Descent: Journeys in The Dark 2nd Edition Rulebook
Descent: Journeys in The Dark 2nd Edition Rulebook
Descent: Journeys in The Dark 2nd Edition Rulebook
They crept down the stone stairs as silently as possible, not daring to announce
their presence to whatever foul minions lurked in the shadows. The faint glow from
Leorics enchanted stone did little to illuminate the gathering dark. Jain slowly
notched an arrow, gracefully pulling her bowstring taut as the small silhouette of
Tomble spun his knives behind her. He is here somewhere, Avric whispered, be
Greetings, brave heroes, a boisterous voice suddenly announced from the
darkness. You have come so far! Tis a shame your journey ends here... As the
voice faded to the sound of distant cackling, dozens of monstrous shapes emerged
to surround the heroes. The chamber soon rang with the sounds of battle...
Game Overview
Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition is a game for two to five players
in which one player takes on the role of the overlord, while all other players
take on the roles of heroes. During each game, the heroes undertake quests
by venturing into dangerous caves, ancient ruins, dark dungeons, and
cursed forests. Along the way, they will battle monsters, earn riches,
and attempt to stop the overlord from carrying out his evil plot.
Component List
This game includes the following:
This Rulebook
1 Quest Guide
8 Hero Figures
31 Monster Figures, consisting of:
48 Map Tiles
45 Damage Tokens
7 Plastic Stands
35 Fatigue Tokens
8 Hero Sheets
7 Doors
16 Hero Tokens
9 Search Tokens
84 Class Cards
6 Lieutenant Tokens
10 Objective Tokens
8 Villager Tokens
16 Condition Cards
20 Condition Tokens
12 Search Cards
6 Relic Cards
40 Overlord Cards
18 Monster Cards
12 Lieutenant Cards
4 Activation Cards
Component Overview
This section describes the various components in detail.
Quest Guide
The Quest Guide lists all of the quests in the game,
including setup, special rules, and the objectives
for each quest. Players will refer to this guide when
choosing and setting up each quest.
Plastic Figures
Heroes and monsters are represented
on the game board by plastic figures.
Hero figures are gray, while each
monster is either tan or red. Tan
monsters represent minion monsters
and red monsters represent master
monsters, more powerful versions of
the minion monsters.
Relic Cards
Relic cards represent unique and powerful items in
the campaign. These items can be acquired by either
the hero players or the overlord player.
Overlord Cards
The overlord player uses these cards to
perform various abilities, such as benefiting
monsters or springing a trap on the heroes.
There are both basic Overlord cards, which
the overlord player begins the game with, as
well as upgrade cards, which he can purchase
with experience points when playing the campaign.
Monster Cards
Hero Sheets
Lieutenant Cards
Custom Dice
Campaign Sheets
These sheets are used during campaign play. Players use
these sheets to track important information between game
sessions within a campaign.
Class Cards
These cards are divided into eight separate decks
that represent the eight different hero classes in the
game. Each deck contains all the skills and starting
equipment belonging to that class.
Condition Cards
The rules for the different ongoing effects in the
game are listed on these cards. When a figure is
inflicted with a condition, players use these cards to
reference the effects of that condition.
Search Cards
These cards represent useful items that heroes may
discover during a quest. Search cards are drawn
when a hero performs a search action. During
campaign play, heroes also receive the amount of
gold listed on the card.
Activation Cards
These cards list a summary of the hero and
overlord turns, and they mark which heroes
have completed their turn. There are four
different colors of these cards and each color
corresponds to a color of hero token.
Map Tiles
These puzzle-cut tiles represent
different locations heroes explore
during the game. Each quest has a
unique layout that uses different
combinations of map tiles. All map
tiles are double-sided, with one side
showing an indoor location and
the other side showing an outdoor
Before Play
Before playing Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition, carefully
punch out all tokens and map tiles from the cardboard frames. Then,
insert the door tokens into the plastic stands.
Some of the larger monster figures require a little basic assembly. Players
should simply insert the appropriate monster figure pieces into the
corresponding monster figure. If players wish, they may use a small
amount of hobby glue when assembling the figures.
Search Tokens
General Setup
Hero Tokens
Lieutenant Tokens
These tokens represent lieutenants on the map. The
art on the token matches the art on the corresponding
Lieutenant card.
Objective Tokens
Many quests in the game have different objectives for
both the overlord player and the hero players. These
tokens mark the locations of objectives on the map.
Objective tokens have a unique colored back for use in
specific quests.
Villager Tokens
These tokens represent the different characters that
heroes can encounter in quests, such as villagers,
guards, or other characters important to a particular
quest. The Quest Guide lists any special rules regarding
these characters.
Condition Tokens
These tokens are used to signify when monsters are
affected by ongoing effects. These tokens correspond to
various Condition cards.
Familiar Token
This token is used to represent a familiar controlled by a
hero player. In this case, the Necromancer's Reanimate.
Hero Archetypes
Every hero has an archetype that is printed on his Hero sheet.
This archetype defines what classes are available to that hero.
These archetypes are:
Hero Setup
Overlord Setup
The overlord player performs the following steps after hero players
perform Hero Setup (see Hero Setup).
1. Take Activation Cards and Hero Tokens: Each hero player chooses
one Activation card and takes the hero tokens of the corresponding
2. Choose Heroes: All hero players must agree on which player controls
which hero. Each hero player chooses one Hero sheet and takes the
corresponding hero figure. In a two-player game, the lone hero player
controls two different heroes (see Two-player Game on page 18).
3. Choose Classes: Each hero player chooses one Class deck matching
his chosen heros archetype icon (printed on his Hero sheet; see
Hero Archetypes on page 4). Each archetype has different
classes available; there are two such classes available for each archetype
in the game, each one defining which skills are available to a hero of
that class. Any Class deck belonging to a class not chosen is returned
to the game box.
When a player chooses a class for his hero, he takes the deck of cards
for that class (see Class Card Anatomy on page 8). This Class
deck includes the starting equipment for the hero, as well as all of
the skills associated with that class. A player may not select a hero
class that does not match the archetype icon shown on the heros
Hero sheet. Furthermore, a player may not select a class that has been
chosen by another player.
4. Choose Skills: Every hero begins the game with the basic skill (the
skill card with no experience icon) and starting equipment from his
Class deck.
1. Choose Monsters: The Quest Guide lists the monster group options
available to the overlord for the chosen quest. He takes the Act I
Monster cards and figures for the chosen monster groups and places
them in front of him. See Monsters on page 2 of the Quest Guide
for more rules on choosing monsters.
