HTTP Greyfalcon - Us Restored The 20PHOENIX 20RISES
HTTP Greyfalcon - Us Restored The 20PHOENIX 20RISES
HTTP Greyfalcon - Us Restored The 20PHOENIX 20RISES
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Representatives of all the major German industrial and armaments firms were
present, including the huge firms of Krupp, Thyssen, and of course, I.G. Farben.
Also present were Bormann himself, Hjalmar Schacht, president of the
Reichsbank, and his son-in-law, the famous SS commando, Colonel Otto
Skorzeny, leader of the daring air mission to rescue Benito Mussolini in 1943. At
this meeting, "provisions were made not only to move great sums of money
outside Germany but also to camouflage foreign assets on paper for the
resurrection of a financial-industrial empire, of sorts, once the Reich collapsed.
This empire was to be controlled by the SS." [Henry Stevens, The Last Battalion
and German Arctic, Antarctic, and Andean Bases]
As a result of this plan, the well-known SS-run ratlines were formed to assist
fleeing SS and other Nazis, to provide for their financial security, relocation, and
false identities. The most famous of these was of course the ODESSA group, or
the Organization Der Ehemahlige SS Angehrigen, or "Organization of Former SS
Members." Another famous organization was "Die Spinne" or The Spider. In any
case, under the Reichsleiter's powerful protection, the SS, in concert with the
Kriegsmarine, began to smuggle enormous quantities of gold, precious gems, art
and both genuine and counterfeit cash out of Germany. To a lesser extent,
machine tools, steel, technicians and other personnel began to be quietly
siphoned off Germany industry and smuggled out of Europe.
The financial treasure trove was then laundered by the SS via a variety of
methods, for example, through Evita Peron's Swiss bank accounts, through
dummy corporations, through the South American drug trade, and so on. During
this immediate postwar period, most of this fortune was controlled by Otto
The German industrialists who had been set up abroad with SS money dating
back to the deal at the Rotes Haus in Strassbourg in 1944 were asked by
Skorzeny to pay back their loans. Both Thyssen and Krupp did so, as presumably
did others. To give the reader an idea of the sums collected by Skorzeny, Eva
Peron alone had an estimated $800 million dollars in bank deposits, in 1945, and
4,600 carats of diamonds and other precious stones, 90 kilograms of platinum
and 2,500 kilograms of gold.
With these monies, the SS purchased huge tracts of land in South America and
elsewhere, and large corporations were established in which "research which had
begun in Germany could be carried through." These "secure areas" or
Sperrgebiete often saw the establishment of whole towns, airfields, highways
and all the amenities of civilized German life. Local security was, of course,
provided by the SS or "contract labor" from the host country.
The most famous of these colonies, perhaps, is the Colona Dignidad, a "colony"
notorious for the disappearances of the too-inquisitive reporter, and implicated
in the US overthrow of the Chilean Marxist government of Salvadore Allende in
the early 1970s and the training of Chilean dictator Pinochet's DINA
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Europe, he said, "was the enormous scope of the atrocities and the
systematic planning and meticulous execution of these hideous enterprises."
[ ... ]
Under the direction of Dr Herman Josef Abs (who never became a Nazi)
the bank was responsible for financing the slave labour used by business
giants such as Siemens, BMW, Volkswagen, I.G. Farben, Daimler Benz
and others. The banks wealth quadrupled during the twelve years of
Hitler's rule. Arrested by the British after the war for war crimes, he was
quietly released after the intervention of the Bank of England to help
restore the German banking industry in the British zone This caused
much dissension between the British and the Americans who wanted the
German Economy crushed. Later, he became financial advisor to the first
West German Chancellor, Konrad Adenauer. Herman Abs died in 1994.
