Replication Server 15.7.1: Release Bulletin

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Release Bulletin

Replication Server 15.7.1

UNIX and Linux

DOCUMENT ID: DC01232-01-1571-03

Copyright 2012 by Sybase, Inc. All rights reserved.
This publication pertains to Sybase software and to any subsequent release until otherwise indicated in new editions or
technical notes. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. The software described herein is furnished
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Upgrades are provided only at regularly scheduled software release dates. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
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Sybase, Inc., One Sybase Drive, Dublin, CA 94568.

Product Summary ..................................................................1
Supported Platforms and Operating Systems ................1
Replication Server 15.7.1 64-bit for HP-UX
Itanium ...............................................................4
Internet Protocol Version 6 .............................................4
Replication Server ..........................................................4
Replication Manager .......................................................4
Replication Monitoring Services .....................................5
Sybase Control Center ...................................................5
ExpressConnect for Oracle .............................................5
Separately Licensed Products ........................................6
ExpressConnect for Oracle, Replication Agent,
and Enterprise Connect Data Access ...............6
Replication Server Data Assurance Option ...........6
Product Editions and Licenses .......................................6
Generate Licenses at SPDC or SMP .....................7
Product Compatibility ...........................................................7
Adaptive Server Enterprise .............................................7
Compressed LOB Column Replication ..................8
In-Row LOB Column Replication ...........................8
In-Row LOB Compressed Data .............................8
Password Compatibility with Replication Server
Replication Server Interoperability ..................................9
Sybase Control Center Compatibility ...................11
Installation and Upgrade .....................................................11
Special Installation Instructions ....................................11
Sample Replication Server for Linux on POWER
Enabling Asynchronous Disk I/O .........................12
Coexisting with Older Versions of SySAM ...........12

Release Bulletin



Special Upgrade and Downgrade Instructions ..............13

Incompatible Function String in
rs_sqlserver_function_class ............................13
ExpressConnect for Oracle Upgrade
Requirement ....................................................13
ERSSD Upgrade Requirement ............................13
Known Issues .......................................................................14
Known Issues for Replication Server ............................14
Known Issues for Replication Agent .............................24
Known Issues for Replication Server and Sybase IQ
InfoPrimer Integration ...............................................26
Known Issues for Replicating to Sybase IQ ..................27
Known Installation Issues ............................................30
Known Issues for SySAM License ................................33
Known Issues for Replication Server Unsupported
Operations ................................................................33
Known Issues with Language and Globalization ..........34
Documentation Changes ....................................................35
Adaptive Server Login Password ..................................36
License Generation at SAP SMP ..................................36
Multi-Path Replication Quick Start ................................36
Replication Manager Plug-In Route Upgrade ...............38
SQL Anywhere Replication Support .............................38
Obtaining Help and Additional Information ......................39
Technical Support .........................................................39
Downloading Sybase EBFs and Maintenance Reports
Sybase Product and Component Certifications ............40
Creating a MySybase Profile ........................................40
Accessibility Features ...................................................40


Replication Server

Product Summary

Product Summary
This release bulletin provides late-breaking information about Replication Server version
15.7.1. A more recent version may be available on the Web.

Supported Platforms and Operating Systems

Check the system requirements and system patches for the server on which you will install
Replication Server.

Supported Operating Systems and Version

HP-UX Itanium


Linux x86-64

Note: The installer requires the gzip utility. Ensure that the path to gzip is
set in the $PATH environment variable.


Release Bulletin

HP-UX 11.31

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5

kernel 2.6.18-194.el5 SMP
glibc 2.5-49
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.0
kernel 2.6.32-71.el6.x86_64 SMP
glibc 2.12-1.7.el6.x86_64
glibc 2.12-1.7.el6.i686
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.1
kernel 2.6.32-131.0.15.el6.x86_64
glibc 2.12-1.25.el6.x86_64
glibc 2.12-1.25.el6.i686
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server SLES 10, Service Pack 2
kernel SMP
glibc 2.4-31.54
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server SLES 11
glibc 2.9-13.2
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server SLES 11, Service Pack 1
glibc 2.11.1-0.17.4

Product Summary

Supported Operating Systems and Version

Linux on IBM p-Series

(Linux on POWER)

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5

kernel 2.6.18-194.el5 SMP
glibc 2.5-49
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.0
kernel 2.6.32-71.el6.ppc64 SMP
glibc 2.12-1.7.el6.ppc64
glibc 2.12-1.7.el6.ppc
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server SLES 10, Service Pack 2
kernel SMP
glibc 2.4-31.54
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server SLES 11, Service Pack 1
kernel SMP
glibc 2.11.1-0.17.4

Before you install Replication Server, install the runtime libraries for the
IBM XL C compiler. To verify that IBM XL C runtime packages are
installed, issue:
If the message is package vacpp.rte-10.1.0-0 is not
installed, download the IBM XL C version 10.1 runtime executables from the IBM Web site at https:// Make sure that you select the appropriate
installation package for your operating systems from the download table.

Replication Server

Product Summary

Supported Operating Systems and Version



AIX 6.1
AIX 7.1

Before you install Replication Server, install the IBM XL C/C++ Runtime
for AIX and the SMP Runtime Libraries required for your version of AIX.
Obtain the libraries from your IBM AIX operating system installation
These libraries are also available from the IBM AIX Web site:

The IBM XL C/C++ Runtime for AIX is available on the Web site
under Latest updates for supported IBM C and C++ compilers.
The SMP Runtime Libraries for AIX are available on the Web site
under IBM XL C/C++ Enterprise Edition for AIX, Runtime Environment and Utilities.

To verify that the libraries are installed, issue:

source $SYBASE/SYBASE.csh
ldd ./repserver

Solaris 10 SPARC
Solaris 10 x64

On Linux: Linux distribution vendors often provide errata packages, allowing you to upgrade
and fix known issues within a release. Contact your Linux distributor for more information.
If your operating system requires patches, install the patches before you install Replication
Server components.
Contact your operating system representative for patches recommended for Replication
Server installed on your system. Do not use a patch that is older than the version suggested for
your operating system. Use the patch recommended by the operating system vendor even if
the patch version supersedes the listed patch.
For a complete list of supported operating systems, see the Sybase Platform Certification
Web site at

Release Bulletin

Product Summary

Replication Server 15.7.1 64-bit for HP-UX Itanium

The 64-bit version of Replication Server for HP-UX Itanium uses the libtcl64.cfg file to
to provide configuration information such as driver, directory, and security services for Open
Client/Server applications.
The 64-bit version of Replication Server for HP-UX Itanium is compiled with the 64-bit
Sybase Open Client/Server. Therefore, the 64-bit version of Replication Server for HP uses
the libtcl64.cfg file for HP-UX Itanium, instead of the 32-bit libtcl.cfg file.
Note: Consider all references to libtcl.cfg in the Replication Server documentation as
libtcl64.cfg for HP-UX Itanium.

Internet Protocol Version 6

Operating systems and versions that support Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6).
HP-UX Itanium 11.31
IBM AIX 6.1 and 7.1
Linux RHEL 5.5 and 6.0
Solaris 10 SPARC and Solaris 10 x64

Replication Server
Replication Server coordinates data replication activities for local databases and exchanges
data with Replication Servers that manage data at other sites.
For detailed information about new features in Replication Server 15.7.1, see the Replication
Server New Features Guide.

