLAN is configured as L2 common checker in same mask, or make sure
configured static mrouter
Use show ip igmp snooping vlan <vid> command check IGMP Snooping information


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

IPv6 Multicast Protocol

Chapter 43
IPv6 Multicast Protocol
43.1 IPv6 DCSCM
43.2 MLD Snooping
43.2.1 Introduction to MLD Snooping
MLD, the Multicast Listener Discovery Protocol, is used to realize multicasting in the IPv6. MLD
is used by the network equipments such as routers which supports multicast for multicast listener
discovery, also used by listeners looking forward to join certain multicast group informing the router
to receive data packets from certain multicast address, all of which are done through MLD message
exchange. First the router send an MLD Multicast listener Query message through a multicast
address which can address all the listeners (namely ff02::1). Once there is a listener who wishes
to join the multicast address, it will send a MLD Multicast listener Report back through the multicast
MLD Snooping is namely the MLD listening. The switch restricts the multicast traffic from
flooding through MLD Snooping, and forward the multicast traffic to ports associated to multicast
devices only. The switch listens to the MLD messages between multicast routers and listeners, and
maintains the multicast group forwarding list based on the listening result. The switches forwards
multicast packets according to the multicast forwarding list
The switch realizes the MLD Snooping function while supporting MLD v2. This way, the user
can acquire IPv6 multicast with the switch.

43.2.2 MLD Snooping Configuration Task

1. Enable the MLD Snooping function
2. Configure the MLD Snooping
1. Enable the MLD Snooping function
Global Mode
ipv6 mld snooping
no ipv6 mld snooping

Enable global MLD Snooping, the 'no ipv6 mld snooping'
command disables the global MLD snooping.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

IPv6 Multicast Protocol

2. Configure MLD Snooping

Global Mode
ipv6 mld snooping vlan <vlan-id>
no ipv6 mld snooping vlan <vlan-id>
ipv6 mld snooping vlan <vlan-id> limit {
group <g_limit> | source <s_limit> }
no ipv6 mld snooping vlan <vlan-id> limit
ipv6 mld snooping vlan <vlan-id> l2general-querier
no ipv6 mld snooping vlan <vlan-id> l2general-querier
ipv6 mld snooping vlan <vlan-id> mrouterport interface <interface-name>
no ipv6 mld snooping vlan <vlan-id>
mrouter-port interface <interface-name>
ipv6 mld snooping vlan <vlan-id> mrouterport learnpim6
no ipv6 mld snooping vlan <vlan-id>
mrouter-port learnpim6
ipv6 mld snooping vlan <vlan-id> mrpt
no ipv6 mld snooping vlan <vlan-id> mrpt
ipv6 mld snooping vlan <vlan-id> queryinterval <value>
no ipv6 mld snooping vlan <vlan-id> queryinterval
ipv6 mld snooping vlan <vlan-id>
no ipv6 mld snooping vlan <vlan-id>
ipv6 mld snooping vlan <vlan-id> querymrsp <value>
no ipv6 mld snooping vlan <vlan-id> querymrsp
ipv6 mld snooping vlan <vlan-id> queryrobustness <value>
no ipv6 mld snooping vlan <vlan-id> queryrobustness
ipv6 mld snooping vlan <vlan-id>
suppression-query-time <value>
no ipv6 mld snooping vlan <vlan-id>

Enable MLD Snooping on specific VLAN. The 'no'
form of this command disables MLD Snooping on
specific VLAN.
Configure the number of the groups in which the
MLD Snooping can join, and the maximum number of sources in each group. The 'no' form of
this command restores to the default.
Set the VLAN level 2 general querier, which is
recommended on each segment. The 'no' form of
this command cancels the level 2 general querier
Configure the static mrouter port in specific vlan.
The 'no' form of this command cancels the
mrouter port configuration.
Enable the function that the specified VLAN
learns mrouter-port (according to pimv6 packets), the no command will disable the function.
Configure the keep-alive time of the mrouter port.
The 'no' form of this command restores to the default.
Configure the query interval. The 'no' form of this
command restores to the default.

Configure immediate leave multicast group function for the MLD Snooping of specific VLAN. The
'no' form of this command cancels the immediate
leave configuration.
Configure the query maximum response period.
The 'no' form of this command restores to the default.
Configure the query robustness, the 'no' form of
this command restores to the default.

Configure the suppression query time. The 'no'

form of this command restores to the default.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

IPv6 Multicast Protocol

ipv6 mld snooping vlan <vlan-id> staticgroup <X:X::X:X> [source <X:X::X:X>] interface [ethernet | port-channel] <IFNAME>
no ipv6 mld snooping vlan <vlan-id> staticgroup <X:X::X:X> [source <X:X::X:X>] interface [ethernet | port-channel] <IFNAME>

Configure static-group on specified port of the

VLAN. The no form of the command cancels this

43.2.3 MLD Snooping Examples

Scenario 1: MLD Snooping Function
Multicast Router

Mrouter port
MLD Snooping

Group 1

Group 1

Group 1

Group 2

Figure 43.1: Open the switch MLD Snooping Function figure

As shown above, the vlan 100 configured on the switch consists of ports 1, 2, 6, 10 and 12.
Four hosts are respectively connected to 2, 6, 10 and 12 while the multicast router on port 1.
Suppose we need MLD Snooping on VLAN 100, however by default, the global MLD Snooping as
well as the MLD Snooping on each VLAN are, therefore first we have to enable the global MLD
Snooping at the same time enable the MLD Snooping on VLAN 100, furthermore we need to set
the port 1 of VLAN 100 as a mrouter port.
Configuration procedure is as follows.
Switch(config)#ipv6 mld snooping
Switch(config)#ipv6 mld snooping vlan 100
Switch(config)#ipv6 mld snooping vlan 100 mrouter-port interface ethernet 1/0/1
Multicast configuration:
Assume there are two multicast servers: the Multicast Server 1 and the Multicast Server 2,
amongst program 1 and 2 are supplied on the Multicast Server 1 while program 3 on the Multicast
server 2, using group addresses respectively the Group 1, Group 2 and Group 3. Concurrently
multicast application is operating on the four hosts. Two hosts connected to port 2, 6 are playing

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

IPv6 Multicast Protocol

program 1 while the host connected to port 10 playing program 2, and the one to port 12 playing
program 3.
MLD Snooping interception results:
The multicast table on vlan 100 shows: port 1, 2, 6 are in (Multicasting Server 1, Group1),
port1, 10 are in (Multicasting Server 1, Group2), and port1, 121, 12 are in (Multicasting Server 2,
All the four hosts successfully receive programs they are interested in. port2, 6 receives no
traffic from program2 and 3; port10 receives no traffic from program 1 and 3, and port12 receives
no traffic from program1 and 2.
Scenario 2: MLD L2-general-querier
Group 1

Group 2

Multicast Router

Switch 1
MLD Snooping Query

Mrouter port
Switch 2
MLD Snooping

Group 1

Group 1

Group 1

Group 2

Figure 43.2: Switch as MLD Querier Function figure

Configuration of switch B is the same as the switches in case 1, and here the switch 1 replaces
the Multicast Router in case 1. Assume the vlan 60 configured on it contains port 1, 2, 10 and
12, amongst port 1 is connected to multicast server, port 2 to switch2. To send Query periodically,
global MLD Snooping has to be enabled while executing the mld snooping vlan 60 l2-generalquerier, setting the vlan 60 to a Level 2 General Querier.
Configuration procedure is as follows:
SwitchA(config)#ipv6 mld snooping
SwitchA(config)#ipv6 mld snooping vlan 60
SwitchA(config)#ipv6 mld snooping vlan 60 l2-general-querier
SwitchB(config)#ipv6 mld snooping
SwitchB(config)#ipv6 mld snooping vlan 100
SwitchB(config)#ipv6 mld snooping vlan 100 mrouter interface ethernet 1/0/1


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

IPv6 Multicast Protocol

Multicast configuration:
Same as scenario 1
MLD Snooping interception results:
Same as scenario 1

43.2.4 MLD Snooping Troubleshooting

In configuring and using MLD Snooping, the MLD Snooping server may fail to run properly due to
physical connection failure, wrong configuration, etc. The user should ensure the following:
Ensure the physical connection is correct
Ensure the MLD Snooping is enabled under global mode (using ipv6 mld snooping)
Ensure the MLD Snooping is configured on the vlan under global mode (using ipv6 mld
snooping vlan <vlan-id>)
Ensure there is a vlan configured as a L2 general querier, or there is a static mrouter configured in a segment,
Use command to check if the MLD snooping information is correct


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Multicast VLAN

Chapter 44
Multicast VLAN
44.1 Introductions to Multicast VLAN
Based on current multicast order method, when orders from users in different VLAN, each VLAN
will copy a multicast traffic in this VLAN, which is a great waste of the bandwidth. By configuration
of the multicast VLAN, we add the switch port to the multicast VLAN, with the IGMP Snooping/MLD
Snooping functions enabled, users from different VLAN will share the same multicast VLAN. The
multicast traffic only exists within a multicast VLAN, so the bandwidth is saved. As the multicast
VLAN is absolutely separated from the user VLAN, security and bandwidth concerns can be met
at the same time, after the multicast VLAN is configured, the multicast traffic will be continuously
sent to the users.

44.2 Multicast VLAN Configuration Task List

1. Enable the multicast VLAN function
2. Configure the IGMP Snooping
1. Enable the multicast VLAN function
VLAN configuration mode
no multicast-vlan
multicast-vlan association <vlan-list>
no multicast-vlan association <vlan-list>
multicast-vlan association interface (ethernet | port-channel | ) IFNAME
no multicast-vlan association interface (ethernet | port-channel | ) IFNAME

Configure a VLAN and enable the multicast
VLAN on it. The 'no multicast-vlan' command disables the multicast function on the VLAN.
Associate a multicast VLAN with several VLANs.
The no form of this command deletes the related
VLANs associated with the multicast VLAN.
Associate the specified port with the multicast
VLAN, so the associated ports are able to receive
the multicast flow. The no command cancels the
association between the ports and the multicast


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Multicast VLAN

2. Configure the IGMP Snooping

Global Mode
ip igmp snooping vlan <vlan-id>
no ip igmp snooping vlan <vlanid>
ip igmp snooping
no ip igmp snooping

Enable the IGMP Snooping function on the multicast VLAN.
The no form of this command disables the IGMP Snooping
on the multicast VLAN.
Enable the IGMP Snooping function. The no form of this
command disables the IGMP snooping function.

44.3 Multicast VLAN Examples

Switch B

Switch A







Figure 44.1: Function configuration of the Multicast VLAN

As shown in the figure, WORKSTATION (multicast server) is connected to the layer 3 switch
switchA through port 1/0/1 which belongs to the VLAN10 of the switch. The layer 3 switch switchA
is connected with layer 2 switches through the port1/0/10, which configured as trunk port. On the
switchB the VLAN100 is configured set to contain port1/0/15, and VLAN101 to contain port1/0/20.
PC1 and PC2 are respectively connected to port 1/0/15 and 1/0/20. The switchB is connected with
the switchA through port1/0/10, which configured as trunk port. VLAN 20 is a multicast VLAN. By
configuring multicast vlan, the PC1 and PC2 will receives the multicast data from the multicast
Following configuration is based on the IP address of the switch has been configured and all
the equipment are connected correctly.
Configuration procedure
SwitchA(config)#vlan 10
SwitchA(config-vlan10)#switchport access ethernet 1/0/1
SwitchA(config)#interface vlan 10
Switch(Config-if-Vlan10)#ip pim dense-mode
SwitchA(config)#vlan 20

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Multicast VLAN

SwitchA(config)#interface vlan 20
SwitchA(Config-if-Vlan20)#ip pim dense-mode
SwitchA(config)#ip pim multicast
SwitchA(config)# interface ethernet1/0/10
SwitchA(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/10)switchport mode trunk
SwitchB(config)#vlan 20
SwitchB(config)#vlan 100
SwitchB(config)#vlan 101
SwitchB(config)#interface ethernet 1/0/20
SwitchB(config-If-Ethernet)#switchport access vlan 101
SwitchB(config)#interface ethernet 1/0/15
SwitchB(config-If-Ethernet)#switchport access vlan 100
SwitchB(config)#interface ethernet 1/0/10
SwitchB(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/10)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchB(config)#vlan 20
SwitchB(config-vlan20)#multicast-vlan association 100,101
SwitchB(config)#ip igmp snooping
SwitchB(config)#ip igmp snooping vlan 20


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Part IX
Security Function Configuration


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ACL Configuration

Chapter 45
ACL Configuration
45.1 Introduction to ACL
ACL (Access Control List) is an IP packet filtering mechanism employed in switches, providing
network traffic control by granting or denying access the switches, effectively safeguarding the
security of networks. The user can lay down a set of rules according to some information specific
to packets, each rule describes the action for a packet with certain information matched: 'permit'
or 'deny'. The user can apply such rules to the incoming direction of switch ports, so that data
streams in the incoming direction of specified ports must comply with the ACL rules assigned.

45.1.1 Access-list
Access-list is a sequential collection of conditions that corresponds to a specific rule. Each rule
consist of filter information and the action when the rule is matched. Information included in a rule
is the effective combination of conditions such as source IP, destination IP, IP protocol number and
TCP port, UDP port. Access-lists can be categorized by the following criteria:
Filter information based criterion: IP access-list (layer 3 or higher information), MAC
access-list (layer 2 information), and MAC-IP access-list (layer 2 or layer 3 or higher).
Configuration complexity based criterion: standard and extended, the extended mode
allows more specific filtering of information.
Nomenclature based criterion: numbered and named.
Description of an ACL should cover the above three aspects.

45.1.2 Access-group
When a set of access-lists are created, they can be applied to traffic of incoming direction on all
ports. Access-group is the description to the binding of an access-list to the incoming direction on a
specific port. When an access-group is created, all packets from in the incoming direction through
the port will be compared to the access-list rule to decide whether to permit or deny access.
The current firmware only supports ingress ACL configuration.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ACL Configuration

45.1.3 Access-list Action and Global Default Action

There are two access-list actions and default actions: 'permit' or 'deny'. The following rules apply:
An access-list can consist of several rules. Filtering of packets compares packet conditions
to the rules, from the first rule to the first matched rule; the rest of the rules will not be
processed. Global default action applies only to IP packets in the incoming direction on the
Global default action applies only when packet flirter is enabled on a port and no ACL is
bound to that port, or no binding ACL matches.

45.2 ACL Configuration Task List

ACL Configuration Task Sequence:
1. Configuring access-list
(a) Configuring a numbered standard IP access-list
(b) Configuring a numbered extended IP access-list
(c) Configuring a standard IP access-list based on nomenclature
i. Create a standard IP access-list based on nomenclature
ii. Specify multiple 'permit' or 'deny' rule entries
iii. Exit ACL Configuration Mode
(d) Configuring an extended IP access-list based on nomenclature
i. Create an extensive IP access-list based on nomenclature
ii. Specify multiple 'permit' or 'deny' rule entries
iii. Exit ACL Configuration Mode
(e) Configuring a numbered standard MAC access-list
(f) Configuring a numbered extended MAC access-list
(g) Configuring a extended MAC access-list based on nomenclature
i. Create a extensive MAC access-list based on nomenclature
ii. Specify multiple 'permit' or 'deny' rule entries
iii. Exit ACL Configuration Mode
(h) Configuring a numbered extended MAC-IP access-list
(i) Configuring a extended MAC-IP access-list based on nomenclature
i. Create a extensive MAC-IP access-list based on nomenclature
ii. Specify multiple 'permit' or 'deny' rule entries
iii. Exit MAC-IP Configuration Mode
(j) Configuring a numbered standard IPv6 access-list
(k) Configuring a numbered extended IPv6 access-list

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ACL Configuration

(l) Configuring a standard IPv6 access-list based on nomenclature

i. Create a standard IPv6 access-list based on nomenclature
ii. Specify multiple permit or deny rule entries
iii. Exit ACL Configuration Mode
(m) Configuring an extended IPv6 access-list based on nomenclature.
i. Create an extensive IPv6 access-list based on nomenclature
ii. Specify multiple permit or deny rule entries
iii. Exit ACL Configuration Mode
2. Configuring the packet filtering function
(a) Enable global packet filtering function
(b) Configure default action
3. Configuring time range function
(a) Create the name of the time range
(b) Configure periodic time range
(c) Configure absolute time range
4. Bind access-list to an incoming direction of the specified port
5. Clear the filtering information of the specified port
1. Configuring access-list
(a) Configuring a numbered standard IP access-list
Global Mode
access-list <num> { deny | permit } { { <sIpAddr>
<sMask> } | any-source | { host-source <sIpAddr>
no access-list <num>

Creates a numbered standard IP accesslist, if the access-list already exists, then a
rule will add to the current access-list; the
'no access-list <num>' command deletes a
numbered standard IP access-list.

(b) Configuring a numbered extensive IP access-list

Global Mode
access-list <num> { deny | permit } icmp { {
<sIpAddr> <sMask> } | any-source | { hostsource <sIpAddr> } } { { <dIpAddr> <dMask> }
| any-destination | { host-destination <dIpAddr>
} } [<icmp-type> [<icmp-code>]] [precedence
<prec>] [tos <tos>][time-range<time-rangename>]

Creates a numbered ICMP extended IP
access rule; if the numbered extended
access-list of specified number does not exist, then an access-list will be created using
this number.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ACL Configuration

access-list <num> { deny | permit } igmp { {

<sIpAddr> <sMask> } | any-source | { hostsource <sIpAddr> } } { { <dIpAddr> <dMask>
} | any-destination | { host-destination <dIpAddr> } } [<igmp-type>] [precedence <prec>]
[tos <tos>][time-range<time-range-name>]
access-list <num> { deny | permit } tcp { {
<sIpAddr> <sMask> } | any-source | { host-source
<sIpAddr> } } [s-port { <sPort> | range <sPortMin> <sPortMax> } ] { { <dIpAddr> <dMask> } |
any-destination | { host-destination <dIpAddr> }
} [d-port { <dPort> | range <dPortMin> <dPortMax> } ] [ack+fin+psh+rst+urg+syn] [precedence
<prec>] [tos <tos>][time-range<time-rangename>]
access-list <num> { deny | permit } udp { {
<sIpAddr> <sMask> } | any-source | { host-source
<sIpAddr> } } [s-port { <sPort> | range <sPortMin> <sPortMax> } ] { { <dIpAddr> <dMask> } |
any-destination | { host-destination <dIpAddr> }
} [d-port { <dPort> | range <dPortMin> <dPortMax> } ] [precedence <prec>] [tos <tos>][timerange<time-range-name>]
access-list <num> { deny | permit } { eigrp | gre
| igrp | ipinip | ip | ospf | <protocol-num> } {
{ <sIpAddr> <sMask> } | any-source | { hostsource <sIpAddr> } } { { <dIpAddr> <dMask>
} | any-destination | { host-destination <dIpAddr> } } [precedence <prec>] [tos <tos>][timerange<time-range-name>]
no access-list <num>

Creates a numbered IGMP extended IP

access rule; if the numbered extended
access-list of specified number does not exist, then an access-list will be created using
this number.
Creates a numbered TCP extended IP
access rule; if the numbered extended
access-list of specified number does not exist, then an access-list will be created using
this number.

Creates a numbered UDP extended IP

access rule; if the numbered extended
access-list of specified number does not exist, then an access-list will be created using
this number.

Creates a numbered IP extended IP access rule for other specific IP protocol or

all IP protocols; if the numbered extended
access-list of specified number does not exist, then an access-list will be created using
this number.
Deletes a numbered extensive IP accesslist.

(c) Configuring a standard IP access-list basing on nomenclature

i. Create a name-based standard IP access-list
Global Mode
ip access-list standard <name>
no ip access-list standard <name>

Creates a standard IP access-list based on
nomenclature; the 'no ip access-list standard <name>' command deletes the namebased standard IP access-list.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ACL Configuration

ii. Specify multiple 'permit' or 'deny' rules

Standard IP ACL Mode
[no] { deny | permit } { { <sIpAddr> <sMask> } |
any-source | { host-source <sIpAddr> } }

Creates a standard name-based IP access
rule; the 'no' form command deletes the
name-based standard IP access rule.

iii. Exit name-based standard IP ACL configuration mode

Standard IP ACL Mode

Exits name-based standard IP ACL configuration mode.

(d) Configuring an name-based extended IP access-list

i. Create an extended IP access-list basing on nomenclature
Global Mode
ip access-list extended <name>
no ip access-list extended <name>

Creates an extended IP access-list basing on nomenclature; the 'no ip access-list
extended <name> ' command deletes the
name-based extended IP access-list.

ii. Specify multiple 'permit' or 'deny' rules

Extended IP ACL Mode
[no] { deny | permit } icmp { { <sIpAddr> <sMask>
} | any-source | { host-source <sIpAddr> } } { {
<dIpAddr> <dMask> } | any-destination | { hostdestination <dIpAddr> } } [<icmp-type> [<icmpcode>]] [precedence <prec>] [tos <tos>][timerange<time-range-name>]
1 [no] { deny | permit } igmp { { <sIpAddr>
<sMask> } | any-source | { host-source <sIpAddr>
} } { { <dIpAddr> <dMask> } | any-destination
| { host-destination <dIpAddr> } } [<igmptype>] [precedence <prec>] [tos <tos>][timerange<time-range-name>]

Creates an extended name-based ICMP IP
access rule; the no form command deletes
this name-based extended IP access rule.

Creates an extended name-based IGMP IP

access rule; the no form command deletes
this name-based extended IP access rule.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ACL Configuration

[no] { deny | permit } tcp { { <sIpAddr> <sMask>

} | any-source | { host-source <sIpAddr> } }
[s-port { <sPort> | range <sPortMin> <sPortMax> } ] { { <dIpAddr> <dMask> } | anydestination | { host-destination <dIpAddr> } } [dport { <dPort> | range <dPortMin> <dPortMax> } ]
[ack+fin+psh+rst+urg+syn] [precedence <prec>]
[tos <tos>][time-range<time-range-name>]
[no] { deny | permit } udp { { <sIpAddr> <sMask> }
| any-source | { host-source <sIpAddr> } } [s-port
{ <sPort> | range <sPortMin> <sPortMax> } ] { {
<dIpAddr> <dMask> } | any-destination | { hostdestination <dIpAddr> } } [d-port { <dPort> | range
<dPortMin> <dPortMax> } ] [precedence <prec>]
[tos <tos>][time-range<time-range-name>]
[no] { deny | permit } { eigrp | gre | igrp | ipinip | ip
| ospf | <protocol-num> } { { <sIpAddr> <sMask>
} | any-source | { host-source <sIpAddr> } } { {
<dIpAddr> <dMask> } | any-destination | { hostdestination <dIpAddr> } } [precedence <prec>]
[tos <tos>][time-range<time-range-name>]

Creates an extended name-based TCP IP

access rule; the no form command deletes
this name-based extended IP access rule.

Creates an extended name-based UDP IP

access rule; the no form command deletes
this name-based extended IP access rule.

Creates an extended name-based IP access rule for other IP protocols; the no

form command deletes this name-based
extended IP access rule.

iii. Exit extended IP ACL configuration mode

Extended IP ACL Mode

Exits extended name-based IP ACL configuration mode.

(e) Configuring a numbered standard MAC access-list

Global Mode
access-list<num> { deny | permit } { any-sourcemac | { host-source-mac<host_smac> } | {
<smac><smac-mask> } }
no access-list <num>

Creates a numbered standard MAC
access-list, if the access-list already exists, then a rule will add to the current
access-list; the 'no access-list <num>'
command deletes a numbered standard
MAC access-list.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ACL Configuration

(f) Creates a numbered MAC extended access-list

Global Mode
access-list<num> { deny | permit } { anysource-mac | { host-source-mac<host_smac> }
| { <smac><smac-mask> } } { any-destinationmac | { host-destination-mac<host_dmac> } |
{ <dmac><dmac-mask> } } [ { untagged-eth2
| tagged-eth2 | untagged-802-3 | tagged-8023 } [ <offset1> <length1> <value1> [ <offset2> <length2> <value2> [ <offset3> <length3>
<value3> [ <offset4> <length4> <value4> ]]]]]
no access-list <num>

Creates a numbered MAC extended
access-list, if the access-list already
exists, then a rule will add to the current
access-list; the 'no access-list <num>' command deletes a numbered MAC extended

(g) Configuring a extended MAC access-list based on nomenclature

i. Create an extensive MAC access-list based on nomenclature
Global Mode
mac-access-list extended <name>
no mac-access-list extended <name>

Creates an extended name-based MAC access rule for other IP protocols; the no
form command deletes this name-based
extended MAC access rule.

ii. Specify multiple 'permit' or 'deny' rule entries

Extended name-based MAC access rule Mode
[no] { deny | permit } { any-source-mac | { hostsource-mac <host_smac> } | { <smac><smac-mask>
} } { any-destination-mac | { host-destination-mac
<host_dmac> } | { <dmac> <dmac-mask> } } [cos
<cos-val> [<cos-bitmask>] [vlanId <vid-value> [<vidmask>][ethertype<protocol>[<protocol-mask>]]]]
[no] { deny | permit } { any-source-mac | { host-sourcemac<host_smac> } | { <smac><smac-mask> } } { anydestination-mac | { host-destination-mac<host_dmac> } | {
<dmac><dmac-mask> } } [ethertype <protocol> [<protocolmask>]]
[no] { deny | permit } { any-source-mac | { host-sourcemac<host_smac> } | { <smac><smac-mask> } } { anydestination-mac | { host-destination-mac<host_dmac> }
| { <dmac><dmac-mask> } } [vlanid <vid-value> [<vidmask>][ethertype <protocol> [<protocol-mask>]]]

Creates an extended namebased MAC access rule matching MAC frame; the no form
command deletes this namebased extended MAC access


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ACL Configuration

[no] { deny | permit } { any-source-mac | { host-sourcemac<host_smac> } | { <smac><smac-mask> } } { anydestination-mac | { host-destination-mac<host_dmac> } | {

<dmac><dmac-mask> } } [untagged-eth2 [ethertype <protocol> [protocol-mask]]]
[no] { deny | permit } { any-source-mac | { host-sourcemac<host_smac> } | { <smac><smac-mask> } } { anydestination-mac | { host-destination-mac <host_dmac> } | {
<dmac><dmac-mask> } } [untagged-802-3]

[no] { deny | permit } { any-source-mac | { host-sourcemac<host_smac> } | { <smac><smac-mask> } } { anydestination-mac | { host-destination-mac<host_dmac> } |

{ <dmac><dmac-mask> } } [tagged-eth2 [cos <cos-val>
[<cos-bitmask>]] [vlanId <vid-value> [<vid-mask>]] [ethertype<protocol> [<protocol-mask>]]]
[no] { deny | permit } { any-source-mac | { host-sourcemac <host_smac> } | { <smac><smac-mask> } } { anydestination-mac | { host-destination-mac<host_dmac> } |
{ <dmac><dmac-mask> } } [tagged-802-3 [cos <cos-val>
[<cos-bitmask>]] [vlanId <vid-value> [<vid-mask>]]]

Creates an extended namebased MAC access rule matching untagged ethernet 2 frame;
the no form command deletes
this name-based extended MAC
access rule.
Creates an name-based extended MAC access rule
matching 802.3 frame; the no
form command deletes this
name-based extended MAC
access rule.
Creates an name-based extended MAC access rule matching tagged ethernet 2 frame;
the no form command deletes
this name-based extended MAC
access rule.
Creates an name-based extended MAC access rule
matching tagged 802.3 frame;
the no form command deletes
this name-based extended MAC
access rule.

iii. Exit ACL Configuration Mode

Extended name-based MAC access configure Mode
Quit the extended name-based MAC access configure mode.
(h) Configuring a numbered extended MAC-IP access-list
Global Mode
access-list<num> { deny | permit } { any-source-mac | { hostsource-mac <host_smac> } | { <smac> <smac-mask> } } {
any-destination-mac | { host-destination-mac <host_dmac>
} | { <dmac><dmac-mask> } } icmp { { <source> <sourcewildcard> } | any-source | { host-source <source-hostip> } } { { <destination> <destination-wildcard> } | anydestination | { host-destination <destination-host-ip> } }
[<icmp-type> [<icmp-code>]] [precedence <precedence>]
[tos <tos>] [time-range <time-range-name>]

Creates a numbered mac-icmp
extended mac-ip access rule; if
the numbered extended accesslist of specified number does not
exist, then an access-list will be
created using this number.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ACL Configuration

access-list<num> { deny | permit } { any-source-mac | { hostsource-mac<host_smac> } | { <smac><smac-mask> } } {

any-destination-mac | { host-destination-mac <host_dmac>
} | { <dmac><dmac-mask> } } igmp { { <source><sourcewildcard> } | any-source | { host-source<source-host-ip> } }
{ { <destination><destination-wildcard> } | any-destination
| { host-destination<destination-host-ip> } } [<igmp-type>]
[precedence <precedence>] [tos <tos>][time-range<timerange-name>]
access-list<num> { deny | permit } { any-source-mac
| { host-source-mac<host_smac> } | { <smac><smacmask> } } { any-destination-mac | { host-destinationmac <host_dmac> } | { <dmac><dmac-mask> } } tcp
{ { <source><source-wildcard> } | any-source | { hostsource<source-host-ip> } } [s-port { <port1> | range <sPortMin> <sPortMax> } ] { { <destination><destination-wildcard>
} | any-destination | { host-destination <destination-hostip> } } [d-port { <port3> | range <dPortMin> <dPortMax>
} ] [ack+fin+psh+rst+urg+syn] [precedence <precedence>]
[tos <tos>][time-range<time-range-name>]
access-list<num> { deny | permit } { any-source-mac | { hostsource-mac<host_smac> } | { <smac><smac-mask> } } {
any-destination-mac | { host-destination-mac <host_dmac>
} | { <dmac><dmac-mask> } } udp { { <source><sourcewildcard> } | any-source | { host-source<source-host-ip> }
} [s-port { <port1> | range <sPortMin> <sPortMax> } ] { {
<destination><destination-wildcard> } | any-destination | {
host-destination<destination-host-ip> } } [d-port { <port3>
| range <dPortMin> <dPortMax> } ] [precedence <precedence>] [tos <tos>][time-range<time-range-name>]
access-list<num> { deny | permit } { any-source-mac | { hostsource-mac<host_smac> } | { <smac><smac-mask> } } {
any-destination-mac | { host-destination-mac <host_dmac>
} | { <dmac><dmac-mask> } } { eigrp | gre | igrp | ip |
ipinip | ospf | { <protocol-num> } } { { <source><sourcewildcard> } | any-source | { host-source<source-host-ip> }
} { { <destination><destination-wildcard> } | any-destination
| { host-destination<destination-host-ip> } } [precedence
<precedence>] [tos <tos>][time-range<time-range-name>]
no access-list <num>

Creates a numbered mac-igmp

extended mac-ip access rule; if
the numbered extended accesslist of specified number does not
exist, then an access-list will be
created using this number.

