Feasibility Study On Photoacoustic Guidance For High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound-Induced Hemostasis
Feasibility Study On Photoacoustic Guidance For High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound-Induced Hemostasis
Feasibility Study On Photoacoustic Guidance For High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound-Induced Hemostasis
Pukyong National University, Interdisciplinary Program of Marine-Bio, Department of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, 45 Yongso-ro,
Nam-Gu, Busan 608-737, Republic of Korea
Kyungpook National University, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 80 Daehakro, Bukgu, Daegu 702-701, Republic of Korea
Pukyong National University, Department of Physics, 45 Yongso-ro, Nam-Gu, Busan 608-737, Republic of Korea
Pukyong National University, Center for Marine-Integrated Biomedical Technology (BK 21 Plus), Department of Biomedical Engineering,
45 Yongso-ro, Nam-Gu, Busan 608-737, Republic of Korea
Abstract. The feasibility of photoacoustic imaging (PAI) application was evaluated to map punctured blood
vessels thermally treated by high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) for hemostasis. A single-element
HIFU transducer with a central frequency of 2.0 MHz, was used to induce thermal hemostasis on the punctured
arteries. The HIFU-treated lesion was imaged and localized by high-contrast PAI guidance. The results showed
that complete hemostasis was achieved after treatment of the damaged blood vessels within 25 to 52 s at the
acoustic intensity of 3600 Wcm2 . The coagulation time for the animal artery was 20% longer than that of
the phantom possibly due to a lower Youngs modulus. The reconstructed PA images were able to distinguish
the treated area from the surrounding tissue in terms of augmented signal amplitudes (up to three times).
Spectroscopic studies demonstrated that the optimal imaging wavelength was found to be 700 nm in order
to reconstruct high-contrast photoacoustic images on HIFU-treated lesions. The proposed PAI integrated
with HIFU treatment can be a feasible application to obtain safe and rapid hemostasis for acute arterial bleeding.
2014 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) [DOI: 10.1117/1.JBO.19.10.105010]
For a few decades, a variety of investigations on bleeding control (i.e., hemostasis) methods have clinically been performed
with clamping, suturing, and therapeutic devices such as laser
coagulation, plasma argon, etc.1,2 The primary purpose of
these devices is to achieve rapid hemostasis with less complication. However, these methods have still been performed in
an invasive manner (i.e., open surgery) and can hardly treat
the damaged internal organs that are deeply located in a body.
In particular, no clamping can be accessible to damaged tissue
components in microsizes such as the carotid artery, veins, and
nerves.3 Additionally, the current treatment approaches can
merely entail superficial treatments on damaged areas with
minimal coagulation in an axial direction.
Recently, high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) has been
investigated as a noninvasive or minimally invasive thermal
therapeutic method to control acute hemorrhage and to treat
tumors deeply located inside the body.47 Ultrasound-induced
tissue coagulation is a technique that can obtain hemostasis in
an almost noninvasive manner without excessive heating and
adverse ion radiation effect on adjacent tissue, which were
often observed in laser or argon plasma applications. In previous
studies on acute hemorrhage control, HIFU was used to induce
the rapid temperature increase within the focused acoustic field,
leading to irreversible tissue coagulation and cell necrosis in
the treated region and achieving hemostasis for the targeted
tissues.8,9 Due to relatively lower acoustic intensities, the peripheral area around the targeted lesions could still remain less
damaged or undamaged. HIFU technology has also been
applied to a large number of benign and malign solid tumors
such as prostate cancer, liver, kidney, bone, and brain as well
as dissolution for ischemic stroke.1012 Specifically, HIFU technique could control hemostasis for severely damaged blood vessels, eventually reducing the risk of hemorrhage and treatment.13
In order to improve the efficacy of HIFU treatment and to
precisely deliver acoustic energy to the targeted lesion, the treatment procedure still needs to be monitored and evaluated in real
time. Lately, HIFU treatment has been carried out with imaging
guidance modalities such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
and ultrasound imaging.14,15 However, MRI scanners are still
expensive and bulky systems with lengthy scanning time.