Many quests also feature a specific lieutenant that the overlord uses
during the quest. The overlord player takes the appropriate Act I
Lieutenant card and token and places them in front of him.
2. Perform Quest Setup: The overlord refers to the Setup section of
the chosen quest and follows the instructions listed. This includes
placing monster figures, objective tokens, search tokens, and villager
tokens as indicated on the quest map.
3. Create Overlord Deck: The overlord player shuffles the 15 basic
Overlord cards to create his Overlord deck.
When playing the basic game, all other Overlord cards are returned
to the game box. These cards are only used if playing a campaign or if
using the Epic Play variant (see Campaign Rules and Epic Play on
page 19).
4. Draw Overlord Cards: The overlord player draws a number of
Overlord cards equal to the number of heroes into his hand (see
Overlord Cards on page 16).
After players have finished Hero Setup and Overlord Setup, they are
ready to begin playing the game.
When playing the basic game, all other skills are returned to the game
box. These skills are only used if playing a campaign or using the Epic
Play variant (see Campaign Rules and Epic Play on page 19).
5. Place Heroes: Each player places his hero figure on the map in the
area indicated by the quest rules for hero setup. This is typically on an
entrance tile.
Tile Code: All map tiles are labeled with a unique tile
code for easy identification. Each tile code consists of
one number and one letter.
1. Map: The map is set up in the center of the play area with the
hero and monster figures, search tokens, and any objective
tokens placed in the appropriate spaces described in the Quest
2. Hero Sheets: Hero players place their Hero sheets faceup in
front of them.
3. Class Cards: Hero players place their Class cards faceup in front
of them, next to their Hero sheets.
4. Activation Cards and Hero Tokens: Hero players place their
Activation cards with the corresponding hero tokens in front of
them, for easy reference.
5. Overlord Cards: The overlord player shuffles his deck of
Overlord cards and places it facedown in front of him.
During each hero turn, the active hero player performs the following steps
in order.
The player may perform any of the actions summarized below, and
may even perform the same action twice. See Hero Turn in Detail
on page 8 for more details on these actions.
Move: The hero moves his hero figure up to a number of
spaces equal to the heros Speed. The hero may interrupt
his movement with another action and then complete his
movement after the other action is resolved.
Attack: The hero attacks a monster.
1. Start of Turn: During this step, any effects affecting the active hero
that last until the start of your next turn end. Also, the hero player
may use any abilities that trigger at the start of your turn. Then
the hero player refreshes his exhausted cards (see Exhausting and
Refreshing Cards on page 8).
Use a Skill: The hero uses a skill listed on one of his Class cards
that requires an action. These actions are denoted with a !.
Rest: The hero will recover all fatigue at the end of this turn.
Search: If the hero is adjacent to or in a space containing a
search token, he may reveal the search token.
Stand Up: This is the one and only action that a knocked out
hero may perform during his turn. This action allows the hero
to recover damage and prepare to be activated as normal next
Revive a Hero: The hero restores health to a knocked out hero
in an adjacent space.
Open or Close a Door: The hero opens or closes one adjacent
Special: Different cards or quests may provide heroes with
unique actions to perform. These actions are either clearly
stated as an action or noted with a !.
4. Flip Activation Card: After a hero player has finished performing his
actions, that hero player flips his Activation card facedown to indicate
that his turn is over.
After the player flips his Activation card, another hero begins his turn.
After all heroes Activation cards are facedown (showing the overlord
turn summary), proceed to the overlord turn (see Overlord Turn
Summary on page 8).
A hero may suffer fatigue to receive additional movement points during
his turn. For each fatigue suffered, the hero receives one movement point.
If the hero already has fatigue equal to his Stamina, he may not suffer
any more fatigue to receive additional movement points (see Fatigue
and Stamina on page 13). A hero player is not required to perform a
move action in order to suffer fatigue to move. During his turn, before or
after resolving an action or during a move action, a hero may suffer fatigue
to gain movement points.
Exhausting and
Refreshing Cards
3. End of Round: Each hero flips his Activation card faceup. The next
game round then begins, starting with a hero players turn.
Some cards require the player to EXHAUST them when they are
used. When a player exhausts a card, he simply rotates the card
sideways to indicate that he has used its ability. At the start
of a players turn, he REFRESHES all of his exhausted cards by
returning them to their upright position. A player cannot use
an exhausted card until it is refreshed.
Empty Spaces
Some card effects and abilities refer to empty spaces. An empty
space is defined as a space that contains no figures and that
blocks neither line of sight nor movement. Unless otherwise
noted, spaces containing tokens are still considered to be empty
for the purposes of these effects.
When a hero player performs an attack action, he may use one of his
equipped weapons to attack a space containing a monster. The heros
equipped weapon determines which spaces the hero may target for the
attack. A weapon with the Melee icon may only target a space adjacent
(see Adjacent Spaces on page 10) to the attacking hero. A weapon
with the Ranged icon may target any space in line of sight of the attacking
hero (see Combat on page 12).
Monster attacks follow the same rules when attacking heroes, except that
monsters dont have equipped weapons. Instead, the type of attack (Melee
or Ranged) is listed on its Monster card (along with the dice used in the
Combat is performed by resolving the following steps in order. Each step
is detailed in a later section (see Combat on page 12):
1. Declare Weapon and Target: The attacking player chooses which
of his equipped weapons to use for this attack and declares the target
of the attack (a space containing an enemy figure). The player then
compiles his attack dice into a pool.
2. Roll Dice: The attacking player rolls his dice pool while the defending
player rolls all necessary defense dice. If an attack affects multiple
figures, each figure rolls its defense dice separately.
3. Check Range: When performing a Ranged attack, the attacking
player must roll enough range to reach the target.
4. Spend Surges: After rolling the dice, the attacking player may spend
any surge results to trigger special abilities.
Movement Example
Use a Skill
When a hero performs a use a skill action, he may use a skill that has a %
listed on his Class card. The player then resolves the skill by following the
rules listed on the Class card. If the skill allows the hero to perform an
attack, the normal rules for performing an attack action apply.
Many skills also show a fatigue cost on the card. The hero must suffer this
amount of fatigue in order to perform the % listed on the card or trigger
an ability that requires the player to exhaust this card, or use this
card. See Fatigue and Stamina on page 13 for more information on
suffering fatigue.
When using a skill, a hero cannot suffer fatigue that would exceed his
Stamina. If a hero has already suffered fatigue equal to his Stamina, or if
the skill would cause him to suffer more fatigue than his Stamina allows,
he cannot use the skill until he recovers enough fatigue.