Creates a numbered mac-ip extended mac-tcp access rule; if

the numbered extended accesslist of specified number does not
exist, then an access-list will be
created using this number.

Creates a numbered mac-udp

extended mac-ip access rule; if
the numbered extended accesslist of specified number does not
exist, then an access-list will be
created using this number.

Creates a numbered extended

mac-ip access rule for other specific mac-ip protocol or all macip protocols; if the numbered extended access-list of specified
number does not exist, then an
access-list will be created using
this number.
Deletes this numbered extended
MAC-IP access rule.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ACL Configuration

(i) Configuring a extended MAC-IP access-list based on nomenclature

i. Create an extensive MAC-IP access-list based on nomenclature
Global Mode
mac-ip-access-list extended <name>
no mac-ip-access-list extended <name>

Creates an extended name-based MAC-IP
access rule; the no form command deletes
this name-based extended MAC-IP access

ii. Specify multiple 'permit' or 'deny' rule entries

Extended name-based MAC-IP access Mode
[no] { deny | permit } { any-source-mac | { host-sourcemac <host_smac> } | { <smac><smac-mask> } } { anydestination-mac | { host-destination-mac <host_dmac> }
| { <dmac><dmac-mask> } } icmp { { <source><sourcewildcard> } | any-source | { host-source<source-host-ip> }
} { { <destination><destination-wildcard> } | any-destination
| { host-destination <destination-host-ip> } } [<icmp-type>
[<icmp-code>]] [precedence <precedence>][tos<tos>][timerange<time-range-name>]
[no] { deny | permit } { any-source-mac | { host-sourcemac <host_smac> } | { <smac><smac-mask> } } { anydestination-mac | { host-destination-mac <host_dmac> }
| { <dmac><dmac-mask> } } igmp { { <source><sourcewildcard> } | any-source | { host-source<source-host-ip> }
} { { <destination><destination-wildcard> } | any-destination
| { host-destination <destination-host-ip> } } [<igmp-type>]
[precedence <precedence>] [tos <tos>][time-range<timerange-name>]
[no] { deny | permit } { any-source-mac | { hostsource-mac<host_smac> } | { <smac><smac-mask>
} } { any-destination-mac | { host-destination-mac
<host_dmac> } | { <dmac><dmac-mask> } } tcp { {
<source><source-wildcard> } | any-source | { hostsource<source-host-ip> } } [s-port { <port1> | range
<sPortMin> <sPortMax> } ] { { <destination><destinationwildcard> } | any-destination | { host-destination
<destination-host-ip> } } [d-port { <port3> | range
<dPortMin> <dPortMax> } ] [ack+fin+psh+rst+urg+syn]

Creates an extended namebased MAC-ICMP access rule;
the no form command deletes
this name-based extended
MAC-ICMP access rule.

Creates an extended namebased MAC-IGMP access rule;

the no form command deletes
this name-based extended
MAC-IGMP access rule.

Creates an extended namebased MAC-TCP access rule;

the no form command deletes
this name-based extended
MAC-TCP access rule.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ACL Configuration

[no] { deny | permit } { any-source-mac | { host-sourcemac<host_smac> } | { <smac><smac-mask> } } { anydestination-mac | { host-destination-mac <host_dmac> }

| { <dmac><dmac-mask> } } udp { { <source><sourcewildcard> } | any-source | { host-source<source-host-ip> }
} [s-port { <port1> | range <sPortMin> <sPortMax> } ] { {
<destination><destination-wildcard> } | any-destination | {
host-destination <destination-host-ip> } } [d-port { <port3>
| range <dPortMin> <dPortMax> } ] [precedence <precedence>] [tos <tos>][time-range<time-range-name>]
[no] { deny | permit } { any-source-mac | { host-sourcemac<host_smac> } | { <smac><smac-mask> } } { anydestination-mac | { host-destination-mac <host_dmac>
} | { <dmac><dmac-mask> } } { eigrp | gre | igrp | ip |
ipinip | ospf | { <protocol-num> } } { { <source><sourcewildcard> } | any-source | { host-source<source-hostip> } } { { <destination><destination-wildcard> } | anydestination | { host-destination<destination-host-ip> } }

Creates an extended namebased MAC-UDP access rule;

the no form command deletes
this name-based extended
MAC-UDP access rule.

Creates an extended namebased access rule for the other

IP protocol; the no form command deletes this name-based
extended access rule.

iii. Exit MAC-IP Configuration Mode

Extended name-based MAC-IP access Mode

Quit extended name-based MAC-IP access

(j) Configuring a numbered standard IPv6 access-list

Global Mode
ipv6 access-list <num> { deny | permit } { {
<sIPv6Addr> <sPrefixlen> } | any-source | { hostsource <sIpv6Addr> } }
no ipv6 access-list <num>

Creates a numbered standard IPv6 accesslist, if the access-list already exists, then a
rule will add to the current access-list; the
'no access-list <num>' command deletes a
numbered standard IPv6 access-list.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ACL Configuration

(k) Configuring a numbered extensive IPv6 access-list

Global Mode
ipv6 access-list <num-ext> { deny | permit } icmp { {
<sIPv6Prefix/sPrefixlen> } | any-source | { host-source
<sIPv6Addr> } } { <dIPv6Prefix/dPrefixlen> | any-destination
| { host-destination <dIPv6Addr> } } [<icmp-type> [<icmpcode>]] [dscp <dscp>] [flow-label <fl>][time-range<timerange-name>]
ipv6 access-list <num-ext> { deny | permit } tcp { {
<sIPv6Prefix/<sPrefixlen> } | any-source | { host-source
<sIPv6Addr> } } [s-port { <sPort> | range <sPortMin> <sPortMax> } ] { { < dIPv6Prefix/<dPrefixlen> } | any-destination
| { host-destination <dIPv6Addr> } } [dPort { <dPort> |
range <dPortMin> <dPortMax> } ] [syn | ack | urg | rst
| fin | psh] [dscp <dscp>] [flow-label <flowlabel>][timerange<time-range-name>]
ipv6 access-list <num-ext> { deny | permit } udp { {
<sIPv6Prefix/<sPrefixlen> } | any-source | { host-source
<sIPv6Addr> } } [s-port { <sPort> | range <sPortMin> <sPortMax> } ] { { <dIPv6Prefix/<dPrefixlen> } | any-destination
| { host-destination <dIPv6Addr> } } [dPort { <dPort> |
range <dPortMin> <dPortMax> } ] [dscp <dscp>] [flow-label
ipv6 access-list <num-ext> { deny | permit } <next-header>
{ <sIPv6Prefix/sPrefixlen> | any-source | { host-source
<sIPv6Addr> } } { <dIPv6Prefix/dPrefixlen> | any-destination
| { host-destination <dIPv6Addr> } } [dscp <dscp>] [flowlabel <fl>][time-range<time-range-name>]
no ipv6 access-list <num>

Creates a numbered extended
IPv6 access-list, if the accesslist already exists, then a rule will
add to the current access-list;
the no command deletes a numbered standard IPv6 access-list.

(l) Configuring a standard IPv6 access-list based on nomenclature

i. Create a standard IPv6 access-list based on nomenclature
Global Mode
ipv6 access-list standard <name>
no ipv6 access-list standard <name>

Creates a standard IP access-list based on
nomenclature; the no command delete the
name-based standard IPv6 access-list.

ii. Specify multiple permit or deny rules

Standard IPv6 ACL Mode
[no] { deny | permit } { { <sIPv6Prefix/sPrefixlen>
} | any-source | { host-source <sIPv6Addr> } }

Creates a standard name-based IPv6 access rule; the no form command deletes the
name-based standard IPv6 access rule.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ACL Configuration

iii. Exit name-based standard IP ACL configuration mode

Standard IPv6 ACL Mode

Exits name-based standard IPv6 ACL configuration mode.

(m) Configuring an name-based extended IPv6 access-list

i. Create an extended IPv6 access-list basing on nomenclature
Global Mode
ipv6 access-list extended <name>
no ipv6 access-list extended <name>

Creates an extended IPv6 access-list basing on nomenclature; the no command
deletes the name-based extended IPv6

ii. Specify multiple permit or deny rules

Extended IPv6 ACL Mode
[no] { deny | permit } icmp { {
| { host-source <sIPv6Addr> } } {
<dIPv6Prefix/dPrefixlen> | any-destination |
{ host-destination <dIPv6Addr> } } [<icmptype> [<icmp-code>]] [dscp <dscp>] [flow-label
<flowlabel>] [time-range <time-range-name>]
{ host-source <sIPv6Addr> } } [s-port {
<sPort> | range <sPortMin> <sPortMax> } ]
{ <dIPv6Prefix/dPrefixlen> | any-destination
| { host-destination <dIPv6Addr> } } [d-port {
<dPort> | range <dPortMin> <dPortMax> } ]
[syn | ack | urg | rst | fin | psh] [dscp <dscp>]
[flow-label <fl>] [time-range<time-range-name>]
{ host-source <sIPv6Addr> } } [s-port {
<sPort> | range <sPortMin> <sPortMax> } ]
{ <dIPv6Prefix/dPrefixlen> | any-destination
| { host-destination <dIPv6Addr> } } [d-port {
<dPort> | range <dPortMin> <dPortMax> } ]
[dscp <dscp>] [flow-label <fl>] [time-range<timerange-name>]

Creates an extended name-based ICMP
IPv6 access rule; the no form command
deletes this name-based extended IPv6 access rule.

Creates an extended name-based TCP

IPv6 access rule; the no form command
deletes this name-based extended IPv6 access rule.

Creates an extended name-based UDP

IPv6 access rule; the no form command
deletes this name-based extended IPv6 access rule.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ACL Configuration

[no] { deny | permit } <proto> {

| { host-source <sIPv6Addr> } } {
<dIPv6Prefix/dPrefixlen> | any-destination |
{ host-destination <dIPv6Addr> } } [dscp <dscp>]
[flow-label <flowlabel>] [time-range <time-rangename>]
[no] { deny | permit } { <sIPv6Prefix/sPrefixlen>
| any-source | { host-source <sIPv6Addr> } }
{ <dIPv6Prefix/dPrefixlen> | any-destination | {
host-destination <dIPv6Addr> } } [dscp <dscp>]
[flow-label <flowlabel>] [time-range <time-rangename>]

Creates an extended name-based IPv6 access rule for other IPv6 protocols; the no
form command deletes this name-based
extended IPv6 access rule.

Creates an extended name-based IPv6 access rule; the no form command deletes
this name-based extended IPv6 access

iii. Exit extended IPv6 ACL configuration mode

Extended IPv6 ACL Mode

Exits extended name-based IPv6 ACL configuration mode.

2. Configuring packet filtering function

(a) Enable global packet filtering function
Global Mode
firewall enable
firewall disable

Enables global packet filtering function.
Disables global packet filtering function.

(b) Configure default action

Global Mode
firewall default { permit | deny [ipv4 | ipv6 | all] }

Sets default action to firewall.

3. Configuring time range function

(a) Create the name of the time range
Global Mode
time-range <time_range_name>
no time-range <time_range_name>

Stop the time range function named


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ACL Configuration

(b) Configure periodic time range

Time range Mode
absolute-periodic { Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday } <start_time> to { Monday |
Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday } <end_time>
periodic { { Monday + Tuesday + Wednesday + Thursday +
Friday + Saturday + Sunday } | daily | weekdays | weekend
} <start_time> to <end_time>
[no] absolute-periodic { Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday |
Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday } <start_time> to {
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday } <end_time>
[no] periodic { { Monday + Tuesday + Wednesday + Thursday + Friday + Saturday + Sunday } | daily | weekdays |
weekend } <start_time> to <end_time>

Configure the time range for the
request of the week, and every
week will run by the time range.

Stop the function of the time

range in the week.

(c) Configure absolute time range

Global Mode
absolute start <start_time> <start_data> [end
<end_time> <end_data>]
[no] absolute start <start_time> <start_data>
[end <end_time> <end_data>]

Configure absolute time range.
Stop the function of the time range.

4. Bind access-list to a specific direction of the specified port.

Physical Port Mode/VLAN Interface Mode
{ ip | ipv6 | mac | mac-ip } access- Physical interface mode: Applies an access-list to the
group <acl-name> { in } [traffic- specified direction on the port; the no command deletes the
access-list bound to the port.
no { ip | ipv6 | mac | mac-ip } VLAN interface mode: Applies an access-list to the speciaccess-group <acl-name> { in } fied direction on the port of VLAN; the no command deletes
the access-list bound to the port of VLAN.
5. Clear the filtering information of the specified port
Admin Mode
clear access-group statistic [ ethernet <interfacename> ]

Clear the filtering information of the specified port.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ACL Configuration

45.3 ACL Example

Scenario 1:
The user has the following configuration requirement: port 10 of the switch connects to
segment, ftp is not desired for the user.
Configuration description:
1. Create a proper ACL
2. Configuring packet filtering function
3. Bind the ACL to the port
The configuration steps are listed below:
Switch(config)#access-list 110 deny tcp any-destination d-port 21
Switch(config)#firewall enable
Switch(config)#firewall default permit
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/0/10
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/10)#ip access-group 110 in
Configuration result:
Switch#show firewall
Firewall status: enable.
Firewall Default Rule: Permit.
Switch#show access-lists
access-list 110(used 1 time(s)) 1 rule(s)
access-list 110 deny tcp any-destination d-port 21
Switch#show access-group interface ethernet 1/0/10
interface name:Ethernet1/0/10
the ingress acl use in firewall is 110, traffic-statistics Disable.
Scenario 2:
The configuration requirement is stated as below: The switch should drop all the 802.3 datagram with 00-12-11-23-xx-xx as the source MAC address coming from interface 10.
Configuration description:
1. Create the corresponding MAC ACL.
2. Configure datagram filtering.
3. Bind the ACL to the related interface.
The configuration steps are listed as below.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ACL Configuration

Switch(config)#access-list 1100 deny 00-12-11-23-00-00 00-00-00-00-ff-ff

any-destination-mac untagged-802-3
Switch(config)#access-list 1100 deny 00-12-11-23-00-00 00-00-00-00-ff-ff
any tagged-802
Switch(config)#firewall enable
Switch(config)#firewall default permit
Switch(config)#interface ethernet1/0/10
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/10)#mac access-group 1100 in
Configuration result:
Switch#show firewall
Firewall Status: Enable.
Firewall Default Rule: Permit.
Switch #show access-lists
access-list 1100(used 1 time(s))
access-list 1100 deny 00-12-11-23-00-00 00-00-00-00-ff-ff
access-list 1100 deny 00-12-11-23-00-00 00-00-00-00-ff-ff
Switch #show access-group interface ethernet 1/0/10
interface name:Ethernet1/0/10
MAC Ingress access-list used is 1100,traffic-statistics Disable.
Scenario 3:
The configuration requirement is stated as below: The MAC address range of the network
connected to the interface 10 of the switch is 00-12-11-23-xx-xx, and IP network is
FTP should be disabled and ping requests from outside network should be disabled.
Configuration description:
1. Create the corresponding access list.
2. Configure datagram filtering.
3. Bind the ACL to the related interface.
The configuration steps are listed as below.
Switch(config)#access-list 3110 deny 00-12-11-23-00-00 00-00-00-00-ff-ff
any-destination-mac tcp
any-destination d-port 21
Switch(config)#access-list 3110 deny any-source-mac 00-12-11-23-00-00 00-00-00-00-ff-ff
icmp any-source
Switch(config)#firewall enable

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ACL Configuration

Switch(config)#firewall default permit

Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/0/10
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/10)#mac-ip access-group 3110 in
Configuration result:
Switch#show firewall
Firewall Status: Enable.
Firewall Default Rule: Permit.
Switch#show access-lists
access-list 3110(used 1 time(s))
access-list 3110 deny 00-12-11-23-00-00 00-00-00-00-ff-ff
tcp any-destination d-port 21
access-list 3110 deny any-source-mac 00-12-11-23-00-00 00-00-00-00-ff-ff
icmp any-source
Switch #show access-group interface ethernet 1/0/10
interface name:Ethernet1/0/10
MAC-IP Ingress access-list used is 3110, traffic-statistics Disable.
Scenario 4:
The configuration requirement is stated as below: IPv6 protocol runs on the interface 600 of
the switch. And the IPv6 network address is 2003:1:1:1::0/64. Users in the 2003:1:1:1:66::0/80
subnet should be disabled from accessing the outside network.
Configuration description:
1. Create the corresponding access list.
2. Configure datagram filting.
3. Bind the ACL to the related interface.
The configuration steps are listed as below.
Switch(config)#ipv6 access-list 600 permit 2003:1:1:1:66::0/80 any-destination
Switch(config)#ipv6 access-list 600 deny 2003:1:1:1::0/64 any-destination
Switch(config)#firewall enable
Switch(config)#firewall default permit
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/0/10
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/10)#ipv6 access-group 600 in
Configuration result:

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ACL Configuration

Switch#show firewall
Firewall Status: Enable.
Firewall Default Rule: Permit.
Switch#show ipv6 access-lists
Ipv6 access-list 600(used 1 time(s))
ipv6 access-list 600 deny 2003:1:1:1::0/64 any-source
ipv6 access-list 600 permit 2003:1:1:1:66::0/80 any-source
Switch #show access-group interface ethernet 1/0/10
interface name:Ethernet1/0/10
IPv6 Ingress access-list used is 600, traffic-statistics Disable.
Scenario 5:
The configuration requirement is stated as below: The interface 1, 2, 5, 7 belongs to vlan100,
Hosts with as its IP address should be disabled from accessing the listed interfaces.
Configuration description:
1. Create the corresponding access list.
2. Configure datagram filtering.
3. Bind the ACL to the related interface.
The configuration steps are listed as below.

(config)#firewall enable
(config)#vlan 100
(Config-Vlan100)#switchport interface ethernet 1/0/1;2;5;7
(config)#access-list 1 deny host-source
(config)#interface ethernet1/0/1;2;5;7
(config-if-port-range)#ip access-group 1 in

Configuration result:
Switch (config)#show access-group interface vlan 100
Interface VLAN 100:
IP Ingress access-list used is 1, traffic-statistics
IP Ingress access-list used is 1, traffic-statistics
IP Ingress access-list used is 1, traffic-statistics
IP Ingress access-list used is 1, traffic-statistics


45.4 ACL Troubleshooting

Checking for entries in the ACL is done in a top-down order and ends whenever an entry is

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ACL Configuration

Default rule will be used only if no ACL is bound to the incoming direction of the port, or no
ACL entry is matched.Each ingress port can bind one MAC-IP ACL, one IP ACL, one MAC
ACL, one IPv6 standard ACL (via the physical interface mode or Vlan interface mode).
When binding four ACL and packet matching several ACL at the same time, the priority
relations are as follows in a top-down order. If the priority is same, then the priority of configuration at first is higher.
Ingress IPv6 ACL
Ingress MAC-IP ACL
Ingress IP ACL
Ingress MAC ACL
The number of ACLs that can be successfully bound depends on the content of the ACL
bound and the hardware resource limit. Users will be prompted if an ACL cannot be bound
due to hardware resource limitation.
If an access-list contains same filtering information but conflicting action rules, binding to the
port will fail with an error message. For instance, configuring 'permit tcp any any-destination'
and 'deny tcp any any-destination' at the same time is not permitted.
Viruses such as 'worm.blaster' can be blocked by configuring ACL to block specific ICMP
packets or specific TCP or UDP port packet.
If the physical mode of an interface is TRUNK, ACL can only be configured through physical
interface mode.
ACL configured in the physical mode can only be disabled in the physical mode. Those configured in the VLAN interface configuration mode can only be disabled in the VLAN interface
When a physical interface is added into or removed from a VLAN (with the trunk interfaces as
exceptions), ACL configured in the corresponding VLAN will be bound or unbound respectively. If ACL configured in the target VLAN, which is configured in VLAN interface mode,
conflicts with existing ACL configuration on the interface, which is configured in physical
interface mode, the configuration will fail to effect.
When no physical interfaces are configured in the VLAN, the ACL configuration of the VLAN
will be removed. And it can not recover if new interfaces are added to the VLAN.
When the interface mode is changed from access mode to trunk mode, the ACL configured
in VLAN interface mode which is bound to physical interface will be removed. And when
the interface mode is changed from trunk mode to access mode, ACL configured in VLAN1
interface mode will be bound to the physical interface. If binding fails, the changing will fail
When removing a VLAN configuration, if there are any ACLs bound to the VLAN, the ACL
will be removed from all the physical interfaces belonging to the VLAN, and it will be bound to
VLAN 1 ACL(if ACL is configured in VLAN1). If VLAN 1 ACL binding fails, the VLAN removal
operation will fail.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

802.1x Configuration

Chapter 46
802.1x Configuration
46.1 Introduction to 802.1x
The 802.1x protocol originates from 802.11 protocol, the wireless LAN protocol of IEEE, which is
designed to provide a solution to doing authentication when users access a wireless LAN. The
LAN defined in IEEE 802 LAN protocol does not provide access authentication, which means as
long as the users can access a LAN controlling device (such as a LAN Switch), they will be able
to get all the devices or resources in the LAN. There was no looming danger in the environment
of LAN in those primary enterprise networks.
However, along with the boom of applications like mobile office and service operating networks,
the service providers should control and configure the access from user. The prevailing application
of WLAN and LAN access in telecommunication networks, in particular, make it necessary to
control ports in order to implement the user-level access control. And as a result, IEEE LAN/WAN
committee defined a standard, which is 802.1x, to do Port-Based Network Access Control. This
standard has been widely used in wireless LAN and ethernet.
'Port-Based Network Access Control' means to authenticate and control the user devices on
the level of ports of LAN access devices. Only when the user devices connected to the ports pass
the authentication, can they access the resources in the LAN, otherwise, the resources in the LAN
won't be available.

46.1.1 The Authentication Structure of 802.1x

The system using 802.1x has a typical Client/Server structure, which contains three entities (as
illustrated in the next figure): Supplicant system, Authenticator system, and Authentication server
The supplicant system is an entity on one end of the LAN segment, should be authenticated
by the access controlling unit on the other end of the link. A Supplicant system usually
is a user terminal device. Users start 802.1x authentication by starting supplicant system
software. A supplicant system should support EAPOL (Extensible Authentication Protocol
over LAN).
The authenticator system is another entity on one end of the LAN segment to authenticate
the supplicant systems connected. An authenticator system usually is a network device
supporting 802,1x protocol, providing ports to access the LAN for supplicant systems. The
ports provided can either be physical or logical.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

802.1x Configuration

Supplicant system
Supplicant PAE

server system

Authenticator system
Services offered
by Authenticator s



EAP protocol
carried in higher
layer protocol



Figure 46.1: The Authentication Structure of 802.1x

The authentication server system is an entity to provide authentication service for authenticator systems. The authentication server system is used to authenticate and authorize users,
as well as does fee-counting, and usually is a RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User
Service) server, which can store the relative user information, including username, password
and other parameters such as the VLAN and ports which the user belongs to.
The three entities above concerns the following basic concepts: PAE of the port, the controlled
ports and the controlled direction.
1. PAE
PAE (Port Access Entity) is the entity to implement the operation of algorithms and protocols.
The PAE of the supplicant system is supposed to respond the authentication request from
the authenticator systems and submit user's authentication information to the authenticator
system. It can also send authentication request and off-line request to authenticator.
The PAE of the authenticator system authenticates the supplicant systems needing to access
the LAN via the authentication server system, and deal with the authenticated/unauthenticated
state of the controlled port according to the result of the authentication. The authenticated
state means the user is allowed to access the network resources, the unauthenticated state
means only the EAPOL messages are allowed to be received and sent while the user is
forbidden to access network resources.
2. Controlled/uncontrolled ports
The authenticator system provides ports to access the LAN for the supplicant systems. These
ports can be divided into two kinds of logical ports: controlled ports and uncontrolled ports.
The uncontrolled port is always in bi-directionally connected status, and mainly used to transmit EAPOL protocol frames, to guarantee that the supplicant systems can always send or
receive authentication messages.
The controlled port is in connected status authenticated to transmit service messages. When
unauthenticated, no message from supplicant systems is allowed to be received.
The controlled and uncontrolled ports are two parts of one port, which means each frame
reaching this port is visible on both the controlled and uncontrolled ports.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

802.1x Configuration

3. Controlled direction
In unauthenticated status, controlled ports can be set as unidirectional controlled or bi-directionally
When the port is bi-directionally controlled, the sending and receiving of all frames is forbidden.
When the port is unidirectional controlled, no frames can be received from the supplicant
systems while sending frames to the supplicant systems is allowed.
Notes: At present, this kind of switch only supports unidirectional control.

46.1.2 The Work Mechanism of 802.1x

IEEE 802.1x authentication system uses EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol) to implement
exchange of authentication information between the supplicant system, authenticator system and
authentication server system.



System PAE


server system

Figure 46.2: the Work Mechanism of 802.1x

EAP messages adopt EAPOL encapsulation format between the PAE of the supplicant system and the PAE of the authenticator system in the environment of LAN.
Between the PAE of the authenticator system and the RADIUS server, there are two methods to exchange information: one method is that EAP messages adopt EAPOR (EAP over
RADIUS) encapsulation format in RADIUS protocol; the other is that EAP messages terminate with the PAE of the authenticator system, and adopt the messages containing RAP
(Password Authentication Protocol) or CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol) attributes to do the authentication interaction with the RADIUS server.
When the user pass the authentication, the authentication server system will send the relative information of the user to authenticator system, the PAE of the authenticator system
will decide the authenticated/unauthenticated status of the controlled port according to the
authentication result of the RADIUS server.

46.1.3 The Encapsulation of EAPOL Messages

1. The Format of EAPOL Data Packets
EAPOL is a kind of message encapsulation format defined in 802.1x protocol, and is mainly
used to transmit EAP messages between the supplicant system and the authenticator system in
order to allow the transmission of EAP messages through the LAN. In IEEE 802/Ethernet LAN
environment, the format of EAPOL packet is illustrated in the next figure. The beginning of the
EAPOL packet is the Type/Length domain in MAC frames.