In the final months of his administration, President Jimmy Carter accused South
Africa's apartheid government of having tested an atom bomb in the Indian
Ocean. German and American newspaper reporters quickly uncovered - in spite
of Praetoria's denials - a tapestry of corporations and dummy corporations that
clearly led back to West Germany's Bundeswehr, and to a multitude of personnel
and military officers with ties to the Third Reich. The goal was clear: The Federal
Republic was supplying massive technological assistance to South Africa (and to
Israel as it turned out) in the areas of uranium enrichment and plutonium
transmutation via centrifuges and other processes, in return for which uraniumrich South Africa bartered the raw atomic fuel itself. Germany could thus fulfill
its postwar treaty obligations by not developing or deploying atomic, biological,
or chemical weapons on German soil, while at the same time using South Africa
to construct and test a bomb of essentially German design. [The often
overlooked story of the West German bomb and its very secret development was
covered in the New York Times book by Zdenek Cervenka and Barbara Rogers,
The Nuclear Axis: the Secret Collaboration Between West Germany and South
If it all sounds familiar, it is, for after World War One, Germany side-stepped the
Versailles treaty -which forbade the Germans possession of tanks, aircraft, and
heavy artillery beyond a certain caliber - by concluding a secret protocol in the
Rapallo treaty with the other pariah of the day, the Soviet Union. Thus, as early
as 1922, German officers were training in tank warfare in the Soviet Union with
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But it is really the OTRAG establishment in Zaire that is itself of the greatest
interest, for it fits the pattern of postwar SS relationships with South American
governments and false from corporations. OTRAG was granted a lease by the
Mobutu government to 29,000 square miles of Zaire, a lease that gave OTRAG
"complete sovereignty and control over the area." What was the purpose of this
land? Ostensibly, it was to develop and test there cheap satellite launch
capability for private industry, an application with obvious military overtones. In
other words, what one has with the OTRAG-Zaire enclave is something like an
Area 51, but owned by a private corporation. The enclave is nothing less than a
testing facility for missiles and laboratories for biological, and presumably other
types of weapons development.
According to the German Information Service of South Africa, OTRAG executives
included former Nazis, some from the wartime V2 rocket project. This in itself
should give one pause, for it indicates that German rocket research was
continued, not just by former Nazis working for Von Braun's NASA in the USA, or
building massive boosters for Korolev in the Soviet Union, but also for West
Germany itself! Moreover, OTRAG's shares were subsidized by the West German
government, Chancellor Helmut Schmidt's denials notwithstanding. Finally, it is a
clear indication that OTRAG's purpose and goals were not simply to contrive
cheap satellite launch capability, Penthouse magazine ran an expose of the
German company, disclosing its ties to the Dornier and Messerschmitt-BelkowBlohm aerospace and armaments firms which were quietly developing and
testing German cruise missiles on OTRAG's Zaire range, with the aid of cruise
missile technology provided to them by the American Boeing Corporation.17
Dornier and Messerschmitt were, of course, clearly tied to the Third Reich's war
machine and had deep ties to its black projects.
Bormann 's Special
Carter Hydrick theorized that it was none other than Martin Bormann who
arranged the surrender of the U-234 and its precious cargo of enriched uranium,
infrared proximity fuses, heavy water, and possibly even atom bomb designs or
an actual functioning atom bomb to the United States. [It should be noted that
Hydrick does not maintain that the Nazis were successful in building and
successfully testing an atom bomb during the war, much less of trying to
transport blueprints or a functioning model to the Japanese in the U-234. Robert
Wilcox in his Japan's Secret War, presents evidence that the Japanese
successfully tested a bomb shortly after the bombing of Nagasaki. An infusion of
actual bomb designs to the Japanese by the Germans late in the war might
account for their relatively quick ability to develop and test a weapon under such
difficult circumstances as the Japanese economy and military were in at the end
of the war. However, it should also be noted that the Japanese had
independently designed their own workable bomb along similar lines as existing
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German designs, as well as along the lines employed in the Little Boy Hiroshima
Recent research by Nick Cook would tend to corroborate Bormann's role in, and
therefore probable accurate knowledge of, the full scope and extent of
Kammler's secret black projects empire. Bormann's position as controller of Nazi
Party finances as well as of Hitler 's estate would have given him control over
yet another source of funding for these projects, a source completely
independent of the state.
It is in this total context both of Carter Hydrick's meticulous research, as well as
of Bormann's own Rotes Haus plan for Nazi survival, that we may place
Bormann's 1945 establishment of a special SS evacuation Kommando, an act
that placed jurisdiction over the Ju 290 four engine and Ju 390 six engine heavylift ultra long range air transport of Luftwaffe Kampfgeschwader 200 under the
direct control of none other than SS General Hans Kammler. The intention is
clear: as much of the actual research files and equipment of the Kammlerstab as
could be evacuated from Germany for destinations unknown was to be handled
by Kammler personally. This special evacuation command held these aircraft in
readiness near Lower Silesia in late 1945. By this point, Kammler's power,
backed by the Reichsleiter himself, was so great that he could refuse a request
by Reichsfhrer SS Himmler for the use of one of these aircraft.
