Grams: ALINDIABAR, New Delhi Tel. :(91) 011-4922 000
E-mail; LA
Websito : Lou) eee
ae fats ua
(Statutory Body Constituted under the Advocates Act, 1961)
21, Rouse Avenue Institutional Area, New Delhi - 110 002
Date: 21.05.2015
BCID: 22.6 _/2015 (Council)
1. Mr. Kian Ganz,
Publishing Editor,
Mumbai & Delni,
Legally India.
Email ID:
Mobile No. +91-9004056651
2. Ms. Prachi Shrivastava,
Editor, Delhi
Legally India
Email ID: prachi.shrivastava@legallyindi
Mobile No. +91-9810483059
Sub.: Your story dated 19% May, 2015 with the heading “RTI'd minutes of
BCI reveal how multi-crore bar exam contract was awarded to mystery
5% bidder ITeS Horizon #longread”.
Ref: “Mischief and Defamation Committed by you and legally India”, by
deliberately concealing material facts.
Dear Mr. Kian,
‘The above noted story made by you has been brought to my notice and to the notice
of the Hon’ble Members of the Bar Council of India. In this regard, we have decided
to bring certain facts to your notice and also to remind you of certain past events
which you have deliberately hidden, concealed and suppressed since those facts might
reveal the ill motive with which you have published such stories against Bar Council
of India.
1. That on 16 December, 2012, the Bar Council of India passed Resolution
.127/2012 which is as follows: -
“The Hon’ble Members are of the considered opinion that such items
are being published deliberately at the instance of the earlier agency
and only because the Council has virtually stopped the sale of some
study material/guess papers which was being published and sold @ Rs.
2800 by a few people attached with Legally India and M/s Rainmakers.
Tt is therefore resolved that the Council shall take appropriate legal
action against “Legally India” and all other concerned or individuals
who are responsible to issue defamatory and objectionable statement
against the Bar Council of India. Hon'ble Chairman is authorized 10
take appropriate action.”9e
This resolution was passed because of the fact that being part of M/s
Rainmakers you were deliberately doing the mischief and were trying to
defame the Bar Council of India. ‘The reason being that M/s Rainmakers was
thrown out and was not allotted the work to conduct All India Bar Exam after
AIBE-III ie. after completion of its tenure. There were several sorts of
allegations against M/s Rainmakers (of which you are still a part) and it was on
account of the substantive informations against the misdeeds of your agency
(M/s Rainmakers) that the Bar Council of India decided not to allot the work
to your agency. In the year 2010 M/s Rainmakers was awarded the work to
conduct AIBE @ & 900 per candidate and in the year 2012 when fresh tenders
were invited, M/s Rainmakers expressed its readiness to do it @ only € 560/-
per candidate. Meaning thereby, that it had cheated the candidates for 2 years.
‘And this was also one of the reason for non-grant of work to your agency.
So far your attempt regarding the manner of allotment of work to your agency
(M/s Rainmakers), I don’t want to say anything else, except the fact that the
allotment of work to M/s ITES Horizon Pvt. Ltd. is much more fair and
transparent than that of M/s Rainmakers. And apparently it was due to this
reason that you did not ask for the minutes of Bar Council of India of the year
2010 containing the allotment of work to M/s Rainmakers and you have
deliberately asked for and published the copies of minutes (through your RTI
application) only after June, 2012. This itself speaks volumes. The
comparative study of the processes adopted by the Bat Council of India in the
year 2010 and 2012 will reveal the truth. One thing more is important to be
noted that Hon’ble Apex Court has held it on so many occasions that it is not
necessary to award the contract always to the lowest tenderer and it is upon
the organization (seeking work from the different contractors/agencies) to
examine and decide the overall suitability and many other aspects before
awarding any work or contract to any agency. The Bar Council of India has
acted in more fair and transparent manner and then decided to allot the work
to M/s ITES Horizon Pvt. Ltd. as back as in the year 2012, finding it to be
most suitable for the Council and for the lawyers of the country.
‘The agency has been successfully conducting the All India Bar Exam from the
year 2012 without any complaint or grievance from any comer and except a
person/the so-called media like you, up till now, nobody else has found any
sort of defect in the functioning of the agency.
Certainly, since the MoU of the agency M/s ITES Horizon Pvt. Ltd. is going
to expire in a few months, you have again started creating nuisance by making
such motivated stories, but it is for your kind information that Bar Council of
India has already blacklisted your agency namely M/s Rainmakers from
getting any contract or work of the Council in future because of your
misconducts during last almost 3 years.
