Triang En-User Guide
Triang En-User Guide
Triang En-User Guide
TRIANGULATION for AutoCAD is an application for AUTOCAD 2002-2015 or ZWCAD 2014-2015, which makes the
triangulation of a set of POINT entities, the intersection curves (isolines) between a set of 3DFACE entities and a set
of equidistance plans, horizontally or vertically and the volume and center of gravity of a set of bodies or between
surfaces composed of 3DFACE entities. You can load and draw a file of points having the format: Number X Y Z
Code. You can also make the projection over a triangulation of a 2D POLYLINE and generate cross sections and a
longitudinal profile corresponding at projection. The POLYLINE may contain arcs. It can also generate a file of KML
extension, the interface with Google Earth.
No matter the language of AutoCAD. TRIANGULATION for AutoCAD works, but his commands remain in English.
But there are User Guides for different languages, in PDF format.
You can also try our RTOPO program (see running under Windows 98/XP/VISTA/7/8 ! This program
has many other functions (for example: several formats for loading of points, the intersection of two triangulations,
the interactive modification of the points (modify, delete or add); you can modify the coordinates, the code and the
position (in 3DPOLY or SPLINE), the interpolation of a set of 3DFACE entities, using quartic triangular patches with
G1 continuity, its own CAD kernel, motion path animation).
Always download the latest shareware version from (not from other websites)!
Follow these steps:
1) Unpack A_TRIANG.ZIP in the directory "C:\A_TRIANG".
2) Enter in AutoCAD or ZWCAD
- starting with Autocad 2014 set SECURELOAD variable to 0 or TRUSTEDPATHS to c:\a_triang
- launch the menu function:
Load Application
Startup Suite
3) Enter TRIA command and choose from the displayed options.
The shareware version:
- runs only 18 times
- only 75000 triangles are drawn at triangulation,
- the calculated volume is not displayed in clear,
- only 9 profiles are drawn at PROFILE command,
- only 3 additional curves will be generated in the KML file.
LOADP option - loads and draws a file of points having the format:
Number X Y Z Code
for example:
1238 420385.445 658974.376 455.38 AX01
The separating character of the fields may be: space, tab or ", " .
The accepted formats are:
X Y Z Code
X Y Z Code
(point_number will be 990)
(point_number will be 991 and Code will be "L")
(point_number will be 992, Z will be 0 and Code will be "L")
Code contains 2 parts: the first part (code_name) contains only letters. The second part is an integer number.
POINT, TEXT, 3DPOLY and BLOCK entities will be generated, according to the Loadp-draw variable.
The texts height and the points size are established by iso-Htext variable.
LOADP_DRAW variable must be setted in advance and may have the values:
none=0, number=1, code=2, Z=4, treating=8 and any sum of the previous values.
For example, to draw number and code LOADP_DRAW will be 3 (1+2).
The number, code and Z will be drawn as TEXT entities. In the points X,Y,Z are drawn POINT entities having
"pdsize"=ISO_HTEXT and according to "pdmode" (AutoCAD variable ).
If LOADP_DRAW also contains 8 (treating), the points having the same code (letters+number) will be joined by
3DPOLY or drawn by a block, according to the points_treating.ini file.
Points treating.ini file has items of the form:
for example:
"Treating" can be: "3dpoly" , "spline" (3dpoly interpolated), "symbol" (block) or "nothing".
The Symbol is drawn with a block defined in the rtopo_simbol.dxf file. You can modify a block from this file using
AutoCAD commands (OPEN file, BEDIT and SAVE)! The modified block must have the gauge 1 (one unit)! The
blocks will be drawn with the ISO_HTEXT scale .
If you have many points, set LOADP_DRAW to 0 and PDMODE to 0 or 2! In this case, LOADP will run faster.
AutoCAD doesn't draw "linetype" for "3dpoly" and "spline" entities!
Points treating.ini file can be edited with any text editor.
A grid of axes is also drawn. The axes steps may be established by the variables X-axis-step or Y-axis-step. If a
value is 0, the axes will not be drawn!
The points that have the code defined in Numbered-codes are numbered, starting with 1.
Generates intermediary points on the selected 3dpoly and spline entities, according to intermediary points
distance. This aids the triangulation!
Intermediary points distance must be the minimum distance between 2 3dpoly or spline entities. 3dpoly and
spline entities are actually break lines for triangulation.
