Working Capital Tulasi Seeds
Working Capital Tulasi Seeds
Working Capital Tulasi Seeds
Capital Management
Personal finance may involve paying for education, financing durable goods such as
real estate and cars, buying insurance, e.g. health and property insurance, investing and
saving for retirement.
Personal finance may also involve paying for a loan, or debt obligations. The six key
areas of personal financial planning, as suggested by the Financial Planning Standards
Board, are:[1]
1. Financial position: is concerned with understanding the personal resources
available by examining net worth and household cash flow. Net worth is a
person's balance sheet, calculated by adding up all assets under that person's
control, minus all liabilities of the household, at one point in time. Household
Capital Management
cash flow totals up all the expected sources of income within a year, minus all
expected expenses within the same year. From this analysis, the financial
planner can determine to what degree and in what time the personal goals can
be accomplished.
2. Adequate protection: the analysis of how to protect a household from
unforeseen risks. These risks can be divided into liability, property, death,
disability, health and long term care. Some of these risks may be self-insurable,
while most will require the purchase of an insurance contract. Determining how
much insurance to get, at the most cost effective terms requires knowledge of
the market for personal insurance. Business owners, professionals, athletes and
entertainers require specialized insurance professionals to adequately protect
themselves. Since insurance also enjoys some tax benefits, utilizing insurance
investment products may be a critical piece of the overall investment planning.
3. Tax planning: typically the income tax is the single largest expense in a
household. Managing taxes is not a question of if you will pay taxes, but when
and how much. Government gives many incentives in the form of tax
deductions and credits, which can be used to reduce the lifetime tax burden.
Most modern governments use a progressive tax. Typically, as one's income
grows, a higher marginal rate of tax must be paid. Understanding how to take
advantage of the myriad tax breaks when planning one's personal finances can
make a significant impact.
4. Investment and accumulation goals: planning how to accumulate
enough money - for large purchases and life events - is what most people
consider to be financial planning. Major reasons to accumulate assets include,
purchasing a house or car, starting a business, paying for education expenses,
and saving for retirement. Achieving these goals requires projecting what they
will cost, and when you need to withdraw funds. A major risk to the household
in achieving their accumulation goal is the rate of price increases over time, or
inflation. Using net present value calculators, the financial planner will suggest
a combination of asset earmarking and regular savings to be invested in a
variety of investments. In order to overcome the rate of inflation, the investment
portfolio has to get a higher rate of return, which typically will subject the
portfolio to a number of risks. Managing these portfolio risks is most often
Capital Management
Capital Management
3.Working capital is the amount of funds necessary to cover the cost of operating the
Capital Management
(A). Traditional Approach: The Scope of Finance function was treated by the
traditional approach in the narrow sense of procurement of finds by corporate to
meet their financing needs.
(B).Modern Approach: The modern approach views financial management in a
broad sense and provide a conceptual and analytical frame work for finance
function covers both acquisitions of funds as well as their allocation.
Capital Management
Capital Management
1.Investment Decisions:
Capital Management
3. Dividend decision:
The top management decides how much is retained and distributed to equity share
holders. These earnings are called earnings available to equity shareholders.
2. Manufacturing Cycle:
Capital Management
The manufacturing cycle starts with the purchase of raw materials and
completes with production of finished goods. Longer the manufacturing cycle, larger is
the tied up of funds in inventories. Thus if there are alternative ways of larger is the tied
up of funds in inventories. Thus if there are alternative ways of manufacturing product,
The Process with the shortest manufacturing cycle must be chosen.
3. Business Fluctuation:
Business variations effect especially the temporary working capital requirement.
When there is an upward swing in the economy sales wills increase correspondingly the
firms investment in inventories and book debts will also increase. On the other hand
when there is a decline in the economy, sales will fall and consequently levels of
inventories and book debt will also fall.
4. Production Policy:
A strategy of constant production may be maintained in order to resolve the
working capital problems arising due to seasonal changes in the demand for the firms
capital. A steady production policy will cause inventories to accumulating during the
off-season periods and the firm will be exposed to greater inventory costs and risks.
The firm may then adopt the policy of varying its production schedules in accordance
with changing demand.
5. Firms Credit Policy:
The credit policy of the firm affects working capital by influencing the level of
book debts. The credit terms to be granted to customers may depend upon norms of the
industry to which the firms belong. A high collection period will mean tie up of funds
in book debts.
6. Availability of Credit:
The credit terms granted by the firms creditors also effect the working capital
requirements of a firm, which creditors also effect the working capital requirements of
a firm. A firm which can get bank credit easily on favorable conditions will operate
with less working capital than a firm with out such a facility.