When a hero performs a rest action, he will recover all fatigue at the end
of his turn. As a reminder that he has rested during his turn, he places a
hero token on his Activation card. At the end of his turn, after the hero
flips his Activation card, he discards the hero token and all fatigue from
his Hero sheet.
If a hero is adjacent to or in a space that contains a search token, he may
perform a search action to search that space. The hero player flips the
search token faceup and discards it. If the token is not unique, the player
draws the top Search card from the Search deck. Some quests use the
unique search token to represent items unique to that quest. If the hero
reveals the unique search token, do not draw a Search card. Instead, refer
to the Quest Guide for details on what the hero discovers.
Adjacent Spaces
Some Search cards may be used for a one-time effect (as listed on the
card). After using a Search card, the player flips the card facedown and
keeps it in his play area (see Search Card Anatomy on page 10).
Stand Up
When a hero is knocked out, he can only perform a stand up action (see
Knocked Out on page 15). In addition, this action may only be
performed by a hero that is knocked out. To stand up, the player rolls two
red power dice, recovers damage equal to the # rolled, recovers fatigue
equal to the $ rolled, replaces his hero token with his hero figure, and
then flips his Activation card facedown to indicate his turn is over (he
may not perform an additional action). If another figure occupies the
space containing the hero token, the standing hero figure is placed in the
closest empty space to his hero token of that hero player's choice.
Revive a Hero
When a hero performs a revive a hero action, he may revive a knocked
out hero (see Knocked Out on page 15) whose hero token is in an
adjacent space. The knocked out hero rolls two red power dice, recovers
damage equal to the # rolled, recovers fatigue equal to the $ rolled, and
then replaces his hero token with his figure. If another figure occupies the
space containing the hero token, he places his figure in the closest empty
space to his hero token of that hero player's choice.
During quests and campaigns, heroes may acquire Search cards, Shop
Item cards, or Relic cards that contain actions denoted with a %. These
actions may be performed in the same manner as using a skill on a Class
card. Some heroic feats are also denoted with a ! and require an action
to perform (see Heroic Feats on page 15).
Certain quest rules also provide quest-specific actions that may be
performed by the heroes during the quest. Refer to the Quest Guide for
any actions available to the heroes.
Traits: This area lists the traits for the item. Traits do
not have any rules themselves, but other rules or abilities
might refer to traits.
The overlord player takes his turn after all hero players have completed
their turns. At the beginning of his turn, the overlord player draws
one card from the top of the Overlord deck. After drawing a card, the
overlord player may play any number of cards that state they are played at
the start of your turn, including the card just drawn. All Overlord cards
specify the timing in which they may be played (see Overlord Cards on
page 16).
The majority of the overlords turn is spent activating his monsters.
The overlord player may activate each of his monsters on the map once
during his turn. He may perform up to two actions with each monster
he activates. Each monster may only perform one attack action per
Core Rules
Example: The overlord player has one group of zombies and one group of
flesh moulders on the map. He decides to activate his zombies first. The
overlord player must activate all the zombies before moving on to the group of
flesh moulders.
The Dice
Monsters may perform the following actions, which are similar to the
hero actions (see Hero Turn in Detail on page 8):
Move: The monster moves a number of spaces up to its Speed (see
Move on page 8).
Attack: The monster attacks a hero (see Attack on page 9).
Unlike heroes, a monster can attack only once during its activation.
Monster Action: Some monsters have unique actions listed on their
Monster card with a %. If any special action allows the monster to
perform an attack, it counts as the monsters one attack action for
that activation.
Open or Close a Door: The monster opens or closes one adjacent door
(see Open or Close a Door on page 10).
Special: Different cards or quests may provide monsters with unique
actions to perform. These actions are either clearly stated as an action
or noted with a !.
26: Some dice also have a number on them, which determines how
much range a given attack has (see 3. Check Range on page 12).
%: This symbol appears on defense dice and allows the player rolling the
dice to cancel damage (see 5. Deal Damage on page 13).
Equip Icon: These icons limit how many items the hero
can equip (see Equipment on page 11).
X: The attack die features a X on one side, which results in the attack
being a miss (see 2. Roll Dice on page 12).
Each hero can carry any number of Shop Item, Class, and Search cards
he chooses. However, the number of these cards that a hero may equip is
limited. Hero players indicate which items are not equipped by flipping
them facedown or placing them under their Hero sheet. Any Shop Item
or Class cards (such as starting equipment) can only be used while a hero
has that card equipped.
These equip icons represent certain equipping restrictions:
Dice Icons: This area lists the dice associated with the
item. If the item is a weapon, these dice are used when
attacking with the weapon. If the item is Armor, they are
added to the players defense pool.
Heroes have two hands. The combination of items they equip cannot
have more than two hand icons in total.
Traits: This area lists the traits for the item. Traits do
not have any rules themselves, but other rules or abilities
might refer to traits.
Listed below are the expanded rules for combat. These rules further
explain the Attack steps explained earlier.
In order for a figure to have line of sight to a space, a player must be able
to trace an uninterrupted, straight line from any corner of that figures
space to any corner of the target space.
If the line passes through the edge of a map tile, a door, or a blocked space
(a space containing a figure or obstacle), the target space is not in line of
sight (see Line of Sight Example on page 12).
If the line passes along the edge of a blocked space (see Line of Sight
Example on page 12), the target space is not in line of sight. However,
if the line only touches the corner of a blocked space (without passing
through the space itself ), the target space is in line of sight.
Since adjacent spaces always share at least one common edge or corner,
there is no need to trace line of sight between adjacent spaces. A space
adjacent to a figure is in line of sight.
The attacking player creates his ATTACK POOL by gathering all the dice
listed on his equipped weapon or Monster card, and then rolls them for
his attack roll. If an ability allows a player to add dice to this pool, he must
do so before the roll.
If an X is rolled on the blue attack die, the attack is considered a miss and
all other results are ignored. If an X is not rolled, the attacking player adds
up all of the # results on the dice to determine how much damage is dealt
by this attack.
The defending playerany player controlling a figure affected by the
attackcreates his DEFENSE POOL by gathering all the defense dice listed
on his Hero sheet (in addition to any dice provided by equipment and
card effects) or Monster card and rolls them for his defense roll. If an
ability allows a player to add dice to this roll, he does so before the roll.
The defending player adds up all of the % results on the dice to determine
how much damage is canceled on this attack. If multiple figures are
affected by the attack, each affected figure rolls its defense pool separately,
keeping track of its own results.
