I.T.C. LTD v. Malta
I.T.C. LTD v. Malta
I.T.C. LTD v. Malta
The case originated in an application (no. 2629/06) against the Republic
of Malta lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the
Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (the Convention)
by a Maltese company, International Trading Corporation Limited (the
applicant company), on 31 October 2006. The applicant company was
represented by Mr I. Refalo and Mr M. Refalo, lawyers practising in
Valletta, Malta. The Maltese Government (the Government) were
represented by their Agent, Mr S. Camilleri, Attorney General.
A. The circumstances of the case
The facts of the case, as submitted by the parties, may be summarised as
1. Background of the case
On 28 December 2003 the Ministry for Youth and the Arts issued a call
for tenders for the design, organisation and management of a quality
national event, on the occasion of the celebration of Maltas accession to the
European Union.
The deadline for submitting bids was January 2004.
Three participants (the applicant company, Welcomeurope Consortium
and Synergix Limited) paid the relevant fees and guarantees and submitted
their bids.
On 3 February 2004 the tender was awarded by the Adjudication Board
to Welcomeurope Consortium.
2. Proceedings before the Public Contracts Appeals Board
On 5 February 2004 the applicant company objected to this decision. On
19 February 2004 a hearing took place before the Public Contracts Appeals
Board (the PCAB).
The applicant company alleged that the bid made by Welcomeurope had
not met the formal requirements of the tender. In particular, its components
had been presented collectively and not individually and it had not been
submitted in an itemised format. Moreover, the bid in question had been
based on incorrect and misleading information. It had made reference to
laser cannons which, according to the applicant, did not exist, and to a TV
transmission deal with the European Broadcasting Union (the EBU),
which was not dependent on the involvement of Welcomeurope. In the
applicants view, as the EBU would have broadcast all the major shows
from the ten acceding countries, this matter should not have been taken into
consideration during adjudication. The applicant company further stated that
its bid was better value for money.
Welcomeurope challenged the applicant companys arguments. It
contended that cannon lights would be used in the show. Furthermore, the
EBU had informed them that, due to the presence of an artist who had
signed a contract with Welcomeurope for the exclusive right to use his
services, Malta would have been allotted a longer transmission period.
Representatives from the Adjudication Board gave oral evidence, stating
that both bids had satisfied the formal requirements of the tender and that
the final choice in favour of Welcomeurope had been based on the price and
on the satisfactory standard reached.
The applicant company requested the production of a number of
documents, namely the Adjudication Boards report, minutes of meetings
regarding the bids, letters from Welcomeurope relating to TV coverage,
Welcomeuropes detailed list of equipment and its certificate of insurance
cover. It alleged that these documents were indispensable for allowing it to
substantiate its objections.
Welcomeurope objected to this request, noting that some of the
documents contained commercial information of a highly confidential
The PCAB observed that it could authorise the production of documents
only in so far as they were relevant to the objections raised and strictly
necessary for giving a ruling on their merits. As a consequence, only a small
extract from the Adjudication Boards report was produced. The chairman
of the Adjudication Board had in fact noted that other parts of the report
might have contained commercial and other information of a confidential
In a decision of 27 February 2004, the PCAB rejected the applicant
companys claim. It held that the invalidity of Welcomeuropes bid had not
been proved and that there had been no reason to doubt the method used by
the Adjudication Board to assess the bids, which had been based on an
overall assessment and had not been dependent on the amount or type of
lasers used.
3. Proceedings before the Civil Court
On 24 February 2004 the applicant company lodged an application with
the Civil Court (First Hall) in its constitutional jurisdiction. It alleged that
the rejection of its request for the production of documents had infringed its
right to a fair hearing.
By a judgment of 16 December 2004, the Civil Court dismissed the
applicant companys claim on the ground that Article 6 of the Convention
was not applicable to the proceedings before the PCAB.
these obligations only had a pre-contractual nature; they could give rise to a
claim for damages, but not to any right to demand specific performance.
