Real-Time Implementation of ANFIS Control For Renewable Interfacing Inverter in 3P4W Distribution Network

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1, JANUARY 2013


Real-Time Implementation of ANFIS Control

for Renewable Interfacing Inverter in
3P4W Distribution Network
Mukhtiar Singh, Member, IEEE, and Ambrish Chandra, Senior Member, IEEE

AbstractPower electronics plays an important role in controlling the grid-connected renewable energy sources. This paper presents a novel adaptive neuro-fuzzy control approach for
the renewable interfacing inverter. The main objective is to
achieve smooth bidirectional power flow and nonlinear unbalanced load compensation simultaneously, where the conventional
proportional-integral controller may fail due to the rapid change
in the dynamics of the highly nonlinear system. The combined
capability of neuro-fuzzy controller in handling the uncertainties
and learning from the processes is proved to be advantageous
while controlling the inverter under fluctuating operating conditions. The inverter is actively controlled to compensate the harmonics, reactive power, and the current imbalance of a three-phase
four-wire (3P4W) nonlinear load with generated renewable power
injection into the grid simultaneously. This enables the grid to
always supply/absorb a balanced set of fundamental currents at
unity power factor even in the presence of the 3P4W nonlinear
unbalanced load at the point of common coupling. The proposed
system is developed and simulated in MATLAB/SimPowerSystem
environment under different operating conditions. The digital
signal processing and control engineering-based laboratory experimental results are also provided to validate the proposed control
Index TermsDistributed generation, grid interconnection,
neuro-fuzzy control, nonlinear load, power quality, renewable
energy, unbalanced load.


HE increase in global energy demand, air pollution, global

warming, and the rapid evaporation of fossil fuel has
made it necessary to look toward renewable sources as a future
energy solution. However, the higher penetration level of these
intermittent renewable energy sources (RESs) poses a great
threat to network security. Therefore, the RESs are required
to comply with strict technical and regulatory frameworks to
ensure the safe, reliable, and efficient operation of the overall
network. With the advancement in power electronics and digital

Manuscript received September 18, 2009; revised April 27, 2011 and
September 14, 2011; accepted November 20, 2011. Date of publication
January 26, 2012; date of current version September 6, 2012.
M. Singh is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Deenbandhu
Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology, Murthal, Haryana 131039,
India (e-mail:
A. Chandra is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Ecole de
technologie superieure, Universite du Quebec, Montreal, QC H3C 1K3, Canada
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2012.2186103

control technology, the RES can now be actively controlled to

enhance the system stability with an improved power quality at
the point of common coupling (PCC).
Recently, a lot of control strategies for renewable interfacing
inverter have been introduced [1][7]. Some control strategies
for grid-connected inverters incorporating power quality solution have also been investigated by researchers. In [8], an
inverter operates as an active inductor at a certain frequency
to absorb the harmonic current. However, the exact calculation
of network inductance in real time is very difficult and may
deteriorate the control performance. A similar approach in
which a shunt active filter acts as an active conductance to damp
out the harmonics in distribution network is proposed in [9]. In
[10], a control strategy for renewable interfacing inverter based
on pq theory is proposed. A similar decoupled current control
technique using PI regulator in dq reference frame is presented
in [11]. In both of these strategies, the load and inverter current
sensing is required to compensate the load current harmonics.
The current-regulated voltage source inverters have a very
wide range of applications such as the grid synchronization of
RES, static reactive power compensation, uninterruptible power
supply, active power filters (APF), and adjustable speed drives.
However, in the case of the very first application, the installed
inverter rating has a very low utilization factor due to the intermittent nature of RES. According to [12] and [13], the expected
RES output during peak is nearly 60% of the rated output,
yet the annual capacity factor may be in the 20%30% range.
Therefore, the authors have incorporated the APF features in
the RES interfacing inverter to maximize its utilization without
any additional hardware cost. Moreover, the proposed control
strategy requires only the grid current sensing, which further
reduces the cost and complexity. The grid-interfacing inverter
injects the generated active power from renewable as well as
compensates the load reactive power, current harmonics, and
load imbalance in a three-phase four-wire (3P4W) system. This
enables the grid to always supply a balanced set of sinusoidal
currents at unity power factor (UPF).
Since the inverter works under highly fluctuating operating
conditions, it is not possible to set the optimal value of gains
for the conventional PI regulator [14][16]. This may lead to
a false operation of the inverter. To alleviate this problem,
an adaptive neuro-fuzzy controller is developed, which has
well-known advantages in modeling and control of a highly
nonlinear system [17], [18]. An adaptive error backpropagation
method is used to update the weights of the system for the fast
convergence of control.