It will triangulate a set of selected POINT entities.
It will launch first a fast triangulation. It can work with a a relative uniform distribution of the points, but not with a
constant step. If it doesn't work for the given set of the points, it will resume automatically using a normal
triangulation. If the normal triangulation will fail, the triangulation will resume with total checks (which will take
The triangulation is performed on a convex hull of a set of points.
3DFACE entities are generated in the TRIANG layer.
You can triangulate million points!
You can aid the triangulation, using Intermediary option.
You can also simulate the break lines in the following way:
- define SPLINE or 3DPOLY entities, passing through existing points (using OSNAP NODE)
- generate additional points on SPLINE and 3DPOLY using MEASURE command with a step smaller than the
smallest distance between the existing points
- enter now Triangulation option.
ISolines generates the intersection of a selected 3DFACE set with horizontal plans. POLYLINE entities, optional
interpolated, will be generated.
Possible options:
1) Yes - intersection with several parallel and equidistant plans, introduced by the minimum and maximum position of
the plans and the distance between them; in order to introduce an exact quota (Z), write the coordinates of a point, Y
beeing actually Z; if you wish, for example, level curves between the Z quotas 690 and 730, introduce the points
0,690 and 0,730 (value of the fist coordinate (X) is not liable to interpretation); the points (0,zmin) and (0,zmax) are
implicitly displayed
2) No - intersection with a single plane, one point crossed by the plan will be mentioned
3) iso-mDist - the isolines with Z a multiple of "iso-mDist" will be drawn thickened according to the value of "isoWidth"
4) iso-Width - the thickness of isolines having Z a multiple of "iso-mDist"; is available if you choose to interpolate
5) iso-Htext - the height of the Z-texts attached to isolines
6) iso-Intseg - the interpolation segment length if you choose to join and interpolate the segments of intersection; if
the time of interpolation is too large enter a higher value
7) CUrvature - represents percents with possible values between 5-100, used to establish the curvature of the
interpolated lines; a smaller "CUrvature" represents a larger flattening
8) CLipint - if is 1, an intersection clipping will be operated on the rectangle used for the selection of the 3DFACE
entities; if is 0 no clipping will be operated
Finally, the user will have to select entities of 3DFACE type, by a rectangle ("First corner") or by "All" option.
You can still opt for the joining of the segments. If you answered yes, you can opt for the interpolation of the
polylines. The interpolated polylines pass through the points of intersection between plans and the 3DFACE entities.
Each curve is located in a LAYER holding in denomination the Z expressed in 0.001 units. Their colors are
according to a drawn legend depending on Z. These colors may be altered, by the following AutoCAD command:
(setq cul_leg (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15))
introduced in the "acad.lsp" file. Following "list", 15 integer numbers must be introduced, representing colors from
Zmax to Zmin.
VIntersection generates the intersection of a selected 3DFACE entities with vertical plans. POLYLINE entities,
optional interpolated, will be generated.
Previously, the "cutting line" through 2 points will be specified. Intersection plans will be parallel to a vertical plan
crossing the "cutting line". Next dialogue is similar to the ISolines dialogue. Furthermore, under the name VERT, is
saved the UCS with a XOY in the vertical plan crossing the "cutting line". In order to visualize the curves along of a
direction perpendicular at the intersection plans, the following AutoCAD commands may be operated: UCS,
RESTORE, VERT, PLAN and then press Enter.
It generates cross sections and a longitudinal profile for:
- the projection over a triangulation of a 2D POLYLINE or
- of a "3dpoly" or "spline" entity having a given "Code" (see Loadp).
The 2D POLYLINE may contain arcs.
Possible options:
- "Line_step" - the step used for the generation of points over a line segment of the 2D POLYLINE
- "chord_arc_Deviation" - admitted chord-arc deviation, whence arise the number of the points on the arcs
- "minimum_Arc_step" - the minimum distance between 2 consecutive points generated on the arcs
The distance between 2 consecutive points generated on an arc of the 2D POLYLINE will be the maximum of
"minimum_Arc_step" and the step resulting from "chord_arc_Deviation".
