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Knights Sword - TSR 9381 - DLQ1 - Gobbi Free

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Knights Sword

By Colin McComb
with Thomas M. Reid
Table of Contents
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tips for the New DM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A Few Words About
DRAGONLANCE Adventures . . . . . . .
Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Knighthood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Diversions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Investigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


The Chamber of Paladine . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

The Road to Solanthus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
The Traitor? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Visiting Solanius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
The True Traitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
The Return . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Epilogue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Major NPCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Magical Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Pregenerated Characters . . . . . . . 15-18, 31

Design: Colin McComb with
Thomas M. Reid
Editing: Thomas M. Reid
Cover Art: Robh Ruppel
Interior Art: Thomas Yeates
Cartography: Diesel
Production: Sarah Feggestad
Typography: Angelika Lokotz

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Gnomish Death Machine and Some Good

Advice: David J. Zenz
Special Thanks: Karen S. Boomgarden, Jeff
Dettweiler, Mike Edwards, Harold Johnson, Rob King, Brad Sun Dog Matheson, Kevin Pohle, Laddie Voslar, James M.
Ward, and David Wise

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ISBN 1-56076-421-X

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Welcome to the world of Krynn. Here, on the
continent of Ansalon, the age-old struggle of Good
against Evil continues unchecked. Bands of heroes
battle forces of darkness, hoping to gain footholds
for the side of light. Ansalon is a land of challenge,
one in which fortune can make or break any adventurer. Welcome to Ansalon, the land of the
This module is intended for characters of levels
1 through 3. It can be used as an adventure for introducing players to the world of Krynn. Its primary purpose, however, is to ease a beginning
DUNGEON MASTER (or DM) into his or her
job. While the adventure is written with these beginners in mind, this does not preclude use by
more experienced DMs. Players should read no
further in this book, unless they want to spoil the
adventure for themselves. It is intended for the
DMs eyes only.
Most DMs should have already played the game
and should be familiar with its terminology and
procedures. This time, however, the burden of
creating an enjoyable evening rests on the shoulders of aspiring DMs. The following hints will ease
the beginner into his or her job.

Tips for the new DM

Being a DM is a big task. Not only is the DM responsible for populating the campaign, running
the NPCs and monsters, creating the maps, remembering vast quantities of rules, and effectively
describing each setting, but he or she also must
ensure that the players have a good time. This is a
tall order, especially for those who have never
done it before. Many times it will seem like a
thankless job, especially when the players disagree with decisions the DM makes.
Nevertheless, there are good points to being a
DM, despite the numerous headaches associated
with the job. The satisfaction of providing the players with a memorable experience ranks high on
the list. Creating an adventure that engrosses the
players and the DMs imaginations is a vastly satisfying thing. Being a DM is definitely a labor of
love, but is well worth the time and effort invested,
and soon it will become second nature.
What follows is advice on how to referee effectively, notes on standard refereeing practices, and
a few words of caution for the beginning DM.
While wearing the mantle of DM, you must be
fair and impartial at all times. No matter how irritating a player becomes, it is imperative that the
DM not allow personal preferences to interfere
with the smooth flow of the game. Obnoxious
players will eventually behave, or else they will
quit playing; poor social graces tend to cause inept
playing and the death of favored characters.

Likewise, dont let the players get away with too

much. Running player characters (or PCs) does
not mean they should receive extraordinary treatment from the non-player characters (NPCs). The
player characters and the NPCs are citizens in the
world and nothing more. They may be heroes, but
they must obey the same laws as other citizens.
Since the players do control heroes, they will occasionally try something that is exceptionally heroic (nearly impossible). At times like these, the
DMs first reaction is just to say No and be done
with it. However, since these are heroes, they often can accomplish things that ordinary mortals
could not. Thus, the wise DM will allow attempts
at these actions.
Simply determine how difficult a proposed
action might be and have the player roll a d20
against an appropriate ability score for it. For
something extremely improbable (jumping across
a 30-foot chasm while dressed in full plate armor),
the die modifier might be as much as -10, if the
DM feels it is warranted. Never deny any action
outright; always give the PCs a chance.
Dont try to railroad the players into one course
of action, either. If they dont want their PCs to go
on an adventure, cajoling them will not help matters. The DM may have to explain what it means to
be a hero, but no DM should ever control a players actions. The DM might want to try offering the
same adventure in different packages, through different NPCs, a few separate times. If none of these
tempts the players, try to work the adventure in
someplace else, in the midst of another. Nothing is
more irritating to a player than a DM who constantly tries to dictate the actions of the party.
Remember, the DM is there for both his or her
own and the players pleasure. If one or both of
these groups is not enjoying itself, the point of the
game is lost. Only if both groups can cooperate to
create a shared vision is the game successful. The
DM should always strive to make sure that fun is
had by all.
One very important thing to remember is that the
DM has the final word on all rules disputes. The
DM shapes the game, and any rules that do not coincide with the DMs style should be ignored. This is
not to suggest that all rules simply be discarded, but
rather that they be modified as the DM sees necessary. While the players may input their opinions as
to the form of the rules (usually in their favor), only
the DM decides. They may decide to take on the
responsibility of DM themselves.
Also, remember that this is just a game. It is
nothing over which to destroy real-world friendships. All disputes should be handled amicably
and fairly. If any participants cannot deal with their
problems in a more mature fashion, perhaps the
game ought to be delayed until the problem can
be resolved.
This is only a small list of suggestions for more
effective refereeing. For a more comprehensive
view of the task, consult DMGR 1, the Campaign

Sourcebook and Catacomb Guide. This book provides insight into problems that face every DM, as
well as suggested answers to those problems.
Some refereeing conventions include the use of
boxed text and abbreviations for monsters and
NPCs. Text surrounded by a box means that the
DM is to read or paraphrase the enclosed text to
the players. Any text not so surrounded is information for the DM only, to be given to the players as
he or she sees fit. This information may or may not
be discovered by the players characters as they
examine the encounter. Whether they do or not
should depend purely on their actions.
When the PCs encounter monsters, the typical
format of the presentation is as follows:

Monster Name (Number): lnt ; AL ; AC ; MV ;

HD; hp; THAC0; #AT; Dmg; SA; SD; MR; SZ;
ML; XP each.
Int = Intelligence; AL = alignment; AC = Armor
Class; MV = movement; HD = Hit Dice; hp = hit
points; THAC0 = roll to hit AC 0; #AT = number
of attacks/round; Dmg = damage of each attack;
SA and SD = special attacks and defenses; MR =
magic resistance; SZ = size; ML = morale; XP =
experience points for defeating the creature(s).


Skeletons (3): Int Non; AL N; AC 7; MV 12; HD 1;

hp 8, 7, 3; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6 (weapon);
SD special; MR special; SZ M; ML special; XP 65.
Non-player characters are presented in much the
same way. If they are not major NPCs (who often
warrant an entire character sketch), their presentation is as follows:

Tanis Half-Elven: AL NG; AC -3; MV 12; F10; hp

79; THAC0 11; #AT 3/2; Dmg by weapon type; S
16, D 16, C 12, I 12, W 13, Ch 15; plate mail +2,
shield +2, long sword +2
Please note that the class abbreviation follows the
movement rating. The abbreviations are:
B = Bard
F = Fighter D = Druid
KS = Knight of
M = Mage
R = Ranger
P = Paladin
I = Illusionist
T = Thief
C = Cleric
A final note: Every DM is advised to carefully read
through every adventure he or she runs. Nothing
disrupts the flow of an adventure more than a DM
who must constantly flip through the text to see
whats going on. If a villain has laid plans, it is imperative that the DM know what those plans are.
Otherwise, the adventure becomes an exercise in
disruption and incoherence. The DM should have
an idea about the relative challenge to the players
presented by the adventure and be able to adjust
the difficulty of the encounters accordingly. If the
characters seem too powerful for an adventure,

make the encounters more difficult. If they are too

weak, make the encounter simpler. A wellbalanced game is essential. Always read through

the adventure at least once!

A Few Words About

Armed with all of this information, the beginning
DM now prepares to charge into the fray. But wait!
The DM must also learn some essentials about the
world of Krynn-things that separate it and make it
unique from all other known worlds.
A proper DRAGONLANCE campaign bases itself around the struggle of good versus evil and
around the characters relationships in and with the
world. Not every adventure is an earth-shaking
event, destined to alter the history of Krynn. However, every one of them should embody the struggle which characterizes the epic quality of the
DRAGONLANCE world. While most campaigns
are simply a collection of adventurers stories, the
DRAGONLANCE saga draws these stories together
into a coherent whole of epic proportions.
DRAGONLANCE adventures promote the
power of truth over falsehood, justice over injustice, and Good over Evil. Good actions will generally be rewarded with blessings, while grave
consequences arise from evil actions. While evil
may temporarily gain a foothold, good should
eventually win out.
DRAGONLANCE adventures tend to focus less
on the combative aspects of the AD&D game, and
more on thinking and role-playing. Interpersonal
relationships are a key facet of DRAGONLANCE
The world of Krynn itself is markedly different
from others. Any DM who plans adventures within
Krynn should be aware of these differences. The
features which are most distinct include the new
races, the moons and their influences on magic,
and the Knights of Solamnia. The races unique to
Krynn include the kender, draconians, and minotaurs. Each of these lends a unique flavor to the
game. Minotaurs appear outside of Krynn, but
they are a lesser race elsewhere.
The effectiveness of magic on Krynn relies on
the three moons. When ones patron moon
wanes, so does the efficacy of ones magic. The
DM must pay careful attention to the phases of the
moon where magic is involved.
The Knighthood of Solamnia is the enforcing
arm of good. Its goals are not so much to win more
land and glory for good, but to stem the rising tide
of evil on Ansalon. The knights are the main force
for chivalry, law, and goodness on this continent,
and they constantly seek to keep the people aware
of the knightly ideals,

At the height of the War of the Lance, the dragonarmies besieged the High Clerists Tower near
the city of Palanthus, where the knighthood had
entrenched itself. After a long wait, a large force of
seasoned knights, led by crazed Lord Derek
Crownguard, stormed forth from the Tower. However, Dragon Highlord Kitiara had planned for
this, and the dragonarmy crushed the battalion.
Convinced that this spelled the end of the
knights, Kitiaras army advanced on the High
Clerists Tower. Only Sturm Brightblade and his
force of untested knights held Vingaard Pass
against the dragonarmies, while an elven princess
and her discovery of a dragon orb stood between
the dragonarmies and their rape of Palanthas.
Sturm Brightblade sacrificed his life in order to
buy time for the remaining knights and Princess
Laurana, precious time needed to master the
powers of the orb. His death purchased that time,
and more importantly, caught the hearts of the
people throughout Krynn. It paved the way for a
restructuring of the Orders of the Knights of Solamnia. The knights realized that they had been
living according to ancient rules that no longer
held any meaning, to a Measure that could neither
contain nor prescribe the honor of a true knight.
It took Brightblades death, as well as the inglorious and foolish assault of Derek Crownguard, to
make the knighthood realize that its priorities lay
scattered. After the War of the Lance, the knighthood honored Sturm Brightblades bravery and
dedication to the orders of the knighthood.
The knights laid his body in state in the Chamber
of Paladine, the burial chambers beneath the High
Clerists Tower. Here, with his armor and sword arrayed about him in honor, he lay peacefully and
undisturbed by those who came for inspiration.
His tale has been told and re-told, his bravery and
integrity against the corruption of the old, stagnant
knighthood seeming to grow with each re-telling.
And with each telling, the reforms sweeping the
orders gain even more momentum.
Most support the changes, but there are some
who work long and hard to make sure the old
ways continue to favor them. It appears that these
opponents of change will stop at nothing to make
sure that their positions remain unharmed.
This adventure is designed for three to six characters of beginning level. At least one PC must be
aspiring to the knighthood (although none should
have succeeded, as yet). The rest can be a mixture
of other races and classes, but each player ought
to remember that the knights focus strongly on
honor. Dishonorable characters will hurt the
knight-to-bes chances of joining the Order. Each
player must abide by the restrictions of honor at all
times. If existing characters are not available, the
DM may assign the pregenerated characters found
in the center of this book.

Background for the DM

Not everyone has felt joy in the exhaltation of
the famed knight Sturm Brightblade and his heroics during the War of the Lance. Sir Charles
Crownguard, in his jealousy over the slighting of
his cousin, means to defame the Orders. Unknown to anyone (including himself), Crownguard
has been corrupted by a magical item of great evil:
the dagger of jealousy. He now plans to desecrate
the final resting place of Brightblade and steal his
sword (also called Brightblade), thus dishonoring
the knighthood.
He means to accomplish this by hiring a thief to
steal the Brightblade. However, he does not know
that the Order plans to spirit the sword away as one
of the tests, to see who among the candidates for
knighthood has the sharpest mind. The knights, on
the other hand, have no idea that the Test will soon
turn from a simulation to the real thing.
What follows is the way the adventure is intended to run. If there are minor deviations, dont worry. Make sure that any corrections made to the
PCs path are subtle, and above all, do not force
them to follow this path. If they go astray, use
imagination to put them back on track.

The likely flow

of the adventure
I. The player characters arrive at the High
Clerists Tower.
A. They proceed to the candidacy ceremony.
B. An assassin makes his bid for Lord Gunthar
and is stopped.
II. The Next Day.
A. The knight-to-be begins his tests.
B. The other PCs amuse themselves.
III. The Brightblade is stolen by Lord Kellin Solanius as part of the tests.
A. He leaves an important clue behind.
B. He retrieves the blade just before the thief
hired by Crownguard arrives.
C. Solanius travels to Solanthus.
IV. The renegade Crownguard decides to kill Solanius for the sword.
A. The PCs find the clues left by Solanius.
B. The PCs arrive just in time to hear the dying
words of Solanius.
V. The PCs chase Crownguard and his thief to his
castle, where they have a final battle. The
Brightblade breaks as Crownguard wields it.
VI. The PCs retrieve the sword and must take it to
be reforged.
VII. The heroes return in victory and their Solamnic companion is knighted.
Naturally, no one can anticipate all of the things
a player will do. Know the material, but always be
prepared to wing it. Success in this is the measure
of a true Dungeon Master.