0278-0046/$31.00 2012 IEEE



Fig. 2.

Optimized ANFIS architecture suggested by MATLAB/anfiseditor.

Fig. 3.

Schematic of the proposed ANFIS-based control architecture.

Fig. 1. Schematic and control description of proposed renewable-based distributed generation system.

This paper is organized as follows: Section II presents the

system description and control algorithm for the inverter. In
Section III, the simulation results are discussed, while the
experimental results under different operating conditions are
presented and discussed thoroughly in Section IV. Section V
finally concludes this paper.
The system under consideration with control description is
shown in Fig. 1, where a RES is connected on the dc link
of a grid-interfacing four-leg inverter. The fourth leg of the
inverter is utilized to compensate the neutral current of 3P4W
network. Here, the inverter is a key element since it delivers
the power from renewable to grid and also solves the powerquality problem arising due to unbalanced nonlinear load at
PCC. The duty ratio of inverter switches are varied in a power
cycle such that the combination of load and inverter-injected
power appears as balanced resistive load to the grid, resulting
into the UPF grid operation.
The renewable source may be a dc source or an ac source
with rectifier coupled to a dc link [19]. The regulation of dc-link
voltage carries the information regarding the exchange of active
power in between renewable source and grid. The error between

) and actual dc-link voltage (Vdc )

reference dc-link voltage (Vdc
is given to the neuro-fuzzy controller, and the same error is used
to update the weights. The output of neuro-fuzzy controller is
further modified by subtracting the renewable injected current
(iRen ). This results into the reference d-axis current (id ), while
the reference q-axis current (iq ) is set to zero for UPF grid
operation. The grid-synchronizing angle () obtained from
phase lock loop is used to generate the reference grid currents
(ia , ib , and ic ). The reference grid neutral current in is set to

zero to achieve balanced grid-current operation. The hysteresis

current controller is utilized to force the actual grid currents to
track the reference grid currents accurately. This enables the
grid to supply/absorb only the fundamental active power, while
the RES-interfacing inverter fulfills the unbalance, reactive, and
nonlinear current requirements of 3P4W load at PCC.
Design of Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Controller
An optimized adaptive-network-based fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) having a 1:3:3:3:1 architecture is generated from
the initial data using MATLAB/anfiseditor as shown in Fig. 2.
This Takagi-Sugeno-Kang fuzzy model-based ANFIS architecture has one input and one output, which is further tuned
online using the error backpropagation method as shown in
Fig. 3. The error between reference dc-link voltage and actual

Vdc ) is given to the neuro-fuzzy

dc-link voltage ( = Vdc
controller, and the same error is used to tune the precondition
and consequent parameters. The control of dc-link voltage gives
the active power current component (i
d ), which is further
modified to take into account the active current component
injected from RES (iRen ). The node functions of each layer in
the ANFIS architecture are described as follows:
Layer 1: This layer is also known as the fuzzification layer
where each node is represented by a square. Here, three



The output from this layer is multiplied with the normalizing

factor to obtain the active power current component (i
d ). The
detailed algorithm for the training of the ANFIS architecture is
given in Appendix II.

Fig. 4.

Fuzzy membership functions.

membership functions are assigned to each input. The trapezoidal and triangular membership functions are used to reduce
the computation burden as shown in Fig. 4, and their corresponding node equations are given as follows:

A1 () =
1 a1
b1 a1

1 0.5b
| a2 | 0.5b2
A2 () =
| a2 | 0.5b2

A3 () =
3 b3
b3 a3
where the value of the parameters {ai , bi } changes with the
change in error and accordingly generates the linguistic value of
each membership function. Parameters in this layer are referred
as premise parameters or precondition parameters.
Layer 2: Every node in this layer is a circle labeled as
which multiplies the incoming signals and forwards it to the
next layer
i = Ai (1 ) Bi (2 ) ,

i = 1, 2, 3.