After all attack and defense dice have been rolled, players may use any
abilities that allow them to reroll dice. Players should note that some cards
and abilities specifically refer to defense dice. Unless specifically stated
otherwise, these references apply only to defense dice rolled as part of an
attack. For example, a player cannot use the "Iron Shield" card to allow
him to reroll an attribute test.
Example: Jain's Yew Shortbow uses the blue attack die and one yellow
power die. The player controlling Jain Fairwood gathers these dice while the
overlord player takes one gray defense die available to the goblin archer. Both
players roll their respective dice pools.
Even though Ranged attacks may target any space in the attacker's line of
sight, the attacker must roll enough range on his attack roll in order to
deal damage to the target. Starting with the space adjacent to the attacker
(of his choice), count the number of spaces to the target space. This
number is the distance between the spaces. The numbers rolled on the
dice are the maximum range of the attack. If the total range obtained from
the attack roll does not equal or exceed the distance between the spaces,
the attack is considered a miss unless the range can be increased (see 4.
Spend Surges on page 13).
Example: Jain rolls 3 range on her blue attack die and 2 range on her
yellow power die, for a total of 5 range. Since the goblin archer is only two
spaces away, there is plenty of range for the attack to hit the target.
Some abilities require players to count the spaces from a figure to the
target of the ability. When counting spaces for attacks and abilities,
players ignore any non-obstacle terrain in those spaces (see Terrain on
page 18). The player just needs to verify that his target is in range for
the ability to reach the target. If an ability affects figures within a specified
number of spaces, line of sight is not needed unless specifically noted.
However, when counting spaces for an ability, players cannot count spaces
through a door because the spaces are not considered adjacent.
If there are any surge results ($) obtained during the attack roll, the
attacking player may spend these surges on different abilities. Weapons,
skills, hero abilities, and items may all have surge abilities for the attacking
player to choose from. An attacking monster can spend surges to trigger
certain abilities listed on its Monster card (see Monster Card Anatomy
on page 16).
Each individual $ rolled during the attack roll may be spent once to
trigger surge abilities. Each surge ability may only be triggered once per
attack. However, if the attacker has access to two different surge abilities
with identical effects, he can trigger both effects if he obtained enough
Up to one unused $ may be used by an attacking hero to recover one
fatigue. Monsters cannot use a $ to recover fatigue.
Note: Surge abilities may only be triggered during attacks unless
otherwise specified.
Example: Grisban the Thirsty obtains two $ results from his attack roll.
His Chipped Greataxe has two different surge abilities that have the same
effect ($: +1 #). He decides to spend one $ from his attack roll to
trigger one of the abilities on his Chipped Greataxe. He could trigger the
second surge ability to add another +1 # to his attack, but he would
rather recover fatigue. He decides to spend his remaining $ to recover one
The target of an attack has the chance to cancel some or all of the damage
from the attack. The defending player adds up all the % results in his
defense pool. Each % result cancels one damage (#) from the attack. Any
damage not canceled by a % is suffered by the defending figure. Ignore any
excess % results.
The defending player tracks the damage by placing damage tokens on his
Hero sheet (in the case of heroes) or near the monster figure (in the case
of the overlord). If this damage ever equals or exceeds the figures Health,
the figure is defeated (see Defeated on page 15).
Example: Avric Albright attacks a goblin archer on his turn, obtaining three
# results from his attack roll. The overlord rolls the defense pool for the
goblin archer, obtaining two % results. Since only two # results are canceled,
the goblin archer suffers one damage. The overlord player takes one damage
token from the supply and places it near the goblin archers figure.
Note: Defense dice are used to cancel damage only during an attack. If
an ability causes a figure to suffer damage for any other reason, that figure
cannot roll defense dice to cancel any of that damage.
On a Blast attack, all spaces adjacent to the targeted space are also affected
by the attack. The attacker rolls his attack pool once and applies the
result to each affected figure, but each affected figure individually rolls its
defense pool separately. Only the target space needs to be in range and in
line of sight of the attacker. Blast attacks affect both enemy and friendly
figures, and a figure can only be affected by Blast once per attack.
On a Pierce attack, the attack ignores a number of % results generated by
the defending player (either through their defense roll or other abilities)
equal to the rating of Pierce. Pierce from multiple sources are added
together, which means that an attack with both Pierce 1 and Pierce 2
ignores up to 3 %.
The Reach keyword allows the figure to use a Melee attack to target a
figure up to two spaces away, rather than only adjacent spaces. The target
still needs to be in line of sight.
Recovering Damage
and Fatigue
When a hero suffers damage or fatigue, the hero player takes
the appropriate number of damage or fatigue tokens from the
supply and places them on his Hero sheet. If that hero later
recovers damage or fatigue, he discards the appropriate number
of damage or fatigue tokens from his Hero sheet and returns
them to the supply.
Combat Example
2. Roll Dice: After declaring his weapon and target, Tomble
creates his attack pool. The dice used for the attack are listed
on the chosen weapon's card. The overlord player creates his
defense pool for the attack. Because the zombie is a master
monster, he references the master section (bottom) of the
Monster card. Both players simultaneously roll their dice.
When a hero or monster suffers damage equal to or greater than its
Health, it is defeated. Unless specified differently in a given quest, when a
monster is defeated, it is simply removed from the map and is no longer in
play. When a hero is defeated, he is knocked out.
When a hero is defeated, he immediately suffers fatigue up to his Stamina,
damage up to his Health (if defeated by some other effect), and the
controlling player removes his figure from the map, replacing it with
one of his hero tokens. The hero player discards any Condition cards he
has and the overlord player may immediately draw one Overlord card.
A hero cannot use skills or abilities while knocked out, unless an effect
specifically allows it.
Heroes cannot suffer fatigue past their Stamina value, nor damage past
their Health valueeven when knocked out. A knocked out hero cannot
receive any Condition cards and is immune to all attacks and most hero
A space containing a knocked out hero (represented by a hero token) is
considered to be empty to other figures for the purposes of movement. In
other words, any figure may move through and end its movement in that
space. Also, knocked out heroes do not block line of sight.
Unless revived by another hero, a knocked out hero may only perform
one action on his next turn, and that action must be to stand back up (see
Stand Up on page 10).
A knocked out hero may still recover damage from other heroes through
the use of skills, potions, and being revived (see Revive a Hero on page
10). If a knocked out hero recovers at least one damage, he immediately
replaces his hero token with his figure and may perform actions as normal
on his next turn.
Some abilities and effects have the chance of inflicting conditions, such as
Poisoned, upon heroes and monsters. Additionally, some attacks have a
$ ability featuring a condition (such as Disease, Immobilize, Poison, or
Stun). If the attack deals at least 1 #(after rolling defense dice), the target
suffers the listed condition.