The Knighthood
You and your friends have ridden long and
hard to reach the High Clerists Tower in time
for the Knightly Council. Sir Delson, a good
friend of your father, has promised to sponsor
you during your petition to become a squire.
You are eager to prove yourself, to join the
ranks of the gallant knighthood.
The day is bright and clear, the early greenery
seeming to burst with life. Birdsong fills the air
with sweet notes, and the sky is blue and cloudless. The sun radiates its heat gently on the land.
A gentle breeze caresses your faces as you ride
for the Tower. Along the road, both ahead of
and behind you, other candidates for knighthood also head to the Tower.
The clear, bold notes of trumpets greet you as
you ride through the gates. The excitement felt
by all is nearly palpable, electrifying the air.
Once inside the large courtyard, young grooms
rush forward to relieve you of your horses. You
notice guards stationed around the walls of the
Tower, keeping a vigilant eye on all comings
and goings. A harried-looking Knight of the
Crown directs you toward the High Council
Hall on the 11th floor of the Tower. He introduces himself as Sir Rateliff, orders you to come
to him if you have any questions about the Tower or its inhabitants, and then tells you, in tones
that brook no disobedience, to proceed there
at once.
The knight is a descendant of the general who
faced Lord Soth at Dargaard Keep. He has been
assigned to see to the care and housing of the candidates, and to make sure that they know the way
to the High Council Hall. Due to the comparatively large volume of applicants, he currently has
little time to spend answering questions. However, he is thoroughly knowledgeable about the
layout of the 16-story Tower. Although he is a softspoken individual, with a manner that seems more
suited to the Library in Palanthas than the knighthood, his fighting prowess and knowledge of battle tactics make him a fearsome foe in combat.
Sir Rateliff: AL NG; AC 2; MV 9; KC7; hp 53;
THAC0 14; #AT 3/2; Dmg 1d8 +2 (long sword); S
15, D 14, C 12, I 17, W 16, Ch 13; long sword +2
If the characters do not follow Sir Rateliffs directions, they are free to wander around the High
Clerists Tower. However, they will then find themselves late to the Knightly Council. This will
present some serious questions about the candidates dedication and the possibility that he is not
responsible enough to enter the knighthood. It also will blemish Sir Delsons honor, since he agreed
to sponsor someone unfit for the orders.

Likewise, any of the hopeful knights companions who wish to explore the tower must restrain
any larcenous tendencies. Even kender must hold
back, for any misdeeds by the other PCs will reflect on their knightly friend. However, if any do
not wish to watch the coming spectacle, they are
free to roam around the open parts of the tower. If
they so desire, they may even visit the Chamber of
Paladine, where the heroes of the knights lie in
state. If they do so during the Knightly Council,
nothing is amiss. It is only after the first day of the
tests that the theft occurs.
At the entrance to the High Council Hall, all
of the candidates and their companions are
gathered around two Knights of the Rose. The
candidates are given white robes to wear over
their other clothing. The knights then confiscate
everyones weapons, saying, You wont need
these in there. After the candidates are suitably
attired, the knights lead everyone into the hall.
If the PCs resist giving up their weapons, the
knights will not allow them into the Hall. Only
weapons which are obvious and openly worn will
be confiscated; a knight would not insult anyones
honor by accusing him or her of concealing a
weapon. The PCs are, however, allowed to wear
armor into the hall.
The spectacle in the hall is truly impressive.
Rank upon rank of armored men stand before
you, gleaming in the sunlight streaming through
the western window. The proud symbols of the
knighthood decorate their armor, and the profusion of knights is almost overwhelming.
Straight ahead of the candidates, in a cleared
space in the center of the room, is a mahogany
table with three chairs arrayed behind it. The
three chairs are currently empty.
The escorts lead the applicants to the seats arrayed before the mahogany table, while a page
shows the candidates friends to nearby seats.
The tension among the applicants is intense, yet
unsurprising, considering that the rulings made
in this room will change the lives of those gathered today.
The non-candidates among the PCs are seated in
an area to the left of the table. There are several
seats available in the front row, just enough to seat
all the PCs. They are located about 15 feet from
the table. Filling most of the rest of the seats are the
families of other candidates. Sitting in the back
row is a beautiful blonde woman with intense blue
eyes. Most of the males in the room are acutely
aware of her presence.
After a slight wait (which will seem like an eternity to the candidates), the three High Knights enter.
High Justice Gunthar Uth Wistan leads the procession into the room with a minimum of pomp. Even
so, their passage seems nearly mystical, like some-

thing out of legend.

They recite the Oath, Est Sularus oth Mithas,
in unison. The three orders repeat it in turn. In unison, everyone in the room echoes it. Then, the
knights begin to sing their hymn in celebration of
Spring. At last, the three High Knights sit. After
they are seated, the rest of the assemblage sits.
The PCs may choose not to participate in the
Oath, as they are not knights and probably do not
know the words to the Knights Hymn. No one will
think worse of them if they do not.
Immediately, Uth Wistan calls the council to order. He relates to them the knighthoods news,
which includes news of the dragonarmies (still secluded in Sanction), the infiltration of the armies
by the knights scouts (it goes well), the disposition
of the spoils of war (to go to needy families and the
families of the dead knights), and the rumors of a
traitor in their midst. He dismisses this last, claiming that no one would be so foolish as to attempt
to betray the knighthood.
The hall is bright and warm. Normally, it
would be difficult to stay awake, but the excitement flowing through your veins keeps you alert. At long last, Lord Uth Wistan calls upon the
supplicants to stand.
The other candidates rise immediately. The PC
candidate may or may not, as he so desires, but
not rising will be considered very rude and impertinent. This will color the knights perceptions of
the PC for the rest of his existence.
As Uth Wistan calls each candidates name, he
reads the sponsors name as well. Both come forward to the table and present themselves to the
audience. If there is a question of a candidates
honor based on his previous performance, that individual and his sponsor are ushered to a waiting
room. Although the candidates do not know it,
this action has no bearing on their future in the
knighthood. It is simply to let them know that their
unacceptable behavior has been noted, and it will
not be tolerated. About halfway through the list,
the following event occurs. The assassin is sitting
next to the knight-to-be PC.
Lord Uth Wistan calls out, Grall Stonesword, sponsored by Sir Harald Karanus. A
man sitting next to you rises and moves toward
the table. A knight in the back rises, looks at the
candidate, and with a note of alarm in his voice
calls out, Hes not mine!
The mysterious supplicant explodes into motion, whipping a dagger from beneath his robes
and leaping toward the table. All the knights are
instantly on their feet with a clash of armor.
Some leap toward the table instantly, while others pause to draw their swords. It is obvious that
none of them will make it to the table in time.
The three High Knights rapidly push backward
in their chairs to move away from the man, but

Lord Uth Wistan trips over his. He falls on his

back, presenting an easy target for the assassin.
Only the PCs and the other candidates are within reach of the assassin. Give the PCs the first
chance to react to the killer. If any of them hesitate, they should be left out of the initial (and crucial) round of action.
Assassin: AL CE; AC 4; MV 9; F2; hp 15; THAC0
19; #AT 1; Dmg 1d4+1; S 16, D 15, C 12, I 12, W
10, Ch 8; SA poison on dagger (roll a successful
save vs. poison or death occurs in one day)
The person with the best chance of halting the
assassin before he reaches Lord Gunthar is the
knightly candidate. If attacked, the man will defend himself with his dagger.
If the PCs do not react immediately, the man will
continue his mad dash toward the fallen High
Knight. After a moment of stunned disbelief, the
other candidates will rush him but will be too late
to prevent him from reaching Gunthar Uth Wistan. The man will straddle the knight, and just before he can begin a fatal swing, he will be tackled
by a mass of knights. In the confusion, the dagger
will scratch some NPC, who will go into immediate convulsions. Clerics rush in to tend to him. Finally, in the confusion, Sir Charles Crownguard
will run the assassin through with his sword. He
will be apologetic, but the assassin will be dead.
If the PCs act quickly, they can drag the assassin
down themselves. Even if they are wounded by the
poisoned dagger, the clerics of Mishakal can neutralize the poison. Furthermore, if they manage to
successfully subdue the murderer, they will have
the gratitude of Uth Wistan and the rest of the
knighthood. This will make achieving knighthood
much easier, and no questions arise about the PCs
honor later unless he is guilty of gross misconduct.
If questioned, the assassin reveals that he is a
member of the dragonarmies, sent by the Dragon
Highlords to assassinate Uth Wistan. During the
questioning, the man grovels like a worm, begging
for his life. The knights throw him into a cell in the
dungeons. If the PCs kill the man, the knights will
be rather displeased, but they will not grumble
overmuch if the PCs saved the life of Uth Wistan.
After all the confusion, Uth Wistan continues
the reading of the candidates. If the PCs saved his
life, Uth Wistan adds his name as a sponsor of the
knight-to-be PC.
Finally, the candidates and the spectators are
ushered from the Council Hall so that the knights
may discuss their private business. The candidates
are sent to take their belongings to the dormitory.
Those who accompanied the candidates on their
journeys will be given temporary quarters in the
Tower. They can also tour the Tower, with the
now-less-harried Sir Rateliff as their guide. The
Tower is described in detail beginning on page 13.

During this first day, any characters interested in

astronomy may observe the constellation Hiddukel menacing Kiri-Jolith, a foreshadowing of the
madman (see pg. 9). However, do not reveal this
information unless someone thinks to ask.

nen is ready for any maneuvers of this sort because hes had it happen more times than he can
count. Although he walks away with a swagger, he
is listening for anything that may indicate someone
rushing his back.

The Tests

Sir Michael McKennen: AL NG; AC 0; MV 9;

KS10; hp 81; THAC0 11; #AT 3/1; Dmg 1d8+6; S
18/53, D 14, C 17, I 12, W 15, Ch 11; long sword
+1, shield +1; SA specialized in long sword, disarms an opponent on an attack roll of 4 greater
than needed to hit.

After a restful nights sleep, the blare of a trumpet greeting the dawn wakes the heroes. Most of
the PCs will have free time on their hands, but
their knightly friend will have his hands full with
the Tests.
His exertions begin with the dawn, for he and
his comrades-in-training have been roused before
light struck the eastern sky. If the PC wishes to become friends with any of these comrades, the DM
is free to invent them and their statistics. Remember that almost all of these will be fighters no
greater in power than 1st or 2nd level.
The calisthenics in full plate mail start at once
and last for two hours. On occasion, a candidate
falls to the ground, unable to continue. Every hour
of the day, the PC must roll a successful Constitution check or fall exhausted to the ground for 15
minutes. A PC with the Endurance proficiency
needs to check only once every two hours. If the
PC falls, read the following to him:
You lie panting on the ground, unable to muster the necessary strength to climb to your feet.
The brutal heat of the sun seems greater than
natural for this time of year. Sweat pours from
you in rivulets, soaking your underclothes. Your
throat is dry, crying out with the need for water.
Your aching muscles refuse to support any effort
to move, even when the shadow of the brutal
drill sergeant Sgt. McKennen falls across you.
He sneers down at you. Get up, you pathetic little weakling. Ive seen newborn colts with
more stamina than you! Do you really think
youre worthy of the knighthood? Pah! Your puny little body probably couldnt stand the strain
of carrying a shield, much less a sword! Come
to think of it, I dont know what good a shield
would do for the likes of you. We could save
them for better specimens-like the draconians. Your only possible value to us would be as
a battering ram! Get up, you grovelling worm!
Sergeant McKennen stands there and continues to harangue you while the other hopefuls
stop what theyre doing to watch. At last, your
muscles on fire, you climb to your quivering
legs, leaning on your sword. Pain races its fiery
way up and down your body, but you finally
achieve your balance. With contempt in his
flat, grey eyes, the drill sergeant turns away
from you.
The hero might very well wish to plunge his
sword into the sergeants back. However, McKen-

Of course, any knightly hopefuls who do rush

his back will be immediately disqualified from
training. On the other hand, if the candidate challenges McKennen to a duel (or simply challenges
him), the sergeant smiles, agrees, and disarms the
character quickly, knocking him off of his feet,
without even the knightly salute. He then stands
over the fallen PC and offers this advice:
Sometimes, my lad, youll face an enemy
without honor. Oftentimes, this is true even
when your opponent is vastly superior in skill to
you. Never let down your guard for an instant
in combat. Only in tourneys can you fully expect your foe to follow the same code of honor
as you. Your hand, please! As he pulls you to
your feet, you think you might have seen a
glimmer of compassion in his eyes.
Other events for the day after the calisthenics include testing with all sorts of swords, to determine
aptitude with each variety. After striking at wooden posts for what seems like hours, McKennen has
the candidates pair off to whack at each other with
wooden blades. This exercise continues until every pair has one partner go down under the bludgeoning of the other. The wooden blades inflict 1d6
points of damage, but only 1/4 of this is actual damage. The rest will fade within an hour. Anyone
who drops below 0 hit points is knocked unconscious for an hour.
Typical Candidate: AL LG; AC 2; MV 9; F1; hp 9;
THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; S 15, D
14, C 15, I 13, W 12, Ch 14
After the sword test, McKennen will allow a
break for lunch. The candidates are not allowed to
remove their armor, although they may take off
their helms to eat. A cool breeze sighs down from
the mountain, and most of the trainees sigh gratefully in response. After two hours of respite have
passed (and the unconscious have awakened and
eaten), McKennen rouses everyone to their feet.
Despite the groans, training begins again.
This time, the test is of horsemanship and skill
with the lance. The hopefuls can use only heavy
warhorses and heavy lances. Although the lances
have been padded, they still look painful. Targets
are ranged throughout the field.

