Executive Summary
Executive Summary
Executive Summary
The RMG industry is the backbone and motor of Bangladeshs economy. This industry developed rapidly over the
past 30 years by taking advantage of the favorable trade quotas granted to Bangladesh by the international MultiFiber-Agreement (MFA). In addition, low labor costs have always been one of the competitive advantages for
Bangladesh garments in the global sourcing market. Today, Bangladesh is the seventh largest RMG exporter in
the world. About 4,200 apparel factories export garments worth nearly US$ 10 billion, contributing more than 75%
to Bangladeshs total export earnings. The industry provides direct employment to over 2.3 million workers
mainly women and indirectly supports the livelihood of about 20 million people. Since the abolishment of the
MFA in 2005 the RMG sector in Bangladesh faces much stiffer competition. Garment prices have been falling by
as much as 10% annually over the last three years. On the other hand, increasing production costs are putting the
industry in a very precarious economic situation. In addition, the pressure from buyers has been increasing,
demanding from suppliers full compliance with internationally recognized social and environmental standards,
quality products and short and reliable delivery schedules. The core problem is that under such conditions a
significant number of the factories are not fit enough to survive in the global market.
I have prepared this report mainly based on practical field work method with the involvement of regulatory process
related with compliance activities because. Different data used in this report were collected from different
secondary sources. The phase-out of Kims Corporation has important implications for all agents in the value chain
including apparel manufacturers, exporters, importers, retailers and consumers. This has made possible for
apparel manufacturing and exporting countries to operate without the restrictions of the quota; has provided
importers an opportunity for open sourcing and retailers to take advantage of competitively priced supply; and
provided broader choices and lower prices to consumers. As a result global export of textile and apparels has
substantially increased.
Background of the report
Internship is the last part of my BBA course Without completion of internship report I cannot be able to complete
my BBA course. This report is a collection of the information which I collected and the impression I received
through my internship period from the activities of Kims Corporation Ltd. My selected topic is compliance
Governments policy regarding readymade garments policy in Bangladesh.
Significance of the report
The development of proficiency is a long process, during which theoretical, practical and Metacognition elements
of expert knowledge are integrated into a logical whole. It is important to foster students learning and integration
of theoretical knowledge in practice during education period. One tool for this is to pay more attention to practical
knowledge in the theoretical part of the curriculum. The aim of this study is to evaluate the significance of my
practical knowledge.
Scope of the report
This report will cover compliance overview of Kims Corporation. It give a wide view of the context of financial
compliance rules come from GFA. Most large financial services have Compliance teams whose role is to take an
independent stance in making sure that the company is following all the necessary rules and regulations. As a
student of BBA, this study will be more significant in my practical life. I have work for three months at Kims
Corporation to complete the internship program as an academic requirement.
Objective of the report
a) Broad objectives:
The general objective of the report is to understand about the Compliance of Government Policy byReadymade
Garments of Bangladesh A study on Kims Corporation Ltd.
b) Specific objectives:
The specific objectives of the study are as follows:
Formal interview.
Written documents
BGMEA report
Conference report
Sampling plan
In this study the population was all the workers.
Sample element
The sample element of my study is people who are working as labour in this garments factory.
Sample frame
In this statistical practice my sample frame was register book of labour.
Sample size
For collecting some crucial information I needed some lower level worker who can provide me proper information.
Thats why sample size is small. I choose 20 males and 10 female labour of Kims Corporation Ltd.
Data analysis and reporting
Then data were classified, analyzed and interpreted. On the basis of the information and my observation the
report is made.
Limitations of the study
Time constraint was a barrier in this study. So I cannot able to conduct with all function within available time.
Every organization has a common secret strategy of secrecy. So the authority hesitates to disclose the important
information to maintain business secrecy.
The employee are always busy on there tremendous workload. So they could not extent there cooperation properly.
Part -2
Overview of the company
Background of Kims Corporation Ltd:
Kims Corporation is a Knit printing and swing, Woven dyeing, and garments under ONE roof Equipped with topof-the-line production facilities. Our painstaking efforts to reengineer each steps of Kims value chain
procurement, production process & planning, workforce productivity & efficiency, technologiesand turned them
into core.
