Erp Systems in Supply Chain Management PDF
Erp Systems in Supply Chain Management PDF
Erp Systems in Supply Chain Management PDF
ISSN 2320-9127
ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning, SCM: Supply Chain Management, E-SCM: Electronic Supply Chain
Management, CRM: Customer Relationship Management, SOA: Service Oriented Architecture, ICT:
Information and Communication Technologies.
Supply Chain Management and Enterprise Resource Planning Systems are two of the most
popular components of enterprise solutions for today. SCM ensures that upstream and downstream
members of the chain are able to deliver according to the standards required in order to deliver a
product or service that satisfies the customers needs. ERP systems on the other hand ensure that
operations and transactions of a business are integrated into a centralized repository to facilitate in
information sharing and decision making within the organization. Most ERP vendor solutions of today
like SAP and Oracle are providing SCM as an extension module to the ERP core. These added
functionalities allow organizations to collaborate and interact with other supply chain members. In
addition, technologies like middleware and frameworks like Service-Oriented Architecture are rapidly
gaining mainstream adoption according to recent technological trends studies by Gartner. Thus, the
vision of having enterprises with a pool of integrated enterprise solutions consisting of ERP, SCM, BI,
DSS, CRM, etc. is now feasible and highly possible.
In this article, we examine how ERP and SCM can work together to bring benefits to a business. We will
also review two successful case studies of ERP and SCM implementations to examine how a business can
gain value from such a combined solution. Finally, a conclusion of the studies was made and it was
determined that ERP and SCM indeed can go hand-in-hand to deliver a solution that can be beneficial to
an organization.
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customer. There are also human resource management benefits with E-SCM. With centralized
information within the company, it would be easier to track employees hours worked and compliance to
company standards. E-SCM ensures that everything is transparent to everyone in the company; therefore,
improving the companys working standards.
Lancaster et al. (2006), has a list of the most common benefits of utilizing E-SCM as below as
summarized below:
market share, just behind Database and Operating Systems. ERP systems main worldwide usage is in
North America and Western Europe where its overall market share is 80% while the 20% is for the rest of
the world (Gartner, 2010). The potential markets for the ERP systems exist in Asia Pacific, Latin America,
Middle East and Eastern Europe.
ERP systems not only integrate the various individual systems within an organization but also
provide an integrated system capable of supporting various web services, integrated supply chain, ecommerce and mobile support etc. According to a research conducted by Meta Group, as much as 70%
of the US federal, local and state government agencies have implemented ERP solutions based on the
same reasons as businesses; i.e., to integrate the organization-wide information and lead to more useful
decisions. Many ERP vendors see this as an opportunity, as in the coming future, other countries too
would be following the same path as the US model by installing various ERP to replace their traditional
legacy systems throughout the local and federal departments in order to increase efficiency and
ERP systems are not just limited to large firms but also are very useful for the small organizations.
According to the data provided by SAP (the largest vendor of ERP systems worldwide), the company
generated 90% of their revenues from large multinational organizations but in late 90's & early 2000, 50%
of their revenues came from smaller and mid-size companies.
Impact on Competition Behavior
The ERP systems these days differentiate many organizations from each other due to the
competitive advantage gained through the successful implementation of ERP systems. Organizations can
now look at their competitor companies and try to learn from their implementations and come up with a
better ERP solution for themselves. This makes them not only competitive in the market but also
innovative at the same. These firms are able to secure a much better position in the market compared to
the reference group based on the experience gained from other companies and design solutions that result
in producing more efficiently at a lower cost.
Impact on Business Partner Requirements
During the implementation of ERP systems organizations need to stay ahead. They need to focus
on the smooth organization-wide implementation and be ready to face the challenges as every firm is
resistant to change. At this point, an organization must become quick in collecting, analyzing,
disseminating information as its going through a change process and there can be a certain situation inside
the firm that a business partner may need to adhere to the change process or quit as there is no turning
back and conflicts can arise that can create a problem for the whole company.
Impact on the Nature of Consulting Firms
ERP systems have enabled many firms to increase their efficiency by integrating the processes
and sharing information at all functional levels within the organization ultimately leading to more useful
information for the decision makers. Most multinational firms these days have either implemented the
ERP systems or are in the process of implementing it because they have realized that in order to stay
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competitive or survive in the market they have to implement such a system. ERP systems have replaced
various existing legacy systems such as the ones for Finance, HR, Logistics, Supply Chain, etc. by a
single system capable of running all the functions of the different systems more efficiently at less cost and
thus changing the way organizations used to deal with processes as the information from top to bottom is
shared through a single system also capable of performing various web services at the same time.
Impact on Nature of Information Systems Function
ERP systems are outsourced from different vendors who are also responsible for the maintenance
and update activities thus, skipping the part of designing & developing as the organization can rely on
various ERP vendors that already have a suitable ERP system in place that just needs modification in
order to meet the company requirement and move on with the implementation stage. The firms nowadays,
don't need to hire system analysts and programmers as the whole system is outsourced from ERP vendors
and these systems can be run by almost all employees with some training thats all, while previously the
such employees needed to be hired that were specialists in system design etc. Now the companies can
focus on its core processes instead of getting too much involved in developing systems that meet their
requirements as it puts together a list of its requirements to the ERP vendors and it is up to them to design
& develop such systems.