Replication Manager
The Replication Manager (RM) is a utility for creating, managing, and monitoring replication
environments, and is available as a plug-in to Sybase Central.
With Replication Server 15.7.1, Replication Server installation media does not include
Replication Manager. To continue using Replication Manager, download and install these
tools from the Sybase Web site. Refer to the Replication Manager README for its known
issues and workarounds.
Replication Manager is not certified for use with Replication Server Multi-Path Replication
or Adaptive Server Enterprise Cluster Edition.
For detailed information about Replication Manager, see the Replication Server
Administration Guide Volume 1.

Replication Server

Product Summary
For information about commands used to manage replication, see the Replication Server
Reference Manual.

Replication Monitoring Services

Replication Monitoring Services (RMS) monitors the servers and components in a replication
environment, provides the ability to control the flow of data in the replication environment,
and sets the configuration parameters.
With Replication Server 15.7.1, Replication Server installation media does not include
Replication Monitoring Services. To continue using Replication Monitoring Services,
download and install these tools from the Sybase Web site. Refer to the Replication
Monitoring Services README for its known issues and workarounds.
RMS is not certified for use with Replication Server Multi-Path Replication or Adaptive
Server Enterprise Cluster Edition.
For detailed information about RMS, see the Replication Server Administration Guide
Volume 1.

Sybase Control Center

Sybase Control Center (SCC) for Replication provides status information at a glance, using
server monitors and a heat chart for displaying the availability or status of a specific server.
The server monitors display high-level information, such as server version and platform. The
server monitors also display critical performance counters to aid you in troubleshooting
replication performance.
In Sybase Control Center 3.2.6, see Sybase Control Center for Replication.

ExpressConnect for Oracle

ExpressConnect for Oracle is an embedded library loaded by Replication Server for Oracle
ExpressConnect for Oracle (ECO), which is available with Replication Server Options 15.5
and later, provides direct communication between Replication Server and a replicate Oracle
data server. ECO eliminates the need for installing and setting up a separate gateway server,
thereby improving performance and reducing the complexities of managing a replication
To use ECO, make sure:

Replication Server is installed using the REP_EC_ORA license.

Release Bulletin

Product Summary

The version of ECO that must be installed is ECO 15.7.1. Replication Server 15.7.1 does
not work with ECO 15.5 or 15.5 ESD #1.

See the ExpressConnect for Oracle Installation and Configuration Guide in Replication
Server Options 15.7.1 product documentation.

Separately Licensed Products

Obtain a separate license for each Replication Server Options component.

ExpressConnect for Oracle, Replication Agent, and Enterprise

Connect Data Access
ExpressConnect for Oracle, Replication Agent, and Enterprise Connect Data Access are
available as a product called Replication Server Options that are available separately from
Replication Server. You must have Replication Server to obtain Replication Server Options.
Replication Server Options provide bidirectional replication across distributed,
heterogeneous systems. You can use the Replication Server Option components to implement
replication on the Microsoft Windows and UNIX platforms.
Replication Server Options are available in three data-source-specific versions: Oracle,
Microsoft SQL Server, and IBM DB2 UDB. See the Release Bulletin for Replication Server
Options 15.7.1 for Linux, Microsoft Windows, and UNIX for details about supported
platforms and compatible Replication Server versions.

Replication Server Data Assurance Option

Replication Server Data Assurance (DA) Option is available as a separately licensed product
for Replication Server and supports Replication Server versions 15.1 and later.
Replication Server DA Option compares row data and schema between two or more Adaptive
Server databases, and reports and optionally reconciles, discrepancies.
Replication Server Data Assurance Option is licensed through SySAM license manager and is
available on multiple platforms. See Replication Server Data Assurance Option
documentation for additional information.

Product Editions and Licenses

Replication Server is released as two separate product editions Enterprise Edition (EE) and
Real-Time Loading Edition (RTLE) that comprise different base and optional features, and
which require separate licences.
Although real-time loading is supported on all platforms that Replication Server supports,
Replication Agent for Oracle (RAO) is not available on Linux on POWER. However, you can

Replication Server

Product Compatibility
run RAO on any of the platforms it supports. For platforms on which RAO is available, see the
Installation Guide for Replication Agent in the Replication Server Options documentation.
See Replication Installation Guide > Planning Your Installation > Obtaining a License.
To purchase licensed options, contact your Sybase sales representative.

Generate Licenses at SPDC or SMP

When you purchase SySAM 2enabled Sybase products, you must generate, download, and
deploy SySAM product licenses.

If you purchased your product from Sybase or an authorized Sybase reseller, go to the
secure Sybase Product Download Center (SPDC) at and
log in to generate license keys. The license generation process may vary slightly,
depending on whether you ordered directly from Sybase or from a Sybase reseller
If you ordered your product under an SAP contract and were directed to download from
SAP Service Marketplace (SMP), you can use SMP at
to generate license keys for Sybase products that use SySAM 2-based licenses.

Product Compatibility
Replication Server has been tested for compatibility with Adaptive Server Enterprise and
other Sybase products.

Adaptive Server Enterprise

Review the Adaptive Server versions and its operating systems that are compatible with
Replication Server.
Replication Server version 15.7.1 is fully compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of
Adaptive Server version 15.0 and later on HP-UX, IBM AIX, Linux, and Solaris.
See the Interoperability Between Adaptive Server and Replication Server table.
Warning! Replication Server 15.7.1 is not compatible with the Adaptive Server 15.7 GA
release. You can download the most current Adaptive Server 15.7 ESD #1 EBF from the
Sybase Downloads Web site or contact Sybase Technical Support for detail to download the
most current Adaptive Server 15.7 ESD #1 EBF for compatibility with Replication Server
See the Replication Server New Features Guide.
A replication system can include Adaptive Servers, Replication Servers, DirectConnect
products, and RepAgents on various operating systems.

Release Bulletin

Product Compatibility
Note: Sybase SQL Server versions 11.0.x, and Adaptive Server Enterprise 12.5.4 and earlier
are no longer supported.
See also
Replication Server Interoperability on page 9

Compressed LOB Column Replication

Only Adaptive Server 15.7 ESD #1 and later and Replication Server 15.7.1 and later support
compressed large object (LOB) column replication. All intermediate Replication Servers in
the route from Adaptive Server must also be version 15.7.1 and later.

In-Row LOB Column Replication

The semantics and interface for replicating in-row large object (LOB) columns in Adaptive
Server 15.7 is the same as that for LOB columns in versions earlier than 15.7.
Note: Neither Adaptive Server nor Replication Server supports compressed in-row LOB.
To mark in-row LOB columns for replication, use:
sp_setrepcol table_name [, {column_name | null} [,
{do_not_replicate | always_replicate |
replicate_if_changed}]] [, use_index]
In addition, when replicating an in-row LOB column on the primary database, you can store
the replicated data in-row or off-row, depending on the replicated database and replicated table
settings. For example, if the page size is smaller in the replicate than in the primary, the
replicated table row size is smaller, and the replicated LOB does not fit in-row; therefore the
in-row value on the primary may be replicated as an off-row LOB value on the replicate.

In-Row LOB Compressed Data

Replication Server does not support replication of in-row LOB compressed data.