Kammler, "with such aircraft at his disposal" would have been able to fly a large
cargo of "documents, personnel and technology pretty much anywhere" that he
wanted to. "Spain, South America - Argentina even -would have represented no
problem to such a long-range platform." Cook himself quips, "What was the
point of chasing Kammler, if he'd already shipped everything out?" This
revelation, coming late in the story of research into Nazi Secret Weapons and
the Nazi UFO Legend, gives a clear indication that more than just money,
bullion, gems, art treasures or personnel were involved in Bormann's survival
plan. Clearly, Bormann meant to preserve and continue the research already
under way in the Reich by transplanting the technology and continuing its
development elsewhere, either under independent Nazi control - as the various
"survival" myths maintain
If Carter Hydrick is correct that it was Bormann's intention to surrender the bulk
of this technology to the United States - and I believe he is - then this puts
Himmler's last ditch and clumsy efforts to negotiate a separate peace with the
Western Allies via Sweden into a new light. Himmler was perhaps offering them
the vast cache of secrets he thought he controlled through Kammler's "think
tank." It is very possible that the American intelligence community already knew
of this treasure trove via their SS contacts through Allen Dulles and SS General
Wolff, and had made "other arrangements" that included neither Himmler nor
the British. Thus, by the time of Kammler's refusal to his SS boss to allow him
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the use of a Ju 290 or Ju 390, effective control and disposition of the SS black
projects had slipped from Himmler's hands and into Bormann's. Himmler could
neither surrender nor even barter for his life, because he had nothing left with
which to bargain. Kammler, and Bormann, however, had a great deal to offer
the Americans in exchange for their lives.
Paperclip, Compartmentalization, and Capitalization
According to Nick Cook, Operation Paperclip, the covert project to bring former
Nazi scientists and engineers to the United States to work on America's own
aerospace and military black projects after the war, was the primary beneficiary
of the Kammlerstab's think tank secrets, blueprints, and patents. "The state
within a state had been transported four thousand miles to the west and
somehow, I just knew, Kammler had come with it. The intuitive feeling I'd
experienced in all these years in obscure corners of the US aerospace and
defence industry had suddenly acquired a face."
But an important question remains to be answered here. Could these Nazis have
continued their lines of research quasi- independently, even while ostensibly
working for the US military? Could they have again reconstituted themselves as
a similar "state within a state," a black projects coordination office within the
structures otherwise nominally under the control, of the American government
and military?
Clearly, it would be difficult, especially if there were no means of independent
financing of these projects, altogether apart from the US government's own
"black budget." But we have already seen that a crucial component of Bormann's
postwar survival and resuscitation plan was capitalization. Three conduits in
particular were often utilized by O.D.E.S.S.A and other postwar Nazi secret
organizations: (1) drugs and thereby organized crime, (2) the Church, i.e.,
various "ministries" within Protestantism and diverse religious orders and
congregations within the Roman Catholic Church, and (3) false corporate fronts
and dummy corporations, holding companies, and banking institutions. The
United State, particularly in the last few decades, seems to have been a fertile
ground for all three types of activity, at least in general terms.
As for maintaining the secrecy of such an independent and "occulted" entity, this
is a solved problem, for the Manhattan Project was just such an entity, with only
a very few at the highest echelons of its myriad compartmentalized "need-toknow" departments possessing the whole picture. In the postwar atmosphere,
particularly with the Cold War ensuing, it may actually have been quite easy to
accomplish. With US government defense contracts and black projects run
increasingly on a cost-plus basis, all expenses for such research was funded,
with an addition margin tacked on for corporate profit. This, added to the other
genuinely off-the-books funding that Bormann and the SS envisioned, would
have supplied twin sources of funding of almost limitless wealth.
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But the most important consideration with respect to this question is the fact
that the very classification and compartmentalization of black projects would
itself operate as a favorable environment to run an "unofficial" black project
within an "official" one. With projects split over several locations, its needed
technologies farmed out to various companies, various departments of
government, and coordinated from some secret center, it would seem a
relatively easy, rather than difficult, thing to do.
The Nazi Party had been constituted, from its early secret society beginnings,
and up until the very day of the German capitulation, as a state within a state.
