Articulo 20 de Octubre
Articulo 20 de Octubre
Articulo 20 de Octubre
pleural effusion
ABSTRACT: Mediastinal bronchogenic cysts are usually identified on computed tomography (CT)
as well-defined masses of variable density that may contain rim calcifications. Pleural effusion has
never been described in association with these cysts.
We report two cases of bronchogenic cysts with unusual presentation because of an association with
a pleural effusion not explained by pulmonary infection. The patients were studied with CT scan
(n=2) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the chest (n=1).
In this case, the pleural effusion directed diagnosis towards lung tumour; and the diagnosis of
bronchogenic cyst was made on thoracotomy. Surgical excision of the cyst was difficult because of
pericystic adhesions to adjacent organs. Therefore, solely on the finding of a pleural effusion,
pericystic inflammation had to be suspected.
Bronchogenic cysts are congenital abnormalities resulting from embryological budding of the bronchial
tree; they often arise near the carina [13]. Mediastinal bronchogenic cysts are frequently detected
incidentally, on routine chest radiographs. They manifest as smooth and well-circumscribed masses near
the carina [2, 3].
We describe two cases of bronchogenic cyst that appeared as mediastinal mass with pleural effusion,
without pulmonary infection. To our knowledge, this radiological manifestation, in association with
bronchogenic cyst, has not previously been reported.
Case report
Case 1
A 49 year old man presented with a one month history of dysphagia. Chest radiography revealed right
mediastinal mass and ipsilateral pleural effusion. Oesophagoscopy revealed a marked extrinsic
compression of the oesophagus. Fibreoptic bronchoscopy showed an infiltration of the mucosa of the
right intermediate bronchus.
Biopsies were negative.
Chest computed tomography (CT) scans showed a mediastinal tumoral mass with tissular density (35
Hounsfield units (HU)) and a right pleural effusion (fig. la and b). CT guided needle biopsies were
negative. The diagnosis of necrotic mediastinal malignancy with pleural effusion was suspected.
Fig. 1. Case 1. a) Computed tomography (CT) scan 10 mm thick slice, medistinal windows, shows the mass behind and under
the carina, associated with a right pleural effusion. b) Lower level; the mass does not enhance after contrast media injection.
Enhancement of its right edge is probably related to inflammatory mediastinal pleura or to a lung collapse around the mass. Right
pleural effusion is apparent.
The patient underwent mass resection by right thoracotomy. The pleural effusion was evacuated (400 mL
of serosanguinous fluid), and the mediastinal mass was excised. The mass was adherent to the posterior
pericardium, the right inferior pulmonary vein, and the intermediate bronchi. The oesophagus was not
distinguishable from this mass. Greyish white noninfected fluid was evacuated from the cyst.
A pathological study confirmed multilocular bronchogenic cyst without neoplasm cells. After surgery the
patient progressed well and received a normal diet; he did not complain of difficulty in swallowing.
Bronchogenic cysts are rare cystic malformations, with walls similar to those of normal bronchi and with
respiratory epithelial lining [2].
Radiographic and CT scan characteristics of bronchogenic cysts are well-defined [25]. On chest
radiographs they are round, well-circumscribed, unilocular or multilocular masses. CT density may vary
from typical water density (020 HU) to high density (8999 HU), as illustrated in our cases [6]. MRI
appearance is of a mass of low (grey to black) or high (white to gray) signal intensity in T1-weighted
imaging, and bright (white) signal intensity in T2-weighted imaging [7, 8]. In T1 weighted images, fat,
proteinaceous and haemorrhagic fluids appear in white; and water appears with a low signal intensity. In
T2-weighted images water, with or without proteins, appears with a high signal intensity.
CT and MRI studies are of value to clarify the relationship between the mass and the adjacent mediastinal
structures before thoracotomy.
To our knowledge, pleural effusion in association with bronchogenic cyst has not previously been
described. In our first case (Case 1, 1985) pleural effusion was admitted as a radiological sign against the
diagnosis of bronchogenic cyst. Mediastinal mass with pleural effusion was an argument for malignancy,
such as lymphoma or lung cancer.
Serofibrinous or serosanguinous fluid was evacuated at surgery. These pleural effusions were probably
related to an inflammatory reaction of the pleura to the bronchogenic cyst. Such inflammation could be
due to the large size of the masses, perhaps with the onset of rupture.
In this case, bronchogenic cyst excision was difficult because of dense pericystic adhesions. This
inflammatory reaction was observed by means of CT scans using contrast media, as an enhancement in
the cyst edge.
Percutaneous needle aspiration can be used for diagnostic purposes, or even therapeutically, if thin fluid is
present within the cyst [9]. This technique for diagnosis was used in the first case and was not helpful.