Password Compatibility with Replication Server

There are some compatibility issues with replicating logins and roles between different
versions of Adaptive Server.
You can replicate logins from Adaptive Server version 15.0.2 and later to earlier server
versions only during the password downgrade period when allow password downgrade is set
to 1.
You cannot replicate roles with passwords from Adaptive Server 15.7 and later to earlier
server versions.

Replication Server

Product Compatibility

Replication Server Interoperability

Review the interoperability of Replication Server against other Sybase products, across
different platforms, and versions.
Replication Server is available as either a 32-bit application or a 64-bit application on
Windows. The 32-bit version of Replication Server has been certified on both the 32-bit and
64-bit versions of Windows operating system. The 64-bit version of Replication Server is not
certified on the 32-bit version of Windows operating system.
Even though two or more products may be interoperable, features introduced in a newer
version of a product are not likely to be supported by older versions of the same products.

Operating System

Replication Server









Table 1. Interoperability Between Adaptive Server and Replication Server

HP-UX Itanium (64-bit)

IBM AIX (32-bit)








IBM AIX (64-bit)

Linux x86 (32-bit)




Linux x86-64 (64-bit)

Linux on POWER (64-bit)

Solaris SPARC (32-bit)






Solaris SPARC (64-bit)

Solaris x86-64 (32-bit)








Solaris x86-64 (64-bit)

Microsoft Windows x86 (32- x


Microsoft Windows x64 (64- x




Release Bulletin

Adaptive Server

Product Compatibility






Adaptive Server




Replication Server

Operating System

Legend: x = compatible; n/a = product not available or does not work with Replication Server on that
* Adaptive Server 15.7 GA is not compatible with Replication Server 15.7.1, download the most
current Adaptive Server 15.7 ESD #1 EBF from the Sybase Downloads Web site.


Operating System

15.7.1, 15.7

15.6, 15.5

15.2, 15.1






15.2, 15.1

Table 2. Interoperability Between Replication Server, Open Client/Server, and

Sybase IQ
Open Client/

Sybase IQ

HP-UX Itanium (64-bit)



IBM AIX (32-bit)






IBM AIX (64-bit)


Linux x86 (32-bit)





Linux x86-64 (64-bit)

Linux on POWER (32-bit)







Linux on POWER (64-bit)


Solaris SPARC (32-bit)






Solaris SPARC (64-bit)

Solaris x86-64 (32-bit)






Solaris x86-64 (64-bit)




Microsoft Windows x86 (32bit)




Microsoft Windows x64 (64bit)



Replication Server

Installation and Upgrade

15.2, 15.1



Sybase IQ



Open Client/
15.2, 15.1

15.6, 15.5

15.7.1, 15.7

Operating System

Legend: x = compatible; n/a = product not available or does not work with Replication Server on that

Sybase Control Center Compatibility

Replication Server 15.7.1 is compatible with Sybase Control Center version 3.2.6.

Installation and Upgrade

Get last-minute information about installation and upgrading that was omitted from or
incorrect in your installation guide, or that needs special emphasis.
For detailed information about installing and upgrading, see the Replication Server
Installation Guide.

Special Installation Instructions

Additional installation updates for Replication Server that are omitted from or incorrect in the
installation guide.

Sample Replication Server for Linux on POWER

Replication Server 15.7.1 installation process for Linux on POWER does not include starting
a sample Replication Server. This is because ERSSD is not supported for 64-bit Linux on
The ERSSD requires Sybase SQL Anywhere Server, which is not available in Replication
Server 15.7.1 for Linux on POWER. Therefore, the procedures related to starting a sample
Replication Server in the Replication Server Installation Guide are not relevant.

Release Bulletin


Installation and Upgrade

Enabling Asynchronous Disk I/O

HP-UX users must enable asynchronous I/O. Enabling asynchronous I/O improves I/O
performance on character or raw block devices.
Shut down Replication Server.
Install HP asynchronous I/O driver from the system administration manager (SAM). For help
with installing this driver, contact your operating system administrator or HP technical
1. Launch the kernel configuration:
kcweb -F
2. Select Modules.
3. Select asyncdsk and change the Next Boot to static.
4. Rebuild the kernel and restart the system.
5. Using userid, root, execute:
#/etc/mknod/dev/async c 101 4
#chmod 0660/dev/async
#chown uid /dev/async
#/etc/setprivgrp ugrp MLOCK
uid is the user ID who is starting Adaptive Server.
ugrp is the group to which the user ID belongs.

Coexisting with Older Versions of SySAM

Replication Server 15.7.1 uses SySAM 2. You may use an earlier version of SySAM, but it
must be modified.
Replication Server version 15.7.1 uses a newer version of Sybase Software Asset
Management System (SySAM) and an updated license format. You can run only one instance
of a license server on a computer. To use earlier versions of Sybase products with Replication
Server 15.7.1, see SySAM Users Guide for details.
For instructions on migrating a license server, see the SySAM Users Guide.


Replication Server

Installation and Upgrade

Special Upgrade and Downgrade Instructions

Review the additional special upgrade and downgrade instructions for Replication Server.

Replication Server Configuration Guide for UNIX contains detailed upgrade and downgrade
instructions. Sybase strongly recommends that you read this information before you upgrade
or downgrade Replication Server.
Warning! Before upgrading the user database to support Replication Server, upgrade
Adaptive Server Enterprise to version 15.x. Otherwise, the upgrade fails.

Incompatible Function String in rs_sqlserver_function_class

When you upgrade from an earlier version of Replication Server using a customized
rs_sqlserver_function_class in your connection, you may lose some customized functionstring-class scope functions.
Sybase recommends that you back up these function strings before upgrading:


ExpressConnect for Oracle Upgrade Requirement

Replication Server 15.7.1 does not work with ECO 15.5. When upgrading to Replication
Server 15.7.1, install ECO 15.7.1 or a more recent version.
See the ExpressConnect for Oracle Installation and Configuration Guide.

ERSSD Upgrade Requirement

Embedded Replication Server System Database (ERSSD) requires Sybase SQL Anywhere,
which is compatible with 64-bit versions operating system.
If you are upgrading to Replication Server 15.7.1 on Solaris SPARC, Solaris 10 x64, or IBM
AIX, and using ERSSD, platforms must be 64-bit for the upgrade to function properly. For
these operating systems, ERSSD can only be run on 64-bit machines. This is a restriction of
the underlying SQL Anywhere database.

Release Bulletin


Known Issues

Known Issues
Review the known issues and provided workarounds.
Find issues by Change Request (CR) number.
Note: You can search the Sybase Web site for solved cases. Choose Support > Solved Cases
or go to You need a MySybase account
to view solved cases in the archive.

Known Issues for Replication Server

Known issues and workarounds for Replication Server.
Table 3. Replication Server Issues



Upgrading versions of Replication Server earlier than 15.5 to version 15.5 and later
may fail if the preupgrade Replication Server is not an ID server.
Workaround: Use sysadmin system_version to set the ID server system version to 1260
or later, and then restart the preupgrade Replication Server. You can also use sysadmin
system_version to check the system version at the preupgrade Replication Server.