Within that structure, Himmler had constituted the SS as a state within the state
within the state. And within that Kammler had assembled and coordinated a vast
machinery of horror and weapons research that lived, parasitically, on the body
of its host, the SS and the Party, themselves murderous parasites living off the
misery of Germany and Europe. Kammler had done it once, and may very well
have done it again, "with a little help from his friends." Perhaps President Dwight
Eisenhower, when he warned of the morally and spiritually corrupting dangers of
the military-industrial complex, had in mind a phenomenon that was not so
much home-grown, as much as one that had been transplanted.
That Germany lost the Second World War is not in doubt. That Germans suffered
as a result is obvious. Some suffered more than others. The rich suffered least.
Few were surprised. That is the way of suffering, war or peace. The Poles, the
French, the Belgians, the Dutch, the Serbs, et. al., and especially the Russians
certainly suffered while they were losing. Then the tide turned. This is the way of
war. Tides turn. Winning now is no guarantee against losing later. Somebody
always loses eventually. Civilians start losing on day one.
The Wehrmacht lost the war. The Luftwaffe lost the war. The civilians lost the
war. The Nazis, however, did not lose the war. The Nazis got away.
It is true that a tiny minority of individual Nazis lost the war. Gbbels, Gring,
Kaltenbrunner, and the man claiming to be Hess lost the war. Perhaps it is even
true that Hitler and Himmler lost the war as well, though forensic evidence to
the effect is notably scant.
The Nazi Party and the S.S., as organizations, got away intact. They got away
with the money, the Reichsbank treasury, $15,000,000,000 in 1945 money. This
included the tooth gold. Guinness calls it the world's largest unsolved robbery.
Then there was all the stolen art, pieces of which, to this day, occasionally
surface. The Nazis did very well in the war, from a business viewpoint. War is a
business. It is fought for material gain. The Nazis gained materially, and lived to
spend it thus, they won the war. They did not win as much as they wanted to
win, but who does? They did win a great deal. What they lost was territory.
What they gained was treasure, new friends, and experience.
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The treasure included a couple of U-boats full of bearer bonds, numbered stock
shares and patent certificates.
This represented:
... the hard core of Nazi wealth in Latin America. In 1944 a great treasure had
been sent secretly across the Atlantic, the famous 'Bormann treasure.' Toward
the end of 1943, Bormann gave orders for Aktion Feuerland "Operation Land of
Fire" to begin. This operation involved the transport from Germany to Argentina
of several tons of gold, some securities, shares, and works of art ...
... Several U-boats arrived in Argentine waters after the capitulation of
Germany. They were the carriers of bundles of documents, industrial patents,
and securities. On July 10, 1945, the U-530 surfaced at the mouth of the River
Platte and entered the port of La Plata. The following month, on August 17, the
U-977 also arrived at La Plata. In accordance with international conventions,
both U-boats were interned by Argentina and later handed over to the United
States authorities.
~The Avengers, by Michael Bar-Zohar, Hawthorn Books, 1967, p 101
To the surprise of few, they were found to be empty of treasure.
Two more U-boats, according to reliable sources, appeared off an uninhabited
stretch of the coast of Patagonia between July 23, and 29, 1945.
~Ibid., p. 101
In occupied Germany one could neither vote with these shares nor could one
collect interest, dividends, nor royalties. When (West) Germany again "took its
place among the nations of the World" in 1955, the Bundestag immediately
changed all this. The holders of these once worthless scraps of paper suddenly,
once again, possessed incredibly wealth.
Consider the case of I.G. Farben:
David M. Nichol, of the Chicago Daily News Foreign Service, writing in 1947,
The trial of I.G. Farben's leading officials for war crimes is like Topsy. It just
'growed.' It is still growing.
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Some of the more starry-eyed in Nuernberg and throughout the world would like
to see it as a crusade against "monopoly" and "big business." Others, including
Farben's 24 crotchety and dyspeptic executives in the dock, believe it is purely
persecution... .
.. No trial at all was planned in the beginning... .
... Investigating teams were interested in German finances, as such, in the
possible sources of reparations for Nazi damages to other countries, and in
tracing as much as possible of the loot that the Germans had concealed outside
their borders.
Not the least of their interests was Farben's huge headquarters building in
Frankfurt. Almost undamaged by bombs and fighting, it has served as the
administration center for American occupation forces ever since... .
... German Army headquarters had ordered Farben's records destroyed. Many of
them were. One official has compiled from memory a list of the most important
ones he burned. It runs 14 pages of single space typing... ... A handful of
officials, were held for detailed but routine questioning... . One of them in
particular, 63-year-old Georg von Schnitzler, one time head of Farben's entire
sales organization ... began to 'talk.' From Farben's standpoint, the damage was
done... .