However, in our case, there is only one input, so this layer

can be ignored and the output of the first layer will directly pass
to the third layer.
Here, the output of each node represents the firing strength
of a rule.
Layer 3: Every node in this layer is represented by a circle.
This layer calculates the normalized firing strength of each rule
as given in the following:
i =
i = 1, 2, 3.
1 + 2 + 3
Layer 4: Every node in this layer is a square node with a node

i = 1, 2, 3
Oi = i fi = i ai0 + ai1 ,
where the parameters {ai0 , ai1 } are tuned as the function of
the input (). The parameters in this layer are also referred as
consequent parameters.
Layer 5: This layer is also called the output layer which
computes the output as given in the following:
Y = 1 f1 + 2 f2 + 3 f3 .


An extensive simulation study has been carried out for the

renewable interfacing inverter in order to verify the proposed
control strategy. The system under consideration is simulated
using the SimPowerSystem tool box of MATLAB/Simulink. An
IGBT-based four-leg current-controlled voltage source inverter
is actively controlled to achieve the balanced sinusoidal grid
currents at UPF despite the highly unbalanced nonlinear load
at the PCC under varying renewable generating conditions. A
RES with variable output power is connected on the dc link
of the grid-interfacing inverter. An unbalanced 3P4W nonlinear variable load, whose harmonics, unbalance, and reactive
power are to be compensated, is connected on the PCC. The
waveforms of grid voltage (Vg ), grid current (ig ), unbalanced
load current (il ), injected inverter currents (iinv ), and dc-link
voltage (Vdc ) are shown in Fig. 5. In Fig. 6, the traces of phase
a grid current (iga ), phase a load current (ila ), and phase a
inverter current (iinva ) are shown w.r.t. phase a grid voltage
(Vga ). In addition, the waveforms of grid neutral current (ign ),
load neutral current (iln ), and inverter neutral current (iinvn )
are also shown in the same diagram. Fig. 7 shows the traces of
phase a grid voltage (Vga ) and phase a grid current (iga ) on
the same plot, phase a load current (ila ), and phase a inverter
current (iinva ).
The main purpose of the proposed control strategy is to inject
the generated renewable active power, load harmonics, and reactive power in such a way that only the injection/absorption of
the active power takes place in the grid. Initially, the generated
active power is more than the load active power demand, so
the extra generated power is being injected into the grid. This
fact can be verified from the traces of different currents, where
the current supplied from the renewable is more than the load
current, so the difference of these is being injected into the grid
as evident from the out-of-phase relation of the grid voltage
(Vga ) and grid current (iga ). In addition, the inverter is also
supplying the harmonics, neutral current, and reactive current
component of the load current demand. This results into the
perfectly balanced sinusoidal grid current even in the presence
of a 3P4W unbalanced nonlinear load at PCC as shown in
Fig. 5. This fact can also be visualized from Figs. 6 and 7,
where the phase a grid current (iga ) is purely sinusoidal and
in phase opposition with the phase a grid voltage (Vga ). Here,
it can also be noticed that the load neutral current (iln ) is fully
supplied by the inverter neutral current (iinvn ). This results into
the zero value of the grid neutral current (in ).
At t = 0.375 s, there is a sudden increase in the load power
demand, and the generated renewable active power is not sufficient enough to meet this enhanced demand. At this instant,
the renewable interfacing inverter supplies the generated active
power and total load reactive power demand, while the grid
supplies only the deficient amount of load active power. This
fact can be verified from Figs. 6 and 7, where the phase a grid



Fig. 6. Simulation results: Phase a grid voltage, grid current, load current,
inverter current, load neutral current, and inverter neutral current.

Fig. 7. Simulation results. (a) Phase a grid voltage and current. (b) Load
current. (c) Inverter current.