Replication Server

Known Issues



If high-volume adaptive replication (HVAR) is set to on and if the length of the text
or image column of a noncompilable table is:

Greater than 32K, you see "Incorrect syntax near '?'" and the DSI
thread shuts down.
Less than 32K and the column has compressed Adaptive Server data, this data become corrupted in the replicate database.

A table becomes noncompilable if:

You explicitly mark it as noncompilable, or,

Replication Server internally flags it as noncompilable when a:
Primary key is being changed, and some column values are missing in the outbound queue which happens when the table replication definition has the replicate minimal columns clause and the update only changes a subset of columns;
Primary key is being changed, and some column values are missing in the outbound queue which happens when the table text column has the replicate_if_changed attribute and some text columns are not being changed;
Foreign key is being updated the foreign key in the { column_name [references
[table_owner.]table_name }) replication definition clause.

Workaround: Set dsi_compile_enable off to disable HVAR.


When replicating in-row text or image columns from Adaptive Server, use one
of these workarounds to avoid potential incorrect replication.

Mark the in-row LOB columns that are to be replicated as always_replicate instead of
Do not use the in-row LOB feature in Adaptive Server (that is to set in-row length to 0)
when the column is to be replicated.
Set dsi_compile_enable off to disable HVAR on the replicate Replication Server.

If these workarounds do not resolve the issue, contact Sybase Technical Support to obtain
an EBF.

Cannot set sqm_cmd_cache_size to greater than 2GB on 64-bit platforms.

Although the maximum allowable size is 2,251,799,813,685,247, the actual maximum
value is 2,147,483,647 (2GB -1).
Workaround: None.


(HVAR and RTL) Replication Server fails when a replication definition has more
columns than the table schema in the replicate database.
Workaround: Alter the replication definition to match the table schema.

Release Bulletin


Known Issues



Replication Server may incorrectly interpret LTL commands sent by RepAgent if

you enable both the asynchronous parser and Executor command cache features
Workaround: Do not use both features simultaneously.


Alternate connection is not populated into replicate Replication Server RSSD after
route upgrade.
When you upgrade a route from pre-15.7 versions to version 15.7 in a mixed-replication
environment, the alternate connection at the primary Replication Server is not populated
into the replicate Replication Server RSSD.
Workaround: After upgrading the route, at the primary Replication Server:
1. Drop the alternate connection.
2. Re-create the alternate connection.


When you set Initialize standby using dump and load to yes either in a resource file
or in an interactive rs_init, rs_init does not add the maintenance user ID, and the
Replication Server objects, such as tables and stored procedures, to the standby
Workaround: Use sp_addlogin to add the maintenance user to the standby database.


Cannot replicate BLOB data into non-nullable blob column in UDB and DB2
target databases.
Workaround: Define the blob column as nullable:


In the database, and,

If you have a table-level replication environment, the replication definition created for
the blob table replication.

(Linux) You cannot create an ExpressConnect for Oracle (ECO) connection if you
have selected the sample Replication Server during installation.
Workaround: Manually start the sample Replication Server after installation.


Incorrect replication when large object (LOB) compression is changed on table.

These steps result in some updates replicating incorrectly:
1. Use sp_setrepcol to enable replication of the compressed LOB column to always_replicate in your table replication,
2. Start replicating data, and
3. Mark the column to not be compressed.
Workaround: Use sp_setrepcol to enable replication of the compressed LOB column to
replicate_if_changed in your table replication.


Replication Server

Known Issues



Increasing the block size increases segment size, instead of recalculating the number
of blocks in a segment, resulting in an incorrect disk space size.
Workaround: Drop and re-create the partitions that were created before the block size


rs_init does not connect to an Embedded Replication Server System Database

(ERSSD) using Adaptive Server Anywhere when upgrading or downgrading with

versions earlier than 15.2.

Workaround: Issue this trace option in rs_init:
rs_init -r resource_file_name -T T_SEND_CLEARTEXT_PASSWORD

Incorrect value for text and image columns.

In a warm standby environment, if you set text and image columns of a table to
do_not_replicate on the active database, and you create a table replication definition for
this table without send standby replication definition columns, the replication definition

does not include the text and image columns. As a result, the standby database gets
incorrect value for the text and image columns.
1. Create the table replication definition with send standby replication definition columns clause.
2. Drop the table replication definition if it is not necessary.

Risk of data loss or duplication when altering multipath replication topology.

Data loss or data duplication may occur if you change any of these items in a multipath
replication system:

Bindings of objects to paths

Number of paths when distributing objects by connections
Configuration of logical paths
Replication Server entries in the interfaces file

Workaround: Before you alter the system topology, ensure that:

Release Bulletin

All Replication Servers involved in the previous topology are quiesced. Verify with
admin quiesce_check.
RepAgent starts reading from the end of the primary database log.


Known Issues



Cannot find a matching function string for the function-string class rs_sqlserver_function_class.
If you create multiple replication definitions for a specified primary table and you subsequently alter a column without an LOB datatype to be an LOB column in one of the
replication definitions, the LOB-related function strings are not created automatically for
one of the replication definitions at the replicate Replication Server. The replicate Replication Server log shows:
Cannot find a matching function string for function 'alltypes.rs_writetext' and function string class
1. Clear the failed Data Server Interface (DSI) connection queue by executing resume/skip tran until the DSI connection resumes.
2. Drop the subscription to the problem replication definition at the replicate Replication Server, then drop the replication definition at the primary Replication Server,
then re-create both.


If a Stable Queue Transaction (SQT), Stable Queue Manager (SQM) page caches, or
DSI Bulk/HVAR buffers are using heavy memory loads, Replication Server may fail
when it exceeds the low default ulimit settings in the operating system.
Workaround: Either:

Modify the runserver file with these settings:

ulimit -d 'unlimited'
ulimit -c 'unlimited'
ulimit -m 'unlimited'

As an alternative, modify system wide limits. For example, on IBM AIX, change
these default settings in /etc/security/limits file:
fsize = -1
core = 2097151
cpu = -1
data = -1
rss = -1
stack = 65536
nofiles = 2000

See your operating system documentation for similar implementations.


Replication Server

Known Issues



DSI may shut down when creating connections to:

Oracle using profile rs_ase_to_oracle

DB2 using profile rs_ase_to_db2
UDB using profile rs_ase_to_udb

At the time of shutting down, Replication Server generates an error message. You see:
Message from server: Message: 2601, State 6, Severity 14 -'Attempt to insert duplicate key row in object 'rs_translation' with unique index 'rs_key_translation'
The rs_translation system table has unique index on (classid,
source_dtid). The two translation (ASE binary to rs_oracle_binary and ASE timestamp to rs_oracle_binary) generates the duplicate key insert error.
Workaround: For Replication Server versions 15.5 and later, you have to manually
remove the translations when you encounter this error. Open the SQL scripts and search
for timestamp to find the related SQL statements.
For ase_to_oracle:
delete from rs_profdetail where profid = 0x000000000e000000
and pdetailid = 0x000000000e00003f
delete from rs_systext where parentid = 0x000000000e00003f
and sequence = 1
delete from rs_profdetail where profid = 0x000000000e000000
and pdetailid = 0x000000000e000040
delete from rs_systext where parentid = 0x000000000e000040
and sequence = 1
For ase_to_oracle_eco:
delete from rs_profdetail where profid = 0x000000000e010000
and pdetailid = 0x000000000e010042
delete from rs_systext where parentid = 0x000000000e010042
and sequence = 1
delete from rs_profdetail where profid = 0x000000000e010000
and pdetailid = 0x000000000e010043
delete from rs_systext where parentid = 0x000000000e010043
and sequence = 1
For ase_to_oracle_ecda:
delete from rs_profdetail where profid = 0x000000000e020000
and pdetailid = 0x000000000e02003f
delete from rs_systext where parentid = 0x000000000e02003f
and sequence = 1
delete from rs_profdetail where profid = 0x000000000e020000
and pdetailid = 0x000000000e020040
delete from rs_systext where parentid = 0x000000000e020040
and sequence = 1
For ase_to_udb:

Release Bulletin


Known Issues

delete from rs_profdetail where profid = 0x000000000e00000c
and pdetailid = 0x000000000e000c27
delete from rs_systext where parentid = 0x000000000e000c27
and sequence = 1
delete from rs_profdetail where profid = 0x000000000e00000c
and pdetailid = 0x000000000e000c28
delete from rs_systext where parentid = 0x000000000e000c28
and sequence = 1
For ase_to_db2:
delete from rs_profdetail where profid = 0x000000000e000012
and pdetailid = 0x000000000e001231
delete from rs_systext where parentid = 0x000000000e001231
and sequence = 1
delete from rs_profdetail where profid = 0x000000000e000012
and pdetailid = 0x000000000e001232
delete from rs_systext where parentid = 0x000000000e001232
and sequence = 1


RepAgent fails when Replication Server is configured to use Secure Sockets Layer
(SSL) with an ERSSD.
Workaround: Either:


Disable SSL using configure replication server with the use_ssl option, or,
Do not use ERSSD if the Replication Server is configured to use SSL.

On IBM AIX 64-bit platforms, isql cannot connect to Replication Server using SSL.
If you use isql and SYBASE.csh to connect to Replication Server through SSL, the
connection fails. isql does not initialize the network filter.
Workaround: Edit the LIBPATH environment variable in SYBASE.csh or SYB-
In SYBASE.csh:
source SYBASE.csh


Replication Server

Known Issues



Replication Server cannot connect to LDAP on 64-bit platforms.

If the and are not specified in the
Directory section in libtcl.cfg, Replication Server cannot connect to the LDAP.
Workaround: Manually edit the libtcl.cfg in $SYBASE/$SYBASE_OCS/
config directory to include and
For example:
[DIRECTORY] ldap://sylvester:3389
/dc=Sybase,dc=com??one??bindname=cn=Manager,dc=Sybase,dc=com??secret ldap://sylvester:3389
The entry name has changed from ldap to ldap32. To start the LDAP session with dscp
open ldap32


Use rs_init to configure Replication Server with an existing RSSD.

When configuring Replication Server 15.5 or later using the rs_init with an existing
RSSD, an error occurs in rs_init.
Workaround: Drop the RSSD before configuring the Replication Server.


Insufficient number of threads in Replication Server.

If you increase the number of client connections and did not increase the number of Open
Server threads that the Replication Server can use, Replication Server may shut down.
1. Log in to RSSD.
2. Increase the value of num_threads.
3. Restart Replication Server.

Release Bulletin


Known Issues



Stack trace error at start-up when sort order is not in the objectid.dat file.
If the sort order is not set correctly in the [collate] section of $SYBASE/config/
objectid.dat, a stack trace error occurs during Replication Server start-up.
1. Make sure that the character set and set order have been set correctly in
Rep_Server_name.cfg file. For example:
2. Go to $SYBASE/charsets/character set; for example, $SYBASE/charsets/cp850.
3. Locate and open corresponding sort order file; for example,
4. Check the line that has an id and find the sort order ID, for example,

id = 0x30; Unique ID # (48) for the sort order

The sort order ID is 48.
5. In $SYBASE/config/objectid.dat, check that there is a line for that sort
order under the [collate] section: = scannocp
The last number is the sort order ID (48), all other numbers are identical for all lines. If
you have a custom sort order, add this line for it.
6. Restart Replication Server.

Issues with parallel_dsi parameter

When you change the value of the parallel_dsi parameter using the alter connection
command or configure replication server command, Replication Server changes the
existing configuration values of these parameters:


This may impact your replication performance.

Workaround: Set the parallel_dsi parameter first, and then manually set the desired
values for the above-mentioned parameters for your environment if you do not want to use
the default values.


Replication Server

Known Issues



When the RSSD is loaded in an Adaptive Server 12.5.4 x server, rs_helprep fails
when the repdef_name is greater than 30 characters.


Use single quote () or double quote() around the long repdef_name.

Use a truncated repdef_name. Truncate the repdef_name to the first 29 characters
when issuing the rs_helprep request. The rs_helprep then appends the % wildcard at
the end when it queries the RSSD tables.
Upgrade RSSD data server to Adaptive Server 15.x.

During subscription materialization, using quoted identifiers with a custom function string that includes a quoted constant causes a query failure. The replicate data
server identifies the quoted constant as a column instead of a constant.
Workaround: Create the subscription without a quoted constant or create the subscription without materialization.


An application deadlock involving Replication Server and Adaptive Server may

occur when Replication Server is configured to use parallel DSI while applying
transactions to a table containing text and image columns.
Workaround: Suspend and resume the DSI connection. If the DSI thread does not
suspend, restart the Replication Server.

Release Bulletin


Known Issues

Known Issues for Replication Agent

Known issues and workarounds for Replication Agent.
Table 4. Replication Agent Issues



In rare circumstances in some Adaptive Server Cluster Edition configurations, you

may receive Adaptive Server 624 and 69x errors during replication of a database or
tables within a database.
In active-active or active-passive cluster configurations, you can configure RepAgent to
run on only one node of the cluster. When RepAgent reads an older image of database log
pages on disk, while the latest image is on another node, you may receive these errors.
Workaround: Sybase recommends that for the:


Active-passive configuration run RepAgent on the active node to ensure that data and
log pages are on the same node as RepAgent.
Active-active configuration start Adaptive Server with the 16872 trace flag to prevent
log page corruption and 69x errors. However, using this flag degrades server performance.

Replication Server

Known Issues



RepAgent for Adaptive Server handles some of the normalization errors from Replication Server as warnings, which may result in data loss.
Workaround: Upgrade to Replication Server 15.7 and later.


If you are using a version of Adaptive Server earlier than 15.7, the RepAgent log may
show incorrect normalization errors. For example:
Column unknown.unknown status 'always_replicate' in replication definition does not match database status 'replicate_if_changed'. Use 'alter replication definition'
to set 'replicate_if_changed' status, at least until existing transactions have been processed. (Refer to Troubleshooting Guide for recovery procedures.)
See the accurate error information in the Replication Server log. For example:
E2011/11/16 09:17:11. ERROR #32057 REP
AGENT(ost_replnxb9_32.pdb1) - /nrm/nrm.c(4175)
The value given for 'blurbs.copy' cannot be translated from datatype 'text_status' to the required datatype 'varchar'.
If you are using a version of Adaptive Server later than 15.7, the RepAgent log shows
the correct error information. For example, the RepAgent log shows:
00:0002:00000:00018:2011/11/16 09:17:11.71 server RepAgent(4): Received the following error message from the
Replication Server: Msg 32057. The value given for
'blurbs.copy' cannot be translated from datatype
'text_status' to the required datatype 'varchar'.