For three hours, McKennen has the trainees ride

in circles around the courtyard, demonstrating
their mastery of a horse from a saddle, as well as
showing their skills with a lance. The PC may well
begin to feel nauseous from the constant circles.
McKennen warns, This is a dangerous exercise, and you can expect to get hurt. Anyone
who does not want to participate in this event
may excuse themselves. Of course, youll likely
not be accepted to the knighthood if you do so.
After all, everyone else went through this, and if
you cant stand a little pain, youre not fit to join
their ranks! One red-haired fellow, face aflame
with embarrassment, flees the field. McKennen
gazes after him in smug satisfaction.
In this exercise, the trainees joust with one another. The lances inflict 1d8 +1 points of damage,
doubled for the charge (but only 1/4 is real, due to
padding). In addition, if the lancer is struck for
more than 8 points (after doubling), he must make
a Riding check or be unhorsed, suffering an additional 1d2 points of damage.
This continues until the sun sets or all the candidates are unconscious. Then, after allowing unconcious candidates time to awaken, he and the
other knights face the students they have trained.
They stand in a line, swords drawn and pointing

down, until the students fall to attention. McKennen proceeds to address them:
For the most part, you have succeeded admirably today. You have demonstrated to me
that you are willing to endure almost anything
to join our illustrious brotherhood, and I salute
you for it. The knights raise their swords in the
Solamnic salute. McKennen continues, I have
been honored to teach you today. I hope that
those of you who felt my wrath today can forgive me. He grins. But Im sure youve had
about enough of my prattle. One last word of
warning before I go, though. The tests you
faced today were the easy ones. Tomorrow,
your mind will be tested far more severely. I
hope you remember the Measure; otherwise,
youll be serving as squires for a long time.
The knights salute you again, and intone, Est
Sularus oth Mithas. They turn on their heels
and walk inside, leaving you to pick up the
courtyard. Once you are done with this, some
of the young squires come to escort you to a hot
bath, dinner, and bed.
The PC is free to do what he wishes with his evening, but unless he can roll a successful Endurance
or Constitution check at -4, he will collapse into
his bed, already comatose.

While their companion occupies himself with
affairs of the knighthood, the other characters may
wish to do more than sit and watch him perform
his tests. Since the knighthood is playing gracious
host to the companions of those testing, the characters might as well enjoy the hospitality. Alternatively, they can leave their companion at the High
Clerists Tower and travel to Palanthus. This journey takes about a day. However, things might get
complicated when the knight desperately needs
his companions to join him.
Nonetheless, they may wish to travel to the city
to get some things accomplished. For example,
while in the city, clerics may need to travel to the
Temple of Paladine. Mages might wish to visit the
Great Library or (gods forbid) the Tower of High
Sorcery in Shoikan Grove. Thieves may want to
come here to keep their skills sharp, so to speak.
At any rate, the characters should be able to
spend half a day amusing themselves. At that
point, they encounter a madman (or maybe something else altogether). Whether they travel separately or together, he will deliver the following
message to each of them:
Oh, great danger now, oh yes, oh yes! he
cackles madly, When the Trickster crosses the
War God, things go awry! Even now, your
friends on the pedestal are in need of you, for
the Soulstealer threatens. . . . And the old man
falls to the steps in a dead faint.
If the PCs somehow rouse the old man, he looks
at them in confusion. He asks, What am I doing
here? He has no recollection of any of the previous dialogue. However, if the PCs do not roll a
successful saving throw vs. spell, they will begin to
feel a nameless premonition tugging them toward
the High Clerists Tower. A sense of growing dread
accompanies this feeling, increasing until they begin the return trip.
If they remain at the Tower, they have a few other options. Clerics may find it interesting to engage
in theological and philosophical discussions with
various Knights of the Sword. Mages can retire to
the library in the Tower which, while not as well
stocked as the Great Library, still has a nice selection. Thieves should do nothing more than inspect
the defenses and relax. The knights have no tolerance for burglary, nor for the frivolity of kender.
The Tower is best suited for those interested in
the fighting arts. Warriors will find a vast pool of
sparring partners, as well as some of the finest instructors available. The knights have a nearly inexhaustible supply of weapons, some of which may
be bartered or traded for those of poorer quality
and a good sum of money. Of course, if the PCs
saved the life of the High Justice, the knights
storemaster will be much more willing to trade the

items of value for a lowered price.

The knights also keep a fine stable, if the adventurers wish to upgrade the quality of their horses.
Short of some of the barbarian tribes on Ansalon,
few others have such a selection of horses.
The characters may, if they so desire, join a boarhunting party in the mountains outside of the Tower. If the characters choose to go, there is a 25%
chance of a special event. If one is indicated, roll
1d4 and consult the following table:

Lame Horse
Dragon flies overhead

Avalanche: Characters (PC or NPC, as determined

by the DM) on foot in its path must roll a successful
saving throw vs. petrification or take 2d10 points
of damage. If their saving throw is successful, then
they avoid the rocks. Mounted characters must
roll a successful Riding proficiency check or be
thrown from the horse, suffering falling damage as
well as avalanche damage. Horses in the path also
suffer damage.
Mudslide: As with the avalanche, the PCs or NPCs
must roll a successful saving throw vs. petrification
or be swept away along with horses in a mudslide.
The slide carries creatures 100 yards down the
mountain. Unless an individual rolls a successful
Strength check to escape the mud, he or she must
be rescued. Rescuers trying to cross the mud must
roll a successful Dexterity check with a -2 penalty
or lose their footing and slide to the bottom.
Horses cannot cross the mud; rescuers must traverse it on foot. Trapped characters are submerged
and may suffocate, if not rescued quickly enough.
(see the Players Handbook, pg. 122, holding
your breath)
lame Horse: A horse fails to pay attention to its
footing, steps on a loose rock, and breaks its leg.
Unless one of the PCs knows healing magic, it
must be killed to end its suffering.
Dragon Flight: It is only a routine patrol of bronze
dragons, but it spooks the horses. They remain
skittish throughout the rest of the afternoon, and
Riding proficiency checks suffer a -3 modifier for
the rest of the day.
Boar-Wild (5): Int Semi-; AL N; AC 7; MV 15; HD
3 + 3 ; hp 24, 22, 21, 14, 13; THAC0 17; #AT 1;
Dmg 3d4; SZ S; ML 9; XP 175 each.
There are 12 huntsmen, not including the PCs.
They are young Knights of the Crown indulging in
a bit of sport. Lord Kellin Solanius brings along
some of his dogs for tracking, as well.
Hunting Knights (12): AL LG; AC 5; MV 9; KS2; hp
20, 19, 17, 16, 16, 14, 13, 12, 12, 11, 10, 10;
THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type

The Theft
While everyone in the Tower slept, Sir Kellin Solanius crept down to the Chamber of Paladine
with one of his war dogs. Very intentionally, he
walked his dog in the mud of the courtyard first so
that it might leave tracks. The Chamber guard, following Uth Wistans orders, allowed himself to be
bound, gagged, and knocked unconscious.
Then, breathing a prayer of forgiveness for the
desecration of the tomb, Solanius removed the
sword of Sturm Brightblade from the dead mans
crypt. Wrapping it in heavy cloth, he stole from
the crypt to his room. Taking his luggage and his
dogs, he left immediately for Solanthus.
However, as he left the Chamber of Paladine, he
failed to observe the figure hiding in the deep
shadows in the corner. Corya, the blonde from the
initiation ritual, concealed by her black clothing,
arrived just a little too late to steal the sword herself. However, she has memorized Solanius face
for future reference so that she and Crownguard
might retrieve the sword later.
Begin the second day by reading the following
to the PC candidate only:
The morning dawns bright and early, a typical
beginning to a beautiful day. You and the other
knights-to-be have arisen, tended to your morning rituals, and eaten breakfast. Most of your
compatriots do not anticipate enjoying the
days tests; if they are anywhere near as difficult
as Sir McKennen hinted, many do not predict
surviving the day. All of you now sit at the
breakfast tables, conversing.
When Lord Aeric Truehilt, todays instructor,
arrives, the candidates stand, ready to begin the
tests. Thus, it comes as a total surprise when he
instead announces, Everyone to the High
Council Hall. Now. No questions. Dont worry
about dressing for the occasion. The High Justice must tell you something. His tone brooks
no argument, and his thunderous demeanor
dares anyone to defy him.
If the PC does try to open his mouth or disobey
in any way, Truehilt will turn on him with an unbelievable fury. Until the erring character backs
down, Truehilt will rage at him. If this goes on for
too long, Truehilt will recommend that he not be
allowed to continue the testing process; someone
who cannot obey a simple order obviously cannot
understand the more complex rules by which a
Knight of Solamnia must abide. If no one questions
Truehilt, the candidates march upstairs to the hall,
casting uneasy glances at one another.
When they arrive, they will find many of the other knights gathered there as well. Many look stern
and unforgiving while others are simply outraged.
Various knights tug at their mustaches in anxiety or
tightly controlled fury. It is easy to see, however,

that many knights have already departed for their

homes after the Spring Council, for there are numerous vacancies in the seating.
The candidates are ushered rather firmly into
the corner. Uth Wistan and the other High Knights
arrive. They seat themselves without ceremony
and speak the Oath. The High Justice immediately
speaks, wrath evident in his voice.
Apparently, I was wrong about the supposed traitor in our midst, he says. Just last
evening, someone broke into the sanctified
Chamber of Paladine and stole the sword from
a dead mans chest! What is worse, this sword
served to symbolize all that is good and noble
in the knighthood. Because of the misplaced
faith in one of our knights, the body of Sturm
Brightblade lies violated! If this were for a good
cause, the insult to the dead would not be so
grievous. As it is, the offense is unparalleled.
I want the candidates to dress themselves in
their armor, gather their weapons, and begin to
search for the perpetrator. Bring the culprit
back for justice, and restore the honor of the
knighthood! Use everything, and I mean everything, you have learned here, heard here, and
seen here in this tower to track the guilty party.
If you have companions you trust well, you may
include them in your quest.
I hereby open the entirety of the Tower for
your perusal. I expect any knights present to
give you whatever help they may. I am not certain that the malefactor has left the environs,
but we have to assume that it is a distinct possibility. Prepare yourselves for long journeys, but
make sure you are thorough in your search.
The one who finds the missing sword shall
be allowed to completely bypass any requirements of becoming a squire, and will be directly
knighted. If none of you finds the blade within
three months, knights shall ride out to search
for it. I bid you all good day, and good luck.
May the Three Gods aid you.
Meanwhile, the other characters awaken to the
sounds of booted feet and armor clanging down
the hallways. A steward comes and knocks at each
of their doors, and asks them to accompany him to
the High Council Hall. Once they reach the hall,
they wait outside for only a few scant minutes before knights come bursting out. Any questions put
to the steward before the knights come out are answered with a polite, I know not, my lords.
If they have chosen to follow the steward, the
other characters will be there when their companion emerges from the Council Hall. He can choose
to enlighten them or not, as he sees fit. However,
the rest of the adventure hinges on their cooperation, as each character should have unique talents
to contribute. Once he joins his waiting companions, read the following:

The other candidates and knights are hurrying from the room. Some have taken the time to
group together into little clusters, discussing options. All of them seem to be at a loss as to
where to start their search for the Brightblade
and its thief.
The knights themselves mill about outside the
High Council Hall, arguing among themselves.
Sir Rateliff stands beside the door to the hall,
stroking his long mustache. Over in the corner,
Lord Crownguard argues with the beautiful
blonde. Their voices do not carry, but their cadences do rise above a whisper occasionally,
giving you no doubt that Crownguard is furious
about something.
Crownguard and Corya are quarreling about her
failure to get the Brightblade before it was stolen
by Solanius. Crownguard cannot denounce Solanius without admitting his own guilty intentions.
After they lay the blame on one another, Crownguard and Corya begin to plan a way to get the
blade for themselves. If anyone draws near to
them, they will smoothly change the subject before the person draws within earshot.
Have all of the PCs roll an Intelligence check
with a -2 modifier. If any succeed, they remember that Sir Rateliff is the ultimate authority on the
layout of the Tower, and might well be able to answer any questions they have. If any adventurer
remembers without having to roll the Intelligence
check, give the character a 20-xp bonus.
Rateliff will not volunteer information or advice,
for Uth Wistan has instructed him not to; the characters must draw it from him. He will only answer
questions along the following lines:
1. Layout of the Tower. Refer to The Investigation
for the information he can provide. Although
he does not know the specific contents, Rateliff can give a general description of each floor.
2. Quarters of the various knights, and their eccentricities. More specifically, he can tell the
players that it is Lord Kellin Solanius who owns
the dogs. If they ask about Gunthar Uth Wistan,
he can tell them that Uth Wistan often plays
games within games. Any question about McKennen leads to a speech about McKennens fidelity. Finally, a question about Crownguard
draws a puzzled look, as if Rateliff himself
werent certain of the man. He says that Crownguard had been acting strangely even before his
cousins ignominious defeat here at the Tower.
The man has become radically different in that
short span of time, and no one really knows
what hes doing these days.
Rateliff will not wait outside the Council Hall forever. He, too, has a daily routine, and those who
want to find him will just have to look for him. He
is not here to serve the PCs.