Because of dense pericystic adhesions to adjacent organs, surgical excision of mediastinal bronchogenic
cysts can be hazardous. A watching and waiting attitude seems inadvisable in a patient with a mediastinal
cyst, even if the cyst is not symptomatic. This approach could lead to the development of complications,
that tend to make operation more difficult. Other arguments for a more aggressive treatment, with total
excision of these lesions, include reported cases of malignant degeneration and symptomatic recurrence
[2, 3, 9].
In conclusion, this case presented is particularly interesting because it is the first reported case of
bronchogenic cyst with pleural effusion. Surgical treatment of this case was difficult. Difficulties were
due to adherence to mediastinal structures, independently of the para-oesophageal characteristic. Pleural
effusion could have a predictive value for these surgical difficulties.
Fig 1.- Caso 1: a) TC de 10 mm de grosor de corte, ventana mediastnica, muestra la masa detrs y debajo de la carina, asociado
con derrame pleural. b) En un nivel inferior, la masa no mejora luego de la inyeccin de medio de contraste. La mejora de su
borde derecho est relacionado probablemente con la inflamacin de la pleura mediastnica o a un pulmn colapsado alrededor de
la masa. Derrame pleural derecho es aparente.
El paciente fue sometido a la reseccin de la masa por toracotoma derecha. El derrame pleural fue
evacuado (400 ml de lquido serosanguinolento), y la masa mediastnica fue disecada. La masa estaba
adherida al pericardio posterior, a la vena pulmonar inferior derecha y al bronquio intermediario. E
esfago no era distinguible de la masa. Lquido grisceo no infectado fue evacuado del quiste.
El estudio patolgico confirm un quiste broncognico multilocular sin clulas neoplsicas. Despus de
la ciruga, el paciente progres favorablemente y recibi dieta normal. l no se quej de dificultad para
Los quistes broncognicos son malformaciones qusticas raras, con paredes similares al de un bronquio
normal y con revestimiento epitelial respiratorio.
Las caractersticas radiolgicas y tomogrficas de los quistes broncognicos estn bien definidas.
En radiografas de trax, son redondas, bien circunscritas, masas uni o multiloculares. La densidad de TC
vara desde densidad agua tpica (0-20 UH), a densidad alta (89-99 UH), como se ilustra en el caso. La
apariencia en RM es de una masa de baja o alta intensidad de seal en imgenes en T1 e intensidad de
seal brillante (blanca) en imgenes en T2. En T1, la grasa, y fluidos protenicos y hemorrgicos aparecen
blancos; y el agua aparece como baja seal de intensidad. En T2, las imgenes de agua o sin protenas,
aparecen con alta seal de intensidad.
La TC y la RM son de valor para esclarecer la relacin entre la masa y las estructuras mediastinicas
adyacentes antes de la toracotoma.
Para nuestro conocimiento, el derrame pleural asociado al quiste broncognico no haba sido descrito. En
el caso, el derrame fue admitido como un signo radiolgico en contra del diagnstico del quiste.
La masa mediastnica con derrame pleural era un argumento de malignidad, como linfoma o cncer de
El fluido serofibrinoso y serosanguinolento fue evacuado en la ciruga. Este derrame pleural estaba
probablemente relacionado con una reaccin inflamatoria de la pleura al quiste broncognico. Una
inflamacin as puede ser debido al gran tamao de la masa, tal vez con el establecimiento de ruptura.
En este caso, la escisin del quiste fue difcil por las adhesiones periqusticas densas. Esta reaccin
inflamatoria fue observada en TC usando medio de contraste, as como una mejora en el borde el quiste.
La aspiracin percutnea con aguja puede ser usada con propsitos diagnsticos, e inclusive teraputicos,
si fluido fino est presente dentro del quiste. Esta tcnica para diagnstico fue usada en el primer caso,
pero no fue til.
Como la adherencia periqustica a rganos adyacentes es densa, la escisin quirrgica de estos quistes
puede ser dificultosa. Una actitud de ver y esperar en un paciente con quiste mediastnico parece no
aconsejable, aunque el quiste no sea sintomtico. Esta aproximacin puede conducir al desarrollo de
complicaciones, que tienden a hacer el procedimiento ms difcil. Otros argumentos para un tratamiento
ms agresivo, con escisin total de estas lesiones, incluyen casos reportados de degeneracin maligna y
recurrencia sintomtica.
En conclusin, este caso presentado es particularmente interesante porque es el primer reportado de quiste
broncognico con derrame pleural. El tratamiento quirrgico de este caso fue difcil, que se debi a la