When a hero is affected by a condition, the controlling player takes the
corresponding Condition card and places it near his Hero sheet. If a
monster is affected by a condition, the overlord player places a condition
token next to the monster figure. Refer to the rules on the Condition card
for the specific effects of that condition. A figure cannot be affected by
the same condition more than once at any given time.
Trading Items
Heroes may give or receive Shop Item cards, Relic cards, and Search
cards to or from each other during a move action. At any point during
his move action, a hero may trade any number of Shop Item cards, Relic
cards, or Search cards with an adjacent hero. Trading does not require an
additional action or the expense of movement points.
A hero must still wait to equip any cards he receives until the start of
his next turn. Heroes cannot trade Class cards (including their starting
equipment) with each other. A hero may give another hero a card without
receiving one in return; likewise, a hero may receive a card without giving
one in return.
Heroic Feats
Each hero player has access to a heroic feat as listed on his Hero sheet.
These are powerful, once-per-encounter abilities that let hero players do
something spectacular. Some heroic feats require an action to perform and
are denoted with a !. Regardless of when it is performed, a heroic feat
can only be performed once per encounter. After a hero player performs
his heroic feat, he flips his Hero sheet facedown to indicate that it has
been used during this encounter. At the start of the next encounter, the
hero player flips his Hero sheet so that his heroic feat is available again.
Attribute Tests
Heroes are often required to test attributes at different points throughout
the game. All heroes have four attributes listed on their Hero sheets (see
Hero Sheet Anatomy on page 7). To test an attribute, the hero
player must roll one gray defense die and one black defense die together.
He must roll a number of % equal to or less than his heros attribute to
PASS the test. Otherwise, he FAILS the test. The card or ability that requires
the attribute test will specify a result dependent upon whether the test
Lieutenants have attributes and make attribute tests, just like heroes.
However, minion and master monsters do not have attributes. If a minion
or master monster is required to make an attribute test, it automatically
fails the test. Remember, cards or abilities that reference defense dice do
not apply to attribute tests unless specifically noted.
Overlord Cards
Overlord cards represent the different powers of
the overlord and provide an element of surprise to
the heroes. The Overlord deck consists of 15 basic
Overlord cards. If players use the Epic Play or
campaign rules, the overlord player may modify
his deck with upgraded cards (see Spending
Experience Points: Overlord on page 20).
At the beginning of his turn, the overlord player
draws one Overlord card. He adds this card to his
hand, which is kept hidden from the hero players. There is no cost to play
an Overlord card and no limit to how many cards the overlord player can
play during his turn.
The monster is only considered to have entered the one space in which it
ended its movement. In other words, large monsters shrink to move as
if they were normal-sized monsters, then expand again when they are
done moving.
When large monsters enter a space containing terrain, they are affected
just like any single-spaced figure. When large monsters end their
movement and their bases are placed on terrain that they did not move
through, refer to the individual terrain rules for what effects, if any, apply
to the large monster.
For an example of large monster movement, see Large Monster
Movement on page 17.
Each card specifies when it may be played. Two Overlord cards with the
same name cannot be played on the same target in response to the same
triggering condition. After resolving the effects of an Overlord card, place
it faceup in the discard pile.
Example: During his turn, the overlord player decides to activate his zombie
monster group. After moving one of his zombie figures, he plays Frenzy
on that figure, which reads Play this card on a monster during your turn.
The overlord player cannot play an additional Frenzy on that particular
zombie during his turn. However, he may play another Frenzy card on a
different zombie during his turn.
Monsters are the overlords primary weapon against heroes and the tools
used to complete his objective. Each type of monster has a Monster card
associated with that monster type. Monsters are placed and activated in
GROUPS. The size of the monster group is determined by the number of
heroes in the game. Each Monster card lists the number of monsters in a
group based on the number of heroes. All monsters of a given type are
considered to be part of the same monster group. Any game effect that
affects a monster group affects each monster within that group.
For each monster type in the game, there are two different varieties:
minions and masters. Minions are represented by tan monster figures and
are the basic monsters. Master monsters are represented by red monster
figures and are more powerful than minions. Monster cards list the
information for both minion and master monsters of each monster type.
Unless playing a campaign or Epic Play, always use Act I Monster cards.
Large Monsters
Some monster figures occupy more than one space on the map. These
are known as LARGE MONSTERS. When determining movement for
large monsters, the overlord player chooses one of the spaces that the
monster occupies and counts movement from the chosen space as if the
figure occupied one space. When the monster ends (or interrupts) its
movement, the overlord player places the large monster figure so that one
of the spaces its base occupies includes the space where the monster ended
its movement. The monster may change the orientation of its base relative
to its starting position, but if the monster cannot fit its entire base on the
map, then it cannot end (or interrupt) its movement in that space.
The overlord player has no hand limit for Overlord cards. When the
overlord player draws the last card from his deck, he simply shuffles the
discard pile to create a new deck.
Dice: This area shows the dice types used when the
monster performs an attack. The dice for the minion
monster are listed above the art and the dice for the
master monster are listed under the monster name.
Act Icon: This icon shows the Act (I or II) in which the
Monster card is used.
Lieutenants are powerful characters controlled by the overlord player.
The Quest Guide specifies which, if any, lieutenant to use and any special
rules concerning the lieutenant in that particular quest. Lieutenants
are represented on the map by lieutenant tokens, but they are treated
as monster figures for all purposesincluding figure activations, unless
specified otherwise. Lieutenants have attributes and perform attribute
tests, just like heroes. Like Monster cards, Lieutenant cards also list the
dice used when lieutenants attack or defend. Each lieutenant is treated as
its own monster group.
Some hero abilities and class skills give heroes
control over creatures known as FAMILIARS. These
familiars are represented by a token on the map
and cannot be targeted or affected by any attack
(unless otherwise noted, see Familiars Treated as
Figures on page 18).
A hero player may activate each familiar his hero controls once during
his hero turn (either before or after resolving all of his heros actions).
Activating a familiar does not require an action, but it may not interrupt
any other action. Essentially, a hero player with a familiar must choose
whether to activate his hero first or his familiar first. Regardless, both may
be activated during his turn.
When activated, a familiar may perform a move action following the same
rules as heroes. Familiars treat any special terrain (other than obstacles)
as water during their movement. The familiar may perform additional
types of actions during its activation, as noted on its Familiar card. These
additional actions, unless otherwise noted, may be performed in addition
to the move action and may interrupt the move action in a way similar to
hero move actions. If no such other actions are noted, then all the familiar
can do on its turn is move up to its Speed value.