The Investigation
This is the most important phase of the adventure. If the heroes cannot figure out any course of
action, they will not be able to advance to the next
stage. In this event, the DM must gently nudge
them along the right course. Perhaps the characters overhear some of the other candidates saying
something about the Chamber of Paladine. Another good ploy to keep them from wasting time is
to have knights emerging from the level they propose to search. The knights tell them, Theres
nothing here. We searched it thoroughly, and
youll just be wasting your time.
If the PCs ask to join with any of the other candidates, the trainees will reject them. They claim that
while teamwork might well prove to be of some
use, the PCs are already a large enough group; any
more would prove much too unwieldy. No amount
of persuasion will get these men to join.
There are only two areas which hold any clues.
One is on level 7, where Lord Solanius resided
while he was here. The other is in the Chamber of
Paladine, as well as on the steps leading to that area. The party will gain any other clues only
through questioning the various guards who were
on duty last night.
If at any time they go looking for the tomb
guard, they will learn that he is currently in the infirmary with a bandaged head. Apparently, he
took a nasty blow, and is going to be recovering
for some time.
If the PCs have taken their time in getting to him,
he will comment on how popular he has become.
Otherwise, he will gleam with pleasure at becoming so important to the knighthood. If questioned,
he relates the following:
I had just relieved the previous guard from
duty, and was preparing for another long night
of boredom! He sneezes, and winces from the
pain it causes his head. Sorry. Where was I?
Oh, yes. I was practicing some moves with my
sword when I heard someone coming down
the stairs. I knew it was a knight, because plate
mail does not exactly lend itself to stealth.
I greeted the knight and, since I recognized
him, let him past me into the Chamber of Paladine. He said he had some prayers to attend to.
The next thing I knew, I was lying on the cold
stone floor outside the Chamber, holding my
aching head.
The worst thing about all of this is that I remember recognizing the knight, but I cant recall
his face now! I mean, I know that blows to the
head can make you forget things, but I cannot
believe that I would forget the most important
thing that has ever happened to me! This obviously frustrates him a great deal, for he knows
how important this is to the knighthood as well.


After subsequent questioning, it seems apparent

that he cannot tell the heroes much more. As they
are on their way from the room, he calls them
back to him.
I just remembered something, he blurts
out, bursting with pride. The knight had a
large mastiff with him, and it was very well
trained. Does that help at all? He then falls
back into his pillows, his face pale and drawn.
He seems more contented now that he has actually been able to remember something of use.
As much as he would like to, he cannot help the
adventurers any further. His amnesia is real, from
having been clubbed a little too hard by Solanius,
and cannot be cured by spells. He now believes
that the theft was real, and genuinely wishes he
could remember more.
Tomas, the gate guard who was on duty from
midnight to dawn (known as the first watch), is getting ready to go to Palanthas on leave when the
characters find him during their search. He is in
the barracks packing his belongings. Although he
is fiercely devoted to the knighthood, this is his
first furlough in over three months, and he is not
happy to have it delayed any longer.
When you enter the barracks you see a hardlooking man picking up a large, stuffed bag. He
glances up as you make your entrance and appears to curse softly to himself.
Well, he says, his rasping voice betraying
his disgust, I guess furloughs gonna have to
wait. He seats himself on one of the beds and
waits for you to do the same.
If asked about his exasperation, he explains that
this is his first holiday in some time, and hes probably going to be stuck here answering questions
for at least a day. When the real questions begin he
Yeah, I was on duty last night for the first
watch. Really cold and, more to the point, really boring. After all, whos gonna attack the
Tower? After we took on an entire dragonarmy,
I think weve got a pretty ferocious reputation.
Anyway, three or four knights left during my
watch. Youd think that these guys, being experienced warriors and travelers, would want to
wait until they could at least see the light in the
east before they set out.
There was young Warin Strongbow, headed
to Palanthus. He said something about finding
some excitement. Arius Steelhelm took off for
Tarsis. Said he had urgent business. The arrogant knave said he had no time for talking to the
likes of me. Reminds me of the old knighthood
during Crownguards time.
Only one of them had any real light (and
probably any real brains, too); he was carrying

one o them light-gems from Solanthus. That

was . . . lets see . . . yeah, that was Kellin Solanius. He had his dogs with him, as always. I
dont think he goes anywhere without em.
Said he was goin back to the old family homestead there.
Finally, there was Keris Virtainus. He told
me he was going east on a mission of importance for the knighthood. Something about a
whole bunch of new minotaurs showing up on
Mithas. He said these guys supposedly came
from even further east than that. Just between
you n me, I didnt think there was any land east
o Mithas. An who cares about thirty more
minotaurs? Its not like they mean the destruction of the knighthood or anything.
An that was it. Hope Ive been some help. If
youll excuse me, Ive gotta pack some more
stuff. He turns his back on you, and resumes
his preparations for his journey.
Tomas does not know any more than that. If
questioned further, hell shrug and say, I dont
know, or words to that effect. He has already offered the only information he knows that might be
Layout of the Tower
Level 16: Nest of the Kingfisher. This is one of two
areas that the candidates are not free to enter. It is
the sacred home of the knighthoods token, and
the knights will not allow it to be disturbed.
Level 15: High Lookout. The only thing up here,
aside from the knight on patrol, is the whistling
Level 14: Living and Learning Areas. Searching this
area takes about two hours.
Level 13: Maze. This place is simply a test of the
wits and directional ability of those who come
here. If the characters wish to search this place, it
will take them over four hours.
Level 12: The Khas Room. Meditation and quiet
reflection are the dominant features of this room.
Level 12 also houses a Grand Hall, but it is completely empty. It takes two and a half hours to
search this level.
Level 11: High Council Hall and Library. This level
is growing very familiar to the PCs. They may conclude that there is nothing here after only forty-five
minutes of searching.
Level 10: Abbeys and Clerical Offices. This is
where the various clerics of the Gods of Good are
quartered when they are here. The chaplain will
claim that nobody came by last night, and the
doors were securely locked when he awoke this
morning. It takes two hours to search this level.

Level 9: Abbeys and Clerical Offices. This level is

nearly identical to level 10.
Level 8: Abbeys and Clerical Offices. As with level
9, the cleric here asserts that no one stopped by
while he was awake. Since the knights usually
wake him when they need to do some praying or
confessions, he assumes that none visited at all last
night. Although he does not lock the abbey, he is
fairly certain that there were no nocturnal visitors.
A search of the level will take only one and a half
hours, because the cleric will join in the search.
Level 7: Grand Halls and Elegant Quarters. The
Grand Halls are situated conveniently for any visiting dignitaries, who are quartered in the finest accomodations the High Clerists Tower has to offer
when they visit. When there are no important outsiders to entertain, prominent knights often take
these rooms for their own.
One interesting thing the characters can find in
one of these rooms is an overwhelming amount of
evidence suggesting many dogs. There are dog
tracks littering the floor, closely resembling the
muddy dog prints on the steps leading to the
Chamber of Paladine. If the party has been there
and noticed the tracks, they will easily recognize
There is dog hair all over everything. The man
staying in this might have been a nobleman, but
he certainly did not keep his dogs from dirtying
things. If the characters ask around, they will eventually find out (probably from Sir Rateliff) that Lord
Kellin Solanius occupied these chambers during
his stay.
Level 6: Gardens. Because of the nearly constant
activity in this area, with a staff of full-time gardeners keeping the area free from weeds, any clues
that might have once been here are totally obliterated. There is evidence of fresh digging everywhere, so any complete search of this area would
take over seven hours.
Level 5: Treasury and Maze. The maze hides the
entrance to the Great Treasury of the High Clerists
Tower. Since only the three ranking knights may
enter the maze freely, and the guards outside remained conscious all evening, they are sure that
the sword is not hidden within. Therefore, this area is totally off-limits.
Level 4: Kitchens. Servants bustle here and there,
carrying racks of beef, huge tubs of steaming water, and other food-related goods. If any are
stopped and questioned, they will say that there
are always at least 10 people in the kitchen at any
given time. Thus an outsider, especially at midnight, would be easily noticed. There is no need to
search this level, but if the characters do so it will
take them one hour.

Level 3: Dining Hall and Guard Rooms. While the

dining room is well-appointed, there is nothing
even closely resembling Sturms sword in the area.
Likewise, the guards in the efficiently-kept barracks would have immediately noticed if any intruders had entered their area. They will be deeply
insulted if the heroes insist on searching here anyway, and will offer no aid in the search. Thus, the
search here takes two hours.
Level 2: Temples and Quarters. The quarters are
where the lesser knights and the candidates stay
while at the Tower. Only the most fastidious and
stubborn PCs will search these areas, for they certainly heard nothing last night. A search of the
quarters takes two hours.
The Temples are where the grand ceremonies of
the knighthood take place. The burnished wooden pews gleam softly in the refracted light from the
stained glass. Its beauty is totally unmarred by any
clues for the characters.
Level 1 (Ground Level): Dragontraps, Courtyard,
Stables, and Dungeons. These areas are just as
their names describe. The dragontraps have been
cleared of the dead blue dragons and eagerly
await their next victims. The courtyard is still
churned and muddy from yesterdays practice sessions, awaiting a good rain shower to smooth it
out again.
The stables hold a sizable number of excellent
horses, although this number is smaller now that
so many knights have left the Tower. The
dungeons currently hold no prisoners, for which
the jailer is profoundly happy. The dungeons also
hold no clues, nor do the rest of the areas. This will
take about six hours to ascertain.
Cellar: Chamber of Paladine. Go to the next section for a full description.
Knights Spur: This is a hollowed wall that is
roughly square in shape, about 200 feet on a side.
It has three levels which house a chapel, map
rooms, meeting rooms, and several sleeping
rooms. This is the only part of the Tower that was
used during the siege of the War of the Lance, except the dragontraps. There is a stream which runs
through an aqueduct underneath the castle.
Though the PCs might search here (for what better place to hide a stolen object than under the victims nose?), they will find nothing pertaining to
their quest. It will take about three hours to thoroughly search the Spur.

The Chamber of Paladine

Immediately upon entering, have the characters
roll a Wisdom check with a +2 modifier. If any
succeed, they will notice two sets of muddy footprints on the staircase leading downward; a large

dogs and a humans. Both lead directly to the door

of the Chamber of Paladine and through the door
into the tomb.
Even if none of the PCs notice the tracks immediately, allow them to re-roll the modified Wisdom
check after each turn they spend searching. When
a success is finally rolled, the tracks are noticed.
If they enter the crypt itself, they will see that the
sarcophagus labeled Sturm Brightblade has had
its cover pushed away to reveal its contents. If they
enter the room to investigate, the door swings shut
behind them, drawing a thunderous echo in the
crypt. At that precise instant, the torches flare out.
In all the excitement, it appears as if someone
has forgotten to change the torches. At least,
this is what you assume when they gutter madly
for an instant and then extinguish themselves.
You scramble for a moment to establish a new
light source, then realize that you can still see.
The mysterious light source is an amber gem
with a mellow gleam. It glows serenely for a few
moments longer and begins to flicker. Before
anyone can do anything, the sunny light emanating from it fades entirely.
The characters may now take whatever action
they wish. Of first priority, of course, is getting a
light. Once they have achieved this, they may examine the gem. It lies just to the left of Brightblades tomb, an interesting little jewel that has
somehow been carved into the shape of an eagle
in flight.
Any character who rolls an Intelligence check
with a -3 modifier or any character who hails
from Solanthus will recognize the gem as one of
the Solanthian light-gems. It can hold sunlight for
up to 30 hours after having been exposed to it for
one turn.
Additionally, anyone who rolls another successful (unmodified) Intelligence check will remember
certain other important facts about these lightgems. The most relevant is that, due to the minerals rarity, each stone is personally crafted for one
individual. Thus the craftsmen of Solanthus, who
are the only ones skilled enough to work the lightgems, would probably recognize this one and be
able to identify its owner.
If none of them make the check, almost anyone
else in the Tower can give them this information.
The clues by now should tell the players that Solanthus should be their next destination. At this
point, the characters may choose to investigate
further or to ride for Solanthus at once.
The players may wish to show the light-gem to
other candidates in hopes of gaining more members to their party. If they try this, they will find that
most of the others have left the Tower for various
points, following their own lines of investigation.

Erastin Rivenguard
Male Human Fighter, Level 1
Lawful Good
THAC0: 20
Weapon Proficiencies: heavy lance, long sword,
two-handed sword, dagger
Non-weapon Proficiencies: horse riding, heraldry,
animal handling, reading/writing, endurance
Equipment: plate mail, familys long sword, heavy
war horse

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Targin Steelaxe
Male Dwarven Fighter, Level 3
Chaotic Good
THAC0: 18
3/2 or 1/1
Weapon Proficiencies: battle axe (specialized),
short bow, dagger
Non-weapon Proficiencies: endurance, mountaineering, stonemasonry, blacksmithing
Equipment: chain mail, pony
Magical Items: chain mail +1, 20 arrows +1

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Galenye Faelern
Female Human Thief, Level 2
Neutral Good
THAC0: 20
Weapon Proficiencies: wrestling, short sword
Non-weapon Proficiencies: juggling, tumbling,
disguise, reading lips
Equipment: thieves picks, numerous hidden
pouches, three doses of contact sleep poison (successful save vs. poison or fall asleep for 1 turn)
Magical Items: leather armor +2, short sword +1,
rope of climbing

Thieving Abilities:
PP: 30% OL: 40% F/RT: 35% MS: 35%
HS: 20% DN: 15% CW: 60% RL: 0% I.b.
Backstab x2

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Erastin Rivenguard grew up in a family with a

long tradition of providing soldiers to the Knights
of Solamnia. At last, the knighthood agreed to
honor this contribution by allowing one of the
familys children to seek entrance into the Order.
Thus, from the moment Erastin could speak, he
was groomed for the knighthood. Ever since he
could read, he has studied the Measure and was
made to recite the Oath every night before he
slept. His knowledge of the Measure is greater
than most full knights.

