TOK Essay Practice
TOK Essay Practice
TOK Essay Practice
with reference to two areas of knowledge, to what extent do you agree with this
Stereotypes are a part of nearly everyones everyday life. No matter the age,
social class and status everybody has encountered them at least once. They
often become a part of local knowledge and shape our perception of certain
phenomenons or nations and communities as well as specific professions.
Scientists tend to call them empirical generalizations, which are made by
observation of wide groups. In my essay I want to discuss to what extent can we
gain understanding of the world by simply relying on deeply rooted beliefs, which
not always have the support in science. I want to consider this claim with
reference to two areas of knowledge, the first one being arts, and music in
particular and the second one being social sciences.
Music is a field of art that deeply relies on emotion as a way of knowing. Many
stereotypes have emerged regarding musicians, usually making them people
with their head constantly in the clouds, messy and disorganized, living in their
own world of creation and unknown inspiration. I often heard the opinions that
relationship with such people is a nightmare. We can see here that, stereotypes
tend to be negative usually, at least these seem to be the ones we notice more
and take into account. Being a musician myself, with a long experience, I can
definitely say that this claim is in most cases not true, as what I see among my
musician friends is almost a contrary of the stereotype above. First of all, young
musicians have to juggle between two schools, loads of concerts and rehearsals.
Without great organization skills and neatness, succeeding in that all would not
be possible. Same regards professional musicians, who need to be very
responsible, especially while playing in the orchestras or bands, where there is a
cumulative responsibility and each member needs to be focused as much as
possible and follow conductors instructions. It does not leave much space for
freedom and creative invention to be honest. Of course we can definitely find
entities who are unable to communicate with surrounding world and are definite
individualist, but I would not say it is because of their profession, but rather
because of their character traits and more psychological reasons. I consider
myself very organized, a also realist and I am musician at the same time, so I
would definitely not say that this stereotype can give us an insight into our
knowledge and understanding of this field of art.
In contrary to the negative stereotype above, it is often said that musicians are
sensitive, feel empathy much better than other groups and so on. As I mentioned
before, music is a field which mainly relies on emotion as a way of knowing.
Especially in the process of creation pieces but also in performing, but a slightly
lower scale. Emotions tend to be significantly developed among musicians as it is
their everydays tool for working. When a musician does not put any emotion it
what they are doing, they are not entitled to this title in my opinion. Moreover
public tend not to get interested in performances where no personal interest and
engagement is evident. From my experience, I notice that indeed, because of
unfortunately they cannot solve their calculus exercises because they are simply
awful at math even if they rock at chemistry. In my opinion too many people only
consider the thesis that Asian simply equals smart. They usually do not put a
greater thought into it and tend to forget to consider the possible cultural reasons
behind the results of Asian teenagers indeed somehow seeming to be higher than
average results. First of all Asian countries have the lowest number of work leave
days. It means they are very hard-working. Sadly, their brilliant performance is
usually attributed to the fact of being Asian, which I consider quite ignorant.
Moreover in Asian culture the role of parents seems to be different than in
European or North American societies, with more strict rules and pressure placed
on education. Without knowing the cultural background and simply relying on
stereotype, we can make falsified outcomes.
Of course, these are just my personal claims as other person who has visited
southern destinations may not have perceived them as lazy or slow, as well as a
visual artist can claim that the sensitiveness among musicians is not valid as it
applies to all art domains and is possibly not the result of contact with art itself,
but preexisting trait that determined the choice of this profession.
Overall, stereotypes can definitely be a source of understanding and unusual way
of exploring the world, but it is crucial not to accept everything we hear right
away but give it a careful examination and support it with
cultural/environmental/scientific background not to expand unjust opinions. I
think it is a good way to engage critical thinking and come up with conclusions