... Justice Robert W. Jackson, United States prosecutor for the original Nrnbrg
trial against Gring and his mates felt industry was heavily involved in the crime
with which the Nazi leaders were charged.
He proposed at first to include one Farben official among the defendants. But the
case against Farben was so complex in itself that it might have overshadowed
the more general charges. Gustav Krupp Von Bohlen und Halbach, Germany's
gun maker for a half century was indicted instead.
But the aging Krupp upset the plans by taking so seriously ill that he could not
be tried. An unsuccessful move was made to substitute his son. In the end, big
business went unrepresented before the international tribunal, except indirectly
through Hitler's financial wizard, Hjalmar Schacht. And Schacht was acquitted...
... Meantime, the Farben officials themselves can't believe it has happened.
They've been accustomed too long to dictating even to the Nazis... .
... Their American friends haven't come so far, except by mail. Letters are
delivered in prison, but they go through regular censorship channels. In an effort
to avoid this, some had been sent to prison officials through APO numbers, but
these have been returned.
~Oakland Tribune, 11/2/47
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I.G. Farben was broken up (on paper) into nine companies: the Big Three
(Bayer, BASF, Hoechst) and nine smaller firms, including Agfa, Kalle, Casella,
and Huels. Those in Allied countries who demanded the dissolution of I.G. 'as
one means of ensuring world peace' were bitterly disappointed.
The Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben, by Joseph Borkin, The Free Press, A
Division of Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc. 1978, p 160
When these firms, still owned and controlled by the same families, organizations
and in many cases the same individuals, are considered as a whole, I.G. Farben
is bigger and more powerful than ever.
Corporate camouflage, the art of concealing foreign properties from enemy
governments, has a special place in the history of I.G. Farben. Unlike I.G.'s
involvement in mass murder and slave labor, which was a wartime aberration,
I.G.'s program of camouflage long predated and outlived the war. Its political
effects will persist for years to come.
~Ibid., p 164
In German they call this Tarnung, the magic hood that renders its wearer
invisible. Camouflage really does work. It's still working.
Consider the case of party member Hermann Schmitz, who became the
chairman of Farben's managing board in 1935.
It is a good bet that if Hermann Schmitz were alive today he would bear witness
as to who really won. Schmitz died contented, having witnessed the resurgence
of I.G. Farben, albeit in altered corporate forms, a money machine that
continues to generate profits for all the old I.G. shareholders and enormous
international power for the German cadre directing the workings of the successor
firms. To all appearances he died in relatively reduced circumstances, in 1960,
at the age of seventy-nine, though immensely wealthy during his lifetime. Any
information about his fortune seemingly vanished with his death; but those who
knew him believe it still exists. He was the master manipulator, the corporate
and financial wizard, the magician who could make money appear and
disappear, and reappear again.
... Schmitz's wealth largely I.G. Farben bearer bonds converted to the Big Three
successor firms, shares in Standard Oil of New Jersey (equal to those held by
the Rockefellers), General Motors, and other U.S. blue chip industrial stocks, and
the 700 secret companies controlled in his time by I.G., as well as shares in the
750 corporations he helped Bormann establish during the last year of World War
II has increased in all segments of the modern industrial world. The Bormann
organization in South America utilizes the voting power of the Schmitz trust
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along with their own assets to guide the multinationals they control, as they
keep steady the economic course of the Fatherland.
... the resurgence of West Germany was due to hard work by its people,
assistance from the Marshall Plan, an infusion of buying orders from the United
States military establishment during the Korean War, and a(n) ... economic
policy that enabled business and industry to wheel and deal in world markets
and come up with profits ... Allowing business to have its head was, to go back,
the formula adopted by Hitler during the 1930s; he harnessed the people
instead of nationalizing industry ...
Martin Bormann, Nazi in Exile, by Paul Manning, Lyle Stuart, 1981, pp.
It is also true that the resurgence of West Germany was financed in part by Nazi
blood money, some of it looted with pliers from the mouths of its rightful
It is easy and profitable to blame a dead, "crazy" man for one's mistakes and
crimes. Consider, for example, the enormous mileage the Contras and their
friends got out of CIA chief Bill Casey's convenient demise. Hitler has assumed
mythic proportions since his death. In life, he was mainly a front man, a
mouthpiece, a lightning rod, and above all, the Nazi's "great communicator."