To ensure that he was fit in more than just mind,

the Rivenguards hired the dwarf Targin Steelaxe to
see to the boys training. Targin made sure that
Erastin learned both the chivalric forms of combat
and the more common dirty fighting.
To prove his worth before seeking entrance into
the knighthood, Erastin began his adventuring.
He, Targin, and Galenye took up arms. In time, he
gathered more companions, each whom he values dearly. He would sacrifice his life and his
chance at the knighthood for his friends.

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Targin Steelaxe has always been somewhat of a

loner. His childhood in Thorbardin affected him
strangely, somehow driving him to the open air
which frightens so many dwarves. Indeed, he becomes claustrophobic underground. In all other
ways, however, he seems the typical dwarf. He is
grumpy, dour, and stern. Underneath, he holds a
deep love for all that is good and will attempt to
destroy anything that perverts it. He hates draconians nearly more than anything.
He is a young dwarf, about 75 years old. In this
time, he has learned a decent measure of fighting

skill. Targin was, for a time, the companion of a

knight, and he learned the ways of true honor
from him. Thus, he seemed a natural choice to tutor Erastin in knightly combat. Targin now travels
with Erastin to the High Clerists Tower to see how
well his teaching took hold.
Targin has been a long-time friend to Jilani, although he distrusts the magic she wields. He was
happy to have her join the expedition to the Tower, and he took an instant liking to Karathos the
Minotaur. However, he hides this with a typical
dwarven gruff exterior.

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Having grown up in the same Solamnic village

as Erastin Rivenguard, Galenye knows him well.
As children they were sweethearts, and she has
not forgotten the childish love she felt for him
For a few years, she traveled away to Gwynnedd
in Ergoth. There she learned the skills that enabled
her to survive in the city, as well as the illegal trade
by which she survived for a time. It was also there
that she was captured and thrown in jail. The
Ergothians planned to execute her, but she man-

aged to escape from the jail before they did so.

After having re-encountered Erastin, she realized the fundamental selfishness of her previous
life. She now uses her thiefs skills to combat
crime, rather than commit it.
More often than not, she uses her good looks
and charming manner instead of hard work to get
by. Although she is somewhat lazy, she is beginning to develop a strong sense of honor through
her friendship with Erastin.

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Female Half-Elf Mage, Level 1
Chaotic Good
THAC0: 20
Dmg: 1d6
Weapon Proficiencies: quarterstaff
Non-weapon Proficiencies: astrology, reading/
writing, dancing, spellcraft, disguise
Equipment: spellbook, robes, staff
Magical Items: ring of protection +3
Spells in spellbook: detect magic, magic missile,
read magic, shield, wall of fog
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Male Minotaur Fighter, Level 2
Lawful Good
THAC0: 19
3/2 and 1
Weapon Proficiencies: battle axe (specialized),
two-weapon style, wrestling
Non-weapon Proficiencies: tracking, seamanship,
rope use, blind fighting, ambidexterity
Equipment: 50 silk rope, grappling hook
Magical Items: chain mail +1, battle axe +2

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Siriath Leafwine
Male Elven Cleric, Level 2
Lawful Good
THAC0: 19
Dmg: 2d4
Weapon Proficiencies: morning star, sling
Non-weapon Proficiencies: healing, herbalism, religion, reading/writing, ancient history
Equipment: chain mail, shield
Magical Items: medallion of faith

Spells: 1st level: 4

Favored spells: command, cure light wounds,
entangle, light

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For as long as she can remember, Jilani has been

fascinated with magic. Although she has not been
at it too long, she has found that she has a natural
aptitude for the work. Her lifelong friend Targin
Steelaxe distrusts her sorcery, yet he seems to accept it as a necessary evil.
For a time, she and Targin went their separate
ways, choosing to gain more experience in their
chosen fields. A few years passed. On her way
back to their designated meeting place, she
stopped in a tiny hamlet for the night. Little did she
know that the natives were incredibly superstitious, regarding her as a witch to be destroyed. As
she slept that night, the natives crept into her room
and bound and gagged her. They prepared a great
pyre in the center of town and tied her to a stake in
the center of it. They were preparing to torch the

whole pile when a horned figure burst roaring

from the forest at the edge of the tiny village.
Since they had never seen a minotaur before,
the villagers fled from the creature they assumed
was a fiend from the Abyss. Soon, the whole village was deserted. Jilani, having prepared herself
for the searing heat, was amazed instead to find
gentle hands untying her.
She and the minotaur Karathos became fast
friends. When they reached the Solamnic village
after several interesting exploits, she found that
Targin had found himself a whole new group of
friends, and that they were heading to the High
Clerists Tower. She and Karathos agreed to come
along. She does not quite trust the thief Galenye,
nor does she fancy the elven cleric. However,
since Targin allows them to come, she accepts it.

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Karathos origins are something of a mystery. He

will not speak of his past willingly. He says only
that he came from the lands to the northeast of Ansalon. This would lead one to believe that he is
from the brutal continent of Taladas, leading to
even more speculations.
Only Karathos knows the true story: He left the
League of Minotaurs to escape the constant brutality inherent in life there. He took a small ship with
two companions who found life on Taladas equally unattractive. However, storms and continual illluck ruined their expedition on the shores of
Ansalon, and he found himself washed up alone
on the shores of Mithas.
He set out to find his comrades, but was not sure
where to begin looking. One thing is certain: he is
not welcome on Mithas any longer, for he
slew the minotaurs who, suspicious of his foreign

appearance, attempted to take him hostage.

Karathos has a unique fighting style. He fights
with a battle axe in each hand, and has named his
two axes Bonebiter (magical) and Heartcleaver.
His expertise is such that he gets three attacks every two rounds with Bonebiter. He is a savage fighter when enraged, yet he retains his code of honor
at all times.
He has a bet with Erastin that Erastin wont make
it to the knighthood. His honor prevents him from
fouling Erastins chances, and besides, he wants to
see Erastin succeed, for the two honor-bound individuals have become good friends. He is simply
trying to offer a little more impetus.
He trusts Jilani implicitly, for they have experienced many things together. He is still wary of all
the others in Erastins band.

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Siriath Leafwine is a distant descendant of

Silvanos, the founder of Silvanesti. In the War of
the Lance, Siriath commanded a troop of elven
warriors in raids along the dragonarmies flanks.
He saw that the cursed humans were bringing
the Queen of Darkness back to Krynn, and he
longed for a way to combat this.
Soon, he encountered a true cleric of Paladine
and was converted. However, he did not lose his
racial intolerance. His stiff-necked pride alienated
many of the clerics of other races whom he encountered.
He began having dreams of a huge golden dragon. It turned its head sorrowfully toward him and
gazed at him with reproach in its eyes.
The dream became ever more realistic, until one

night when the dragon spoke. Go. Leave this

land and journey with those you would brand impure. Do not return until you have learned the
true value of humanity. When Siriath awoke, he
found himself in a strange place and heard a group
of beings approaching him. This is how he came to
meet Erastin and his comrades.
Although he remains haughty, he is becoming
more and more impressed with these others. Their
short lives are incredibly rich and full, and they
have developed an appreciation for beauty rivalling that of the elves. Even the savage minotaur
has a true zest for life.
While Siriath still lapses into his arrogance, this
happens less as time progresses. He is even becoming a pleasant individual with whom to travel.

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The Road to Solanthus

The road to Solanthus is fraught with peril. In the
wake of the War of the Lance, many less savory
individuals found that the way of the sword suited
them. Others had no homes to which to return, for
the War had devastated the land. The War awakened many voracious monsters, too. Many claim
that it is not safe to travel anywhere without a
heavily-armed escort.
There is no paved road between the High
Clerists Tower and Solanthus, although there is an
admirable dirt trail from so many years of travel
between the two areas. The distance between the
two is about 120 miles, requiring three days of
mounted travel. Although the road sees frequent
use (or perhaps because of this fact), bandits and
various other creatures often use this area as a focal point for their depradations.
Roll 1d10 twice a day to determine if the party
encounters some of these creatures. On a roll of 1
or 2, they have encountered one of the following
creatures. Roll 1d8 to determine which:
Wandering Monsters
1. Stag (1): Int Animal; AL N; AC 7; MV 24; HD 3;
hp 20; THAC0 17; #AT 1 or 2; Dmg 1d3/1d3
(hooves) or 2d4 (antlers); SZ M; ML 7; XP 65.
2. Draconians, Baaz (4): Int Average; AL LE; AC 4;
M V 6, Glide 18; H D 2; hp 15, 13, 8, 7; THAC0 19;
#AT 1; Dmg 1d8 (battle axes); SZ M; ML 13; XP 175
3. Goblins (8): Int Low; AL LE; AC 6 (10); MV 6;
HD 1-1; hp 6, 5, 5, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3; THAC0 20; #AT 1;
Dmg 1d6 (short swords); SZ S; ML 10; XP Varies
4. Bandits (5): Int Low; AL CE; AC 5; MV 12; HD
1 + 1 ; hp 8, 7, 5, 5, 2; THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg 1d8
(long swords); SZ M; ML 10; XP Varies each.
5. Ogres (2): Int Low; AL CE; AC 5; MV 9; HD
4+1; hp 31, 28; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg 1d10 (or
by weapon); SA +2 to damage; SZ L; ML 11; XP
175 each.
6. Tinker Gnomes (8): Int Highly; AL NE; AC 5;
M V 6; H D 1; hp 8, 7, 7, 6, 3, 3, 1, 1; THAC0 19;
#AT 1; Dmg 1d6; SZ S; ML 8; XP 65 each.
7. Wolves (3): Int Semi-; AL N; AC 7; MV 18; HD
2+2; hp 9, 8, 7; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1d4+1;
SZ S; ML 10; XP 65 each.
8. Kender (4): Int Average; AL CN; AC 8; MV 6;
HD 1; hp 6, 6, 3, 1; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6;
SZ S; ML 20; XP 65 each.

The stag silently appears from behind a stand of

trees, gazing impassively at the party. Although the
stag obviously is not the fabled White Stag of legend, an inhuman intelligence seems to lurk behind its eyes. If any in the party approach it, it
gazes at them a while longer and then, with an impertinent flick of its white tail, vanishes into the
The draconians pose as traveling mendicants
who appear as no threat. They are dressed in long
brown robes with hoods covering their features.
Filthy bandages swath their hands, obscuring their
reptilian heritage. Since they are currently in a
leadership crisis, they have no formal plans for attack. They rely on their time-worn method, that of
using their disguises to draw close to their victims
and then attacking.
It is very possible (75% chance) that the sight of
a knightly person will cause them to ignore their
plan and simply rush forth screeching. They have
not forgotten that the knighthood played a crucial
role in the downfall of the dragonarmies, and they
long for revenge.
The goblins are beginning to get some organization after the War and are trying to amass some
notoriety so that they may attract more followers.
Obviously, they wont last long by attacking traveling knights and their companions. This particular
company has no sense of tactics and will break
cover screaming. They have over 40 yards to traverse before they can reach their prey, allowing
the victims plenty of time to ready a defense. No
one ever said goblins were smart.
The bandits are under the command of one Erek
Malham, a crafty old warrior from before the War.
He wisely took no sides, preying on both for his
living. His opponents call him The Solanthian
Scourge for his irritating habit of intercepting
goods going both to and from the city. The merchants of Solanthus have set a 1,000 stl reward on
his head.
Erek Malham: AL CE; AC 6; MV 12; F2; hp 15;
THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1d8+1; S 16, D 14, C 10, I
14, W 13, Ch 16; broad sword +2, leather +2
When the characters come upon the bandits,
they are encamped in a small depression. The
bandits are totally surprised, allowing the characters a free first attack. This will completely negate
Malhams tactical ability, allowing for a fairer fight
between the two parties. If the heroes kill Malham,
they may claim the reward in Solanthus.
The ogres are a mated pair on a simple bashing
spree. They will not surrender, but if one should
fall, the other will go into a berserk rage, gaining a
+2 modifier on initiative and attack rolls until it
dies. They will not flee from battle and have no
strategy. Crushing things is all they want to do.
The gnomes are would-be raiders. They have
discovered the theory that it is easier to feed on
others work rather than doing ones own. Unfor19

tunately for them, their method of going about it

does not produce the best results. Of course, they
rely on their technology and their wits (in that order) to overcome any obstacles in their path. For
this reason, they are currently starving.
When the party encounters them, they are
standing around a strange contraption, having just
given it the final touches, The thing looks like
nothing more than a steam-blowing scrapheap
with a huge and terrifying metallic face mounted
on the front. It apparently acts as a ram as well as
an awe-inspiring piece. It chuffs scalding steam
from its mouth and nose, making the face resemble a fire-breathing gnome. Its spiked wheels find
easy purchase in the ground, the fifth wheel
mounted in the rear providing the steering. The
overall effect, however, is not one that induces
overwhelming fear; rather, the contraption is ludicrously humorous.
When the gnomes first spy the characters, they
leap into the death machine and stoke its fires
to greater heat. The machine rumbles ominously
and rolls slowly forward, gathering speed as it approaches the characters. Suddenly, it emits a huge
steamy belch and trundles from the road. Moments later, the gnomes abandon ship, leaping
from it in great haste. As they race away, the boiler
on the machine explodes with a loud bang, leaving a dented and ripped hull on the machine.
In the event the characters wish to search the
machine, they will find that the interior of the de-


vice is totally unrecognizable. Any sense they

might have made from it has been obliterated by
the explosion. The machine is completely useless
except for any other gnomes.
The wolves are three young males whose pack
was slaughtered by fur trappers and fearful townsfolk. They are hardly more than cubs and have little idea of how to survive. They appear at night
around the characters camp, their eyes gleaming
redly in the firelight. They will not enter the camp
and will flee from combat. They howl mournfully
if driven away from the camp, getting just far
enough from the campsite that it would be a bother to the characters to chase them.
If the PCs leave scraps of food for the young
wolves, the wolves will follow the characters.
They become bolder as time progresses, and if
they are well-treated, they may even come to join
the partys pack. They will serve as faithful companions once their trust is won. If the PCs keep
them, they will grow to full size and gain hit points.
The kender are just wandering. They flock
around the PCs with great interest, filching small
items from them and replacing them with other
things. They will take nothing of real value but
may leave one or two gems worth 250 stl in exchange for some shiny object. This encounter
should be played for amusement value and to see
how the characters deal with a swarm of kender
surrounding them. Good role-playing should be
rewarded with a 75-xp bonus.