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802.1x Configuration

PAE Ethernet Type
Protocol Version


Packet Body


Figure 46.3: the Format of EAPOL Data Packet

PAE Ethernet Type: Represents the type of the protocol whose value is 0x888E.
Protocol Version: Represents the version of the protocol supported by the sender of EAPOL
data packets.
Type: represents the type of the EAPOL data packets, including:
EAP-Packet (whose value is 0x00): the authentication information frame, used to carry EAP
messages. This kind of frame can pass through the authenticator system to transmit EAP
messages between the supplicant system and the authentication server system.
EAPOL-Start (whose value is 0x01): the frame to start authentication.
EAPOL-Logoff (whose value is 0x02): the frame requesting to quit.
EAPOL-Key (whose value is 0x03): the key information frame.
EAPOL-Encapsulated-ASF-Alert (whose value is 0x04): used to support the Alerting messages of ASF (Alert Standard Forum). This kind of frame is used to encapsulate the relative
information of network management such as all kinds of alerting information, terminated by
terminal devices.
Length: represents the length of the data, that is, the length of the 'Packet Body', in byte.
There will be no following data domain when its value is 0.
Packet Body: represents the content of the data, which will be in different formats according
to different types.
2. The Format of EAP Data Packets
When the value of Type domain in EAPOL packet is EAP-Packet, the Packet Body is in EAP
format (illustrated in the next figure).
Code: specifies the type of the EAP packet. There are four of them in total: Request (1),
Response (2), Success (3), Failure (4).
There is no Data domain in the packets of which the type is Success or Failure, and the value
of the Length domains in such packets is 4.
The format of Data domains in the packets of which the type is Request and Response is
illustrated in the next figure. Type is the authentication type of EAP, the content of Type data
depends on the type. For example, when the value of the type is 1, it means Identity, and is
used to query the identity of the other side. When the type is 4, it means MD5-Challenge,
like PPP CHAP protocol, contains query messages.

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802.1x Configuration







Figure 46.4: the Format of EAP Data Packets



Figure 46.5: the Format of Data Domain in Request and Response Packets
Identifier: to assist matching the Request and Response messages.
Length: the length of the EAP packet, covering the domains of Code, Identifier, Length and
Data, in byte.
Data: the content of the EAP packet, depending on the Code type.

46.1.4 The Encapsulation of EAP Attributes

RADIUS adds two attribute to support EAP authentication: EAP-Message and Message-Authenticator.
Please refer to the Introduction of RADIUS protocol in 'AAA-RADIUS-HWTACACS operation' to
check the format of RADIUS messages.
1. EAP-Message
As illustrated in the next figure, this attribute is used to encapsulate EAP packet, the type code
is 79, String domain should be no longer than 253 bytes. If the data length in an EAP packet is
larger than 253 bytes, the packet can be divided into fragments, which then will be encapsulated
in several EAP-Messages attributes in their original order.




EAP packets

Figure 46.6: the Encapsulation of EAP-Message Attribute

2. Message-Authenticator
As illustrated in the next figure, this attribute is used in the process of using authentication
methods like EAP and CHAP to prevent the access request packets from being eavesdropped.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

802.1x Configuration

Message-Authenticator should be included in the packets containing the EAP-Message attribute,

or the packet will be dropped as an invalid one.



18 bytes

Figure 46.7: Message-Authenticator Attribute

46.1.5 The Authentication Methods of 802.1x

The authentication can either be started by supplicant system initiatively or by devices. When the
device detects unauthenticated users to access the network, it will send supplicant system EAPRequest/Identity messages to start authentication. On the other hand, the supplicant system can
send EAPOL-Start message to the device via supplicant software.
802.1x systems supports EAP relay method and EAP termination method to implement authentication with the remote RADIUS server. The following is the description of the process of
these two authentication methods, both started by the supplicant system.
EAP Relay Mode
EAP relay is specified in IEEE 802.1x standard to carry EAP in other high-level protocols, such as
EAP over RADIUS, making sure that extended authentication protocol messages can reach the
authentication server through complicated networks. In general, EAP relay requires the RADIUS
server to support EAP attributes: EAP-Message and Message-Authenticator.
EAP is a widely-used authentication frame to transmit the actual authentication protocol rather
than a special authentication mechanism. EAP provides some common function and allows the
authentication mechanisms expected in the negotiation, which are called EAP Method. The advantage of EAP lies in that EAP mechanism working as a base needs no adjustment when a
new authentication protocol appears. The following figure illustrates the protocol stack of EAP
authentication method.
By now, there are more than 50 EAP authentication methods has been developed, the differences among which are those in the authentication mechanism and the management of keys. The
4 most common EAP authentication methods are listed as follows:
EAP-TLS (Transport Layer Security)
EAP-TTLS (Tunneled Transport Layer Security)
PEAP (Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol)
They will be described in detail in the following part.








SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

802.1x Configuration




Token ring


Figure 46.8: the Protocol Stack of EAP Authentication Method

The switch, as the access controlling unit of Pass-through, will not check the content of a
particular EAP method, so can support all the EAP methods above and all the EAP authentication methods that may be extended in the future.
In EAP relay, if any authentication method in EAP-MD5, EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS and PEAP
is adopted, the authentication methods of the supplicant system and the RADIUS server
should be the same.
1. EAP-MD5 Authentication Method
EAP-MD5 is an IETF open standard which providing the least security, since MD5 Hash function is vulnerable to dictionary attacks.
The following figure illustrated the basic operation flow of the EAP-MD5 authentication method.
2. EAP-TLS Authentication Method
EAP-TLS is brought up by Microsoft based on EAP and TLS protocols. It uses PKI to protect
the id authentication between the supplicant system and the RADIUS server and the dynamically
generated session keys, requiring both the supplicant system and the Radius authentication server
to possess digital certificate to implement bidirectional authentication. It is the earliest EAP authentication method used in wireless LAN. Since every user should have a digital certificate, this
method is rarely used practically considering the difficult maintenance. However it is still one of the
safest EAP standards, and enjoys prevailing supports from the vendors of wireless LAN hardware
and software.
The following figure illustrates the basic operation flow of the EAP-TLS authentication method.
3. EAP-TTLS Authentication Method
EAP-TTLS is a product of the cooperation of Funk Software and Certicom. It can provide an
authentication as strong as that provided by EAP-TLS, but without requiring users to have their
own digital certificate. The only request is that the Radius server should have a digital certificate. The authentication of users' identity is implemented with passwords transmitted in a safely


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

802.1x Configuration



System PAE



EAP-Request/MD5 Challenge
EAP-Response/MD5 Challenge


RADIUS Access-Request
RADIUS Access-Challenge
(EAP-Request/MD5 Challenge)
RADIUS Access-Request
(EAP-Response/MD5 Challenge)
RADIUS Access-Accept

Port authorized
Handshake request packet
Handshake response packet

Expiry of the handshake timer


Port unauthorized

Figure 46.9: the Authentication Flow of 802.1x EAP-MD5

encrypted tunnel established via the certificate of the authentication server. Any kind of authentication request including EAP, PAP and MS-CHAPV2 can be transmitted within TTLS tunnels.
4. PEAP Authentication Method
EAP-PEAP is brought up by Cisco, Microsoft and RAS Security as a recommended open standard. It has long been utilized in products and provides very good security. Its design of protocol
and security is similar to that of EAP-TTLS, using a server's PKI certificate to establish a safe TLS
tunnel in order to protect user authentication.
The following figure illustrates the basic operation flow of PEAP authentication method.
EAP Termination Mode
In this mode, EAP messages will be terminated in the access control unit and mapped into RADIUS
messages, which is used to implement the authentication, authorization and fee-counting. The
basic operation flow is illustrated in the next figure.
In EAP termination mode, the access control unit and the RADIUS server can use PAP or
CHAP authentication method. The following figure will demonstrate the basic operation flow using
CHAP authentication method.


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802.1x Configuration



System PAE



RADIUS Access-Request
RADIUS Access-Challenge
(EAP-Request/EAP-TLS Start)
RADIUS Access-Request
(EAP-Response/EAP-TLS client_hello)

EAP-Request/EAP-TLS Start

EAP-Response/EAP-TLS client_hello
TLS serv er_hello, TLS certificat e,
TLS serv er_exchange, TLS certificat e_request,
TLS serv er_hello_done

RADIUS Access-Chall enge

TLS serv er_hello, TLS certificat e,
TLS serv er_exchange, TLS certificat e_request,
TLS serv er_hello_done)

TLS certificat e, TLS client_key_exchange, [TLS
certificate_verify] TLS change_cipher_spec,
TLS finished

RADIUS Access-Chall enge

(EAP-Response/EAP-TLS: TLS certificat e, TLS
client_key_exchange, [TLS certificat e_verify]
TLS change_cipher_spec, TLS finished)

TLS change_cipher_spec, TLS finished

RADIUS Access-Chall enge

(EAP-Response/EAP-TLS: TLS
change_cipher_spec, TLS finished)

RADIUS Access-Request
RADIUS Access-Accept


Figure 46.10: the Authentication Flow of 802.1x EAP-TLS

46.1.6 The Extension and Optimization of 802.1x

Besides supporting the port-based access authentication method specified by the protocol, devices also extend and optimize it when implementing the EAP relay mode and EAP termination
mode of 802.1x.
Supports some applications in the case of which one physical port can have more than one
There are three access control methods (the methods to authenticate users): port-based,
MAC-based and user-based (IP address+ MAC address+ port).
When the port-based method is used, as long as the first user of this port passes the
authentication, all the other users can access the network resources without being authenticated. However, once the first user is offline, the network won't be available to all
the other users.
When the MAC-based method is used, all the users accessing a port should be authenticated separately, only those pass the authentication can access the network, while the
others can not. When one user becomes offline, the other users will not be affected.
When the user-based (IP address+ MAC address+ port) method is used, all users can
access limited resources before being authenticated. There are two kinds of control in

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

802.1x Configuration


System PAE





RADIUS Access-Request
RADIUS Access-Challenge
(EAP-Request/PEAP Start)

EAP-Request/PEAP Start

TLS Channel Established


RADIUS Access-Request
RADIUS Access-Challenge
(EAP-Request/MD5 Challenge)
RADIUS Access-Request
(EAP-Response/MD5 Password)
RADIUS Access-Accept

EAP-Request/MD5 Challenge
EAP-Response/MD5 Password

Figure 46.11: the Authentication Flow of 802.1x PEAP

this method: standard control and advanced control. The user-based standard control
will not restrict the access to limited resources, which means all users of this port can
access limited resources before being authenticated. The user-based advanced control will restrict the access to limited resources, only some particular users of the port
can access limited resources before being authenticated. Once those users pass the
authentication, they can access all resources.
Attention: when using private supplicant systems, user-based advanced control is recommended to effectively prevent ARP cheat.
For the maximum number of the authenticated users, the maximum number of IPv4 users
supported by user-based is 400, the maximum number of IPv6 users supported by user-based is
800. mac-based relates to ratelimit value of switch, it can supports 4000 authenticated users, but
it is recommended that the number of the authenticated users should not exceed 2000.

46.1.7 The Features of VLAN Allocation

1. Auto VLAN
Auto VLAN feature enables RADIUS server to change the VLAN to which the access port belongs, based on the user information and the user access device information. When an 802.1x
user passes authentication on the server, the RADIUS server will send the authorization information to the device, if the RADIUS server has enabled the VLAN-assigning function, then the
following attributes should be included in the Access-Accept messages:
Tunnel-Type = VLAN (13)

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

802.1x Configuration



System PAE




EAP-Request/MD5 Challenge
EAP-Response/MD5 Challenge

RADIUS Access-Request
(CHAP-Response/MD5 Challenge)
RADIUS Access-Accept

Port authorized
Handshake request packet
Handshake response packet

Expiry of the handshake timer


Port unauthorized

Figure 46.12: the Authentication Flow of 802.1x EAP Termination Mode

Tunnel-Medium-Type = 802 (6)
Tunnel-Private-Group-ID = VLANID
The VLANID here means the VID of VLAN, ranging from 1 to 4094. For example, TunnelPrivate-Group-ID = 30 means VLAN 30.
When the switch receives the assigned Auto VLAN information, the current Access port will
leave the VLAN set by the user and join Auto VLAN.
Auto VLAN won't change or affect the port's configuration. But the priority of Auto VLAN is
higher than that of the user-set VLAN, that is Auto VLAN is the one takes effect when the authentication is finished, while the user-set VLAN do not work until the user become offline.
Notes: At present, Auto VLAN can only be used in the port-based access control mode, and
on the ports whose link type is Access.
2. Guest VLAN
Guest VLAN feature is used to allow the unauthenticated user to access some specified resources.
The user authentication port belongs to a default VLAN (Guest VLAN) before passing the
802.1x authentication, with the right to access the resources within this VLAN without authentication. But the resources in other networks are beyond reach. Once authenticated, the port will
leave Guest VLAN, and the user can access the resources of other networks.
In Guest VLAN, users can get 802.1x supplicant system software, update supplicant system
or update some other applications (such as anti-virus software, the patches of operating system).

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

802.1x Configuration

The access device will add the port into Guest VLAN if there is no supplicant getting authenticated
successfully in a certain stretch of time because of lacking exclusive authentication supplicant
system or the version of the supplicant system being too low.
Once the 802.1x feature is enabled and the Guest VLAN is configured properly, a port will be
added into Guest VLAN, just like Auto VLAN, if there is no response message from the supplicant
system after the device sends more authentication-triggering messages than the upper limit (EAPRequest/Identity) from the port.
The authentication server assigns an Auto VLAN, and then the port leaves Guest VLAN and
joins the assigned Auto VLAN. When the user becomes offline, the port will be allocated to
the specified Guest VLAN again.
The authentication server assigns an Auto VLAN, and then the port leaves Guest VLAN and
joins the specified VLAN. When the user becomes offline, the port will be allocated to the
specified Guest VLAN again.

46.2 802.1x Configuration Task List

802.1x Configuration Task List:
1. Enable IEEE 802.1x function
2. Access management unit property configuration
(a) Configure port authentication status
(b) Configure access management method for the port: MAC-based or port-based
(c) Configure expanded 802.1x function
(d) Configure the max user number
3. User access devices related property configuration (optional)
1. Enable 802.1x function
Global Mode
dot1x enable
no dot1x enable
dot1x privateclient enable
no dot1x privateclient enable

dot1x user free-resource <prefix> <mask>

no dot1x user free-resource
dot1x unicast enable
no dot1x unicast enable

Enables the 802.1x function in the switch
and ports; the no command disables the
802.1x function.
Enables the switch force client software using private 802.1x authentication packet format. The no command will disable this function.
Sets free access network resource for
unauthorized dot1x user. The no command
close the resource.
Enable the 802.1x unicast passthrough
function of switch; the no operation of this
command will disable this function.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

802.1x Configuration

2. Access management unit property configuration

(a) Configure port authentication status
Port Mode
dot1x port-control { auto | force-authorized |
force-unauthorized }
no dot1x port-control

Sets the 802.1x authentication mode; the
no command restores the default setting.

(b) Configure port access management method

Port Mode
dot1x port-method { macbased | portbased | userbased { standard | advanced } }
no dot1x port-method
dot1x max-user macbased <number>
no dot1x max-user macbased
dot1x max-user userbased <number>
no dot1x max-user userbased

dot1x guest-vlan <vlanID>

no dot1x guest-vlan
dot1x portbased mode single-mode
no dot1x portbased mode single-mode

Sets the port access management method;
the no command restores MAC-based access management.
Sets the maximum number of access users
for the specified port; the no command restores the default setting of allowing 1 user.
Set the upper limit of the number of users
allowed accessing the specified port, only
used when the access control mode of the
port is userbased; the no command is used
to reset the limit to 10 by default.
Set the guest vlan of the specified port; the
no command is used to delete the guest
Set the single-mode based on portbase authentication mode; the no command disables this function.

(c) Configure expanded 802.1x function

Global Mode
dot1x macfilter enable
no dot1x macfilter enable
dot1x macbased port-down-flush
no dot1x macbased port-down-flush

dot1x accept-mac <mac-address> [ interface

<interface-name> ]
no dot1x accept-mac <mac-address> [ interface
<interface-name> ]

Enables the 802.1x address filter function
in the switch; the no command disables the
802.1x address filter function.
Enables this command, when the dot1x certification according to mac is down, delete
the user who passed the certification of the
port; The no command does not make the
down operation.
Adds 802.1x address filter table entry, the
no command deletes 802.1x filter address
table entries.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

802.1x Configuration

dot1x eapor enable

no dot1x eapor enable

Enables the EAP relay authentication function in the switch; the no command sets
EAP local end authentication.

(d) Configure the max user number

Global Configuration Mode
user-control limit <count>

Configure the max controlled/trusted user
number supported by the switch; Without
implementing this command, the default
number would be 128.

3. Supplicant related property configuration

Global Mode
dot1x max-req <count>
no dot1x max-req

dot1x re-authentication
no dot1x re-authentication
dot1x timeout quiet-period <seconds>
no dot1x timeout quiet-period
dot1x timeout re-authperiod <seconds>
no dot1x timeout re-authperiod
dot1x timeout tx-period <seconds>
no dot1x timeout tx-period
dot1x re-authenticate [ interface <interfacename> ]

Sets the number of EAP request/MD5
frame to be sent before the switch re-initials
authentication on no supplicant response,
the no command restores the default setting.
Enables periodical supplicant authentication; the no command disables this function.
Sets time to keep silent on port authentication failure; the no command restores the
default value.
Sets the supplicant re-authentication interval; the no command restores the default
Sets the interval for the supplicant to retransmit EAP request/identity frame; the no
command restores the default setting.
Enables IEEE 802.1x re-authentication (no
wait timeout requires) for all ports or a specified port.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

802.1x Configuration

46.3 802.1x Application Example

46.3.1 Examples of Guest Vlan Applications









Figure 46.13: The Network Topology of Guest VLAN

Notes: in the figures in this session, E2 means Ethernet 1/0/2, E3 means Ethernet 1/0/3 and
E6 means Ethernet 1/0/6.
As showed in the next figure, a switch accesses the network using 802.1x authentication, with
a RADIUS server as its authentication server. Ethernet1/0/2, the port through which the user accesses the switch belongs to VLAN100; the authentication server is in VLAN2; Update Server, being in VLAN10, is for the user to download and update supplicant system software; Ethernet1/0/6,
the port used by the switch to access the Internet is in VLAN5.
As illustrated in the up figure, on the switch port Ethernet1/0/2, the 802.1x feature is enabled,
and the VLAN10 is set as the port's Guest VLAN. Before the user gets authenticated or when
the user fails to do so, port Ethernet1/0/2 is added into VLAN10, allowing the user to access the
Update Server.
As illustrated in the up figure, when the users become online after a successful authentication,
the authentication server will assign VLAN5, which makes the user and Ethernet1/0/6 both in
VLAN5, allowing the user to access the Internet.
The following are configuration steps:
# Configure RADIUS server.
Switch(config)#radius-server authentication host
Switch(config)#radius-server accounting host
Switch(config)#radius-server key test
Switch(config)#aaa enable
Switch(config)#aaa-accounting enable

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

802.1x Configuration









Figure 46.14: User Joining Guest VLAN

# Create VLAN100.
Switch(config)#vlan 100
# Enable the global 802.1x function
Switch(config)#dot1x enable
# Enable the 802.1x function on port Ethernet1/0/2
Switch(config)#interface ethernet1/0/2
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/2)#dot1x enable
# Set the link type of the port as access mode.
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/2)#switch-port mode access
# Set the access control mode on the port as portbased.
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/2)#dot1x port-method portbased
# Set the access control mode on the port as auto.
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/2)#dot1x port-control auto
# Set the port's Guest VLAN as 100.
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/2)#dot1x guest-vlan 100
Using the command of show running-config or show interface ethernet1/0/2, users can check
the configuration of Guest VLAN. When there is no online user, no failed user authentication or no
user gets offline successfully, and more authentication-triggering messages (EAP-Request/Identity)

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

802.1x Configuration









Figure 46.15: User Being Online, VLAN Being Offline

are sent than the upper limit defined, users can check whether the Guest VLAN configured on the
port takes effect with the command show vlan id 100.

46.3.2 Examples of IPv4 Radius Applications



Figure 46.16: IEEE 802.1x Configuration Example Topology

The PC is connecting to port 1/0/2 of the switch; IEEE 802.1x authentication is enabled on
port1/0/2; the access mode is the default MAC-based authentication. The switch IP address is Any port other than port 1/0/2 is used to connect to RADIUS authentication server,
which has an IP address of, and use the default port 1812 for authentication and port
1813 for accounting. IEEE 802.1x authentication client software is installed on the PC and is used
in IEEE 802.1x authentication.
The configuration procedures are listed below:

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

802.1x Configuration

Switch(config)#interface vlan 1
Switch(Config-if-vlan1)#ip address
Switch(config)#radius-server authentication host
Switch(config)#radius-server accounting host
Switch(config)#radius-server key test
Switch(config)#aaa enable
Switch(config)#aaa-accounting enable
Switch(config)#dot1x enable
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/0/2
Switch(Config-Ethernet1/0/2)#dot1x enable
Switch(Config-Ethernet1/0/2)#dot1x port-control auto

46.3.3 Examples of IPv6 Radius Application



Radius Server

Figure 46.17: IPv6 Radius

Connect the computer to the interface 1/0/2 of the switch, and enable IEEE802.1x on interface1/0/2. Use MAC based authentication. Configure the IP address of the switch as 2004:1:2:3::2,
and connect the switch with any interface except interface 1/0/2 to the RADIUS authentication
server. Configure the IP address of the RADIUS server to be 2004:1:2:3::3. Use the default ports
1812 and 1813 for authentication and accounting respectively. Install the IEEE802.1x authentication client software on the computer, and use the client for IEEE802.1x authentication.
The detailed configurations are listed as below:
Switch(config)#interface vlan 1
Switch(Config-if-vlan1)#ipv6 address 2004:1:2:3::2/64
Switch(config)#radius-server authentication host 2004:1:2:3::3
Switch(config)#radius-server accounting host 2004:1:2:3::3
Switch(config)#radius-server key test
Switch(config)#aaa enable
Switch(config)#aaa-accounting enable
Switch(config)#dot1x enable

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

802.1x Configuration

Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/0/2

Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/2)#dot1x enable
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/2)#dot1x port-control auto

46.4 802.1x Troubleshooting

It is possible that 802.1x be configured on ports and 802.1x authentication be set to auto, t switch
can't be to authenticated state after the user runs 802.1x supplicant software. Here are some
possible causes and solutions:
If 802.1x cannot be enabled for a port, make sure the port is not executing MAC binding, or
configured as a port aggregation. To enable the 802.1x authentication, the above functions
must be disabled.
If the switch is configured properly but still cannot pass through authentication, connectivity
between the switch and RADIUS server, the switch and 802.1x client should be verified, and
the port and VLAN configuration for the switch should be checked, too.
Check the event log in the RADIUS server for possible causes. In the event log, not only unsuccessful logins are recorded, but prompts for the causes of unsuccessful login. If the event
log indicates wrong authenticator password, radius-server key parameter shall be modified;
if the event log indicates no such authenticator, the authenticator needs to be added to the
RADIUS server; if the event log indicates no such login user, the user login ID and password
may be wrong and should be verified and input again.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

The Number Limitation Function of MAC and IP in Port, VLAN Configuration

Chapter 47
The Number Limitation Function of MAC
and IP in Port, VLAN Configuration
47.1 Introduction to the Number Limitation Function of MAC
and IP in Port, VLAN
MAC address list is used to identify the mapping relationship between the destination MAC addresses and the ports of switch. There are two kinds of MAC addresses in the list: static MAC
address and dynamic MAC address. The static MAC address is set by users, having the highest
priority (will not be overwritten by dynamic MAC address), and will always be effective; dynamic
MAC address is learnt by the switch through transmitting data frames, and will only be effective
in a specific time range. When the switch receives a data framed waiting to be transmitted, it will
study the source MAC address of the data frame, build a mapping relationship with the receiving
port, and then look up the MAC address list for the destination MAC address. If any matching list
entry is found, the switch will transmit the data frame via the corresponding port, or, the switch
will broadcast the data frame over the VLAN it belongs to. If the dynamically learnt MAC address
matches no transmitted data in a long time, the switch will delete it from the MAC address list.
Usually the switch supports both the static configuration and dynamic study of MAC address,
which means each port can have more than one static set MAC addresses and dynamically learnt
MAC addresses, and thus can implement the transmission of data traffic between port and known
MAC addresses. When a MAC address becomes out of date, it will be dealt with broadcast.
No number limitation is put on MAC address of the ports of our current switches; every port can
have several MAC addressed either by configuration or study, until the hardware list entries are
exhausted. To avoid too many MAC addresses of a port, we should limit the number of MAC
addresses a port can have.
For each INTERFACE VLAN, there is no number limitation of IP; the upper limit of the number
of IP is the upper limit of the number of user on an interface, which is, at the same time, the
upper limit of ARP and ND list entry. There is no relative configuration command can be used
to control the sent number of these list entries. To enhance the security and the controllability of
our products, we need to control the number of MAC address on each port and the number of
ARP, ND on each INTERFACE VLAN. The number of static or dynamic MAC address on a port
should not exceed the configuration. The number of user on each VLAN should not exceed the
configuration, either.
Limiting the number of MAC and ARP list entry can avoid DOS attack to a certain extent. When


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

The Number Limitation Function of MAC and IP in Port, VLAN Configuration

malicious users frequently do MAC or ARP cheating, it will be easy for them to fill the MAC and
ARP list entries of the switch, causing successful DOS attacks.
To summer up, it is very meaningful to develop the number limitation function of MAC and IP
in port, VLAN. Switch can control the number of MAC address of ports and the number ARP, ND
list entry of ports and VLAN through configuration commands.
Limiting the number of dynamic MAC and IP of ports:
1. Limiting the number of dynamic MAC. If the number of dynamically learnt MAC address by
the switch is already larger than or equal with the max number of dynamic MAC address,
then shutdown the MAC study function on this port, otherwise, the port can continue its study.
2. Limiting the number of dynamic IP. If the number of dynamically learnt ARP and ND by the
switch is already larger than or equal with the max number of dynamic ARP and ND, then
shutdown the ARP and ND study function of this port, otherwise, the port can continue its
Limiting the number of MAC, ARP and ND of interfaces:
1. Limiting the number of dynamic MAC. If the number of dynamically learnt MAC address by
the VLAN of the switch is already larger than or equal with the max number of dynamic MAC
address, then shutdown the MAC study function of all the ports in this VLAN, otherwise, all
the ports in this VLAN can continue their study (except special ports).
2. Limiting the number of dynamic IP. If the number of dynamically learnt ARP and ND by the
switch is already larger than or equal with the max number of dynamic ARP and ND, then
the VLAN will not study any new ARP or ND, otherwise, the study can be continued.

47.2 The Number Limitation Function of MAC and IP in Port,

VLAN Configuration Task Sequence
1. Enable the number limitation function of MAC and IP on ports
2. Enable the number limitation function of MAC and IP in VLAN
3. Configure the timeout value of querying dynamic MAC
4. Configure the violation mode of ports
5. Display and debug the relative information of number limitation of MAC and IP on ports
1. Enable the number limitation function of MAC and IP on ports
Port configuration mode
switchport mac-address dynamic
maximum <value>
no switchport mac-address dynamic

Enable and disable the number limitation function of
MAC on the ports.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

The Number Limitation Function of MAC and IP in Port, VLAN Configuration

switchport arp dynamic maximum

no switchport arp dynamic maximum
switchport nd dynamic maximum
no switchport nd dynamic maximum

Enable and disable the number limitation function of

ARP on the ports.
Enable and disable the number limitation function of
ND on the ports.

2. Enable the number limitation function of MAC and IP in VLAN

VLAN configuration mode
vlan mac-address dynamic maximum
no vlan mac-address dynamic maximum
Interface configuration mode
ip arp dynamic maximum <value>
no ip arp dynamic maximum
ipv6 nd dynamic maximum <value>
no ipv6 nd dynamic maximum

Enable and disable the number limitation function of
MAC in the VLAN.

Enable and disable the number limitation function of

ARP in the VLAN.
Enable and disable the number limitation function of

3. Configure the timeout value of querying dynamic MAC

Global configuration mode
mac-address query timeout <seconds>

Configure the timeout value of querying dynamic MAC.