Ultrasound imaging systems are relatively cost-effective and
able to readily locate the injured tissue as well as to obtain faster
hemostasis than visual inspection (i.e., 25 s for Doppler ultrasound guidance versus 125 s for visual inspection).5,16 However,
ultrasound imaging still suffers from the lack of accuracy and
specificity as well as low image contrast particularly for
noninvasive localization and treatment evaluation.17 Thus, to
overcome the limitations of the current imaging systems, a
photoacoustic imaging (PAI) approach can be used as an
alternative imaging guidance modality to monitor and evaluate
the process of thermal therapeutics. PAI is a nonionizing,
October 2014
Vol. 19(10)
Nguyen et al.: Feasibility study on photoacoustic guidance for high-intensity focused ultrasound-induced hemostasis
HIFU Application
October 2014
Vol. 19(10)
Nguyen et al.: Feasibility study on photoacoustic guidance for high-intensity focused ultrasound-induced hemostasis
where Peff is the effective value of pt. In addition to the hydrophone measurements, a Schlieren system was employed to
qualitatively visualize the two-dimensional (2-D) beam shape
of the HIFU transducer near the focal point and to compare
it with the results obtained by the needle hydrophone. The
detailed experimental setup of Schlieren imaging has been introduced elsewhere.25
Photoacoustic Imaging
BG ;
CB and A
BG are the mean signal amplitudes from the
where A
coagulated blood and adjacent background, respectively. Due
to functional limitations of the current laser system, near-IR
wavelengths (i.e., from 700 to 900 nm with an increment of
50 nm) were merely employed for PAI and tested on the thermally treated samples to identify the spectroscopic effects of
wavelength on image reconstruction and tissue differentiation.
October 2014
Vol. 19(10)
Nguyen et al.: Feasibility study on photoacoustic guidance for high-intensity focused ultrasound-induced hemostasis
Fig. 2 Characterization of focused ultrasound waves: (a) normalized acoustic pressure in axial (blue)/
longitudinal (red) axes and corresponding Schlieren image (inlet) and (b) acoustic intensity as function of
acoustic pressure.
Fig. 3 Quantitative evaluations on HIFU treatment on targeted artery: (a) coagulation time (red) and
temperature rise (black) from phantom artery at various acoustic intensities and (b) comparison of
coagulation time between phantom and animal arteries (I 3600 Wcm2 ).
October 2014
Vol. 19(10)
Nguyen et al.: Feasibility study on photoacoustic guidance for high-intensity focused ultrasound-induced hemostasis
Fig. 5 PAI mapping of tissues after HIFU coagulation: photographs of (a) phantom and (c) animal
arteries (I 3600 Wcm2 ) and corresponding PA images of (b) phantom and (d) animal arteries
acquired at 700 nm wavelength.
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Vol. 19(10)
Nguyen et al.: Feasibility study on photoacoustic guidance for high-intensity focused ultrasound-induced hemostasis
during HIFU thermal therapy. In fact, the current study was able
to observe the generation of a group of macrobubbles on the
coagulum surface during the HIFU treatment. Accordingly,
the acoustic intensity of 3600 Wcm2 might be the threshold
intensity to obtain complete hemostasis under the current conditions. Further studies will perform temperature measurements
at various points in tissue to map the spatial distribution of thermal energy and to identify the optimal acoustic intensity for
rapid coagulation.
Post-experimental measurements confirmed the significant
extent of collateral injury of 0.5 0.2 mm. It is conceivable
that the thermal injury could result from both spatial and temporal effects of HIFU treatments. Compared to the diameter of
the punctured hole, the HIFU beam was relatively larger (i.e., 10
by 2 mm in Fig. 2), which could have covered even the healthy
tissue regions. However, there was a trade-off between collateral
damage and completion of hemostasis. According to our preliminary studies, complete coagulation was difficult to achieve
with the smaller size of the HIFU beam due to higher light
intensity along with concentrated temperature increase as well
as limited beam alignments. Particularly, the accurate positioning of the smaller beam size on the targeted tissue area
extensively prolonged the entire testing time. Thus, the wider
distribution of the HIFU beam was more applicable and practical to readily accomplish complete hemostasis as well as fast
beam alignments in spite of the inevitably considerable thermal
The current study found that the complete hemostasis
required a significant amount of treatment time (i.e., 64 20 s)
for animal tissue. Based upon the treatment time, the spatial
extent of heat diffusion could roughly be calculated to be 3 mm
by using the following equation:30
4 t;
t eT c T 0 T c ;
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Vol. 19(10)
Nguyen et al.: Feasibility study on photoacoustic guidance for high-intensity focused ultrasound-induced hemostasis
to be 62.4 s, which is comparable to the experimentally measured time (i.e., 64 20 s). However, the current study defined
the coagulation time as the moment when hemostasis was
achieved through visual inspection. Both post-experimental
histology analysis and PAI imaging merely confirmed coagulation with 1. Accordingly, further information on the temperaturetime relation during coagulation will be required in
order to precisely assess the initiation of coagulation events
and to validate the end-point of HIFU treatment.