The Traitor?
At last, the characters reach Solanthus. The fortified city presents a forbidding exterior to those
who approach it. In addition to its newer and
stronger walls, the city is surrounded by a shallow
moat (about 10 feet deep). The moat is wellmaintained and free from algae and dangerous
creatures. Ringing the moat is a decrepit old wall,
half-crumbled and weakened, a remnant of earlier
There are only three entrances to the town, each
of them well-guarded by sentries loyal to the Lord
Mayor. They inspect each wagon coming into and
leaving the city, ensuring that no one is engaging
in activities detrimental to the well-being of the
The city is only just regaining its former status as
a trade center, for it suffered mightily during the
War of the Lance. The dragonarmies and various
raiders destroyed the surrounding area, depriving
the honest farmers of their livelihood. The raiders
slaughtered the cattle and burned the fields that
provided sustenance for the city dwellers. The fear
that this might happen again has prompted their
suspicion of strangers.
Granted to the Solamnics for their aid to the
dwarves in a time of need, Solanthus is situated on
an old dwarven mine site. The tunnels carved by
the dwarves provide an ideal method for smugglers and thieves to transport their goods to and
from the city. The guards and the Lord Mayor are
aware of most of the shafts, but there are a few in
the twisted maze of which they remain oblivious.
The most obvious gift the dwarves left for the humans was the cleft spire, a shimmering tower of
rock which graces the night sky in the center of the
town. With a pure spring bubbling at its base, the
spire is the only known source of the Solanthian
light-gems. Within the town, a soft glow constantly
keeps the streets lit and fairly free from crime.
Light-gems mounted atop tall poles and protected
with powerful magic shed their stored brilliance
during the night, keeping even the darker streets
aglow with a lesser imitation of the suns light.
The spires themselves are well guarded all the
time. It is forbidden for anyone but those approved by the Lord Mayor to mine from the spires,
for the mineral is very rare. Only those who have
provided a great service for the city may possess
any pieces of the light-gems. Each piece is carved
into a distinctive shape, so that if it is lost, each
gem may be returned to its rightful owner. At night
the glow from the spires may be seen at a distance
of over one mile.
Two castles flank Solanthus on either side, resembling grim sentinels against the backdrop of
the Garnet Mountains. One is the ancestral home
of the Crownguard family, of which Charles is the
last surviving scion. The other, looming ominously
over the town, is the refuge of Lord Kellin Sola-

nius, the nephew of the Lord Mayor of Solanthus.

When they arrive in Solanthus, the characters
must take rooms in town if they wish to stay. Although they could claim rooms in either Crownguards or Solanius strongholds if they were full
knights, neither of these two will recognize them
as worthy of this claim. There are two decent inns
in town, the Gleaming Gem and the Boisterous
Bull, from which the characters can base their operations.
The characters might wish to ride to Solanius
castle immediately. If so, proceed to Visiting Solanius.
In town, the characters can do just about anything they please. Although the city is still trying to
rebuild from the disastrous attacks of the War of
the Lance, its merchants and residents present a
united front to visitors. They try to provide as
many amenities as would be available in an undamaged city. Almost every service the characters
might need is procurable.
Thus while the characters may pass through sections of the town that are charred and ruined, the
commercial life exhibits no such ruin. If they wish
to search through the rubble, remind them that
this is tantamount to looting, and no honorable
person would allow the theft of anothers property.
Solanthus holds three major temples, those of
Shinare, Paladine, and Mishakal. Each temple has
a full staff waiting to help the needy. Although
none of the temples is as large as the one in Palanthas, they each have a respectable following.
The Lord Mayor maintains a townhouse near the
spires and the central market. Not only is this a residential home, but it also functions as the town
hall. The Lord Mayor can be reached here at almost any time of the day. His last name is also Solanius. He is Kellins uncle, and he will speak
glowing words of praise in the knights defense.
Despite the fact that he is family, he is not trying to
protect Kellin; these words are sincere.
The Lord Mayor does not altogether trust
Crownguard. To be entirely frank, he does not
trust him at all. The two have been rivals on the
City Council often enough that neither likes the
other; the Lord Mayor is honest enough to admit
that he has let his personal feelings bias his actions
against Crownguard.
However, he claims that there is reason for his
dislike, for he sees Crownguard as greedy, vainglorious, and grasping, a man concerned only with
his own ambition. He is certain that Crownguard
would sacrifice everything to restore his familys
name, and to further enhance it, he would betray
his knightly vows. The Lord Mayor is not certain
that Crownguard took his vows seriously, anyway.
The lifesblood of the city is the grain and cattle
that are sold at the weekly auctions in the marketplace. In pre-war days, farmers came from all over
Ansalon to sell their livestock and their produce in
the Solanthian marketplace. Since the War,
farmers are starting to filter back into the market.

However, they must first look to their own survival, and they therefore do not bring the huge
amounts of harvest they did in the past.
The people in town, if asked, will all support Kellin Solanius. Although they regard him as a bit of a
fop, they claim that he is one of the most noble
people they have ever met. A true Knight of Solamnia, they will say, one of the good ones.
They will refuse to hear ill spoken of him, for he
dedicated himself to improving the lot of everyone
in Solanthus, not just his cronies.
They are dissatisfied with Crownguard, for he
seems interested only in improving his own lot and
those of his rich friends. The citizens seem to feel
that Kellin and Charles are opposite numbers, at
least as far as personalities go. Where Kellin is giving, kind, and generous, Crownguard is selfish and
greedy. However, since the rich people control
the elections, Crownguard is a perennial winner.
If the PCs take the eagle-carved light-gem to any
jeweler in Solanthus, these experts will recommend that they visit Myrtha Stoneshaper. They say
she is the best jeweler this side of the Gate of
Souls, and that she has been blessed by Reorx the
Shaper, himself, with her ability.
When they enter her shop, located conveniently
near the spires, read the following:
As you enter the small, dingy shop, a small
silver bell above the door tinkles sweetly. The
store seems strangely devoid of any sort of
product. The display cases are all empty. From
the back room, you hear a crabby old voice call
out, Bide yer time! And dont touch anything! In a moment, a small dwarvish woman
strides forth from her workshop. In there you
can spy the jewels and gems that should be on
display out front. It looks almost as if a weird fire
had sprung up in the back room, so intense are
the blazes from the stones in back.
The little woman looks up at you and snaps,
After the PCs explain their mission, or produce
the light-gem (depending on whether they left it as
a clue to other searchers), she pauses thoughtfully.
Wait here, she mutters and shuffles into the
back room. She comes out moments later holding a heavy leather book. After blowing dust
from its cover, she opens it carefully and begins
thumbing through the brittle pages.
Lets see . . . eagle . . . hmm. Ah, yes, here
we go. I thought I membered carving thet one.
Lets see, it musta been coupla years back. Did
it fer thet young Kellin Solanius. Fine fella, him.
Thet what you wanted ta know? She stares at
you with bright eyes, daring you to keep her
from her work for much longer.
She will answer their questions for about five
more minutes, growing ever more impatient with

each passing moment. At last, she grows disgusted

enough to walk into the back room during the
middle of one of their questions. She will lock the
workshop door and yell, Go away! Im busy!
No matter what the characters do, short of burning the shop, she will remain in the back. The
flimsy-looking doors turn out to be securely
locked by magical means, and if the party harasses
Myrtha for too long, the city guard will show to escort them from the town. Those who resist will be
dealt with harshly, for the guard has no time for
foolishness or the fools.
Although they may not know it, the PCs now
have enough evidence to confront Solanius. The
clues all certainly seem to point in his direction.
The only problem is the townsfolk will not believe
that he is guilty, and his behavior seems to indicate
someone concerned with the well-being of others.
The party will have to determine how they want to
unravel this mystery.

Visiting Solanius
If the players are intent on riding off to confront
Solanius immediately, remind them that their
characters need hard evidence before they can
bring him to justice. Unless they can somehow
positively identify him as the culprit, they must
continue to conduct their investigation in Solanthus. They may wish to spy on him in order to ascertain whether he is the culprit. Allow this to
happen, but they should not be able to discover
the evidence for which they search. However, the
numerous dogs that Kellin keeps will bark frantically the whole time unless the characters take
precautions against detection.
Once the characters head for Solanius castle,
ask them what proof they have that he is the thief.
If they offer an inadequate explanation (a hunch,
the simple fact that a dog was at the tomb, or anything of the sort), continue with Solanius still alive.
When they confront him, he fairly bristles with anger. He will first demand, in righteous tones, the
evidence they hold against him. When they are
unable to produce it, he will threaten to discredit
them before the Knightly Council for attempting to
sully his good reputation.
If, however, the PCs have adequate evidence,
then their arrival at Solanius keep is just after
Crownguards move for the sword. Once they enter the grounds, read the following to the players:
As you approach Solanius keep, something
odd keeps nagging at you. You finally realize
that his dogs, which you would expect to be
barking, are silent. In fact, you cannot hear the
slightest whimper from their kennels.
Another minor detail draws your attention.
The beautifully-carved oak front doors of Lord
Kellins stronghold stand slightly ajar, spilling
forth the light from inside. You see a form
sprawled on the floor just beyond the doors. A
weak moan issues from the figure.
If the characters draw closer to investigate, they
find that the form is that of Lord Kellin Solanius.
He lies in a pool of his own blood. He has crawled
some distance after being wounded, as there is a
trail of bright crimson stretching behind him.
When he sees the heroes, he gestures them closer
to bestow upon them his dying words. If they do
approach, read the following:
Solanius smiles a wistful smile, and chuckles
weakly, blood trickling from his mouth. His humor quickly turns to a gasp of pain when the
movement tears at his insides. He is obviously
beyond any but the most advanced healing
magic. Only force of will keeps him alive now.
He begins to whisper to you. You have to
bend close to hear his words. When he speaks,
flecks of bloody spittle fly from his mouth.

You certainly did your investigating well,

he murmurs. You fingered the correct culprit. I
was the one who stole the sword. However, I
am also innocent. Read this parchment in my
belt. It will explain everything. It was all part of
the Test, and youve passed admirably. I hope
my clues werent too obvious. He coughs
painfully, and a clot of gore spatters the floor.
Ouch, he continues mildly. You cant help
but admire how little he complains and whimpers. Read the parchment. The Brightblade
has been stolen from me, the keeper. It was that
traitor Crownguard and his thieving wench Corya. He distracted me, she stabbed me in the
back, and I whirled. Then Crownguard stabbed
me. Watch out for him. I think he has a poisoncoated dagger. Please. Avenge me, and reclaim
the honor of the knighthood from Crownguard.
Nobody in his family has ever been worthy of it.
And hurry, before he goes anywhere.
One last request, he asks, his breath growing short. Take me to my dogs. I know that
ruthless pig Charles slaughtered them, but I
want to lie with them in death. He closes his
eyes and does not open them again.
The parchment (found in the back of this book)
is a signed and sealed letter from Lord Uth Wistan,
explaining that the theft was an integral part of this
years Test. He asks those who apprehend Solanius
to treat him with courtesy until they can return to
the Tower so that the story may be verified. In a
post-script, he asks that Solanius detainers return
the sword without using it.
Assuming that the characters take Solanius to his
beloved dogs, they will find the kennel in complete disarray. Every dog is either dead or dying,
some by gaping sword wounds, while others lie
panting their last, their muzzles covered with foam
that indicate poisoning. The dogs that still live
crawl over to their dead master and lie beside him,
waiting to die.
If the characters spent too long investigating
(that is, spent more than a day looking around in
the High Clerists Tower or more than two days in
Solanthus), they will arrive to find two other candidates rushing forth from the keep. These two leap
to their horses and begin to gallop off in the direction of Crownguards keep. If hailed, they call
back that they are headed to the real traitors keep.
They have Uth Wistans letter with them.
In the time it takes for the characters to react to
this, the two candidates will have gained a substantial lead. Unless the party has some method of
stopping these two, they will reach Crownguards
fortress well ahead of the PCs. If the PCs follow,
they will find the bodies of the two hopefuls and
the letter when they reach Crownguards keep.
They appear to have been slain from behind. This
should prepare the party for the assault they will
face when (or if) they enter the keep.