4. Configure the violation mode of ports

Port mode
switchport mac-address violation {
protect | shutdown } [recovery <53600>]
no switchport mac-address violation

Set the violation mode of the port, the no command
restores the violation mode to protect.

5. Display and debug the relative information of number limitation of MAC and IP on
Admin mode
show mac-address dynamic count {
vlan <vlan-id> | interface ethernet
<portName> }
show arp-dynamic count { vlan <vlanid> | interface ethernet <portName> }

Display the number of dynamic MAC in corresponding
ports and VLAN.
Display the number of dynamic ARP in corresponding
ports and VLAN.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

The Number Limitation Function of MAC and IP in Port, VLAN Configuration

show nd-dynamic count { vlan <vlanid> | interface ethernet <portName> }

debug switchport mac count
no debug switchport mac count
debug switchport arp count
no debug switchport arp count
debug switchport nd count
no debug switchport nd count
debug vlan mac count
no debug vlan mac count
debug ip arp count
no debug ip arp count
debug ipv6 nd count
no debug ipv6 nd count

Display the number of dynamic NEIGHBOUR in corresponding ports and VLAN.

All kinds of debug information when limiting the number of MAC on ports.
All kinds of debug information when limiting the number of ARP on ports.
All kinds of debug information when limiting the number of NEIGHBOUR on ports.
All kinds of debug information when limiting the number of MAC in VLAN.
All kinds of debug information when limiting the number of ARP in VLAN.
All kinds of debug information when limiting the number of MAC in VLAN.

47.3 The Number Limitation Function of MAC and IP in Port,

VLAN Typical Examples

Switch A

Switch B





Figure 47.1: The Number Limitation of MAC and IP in Port, VLAN Typical Configuration Example
In the network topology above, SWITCH B connects to many PC users, before enabling the
number limitation function of MAC and IP in Port, VLAN, if the system hardware has no other
limitation, SWTICH A and SWTICH B can get the MAC, ARP, ND list entries of all the PC, so
limiting the MAC, ARP list entry can avoid DOS attack to a certain extent. When malicious users
frequently do MAC, ARP cheating, it will be easy for them to fill the MAC, ARP list entries of the
switch, causing successful DOS attacks. Limiting the MAC, ARP, ND list entry can prevent DOS


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

The Number Limitation Function of MAC and IP in Port, VLAN Configuration

On port 1/0/1 of SWITCH A, set the max number can be learnt of dynamic MAC address as
20, dynamic ARP address as 20, NEIGHBOR list entry as 10. In VLAN 1, set the max number of
dynamic MAC address as 30, of dynamic ARP address as 30, NEIGHBOR list entry as 20.
SWITCH A configuration task sequence:
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/0/1
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#switchport mac-address dynamic maximum 20
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#switchport arp dynamic maximum 20
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#switchport nd dynamic maximum 10
Switch(Config-if-Vlan1)#vlan mac-address dynamic maximum 30

47.4 The Number Limitation Function of MAC and IP in Port,

VLAN Troubleshooting Help
The number limitation function of MAC and IP in Port, VLAN is disabled by default, if users need to
limit the number of user accessing the network, they can enable it. If the number limitation function
of MAC address can not be configured, please check whether Spanning-tree, dot1x, TRUNK is
running on the switch and whether the port is configured as a MAC-binding port. The number
limitation function of MAC address is mutually exclusive to these configurations, so if the users
need to enable the number limitation function of MAC address on the port, they should check
these functions mentioned above on this port are disabled.
If all the configurations are normal, after enabling the number limitation function of MAC and
IP in Port, VLAN, users can use debug commands to debug every limitation, check the details
of number limitations and judge whether the number limitation function is correct. If there is any
problem, please sent result to technical service center.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Operational Configuration of AM Function

Chapter 48
Operational Configuration of AM Function
48.1 Introduction to AM Function
AM (Access Management) means that when a switch receives an IP or ARP message, it will
compare the information extracted from the message (such as source IP address or source MACIP address) with the configured hardware address pool. If there is an entry in the address pool
matching the information (source IP address or source MAC-IP address), the message will be
forwarded, otherwise, dumped. The reason why source-IP-based AM should be supplemented
by source-MAC-IP-based AM is that IP address of a host might change. Only with a bound IP,
can users change the IP of the host into forwarding IP, and hence enable the messages from the
host to be forwarded by the switch. Given the fact that MAC-IP can be exclusively bound with a
host, it is necessary to make MAC-IP bound with a host for the purpose of preventing users from
maliciously modifying host IP to forward the messages from their hosts via the switch.
With the interface-bound attribute of AM, network mangers can bind the IP (MAC-IP) address of
a legal user to a specified interface. After that, only the messages sending by users with specified
IP (MAC-IP) addresses can be forwarded via the interface, and thus strengthen the monitoring of
the network security.

48.2 AM Function Configuration Task List

1. Enable AM function
2. Enable AM function on an interface
3. Configure the forwarding IP
4. Configure the forwarding MAC-IP
5. Delete all of the configured IP or MAC-IP or both
6. Display relative configuration information of AM


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Operational Configuration of AM Function

1. Enable AM function
Global Mode
am enable
no am enable

Globally enable or disable AM function.

2. Enable AM function on an interface

Port Mode
am port
no am port

Enable/disable AM function on the port. When the AM
function is enabled on the port, no IP or ARP message
will be forwarded by default.

3. Configure the forwarding IP

Port Mode
am ip-pool <ip-address> <num>
no am ip-pool <ip-address> <num>

Configure the forwarding IP of the port.

4. Configure the forwarding MAC-IP

Port Mode
am mac-ip-pool <mac-address> <ipaddress>
no am mac-ip-pool <mac-address>

Configure the forwarding MAC-IP of the port.

5. Delete all of the configured IP or MAC-IP or both

Global Mode
no am all [ ip-pool | mac-ip-pool ]

Delete MAC-IP address pool or IP address pool or both
pools configured by all users.

6. Display relative configuration information of AM

Global Configuration Mode
show am [ interface <interface-name>

Display the AM configuration information of one port or
all ports.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Operational Configuration of AM Function

48.3 AM Function Example


Port 1

Port 2







Figure 48.1: a typical configuration example of AM function

In the topology above, 30 PCs, after converged by HUB1, connect with interface1 on the switch.
The IP addresses of these 30 PCs range from to Considering security,
the system manager will only take user with an IP address within that range as legal ones. And
the switch will only forward data packets from legal users while dumping packets from other users.
According to the requirements mentioned above, the switch can be configured as follows:
Switch(config)#am enable
Switch(config)#interface ethernet1/0/1
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet 1/0/1)#am port
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet 1/0/1)#am ip-pool 10

48.4 AM Function Troubleshooting

AM function is disabled by default, and after it is enabled, relative configuration of AM can be
Users can view the current AM configuration with 'show am' command, such as whether the
AM is enabled or not, and AM information on each interface, they can also use 'show am [interface
<interface-name>]' command to check the AM configuration information on a specific interface.
If any operational error happens, the system will display detailed corresponding prompt.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Security Feature Configuration

Chapter 49
Security Feature Configuration
49.1 Introduction to Security Feature
Before introducing the security features, we here first introduce the DoS. The DoS is short for
Denial of Service, which is a simple but effective destructive attack on the internet. The server
under DoS attack will drop normal user data packet due to non-stop processing the attackers
data packet, leading to the denial of the service and worse can lead to leak of sensitive data of the
Security feature refers to applications such as protocol check which is for protecting the server
from attacks such as DoS. The protocol check allows the user to drop matched packets based
on specified conditions. The security features provide several simple and effective protections
against Dos attacks while acting no influence on the linear forwarding performance of the switch.

49.2 Security Feature Configuration

49.2.1 Prevent IP Spoofing Function Configuration Task Sequence
1. Enable the IP spoofing function.
Global mode
[no] dosattack-check
equal-dstip enable


Enable/disable the function of checking if the IP source address is the same as the destination address.

49.2.2 Prevent TCP Unauthorized Label Attack Function Configuration Task

1. Enable the anti TCP unauthorized label attack function
Global mode
[no] dosattack-check tcp-flags enable

Enable/disable checking TCP label function.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Security Feature Configuration

49.2.3 Anti Port Cheat Function Configuration Task Sequence

1. Enable the anti port cheat function
Global mode
[no] dosattack-check srcport-equal-dstport

Enable/disable the prevent-port-cheat function.

49.2.4 Prevent TCP Fragment Attack Function Configuration Task Sequence

1. Enable the prevent TCP fragment attack function
2. Configure the minimum permitted TCP head length of the packet
Global mode
tcpfragment enable

Enable/disable the prevent TCP fragment attack function.
Configure the minimum permitted TCP head length of the
packet. This command has no effect when used separately,
the user should enable the dosattack-check tcp-fragment

Note: This function is not supported by switch.

49.2.5 Prevent ICMP Fragment Attack Function Configuration Task Sequence

1. Enable the prevent ICMP fragment attack function
2. Configure the max permitted ICMPv4 net load length
Global mode
[no] dosattack-check icmpattacking enable

Enable/disable the prevent ICMP fragment attack function.
Configure the max permitted ICMPv4 net load length. This
command has not effect when used separately, the user
have to enable the dosattack-check icmp-attacking enable.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Security Feature Configuration

49.3 Security Feature Example

The User has follows configuration requirements: the switch do not forward data packet whose
source IP address is equal to the destination address, and those whose source port is equal to
the destination port. Only the ping command with defaulted options is allowed within the IPv4
network, namely the ICMP request packet can not be fragmented and its net length is normally
smaller than 100.
Configuration procedure:


srcip-equal-dstip enable
srcport-equal-dstport enable
icmp-attacking enable
icmpV4-size 100


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

TACACS+ Configuration

Chapter 50
TACACS+ Configuration
50.1 Introduction to TACACS+
TACACS+ terminal access controller access control protocol is a protocol similar to the radius
protocol for control the terminal access to the network. Three independent functions of Authentication, Authorization, Accounting are also available in this protocol. Compared with RADIUS,
the transmission layer of TACACS+ protocol is adopted with TCP protocol, further with the packet
head ( except for standard packet head) encryption, this protocol is of a more reliable transmission
and encryption characteristics, and is more adapted to security control.
According to the characteristics of the TACACS+ (Version 1.78), we provide TACACS+ authentication function on the switch, when the user logs, such as telnet, the authentication of user name
and password can be carried out with TACACS+.

50.2 TACACS+ Configuration Task List

1. Configure the TACACS+ authentication key
2. Configure the TACACS+ server
3. Configure the TACACS+ authentication timeout time
4. Configure the IP address of the RADIUS NAS
1. Configure the TACACS+ authentication key
Global Mode
tacacs-server key { 0 | 7 } <string>
no tacacs-server key

Configure the TACACS+ server key; the 'no tacacsserver key' command deletes the key.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

TACACS+ Configuration

2. Configure TACACS+ server

Global Mode
tacacs-server authentication host <ipaddress> [ port <port-number> ] [
timeout <seconds> ] [ key { 0 | 7 }
<string> ] [primary]
no tacacs-server authentication host

Configure the IP address, listening port number, the
value of timeout timer and the key string of the
TACACS+ server; the no form of this command deletes
the TACACS+ authentication server.

3. Configure the TACACS+ authentication timeout time

Global Mode
tacacs-server timeout <seconds>
no tacacs-server timeout

Configure the authentication timeout for the TACACS+
server, the 'no tacacs-server timeout' command restores the default configuration.

4. Configure the IP address of the TACACS+ NAS

Global Mode
tacacs-server nas-ipv4 <ip-address>
no tacacs-server nas-ipv4

To configure the source IP address for the TACACS+
packets for the switch.

50.3 TACACS+ Scenarios Typical Examples


Figure 50.1: TACACS Configuration

A computer connects to a switch, of which the IP address is and connected with a
TACACS+ authentication server; IP address of the server is and the authentication port is
defaulted at 49, set telnet log on authentication of the switch as tacacs local, via using TACACS+
authentication server to achieve telnet user authentication.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

TACACS+ Configuration

Switch(config)#interface vlan 1
Switch(Config-if-vlan1)#ip address
Switch(config)#tacacs-server authentication host
Switch(config)#tacacs-server key test
Switch(config)#authentication line vty login tacacs

50.4 TACACS+ Troubleshooting

In configuring and using TACACS+, the TACACS+ may fail to authentication due to reasons such
as physical connection failure or wrong configurations. The user should ensure the following:
First good condition of the TACACS+ server physical connection.
Second all interface and link protocols are in the UP state (use 'show interface' command).
Then ensure the TACACS+ key configured on the switch is in accordance with the one configured on TACACS+ server.
Finally ensure to connect to the correct TACACS+ server.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

RADIUS Configuration

Chapter 51
RADIUS Configuration
51.1 Introduction to RADIUS
51.1.1 AAA and RADIUS Introduction
AAA is short for Authentication, Authorization and Accounting, it provide a consistency framework
for the network management safely. According to the three functions of Authentication, Authorization, Accounting, the framework can meet the access control for the security network: which
one can visit the network device, which access-level the user can have and the accounting for the
network resource.
RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial in User Service), is a kind of distributed and client/server
protocol for information exchange. The RADIUS client is usually used on network appliance to
implement AAA in cooperation with 802.1x protocol. The RADIUS server maintains the database
for AAA, and communicates with the RADIUS client through RADIUS protocol. The RADIUS
protocol is the most common used protocol in the AAA framework.

51.1.2 Message structure for RADIUS

The RADIUS protocol uses UDP to deliver protocol packets. The packet format is shown as below.





Figure 51.1: Message structure for RADIUS


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

RADIUS Configuration

Code field(1octets): is the type of the RADIUS packet. Available value for the Code field is
show as below:


Identifier field (1 octet): Identifier for the request and answer packets.
Length field (2 octets): The length of the overall RADIUS packet, including Code, Identifier,
Length, Authenticator and Attributes
Authenticator field (16 octets): used for validation of the packets received from the RADIUS
server. Or it can be used to carry encrypted passwords. This field falls into two kinds: the Request
Authenticator and the Response Authenticator.
Attribute field: used to carry detailed information about AAA. An Attribute value is formed by
Type, Length, and Value fields.
Type field (1 octet), the type of the attribute value, which is shown as below:

Type of property





Type of property
(reserved for accounting)

Length field (1 octet), the length in octets of the attribute including Type, Length and Value

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

RADIUS Configuration

Value field, value of the attribute whose content and format is determined by the type and
length of the attribute.

51.2 RADIUS Configuration Task List

1. Enable the authentication and accounting function
2. Configure the RADIUS authentication key
3. Configure the RADIUS server
4. Configure the parameter of the RADIUS service
5. Configure the IP address of the RADIUS NAS
1. Enable the authentication and accounting function
Global Mode
aaa enable
no aaa enable
aaa-accounting enable
no aaa-accounting enable
aaa-accounting update { enable | disable }

To enable the AAA authentication function. The no
form of this command will disable the AAA authentication function.
To enable AAA accounting. The no form of this command will disable AAA accounting.
Enable or disable the update accounting function.

2. Configure the RADIUS authentication key

Global Mode
radius-server key { 0 | 7 } <string>
no radius-server key

To configure the encryption key for the RADIUS server.
The no form of this command will remove the configured key.

3. Configure the RADIUS server

Global Mode
radius-server authentication host { <ipv4address> | <ipv6-address> } [port <portnumber>] [key { 0 | 7 } <string>] [primary]
[access-mode { dot1x | telnet } ]
no radius-server authentication host { <ipv4address> | <ipv6-address> }

Specifies the IPv4/IPv6 address and the
port number, whether be primary server
for RADIUS accounting server; the no
command deletes the RADIUS accounting


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

RADIUS Configuration

radius-server accounting host { <ipv4-address> |

<ipv6-address> } [port <port-number>] [key { 0 |
7 } <string>] [primary]
no radius-server accounting host { <ipv4address> | <ipv6-address> }

Specifies the IPv4/IPv6 address and the

port number, whether be primary server
for RADIUS accounting server; the no
command deletes the RADIUS accounting

4. Configure the parameter of the RADIUS service

Global Mode
radius-server dead-time <minutes>
no radius-server dead-time
radius-server retransmit <retries>
no radius-server retransmit
radius-server timeout <seconds>
no radius-server timeout
accounting-interimupdate timeout <seconds>
no radius-server accounting-interimupdate timeout

To configure the interval that the RADIUS becomes
available after it is down. The no form of this command
will restore the default configuration.
To configure retry times for the RADIUS packets. The
no form of this command restores the default configuration.
To configure the timeout value for the RADIUS server.
The no form of this command will restore the default
To configure the update interval for accounting. The
no form of this command will restore the default configuration.

5. Configure the IP address of the RADIUS NAS

Global Mode
radius nas-ipv4 <ip-address>
no radius nas-ipv4
radius nas-ipv6 <ipv6-address>
no radius nas-ipv6

To configure the source IP address for the RADIUS
packets for the switch.
To configure the source IPv6 address for the RADIUS
packets for the switch.

51.3 RADIUS Typical Examples

51.3.1 IPv4 Radius Example
A computer connects to a switch, of which the IP address is and connected with a RADIUS authentication server without Ethernet1/0/2; IP address of the server is and the
authentication port is defaulted at 1812, accounting port is defaulted at 1813.
Configure steps as below:
Switch(config)#interface vlan 1
Switch(Config-if-vlan1)#ip address
Switch(config)#radius-server authentication host

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

RADIUS Configuration


Figure 51.2: The Topology of IEEE802.1x configuration

Switch(config)#radius-server accounting host
Switch(config)#radius-server key test
Switch(config)#aaa enable
Switch(config)#aaa-accounting enable

51.3.2 IPv6 Radius Example




Figure 51.3: The Topology of IPv6 Radius configuration

A computer connects to a switch, of which the IP address is 2004:1:2:3::2 and connected with
a RADIUS authentication server without Ethernet1/0/2; IP address of the server is 2004:1:2:3::3
and the authentication port is defaulted at 1812, accounting port is defaulted at 1813.
Configure steps as below:
Switch(config)#interface vlan 1
Switch(Config-if-vlan1)#ipv6 address 2004:1:2:3::2/64
Switch(config)#radius-server authentication host 2004:1:2:3::3
Switch(config)#radius-server accounting host 2004:1:2:3::3
Switch(config)#radius-server key test
Switch(config)#aaa enable
Switch(config)#aaa-accounting enable

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

RADIUS Configuration

51.4 RADIUS Troubleshooting

In configuring and using RADIUS, the RADIUS may fail to authentication due to reasons such as
physical connection failure or wrong configurations. The user should ensure the following:
First make sure good condition of the RADIUS server physical connection
Second all interface and link protocols are in the UP state (use 'show interface' command)
Then ensure the RADIUS key configured on the switch is in accordance with the one configured on RADIUS server
Finally ensure to connect to the correct RADIUS server
If the RADIUS authentication problem remains unsolved, please use debug aaa and other debugging command and copy the DEBUG message within 3 minutes, send the recorded message
to the technical server center of our company.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

SSL Configuration

Chapter 52
SSL Configuration
52.1 Introduction to SSL
As the computer networking technology spreads, the security of the network has been taking more
and more important impact on the availability and the usability of the networking application. The
network security has become one of the greatest barriers of modern networking applications.
To protect sensitive data transferred through Web, Netscape introduced the Secure Socket
Layer - SSL protocol, for its Web browser. Up till now, SSL 2.0 and 3.0 has been released. SSL 2.0
is obsolete because of security problems, and it is not supported on the switches of Network. The
SSL protocol uses the public-key encryption, and has become the industry standard for secure
communication on internet for Web browsing. The Web browser integrates HTTP and SSL to
realize secure communication.
SSL is a safety protocol to protect private data transmission on the Internet. SSL protocols are
designed for secure transmission between the client and the server, and authentication both at
the server sides and optional client. SSL protocols must build on reliable transport layer (such as
TCP). SSL protocols are independent for application layer. Some protocols such as HTTP, FTP,
TELNET and so on, can build on SSL protocols transparently. The SSL protocol negotiates for the
encryption algorithm, the encryption key and the server authentication before data is transmitted.
Ever since the negotiation is done, all the data being transferred will be encrypted.
Via above introduction, the security channel is provided by SSL protocols have below three
Privacy. First they encrypt the suite through negotiation, then all the messages be encrypted.
Affirmation. Though the client authentication of the conversational is optional, but the server
is always authenticated.
Reliability. The message integrality inspect is included in the sending message (use MAC).

52.1.1 Basic Element of SSL

The basic strategy of SSL provides a safety channel for random application data forwarding between two communication programs. In theory, SSL connect is similar with encrypt TCP connect.
The position of SSL protocol is under application layer and on the TCP. If the mechanism of the
data forwarding in the lower layer is reliable, the data read-in the network will be forwarded to


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

SSL Configuration

the other program in sequence, lose packet and re-forwarding will not appear. A lot of transmission protocols can provide such kind of service in theory, but in actual application, SSL is almost
running on TCP, and not running on UDP and IP directly.
When web function is running on the switch and client visit our web site through the internet
browser, we can use SSL function. The communication between client and switch through SSL
connect can improve the security.
Firstly, SSL should be enabled on the switch. When the client tries to access the switch through
https method, a SSL session will be set up between the switch and the client. When the SSL
session has been set up, all the data transmission in the application layer will be encrypted.
SSL handshake is done when the SSL session is being set up. The switch should be able to
provide certification keys. Currently the keys provided by the switch are not the formal certification
keys issued by official authentic, but the private certification keys generated by SSL software under
Linux which may not be recognized by the web browser. With regard to the switch application, it
is not necessary to apply for a formal SSL certification key. A private certification key is enough
to make the communication safe between the users and the switch. Currently it is not required
that the client is able to check the validation of the certification key. The encryption key and the
encryption method should be negotiated during the handshake period of the session which will be
then used for data encryption.
SSL session handshake process:
1 Client ->
2 Client <3

Client ->
Client <Client ->
Client <-

encryption algorithm random key for encryption

The selected encryption algorithm, the certification
which is randomly generated
The encrypted master_key
To compute the encryption key
The MAC value of the handshaking messages
The MAC value of the handshaking messages

-> Server
<- Server
-> Server
<- Server
-> Server
<- Server

52.2 SSL Configuration Task List

1. Enable/disable SSL function
2. Configure/delete port number by SSL used
3. Configure/delete secure cipher suite by SSL used
4. Maintenance and diagnose for the SSL function
1. Enable/disable SSL function
Global Mode
ip http secure-server
no ip http secure-server

Enable/disable SSL function.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

SSL Configuration

2. Configure/delete port number by SSL used

Global Mode
ip http secure-port <port-number>
no ip http secure-port

Configure port number by SSL used, the 'no ip http
secure-port' command deletes the port number.

3. Configure/delete secure cipher suite by SSL used

Global Mode
ip http secure-ciphersuite { des-cbc3sha | rc4-128-sha | des-cbc-sha }
no ip http secure-ciphersuite

Configure/delete secure cipher suite by SSL used.

4. Maintenance and diagnose for the SSL function

Admin Mode or Configuration Mode
show ip http secure-server status
Show the configured SSL information.
debug ssl
Open/close the DEBUG for SSL function.
no debug ssl

52.3 SSL Typical Example

When the Web function is enabled on the switch, SSL can be configured for users to access the
web interface on the switch. If the SSL has been configured, communication between the client
and the switch will be encrypted through SSL for safety.
Firstly, SSL should be enabled on the switch. When the client tries to access the switch through
https method, a SSL session will be set up between the switch and the client. When the SSL
session has been set up, all the data transmission in the application layer will be encrypted.
Configuration on the switch:
Switch(config)#ip http secure-server
Switch(config)#ip http secure-port 1025
Switch(config)#ip http secure-ciphersuite rc4-128-sha

52.4 SSL Troubleshooting

In configuring and using SSL, the SSL function may fail due to reasons such as physical connection
failure or wrong configurations. The user should ensure the following:
First good condition of the physical connection;
Second all interface and link protocols are in the UP state (use 'show interface' command);
Then, make sure SSL function is enabled (use ip http secure-server command );

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

SSL Configuration

Don't use the default port number if configured port number, pay attention to the port number
when input the web wide;
If SSL is enabled, SSL should be restarted after changes on the port configuration and encryption configuration;
IE 7.0 or above should be used for use of des-cbc-sha;
If the SSL problems remain unsolved after above try, please use debug SSL and other debugging command and copy the DEBUG message within 3 minutes, send the recorded message
to technical server center of our company.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

IPv6 Security RA Configuration

Chapter 53
IPv6 Security RA Configuration
53.1 Introduction to IPv6 Security RA
In IPv6 networks, the network topology is generally compromised of routers, layer-two switches
and IPv6 hosts. Routers usually advertise RA, including link prefix, link MTU and other information,
when the IPv6 hosts receive RA, they will create link address, and set the default router as the
one sending RA in order to implement IPv6 network communication. If a vicious IPv6 host sends
RA to cause that normal IPv6 users set the default router as the vicious IPv6 host user, the vicious
user will be able to capture the information of other users, which will threat the network security.
Simultaneously, the normal users get incorrect address and will not be able to connect to the
network. So, in order to implement the security RA function, configuring on the switch ports to
reject vicious RA messages is necessary, thus to prevent forwarding vicious RA to a certain extent
and to avoid affecting the normal operation of the network.

53.2 IPv6 Security RA Configuration Task Sequence

1. Globally enable IPv6 security RA
2. Enable IPv6 security RA on a port
3. Display and debug the relative information of IPv6 security RA
1. Globally enable IPv6 security RA
Global Configuration Mode
ipv6 security-ra enable
no ipv6 security-ra enable

Globally enable and disable IPv6 security RA.

2. Enable IPv6 security RA on a port

Port Configuration Mode
ipv6 security-ra enable
no ipv6 security-ra enable

Enable and disable IPv6 security RA in port configuration mode.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

IPv6 Security RA Configuration

3. Display and debug the relative information of IPv6 security RA

Admin Mode
debug ipv6 security-ra
no debug ipv6 security-ra


show ipv6 security-ra [ interface

<interface-list> ]

Enable the debug information of IPv6 security RA module, the no operation of this command will disable the
output of debug information of IPv6 security RA.
Display the distrust port and whether globally security
RA is enabled.

53.3 IPv6 Security RA Typical Examples

Illegal user





PC user

Figure 53.1: IPv6 Security RA sketch map

Instructions: if the illegal user in the graph advertises RA, the normal user will receive the RA,
set the default router as the vicious IPv6 host user and change its own address. This will cause
the normal user to not be able to connect the network. We want to set security RA on the 1/0/2
port of the switch, so that the RA from the illegal user will not affect the normal user.
Switch configuration task sequence:
Switch(config)#ipv6 security-ra enable
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/2)# ipv6 security-ra enable

53.4 IPv6 Security RA Troubleshooting Help

The function of IPv6 security RA is quite simple, if the function does not meet the expectation after
configuring IPv6 security RA:
Check if the switch is correctly configured.
Check if there are rules conflicting with security RA function configured on the switch, this
kind of rules will cause RA messages to be forwarded.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

MAB Configuration

Chapter 54
MAB Configuration
54.1 Introduction to MAB
In actual network existing the device which can not install the authentication client, such as printer,
PDA devices, they can not process 802.1x authentication. However, to access the network resources, they need to use MAB authentication to replace 802.1x authentication.
MAB authentication is a network accessing authentication method based on the accessing port
and the MAC address of MAB user. The user needn't install any authentication client, after the authentication device receives ARP packets sent by MAB user, it will authenticate the MAC address
of the MAB user and there is the corresponding authentication information in the authentication
server, the matched packets of the port and the source MAC are allowed to pass when the authentication is successful. MAB user didn't need to input the username and password manually in
the process of authentication.
At present, MAB authentication device only supports RADIUS authentication method. There
is the selection method for the authentication username and password: use the MAC address of
the MAB user as the username and password, or the fixed username and password (all users use
the configured username and password to authenticate).

54.2 MAB Configuration Task List

MAB Configuration Task List:
1. Enable MAB function
(a) Enable global MAB function
(b) Enable port MAB function
2. Configure MAB authentication username and password
3. Configure MAB parameters
(a) Configure guest-vlan
(b) Configure the binding-limit of the port
(c) Configure the reauthentication time

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

MAB Configuration

(d) Configure the offline detection time

(e) Configure other parameters
1. Enable MAB function
Global Mode
mac-authentication-bypass enable
no mac-authentication-bypass enable
Port Mode
mac-authentication-bypass enable
no mac-authentication-bypass enable

Enable the global MAB authentication function.