Impact on the Nature of Jobs in all Functions
ERP implementation can create and at the same time remove the jobs within in a company as it
integrates all the relevant information and changes the way of doing things thu,s eliminating certain HR
involved processes as they are automated within the system. At the same time ERP systems, can also
create a certain position within a company that is unique in terms of its nature as the company can
redefine its goals through an ERP implementation by offering something more to its customers thus
involving more HR at the same time.
Advantages of ERP systems
Enterprise Resource Planning systems have changed the nature of the business by transforming
the ways in which the business operates. These systems have integrated all the different processes within
organizations and provided a platform for information sharing at all levels. The following are a few
advantages of ERP systems:
ERP systems have enabled companies specially the manufacturing industry to cut their extra
inventory by providing them with all the necessary information required to forecast the demand
and manage the whole process in a more efficient manner.
ERP systems have also enabled firms to reduce HR cost as most of the processes are automated
through these systems and the ERP vendors are mainly responsible for the maintenance of these
systems so the company doesn't need to hire programming specialists, etc. to develop or maintain
their systems.
ERP systems have replaced the legacy systems that existed separately like Finance, HR, Logistics,
etc. by having a single integrated system capable of performing all the activities of these various
individual legacy systems more efficiently at less cost.
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ERP vendors provide organizations with a flexible solution based on their needs. That means,
they provide specifically customized systems based on the organization requirements thus,
ultimately leads to a more efficient process delivery and at the same time let the company gain a
competitive edge over the reference group.
The implementation of these systems leads to new innovative production standards that set apart a
company from its competitors which is why every organization aims to get an ERP solution that
is better than its reference group in order to stay competitive.
As all the information flows within the ERP systems so it is easy for a company to plan for the
future based on its current performance. These systems enable the decision makers to make quick
decisions based on accurate information as the whole information from various departments lie
within the same system.
ERP solution enable a company to improve customer satisfaction by on time delivery, increase
quality and shorten delivery times providing the company with all the integrated information
from various levels.
Organizations these days have realized that in order to stay competitive they have to implement
ERP systems in order to get an edge over the market by offering more at the very less cost.
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communication and cooperation between the
organization different departments and functions.
Since both ERP and SCM rely on similar
frameworks ( e.g. intranet, extranet and EDI), it
is said that ERP is the backbone of SCM (Tarn
et al., 2002). For this reasons, most ERP
vendors such as SAP, Oracle, PeopleSoft and i2
have enhanced their ERP systems to be
integrated with different SCM systems and also
by adding SCM capabilities (modules) to
increase efficiency, productivity and value to the
end customer (Tarn et al., 2002). The following
figure illustrates a general framework of how
ERP, SCM, BI and CRM can be integrated to
increase the communication and cooperation
between suppliers, partners and customers.
between applications which
could be very expensive and
require more time and effort,
but it is very practical. In this
method, programmers and
developers are asked to link
different systems together to
ensure an efficient and effective
transmission of data.
SIS which is a specialized
programmed to integrate SCM
software with ERP systems.
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Order Fulfilment
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Case Study
As discussed in the earlier sections of
this document, it can be seen that ERP systems
are indeed considered to be an integral
component to successfully implementing
effective supply chain management in modern
organizations. In fact, the top two ERP vendors
namely, SAP and Oracle have included a special
SCM module in the enterprise system solutions
they sell to provide organizations with a set of
specialized tools that enable them to better
monitor, implement, collaborate and decide on
supply chain related matters. SAPs SCM for
example, can help organizations change a linear
or sequential supply chain to become a more
responsive supply network that allows
communities of customer-centric, demanddriven partners to share knowledge, intelligently
adapt to changing market conditions, and
actively take initiative to respond to shorter, less
predictable lifecycles (SAP Website, 2012).
Oracles E-Business Suite also has an SCM
module that enables an organization to anticipate
market requirements and risks, adjust and
innovate to respond to unpredictable market
conditions, as well as align operations across
networks worldwide (Oracle Website, 2012).
Consequently, Oracle also claims that
organizations are able to carry out lean and
demand driven principles to effectively manage
their international supply chains that are
continuously becoming more complex over time
(Oracle Website 2012).
For this research report, the group
implementation of ERP and enterprise solutions
for each of these two vendors mentioned above
to demonstrate the significance of what
Enterprise Systems can bring to an
organizations supply chain if implemented
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Order to Cash
Plan to Produce
Procure to Pay
Demand Generation
Financial Management
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Figure 5: KPIs and Improvements after SAP (source: (SAP Study, 2005))
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
Systems as defined by the Aberdeen Group is a
system with an integrated suite of modules that
make up the operational and transactional
system of record upon which a business is based
upon. The main goal in the move from
traditional management information systems to
ERP solutions is to achieve a level of integration
in the enterprise system where redundancies are
eliminated, data is shared across different
modules of the system, integrity of information
is improved and aggregation of data across the
enterprise is possible to come up with
comprehensive reports needed by management
for better decision making strategies. Supply
Chain Management (SCM) is a total systems
approach to managing the entire flow of
information, materials, and services from rawmaterial suppliers through factories and
warehouses to the end customer (Ruhi, 2011).
According to Gartner, ERP systems
have a crucial role in centralizing transaction
data. SCM systems on the other hand, are
gaining importance as organizations attempt to
respond faster to changing market conditions
(Gartner Website, 2012). While ERP systems
provide organizations with capabilities in
planning, the different material, capacity, and
demand constraints are not-integrated with one
another. Adding SCM into an ERP solution
enables an organization to integrate these
various constraints and through the tools
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