Replication Agent for Oracle does not support the resynchronization scenario described in the Replication Server Heterogeneous Replication Guide > Oracle Replicate
Databases Resynchronization > Database Resynchronization Scenarios Resynchronization topic.
Workaround: None.

Release Bulletin


Known Issues



Replication Server does not support specifying owner information of stored procedures in the function replication definition for Oracle.
Therefore, Replication Agent cannot send that information to Replication Server. Because
the owner information is not available, the replicated stored procedure fails to execute at
the Oracle standby database.
Workaround: For each stored procedure that is replicated from an active to a standby
database, create a corresponding function string. Specify owner information in the target
stored procedure.
To customize the function-string class of the standby connection, which is inherited from
rs_oracle_function_class, enter:
alter connection to dco2stb.ordb (standby connection)
set function string class to my_oracle_function_class

Known Issues for Replication Server and Sybase IQ

InfoPrimer Integration
These known issues concern the integration of Replication Server and Sybase IQ InfoPrimer.
Table 5. Replication Server and Sybase IQ InfoPrimer Integration Known



Unexpected column mapping may occur in SQL Transformation projects.

By default, staging table columns may not map to base table columns as expected if a
base table column is:

An included attribute (column) in the Target tab in the Generic Transformation

A key attribute (column)
Has an expression specified in the Target tab of the Generic Transformation editor

Workaround: For an update staging table, all transformations must be described in

the Target tab of the Generic Transformation editor. All base table columns that are
included attributes (columns) in the Target tab in the Generic Transformation editor
must have expressions specified in the Target tab.


Replication Server

Known Issues



Incorrect SQL may be generated for update operations.

A SQL transformation for an update must check the bitmap column or columns of the
update staging table to determine if transformations must be applied to base table
columns. These transformations are specified in the Function column of the Attributes
tab of the Generic Transformation editor and should be wrapped in CASE statements
in the Generated Transformation. SQL statements, constant or calculated values, and
functions that take more than one argument may not be properly wrapped in CASE
Workaround: Manually edit the Generated Transformation.


Tables with Java-type or encrypted columns are not supported when no primary
key is specified.
In constructing the delete and update staging tables, Sybase IQ InfoPrimer includes
only primary-key columns as published in the replication definition for the primary
table. If no primary-key columns are specified, Sybase IQ InfoPrimer uses all published columns in the delete and update staging table schema, excluding LOB columns, Java columns, encrypted columns, and floating-point columns. However, Sybase IQ InfoPrimer cannot distinguish between Java columns and columns that have
user-defined datatypes, nor can it determine which columns might be encrypted.
Sybase IQ InfoPrimer therefore does not support primary tables containing Java-type
or encrypted columns and for which you specify no primary key.

Known Issues for Replicating to Sybase IQ

Known issues concerning replication to Sybase IQ from Adaptive Server using real-time
loading (RTL) in Replication Server.
Table 6. Replicating to Sybase IQ Issues



Connection to Sybase IQ suspends with a Waiting for upgr message

when upgrading to Replication Server version 15.7.1.
Workaround: Upgrade Sybase IQ user database objects, such as stored procedures,
tables, and so on, to Replication Server version 15.7.1.
See Upgrades to RSSD or ERSSD and User Databases in the Replication Server
Configuration Guide.


Connection to Sybase IQ 15.4 fails when create connection using profile with
UTF-8 character set.
Workaround: Use Sybase IQ 15.4 ESD #1.

Release Bulletin


Known Issues



RTL fails to replicate to Sybase IQ when the last three digits of the microsecond
in time, datetime, and smalldatime columns in TIMESTAMP datatype are any value but zero.
When you manually materialize a replicate table using the Sybase IQ INSERT ...
LOCATION statement, retrieving the result set directly from the primary database
causes the last three digits of the microsecond in TIMESTAMP columns to use the
values 000, 333, or 666. For example:
insert test_datetime_iq4 location 'zeus.primaryDB4'
{ select c1,c2,c3,c4,c5 from test_datetime_iq4 }
where c2 is datetime and c4 is time.
Workaround: Either:


Manually materialize the Sybase IQ tables by enforcing explicit conversion of the

TIMESTAMP datatype to string:
insert test_datetime_iq4 location 'zeus.primaryDB4'
{ select c1,convert(varchar,c2,109),
from test_datetime_iq4 }
Or, do not modify TIMESTAMP columns on Sybase IQ tables.

Lock table failure when replicating in Sybase IQ multiplex environment.

Because Replication Server connects and issues the lock table command, you must
make the connection from the Replication Server to Sybase IQ in a multiplex environment to the coordinator node. Otherwise, you see:
E. 2010/09/14 08:51:13. ERROR #1028 DSI EXEC(104(1)
pocmpx.iqdb) dsiqmint.c(4234)
Message from server: Message: -1004015, State 0,
Severity 14 -'SQL Anywhere Error -1004015: Permission denied: Command
not allowed on
Multiplex Writer servers. (saint_iqthresholdddl.cxx
Workaround: Change the interfaces file entry for Sybase IQ that the Replication Server uses, to connect to the coordinator node.


Replication Server

Known Issues



Data corruption when replicating data to Sybase IQ 15.x in RTL.

When RTL replicates data to Sybase IQ 15.x, data inserted into time and timestamp columns may be corrupted. There is no warning nor error message indicating that the data is corrupted.
Workaround: Select one of:

If there is no text or image in the table, mark the table to not be compiled.
RTL uses the function string to process instead of insert-location. Issue this

alter connection to data_server.database for

replicate table named table_name set dsi_compile_enable "off"


This will effectively slow down the process.

If there is text or image in the table, apply Sybase IQ 15.1 ESD #3 or use
Sybase IQ 12.7 ESD #4 and later.

Text and image column values are truncated when inserted into a Sybase IQ
15.1 database. This problem occurs in Sybase IQ 15.1 GA, ESD #1, and ESD #2.
Workaround: Apply Sybase IQ 15.1 ESD #3 or use Sybase IQ 12.7 ESD #4 and


When inserting data from Replication Server to Sybase IQ 15.0 and later using
INSERT ... LOCATION, you may encounter the error "Right truncation
of string data".
Workaround: In Sybase IQ, apply this command:

set option public.STRING_RTRUNCATION = OFF

By default, the STRING_RTRUNCATION option is set to on in Sybase IQ 15.0 and

Release Bulletin


Known Issues

Known Installation Issues

Known issues and workarounds for Replication Server installation.
Table 7. Installer Issues



Cannot validate passwords if you start sample Replication Server after installation.
Workaround: Manually edit these attributes in the SAMPLE_RS.res file:


See Syntax and Parameters for a Resource File in the Replication Server Configuration Guide.

When you install Sybase IQ 15.4 ESD #1 into the same directory as Replication
Server 15.7.1, the installation completes with an error.
Workaround: Ignore the error and warning messages.


The installer does not remove environment variables entries from earlier versions of $SYBASE/ and $SYBASE/SYBASE.csh
Workaround: Manually edit the $SYBASE/ and $SYBASE/
SYBASE.csh to remove environment variables that are pointing to versions you do
not want to include.