The All India Bar Exam is monitored by a “High Level Monitoring
Committee” headed by a former Hon'ble Judge of Apex Court and consisting
of noted academicians of the country. The dates of examination are fixed or
postponed with their approval. ‘The dates are postponed only because of the
request of the State Bar Councils or of the Universities because of the delay in
publication of results of LL.B. Exams of some of the universities in some
states. So far, your story relating to the enhancement of fee of All India Bar
Exam is concerned, this was a question raised in several courts and the
Hon'ble Coutts, after finding it to be genuine, have approved the same long
back keeping in view the abnormal price hike in all fields.-3-
So far your story regarding provisional permission granted to the advocates to
practice without passing AIBE is concerned, you must know that the main
object of this exam is to improve the standard of the advocates, and not to
punish them; therefore, the Bar Council of India has taken the such
resolutions in the interest of the advocates of the country to give them more
You have deliberately made allegations about the delay in providing
“Certificate of Practice” to the lawyers after passing the exam. The Certificate
of Practice is issued to the lawyers soon after publication of their results and
the delay, if any, sometimes occurs due to change in the office of the
Chairmen of the State Bar Councils as the Certificate of Practice is required to
bear their signatures also.
You are wrong in saying that Bar Council of India cannot disclose the pass-
rate or the number of candidates. In fact, in order to avoid the multiple and
large number of litigations throughout the country, the Bar Council of India
has taken certain resolutions. Bar Council of India is a non-governmental
statutory authority; it does not get any financial assistance from any
Government. Therefore, it is not at all possible for the Council to meet the
heavy expenses of litigation throughout the country on account of publication
of result of any candidate. Rather, the Bar Council of India has opened its
door to all the candidates ot any citizen to get his answer sheet re-evaluated
and/or to examine/peruse his answer sheet here in the office of Bar Council
of India itself We have not stopped the candidates from going into the
litigation, but we have simply resolved that in case of completely baseless and
frivolous litigations, the candidates will have to bear the cost of litigations.
‘You must bear in mind that in this case, the candidates are non else, but the
advocates of the country. Therefore, in order to restrain the mischievous
people or the agencies like you or the persons set-up by the agencies like you,
the Bar Council of India has been compelled to take such decisions.
‘That In the letter written to me vide your email dated 15.05.2015 in which you
had made several queries and had sought certain answers from me with regard
to allotment of work to M/s ITES Horizon Ltd. in the year 2012. It is
relevant to point out, at the very outset, that while you have quoted the names
of M/s Aspiring Minds, M/s Pearson VUE and M/s Manupatra Information
Solutions Pvt. Ltd., you have deliberately and purposely left the name of
yur ie. in whicl the aspirant for
the work of All India Bar Exam in the year 2012. Certainly, since, you
were/are a part of M/s Rainmakers and you know it fully well that if this fact
is known to the viewers, they will immediately realize the truth of your
misdeeds and mischief and your oblique motive with which you have been
publishing your stories against Bat Council of India from July, 2012 onwards.
That it was because of the frequent allegations being set-up by some of the
unsuccessful agencies particularly M/s Rainmakers through some unknown
persons (who started making frivolous and motivated allegations) that the Bar
Council of India had to tesolve to refer the matter of allotment of work of All
India Bar Exam to be enquired through a former Hon'ble Judge of Supreme
Court of India in the year 2013 itself. The enquiry committee has examined
everything and has found the allotment perfectly fair. Therefore, the Council
does not require a “ TIFI EO FAIR) 3” from a
unwanted /undesirable media like “Legally India” in this regard.-4-
That on 12.12.2014, you committed mischief and misdeed and you and Ms.
Prachi Shrivastava went to the extent of doing misbehavior. You both
threatened the Secretary and the staff people of the Bar Council of India.
When I and other office bearers and members of the Council received this
information from our Secretary, Joint Secretary and Assistant Secretary, then
on the same day, the Bar Council of India vide its letter No.BCI:D:5864/2014
(Council) dated 12.12.2014 wrote letters to Hon’ble Union Minister of
Information and Broadcasting and Hon’ble Chairman, Press Council of India
‘The contents of that letter is reproduced below: -
“1 would like to inform you that the head and
representative/correspondent of one electronic media namely “Legally
India”, Mr. Kiang has misbehaved with the officials of the Bar Council
of India in the disguise of RTI Act. The sequence of event happened
has been informed through our letter No.BCI:5863/2014 (Council)
dated 12.12.2014 to the Chairman, office-bearers and members of Bar
Council of India. The copy of the letter is enclosed herewith.
This electronic media is taking undue advantage of its being a media
news. The matter is very serious.
You are kindly requested to take appropriate necessary action against
Legally India and its Head Mr. Kiang.”
‘Thereafter, on 15.12.2014, you published on your website the full transcript of
the conversation made between you and me and a few of that transcription is
relevant to be noted herein for the kind information of your viewers and of
general public: -
‘Manan Kumar Mishra
Kian Ganz
We have all the apprehension because of your past.
Aha. Ok. But that has nothing to do with RTI Act.