Figure 3(b) exhibited that the coagulation time measured for
animal artery was 160% longer than that for the phantom one at
3600 Wcm2 (i.e., 64 20 s for animal artery versus 40 10 s
for phantom artery). It should be noted that the phantom artery
made of silicon has an order of Youngs modulus higher
than that of animal tissue (i.e., 2.07 MPa for phantom artery33
versus 0.19 MPa for animal tissue).34 In fact, the hole in the
phantom artery was often deformed and became a <0.5-mm
wide, elongated cut whereas the animal artery almost maintained the original shape of the needle-drilled hole. Accordingly,
the geometrically altered hole in the phantom artery could have
been instrumental in facilitating the thermal coagulation process
during HIFU treatment. Moreover, since the wall of the animal
blood vessel was less uniform and thinner than that of the phantom tube (i.e., 1 mm for phantom artery versus 0.5 mm for
animal artery), structural differences could have contributed
to the longer coagulation time owing to the relatively shorter
pathway of coagulation along the incised hole.
The acquired PA images in Fig. 5 demonstrated that thermal
lesions were well defined with higher contrast, compared to the
surrounding areas. Image contrast typically represents the
amplitude of the acquired PA signal, which is related to the optical energy locally absorbed by tissue chromophores (i.e., oxygenated hemoglobin of blood and water). Thus, the enhanced
contrast indicated strong light absorption by the volumetric tissue specifically exposed to HIFU (Fig. 5). Besides, the increased
PA amplitudes acquired from the HIFU-treated lesions agreed
well with the findings from the previous study.35 It was reported
that the thermomechanical properties of tissue, expressed as a
Grneisen coefficient, could contribute to augment PA signals
in coagulated tissue, in that the coefficient for coagulated blood
was 65% higher than that for the native sample (i.e., 0.06 for
noncoagulated and 0.09 for coagulated blood).36 The Grneisen
coefficient, , is related to the initial acoustic pressure, p0 , upon
light absorption, which can be expressed as p0 a ,
where a cm1 and Jcm2 denote optical absorption
coefficient and light fluence, respectively.37 Black et al. reported
that the light absorption coefficient of clotted blood was higher
than one in the native state (i.e., a 8 cm1 for clotted blood
versus 1 cm1 for native blood at 700 nm).38 Under the same
fluence, it is conceivable that both Grneisen and absorption
coefficients can primarily determine the degree of acoustic transients as well as the quality of PA imaging. In fact, the bright
areas in the acquired PA images were validated to correspond to
local accumulation of solid coagulum after HIFU-induced denaturation (Fig. 5). Accordingly, the coagulated blood with the
higher Grneisen as well as optical absorption coefficients
could promote stronger acoustic transients and result in more
distinctive image contrast.
Spectroscopic studies on PA signal amplitudes confirmed
that the degree of light absorption by thermally treated tissue
at shorter optical wavelengths was higher than that at longer
wavelengths due to relatively stronger PA amplitudes, which
Journal of Biomedical Optics
October 2014
Vol. 19(10)
Nguyen et al.: Feasibility study on photoacoustic guidance for high-intensity focused ultrasound-induced hemostasis
This research was supported by Basic Science Research
Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea
(NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and
Technology (NRF-2012R1A1A1012965). The authors would
like to appreciate Mr. Trung Hau Nguyen for his help on
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4. S. Vaezy et al., Liver hemostasis with high-intensity ultrasound: repair
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5. S. Vaezy and V. Zderic, Hemorrhage control using high intensity
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6. U. Maestroni et al., High-intensity focused ultrasound for prostate
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October 2014
Vol. 19(10)