Fig. 5. Simulation results. (a) Grid voltages. (b) Grid currents. (c) Unbalanced
load currents. (d) Inverter currents.

current, which was in the opposite phase to the grid voltage

before t = 0.375 s, is now in phase with the grid voltage
and the load neutral current is still being supplied from the
inverter. Thus, from the simulation results, it is clear that the
grid always works at UPF under fluctuating renewable power
generation and dynamic load conditions with an unbalanced
nonlinear load at PCC. It can also be noticed that the dc-link
voltage is almost constant at 300 V under both steady state and
dynamic conditions, except negligible deviation due to a change
in injected active power. Here, the dc-link voltage is shown on
a very small scale, just to demonstrate the performance of the
proposed ANFIS controller in controlling the dc-link voltage.
The proposed adaptive neuro-fuzzy controller is implemented in real time on a four-leg IGBT-based inverter us-

ing digital signal processing and control engineering DS1104,

whereas the RES is emulated with an auxiliary inverter connected on a dc link. It takes a sampling time of 75 s to
realize the proposed ANFIS controller in real time. The 3P4W
nonlinear load is composed of three-phase nonlinear RL load,
one-phase RL nonlinear load connected in between phase a and
neutral, and a single-phase RL load in between phase b and
An extensive experimental study is carried out to highlight
the performance of the inverter as a multiobjective device.
The inverter operation is mainly divided into two parts: active
filter operation and renewable interfacing operation. All the
experimental results are captured with an oscilloscope in real
time as shown in Figs. 810.
A. Active Filter Operation
In this mode of operation, only the active filtering capabilities
of the inverter are demonstrated. In Fig. 8(a), the traces of
3P4W grid currents are shown before and after compensation.
Initially, the grid supplies an unbalanced nonlinear load current
with a high neutral current, which is highly undesirable. In
order to compensate this unbalanced nonlinear current, the
inverter currents are injected in such a way that the combination
of load and inverter current appears as a balanced set of fundamental currents. The traces of the injected inverter currents
are shown in Fig. 8(b), just before and after compensation.
Here, it can be easily noticed that the grid currents are perfectly
balanced with a sinusoidal profile. Moreover, the inverter is


Fig. 8. Experimental results: (a) Grid currents and (b) inverter currents, just
before and after compensation.


Fig. 9. Experimental results: Inverter performance under the renewable interfacing mode of operation.

successfully able to supply the load neutral current demand

locally, as evident from the zero value of the grid neutral current
(ign ).
B. Renewable Interfacing Operation
In this mode of operation, the bidirectional power flow
capabilities of the renewable interfacing inverter are discussed.
Here, the main objective is not only the grid interfacing of
the renewable but also to compensate the 3P4W nonlinear
unbalanced load at PCC simultaneously. The inverter supplies
the renewable injected current and the nonlinear unbalanced
component of load current. This enables the grid to always
supply/absorb only the balanced set of currents at UPF. In
Fig. 9, the traces of grid voltage (Vg ), grid current (ig ), load
current (il ), and inverter injected current (iinv ) are shown. In
Fig. 9(a), initially, the inverter current is supporting the load
current partially and it goes on increasing. At middle stage,
the inverter current is almost equal to the load current, and this
forces the grid current to be almost zero. In the last stage, the
inverter current is more than the load demand, and at this stage,
the grid absorbs this excessive amount of current as evident by
the out-of-phase relationship of the grid voltage and current.
Similarly, in Fig. 9(b), the grid current is again shown from

Fig. 10. Experimental results: Inverter performance under the renewable

interfacing mode of operation.

absorption mode to supplying mode with the corresponding

change in the inverter current. Fig. 10 shows the traces of
grid voltage (Vg ) and grid current (ig ) on the same axis, dclink voltage (Vdc ), and inverter injected current (iinv ), where