Enable the port MAB authentication function.

2. Configure MAB authentication username and password

Global Mode
mac-authentication-bypass username-format {
mac-address | { fixed username WORD password WORD } }

Set the authentication mode of MAB authentication function.

3. Configure MAB parameters

Port Mode
mac-authentication-bypass guest-vlan <1-4094>
no mac-authentication-bypass guest-vlan
mac-authentication-bypass binding-limit <1100>
no mac-authentication-bypass binding-limit
Global Mode
mac-authentication-bypass timeout reauthperiod <1-3600>
no mac-authentication-bypass timeout reauthperiod
mac-authentication-bypass timeout offline-detect
(0 | <60-7200>)
no mac-authentication-bypass timeout offlinedetect
mac-authentication-bypass timeout quiet-period
no mac-authentication-bypass timeout quietperiod
mac-authentication-bypass timeout stale-period
no mac-authentication-bypass timeout staleperiod

Set guest vlan of MAB authentication, only
Hybrid port uses this command, it is not take
effect on access port.
Set the max MAB binding-limit of the port.

Set the reauthentication interval after the

authentication is unsuccessful.

Set offline detection interval.

Set quiet-period of MAB authentication.

Set the time that delete the binding after the

port is down.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

MAB Configuration

mac-authentication-bypass timeout linkup-period

no mac-authentication-bypass timeout linkupperiod
mac-authentication-bypass spoofing-garp-check
no mac-authentication-bypass spoofing-garpcheck enable
authentication mab { radius | none }
no authentication mab

To obtain IP again, set the interval of

down/up when MAB binding is changing
into VLAN.
Enable the spoofing-garp-check function,
MAB function will not deal with spoofinggarp any more; the no command disables
the function.
Configure the authentication mode and priority of MAC address, the no command restores the default authentication mode.

54.3 MAB Example

The typical example of MAB authentication function:







Switch 1

Switch 2





Figure 54.1: MAB application

Switch1 is a layer 2 accessing switch, Switch2 is a layer 3 aggregation switch.
Ethernet 1/1 is an access port of Switch1, connects to PC1, it enables 802.1x port-based function and configures guest vlan as vlan8.
Ethernet 1/2 is a hybrid port, connects to PC2, native vlan of the port is vlan1, and configures
guest vlan as vlan8, it joins in vlan1, vlan8 and vlan10 with untag method and enables MAB

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

MAB Configuration

Ethernet 1/3 is an access port, connects to the printer and enables MAB function.
Ethernet 1/4 is a trunk port, connects to Switch2.
Ethernet 1/4 is a trunk port of Switch2, connects to Switch1.
Ethernet 1/1 is an access port, belongs to vlan8, connects to update server to download and
upgrade the client software.
Ethernet 1/2 is an access port, belongs to vlan9, connects to radius server which configure
auto vlan as vlan10.
Ethernet 1/3 is an access port, belongs to vlan10, connects to external internet resources.
To implement this application, the configuration is as follows:
Switch1 configuration:
(1) Enable 802.1x and MAB authentication function globally, configure username and
password of MAB authentication and radius-server address
Switch(config)#dot1x enable
Switch(config)#mac-authentication-bypass enable
Switch(config)#mac-authentication-bypass username-format fixed
username mabuser password mabpwd
Switch(config)#vlan 8-10
Switch(config)#interface vlan 9
Switch(config-if-vlan9)ip address
Switch(config)#radius-server authentication host
Switch(config)#radius-server accounting host
Switch(config)#radius-server key test
Switch(config)#aaa enable
Switch(config)#aaa-accounting enable
(2) Enable the authentication function of each port
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/1
Switch(config-if-ethernet1/1)#dot1x enable
Switch(config-if-ethernet1/1)#dot1x port-method portbased
Switch(config-if-ethernet1/1)#dot1x guest-vlan 8
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/2
Switch(config-if-ethernet1/2)#switchport mode hybrid
Switch(config-if-ethernet1/2)#switchport hybrid native vlan 1
Switch(config-if-ethernet1/2)#switchport hybrid allowed vlan 1;8;10 untag
Switch(config-if-ethernet1/2)#mac-authentication-bypass enable
Switch(config-if-ethernet1/2)#mac-authentication-bypass enable guest-vlan 8
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/3
Switch(config-if-ethernet1/3)#switchport mode access
Switch(config-if-ethernet1/3)#mac-authentication-bypass enable
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/4
Switch(config-if-ethernet1/4)#switchport mode trunk

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

MAB Configuration

54.4 MAB Troubleshooting

If there is any problem happens when using MAB function, please check whether the problem is
caused by the following reasons:
Make sure global and port MAB function are enabled;
Make sure the correct username and password of MAB authentication are used;
Make sure the radius-server configuration is correct.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

PPPoE Intermediate Agent Configuration

Chapter 55
PPPoE Intermediate Agent Configuration
55.1 Introduction to PPPoE Intermediate Agent
55.1.1 Brief Introduction to PPPoE
PPPoE (Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet) is a protocol that apply PPP protocol to Ethernet.
PPP protocol is a link layer protocol and supply a communication method of point-to-point, it is
usually selected by host dial-up link, for example the link is line dial-up. PPP protocol is applied to
Ethernet that means PPPoE protocol makes many hosts of Ethernet to connect a remote access
collector through one or multiple bridge devices. If the remote access collector is broadband
access server (BAS), it can supply broadband access and accounting functions for these hosts,
so PPPoE protocol is used to broadband access authentication of Ethernet usually.

55.1.2 Introduction to PPPoE IA

Along with broadband access technique is rapidly developed, broadband access network is also
developing from strength to strength, but security problem gradually becomes the focus, soever
the clients or the access device and the network are faced with security problem (especially from
the client) in the current access network. Traditional Ethernet user can not be identified, traced and
located exactly, however in exoteric and controllable network, identification and location are the
basic character and requirement for user, for example, when supplying the application that use
user accounts to login, this method supplied by PPPoE Intermediate Agent can availably avoid
user accounts embezzled.
There are two stages for PPPoE protocol work: discovery stage and session stage. Discovery
stage is used to obtain MAC address of the remote server to establish a point-to-point link and
a session ID with the server, and session stage uses this session ID to communicate. PPPoE
Intermediate Agent only relates to discovery stage, so we simply introduce discovery stage.
There are four steps for discovery stage:
1. Client sends PADI packet: The first step, client uses broadcast address as destination
address and broadcast PADI (PPPoE Active Discovery Initiation) packet to discover access
collector in layer 2 network. Notice: This message may be sent to many access collector of
the network.
2. Broadband Access Server responds PADO packet: The second step, server responds

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

PPPoE Intermediate Agent Configuration

PADO (PPPoE Active Discovery Offer) packet to client according to the received source MAC
address of PADI packet, the packet will take sever name and service name.
3. Client sends PADR packet: The third step, client selects a server to process the session
according to the received PADO packet. It may receives many PADO packets for PADI
message of the first step may be sent to many servers (select the server according to whether
the service information of PADO packet match with the servce information needed by client).
MAC address of the other end used for session will be known after server is selected, and
send PADR (PPPoE Active Discovery Request) packet to it to announce server the session
4. Server responds PADS packet: The fourth step, server establishes a session ID according
to the received PADR packet, this session ID will be sent to client through PADS (PPPoE
Active Discovery Session-confirmation) packet, hereto PPPoE discovery stage is completed,
enter session stage.
PADT (PPPoE Active Discovery Terminate) packet is an especial packet of PPPoE, it's Ethernet
protocol number (0x8863) is the same as four packets above, so it can be considered a packet
of discovery stage. To stop a PPPoE session, PADT may be sent at the discretional time of the
session. (It can be sent by client or server)
PPPoE Intermediate Agent supplies a function that identify and locate the user. When passing
network access device, PADI and PADR messages sent by client with the access link tag of this
device at PPPoE discovery stage, so as to exactly identify and locate the user on server.
If the direct-link access device is LAN switch, the added information include: MAC, Slot ID, Port
Index, Vlan ID, and so on. This function is implemented according to Migration to Ethernet-based
DSL aggregation.
PPPoE Intermediate Agent Exchange Process
PPPoE Intermediate Agent exchange process is similar to PPPoE exchange process, for the first
exchange process, the access link tag is added to PADI and PADR packets. The exchange process is as follows:
PPPoE Intermediate
Agent / Relay
Access Concentrator




Discovery Stage



LCP Message Exchange

NCP Message Exchange
Date Exchange

Session Stage


Figure 55.1: PPPoE IA protocol exchange process


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

PPPoE Intermediate Agent Configuration

PPPoE Packet Format

PPPoE packet format is as follows:

Ethernet II frame
Destination MAC
PPPoE Data
Version Type

TLV frame

Source MAC


Type Field PPPoE Data CRC Check Sum

Session ID

Length Field






Figure 55.2: PPPoE packet format

Each field meanings in the following:
Type field (2 bytes) of Ethernet II frame: The protocol sets type field value of PPPoE protocol
packet as 0x8863 (include 5 kinds of packets in PPPoE discovery stage only), type field value of
session stage as 0x8864.
PPPoE version field (4 bits): Specify the current PPPoE protocol version, the current version
must be set as 0x1.
PPPoE type field (4 bits): Specify the protocol type, the current version must be set as 0x1.
PPPoE code field (1 byte): Specify the packet type. 0x09 means PADI packet, 0x07 means
PADO packet, 0x19 means PADR packet, 0x65 means PADS packet, 0xa7 means PADT packet.
PPPoE session ID field (2 bytes): Specify the session ID.
PPPoE length field (2 bytes): Specify the sum of all TLV length.
TLV type field (2 bytes): A TLV frame means a TAG, type field means TAG type, the table is
as follows.
TLV length field (2 bytes): Specify the length of TAG data field.
TLV data field (the length is not specified): Specify the transmitted data of TAG.
Tag Type


Tag Explanation
The end of a series tag in PPPoE data field, it is saved for ensuring the version
compatibility and is applied by some packets.
Service name. Indicate the supplied services by network.
Server name. When user receives the PADO response packet of AC, it can obtain
the server name from the tag and select the corresponding server.
Exclusive tag of the host. It is similar to tag field of PPPoE data packets and is
used to match the sending and reveiving end (Because broadcast network may
exist many PPPoE data packets synchronously).
AC-Cookies. It is used to avoid the vicious DOS attack.
The identifier of vendor.
Relay session ID. PPPoE data packet can be interrupted to other AC, this field is
used to keep other connection.
The error of service name. When the requested service name is not accepted by
other end, the response packet will take this tag.
The error of server name.
Common error.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

PPPoE Intermediate Agent Configuration

PPPoE Intermediate Agent vendor tag Frame

The following is the format of tag added by PPPoE IA, adding tag is the Uppermost function of

0x0105 (Vendor-Specific)


0x00000DE9 (3561 decimal, i.e. ADSL Forum IANA entry)



Agent Circuit ID value...

Agent Circuit ID value (con t) ...



Agent Circuit ID value...

Agent Circuit ID value (con t) ...

Figure 55.3: PPPoE IA - vendor tag (4 bytes in each row)

Add TLV tag as 0x0105 for PPPoE IA, TAG_LENGTH is length field of vendor tag; 0x00000DE9
is 'ADSL Forum' IANA entry of the fixed 4 bytes; 0x01 is type field of Agent Circuit ID, length is
length field and Agent Circuit ID value field; 0x02 is type field of Agent Remote ID, length is length
field and Agent Remote ID value field.
PPPoE IA supplies a default circuit ID value, the default circuit ID (The figure in the following)
includes 5 fields, ANI (Access Node Identifier) can be configured by user, it's length is less than 47
bytes. If there is no ANI configured, MAC is accessed by default, occupy 6 bytes and use space
symbol to compart, 'eth' occupies 3 bytes and uses space symbol to compart, 'Slot ID' occupies 2
bytes, use '/' to compart and occupy 1 byte, 'Port Index' occupies 3 bytes, use ':' to compart and
occupy 1 byte, 'Vlan ID' occupies 4 bytes, all fields use ASCII, user can configure ciucuit ID for
each port according to requirement.

(n byte)

(1 byte)

(3 byte)

(1 byte)

Slot ID
(2 byte)

(1 byte)

Port Index
(3 byte)

(1 byte)

(4 byte)

Figure 55.4: Agent Circuit ID value

MAC of the access switch is the default remote ID value of PPPoE IA. remote ID value can be
configured by user flexibly, the length is less than 63 bytes.
Trust Port of PPPoE Intermediate Agent
Discovery stage sends five kinds of packets, PADI and PADR packets sent by client to server,
PADO and PADS packets sent by server to client, PADT packet can be sent by server or client.
In PPPoE IA, for security and reduce traffic, set a port connected server as trust port, set ports
connected client as untrust port, trust port can receive all packets, untrust port can receive only
PADI, PADR and PADT packets which are sent to server. To ensure client operation is correct, it
must set the port connected server as trust port, each access device has a trust port at least.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

PPPoE Intermediate Agent Configuration

PPPoE IA vendor tag can not exist in PPPoE packets sent by server to client, so we can strip
and forward these vendor tags if they exist in PPPoE packets. Strip function must be configured
on trust port, enabling strip function is not take effect on untrust port.

55.2 PPPoE Intermediate Agent Configuration Task List

1. Enable global PPPoE Intermediate Agent
2. Enable port PPPoE Intermediate Agent
Global Mode
pppoe intermediate-agent
no pppoe intermediate-agent
pppoe intermediate-agent type tr-101 circuit-id
access-node-id <string>
no pppoe intermediate-agent type tr-101 circuitid access-node-id
pppoe intermediate-agent type tr-101 circuit-id
identifier-string <string> option { sp | sv | pv | spv
} delimiter <WORD> [delimiter <WORD>]
no pppoe intermediate-agent type tr-101 circuitid identifier-string option delimiter
pppoe intermediate-agent type self-defined
circuit-id { vlan | port | id (switch-id (mac |
hostname) | remote-mac) | string WORD }
no pppoe intermediate-agent type self-defined
pppoe intermediate-agent type self-defined
remote-id { mac | vlan-mac | hostname | string
no pppoe intermediate-agent type self-defined
pppoe intermediate-agent delimiter <WORD>
no pppoe intermediate-agent delimiter
pppoe intermediate-agent format (circuit-id |
remote-id) (hex | ascii)
no pppoe intermediate-agent format (circuit-id |
Port Mode
pppoe intermediate-agent
no pppoe intermediate-agent
pppoe intermediate-agent vendor-tag strip
no pppoe intermediate-agent vendor-tag strip
pppoe intermediate-agent trust
no pppoe intermediate-agent trust

Enabel global PPPoE Intermediate Agent
Configure access node ID field value of circuit ID in added vendor tag.

Configure circuit-id in added vendor tag.

Configure the self-defined circuit-id.

Configure the self-defined remote-id.

Configure the delimiter among the fields in

circuit-id and remote-id
Configure the format with hex or ASCII for
circuit-id and remote-id.

Enable PPPoE Intermediate Agent function

of port.
Set vendor tag strip function of port.
Set a port as trust port.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

PPPoE Intermediate Agent Configuration

pppoe intermediate-agent circuit-id <string>

no pppoe intermediate-agent circuit-id
pppoe intermediate-agent remote-id <string>
no pppoe intermediate-agent remote-id

Set circuit-id of port.

Set remote-id of port.

55.3 PPPoE Intermediate Agent Typical Application

PPPoE Intermediate Agent typical application is as follows:




Figure 55.5: PPPoE IA typical application

Both host and BAS server run PPPoE protocol, they are connected by layer 2 ethernet, switch
enables PPPoE Intermediate Agent function.
Typical configuration (1) in the following:
Step 1: Switch enables global PPPoE IA function, MAC as 0a0b0c0d0e0f.
Switch(config)#pppoe intermediate-agent
Step 2: Configure port ethernet1/0/1 which connect server as trust port, and configure vendor
tag strip function.
Switch(config-if-ethernet1/0/1)#pppoe intermediate-agent trust
Switch(config-if-ethernet1/0/1)#pppoe intermediate-agent vendor-tag strip
Step 3: Port ethernet1/0/2 of vlan1 and port ethernet1/0/3 of vlan 1234 enable PPPoE IA
function of port.
Switch(config-if-ethernet1/0/2)#pppoe intermediate-agent
Switch(config-if-ethernet1/0/3)#pppoe intermediate-agent
Step 4: Configure pppoe intermediate-agent access-node-id as abcd.
Switch(config)#pppoe intermediate-agent type tr-101 circuit-id access-node-id abcd
Step 5: Configure circuit ID as aaaa, remote ID as xyz for port ethernet1/0/3.
Switch(config-if-ethernet1/0/3)#pppoe intermediate-agent circuit-id aaaa
Switch(config-if-ethernet1/0/3)#pppoe intermediate-agent remote-id xyz
circuit-id value is 'abcd eth 01/002:0001', remote-id value is '0a0b0c0d0e0f' for the added vendor tag of port ethernet1/0/2. circuit-id value is 'aaaa', remote-id value is 'xyz' for the added vendor
tag of port ethernet1/0/3.
Typical configuration (2) in the following:
Step 1: Switch enables global PPPoE IA function, MAC as 0a0b0c0d0e0f.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

PPPoE Intermediate Agent Configuration

Switch(config)#pppoe intermediate-agent
Step 2: Configure port ethernet1/0/1 which connect server as trust port, and configure vendor
tag strip function.
Switch(config-if-ethernet1/0/1)#pppoe intermediate-agent trust
Switch(config-if-ethernet1/0/1)#pppoe intermediate-agent vendor-tag strip
Step 3: Port ethernet1/0/2 of vlan1 and port ethernet1/0/3 of vlan 1234 enable PPPoE IA
function of port.
Switch(config-if-ethernet1/0/2)#pppoe intermediate-agent
Switch(config-if-ethernet1/0/3)#pppoe intermediate-agent
Step 4: Configure pppoe intermediate-agent access-node-id as abcd.
Switch(config)#pppoe intermediate-agent type tr-101 circuit-id access-node-id abcd
Step 5: Configure pppoe intermediate-agent identifier-string as 'efgh', combo mode as spv,
delimiter of Slot ID and Port ID as '#', delimiter of Port ID and Vlan ID as '/'.
Switch(config)#pppoe intermediate-agent type tr-101 circuit-id identifier-string efgh
option spv delimiter # delimiter /
Step 6: Configure circuit-id value as bbbb on port ethernet1/0/2.
Switch(config-if-ethernet1/0/2)#pppoe intermediate-agent circuit-id bbbb
Step 7: Configure remote-id as xyz on ethernet1/0/3.
Switch(config-if-ethernet1/0/3)#pppoe intermediate-agent remote-id xyz
circuit-id value is 'bbbb', remote-id value is '0a0b0c0d0e0f' for the added vendor tag of port
ethernet1/0/2. circuit-id value is 'efgh eth 01#003/1234', remote-id value is 'xyz' for the added
vendor tag of port ethernet1/0/3.

55.4 PPPoE Intermediate Agent Troubleshooting

Only switch enables global PPPoE intermediate agent firstly, this function can be run on port.
Configure a trust port at least, and this port can connect to server.
vendor tag strip function must be configured by trust port.
Circuit-id override priority is: pppoe intermediate-agent circuit-id < pppoe intermediate-agent
identifier-string option delimiter < pppoe intermediate-agent access-node-id.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Web Portal Configuration

Chapter 56
Web Portal Configuration
56.1 Introduction to Web Portal Authentication
802.1x authentication uses the special client to authenticate, the device uses the special layer 2
switch, the authentication server uses RADIUS server, the format of authentication message uses
EAP protocol. Use EAPOL encapsulation technique (encapsulate EAP packets within Ethernet
frame) to process the communication between client and authentication proxy switch, but authentication proxy switch and authentication server use EAPOR encapsulation format (runn EAP
packets on Radius protocol) to process the communication. The device and RADIUS server use
RADIUS protocol to transmit PAP packets or CHAP packets when the device processes to relay.
For implementing identity authentication and network accessing, user should install the special
authentication client software, and spring the authentication flow to communicate with Radius
server through logging in authentication client. The after 802.1x authentication adds web based
authentication mode, the user can download a special Java Applet program by browser or other
plug-in to replace 802.1x client.
For the environment which uses 802.1x authentication, installing client or downloading the
special Java Applet program become a mortal problem. To satisfy user's actual requirement, the
manual describes an application scene based on web portal authentication. Web portal authentication not only implements the basic device authentication without the client but also implement
the security detection to the terminal.

56.2 Web Portal Authentication Configuration Task List

1. Enable/disable web portal authentication globally (required)
2. Enable/disable web portal authentication of the port (required)
3. Configure the max web portal binding number allowed by the port (optional)
4. Configure HTTP redirection address of web portal authentication (required)
5. Configure IP source address for communicating between accessing device and portal server
6. Enable dhcp snooping binding web portal function (optional)


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Web Portal Configuration

7. Delete the binding information of web portal authentication

1. Enable/disable web portal authentication globally
Global Mode
webportal enable
no webportal enable

Enable/disable web portal authentication

2. Enable/disable web portal authentication of the port

Port mode
webportal enable
no webportal enable

Enable/disable web portal authentication of
the port.

3. Configure the max web portal binding number allowed by the port
Port mode
webportal binding-limit <1-256>
no webportal binding-limit

Configure the max web portal binding number allowed by the port.

4. Configure HTTP redirection address of web portal authentication

Global Mode
webportal redirect <ip>
no webportal redirect

Configure HTTP redirection address of web
portal authentication.

5. Configure IP source address for communicating between accessing device and portal
Global Mode
webportal nas-ip <ip-address>
no webportal nas-ip

Configure IP source address for communicating between accessing device and portal

6. Enable dhcp snooping binding web portal function

Port mode
ip dhcp snooping binding webportal
no ip dhcp snooping binding webportal

Enable dhcp snooping binding web portal


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Web Portal Configuration

7. Delete the binding information of web portal authentication

Admin Mode
clear webportal binding { mac WORD | interface
<ethernet IFNAME | IFNAME> | }

Delete the binding information of web portal

56.3 Web Portal Authentication Typical Example






Switch 1


Switch 2







Portal Server Radius Server

Figure 56.1: Web portal typical application scene

In the above figure, pc1 is end-user, there is http browser in it, but no 802.1x authentication
client, pc1 wants to access the network through web portal authentication.
Switch1 is the accessing device, it configures accounting server's address and port as RADIUS
server's IP and port, and enable the accounting function. Ethernet 1/0/2 connects to pc1, the port
enables web portal authentication, and configure the redirection address and port as portal server's
IP and port, so ethernet 1/0/2 forbids all flows except dhcp/dns/arp packets.
Switch2 is the aggregation switch, ethernet1/0/2 connects to radius server, ethernet1/0/3 connects to portal server. The address of radius server is, the address of portal server
is ethernet1/0/4 connects to DHCP server, ethernet1/0/5 connects to DNS server.
ethernet1/0/6 is trunk port and connects to ethernet1/0/4 of switch1.
The configuration of the common web portal authentication is as follows:
Switch(config)#interface vlan 1
Switch(config-if-vlan1)#ip address
Switch(config)#webportal enable
Switch(config)#webportal nas-ip
Switch(config)#webportal redirect
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/0/3

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Web Portal Configuration

Switch(config-if-ethernet1/0/3)#webportal enable
Web portal authentication associates with DHCP snooping binding to use, the configuration is
as follows:
Switch(config)#ip dhcp snooping enable
Switch(config)#ip dhcp snooping binding enable
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/0/2
Switch(config-if-ethernet1/0/2)#webportal enable
Switch(config-if-ethernet1/0/2)#ip dhcp snooping binding webportal

56.4 Web Portal Authentication Troubleshooting

When using web portal authentication, the system will show the detailed prompt information if the
operation is wrong.
Web portal authentication is disabled by default. After ensure the configuration is correct, use
debug command and show command to check the relative information, if you can not determine
the cause of the problem, please send the recorded message to technical server center of our


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

VLAN-ACL Configuration

Chapter 57
VLAN-ACL Configuration
57.1 Introduction to VLAN-ACL
The user can configure ACL policy to VLAN to implement the accessing control of all ports in
VLAN, and VLAN-ACL enables the user to expediently manage the network. The user only needs
to configure ACL policy in VLAN, the corresponding ACL action can takes effect on all member
ports of VLAN, but it does not need to solely configure on each member port.
When VLAN ACL and Port ACL are configured at the same time, the principle of denying firstly
is used. When the packets match VLAN ACL and Port ACL at the same time, as long as one rule
is drop, then the final action is drop.
Egress ACL can implement the filtering of the packets on egress and ingress direction, the
packets match the specific rules can be allowed or denied. ACL can support IP ACL, MAC ACL,
MAC-IP ACL, IPv6 ACL. Ingress direction of VLAN can bind four kinds of ACL at the same time,
there are four resources on egress direction of VLAN, IP ACL and MAC ACL engage one resource
severally, MAC-IP ACL and IPv6 ACL engage two resources severally, so egress direction of VLAN
can not bind four kinds of ACL at the same time. When binding three kinds of ACL at the same
time, it should be the types of IP, MAC, MAC-IP or IP, MAC, IPv6. When binding two kinds of ACL
at the same time, any combination of ACL type is valid. Each type can only apply one on a VLAN.

57.2 VLAN-ACL Configuration Task List

1. Configure VLAN-ACL of IP type
2. Configure VLAN-ACL of MAC type
3. Configure VLAN-ACL of MAC-IP
4. Configure VLAN-ACL of IPv6 type
5. Show configuration and statistic information of VLAN-ACL
6. Clear statistic information of VLAN-ACL


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

VLAN-ACL Configuration

1. Configure VLAN-ACL of IP type

Global mode
vacl ip access-group { <1-299> | WORD } { in |
out } [traffic-statistic] vlan WORD
no vacl ip access-group { <1-299> | WORD } { in
| out } vlan WORD

Configure or delete IP VLAN-ACL.

2. Configure VLAN-ACL of MAC type

Global mode
vacl mac access-group { <700-1199> | WORD }
{ in | out } [traffic-statistic] vlan WORD
no vacl mac access-group { <700-1199> | WORD
} { in | out } vlan WORD

Configure or delete MAC VLAN-ACL.

3. Configure VLAN-ACL of MAC-IP

Global mode
vacl mac-ip access-group { <3100-3299> |
WORD } { in | out } [traffic-statistic] vlan WORD
no vacl mac-ip access-group { <3100-3299> |
WORD } { in | out } vlan WORD

Configure or delete MAC-IP VLAN-ACL.

4. Configure VLAN-ACL of IPv6 type

Global mode
vacl ipv6 access-group { <500-699> | WORD } {
in | out } [traffic-statistic] vlan WORD
no ipv6 access-group { <500-699> | WORD } { in
| out } vlan WORD

Configure or delete IPv6 VLAN-ACL.

5. Show configuration and statistic information of VLAN-ACL

Admin mode
show vacl [ in | out ] vlan [<vlan-id>]

Show the configuration and the statistic information of VACL.