The Company is well reputed in both the sectors for the efficient management, high standard of performance and
attaining the satisfaction of its principal and clients. The group started its journey in 2005, immediately after the
foundation of the Republic of Bangladesh and nearly for three decades, it grew steadily and the Company
diversified its scope of work, encompassing more and more areas within its business and trade activities.
The Director of the company. The executive and staff of the companies are highly professional and motivated to
the work they are assigned with and under the supervision of respective Director; they work in a team to
accomplish the job. The experiences of three decades and adoption of modern outlook and technological
advantages, the Company has been able to mark its presence effectively felt in the business circle of the country.
The above factors were responsible for our business connections around the globe. We have developed business
relationship with different companies spreading over almost all continents.
The Chairman and CEO of the company is Mr. Han Jin Kim, who brings with him the experiences of three decades
in the fields of trade and external commerce. He is a versatile man with vision and is the driving force of the
The operation department of the company is headed by Executive Director Mr. Kanchan Kumar Barua. He has
with him years of experience and expertise to market such product in Bangladesh. He has excellent public
relations and business contacts.
a) Company Name:
Kims Corporation Ltd.
Kims Official Address:
Plot No- 16, sutar Noardda, Arapara, Savar,
Dhaka-1340, Bangladesh.
Phone: +88-02- 7741775-6
Fax: + 880-2-7710726
E-mail: info@kims-co.com
Year of Establishment: 2005
b) Product range
Female, Children
Image building of the RMG industry, public awareness and advocacy on corporate social responsibility (CSR)
enable main RMG service providers to offer services as demanded by the industry
Social compliance,
These three areas are interlinked and thus are addressed simultaneously. The bulk of the available resources are
used to improve social compliance and productivity level. The plan is to categorize all factories in four groups,
according to their current social compliance and productivity status, and upgrade them as quickly as possible
starting with the worst cases and those who are most interested in the cooperation.
Another priority area is to support the government in implementing the national labor law through awareness
raising, advocacy and monitoring activities. The program will strengthen the performance of main stakeholders
involved in the development of the RMG sector including workers, professionals, managers, suppliers and buyers.
Through technical and social skill enhancement activities, such as trainings, individuals will be enabled to better
perform their work and exercise their social duties. Parallel, the program will strengthen and support all relevant
RMG organizations such as NGOs, trade unions, entrepreneurs associations (BGMEA and BKMEA), training
institutes and relevant government ministries. Developing these organizations means improving their service
capacity but also their organizational and leadership culture. For this purpose, physical and personnel upgrading
measures will be implemented according to needs. The programs implementation approach, in principle, builds
upon projects which are currently being implemented successfully by various development partners e.g. GTZ,
SEDF, UNDP, UNIDO, Oxfam, etc. The activities of these projects will be up-scaled in order to have a much wider
area and factory coverage. MFBs main task is to monitor and evaluate program activities and implement program
components in absence of competent partners and if administratively and financially justified.
A more detailed overview regarding program objectives and indicators is shown in the attached log frame.
Part -3
Literature review of Compliance
The simplest definition of compliance is observance, conformity, and obedience. In business, compliance
generally designates the requirement to adhere to certain rules/laws, meet certain standards, and follow certain
practices. Compliance standards can originate from external as well as internal sources. A compliance
requirement may be mandatory or optional. Understanding the origin of compliance requirements enables
appropriate prioritization and risk management. Compliance requirements that your organization must adhere to
may be based on your ownership structure, management practices, locations, and the markets in which you wish
to participate, as well as your specific industry, customer, and vendor affiliations. Later in this document we will
explore the sources of compliance requirements and provide public domain references to assist you in
researching their specific requirements. If you look at your business practices, you will see that many standard
operating procedures exist to satisfy the compliance requirements of all the entities, internal and external, with
which the organization interacts.