In the present case, the applicant did not request damages but a
reconsideration of the decision. The fact that the result of the proceedings
before the PCAB had economic consequences for the applicant was not
sufficient to conclude that the dispute concerned the determination of a civil
right. The Constitutional Court distinguished the applicant companys case
from the case of Tinnelly & Sons Ltd and Others and McElduff and Others
v. the United Kingdom (see judgment of 10 July 1998, Reports of Judgments
and Decisions 1998-IV). Although that case had dealt with tenders, the right
at issue was the right not to be discriminated against in the job market.
In view of the above, the Constitutional Court concluded that the
proceedings before the PCAB did not involve a determination of civil rights
and obligations. It was therefore irrelevant to establish whether the PCAB
was a tribunal within the meaning of Article 6 of the Convention.
B. Relevant domestic law and practice
1. Judicial Review
Article 469 A (1) of the Code of Organisation and Civil Procedure (the
COCP), reads as follows:
Save as is otherwise provided by law, the courts of justice of civil jurisdiction may
enquire into the validity of any administrative act or declare such act null, invalid or
without effect only in the following cases:
(a) where the administrative act is in violation of the Constitution;
(b) when the administrative act is ultra vires on any of the following grounds:
(i) when such act emanates from a public authority that is not authorised to perform
it; or
(ii) when a public authority has failed to observe the principles of natural justice or
mandatory procedural requirements in performing the administrative act or in its prior
deliberations thereon; or
iii) when the administrative act constitutes an abuse of the public authoritys power
in that it is done for improper purposes or on the basis of irrelevant considerations; or
iv) when the administrative act is otherwise contrary to law.
The 1996 Regulations were amended by Legal Notice 387 of 2003, (the
2003 Regulations). In so far as relevant the 2003 Regulations read as
Regulation 4
(1) Contracting authorities shall ensure that there is no discrimination between
undertakings, and that all undertakings are treated equally in all calls for tenders
whatever their estimated value.
(4) Contracting authorities shall respect fully the confidential nature of any
information furnished by candidates and tenderers.
(5) In the context of provision of technical specifications to interested candidates
and tenderers, the qualifications of candidates and selection of tenderers and the
award of contracts, contracting authorities may impose requirements with a view to
protecting the confidential nature of information which they may wish to make
Regulation 103
(1) Any tenderer who feels aggrieved by a proposed award of a contract and any
person having or having had an interest in obtaining a particular ... contract and who
has been or risks being harmed by an alleged infringement may ... file a notice of
objection with the Department of Contracts or the contracting authority involved as
the case may be.
The functions of the PCAB have not been subject to any relevant
changes in the past amendments and the Ninth Schedule to the 1996
Regulations in so far as relevant read as follows:
(l0) The sessions of the Board during which the complaint is heard shall be held in
public and both the complainant and the interested party shall have the right to attend
and to be accompanied by any person, professional or otherwise, whom they consider
suitable to defend their interests.
(11) The Chairman shall ensure that during the public hearing all interested parties
are given the opportunity to state their cases.
(17) All decisions taken by the Board shall be submitted in writing and shall
contain the full facts and reasons on which the Boards final decision is taken. All
decisions shall be concluded with definite recommendations which shall be binding
on the Director of Contracts.
(18) Any bidder submitting a complaint who is not satisfied with the final decision
taken by the Board shall have final legal rights to refer the matter to a Court of Law
and to seek any redress or compensation which he considers due to him as a result of
the decision with which he may disagree. Such recourse by any bidder to a Court of
Law shall not deter the Director of Contracts from implementing the Boards final
The applicant complained under Article 6 of the Convention that it had
not been accorded a fair hearing before the PCAB.
The applicant company complained that as a result of the refusal of its
request for the production of a number of documents, the proceedings
before the PCAB had been unfair, contrary to Article 6 1 of the
Convention, which reads as follows:
In the determination of his civil rights and obligations ..., everyone is entitled to a
fair ... hearing ... by [a] ... tribunal...
the right to appeal such a decision to the PCAB was an internal remedy
provided within the administration.