While the masses worshipped him like a god, his friends plotted behind his back,
used him as a cat's paw and scapegoat, and (perhaps) cynically sacrificed him to
save their own skins and fortune. Hitler had cleverly parlayed his position as
figurehead into control over the military by rewording the soldiers oath.
However, military power has always been subordinate to economic power, if for
no other reason than because lead cannot be mined with bayonets. The purse
strings of the Nazi Party were controlled by Bormann, and Bormann got away.
So did the purse.
... the alleged Bormann skull is that of a grisly stand-in a substitute ...
.. Substituting one body for another has been a ploy much used by General
Heinrich Mller of the Gestapo. It was he who coordinated the details of
Bormann's disappearance.~Ibid
When Mller's grave was exhumed by court order in 1963, the grave held three
skeletons, none of which even remotely resembled Mller's short stature and
high forehead.
... it was Mr. Brandt and his government that provided Martin Bormann
with what amounted to a 'passport to freedom' in 1973 by stating that the
former Hitler aide had perished in Berlin in 1945.
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~Ibid, p 227
Bormann had help from his friends. Consider, if you will, Herman Abs:
While Germany's bankers were collectively responsible for the financing of
Hitler's war effort, the dean of them all is Herman Josef Abs. Money was his life,
and his astuteness in banking and international financial manipulations enabled
Deutsche Bank to serve as leader in fuelling the ambitions and accomplishments
of Adolf Hitler and Martin Bormann. His dominance was retained when the
Federal Republic of Germany picked itself up from the ashes; he was still there
as chairman of Deutsche Bank, director of I.G Farben, and of such others as
Daimler-Benz and the giant electrical conglomerate, Siemans. Abs became a
financial advisor to the first West German chancellor, Konrad Adenauer, and was
a welcome visitor in the Federal Chancellery under Mr. Adenauer's successors,
Ludwig Erhard and Kurt George Kiesinger ... ... (Bormann's) friendship with Dr.
Herman Josef Abs predated Abs's move into the management of Deutsche Bank.
Dr. Abs had been a partner in the prestigious private bank of Delbruck, Schickler
& Co. in Berlin. Recalling those days, Abs has written:
'The Reich Chancellery in Berlin was its largest account, and it was through this
account that Adolf Hitler received his salary as Chancellor of the Reich.'
... Reichsleiter Bormann knew that his relationship with Abs would tighten as his
own power grew ... He knew in 1943 that with his Nazi banking committee well
established, he had the means to ... set new Nazi state policy when the time was
ripe for the general transfer of capital, gold, stocks, and bearer bonds to safety
in neutral nations.
~Ibid, p 87
History has largely ignored bankers in favour of other subjects. History, and
those who write it (and their masters) apparently want us to think politicians
and generals are more important to the state. Bankers, of course, feel
differently. They tend, and not with out reason, to be as furtive as much as
possible. While we are cheering the politicians and saluting the generals, we are
not noticing the bankers, who are picking our pockets. This suits the bankers'
ends, thus history slants their relative importance.
Baron Kurt von Schrder, a well-known banker ... and economic advisor to
Bormann's economic committee, commented that Dr. Herman Josef Abs,
chairman of Deutsche Bank, was particularly important to the government of the
Third Reich.
His influence was mainly with the Reichsbank and with the Ministry of
Economics. Abs proved very valuable to the party and to the government by
using his bank to assist the government in doing business in the occupied
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countries and other foreign countries. Abs enjoyed excellent relations with
Walther Funk, who was both president of the Reichsbank and head of the
Ministry of Economics ...
... Branch managers of Deutsche Bank were to a man members of the party ...
~Ibid., p 69
This is the same Hermann Abs who was chosen by Pope John Paul II to oversee
the reorganization of the Vatican Bank when it was caught red-handed
laundering counterfeit securities and heroin profits for the Gambino crime family.
It is worth noting that in his youth J.P. II was, according to the official version,
once a slave labourer for I.G. Solvay, a Farben subsidiary specializing primarily
in pharmaceuticals. He is supposed to have laboured in the Solvay quarries near
Auschwitz. It's a rare slave indeed who becomes pope at all, let alone then hires
his former master to keep track of his money. Wonders truly never cease.