Normally, a space containing a familiar does not block line of sight or
movement, unless otherwise noted on its Familiar card. Any figure may
end its movement in a space with a familiar. Likewise, a familiar may end
its movement in a space containing a figure.
Example: During her turn, Widow Tarha decides to activate her Reanimate
before her activation. Tarha moves the Reanimate up to its Speed of 3,
attacks a barghest, and then proceeds with her activation.
Dice: This area lists the dice use by the lieutenant when
performing an attack.
Act Icon: This icon shows the Act (I or II) in which the
Lieutenant card is used.
Some spaces on the map have a terrain type as defined by the color-coded
line around the space or spaces. These spaces have effects on gameplay as
listed below. Sometimes a colored line will surround multiple spaces. All
spaces surrounded by a colored line follow the rules for that terrain type.
Examples of the artwork are also listed below. Many map tiles also feature
artwork that does not directly affect gameplay. All spaces on a map tile
that are not surrounded by a specific colored line as listed here are treated
as normal spaces regardless of the artwork.
The Quest Guide contains 20 unique quests. Sixteen of these quests may
be played individually, each in a single game session. The special Interlude
and Finale quests in the Quest Guide can only be played as part of the
campaign (see Campaign Rules on page 19) and are not intended to
be played as single game sessions.
Each quest has a unique map setup, as well as rules specific to that
quest. Most quests include multiple parts known as ENCOUNTERS. Each
encounter within a quest has its own map layout, rules, and objectives.
The Quest Guide lists the objectives for both the hero players and
the overlord player. When one side completes its objective, the quest
immediately transitions to the next encounter, or ends if the players are
already on the last encounter.
When players transition from one encounter of a quest to another, they
perform the following steps:
Heroes keep all damage suffered during Encounter 1.
Heroes recover all fatigue suffered during Encounter 1.
Heroes keep all conditions they had at the end of Encounter 1.
Heroes keep all search cards; any flipped cards remain flipped.
Players disassemble the map for Encounter 1 and refer to the Quest
Guide in order to set up the map for Encounter 2.
Any knocked out heroes may perform a stand up action for free.
The overlord player keeps his current hand of Overlord cards.
The last encounter of a quest ends when one side meets the victory
Two-player Game
In a two-player game, the hero player controls two heroes. Each hero
takes his turn independently and is treated as if he is an individual hero
controlled by a different player. The only difference is that the same player
makes all decisions for both heroes.
Pit spaces are defined by a green line surrounding
them. If a figure enters a space containing a pit,
that figure falls into the pit, suffers two damage,
and ends its move action. A figure in a pit only
has line of sight to adjacent figures, and only
adjacent figures have line of sight to a figure in
a pit. While in a pit, the only action the figure can perform is a special
action to climb out of the pit. After performing one action to climb out of
the pit, place the figure in the closest available empty adjacent space of the
controlling players choice. Figures cannot jump over a pit space. Large
monsters are only affected by pits if they end their movement and all
spaces they occupy are pit spaces.
Lava spaces are defined by a yellow line
surrounding them. A figure entering a space
containing lava immediately suffers one damage.
Any figure that ends its turn in a lava space is
immediately defeated. Heroes that are defeated
in this way place their hero token in the nearest
empty space (from where they were defeated)
that does not contain lava. A large monster
is immediately defeated only if all spaces it
occupies are lava spaces.
Advanced Rules
To start a new campaign, the players must assign roles for the campaign.
One player takes the role of the overlord. The other players take the roles
of the heroes. This process is identical to the rules described in Setup
on page 4, with exceptions as noted here. Its important to note that
the choices the players make now are permanent for the duration of the
campaign. Make sure that each player is happy with his choice before
proceeding, because choosing heroes and classes is only performed at
the start of the campaign. If players cannot agree on which roles to play,
randomly determine roles.
Epic Play
This optional rule is for players who wish to access high level Class, Shop
Item, and Overlord cards outside of a campaign setting. When using this
option, all players must agree upon a POWER LEVEL (listed below) after
choosing a quest. For rules on spending experience points, see Spend
Experience Points on page 20.
Basic Level: Follow normal setup.
Advanced Level: Each hero receives 3 experience points worth of Class
cards and 150 gold worth of Act I Shop Item cards (of their choice
heroes may share gold). The overlord receives 4 experience points worth
of Overlord cards.
Expert Level: Each hero receives 6 experience points worth of Class cards
and 250 gold worth of Act I or Act II Shop Item cards (of their choice
heroes may share gold). The overlord receives 8 experience points worth
of Overlord cards. The overlord uses his Act II Monster and Lieutenant
Campaign Rules
This section describes the rules for playing the quests in a series as part of
a larger campaign.
Campaign Overview
The twin baronies of Rhynn and Carthridge lie on the outskirts
of Terrinoth, far from the Free Cities. Baron Greigory often hosts
his friend and ally, Baron Zachareth, at his seat in the capital city
of Arhynn, and, over the years the two baronies have aided one
another in times of both war and peace. But now, both baronies
are in peril. Monsters stalk their forests and mountains, moving
with more purpose and coordination than ever before. A new
Overlord is rising, a wicked and dangerous foe, hidden in the
shadows, manipulating events according to his master plan. If the
Overlord isnt stopped, Rhynn and Carthridge alike will fall into
darkness, and the rest of Terrinoth will soon follow. Fortunately,
a small group of heroes are on the road to Arhynn
Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition is designed to be played
through the course of a campaign over several sessions. The campaign
follows the adventures of a dedicated group of heroes as they oppose
the malevolent overlord through a series of quests. After each quest, the
heroes and the overlord receive rewards (such as skills, items, Overlord
cards, or relics) based on their performance during that quest, which can
help them in future quests. The entire campaign is played over two Acts
and builds to a dramatic and exciting finale where the ultimate victor is
This core set of Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition features a
campaign entitled The Shadow Rune, which is described in detail in the
included Quest Guide. A complete campaign of The Shadow Rune is
played over nine separate quests and will take approximately 20 hours of
gameplay to complete.
New campaigns begin at Basic Level. The heroes have only the basic skill
and starting equipment for their class, and the overlord has only his basic
Overlord deck. Note that during the Choose Skills step of setup, hero
players do not return their Class deck to the box. Each hero player should
keep his Class deck facedown in his play area; hell continue to choose
new skills from this deck as the campaign progresses.