- "longitudinal_y_Scale" - y-axis (actually Z) scale of the longitudinal profile (e.g. 10 means 10:1 scale); x-axis
scale is always 1:1
- "sec-Htext" - the height of the texts at projection, cross sections and longitudinal profile
- "Kml" Is used to generate a file of KML extension, the interface with Google Earth; can take the values 0 or 1;
for kml = 1 , X,Y coordinates are considered in Stereo70 projection system (Romania);
for kml = 1 and the user has defined (in AutoLisp) a conversion function from X,Y to Google Earth coordinates
(WGS84 - geographic coordinates (longitude and latitude) in decimal degrees) - this conversion function will be used;
AutoLisp function must have the name "xy_to_wgs" and two input variables, "x" and "y"; the output must be a list of
two variables, "East" and "North" in WGS84 decimal degrees; below is an example:
(defun xy_to_wgs (x y / east north)
;Conversion formulas from "x" and "y" to "east" and "north"
(list east north)
for kml = 0 , X and Y are considered to be geographic coordinates (longitude and latitude) in WGS84 decimal
- "Number-step" is the numbering step of the points (pickets) in the KML file; if it is 1, each point will be numbered
- "X-incr" and "Y-incr " will be added to the X and Y coordinates, before the conversion from Stereo70 in WGS84;
sometimes is needed of these corrections due to errors that occur in the Stereo70 projection.
It will create a file of KML extension and having the name of the last TXT file which was loaded. If you double click
this file, you can see in Google Earth (if it is installed) the curve of indicated code (or the curve that you have
selected). The points of the curve are numbered with a step according to "Number-step". It will also load in the KML
file (and you will can see in Google Earth) the curves having "3dpoly" or "spline" in "Treating" (see Loadp option).
It is not necessary to have a triangulation or a loaded TXT file, to generate a KML file!
Z coordinates of the points do not matter! Google Earth will project the points over land!
If you have a TXT file containing WGS84 coordinates, each item must have a format that contains also the code
("point_number X Y Z Code" or "X Y Z Code").
"Line_step", "chord_arc_Deviation" and "minimum_Arc_step" will not be used if you choose "Code" option. In this
case will be generated cross sections just in the points having the given "Code". It must have been previously loaded
some points with the Loadp option.
Finally you will have to enter the left and right perpendicular distance in every points generated on POLYLINE. Up to
these distance it will be generated the cross sections (at 1:1 scale).
In the longitudinal profile, the maximum slope is colored red.
Volume calculates the volume and center of gravity of a set of bodies or between surfaces composed of 3dface
First, the user will have to select 3DFACE entities. The end of selection is indicated by pressing ENTER.
You must enter then the volume increment. The recommended value for 100 MB of used memory will be displayed.
The calculation of the volume is based on the intersection with vertical lines of the rectangular gauge (in XOY plane)
of the set of 3DFACE entities. The step on X and Y of these line is the increment of volume. The volume will be
considered for a line if there is an even number (2, 4, 6 ...) of intersections. The total volume will be approximated
with the sum of the parallelepipedic volumes (with a square base having "volume increment" as a side) between the
intersections 1-2, 3-4 and so on, upwards of Z of each line. So, the bodies may have holes! If on a line exists only
one intersection (or none) is not considered a volume on that line. The vertical 3DFACE entities are not taken into
account (they may not exist) when calculating the volume!
If you have a surface consisting of 3DFACE entities for which you want to calculate the volume to a plane of given Z,
describe manually a 3DFACE entity (higher than the XOY gauge of the set of 3DFACE entities), its points having
desired Z.
The volume and the coordinates of center of gravity will be displayed. In the center of gravity will be generated a
POINT entity.
It redraws the points already loaded with Loadp, according to the setting of the LOADP_DRAW variable.
Preliminarily, all entities will be erased.
With it you can set:
- X-axis-step: step on X of the vertical coordinate axes
- Y-axis-step: step on Y of the horizontal coordinate axes; If X-axis-step or Y-axis-step is 0, the vertical and
horizontal axes will not be drawn!
- Loadp-draw: determines what is drawn at Loadp or Redraw; it have the values:
none=0, number=1, code=2, Z=4, treating=8 and any sum of the previous values;
for example, to draw number and code LOADP_DRAW will be 3 (1 +2)
- Numbered-codes: will be numbered starting with 1, the points having the codes introduced here (separated by
- iso-Htext: sets the texts height, points size and block size at LOADP and texts height at ISolines.
- iso-Intseg - the interpolation segment length for the options: Loadp (for "spline" treating), ISolines or VIntersection.
This help.
Undo reverses the effect of a TRIA option.