Three-phase supply (rms)
: Vg = 30 V, 60 Hz
Three-phase nonlinear load
: R = 26.66 , L = 10 mH
One-phase linear load(AN)
: R = 26.66 , L = 10 mH
One-phase nonlinear load(BN) : R = 56 , L = 10 mH
DC-link capacitance and voltage : Cdc = 3000 F, Vdc = 75 V
Coupling inductance
: Lsh = 2.0 mH
Source impedance ratio
: X/R = 7

it can be noticed that the dc-link voltage is almost constant
irrespective of any kind of variation in injected inverter current.
A comparative table showing the total harmonic distortions
(THDs) and unbalance factor (UF) before and after compensation is given in Table I, where the percentage UF is calculated
separately for each phase using
%U Fabc =

|iabc iavg. |


Here, it can be noticed that the grid current is highly unbalanced

with the UFs of 20.48%, 0.41%, and 21.07% in phase a, phase
b, and phase c, respectively, resulting into the flow of a 1.1-A
current in neutral wire. The percent THDs present in phase a,
phase b, and phase c currents are 14.7%, 18.2%, and 23.2%,
respectively. However, once after the interconnection of the
renewable interfacing inverter, the grid currents become almost
balanced and harmonic free with a very low UF of 0.7%, a very
low level of THDs of 2.9%, and an almost zero current in gridside neutral wire.

A. Online Training of the ANFIS Architecture

The ANFIS structure is tuned with a gradient descent technique to reduce the error (usually a cost function given by the
squared error), where the weights are iterated by propagating
the error from output layer to input layer. This backward trip
of such a calculation is termed as backpropagation [20].
The training algorithm is completed in two stages, known as
the precondition parameter tuning and the consequent parameter tuning, where the objective function to be minimized is
defined as

Vdc )2 .
2 = (Vdc

Precondition Parameter Tuning: The precondition parameters are required to update the fuzzy membership functions as
discussed in the previous section for Layer1. To minimize the
error function 2 by the gradient descent method, the change in
each precondition parameter must be proportional to the rate of
change of the error function w.r.t. that particular precondition
parameter, i.e.,
aAi =

This paper has presented a novel adaptive neuro-fuzzy
control algorithm for the renewable interfacing inverter. The
controller works satisfactorily under the dynamic operating
conditions. It has also been shown that the inverter is able
to perform all the duties of the shunt APF while maintaining the smooth bidirectional power flow simultaneously. The
simulation results supported by the experimental results are
provided to validate the fact that the renewable interfacing
inverter can act as a multioperation device in order to utilize
its maximum rating. The current unbalance, current harmonics,
and load reactive power demand of an unbalanced nonlinear
load at PCC are compensated effectively such that the gridside currents are always maintained as a balanced set (0% UF)
of sinusoidal current (2.7% THD) at UPF. Moreover, the load
neutral current is restricted to flow toward the grid side (almost
zero) by supporting it locally from the fourth leg of the inverter.
When the power generated from the renewable is more than
the total load power demand, the grid-interfacing inverter with
the proposed control approach successfully fulfills the total
load demand (active, reactive, and harmonics) and delivers the
remaining active power to the main grid at UPF operation.



= 1, 2, 3


where is the constant of proportionality defined as the learning rate. Therefore, the new value of the consequent parameter
is given as
aAi (n + 1) = aAi (n) + aAi ,

i = 1, 2, 3


i = 1, 2, 3.


aAi (n + 1) = aAi (n)


Now the partial derivative term in (A4) can be found by the

chain rule of differentiation as follows:
2 Vdc i
1 A1

Vdc i




= 2 (Vdc
Vdc ) = 2




( f1 + 2 f2 + 3 f ) = f1
1 1 1


A2 + A3
A1 A1 A1 + A2 + A3
(A1 + A2 + A3 )2

(A1 + A2 + A3 ) (A1 + A2 + A3 )

(A1 + A2 + A3 )
2 + 3
A1 + A2 + A3


bA 1
aA1 aA1 bA1 aA1
(bA1 aA1 )2
bA1 + aA1 aA1
(bA1 aA1 )2

bA1 aA1

(bA1 aA1 ) (bA1 aA1 ) (bA1 aA1 )
A1 1
bA1 aA1
where J is Jacobian matrix, which can be taken as constant,
being a single-inputsingle-output ANFIS architecture, and can
be included in the learning rate. In computing all the terms of
(A5) and putting in (A4), we can find the updated value of the
parameter aA1 as follows:
aA1 (n + 1) = aA1 (n) + 2 (n) f1 (n)
A1 (n) 1
2 (n) + 3 (n)