Today the majority of compliance requirements focus is around Government-imposed regulations, and perhaps
rightfully so because of the real possibility of civil and criminal penalties directed to top level management in the
case of breach of compliance. But in the rush to comply with government regulations, management must not lose
sight of the compliance standards that the organization is already complying with and why they are complying with
them. Questions that ownership and management must continually consider:
How do all of the compliance requirements get managed within the operational structures of the organization?
How are business structures and operating practices enhanced when adopting compliance practices while maintaining
profitability, market share, and organizational agility?
Part -4
Compliance of Government Policy by Ready Made Garments
Definition of Compliance
The state of being in accordance with the relevant Federal or regional authorities and their requirements. In the
context of financial services, the most important compliance rules come from the Securities and Exchange
Commission. Most large financial services companies have compliance teams whose role is to take an
independent stance in making sure that the company is following all the necessary rules and regulations.
Bangladesh is a priority partner country for German Development Cooperation; cooperation between the two
countries began more than three decades ago. Technical cooperation concentrates largely on the Bangladeshi
economy and social structure which, despite unfavorable framework conditions and problems, give hope for the
long-term development of the country and an improvement in the economic situation for large parts of the
The main problems in Bangladesh are scarce resources, natural disasters, a rigid and to some extent arbitrary
bureaucracy, over-population and the poverty which this causes. Around 50 percent of the population lives below
the poverty line.
Against this background, the activities of the GTZ focus on the following three priority areas:
level of investment, and government support are among the key factors that helped the country to continue the
momentum in export earnings in the apparel sector. Some of these elements are reviewed below.
Market Diversification
Bangladeshi RMG products are mainly destined to the US and EU. Back in 1996-97, Bangladesh was the 7th and
5th largest apparel exporter to the USA and European Union respectively. The industry was successful in
exploring the opportunities in markets away from EU and US. In FY06, a successful turnaround was observed in
exports to third countries, which having a negative growth in FY05 rose three-fold in FY06, which helped to record
23.1 percent overall export growth in the RMG sector. It is anticipated that the trend of market diversification will
continue and this will help to maintain the growth momentum of export earnings. At the same time a recent WTO
review points out that Bangladesh has not been able to exploit fully the duty free access to EU that it enjoys. While
this is pointed out to be due to stringent rules of origin (ROO) criteria, the relative stagnation in exports to EU
requires further analysis.
Table: Region-wise Share of RMG Export
Table 1: Region-wise
Combined Share of
European Countries
Countries (%)
Only WRAP and SAI have certifications for factories, whereas FLA certifies brands, not factories. The other abovementioned codes of conduct do not have any certification options.
Generally, adherence by a particular manufacturer to a given standard or code of conduct is verified
through periodic audits/ inspections. These inspections are carried out by buyers and/or third party auditors
nominated by the buyers.
Ensuring Proper Application of Codes of Conduct
Bangladesh Labor Law 2006 (BLL 2006) Implementation of the BLL 2006 is monitored primarily by Ministry of
Labor and Employment (MoLE) factory inspectors and BGMEA and BKMEA social compliance monitors. Besides
inspecting and monitoring the status of the factories, BGMEA and
BKMEA monitors provide advisory support to factory personnel so that they are able to implement the required,
correct measures as stated in BLL 2006.
Part -5
Analysis is included with questioner, compliance tools and steps.
Sources of Compliance Requirements
Compliance requirements are nothing new to business. Customers, vendors, and governments have always
provided businesses with standards for interaction. From tax reporting forms to how you place a label on a box for
a customer, compliance requirements drive businesses to accomplish things in very specific ways. So, to really
understand compliance requirements for your business you need only look around at the ways you accomplish
tasks (especially repetitive tasks), communicate, and keep information, and then ask Why? The answers will
point you to the source of a compliance requirement. Compliance requirement sources are not only external, for
example from the government, customers, and vendors, but internal as well, from owners/management, investors,
and other departments. Although the internal compliance requirements may not seem as pressing, they often
provide the greatest business optimization opportunities. For example, management may require that along with
recording a customer product return, a reason for the return must be recorded.