6. Clear statistic information of VLAN-ACL

Admin mode
clear vacl [ in | out ] statistic vlan [<vlan-id>]

Clear the statistic information of VACL.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

VLAN-ACL Configuration

57.3 VLAN-ACL Configuration Example

A company's network configuration is as follows, all departments are divided by different VLANs,
technique department is Vlan1, finance department is Vlan2. It is required that technique department can access the outside network at timeout, but finance department are not allowed to access
the outside network at any time for the security. Then the following policies are configured:
Set the policy VACL_A for technique department. At timeout they can access the outside
network, the rule as permit, but other times the rule as deny, and the policy is applied to
Set the policy VACL_B of ACL for finance department. At any time they can not access the
outside network, but can access the inside network with no limitation, and apply the policy
to Vlan2.
Network environment is shown as below:







Figure 57.1: VLAN-ACL configuration example

Configuration example:
1) First, configure a timerange, the valid time is the working hours of working day:
Switch(config)#time-range t1
Switch(config-time-range-t1)#periodic weekdays 9:00:00 to 12:00:00
Switch(config-time-range-t1)#periodic weekdays 13:00:00 to 18:00:00
2) Configure the extended acl_a of IP, at working hours it only allows to access the resource
within the internal network (such as
Switch(config)# ip access-list extended vacl_a
Switch(config-ip-ext-nacl-vacl_a)#permit ip any-source
time-range t1
Switch(config-ip-ext-nacl-vacl_a)#deny ip any-source any-destination
time-range t1
3) Configure the extended acl_b of IP, at any time it only allows to access resource within the
internal network (such as

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

VLAN-ACL Configuration

Switch(config)#ip access-list extended vacl_b

Switch(config-ip-ext-nacl-vacl_a)#permit ip any-source
Switch(config-ip-ext-nacl-vacl_a)#deny ip any-source any-destination
4) Apply the configuration to VLAN
Switch(config)#vacl ip access-group vacl_a in vlan 1
Switch(config)#vacl ip access-group vacl_b in vlan 2

57.4 VLAN-ACL Troubleshooting

When VLAN ACL and Port ACL are configured at the same time, the principle of denying
firstly is used. When the packets match VLAN ACL and Port ACL at the same time, as long
as one rule is drop, then the final action is drop.
Each ACL of different types can only apply one on a VLAN, such as the basic IP ACL, each
VLAN can applies one only.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

SAVI Configuration

Chapter 58
SAVI Configuration
58.1 Introduction to SAVI
SAVI (Source Address Validation Improvement) is a security authentication method that provides
the granularity level of the node source address. It gets the trust node information (such as port,
MAC address information), namely, anchor information by monitoring the interaction process of
the relative protocol packets (such as ND protocol, DHCPv6 protocol) and using CPS (Control
Packet Snooping) mechanism. After that, it binds the anchor information with the node source
address and sends the corresponding filter rules, allow the packets which match the filter rules to
pass only, so as to reach the aim that check the validity of node source address.
SAVI function includes ND Snooping function, DHCPv6 Snooping function and RA Snooping
according to the protocol packet type. ND Snooping function is used to detect ND protocol packet,
it sets IPv6 address binding obtained by nodes with the stateless address configuration. DHCPv6
Snooping function is used to detect DHCPv6 protocol packet, it sets IPv6 address binding obtained
by nodes with the stateful address configuration. RA Snooping function is used to avoid the lawless
node sending the spurious RA packet.

58.2 SAVI Configuration

SAVI configuration task list:
1. Enable or disable SAVI function
2. Enable or disable application scene function for SAVI
3. Configure SAVI binding function
4. Configure the global max-dad-delay for SAVI
5. Configure the global max-dad-prepare-delay for SAVI
6. Configure the global max-slaac-life for SAVI
7. Configure the lifetime period for SAVI bind-protect
8. Enable or disable SAVI prefix check function

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

SAVI Configuration

9. Configure IPv6 address prefix for a link

10. Configure the filter entry number of IPv6 address
11. Configure the check mode for SAVI conflict binding
12. Enable or disable user authentication
13. Enable or disable DHCPv6 trust of port
14. Enable or disable ND trust of port
15. Configure the binding number
1. Enable or disable SAVI function
Global Mode
savi enable
no savi enable

Enable the global SAVI function, no command disables the function.

2. Enable or disable application scene function for SAVI

Global Mode
savi ipv6 { dhcp-only | slaac-only | dhcp-slaac }
no savi ipv6 { dhcp-only | slaac-only | dhcp-slaac
} enable

Enable the application scene function for
SAVI, no command disables the function.

3. Configure SAVI binding function

Global Mode
savi ipv6 check source binding ip <ip-address>
mac <mac-address> interface <if-name> { type [
slaac | dhcp ] lifetime <lifetime> | type static }
no savi ipv6 check source binding ip <ipaddress> interface <if-name>

Configure a static or dynamic binding manually, no command deletes the configured
binding. This command may be configured
in a global function of savi enable, slaaconly enable, dhcp-only enable or dhcpslaac enable.

4. Configure the global max-dad-delay for SAVI

Global Mode
savi max-dad-delay <max-dad-delay>
no savi max-dad-delay

Configure the max lifetime period of SAVI
binding at DETECTION state, no command
restores the default value.

5. Configure the global max-dad-prepare-delay for SAVI


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

SAVI Configuration

Global Mode
savi max-dad-prepare-delay <max-dad-preparedelay>
no savi max-dad-prepare-delay

Configure the max redetection lifetime period for SAVI binding, no command restores
the default value.

6. Configure the global max-slaac-life for SAVI

Global Mode
savi max-slaac-life <max-slaac-life>
no savi max-slaac-life

Configure the lifetime period of the dynamic
slaac binding at BOUND state, no command restores the default value.

7. Configure the lifetime period for SAVI bind-protect

Global Mode
savi timeout bind-protect <protect-time>
no savi timeout bind-protect

Configure the bind-protect lifetime period to
a port after its state from up to down, no
command restores the default value.

8. Enable or disable SAVI prefix check function

Global Mode
ipv6 cps prefix check enable
no ipv6 cps prefix check enable

Enable the address prefix check for SAVI,
no command disables the function.

9. Configure IPv6 address prefix for a link

Global Mode
ipv6 cps prefix <ip-address> vlan <vid>
no ipv6 cps prefix <ip-address>

Configure IPv6 address prefix for a link
manually, no command deletes the configured address prefix.

10. Configure the filter entry number of IPv6 address

Global Mode
savi ipv6 mac-binding-limit <limit-num>
no savi ipv6 mac-binding-limit

Configure the corresponding dynamic binding number for the same MAC address, no
command restores the default value. Note:
The binding number only limits the dynamic
binding, but does not limit the static binding


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

SAVI Configuration

11. Configure the check mode for SAVI conflict binding

Global Mode
savi check binding <simple | probe> mode
no savi check binding mode

Configure the check mode for the conflict
binding, no command deletes the check

12. Enable or disable user authentication

Port mode
savi ipv6 check source [ ip-address mac-address
| ip-address | mac-address ]
no savi ipv6 check source

Enable the control authentication function
for user, no command disables the function.

13. Enable or disable DHCPv6 trust of port

Port mode
ipv6 dhcp snooping trust
no ipv6 dhcp snooping trust

Enable DHCPv6 trust port, no command
disables the trust function. (port is translated from trust port into untrust port)

14. Enable or disable ND trust of port

Port mode
ipv6 nd snooping trust
no ipv6 nd snooping trust

Configure a port as slaac trust and RA trust,
no command deletes the port's trust function.

15. Configure the binding number

Port mode
savi ipv6 binding num <limit-num>
no savi ipv6 binding num

Configure the binding number of a port, no
command restores the default value. Note:
The binding number only limits the dynamic
binding, but does not limit the static binding

58.3 SAVI Typical Application

In actual application, SAVI function is usually applied in access layer switch to check the validity
of node source address on direct-link. There are four typical application scenes for SAVI function:
DHCP-Only, Slaac-Only, DHCP-Slaac and Static binding. In network environment, users can

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

SAVI Configuration

select the corresponding scene according to the actual requirement; in double stacks network,
while SAVI function associates with IPv4 DHCP snooping to use, IPv4 and IPv6 source address
authentication is implemented.
Client 2

Switch 1


Switch 3

Client 1

Switch 2

Figure 58.1: Typical network topology application for SAVI function

Client_1 and Client_2 means two different user's PC installed IPv6 protocol, respectively connect with port Ethernet1/0/12 of Switch1 and port Ethernet1/0/13 of Switch2, and enable the source
address check function of SAVI. Ethernet1/0/1 and Ethernet1/0/2 are uplink ports of Switch1 and
Switch2 respectively, enable DHCP trust and ND trust functions. Aggregation Switch3 enables
DHCPv6 server function and route advertisement function.
Configuration steps of SAVI DHCP-SLAAC scene:
Switch1(config)#savi enable
Switch1(config)#savi ipv6 dhcp-slaac enable
Switch1(config)#savi check binding probe mode
Switch1(config)#interface ethernet1/0/1
Switch1(config-if-ethernet1/0/1)#ipv6 dhcp snooping trust
Switch1(config-if-ethernet1/0/1)#ipv6 nd snooping trust
Switch1(config)#interface ethernet1/0/12-20
Switch1(config-if-port-range)#savi ipv6 check source ip-address mac-address
Switch1(config-if-port-range)#savi ipv6 binding num 4

58.4 SAVI Troubleshooting

After ensure no problem about SAVI client hardware and cable, please check the status which
may exist and the propositional solutions in the following:
If IPv6 packets are filtered incorrectly after enable SAVI function, please ensure the global
SAVI function enabled. After that, enable the global function of the corresponding SAVI
scene according to the actual application scene and enable the port authentication function.
If client can not correctly obtain IPv6 address assigned by DHCPv6 server after enable SAVI
function, please ensure DHCP port trust is configured by uplink port with DHCPv6 server.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

SAVI Configuration

If node binding can not be set for the new user after enable SAVI function, please check
whether the direct-link port configures the max binding number, and whether the binding
number reaches to the max number. If the binding number exceeds the max binding limit, it
is recommended to configure the bigger binding limit.
If node binding can not be set for new user after configure the bigger binding limit, please
check whether the direct-link port configures the corresponding binding number, and whether
the corresponding binding number reaches to the max number in the same MAC address. If
the binding number exceeds the max binding limit, it is recommended to configure the bigger
binding limit.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Part X
Reliability Configuration


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

MRPP Configuration

Chapter 59
MRPP Configuration
59.1 Introduction to MRPP
MRPP (Multi-layer Ring Protection Protocol), is a link layer protocol applied on Ethernet loop protection. It can avoid broadcast storm caused by data loop on Ethernet ring, and restore communication among every node on ring network when the Ethernet ring has a break link. MRPP is the
expansion of EAPS (Ethernet link automatic protection protocol).
MRPP protocol is similar to STP protocol on function, MRPP has below characters, compare
to STP protocol:
MRPP specifically uses to Ethernet ring topology
fast convergence, less than 1 s. ideally it can reach 100-50 ms.

59.1.1 Conception Introduction



Switch A

Switch B

Switch F


Ring 1

Ring 2
Switch E

Switch C

Switch D



Switch H

Switch G


Figure 59.1: MRPP Sketch Map

1. Control VLAN
Control VLAN is a virtual VLAN, only used to identify MRPP protocol packet transferred in the
link. To avoid confusion with other configured VLAN, avoids configuring control VLAN ID to be
the same with other configured VLAN ID. The different MRPP ring should configure the different
control VLAN ID.
2. Ethernet Ring (MRPP Ring)
Ring linked Ethernet network topology.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

MRPP Configuration

Each MRPP ring has two states.

Health state: The whole ring net work physical link is connected.
Break state: one or a few physical link break in ring network
3. nodes
Each switch is named after a node on Ethernet. The node has some types:
Primary node: each ring has a primary node, it is main node to detect and defend.
Transfer node: except for primary node, other nodes are transfer nodes on each ring.
The node role is determined by user configuration. As shown Fig 59.1, Switch A is primary
node of Ring 1, Switch B. Switch C; Switch D and Switch E are transfer nodes of Ring 1.
4. Primary port and secondary port
The primary node and transfer node have two ports connecting to Ethernet separately, one is
primary port, and another is secondary port. The role of port is determined by user configuration.
Primary port and secondary port of primary node.
The primary port of primary node is used to send ring health examine packet (hello), the secondary port is used to receive Hello packet sending from primary node. When the Ethernet is in
health state, the secondary port of primary node blocks other data in logical and only MRPP packet
can pass. When the Ethernet is in break state, the secondary port of primary node releases block
state, and forwards data packets.
There are no difference on function between Primary port and secondary port of transfer node.
The role of port is determined by user configuration. As shown Fig 59.1, Switch A E1 is primary
port, E2 is secondary port.
5. Timer
The two timers are used when the primary node sends and receives MRPP protocol packet:
Hello timer and Fail Timer.
Hello timer: define timer of time interval of health examine packet sending by primary node
primary port.
Fail timer: define timer of overtime interval of health examine packet receiving by primary node
primary port. The value of Fail timer must be more than or equal to the 3 times of value of Hello

59.1.2 MRPP Protocol Packet Types

Packet Type
Hello packet (Health examine packet) Hello

LINK-DOWN (link Down event packet)


The primary port of primary node evokes to
detect ring, if the secondary port of primary
node can receive Hello packet in configured
overtime, so the ring is normal.
After transfer node detects Down event
on port, immediately sends LINK-DOWN
packet to primary node, and inform primary
node ring to fail.
After primary node detects ring failure or receives LINK-DOWN packet, open blocked
secondary port, and then uses two ports
to send the packet, to inform each transfer
node to refresh own MAC address.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

MRPP Configuration


After primary detects ring failure to restore

normal, and uses packet from primary port,
and informs each transfer node to refresh
own MAC address.

59.1.3 MRPP Protocol Operation System

1. Link Down Alarm System
When transfer node finds themselves belonging to MRPP ring port Down, it sends link Down
packet to primary node immediately. The primary node receives link down packet and immediately
releases block state of secondary port, and sends LINK-DOWN-FLUSH-FDB packet to inform all
of transfer nodes, refreshing own MAC address forward list.
2. Poll System
The primary port of primary node sends Hello packet to its neighbors timely according to configured Hello-timer.
If the ring is health, the secondary port of primary node receives health detect packet, and the
primary node keeps secondary port.
If the ring is break, the secondary port of primary node can't receive health detect packet when
timer is over time. The primary releases the secondary port block state, and sends LINK-DOWNFLUSH_FDB packet to inform all of transfer nodes, to refresh own MAC address forward list.
3. Ring Restore
After the primary node occur ring fail, if the secondary port receives Hello packet sending from
primary node, the ring has been restored, at the same time the primary node block its secondary
port, and sends its neighbor LINK-UP-Flush-FDB packet.
After MRPP ring port refresh UP on transfer node, the primary node maybe find ring restore
after a while. For the normal data VLAN, the network maybe forms a temporary ring and creates
broadcast storm. To avoid temporary ring, transfer node finds it to connect to ring network port
to refresh UP, immediately block temporarily (only permit control VLAN packet pass), after only
receiving LINK-UP-FLUSH-FDB packet from primary node, and releases the port block state.

59.2 MRPP Configuration Task List

1. Globally enable MRPP
2. Configure MRPP ring
3. Configure the query time of MRPP
4. Configure the compatible mode
5. Display and debug MRPP relevant information
1. Globally enable MRPP
Global Mode
mrpp enable
no mrpp enable

Globally enable and disable MRPP.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

MRPP Configuration

2. Configure MRPP ring

Global Mode
mrpp ring <ring-id>
no mrpp ring <ring-id>
MRPP ring mode
control-vlan <vid>
no control-vlan
node-mode { master | transit }
hello-timer < timer>
no hello-timer
fail-timer <timer>
no fail-timer
no enable
Port mode
mrpp ring <ring-id> primary-port
no mrpp ring <ring-id> primary-port
mrpp ring <ring-id> secondary-port
no mrpp ring <ring-id> secondary-port

Create MRPP ring. The 'no' command deletes
MRPP ring and its configuration.
Configure control VLAN ID, format 'no' deletes
configured control VLAN ID.
Configure node type of MRPP ring (primary node
or secondary node).
Configure Hello packet timer sending from primary node of MRPP ring, format 'no' restores default timer value.
Configure Hello packet overtime timer sending
from primary node of MRPP ring, format 'no' restores default timer value.
Enable MRPP ring, format 'no' disables enabled
MRPP ring.
Specify primary port of MRPP ring.
Specify secondary port of MRPP ring.

3. Configure the query time of MRPP

Global Mode
mrpp poll-time <20-2000>

Configure the query interval of MRPP.

4. Configure the compatible mode

Global Mode
mrpp errp compatible
no mrpp errp compatible
mrpp eaps compatible
no mrpp eaps compatible
errp domain <domain-id>
no errp domain <domain-id>

Enable the compatible mode for ERRP, the no
command disables the compatible mode.
Enable the compatible mode for EAPS, the no
command disables the compatible mode.
Create ERRP domain, the no command deletes
the configured ERRP domain.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

MRPP Configuration

5. Display and debug MRPP relevant information

Admin Mode
debug mrpp
no debug mrpp
show mrpp { <ring-id> }
show mrpp statistics { <ring-id> }

Disable MRPP module debug information, format
'no' disable MRPP debug information output.
Display MRPP ring configuration information.
Display receiving data packet statistic information of MRPP ring.
Clear receiving data packet statistic information
of MRPP ring.

clear mrpp statistics { <ring-id> }

59.3 MRPP Typical Scenario




Switch A

Switch B


MRPP Ring 4000



Switch C


Switch D

Figure 59.2: MRPP typical configuration scenario

The above topology often occurs on using MRPP protocol. The multi switch constitutes a single
MRPP ring, all of the switches only are configured an MRPP ring 4000, thereby constitutes a single
MRPP ring.
In above configuration, SWITCH A configuration is primary node of MRPP ring 4000, and
configures E1/0/1 to primary port, E1/0/2 to secondary port. Other switches are secondary nodes
of MRPP ring, configures primary port and secondary port separately.
To avoid ring, it should temporarily disable one of the ports of primary node, when it enables
each MRPP ring in the whole MRPP ring; and after all of the nodes are configured, open the port.
When disable MRPP ring, it needs to insure the MRPP ring doesn't have ring.
SWITCH A configuration Task Sequence:
Switch(Config)#mrpp enable
Switch(Config)#mrpp ring 4000
Switch(mrpp-ring-4000)#control-vlan 4000
Switch(mrpp-ring-4000)#fail-timer 18
Switch(mrpp-ring-4000)#hello-timer 5

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

MRPP Configuration

Switch(mrpp-ring-4000)#node-mode master
Switch(Config)#interface ethernet 1/0/1
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#mrpp ring 4000 primary-port
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#interface ethernet 1/0/2
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/0/2)#mrpp ring 4000 secondary-port
SWITCH B configuration Task Sequence:
Switch(Config)#mrpp enable
Switch(Config)#mrpp ring 4000
Switch(mrpp-ring-4000)#control-vlan 4000
Switch(Config)#interface ethernet 1/0/1
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#mrpp ring 4000 primary-port
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#interface ethernet 1/0/2
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/0/2)#mrpp ring 4000 secondary-port
SWITCH C configuration Task Sequence:
Switch(Config)#mrpp enable
Switch(Config)#mrpp ring 4000
Switch(mrpp-ring-4000)#control-vlan 4000
Switch(Config)#interface ethernet 1/0/1
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#mrpp ring 4000 primary-port
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#interface ethernet 1/0/2
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/0/2)#mrpp ring 4000 secondary-port
SWITCH D configuration Task Sequence:
Switch(Config)#mrpp enable
Switch(Config)#mrpp ring 4000
Switch(mrpp-ring-4000)#control-vlan 4000
Switch(Config)#interface ethernet 1/0/1
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#mrpp ring 4000 primary-port
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#interface ethernet 1/0/2
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/0/2)#mrpp ring 4000 secondary-port

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

MRPP Configuration

59.4 MRPP Troubleshooting

The normal operation of MRPP protocol depends on normal configuration of each switch on MRPP
ring, otherwise it is very possible to form ring and broadcast storm:
Configuring MRPP ring, you'd better disconnected the ring, and wait for each switch configuration, then open the ring.
When the MRPP ring of enabled switch is disabled on MRPP ring, it ensures the ring of the
MRPP ring has been disconnected.
When there is broadcast storm on MRPP ring, it disconnects the ring firstly, and ensures if
each switch MRPP ring configuration on the ring is correct or not; if correct, restores the ring,
and then observes the ring is normal or not.
The convergence time of MRPP ring net is relative to the response mode of up/down. If
use poll mode, the convergence time as hundreds of milliseconds in simple ring net, if use
interrupt mode, the convergence time within 50 milliseconds.
Generally, the port is configured as poll mode, interrupt mode is only applied to better performance environment, but the security of poll mode is better than interrupt mode, port-scanmode { interrupt | poll } command can be consulted.
In normal configuration, it still forms ring broadcast storm or ring block, please open debug
function of primary node MRPP, and used show MRPP statistics command to observe states
of primary node and transfer node and statistics information is normal or not, and then sends
results to our Technology Service Center.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ULPP Configuration

Chapter 60
ULPP Configuration
60.1 Introduction to ULPP
Each ULPP group has two uplink ports, they are master port and slave port. The port may be a
physical port or a port channel. The member ports of ULPP group have three states: Forwarding,
Standby, Down. Normally, only one port at the forwarding state, the other port is blocked at the
Standby state. When the master port has the link problem, the master port becomes down state,
and the slave port is siwthed to forwarding state.




Switch A

Switch B






Switch C

Switch D

Figure 60.1: the using scene of ULPP

The above figure uses the double-uplink network, this is the typical application scene of ULPP.
SwitchA goes up to SwitchD through SwitchB and SwitchC, port A1 and port A2 are the uplink
ports. SwitchA configures ULPP, thereinto port A1 is set as the master port, port A2 is set as the
slave port. When port A1 at forwarding state has the problem, switch the uplink at once, port A2
turns into forwarding state. After this, when recovering the master port, if the preemption mode is
not configured, port A2 keeps the Forwarding state, port A1 turns into the Standby state.
After the preemption mode is enabled, so as to the master port preempts the slave port when
it recovered from the problem. For avoiding the frequent uplink switch caused by the abnormity
problem, the preemption delay mechanism is imported, and it needs to wait for some times before

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ULPP Configuration

the master port preempt the slave port. For keeping the continuance of the flows, the master port
does not process to preempt by default, but turns into the Standby state.
When configuring ULPP, it needs to specify the VLAN which is protected by this ULPP group
through the method of MSTP instances, and ULPP does not provide the protection to other VLANs.
When the uplink switch is happennig, the primary forwarding entries of the device will not be
applied to new topology in the network. In the figure, SwitchA configures ULPP, the portA1 as
the master port at forwarding state, here the MAC address of PC is learned by Switch D from
portD3. After this, portA1 has the problem, the traffic is switched to portA2 to be forwarded. If
there is the data sent to PC by SwitchD, still the data will be forwarded from portD3, and will be
losed. Therefore, when switching the uplink, the device of configuring ULPP needs to send the
flush packets through the port which is switched to Forwarding state, and update MAC address
tables and ARP tables of other devices in the network. ULPP respectively uses two kinds of flush
packets to update the entries: the updated packets of MAC address and the deleted packets of
For making use of the bandwidth resource enough, ULPP can implement VLAN load balance
through the configuration. As the picture illustrated, SwitchA configures two ULPP groups: portA1
is the master port and portA2 is the slave port in group1, portA2 is the master port and portA1
is the slave port in group2, the VLANs are protected by group1 and group2, they are 1-100 and
101-200. Here both portA1 and portA2 at the forwarding state, the master port and the slave port
mutually backup, and respectively forward the packets of the different VLAN ranges. When portA1
has the problem, the traffic of VLAN 1-200 are forwarded by portA2. After this, when portA1 is
recovering the normal state, portA2 forwards the data of VLAN 101-200 sequentially, but the data
of VLAN 1-100 is switched to portA1 to forward.


VLAN 1-100


Switch A

Switch B

VLAN 101-200






Switch C


Switch D

Figure 60.2: VLAN load balance


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ULPP Configuration

60.2 ULPP Configuration Task List

1. Create ULPP group globally
2. Configure ULPP group
3. Show and debug the relating information of ULPP
1. Create ULPP group globally
Global mode
ulpp group <integer>
no ulpp group <integer>

Configure and delete ULPP group globally.

2. Configure ULPP group

ULPP group configuration mode
preemption mode
no preemption mode
preemption delay <integer>
no preemption delay
control vlan <integer>
no control vlan
protect vlan-reference-instance <instance-list>
no protect vlan-reference-instance <instancelist>
flush enable mac
flush disable mac
flush enable arp
flush disable arp
flush enable mac-vlan
flush disable mac-vlan
description <string>
no description
Port mode
ulpp control vlan <vlan-list>
no ulpp control vlan <vlan-list>
ulpp flush enable mac
ulpp flush disable mac
ulpp flush enable arp
ulpp flush disable arp
ulpp flush enable mac-vlan
ulpp flush disable mac-vlan

Configure the preemption mode of ULPP
group. The no operation deletes the preemption mode.
Configure the preemption delay, the no operation restores the default value 30s.
Configure the sending control VLAN, no operation restores the default value 1.
Configure the protection VLANs, the no operation deletes the protection VLANs.
Enable or disable sending the flush packets
which update MAC address.
Enable or disable sending the flush packets
which delete ARP.
Enable or disable sending the flush packets
of deleting the dynamic unicast mac according to vlan.
Configure or delete ULPP group description.
Configure the receiving control VLANs, no
operation restores the default value 1.
Enable or disable receiving the flush packets which update the MAC address.
Enable or disable receiving the flush packets which delete ARP.
Enable or disable receiving the flush packets of mac-vlan type.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ULPP Configuration

ulpp group <integer> master

no ulpp group <integer> master
ulpp group <integer> slave
no ulpp group <integer> slave

Configure or delete the master port of ULPP

Configure or delete the slave port of ULPP

3. Show and debug the relating information of ULPP

Admin Mode
show ulpp group [group-id]
show ulpp flush counter interface { ethernet <IFNAME> | <IFNAME> }
show ulpp flush-receive-port
clear ulpp flush counter interface <name>
debug ulpp flush { send | receive } interface
no debug ulpp flush { send | receive } interface
debug ulpp flush content interface <name>
no debug ulpp flush content interface <name>
debug ulpp error
no debug ulpp error
debug ulpp event
no debug ulpp event

Show the configuration information of the
configured ULPP group.
Show the statistic information of the flush
Show flush type and control VLAN received
by the port.
Clear the statistic information of the flush
Show the information of the receiving and
sending flush packets, the no operation disables the shown information.
Show the contents of the received flush
packets, the no operation disables the
Show the error information of ULPP, the no
operation disables the showing.
Show the event information of ULPP, the no
operation disables the showing.