. (A6)

A1 (n) + A2 (n) + A3 (n) bA1 (n) aA1 (n)

bA1 (n + 1) = bA1 (n) 2 (n) f1 (n)

A1 (n)
2 (n) + 3 (n)

. (A7)
A1 (n) + A2 (n) + A3 (n) bA1 (n) aA1 (n)

In the same manner, the precondition parameters for the remaining fuzzy membership functions can be derived as follows:


Consequent Parameter Tuning: To tune the consequent parameters as discussed in Layer 4, the following updated laws
are developed:
a1i (n + 1) = a1i (n) c

a0i (n + 1) = a0i (n) c

i = 1, 2, 3


i = 1, 2, 3


where c is the learning rate for the consequent parameters. The

derivative terms in (A11) and (A12), can be found by the chain
rule as already discussed in the case of precondition parameters
as follows:
2 Vdc i


Vdc id fi a0i
2 Vdc i


Vdc id fi a1i

i = 1, 2, 3


i = 1, 2, 3.


In the aforementioned (A13) and (A14), the first two terms

on the right-hand side are already known and the last two terms
can be derived as
A1 + A2 + A3
= 1,
i = 1, 2, 3
= ,
i = 1, 2, 3.

i = 1, 2, 3


In substituting the terms derived in (A15)(A17) into (A13)

and (A14), the updated value of the consequent parameters can
be derived as follows:
a0i (n + 1) = a0i (n) + 2 c

, i = 1, 2, 3
A1 + A2 + A3
a1i (n + 1) = a1i (n) + 2 c

, i = 1, 2, 3. (A19)
a1 + a2 + a3

bA2 (n + 1) = bA2 (n) + 2 (n) f2 (n)

1 (n) + 3 (n)
A1 (n) + A2 (n) + A3 (n)

1 A2 (n)
bA2 (n)


aA3 (n + 1) = aA3 (n) + 2 (n) f3 (n)

1 (n) + 2 (n)
A1 (n) + A2 (n) + A3 (n)

A3 (n) 1
bA3 (n) aA3 (n)


bA3 (n + 1) = bA3 (n) 2 (n) f3 (n)

1 (n) + 1 (n)
A1 (n) + A2 (n) + A3 (n)

A3 (n)
bA3 (n) aA3 (n)


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Mukhtiar Singh (M11) received the B.Tech. and

M.Tech. degrees in electrical engineering from the
National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra (formerly known as Regional Engineering College,
Kurukshetra), Haryana, India, in 1999 and 2001, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from Ecole de technologie superieure, Universite du Quebec, Montreal,
QC, Canada, under the National Overseas Scholarship funded by the Government of India in 2010.
He was a Faculty Member with Bhagwan
Mahaveer Institute Engineering and Technology,
Sonepat, and the Krishna Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ghaziabad,
India, in 20002002. Since 2002, he has been an Assistant Professor with the
Department of Electrical Engineering, Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of
Science and Technology, Murthal, Haryana. His research interests include the
renewable energy sources, smart grid, power quality, energy storage systems,
electric vehicles, and power electronics and drives.

Ambrish Chandra (SM99) was born in India in

1955. He received the B.E. degree from the University of Roorkee [currently, Indian Institute of
Technology (IIT)], Roorkee, India, in 1977, the
M.Tech. degree from IIT, New Delhi, India, in 1980,
and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Calgary,
Calgary, AB, Canada, in 1987.
He was a Lecturer and later a Reader with the
University of Roorkee. Since 1994, he has been a
Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering, cole de technologie suprieure, Universit
du Qubec, Montreal, QC, Canada. His main research interests are power quality, active filters, static reactive power compensation, flexible ac transmission
systems, and renewable energy resources.
Dr. Chandra is a member of the Ordre des Ingnieurs du Qubec, Montreal.

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