The True Traitor

Like the portals at Lord Kellins keep, the
doors to Crownguards castle also stand wide
open. However, there is a welcoming party at
these gates, one much more malicious than a
huddled body. Crownguard stands there, cradling the Brightblade as if he owned it. He waves
you inside as you enter the courtyard then vanishes into the darkened interior with an evilsounding giggle before anyone can react.
If the party follows him inside, they immediately
enter the Great Hall of Castle Crownguard. While it
is not nearly as impressive as some of the Great
Halls on Anasalon, neither is it tiny. Once the PCs
enter, the massive doors swing shut behind them,
keeping them trapped inside the shadowy confines.
Toward the back of the hall, Crownguard stands
clutching the Brightblade possessively. Even from
the characters vantage point, it is obvious that the
man has at last gone totally insane. At his side is
Corya, who sneers maliciously at the party as she
reaches for Crownguards arm.
The thing that really draws the PCs attention,
however, is the new and improved Gnomish
Death Machine. If the characters encountered the
gnomes on the road to Solanthus, they will recognize the general machine type. Painted across the


cheeks of this one are the words, Knight

Squisher. A band of eight gnomes hangs from
Knight Squisher, shouting derisively at the characters. At Crownguards signal, Knight Squisher begins to trundle forward, blowing steam.
The gnomes have the same statistics as the ones
in the Wandering Monster section, pg. 19. In fact,
if the characters did not kill them, these are the
same gnomes. They cackle menacingly as Knight
Squisher approaches the characters and ready
themselves for the inevitable and unpleasant
thumps when the characters are overrun.
This fails to happen. The machine seems not to
have been properly repaired, for it veers from its
set course again and crashes into a nearby wall.
The force of the impact flings the gnomes from the
hull of Knight Squisher, and they are dazed for a
full round. The characters may attack them freely.
In the back of the Hall, Crownguard has just
looked up and noticed that the machine has weakened the supports in the walls of the Hall, and taken a large chunk of his financing with it. He hurls a
gauntlet to the floor in a fit of rage. He picks up
Sturms sword, and calls a challenge to the Solamnic character.
If the candidate takes the challenge, the gnomes
(assuming they are still alive to do so) part for him,
and immediately resume fighting. They will try to
occupy the candidates friends for as long as it
takes for Crownguard to slaughter the would-be
hero. They will give no quarter, although they may

grovel if it seems they might be killed.

In the meantime, Corya has melted into the
shadows and is trying to maneuver behind the
characters to attempt a backstabbibg attack. If one
of the players has stated that he or she is looking
for Corya, check to see if she successfully hides in
the shadows. If not, she is spotted. However, if no
one mentions looking for her, she successfully
sneaks up behind the party.
Since Crownguard is not worthy to wield the
Brightblade, he does not gain any of its bonuses.
Indeed, the blade actually hampers his fighting
ability, giving him a penalty of -2 to initiative, -1
to hit, and -2 to damage rolls. After four rounds, if
he is still standing, Crownguard will realize how
much the sword resists his touch. With a howled
curse, he will throw the blade at his opponent, using the time this provides to draw his long sword
+2 and the dagger of jealousy from behind a pillar.
He will use both to try and kill his foe, forgoing the
chivalric rules of combat.
However, if he rolls a natural attack roll of 16 or
better while using the Brightblade, the sword shatters in his hands. It inflicts 1d10 points of damage to
him, and will blind him with pain for 1d4 rounds.
Even as Crownguard strikes a mighty blow, the
sword of the Brightblades shivers in his hands.
He gapes at it stupidly for a moment, not understanding what has transpired. While he stands,
mouth ajar and eyes agape, the sword explodes
in his hands, sending spinning shards of metal into his body. Oddly, the shrapnel propels itself only in his direction, leaving bloody rents.
This is the ideal opportunity to subdue the traitor
so that he might be brought to justice before the
tribunal at the High Clerists Tower. The PCs
should remember that their quest is not to kill the
thief but to retrieve him and the Brightblade in order to take them back to the Tower. Of course, if
the PC wishes to strike down a defenseless man
ignobly, thats his choice. . . .
In any case, once Crownguard and Corya are
defeated, the PCs will notice that the castle seems
to be swaying somewhat, and that tremors are rippling through the keep. There is just enough time
to gather the Brightblade and the prisoners and
make an escape. Even if the Brightblade has shattered, the pieces are ridiculously easy to gather, almost as if they wished to be reunited.
If anyone tries to take the dagger of jealousy, it
will slip from their hands. Unless they harbor a
strong evil in their hearts, it will be impossible for
them to pick up the cursed item.
There is, unfortunately, no time to go further into the keep to collect all of Crownguards treasure.
Any who try suffer 1d10 points of damage each
round from falling masonry until they head for the
exit. There is nothing of value this close to the entrance except for Crownguards long sword +2.

The Return
After defeating Crownguard (assuming they do
so), the characters must journey back to the High
Clerists Tower with the Brightblade. If the sword
shattered during Crownguards battle, the characters might wish to take it to be reforged. The candidate can easily remember legends that state that it
can only be fixed by the best living smith. This description could only fit Theros Ironfeld, the smith
with the silver arm.
Last reports placed Theros on the isle of Ergoth,
where he has continued to produce dragonlances.
However, he has not been heard from in some
time, and there are those who think he must have
died. Other rumors place him in the vicinity of
Vingaard Keep, where he ran into some unknown
difficulties. The PCs must determine the truth of
these rumors themselves, for they might not wish
to return to the Tower with the sword shattered.
If they do seek Theros Ironfeld, they will eventually find him in a location of the DMs choosing.
He will understand the importance of reforging
the sword promptly and will set aside his current
work to restore it. However, he will forbid the PCs
to look at it, saying his work must have time to settle. The price for his work is that they present the
package containing the Brightblade to Gunthar
Uth Wistan without having opened it.
Whether or not they have the sword reforged,
their journey back is uneventful. The monsters
and bandits have moved to greener pastures or
have been slain. Peace has descended on the area.
If Crownguard has been taken alive, he will
prove to be a difficult prisoner. Although the Solamnic Code demands that a captive be treated
well, Crownguard seems intent on earning the
wrath of everyone. He will abuse his captors verbally and will take every opportuntity to escape
the justice he knows awaits him at the High
Clerists Tower. Although he has no choice but to
go, he will not go gracefully.
If Corya has also been taken prisoner, she will
remain silent throughout the journey. If a chance
presents itself, she will attempt to escape and will
free Crownguard if at all possible.
Whether or not the characters stop to have the
Brightblade reforged, word of their success has
somehow reached the High Clerists Tower.
As your destination comes into sight, you can
vaguely see that the place is festooned with
brightly colored banners. You cannot remember what the holiday might be and continue to
trudge forward, anticipating a real bed.
As you draw closer to the Tower, a great
cheer rises from the knights assembled on the
walls and parapets. Somewhat belatedly, you
realize that the cheers are meant for you, and
you can feel your skin grow red with pleas-


ure and embarrassment.

Knights come galloping forth from the
opened gates to greet you. They throng around
you and raise their lances in a salute to your
bravery, courage, and intelligence. Once inside, you are led to hot baths and deep, feathered beds. You fall almost immediately into a
coma-like slumber.
Gunthar Uth Wistan wishes to see the heroes
immediately after they awaken. Squires stand
faithfully at the champions doors until they arise,
ready to pass along this message. They will be escorted to the High Justices chambers, where an
elegant breakfast is laid before them. Also present
are the High Warrior and the High Clerist.
Gunthar greets the heroes warmly, inviting them
to share his breakfast with him. He has a magnificent view from the upper floors of the Tower. After
servants clear away the dishes, Gunthar begins to
question the adventurers on the details of their
quest while the other two listen attentively. Hopefully, the PCs have behaved in a manner befitting
heroes, for the High Knights are listening carefully
to determine if the Solamnic PC is worthy of the
honor of knighthood. After the PCs have finished
relating their tale, the High Knights thank them.
If the adventurers brought Crownguard back
alive, they may attend his trial. Nearly all the other
knights in the Tower do, except those on guard duty. The hearing is held in the High Council Hall:
The hall is packed with knights for the second
time in your memory. This time, it is not a joyous occasion for which the Knightly Council
has convened, and the grim mood in the room
echoes this fact. After a repetition of the Oath,
the prisoner Crownguard is led into the room.
His eyes spit venom where he casts his
glances, but it lingers longest on you. When it
passes on, you have to restrain an urge to rub
yourself down. His gaze reminds you of a bathtub full of spiders. When his escort leads him to
the clear space in the center of the hall, he spits
on the floor. The knights mutter in disapproval.
The trial goes downhill from there. Crownguard curses the knighthood throughout the trial, making no effort to defend himself. Your
testimony against him is not even needed. Almost as soon as the High Knights clear the hall
to deliberate on his sentence, they recall the
knights. Sitting on their table in plain view are
several black roses, a symbol of guilt. Lord Uth
W istan stands to pronounce sentence on the
traitor. He appears as if he wishes to make a
speech, but thinks better of it. Death by beheading, he says, and walks from the room,
followed by the other two knights.
Once outside in the courtyard, Crownguard
appears to recover his senses. He grovels before the executioner, begging for his life. De26

spite his impassioned cries and his cringing, the

executioner delivers the death blow. The gathered knights file somberly and silently away.
If Corya was brought back alive, the knighthood
turns her over to the authorities in Palanthus. They
have no hard and fast evidence against her, and
she does not fall under their jurisdiction anyway.
While awaiting trial in Palanthus, she escapes
from the jail, and vows revenge on the PCs. They
have made a resourceful enemy who can be used
again in later adventures, if the DM desires.

Several days after the execution, the knights
hold funeral ceremonies for their departed friend
Kellin Solanius. They lay him to rest in the Chamber of Paladine, near the body of Sturm Brightblade. If any of the companions perished during
this adventure, they too are honored with a place
in the Chamber. Since they perished in the service
of the knighthood, this is not at all a breach of protocol. If the candidate died fighting Charles
Crownguard, his body will be knighted before he
is received to Humas breast.
Otherwise, if he survived, he must sit through his
vigil in the chapel in Knights Spur. The Measure
dictates that he sit through the night alone (or in the
presence of other knights-to-be) in silent prayer and
meditation, guarding his arms and armor.
When morning arrives, so does your Guard
of Honor. They dress you in long white robes
and escort you to the courtyard. Each member
of the guard carries a separate piece of your
new plate mail uniform. One carries your shield
(for which you have chosen a personal device),
another carries your spurs, while another carries your sword and a freshly tooled scabbard,
decorated with the symbols of the knighthood.
The final guard carries your helm.
In the center of the courtyard waits Lord Uth
W istan and Sir Delson, your two sponsors.
When you reach Uth Wistan, you kneel. For
what seems an eternity, he recites your accomplishments. At last, he begins the ritual.
I hereby declare you a Knight of Solamnia.
You have spent the night in prayer. Do you consider yourself worthy of this great honor?
No, my lord, you answer, but I most humbly accept it and vow that I shall devote my life
to making myself worthy.
Uth Wistan lifts you to your feet and embraces you fiercely, while the knights gathered
around cheer wildly. At long last, you have realized your ambition. You know that you will
prove yourself worthy of your knighthood, and
you are eager to prove yourself to the evil in the
world. Your time has come.

Major NPCs
Sir Charles Crownguard
Male Human Knight of the Crown, Level 3
Chaotic Evil
THAC0: 18
by weapon type (+1 due to Str)
Weapon Proficiencies: two-handed sword, heavy
lance, long sword, dagger, spear
Non-weapon Proficiencies: land-based riding,

heraldry, etiquette, endurance, reading/writing

Magical Items: plate mail +1, long sword +2,
Dagger of Jealousy (q.v.)
Sir Charles Crownguard has always been a pampered person. When he was a child, he had no
wants that were unfulfilled. While peasants
around him starved, he feasted. He had never truly faced hardship in his life until he joined the
There, he and his cousin Derek learned of loyalty and of the Oath and the Measure. These two
secretly swore their loyalty to one another, vowing
vengeance on all who crossed them. Although the
knighthood would always be important to the two
of them, they saw it mainly as a tool to further their
ambitions. Their loyalty was to each other first.
After their knightly initiations, the two of them
went their separate ways. Derek, using his connections (and, it must be admitted, his excellent
battle prowess and nobility) quickly advanced

through the ranks. Charles, on the other hand, focused more on political matters, using his knightly
status as a bargaining tool. Both quickly gained a
fine reputation in their fields of expertise. Both
were also secretly vainglorious and power-hungry.
Then came the War of the Lance, and the pressures began to build. Although both Charles and
Derek welcomed the opportunity to test themselves, the tension and stress began to take their
tolls, and both began to go slowly mad. In Derek,
this led to the final, fateful charge that eliminated
the flower of the knighthood.
Charles change was much more subtle. At the
beginning of the War, an ancient dagger came into
his possession. Although he was not normally a
weapons collector, he had to have this one. Called
the Dagger of Righteous Vengeance by the peddler,
it seemed to beckon to the dark chasm waiting in
Charles heart. Even had he known that the blade
was more rightfully known as the Dagger of Jealousy, he would not have been able to resist its allure.
With this dagger in his possession, he changed
slowly from the weak-willed, foppish nobleman
he had been to a strong-minded pillar of the nobility. Privately, his paranoia increased. He began to
jump at every sound that was out of place. He
fired his servants and replaced them with new
ones, only to find that he had trusted the old ones
more. Worst of all, he found himself becoming
jealous of Dereks success in the knighthood.
The gods only know what might have happened
if things had continued this way. However, even as
Charles plotted to have his righteous revenge
on Derek, his cousin perished in the ill-fated assault from the High Clerists Tower. Robbed of a
target for his suspicions, he was at a loss for some
Meanwhile, in his private life, he grew increasingly more distrustful. Publicly, he became ever
more friendly and forthright. His foppishness decreased, his clothing and his manner becoming
less effected and seemingly more genuine.
His political opponents and his friends, who had
been growing more distant, noticed his marked
change with some amazement. For some reason,
they began to fear his newfound power and selfassurance. He destroyed many of them politically
without a second thought.
Then he discovered that the knighthood was
venerating that coward and Measure-breaker
Sturm Brightblade while his beloved cousin Derek
lay in dishonor! Forgetting his previous wrath
against his cousin, Charles set out to discredit
Sturm. He spent some years cautiously examining
Sturms past, and he created some lies to spread.
After a time, he found that his innuendoes and his
carefully placed rumors availed nothing.
In the meantime, despite these stories, the Orders began to rank Sturm among the knights of legend. He, not Derek, was regarded as the true hero
of the High Clerists Tower, as the embodiment of

