Performance Appraisal Problems and Solutions
Performance Appraisal Problems and Solutions
Performance Appraisal Problems and Solutions
In this file, you can ref useful information about performance appraisal problems and solutions
such as performance appraisal problems and solutions methods, performance appraisal problems
and solutions tips, performance appraisal problems and solutions forms, performance appraisal
problems and solutions phrases If you need more assistant for performance appraisal
problems and solutions, please leave your comment at the end of file.
Other useful material for you:
Adequate Feedback
Employers that provide regular feedback generally get high approval marks from their
employees. Workers feel good about managers who are genuinely appreciative of employee
efforts, even if it's just an informal "thanks for your hard work." With supervisors and managers
who understand the importance of feedback, you can maintain a work force that is motivated to
achieve high job performance. Providing feedback on just an annual basis tends to focus mainly
on the most recent accomplishments. Unless there is a method for tracking performance
throughout the year, only a portion of an employee's accomplishments are evaluated during the
The Right System
Utilizing a performance appraisal system that's right for your company size, work environment,
business and industry is important. The wrong type of performance appraisal can work against
you, and employees will not look forward to the process. A small work force may benefit from a
less formal, more interactive appraisal system where managers encourage employees to play an
integral role in assessing their own performance. On the other hand, larger organizations may
benefit from a more structured one that rates employees and designates wage increases in a more
systematic way.
Explain Your Purpose
Explain to employees how your organization invests time and effort in professional development.
Performance evaluations are not intended to be punitive--rather, the purpose of evaluating job
performance is to uncover strengths, identify weaknesses and work on striking a balance between
the two. In an article published in "Public Personnel Management," contributor Gary Roberts
cautions managers to remember the intent of performance evaluation is to provide helpful
feedback. Train your supervisors and managers on how to conduct performance appraisals that
instill pride in individual accomplishments and contributions to the company.
1. Essay Method
3. Rating Scale
Rating scales consists of several numerical scales
representing job related performance criterions such as
dependability, initiative, output, attendance, attitude etc.
Each scales ranges from excellent to poor. The total
numerical scores are computed and final conclusions are
derived. Advantages Adaptability, easy to use, low cost,
every type of job can be evaluated, large number of
employees covered, no formal training required.
Disadvantages Raters biases
4. Checklist method
5.Ranking Method
The ranking system requires the rater to rank his
subordinates on overall performance. This consists in
simply putting a man in a rank order. Under this method,
the ranking of an employee in a work group is done
against that of another employee. The relative position of
each employee is tested in terms of his numerical rank. It
may also be done by ranking a person on his job
performance against another member of the competitive
Advantages of Ranking Method
Employees are ranked according to their
performance levels.
It is easier to rank the best and the worst
Limitations of Ranking Method
The whole man is compared with another
whole man in this method. In practice, it is very difficult
to compare individuals possessing various individual
This method speaks only of the position where an