Lab06 1

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// Name: Rajnish Kumar

// CIN: 304470392
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q: 24.1> Suppose list is an instance of MyList, can you get an iterator for list
using list.iterator()?
Ans: Yes
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q: 24.2> Can you create a list using new MyAbstractList() ?
Ans: No
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q: 24.3> What methods in MyList are overridden in MyAbstractList?
Ans: these are the following:
1. add(e: E): void
2. isEmpty(): boolean
3. size(): int
4. remove(e: E): boolean
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q: 24.4> What are the benefits of defining both the MyList interface and the MyA
bstractList class?
Ans: To improve the code quality and convenient to User for reusing the code.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q: 24.5> What are the limitations of the array data type?
Ans: Following are the limitations:
1. Array size is fixed , means we can not increase or decrease its size
after its creation and
2. No good support for insert and delete operations.
2. We can not store values in continuous memory locations using primitiv
e data types.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q: 24.6> MyArrayList is implemented using an array, and an array is a fixed-size
data structure.
Why is MyArrayList considered a dynamic data structure?
Ans: Because its storage size is not the same all time.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q: 24.7> Show the length of the array in MyArrayList after each of the following
statements is executed.
1. MyArrayList<Double> list = new MyArrayList<>();
2. list.add(1.5);
3. list.trimToSize();
4. list.add(3.4);
5. list.add(7.4);
6. list.add(17.4);
Ans: 1. 16
2. 16
3. 1
4. 3

5. 3
6. 7
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q: 24.8> What is wrong if lines 11 12 in Listing 24.3,,
for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++)
are replaced by
data = objects;
size = objects.length;
Ans: Data has not been initialized and it will be initialized after the executio
n of the body of superclass's
constructor therefore, a NullPointerException will be generated while at
tempting to add an element
to data.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q: 24.9> If you change the code in line 33 in Listing 24.3,, fr
E[] newData = (E[])(new Object[size * 2 + 1]);
E[] newData = (E[])(new Object[size * 2]);
the program is incorrect. Can you find the reason?
Ans: When a new element will be added then it'll cause an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds
exception because
When an empty array list is trimmed, its size becomes 0 and If we creat
e a new array by doubling
its size, the new array size is still 0.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q: 24.10> Will the MyArrayList class have memory leak if the following code in l
ine 41 is deleted?
data = (E[])new Object[INITIAL_CAPACITY];
Ans: Yes
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q: 24.11>The get(index) method invokes the checkIndex(index) method (lines 59 63 i
n Listing 24.3) to
throw an IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is out of bounds.
Suppose the add(index, e)
is implemented as follows:
public void add(int index, E e) {
// Same as lines 17-27 in Listing 24.3
What will happen if you run the following code?

MyArrayList<String> list = new MyArrayList<>();

list.add("New York");
Ans: An Exception will be throwed as List size is '0' now.

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