Replication Server

Known Issues



Installer generates incorrect value in a response file.

The response file created by the installer includes extra characters that may cause
errors during installation.
For example:
#Start Sample Replication Server
#------------------------------RS_START_SAMPLE_RS=\"\",\"No\" <---- wrong value
Workaround: Edit the response file and change the response to Yes or No as appropriate.


"./setup.bin: !: not found" message appears.

You see an error message when you install Replication Server on a Solaris machine.
Preparing to install...
./setup.bin: !: not found
Extracting the installation resources from the installer
Configuring the installer for this system's environment...
Workaround: Ignore the message and continue with the installation.


Installation fails on Solaris SPARC.

When the file descriptor limit is set to unlimited, the installer fails with this message:
awk: insufficient memory for string storage

Context is:

Workaround: Set the hard file descriptor limit to a number.


If the df command fails, the installer stops responding before the preinstallation
summary pane appears.
Workaround: Execute strace -e statfs, statfs64 df to identify the NFS mounts that
have a problem. Then execute umount -l <path> to unmount all trouble NFS mounts.
Re-run the installer.

Release Bulletin


Known Issues



You cannot use the Tab and arrow keys to navigate the Choose Product Features
window of the installation or uninstallation program.


Uninstaller use the mouse to click the Choose Product Features window. This
sets the focus on the window and allows you to use your keyboard.
Installer use the mouse to select the features in the Choose Product Features

Cannot run installer with default tar tool.

You see this error when the installer uses the GNU tar tool to extract files from the
Replication Server suite archive:
The included VM could not be unarchived (TAR). Please
try to download the installer again and make sure that
you download using 'binary' mode. Please do not attempt
to install this currently downloaded copy.
Workaround: Define /usr/bin/tar in $PATH.


The installer fails to launch if you specify a path to setup.bin that contains
Workaround: Ensure that the path to setup.bin does not contain ...


Interactive installation using response file does not work.

When installing Replication Server in an interactive mode using a response file, the
installer does not use the values stored in the file. In silent mode, the response file
works as expected.
Workaround: None.


Replication Server

Known Issues

Known Issues for SySAM License

Known issues and workarounds for SySAM License from Sybase SPDC and SAP Service
Marketplace (SMP).
Table 8. SySAM License Issues



SPDC- or SMP-generated served partition-level license may not work.

When you use a served partition-level license generated from the Sybase Product Download Center or the SAP Service Marketplace (SMP) to start a SySAM server, you see a
message that you are using an invalid license key, similar to:
(SYBASE) Invalid license key (inconsistent authentication
(SYBASE) License server system started on hpiabou
(SYBASE) No features to serve, exiting
(lmgrd) SYBASE exited with status 49 (No features to serve)
(lmgrd) SYBASE daemon found no features. Please correct
(lmgrd) license file and re-start daemons.
(lmgrd) This may be due to the fact that you are using
(lmgrd) a different license file from the one you expect.
(lmgrd) Check to make sure that:
(lmgrd) is the license file you want to use.
Workaround: Use the old host IDs for the license running on the license server.

Known Issues for Replication Server Unsupported

There are some limitations when using Replication Server unsupported operations.
These Adaptive Server operations may cause incorrect replication:

Disabling the secondary truncation point with dbcc settrunc and then truncating the log
can cause lost transactions.
Replication Server does not support nested transactions within replicated stored
When you enable replication for a stored procedure using sp_setrepproc or
sp_setreplicate, Adaptive Server always runs the stored procedure within a transaction. If
you have not explicitly run the replicated stored procedure within a transaction, Adaptive
Server places an implicit begin transaction command at the start of the procedure.

Release Bulletin


Known Issues

If the replicated stored procedure contains nested transaction commands such as begin
transaction, commit transaction, or rollback transaction, you might get errors when you
run the procedure. For example, a rollback transaction command rolls back to the start of
the stored procedure, rather than to the nested begin transaction command, which was the
intended rollback point.
Data that is inserted into a primary table using an unlogged bulk copy operation is not
To use the atomic method of subscription materialization:
The user who enters the create subscription command or the database owner must
own the primary table. Alternatively, you must use user-defined function strings for
select operations at the primary database.
If the database owner or maintenance user does not own the replicate table, use userdefined function strings for select operations at the replicate database. If the owner of
the replicate table is different from the owner of the primary table, create a unique
function string by using a distinct function-string class.

Known Issues with Language and Globalization

There is a limitation when using Japanese character sets in Replication Server. Neither the
eucjis nor the sjis character set can be converted; this issue affects both Adaptive Server and
Open Client and Open Server libraries.
Hankaku Katakana Conversion
In general, Japanese character sets are compatible. However, Hankaku Katakana characters,
although they exist in both the eucjis and sjis character sets, cannot be converted. Converting
data that contains Hankaku Katakana characters between eucjis and sjis does not work. This
conversion problem occurs with character datatypes and the text datatype and is
documented in the Adaptive Server Enterprise System Administration Guide Volume 1 >
Configuring Client/Server Character Set Conversions.
This conversion problem affects both Adaptive Server and the Sybase Open Client and Open
Server libraries. Because Replication Server uses these libraries for all conversions, this
problem also affects Replication Server.
In Replication Server, this type of failure is treated in the same way as is the case of a single
character missing from the target character set. The remainder of the conversion succeeds and
replication proceeds, and problem characters are replaced by question marks in the target data
area. There is currently no way to escape this restriction with the Sybase connectivity libraries.
However, in Adaptive Server, if you turn on trace flag number 2402, you can remove this
Using Trace Flag 2402
Generally, Sybase recommends that you set up your replication system so that Replication
Server handles all character set conversions at the replicate Replication Server and prevents


Replication Server

Documentation Changes
the replicate data server from performing any conversions. In this case, you can work around
the Hankaku Katakana restriction if you set up your system so that the replicate data server
performs the conversion.
This table shows how this might look if the primary data server used the sjis character set and
the replicate data server used eucjis. Communication in this system is between each data
server and its Replication Server and between the two Replication Servers.
Primary Replication Server


Replicate Replication Server


Primary data server


Replicate data server


The primary and replicate Replication Servers are configured to use the same character set as
the primary data server. (If only one Replication Server manages the primary and replicate
data servers, configure it with the character set of the primary data server.)
In this configuration, when the replicate Replication Server connects to the replicate data
server with character set sjis, the replicate data server detects this condition and converts data
into its own character set, eucjis. If trace flag 2402 is activated in the replicate data server, then
the conversion includes the Hankaku Katakana characters.
Setting Up Workaround
1. Configure your system as suggested.
2. Turn on trace flag 2402 in the replicate data server (Adaptive Server) by including -T2402
on the command line when you start Adaptive Server.
Changing Default Date Format for a Language
If you modify the common.loc file to change the default date format for a given language,
make the corresponding change to the syslanguages table on all affected Adaptive

Documentation Changes
Read about updates, corrections, and clarifications to the documentation released with
Replication Server 15.7.1.

Release Bulletin


Documentation Changes

Adaptive Server Login Password

The note reports to leave blank if you have null password in the Adaptive Server login
password parameters in the Replication Server ASE-to-ASE Replication Quick Start Guide is
incorrect. Sybase recommends that passwords used for Adaptive Server must not be blank.
The affected password parameters are rs.rs_rssd_sa_pass and rs.rs_ds_sa_password.