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Under West German law, the profit from the Daimler transaction would have
normally been taxed at a rate of 56 percent unless Flick reinvested the money
before the end of 1978 in projects judged by the government to be 'especially
beneficial to the national economy.' Mr. Flick went on a rapid spending spree,
and although more than half the money flowed into the U.S., including some
$400 million for a 29 percent stake in W.R. Grace & Co. of New York, the West
German Economics Ministry granted tax-exempt status to all but a fraction of
the new investments.
~The Wall Street Journal, 9/21/83
Then there are the Thyssens.
... the Thyssen family learned the facts of corporate life at an early age. Count
Fredrico Zichy-Thyssen acquired his knowledge from grandfather Fritz Thyssen;
his cousin Baron Hans Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza acquired similar corporate
wisdom from his father, old Fritz's brother, Heinrich Thyssen. The latter became
Baron Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza and took up residence in Lugano,
Switzerland, gaining Swiss citizenship. As Count Zichy represents the largest
shareholder group in Thyssen A.G. From his home in Buenos Aires, the young
baron directs his interest from his Villa Favorita in Lugano.
One such holding in the United States is Indian Head Inc., with American
corporate headquarters at 1200 Avenue of the Americas, New York City. Thyssen
Inc. has its U.S. offices farther down this avenue at number 1114, in the W.R.
Grace & Co. building. Indian Head is a wide-ranging manufacturing
conglomerate, with 42 plants in the United States and 10,400 employees. It
enjoys annual net sales of close to $604 million. For an industrial corporation of
such size it has a remarkably low profile. It distributes no annual report 'We are
a privately held corporation.' Like Thyssen Inc. in the United States it has no
background ownership file with the SEC because it has never had to go public.
When Thyssen bought Budd Manufacturing for $275 million, it was in cash, and
there was no requirement for corporate disclosures to the Securities and
Exchange Commission.
Still, good will is cherished, and German industrials and bankers continue to
strive to project a friendly German image in the United States. One noteworthy
announcement, made from Washington, D.C., in March 1979 was that 57
priceless Old Masters paintings from the collection of Baron Thyssen-Bornemisza
would be taken on a tour of the United States in 1979 and 1980. This collection
of great masterworks is said to be except for the Royal Collection of the queen of
England the greatest private art collection now in existence. This public traveling
exhibit constituted a major achievement as a public relations ploy. Ever
cautious, however, no German firm underwrote the tour: Indian Head kept out
of the picture. Instead, a major U.S. corporation was chosen to underwrite the
masterworks tour, United Technologies of Hartford, Connecticut (152,000
employees, 200 plants, and a worldwide marketing operation in power, flight
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systems, industrial products and services), agreed to underwrite the cost of the
venture as a favour to its German friend in Lugano, Switzerland. The project was
initiated from Lugano; the baron, after consulting with his corporate image
advisors, agreed to United Technologies rather than Indian Head with its hidden
shareholders. The foundation that made all the arrangements was another
privately endowed, non-profit organization, International Exhibitions Foundation.
It made the approach to United Technologies and also brought aboard the
prestigious Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the Federal Council on the Arts
and Humanities.
~Manning, p 263
The Mellons, Morgans and DuPonts have been a close-knit financial axis for
generations. In 1936, they attempted to finance a coup d'etat in America. The
plot was foiled by retired Marine Corps commandant Smedley Butler whom they
had approached as a potential front man, offering to make him the "American
Mussolini." He snitched them out to F.D.R. Though congressional hearings were
held, nobody hung, and some of the testimony was suppressed for years. They
had the right friends. Money might not buy happiness, but it sure as hell does
buy friends.
For a revealing account of the '36 coup attempt read The Plot to Steal the White
House, by Jules Archer. For a contemporary's account of the testimony
suppression, see: Facts and Fascism , by George Seldes, In Fact, Inc., 1943, pp.
... in June 1943 antitrust again went into action against Farben with a lengthy
indictment of National Lead Company, Titan Company and du Pont, along with
four of their officers, for having engaged in a world-wide cartel conspiracy with
I.G. Farben and some twenty other foreign companies to restrain the production
and distribution of titanium and titanium compounds. These pigments for the
manufacture of paints, rubber, glass, paper, and other articles are important in
peace and are strategic war materials... .
... the law firm of Cravath, Swaine and Moore, representing du Pont ...
~Armbruster, p 345
Coincidence? Perhaps.