The issuance of a call for tenders did not give any tenderer any
enforceable civil right against the issuer. This was clear from the Public
Service (Procurement) Regulations in force at the relevant time. The law did
not vest any person with the right to have a tender accepted for the sole
reason that it complied with the required conditions. Moreover, the
Adjudication Board was not bound to ensure that someone was in fact
awarded the contract. It was only required to make recommendations it
deemed appropriate in the exercise of its discretion. The Director could then
proceed with the award of the contract although he was not obliged to do so.
However, if he decided to do so, he was bound to follow the
recommendations of the PCAB. Consequently, even such recommendations
did not vest the complainant with an enforceable civil right. Such a right
would only arise from the contract once it had been concluded and not
during the evaluation stage. This was also the conclusion upheld by both the
Civil Court and the Constitutional Court in the domestic proceedings (see
According to domestic case-law (Roberto Zamboni et Vs Director of
Contracts et, judgment of the Court of Appeal, 31 May 2002) a decision to
award a government contract is an administrative act in terms of
Article 469 A of the COCP. Moreover, the extent to which pre-contractual
liability can arise under Maltese law is still doubtful, as confirmed in Alfred
Attard et Vs Paolo Xuereb et, (judgment of the Civil Court (First Hall),
13 October 2003). The same court later concluded that to claim damages
resulting from pre-contractual liability a plaintiff must prove that the
termination or cessation of negotiations was not justified and that the
conduct of the party who brought the negotiations to an end must be
equivalent to dolus. In those circumstances the damages to be paid should
be limited to expenses actually incurred in the course of or in connection
with negotiations and should not cover loss of profit. Thus, according to the
Government, even if it were to be conceded that pre-contractual liability
arose from the tendering process and that this constituted a civil right, in the
present case no such claim was put forward or could be put forward or
determined by the PCAB.
Finally, the Government, referring to the Courts case law maintained
that the present case differed from that of Benthem v. Netherlands (judgment
of 23 October 1995, Series A no. 97). In the latter case the Royal Decree at
issue was not susceptible to review by a judicial body as required by Article
6 1. In the present case, the final decision to award a public contract was
indeed subject to judicial review, an action which the applicant did not file.
2. The applicant
The applicant company submitted that it had exhausted domestic
remedies since the Constitutional Court was the only appropriate remedy. In
fact, the Civil Court, by its rejection of the defendants plea of nonexhaustion of ordinary remedies, had confirmed this.
In respect of the applicability of Article 6, the applicant company
submitted that although the Public Service (Procurement) Regulations did
not provide for any specific rights, they did give a tenderer the right to
object to an award of a public contract and have the objections considered at
a public hearing. These Regulations also obliged the Government to accept
the most economically advantageous tender, which is not necessarily the
lowest. Failure to accept such a tender would, at the very least, leave the
Government liable to be sued for damages. It further submitted that the
subsequent and more detailed 2003 Regulations (which were in turn
replaced), amending the 1996 Regulations were also indicative of the scope
of the rights granted to tenderers.
According to the applicant company, the argument that a body
determining an appeal made in a public tender procedure was a tribunal
determining civil rights and obligations was supported by a number of
considerations: inter alia, the fact that a tenderer incurred a submission fee
and various substantial costs in order to make a bid which had to be
determined in good faith, as also noted in the 2003 Regulations; the fact that
an objection was also subject to a fee, which was paid on the understanding
that the hearing would guarantee respect for all rights concerned; and the
fact that a tenderer who disagreed with a decision of the body could refer
the matter to a court of law and seek redress or compensation if the
authority had acted unfairly.
In the present case the applicant requested the examination of the
Adjudication Boards report in order to determine the occurrence of
unfairness; consequently, any available remedy could only arise as a result
of this determination. Moreover, it was an accepted principle that precontractual damages arose in cases where one of the parties behaved
unfairly during the process of contracting.
B. The Courts assessment
The Court considers that it is not necessary to examine whether the
applicant company has exhausted domestic remedies in respect of its
complaint under Article 6 of the Convention, or whether its subsequent
actions related solely to the PCABs interlocutory decree, as the complaint
that it did not have a fair trial before the PCAB, must in any event be
declared inadmissible for the following reason.
Nicolas BRATZA