60.3 ULPP Typical Examples

60.3.1 ULPP Typical Example 1
The above topology is the typical application environment of ULPP protocol.
SwitchA has two uplinks, they are SwitchB and SwitchC. When any protocols are not enabled,
this topology forms a ring. For avoiding the loopback, SwitchA can configure ULPP protocol, the
master port and the slave port of ULPP group. When both master port and slave port are up, the
slave port will be set as standby state and will not forward the data packets. When the master
port is down, the slave port will be set as forwarding state and switch to the uplink. SwitchB and
SwitchC can enable the command that receives the flush packets, it is used to associate with
ULPP protocol running of SwitchA to switch the uplink immediately and reduce the switch delay.
When configuring ULPP protocol of SwitchA, first, create a ULPP group and configure the
protection VLAN of this group as vlan10, then configure interface Ethernet 1/0/1 as the master
port, interface Ethernet 1/0/2 as the slave port, the control VLAN as 10. SwitchB and SwitchC
configure the flush packets that receive ULPP.
SwitchA configuration task list:

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ULPP Configuration


Switch A


Switch B



Switch C

Switch D

Figure 60.3: ULPP typical example 1

Switch(Config)#vlan 10
Switch(Config-vlan10)#switchport interface ethernet 1/0/1; 1/0/2
Switch(Config)#spanning-tree mst configuration
Switch(Config-Mstp-Region)#instance 1 vlan 10
Switch(Config)#ulpp group 1
Switch(ulpp-group-1)#protect vlan-reference-instance 1
Switch(ulpp-group-1)#control vlan 10
Switch(Config)#interface ethernet 1/0/1
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#ulpp group 1 master
Switch(Config)#interface Ethernet 1/0/2
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/0/2)#ulpp group 1 slave
SwitchB configuration task list:
Switch(Config)#vlan 10
Switch(Config-vlan10)#switchport interface ethernet 1/0/1
Switch(Config)#interface ethernet 1/0/1
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#ulpp flush enable mac
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#ulpp flush enable arp
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#ulpp control vlan 10
SwitchC configuration task list:
Switch(Config)#vlan 10

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ULPP Configuration

Switch(Config-vlan10)#switchport interface ethernet 1/0/2

Switch(Config)#interface ethernet 1/0/2
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/0/2)#ulpp flush enable mac
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/0/2)#ulpp flush enable arp
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/0/2)#ulpp control vlan 10

60.3.2 ULPP Typical Example 2


VLAN 1-100


Switch A

Switch B

VLAN 101-200



Switch C

Switch D

Figure 60.4: ULPP typical example 2

ULPP can implement the VLAN-based load balance. As the picture illustrated, SwitchA configures two ULPP groups: port E1/0/1 is the master port and port 1/0/2 is the slave port in group1, port
1/0/2 is the master port and port 1/0/1 is the slave port in group2. The VLANs protected by group1
are 1-100 and by group2 are 101-200. Here both port E1/0/1 and port E1/0/2 at the forwarding
state, the master port and the slave port mutually backup, respectively forward the packets of different VLAN ranges. When port E1/0/1 has the problem, the traffic of VLAN 1-200 are forwarded
by port E1/0/2. When port E1/0/1 is recovering the normal state, still port E1/0/2 forwards the data
of VLAN 101-200, the data of VLAN 1-100 are switched to port E1/0/1 to forward.
SwitchA configuration task list:
Switch(Config)#spanning-tree mst configuration
Switch(Config-Mstp-Region)#instance 1 vlan 1-100
Switch(Config-Mstp-Region)#instance 2 vlan 101-200
Switch(Config)#ulpp group 1
Switch(ulpp-group-1)#protect vlan-reference-instance 1
Switch(ulpp-group-1)#preemption mode
Switch(Config)#ulpp group 2
Switch(ulpp-group-2)#protect vlan-reference-instance 2

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ULPP Configuration

Switch(ulpp-group-1)#preemption mode
Switch(Config)#interface ethernet 1/0/1
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#ulpp group
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#ulpp group
Switch(Config)#interface Ethernet 1/0/2
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/0/2)#ulpp group
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/0/2)#ulpp group

mode trunk
1 master
2 slave

mode trunk
1 slave
2 master

SwitchB configuration task list:

Switch(Config)#interface ethernet 1/0/1
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#switchport mode trunk
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#ulpp flush enable mac
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#ulpp flush enable arp
SwitchC configuration task list:
Switch(Config)#interface ethernet 1/0/2
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/0/2)#switchport mode trunk
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/0/2)#ulpp flush enable mac
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/0/2)#ulpp flush enable arp

60.4 ULPP Troubleshooting

At present, configuration of more than 2 multi-uplinks is allowed, but it may cause loopback,
so is not recommended.
With the normal configuration, if the broadcast storm happen or the communication along the
ring is broken, please enable the debug of ULPP, copy the debug information of 3 minutes
and the configuration information, send them to our technical service center.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ULSM Configuration

Chapter 61
ULSM Configuration
61.1 Introduction to ULSM
ULSM (Uplink State Monitor) is used to process the port state synchronization. Each ULSM group
is made up of the uplink port and the downlink port, both the uplink port and the downlink port may
be multiple. The port may be a physical port or a port channel, but it can not be a member port of
a port channel, and each port only belongs to one ULSM group.
The uplink port is the monitored port of ULSM group. When all uplink ports are down or there
is no uplink port in ULSM group, ULSM group state is down. ULSM group state is up as long as
one uplink port is up.
The downlink port is the controlled port, its state changes along with Up/Down of ULSM group
and is always the same with ULSM group state.
ULSM associates with ULPP to enable the downstream device to apperceive the link problem
of the upstream device and process correctly. As the picture illustrated, SwitchA configures ULPP,
here the traffic is forwarded by port A1. If the link between SwitchB and Switch D has the problem,
SwitchA can not apperceive the problem of the upstream link and sequentially forward the traffic
from port A1, cause traffic losing.




Switch A

Switch B






Switch C

Switch D

Figure 61.1: ULSM using scene

Configuring ULSM on SwitchB can solve the above problems. The steps are: set port B5 as
the uplink port of ULSM group, port B6 as the downlink port. When the link between SwitchB and
SwitchD has the problem, both the downlink port B6 and the state of ULSM group are down. It

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ULSM Configuration

causes Switch A on which ULPP is configured to process uplink switchover and avoid the data

61.2 ULSM Configuration Task List

1. Create ULSM group globally
2. Configure ULSM group
3. Show and debug the relating information of ULSM
1. Create ULSM group globally
Global mode
ulsm group <group-id>
no ulsm group <group-id>

Configure and delete ULSM group globally.

2. Configure ULSM group

Port mode
ulsm group <group-id> { uplink | downlink }
no ulsm group <group-id> { uplink | downlink }

Configure the uplink/downlink port of ULSM
group, the no command deletes the uplink/downlink port.

3. Show and debug the relating information of ULSM

Admin mode
show ulsm group [group-id]
debug ulsm event
no debug ulsm event

Show the configuration information of
ULSM group.
Show the event information of ULSM, the
no operation disables the shown information.

61.3 ULSM Typical Example

The above topology is the typical application environment which is used by ULSM and ULPP
ULSM is used to process the port state synchronization, its independent running is useless, so
it usually associates with ULPP protocol to use. In the topology, SwitchA enables ULPP protocol,
it is used to switch the uplink. SwitchB and SwitchC enable ULSM protocol to monitor whether the
uplink is down. If it is down, then ULSM will execute the down operation for the downlink port to
shutdown it, so ULPP protocol of Swtich A executes the relative operation of the uplink switchover.
SwitchA configuration task list:


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ULSM Configuration


Switch A


Switch B




Switch C

Switch D

Figure 61.2: ULSM typical example

Switch(Config)#spanning-tree mst configuration
Switch(Config-Mstp-Region)#instance 1 vlan 1
Switch(Config)#ulpp group 1
Switch(ulpp-group-1)#protect vlan-reference-instance 1
Switch(Config)#interface ethernet 1/0/1
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)# ulpp group 1 master
Switch(Config)#interface Ethernet 1/0/2
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/0/2)# ulpp group 1 slave
SwitchB configuration task list:
Switch(Config)#ulsm group 1
Switch(Config)#interface ethernet 1/0/1
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/0/1)#ulsm group 1 downlink
Switch(Config)#interface ethernet 1/0/3
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/0/3)#ulsm group 1 uplink
SwitchC configuration task list:
Switch(Config)#ulsm group 1
Switch(Config)#interface ethernet 1/0/2
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/0/2)#ulsm group 1 downlink
Switch(Config)#interface ethernet 1/0/4
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/0/4)#ulsm group 1 uplink


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

ULSM Configuration

61.4 ULSM Troubleshooting

With the normal configuration, if the downlink port does not responds the down event of the uplink
port, please enable the debug function of ULSM, copy the debug information of 3 minutes and the
configuration information, and send them to our technical service center.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Part XI
Flow Monitor Configuration


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Mirror Configuration

Chapter 62
Mirror Configuration
62.1 Introduction to Mirror
Mirror functions include port mirror function, CPU mirror function, flow mirror function.
Port mirror refers to the duplication of data frames sent/received on a port to another port.
The duplicated port is referred to as mirror source port and the duplicating port is referred to as
mirror destination port. A protocol analyzer (such as Sniffer) or a RMON monitor will be connected
at mirror destination port to monitor and manage the network, and diagnose the problems in the
CPU mirror function means that the switch exactly copies the data frames received or sent by
the CPU to a port.
Flow mirror function means that the switch exactly copies the data frames received or by the
specified rule of a port to another port. The flow mirror will take effect only the specified rule is
A chassis switch supports at most 4 mirror destination ports, each boardcard allows a source
or destination port of a mirror session. At present, each box switch can set many mirror sessions.
There is no limitation on mirror source ports, one port or several ports is allowed. When there are
more than one source ports, they can be in the same VLAN or in different VLAN. The source port
and destination port can be in different VLAN.

62.2 Mirror Configuration Task List

1. Specify mirror destination port
2. Specify mirror source port (CPU)
3. Specify flow mirror source
1. Specify mirror destination port
Global Mode
monitor session <session> destination interface
no monitor session <session> destination interface <interface-number>

Specifies mirror destination port; the no
command deletes mirror destination source

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Mirror Configuration

2. Specify mirror source port (CPU)

Global Mode
monitor session <session> source { interface
<interface-list> | cpu [slot <slotnum> ] } { rx | tx
| both }
no monitor session <session> source { interface
<interface-list> | cpu [slot <slotnum> ] }

Specifies mirror source port; the no command deletes mirror source port.

3. Specify flow mirror source

Global Mode
monitor session <session> source { interface
<interface-list> } access-group <num> { rx | tx |
both }
no monitor session <session> source { interface
<interface-list> } access-group <num>

Specifies flow mirror source port and apply
rule; the no command deletes flow mirror
source port.

62.3 Mirror Examples

1. Example:
The requirement of the configurations is shown as below: to monitor at interface 1 the data
frames sent out by interface 9 and received from interface 7, sent and received by CPU, and the
data frames received by interface 15 and matched by rule 120(The source IP address is
and the destination IP address is
Configuration guidelines:
1. Configure interface 1 to be a mirror destination interface.
2. Configure the interface 7 ingress and interface 9 egress to be mirrored source.
3. Configure the CPU as one of the source.
4. Configure access list 120.
5. Configure access 120 to binding interface 15 ingress.
Configuration procedure is as follows:
Switch(config)#monitor session
Switch(config)#monitor session
Switch(config)#monitor session
Switch(config)#monitor session
Switch(config)#access-list 120
Switch(config)#monitor session

4 destination interface ethernet 1/0/1

4 source interface ethernet 1/0/7 rx
4 source interface ethernet 1/0/9 tx
4 source cpu
permit tcp
4 source interface ethernet 1/0/15 access-list 120 rx


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Mirror Configuration

62.4 Device Mirror Troubleshooting

If problems occur on configuring port mirroring, please check the following first for causes:
Whether the mirror destination port is a member of a TRUNK group or not, if yes, modify the
TRUNK group.
If the throughput of mirror destination port is smaller than the total throughput of mirror source
port(s), the destination port will not be able to duplicate all source port traffic; please decrease
the number of source ports, duplicate traffic for one direction only or choose a port with
greater throughput as the destination port. Mirror destination port can not be pulled into
Isolate vlan, or will affect mirror between VLAN.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

sFlow Configuration

Chapter 63
sFlow Configuration
63.1 Introduction to sFlow
The sFlow (RFC 3176) is a protocol based on standard network export and used on monitoring
the network traffic information developed by the InMon Company. The monitored switch or router
sends date to the client analyzer through its main operations such as sampling and statistic, then
the analyzer will analyze according to the user requirements so to monitor the network.
A sFlow monitor system includes: sFlow proxy, central data collector and sFlow analyzer. The
sFlow proxy collects data from the switch using sampling technology. The sFlow collector is for
formatting the sample data statistic which is to be forwarded to the sFlow analyzer which will
analyze the sample data and perform corresponding measure according to the result. Our switch
here acts as the proxy and central data collector in the sFlow system.
We have achieved data sampling and statistic targeting physical port.
Our data sample includes the IPv4 and IPv6 packets. Extensions of other types are not supported so far. As for non IPv4 and IPv6 packet, the unify HEADER mode will be adopted following
the requirements in RFC3176, copying the head information of the packet based on analyzing the
type of its protocol.
The latest sFlow protocol presented by InMon Company is the version 5. Since it is the version
4 which is realized in the RFC3176, version conflict might exist in some case such as the structure
and the packet format. This is because the version 5 has not become the official protocol, so, in
order to be compatible with current applications, we will continue to follow the RFC3176.

63.2 sFlow Configuration Task List

1. Configure sFlow Collector address
Global Mode and Port Mode
sflow destination <collectoraddress> [<collector-port>]
no sflow destination

Configure the IP address and port number of the host in
which the sFlow analysis software is installed. As for the
ports, if IP address is configured on the port, the port configuration will be applied, or else will be applied the global configuration. The no sflow destination command restores to
the default port value and deletes the IP address.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

sFlow Configuration

2. Configure the sFlow proxy address

Global Mode
sflow agent-address <collectoraddress>
no sflow agent-address

Configure the source IP address applied by the sFlow proxy;
the no form of the command deletes this address.

3. Configure the sFlow proxy priority

Global Mode
sflow priority <priority-vlaue>
no sflow priority

Configure the priority when sFlow receives packet from the
hardware; the no sflow priority command restores to the

4. Configure the packet head length copied by sFlow

Port Mode
sflow header-len <length-vlaue>
no sflow header-len

Configure the length of the packet data head copied in the
sFlow data sampling; the no form of this command restores
to the default value.

5. Configure the max data head length of the sFlow packet

Port Mode
sflow data-len <length-vlaue>
no sflow data-len

Configure the max length of the data packet in sFlow; the
no form of this command restores to the default.

6. Configure the sampling rate value

Port Mode
sflow rate {input <input-rate> |
output <output-rate >}
no sflow rate [input | output]

Configure the sampling rate when sFlow performing hardware sampling. The no command deletes the rate value.

7. Configure the sFlow statistic sampling interval

Port Mode
sflow counter-interval <intervalvlaue>
no sflow counter-interval

Configure the max interval when sFlow performing statistic
sampling. The no form of this command deletes


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

sFlow Configuration

8. Configure the analyzer used by sFlow

Global Mode
sflow analyzer sflowtrend
no sflow analyzer sflowtrend

Configure the analyzer used by sFlow, the no command
deletes the analyzer.

63.3 sFlow Examples



Figure 63.1: sFlow configuration topology

As shown in the figure, sFlow sampling is enabled on the port 1/1 and 1/2 of the switch. Assume
the sFlow analysis software is installed on the PC with the address of The address
of the layer 3 interface on the SwitchA connected with PC is A loopback interface
with the address of is configured on the SwitchA. sFlow configuration is as follows:
Configuration procedure is as follows:
Switch(config)#sflow agent-address
Switch(config)#sflow destination
Switch(config)#sflow priority 1
Switch(config)#interface ethernet1/1
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/1)#sflow rate input 10000
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/1)#sflow rate output 10000
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/1)#sflow counter-interval 20
Switch(config)#interface ethernet1/2
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/2)#sflow rate input 20000
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/2)#sflow rate output 20000
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/2)#sflow counter-interval 40


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

sFlow Configuration

63.4 sFlow Troubleshooting

In configuring and using sFlow, the sFlow server may fail to run properly due to physical connection
failure, wrong configuration, etc. The user should ensure the following:
Ensure the physical connection is correct
Guarantee the address of the sFlow analyzer configured under global or port mode is accessible.
If traffic sampling is required, the sampling rate of the interface must be configured
If statistic sampling is required, the statistic sampling interval of the interface must be configured


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

RSPAN Configuration

Chapter 64
RSPAN Configuration
64.1 Introduction to RSPAN
Port mirroring refers to the duplication of data frames sent/received on a port to another port. The
duplicated port is referred to as mirror source port and the duplicating port is referred to as mirror
destination port. It is more convenience for network administrator to monitor and manage the
network and diagnostic after the mirroring function achieved. But it only used for such instance
that the mirror source port and the mirror destination ports are located in the same switch.
RSPAN (remote switched port analyzer) refers to remote port mirroring. It eliminates the limitation that the source port and the destination port must be located on the same switch. This feature
makes it possible for the source port and the destination port to be located on different devices in
the network, and facilitates the network administrator to manage remote switches. It can't forward
traffic flows on remote mirror VLAN.
There are three types of switches with the RSPAN enabled:
1. Source switch: The switch to which the monitored port belongs. The source switch copies
the mirrored traffic flows to the Remote VLAN, and then through Layer 2 forwarding, the
mirrored flows are sent to an intermediate switch or destination switch.
2. Intermediate switch: Switches between the source switch and destination switch on the
network. Intermediate switch forwards mirrored flows to the next intermediate switch or the
destination switch. Circumstances can occur where no intermediate switch is present, if a
direct connection exists between the source and destination switches.
3. Destination switch: The switch to which the destination port for remote mirroring belongs.
It forwards mirrored flows it received from the Remote VLAN to the monitoring device through
the destination port.
When configuring the RSPAN mirroring of the source switch, reflector port mode or destination
mirror port mode can be selected. The destination switch will redirect all the data frames in the
RSPAN VLAN to the RSPAN destination port. For RSPAN mirroring, normal mode and advanced
mode can be chosen, normal is introduced by default and fit the normal user. The advanced mode
fit the advanced user.
1. Advanced mode: To redirect data frames in RSPAN VLAN to the RSPAN destination port,
the intermediary and destination devices should support the redirection of flow.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

RSPAN Configuration

2. Normal mode: To configure the RSPAN destination port in the RSPAN VLAN. Thus, datagrams in the RSPAN VLAN will be broadcasted to the destination port. In this mode, the
destination port should be in RSPAN VLAN, and the source port should not be configured
for broadcasting storm control. TRUNK ports should be configured carefully in order not to
forward RSPAN datagrams to external networks. The normal mode has the benefit of easy
configuration, and reduced system resources.
To be noticed: Normal mode is introduced by default. When using the normal mode, datagrams with reserved MAC addresses cannot be broadcasted.
For chassis switches, at most 4 mirror destination ports are supported, and source or destination port of one mirror session can be configured on each line card. For box switches, only one
mirror session can be configured. The number of the source mirror ports is not limited, and can
be one or more. Multiple source ports are not restricted to be in the same VLAN. The destination
port and the source ports can be in different VLAN.
For configuration of RSPAN, a dedicated RSPAN VLAN should be configured first for carrying
the RSPAN datagrams. The default VLAN, dynamic VLAN, private VLAN, multicast VLAN, and
the layer 3 interface enabled VLAN cannot be configured as the RSPAN VLAN. The reflector
port must belong to the RSPAN VLAN. The destination port should be connected to the Monitor
and the configured as access port or the TRUNK port. The RSPAN reflector port will be working
dedicatedly for mirroring, when a port is configured as a reflector port, it will discards all the existing
connections to the remote peer, disable configurations related to loopback interfaces, and stop
forwarding datagram. Connectivity between the source and destination switch for Remote VLAN,
should be made sure by configuration.
To be noticed:
1. Layer 3 interfaces related to RSPAN VLAN should not be configured on the source, intermediate, and the destination switches, or the mirrored datagrams may be discarded.
2. For the source and intermediate switches in the RSPAN connections, the native VLAN of
TRUNK port cannot be configured as the RSPAN VLAN, Otherwise the RSPAN tag will be
disposed before reaching the destination switches.
3. The source port, in access or trunk mode, should not be added to RSPAN VLAN if advanced
RSPAN mode is chosen. When the reflector port is used for a inter-card mirroring of CPU
TX data, it must be configured as TRUNK port and allows the RSPAN VLAN data passing,
the Native VLAN should not be configured as RSPAN VLAN.
4. When configuring the remote mirroring function, the network bandwidth should be considered
in order to carry the network flow and the mirrored flow.
RSPAN: Remote Switched Port Analyzer.
RSPAN Tag: The VLAN tag which is attached to MTP of the RSPAN datagrams.
Reflector Port: The local mirroring port between the RSPAN source and destination ports,
which is not directly connected to the intermediate switches.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

RSPAN Configuration

64.2 RSPAN Configuration Task List

1. Configure RSPAN VLAN
2. Configure mirror source port (CPU)
3. Configure mirror destination port
4. Configure reflector port
5. Configure remote VLAN of mirror group
1. Configure RSPAN VLAN
VLAN Configuration Mode
no remote-span

To configure the specified VLAN as RSPAN
VLAN. The no command will remove the
configuration of RSPAN VLAN.

2. Configure mirror source port (CPU)

Global Mode
monitor session <session> source { interface
<interface-list> | cpu [slot <slotnum>] } { rx | tx
| both }
no monitor session <session> source { interface
<interface-list> | cpu [slot <slotnum>] }

To configure mirror source port; The no
command deletes the mirror source port.

3. Configure mirror destination port

Global Mode
monitor session <session> destination interface
no monitor session <session> destination interface <interface-number>

To configure mirror destination interface;
The no command deletes the mirror destination port.

4. Configure reflector port

Global Mode
monitor session <session> reflector-port
no monitor session <session> reflector-port

To configure the interface to reflector port;
The no command deletes the reflector port.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

RSPAN Configuration

5. Configure remote VLAN of mirror group

Global Mode
monitor session <session>
remote vlan <vid>
no monitor session <session> remote vlan

To configure remote VLAN of mirror group,
the no command deletes the remote VLAN
of mirror group.

64.3 Typical Examples of RSPAN

Before RSPAN is invented, network administrators had to connect their PCs directly to the switches,
in order to check the statistics of the network.
However, with the help of RSPAN, the network administrators can configure and supervise the
switches remotely, which brings more efficiency. The figure below shows a sample application of

Intermediate Switch

Source Switch



Destination Switch





Figure 64.1: RSPAN Application Sample

Two configuration solutions can be chosen for RSPAN: the first is without reflector port, and the
other is with reflector port. For the first one, only one fixed port can be connected to the intermediate switch. However, no reflector port has to be configured. This maximizes the usage of witch
ports. For the latter one, the port connected to the intermediate switch is not fixed. Datagrams
can be broadcasted in the RSPAN VLAN through the loopback, which is much more flexible.
The normal mode configuration is show as below:
Solution 1:
Source switch:
Interface ethernet 1/0/1 is the source port for mirroring.
Interface ethernet 1/0/2 is the destination port which is connected to the intermediate switch.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

RSPAN Configuration

Switch(config)#vlan 5
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/0/2
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/2)#switchport mode trunk
Switch(config)#monitor session 1 source interface ethernet1/0/1 rx
Switch(config)#monitor session 1 destination interface ethernet1/0/2
Switch(config)#monitor session 1 remote vlan 5
Intermediate switch:
Interface ethernet1/0/6 is the source port which is connected to the source switch.
Interface ethernet1/0/7 is the destination port which is connected to the intermediate switch.
The native VLAN of this port cannot be configured as RSPAN VLAN, or the mirrored data may not
be carried by the destination switch.
Switch(config)#vlan 5
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/0/6-7
Switch(Config-If-Port-Range)#switchport mode trunk
Destination switch:
Interface ethernet1/0/9 is the source port, which is connected to the source switch.
Interface ethernet1/0/10 is the destination port which is connected to the monitor. This port is
required to be configured as an access port, and belong to the RSPAN VLAN.
Switch(config)#vlan 5
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/0/9
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/9)#switchport mode trunk
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/0/10
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/10)#switchport access vlan 5
Solution 2:
Source switch:
Interface ethernet 1/0/1 is the source port.
Interface ethernet 1/0/2 is the TRUNK port, which is connected to the intermediate switch. The
native VLAN should not be a RSPAN VLAN.
Interface Ethernet 1/0/3 is a reflector port. The reflector port belongs the RSPAN VLAN, it is
access port or TRUNK port of the RSPAN VLAN.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

RSPAN Configuration

Switch(config)#vlan 5
Switch(config)#interface ethernet1/0/2
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/2)#switchport mode trunk
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/0/3
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/3)#switchport mode trunk
Switch(config)#monitor session 1 source interface ethernet1/0/1 rx
Switch(config)#monitor session 1 reflector-port ethernet1/0/3
Switch(config)#monitor session 1 remote vlan 5
Intermediate switch:
Interface ethernet1/0/6 is the source port which is connected to the source switch.
Interface ethernet1/0/7 is the destination port which is connected to the destination switch. The
native VLAN of the port should not be configured as RSPAN VLAN, or the mirrored data may not
be carried by the destination switch.
Switch(config)#vlan 5
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/0/6-7
Switch(Config-If-Port-Range)#switchport mode trunk
Destination switch:
Interface ethernet1/0/9 is the source port which is connected to the source switch.
Interface ethernet1/0/10 is the destination port which is connected to the monitor. This port is
required to be configured as an access port, and belong to the RSPAN VLAN.
Switch(config)#vlan 5
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/0/9
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/9)#switchport mode trunk
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/0/10
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/0/10)#switchport access vlan 5


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

RSPAN Configuration

64.4 SPAN Troubleshooting

Due to the following reasons, RSPAN may not function:
Whether the destination mirror port is a member of the Port-channel group. If so, please
change the Port-channel group configuration;
The throughput the destination port is less than the total throughput of the source mirror
ports. If so, the destination cannot catch all the datagrams from every source ports. To solve
the problem, please reduce the number of the source ports, or mirror only single direction
data flow, or choose some other port with higher capacity as the destination port.
Between the source switch and the intermediate switch, whether the native VLAN of the
TRUNK ports is configured as RSPAN VLAN. If so, please change the native VLAN for the
TRUNK ports.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide


Chapter 65
65.1 Introduction to ERSPAN
ERSPANEncapsulated Remote Switched Port Analyzer eliminates the limitation that the source
port and the destination port must be located on the same switch. This feature makes it possible
for the source port and the destination port to be located on different devices in the network, and
facilitates the network administrator to manage remote switches. Compared with the traditional
RSPAN, ERSPAN configuration is simpler and it makes the monitored traffic to be transmitted in
the specified tunnel.
To be noticed
1. Monitor source of ERSPAN monitor only supports port monitor, it does not support CPU
monitor and flow monitor presently.
2. For the source and destination switches in the ERSPAN connections, a tunnel must be existed.
3. When configuring the remote mirror function, the network bandwidth should be considered
in order to carry the network flow and the mirrored flow.
ERSPAN: Encapsulated Remote Switched Port Analyzer.

65.2 ERSPAN Configuration Task List

1. Specify mirror source port
Global Mode
monitor session <session> source {interface <interface-list>} {rx | tx | both}
no monitor session <session> source {interface <interface-list>}

Specify the mirror source port; the no command
deletes the mirror source port.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide


2. Specify mirror destination tunnel

Global Mode
monitor session <session> destination tunnel <tunnel-number>
no monitor session <session> destination
tunnel <tunnel-number>

Specify the mirror destination tunnel; the no command deletes the mirror destination tunnel.

3. Appoint the mirror destination, and the destination can be the physical port or the
Global Mode
monitor session <session> destination tunnel interface <interface-number> desmac
<MAC address> desIP <Dest IP address>
scrIP <Source IP address>
no monitor session <session> destination
tunnel interface <interface-number>

Appoint the mirror destination to be the physical
port or the tunnel; the no command deletes the
mirror destination.

65.3 Typical Examples of ERSPAN

Before ERSPAN is invented, network administrators had to connect their PCs directly to the
switches, in order to check the status of the network.
However, with the help of ERSPAN, network administrators can configure and supervise the
switches remotely, which brings more efficiency.
In Layer 3 network, Device A connects to the marketing department through Ethernet 1/1, and
connects to Ethernet1/2 of Device B through Ethernet 1/2; Device C connects to the server through
Ethernet 1/2, and connects to Ethernet 1/1 of Device B through Ethernet 1/1. Server is able to
monitor the bidirectional traffic of the marketing department across a GRE tunnel by configuring
remote port mirroring. The figure below shows a sample application of ERSPAN.

Device A

VLAN-Int 10

VLAN-Int 11

VLAN-Int 11

Device B

VLAN-Int 12

VLAN-Int 12

GRE Tunnel


Device C

VLAN-Int 10



Figure 65.1: ERSPAN application diagram


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide


Before configuring layer-3 remote port mirroring, make sure that you have created a GRE
tunnel that connects the source and destination device, and ensure the normal transmitting for
GRE tunnel.
The configuration of layer-3 remote port mirror needs to be processed on the source and destination devices respectively. Both the source and destination ports are configured on the source
and destination devices, the difference in the following:
1. On Device A, configure the port which you want to monitor as the source port and configure
the tunnel interface as the destination port.
2. On Device C, configure the physical port corresponding to the tunnel interface as the source
port and configure the port that connects the data monitor device as the destination port.
(1) Configure IP addresses
Configure IP address and subnet mask for the interfaces, configuration procedures is omitted.
(2) Configure Device A (the source device)
# Create interface Tunnel1, and configure an IP address and mask for it.
SwitchA(config)#interface tunnel 1
SwitchA(config-if-tunnel1)#tunnel mode gre ip
SwitchA(config-if-tunnel1)#ip address
# Configure Tunnel1 to operate in GRE tunnel mode, and configure source
# and destination IP addresses for it.
SwitchA(config-if-tunnel1)#tunnel source
SwitchA(config-if-tunnel1)#tunnel destination
# Configure OSPF protocol.
SwitchA(config)#router ospf
SwitchA(config-router)#network area 0
# Configure Ethernet 1/1 as a source port and Tunnel1 as the destination
# port of local mirroring group 1.
SwitchA(config)#monitor session 4 destination tunnel 1
SwitchA(config)#monitor session 4 source interface ethernet 1/1 both
(3) Configure Device B (the intermediate device)
# Configure OSPF protocol.
SwitchB(config)#router ospf
SwitchB(config-router)#network area 0
(4) Configure Device C (the destination device)
# Create interface Tunne1, and configure an IP address and mask for it.
SwitchC(config)#interface tunnel 1
SwitchC(config-if-tunnel1)#tunnel mode gre ip
SwitchC(config-if-tunnel1)#ip address
# Configure Tunnel1 to operate in GRE tunnel mode, and configure source

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide


# and destination IP addresses for it.

SwitchC(config-if-tunnel1)#tunnel source
SwitchC(config-if-tunnel1)#tunnel destination
# Configure OSPF protocol.
SwitchC(config)#router ospf
SwitchC(config-router)#network area 0
# Configure Ethernet 1/1 as a source port and Ethernet 1/2 as the destination
# port of local mirroring group 1.
SwitchC(config)#monitor session 1 destination interface ethernet 1/2
SwitchC(config)#monitor session 1 source interface ethernet 1/1 rx

65.4 ERSPAN Troubleshooting

If problems occur when configuring ERSPAN, please check whether the problem is caused by the
following reasons:
Make sure GRE tunnel configuration to ensure the normal transmission for the traffic.
If the throughput of mirror destination port is smaller than the total throughput of mirror source
port(s), the destination port will not be able to duplicate the traffic of all source port; please
decrease the number of source ports, duplicate traffic for one direction only or choose a port
with greater throughput as the destination port.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Part XII
Network Time Management Configuration


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

SNTP Configuration

Chapter 66
SNTP Configuration
66.1 Introduction to SNTP
The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is widely used for clock synchronization for global computers
connected to the Internet. NTP can assess packet sending/receiving delay in the network, and
estimate the computer's clock deviation independently, so as to achieve high accuracy in network
computer clocking. In most positions, NTP can provide accuracy from 1 to 50ms according to the
characteristics of the synchronization source and network route.
Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) is the simplified version of NTP, removing the complex
algorithm of NTP. SNTP is used for hosts who do not require full NTP functions; it is a subset of
NTP. It is common practice to synchronize the clocks of several hosts in local area network with
other NTP hosts through the Internet, and use those hosts to provide time synchronization service
for other clients in LAN. The figure below depicts a NTP/SNTP application network topology, where
SNTP mainly works between second level servers and various terminals since such scenarios do
not require very high time accuracy, and the accuracy of SNTP (1 to 50 ms) is usually sufficient
for those services.
Switch implements SNTPv4 and supports SNTP client unicast as described in RFC2030; SNTP
client multicast and unicast are not supported, nor is the SNTP server function.