The last page of the Quest Guide features a map of the land where the
campaign takes place. Each quest location is labeled on the map connected
by paths that the heroes use to travel. Each path has an icon representing
what type of travel event might happen while traveling on that path (see
Travel on page 22).
Quests in a Campaign
After player roles, heroes, and classes have been selected, players set up the
first quest, labeled First Blood in the Quest Guide. The introduction
quest is short, relatively simple, and is an ideal way for new players to
learn the game. The first quest, and each quest thereafter, is played exactly
as normal with few exceptions. However, after each quest, players gain
rewards that they may use to customize or modify their hero or deck.
Ending a Session
Since a campaign can take up to 20 hours to complete, it is
intended to be played over the course of several game sessions.
When the time comes to end the current session, players should
record all important information on the Campaign sheet (see
Record-Keeping and Storage on page 21). A good time to
end a session is after the Shopping step of the Campaign phase
(see The Campaign Phase on page 20).
A hero may spend experience points to purchase new hero skills from his
Class deck. His first skill from that deck, his basic class skill, is always free.
Other skills have their experience point cost listed on the Class card on
the experience icon in the upper right corner. When a character purchases
a new skill, he deducts the amount of experience points (as shown on the
Class card) from his total, records it on the Campaign sheet, and places
the Class card near his Hero sheet. He can then use that skill in all future
quests he undertakes over the course of the campaign.
1. Receive Gold from Search Cards: Record the total gold value of
every Search card the heroes acquired over the course of this quest
on the Campaign sheet (even if the Search card was used during the
quest). Then return all Search cards to the deck (even if the heroes
didnt use their abilities). The heroes are assumed to sell their newly
discovered treasures in Arhynn.
Players are not required to spend all (or any) of their experience points
during the Campaign phase. They may save experience points in order to
purchase more expensive skills during a future Campaign phase. A hero
may purchase any number of skills during this phase, as long as he has
enough experience points to purchase them.
2. Cleanup: All heroes recover all damage and all fatigue. The overlord
combines his draw and discard pile into one deck. All Condition cards
are discarded, all effects end, the map is disassembled, and the quest is
generally cleaned up as the players prepare for the next one.
3. Receive Rewards: The overlord player and hero players each receive
one experience point, regardless of who won the quest (as listed in the
Quest Guide). Record this on the Campaign sheet. The winner of the
quest receives additional rewards as noted in the Quest Guide.
4. Spend Experience Points: Players may spend any experience points
they have earned at this time. Experience points are spent on new
skills for heroes and new Overlord cards for the overlord.
5. Shopping: Hero players may spend any gold they have acquired to
purchase new Shop Item cards (see Shopping on page 20).
6. Choose Next Quest: The winner of the quest chooses which quest,
from those available, will be played next (see Choose Next Quest on
page 21).
7. Set Up Quest: The players begin setting up the next quest following
the standard rules for setting up a quest. The overlord player should
remember to shuffle his Overlord deck, including any new cards just
purchased, to create a new deck before drawing his starting hand.
8. Travel: Heroes travel to the next quest location and then play the
next quest (see Travel on page 22).
In addition to experience points, gold is the other major way that heroes
improve their capabilities. Heroes earn gold from Search cards during the
quests, and they may also receive gold as a reward for certain quests.
Heroes share their gold, meaning they collectively have a single pool of
gold from which to purchase new equipment for heroes; the hero players
may distribute this equipment among the heroes however they want.
Heroes are not required to spend all their gold during the Campaign
phase; they can keep any amount of their gold and spend it during a
future Campaign phase.
After each quest, the heroes visit the shop in Arhynn to see what it has
in stock. Shuffle the Shop Item cards and reveal one Shop Item card per
hero, plus one additional card (see Shop Item Card Anatomy on page
11). The Shop deck is determined by the current act. Act I cards are
used until players have completed the Interlude, at which point players
switch to Act II cards (see Act II on page 22).
The hero players may choose to purchase as many or few of these items as
they want and can afford (or none at all, if they cannot afford or do not
want any of the cards revealed in this way).
Shop Item cards that the heroes purchase are removed from the common
play area and added to the cards carried by one of the heroes. Hero players
must then subtract the gold spent from the Campaign sheet. After the
heroes are done shopping, shuffle the unpurchased Shop Item cards back
into the Shop Item deck.
Example: Andrew, Beth, Colin, and Daphne are hero players. During the
Campaign phase, they elect to go shopping. They shuffle the Act 1 Shop Item
deck and deal out five items: Leather Armor, Sling, Iron Battleaxe, Iron
Spear, and Lucky Charm. They collectively decide to buy the Iron Battleaxe
( for 100 gold), the Leather Armor ( for 75 gold), and the Lucky Charm
( for 100 gold). They subtract 275 gold from their remaining supply on the
Campaign sheet, claim these Shop Item cards, and distribute their purchases
among themselves.
During the Campaign phase, heroes may freely exchange their Shop Item
cards among themselves. They may do this at any time until the next quest
begins, except during travel.
Note: Heroes cannot trade starting equipment. However, they may sell
these cards, as described above.
After choosing the quest, set it up and play through it as described in the
Quest Guide. This is followed by another Campaign phase, after which
the players choose the next quest.
In The Shadow Rune campaign, there are twice as many quests in Act
II as presented in Act I. The winner of each Act I quest determines which
of the two corresponding Act II quests is available (see Record-Keeping
and Storage on page 21). Its important to note that, for the purposes
of determining which Act II quest is available, any Act I quest that the
heroes did not attempt is assumed to have ended in an overlord victory.
The Interlude is a special quest that marks the transition from Act I
to Act II of the campaign. It is considered to be an Act I quest. After
completing three Act I quests, the Interlude must be chosen as the next
Before travel begins, the overlord player may customize his deck. He then
draws his starting hand of Overlord cardsone card per hero. These
cards are not played during the travel step, but may be affected by certain
events. These Overlord cards are the overlord players starting hand for
the upcoming quest, so he does not draw any additional cards at the
beginning of the quest.
Each quest location is labeled by name on the campaign map and is
connected by paths with travel icons on them. When traveling along a
path, players must stop at each travel icon. For each travel icon the heroes
stop at along their way to a location, the overlord player must draw one
Travel Event card. He checks for the matching event icon and resolves the
event. If the event icon that matches the icon on the map has no event,
the card is discarded, and the heroes continue traveling. If the matching
event icon has an event listed, the heroes must resolve the event before
continuing to the next location. Some events include choices for the
heroes to make. All hero players must agree when making any choices
listed on the card. Any damage, fatigue, or condition the heroes suffer
from events is carried over to the quest.