This additional data capture adds additional steps for the receiving department initially, but in the long run,
knowing why an item was returned assists management in making adjustments to marketing, sales, production,
quality control, purchasing, shipping, and so forth, helping reduce any further returns. In the long run, this reporting
and corrective action process obviously has significant positive financial impacts for the organization. As you
examine internal compliance measures, consider using compliance requirements to more closely manage things
that represent high risk and/or high value to the organization, such as environmental impacts caused by
operations or product spoilage or damage caused by equipment failure. To assist you in locating the sources of
compliance in your organization, the following list outlines potential internal and external sources of compliance
Internal Ownership
Customers Vendors
Industry Groups
External compliance requirement sources have the extra burden of often being mandatory, strict in implementation
structure and reporting requirements, and typically have legal and financial implications. Recent focus on
compliance has been with regard to external legal and financial compliance requirements originating from
Government regulations. For example, by law, many public organizations had to rapidly implement SarbanesOxley requirements. Within the private sector, pharmaceutical and food companies have long understood quality
assurance and track and traceability requirements. The following information provides some direction to assist you
in the finding, gathering, organizing, and documenting some of the government compliance requirements that are
the most pressing and relevant to businesses today.
HR Compliance Tools
Managing employees on a daily basis can be a difficult task for businesses of any size. This where HR
Compliance Tools come in; typical tools can include:
Employee Handbooks
HR Policy Check-ups
Compliance Posters
No Child Labor.
Factories must have alternate stairs, basic fire equipments.
With respect to building construction no factory can obtain membership without giving approved layout plan
To create awareness on Compliance Kims has published handbook in local language on compliance issues, a
number of posters and stickers .All the published materials have been distributed already to the member factories.
Social Compliance Posters and Stickers
Kims has published a poster and a set of stickers on some core issues of compliance. The poster is on How to
use a fire extinguisher. It is in Bengali for quick understanding of workers and other factory persons. The stickers
have been published to ensure workers basic rights. The 4 stickers are on: child labor, weekly & other holidays,
maternity leave & benefits and on time payment of wages. SEDF helped Defoin to publish the poster and stickers
Some other posters & Stickers on labor rights, responsibility of owner and environmental issue are going to be
published soon. GTZ is helping the association to develop the upcoming awareness raising materials. Kims hopes
that the publications on compliance will create awareness among the members and they will take serious
initiatives to follow the rules mentioned here.
Hand Book on Social Compliance
The handbook has been titled as Compliance & Relevant Laws: Guide Lines for Implementation. The Book is in
Easy Bengali for quick understanding of owners and labors.
Objectives of the Handbook are:
To provide basic compliance knowledge and implementation procedure to the owners of the RMG factories
To give a handy reference on crucial and frequently required parts of labor and industrial law of Bangladesh.
iii Disseminate the information to the workers and raise their awareness level on social compliance, labor and
industrial law through workshops, seminars and TV advertisements.
Guide to Construct a Safe Factory Building on the basis of Bangladesh National Building Code
No Discrimination.
Welfare facilities.
Working Hours.
Grievance procedure.
Environmental Protection.
Custom compliance.
Security compliance.
Commitment to meet all regulatory and legislative requirements. Prevent pollution and continuously improve
environmental management
Custom Compliance:
Kims Corporation Ltd. always complies with custom compliance according to the customs act 1996.
Security compliance:
Kims Corporation always tries to maintain the rules and regulations in security compliance as per the national
rules and buyers requirement.
In order to emphasize our social and ecological responsibility and solidarity as a contribution to improve the social
and environmental conditions in the interests, primarily, of the employees. We are always well equipped and
committed to uplifting our HRM department
Maintaining the code of conduct for improving the conditions of the factory as stated below:
Forced labour
Environmental protection
Fire safety
Appropriate remuneration
Fire safety
Kims Corporation Limited always promised to keep secure its member safety. And so here the management takes
the highest effort in this subject. Fire Defense System is one of the key things among them. Here in Kims
Corporation Limited. All the floor & compound are equipped with latest fire fighting equipment such as fire
extinguisher, hose pipe, blanket etc. All the electricity cable is FRLS & XLPE insulated to avoid accidental
electrical fire hazard. Regular fire evacuation drill provided to the employee to boost their confidence in handling
Social Activities
Kims Corporation Limited is involved directly & indirectly in much public welfare activates. Various mosques
around the country run by its donation. Kims Corporation Limited. Establishes & run many educational institutes by
its own finance. As an example we can name Pachrukih Madrasa. Besides serving official responsibilities Kims
Corporation Limited also serve the social responsibilities to its members. In much case Kims Corporation Limited.