... the J. Henry Schroder bank acted as financial agent for the Nazi
Government just prior to the start of the war and also was reported to be
a financial backer for one of the firms in Farben's international nitrogen
cartel; also the London Schrder had close business and family ties with
the notorious General Kurt von Schroeder, of the Stein Bank of Cologne,
Germany, that particular member of the Schroeder clan having been one
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of the strongest financial links between Hitler and his Farben industrial
By another coincidence, Sullivan & Cromwell, the law firm of John Foster Dulles
(advisor to Mr. Crowley as Custodian and Counsel for General Dyestuffs stock
claimants), is reported to be counsel for Schroder bank; and Allen W. Dulles,
brother of John Foster and a member of that law firm, likewise is one of the
directors of the J. Henry Schrder bank.
~Ibid., p 366
More than Nazi money went underground.
... Himmler was quoted as summing up his talk with Bormann to his most
trusted lieutenants in these words: 'It is possible that Germany will be defeated
on the military front. It is even possible that she may have to capitulate. But
never must the National Socialist German Workers' Party capitulate. That is what
we have to work for from now on.'
~The Nazis Go Underground, by Curt Riass, Doubleday, Doran, and Co.,
Inc.1944, p. 4-5
"Ex"-S.S. men infiltrated, among other things, every major intelligence
apparatus on earth. They have been major players in postwar history.
Spymaster Reinhardt Gehlen, for example, created the rationale for starting the
Cold War out of whole cloth. As we now know, had the Red Army actually been
intending to continue their drive westward, as Gehlen said they did, they would
not have been tearing up railroad track in front of themselves. They relied
heavily on rail to transport their troops. Our leaders didn't know; they believed
Gehlen, and acted accordingly. Or they knew, and they lied to us. There is no
third possibility. This comes as no surprise to those who have actually studied
Truth is the first casualty.
Adolf Hitler's top intelligence officials worked with U.S. intelligence officials
during World War II, according to a transcript made available Tuesday of secret
testimony by Allen Dulles before a House Select committee in 1947.
~UPI, 9/29/82
This is the same Dulles who served on the Warren Commission, investigating the
assassination of the President who had fired him just prior to the murder in
Dallas that enabled the success of the coup of '63. It is interesting to note that
Dulles's law firm, Cromwell and Sullivan, also represented I.G. Farben before the
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The S.S. was designed from inception to stand alone, a thing apart. It was, and
is, more of a religious institution than a political or military one. Think of it as
one of those "cults that kill."
Shadows of its continued existence can be seen in the various "ex"-S.S. officer's
benevolent associations: the Odessa, Die Spinne, the "Kommeradenwerk," etc.,
in such mercenary armies as the "Fiances of Death," and in the "various"
cocaine cartels. Now they wear white shirts; camouflage works again. The
organization lives on, though the "old fighters" have by and large died off. They
had no more trouble recruiting new blood than they had finding new soil. The
organization is stronger than ever. It too is a business. In part, its business is
protection. "Ex"-S.S men flooded South America, where they were met with
open arms. They took over day to day operation of the lucrative cocaine trade.
Germans have maintained a monopoly on the South American pharmaceutical
business since the middle of the last century. Their fortunes have multiplied
enormously. One good alchemist is worth a forest of knights.
Dr. Josef Mengele, the Nazi 'angel of death,' was a major dealer in the
international drug traffic for many years ... according to testimony in a U.S.
Senate investigation ...
... Because of the partial blackout of the CIA reports, the senators said, many
questions are unanswered.
It is difficult to determine to what extent ... U.S. agencies attempted on a
serious determined basis to bring Mengele to Justice.
... The CIA unit, which had prepared an article on Mengele's activities for the
International Narcotics Review, withdrew the article, which has since been
~Heritage, 4/1/85
It is difficult to believe that any U.S. agency made a serious attempt to bring
Mengele to justice, or justice to him, until it was too late.
... according to declassified CIA documents released by two Republican senators:
Mengele's reported involvement in drugs could explain how he was able to
finance his life and travels in South America for years, according to one of the
senators, Alphonse M. D'Amato of New York. One CIA document said Mengele
may have used a farm machinery business in Paraguay 'as a mechanism to
move or launder large sums of money, as well as to cover the movement of illicit
But the 28 heavily censored pages of long hidden CIA records were often vague
and inconclusive, D'Amato and Sen. Arlen K. Specter of Pennsylvania
acknowledged at a news conference. Because many sentences were blacked out
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Index Page
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