Example: The heroes are traveling to the Castle Daerion quest. The first icon
on their path is the road icon. The overlord player draws one Travel Event
card and reads the event corresponding to the road icon. After resolving the
event, the Event card is discarded and another Travel Event card is drawn.
Looking at the map, the heroes see that the next icon on their path is another
road. The overlord reads and resolves the event corresponding to the road
icon on the new Travel Event card drawn. After resolving the second Travel
Event card, the heroes have reached the location of their quest, and the travel
step is complete.
Relics are a special type of item that are unique to the campaign. Except as
noted here, relics follow all the normal rules for items. Relics are not Shop
Items and may never be purchased or sold; they are only given as quest
rewards or by special rules for a quest.
Relic cards are double-sided with different versions of the relic on each
side; there is one version of a relic for the heroes to use and another for
the overlord. If the heroes have a relic, it is placed with its hero side faceup
and functions just like a Shop Item card. If the overlord has the relic, it is
placed with its overlord side faceup.
The overlord version of a relic may be wielded by any lieutenant, and
this is the only way the relics abilities can be used by the overlord. If the
overlord has no lieutenant in a given quest, or if he opts to leave his relic
behind (see below), he receives no benefit for the relics abilities. Each
lieutenant can wield only one relic.
During the setup step of each quest, the overlord chooses which relic (if
any) each of his lieutenants wields during the quest. Place the chosen
Relic card next to the Lieutenant card. If the relic is not wielded by a
lieutenant, the overlord keeps the card near his Overlord deck and its
abilities are ignored during this quest. If a lieutenant wielding a relic
is defeated during a quest, the abilities of that relic are ignored for the
remainder of the quest but the overlord keeps the relic.
There are two different Interlude quests. If the heroes have won at least
two of the Act I quests (not including the Introduction), then the players
must choose The Shadow Vault as the Interlude quest. If the overlord
has won at least two of the Act I quests, then the players must choose
The Overlord Revealed as the Interlude quest. Refer to the Quest
Guide for detailed instructions.
Except as noted here and in the Quest Guide, the Interlude is a normal
quest and plays just like any other quest. Some Interludes have only one
encounter, rather than the typical two encounters.
Act II
After completing the Interlude, the campaign transitions to Act II. From
now on, players choose quests from among the Act II options and prepare
themselves for the Finale.
Immediately after completing the Interlude, follow these steps:
1. Return the Act I Monster and Lieutenant cards to the box and
retrieve the Act II Monster and Lieutenant cards. From now on, all
monsters and lieutenants use their Act II characteristics.
2. Hero players now have a chance to visit the shop and purchase any
Act I Shop Item cards. Deal out all remaining Act I Shop Item cards
faceup. The hero players may purchase any number of Act I Shop
Item cards they are able to afford.
3. Return all unpurchased Act I Shop Item cards to the game box and
retrieve the Act II Shop Item cards. From now on, use the Act II Shop
Item cards. Act I Shop Item cards currently in possession of the heroes
are unaffected. Any Act I Shop Item card sold by the heroes during
Act II is returned to the box.
After completing three Act II quests, it is time for the Finale. Players
resolve one Campaign phase as normal and then the heroes travel to the
Finale quest to determine the ultimate winner of the campaign!
The campaign ends in an exciting quest known as the Finale. The Finale
is played after completing three Act II quests. Similar to the Interlude,
there are two different possible Finale quests. If the heroes have won at
least two of the Act II quests, then the players must choose Gryvorn
Unleashed as the Finale quest. If the overlord has won at least two of the
Act II quests, then the players must choose The Man Who Would be
King as the Finale quest.
Pay special attention to the setup instructions for the Finale; it often
refers to each of the completed Act II quests and may also refer to various
game states that are an extension of the overall campaignsuch as which
side controls a certain relicrather than the outcome of a single quest.
Any Act II quest that the heroes did not attempt is assumed to have
ended in an overlord victory for the purposes of determining the setup of
the Finale quest.
Heroes and overlord alike are well advised to spend as much gold and as
many experience points as they can during the Campaign phase before the
Finale. They will not get another chance!
Whoever wins the Finale wins the whole campaign!
Adjacent Spaces ..................................10
Advanced Rules ..................................19
Attack ...................................................9
Attack Keywords.................................13
Attributes .............................................15
Attribute Tests .....................................15
Campaign Phase .................................20
Choose Next Quest .........................21
Shopping ...........................................20
Spend Experience Points ................20
Travel .................................................22
Campaign Rules ..................................19
Act II .................................................22
Ending a Session ..............................19
Interlude ...........................................22
Record-keeping and Storage ..........21
Relics .................................................22
Class Card Anatomy ..........................8
Combat ................................................12
1. Declare Weapon and Target .......12
2. Roll Dice .......................................12
3. Check Range ................................12
4. Spend Surges ................................13
5. Deal Damage ................................13
Game Design: Adam Sadler and Corey
Konieczka with Daniel Lovat Clark
Game Design for Descent: Journeys in the
Dark First Edition: Kevin Wilson
Producer: Adam Sadler
Creative Content Development: Daniel Lovat
Clark, Brady Sadler, and Andrew Meredith
Editing and Proofreading: Steven Kimball,
Scott Lewis, Mark Pollard, Brady Sadler, and
Sarah Sadler
Graphic Design: Dallas Mehlhoff with Chris
Beck, Shaun Boyke, Brian Schomburg, Michael
Silsby, WiL Springer, and Adam Taubenheim
Cover Art: Alex Aparin
Map Tile Art: Henning Ludvigsen
Interior Art: Devon Cady-Lee, Sylvain
Deceaux, Tod Gelle, Charlne Le Scanff,
Allison Theus, and Sandara Tang
Managing Art Director: Andrew Navaro
Art Direction: Zo Robinson with Kyle Hough
Production Management: Laura Creighton
and Eric Knight
Executive Game Producer: Michael Hurley
Publisher: Christian T. Petersen
General Setup
Attack Keywords
Choose Quest
Assemble Map
Prepare Tokens
Hero Setup
Choose Heroes
Choose Classes
Choose Skills
Place Heroes
Overlord Setup
Choose Monsters
The Campaign
After each quest during a campaign,
players perform the following steps:
Receive Rewards
Set Up Quest
Any attack with a $ ability featuring
Disease, Immobilize, Poison, or Stun
follows these rules:
If the attack deals at least 1 #(after
rolling defense dice), the target suffers
the listed condition.
A campaign consists of the following:
The Introduction
Three Act I quests
The Interlude
Three Act II quests
The Finale
Roll Dice
Check Range
Spend Surges
Deal Damage