‘Nuisance and unnecessary criticism of BCI.
This is not true.
You pick and choose certain lines [of the minutes to
The motive [of Legally India] is oblique.
No hesitation in saying that in past also you have done
some mischief. and again you are going to do certain
mischief which Bar Council of India is not going to
[inaudible] tolerate.
Because of ‘mischief’ you ate saying you have no
obligation under RTI Act?
We can't supply it to Legally India because it is going to
commit mischief.
You have an interest fin the Bar Exam]
[You have alliance with some of the agencies - inaudible]
We have a strong proof, we are able to establish that in
past also you have done this mischief.
Your alliance with the Rainmaker...
VW vu-5-
M 2 Even in the past also, you, you you are in the habit of
publishing certain study materials, you sell it, and you
wanted to have AIBE agency, Bar Council of India denied
it, these ate the reasons, therefore we are not going to
[supply the documents}.
K > Even if we are Rainmaker or any other company, legally,
RTI Act specifies that this be supplied irrespective of who
we are as petitioners. It doesn't matter if we are the worst
people on earth and we make mischief, the point is there is
a right.
M > The purpose is malign the image of the counsel, you
create certain nuisance, you... give the agency of AIBE to you, to allow you to
publish the study materials, this is the, therefore you are
doing all this.
This has got nothing to do with that. The question is why
is the Bar Council hiding those minutes? What is there to
Whatever my statement is there, you should publish
Oh, we'll publish the entire thing, don't worry.
Because of this mischief, you were denied AIBE, you were
denied- you wet
What mischief exactly?
we don't allow you to sell [bat exam preparation
materials}, and still you have been selling!
Yes, we are selling bar exam preparation materials. That is
absolutely irrespective of anything else.”
Pe a ee
VY Ve uv
Thus, the fact that (i) you were a part and parcel of M/s Rainmakers is
admitted and known to all; (ii) that you have been committing mischief with
Bar Council of India from the day M/s Rainmaker was denied the award of
work to hold All India Bar Exam is obvious; and (jii) the fact that you have
deliberately been publishing such stories and articles on your website is also
When you (M/s Rainmakers) were denied the work of All India Bar Exam,
you adopted another malpractice to make money from the candidates and in
order to exploit them, you started selling study material online for an
exorbitant price (approximately Rs.2800/- per candidate) and you tried to
mislead the students using the name of M/s Rainmakers and other agencies.
You have admitted this fact in your conversation made on 15.12.2014 with
me. We have ample material to establish this fact.
‘The Bar Council of India has already provided you the minutes (as assured by
me) and as per my apprehension (expressed during out conversation dated
15.12.2014), you have committed the mischief and you have not left any stone
unturned in maligning the image of Bar Council of India, And you have
published your story on 19.05.2015 with complete/ oblique motive. By
doing so, you have committed the offence of defamation for which yo!
iable to bs cute: nis the iat wm. And
your Registration/Licence to run any media is liable to be cancelled. You are
misusing your Licence.10.
So far you (Mr. Kian Ganz) is concerned, as per our information, you are a
foreign national, not a citizen of India and you have been using the Legally
India for oblique purposes to serve some vested interests. What is the source
of income of Legally India and M/s Rainmakers is unknown to all. The
various stories for entry of foreign law firms and foreign lawyers in India
published by you will reveal that you working in India as a foreign agent with
the sole motive to pressurize the Bar Council of India and the lawyers of the
country to succumb to allow the foreign lawyers and foreign law firms to
practice in India. If you are not a citizen of India, you are not at all entitled to
put any question to the Council. We are sending @ copy of this complaint to
all concerned so that registration of “Legally India” could be cancelled. We
are also making all other media agencies concerned with the mal-practices of
Legally India and Mr. Kian.
‘The Bar Council of India has already blacklisted your agency namely M/s
Rainmakers because of its past and subsequent misconducts and the Council
has debarred M/s Rainmakers form applying for any work of Bar Council of
India in future.
I hope and expect that very fairly you shall publish the full text of this letter of Bar
Council of India on your website, so that your viewers could be made acquainted
with your real face.
(Manan Kumar Mishra)
Copy to: -
1. Hon’ble President of India;
2. Hon'ble Prime Minister of India;
3. Hon’ble Chief Justice of India;
4. Hon'ble Judges of Supreme Court of India;
5. All the Hon'ble Chief Justices and Hon’ble Judges of all the High Courts of
the Country;
6. Hon'ble Union Minister for Information and Broadcasting;
7. Hon'ble Chairman, press Council of India;
8. Hon'ble Chief Information Commissioner, Centeal Information Commission;
9. All the State Bar Councils of India;
10. All the Bar Associations of India;
11. All the institutions of Legal Education in India and in the world; and
All the Print and Electronic Media of India and abroad.