the spirit of the Oath and the Measure. From his

home near Thelgaard Keep, Sir Charles Crownguard laid his plans to permanently divide the Order that had shunned his cousins sacrifice and
dishonored his familys name.
He began to frequent the lower taverns of Solanthus in disguise, associating with the scum normally found there. It was here that he first
encountered the thief Corya, who agreed to help
him perform the deed. Eventually, through their
plotting and close association, the two became
However, Charles jealousy and madness continued to drive him, and he soon overcame his infatuation with Corya. His paranoia forced her from
him, and he threatened her life more than once.
Since she knows his secrets, he is planning on having her killed once she retrieves the Brightblade
from the High Clerists Tower.
Female Half-Elven Thief, Level 4
Neutral Evil
THAC0: 19
17 (18)
Thieving Abilities: PP: 45% OL: 55% F/RT: 50%
MS: 40% HS: 45% DN: 25%
CW: 75% RL: 0% Backstab x2
Weapon Proficiencies: long sword, dagger, sling
Non-weapon Proficiencies: disguise, appraising,
gaming, forgery, dancing
Magical Items: long sword +2, gauntlets of dexterity, leather armor +2
Corya has never been a child of privilege. Everything she has ever wanted, she has had to work
hard for. For a brief time, she came into a small
sum of money, which she hoarded away. Not
comfortable with her monetary standing, she began stockpiling every copper piece. Still not satisfied that she had enough to begin spending any
money, she started stealing small amounts from
the marketplace.
Soon, she found that she had a flair for thievery,
and she entered into that business full-time. She
now spends the money of other people, although
she saves most of it for herself. When she makes a
big theft, she tends to spend about 25% of it on a
single drunken night on the town. She spends the
rest only on necessities. She has over 5,000 stl secreted away in her quarters.

She generally tends to frequent the lower-class

bars of Solanthus, which is where she met Sir
Charles Crownguard. Although he was disguised,
she recognized that he was high-born and immediately recognized her chance to become wealthy
beyond her wildest dreams. He had heard of her
reputation and enlisted her skills in his bid to discredit Sturm Brightblade. The two soon became
lovers. She did not know that he counted the silver
every time she left.
Charles became extremely jealous and untrusting (with good reason), and the two fell out. However, Corya had accepted the payment for the
theft and so was obligated to follow through with
it. If she had attempted to renege on her deal, she
knew that Charles could track her down and execute her. However, she believes that he will allow
her to survive once she performs the burglary. She
has no idea of the extent to which he does not trust
Corya is a very attractive woman, with cornsilk
blonde hair and deep blue eyes. Her slim body
bristles with hidden daggers, and she knows how
to use them quite well. She generally favors darker
leathers for her working clothing, although she
will occasionally dress up to have fun when she
She has absolutely no honor, and will betray
someone at the drop of a hat if it profits her. Otherwise, she will toy with her acquaintances, waiting
until they can be of use to her. The only way she
will ever honor an obligation is if she is faced with
serious retribution. Charles, the only man with
whom she has ever acted honorably, does not
trust her farther than he has to . . . which is to say,
not at all.
Although she has developed a reputation within
the seamier side of Solanthus, the law knows almost nothing of her. She is well known for revenge
among the other thieves, and they know that she
will hunt them down if they ever betray her. More
than one of her companions has been found dead
after threatening to expose her name. For some
reason, she frightens them more than any of their
fellows. Of course, they would be willing to expose her to save their lives, but under few other
circumstances will they cross her.

Magical Items
The Brightblades Sword
. . .he caressed the hilt of his sword lovingly. According to the legend, this sword will only break if I
do, Sturm said.

Dragons of Autumn Twilight

The sword of the Brightblades has endured as
long as the Brightblade family itself. Indeed, some
speculate that it is from the sword that the family is
named, rather than the other way around. Whatever the truth is, the family and the sword have
had a long history together.
Appropriately enough, the sword is called the
Brightblade. The sword is a rather splendid twohanded sword, one of the finer swords dwarves
have ever produced for humans. Its workmanship
is old-fashioned, the only evidence of its antiquity
to those examining it. The Brightblade is approximately 2,900 years old, but its metal is as unmarred as it was on the day it was forged. Its entire
length is unblemished.
Oddly, although the owners and the history of
the Brightblade have been illustrious, the blade is
not commonly considered one of the important
artifacts of Krynn. Its powers have not been widely
touted, as have the powers of many other blades,
nor has its distinguished list of ownership made
the rounds among the weapons collectors and adventurers.
This obscurity is largely due to the fact that the
Brightblade family is traditionally close-mouthed
regarding its own prowess and history. They seem
to have preferred to let their deeds speak for them,
rather than their history. Thus, few people seek it
for its magical and historical value, as they do
many other famous weapons. Its main value is as
the sword of Sturm Brightblade, and the rest of its
history is largely disregarded.
However, its history extends to the time of Vinas
Solamnus, when one of Sturms ancestors, Berthel
by name, defended a lone dwarven traveler from a
tribe of bloodthirsty hobgoblins. After the two of
them deflected this attack, the dwarf revealed his
identity as a noble. He promised a reward to
B e rt h e l, a n d o n e ye a r la t e r a d e le g a t io n o f
dwarves arrived at Berthels stronghold. They
brought with them a beautifully shining twohanded sword, engraved and enchanted with the
dwarven runes of friendship and peace. It bore the
name Brightblade.
Berthel accepted the blade and took its name as
his own. With it strapped across his back, he traveled to serve under the command of Vinas Solamnus against the Ergothians. Solamnus recognized
Brightblades prowess and service, and rewarded
both by granting Brightblade a place as a trusted
Eventually, despite his valor and skill, Berthel

succumbed to old age. He passed his sword to Bedal, his only child. Bedal proved himself another
heroic Brightblade by holding a strategic pass
against fierce desert nomads until reinforcements
arrived-by himself. Yet few bards sang of his
prowess, for there were other knights performing
deeds nearly as heroic. This was the time of the
knighthoods bloom, and its members were intent
on proving themselves and the Oath and Measure.
The fortunes of the Brightblade family blossomed
with the Orders of the Solamnic Knights.
The sword continued its history with the family
for the next three millenia, with a few minor diversions. After the Cataclysm, when the sword was to
go to Bayard Brightblade, it was either mislaid or
stolen. The legends are unclear on this point, but
the Knights Quest of Bayard was to retrieve the
Brightblade. He returned with it in less than a
week and would not speak of his trials except to
the Knightly Council. They awarded him his
knighthood immediately. After Bayard, the sword
passed to Galen Pathwarden di Caela Brightblade,
Bayards adopted son. Although his childhood
reputation was a poor one, he became an upstanding knight, a paragon of the virtues espoused
by the knighthood. When Bayards true son came
of age, Galen passed the sword to him.
Finally, the sword passed to Sturm Brightblade.
When he came from Solace to seek his father and
claim his inheritance, he was given the Brightblade. He carried it with him to his gallant death.
Through Sturms bravery, the Brightblade has
come to represent the ideals of the knighthood.
The Brightblade is a two-handed sword +3 of
dwarvish make. Mined from the purest ore in
Thorbardin, it is remarkably resistant to rust and
wear. Additional dwarven enchantments increased this resistance, making it well nigh invulnerable to the banes of the common blade. Thus,
the edge never loses its razor sharpness, despite
heavy use. In addition, the swords runes grant the
wielder a +2 modifier to all reaction checks and
the blade has the speed factor of a long sword. Finally, the Brightblade has the power to emulate a
light spell and a protection from evil spell once per
day each.
However, the near perfection of the blade has a
price. The dwarves had made a blade to commemorate the nobility of a man and wanted to ensure that the blade would only be used by worthy
humans. To make sure that this would be the case,
they wrapped powerful enchantments about the
blade, making them essential to the swords composition. If any of these enchantments were disrupted, the sword would lose the beneficial
qualities it possessed.
The spells the dwarves laid upon the blade protect it from misuse by those who would pervert its
purpose. Only those of good heart, noble virtue,
and courage can wield the Brightblade without
bringing about its destruction. Legend holds that
the sword is only as strong as the heart of its user. If

it is used by one of dark purpose, weak beliefs, or

in the service of Evil, it will shatter itself.
Once this is accomplished, it may be restored
only through the grace of the Gods of Good and
the best weaponsmith alive. If it is ever shattered,
so too will be the knighthoods honor until the
blade is repaired.
The Dagger of Jealousy
This cursed weapon comes from the depths of
the past. Only the gods know its full history, for it is
almost unknown to the vast masses of people. It is
one of the few effective weapons against the armband called Truehearts Warding.
It makes its way around the world, known to
many as the Dagger of Righteous Vengeance. Once
a new owner possesses it, it begins to work its
magic on that individual. Only a remove curse,
limited wish, or wish spell can dislodge the dagger
once it has attached itself to a person. Only if the
dagger is stolen can it disappear from its owners
life otherwise, and more than likely, the dagger
will bond itself to its new owner.
At first glance, the dagger may seem to be a beneficial item, for its powers are strong. It acts as a
self-recharging dagger of venom +2 of extra potency (saving throw penalty of -1), and it can be
used in the wielders off hand with no penalty. Furthermore, if employed in an act its user perceives
as vengeance, that individual gains an additional
+4 in any attempt to backstab an enemy.

If the backstab attempt is successful, the dagger

twists in the wound for another round, inflicting
1d4 +2 additional points of damage. The DM must
then roll 1d20 again. If 18 or higher is rolled, the
dagger injects its venom into the victim.
Of course, with strong magic comes strong obligations. The dagger is no exception. If the owner
has any jealousy in his or her heart at all, the dagger can gain a foothold. it will gradually shift the
owners alignment to chaotic evil, shaping him or
her into a more perfect tool of revenge.
Additionally, it implants suggestions into its
owners mind, making him or her suspicious of the
successes of others. It causes the wielder to consider these successes as detracting from his own.
The owner begins to think, Vengeance will be
Finally, even if the dagger is stolen, it continues
to call out to its former owners from across the
miles. If a previous masters combined Intelligence
and Wisdom is less than 27, he will drop what he is
doing to track down the lost item. The dagger does
not call owners directly, but rather leaves a trail for
them to follow. Thus, it may take months for a past
holder to find it, but find it he will. Any possessors
are likely to find the daggers past owners hunting
him or her, and there is no reasoning with a previous owner once the dagger is in sight.
The daggers powers are readily apparent to any
who come into possession of it as soon as they en-

tertain thoughts of vengeance. Of course, its malefic side effects will always remain hidden from
the user. He or she will resist all attempts by others
to separate the dagger from his or her possession,
seeing those who would do so as enemies to be

In the middle of this book (pp. 15-18), the DM
will find a set of pregenerated characters. These
have been set up so that the DM can remove the
pages on which they appear, cut them apart, and
distribute them to the players. Alternately, the pages may be photocopied and the book left intact to
be used again in the future.
It is not necessary to use any of these characters
in the adventure. They are here for the convenience of the players and the DM so that the adventure may be played more easily if any players do
not have characters available.
Note about Equipment: The DM should assume
that the players have the essential equipment,
such as flint and steel, bedrolls, food and drink,
and so forth. Only the more esoteric equipment,
weapons, and armor are listed.


To the prospective candidate:

Greetings and salutations! If you have received this letter, you have
solved the mystery of the theft of Sturm's sword. This means that you are
eligible to become a knight immediately upon your return to the High
Clerist's Tower. This is, as you are no doubt aware, a great honor. Only one
candidate each year is eligible to forego training as a squire, and you have
earned that honor this year by virtue of your hard work, your reason, and your
As per the instructions given to you to bring the perpetrator to justice:
Lord Kellin Solanius acted under my orders, with the approval of the other
High Knights, in removing the Brightblade from the Chamber of Paladine.
Thus, although I do not expect you to believe this letter without a personal
approval from me, I ask that every possible courtesy be extended Lord
Solanius during the journey from Solanthus to the Tower.
Once again, I congratulate you on your fine work. I look forward to
speaking with you when you return to the High Clerist's Tower.
Yours truly,

Lord Gunthar Uth Wistan

High Justice of the Knights of Solamnia

By permission of TSR, Inc., this page may be reproduced for personal use only. 1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


st Sularus oth Mithas: My Honor is My Life. For the young men who have
gathered at the High Clerists Tower, those words mean one thing: Knight of
Solamnia. For some, knighthood is just around the corner. For others, there will
be only failure and the shameful return home. Whatever the eventual outcome, all of the candidates bear
those words in their hearts. Eagerness and anticipation fill the sun-filled morning air, as the candidates
jockey for position, ready to show their prowess before the Knights of the Orders. My Honor is My Life.
One Knight, however, does not live by the Oath.
The sword of Sturm Brightblade is gone, stolen
from his dead body. The dishonorable one must be
brought to justice, before he flees forever and the
blade lost. The trail leads through webs of intrigue to
traitors and thieves most foul. This is a task suitable
only for those of keen mind and stout heart, for danger will confront them at every turn.
This is the first adventure module written for the
TALES OF THE LANCE Boxed Set, and is especially designed for beginning players and the DUNGEON
MASTER. It reveals for the first time the powers of
the Brightblade, the hereditary sword of Sturm
Brightblade, a Hero of the War of the Lance. Additional background information is included, along with new magical items and some pregenerated characters to help get the adventure running quickly and easily.

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