License Generation at SAP SMP

Updates to SAP Service Marketplace (SMP) download location and license generation.
In addition to SPDC, information about download location and license generation in these
guides should include SMP:

Replication Server ASE-to-ASE Replication Quick Start Guide.

Replication Server Getting Started.

See also
Generate Licenses at SPDC or SMP on page 7

Multi-Path Replication Quick Start

Update "Multi-Path Replication Quick Start" procedure in the Replication Server
Administration Guide Volume 2.
Set up a multi-path replication replication system comprising of two primary and replicate
paths for end-to-end replication
1. Select or create two sets of tables or stored procedures that you want to replicate through
two replication paths.
2. Use rs_init to add the primary and replicate Adaptive Server databases to the replication
3. Enable multithreaded RepAgent.
At the primary Adaptive Server, enter:
sp_config_rep_agent primary_database_name, multithread rep
agent, true

4. Set the number of replication paths for RepAgent.

For example, to enable two paths, enter:


Replication Server

Documentation Changes
sp_config_rep_agent primary_database_name, 'max number
replication paths', '2'

5. Create an alternate replication path from the primary database to Replication Server.
a) Create the alternate physical RepAgent replication path named alternate_path_name.
At the primary Adaptive Server, enter:
sp_replication_path primary_database_name, 'add',
"alternate_path_name", "repserver_name",
"repserver_user", "repserver_password"

b) Create the corresponding alternate primary connection from Replication Server to the
primary database and bind it to the alternate physical RepAgent replication path by
using the same RepAgent replication path namealternate_path_name.
At the Replication Server, enter:
create alternate connection to
named primary_dataserver.alternate_path_name

See "create alternate connection" in the Replication Server Reference Manual for
The replication system contains two primary replication pathsthe default and

6. Restart RepAgent.
sp_stop_rep_agent primary_database_name
sp_start_rep_agent primary_database_name

7. Create an alternate replicate connection from Replication Server to the replicate database
using the same alternate replication path namealternate_path_name.
create alternate connection to
named replicate_dataserver.alternate_path_name

The replication system contains two replicate replication pathsthe default and

8. Bind one set of objects such as tables or stored procedures to the alternate replication
sp_replication_path primary_database_name, 'bind', "table",
"[table_owner].table_name", "alternate_path_name"

The other set of objects uses the default replication path. You can only bind objects to
alternate replication paths. All objects that you do not bind to an alternate replication path,
use the default path instead.

Release Bulletin


Documentation Changes
9. Verify object bindings.
sp_replication_path primary_database_name,'list'

10. Create a replication definition against the primary database.

For example to create the authors_rep replication definition for the authors table:
create replication definition authors_rep
with primary at primary_dataserver.primary_database
with all tables named 'authors'

If the default primary connection and the alternate primary connection are on different
Replication Servers, create replication definitions on each Replication Server.
11. Create a subscription against the default primary connection and the default replicate
create subscription subscription_default_path for
with primary at primary_dataserver.primary_database
with replicate at replicate_dataserver.replicate_database

12. Create a subscription against the alternate primary connection and the alternate replicate
create subscription subscription_alternate_path for
with primary at primary_dataserver.alternate_path_name
with replicate at replicate_dataserver.alternate_path_name

Replication Manager Plug-In Route Upgrade

Route upgrade in the Replication Manager plug-in to Sybase Central is deprecated.
Use the sysadmin upgrade "route" Replication Server command instead.
See Upgrading Routes in the Replication Server Configuration Guide.

SQL Anywhere Replication Support

Read about updates, corrections, and clarifications for SQL Anywhere documentation.
For information on SQL Anywhere support as a primary or a replicate database, see the SQL
Anywhere documentation.


Replication Server

Obtaining Help and Additional Information

Obtaining Help and Additional Information

Use the Sybase Getting Started CD, Product Documentation site, and online help to learn
more about this product release.

The Getting Started CD (or download) contains release bulletins and installation guides
in PDF format, and may contain other documents or updated information.
Product Documentation at is an online version of Sybase
documentation that you can access using a standard Web browser. You can browse
documents online, or download them as PDFs. In addition to product documentation, the
Web site also has links to EBFs/Maintenance, Technical Documents, Case Management,
Solved Cases, Community Forums/Newsgroups, and other resources.
Online help in the product, if available.

To read or print PDF documents, you need Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is available as a free
download from the Adobe Web site.
Note: A more recent release bulletin, with critical product or document information added
after the product release, may be available from the Product Documentation Web site.

Technical Support
Get support for Sybase products.
If your organization has purchased a support contract for this product, then one or more of
your colleagues is designated as an authorized support contact. If you have any questions, or if
you need assistance during the installation process, ask a designated person to contact Sybase
Technical Support or the Sybase subsidiary in your area.

Downloading Sybase EBFs and Maintenance Reports

Get EBFs and maintenance reports from the Sybase Web site or the SAP Service
Marketplace (SMP). The location you use depends on how you purchased the product.

If you purchased the product directly from Sybase or from an authorized Sybase
a) Point your Web browser to
b) Select Support > EBFs/Maintenance.
c) If prompted, enter your MySybase user name and password.
d) (Optional) Select a filter, a time frame, or both, and click Go.
e) Select a product.

Release Bulletin


Obtaining Help and Additional Information

Padlock icons indicate that you do not have download authorization for certain EBF/
Maintenance releases because you are not registered as an authorized support contact.
If you have not registered, but have valid information provided by your Sybase
representative or through your support contract, click My Account to add the
Technical Support Contact role to your MySybase profile.
f) Click the Info icon to display the EBF/Maintenance report, or click the product
description to download the software.
If you ordered your Sybase product under an SAP contract:
a) Point your browser to
b) Select Search for Software Downloads and enter the name of your product. Click

Sybase Product and Component Certifications

Certification reports verify Sybase product performance on a particular platform.
To find the latest information about certifications:

For partner product certifications, go to

For platform certifications, go to

Creating a MySybase Profile

MySybase is a free service that allows you to create a personalized view of Sybase Web pages.
1. Go to
2. Click Register Now.

Accessibility Features
Accessibility ensures access to electronic information for all users, including those with
Documentation for Sybase products is available in an HTML version that is designed for
Vision impaired users can navigate through the online document with an adaptive technology
such as a screen reader, or view it with a screen enlarger.
Sybase HTML documentation has been tested for compliance with accessibility requirements
of Section 508 of the U.S Rehabilitation Act. Documents that comply with Section 508
generally also meet non-U.S. accessibility guidelines, such as the World Wide Web
Consortium (W3C) guidelines for Web sites.


Replication Server

Obtaining Help and Additional Information

Note: You may need to configure your accessibility tool for optimal use. Some screen readers
pronounce text based on its case; for example, they pronounce ALL UPPERCASE TEXT as
initials, and MixedCase Text as words. You might find it helpful to configure your tool to
announce syntax conventions. Consult the documentation for your tool.
For information about how Sybase supports accessibility, see the Sybase Accessibility site: The site includes links to information about
Section 508 and W3C standards.
You may find additional information about accessibility features in the product

Release Bulletin


Obtaining Help and Additional Information


Replication Server

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