Decision Making and Decentralization
Decision Making and Decentralization
Decision Making and Decentralization
Decision making is also one of the functions of management. The management
executive takes a number of decisions every day. A decision may be a direction to
others to do or not to do. Thus a decision may be rational and irrational. There
are a number of alternative available to the management. The best one is
selected out of the available alternative.
Best decision making is necessary for effective functioning of management. The
success of management depends upon the quality of decisions. If the manager
fails to take correct decisions. If the manager fails to take correct decisions, he
may not extract any work from his sub-ordinates and may not find a way to finish
his work also. Some of the decisions are taken emotionally. This should be
avoided with great care. Emotionally it leads to a lot of confusion. So, the decision
making is an important work of the superiors.
Definition :
Decision making is a process involving information, choice of alternative actions,
implementations and evaluation that is directed to the achievement of certain
stated goals.- Andrew Smilagyi.
Decision making is a conscious and human process, involving both individual and
social phenomenon based upon factual and value premises which concludes with
the choice of one behavioral activity from among one or more alternatives with
the intention of moving towards some desired state of affairs.
Decision making takes place in adopting the objectives and choosing the means
and again when a change in the situation creates a necessity for adjustments.
Types of decision making:
1. Strategic decisions are those made by top executives that commit valuable
agency resources to achieve the long term goals. The nurse executives who were
successful in making these decisions contacted members of an extensive support
network to obtain crucial problem informations, used mixed scanning to analyze
problem causes and obtain support of the agencies dominant coalition in
shifting through alternatives for the best problem solution.
2. Administrative decisions are those made by mid-level managers to resolve
unusual problem and develop innovative methods for improving agency
function. Midlevel nurse mangers are primarily responsible for making this type
of decisions that determine patient care quality.
3. Operational decisions are routine decisions governing day to day events that
have been delegated to first level managers and are made according to the
prescribed rules and regulations instructions.
Characteristics of decision making.
1. Decision making is a selection process. The best alternative is selected out
of many available alternatives. If there is only one alternative, there is no
decision making.
2. Decision-making is the end process. It is preceded by detailed discussion
and selection of alternative.
3. Decision-making is the application of intellectual abilities to a great extent.
An intelligent man alone can take good decisions.
4. Decision-making is a dynamic process. An individual takes a number of
decisions each day.
5. decision gives happiness to an endeavor who takes various steps to collect
all information which is likely to effect a decision.
6. Decision making is situational. An individual takes decision according to the
situations prevailing. Different decisions may ne taken to solve the same
problem. The reason is that the situation is changed from time to time.
10. Political and social environment of business affect the decision- making. If
the management takes a decision after consulting the employees.
Principles of decision making.
A quality of decision making may be taken by the manager if he adopts certain
principles. These principles are discussed below.
1. Marginal theory of decision making.
Many economists have suggested marginal theory od decision making which
results in maximizing the profits. Therefore economist argues that the very
purpose of an organization is aimed that the very purpose of an organization
is aimed at maximizing the profits.
Decision making should be based on marginal analysis. Here the
manager adopts the principle of law of diminishing returns. If the
management appoints additional labor and uses additional capital, the
production may be increased proportionally at reduced rates. A time comes
when there is no increase in production with the appointment of additional
labor and using of additional capital will be stopped. In this way the
production of the last unit is marginal. Thus this marginal principle is applied
while taking decision relating to sales, advertisement, promotion, training and
the like.
2. Mathematical theory
Venture analysis, game theory, probability theory and awaiting theory are
some of the mathematical theories. A manager takes the decision on the basis
of mathematical theory gives scientific approach to the manager while taking
the decision.
3. Psychological theory
A manager takes a decision on the basis of his aspiration, technological skills,
personality, social status ad organization status. Though the manager is
expected to take the decision confined to the scope of his responsibility and