66.2 Typical Examples of SNTP Configuration

All switches in the autonomous zone are required to perform time synchronization, which is done
through two redundant SNTP/NTP servers. For time to be synchronized, the network must be
properly configured. There should be reachable route between any switch and the two SNTP/NTP
Example: Assume the IP addresses of the SNTP/NTP servers are and,
respectively, and SNTP/NTP server function (such as NTP master) is enabled, then configurations
for any switch should like the following:
Switch(config)#sntp server


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

NTP Function Configuration

Chapter 67
NTP Function Configuration
67.1 Introduction to NTP Function
The NTP (Network Time Protocol) synchronizes timekeeping spans WAN and LAN among distributed time servers and clients, it can get millisecond precision. The introduction of event, state,
transmit function and action are defined in RFC-1305.
The purpose of using NTP is to keep consistent timekeeping among all clock-dependent devices within the network so that the devices can provide diverse applications based on the consistent time.
For a local system running NTP, its time can be synchronized by other reference sources and
can be used as a reference source to synchronize other clocks, also can synchronize each other
by transmit NTP packets.

67.2 NTP Function Configuration Task List

1. To enable NTP function
2. To configure NTP server function
3. To configure the max number of broadcast or multicast servers supported by the NTP client
4. To configure time zone
5. To configure NTP access control list
6. To configure NTP authentication
7. To specified some interface as NTP broadcast/multicast client interface
8. To configure some interface can't receive NTP packets
9. To configure the request packet sending interval of ntp client
10. Display information
11. Debug


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

NTP Function Configuration

1. To enable NTP function

Global mode
ntp enable
ntp disable

To enable or disable NTP function.

2. To configure NTP server function

Global mode
ntp server { <ip-address> | <ipv6-address> } [version <version_no>] [key <key-id>]
no ntp server { <ip-address> | <ipv6-address> }

To enable the specified time server of time

3. To configure the max number of broadcast or multicast servers supported by the NTP
Global mode
ntp broadcast server count <number>
no ntp broadcast server count

Set the max number of broadcast or multicast servers
supported by the NTP client. The no operation will cancel the configuration and restore the default value.

4. To configure time zone

Global mode
clock timezone WORD { add | subtract } <0-23>
no clock timezone WORD

This command configures timezone in
global mode, the no command deletes the
configured timezone.

5. To configure NTP access control list

Global mode
[no] ntp access-group server <acl>

To (un)configure NTP server access control list.

6. To configure NTP authentication

Global mode
[no] ntp authenticate
ntp authentication-key <key-id> md5 <value>
no ntp authentication-key <key-id>
[no] ntp trusted-key <key-id>

To enable/disable NTP authentication function.
To configure authentication key for NTP authentication.
To (un)configure trusted key.

7. To specified some interface as NTP broadcast/multicast client interface


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

NTP Function Configuration

VLAN Configuration Mode
[no] ntp broadcast client

To (un)configure specified interface to receive NTP broadcast packets.
To (un)configure specified interface to receive NTP multicast
To (un)configure specified interface to receive IPv6 NTP
multicast packets.

[no] ntp multicast client

[no] ntp ipv6 multicast client

8. To configure some interface can't receive NTP packets

VLAN Configuration Mode
[no] ntp disable

To enable/disable the NTP function.

9. To configure the request packet sending interval of ntp client

Global mode
[no] ntp syn-interval <1-3600>

(un)Configure the request packet sending interval of ntp
client as 1s-3600s. The no command recovers to be the
default value of 64s.

10. Display information

Admin Mode
show ntp status
show ntp session [ <ip-address> | <ipv6address> ]

To display the state of time synchronize.
To display the information of NTP session.

11. Debug
Admin Mode
[no] debug ntp authentication
[no] debug ntp packets
[send | receive]
[no] debug ntp adjust
[no] debug ntp sync
[no] debug ntp events

To enable/disable debug switch of NTP authentication.
To enable/disable debug switch of NTP packet information.
To enable/disable debug switch of time update information.
To enable/disable debug switch of time synchronize information.
To enable/disable debug switch of NTP event information.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

NTP Function Configuration

67.3 Typical Examples of NTP Function

A client switch wanted to synchronize time with time server in network, there is two time server in
network, the one is used as host, the other is used as standby, the connection and configuration
as follows (Switch A and Switch B are the switch or route which support NTP server):

Switch A IP:

Switch C

Switch B IP:

Figure 67.1: Typical NTP Example

The configuration of Switch C is as follows: (Switch A and Switch B may have the different
command because of different companies, we not explain there, our switches are not support
NTP server at present)
Switch C:
Switch(config)#ntp enable
Switch(config)#interface vlan 1
Switch(Config-if-Vlan1)#ip address
Switch(config)#interface vlan 2
Switch(Config-if-Vlan1)#ip address
Switch(config)#ntp server
Switch(config)#ntp server

67.4 NTP Function Troubleshooting

In configuration procedures, if there is error occurred, the system can give out the debug information.
The NTP function disables by default, the show command can be used to display current configuration. If the configuration is right please use debug every relative debugging command and display specific information in procedure, and the function is configured right or not, you can also use
show command to display the NTP running information, any questions please send the recorded
message to the technical service center.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DNSv4/v6 Configuration

Chapter 68
DNSv4/v6 Configuration
68.1 Introduction to DNS
DNS (Domain Name System) is a distributed database used by TCP/IP applications to translate domain names into corresponding IPv4/IPv6 addresses. With DNS, you can use easy-to-remember
and signification domain names in some applications and let the DNS server translate them into
correct IPv4/IPv6 addresses.
There are two types of DNS services, static and dynamic, which supplement each other in
application. Each time the DNS server receives a name query it checks its static DNS database
first before looking up the dynamic DNS database. Some frequently used addresses can be put
in the static DNS database, the reduction the searching time in the dynamic DNS database would
increase efficiency. The static domain name resolution means setting up mappings between domain names and IPv4/IPv6 addresses. IPv4/IPv6 addresses of the corresponding domain names
can be found in the static DNS database when you use some applications. Dynamic domain name
resolution is implemented by querying the DNS server. A user program sends a name query to
the resolver in the DNS client when users want to use some applications with domain name, the
DNS resolver looks up the local domain name cache for a match. If a match is found, it sends the
corresponding IPv4/IPv6 address back to the switch. If no match is found, it sends a query to a
higher DNS server. This process continues until a result, whether success or failure, is returned.
The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical naming system for computers, services,
or any resource participating in the Internet. It associates various information with domain names
assigned to such participants. Most importantly, it translates humanly meaningful domain names to
the numerical (binary) identifiers associated with networking equipment for the purpose of locating
and addressing these devices world-wide. An often used analogy to explain the Domain Name
System is that it serves as the 'phone book' for the Internet by translating human-friendly computer
hostnames into IP addresses.
The Domain Name System makes it possible to assign domain names to groups of Internet
users in a meaningful way, independent of each user's physical location. Because of this, WorldWide Web (WWW) hyperlinks and Internet contact information can remain consistent and constant
even if the current Internet routing arrangements change or the participant uses a mobile device.
Internet domain names are easier to remember than IP addresses such as
or 2001:db8:1f70::999:de8:7648:6e8 (IPv6). People take advantage of this when they recite meaningful URLs and e-mail addresses without having to know how the machine will actually locate
The Domain Name System distributes the responsibility for assigning domain names and map402

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DNSv4/v6 Configuration

ping them to Internet Protocol (IP) networks by designating authoritative name servers for each
domain to keep track of their own changes, avoiding the need for a central register to be continually
consulted and updated.
In general, the Domain Name System also stores other types of information, such as the list of
mail servers that accept email for a given Internet domain. By providing a world-wide, distributed
keyword-based redirection service, the Domain Name System is an essential component of the
functionality of the Internet.

68.2 DNSv4/v6 Configuration Task List

1. To enable/disable DNS function
2. To configure/delete DNS server
3. To configure/delete domain name suffix
4. To delete the domain entry of specified address in dynamic cache
5. To enable DNS dynamic domain name resolution
6. Enable/disable DNS SERVER function
7. Configure the max number of client information in the switch queue
8. Configure the timeout value of caching the client information on the switch
9. Monitor and diagnosis of DNS function
1. To enable/disable DNS function
Global mode
ip domain-lookup
no ip domain-lookup

To enable/disable DNS dynamic lookup

2. To configure/delete DNS server

Global mode
dns-server { <ip-address> | <ipv6-address> } [priority <value>]
no dns-server { <ip-address> | <ipv6-address> }

To configure DNS server, the no form of this
command deletes DNS server.

3. To configure/delete domain name suffix

Global mode
ip domain-list <WORD>
no ip domain-list <WORD>

To configure/delete domain name suffix.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DNSv4/v6 Configuration

4. To delete the domain entry of specified address in dynamic cache

Admin mode
clear dynamic-host { <ip-address> | <ipv6address> | all }

To delete the domain entry of specified address in dynamic cache.

5. To enable DNS dynamic domain name resolution

Global mode
dns lookup { ipv4 | ipv6 } <hostname>

To enable DNS dynamic domain name resolution.

6. Enable/disable DNS SERVER function

Global mode
ip dns server
no ip dns server

Enable/disable DNS SERVER function.

7. Configure the max number of client information in the switch queue

Global mode
ip dns server queue maximum <1-5000>
no ip dns server queue maximum

Configure the max number of client information in the switch queue.

8. Configure the timeout value of caching the client information on the switch
Global mode
ip dns server queue timeout <1-100>
no ip dns server queue timeout

Configure the timeout value of caching the
client information on the switch.

9. Monitor and diagnosis of DNS function

Admin Mode and Configuration Mode
show dns name-server
show dns domain-list
show dns hosts
show dns config
show dns client

To show the configured DNS server information.
To show the configured DNS domain name
suffix information.
To show the dynamic domain name information of resolved by switch.
Display the configured global DNS information on the switch.
Display the DNS Client information maintained by the switch.

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DNSv4/v6 Configuration

debug dns { all | packet [send | recv] | events |

relay }
no debug dns { all | packet [send | recv] | events
| relay }

To enable/disable DEBUG of DNS function.

68.3 Typical Examples of DNS

ip domain-lookup
dns-server 2001::1

IPv6: 2001::1



Figure 68.1: DNS CLIENT typical environment

As shown in fig, the switch connected to DNS server through network, if the switch want to visit
sina Website, it needn't to know the IPv4/IPv6 address of sina Website, only need is to record the
domain name of sina Website is The DNS server can resolute out the IPv4/IPv6
address of this domain name and send to switch, then the switch can visit sina Website correctly.
The switch is configured as DNS client, basic configurations are as below: first to enable DNS
dynamic domain name resolution function on switch, and configure DNS server address, then
with some kinds of tools such as PING, the switch can get corresponding IPv4/IPv6 address with
dynamic domain name resolution function.

IPv6: 2001::1



Figure 68.2: DNS SERVER typical environment

The figure above is an application of DNS SERVER. Under some circumstances, the client PC
doesn't know the real DNS SERVER, and points to the switch instead. The switch plays the role of
a DNS SERVER in two steps: Enable the global DNS SERVER function, configure the IP address
of the real DNS server. After the DNS SERVER function is globally enabled, the switch will look up
its local cache when receiving a DNS request from a client PC. If there is a domain needed by the
local client, it will directly answer the client's request; otherwise, the switch will relay the request

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

DNSv4/v6 Configuration

to the real DNS server, pass the reply from the DNS Server to the client and record the domain
and its IP address for a faster lookup in the future.
Switch configuration for DNS CLIENT:
Switch(config)#ip domain-lookup
Switch(config)#dns-server 2001::1
Switch#ping host
Switch#traceroute host
Switch#telnet host
Switch configuration for DNS SERVER:
Switch(config)#ip domain-lookup
Switch(config)#dns-server 2001::1
Switch(config)#ip dns server

68.4 DNS Troubleshooting

In configuring and using DNS, the DNS may fail due to reasons such as physical connection failure
or wrong configurations. The user should ensure the following:
First make sure good condition of the TACACS+ server physical connection;
Second all interface and link protocols are in the UP state (use 'show interface' command);
Then please make sure that the DNS dynamic lookup function is enabled (use the 'ip domainlookup' command) before enabling the DNS CLIENT function. To use DNS SERVER function, please enable it (use the 'ip dns server' command);
Finally ensure configured DNS server address (use 'dns-server' command), and the switch
can ping DNS server;
If the DNS problems remain unsolved, please use debug DNS all and other debugging command and copy the DEBUG message within 3 minutes, send the recorded message to the
technical service center of our company.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Summer Time Configuration

Chapter 69
Summer Time Configuration
69.1 Introduction to Summer Time
Summer time is also called daylight saving time, it is a time system for saving energy sources.
In summer the time is advanced 1 hour to keep early hours, reduce the lighting, so as to save
electrolighting. The rule that adopt summer time is different in each country. At present, almost
110 countries implement summer time.
Compare with the standard time, usually set summer time 1 hour late, for example, when
summer time is implementing, 10:00 am of the standard time is considered 11:00 am of summer

69.2 Summer Time Configuration Task Sequence

1. Configure absolute or recurrent time range of summer time
Global mode
clock summer-time <word> absolute <HH:MM>
no clock summer-time
clock summer-time <word> recurring <HH:MM>
<MM.DD> <HH:MM> <MM.DD> [<offset>]
no clock summer-time
clock summer-time <word> recurring <HH:MM>
<week> <day> <month> <HH:MM> <week>
<day> <month> [<offset>]
no clock summer-time

Set absolute time range of summer time,
start and end summer time is configured
with specified year.
Set recurrent time range of summer time,
every year the summer time begins from the
start time and end at the end time.
Set recurrent time range of summer time,
every year the summer time begins from the
start time and end at the end time.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Summer Time Configuration

69.3 Examples of Summer Time

Example 1:
The configuration requirement in the following: The summer time from 23:00 on April 1th, 2012
to 00:00 on October 1th, 2012, clock offset as 1 hour, and summer time is named as 2012.
Configuration procedure is as follows:
Switch(config)#clock summer-time 2012 absolute 23:00 2012.4.1 00:00 2012.10.1
Example 2:
The configuration requirement in the following: The summer time from 23:00 on the first Saturday of April to 00:00 on the last Sunday of October year after year, clock offset as 2 hours, and
summer time is named as time_travel.
Configuration procedure is as follows:
Switch(config)#clock summer-time time_travel recurring 23:00 first sat apr 00:00
last sun oct 120

69.4 Summer Time Troubleshooting

If there is any problem happens when using summer time, please check whether the problem is
caused by the following reasons:
Check whether command mode in global mode
Check whether system clock is correct


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Debugging and Diagnosis


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Monitor and Debug

Chapter 70
Monitor and Debug
When the users configures the switch, they will need to verify whether the configurations are
correct and the switch is operating as expected, and in network failure, the users will also need
to diagnostic the problem. Switch provides various debug commands including ping, telnet, show
and debug, etc. to help the users to check system configuration, operating status and locate
problem causes.

70.1 Ping
Ping command is mainly used for sending ICMP query packet from the switches to remote devices,
also for check the accessibility between the switch and the remote device. Refer to the Ping
command chapter in the Command Manual for explanations of various parameters and options of
the Ping command.

70.2 Ping6
Ping6 command is mainly used by the switch to send ICMPv6 query packet to the remote equipment, verifying the accessibility between the switch and the remote equipment. Options and explanations of the parameters of the Ping6 command please refer to Ping6 command chapter in
the command manual.

70.3 Traceroute
Traceroute command is for testing the gateways through which the data packets travel from the
source device to the destination device, so to check the network accessibility and locate the network failure.
Execution procedure of the Traceroute command consists of: first a data packet with TTL at
1 is sent to the destination address, if the first hop returns an ICMP error message to inform this
packet can not be sent (due to TTL timeout), a data packet with TTL at 2 will be sent. Also the
send hop may be a TTL timeout return, but the procedure will carries on till the data packet is sent
to its destination. These procedures is for recording every source address which returned ICMP
TTL timeout message, so to describe a path the IP data packets traveled to reach the destination.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Monitor and Debug

Traceroute Options and explanations of the parameters of the Traceroute command please
refer to traceroute command chapter in the command manual.

70.4 Traceroute6
The Traceroute6 function is used on testing the gateways passed through by the data packets
from the source equipment to the destination equipment, to verify the accessibility and locate
the network failure. The principle of the Traceroute6 under IPv6 is the same as that under IPv4,
which adopts the hop limit field of the ICMPv6 and IPv6 header. First, Traceroute6 sends an IPv6
datagram (including source address, destination address and packet sent time) whose HOPLIMIT
is set to 1. When first route on the path receives this datagram, it minus the HOPLIMIT by 1 and
the HOPLIMIT is now 0. So the router will discard this datagram and returns with a ?ICMPv6 time
exceeded? message (including the source address of the IPv6 packet, all content in the IPv6
packet and the IPv6 address of the router). Upon receiving this message, the Traceroute6 sends
another datagram of which the HOPLIMIT is increased to 2 so to discover the second router. Plus
1 to the HOPLIMIT every time to discover another router, the Traceroute6 repeat this action till
certain datagram reaches the destination.
Traceroute6 Options and explanations of the parameters of the Traceroute6 command please
refer to traceroute6 command chapter in the command manual.

70.5 Show
show command is used to display information about the system, port and protocol operation. This
part introduces the show command that displays system information, other show commands will
be discussed in other chapters.
Admin Mode
show debugging
show flash
show history
show history all-users [detail]

show memory
show running-config
show running-config
show startup-config


Display the debugging state.
Display the files and the sizes saved in the flash.
Display the recent user input history command.
Show the recent command history of all users. Use clear
history all-users command to clear the command history of
all users saved by the system, the max history number can
be set by history all-users max-length command.
Display content in specified memory area.
Display the switch parameter configuration validating at current operation state.
Show the configuration under the current mode.
Display the switch parameter configuration written in the
Flash Memory at current operation state, which is normally
the configuration file applied in next time the switch starts


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Monitor and Debug

show switchport interface [ethernet <IFNAME>]

show tcp
show tcp ipv6
show udp
show udp ipv6
show telnet login
show tech-support

show version

Display the VLAN port mode and the belonging VLAN number of the switch as well as the Trunk port information.
Display the TCP connection status established currently on
the switch.
Display the UDP connection status established currently on
the switch.
Display the information of the Telnet client which currently
establishes a Telnet connection with the switch.
Display the operation information and the state of each task
running on the switch. It is used by the technicians to diagnose whether the switch operates properly.
Display the version of the switch.

70.6 Debug
All the protocols switch supports have their corresponding debug commands. The users can use
the information from debug commands for troubleshooting. Debug commands for their corresponding protocols will be introduced in the later chapters.

70.7 System log

70.7.1 System Log Introduction
The system log takes all information output under it control, while making detailed catalogue, so
to select the information effectively. Combining with Debug programs, it will provide a powerful
support to the network administrator and developer in monitoring the network operation state and
locating the network failures.
The switch system log has following characteristics:
Log output from four directions (or log channels) of the Console, Telnet terminal and monitor,
log buffer zone, and log host.
The log information is classified to four level of severities by which the information will be
According to the severity level the log information can be auto outputted to corresponding
log channel.
Log Output Channel
So far the system log can be outputted the log information through four channels:
Through Console port to the local console
Output the log information to remote Telnet terminal or monitor, this function is good for
remote maintenance

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Monitor and Debug

Assign a proper log buffer zone inside the switch, for record the log information permanently
or temporarily
Configure the log host, the log system will directly send the log information to the log host,
and save it in files to be viewed at any time
Among above log channels, users rarely use the console monitor, but will commonly choose
the Telnet terminal to monitor the system operation status. However information outputted from
these channels are of low traffic capacity and can not be recorded for later view. The other two
channels - the log buffer zone and log host channel are two important channels
SDRAM (Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory) and NVRAM (Non Vulnerable Random Access Memory) is provided inside the switch as two part of the log buffer zone, The two buffer
zone record the log information in a circuit working pattern, namely when log information need to
be recorded exceeds the buffer size, the oldest log information will be erased and replaced by the
new log information, information saved in NVRAM will stay permanently while those in SDRAM
will lost when the system restarts or encounter an power failure. Information in the log buffer zone
is critical for monitoring the system operation and detecting abnormal states.
Note: the NVRAM log buffer may not exist on some switches, which only have the SDRAM
log buffer zone.
It is recommended to use the system log server. By configuring the log host on the switch, the
log can be sent to the log server for future examination.
Format and Severity of the Log Information
The log information format is compatible with the BSD syslog protocol, so we can record and
analyze the log by the systlog (system log protect session) on the UNIX/LINUX, as well as syslog
similar applications on PC.
The log information is classified into eight classes by severity or emergency procedure. One
level per value and the higher the emergency level the log information has, the smaller its value will
be. For example, the level of critical is 2, and warning is 4, debugging is leveled at 7, so the critical
is higher than warnings which no doubt is high than debugging. The rule applied in filtering the log
information by severity level is that: only the log information with level equal to or higher than the
threshold will be outputted. So when the severity threshold is set to debugging, all information will
be outputted and if set to critical, only critical, alerts and emergencies will be outputted.
Follow table summarized the log information severity level and brief description.
Note: these severity levels are in accordance with the standard UNIX/LINUX syslog.


System is unusable
Action must be taken immediately
Critical conditions
Error conditions
Warning conditions
Normal but significant condition
Informational messages
Debug-level messages

Right now the switch can generate information of following four levels:

SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Monitor and Debug

Restart the switch, mission abnormal, hot plug on the CHASSIS switch chips are classified
Up/down interface, topology change, aggregate port state change of the interface are notifications warnings
Outputted information from the CLI command is classified informational
Information from the debugging of CLI command is classified debugging
Log information can be automatically sent to corresponding channels with regard to respective
severity levels. Amongst the debugging information can only be sent to the monitor. Those with the
Informational level can only be sent to current monitor terminal, such as the information from the
Telnet terminal configuration command can only be transmitted to the Telnet terminal. Warnings
information can be sent to all terminal with also saved in the SDRAM log buffer zone. And the
critical information can be save both in SDRAM and the NVRAM (if exists) besides sent to all
terminals. To check the log save in SDRAM and the NVRAM, we can use the show logging buffered
command. To clear the log save in NVRAM and SDRAM log buffer zone, we can use the clear
logging command.

70.7.2 System Log Configuration

System Log Configuration Task Sequence:
1. Display and clear log buffer zone
2. Configure the log host output channel
3. Enable/disable the log executed-commands
4. Display the log source
5. Display executed-commands state
1. Display and clear log buffer zone
Admin Mode
show logging buffered [ level { critical | warnings } | range <begin-index> <end-index>]
clear logging { sdram | nvram }

Show detailed log information in the log buffer
Clear log buffer zone information.

2. Configure the log host output channel

Global Mode
logging { <ipv4-addr> | <ipv6-addr> } [ facility <local-number> ] [level <severity>]
no logging { <ipv4-addr> | <ipv6-addr> } [
facility <local-number>]

Enable the output channel of the log host. The
'no' form of this command will disable the output
at the output channel of the log host.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Monitor and Debug

logging loghost sequence-number

no logging loghost sequence-number

Add the loghost sequence-number for the log,

the no command does not include the loghost

3. Enable/disable the log executed-commands

Global Mode
logging executed-commands { enable | disable }

Enable or disable




4. Display the log source

Admin and Config Mode
show logging source mstp

Show the log information source of MSTP module.

5. Display executed-commands state

Admin Mode
show logging executed-commands state

Show the state of logging executed-commands.

70.7.3 System Log Configuration Example

Example 1: When managing VLAN the IPv4 address of the switch is, and the IPv4
address of the remote log server is It is required to send the log information with a
severity equal to or higher than warnings to this log server and save in the log record equipment
Configuration procedure:
Switch(config)#interface vlan 1
Switch(Config-if-Vlan1)# ip address
Switch(config)#logging facility local1 level warnings
Example 2: When managing VLAN the IPv6 address of the switch is 3ffe:506::1, and the IPv4
address of the remote log server is 3ffe:506::4. It is required to send the log information with a
severity equal to or higher than critical to this log server and save the log in the record equipment
Configuration procedure:
Switch(config)#interface vlan 1
Switch(Config-if-Vlan1)#ipv6 address 3ffe:506::1/64
Switch(config)#logging 3ffe:506::4 facility local7 level critical


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Reload Switch after Specified Time

Chapter 71
Reload Switch after Specified Time
71.1 Introduce to Reload Switch after Specifid Time
Reload switch after specified time is to reboot the switch without shutdown its power after a specified period of time, usually when updating the switch version. The switch can be rebooted after a
period of time instead of immediately after its version being updated successfully.

71.2 Reload Switch after Specifid Time Task List

1. Reload switch after specified time
Admin Mode
reload after { [<HH:MM:SS>] [days <days>]
reload cancel

Reload the switch after a specified time period.
Cancel the specified time period to reload the


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Debugging and Diagnosis for Packets Received and Sent by CPU

Chapter 72
Debugging and Diagnosis for Packets
Received and Sent by CPU
72.1 Introduction to Debugging and Diagnosis for Packets Received and Sent by CPU
The following commands are used to debug and diagnose the packets received and sent by CPU,
and are supposed to be used with the help of the technical support.

72.2 Debugging and Diagnosis for Packets Received and Sent

by CPU Task List
Global Mode
cpu-rx-ratelimit total <packets>
no cpu-rx-ratelimit total
cpu-rx-ratelimit queue-length <queue-id>
no cpu-rx-ratelimit queue-length [<queueid>]
cpu-rx-ratelimit protocol <protocol-type>
no cpu-rx-ratelimit protocol [ <protocoltype> ]
clear cpu-rx-stat protocol [ <protocol-type>
Admin Mode
show cpu-rx protocol [ <protocol-type> ]

Set the total rate of the CPU receiving packets,
the no command sets the total rate of the CPU
receiving packets to default.
Set the length of the specified queue, the no command set the length to default.

Set the max rate of the CPU receiving packets of

the protocol type, the no command set the max
rate to default.
Clear the statistics of the CPU received packets
of the protocol type.
Show the information of the CPU received packets of the protocol type.


SNR S2980G-8T Switch Configuration Guide

Debugging and Diagnosis for Packets Received and Sent by CPU

debug driver { receive | send } [ interface

{ <interface-name> | all } ] [ protocol {
<protocol-type> | discard | all } ] [ detail ]
no debug driver { receive | send }

Turn on the showing of the CPU receiving or

sending packet informations.
Turn off the showing of the CPU receiving or
sending packet informations.


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