Management help its employee in various activities like medical expenses, marriage ceremony, education etc by
granting donation. Sometimes KCL attend in tree plantation activities to keep this world green.
Every year Kims Corporation Limited arranges a cultural program for its entire employee to keep them happy and
cheer up in all state, which make a bridge of friendship among all. Anondo Aiojon 2003 is one of them.
Future action plans
There were challenges in the past, and challenges will remain in future. However, they focus at least on sustaining
the existing growth rate, if not targeting more. To become a $25 billion export country by 2013 the prime agenda.
Addressing safety and security issues
The reason behind labour unrest is not only the low wage structure, but also the hazardous working conditions,
insufficient safety and security measures, inadequate break time, irregular payment, forceful overtime, and many
other factors.KCL is speaking about enhancing labor productivity, but also recognize that productivity in our
countrys apparel sector is low compared to neighboring countries. However, productivity will not increase if the
garments do not take any aggressive measures to address the safety and security issues.
Improving supervisor-worker relationship
The relationship between supervisors and workers plays a key role in terms of productivity enhancement and
maintaining overall discipline in the work place. While the boss and subordinate relationship is important in every
industry, in the apparel sector it plays a major role and sometimes influences negatively.
Incidents of exploitation and harassment of the workers by supervisors are common phenomena in the apparel
sector, and this is more applicable to the female workers. The reason behind this is that there is always a gap
between the owners and the workers. Supervisors play a middle man role, and owners are influenced by them.
The absence of job description, accountability and corporate governance hamper the worker-owner relationship.
In KCL the relationship between is very good.
Developing second-tier management
In most cases, the management control of the factories is limited within the family members of the owners, and in
many cases it is just a one-man show. As a result, the overall business suffers from key man risk as well as
capacity constraints. The owners of the KCL try to make and develop a second-tier management team, especially
in the large apparel corporate.
Given the global dynamics, it is high time to implement corporate culture and practices in the apparel sector, which
requires developing human resources, enhancing corporate governance, decentralizing decision making authority
and empowering people. This will translate into enhancement of accountability and time saving and, more
importantly, the second-tier management team can bridge the gap between the workers and owners, which will
help further in improving industrial relationships and relieving the workers from harassment to a great extent. The
problems in the industry pre-date the riots which took place just over a month ago and which were attended by
deaths, injuries and the destruction of property. Over the years, hazardous working conditions have resulted in the
deaths of many workers through factory fires and collapses. The Spectrum Factory building collapse of April 2005
killed 64 people, injured over 70 and left hundreds jobless. In February 2006 a fire destroyed the four-story KTS
Textile Industries in Bangladeshs port city of Chittagong again killing scores of mostly young and female workers.
Workers, who are mostly young women, also face an acutely difficult working environment wages are low, hours
are long, forced labour is practiced, child labour exists, sexual harassment exists, freedom is curtailed, whether it
be locked doors or rights of association, and there are a multisided of other practices which go against
international labour standards and codes of conduct ( non-compliance). At the level of legislation and business
dealings, lack of implementation of laws, restrictive laws and unfair buying practices by buyers compound the
issue of non-compliance.
Questioner Analysis
Table- 1
No. of
Strongly Disagree=0%
Strongly Agree
This diagram shows that, 91% of the employees are agreed that there organization provide wages at a specific
time which is comply with the government regulation of compliance.
Table- 2
No. of percentage.
0Strongly Disagree=0%1Disagree
No. of percentage.
Strongly Disagree=0%
Strongly Agree
No. of
Strongly Disagree=5%
Strongly Agree
No. of
1Strongly Disagree=5%10Disagree
No. of percentage
Strongly Disagree=0%
Strongly Agree
No. of
7. Do you think that the relationship between employee and
workers is good enough?