Capital Management
Capital Management
1. Issue of Shares:
It is the safest way of producing permanent and regular working capital with out
any fixed charges.
2. Issue of Debentures:
Regular and long term working capital may be obtained at lower cost of trade
on equity.
3. Retained profits:
Accumulated large profits are also considered to be good sources of financing
long-term working capital requirements. It is the best and the cheapest source of
finance. It creates no change in future profits.
5. Term loans:
Mid term and long-term loans for a period above 3 years provide import sources
of working capital such term loans can be borrowed from the special financial
institutions such as IDBI, IFSI, and LIC etc.
Capital Management
1. Internal sources
2. External sources
Internal sources:
Under this category the sources of working capital are tapped from within the
internal sources are depreciation funds, provision for taxation and accrued expenses.
1. Depreciation fund:
Depreciation funds created out of profits provided they are invested in or
represented by assets
3. Bank credit:
The greater part of the working capital is supplied by commercial banks to their
customers through direct advances in the shape of loans, cash credit or over draft and
thorough discounting the credit, papers, e.g. billpayable and promissory
4. Customer credit:
Advance may also be obtained form customers against the contracts entered into
by the enterprise such advances are generally asked for, by the Companies
manufacturing large plants and machinery involving longer time in completing the
process of manufacturing e.g., ship building industries. The amount can be used for
purchasing raw materials, paying wages and so on.
5. Public deposits:
Capital Management
Most of the companies in recent years depend on this source to meet their
working capital requirements. Under the companies Act 1956 a company is authorized
to raise funds equal to 25% paid up capital and free reserves by this source.
6. Government assistance:
Central and state Governments of the country provide short-term finance to
industries or business by allowing tax concessions, sanctioning direct loans or grants to
industries or a class of industries to assist their production programs etc.
Capital Management
Norms are laid down for average age of receivables, collection period.
Proportion of goods in process and finished goods to new orders and
Proportion of raw materials, goods in process, and finished goods to total
inventories are established and operated.
Ratio to measure the efficiency of working capital.
Current Ratio: Current assets/Current liabilities
Quick Ratio : (Current assets-inventories)/current liabilities
Sales to Cash: Sales during a period / Average cash balance
Average collection period: Debtors divided by annual credit sales and
the resulting figure multiplied by 365. This ratio indicates how many
days of credit are being obtained from the suppliers.
Capital Management
Accrued direct
labour and material
Production process
Via sales
Collection process
Supplies of
Accrued fixed
operating expenses
Used to
Fixed assets
This is the loop which starts at the cash and the marketable securities account,
goes trough the current account as direct labour and materials which are purchased and
use to produce inventory, which in turn is sold and generates accounts receivables,
which are finally collected to replenish cash. The major point to notice about this cycle
is that the turnover or velocity of resources through this loop is very high related to the
other inflow s and outflows of the cash account.
Capital Management
financed by permanent
sources of funds.
Capital Management
Capital Management
Operating cycle
There is an Operating Cycle involve in the conversion of sales into cash. Operating
cycle is the time duration required to convert sales, after the conversion of resources
into cash. The duration of time required to complete the following sequence of events is
the operating cycle for a manufacturing firm is as follows.
In order to find out the total working capital requirements of a firm, the needs at each
of the following 4 stages have to be calculated.
Lead time
consumption Value of consumed raw
storage period.
Average period for which
actual sold.
Credit period allowed by the Receivables at cost.
unit of buyers.
Non- coordination of production and distribution cycle.
Menace of transport and communication not all developed enhances cost.
Impact of government policies etc.
Capital Management
Capital Management
production. This will lead to inefficiencies, increase in costs and reduction in profits
.working capital is just like the lifeblood of business. If it becomes weak, the business
can hardly prosper and survive .no business can run successfully without an adequate
amount of working capital. The following are few advantages of adequate working
capital in the business.
Cash discount :
Adequate working capital enables a firm to avail cash discount facilities are
offered to it by the suppliers. The amount of cash discount reduces the cost of
Goodwill :
Adequate working capital enables a firm to make prompt payment. Making
prompt payment is a base to create and maintain good will.
Expansion of markets :
A firm, which has adequate working capital, can create favorable market
condition. That is purchasing its requirements in bulk when prices are lower and
holding its inventories for higher. Productivity increased Profits are increased.
Productivity increased
Research programs
Capital Management
Capital Management
In my point of view working capital with cash from operations and short-term
borrowings when necessary. Various assets and liabilities, including short-term debt,
can fluctuate significantly from month to month depending on short-term liquidity
needs. As a result, working capital is a prime focus of management attention.