0Strongly Disagree=0%0Disagree
No. of percentage
Strongly Disagree=0%
Strongly Agree
1Strongly Disagree=5%4Disagree
Major Findings
While working at Kims Corporation in Savar, Dhaka, I have attained to a newer kind of experience. After the
collection of data, I have got some findings. These findings are completely from my personal point of view. Those
are given below:
Labors are not aware about the health welfare, which is considered by governments.
immediate fast-aid
food facilities to the workers
This company is politically empowered so they can have some extra benefit.
Lack of proper written Documents on compliance, and they dont have any marketing department.
Physical infrastructures of the garment factory building is not well constructed, there space management is too
congested, so the worker cant move freely while they are working.
Lack of knowledge and awareness especially about standards, codes, rules and regulations.
The building safety system is not strong enough so it may cause to makes fire accident
Part -7
Recommendation and Conclusion
What has emerged quite emphatically is that for the Bangladesh industry to survive it has to take on board the
issue of compliance with internationally recognized social, labor and environmental standards. There are many
initiatives underway buyers have their corporate social responsibility initiatives, the government has set up task
forces and foray, there are the Memoranda of Understanding with the trade unions and the manufacturers and
exporters associations. There needs to be the capacity and will amongst all the stakeholders, and particularly the
government, to take forward and develop compliance and create an industry with an enhanced global image
and global recognition of performance.
Compliance is a process. Its a way of defining proper individual and group behaviors, and assuring that laws and
policies are understood and followed. This means you must know the laws and develop appropriate policies in
relation to these laws. Compliance also means you and your managers need to communicate these policies to the
troops, along with your expectations for adherence and the consequences for non adherence. The latter requires
specific investigative and punishment procedures.
Effective HR compliance programs need to be integrated into your business strategies and given more than just lip
service. Compliance has to start at the top and trickle down to all levels, so everyone in the company knows that
the workplace must be kept safe and discrimination wont be tolerated.
HR laws change constantly. Kims Corporation must stay up-to-date on current laws, so they should establish
appropriate policies and communicate with their employees.
Kims Corporation should hire an HR staff with the experience and skills to support an effective compliance
They should develop their handbook more that meets their initial needs.
There lawyer should always review their handbook and any new policies before they implement them.
Since they have the most significant day-to-day interactions with employees, review their policy manual with
each manager. Make sure they understand that they must uphold expected standards and be role models for
other employees / lobour.
Provide updates to the manual, and provide periodic retraining on important issues, such as sexual harassment
Listen to employees / lobour, and listen to their internal and external experts. Together these can help to get the
root of compliance risks, help to manage many risks, and heighten awareness about goings-on in the company.
Let people know whether theyre meeting with their expectations. Reinforce the importance of success, and give
your employees the opportunity to correct areas of weakness. Emphasize accountability, and stress the
consequences for noncompliance.
Document all key decisions and employee evaluations, establish written policies, make sure everyone gets a
copy of your written policies and signs them, keep a written record of critical communications, and maintain all
personnel records. Documentation is critical.
I really enjoyed my internship period in Kims Corporation in Arapara, Savar, from the very first day. I am confident
that this 3 three months internship program will definitely help me to understand real life situation which definitely
will help in the job market.
Performance analysis of Garments within this short time of my internship period is very difficult. But it is a great
opportunity for me to get used to with the operational environment of human resource compliance of Kims
Corporation. I have tried by soul to incorporate the necessary relevant information in my report.
The Human Resource department should think newly about their compliance objectives and practices. As a
developing Readymade Garments in Bangladesh, Kims Corporation shouldnt allow their client to get dissatisfied
with their product. They have their competitors who actively striving to take the advantages in every side.
During the course of my practical orientation I have tried to learn the practical garments compliances to relate it
with my theoretical knowledge, what I have gathered and going to acquire from various courses.
7. www.yahoo.com
8. Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) and Economic Trends, Bangladesh Bank
9. Bangladesh Bank Quarterly.